2. Memory

  • May 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 187
  • Pages: 3


Memory – The Retention of Information over time

HM – Case Study •

Man has seizures and had surgery – part of hippocampus removed

Forgot some events of the previous year or two

Couldn’t form new memories

Doesn’t remember tests, but performance improved

Whats in Memory? •

Recognition vs Recall

Primary Effect – people recall 1st stuff well – can make it into long term easily

Recency Effect – Words stay in short-term memory for a bit

Types of Memory •

Explicit – Stuff we can Explain ○ Episodic – personal experiences ○ Semantic – facts ○ Flashbulb – an episodic w/ tons of emotion (9/11, etc)

Implicit ○ Nonconseious memories (ie. HM w/ performance tests) ○ Priming: exposing a stimulus earlier so you are more likely to see it later.

Amnesia •

Anterograde Amnesia – disorder prevents retention of new info

Retrograde Amnesia – loss of memory of past events

Neurological Basis of Memory



Hippocampus – consolidation of memory •

Hence childhood amnesia – hippocampus hasn’t fully developed

Alcohol induced blackouts – hippocampus shutdown

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