1910 Sarawak Gazette Upper Sarawak News

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  • Pages: 19



GAZ]t~rr'rJi~, ;JANUARY'4, ...-.--..--.


_ _ _._ _.h~. __n."

-.. .._----.

__.. .__

T~rolll a goo,l start; ltllother close race resulted, .'.. Scnan(J Hali, ill spite of heillg pellal iSI~dwon -"1111tile .Kam1ljoran second.

people agftinst. !tHowing Lheir ehildrell t.o pltSf! the vaeillity without. sOllie Itdillt. being ill charge of them' 011 lIw 2mh all 11,I'J)Wdhurglary was reported frolll '1.'lIlIdollg. a. gall!.:' of 701' :-; IIIC'II :dl :HIIWd with gUlls Sr1'l'/l.tN'J/lh /i~II(,('..1./.;; )'.m. (~ONSIII..\'I'IIIN ('1'1'. \"'''l'H $70 0pen 1.0 all uoat;s tlmL l1a\'e 1111[,wun a or pistuis elltcl'<)([ Hong FOlJg':-; bouse; after tiring two sl\11tr-;t.1Ifrightell the illnmtes. they stoic t) bungY17.t' at this Illeeting. Entmnen fee $1. Ist prize ka.ls uj' gol!l, $110 ill lIotAS, ~lll(l $,10 in silver, the "'. crew $~:i. '2lltl prize to Ci'(~\\, $1 G. 1"1'0111'I'. properLy uf Ng Hong who wa,R stayillg with }>.Hillg[1.11to ~tOllt~ \Vhftl'f. Four hoats \\'(~re IcrL [01' Lllis .I'llel' ;\,lld :I,.~;:lill:l 11:I.nl HOllg \<'0IIg. :Ilid SOIlW Ol'llil.lIlnllts h()loligillg to UUlIg FOllg's wir(~, J-\ollg J"ong's coolie, lIalll(!,l '1'sOIl ~L'sill, n"tgg]e took place. The UUJ'{(l.. '~\'Plltll:tll)' Willi said \te reeogllisetl :\ of tlw IlIen, two of whom li\'ed "IIJ11hSpurga TraJ/g secolH1. Oil gard(~II:-; Itt '1'lIndong. I therefore 011 the 1Il0rThis finished a,1l interestillg llay's raeillg. wllil'h IIiIIg of the 21 sl; starLi IIg vel')' (~~I,rI y wi th It p:l.l'ty 0 r Mt for thn 11I11H~c~nsslI.ry cldays 1'llIISI~11hy {,III: 11011- I'oli(:,. :l-ild D,)':Lks. raic1c,d t,lwir 1'''IISC'fi Illli! a.I.Testl:d t.WO IIWII called J,i()\\' I'oh, ~tIlCl Hall Sie\\', the third It 'r\'allce or f,\11~rilles by 1.111'nl'l\'s. lI'a.S l.hol'lIlIghly ...joyeI1 br all the speetalol'f;. Il\a,l1. Chill 'I'IHLi.wliP was the Iwad or Uw p~Lrty alII] ;s a PIOfl'fiSiolllll



bllrghr Imd illl'ol'llll~(l.

so I al1l

to ~il1gal'()l't'. I Jil~\\' I', >II alill

.U.\'S'.\ 'C~ .';S'I':\'I'E.


Novemher. IFrccliJ/!f ls ill goo(l 01'(101'. .'\1:/1' Slol'!! I'lllp;llg Wa:-; CUIIIIIIl'lIl:ec1 ill :-;alllC~011 SI'e l~Jth illstltllt: Oil arri\'ltl of eellwllt Lhis ],lIilc1illg ,,111 be (:olllpl1'L6tl ill three or rUlir llay;;. lil/bbcr Plants Imv() bel)n pilL Ollt.. Ncll' Clr«rill!/ .Is IIOW eh'an,d lip :llld LIH,Iillillg "-uplded. holdillg or SitUII' lIill Iw l'onJIIH'II('Cll mt.t1iately. rllad:-; an' :df;o h(~illg IlIadl'.

\\'oltlilllllV<' lo \".lJl'oll.~hl; ful' I;OSI. III' SHIIII~.

.\fll 1I/1f/eI'.

'1'111' Idillg



gi,.III~ al'<' wprkillg

1,111:r(~\\' P'~01'1e I,u pa\ alollg



III.' or this rwtd is I..oslillg a.hollt (jO GI~lItS I'()I' l':lL]JIIIII. \\'hich is ehl,ap for t,h(~ \\'ork Il01lf'. \'.ri:-;oIlPrs hlt\,(, he!>11n.t, '.\'ork I""'pillg ul' or 1'0;IIh-:. tl1('

NOL'cmbcr. I1I0nLl, :I.n'! 7 III'\\' I'la.llting I:ryisIJ'llliClII ()11l' hlllH1n:d

lIlId,:r arrest

wme eOillpleLed at. ,/IUllhllSltll. 'rl1l'<:(' sLI'<~d 1:1,111]11'havI' hePIl ern,dl"(l ill the Bidi Ilaz:mr. (,III' f,Lor(~h~('I'\'rs payillg I'm tlw lightillg or salill', the s\lol'h:!~J!crs ld:-;o n,sl\c~d 1.0 ha\'l~ \\'ltter laid Oil (.u Llw nai'.:mr )1111,tllis WitS I'ollnd to he IIlIfeasibh~ UII aCCIIlIllL oi' [;11t' ,1isla,lIee fl'oln which the Wftlcl'




itllli olT

at. tllI~ ('1111 01' till' IIIOIII,h alH1 tlll' eha.I'gI~ aWtillsl, tlielll Wits b,)illg gOII<-) illt;o. 'l'hI'P(-' priROlwrs eseaped dllJ'ill:<': the IIJOuth, tWII hy [oreillg "l' :t pllLllk ill their c'ell. alII! tlH' otlH'r \\'ltile :t.!. \Yol'k ill Llw garden. . 1>. IV. n. ,f, Ro(u/s L'olicc Ihrntel,:-; rul' 1.\\'0 IIWII

I I. \\'. :\:-; II IIY.


I >HII :-;i,.\\

alren.dy got a\Yay IlllLllageli to deal'


\\'cn:n,.gis(('n'd dlll'ilig IH'l'IlIiL~; issll,:d. aolld lIiudY-llilw d('ed:-;


(;11\'('1'111111-'111, gI'CIIIIICh:. 40_ ._______


. -.F rt'gistcred durillg the 11""It.h,,;tau'l's :1.1111 reps ~lIlltlllg t.o $1:>(;:;.JO t' II/rt l<'ill')fi ~lllll fee:-; alilOlI11I,cd TIH'r'~ wafi 1101. Illuch COliI'I. wOl'k.

AUI'CtIlU'l/ls. ..IIH \\'()re regist(jrcd IIlIrillg t.hl' to ~;:2(i7.:Fi. 1110llth f;t~tJ\1])cllltieR alII! fees :1-1 11011 IiI.p(l to $1.H7fi.10 1'llI1/JiIlU l'i:J'lI/.ils. 7 \\l~I'<: i:-;:-;II()d. The [Jriwu('!'i; Itit\'(, 1)(:,,11 CII!~l~!~cd ill 11I"":dlilig tltu (Jol/rI Fil\l1fi a.lld fees alJlol1lltc(l to $:28:;.00. ..n rm~lI wlljell \\'a~ ]10<11'1)' eOJ1\pldcd at. ('1111 O[ 011 thp :\)'<11 visil.ed T'u[J,k to Look ltt t.lw bridgt' " :nt1\. wllieh wm:; ill com'sl' of COlJstJ'lIetiolJ lhere, and as I'n the 17th 011n Choung I':yo :\, fiilll,e!1 wlto WitS I' eOIHlsidereclthat Lhe toud hck 11[' f01llHhtiolls: !!' '~q::llillg a. S(~lIlc'll('.c 0[:\ IIIOltl;llr-; fol' :thSc'Cllldilig oL111'1'1:11:1.nllH' m;(.rl:IIII' e,lg() of loll(' I'i\'e!' ballk:-; to 't "k. IIlId"r :l.Ill':I.II\;I'S [1'1)111his "llIl'lo.\'l'rllladl' his filll'porL ll,,: whoJe weight or the brillge \\'ltS Illlsal;is/!"''''[x' while: goillg to Imtlll'.1 k \\':ts Ill)t ill iroll:-; ra.dory. I r(,pol"te<1 aceol'(lillg]y to the Ff.nn'hle .tt. :L"\li\'c lIa\iug gO]W suuurit.y for llilli. Lie wa!; titc hilt W:t:-; thif; we~lk poi lit ill (.he bridge. OJ) the ~!l.f;t I Jim\' I'oh :\.J)d .n:tII Sicw wen) :-;eII1.VtHl'cd LIII~ sallll' night by 1'. C. 1\:1.111 ~,illglt. waf; ,~"


"I~ I'l'cci\'('d

rronl I('a,\','




1'1'0111 t.lH~ [lith


CIH:cd lIy ol'llcr or


the Aihlliuisf;mtor to 7

Lit" 1:('sid<:ltI.

Y":i.rs' il1'1"'i:-;OIlIlH,.lIt \\'il.1I (,"I'poml Plillislllll()lIL. rllr .~ __H to ~i";~;q)('r('. 1.:~kil1gpart. ill t.he al'llled iJllrglal'Y at '.l'nlldoJ)g reH. K A.<])A Y, portell lItfit. 1I1Ontb. ./tcsidcJ/t. T ftln glacl to say tltel'<) lHw(~ heclI lJO bnrglal'ies .--1'(:porLt~cltllis lJlOIltb citb(~1' :lrl1J()11or otherwise, t.his probably being dne to {,bc prOlllpt 1II.eftSnres tak!)lJ ill the '1'undong ease lA.st mOl1tlt I'csl1Hing in the -.-+---above cOllvictioll. October. On tll!) 2,Uh ill stant thelIolI'b]e the Admillistrator by Mrs. Deshon and Mi~s .Hose al ri\'.J..1r~ellLellts.--'J;-m were registere,1 duriug the accomplwied _;yb. Stltlllp duties aud fees ltlllUuutell to $1, LHD.~'l ed here and stayecl at Your Highness' bungalow: t.he r '~III;llgPcnnits.-8 were issued. following day Bic1i WR.Svisited and on the 20th the ""...trt.-Filles awl fees a.mounted t.o $4D4,r,O. Hon'ble the Administrator accoulpauied by MI.'. < tbe 7th iIIstall t It Chinese girl about J0 yearsold HaRe and myself rode to Pl1ak returning here the lUll over by the tra:in !tt. Bidi near the baula.ge Harne evening, leaving t.he next day at 10 A.Iv!. for 8a.rf'T'e.,this aceiaent was Bot as far as I coula finil [{nching, lVly time has becn a great deal ta.kell up with ~ cfoe to any culpable I1cgligellceat) the part or Jkgistmtion work during the mouth as will be .ariver. .l hasc 11[1.<1 notices posted \v!trnillg .





