Meaning Art Activity involving a manipulative Collaboration with community Collaboration with families Collaboration with colleagues Critical Thinking Dance Differentiation / Accommodation Drama Evaluation Group Work Language Arts Life Skills Mathematics Music Physical Education / Movement Physical Health Public Speaking Reading Science Social Studies Technology Value – Courage Value – Cooperation Value – Citizenship Value – Integrity Value – Reliability Value – Respect Value - Self-Control Value - Self-Esteem Writing
Monday Day 6 KP SOL S 1.1 a Senses CC/PH/S: The teacher will introduce and explain sight. The teacher will introduce a service dog and a guest speaker, a trainer, to better help the children understand the value of sight and why people need to take good care of their eyes; by wearing protective lenses while in the sun and having yearly eye exams.
PS/S/VCP/VR/W: After some demonstration with the service dog, the students will ask questions regarding the sense of sight, being sure that they take efficient notes. The students will be allowed to research material about ways to assist those who are blind.
Week 2– Science Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 KP SOL S 1.1 a KP SOL S 1.1 a KP SOL S 1.1 a Senses Senses Senses PH/S: The teacher PH/R/S: The teacher PE/PH/S: The will introduce and will introduce and teacher will set up explain touch and explain smell and centers dealing with sound. The teacher taste being sure to each of the senses. will also mention why mention that the Handouts will be having these senses tongue detects provided to help the are important, different tastes in students stay on task explaining senses different places. The (asking questions through the use of teacher will include such as which part different situations that since the tongue of your tongue did (i.e. sensing heat is essential it, along you taste the sweet protects from burns). with teeth, need to be candy?). Handouts The teacher will cleaned when will include health include why the brushing teeth. The issues dealing with students need to teacher will read The the five senses such appreciate their sense Magic School Bus as protecting the of touch but also to be Explores the Senses. eyes, washing hands, responsible for it, by listening to music at washing hands. a reasonable level, not smelling harmful chemicals, and being careful as to what is entering the mouth. GW/LS/PE/S/VR: PS/S: The students AM/CT/PE/S: The The students will be will listen to the students will paired up. One student story and describe complete the centers, will have their ears how the senses were each dealing with a plugged and will try used. The students sense. Centers will to understand their will have a have activities using partner by reading lips worksheet to label sight, touch, sound, and actions. The the different tastes on smell, and taste. students will then a tongue, as well as, Braille, different switch places. fun information textured fabrics, Afterwards, the pairs about the sense of smelly stickers, will try to decode a smell. sweet and salty message using the foods will be Braille system. included in the centers. Van der Meer, p. 5Van der Meer, p. 10 10
Friday Day 10 KP SOL S 1.1 a Senses GW/S: The teacher will let the students, in small groups, review their notes and what they recall from the lessons about the five senses. The teacher will explain the guidelines for the group project.
A/E/S: The students will trace each other on long sheets of paper. They will label which parts of the body sees, hears, tastes, touches, and smells. The students’ art will be hung and displayed in the hall. DA: Students with physical handicaps may get their groups to illustrate them sitting down instead of standing. Henry, p.3
Week 4– Science Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 KP SOL S 1.1 b, f KP SOL S 1.1 b, f KP SOL S 1.1 b, f KP SOL S 1.1 b, f Simple Machines: Simple Machines: Simple Machines: Simple Machines: Part I Part I Part I Part I R/S: The teacher R/S: The teacher will S: The teacher will S: The teacher will will read Richard introduce and explain introduce and explain have the room set up Scary’s Busy World pulleys by reading wheels and axles. By with different levels to introduce and What is a Pulley? using examples such of incline planes to explain simple The teacher will as bikes and cars the spark an interest machines. The instruct her students students will gain when the students teacher will describe to use their knowledge of this come into the room. how a lever pivots imaginations to write simple machine The teacher will on a point to help a story involving the quickly. explain how incline reduce the amount of use of pulleys. planes work. The work exerted. students will be instructed to write a skit involving all the simple machines that they have learned thus far. A/S: The students will identify levers in Richard Scary’s Busy World. The students will use crayons to draw themselves using a lever at home or at school.
A/CL/CT/E/LA/ R/S/VSE/W: The students will write and illustrate a story using pulleys and levers. They will share their stories with a partner who will make sure they used the simple machine correctly.
S/T/W: The students will watch The Magic School Bus Revving Up in order to see an inside glimpse of an engine and its parts. The students will write down the simple machines that they see in the movie.
CL/CT/GW/ LA/S/VCP/W: The students will create a skit using simple machines, keeping in mind that they will be the props in the skit.
Friday Day 20 KP SOL S 1.1 b, f Simple Machines: Part I AM/S: The teacher will introduce and explain that screws are incline planes wrapped around a cylinder object. The teacher will demonstrate how to make a screw using a pencil (cylinder) and a right triangle cut from a piece of paper (inclined plane).
DR/GW/PE/S/VSE: The students will act out the skit made on day 19, using themselves as props to represent simple machines. DA: Students with disabilities, which would keep them from acting in the skit, could read the script as a narrator.
Monday Day 26 KP SOL S 1.1 b, f Simple Machines: Part II S: The teacher will introduce and explain wedges focusing that it is made up of two incline planes. The teacher will explain the directions for the worksheet, which will be completed in class.
