Meaning Art Activity involving a manipulative Collaboration with community Collaboration with families Collaboration with colleagues Critical Thinking Dance Differentiation / Accommodation Drama Evaluation Group Work Language Arts Life Skills Mathematics Music Physical Education / Movement Physical Health Public Speaking Reading Science Social Studies Technology Value – Courage Value – Cooperation Value – Citizenship Value – Integrity Value – Reliability Value – Respect Value - Self-Control Value - Self-Esteem Writing
Week 1 – Social Studies Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 KP SOL SS 1.1, 1.2, KP SOL SS 1.1, 1.2, KP SOL SS 1.1, 1.2, KP SOL SS 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 Sequence and Order Sequence and Order Sequence and Order Sequence and Order SS: The teacher will SS: The teacher will SS/CF: The teacher SS: The teacher will explain that before explain that will hand out the begin by having each students come to notebooks or journals Make a Family Tree student explain their school, there is a can be used to record Mobile sheet for mobile. routine they will their thoughts, words, students to fill in The teacher will follow. The teacher or assignments. The using their family hand out a picture of will demonstrate teacher will explain for help. The teacher a plant growing. The that in the classroom that most people have will demonstrate her teacher will explain there is a sequence a family or friends to own family tree and that from seed to a of events that look after them. She clip the ovals onto grown plant there is a happen in order will ask students to the board in order sequence of steps every day. The take out their Social like a timeline. that complete the teacher will write on Studies Notebook DA: Students with growth. If time the board the steps (NB) and crayons. motor problems will allows, she will take they will go through The teacher will have a more students outside and each day. explain the concept of advanced student look at the stages of order. paired with them for growth of plants assistance. outside. SS/VCP/VCZ/VSC: SS/A/AM/CT: The SS/A/AM/CF: The SS/AM/PS: The The students will students will draw a students will fill in students will label practice coming in picture of their the ovals with their the plant picture and hanging up their family. The students family’s names and from one to five, coats and will be given an color them. After documenting the backpacks. They empty family tree. they cut out the steps. The class will will go to the desk They will go home shapes, they will put discuss why the for the opening and, with assistance, them in order from number one is on the independent activity find as many relatives left to right/oldest to smallest/shortest part until calendar time as possible. The youngest. Each of the plant picture begins. This requires oldest will go at the student will put and why five is on self-control and top of the tree and the ovals together and the tallest, most cooperation. youngest at the the teacher will grown part of the Throughout the year bottom. Students will punch the ovals. plant. the students will be learn that their Each student will learning that history family’s history is in string and attach the has order and a order from oldest to ovals into a mobile. sequence of events. youngest. Bednarz, p. T17
Friday Day 5 KP SOL SS 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 Sequence and Order SS: The teacher will hand out one paper plate that has been divided into fourths and one clothespin. She will explain that each section of the paper plate will represent each of the four seasons. She will ask students why seasons could be included in a discussion about order and sequence of events. SS/AM: The students will color each section with something relating to that season. They will put a clothespin on the current season. As the class discusses the seasons, the students will move their clothespin in order from season to season.
Bednarz, p. T10
Week 3– Social Studies Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 KP SOL SS 1.1, 1.2, KP SOL SS 1.1, 1.2, KP SOL SS 1.1, 1.2, KP SOL SS 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 Leaders Leaders Leaders Leaders SS: The teacher will SS/CL: The teacher SS: The teacher will SS: The teacher will introduce vocabulary will add Columbus to do an activity that combine with the pertinent to learning the Word Wall. She will help students other class to do their about leaders of the will ask her recognize how to play of Columbus’ United States and colleague to join with communicate with voyage to the American symbols. her class to make a the Indians as if Americas, seeing the The teacher will first play about Columbus they were each Indians, and his explain Christopher and the other leaders. Columbus. She will return to the King and Columbus and his The other class will discuss and write on Queen. The teacher voyage to America. make the large boat the board ideas of will talk about what She will read In for the play. The what their colonial times in 1492 by Steve teacher will ask how community consists American were like. Bjorkman, which they would have felt of. She will explain includes rhyming, if people from that they need to while telling the another place kept share who they are story of Columbus. coming to an area and where they special to them. come from. SS/AM/CT/GW: SS/A/AM/CT/M: SS/CC/CT/VCZ: SS/AM/CT/DR: The The students will The students will The students will students will gather discuss Columbus’ color and label a map close their eyes and props and costumes voyage and why of Spain, the Atlantic imagine a creature together and will be there is a holiday in Ocean, and the coming to their guided by the his honor. They will United States of class and not teachers to complete discuss what method America. The knowing how to the play. They will he used to get to students will speak English. They discuss the purpose what he thought was integrate with will think of ways for each part and how the Indies. Students calendar time the to communicate it all contributed to will discuss what it number of months with the creature. country’s history. would have been Columbus was on his Students will learn As a summation, like to tell the King journey. Play practice that Columbus and students will fill out and Queen what and will continue along the Indians came the “Descriptive whom he found. with research and from two different Writing” worksheet. Groups will make a making props for cultures and They will draw a ship out of popsicle American Indians communicating picture from the sticks and make it and what they might must have been previous lessons and float in a tub of have been doing, difficult. will write about their water. eating, and wearing. picture. Bacon, p. 256 Bacon, p. 258 Roerden, p. 40
Friday Day 15 KP SOL SS 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 Leaders SS: The teacher will talk about the Pilgrims that wanted freedom from England. When they got to American they had a big feast called Thanksgiving. The teacher will explain that America had many people who needed a leader.
SS/CT: The students will understand the importance of holidays. The students will learn the importance and meaning of Thanksgiving and Columbus Day. DA: The teacher will provide pictures of each leader, symbol, and many different styles of maps for visual learners.