- -- --

- -

11. N"/.I/tm[,er, noticed \lillIeI' the headillg of i~gl'eCIIWlIls, SOIlI(i peppel' gardells h:we challged halHls :~t vcr)' good 'l'he 1', s, Adeh IUTivec1 on tht", 7th instant with prices more tlmn $:-1,000 heillg' paid ill [~ ft!\\' C:"S(~S, tIll, 11"!lourahle the Ac11\lillistl'atul' ~,ncl returned to the paymellts, howe\'el', are lIot c[~sh, hilt h:, n:arl.\" l\ll,'llill~~ the following IIIOl'IIillg, A heavy storm of instalmellts, 1':1,111 pn'I'entc~1 the BOllollrablf! the Alhninistratol' P,lV,D, «(-Uouds,--A IW\\' I'cmel is Ju'illg (;(1I1,.,II'II"t- visil ii" the mi1\cs, cd illto nltu village by prisoll labollr, the oid I'IIH.d .\ ',; :Lean Chillcse: name.l CIIOlIg Chill Ohoy, all was in very Imel cOIH]itioJl iLllll I,he pcopll': lJr Lip' II:liHl!ud ol1'()(ulcl', who WaS expel1ed frOll1 here early place deserved fLhetter exit as tlwy Imve h1tely lHliil III I!)().I was fonnel to have l'<'.tnrnell on the] Oth inROllle ver)' nice shops there, the p1't~sellt ruad, whcll stant, finished, will he rirlahlc allcl ",ill joill thl) Hidi l'OrtO He WIlS a,1Tcsl.ccl H,1\lllatl!l' I'ntlll'llHel ill l:nstOcly to at the further ellcl uf tho village, 1\IIChillg, The l\lill" "all" are "oill" Oil slo\\'ly I~ "OOC11111L1I\' A milil's eoolit: 11I1.1I1Ccl Li 1\alll ,lied ill the local men' havillg Terl'~lalel,~~, I.l~",,' I alii' tl'):illg to n:ho:spit.:d Oil Llw ] st illstH.llt fl'OlIl beri-ueri an 11 place, allotlu~1' llanleel 1'0 :\g (lit'cl [1'0111t,IIe salllc (;ause I':, I:,. :-;'1'11.\\'1':1,]" 011 "hI: 1~lt.h ills1.illd.. I,'('sit/('III, :\dill~: IIIHI.'I' illslrllctioll 'l'IIiLllkll 1LI\ji Suh IL . fOrll18r Nat,ive Ofliec'r of this place has llllring the last five nlollth,;; Y[1.ceillate(l ;.\()()sefl ])v~k children, Vacc:inat.ion was voluntary :mel eagerly sought uy those n.ftc~1' tl1l' harvest Ill' visitl'cl, It will IJt! ('ontillued (J1'f(}!Jp/,. :11111111;..( (ill' 1),\aks of III(! liPPI'I' riv('r.. 'I'ho p, s, 11'(fl.-u :l.I'l'i\'(!c'l 011 LlIl' aftel'lIOOIl or tlH) '1'111: p, ;-;, A clrll aJ'l'ivl'cl 011 the ~7tll instILllt 1'01' fL IUth instiLIII., anll after disdmrgillg snllW tilliher for eargo of eoal for Hibll hilt n,s there was very littll' IIlItil 1.1H' following iI.fterthe whal'ves Itlld ston:s alld f1llillg lip with ;.1::;.4 in sl,ock sl\(: was lktailll~d 110011. bllilker eon I she Idt; for Sihll, 'l'his stcmlllnl' ellllW '1'111' t,I(,d, 1 ,oollg qllen W(!II!, Oil si, I\'(,ni;s Inavl: of ill siglil. wl](\11 thu horl' was 1101 half WH,." up thu No rditJ eOllltl he sellt rc:acll iLIICI IIllIst hlw!: hc:ell lI:ss t.h:LII a qllal'l,(')' of IL ahsC'lH'n UII th(., .1tll inHtalll"




t.he~ \I'!I,Ve,






tie lip to tIll: wharf :1.1111partc!d II. hawse~1' 'ill thl: UII11eavoul', 'I'here fH~ellIS 110 IH'c>cl 1'01' sileh all aln(\nllt of has!;e: 11'11,]IL ('ollt,illllal.ioll of it. Ilia\, I!:ad \.(I :1I...idelJts, '



IlLIge I»ol1e of which \\"as urokl:1I I,ll 1.111'nelll'I',d II o"l'il al.


I1la1,(,c'l'aga,ill hdol'o




ual [)l'cssnre


I 1


acloptl:(l,hy though


'L pl:ll1 .1I':I,\V1I lip


fol' UIU IIl'uSell!,


1m" 111'('11 ,

IIll' :\c!lllilli:;1,rato~'

0111,\' H.h,lItt.


I<:('t oj


of wOl'k.



fl.t times

'l'h(.: work or the '1'J.'Cf1::;lIry

so I1II)(:h of late

V')1LI'S thllt

'l'l\(: l;ili,LII I\'ood proteetioll to tIll' wlr:;,!"1' 11l1i. "I' Ity 1,\11' l'llhlil: waH JilliHbc(l at tilt! c)nd of the delay in thc: fLlTivrt] of the iron

Achnillistratol', It,;~lIlhall:': \\'110 hall f ,1'1IIl,rly hnilt, the \Vharve::; I'elllll'kc! 011 thp Htaln of lhe hali". all(l : IILtel' :L survey was IImde hy th(: (~IIII\llIis"ioIH~1' or 1'lIhlic

iLlIII cOII:;eqllt,"tly



th.. aclditioj; 01' till: slll'''I'visiol; 01' 1111: slorag() and shippil1g 01' "(nd hy llll~ .J{esiclnnt ()t1i<:e:1' IL e1erk tu H,ttr:IICl lo tl'naSIII''y work alOlI(! i>; all ilnpm'ativI: Iwcessitl'.

A party 01' BO)'tLIl earl'l~llters al'rin'd Oil tlrl~ .17th illstant tll lhin: pil('~ for 'L I»r(,:lst\\"(\I'I, prnt('(,tiol1 to the lower wharf alld l:o:d shed, 'J'heslip h'ad <'!evelope:(l Sll rapi(lly au,l so sm iousl)" threatened tbe: hlill e~lIdof' tlw whal'f silwo I rc!j)OI'wd to YonI' Tlighllcss last, ,11111('tllat I Ims ohlig,'11 t.o

hril1g the


has ilWI','asnd

A coolie IIH,IIleel Chollg Vllh \\")I'kill.~ 1I11I1~l'grolll111 un the .14th illstt111t I'l~c.;ui\"(:ll 'L rail III' l~illtlr 011 hi" leg


:I. gJ't~at


U:<: 1

of the hallk

was lost, the slip has I'lIl'thnl' \,"ogl'I'SS, (~o:d to tIll: :\.IIIl'lllIt tor\n"hill,~,

the trne


thc~ riw'l' hank IIPar \Vorl,s [)npart.lllI!nl; nlOlIlh, Owillg to

tie l'o,ls ancl continIjne~ of the walling at

of 1.0:-;;\.1'2

pn'sent tOils



WH.'" "llip"l~cI

IVONJt: 1\IIU\l':\'I'ltlCE,


.1 f't /III{ lfesillf'J/




N(JIH,mlw/', 11bnk wallillg lIeeesHar)' t.(\ prev':l1t rllrthe:r nrlls;oll lIeare::;t tht" wharf I\'il] I)(! c1l'iVl~11. I u:\l'C't:t thi:; ()II t,llI' 1st I leff Lillgg;!. 1'01' 1\11<;]liIL~ alld ~ing'will hc: l'illish(',ll)\' 'the: ('lid III' 111':\111111111.11. tLpOJ't' ill t.lw p, s, ../deli 'Llill l'eL!lrllltd again Oil tlIP IIi! II. A'milles cooli,; IIlulied I Ji S'LIIl died ill hospital 011 the HOt,h illstant, 'I,'he (In,,;sl,r ill (,h:lrge r(!pol'l.c'll I J't';..(rl't to >:t:Lte that lIot a. "jllgl!' I ,jngg:~ l\T:day he l111clheri-hel'i alld Id'tel' tl'eatl1\<'pL was allo\\'nd is pl:~lItilig 1'lLddy this yettr alld this ill spite of the k retnrll to work. A fc'w days al'tel' II<' n>tlll'lwll !,o (':\lnl. fal'liling lallcl whic'h lhC'se JH!ople askt~cl for allcl ohb.ill('d 1I'(lili '{Olll' Ili,,'lIlIcs:> ill I!)()I, hospital 1'<:1')' 11111<;11\\'01''''( 11.1111 Ilic,1I as "hol'<..'. Ollg Selig .1';'1'(', Ilospital dl'('SSI'I', l'l~iiiglwd his \\'Iwil I spol;t: to Aballg' AI)(lill~{ ahout thiH Iw appoillll1cnt at the! t!lll1 of tht! 1l1Olith ,~Iut was I'e- saiilliis pc'ople believed that t.hey cOlllcl111111\<.:mOrt: placed tel1lporqril,y for thl'l'(' Illoliths hy l\ollg "'IIiall 1IIOIWYhy Cc)l\eetillg tlw jellltol1g gllUa so they are :-;00 which .I I,hillk will prove 1II0l'e satisfaetory Unlll Hot fanHing this year thongh it is contrar," to hi::; !\clvice, a p(:rl11fLlwllt ellg:l,g('lI1I'IIL, r 1'lliploY()ll i\l:Llays to }mt It kitchen for tile dl'ess('r, alld to )'()pail' the At Rill1fLJlggn.lIg i1180 a I1l1l1llJer of 1I{:days >l.l'e Jlot hospi tal land iIIg stage. flU'll1iug aJlc1 they :state thlLt they do uetf.er by On the l~th instnllt r tr~stl!ll the coal wl~ighing tracling i, e, by Imwking thesc lIew (Knehing-made) machines with imperial \w,ightH lJOl'l'CIwccl frOll1 jars abollt thc: cOllntry and selling thcm at ahsurdly Knching, r fOllllil thc: two siliall OIU'S IIs('cl wllt!lI ellh:mc:cc1 pl'iees t.o 1>yaks ill ol1t-nf-tlw-w:t,Y places, shippillg eoal quite COrTcd IHlt thc weighhriclge 1 110te that the Hn,In.11famls are lIoL 11S large as weighed slightly to the lli::;[Lclv,1ntn,ge of the wharf they lIscd t.o he and "[ alII tal,] tlH~t a number of books, this was adjuste(l, With the iLllthol'ity of Ba.lau Dyaks are tl'usrj ng to jellltong to pnll them the Honourable Lhe Administrator a new store )'00111 through next year, It is a serious Jlmttel' tlmt the al'm~ of lall<1 lIliller was pnt np at the wharf, allll tlll1 thl'e(' sheds whic;h paddy cultivation shonld be so IIlnch diminisbed, were used for a store-rOolll, Imslwts anillamp rooms were pulled clown, 'l'he prices of paddy, rice, fowls, etc.; have all adCoal to the 3.TIlOllllt uf I,ll :U~ tOilS was shipped vanced, Paddy is now selling here at ~O cent6 a if) Kuching. galltalJg and rice at US cents a gantang; for the thBt


. J

'LJ1 --


l~ j\ IT l!~hUHH.iu1

~tnh..IB!BCn§ (t~f Bt~.~.

--. -.----.--.


l{ I': \. I.: :\ I' I.: . _._u



Assessmellt aCC'Hlllt Courts " Exemption 'l'ax accoilnt IAnrl account ... LicclI seH ac(;o 1111t P. alld S. Ofiice account .Po1ice Prison


~~.~,~-;(: J t.,)

.t,.)". .. .



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.«' 10 . 7 "0.










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accol1J It ltCC011n t.




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ld':)()1 :!l).JH .


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..- -I..~H "-II 4d








s.ryey aceOll III; Telephone IW(;011IIt

Cp-kecp Uoac1s al~collut 1b.'Icelhmeous account &n-J3uall Hoac1llceoullt '!'un(long Uoad n.ccollnt .J:ambu8au Hoad account .Paak H.oad accollllt .Bazaal and 1311.\1 village Ho!].
"')k '>'1. l'_l . .

4.20 2.GO




'Iro:' ,II rC)I.~(




1..00 :!H.no

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$li\,'J!);I.HO __.u.u.u___u.__

Decrease ill 'Bxpell<1itnre ....-..-.---.

25G.DO 1,G7(i.87 ;'\D.71i

;\H;\.OOI 1.70

21.(i4 :\77 .OB J!54.aa 1i20.12


,1,2%.77 . ...,I .,. ') j ~ " (' ...I ~. ,J."· ...: IH.OO

...j ...1 ...1

117.1!l :lD.14





(;'00 .50


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1,20B.m/ '1a.oo

C).- ')1 )


. . .i



1,7:12.03 10.001


. . . II



'2-!().00! 7Iio.\UI .~W!

27,3.70 . . lSO.fiO.1 i\:!A!11'







nWL _1__~~\Cr~':~~<.~_~___i_ nccr~~~~.:.__ ,.' ,. ~. ~ I:. :;; C. I :;; c.


... I1 ::: i ...





...: '''1 ...



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in H()I"l~IIlL<~

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lW(;Ollll t



'I( - I) ",J-i._O



G~neral l\liscellaneol\s necouut Lewd aeCOllnt .. . Licenses accoullt tltilical account Ofticer's Sabry accoullt Police accoull t. .. P. and S. omC!! aecount Prison account ltegistration necount P. 'V. D. Court House GrolllHls U.s Higlllless' Bungalow aCCO\1nt Nr'eet l:"ighting :~Ce()lliit 'Vater ,Vorks aCCO\1nt ;Sew Dnildings accollnt "pairs" "

1 D"



I ~.:!O

... ~...~.. -.- - - ._-

Ai.sessmellt accoullt; Charity accouut Church and l';

l(j~.~!(jl 'O

.J "'00 I) 1 t),0 I

,j LH:!

