19910430a 302 Regarding Investigation Exculpatory

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 365
  • Pages: 1
FtJ-30i (R:EV. 3-10-82)


1 -



Dale of transcription

On the afternoon of r-A~r:.:i:.:l:.......;;3;.",&""................-...oIoot-~~ ~..... was contacted by telephone at The purpose of this contact was to attempt to locate with regard to his former employment at Hamilton Taf an Company in San Francisco. The writer identified himself to the individual who stated that his name was ~ I This individual advised that he resided at

California, 94625.



___________T~h~e~ writer explained why the FBI wished to speak with ______________1 He thereafter provided the following information: He




stated that b


brokerage f rms



a:vised bj met CONNIE ARMSTRONG at the l~lC~ in California, in late 1988 or early 989. : 1 a v1sed th~t be met !¥MSTRONG through anel W1th respect tal Jemployment with Ham11ton~~~~~~~~~~

that h

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in San

as the

Francisco. He stated that he left in In JQDDeC:jQ~ with his daily dutt'es, he advised that he would be told j at Hamilton Taft on a daily b a s i s . e sal. that some of the funds that would be coming into Hamilton Taft (~ from various clients were for tax obligations that were not due ~. for up to 90 to 120 days. I ladvised that the clients funds were never the firm's money and that it was not uncommon. to invest anywhere from 20 to 100 million dollars for three or four days in overnight government re-purchases. He advised that at the time he was with Hamilton Taft, the brokerage firms of Smith Barney, Shearson Leahman, Prudential Securities as well as Bear stearns were utilized for various investment accounts. He mentioned that there was 100 million to 105 million dollar deposits in treasury securities maintained at Hamilton Taft while ~~~~~~ere as an extra measure of safet to the firm's clients.


Investigation on ---..:4~/...::3~/......:9::..:1=-





San Francisco, CaliforniCFile


196A-SF-93255 Sub C -- c-

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~b~-·~lC~~~~~~Date~ctated~~~4~~~3~~~9~1~~~~ ~~

This document containa neither recommendations nor conclusions of the PBI. It iJ the property of the FBI Ind is loantd to your agency: it and its conlents are not to be distributed Dutside your agency.

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