2 Minute Off - Neiheisel

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M y lecture today is on the Two-Minute Offense. When you talk about Two-Minute Offense, you are talking about something t h a t somebody screws up every week. It doesn't matter whether you are talking high school, college, or pro. Our job as coaches is t o make sure w e are not the ones screwing i t up. I know that people sit and watch games in the last t w o minutes and can't believe some of the things that are done. But you and I know when i t gets that time in a game and the game is on the line, that sideline is not as calm as i t might have been. The press box communication gets kind o f garbled because people are losing their cool. That is w h y you have t o be fully prepared t o find a way t o win the game. A-l: least if you screw i t up you'll have a reason for w h y you screwed it up. I'm n o t going over specific plays because o f the different types o f offenses there are. I'm going t o concentrate on a checklist so that you will lhave all the right equipment that i t takes t o be successful in this situation. The second part of my talk will be on how t o coach the quarterback so he knows what you are looking for in those critical moments.

screwed up and that was the longest ten seconds of my life. We could have gotten t w o chances at the end zone and probably could have won the game because of the momentum. Watching those ten seconds come o f f the clock, I made up my mind a t that point that any quarterback I coached would know how t o handle that situation. The first thing you want t o do in the last t w o minutes is CHANGE YOUR OFFENSE. If you are a wishbone team you have t o come up w i t h something a little different than you normally do. Choose an offense that best fits your scheme. W i t h your personnel, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE YOLlR BEST PLAYERS IN THE GAME. W h a t amazes me sometimes is watching teams that have three or four good wide receivers, but have t w o o f them sitting on the bench a t this time, while a big tight end is still in the game.

W h e ~ Ii s t a r t talking about three and four w i d e receivers the next important thing is PROTECTION. N o w you have t o protect w i t h six guys instead of seven. Whatever offense you choose you need the ability t o protect against seven guys. That keeps you I started coaching a t UCLA as a graduate assistant. I f r o m having t o t l i r o w h o t p a t t e r n s and sight had t h e opportunity t o coach Troy Aikman. A f t e r I adjustments t o pressure. W h e n t h e defensive became a full-time assistant w e finally made i t t o the coordinators g e t a l i t t l e threatened, they s t a r t Rose Bowl. W e played Wisconsin in 1993, the year reaching for their gldns, which w e call a blitz. If your before I l e f t t o go t o Colorado. We didn't play very well quarterbackdoes~i'thave the equipment t o handle the and had a lot of turnovers. But at the end of the game blitz, you are not sound. I think you have t o always w e were only down 21-16 and had a chance t o win it block seven w i t h your scheme. That doesn't mean you w i t h a touchdown. There were about 40 seconds left are going t o keep seven in t o block, i t simply means and w e were going right down the field. We had it t o you have the ability t o block seven if you need to. the 40-yard line going in w i t h a third down and eight. We hit J. J. Stokes w i t h a pass and he turned i t into a In the Two-Minute period you need t o go t o your ROLE big gainer t o the 18-yard line. There were 10 seconds PEOPLE. Don't be so dependent on one guy that when l e f t on the clock. We had a first down but no tinie-outs. he is out of the game you can't keep i t going. This is W e signaled the quarterback t o throw it in theground not so necessary for -the Two-Minute drive, but in the and run the clock play. He looked a t us, took the snap, four- or eight-minute drive i t is extremely important. and g o t sacked. There w a s no w a y t o g e t all our Maybe you're behind by t w o touchdowns and you have players back and snap the ball. Wisconsin knew w e t o go t o the hurry-up earlier. Maybe you don't have

backups a t every position, but at least you have given some thought about the substitution pattern. There is nothing more deflating t o a team in the Two-Minute Drill than t o have a tired player.

In the Two-Minute offense you have t o have both CONTROL AND CHUCK PASSES. You need one of each of these passes and probably t w o in the CONTROL pass for every formation you decide t o use.

The next thing you have t o do is choose PLAYS AND FORMATIONS. The key here is not t o have too many. A t UCLA our total package was available in the Two Minutes. The positive was he could call anything he wanted. The negative was i t was too much for the quarterback t o have at that time of the game. There was too much thinking involved. I think you should limit the amount of plays you need. I scouted a I-~ighschool team whose Two-Minute Drill was one play and one formation. They kept running the same play over and over again. That is a little simplistic, but there is a lesson t o learn. What you can handle is what you can execute. If you can execute what you are doing you have a much b e t t e r chance o f being successful. Whether i t be plays or formations, make sure you don't have too many things t o t r y t o be good at.