1_" ~~~,-:~~:~~



1,:::)~j.!41 ".."

l,~:~ '..(if,1 1,' \lx.on I.:\O.~!O '-

It,' '.) '.1,'".




I "~

~stration account. Probate fees IH;COUIIL .stamps accollnt Timher Hoy:tlt;y aeCOlllll P. \V. D. StrfetLight;iug aCcol1l1t ,~Tatcr "\Vorks a(;(;()UIIt Ganlell 'I't~x it(;(;()UIlt.




._. ,~__. _. ._

$liqm.74 IB,453.80--


\ l ')u0..q<"J .., ' ' . 0( ( ~




). . ), '

18 .00


.. .



5i!.2f\ 2.00








J --






H, 1\)U-1.


:\.l \' !\ I.. +..-


E. UCHIMU, Janllary

J ""r.~ a lid .-LIIllllllnitiollS


on bo(/ I'd

lmcss' ship.~. -1 lll\ve the honour to sublllit




] 908.

H i(j



tn you IllY

tbe ahove. Xalwl'Il.-'l'lw :1 ]11'. (),Iliek Firillg Onll, !! io this ship i:.;ill ~;Lon~111I,1,~rt.11o om,,<),

1iIl\OllUllitioll ill tbe ,;Juall 01.1'1:1>; 11Iag:~zillu. .arder carbines ,~IHI liwur.:t L>:t}'oud;; aru hnly t.ad in goot1 cOllditioll t.hey l1avillg n,1I bUCl1 t. :i \\"hull Ilis lligbl1ess krl; ror l';lIgland. .'111'11. ,.'l'h(~ l~ille:; ill tl,is ship ,~n~ <;Ol'i'cd .". till' :l.ll1lnllllitioll correct.

1V..cdillfj.--Is lIot in as good ol'
II:~V<\ tlw hOlldur to lJe Kir. Your ohe


l-hll.' Clcilrillfj.-I{o,ulillg f'tlli:dl(:'! I,)' ;ril.IIII:~I'Y'2;,t.h,


l\l!CHINU, ,Ja J/na rlj 1st, 1 [)()J. ,.;. ..,__I 1.11" IOllour (,II sulHuit; to you lilY b,tlr,_, ." n port 0 the ~.;u1>lJIa.l'illl:i'd illm; dc., a.lld tIll: il.~ "Iy I',:])(,r s or t.ho Arlils :~J1d a<:COllt)'()iI1Cllb f I>Fort" ,~Lo 111e GUJ1j)()\v,kr ,UI([ ;,;1IIall A 1'1liS ..lQIJitioll il1 the, IlIag,!ziut:. i ll:l.\'e tlurillg 1.1,,: ~r n,ceivo([ fl'()Jl1 11\(li,~, JOO ~;ets or Ldad; !;. ~r ac(;outrellwnls :lIltl .100 rille ;,;lillgS. Al.--n 100 set,;,; of wltit,e hurr. ]n,~ther ne(;OIlLreIlH'IIt.s Ii: 1'~lIgbnd, these you will E(!t~ IImr"':<1 ill till: ',;""11111of rellmrJ;s. I :':WI' ,1lsn H<'lIt,ror sIde hv :tllel,it"II, I;ho old ae;U"CIII<~IILswl,idl \\"",<, (:OII;It:IIIIICd, 1I.IId II i,;11 ighi8t:'l;S' !"Uldinlle,l !.\\(:ir dispnsaJ. nCl'<~ are abo a lot of o]d rit1es ttlld c. Mille.~, Eleclric

;\,mm s<}l.1ttl.(~ feet

}Jilt/eries, Cables, clc.

t!.1)(1 ho1illg

sho1l1<1 be

8I1ppl!Jillfj.-Js Jlot yet eonlpletetl. Tea .,.__r!']\() ba]ance of laSI, year'::; el'op will be


Lllc!r{) relll'l,jlls

to GOllel'd!).

H. \V. A8HHY, MaIlCl(jc'r.

])ecnll bcr I YO,'], .I rctllrllecl fro ill 8iIJg<tpon; Oil tlw ,jth .tllcl fOllll,l illI ill orde!'. 'l'his haf;IH)ell 011\UleVetlt.fn] ll\ol1th and few crimes ]nwc b{)ell )'eportecl, chietly c.tse:3 of petty thefts from I)(III:;<:~" ()II" ,\\'{)llg \\'iI.S S')I1I.C:IIC<\
I'o:ttl with the rest of the

P1'1;,;011 g,tlJg.

On the 17th at the request of olJe Lim Nyat the hOllour to forwl~r
gal.'llen Itlll1 other property ,~nlol1nti\lg to about $'1,000 has heen hn.ndccl over to one N g Fut Sen to Administer in r~cc(.)I'd[\,nce with his wishes. Fines allll fees for I\lonth amotlnt to $1U8.50. 'I.'wo hUlldred and 8eventy two documents wer~ registered, stamps n.1Hl fees .tmounting to $785.!lH. '.1'llil'ty one Plallting Pm'mil;s were issuecl ancllO lIew gardens registered. '1'he1'e are now auou t J ,000 registeretl gltrden:; in Pal;u<listrict alone. '('he prisone\'s were engageclming the httter pitrt of the month the mills Rajah. Imving heen so hea.vy allcl eontinuous. r1'he grave] have lhe honom to be put 011 the rOl1d some years ago lilts almost dis:-;ir, ILpp<m\,()clhut.] hope lo he ab]o to nld~d pn.rt of the road at least wilh the prisoners. \'onl' o!JelliclJtHervl1.lIt,

~eu scrapetl ancl paintetl cluring the last year. I have testeel all their covers :~1I<1envelo])es, au
H. W. V. RCO'r'l', Illslmctol' S. R.




H. R. A. DAY, Jtc,~idct'I"



B, IDO'!,



Der.clIIbcl' .l!JU:I.

..tYl'cCIIICIlIs.--'J2Hwero l'l'gisLorecl ,1uril1g t.h(, .""'nt.h. Stamps duties .lilltl fees alllOUlItCcJt.o $7!JH.(jH. Planting Pcnnits.-lJ. were issued. r.olL/'t.-Fines II.lld fees ILlllounted to $2J\1.2:). There is vcry little to report for the 1IIol1th or I )e~llber. '1'he district veil1g' vcr)' cpliet itll(l 110 !lftious offences havillg taken place. I \\,I1,Sill Euchillg 011the lath and l,lth alld ]eft ,"ere agaill 011the 2!Jth to spclI(1 Kow Y('ar'f; tiny u..~rc.

I )Cl'rlll

VC/' I !JU:I.

'rhe ehie[ lIews of 1.11()1I1011I.his cOllccrniu" auutller raiiluHlde by the rcbels aile! Duteh Dyaks ~IP(,II the IJower LcnJ:1,u!~k Dyaks 011 ])ecelllher Hnh-.~Oth.





1 wish to draw \'0111' .1Liglluess' :~ttentioll to Lhe matter or the J<:l\Jpmll (Dutch) l>yaks t.akill" pad in this raill.- ~he SCWI/(( ill which they Imv~ participated agaillst the .LeIlHtJ1H.ks.







('1'0111 i~ I(<(ter

A llHtIl eitlled Alii, I:~lely all 1':II)!iu() driv('1' :~t f'bc1t111)! writtell hI' MI'. Owell ;~t Luhok Autn 011 '2Jf;t that he had oh'tailll'cl illrOl'IIHltioll rl'OIl\ N. Bo.dan that the }"'S beel1 takeu Oil trial as carotalwl' at YOill' High1';111[11'11.11 Uyal,s wem 011 the ..'.':~r-po.th (but their £.t!'!'..<;' bungalow. ohjective WitS lIot kilo \"11), and that overy hC)IIf;C, P. IV. 1>. (/lid Ho((cIs,--Tlw roads \Hm~ begillllil1g " get into 1~bad stttte by the cud of the 1110ut.h. t alol1g the fmlltier was Olllpt,\' or UICIJ. 011 tlw ~'Ith [ hea.rc1 a.g;till fl'oUI Mr. Oweu (his 't-.'l'c to be able t.l) repair tlwlIl laler (m; if r e;ln pc:'letlel'twillg writtell (1) ~;lI'(1.) tll11.t Iw sellt Dagnllg '"lade the Singghi l>yab alJ(1 others to IIs~;ist., :dto i!ICjuil'C! lleWS at ({. Bailan Oil the :2211<1ItlICl that though paid for their work it is ilillieult to ge.t lIlP I"'ai\s hew to do '.~II\, ]abour. whilst tllcre It letter en.llle frol\l i\[ullap (\"ho was :~t that :\11 t.llt) 1<;III)Jl'aIl. Dyab Imtl -'rlw Kling gang ec'Jllsistil1g or [Ii IlIl'lI ;l1'!' \\"0I'k i11/!: 011111'.111)statillg jojlwd Nglllilhalll~ :1,1)(1gOlle t.o n.tLack 0111'1)('0l'le I)('al' .~, th'c Po:tk n1:tll 011 :t<;COUl1tof tl1l' IWlIs,\' 1';I,i11Sallt! t{. Ijlai ill the i:)kal':tllg. j,..jllg so fa I' rrolll Sllp(~\'\'i5i(111 they do lllIt, :~l:t. Oil '['his fOl'ce left Dllteh territory 011 Deeeluber lath TPr~' fast. and it is most discrellitab]e to tile Duteh Kative K H. HrL'[IJWI~IJL. waf; 1101.fOl'\vlmll1c1lo Ul'sidcl/t. OJjjeials that tbi~ illtelligellee N. Badau to be or service to 1\Sbeforc Decemhcr 2:!lId.




J have writtell to the Assistallt Hcsil1ellt ofHinLallg to eOlllplo.ill of this. allt! :tlso of tbe Illllllbel' of tillles that tbe ElIlpl'a1l ])yaks have raidecl Sarn.wak terriDecc/live,. 1!)U.'/. tory (lurillg the last two ye:l.I's for which olTellc:es The p. s. [(({ka, Itrl'in,c1 Oil the 1st illstullt. alld 1~fter tbey have IJe\'CI' hocil adequately Pllnishccl. . II short sloppa.ge lu 1:~l1d c:aslt Idt fol' LJiIlIlmllg. '1'11<: ])lIteb havn writtell to eOlllphtill of the The p. s. Adell, al'l'ivc(l OIJthe :jth iw;ta.nt, with the treacherous IIILlnlcl' of two K!I)'alls ill the U]u Sibiul ~uperintelHlent Engillcer to iw;pect certaill IIHtc:hil1- by It pt~rty of, [ helie\'c, (JIll Ai Vyaks frolll I.he ~. at the Illine.s, clllliug for him again au the J2th Hejang, 1 h:we forwarded this comph~illt to the instan t. HOII'blc the AllllliJlistmtor of HltJ:awalc Hy the SitlllC dUtlice the LHLlty0(' T\oyalls retUl'lIecl 'l'lw weat.her ,111rillglhis JJ\olll;h was ext.rCluely wet. In Knchillg, while waiting for the stea'iter they Imd and I';t01'lIlY; it was, I believe, the wettcst mo'ntlt On the lith allll Leen employed castiug off rotten alld hrokeu piles experiellced here for lUau)' years. following ll1tySthe tides were ulltlslltUlY the Honourahle the AdllJillis&rotor to Kapit aIJ<1 left. that evening after making second oecasion they followed lip a pedlar to the acra.ngemellts in the event of continued absence. ba;mar ( after assaulting him in thp. I{ampong) in 0. Coal to the amollut of 717.1G tons was shippell to large body alld commenced to attack other Chinebe Knelling. . anc1were with uilIiculty sent back to their Kampong IVONE EIHI
'J'HE higllt!st


1m;; het'"



i, t":U1 "J,~..! , ,;~ t1 f."':\.j ,;J-'~) '~'i



It-J lilt., ',Jl'3H! if'It"" 0 ..