Week 5 – Social Studies Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 21 Day 22 Day 23 Day 24 KP SOL SS 1.1, 1.2, KP SOL SS 1.1, 1.2, KP SOL SS 1.1, 1.2, KP SOL SS 1.1, 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2, 1.3 Leaders Leaders Leaders Leaders SS: The teacher will SS: The teacher will SS: The teacher will SS: The teacher begin talking about have students sing explain that American will hand out other leaders by and do motions to needed freedom from feathers and pens to adding “George Yankee Doodle. She England. Thomas each student. She Washington,” will explain that Jefferson is one of the will put students “President” and English soldiers main reasons into groups of four. “hero” to the Word teased American Americans have the Groups will each Wall. She will lead a soldiers, led by holiday, Independence have an ancient discussion about Washington, so the Day. For the activity, looking copy of the what the word Americans made this the teacher will write Declaration of “hero” means. song. She will add on the board, “who, Independence. “General” to the what, when, where, Word Wall and tell and why.” students that George Washington was a General before he became a President. SS/A/CT/PS/W: SS/AM/PE: The SS/AM/CT/GW: The SS/AM/CT/VCZ/ The students will students will be students will create a DR/GW: The draw a picture of given one dollar and word web with students will attach their hero and one state quarter to Independence Day in the feather to the volunteers can share. show his portrait. the middle. In groups, pen and pretend Students will listen The students will get they will brainstorm like they are to the story, A to eat cherries while ideas about the Fourth reenacting the Picture Book of the teacher tells them of July. The class will “signing” of the George Washington the story about make a Freedom Declaration. (Picture Book George Washington bulletin board with Students will Biography) by and the cherry tree! portraits of discuss why they David A. Adler. DA: Special needs Presidents. Students want to be free and They will use the students will draw a will also draw and cut then sign at the Sequence graphic picture of their out what they think of bottom of the organizer to write birthday celebration Independence Day. document. three events in his and share what it was For example, a flag or life. They will learn like. The teacher will fireworks. that he was the first relate it to President. celebrating the birth of the United States. Bacon, p. 241
Friday Day 25 KP SOL SS 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 Leaders SS: The teacher will tell students that tomorrow in language arts they can make Presidents or Columbus as their puppet because of their impact on the world. The teacher will hand out construction paper.
SS/A/AM: The students will compose a Happy Birthday to America card. There will be books at one table, pictures at another, and maps at another table. Students will be free to visit these tables and use the resources for ideas. The teacher will display the cards around the Freedom bulletin board.
Bacon, p.241
SS/AM/VCZ: The students will have one different question for the next three weeks. The first question will be, “What color would you choose to paint your bedroom.” The students will put folder paper squares with their color and the votes will be tallied at the end of the week.
Week 7 – Social Studies Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 32 Day 33 Day 34 KP SOL SS 1.1, 1.2, KP SOL SS 1.1, 1.2, KP SOL SS 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 1.3 1.3 Leaders Leaders Leaders SS: The teacher will SS/M: The teacher SS/LS: The teacher hand out one penny will have the ballot will introduce George to each student to box out and the Washington Carver. show them Abraham question will be, She will talk about Lincoln’s portrait. “Should we play tag his work as a farmer She will also pass or kickball at and experiments with around stamps and recess?” The peanuts and sweet more pictures. She teacher will potatoes. She will will remind students introduce Benjamin describe how shaving there is a President’s Franklin as writer, cream, lotion, and Day, which is on the inventor, statesman, leather are partly calendar as and signer of the results of his Washington’s Declaration. He experiments. birthday. The teacher invented the rocking will discuss the chair and context and eyeglasses. The significance of the teacher will give Gettysburg Address. students a handout with the outline of eyeglasses. SS/CT/E/T/W: The SS/A: The students SS/AM/CT/E: The students will listen to will look at pictures students will think of the Gettysburg of the invention that any one object and Address from a saves ships; a think of how they can website online. They simple machine use it differently. will write one relating with Students will sentence including science lessons brainstorm ideas in what they learned or called the lightning class. Students will what intrigued them rod. Students will begin making their during the speech. draw their own kind demonstration in Students will learn of glasses. They class and finish it at that Presidents will draw and write home. The students continue to impact about their own will be prepared to our country and these invention and share present their item. men were part of the it with the class. foundation.
Bacon, p. 238
Lincoln, Free Audio
Monday Day 31 KP SOL SS 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 Leaders SS: The teacher will introduce the concept of casting votes. “Ballot” and “vote” will be added to the Word Wall. She will explain that in order for Presidents to be elected, they need people to vote for them. The teacher will put out the ballot box and explain that no one can see the votes, which is why there is only one slot.
BrainPOP Jr.
Friday Day 35 KP SOL SS 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 Leaders SS: The teacher will observe students’ ideas and creations. The class will discuss each student’s creation. The teacher will collect the votes and tally them on the board and will declare the paint color chosen. DA: ESL students will share their national holiday in their language, and how it is celebrated including its origin if possible. SS/AM/CC/PS: The students will display and demonstrate if necessary their object with a new function. They will explain why it could be useful for a community. The students will record the tallies in their notebooks.
Monday Day 41 KP SOL SS 1.11 a, b American symbols SS/DR: The teacher will explain that patriotism is a way to show the hard work done by Presidents and leaders to make our country free. Patriotism is a way to show pride in our country. She will discuss what patriotism, honor, respect, and pride mean. Voting question: “Pizza, chocolate, or fruit for snack?” SS/W: The students will have surprise teachers that are dressed in America’s colors, the Statue of Liberty, the bald eagle, and the Washington Monument. Each teacher will say a short speech about what they symbolize. Students will write in four KWL charts, the symbols, what they know, and what they want to know.
Week 9– Social Studies Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 42 Day 43 Day 44 KP SOL SS 1.11 a, b KP SOL SS 1.11 a, KP SOL SS 1.11 a, b American symbols b American symbols American symbols SS: The teacher will SS: The teacher SS: The teacher will explain that each will open the have students make teacher was dressed previously read their own flag so that up as a symbol that story and point out students can contributes to the picture with the understand that a flag patriotism. She will children’s hands on represents something remind students what their heart and that special and has a freedom and respect they are pledging meaning/history. The are and that the allegiance to the teacher will show and American flag flag. The teacher explain the represent that. She will ask students to symbolism of the will read The Flag remember how our Statue of Liberty. We Love, by Pam country was Munoz Ryan. She discovered and will hand out an founded when they outline of the look at the flag. American flag. SS/AM/A/CT/VRS: The students will trace the flag and color the flag in the appropriate manner. They will cut it out and tape it to the side of their desk. The students will learn about what the stars and stripes symbolize.