Week 6– Science Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 27 Day 28 Day 29 KP SOL S 1.1 b, f KP SOL S 1.1 b, f KP SOL S 1.1 b, f Simple Machines: Part Simple Machines: Simple Machines: II Part II Part II LS/S/VRS: A brief S: Compound S: The teacher will description of gears machines will be set up multiple types will be presented to the described as more of simple machines class. The teacher will than one simple around the classroom. help the class write out machine working interview questions to together. The ask an engineer or a teacher, along with mechanic. the class will identify compound machines that are used daily.
S: The students will finish the worksheet in class, which has the students coloring in and identifying wedges in each situation. The students will work a crossword puzzle, which contains clues about simple machines.
CC/CF/LS/S/ T/VCZ/W: The students will use their interview questions to “phone interview” an engineer or mechanic with parental supervision. After the interview is conducted, the students will write a summary of what they learned. DA: If a student does not have a telephone available to them (or is unable to use one properly), he/she may use the classroom computer to do the assignment by email.
Reid, p.80
D/CL/GW/PE/S: The students will break up into groups. The groups will make up a dance movement for each simple machine. The group will let the class know what movement represents each machine. The group will dance a combination of movements in front of the class. The class audience will guess which compound machine was made in the dance.
A/AM/CT/PE/S/W: The students will walk around the classroom, combining simple machines in order to create compound machines. Once the students create their compound machines, they will draw a replica on paper and write how the machine works.
Friday Day 30 KP SOL S 1.1 b, f Simple Machines: Part II The teacher will administer the rules for the computer lab.
S/T: The students will put on their headphones and go to the directed website. The students will explore the house and tool shed, identifying the simple machines along the way.
Week 8– Science Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 36 Day 37 Day 38 Day 39 KP SOL S 1.1 c, e KP SOL S 1.1 c, e KP SOL S 1.1 c, e KP SOL S 1.1 c, e Grouping Grouping Grouping Grouping Characteristics Characteristics Characteristics Characteristics R/S: The teacher will S: The teacher will S: Mass will be S: The teacher will review the scientific explain the difference taught, focusing on explain volume, method, focusing on in the metric and the grams as the major stressing that it is the observations. The English systems of unit of amount of cubic units teacher will read measurements with measurement. that will fit into an Grouping Objects, units of length. The object. letting the students teacher will be sure to know that in order to include the units of best set up a scientific meters, inches, feet, experiment, objects yards, and miles. should be grouped by what they have in common. The float and sink experiment will be set up and explained. CL/LS/PE/S/VCP: The students will go to the back table and collect a large container and three classroom objects. The students will choose an object and predict if it will sink or float. The students will place the object in water and observe if it sinks or floats. The class will then discuss why they thought each object sunk or floated. Cooney, p. B4-B7
PE/S: The students will use the meter, inch, foot, yard, or mile to measure multiple objects on the worksheets that are located around the classroom. DA: Students that have difficulties moving about the classroom will have access to each object at their desks.
S: Students will measure each object passed around the room using balances. The students will group the objects by similar masses.
S/VCP/VR/VSC: Students will predict which objects have greater volumes. Multiple weighted, metal weights will be measured using a displacement method. Using the results from the experiment, the students will hypothesize which object in the classroom would displace the most water.
Friday Day 40 KP SOL S 1.1 c, e Grouping Characteristics S: The teacher will review the concepts of length, mass, and volume. The teacher will explain and assist the students in creating lyrics for the song.
MU/S/VRS/VSC: The students will create lyrics for the tune of a familiar song with the concepts of length, mass, and volume.
Cornett, p. 366
Monday Day 46 KP SOL S 1.1 d, g, h Graphs and Charts S: The teacher will explain the importance of forming a hypothesis when conducting an experiment. The teacher will stress the significance of repeating an experiment in order to achieve the best results. AM/GW/S/VCP: The students will be paired up in order to conduct an experiment. The pairs will have a cotton ball and a wooden block. The students will write a hypothesis about which object will move the easiest and the furthest when blown upon. The students will conduct the experiment and record the results, seeing if the results correlated with their hypothesis. The students will repeat the experiment. Cooney, p. 22
Week 10– Science Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 47 Day 48 Day 49 KP SOL S 1.1 d, g, h KP SOL S 1.1 d, g, KP SOL S 1.1 d, g, h Graphs and Charts h Graphs and Charts Graphs and Charts S: The teacher will S: The teacher will S: The teacher will work with her demonstrate how to show the class how to students to collect, create a bar graph create line graphs, record, and interpret using information using one per graph, data. Students will collected from an then putting two lines learn that data must experiment. The on one graph. be organized so that teacher will show it is easy to how easy it is to understand. compare data results with a bar graph. CT/S: The students will have colored counting chips, which they will organize into groups. The students will create tables, which will serve as a way to organize data. The chips will be organized into colors, large, small, new, old, scratched, etc. and placed onto the tables. The students will color in the chips into the tables and save the table for use on Day 48.
A/S: The students will use their tables to create bar graphs. The students will use different colors, patterns, or pictures while creating bar graphs so that the data is easily understood.
S: The students will use the data collected to create a line graph. The line graphs will be graphed one per graph, as well as two on one graph (done with different colors). DA: Students needing assistance with graphing can work with a peer who is excelling with the concept.