Make sure the plays you plan on using in .this portion of the game are PLAYS YOU ARE FAMILIAR WITH. Make sure the plays are adaptable t o any coverage. Just as your team has a Two-Minute Offense, the defense has a Two-Minute Defense. Most Two-Minute Defenses have one base variety, whether it is a cover2 or cover-3 structure. Defensive coaches don't like t o play a Prevent Defense. They think Prevent Defenses prevent them from winning. But they structure their Two-Minute Defense with that in mind. They have built into the structure of the defense not t o give up the big play and keep everything in front of them. After the offense completes a couple of .the control passes, the coordinator goes for his guns and comes with the blitz. Your plays have t o be adaptable t o Cover 2 and 3, and your protectior~has t o hold up t o the blitzes that will come if you are successful in completing some ttlrows. When the blitzes come, your receivers have t o know i t and be able t o beat the man coverage.

The next thing is when t o CHUCK OR TOCONTROL THE BALL. Let me give you an exarr~pleof this before I talk about it. If i t is late in the game and you have 70 yards t o go with 1 minute and 10 seconds t o go, what is your thinking? For sirr~plearithmetic, so you can get an idea about how t o call plays, that rninute and 10 seconds is 70 seconds. We have t o go 70 yards in 70 seconds. A control play by definition is a play that you are going t o hit 80 percent of the time, which is designed t o go 10 yards. You may throw i t for five yards, but by the time the run is completed you have between 8-lo yards. The control play is the quarterback looking t o get the completion. He is looking for the big play but will take the completion that is given him. If I have t o go 70 yards in 70 seconds, I have time t o take seven straight possession passes and be in the end zone using the controlled game. I am not in a desperate situation. I don't have t o throw the opposite of the CONTROL pass, which is the CHUCK pass. A chuck by definition is a pass I'm going t o t r y t o hit for 20 yards or more. If I change the numbers from 70 seconds t o 40 seconds, I can't afford t o take the yardage 10 yards at a time. I have t o shoot for bigger things.

As you are putting together your inventory for this offense, you are going t o need SPECIALTY PLAYS. The first type of play you need is one for the RED ZONE. You want your quarterback t o know what t o call when he gets into the RED ZONE. RED ZONE offense is critical. You need plays from every formation you are going t o use t o attack the end zone. Next you have t o have a list of CLOCK-STOPPER PLAYS. We need a signal for grounding the ball. Everyone comes back t o the same formation and on the first sound the ball is grounded. You need t w o plays which will get you chunks of yardage but a t the same time allow you t o get the ball O I J ~of bounds. A t the high school and college level w e have an advantage because the clock stops on made first downs. But i t only stops temporarily. We want patterns designed so that w e are looking a t receivers in levels. In every situation w e have the opportunity t o get the ball out of bounds.

Everyone has t o have a HAlL MARY PLAY. Two years ago Colorado had a HAlL MARY PLAY against Michigan. That play was shown all over the country. The funny .thing about that game was just before half w e had the same play. I t was just about t o the same part of -the field. Two o f the three wide receivers got knocked down on that play just before halftime. At halftime w e made an adjustment on the wide receiver's pattern t o g e t t h e m away f r o m t h e chuck a t t h e line of scrimmage. Little did w e know w e would have t o use that play again. But this time i t worked and all the prayers were answered. The LAST PLAY is a tough call for the quarterback. This is somett-ling a lot of people don't take time t o do. If you have no time-outs and time for only one play, the quarterback has t o call the play, what is he going t o call? A t Colorado w e have three LAST PLAYS. We have one for inside .the 20. We have one for the 35-20. We have one for outside the 35-yard line. A lot of people don't take the time t o practice it. What you get is the quarterback throwing the ball undernea.th and the receiver getting tackled as time is running out. A play which is overlooked all the time is a MANEUVER PLAY. This type of play is used t o center the ball for a field goal attempt. Right after the game w e played against Michigan w e went t o Texas. It was a 31-31 football game and w e were driving for the winning field goal. We had the ball on the right hash mark with a right-footed kicker. We had not practiced a play t o move the ball t o the center of the field. We ended up running a play and lost -three yards. We were fortunate because w e made the kick. Three years earlier when I was a t UCLA w e had the exact same play against USC. We didn't have a centering play. The play w e ran lost about four yards and the kick hit the crossbar and the game ended in a tie. It takes about t w o minutes t o put this type of play in and you will have i t for the rest of the season. You know how kickers are. If they don't like t o kick o f f of one hash or the other, make sure you can accommodate them.