SS/AM/MU/W: The students will listen to patriotic music and wave the flag they made as they dance around in a circle. The teacher will make motions to some of the words that the students can do. Students will work on their KWL charts.
Friday Day 45 KP SOL SS 1.1 a, b American symbols
SS: The teacher will show a picture of a bald eagle using, O, Say Can You See? By Sheila Keenan. She will explain that when the United States declared its independence from Great Britain, a Great Seal was made with the bald eagle chosen as the country’s national bird. The teacher will tally the snack votes on the board and declare a result. SS/CT/E/PS/R/T/W: SS/R/W: The The students will students will record share their flags with characteristics of the the class. The eagle and why it is a students will discuss good symbol for the that the Statue of new nation. For Liberty is called Lady example, fierce, Liberty. She is powerful, and has a holding a torch of long life. They will freedom in her right tally and record the hand and a book with snack winner in their the date of July 4, notebooks. 1776. They will learn DA: Advanced that she is another learners will be symbol of freedom. given a picture of the Students will update Statue of Liberty and their KWL chart. will research and record its parts. Boyd p 208a
Week 11– Social Studies Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 51 Day 52 Day 53 Day 54 KP SOL SS 1.11 a, b KP SOL SS 1.11 a, b KP SOL SS 1.11 a, KP SOL SS 1.11 a, b American symbols American symbols b American symbols American symbols SS: The teacher will SS/CF: The teacher SS: The teacher will SS: The teacher will show a picture of the will continue assess the students welcome any parents Washington teaching students by giving them a and relatives that Monument. She will patriotism through worksheet with the have volunteered read some music, using the symbols discussed their time to come interesting facts songs “America, the and a space for and share their about the monument Beautiful” and them to write how experience of being and explain that it “You’re a Grand Old they can honor and an American citizen. was built for Flag.” The teacher respect America. Washington. The will read and discuss students will learn the words, explain about the number of unknown phrases, steps, the type of and how the song is building material, patriotic. the eight and that all the stones come from all 50 states. SS/CT/W: The SS/MU: The students SS/CT/E/W: The SS/CT/VC/VCZ/ students will write in will listen to the students will VRS/W: The their KWL chart teacher read the identify symbols students will write about the monument words and describe and describe what down the person’s and its meaning to unknown phrases. they view as name, country they America. The They will say it in patriotism. came from, and students will color unison and listen to keyword about their large poster paper in the song. They will DA: ESL students experience in their own style. At learn that the author will bring in America. the end of class, the wrote it looking out pictures of students, two by from a mountain. monuments from two, will attach their Note: She will send a their country and colored paper to note home to parents will compare them another student’s asking them if they to America’s showing unity just would like to come monuments as a like the Washington to class and share way of relating Monument. what it was like and patriotism from why they came from their country to another country to be America. a citizen in America
Friday Day 55 KP SOL SS 1.11 a, b American symbols SS: The teacher will take students to the computer lab to play games and do activities using the Scott Foresman website. The teacher will explain the significance of the National Anthem and explain how singing it is patriotic.
SS/MU/T: The students will complete games and activities from the social studies activities website. The students will listen and sing, if they can, the United States’ “Star Spangled Banner”.
Week 13 – Social Studies Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 61 Day 62 Day 63 Day 64 KP SOL SS 1.4 a-b KP SOL SS 1.4 a-b KP SOL SS 1.4 a-b KP SOL SS 1.4 a-b Maps-Identification Maps-Identification Maps-Identification Maps-Identification SS: The teacher will SS: The teacher will SS: The teacher will SS: The teacher will write “Geography” hand out brochures review that map pull down the map on the board and from several keys have symbols and put four raiseddiscuss that it is the different cities in the that stand for things. relief globes close to study of the Earth country. She will ask She will discuss the the class. The teacher and the way people students to observe different shapes of will ask what the use it. The class will any landforms or the landforms, differences are. Their discuss landforms maps and if the water, and roads. seatwork will be to they can think of brochures look She will show a clip make up riddles and what activities different. She will of the school and about landforms, are done there. The explain that neighborhood water, roads, and teacher will define everything can be put community using cities. For example, and put on the Word on a map either with Google Earth on “I splash and feel Wall, “map,” pictures or symbols. Smartboard. She wet. What am I? “plain,” “city,” She will show a map will explain the view DA: Visual learners “landform,” and with colors and a is similar to what a needing help to order “globe.” She will key. She will explain flying bird sees. She city through planet review that a symbol that symbols are in a will hand out will have a tangible stands for something map key. construction paper diagram for them to else. of different colors. pull out, observe, and put back in. SS/T/W: The SS/AM/GW: The SS/A/AM/CT/E/LS/ SS/AM/CT/E/PS: students will write students will get into VCP: The students The students will the words and groups and compare will be put into walk to the globes in definitions in their their pictures and groups of four to cut pairs and touch them. notebooks. The activities. When the shapes using the The teacher will ask students will watch finished they can words from the students what they the teacher show begin looking at the board with the feel and where the pictures of map. They will appropriate colors. mountains are versus landforms and discuss the different They will paste their the water and plains. activities people do colors and what the shapes on a poster The students will on those landforms, symbols look like, board to make their discuss the globe such as mountains what they are labeled own map. The class experience and read using Smartboard. as, and where they will go through their riddles to the are in the picture. making a map key class. They will circle the together and will bodies of water and learn the importance highlight the land. of maps to people. Boyd, p. E8 Bacon, p. 198 Bacon, p. 198
Friday Day 65 KP SOL SS 1.4 a-b Maps-Identification SS: The teacher will have students stand up and make up body symbols for landforms, water, and roads as they think about shapes. The teacher will hand out the Make a Land and Water Map worksheet. She will use this as a formative assessment for their knowledge of maps, symbols, and map keys.