Friday Day 50 KP SOL S 1.1 d, g, h Graphs and Charts M/S: The teacher will show the students a pie graph and will ask questions concerning the graph. The teacher will help the students put their data results into percentages so the results can be placed into a pie graph. M/S: The students will use the results of the experiment to create a basic pie graph. Students will need help with percentages in order to complete a full pie graph.
Monday Day 56 KP SOL S 1.2 c Forces S: The teacher will instruct her students on what forces make things move. The teacher will focus on pushing and pulling of objects.
Week 12– Science Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 57 Day 58 Day 59 KP SOL S 1.2 c KP SOL S 1.2 c KP SOL S 1.2 c Forces Forces Forces S: The teacher will R: The teacher will S: The teacher will explain the different read Ten Mile Day: explain the difference objects that forces And the Building of between a balanced contribute to, the force compared to an focusing on turning, Transcontinental unbalanced force, bending, squishing, Railroad. The using a scale for and stretching. teacher will instruct demonstration. her students to listen carefully to identify forces in the story.
E/R/S: The students will read Push It or Pull It? The students will create a table, consisting of objects that are pushed compared to those that are pulled.
AM/S: The students will all obtain two balloons, one inflated, the other deflated. The students will examine forces upon an object. The students will bend, stretch, squish, and stretch the balloons, watching the effects the forces have upon the balloons.
Frank, p. F7
Oxlade, p. 19
CT/S/SS: The students will listen attentatively to the story and mentally take notes on how force was used throughout the story. The students will create brainstorm webs with other possible forces that could have been at work when the railroad was being built.
DR/GW/S: The students will meet in groups to collaborate and perform a skit involving balanced and unbalanced forces.
Friday Day 60 KP SOL S 1.2 c Forces S/VCP/VSC/VSE: The teacher will review balanced and unbalanced forces with the students. The teacher will go over the rules for tug-ofwar, focusing on following directions, teamwork, and good sportsmanship. AM/GW/PE/S: The students will play tug-of-war in order to demonstrate balanced and unbalanced forces. DA: For students with a physical handicap, they will draw balanced and unbalanced sides of tug-of-war.
Oxlade, p. 17
Monday Day 66 KP SOL S 1.2 a, b, d Motion: Part I S: The teacher will discuss with the class ways that objects move, which will include the shape of the path an object is on.
S: The students will make word cards for different shaped paths of movement. They will paste them on paper next to a picture of an object that it matches. DA: For students with ESL, they can identify pictures for each motion.
Frank, p. F9
Week 14– Science Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 67 Day 68 Day 69 KP SOL S 1.2 a, b, d KP SOL S 1.2 a, b, KP SOL S 1.2 a, b, d Motion: Part I d Motion: Part I Motion: Part I S: The teacher will AM/S: The teacher S: Reminding the explain that will demonstrate students of the force movement of an how to predict lesson on Day 56, the object can come in where an object students will realize curved paths, straight, will settle when the that the amount of and back and forth path of motion is force put onto an paths. The teacher known. To object will cause the will use examples demonstrate, object’s speed of that move in different dominoes will be motion to increase or shaped paths set up and pushed decrease. including bikes, down. swings, throwing a ball, etc. A/S/W: The students will find objects on the playground that move in different paths of motion. The students will use the objects identified as well as any they can think of in the classroom or around the house to make an alphabet picture book. Each page of the alphabet picture book will consist of an illustration of an object in its state of motion in addition to a sentence pertaining to the object’s motion.
AM/S: Students will be put into groups of three or four. They will predict and will record how far a ball rolls when placed onto a ramp made with books and rulers. Through knowing the path of motion that the ball will roll, the students will be able to make accurate predictions.
Frank, p. F12
AM/S: The students will demonstrate the day’s concept by rolling their pencils on their desk. By pushing lightly on the pencil, the pencil barely moves. By putting more force on the pencil, it moves a greater distance. The students will record their results and place the results onto a bar graph.
Friday Day 70 KP SOL S 1.2 a, b, d Motion: Part I AM/S: The teacher will explain the concept of Newton’s First Law of Motion (object will stay at rest or at motion unless acted upon by an outside force). The concept will be demonstrated by using toy cars.
A/S/W: The students will write brief statements about an experience they have had with Newton’s First Law of Motion. The words will be formed into pictures to better illustrate their statements.
Frank, p.F16
Week 16– Science Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 76 Day 77 Day 78 Day 79 KP SOL S 1.2 a, b, d KP SOL S 1.2 a, b, d KP SOL S 1.2 a, b, KP SOL S 1.2 a, b, d Motion: Part II Motion: Part II d Motion: Part II Motion: Part II AM/S: The teacher S: The teacher will S: The teacher will S: The teacher will will demonstrate how, explain to her inform the students review the covered using the same force, students that friction that wheels reduce material on forces and an object will move is a force, which the amount of motion, in order to at different rates opposes motion. The friction upon an prepare the students depending on the teacher will review object, just like for their test. surface they are on. A the rules of the smoother surfaces demonstration will computer lab and reduces friction. occur, using a tennis provide a handout of ball, which will be the websites, which rolled upon the tiled will be visited. floor, carpet, concrete, and sand. LA/S: The students will complete a KWL chart before the demonstration and finish it after watching the ball move on different surfaces. The students will learn that the surface of an object affects its motion.