ahead and he didn't want t o take any chances. He wanted him to run three quarterback sneaks and punt the ball. He w e n t into the game and ran the first quarterback sneak. He broke a tackle and gained 30 yards on the play. On the second sneak, he gained 20 yards. He came to the line of scrimmage, ran another quarterback sneak, broke a tackle and went t o the five-yard line. On the next play the kid punted the ball. The coach got the kid off and asked him wha-t he was thinking. The quarterback said, "I figured w e had the dumbest coach in America." There are a couple of different ways t o call the plays. You can let your quarterback do it, or you can signal it in. If your quarterback is calling the plays, you have a sharp kid. There is less pressure on the quarterback t o call the plays in the Two-Minute Offense than there is on all the crazy people on the sideline. If you have the experienced quarterback who can call the plays, that is the way t o go. Unfortunately, those types graduate after four years and you're left w i t h the inexperienced quarterback. If you go t o signals you'll get a screw-up just when you don't need it. Sometimes i t gets cumbersome in the thought process. Sometimes you send a play in because i t is easier than the signal. What I like is a cornbination of both. W e signal in the formation. We are going t o help him with the formation and that's it. Once the formation comes i n t o t h e game t h e quarterback knows he has three choices from that formation. He has t w o CONTROL PASSES and one CHUCK PASS. Based on the situation, the quarterback knows what t o call. If he has 70 yards and 70 seconds t o do i t in, he can go t o his COI\ITROL passing game. That means he has t w o plays t o choose from. He is feeling the game because he is playing and he knows which pass he will use. If the situation calls for the CHUCK PLAY he has only one choice. It doesn't require all t h e hand signals and reduces t h e chance of mistakes.

The next part is critical. You have t o practice the The next thing is COMMUNICATION. That is extremely offense. For most high school teams a common way important. That brings t o mind the story about -the t o practice the Two-Minute Drill is after practice on coach whose first-team quarterback got hurt. He took Tliursday before the game on Friday. It is hard t o find the second quarterback and told him they were way time t o practice this part of your game plan. I have a

suggestion. During t w o - a - d a y s w h e n you are conditioning your team, this is a good time t o practice the Two-Minute Drill. If you are going t o signal plays in, this is a good time for you t o practice also. If the quarterback is going t o call the plays, this gives him valuable experience. We don't let them huddle. One of our coaches will act as the referee, and they are t o assume that every play stops with the clock running. W e can practice getting out of bounds. This is a conditioning period also. Everyone has t o run and catch up w i t h the ball and do things like i t was a real game situation. You get a lot of work done on your TwoMinute Drill and get in that conditioning you need. Most defenses in a Two-Minute situation have a base defense. I t is generally going t o be a 2-or 3-deep structure. When you practice the Two-Minute DrlII, put a pass skeleton out there. You don't need the rush, but you do need t o see coverages. This gives you a chance t o see if the play you have picked goes against the defenses you think they will play. Against a 2-deep w i t h 5 under, you want a high-low principle in your patterns. The patterns want t o isolate one defender and have a receiver under him and over him. That keeps him from covering both patterns. These patterns work the field vertically. Against the 3-deep you want t o stretch laterally because they are going t o have only four underneath defenders.

after si-tuation on the board and have him give me the play he is going t o run. We want t o get a t least 30 drives on the board in an hour's time. I make notes t o myself about things I want t o put the quarterback through. There are three situations you have t o deal with. Number one is when you need a touchdown. Number two, and it could just as easily be 1A, because you need t w o touchdowns. The third situation is when you need a field goal. The least talked about need for -the TwoMinute drill is a t the end of the first half. In coaching t h e quarterback, the f i r s t thing the quarterback has t o be ready t o do is lead his team t o a touchdown a t the end of the game. All w e have t o tell our team is t o play as fast as possible, get out of bounds whenever possible, and get into the end zone. On the quarterback's checklist, the first thing he wants t o know is where he has t o take the team. The next thing he wants t o know is how many time-outs he has. The only reason for a time-out is t o get more plays. We don't use the time-out t o make decisions or think about what w e are going t o do. All those decisions should already be made before now. We all fall into those pitfalls and use the time-outs for those reasons.

