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TE RM 1 1st April 200 9

Nelson Central School We e kl y N e ws l e tt e r

Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa te whanau whanui o te Opening the billfold, he carefully removed two worn pieces Kura Tuatahi o Whakatu – Greetings to friends and of notebook paper that had obviously been taped, folded and refolded many times. The teacher knew without looking family of Nelson Central School. that the papers were the ones on which she had listed all the During term 1 all classes have been busy laying the good things each of Mark's classmates had said about him. foundations for our 2009 theme – “ Citizenship is 'Thank you so much for doing that,' Mark's mother said. 'As Everyone’s Business!” Much of the term has focused on you can see, Mark treasured it.' All of Mark's former the rights we all expect to have and the responsibilities that classmates started to gather around. Charlie smiled rather go with having those rights. How we exercise our rights sheepishly and said, 'I still have my list. It's in the top and responsibilities has a lot to do with self esteem, how drawer of my desk at home.' we think about ourselves and how we think about others. Chuck's wife said, 'Chuck asked me to put his in our wedding album.' 'I have mine too,' Marilyn said. 'It's in my The following story gives us a lot to think about as we diary' develop our ideas of what it means to be a good citizen. “One day a teacher asked her students to list the names of the other students in the room on two sheets of paper, leaving a space between each name. Then she told them to think of the nicest thing they could say about each of their classmates and write it down. It took the remainder of the class period to finish their assignment, and as the students left the room, each one handed in the papers. That Saturday, the teacher wrote down the name of each student on a separate sheet of paper, and listed what everyone else had said about that individual. On Monday she gave each student his or her list. Before long, the entire class was smiling 'Really?' she heard whispered. 'I never knew that I meant anything to anyone!' and, 'I didn't know others liked me so much,' were most of the comments.

Then Vicki, another classmate, reached into her pocketbook, took out her wallet and showed her worn and frazzled list to the group. 'I carry this with me at all times,' Vicki said and without batting an eyelash, she continued: 'I think we all saved our lists'.

No one ever mentioned those papers in class again. She never knew if they discussed them after class or with their parents, but it didn't matter. The exercise had accomplished its purpose. The students were happy with themselves and one another. That group of students moved on. Several years later, one of the students was killed in Vietnam and his teacher attended the funeral of that special student. She had never seen a serviceman in a military coffin before. He looked so handsome, so mature.

Thanks to Kenn Butler for providing the story.

That's when the teacher finally sat down and cried. She cried for Mark and for all his friends who would never see him again. The density of people in society is so thick that we forget that life will end one day. And we don't know when that one day will be. So please, tell the people you love and care for, that they are special and important. Tell them, before it is too late. Remember, you reap what you sow. What you put into the lives of others comes back into your own”.

Nelson Central Achie vers ♦ Will Roddick, Jenna Plinke, for super worm stories ♦ Callum Fraser, Elliot Cina, (R1) for a great character study ♦ Riley Gain, Harry Moore (Ren 2) for wonderful story writing ♦ Heidi Kingi, Rosa Workman, Abel Johnston, David de Thierry, Karama Bennett, Anne Amber, Lucy Davies, Miro T idswell-Groot, T e Oi Singh (R15) The church was packed with his friends. One by one those super powerpoint presentations on the T reaty of who loved him took a last walk by the coffin. The teacher Waitangi was the last one to bless the coffin. As she stood there, one ♦ T ayla Pugh, Jessie Workman, Mia Chan, Baxter of the soldiers who acted as pallbearer came up to her. Chisnall (R6) 100% in spelling for five weeks. 'Were you Mark's math teacher?' he asked. She nodded: ♦ Jenna Plinke (R11) for a super worm story 'yes.' Then he said: 'Mark talked about you a lot.' ♦ Dylan McGuiness (R1) following all the writing instructions After the funeral, most of Mark's former classmates went together to a luncheon. Mark's mother and father were Our weekly newslett er is kindly there, obviously waiting to speak with his teacher. 'We want to show you something,' his father said, taking a wallet out of his pocket 'They found this on Mark when he was killed. We thought you might recognize it.' 7 0 N i l e S t r e et, N el s o n Principal: [email protected]

Pho ne 03 548 4972

Secretary: secretary@nelsonc entral.school.nz

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F ax 03 548 4483 –

E m a i l s t a f f @ n e l s o n c e n tr a l . s c h o o l . n z

BOT Chairman: Geoff Clark 545 8010

Website: www.nelsoncentral.school.nz

Congratulations to ex-students Sally Quist and Hinekiri Bennett for their success as school leaders at Nelson Intermediate School. Sally is Head Girl for 2009 and Hinekiri is Deputy Head Girl. Well done girls - everyone at Nelson Central is very proud of your success. We know you will carry out your duties to the highest standards possible - Ki Runga Rawa !