S/T: The students will use the computer lab to research what objects are affected by friction. The class will work on the BBC’s Science Clip, on friction, changing the different surfaces and forces.
PS/S/W: The students will write creative stories on how they think the wheel was invented. The stories will be shared in class.
MU/S: The students will create mnemonic songs, which will, incorporate forces and motion, to help them remember information for the test.
DA: For students with hearing difficulties, a visual recording of the lesson could be provided beforehand. Frank, p. F19 BBC
Cornett, p. 375
Friday Day 80 KP SOL S 1.2 a, b, d Motion: Part II The teacher will administer the tests on forces and motion.
VI/VSC: The students will complete the tests individually, using the information obtained through the past few weeks.
Week 18– Science Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 86 Day 87 Day 88 Day 89 KP SOL S 1.3 a-c KP SOL S 1.3 a-c KP SOL S 1.3 a-c KP SOL S 1.3 a-c Water Properties Water Properties Water Properties Water Properties S: The teacher will S: The teacher will AM/S: The teacher S: The teacher will encourage the class to ask the students to will explain that set up the activity make a list of the take out their lists, some solids do not centers and will basic properties of which contain the dissolve in water. discuss how certain water. The teacher properties of water. This concept will solids dissolve faster will probe the They will identify the be demonstrated when in hot water students to come up property of water, through examples compared to when with other properties which mentions that of fat, sand, soil, solids are in cold of water. For some liquids mix and flour mixed water. example, water can with water and other with water. take on three different liquids do not mix forms, liquid, solid, with water. and gas. S: The students will raise their hands and contribute to the class list of water properties such as, water is colorless, tasteless, and does not have a smell. The students will copy down the list of water properties to keep in their science notebooks.
AM/S: The class will be able to experiment with this property of water. Each pair of students will have two closed bottles (top glued on). One bottle will consist of an oil and water mixture and the other will contain soda and water. The pairs will be allowed to shake and spin the bottles in order to see how each liquid reacts with water. The students will conclude that water does not mix with oil but will mix with soda.
LA/S: The students will predict which solids will and will not dissolve in water and brainstorm why they do or do not mix.
AM/M/S: The students will have stations where they will be allowed to mix salt and sugar in cold and hot water. The students will time how long it takes for each DA: Students with substance to dissolve difficulties grasping in the different the concept could temperatures of have one-on-one water. The results time with the will be recorded in a teacher or an aid to chart. go over each example.
Friday Day 90 KP SOL S 1.3 a-c Water Properties S: The teacher will ask the students to brainstorm if liquid soap and water will mix together.
A/AM/D/S: The students will guess what will happen when soap and water are mixed together. The students will have straws, which they will dip into the mixture in order to create bubbles. The students will dance while catching bubbles, on paper, to create bubble art, to hang around the classroom.
Monday Day 96 KP SOL S 1.4 a-c, 1.7 b Plants: Part I LS/S/: The teacher will pass out magnifying glasses to each student. The teacher will instruct the students to open their notebook (NB) and write at the top of their page: “Describe what you see when you look at plants and trees.” The teacher will plant grass seeds in a pot with and soil for students to observe every day.
LS/S/AM/CT/PE/T/ GW/W/PE: In groups of 4, the students will go outside and write their observations on plants and trees. The students will watch the teacher plant the grass seeds. They will be watered every morning and placed next to sunlight. They will watch growth over the next two weeks.
Week 20 – Science Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 97 Day 98 Day 99 KP SOL S 1.4 a-c, 1.7 KP SOL S 1.4 a-c, KP SOL S 1.4 a-c, b 1.7 b 1.7 b Plants: Part I Plants: Part I Plants: Part I LS/S/AM: The LS/S: The teacher LS/S: The teacher teacher will read The will plant a will ask why plants Magic School Bus sunflower seed in do not blow away. Plants Seeds: A Book loam soil, clay, and Roots keep plants in About How Living sand with a ruler in the ground. The Things Grow. The each soil (Center 2). teacher will place a teacher will explain The teacher will pulled plant with its that in the next 2 explain that plants roots in a jar. The jar pages of their NB they need an environment is filled halfway with will write their that has food, water, water and the water observations about air, light, and soil. level is marked with a how the grass seeds in crayon (Center 3). the window are DA: The teacher will The teacher will developing. This will put together groups discuss stems and the be Center 1. Every in order to help those tubes that carry water day, students will go having difficulty. to leaves. The to the centers in The teacher will teacher will pass out groups to write their allow them to plant celery to each observations. The the seeds and do student. teacher will pass out experiments for the bean seeds. Centers together. LS/S/AM/CT/LA/PE: The students will write their observations about center 1. Next, the students will split the bean seeds and see the baby plant and the stored food inside the bean. Seeds need soil to help plants grow. The teacher will shake a jar of soil that has water in it and students will observe parts of the soil.
Friday Day 100 KP SOL S 1.4 a-c, 1.7 b Plants: Part I LS/S: The teacher will discuss leaves making food by using sunlight, air, and water. The teacher will put two plants in pots. One will have leaves and the other will have the leaves cut off (Center 4). The teacher will collect notebooks as a way of formative assessment.