On a touchdown drive the quarterback is going t o use his first time-out a t or around one minute and 30 The last thing you have t o do in practicing the Two- seconds. For the sake of the lecture, let's say the drive Minute Drill is t o make sure your protection holds up started at 1:42 t o go and 70 yards. On the first play against the blitzes you are going to get. That has t o w e get a first down. We don't call time-out. We try t o take place in a team period w i t h defense. This lets you beat the movement of the chains while the clock is check your plan out before you get into agame and find stopped. We might lose 2 or 3 seconds, but w e will out you are on the wrong track. It is better t o find out gain a play. The clock starts a t 1:34 and w e hit another in practice instead of in the game, when i t is too late. control pass, which is good for 8 yards. With 1:27 w e take our first time-out. A lot of people don't believe I told you not t o stop the drill t o coach. It has t o be a that is the time t o call time-out. But if w e do w e continuing drill t o give the right mind-set of what is probably save one and possibly t w o plays depending supposed t o be going on. But there is a certain amount on how far your receivers have t o come back t o the o f decision making t h a t has t o be done on the line of scrimmage. You have an opportunity t o use a quarterback's part. The perfect I:ime for that t o happen time-out right there and you don't k n o w i f t h a t is during the two-a-day workouts. That is when you opportunity is going t o come again. The worst sin is t o have a lot of individual meetings with the quarterbacks die at the end of agame with time-outs in your pocket. coach and the quarterbacks. I have a board w i t h the If he uses a time-out at 1:37, I'm not going t o get too field divided up on it. I want every situation known t o nitpicky about the 1:30. That time keeps it simple and man t o come into these meetings. I give him situation not hard t o keep track of. If you have only t w o time-

outs, take one of them around the minute mark. If you He has t o have a good understanding of when t o use have only one time-out, take it around the 30-second the CLOCK PLAY. Killing the clock takes about five mark. seconds. Throwing the ball into the end zone takes about five seconds per play. W e don't worry about scoring too fast. If you start worrying about that, you get too conservative. If you I coached Troy Aikman a t UCLA. We were number one don't score, you'll hate yourself. The idea is t o score. in the country and 7-0. We w e n t to Washington State If you do, you put the situation back on your defense. t o play. Dennis Erickson was still the coach there. He When you need a touchdown, take it any time you can had a great quarterback. We were ahead 27-6 and get it. The field goal is another matter. You want t o looked like w e were going t o steamroll these guys. take all the time o f f the clock before you kick the field They caught fire. The game came down t o the end with goal. them leading 34-30. They had t o punt the ball t o us. This is why I go back t o the inventory t o make sure I There are t w o philosophies about what t o do if the have the right personnel in the game. Our Two-Minute quarterback gets sacked. First w e want t o coach the Offense was a three-wide receiver, two-back offense. heck out of the quarterback so he doesn't take the This meant one of our best players, the tight end, was sack. We want him t o throw the ball away if he can. not in the game. But w e knew w e needed a big chunk But sometimes it doesn't happen. If you get sacked and of yardage, so w e weregoing t o a four vertical pattern. you havea time-out left, call it. I have reasons for that. A f t e r a sack, your offense is demoralized. The sack We told the quarterback as soon as w e completed the breaks the rhythm of your drive. The time-out gives four vertical pass, t o run the clock play. W e would your linemen time t o catch their breath and lets your trade the yardage for the play. We got it all worked team relax. You will have much more success on your out and Troy knew exactly what he was going t o do. next play if you call the time-out then. They punted the ball and our punt returner almost broke it for a touchdown. Instead of getting the ball The next thing is the RED ZONE. The quarterback needs on our 20, w e got it on their 40-yard line. W e went in t o know that the RED ZONE is different from a play with our three wideouts and one tight end. We hit the selection standpoint. He also needs t o k n o w the tight end right down the seam t o the six-yard line. mentality of the defensive coordinator. This is the There were 30 seconds left. Troy got up there and place that defenses are most likely t o jump into man threw the clock play just like I told him t o do. It would coverage t o t r y t o make a big play. When the game is be a good story for this clinic, but unfortunately w e in the balance, a coordinator wants t o make something missed the next three plays and got beat. We went happen. How many of you saw the Michigan-Virginia from number one t o number seven. Terry Donahue said game on national TV in the first game of the season? he hated throwing the ball and wanted t o go back t o Michigan moved right down the field t o the 12-yard line. running it, and I died a miserable death, The point is With 15 seconds t o go. They had four plays from there. what can go wrong will go wrong if you don't have the On that fourth down, what do you call? Virginia stayed things you need down in those areas of the field. zone and got beat. The quarterback needs t o know that in the RED ZONE there is a good possibility for a A normal play takes about 10 seconds t o run. I t blitz. Down in the RED ZONE w e definitely need a probably takes a little longer than that, but that gives you a good number t o work w i t h in the CONTROL OR seven-man protection. CHUCK SCHEME. If I said a normal play took 14 seconds The LAST PLAY needs t o b e schooled i n t o the t o run, it gets too hard t o get the numbers together. quarterback. He needs t o know exactly what his last play is going t o be in each section of the field. Make Let me show you a drive from last season. W e played Kansas State in the last game o f the season. W e sure he understands the divisions of the field.