('(mcll<~cl ill tll<' pa'it


$ -to,liOIi ;")~,.J:2!) ~i) ,();IH WI,7:.m H7.ii:'I:2 It)7,r)!)~ I M\,:W~ ):2~'I,7~.j HiO,!! I~


:\> .JIi,OI4I ."Jli,()!;.J J 17,07:2 I:2H,li"'H I :2:-\,:-\7:-J I\J\J,~-I-I II'i;i,J\!.J I~:1,H:!H 17:I,O!I;j I.'iii, I H;-\

Hi:'!,77;") '''';"),.,10\) WO,Ii;1t) IH;;,7~li

; tIlt: t,xports


SAHA W.-\.K GA7.;E'l"J':r~, ~\rAHCH: ii, ] 90-4,

lIiH.1 ~7 nm,/O() 1\/\1.;1\17 I'eaclll,d


...,.,..t!t"lillg \'t'nI'S, hut tlurill"



lhat year there

LI"'.!e1III1I1'Iwl' of J>Ylt1\s \\'~I'killg 'PI'O
tlwl'e 1'l)lIlItilWll :'I,OHO>;,["am fm:t to ,:cillel'dl', the eon'eet IIlImbel' WitS 407. Mr. UihwJ//'8 J-loIl8e.-'( !I,'illg to t,lw h.tcl order ill which the I'oof of this housC! ifi ill, the tloor was getting llamagecl, so Lhat Ihis was tid,l'n 111' and tIll' plallks stacke(l. Sew CII'((/,illg 1{oallillg fLllcl holing are IIOW eOllll'letecl. SIlJIJ1I!lill!J.- ,-'I'his work \l'ILS .~Ollt! 1111\l'ith «lul'illg tlll~ nlollth hut is not "tH lillished, lYeedill!f C(}lItraets,~ -J-Ja\'p. hp.p.1I flll't1wl' re(luc;(!d by $77.()\) per mellSlllll. RllhheJ' J would agltill 1I1IIsl;stl'ongly IIl'gl' the acl\'isl\hility of planting the old t:ott'ee up with pltl'lL I'IIhhl!r; as T have hefol'(~ }1,)illtp.0tlmt tll
~ .. ILild tIlt! sago \\'()rkel'l>. ] t has l)l'c;','c:cl " tIlt' nisltYIUi ill t.hat 1I!:tlll' 111t)1'1~enses are t; whildl wc'Jlild 1I0t otlwrWISl! he, owillg lo : III''' clO\\'11 1.0 tlw st.lttiOIi. 1"lIrt.lwr a,s l,h!!l'I'

II. W. AsHBY, .11't1J/II!/eI'.



bazaar tlll>r!! cOllsistillg or lIille :shops it, ,,'uelmls ror tl'ltdl' allcl aets as >1.fc,edl'\1' tt) hazaal'It..-tolJtel' a 1:011/;l!ssil)1I ,;alletilJlwc! 1>1' Your

'io. \"as gmlltucl t.o thl! 'Is!:tlill ')'racli;lg ! .lIIlited (;0 wol'l, all 11 expol'L tUligar ''J:t 1is uSI!cl ill tIll! 1lIltilUrltctlll'e of ullteh !IIf '1'1' years '...,. "'lIclilmrl,

allcl all agreellwlI Itt.t rlLtl,lms{!c]

SYIIItlld 1'01' :t

L to pay t!X port 011 the Illllllht,r

If ClIlt:h ,~xportt!cl hy t.11l! SYlldieatl'. m' Il
.J.:J/I/lfJ'!I. ')'\\,enL,,'-,;ix III~W ganlells \\"e)'(~ )'(',~ist('I'l.(1 IUIII '27 IWW planting l't)l'IlIiLs Wer!! isslwtl IIlIl'ing 11IOllth. '1'110 l'p.ppc~r ta~ has IIU\\' h'!l'1I l'aicl in rull exenpt by fI. sllHtIl 1I11I1I1H!l' or gal'd()ns whose OWIIOI'S have been SUIllIIIOI II'cl. h'1'(1;,,!m/ioJ/.-l IIIIIlItl" SI.:lIIII";


'I, lil'st lm\'illg eOIIlIlIl\II<'I,(I witli:t Sl!\l!!n, '\'hi.:h 1:ILIISI!11I,lll! railun~ or tht~ riee lian'c!st; wPll all l!picklilic or eholel'a whieh iJrnl'l' .: &"" allll eOlltilllll!d Itlltil the, "Illl o( Sel'tullI"'Inil'cl oil' ill tlmt Liltll! al,oll\' liv!! hUlldl'l\d this district. 1,',)rlulllLt.dy it WitS lIoL a .1'(' type or the dist:ase ..(! bec~11 IIIIH;h greatl)I',


0;' tho IIllJrtality 'I'lw Brlllllei 1'0-

. ~1'J>ean~c1 to hal'u slttTerccllllost. w-:,' ..;tlllillilig LIH!Sl! dr:l\\' 'Imel,s hO\\"'''I'r tile 1!/IIIt'S ortlll: clist;I'id lm"l' illl;1'!!ast!cl clltrillg ':lr.

(). "'. HI('I\I';'I"I'S, Itrsidcllt. -~-



;.\:.1 (It'I',ls I\'I!)'(! n'gistt~I'I',1 cluringfC~I)s :LIIIIIIIIILillg to $:\;\\1.11.


rt:C!S alllOllllt l.o$;\7H,:.!;:' '1'III~re COlIl't wOI'I, eOlllpar:lti,'cl,l' speakillg II Ii:.; 111Onth. ,\ Illllllbl!l' IIf petty thefts fl'OlII 1IIIIISt!S Im\'" ],('1'11 I'l\pol'tl'd hilt 11<1sOl'ious l:l'illICS. UII the :.!ol,h OliO L'W(!t, l'i"I\' was fill"c'[ $:;0 rOl' brillgi ng lL r,d:;1' elmrgl! agai list Ol)(! !long I 'ook alld l:allsillg thl! latter to hI! al'restl'd anclllf'tnilletl ill gaol. ] II, was also orcll!)'()d III p:l.." I';ollg Pook elllllJ'(!lIsatioll IIf $:.!().

has lIot bO(!lIlIIltell

()II lhell;tli it WitS I'l!pol'tt~d tlmt IIIUlIt!t1 'I'slii Sill was violl)IILly Iliad.

a peppel' Hl'was

Itlill lodged ill gaol for It'rl'W days eallll!)cl ,1011'11 sOllwl\'hat \\'Ii"11 hc was to his n,j:l(.il'l~s hin!.




until he Imtl hrtlltled o\'er to Inok

'1'111' H(~IJ:lllgILIl I-Jrillg(~ wliich lias heell th(~ .1'. \V. »(~[It. was sl!nL up ill a tongkollg

:!Otb with .t gallg

11.\'1',\ \fA E~'I':\'I'I';, +


Oil tile



was earrieli lip to 1,lw I';statt! 011 tile I Hth ...c._ havillg arl'ivl',j :ll, I.lw l'a.lIgl,:da,ll Oil l.liU :;,'_~l, this eellwllt WItS fillisli!!dOII I.III! t,th or tIll' f'Hlr h:Lrl'Cds f;illC:I! illd(!IILe,1 for t;;tllll! WOl'k

will I Lhilll, l,e

· hy tlw ~lItlt of 1"I!II1'1IaI'Y, (J\I'ilig to ,t 1'\11',I statl:d ill IllY j),!c;c!IIi!)(!rreport; that .






nUi.,le by 011 the


011 it

of ~lRtof 1'. \V.

SlIl'I'('YS C:\II10 "l' to gil'l! the II'Orklllml sornt~ !illal iIlS\.l'lIetiolls hefol'o Lhey eOllllllelleetl puttillg it t.ogether. By Itl'l'Illlgellwllt. I lIIet MJ'. Ellis at Soballg",11 all,l ftfwrwll)'(ls WI' w,dkell to ~ellial\'ll.Ir and ('II-rull/,: :tl. III)' 1'l!l(III'SI. III' l''\ILlllilU'd I,ll!! I I,L)'or IJrid"c >L1I(1hn.villg fOlllld it.lllIs:d'o t;cHil, IlleaSlll'elllcllts fl)}' lIew hriclge III 4)(! lIuLll" whell SlLlleliQlll!(1 hy



LlII: Dth IlIst:Lllt. all


WitS delrtyml hy thc 1H'lwy mills 1\1111Hootls :.!.It,], hilL Oil 1.liU :.!Htli !.lit' (~IIlIlllIissiOllt!r

,/,11/1111 /'!/,

.. '7.-ls ill fail' ordc)l'. 'r~.--CI!IIII'lit illd('lltetl


pll\lltl.~r al'l'l'stet1


\'''111' Iliglllll;:-;:-; il.lltl ill tIll: IIWiLlltillll'. I ilill IHal,iilg arl'aIl"'Olnellls to stl'l-!lIgthell tlto 01,1 hricl"l' ,\'hiell "VUll ;;'11(,,1\ViII llot last 'rcry IOllg. ,...


SAUA'vVAI': GAZE''/''l']1;, :Ni;AHC.flH, IOU,I.


bazaar will SOOIi show.!t' rell'l-;tt:l;able .--- '.L'wo coolies nalilell !I[i H ah alld TJi S'tlll died -~~l' '. !'Me, 'l\vlJ fitJl~ billiall two-storie

~Ie bazaar Heal' the Police :-italioll. At the otlle!' die(1 allllOst iHlIlIediu.lely :tfter adllJittauec to hospital. - of bazaar grotllHl Li! IIC\\- shops Imvc bCPII Auother coolie IHtllle

- I expect all Oft~lelUto be ~'e:lIl,:\' Yerj' ohorLly. I I SOOIl Se«III,s: tl) ImH) 1)\'(Hlneed 1I10re thltJ.l the usual .-,-t more 1:11111will bu al'pl1('(l 101' sllol'tly. I alllOllllt 01 IU\'I\I', ItlHll'<'IHI1'1,s of IIwasLPs 11'0111IIParly ;,1i"\'1Iepl'isollers wcreoccllpied iUl'arl,v pal't.o['IIHllltll itll thu I\lalit,\' celltl'(S Imve COllie ill. ~tt..et.alling part of the roaol\ {\;yolIg dic(l ill '1-'11(~l'u\yel'e over .100 trneks cOlltaillillg c1irt,\' cmtl' preslIIuably of 1!(~l'i-hl~l'i, [.)':\.\(' sillee luLll till' \y:tslied l.his IIIOlltl1. tlll~ gl'eat('1.' 1llIllIh('r beillg fmlll flllnigatu(l. tlll~ Ill'\\'. l\o, 1 left, Illille, f. I ;nc lIothillg 'flll'tlJ('1' to 1'1'f1l'l'l this Illolith : I Coal was slliplwd to tlw itlllOllll1. "I' ,~7\J t.OIlS ollly , I ['nlll' ScllOollprs lItkill).:' (~argo fol' :\Iessl's the .Homeo. .II, k .\, Hcg/(ici/t. ] ).'~\ . COIII[Htll\', '








J WlII((

KIlU-i:l'A'l'R£CJ\. ]{esidrnt !!IU?Clllss.

I'!/. ...

~-reel\]ellts .ItJ.1 stalllps lllltips alld ft~pS $;-UiH.fi:"1. JII/lllllr!/, f"1'1IIits 11 of t1wsp h:w(' heell is;;lwd illIl'ilig till" ilb. 'l'lll' C'ltiucs.~ illtll(lollgH that rdul'Ill~d (~:I,rly ill tile. ~ ort account filles alld I'ees alllOlllllpd to $.H)-I.~;). IIIOutlt [1'0111I-i:uclting to Lil1gg:t all<1 SillJauggallg f reLut'lJec1 here on the 4th instant, frOll1 'I-i:llehil1g brought large Cltrgocs or rice alld tlw price [ell to '!O i~ e I had heel: spellllillg 1\e\\' Year. Ct~lIts It {!Wltllll!!, 'I'here was It great rush by !\-I!tlR.Ys ~ district hitH hel'lI \'CIS qllil'l dlll'ilig tile Il1011t,1i alia Balltu 1 )y:tks to huy at thiH l'Itte at Lillgga, . 'here lias lIot 1'('('11 n, ease or IHll'glary 1'(~I'orwlIllt of \\'ork ill well :tll(l it is hoped tlleHe people will gather It erop 'JI,fing lip tlwi r l,sl.at(~s. <,onsidel'al.!,\' O\'PI' 1;111':1.\'('1':1.).:'1' ill o]'(lel' I.n nmke up. There werc hean' Hoods Ill'rl' Oil thH ~~lId [01.' tlw filllaLll'1' :l.n~a of Iltllll ullder cultivatioll this \"en.1'. .1 23nl but the \mters (li(ll1ot. rise so high a.s ill the .. ,.it of :Febt'llttt'\,




\\'el'<~ ill


:-''1 Lhe foot of Lbe lhtg staff, Oil th(, cleallillg of tllU '" 1«long m:tt], oilly a I'ew gan1(~lIs ha\'(~ ItS yet. J)(~ell !..~rlcd ttS beillg dallJ:J.g(:d 1'1'(.1,:11)1,\'less II:trlll Itas dOlle, as the lIon(l almted 11111('11<]lIickt,1' thall 1002. :; ~esll1alllake Oil till' '1'111Hlol;g'rcoad LlIl'st tbwlIgh r~. -talll IWltt' t;IH~oy('rl1o\\' alld lms (loll!' l'oIIHiuhlic 'Works ])epartll'pnt allli 1'001l1s the Klillg ~.", have takclI full a(halltage of I II(' baa \\'('ather ao I\S little work as possible, The roatls ill the t1istl'iet excl'Jlf ;;lIell as 1m\'0 JI('(:II ''I\lled are ill a ypr," hail Htat.e. I':. 1:, ~'I'II J\\' I'; I".. }(csidClII.