LS/S/CT/LA/M/T/A /PE: The students will write in their NB observations on Centers 1 and write measurements for each plant for Center 2. Students pretend they are a plant and think about what resources around them would best help them grow. They will draw and label the resources in their NB.
LS/S/AM/CT/M/LA: The students will go through Centers writing their observations. For Center 3, responses to the water level should be recorded. Students will observe what happens when celery is placed in colored water.
LS/S/AM/CT/PE/ LA/M/T/E: The students will go through Centers and will evaluate as a class their results. The students will label the parts of plant using this worksheet.
Allen, p. A38
Allen, p. A29
Wnet School
Monday Day 106 KP SOL S 1.4 a-c, 1.7 b Plants: Part II LS/S: The teacher will purchase 6 identical plants. One will be fed with water. The other 5 will have polluted water with laundry detergent, salt, vinegar, motor oil, and bleach. Students will learn the effect that pollution in the environment has on plants. LS/S/CT/LA/M: The students will write in their NB a prediction of what will happen to each plant. For three weeks they will record observations and measure height of plants and in math class will graph their results.
ProTeacher Archive
Week 22 – Science Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 107 Day 108 Day 109 KP SOL S 1.4 a-c, KP SOL S 1.4 a-c, KP SOL S 1.4 a-c, 1.7 b 1.7 b 1.7 b Plants: Part II Plants: Part II Plants: Part II LS/S: The teacher LS/S: The teacher LS/S: The teacher will discuss will read Hello, Tree will discuss how blossoms, fruit, and and will lead a plants are used. the fact that some discussion about There will be several plants do not have evergreen and plant and non-plant flowers deciduous trees. The items in 4 centers. (nonflowering). The teacher will go back The teacher will teacher will show to the original grass address that clothes broccoli, carrots, seeds in the window are made out of cauliflower, and peas. and ask students to cotton that comes write a paragraph from plants. And that about why they have wood can be used to survived and grown. make paper and can be burnt to give warmth. LS/S/T/PH: Students LS/S/AM/PE/A: The LS/S/PE/AM/CT: will each compose students will gather The students will their own pretend leaves from outside separate items into meal using the food and make a tree on plants and non-plants pyramid thinking construction paper. in groups of 4. about vegetables and The class will Students will discuss fruit. The students evaluate the success what animals live in will watch a slide of the watered and trees. show of blossomed sunlit grass seeds. The students will flowers on Smart spread peanut butter board. DA: Students around a pinecone. The teacher will ask learning English as a They will go outside students to list all the second language will and dump seeds onto edible plants the come to the the peanut butter. students can think of. Smartboard and click The teacher will on what flower they string them so that like the best. The they can drape across student(s) will point the window outside. to each part of the The students will flower and the class record what birds will say that part out came to the pine cone loud. and identify that seeds are the parts of Flickr plants birds eat.
Friday Day 110 KP SOL S 1.4 a-c, 1.7 b Plants: Part II LS/S/CC/VCZ/ PH: The teacher will have already spoken with the school to get permission to plant a tree in the schoolyard.
LS/S/CC/VCZ/ PH: The students will plant a class tree. They will make the community better by adding a healthy and living tree that gives people air and a sense of beauty.
Week 24 – Science Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 116 Day 117 Day 118 Day 119 KP SOL S 1.5 a-c, KP SOL S 1.5 a-c, KP SOL S 1.5 a-c, KP SOL S 1.5 a-c, 1.7 b 1.7 b 1.7 b 1.7 b Animals: Part I Animals: Part I Animals: Part I Animals: Part I LS/S: The teacher LS/S: The teacher LS/S: The teacher LS/S: The teacher will introduce will refer to the will ask students will say that along vocabulary words and bulletin board with what their favorite with eating comes as the unit goes on pictures of animals food is and how they drinking. Animals will add the words with fur, feathers, eat it. Frogs use their need water. A picture and pictures to the scales, and shells and tongue and lions use of a camel and word wall. The will ask students their teeth to chomp elephant drinking teacher will ask what animals need to on food. Groups of water will be shown. students what animals breathe. The teacher four will be given The teacher will ask need to survive and will have a goldfish several animals with what protects humans stay healthy. For in a bowl and will their mouth, jaw, and how animals ongoing study, the allow students to teeth, or beak cut out protect themselves teacher will put 4 observe its gills. like a jigsaw puzzle. (e.g., bat uses a cave). caterpillars in a clear They will learn that mini case. There will flat teeth are better be food and grass at for chewing grass the bottom and sticks like a giraffe and for them to crawl and sharp teeth are good make a cocoon. for tearing meat like a lion would do. LS/S/W: The LS/S/CT: The LS/S/AM/CT/A/PS: LS/S/W: The students will keep a students will look at a The students will students will respond graphic organizer trunk, nose, beak, and match the animal to to the questions about (GO) with four boxes gills. Each takes in what it eats with. how each animal gets with terms and air. Fish take water Each student will water and how are concepts filled out as out of water through draw an animal and they alike and how do the unit progresses. gills and humans take what it eats. They they differ. As discussion starts, air through their nose will write what The students will students will realize into their lungs. animal they chose answer in their NBs that water, food, air, Students will write and what it is eating. how birds use a nest. and a place to live are observations in their They will share with vital for an animal’s NB. the class and all growth and survival. DA: Gifted students pictures will be Note: This is their will be given an bound for the class first box of GO. The animal to research library. students will observe and will present a the changes the script about the caterpillars go different through. characteristics found. Armbruster, p. 24 Deman, p. A45
Friday Day 120 KP SOL S 1.5 a-c, 1.7 b Animals: Part I LS/S: The teacher will introduce vocabulary word wall. Students will learn characteristics about each group of animals: Mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds, fish, and insects (words for wall). The teacher will guide students through a KWL chart. These will also go in their GO.