needed to beat Kansas State t o go t o the Cotton Bowl. , It obviously was a big game. As you can see, w e had ! just fallen behind and there was 2 2 4 left on the clock. We had 80 yards t o go in a hostile environment. The i down and distance was in our favor because 2 2 4 is more than enough time. The CHUCK was not in the plan. Also, running the ball becomes part of your CONTROL PACKAGE. You can still run the ball when you are ahead of the clock indown anddistance. Kansas State in .their base Two-Minute Defense chose t o be in a 2-deep look. We attack this w i t h a high-low receiver. Our tight end w e n t d o w n the field and tried t o g e t behind the linebacker, but the linebacker carried him. We ended up coming underneath the linebacker with adrag route t o the wide receiver. We got eight yards and there was no reason t o panic. We got t o the line of scrimmage. I signaled the formation, and the clock was still not a factor yet. We threw a control high-low with the slot receiver and back out of the backfield. The slot receiver went over the top and the back was wide open. We did the same thing on the next play and got a big play over the top t o the slot receiver and gained about 20 yards. After .that play I switched the formation because with their coverage I knew w e could get single coverage on one of our receivers. The quarterback knew we were still in CONTROL. He took the easy completion into the boundary. We still had all our time-outs left. We were still protecting with six because w e hadn't reached the red zone. We had hit three passes in a r o w on the defense and I g o t the feeling their defensive coordinator was getting uncomfortable. It was going too easy for us and the rhythm was too good. I felt the coordinator was coming w i t h something. It was 1st-and-10 and w e had gained 40 yards in three plays. I was going for the big play. We tried t o throw a fade t o the inside receiver into the wide field. We got what w e wanted, but the ball wasn't thrown in the right place. They made a nice play and knocked it down. I was blocking seven. He didn't blitz, but he went t o man coverage. It was 2nd-and-10, but because of the down and distance, w e were still in a CONTROL MODE. A t this point I was guessing again. I felt since the coordinator has had his first taste o f success, he would stay in his man coverage. I ran a little option into

the boundary. Now w e were down t o the 20-yard line and the clock was still not a factor. But w e were in the RED ZONE, so I've got t o think blitz. I protected with seven, looking for man coverage in the secondary. The slot receiver ran a seal route, which w e hoped t o take t w o defenders with him. We tried t o eat up the free safety by running a post w i t h a trail post coming behind it. The free safety had t o play one or the other. We guessed right. They came on .the blitz, w e went over the top, and scored a touchdown in about one minute's time. That was a six-play, 80-yard drive, which took about a minute. Every one of those plays was a CONTROL PLAY w i t h the exception of the RED ZONE PLAY, which was a CHUCK. But since w e were in so close, that happens. If you need a field goal instead of a touchdown, our thinking changes. This is different for everyone because everyone's kickers are different. The first thing w e need t o know is the goal. Where do I have t o get the ball? A rule of thumb for us is about the 25yard line. Most kickers are pretty successful from 42 yards and in. Your kicker may be better than that or worse than that. The quarterback needs t o know where he has got t o go. He needs t o know if the ball has t o end up on the left hash, right hash, or the center of the field. I always want t o save a time-out for the field goal kicker. If I only have one time-out, I don't take i t until I'm ready t o kick, ur~lessI get sacked. If I get sacked, I'm going t o use it. If I have t w o time-outs, I'll \use the first one at or around 30 seconds, and the second one just before .the field goal. If I've got three, then it is one minute, 30 seconds, and right before the field goal. The RED ZONE for a touchdown is different for a field goal. The RED ZONE for the field goal really starts around the 50-yard line. If the quarterback knows the pressure is coming he has the opportunity t o hit the HERO with a big play, The HERO is a guy when he sees man coverage, he has the ability t o get open inside. When the quarterback realizes he has man coverage he is going t o his HERO. The easiest route t o get open on against man coverage is some kind of inside route. Around the 50-yard line the defensive coordinator realizes the offense is getting close t o their objective. You need t o know the comfortable zone for the