SS/CT/PE: The students will do movements as symbols. Students will color the map appropriately and make the map key on the left column. Note: The teacher will send a note home asking parents to send empty milk cartons, egg cartons, shoe boxes, or anything similar. Bacon, p. 200
Monday Day 71 KP SOL SS 1.4 c, d Maps-Directions SS: The teacher will read As the Roadrunner Runs: A First Map Book by Gail Hartman. She will demonstrate the maps and routes the characters take. The book will be in five stations around the room. She will have a large design of a compass. She will explain cardinal directions. She will teach that North to East is one quarter of the compass/room.
SS/AM/R: The students will take turns in groups tracing their finger around the routes of the characters. They will go back to their desks. They will see a large N on the board, to right will be E, S will be behind them, and W will be to their left. Having just learned fractions, they will put one arm in front of them and the other pointing to the right. They will practice turning in quarters and saying the directions.
Week 15 – Social Studies Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 72 Day 73 Day 74 KP SOL SS 1.4 c, KP SOL SS 1.4 c, d KP SOL SS 1.4 c, d d Maps-Directions Maps-Directions Maps-Directions SS: The teacher SS: The teacher will SS: The teacher will will remind put students into lay out a map in the students about pairs. She will discus classroom. She will cardinal that a home address set up the desks and directions using consists of numbers lay down large brown the mnemonic and a street name. craft paper for an “Never Eat Soggy She will have them intersecting short and Wheaties.” She tell each other their long street. There will will hand students address. The teacher be chairs along the a list of directions will caution students side with colored, to follow to find never to tell their numbered note cards their unknown address to a stranger the students made. destination. For unless he or she is a Seatwork will be the example, “Start at police officer. She Where is My Home the slide facing will hand out worksheet that allows the swing and go phonebook pages and students to cut out north three steps.” yellow pages to the faces that have an students. address and gluing them to the correct house on the map. SS/AM/GW/PE: SS/AM/LS: The SS/AM/CT/GW/LS/ The students will students will practice VCP: The students be put into groups saying their address. will have an assigned of three and will They will practice note card color. They have different sets describing how to get will draw their house of directions. to their house from and write an assigned Each group will school using phrases number on the back. have a compass to written on the board, Groups will take experiment with such as long street, turns placing their when they write short street, trees, and “house” on a chair what their final signs. Students will and practice finding destination was. examine the different the other houses and DA: Advanced addresses and learn describing where it students will that the zip code was in relation to make their own helps the post office other houses and on route using know where their what street it is cardinal home is. located. directions. Bacon, p. 78 Bacon, p. 79
Friday Day 75 KP SOL SS 1.4 c, d Maps-Directions SS: The teacher will have a postal worker come in and explain what he or she does when sorting mail, sending it out, and managing the post office. He or she will explain how to write their address on an envelope and how that relates to where they live and how they follow their own maps.
SS/CC/CT/LS: The students will think of questions for the postal worker including questions about maps, addresses, letters, and the responsibilities they have in delivering mail or managing the post office.
Week 17– Social Studies Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 81 Day 82 Day 83 Day 84 KP SOL SS 1.5 KP SOL SS 1.5 KP SOL SS 1.5 KP SOL SS 1.5 Maps-Constructing Maps-Constructing Maps-Constructing Maps-Constructing SS: The teacher will SS: The teacher will SS: The teacher will SS: The teacher ask students what remind students that explain that groups will have assorted makes a neighborhood symbols stand for will be assigned to a the empty cartons and is it a community. something else. She set of tables pushed and boxes that She will ask how a will ask students what together with large, students brought community grows and objects they wrote in brown craft paper. from home into a if a map can show their notebooks. She The teacher will do large box. She will what a community is will write them on the an example on the explain that each like. She will explain board. For the first craft paper that will group will have a that this week’s object, the class will be clipped to the box and art supplies project will be to discuss a symbol to board. to decorate any make a map of the represent it. Before object/landmark on school and the groups get together, their map. She will community using she will ask how tell students that three-dimensional symbols relate to a they may need to objects. They will map key. Note: She redo their map key start by going outside. will send a letter to fit their threeShe will remind home to remind dimensional map. students that a map parents to send all shows a view from items to class. above. SS/CT/PE: The SS/A/GW/W: The SS/A/CC/CT/GW: SS/A/CC/GW: The students will take their students will write the The students will students will, for notebooks and walk in objects/landmarks draw any streets, example, glue red a line, stopping that are on the board roads, or paths they construction paper periodically to sit and to make sure they choose. Having their to a shoebox and write what they see, have all of them. map key next to them draw squares for and to draw lines and They will get into they will trace with a windows and directions if possible. groups and finish pencil where each rectangles for the As they take making up symbols object/landmark doors. They will observation breaks, for those objects and should be placed. mount the school the teacher will ask landmarks using onto the craft paper what streets and color. They will use a having labeled the buildings are. They ruler and draw a box box as the school. will discuss with the around those symbols teacher what to and label it “Map include in the Key.” community they will be making. Armento, p. 34 Armento, p. 34 Armento, p. 34 Armento, p. 34
Friday Day 85 KP SOL SS 1.5 Maps-Constructing SS: The teacher will have students continue to color and label their objects and landforms DA: Special needs students that have motor skill problems will be able to look at pictures of maps and trace their finger along the route given while dictating what is around the route using cardinal directions and learned vocabulary. SS/CC/CT/E/GW/ PS: The students will present their maps to each group describing where everything is located saying directions, such as around the corner.
Armento, p. 34
Monday Day 91 KP SOL SS 1.5 USA and VA SS: The teacher will remind students what a city is and ask if they can name the city where they live. Those who are from another country will tell the class how to say the United States of American in their language. She will hand out desk maps and explain that North America is a country. The teacher will point to Virginia and explain that VA is a state. SS/AM/GW: The students will go to the back and there will be an enlarged foam puzzle. Each piece is a state. In groups, students will go back and assemble the puzzle, tracing the border of N.A. Students at their desks with be given the words, “North, South, East, West.” They will use tape and put directions around their desk map. Other groups will go to the globes to learn that the top is North and the bottom is South.