LS/S/AM/CT: The students will write what they know about animals what they want to know, and later what they will have learned. The students will each be given a set of pictures of which they will sort between the groups of animals. They will observe body covering, how they breathe, what they eat, where they live, and compare body parts.
Week 26 – Science Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 126 Day 127 Day 128 Day 129 KP SOL S 1.5 a-c, KP SOL S 1.5 a-c, KP SOL S 1.5 a-c, KP SOL S 1.5 a-c, 1.7 b 1.7 b 1.7 b 1.7 b Animals: Part II Animals: Part II Animals: Part II Animals: Part II LS/S: The teacher LS/S: The teacher LS/S: The teacher LS/S: The teacher will continue groups will ask why animals will talk about how will read How of animals by move. They move to animals have body Animals Care for teaching the parts of find food, water, coverings to help Their Babies by an insect (word wall): shelter, migration and them survive. The Roger B. Hirschland. antenna, head, protection. Some teacher will give Differences in animal middle, back, and six move fast and some groups of four growth will be legs. Butterflies and slow. How do examples of gills, stressed. Some hatch grasshoppers are animals move? This snakeskin, and fur to from eggs and some insects. They hatch will be made into a demonstrate body are more dependent from eggs. These game. covering. on their mother and facts will be recorded end up looking alike. in their GO. Vocabulary will be reviewed. LS/S/A/AM: The LS/S/PE/W/PS/CT: LS/S: The students LS/S/W/CT: The students will be given The students will will use their KWL students will learn the a picture of an ant respond in their NB charts and label: growth stages for a along with three about animal humans/mammals/ frog. The students Styrofoam balls, movement. The birds, reptiles, will write what they toothpicks, chenille students will each get amphibians, fish, have learned in their sticks and wax paper. a picture of an invertebrates, and NB in their KWL They will construct animal. They will mollusks. chart as review for the parts to insects. sound out the the quiz. The Students will observe syllables beneath the DA: For ESL students will make the caterpillars to see picture. In front of students, the teacher sure they have if they have changed the class, they will will display pictures everything filled into a butterfly. describe and move of animals on the side completely in their DA: The teacher will like the animal, of the chalkboard and GO. contact parents to see letting the class guess will have them name if they have pets they the animal. and point to the body would like to bring in covering. and share with the class. Students with special needs can see and touch the animals throughout the unit. Deman, p. A56
Friday Day 130 KP SOL S 1.5 a-c, 1.7 b Animals: Part II LS/S: The teacher will administer the quiz on animal terms using the same chart they used for their graphic organizer.
LS/S: The students will take the quiz identifying what they learned by recalling the vocabulary and concepts discussed.
Monday Day 136 KP SOL S 1.6 a-b Sun and Earth LS/S/R: The teacher will read Sun Up, Sun Down, by Gail Gibbons as a basic introduction to the sun and its contributions to life on Earth.
LS/S/CT/PE: The students will go outside with a partner and be blindfolded. Blindfolded students will identify each area they are brought to as either shady or sunny. DA: Gifted: (Kinesthetic): Students research what plants grow well in the sun and shade making a drawing of a garden or schoolyard of the plants that grow in the shade or sun. Allen, p. B28
Week 28 – Science Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 137 Day 138 Day 139 KP SOL S 1.6 a-b KP SOL S 1.6 a-b KP SOL S 1.6 a-b Sun and Earth Sun and Earth Sun and Earth LS/S: The teacher LS/S: The teacher LS/S: The teacher will bring in enough will have two will address that newspapers with students come to the water is in the air weather maps in them front and model night through evaporation. for students to cut out and day. One will Each student will get and glue in their NB. hold a globe and the two paper towels. The teacher will other a flashlight After putting three bring students in shining on the open drops of water on three groups outside side of the globe. each they will go to take the The teacher will ask outside. temperature of what side of the earth concrete, asphalt, and is having daytime and grass with three what side is different nighttime. “Rotate” thermometers. will be added to the word wall. A/LS/S/CT/AM/SS/ GW/: The students will try and figure out which parts of the country have the warmest weather. The students will predict which will be the hottest and coolest. While each group waits, they will each draw in their NB a park with places that are sunny and places that are warm.
LS/S/PE/AM: The students will turn/rotate in their spot while picking an object to watch. They will learn the object stayed in the same spot while they turned. The same happens with the Earth’s rotation and the sun. The pair from the start of the class will come up front. The student with the globe will rotate the globe while the light hits the Earth showing that rotation causes day and night.
LS/S/AM: The students will place one paper towel in the shade and one in the sun. They will write in the NB which paper towel dried the fastest. The students will learn how the sun heats the water, air, and land on Earth causing plants to grow. The sun keeps people from freezing.