,J(( II. lUlI'!J

C~. ,

I retul'lled to the station 011the 1st illstallt, by the 'Ii.Adell. 'l'he steamer aftm tilliug np bUlIkers Ittlled with a l1alf cargo of coal to ]\nchillg the )),,"d dltY. She called agltin 011the ~4th iJlstaut, with ~_ns for the mines aJl(i left at nig'ht for Sibu, and f,ill'tlilkinga thin] trip here II)' r('(lllcsl' with rice on the (..::I!h:t instant,

. t-;xcept among 801llCof the la.lld Dyaks OWI'l' is ; """'Y little rice throughout the llistrid, while it hall ~l very scarce in the baxaars and the tradcl's hcre re dependant 011 the stocl, at the mines' store Ii>--ir Kuching agents l1egleelillg to I'on\'!\nl supplies.




lillH~ pltSt





been tislting off IJiugg:t but I lHtVe Duly ouce heltrd of t.heir gettillg It big haul of over Oll(~hUII(ll'f1(1I11alaJlrJ lisll. At 1'usa llwn~ are Clliu(,s(~ /ifiltillg fWJI1 the mouth of the S:trihas up to Pns:t. Unrillg this '11011SOOIIt.1I(~sl:tishCJ:s ao 110llalllage iJl tlte river IIiOUtltS, T aliI told, so there a]'(~110cOl1lplaillts fronlthelY[!1.lays. Al.mllg ,Haji 1\1I.1nll:\I1 of I'w;:t Oil :tCCOl1l1t of sickIless has ag,till gUl,e 10 I\ucltillg to Sl~e llw l'ril1eipal i\fl
111.11\sm'e that if 1'. Henallg's people moved a\\'!1.Y fl'OJIl IIlll JJel11lUlak (they ftre now ltt N, l'ell)'ebat wlJieh is above N. I\eRit) all the houses lleal: the. IJeJll:tllak IIlOuth wOIlI(llJ0.almndolle(l both by.Dyaks 1\11<'1 Chilles\.' unless it Rllmll force werc put lip there. 1. have before cOl11plainccl--as .YOUl' Highlless kllOwR---hecallse the 1.,elllltlmk Dvaks have beell. allowed to move lHYR.Y in lIUlllbel's t~)the Hejallg !tlll] J can aRSUl'eYour Higlllless that HOW unless SOllle pressnre is bronght to bear on those few that are left to iJl(luce them to hold on to their own C0I111try nHtny will leave it and the whole ,Lelllltllak river become in a short tinw 1l1lillltabitell and so !t dltllger to hath themailll.i\.(~l.alld the Skamng. . 'l'he SiJI1!1.llggallgCOlll't was kept fairly busy with. ca.ses dming the greater part of the month. One case ill which a criminal charge was bronght against the family of a certain Malay Chief createl1 cOIJRiderable IOGalinterest. '.L'he disgraceful clHuge failec1 !1.ndthe two persons who made it, one of wholll \-vas. a lttj i, were sentenced to two years illJprisolJlnent for cOll8pirac,\'. It is aUeged that the chief mover .'


THE SAHAWAK GA7.E'l"l'r.~, APHIL 5, ID04. #_--

1'~Htn.teon the !Ith, work was re-conllnenced on the lOtll, allmlt<;01Htry work is nuw completed, the only work still remaining to be done, is to Tl1ltkeIt wooden . n.cstearly lH'xtyear. hl1.\'e ceased lUovillg into this distriel. !tilt spout.illg to connect the old pulper with the Kal1ayan families have come from J.lllJllull. wlI.te,n:lltII'se t,his will be completed in a few days. I'r////i//{/.- \Vas gone 011 with, IJllt has been .Kadayans Imve settled ill Scbiaw Itll,1 SillLi hTC been very hulSY throughout the year ,,1/'ILr- st"PI'C'; as all ecolip.s am rcqnired fo)' the new h paddy phtlltillg :tIlO nlltkiug gardens. '1'1)(,.,' ('If'Hl'lllg. H. \V. ASHBY, quiet and iudulStriolls peophJ and agree witli )ldauoes, I\lId, as there is plcnty of 1'00111for . M (wager. bCl'e olle wOIII,l like to see IllOJ'(Jof thelll move the district. ;.itUe peppel' has hefHl plallted by TJltbang awl next year, if thc priee of pepper holds tQ burn






pence is that there is a prospect of a very pOtl)'





I hope

to see

gal'llf))IS gl'OwinM there,

m.. ('hi II(,s,.,sawyers a.r" sl.ill workillg C]ualltitiN; " tillllry plank!> IJel'tJ but tlu:y have given Ill' '. g biliall in this river Itlld have gone to the where the tinlher is or 1I1uch better quality :e3l'er the maill river. At the close of the year thom:ands or bil1iall plauks were awai'tillg lit ILL'ratau. tong has beell slightly wod,ed dlll'ilJg the year &heNatives do lIot wo1'1,it to allY extent IllI\illCoecallse traders here refuse to mise the price ~Id $H a. piclIl. .Plthllc Work.~.-'l'he old J\i
{t'eln'lI(( L.ltllI/ill!!



11«'\\' gltr!1ellf;




~O planting perillits i!Ened this mOllth. 'l'he total, JlUIIIJ.ur or gardl!1I8 110\\' 1111L!1l'I'ukll registry is as follows.8nO,180 YllieS H74 Chinese cOlltailling 8~ Mala,\' 27,[;30 11,260 :)a DYIt/:




Of these ao gardeJls have not yet paid road tax for l()()B Itnd SOllie hulf dozell are gardeus that IHwe probn.bly heell Idmndolleil as T Illwe I,cen unable to fll1d then\. .RegistrativlI.-'l'hirt'y doculuellts were rcgistered during month awl olle civil IIHt1'l'iage. 1.'ees alHl StILIIIJ1Sall10lllltillg

to $fi4./j7.

l'risullers luwe heen elnplo'ye(1 ill up-keep of wadsr Illet!t/lilig v!lrions parts n.nd tilling ill and draininO' a SWILIlIPYbit all SellilLwIU1ron.d. A bridge on Hug.tn 1'011.<1 It/SOImd slight repairs done by them. 'J'he Hehn.ngltll bridge which wn.s being erectell by tlllJ I'. \\'. Dcp:trtlllelit wa.s fillishcc1 on the 4th 11.11(1 DONALD A. OW]';N, the clLrpenters returned to Knching t,he sallie clay, Oflicer'ill Charge. 'rhe S. Bayol' bridge \,.hich is in a very rotten !,;tate IIIISbeen tempoL'l\l'ily strengthened by a l\Taln.y el\I'J)(,ntf~rfllld It small gl1.ngof coolies. All the wood used was fortunately obtllinable ill the jungle close by. A bridge at 'l'[lll 'eoh Durilln eros;,ing a deep. gully was also repaired by tbe same man and some . + Dyaks. 'rhe end of this bridge was only supported hy the hank which was I1ndermined by t,he heftYy To 'L'ltr /foil' bll'. rllin of the begillnillg of the nlOnth and (;I:HIHI'<] lie IItl)' 7'lte Ot}ir:r/'Adlllillistl'/'ill{I, fell ill. 'rhe repairs I\re of only a teulpomr)' 1If!tl1l'e' Tlte r;Ul'(!/'lIIlIl'lIt. as IIlIlt~f;i-; the posts I1.rebmcel1 together nnd snpported SIlL-1 l.a \'('. tlw hOllour td agaill seud you tlleY will be clll'ried n.way dl1l'ing the uext beavy mins. ",uarterl,\' repOl'L 011 lIis Higlnless '['he Hn.jrth'f; I shall however see to this n.sf;OOIIItf; I can get the IIceessary Illatcrilti. Deal\! Ylwht Zaltora. 'L'hcrCohits heen a good deal or fever alllOng the I have I11l1.dea cl1.rerul e~\llIlIirmtion throughout Boll awl Machinery, and IlIln~ fOl1l1dc\'erythillg in prisoners allC1police aud several prisoners haye had excllellt order n.nd condition. to be sellt to I\uehing on I1.CCOllllt of beri-beri, '['slti .long was reportcd violently mad on the 12th. r hll\'o tlw houollr lo I)l', He was detltined in g!lol till the ~Oth when lmving Sir, becollw quite quiet he ""as handed over to his relaYour obediellt ~el'l'ltilt. tiveH. COlllplllints Illwe beell nJade agltinst the Senia\\'. ~[UWICE, Willi Hchooltnaster who is alleged not to be up to SIL[JC/'iutclUlcntRlIgillcer. his \\'ork and to spend lI10st of his tune !>lIwking . n____ opillnl. 'J'here \\'ere formerly oyer 20 hoys ill his school but lIO\\' 1 11.111 informed the daily attelldance -'\.'1.'1.r~.T'JYIT'.r 'Y;" .H..h.l. ","'I,~J',r, ~ ( P.2.\.,1'. .'%J~ hr,'< .I:'I.:.L:t::t.¥_'.10 t. . has sunk to (j 01' 8. He himself admits having only ] I. bo s 011 his hooks !lnd only five or these are HI'llil\\\'l\n child roll. I IlI\vt: spolwn to tlw nmn ILlH1 --+- if IIn illlproveiliellt ill tbe attendance is not soon l?rUI'IWI'!/. shown Ill'. had hett.el' he flislnif;sed 11.1111 It new teacher Weeclill!f.-ls in good onllH'. enga..~ecl. New Ul('(/rill{/.-"Fillingill" haf; ),t'OII ('olllillew:ed. CU/lrt.--Filll'f; and feBs IWIlIUllt to $!);'\,:2:"). 'l'his haH beell ratller a f;lack nlUlltll. 'I'he cbief cases ~'his clcllrillg lVaH Plnti:dly 1I'!!I'd<'d for the lirf;t tillie this nJOn th. heard were Homboi and Bujeng eaptn.in of the gllp/,/!/i" !/ Is coni pletc,1. ;Tee 8m Fait. Plrtint.ifT sued. for danllLges caused by New St'JI'c Cenlelll lI'af; lillii>!wt! 011 the fifth t!w np-setting L\fhis ball.t (,olltllining ]0 hags of rice, instant, tlH' IICII' lot of filIII' Iml'l'(,b IIJrivecl on the '1'11l~'I>eft. had prHcti('ally )111clefcnce alii; was ordered




1'HE SABA \VAl\: ltAL:;WI"l'E; APRIL G, lUU4. ... .~.-



,.,. for Lhe danlll.ged rice. There is no doubL ., approval of the Honourable Lhc Administrator 1 have directed that ItllY person, Native or other, (lesirous &.beJee 8m li'oh invaria.bly tnwels at too great in the nn.l'l'(iw pn.rt of the river just helow of slJOot;illg 01.' ea. ,turillg fill' sale Ot. otherwise, mias, in t.his district will be Hhc if! a v~ry (lillicult bon.t to steel' ltlld or oth(w vallla.b e allillmls ...t i1JH~rjl~JJlyniliS into the bank wherever required to take! out It permit be (ore doing so.


is n. sharp tUl'/l. HOILts loaded with coal in kve 11.180been upset by hcr 011 several occlLsiolJs. ,A.. the J Oth VOOII LH.II Wl~>I HelltOllced to one 'Itimprisonment for hlll'glarj' in It peppel' gar.1on RI1!>:1.l1.

