2 July Pc

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,434
  • Pages: 9
THE PROJECT PROPOSAL 01. Title of the project:Integrated health, Sanitation and environment under P.C. Scheme. 02. Location: a. State



b. District



c. Block



d. Village



e. Panchayat :


03. Demographic details:i.

1. Total population:-

3,469 Male



Number of Families: SC 759

OBC 2,574

GEN 166


Land utilization




Source of irrigation


Cannal, Boaring & Rain Fall


Problem of villages


Lack of Sanitary Latrines in Villages

04. Objectives:1) To organize the work shop/ camp on environment in the villages. 2) To organize the camp on health and sanitation 3) To maintain health and hygiene. 4) Forests offer protective roles against environmental charges, because it function as an efficient natural device for filtering air pollutants and purifying the atmosphere 5) To aware the people regarding the significance of environment. 6) To provide low cost sanitary latrines to the rural people.

7) To aware the people regarding the consequence of open latrines (Diaria, constipation & other infections). 8) To organize the people and motivate them to discourage the traditional system of paying the call of nature.

05. Beneficiations: 1. List of Beneficiaries be enclosed ------- Annexure 1 2. Methodology adopted for identification and selection of Beneficiaries. a) A clear perception of the dimension of the villages. b) Door to door service. c) To contact with village pradhan/ village leaders. d) To form the village level community with the involvement of pradhan and members of the organization e) In the village level committee meeting beneficiaries will be identified and selected keeping in the light ___ BPL Category, SC/ST/OBC economically depressed people.

06 Need of the project This is rural oriented programme and also is the combination of health, hygiene, sanitation and environment. The reason of selection of the village on the basic of the following grounds. The villages under the programme is remotest part of Nalanda District. The peoples are belong from SC and OBC community. It is quite clear that there is a heap of problems. Whatever the development activities is being implemented by the department of government is not full filling all the necessities and requirement of the villages, most of the grants assistantances are distributed under the influence of political leaders and local elite. Hence, the gap is between rich and poor is increasing day by day, which is affecting the entire structure of the society. Exploitation and destruction of forest affects the balance of Eco- System of atmosphere, health and sanitation so, these are the component of combination of each other. Depletion of forest not only the natural devices for purifying the air pollutants but also it increase the cycling of hydrological radiation which affect the agriculture sector also . Project is the combination of sanitation an environment due to improper sanitation facilities and practices in the villages causing health hazards from the various diseases due to also filthy string coming out from open latrines. Through out the villages very few family got constructed sanitary latrines in their house. In fact poverty is the in the area but it doesn’t mean that a single family which can’t afford sanitary latrines. But lack of knowledge about the consequences occurred by the open latrines on the roadside and in open field. No doubt the pitiable condition of the rural people is the an important factor. The living of the people is unhygienic and that they are suffering. It also affect the environmental cleanness. Hence keeping in view the socio economic scenario, common peoples requirement, poverty, their choice and expectation the project proposed has been conceived and formulated after due consultation with the

beneficiaries and also to ensure their participations in implementation of the project and maintenance of the assets created. (7)

Scope and methodology for people participations This programme is people oriented scheme. It is purely based upon the principle of democracy. People’s participation is the central feature. For successful implementation of rural development projects. The organization role & structure should be fashioned & ideals as well as their contribution & managerial skills to join in the task of rural development. The implementation agency has mobilized a lot of experience in the implementation








Circumstances talking with village leaders & with community organization. The project is directly beneficiary’s oriented and direct involvement is highly needs. Their should be regional amount of responsibility. if the benefactions don’t have any responsibility & they won’t value of benefit the proposed program will bring the simultaneous combination & permanent service to these proposed villages . The proposed project has the vast scope of people particular for socialeconomics empowerment of the people of soil.

(8) Action programme

1 S.N



3 Activities Quantity/ (Each activity to be numbers given in detail with name, specification etc, in sequence of implementation) Survey of the village & selection of beneficiaries

4 Time required completion

3 Month


Organization of workshop on environment and sanitation progress.


7 Day


The Distribution of fruit plants two plants of each beneficiary.


2 Month


Construction sanitary latrines.


5 Month


Progress reporting, monitoring, and evaluation.


2 Month


one year


Duration of the project-


Personal requirement for implementation of the project i.) Full Time


Add/ proposed

Cost per annum.


Number of personal Already needed with their available qualification Civil Engineer Yes


4,000X 12=48,000


Field Staff









ii.) Part- time consultant required to be engaged, their cost per annum, need and justification relationship to the project. Expert in the respective Technology will be deputed as and when it will be necessary partly at the rat of 500 per day. (11) Other facilities available and required (Machinery equipment, building, livestock etc) the required machinery and equipment is locally available as per requirement of the scheme. (12) Technology to be used / adopted :This is not an innovative programme is labour oriented. It is based upon democratic form it will be implemented with the involvement of the people. There is scope of of employment opportunities for skilled and unskilled labourers. This programme and technical specification has been choosen by the beneficiaries and technically approved by the technical experts.

(14) Manner of Implementation The proposed programme is people oriented. The work plan is technically supported. The beneficiaries has been identified and selected jointly at the village level committee meeting the project upon people’s participations the row material/input are locally available. Skill and unskilled Labourers will be upgraded and there is a great scope of people’s participations and communities mobilization. It will develop peace and harmony for better understanding among the beneficiaries. (15) Marketing arrangements The requirement materials, equipments is locally available in the marketing and There is no any marketing arrangement because this is apparently a unproductive Program. (16) Arrangements for maintenance of assets created for ensuring sustainability Replicability of the programme after completion of the project. After completion of the programme the assets created will hand over to the users/ Beneficiaries / Panchayat for future maintenance, repairing and sustainability. (17)

Outcome expected to be achieved (Impact indicators) a) Employment self. Scope of employment opportunity will be extended for landless laborers. b) Income generation or Arrengmentation

This is not a income generation programme but there is a scope of wage earning for rural landless laborers. c) Women’s Employment. Rural women may be engaged in the implementation of the programme. d) Skill upgraded Skill will be upgraded of rural poor. e) Social Equity It will promote social equity and harmony. f) Environment management

It will also effect the environmental clearness and It will balance the eco-system of atmosphere. g) Financial returns (In case of income generation activities) Nil. (18) Physical targets and time schedule for implementation of the project. 2nd Year 

3rd Year 

c) The distribution of fruit full plants two plants of  each beneficiaries

d) Construction of sanitary Latrines

Items a) Serve






1st Year of 

beneficiaries. b) Organization of work shop one environment and  sanitation progress.

e) Progress reporting, Monitoring and evaluation.

(19) Arrangement for conducting social audit (Consultation with gram sabha while Formulating project proposal as also reporting to the gram sabha about project outcome After completion of the project) YES. Countersigned by Member of Executive Body

Signature and seal of the Authorized Signatory




Designation: (Attach Copy of Authorization by Executive Body for Signing if Articles of Association/ By clauses do not indicate it.)

Place: Date:

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