Deman, p. D30
Allen, p. D32
Friday Day 140 KP SOL S 1.6 a-b Sun and Earth LS/S: The teacher will lead students in a variety of dances: one about a flower growing as the sun gets hotter, the water evaporating, and activities during the nighttime and during the day. The teacher will remind them that they need to maintain selfcontrol by not touching their classmates. LS/S/D/SC: The students show their understanding of the sun warming the Earth during the dances. They will write two sentences about each concept: what happens to water, plants, and the activities during the night and day.
Cornett, p. 315
Monday Day 146 KP SOL S 1.7 a, c Weather LS/S: The teacher will hand out a fiveday forecast sheet from each season. The teacher will initiate discussion about the relationship between clothes worn and the seasons. The teacher will ask students to write in their NB activities done unique to each season. LS/S/CT/GW/A/AM : The students will analyze the pictures for each day. In groups, they will discuss what is different, such as more clouds, lightening etc) and label the season they think it relates with. The students will go outside in pairs with thermometers covering one with a white cloth and the other with a black cloth. They will learn what clothes are better to wear in the hot and cold weather. Allen, p. D52-53 Weather Underground
Week 30 – Science Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 147 Day 148 Day 149 KP SOL S 1.7 a, c KP SOL S 1.7 a, c KP SOL S 1.7 a, c Weather Weather Weather LS/S: The teacher LS/S: The teacher LS/S: The teacher will come into the will ask students to will give the students classroom with an fold paper into a worksheet with umbrella open. The fourths and draw a three pictures of teacher will put on a picture of each different amounts of heavy coat, snow season. The teacher snow each labeled boots, and a scarf. will discuss how the with a place. The The teacher will hand plants including trees teacher will ask the out two paint pans will change in each student to draw a per four students season. The teacher pretend map with outside filled with will hand out straws, their made-up states water. tissue paper, and tape. that connect. LS/S/GW/CT/AM/ E: The students will analyze what weather conditions coordinate with the teacher’s attire. Students will refer back to their forecast sheets and learn that temperature changes the weather and what people do to adjust to the correlating conditions. The students will place one pan in the sun and one pan in the shade. After recess, students will take the temperature of the water in each pan. They will record their observations in their NB. Webster, p. 22
LS/S/CT/A/PE/D: After drawing each season, students will add the correct form of plants including trees in each season. After assembling the flags, students will go outside and see if the tissue paper is flapping. They will throw grass in the air to see if it moves. Students will assess how the wind affects the trees and its leaves. Afterwards, the teacher will lead students in a weather dance. Each student starts as a seed for a flower and for each weather condition called out, students will move and dance just like the flowers.
LS/S/M/CT/E: The students will measure each amount of snow: one measurement for Ocean City, one for Flag Center, and one for Lake Town. Next, they will draw the map and on each state they will label each location given along with the amount of snow measured. The students will respond to the question: How much snow fell in each place? DA: Students who have trouble reading thermometers will be given a digital thermometer.
Friday Day 150 KP SOL S 1.7 a, c Weather LS/S: After having learned about weather conditions and its affects, the teacher will put students into teams of four. Their job is to pretend they are a weather reporter.
LS/S/GW/A/CT/E/ LA/DR/PS/PH: Each team will write a weather report, including the weather for tomorrow, clothes people might wear, what season it is, and what activities can be done this time of year. They will show the affects weather has on people and plants by drawing pictures and using those when they give their weather report to the whole class.
Allen, p. D56-57 Allen, p. D58-59
Week 32 – Science Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 156 Day 157 Day 158 Day 159 KP SOL S 1.8 a-c KP SOL S 1.8 a-c KP SOL S 1.8 a-c KP SOL S 1.8 a-c Earth’s Resources: Earth’s Resources: Earth’s Resources: Part Earth’s Resources: Part I Part I I Part I LS/S/R: The teacher LS/S: The teacher LS/S: The teacher will LS/S: The teacher will introduce will make groups of show pictures of trees will introduce vocabulary: natural four and give each a grown in warm, cold, vocabulary: air, resource, minerals, big bucket. and dry places. The fresh water, stream, and soil and read The The teacher will hold maple tree grows in river, and lake. The Magic School Bus: a soda can and a forests. People use trees teacher will use a Inside the Earth. The copper pan up and for food, wood, and cup in a bowl of teacher will help explain that both are paper. The teacher water to show that students understand made of minerals. will challenge students air is made of soil as a natural to write a list of natural molecules too small resource of the Earth resources. The teacher to see. Also, the that can have will read Water’s teacher will wave a different qualities Journey by F.R. plastic bag in the air, (bumpy, smooth). Robinson. seal it, and ask what People use soil to is in the bag. grow crops and trees. LS/S/CT/E/AM/W: The students will conduct two experiments with soil using a hand lens to write each soil’s characteristics. They will touch moistened topsoil, clay soil, and sand soil writing what they feel. DA: Students who are visually impaired will work with students who can specifically describe each soil. Allen, p. D19
LS/S/AM/GW/CT/E /M: The students will go outside and collect rocks of all shapes and sizes. They will fold construction paper in thirds and will sort the rocks into the small, smaller, and smallest categories, putting rocks in different types of cups (plastic or wooden) with lids and have children shake them like maracas. Deman, p. C26
LS/S/CT: The students will classify resources into living and nonliving things.