L received illforlUation of the liRe of false weights by tra.ders ill the Upper Samul1jan alld 011 the 1st instlLllt, .1irm:te(l the rnulI:e Corporal of Poli(:I~ to raid the three shopR there. He succeeded ill seizil1g 011(\ (lachillg wcighillg H. IL A. DAY, lIea,dy Yltk:-; livillg ;tl Hellallgei cOillplaillet1 u. whell lIearillg thn.t pln.co the.\ wem f;lIlldl\lIly of t.llI~c'II\:t'Imdnnelll, of i\1,dnYf; living :tt H,LlIgIUIHLIJ Cfl by ROIlIO 1'0\1I' 01' Ii Vl\ InC11 who ~ei ;wu the I\lId I11IL1Ieoj-I' with it. 'l'hey aecl1smllt HHLU 011 their hlld :LIJeltliP lIuisallce (;(L\U;e(lby the In.tters caLLie. Chillg Ah .Jew ILl11elllher of the Kongsee of \Vhen Lhese lJ,val,s first settled at 8ell,tllgei the been I\mongRt tlH1 men who a.ttn.eked thHm, lalld on the lippeI' side of the mouth o( the Hanga\e was ILble to prove a diRtind alihi ,Llld was IIIItIl f;tl'cam W;tR a.llott(-!tl to them n.lltl t.hat Oil the ?:.ar~eel. lower side to the i\l11111Ys. 'rho i\Iltlays however built bve been cjl1il;e 11ImhiH to g'Lill allY clue IL~to their 110mWH011 the ])ynk sieli of the stream and I,ept .-ere the perpetatol'8. it. was prolmbly (lolle by Oil their OWII la,lId, and little by little hit,ve' of the Bidi I{ougsee Illell as it was well 1\110\\'11 cltttle ellcJ'()ltehe(l with pl,tlltat,ioJls of pinallg and piRang &b> Bidi ba7.l1,I\1'that Booll Kee was 0111.c()\Iecl.ing , "'y. I do lIot tllillk it was the work of n. P1'0I)!,l'ly IIlItil It IIIOVC \vIM, IlIatle thiR IIiOllth by the nyaks to "tnp l.h(~1I1. A~ Llw ) 'yakR have Ilitlll~rtl) by their . tit-nte(l gltllg, silelle~~ n,ssellted to tho j\b1n.ys planting up their In.ncl .~ the lith iusta.llt. allll'agaill Oil the ~7th J visiLed where 1 fouucl NJr. AIIc~1I ill eharge OLL galllf'.e'\'ell ing to ], uch illg a.fteJ' , part of the road to J'lIltk was ill ltll awful lillillg hUlll,er~. 'l'hl~ p_ R. ](rrka, arrived vi" fJillgga. &iOIlall the first occasf;ioll hilt hot we,tthel' had on the 27th illst,ltllt, with prIJvif;iollR for the Illine's ;.!y illlproved it by tllP. 27th. store, lilletl Ill' bllllkel'f; alld left for l\lIehillg at 2 1'. M. 011:.tIle 2:3rd illstant, It Chinese coulie lJaUIl~ll ~alll was found in the jllll;~11' al; tlw sifle of thn ~hoo Two ,:ocllies Ilallll.)(1 ')'ai Chll alld I(wallg ¥Ollg, ~hilll lill!: the )10111'Iliall who w:tS 1;lIl1'eliug frol1) (1,11(1 a lI"lIHlol' naillell HIIII Poh, died in IHJspitld from i lI.nd ullable to IIIOVf~ Imd heen liulllped beri-beri, the case of Lhe later being aggrRvated by ~. ,,'ith 0. kaj!LlIg ove)' Ills helMI allel allothel' Itt n,n ILecillellt whir:hoeeul'l'ed to him when comillg out side (j days before; he h!Lrl heell givell a, litt.le )'ice of t.lw Illine; ;11111 It 1I1Itlldor lIamecl J-T.-,ngTet (lied at l::sd received 110 other a.tLentioll at all; the people the IIlilles froll) r.11C~sallie (',U!se, wel'(~ respollRihl1\ fo)' this llisgmcdlll act of illThe Chinese New Year holidays a.t the JllilleS ity were I alll glad to say 1'01111(1 alld were IHt!;secl off C)uietly. A coolie I!amp-d Bong 'l\ti exploded beavily fined in cOllrt for SIUIJe. a hr.1f' filled tin o( bltLSLillg po\\'(ler which strllck him n°. D. d: Roads. -The BIHLU ro:tc1 was clCltl'ed ill the ~icle e:ILu;;illg ft woullcl froTH whic;h he died ~ the) IIJOllth h} Singghi ])yn.k!<: it having l:ttnr ill the Incal hospital. Oil ilIC]uiry I 1'1.11111(1110 ',QC V()I'y HlllelJ overgl'owlI, vel) )JH,(1wCILtlwr bl:tlllt~ attlLched to allY ol!e IJut tlte deeeltsell. l~ on prevelltetl \LilY repairs being dOlle. J The weather was IIII1Isuallv wet until the 20th to get a gang to work l:1.ter iII the ymH as the ill8tallt. whell (01' tlw l'clIJaintier of the IIIOllth there i-o; very rough ill pl:tCef; from loose stoneR nLc. wa;; 110 raill at [111. ::.e Klings on the !'ual, rOltcl 1 put Oil tn piece A schooner Inatlet1 wi th coalltlld deck Cltrgo was 'It Ind hop(~ it will h:t\'f~ 1,1,,-.dfner, of gdting the))) obligecl to retu1'lJ here to dischn.rge the later. ,f. c:t}IIWwork. Oppusite Hell:tIIgei jll the river where ~he IIII.d I';. IL H'I' II, \\' 1':1,1,. hel' cled, W;LS contillllally (rashed by IIr.~i,lr:lIl. ltnehored tlte \HW("~. Oil Ihe Rtl, the ?\[Itnager w!'Ole :.Lf;killg --t.llltt 01 dl,splttch hoat IIlight he' He!lt to ](llchillg for S.l nO'(~. oil af; IIC-!Itacl cliR(:orerecl there wa.s ollly Rllfliciellt at the Illilles IIlItil till) IIlorllilig 1)( the 10th illst:mt. The IHHLt IIC)we\'er rellll'llf'd hcillg unablt' to get .








1.11Sllll"~ eOllrllf;ioll


1,0 LIt(~ wllrl,illg

i!t.. coll(~dC)rs oJ'(ler of I:1th \!:trell )H!I:'\, :\.11(1I.he -")11dm;ITlJdillll ,,1' mill.' hy p(~rsoIJs rllaUlill~~ \"he ~ whcli









:'-io I)il ha.villg'

1~l'l'i\'(;d Oil the


a.t f,lll~ !'I'lfupsl. IIf thl' nJallagpr J a,ga.ill S("It. a bO:Lt hilI. I.his arl'i veel 1.00 hltn (;1) ell LeiI a stea,llIel' ill KuForLIIllaLdy I.here h:l}>1'l)lll;'cl1.0be a f.'w tins the elling.

- - --


'I'Hl~ S.-\H--\W:\K G.-\Zl~'l''J'E, :\l1\Y ;'3,1904,

U .\'1'.\ '(~ I';~'I'\'I'I';. .-+-.-




illy. -."ls ill goocl onlel', ,',~e(l/'il/f!""\Vc~l!tlillg was

, ., Villing in '.' was :o.'I<1/,l',-l fi r,



,I flr'~Clllc~llt,~,

e')lIlpldn,l gOlle 1111 \\'it.h,

1'0]' I h,~


..(!lring to coolies l');l\'illg he 11.11illsllt1ic,~nt. fl)n;'~,



.:-iixt.y S':\',~JI pi':II!>; III' ""1'1',,,. 11'1:1'1\,ll'~IIiI/:III~d .a.e IIIOII~h. '1/. .)\11', ~hdrord nlld ] )1'. \\'I,it.n-Ilo)lkills (11'1'0 oil tlw lil'st .\II)'il, 'LillI :ttt'~llIpt;-rI to ~ tlIB top orSm'npi.) oil t.llI~ thinl. IIlIfOl'tlllldeW;lS:t slip Oil dl" rll:td \\'hil:h pn~\'I'lltl!II . rug "ill :dthllllgil ('oolies I\'"rl! pllt Oil to pllt ill ol'llel' 011 the :!DLh Fehl'lHtl'v itnd tIll' I.st


". lilt! "UkI' ; ,11.> th,) slip l.t'hi!,'.lloJ'kiIlS ;!"hl illst.alll.

day it. was 11111>-;1. hn.I'" illsl"'I'tl:d

n;plJl'\,;'!tI a,.; fillishcd ')(:"III'I!d Oil thli' :!lItI ""lIli"s:l.1.

11,:1\' "I.ore

II. \V. .\SIIII\'.

,IIr/ 1I1/fIU.


~ \ It,\ \\ ,\ IC P,\ h,l


\\'I:n~ n:gist":"I.!d


:! I 1'1:\.11till.~

.,.six c1eel!s wel'e l'egiSLl'rl~11'.1l1rillg thl) Illollth, 1\1(1 rees alnll\lllt,illg 1.0 $17'1..~i\, l..-i'OIlOI'S \\'I),),!t-cl IHtr1; 1)'1't.h" Hllall 1'01111all,l :!Ist hegll.1I 1y\,jtl:I\'nshillg tht: (;0\.,)1'111111:111. ..,.:~ lI.t.7tl, 1111" 111I1I1,hlloll 111;\,10 I,is I)SC:L])(~ IHit IJtllretl the sail\() ")\'0.lIill~, .-\1
I _ IIn



III' till'




Wc~I'I~ 1'I~,!!;ist,~rcd clu-

("(,I/C'/'I/I...OII r,lw J st insta.llt, nl\ling IlItliWIl :\lllllIs;l.Ini di,!d 1'1'1)11Itlll\ "'1'!!(;I,s of i'ltllillJ..: 011 tl) hi,; h')lul 1"'0/11 a Imllk whilt~ ,:lell.l'illg Oil t.I)(,~ PUILk 1'0i1.d. ()II tho 11th ill>;t!tllt., :\gl\illl rnpnrte,l t.hll.~!) hal-,t'!; of PC)PPC-I' itad I,,!ell StO),)1I 1'1'1))11Ills gal'll(~II. it WILH Cnllll11 111111.Lho hags lul,l I":I!II 1.:1.1")11 1'1'0111his pOllil to t:lll' riw.I', hilt. 11111'111'1.11"1'I;I':I.C'I)or (.111'111,,0111/1 hI! fOlllll\. :dthollgll 1101\'11 I'i 1'1'1', Oil


Ill'l'i l'I:d












III:I'!! Imvillg'

,'ir1d!!11 "I' frolll 1\ lI<:hill~. the 11I.~t, d;lY I ,,,',)olll)litlli,,cI hill: to 1'1I1I.kwlwl'p' ho illSIH!<:LI"I tIll, I\'ol'k ill 1'1'0g'r,'ss 011 LlII! Staat hl'jllge rOLlIl'lIillg tl)() Sltllte '~\'I'!lIillg tll ";I,lm :llill Oil tr) l'"l:hillg th,~ 1I1.)xt Illty. 011 tlte :!:)th Omllg l\.aYlt Snit of ."tg-oi l'epm'tell tlta.1; I r:lji ,\hllHtIl ItLHI ;1. lllall 1::tlb1 :\1'011 had heclI sullillg:l. cl)lIsidel':lule tjn'tlltity of g1l11)HJ\V,1el'to 1.111) Dyaks or t:11I~dil1'el'ellt \'illa.,~us t.IJen~, these ~wo !IWII W())',. snh,.,I)<jlwlltly ItI'}'(~st"d lilll)d ill this "0111'1..

,1/ II/Tit, JeW glll'dtJIIS tRkell Oil t,

ID Itg-l'nelllel1\:S

I'ill.~ ~!I: .'lIollth, Stitlilp dllties allll fUI)s Itll}()lIllt("l to $1 """I!, l'/(/l/lil/!I1't:I'lI/.it.~ K of t])(.su were issllnd. (:III/rt,.-Filles alld fp.(~s alll'Hllltc,l to $-l,i!I,lj.J.



;11111 heavily

I )'c),~l'et thai; .'\ Ii t.lw 111:11/ tal,(,11 '1/1 ill ,.'dJ1'lIIuy as l:al'd:~kul' ItI. Y0111' II igllll"s's I :lIlIg;dow IHt~ l))'OI'I~,l IIsd,:)ss 11.1111IHIIl tll hi! clisillissp.c! at tlw I,rlll ;)1' till!