Week 19– Social Studies Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 92 Day 93 Day 94 KP SOL SS 1.5 KP SOL SS 1.5 KP SOL SS 1.5 USA and VA USA and VA USA and VA SS: The teacher SS: The teacher will SS: The teacher will will give students remind them of have four centers for vocabulary cards when they felt the students to complete that have pictures globes. She will ask for today and of the labeled them how they tomorrow. The first states. The teacher knew were the will have ten note will have students water was. She will cards placed in a box find Washington explain what a with a city/state D.C. She will continent is and that combination. They explain how it is the East Coast and will find where it is the capital of West Coast are the on the floor foam America. She will borders. Oceans map and name the explain the surround North global address. Washington America. She will Second, groups will Monument and give each student listen, read the lyrics, White House are in the My Address on and respond to songs Washington D.C. the Planet about the country. worksheet. SS/T: The students SS/CT/W: The SS/AM/CC/CT/MU/ will remember that students will look T: The students will the country has its on their desk maps go to the centers in flag and so does at the coasts, groups of five. In each state. States oceans, and how center one, they will have pride as well. they are connected complete the global The teacher will with cardinal addresses orally. In show state flags on directions. Students the second center Smartboard. The will start with the they will write why students will inside box writing the songs, “My practice looking at their name and Country ‘Tis of the states and their street. The next Thee” and “This names on their square has a line for Land is Your Land” cards. They will them to write the are patriotic. Answers learn that states city, then state, should include the have capitals as nation, and words, “country,” well. They will continent. The class “water,” one state point out Virginia’s will discuss more name, “pilgrims,” and capital and its about the “freedom.” importance. world/planet. Bednarz, p. T552 Bednarz, p. T554
Friday Day 95 KP SOL SS 1.5 USA and VA SS: The teacher will have the other centers ready. The third center will include pictures representing phrases in the song, “American the Beautiful.” They will put them in order as the song is played. The fourth is an art center with books made for them to draw and write their favorite part of the class unit: geography. SS/AM/CT/E/MU: The students will review sequencing by putting the pictures in order as the song plays. Next, the students will use construction paper to mark the most memorable patriotic moments studied. DA: Lower level students can take tapes home to listen to the songs in order to become familiar with them and focus on the meaning of the words. Bacon, p. T557
Monday Day 101 KP SOL SS 1.6 People Groups SS/DR: The teacher will walk into the class with a wagon full of food and dressed like women in the 1800s. She will discuss with students that she is from a long time ago and that things change over time, such as clothing, and transportation. The teacher will say that “it is Thanksgiving” and will ask them what food would she have in her wagon. SS/CT/W: The students will talk about the differences in the clothing. Students will have several Compare and Contrast graphic organizers. The teacher will show clips of women in the 1800s. They will title one, “Clothing” and write the differences between clothing in the 1800s and today’s clothing. They will do the same for food. Bednarz, p. TR51
Week 21– Social Studies Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 102 Day 103 Day 104 KP SOL SS 1.6 KP SOL SS 1.6 KP SOL SS 1.6 People Groups People Groups People Groups SS: The teacher SS: The teacher will SS/CC: The teacher will have the tell students it is will ask students that wagon in the corner getting colder and if they did not have a and tell students they are stuck at a boat, how could they they will pretend river, also pointing to get across the river. they are on a the calendar. She will They will discuss that journey for the next give students paper to if it were modern two weeks. She will draw a car. She will times, scuba diving pull down a map of warn them to have and submarines could America and show self-control. They will go under the water. their starting point get one egg carton The teacher will have as Virginia and that section, clay, and a retired navy captain it is summer time. paper. After activities describe what it was She will ask what are complete, she will like to sail on ships clothes they would ask students where and submarines wear and activities they would use the car explain they would do. and boat. SS/CT: The students will describe clothing and activities. They will also learn that it is the 1900s and will discuss how the method of transportation changed. They will look at the wagon and then pictures of old cars and bicycles. DA: Calendars and multiple pictures will be used to aid in understanding how far back in time they are.
SS/AM/CT/VSC: The students will problem solve about their clothing and what transportation they would need. They will make a car as well as a boat by putting clay into the egg carton. They will stick a toothpick in it with a paper sail glued on. Students know if they are misbehaving they will have the craft taken away from them.
Friday Day 105 KP SOL SS 1.6 People Groups SS: The teacher will tell students that if it were 1903, flying over the river would be an option. She will say that a pilot flies a plane. She will ask students how they could get a car across a river. She reminds them that they are still traveling 100 years ago and will ask what will happen once they cross the bridge. SS/CC/CT/E/VI/W: SS/CC/CT/E: The The students will use students will the Main Idea and discuss what kind Details organizer to of people they are write details about his and that the people journeys. Students living across the will record the date river are different. he went on the They will different missions. brainstorm how The class will discuss the two groups of what traveling from people can help place to place was each other grow, like for the captain. If either by making a students misbehave town into a city or they will go to the just settling next to principal’s office as a each other. consequence.