defensive coordinator. 'The quarterback needs t o know that so he can anticipate the pressure coming. This doesn't mean the quarterback is calling RED ZONE PLAYS, but he has t o have RED ZONE thinking in terms of what t o expect from the defense.

'The last thing before I leave you is t o show you h o w I do this. I need some volunteers. I need some former quarterbacks who will admit it. I need three people. All right, w e have Don, Phil, and Ricky. I need one more guy. Here he is. You are going t o be the fourth-string quarterback. It is your job t o screw everything up. You The quarterback has t o understand when a drive are going t o be the crowd noise. Don is going t o be the changes from a field goal drive t o a touchdown. As quarterback, Phil keeps the clock, and Ricky keeps up the clock dwindles away, w e run out of time for the with the time-outs. Let's say w e have t w o time-outs. field goal and w e have t o go for the touchdown. Our This is something you can do in the evening when you thinking has t o change to LAST PLAY type of thinking. have a quarterback meeting. I t g e t s f u n and The quarterback has t o know he is not trying t o get competitive. For this example w e have only t w o t h e ball t o t h e 25 any more, he is going for the formations. We have a left and right formation. I want touchdown. If w e can't kick the field goal, what is the you t o always put the formation t o the field. Our last play going t o be from the 30-yard line? You have CONTROL PASS is going t o be 1and 2. Our CHUCK PASS t o have a smooth transition in your thinking t o is going to be 3 and 4. We are going t o start on the 20eliminate panic. It takes 25 seconds to run a play, get yard line on the right hash mark w i t h 1:05 t o go. your team off, get the field goal team on, and execute the kick. It takes 15 seconds if you have gotten a first down wi-th your last play before the kick. EDITOR'S NOTE: Coach Neuheisel has a board on the This is where the MANEUVERING PLAY comes into floor. The board is marked like a football field. He keeps play. Once w e get to where w e want t o be in a field track of t h e ball w i t h a pin. He has t h e f o u r t h goal drive, w e want t o slow down and use the clock. quarterback make all kinds o f noise. The f i r s t This will also bleed the defense of their time-outs. We quarterback has t o make t h e calls. The third don't want them t o have time t o come back and beat quarterback is calling the time-out loud, as long as the IJS. quarterback is not speaking. If the quarterback is calling his play, he keeps the time t o himself. Coach In the San Francisco-Dallas game three years ago in Neuheisel has control of the situation. He tells the Candlestick Park, there was a good lesson t o learn. quarterback the results of each play and when the W i t h t h e score 24-14 in favor o f the 49ers, the clock is stopped for a first down. He gave a great Cowboys tried t o s t a r t a drive deep in their o w n demonstration about down and distance and clock territory. They threw three incompletions and had to management. Everyone really liked what they saw. The punt the ball. The 49ers got the ball with 36 seconds f i r s t quarterback calls t h e plays, -the second t o go on about the 50 and hit Rice for a touchdown with quarterback keeps the clock, the third quarterback t w o seconds t o go in the half. That was .thegame, and keeps track of t h e time-outs, and t h e f o u r t h they went on t o win the Super Bowl. How many times quarterback .tries t o cause confusion. Coach Neuheisel have you seen coaches send their quarterback out to leads the quarterback down the field and ends up in a run out the clock before the half? The fans will always LAST PLAY situation for the quarterback. BOO. They want the offense t o stay aggressive. I think there is a w a y t o do both. W e are going t o stay Next he turns on the film projector and shows the last aggressive and take some chances. But once w e miss play of tlie Colorado-Michigan game in 1994 in the BIG one, w e are going back t o bleeding the clock and HOUSE, which Colorado won on a HAIL MARY PASS on staying conservative. We want t o be aggressive but the last play of the game. That concluded his lecture. be smart a t the same time.

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