LS/S/CT/PE: The students will go outside with the teacher and hold an edge to a parachute designed for playground use and in a circle will raise and lower it as a group. Observation and discussion will take place as to what caused the parachute to slow down.
Deman, p. C30
Friday Day 160 KP SOL S 1.8 a-c Earth’s Resources: Part I LS/S: The teacher will ask the students if they think water is in the air. Students will be asked what water is called when it is not salty and where it can be found. The teacher will make a web on the board with fresh water in the center. The teacher will write stream, lake, and river as it is taught. LS/S: Students will look at a picture of a spider web with water drops on it as well as pictures of clouds raining and snowing. Students will infer that each is an example of a form of water in the air.
Monday Day 166
Week 34 - Science Phoebe Hobbs & Kristi McGee Tuesday Wednesday Day 167 Day 168
Standardized Testing
Thursday Day 169
Friday Day 170
Week 36 – Science Phoebe Hobbs and Kristi McGee Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 176 Day 177 Day 178 Day 179 KP SOL S 1.8 a-c KP SOL S 1.8 a-c KP SOL S 1.8 a-c KP SOL S 1.8 a-c Earth’s Resources: Part Earth’s Resources: Earth’s Resources: Earth’s Resources: II Part II Part II Part II LS/S: The teacher will LS/S/M: The teacher LS/S/SS: The teacher LS/S: The teacher have students make a will introduce will pull down a map will read The chart titled, “The Things vocabulary: reduce of the world and Puddle by David I Saw Outside.” One reuse, and recycle. prompt students to McPhail. side will say “natural The teacher will think of different The teacher will resource” and the other explain that places they have start a recycling bin half will say “uses.” A magazines people get visited or seen on for paper and one word wall will be made in the mail are often television that have for empty plastic filled with names of times called junk an abundance of one bottles. natural resources and mail. Junk mail sent or more resources. their functions. to three students For example, people represents two trees who settled on a that have been used coast have rich soil up. that produces fresh crops. LS/S/W/CT: The LS/S/CT/M/VI/VCZ LS/S/SS: The LS/S/AM/M: The students will write : The students will students identify students will plants, animals, water, think of ways to water and land on a discuss how the boy land, and soil and will reduce their use of world map and will starts to sail his boat complete the chart. water in order to make a sentence in a puddle and conserve. They will using ocean and what happens when DA: Students that are think of ways to continent. animal friends come learning English as a reduce their use of by and everything Second Language can paper and plastic. In changes. Students draw pictures of the groups of three they will continue to resources and their uses will figure out how discuss ways of and put those on the many trees they are reducing, reusing, wall. wasting as junk mail. and recycling. Every day, students will throw appropriate items in each bin and will tally how much paper and plastic bottles the class saved and make a graph. Deman, p. C22 Deman, p. C38 Deman, p.C32
Friday Day 180 KP SOL S 1.8 a-c Earth’s Resources: Part II LS/S: The teacher will ask students to draw and color their own region, or place. They need to put at least three natural resources into their resource. The teacher will review vocabulary.
LS/S/CT/A/PS: The students will draw and color their own region with resources that come natural to their land. They will present their picture to the class identifying each resource and its function.
References Allen, M., Heil, D., Matamoros, A.L., Perry, M., Slesnick, I. (1996). Scott Foresman Science: Discover the Wonder. Glenview: Harper Collins Publishers. Armbruster B., Barman C., DiSpezio M., Guthrie V., Leyden M., Mercier S., et. al. (1989). AddisonWesley Science Teacher’s Edition 1. Menlo Park: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. BBC. (2007). BBC School Science Clips. Retrieved October 7, 2007, from . Cooney, T., DiSpezio, M. A., Foots, B. K., Matamoros, A. L., Nyquist, K. B., & Ostlund, K. L. (2003). Scott Foresman Science Teacher’s Edition. Glenview: Pearson Education. Cornett, C. E. (2007). Creating Meaning Through Literature and the Arts. Columbus: Pearson Education. Deman, B.A., Frank M.S., Jones, R.M., Krockover G.H., Lang, M.P., Valenta C. J., (2002). Harcourt Science Teacher Edition: Life Science A-B. Orlando: Harcourt School Publishers. Edheads. (2007). Edheads. Retrieved September 29, 2007, from . Flickr. (2007). Retrieved October 9, 2007, from . Frank, M. J., Jones, R. M., Krockover, G. H., Lang, M. P., McLeod, J. C., Valenta, C. J., et. al. (2002). Harcourt Science Teacher’s Edition. Chicago: Harcourt School Publishers. Henry, L. K. (1989). Science and Ourselves. Belmont: David S. Lake Publishers. Oxlade, C. (1998). Energy and Movement. Danbury: Children’s Press. ProTeacher Archive. (2007). Retrieved October 9, 2007, from . Reid, P., & Reid C. (1998). Learning About Simple Machines. Canada: S&S Learning Materials. Van der Meer, R., & Van der Meer, A. (2000). Your Amazing Senses. Santa Monica: Piggy Toes Press. Weather Underground. (2007). Retrieved October 3, 2007, from . Webster, V. (1982). Weather Experiments. Chicago: Chicago Press Wnet School. Retrieved October 2, 2007, from