Bednarz, p. T544
Bednarz, p. TR49
Armento, p. 91
Week 23– Social Studies Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 111 Day 112 Day 113 Day 114 KP SOL SS 1.6 KP SOL SS 1.6 KP SOL SS 1.6 KP SOL SS 1.6 People Groups People Groups People Groups People Groups SS: The teacher will SS: The teacher will SS: The teacher will SS: The teacher will give each pair a bring in fans and tell students they announce that they matching game set place them in need to build shelter have reached the of cards. Half the different parts of the and that they are in West Coast and it is cards will be the room and have them the forest. She will sunny and hot. She name of the workers blowing at high have large will say that they will and the other half speed. She will tell cardboard pieces meet people who will be the actual students there is a and leaves out of speak another mode of huge wind storm and construction paper. language. transportation. The ask them what they She will have teacher will review are going to do to students move their the name of the protect themselves. desks and work workers, such as She will move the together to try and pilot. fans in a line and say build a shelter. a tornado is coming Students will and will ask what discuss the kind of they need to do to be shelter best for the safe. forest after looking at pictures on the Smartboard of different shelters. SS/AM/CT/E: The SS/CT/T: The SS/AM/CC/CT/ SS/CC/CT/E: The students will work students will discuss GW/T: The students will discuss on matching the the different parts of students will discuss the weather change cards. The class will the world struck with what climate means and how they will discuss the journey hurricanes and and how shelters dress. They will they have been tornados and how change for different discuss the through. they protect types of weather. characteristics of the themselves. The Students will make shelter they would teacher will show a shelter with use to live in as well students clips of assistance from the as the food in modern DA: The teacher will tornados and teacher. She will times they would eat. make a draft of the hurricanes and how explain that they are They will also pretend journey the that affects people. being good citizens discuss how they will class is on for more by helping each communicate with adequate other build a shelter people that do not understanding of the for protection. speak the same social studies language. concepts.
Friday Day 115 KP SOL SS 1.6 People Groups SS: The teacher will take students outside. The teacher will describe to students different locations and climates and will ask students what they would do for fun. Another word for fun activities is recreation.
SS/PE: The students will act out different recreational activities. For example, the teacher will call out “Winter and it is snowing!” Students will pantomime throwing snowballs.
Cornett, p. 253
Monday Day 121 KP SOL SS 1.12 Cultures SS/R: The teacher will conduct a discussion about the meaning of culture. There are different people that have their own traditions and lifestyles and sometimes they come from other countries and live in America. She will hold up the People Around the World book by King Fisher and explain that it contains people and cultures from around the world and they may look at it during free time. SS/CF/W: The students will write down what culture means. They will write in their NB, “ethnic group,” as the main idea and draw web circles noting groups of people who share the same national origin, who may be of the same race and religion. They will take a letter home asking parents to check their ethnic origin for study in class. Lipson, p. 7-8
Week 25– Social Studies Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 122 Day 123 Day 124 KP SOL SS 1.12 KP SOL SS 1.12 KP SOL SS 1.12 Cultures Cultures Cultures SS/AM/R: The SS: The teacher will SS: The teacher will teacher will read have the assigned explain that they are the story Whoever groups sit around going to have a You Are by Mem the room with their multicultural day Fox. She will famous people where the first grade assign groups to an cards. She will put a will come together ethnicity/country. picture of each representing different She will show leader assigned to cultures. Each group pictures to the the groups on a will have a table with entire class using bulletin board with food, artifacts, and Smartboard about the name and their poster with each culture. She country next to it. different pictures, will hand out two drawings, and quotes rectangular cards DA: Students from the country. She for each student to having trouble will remind students write the famous reading will be put America welcomes people she into a group with an people from all over introduces. aid so they can still the world to come play the game. enjoy freedom and working hard. SS/CT/GW/T/W: SS/AM/CT/E/GW: SS/A/AM/CT: The The students will The students will sit students will make learn even though in a circle and will sure to have their people look, sound, play a matching famous person in or do different game. They will put their NB and will things, we all have their cards face draw the flag with the a heart and feel joy down and match an appropriate colors. and pain. Groups interesting fact with They will research will be together the famous person. the different foods taking notes when Only the famous each in each group’s it comes to their people cards will be culture. For example, country. Students visible and they will Thai people eat rice will write names on just turn up all the and Indians eat spicy the card and on the different cards with curry. Groups will get second card they the notes each together and decide will write one student took what food they interesting fact yesterday. should have at the about each person. festival. Lipson, p. 117 Lipson, p. 125
Friday Day 125 KP SOL SS 1.12 Cultures SS: The teacher will give students a large, folded piece of construction paper. Students will go to the library and look at picture books of food from their assigned country/culture with their groups.
SSA/AM/CT/M/R: The students will get to write their favorite food items on the menu and give a price. As a review, students will add the prices of their food on the menu and write the total on the bottom of the right side of the menu.
Lipson, p. 63
Week 27– Social Studies Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 131 Day 132 Day 133 Day 134 KP SOL SS 1.12 KP SOL SS 1.12 KP SOL SS 1.12 KP SOL SS 1.12 Cultures Cultures Cultures Cultures SS: The teacher will SS/CF: The teacher SS: The teacher will SS: The teacher will discuss different will address the need pull a map down have books in holidays ethnic to dress like the and have the globe different stations groups have. She will people in their available. She will around the room. provide a large culture would! The point to each Students will write colorful poster that teacher will show group’s country and an information card matches the country’s pictures on will explain that for their country. It flag. She will tell Smartboard of the when they traveled will include the groups to make a people in their to America, it was continent, country, poster using their art countries. She will called emigration. capital, major supply tub. send a note home to She will have landforms, and parents asking students pretend bodies of water. She permission for they are emigrating. will review how to students to bring in They will write in a look up information clothing for the diary of their in books using the festival. journey. table of contents. SS/A/AM/CT/E/GW: SS//T/W: The SS/CC/W: The SS/AM/W: The The students will students will write in students will write students will write match the poster color their notebooks emigration in their the information with the flag color. details about the NB and draw a found on a card to be They will use their clothing they see. rough sketch of attached to the poster supplies to sort They will write what their country and they made. Students through pictures and the differences are North America with will take a note home paste them on the between the men and an arrow showing as a reminder to board. They have to women and if they the direction of the bring clothes and an include the name of have anything at people coming to assigned dish for the country and how home that they could America. Students students to sample. the people are wear on Friday at the will write the date referred to, such as Festival. and how old they Untied States of are when they America-Americans. travel to America. The poster will be They will describe next to their table on what America is festival day. like when they come. Lipson, p. 29
Friday Day 135 KP SOL SS 1.12 Cultures SS/CL: The teacher will get the students in their costumes and ready to set up their table in the multi-purpose room. DA: Teachers will show all recipes to the school nurse making sure that the ingredients are safe.