}'Oll.ds I)yaks l:l.l'g",l,




Lhe '1'IIIII!tJlIg

WU)'c) ,:!nil}'(,d Ilul'ill,!.! :llId tll() SuJlllkll Ink" :tlld

[I, \;1.I'g-1\ pie,:,~


ILII'! .JaIIlIJl1sH.11

I.ill~ IIltJlIl.h ()\'t)l'l1tJl\'

"I' tlll~


h,\' was

Singghi :I,lso on-


WItS ohl.ili I 11),1 1'1'1)111 1\ 1I,:IIillg

SOlIIl: 1It!t:I)SfHL}'y l'I~pA.irf> \\'c:m !l1I1I'fa]n\l' 1111'1 I.n Sllllflrl' bllil,iillgs,


,]11111: Itt YOIII' Hi,~h!1es'!-; III' tl1l: (:III""'IIIIWIII; '

'I'!;;, pl'iSIIII gallg 11:t1'C' 1":c:1I roads "11' rollilld Ha,ll.

Fi 11m; I\) III fl!':s HIII~IIII t to $-I!II , I '-I. 'I'hc~l'I) :t gOOl! ,l"H.1 of "11111'1. wOl'k dlll'ill,~ tlll~




I,:, I:. S'I'II,\\'EI,l.. 1.'(',~I:/7t:ld.


. Jm\'l~ heDIl :t 1111111 hCI' oj' hlll'giaries dllrillg Ille II1\'o]villg rairly 1:11'gl) S\lIIIS of IIlnney, ()II iol. "I' Lhe !lith the p)'elllis,~s of tlw Snnill\lllll II~ I,'anll we!'l'~ hrokoll ")1"11 ILIIII $;'\f)() SI.,)I")II. ,,( the Smli,t\\'I\.I1 shf)pkc~e'I)(H's I Iwar 11111,:11 ~ hu\'c extm police st,ttiollcd Lhere, to IJittrol '1'1... 11'III'1,il\ tho .-\111I1illistl':lt,)1' aITil't),] hy tht! ,a)' at lIight all<1 arl~ J helinve tryillg r.o IIHtkl~ 1', ", ,/dc'h "II I.he: :'11'11illslall£. I rt' \'isir,'cll;},,) ..Iillt!,; Jllellts abollt thP.]IIIVIIlp.nt. oj' thp.;;e Iliell I)(,fnm :I,':(:IlIlIpa"i"li /',1' IIIYSC~Jr Oil I.ill) .Ith illsta.llt :11111 J'I)hillg lh>\'CI'I11IWllt, C'''I llll! IHaLtl'l', 'I'hl' thrl!'~ thn Iwxt 1110/'llilig to 1\ uehillg, '$J!'ltW stal,ioIH'd at S~lIi"\1'1I1I al'l~ c:el'lilillll' 11111 tlll'llt'/! till) wol'l, wllicll IIOW fails Oil thOlIl :LIlli it IS 'I'hl; s, s, A ICstraliucl IIl'l'il'od ('1'1I111 SiligiLpOL't) Oil IlIst.allt alld :.;a.il,.,] 1")1' I\lIdlillg Oil the 12th till' 101.11 .,.1) illlPllssihlu Cor Ihc~1I1 tll Ilittl',)1 lhl) IHlzaal' . :,. illstalll; wi!,h .I:!O.I!) tOilS t:lI.l'gn /1.1111 l-lil,1.2 tanH hnlll,(~1' eOIl\. '\"ith tht! ]H'l'IlIissiOIl nf t.lw Hon'ble aiJe :l.lth 0111' ('II1J1lg XYlik Jntll WitS 1I11I1'd'JI'I'c1



.jl hy Iwr pamllllJllI' Ng ., l:l)Jl)lllittotl silicide ill his rsr 1'1'0111I.IIB \\'OIlIIlIl'S,

CI'IIII \\'1111 slIhse011'11 l'IlIlsl'lI'llich

till! :\11I11illisll'atl)1' I tool, ,his opponlllliL,v 1)[' gOiHg to I\nl:hillg fo)' It dlu.llgn hal'illg h'H:1I rl:ulillg ullwell 1")1' sOllldinll'; I'dlll'lIillg to dllty a~a.ill 1111 1;lw 2,Jth illSlrtllt,

, St-!lIi,twall SillSltllg HOlIg Salll :\10)' IllIt 1IIII'illg \"il.11 II", ol'l1illary n:\C:'~l'tiIJII" ..a,is{,tctil)lI Ittt."'y \VltS allll\l'(!'1 to !'I.sigll :11111 :\/ a.l:lI' 111;111 1111,111<),1 l,c:1' ('hiall SIlOIl,~ II'IS i>C"'1I III),.,S J.l1I~ \1'1101,) or t.lw .."~,;k<\. (:,,Ji<:"I,'cI ,llIl'illg till: 1lI'lIilh,' ~

~Jw :.!:!lIcl till' tuba ('01' I.ho iUlllllal lishillg lI'as Kllchillg, 'I'h,~ 1I"t.t II'l'ighl. was I :.!,:.II pil,lI]s, ..he l1"\th I.h,' )-JolI'hlD the, H"sillnill. rodn \lp "..ellillg, hilt did 1101. t.l':lIIS:U:t. :1.11." l"ISilll:"'''; .1111 \I'elll; Oil tll Hall, '1'111' }',)iJ.Ils II'UI'I- ill 1'1'1')' '~r at ~h,) till1l) III' Ilis \'Isit.

II. H, .\, .1).\ Y,

'J'II,'n' sic:I"I""'s

WI))'U :It





or ahsullc:,'. 'tlltl siekC"'I)III)lI.il)1I I.ax WA.H . 1lIIIIIh/:1'





or :Lllll

"IJo]il's IHlIIWd Ng 1'1~lIg, 1,0 Foo Pnll..1 illg .long, :1,11,'1'I',)" \\"h:~ di,~d ill t.III' 10"alllclsl'iJ.:I,1. Coal \\':ts sllipp,:d I.,) 1\III:hill,~ \\',:igllillg 1,:\H7,,1 tOilS,


1\/HI\l'.:\'l'InCI\, h'(',~it7':llt


III' I;ltSeS heri-heri

:!lIcl, Clas.».



4, 19q4;

I ,

&c. in v(1.rious places. The bridge at Kerdam,has been repaired very well by prisoner Metaim and

the Governmei1t they are a source of conIrouble and annoyance to their neighbours ,9 and MiianouB. " I.-The H.ejang river during the latter half year has been in an unsettled state. 'rhe . 'er Dyaks on account of their neigh bours the

some Dyak coolies. One Hiew Nyong Paw has contracted to clear and' put into order the Lidah '1'anah, Paku and Juga.n ,13usau roads, and began work on the 19th. I have nothing further to report, sand Emprans ~.and the up river (Diu Ai) t of several raids against the Ryans of the H:R A. DAY, It is curious to note that most of these Resident. rre been headed by down river Dyaks mostly from the Kanowit. I have the honour to be, ---+-..Hajah, Your ohediellt f:Jervant, April. "Igreellleltt.~.-(jU wel'(: registered during the mOllth. C. V. BH.OOKE, l~esidellt, 3rd Di7!i.~ion. Sbmp duties and fees amounLen to $222.80. . '



Planting permits.--8 were issued. Court.-Fines and fees amounted to $351,75. On the 4th instant I went to Puak. I found tba.t' the foundations for the Staat bridge had been com. pleted and the' workmen han returned to Kuching, I underst:md the Ironwork is to be erected by the contractors for the bridge. . April. Mr. Sternberg arrived here on the 5th and was , Pnl'lt'iny,(f D1'a'iniJl(].--Arebehilld \lHolld entertained here as Your Highness's guest until the' 10 insutficient labour for l'ref\ellt worl,s but. nth instant when he ret;urned to Kuehing: ~ot in hand when pla.u\'ing I\llll wecdilJg of 'l'he death of It coolie at the .Ja.mbusal1 Mine was new clearing is completed, reported on the 7th instant. It is probable that the 'es.-Are )Jaw being IImde for October lrJan found an undischarged llynamite cartridge a.s this work has been clnlle regularly for amongst t.he debris whjch it was his dut.y to'remoyo four years very little supplYllJg will he 1'1'0111 the shaft. This be took home in the evening in future. :LlIllseems to lmve placed it ill or Ileal' his cookillg :T.-In a short time will he iusuflieielJt for tire, his cooking pot was blown to pieces and tl1!1 up-keep. man so badly injured that he died a few hours afterl.-'rhe Hon'ble 'l'he o nicer Administering w!Lrds. ernment l\Ccompanied by ?vIr. Hbelford On the evening of the 11th I'left for KIlChiug here all the 26th allll left all t,lle ~Htb hav1lJg obtained leave, returning ltga.inon the mortling of the 17th. H.\\", .\~I:lHY. Dnriug the month a man called Gapor who was .11 (///(/(11'1'. fonubrly in charge of the Rest house at the 10th mile on the Pt'nris~en road WAStaken 011[If;C!tretaker at Your Hlghness's bungalow. I hope he will provc Imlisfltctnry; :Lfithcre if! considerable trouble -+in finding !Hlyone IHted for the post. . April. A number of Sin keys have lately been obtained by :_g.-'l'en pla.nting pE\rJIJiliSoilly were jSiSued Messrs. 'l'he Borneo Company for their gardens at Puak. A good deal of trouble has been caused by a, Lh and one new garden registered. tion.--108 deedB were registered, BtallJpS considerable lHunber abscondillg, however as some have been caught and punished and at once sent amounting to $245.64. end of the month a coolie suH'cring 1'1'011I back to work, I hope. that others will be retarded came down to Busau from the B. C. JJ. from committing tbe same offence. P1tblic WOl'ks- Department.-'l'he Kling gang are' at Puak. A small attap house waf; built on Sopiece of waste ground ltt hacl{ of Hus:tu still at work on the Puak l'OlLd. 'rhe prisoners have been keeping up the roads 8I1d a man put to, look alLcr hun in onler to round D,W etc. ~ 80Smuch as possible. )':, H. 'R'l'IIJ\VI'~LL, a great plLrt of the nwnLh tllerc werc vcry Hcsi.dell t. .8011s every day ILnd It l1n1uber of big trCl)f; a.d below beniawltn wer(\ hlown down allll ---Bb the cowshed WILSparti~LlIy wrecl,ed but been temporarily repltired by the prisoners. _wever need completely rebuilding somc -.-year as it hILSnow stood for about ten ./pril. most of the, wood is Jotten except the llLlTived n.t IJulldn station on tbe 4th, aud foulld ich are of billian, tbe' p]ace ill very fail' order. ,.Busau' and Palm Police 131U'l'aekswere both 011 the 14th I left for 8iJIHttan to wake fllrtber , ~ during the month by D)'ILk coolies, enquiries concerning the murder of Ah Lab, I was Choon IL shopkeeper of Selliawan has asked ,cOtmected to the telephone service. '1'he unable to glef1.n any furtber information beyond Apparently the -. wire to Kuchinghas as much business as it what has already been reported. only reaSon for the ItCt, was one of spite, Ah Lah already bttt it would be a great convenience hS R. second wire via Seniawan and Sigo- 'having assisted one Kwong .Fong in eloping with , Kuching. It is possible other Chinese at Ah Lon's wife. All parties concerned have since . elsewhere might also wish to subscribe fled from the district and their whereabouts ttre not known. I consider that it was owing to P. C. 1 have not hen.rd of any yet. Bojies carelessness and gross stupidity that Ah Lon prisoners have been ~ngaged almost entirely







-s which they have' been misjng, metaJljng




.L.l.l.1.'J .