…...from page 1 ♦ T aonga Akuhata (R16) super writing ♦ Ryan Hefford (R8) for improved story writing Te rm Eve nts 9 Apr - T erm 1 closes 24 Apr - Nelson City Schools ICT PD Conference/ Workshops 27 Apr - T erm 2 opens Dr Paul Potaka PRINCIPAL

Saxton Sports Holiday Programme w here chi ldren experi ence a broad range of sports and recr eati onal acti vi ti es. Monday 20th Apri l to Fri day 24th Apri l 2009 For chi ldren aged 8-12 years. Phone 0800 Sax ton, 0800 729866 or check www.nelsonsubur bs.co.nz for more i nfo. Start Ti me: 8.30am-9.00am Fi nish Ti me: 3.30pm Venue: Sax ton Fi eld, Stoke Cost $25 per chi ld per day $100 per chi ld per w eek Oscar approved : WINZ subsi dy appli es Daw n Stow ell Saxton Sports Holi day Programme Co-Ordi nator

Citizenship is Everyone’s Business “March Food Bank Appeal” We’re finishing our appeal this Thursday. We’ll update you on how we did next week.


“Citizenship is Everyone’s Business” Respecting the School Environment Let’s Keep Our Corridors Tidy Rights I have the right to a nice school environment.

The Giggling Pony Horse & pony riding programmes. Supervi si on and tui ti on by New Zealand quali fi ed and regi stered teachers All levels of experi ence catered for Pi ck up/ drop off servi ce avai lable: Nelson, Ri chmond, Bri ghtw ater and Wakefi eld. Cost per chi ld: $40 per half-day (w eekends only- 3 hours) $25 i ndi vi dual tui ti on (1 hour) $7 pi ck-up (mi nimum 3 chi ldren) $50 Full day programmes (avai lable duri ng school holi days- 5 hours) Phone Kirsten or Gordon : 541 9145

Push Play Families Maitai Caves Walk Sunday 19th April 2009 All Central School families are invited to join us on a walk to the Matai Caves. Meet at the Maitai Dam (End of Maitai Road) at 10am. The walk is 1½ hours each way with a stop at the caves for lunch. There is a little scrambling climb at the end. Bring solid footwear, torch, lunch and water. Below is a link if you want further info. www.wonderwalkers.co.nz/default,1913,maitai-caves.sm No Dogs on this walk please. Any further info required phone Kathryn 5457009 Holiday Happenings @ Nelson Public Libraries Elma Turner Library

Simply Stories: Weekdays at 10:30am Tue sday 14 April - Friday 24 April Come along for a story or 2 and craft of the day.

Sensational Storytelling with Camilla Edstrom: 2 sessions Thursday 16 th April 2-2:45pm AND Thursday 23rd April 2-2:45pm All ages we lcome Cost: Gold coin e ntry or $4 pe r family

Chalk Pastel Drawing with Jo Tyson: Workshop for 7-10 year olds Tue sday 21 st April 2–3:30pm Cost: $3 pe r pe rson Places are limited. Book ings and payment to be made in advance at the Childre n’s Library.


Relax and read

I have a responsibility to care for the school environment

All childre n and families are invite d to re lax and read in any of Ne lson’s 3 libraries. It is free to join!

Worms and Room 11 On Tuesday last w eek Sarah Langi brought her w orm farm to school to teach our new entrant chi ldren all about w orms and how they can help recycle our w aste i nto us eful gar den compost. Here ar e a few comments fr om Room 11

The w orm farm i s funny. Jenna age 5 Today w e had a w orm farm. The w orms w ere wi ggly. Will age 5 I had a w orm i n my hand today. I learnt w orms wi ggle. Ysabella age 5

FeetFirst on TV Nelson Junior & Spikers Volleyball Leagues Draw: 2nd April 2009 Round: Seven Nelson College for Girls The following teams have two games this week: >>>>> HSS Spikers & BIS Green <<<<< Court Tea m Vs Tea m 4.00 NELSON JUNIORS NELSON COLLEGE FOR GIRLS - OLD GYM 1 Central Spikers V HSS Super 5 2 HSS Spikers V Central Volleyballers 3 CTS Spikers V St. Joes Bumblebees 4 Tin A Tuna V Tuna Tigers 4.30 1 Central Smashers V Nayland 2 HSS Spikers V HSS Dare Devils 3 St. Joes Whoppers V Hira 4 NCG Stingrays V BIS Ye llow 5.00 1 NIS Sharks V St. Joes Polka Dots 3 NIS No. 1 v NCG Seals 4.00 NELSON SPIKERS NELSON COLLEGE FOR GIRLS - NEW GYM 1 NIS Casslex etc V NCG Prep Sharks 2 NIS Tip Tops V BIS Green 3 BIS Blue V BIS Rubber Duckies 4.40 1 NIS Beatles V BIS Green 2 NIS Zippers V BIS Red 3 BIS Pink V St. Joes Survivors Enquiries : Tasman Volleyball Ph 5424 200 or EMAIL: [email protected]

Last Thursday morning TV One and the Breakfast Show came to Nelson on Tama ti Coffey’s Tiki Tour of New Zealand. As part of Feetfirst, a group of walking and cycling children from Nelson Central met with Tama ti at the Informa tion Centre a t 8am. We were there with 3 other Nelson schools to demonstrate on live television our walking and cycling school buses. Tamati was very impressed with the way that children and families in Nelson are making such an effort to get ou t of their cars and walking or cycling to school. Remember every Wednesday is ‘Walking Wednesday’. Try to come to school by foot!