SS: The students will walk around to the different tables sampling food, looking at the other information and posters for the other cultures. Afterwards, the class will discuss how cultures come together in America and Virginia and live under the same principles.
Week 29– Social Studies Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 141 Day 142 Day 143 Day 144 KP SOL SS 1.10 a-b KP SOL SS 1.10 a-b KP SOL SS 1.10 a- KP SOL SS 1.10 a-b Citizenship Citizenship b Citizenship Citizenship SS: The teacher will SS/: The teacher will SS: The teacher SS: The teacher will explain that next read It’s Not Fair! by will read Happy read, Jamaica’s week they will be Deborah Hautzig. Birthday, Martin Friend by Juanita studying about how They will review the Luther King by Havill, which will people buy and sell observations they Jean Marzollo and show that being things. They need to made last night at will explain that trustworthy results in remember that it is home. She will they need to be new friends. She will important to be a explain that they can respectful and fair give students puzzle good citizen. She will treat others with to others in the pieces cut out. She write “Respect and respect using proper community. She will write Disrespect” in their language and body will teach the “Trustworthiness” on notebooks. She will posture. She will Sharing Time song the board and define say that language is discuss what being sung to “Twinkle, it. She will explain one way to exhibit fair means. After Twinkle, Little that for people to trust respect using the groups role-play, Star.” others, they need to be words thank-you, they will discuss DA: Students with respectful and fair to please, no sir, yes how they can speak ODD will have an them. It starts with the m’am. Another way up or work to change aid helping with desire from their heart to respect people is unfair things. activities and and mind. body language. discussions. SS/CT/VCZ/VRS/ SS CT/VCZ/VRS/ SS/CT/R/VCZ/VI/ SS/CT/VC/VCP/ VSC/W: The students VSC/R/W: The VRS/VSC: The VCZ/VI/VR/VRS/W: will write ideas about students will discuss students will learn The students will both respect and how they can be the song and in the write people, places, disrespect and will respectful to people. second verse will or things they care discuss with the class They will write how put their own about onto the puzzle what they came up to be fair to one words in the blanks pieces. One of the with. The students another. Groups will to reinforce that pieces says, “I Care!” will take a chart home take turns rolethey need to share The students write and record playing given and be fair in all their name in that observations of situations. Situations situations, which spot. They will conversations of all like playing by the exhibits good assemble the pieces ages in their family rules at recess, listen sportsmanship. and it ends up to be and television. to others, not taking the shape of a heart. advantage of others. Freeman-Respect
Allman, p.29
Friday Day 145 KP SOL SS 1.10 a-b Citizenship SS: The teacher will explain that students need to seek out good friends and that they do not come easily. She will pass out paper. She will read Diogenes by Aliki with the lights off and a flashlight. She will explain that the man believed that to be wise, he sometimes had to live simply. When he walked into daylight he still carried the lantern. SSA/AM/R/VC/ VCP/VCZ/VI/VR/ VRS/: The students will fold the paper, cut and unfold the paper to make a lantern. The teacher will turn the light on and they will hold their lanterns high. When someone asked the man in the story why he still has the lantern, he says that he is still seeking an honest man. Allman, p. 3
Week 31– Social Studies Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 151 Day 152 Day 153 Day 154 KP SOL SS 1.7-1.9 KP SOL SS 1.7-1.9 KP SOL SS 1.7-1.9 KP SOL SS 1.7-1.9 Economics Economics Economics Economics SS: The teacher will SS: The teacher SS: The teacher will SS: The teacher will explain that they will will pass out the explain that they give groups be learning about same worksheet will be creating a magazines to pick out what goods and and students will classroom mall. She pictures of their services are. She will label the topic as will put students in goods. She will pass out the Write “Services.” She threes and ask them explain that these are About Social Studies will explain that to pick a type of the things they will worksheet. She will when people help store, such as a be selling to the rest have students write other people, it is computer store or of the class. She will what they know and considered services. grocery store and ask what they will be then will explain that The teacher will list what will be in called when they sell goods are things define goods, their store. She will their goods. She will grown or made. services, buyers, explain that those tape their poster to Goods are what and sellers. She will things they will the wall just like people use. She will show a picture of make up can be shelves at a store. explain that goods can someone selling called products or be bought using food at a market to goods. money. a family and describe each term. SS/LS/W: The SS/LS/W: The SS/CT/E/GW/LS SS/AM/CT/LS/GW: students will finish students will write /PS: The students The students will cut their worksheet during sentences on the will write a list of and paste the goods a class discussion of sheet during the things they want in onto a long sheet of what are things that discussion about their store. Groups poster paper about are used in a home or how the things they will share the name four feet tall and business. Students use, such as food, of their store and three feet wide. There will make a list in come from people the goods it contains will be lines drawn to their notebooks of with jobs that sell to the class. resemble shelves. everything a family us the food. The They will draw and would buy or spend person selling the DA: ESL students paste their items on money on, including food is providing a can come together their shelves for their food and electronics. service to the buyer. and make a store store. They will label unique to where the poster, “Goods.” they are from to help understand the terms. Boyd, p. TR63
Bacon, p. 156
Friday Day 155 KP SOL SS 1.7-1.9 Economics SS: The teacher will show pictures of the people who have jobs at stores. She will explain that these people are called sellers and they have jobs at the stores. She will tell students that at their store, they will sell their goods to people that want them who are called buyers. She will make a chart on the board to help students understand the relationships. SS/A/CT/GW/T: The students will look at the pictures and learn that the sellers, people who have jobs, are wearing a uniform. They will draw in their groups what the uniform at their store will be.
