19910523a 302 Noting Cocaine Use Solodoff

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  • Pages: 3
FD-302 (REV. 3-10-8J)


1 -


Date of transcription


r--------w-----I date of birth I I telephone I I came to the S~n FraDci~co Federal Bureau of Investigation office voluntarily. L Jwas advised of the


interviewi10 agents' identity and of the purpose of the interview. _ Igave the following information:


Ihas a bachelors of arts deg:ej in economics b7C from univers1ty o~ california-Davis. specialty is computer systems analyst and programmer of m~ -range IEM computer systems. I lis a hourly wage employee of International computer Consulting (ICC). ICC pays I la hourly wage and then billj the. contracted customer a higher hourly amount for servJ.ces. I.




start with HAMILTON TAFT Iworked withl I HT employees, 1n the Management Information System MIS department which developed the tax processing system for the AS 400 IBM computer which was physically located in Dallas, Texas. [ ~thought MIS ha~a crazy rUle; The rule was as follows, programmers would not be allowed to talk to the current software users and share or compare information. He even called ICC and complained about the rule. ~ Itold ICC, IfI'II sit here and take their money, but this is crazy". 5/1/90. [


While at HTf Idesigned the system to process tax liabilities of the 12~O tax1ng authorities nationwide on the IBM AS 400 system. Jalso wrote the computerized date calendar for 20 differenl states going forward 90 years.


Even though he was not authorized,1 ~examined the old natapoint (Databus computer software to see how the old system worked. ran test data off the old system into the AS 400 to prove w th the right software the data from the old system could be down loaded right into the AS40Q system without key punching the data allover again. I I I admPllished I :::Itor using the ~o~l~d~d~a~t~a-.-Ir---""'I~a""!"n~d---...J (insisted thatL Idevelop a system where HT would


lnvestiiDtion on --=5;.L1...=2:.:3:..l/:...;9:;.;1=--


San Francisco, Californi~i1e /J 196A-SF-93255 -

SA Willard L. Hatcher, Jr.



I 1f



£de nate dictated. _ _~5"'-1_2_3....s./_9_1_-_ _

This d.ocument contains neither recommendations nor concludoR. 01 the FBI. It is the property of the FB[ and is loaned to your agency; it nnd its contents are not to be diltributcd outside your lacncy.

°-30211 (Rev. 11-15-83)


Conti.n.uation oIFD-302 01



pun~h all

over asl

I_b_7_C tb~ client ~anted.




, Page



ledger data rather than copying the data


:1s Vice President of MIS. Even =:=:infyrmed h'f that the AS 400 system would not be ready un ~ m~ -199 nsisted that the system will be ready by year end 1990. understood that the plan was for HT to convert over to the new system January 1, 1991, so HT management did not have programmers prepare the old Databus software (RT computer) for 1991 calendar. In early 1991 HT fired all the programmers familiar with the old Databus or IBM RT software. b7C



Isaid thatr----lwas fired as VP~~~~ meeting the company deadlin~nuary of 1991. board sho after that as an independent contra~c~o-r~.~~~~ undertaken duties when he quit in December 0


lunderstood that

resigned in February of 1991

because he was being as like.

gn his name to something he didn't

He seemed very paranoid at that time.


I Bssumed temporary command of the MIS department and communicated to AL MAY (president) that the RT system would not be able to sustain curren without a lot of modifications. MAY then gave the additional duty of VP of MIS. Since HT h:d laid 0 ne familiar with the old system MAY and concentrate on getting the AS 400 system opera lanai.




HT had programmers in Dallas and San Francisco working on the AS 400 system in March 1991. HT had programmers fly in from Dallas to have I I and other contracted programmers share all their kn~Jedqe of t~e system with the Dallas programmers. Meanwhile,L J(VP of marketing) was telling customers that HT was now fUlly automated. That is they could send their liability data straight to HT mainframe computer via modem. This was not true so HT had to set up personal computers with modems to capture and print out the data as it was received from Scott Paper Inc and the Jim Beam company. Those were the only two companies to take advantage of the offer. On 3/15/91 the Wall street Journal article was pUblished. I Iheard that by 9:00 am 4 or 5 clients were in the lobby insisting on seeing audited financial statements.

' - - - ' --.,.-



""1"J-302a (Rev. 11-15-83)


Conlinuatlon oCFD-301 of



1 ., -b7C

' On


, Page



ptated the information in the article was not a surprise to most of the HT employees.) Ihad heard rumors of nonpayment of client tax liabi11ties as early as July 1990. He assumed the money was being properly invested and since the industry was unregulated it was legal. b7C

When asked about the c arac the HT employees lprovided the following. a nice guy when once as~ed about missing monies 0 "I haven't seen anything and I'm not looking for it ll • tated that he and ~still good friends. ~nd cated thatl ~was . I but a CONNIE ARMSTRONG, JR. r1-g""r'fi"""l€--\ ~h-a-n"""ld~m-a-n-"'.-"'~H~e-said San FranCiscWund July 1990 and moved to Dallas. Then returned when quit in December of 1990. l Isaid was waiting for 15 house to be completed in Dallas.


that in February of 19911 :t!J!§.....I.u~;L.;~I.:..~Wl(;t-".c.c:.a.JUl.la--AI:lL.-:I:J1 ~~ijti ve" saw (L._ _- - - - - - - - in his office one niaht ~u~s~1~n~g~c~o~c~a~~~n~e-.-"":!:T~e~y~~w~e~r ...e-f:="'~""'r~e~d~t~h-e~n-e..... xt week. and ~ere outside programmers (consultants).




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