HELP !!! Netball Coach Wanted Urgently We desperately need someone to coach our year 6 netball team. The season runs in terms 2 and 3. Games are played on Saturday morning at Saxton Field, Stoke. If w e do not get a coach w e w ill not be able to register the team this season. Please contact Sheryll McKeage in the school office, by phone on 548 4973 ext 819, email: shery [email protected] It is not too late to register for the 2009 season. There are limited spaces available in most grades. First game starts Saturday 2 May If you are aged 5 -12 years and would like to play soccer or would like more information, please contact Sonia Malpas Ph 545 0494 [email protected]

Midgets & 7th Grade Soccer - FAQ

WEEKLY SPORTS RESULTS Week ended 29th March Mini Soccer Central Stormers v Central Strikers v Stoke Sliders. Central won 3-1. Goals scored by: Trevor Lane 1, Hayley Goldthorpe 1, 1 own goal. Volleyball Central Smashers v Central Spikers v Central Volleyers. Volleyers won 7530. Kiwi Cricket Central Sixers v Birchwood B. Central won convincingly 130 – 30. Player of the day: Incrediball Central Stars v Tahuna Black Caps. Central won 65 – 11. Player of the day: Abel Johnston for his strong all-round game. Hardball Cricket Nelson Central v Birchwood. Central won convincingly 150 – 14. Nelson Central/St Josephs v Motueka. Central/St Joes won 75 – 43.

What is it? 5 aside soccer for 5-7 year old boys and girls played on mini pitches with small goals (Midgets 5-6yrs) & (7th Grade 6-7yrs). All teams are capped at 7 players to allow for sickness and families on holiday. Any more players Future Ferns Netball than this means the kids do not get enough game time if they all turn up. The season starts on 02 May and goes Next term sees the start of the netball competition through to 12 September with a 2 week break in the for years 4,5,6. G ames are playe d at Saxton Field school holidays. Stoke. Ye ars 4 and 5 will play their games on When & Where is it played? Wednesdays with first round at around 3.40pm. Ye ar Neale Park on Saturday mornings (Midgets 9.30am and 6 will play their games on Satur day mornings. 7 th Grade 10.00am) T he competition for year 4 & 5’s will comme nce on Wednesday 20th May and year 6’s on Satur day 16th Will there be practices? We encourage Midget practices to be held on Saturday May. mornings half and hour before the game starts. 7 th Grade We will need parents to coach the teams. will depend on the coach; all our coaches are parents, so Registr ations forms will be av ailable e arly next term we leave it up to them to pick a day and a time that suits when more information arrives. them after school. How much w ill it cost and w hat w ill the players need? $35 Midgets & $70 (unfortunately most of this goes in affiliation fees) for 7 th Grade. There are discounts for more than 1 player in each family. The club will provide a shirt for all players and coaches are well equipped with a ball for each player, bibs, cones, certificates and player of the day trophies. We ask each player to provide: A pair of red soccer shorts Nelson City socks (yellow with a red top) Soccer boots Shin pads What if my child has never played soccer before? As long as they are keen, that seems to be all that matters. There are very basic rules in these 2 grades of soccer and the main aim is for kids to be out running around, having a great team experience and gaining a few soccer skills on the way. If after 2 weeks your child definitely decides they do not want to play we will happily refund in full. If you would like any more information or would like to register your child, please contact: Sonia Malpas ph 545 0494 or [email protected] as soon as possible as we have limited spaces left

Nelson Central School M iniball 2009 Are you i nter ested i n playi ng Mi ni ball thi s year? Usually you need to be a year 5/6 s tudent. If you are year 4 and have attended the Juni or Development Programme or show a strong spor ti ng abi li ty you can also par ti ci pate. The season commences on Fri day 1st May (Term 2) and conti nues on mos t Fri day ev eni ngs duri ng terms 2 & 3. Games are played at the Jack Robi ns Stadi um i n Stoke; they las t approx. 30 mi nutes and ar e scheduled to take place betw een 3.40pm and 8pm. We need confi rmed numbers of players to form the Nelson Central teams. The cos t to play i s $40 per player and covers both terms 2 and 3. We will need par ents to help run the teams on Fri days at the gam es. Any ex tra assi stance w i th coachi ng at school w ould be appreci ated. Regi strati on forms avai lable from the spor ts noti ceboard located i n the hallw ay betw een rooms 2 and 3. Return regi strati on and fees by FRIDAY 3R D APRIL.

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