Week 33– Social Studies Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 161 Day 162 Day 163 Day 164 KP SOL SS 1.7-1.9 KP SOL SS 1.7-1.9 KP SOL SS 1.7-1.9 KP SOL SS 1.7-1.9 Economics Economics Economics Economics SS/VRS: The SS: The teacher will SS: The teacher will SS: The teacher will teacher will tell create a makeask students how explain that students that at the believe television set they can keep sometimes people can end of the week they by hanging butcher earning money and get goods and not pay will go around to paper and cutting a what will happen if money. That way is each store and buy hole. She will tell they misbehave and trading and bartering. things from the class students that they they do not have She will ask a mall. They will be will advertise their any money. There volunteer to come do given monopoly goods and services or are consequences to a skit with the money throughout items in their store misbehaving. She teacher. She will give the week that they and the friendly will give students the volunteer two need to earn. They workers will be the time to practice coats and the teacher can also lose it if sellers. She will hand their commercial will have four hats. they misbehave. out money as the and explain that it is She will tell students People work to get students are for a grade. to be ready to answer money. Money cooperating. in their notebooks the allows people to buy difference between things. buying and trading. SS/A/AMCC/CT/T: SS/AM/CT/DR/E/ SS/AM/CT/DR/ SS/DR/W: The The students will GW/VCP: The GW/PS/VI: The students will watch work throughout the students will get in students will present the teacher and week doing chores their groups and their commercial to volunteer to trade and showing respect make up an the class. The hats and coats. They to others to get advertisement. They teacher will use this will also barter. money. Students will will need to write as an assessment of Students will record look at pictures on prices for each item, the vocabulary their observations and Smartboard as well and say goods and learned. responses. Students as actual money services more than will learn that in the from other countries. once in their DA: For Friday, class mall they will Students will draw a commercial. They lower-level math take turns buying and dollar bill or coin will make sure their students will be able selling goods. After that they think may items and prices to use a calculator all the money is have gone with the match on their poster. during the activity spent, the class can country they had for and subtract on practice trading and the festival. Bacon, p. 156 paper for bartering. homework. Boyd, p. 238
Friday Day 165 KP SOL SS 1.7-1.9 Economics SS: The teacher will announce that today is shopping day! She will warn students to use self-control around the classroom. Each student will get a chance to be the seller. The rest of the time the students will be buying goods.
SS/AM/CT/E/DR/ VSC: The students will first count the money they have and practice subtraction as they buy items; they will write the item, how much it costs, and subtract the cost from their starting amount. Students will learn that they cannot have everything they want and need to be careful how they spend their money.
Week 35– Social Studies Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 171 Day 172 Day 173 Day 174 KP SOL SS 1.10 KP SOL SS 1.7-1.9 KP SOL SS 1.7-1.9 KP SOL SS 1.7-1.9 Responsibility Responsibility Responsibility Responsibility SS: The teacher will SS: The teacher SS: The teacher will SS: The teacher will remind students that will put students read Horton read Chicken Soup having integrity and into groups of four. Hatches the Egg by for Little Souls: The confidence will help She will give them Dr. Seuss. She will Best Night Out With them be effective three situations lead a discussion Dad adapted by Lisa citizens in their with pictures. She about how the McCourt. As the communities. She will explain that the elephant was loyal main character waits write “Ansvar” and paragraph explains and responsible by in line, he makes a tell them that it is what is happening caring for the egg of kind gesture towards Norwegian for and that they need a lazy bird. She will someone else. The responsibility. She to figure out how to ask students what class will discuss will lead a discussion be responsible. they would do if why caring for each about what it means to they realized they other as will as the be responsible. The were being environment is teacher will have a irresponsible. She important. She will large cut out house will write play the Kids for with windows and “VALUES” on the Character video that doors that fold out. board. embodies skits and songs. SS/A/AM/CT/GW/ SS/CT/E/DR/R/ SS/CT/R: The SS/CT/H/LS/VC/ PS/VCZ/VI/VSE/W: VCZ/VI/VRS/W: students will raise VCZ/VI/: The The students will list The students will their hands and list students will discuss ways of being read the description as many values as about having courage responsible. Students of how the students possible. They will to help others when it will draw two ways in the picture are participate in a may seem they are responsible not being discussion about embarrassing. Even and will bring it up to responsible. They owning up to their when there are the cut out house and will write a actions. They will consequences for tell the class. They paragraph about include the other inappropriate will tape their each situation and characteristics behavior, there are drawings in the how they would studied throughout rewards in life for openings and describe change it. Volunteer the year about good behavior. They their situations to the groups will perform citizenship. listen and observe the class. a skit of before and characters after being demonstrating the responsible. key values and “pillars of character.” FreemanFreemanResponsibility Responsibility Freeman-Citizenship
Friday Day 175 KP SOL SS 1.7-1.9 Responsibility SS: The teacher will bring in food for a party. She will make awards unique to each student. She will encourage and make known how proud she is of her students. She will tell them to work hard and be a good citizen everywhere they go in life.
SS/VCZ: The students will eat and receive awards for good behavior! DA: ESL students will be given the words and definitions on paper, definitions on tape to take home and listen to, and pictures of situations for each citizenship value.
References Allman, B. (1999). Developing Character When it Counts. Torrance: Frank Schaffer Publications. Bacon, P., Boehm, R.G., Hammond, W. D., Hillard III, A. G., Hoone, C., McGowan, W. M., et. al. (1997). My World. Orlando: Harcourt Brace & Company. Bednarz, S., Clinton C., Hartoonian M., Hernandez, A., Marshall P.L., Nickell P. (2000) Grow and Change: Level 1. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. Boyd, C. D., Gay, G., Geiger, R., Kracht, J.B., Pang, V.O., Risinger, D.F, et. al. All Together: Social Studies. (2005). Glenview: Pearson Education, Inc. BrainPOP, Jr. (2007). Retrieved December 1, 2007 from . Cornett, C. E. (2007). Creating Meaning Through Literature and the Arts. Columbus: Pearson Education. Foresman, S. (2007). Pearson Education, Inc. Retrieved on December 1, 2007 from <sfsocialstudies.com>. Freeman, S. (1997). Character Counts. Frank Schaffer Publications. Lincoln, A. Free Audio. Retrieved December 1, 2007 from . Lipson, G.B and Romatowski, J.A. (1983). Ethnic Pride. Carthage: Good Apple, Inc. Mason, A. People Around the World. (2002). New York: Kingfisher Publications. Roerden, L/P. (2000). Don’t Laugh at Me. New York: Operation Respect, Inc.