)J...1...1.IL'...'.t 1



-.-. -

. ... ....__.._--






origillal patient on one occltsion while apparently not n~sponflible for hi~ action~ 1I1ltde his escap.e from \ tlw tHoln.f:cdhOllse b1l11tfor hlln !tnc1 made IllS wn,v ! tc\ B'lIl \\'here he WASseclI about midnigbt wandering fol' BarB III. 11'01111(]Jhu gaol in' a suspicions manner and was :l1')'(~litd by the policeman on guard jn the Comt . ----:l11.iio,I,~ed in gaol till next moming. Ti,\: HUSI1UChinese I hear wish to build some 1;; "the 21HtH. H. S. ZallOrt(.,with i I.. II. hlllidl shops at back of the present bazaar. 'l'hiH 'Rh. sailE'(l 1'01'Barn.rn and the Nord:. -lalld I believe belongs to Messrs. the Borneo Comp!1.IIYIJimited so the Rusau policeman who reported tbe SMne Ilay s. s. Rajah. (~l SaTawnk, Passenger MI'. P. Pox. . tbe 'lIu\tter to 1110was' oJ'(leretlllot to n,llow any buildfoJ' Singn.l \,. ')ol'e. , --ing to take place until I had ellqnired if Messrs. t.he D. s. J(al,'a, :trriverl from Brooketon on Homeo COllJpan'y ]:"imitetl will permit this. Mr. '.I'et .ToolIg, Conrt 'Writer, received (j wee],8. ~e day. Pass0.ngers. '['he L01'inkeh 1\:a1l1 Hee was rep,wted to have abseollded hut vvas subsequently found to have. I.he 2Gth p. s. Adeh, !Jl'rivE'
S. ~lthom, with H. H. tll(' Hu.iah. fronl Ling-ga, --- on the 17th.



f;. l\"aka,





I to On wOl'k it ~ell on him. the ,I]st :t boat upset

. .

, .

l:out.anl1ng a Chlllese

a.t Lobo]; Boya. aiH] olle lli!tl\':\h

s. ~. R aja II of Sam'lOa!.', ani ved fWIIl re on the HOth. Passenger,. Mrs. er.


Mai drowlleJ.

H. H. A. DAY, Res.itlent.

---+ .. :lfa.!J. .-1 yrecme'ltts.-M'I wl::reregist(~)'(~dduriug the mOllth.. -+-:-Itltnl]! dutim; 1\lld fees amouuted to $] ]!Ui-I. . Jlf{/!J. Pll/'/Itiuy 1)e'l'lllits H were Js!;ued. COIlI.t.--}!'iues and fees amounted to $:WU.2t,. !.Tnf'iu1I.-UHdocument;; wen' registerecl durillg There is but: litt]e to report for tile past IIlolltll.. dJ. HtR.mps lUHlfees !H110Ulltedto $240.8'J. I wns in [\u'il/y.-B new glmlpns were registered :tlld 'J4 the tlilitrict ]mving bef'n very quiet. pel'Jriits issl1cll. ono lwing fHlb~ofJIWlltl.\' ('hin~~ from the .Ist to tlw ;Inl iIlSt:Ult., alII] Itgaiu front the 10th to th(~ 1:-1\,hjnstaut, on tl\(~ latter IIC:1as it encroached on DYfd...lrma. lers have been elnployed on up-Iwep of roath, . c[tsiolt to meet YOI'!r,Highnesli on yoill' rnturll fl'olu BU!ui roall, Jmnbu3an 'J'unnel road awl England. , tbe road to Seniawan of which last SOllIe On the 7th iustant, It small-pox pn.tient from Busa\ll :were I\]SOmet!\llcd, but tire 1lI1ll'lbm'ofpl'isoners stmyc,l frol11the Hospitld t here and WitS arreste(l so sm!tll that not Illuch progress is lllade. at night, wandering ,tbont ne!tl' the jnil and locked up; he was ill the most infections stnge at the tillll' lIalay IJl'isoners with the aid of some Dyak as his skin was peeling freely, :t thorough cleanillg . repaired the 'r. '1'. Dnri!tnbridge which w!ts of the jail with Clisenfect:nlts has I IlIlIglad to say rily repairecl SOllie time ago by Dyaks. two prisollers also rcpaired the culverts on' prevented tlw spread of the disease. 'from .Lida]l 'L'anah to Seniaw!\lI. A \VlttehnH\IJ employed by Messrs. the B01'l1e(~ the 10th from information received olle Chin Comp:!ny n,t Hidi WitSancsted dnring the month at the request of the SUpl: of Poliee and Prisons, he an escaped Kuching prisoller WitS rec<\ptured 'I'his man was sentenced in Knehing COllrt being I unclel'!;tltnt wanted in Singapore on !t charge. to two YI~n.rflfor highwav rohhery with of murder. P. C. Brmh vms seltttHlCed to a term of il1lIJl'isollhut escaIJed 1\Jew

'~).~/~:J: --







'l'H.E f:;A.H.-\.W:\.KUAL;.E'l"l'E, .JUL'l Kline>' O~ "0.11<' ~ are

"ettill<1 ~ ~ 011 faster

wi th


n;ad now they are paid by piece work. prisoners ho.ve beQn employed keeping II]> 1IDc1grounds, ill the vicinity of the (}OV(!l'I\lIoildings. I~. B.. S'1'lL \VE1..1J, n('.~idcll




ilIay. COl1l'tswerc f

&he20th I left for SillJlttttU, the cILttle at that were looking fairly well. "sew ba7.a!u' has been mlt('le at prGRI)llI;GOllsistil1g ..bstant.iltl billian shop!>. SItI1(llty 2211(1I visited 'l'alallg 'l'ahtug where the Dato IlIlI\,Ulll who ll!tll alTived there the 'day. ,".timed to the slation :)11tIlE'~'-I-th,[ r<:,gret that "" my Itbsence Ah Chin, 0. Ohinese prisolJer frol11 custody. Every search was 1111\







,~ve l1otl~il1gfllrther to repurt to Yom [j ighuef;s "

ISH!:>the thell Hesideut ordering tlm Silllunjiuls Itnd Kllldall!:; tu work tho trees yeal' ltiHI year about; either party takillg nests out or tlll'll to be lined $50. 'J.'his year the light belongR to the Kladltlls 'awl the Hill1l11ljall were therefore ordered to pay the lille ItS !tbove. '1'hey thereafter Itttempted 'to re-ovell the ease claiming certain trees as their exelusive property, but t;his was uot allowed. 'l'he prisoners of WhOUI there are lIOWJ.(j have been employed chiefly on the ormunenta.1 grouuds iLnd elc!1.ring up around ,the coulie lilJes. . Coal to the 1tIllount of Lt78 tous has heen shipped to Kuching during the lIlouth. I have nothing further to report to Yom .Highuess ou thiR nCC!1.Riou.

H. H. OHOClOm. OtJi('eJ' ill Cha/'!]c.

May. 1\11'..HiLrilJg-Uollld ilJfol'llJed me frolu .Lubok Alltu that whilst 011his WflYup t.here towo.rd" the eud of April he aRcertailled tlmt sollle thirty l'ltl1 DY!1.ks be10llgiug to tlw houses of AllIb:tlJg iLlld :.\J<1.lIclllt visited the J\!tlJtu COUlltry Itlld co.lIed Itt the houiSef; owned by 1\[u.raiallg, N 'y!1.lllbong,HltJlll!t, J'!tYlt, aud ex-pellglliu HailJ. It is lIot IliffiGult to surmise why they 111I1,de this trip. >Ii


]0'. .1. D. COX, Resident.


Ua!/. .nve(l here Oil the lath with orders fronl Yum CRS 1;0 relieve Mr. .1\irkpatrick iLlIII Itlso t.o l}'allY MI'. 111eweleyn over the milJes OIJ which I recei ved iustuctiolJ" from Y0111'HighlJess to :\ report. . J.Jlewe!eYJI ha\'irlg lillislwd his repurt left Oil tIw 20th. look ()H~r dml'ge of the st,fI.tiOIl I'l'Oln .Ml'. trick 011 the '2ard he leaving for Euching the l1ext mOl'lliug. the 23rd I received a. letter fronl Your High. instructing me to witness the traJlRfcr of the emcllt of tho mines by 1\:fr. Huxham toM!.'. . On advising :1\'11'.Huxhalll of this latter be Wl'Ote me sltyillg he would not he ready to the tmnsfer I'm' it fortllight. Malay boy of about 12 years of age mUlled n was taken bv a crocodile ltt Buntin Oil the whilst engaged in clearing SOUlefishing Rtakes &be mouth of 0. small streum His hOlly was ",c ,ered next day minus one leg. ~~e aUloltnt of cortI ill the sheds agrees approxi. ly with I,hltt f;hewlI ill the :;;tock hook a.RsI11J1i1lg' ,,'eight of a cubic foot of coal to ;j5lbs which was ., ;bly what it ~cale(l whell weighed. ~rt.-'rhere have ~een 110cases of lIIl\ch il1lporthe Hight of the 20th four one was uuder advance the others heavily in. debt ed to Kuching stealilJg the

Chinese coolies, of 1'1'0111GovenJllJellt ill the bazaar, abGovernment ferry

;One of the"e IllelJ 'was a.ftm'wflrrls arrested ill . :bing and al'l'ived here ill cU8to~ly on the 2(jth he was fOentenced'to It terin of imprisolllllent. .00 the 28th the Kladan Dya.l(s cOlllplained that , SilIluujans had been taking their bee'" uests. :Beference to the Court br'Jok dicited the following A dispute as to the oWllershiv of these ng trees was brought into Oourt.1II .the year

J, l!)lH.




111llmolle or J:I;\utill's follov.'crs is n~ported to have crossed the main riv(~r (the Diu Ai) ill order to raid dowu river. J\ It1lit, it is ,;aid, (Jlily I,lw J)()WSscelUS doubtful, lms died of the woulJd he received ill the head ill Uln K,Ulowit. \\Then the gUlml \vas beiug cllUnged at :Lubok Antu advltI1tage was taken of the extm lInmber of U]()IIto \'()(:onlloitr{) :-Ia.lm'sllOuse not'l.'cj1!d\Ong. All the paths leading thereto were found to be liued with bmnboo spikes (suda), ,tud set with' l11auy dangerous traps such ILS}leU aud jCI'/lI/[Jioxmfl. Six 1I1en were slightly wouuded by thes~. 'l'he rebels had donbtless received infol'Jul1.tion of tllO approach of 0\11:l'ltdy frol11their ]:'ul>ok Antu friends ns they ha.d hastily retired tl?a.t JllOrniug. 'l'here wal:; J10 propmty except some bye ~tock; the house wa.s destroyed ,vhen our people retIred. MI'. H. L. Owen alTiye(l at :-;ill1:1.I1gga.ngon the evenilJg of the ~lId.





1\lessr8. n.L. OweJ1 aud Gordon White feft for IJingg:t 11udHantiug 0J1 !1th. I WI\Sat .LilJgglt all 7th !Lnd left OJ) HI.I! in. p. s. Aclch for Ellching in ol'(lel' to meet Your Highness upon your retul'lJ. . lVIr. Owcn returned to Sjmlt~allg the siune cl!ty aIHI Mr. Gorden \Vhite 011 10th. Both OIIicen, left for 1mbok ,1\ntu on NIny 11th. a.nd i\II'. 'n:uing-Goul

At the Cltl.'lteRtrequiJst of thn Cbillqse ItlL.order

WItSi£stled forbidding the Lil!gga the ba7.n.ar itfter 8. 1'. ;II.

i\lalo.ys to ,0Hter; . (J



THE SAHAWAK GA.~ET'l:E, SEP'l'EMBEH 0.' 0 '0 'U 1.\.

rTl ~.,. 0 '.'t..:6


.. .. .. .. .. . . ..



'J:~ Q I:)

.. .. .. .. . -.. . . ...



.. .

E\ 2nd s. s. Bajah of 8amu)(tk, sailed o.pore viti Sambas. Passengers, Mr. . Howe and maid.


'l'Hg p. s. Adch, arrived fro!J1 Brooketon the 231'<1.



'rIm 5. S. L' Au.bainc, port on the same day.

arri \'e(l from the same

The s. s. J(uchill!), sailed 1'01 Singapore 011 s. s. Alice Loraine, sailed for Sadong 4th, returning on the Gth. rl'his was the same date. I Passengers, Major Everett, iden voyage 'and everything went Dr. Barker, Messrs. Bradford, Bettington and y and well. rrhis vessel should he ~L Branden bnrger. ful addition to our eoaH~ingtmde. ONthe 25th s. s. Rajah (~lSal'awak, arrived ---from Siug!LpOl'e. --


rl'HE p. s. I(akct, .&be same dtLYs. s. IC/lchinO, ani ved fl'Ol1l the 25th.

re. PlL8senger, Mr. H. W. Walker.


.,the Gth Lady CunYllghallJp. Ilistrihnted . es to the girls of the Convent School. ighness the B.3:jah was present.


p. s. Acleh, anive(l frotll IJilllhang vi,; an the 8th with His Highness the Hajah Messrs. Page-'l\ll'nel' and Geikie.


8. 8. Knchiug, sailed for Singa.pore on

--Hailed for c, D". .


the same day s. s. ,,'udall,of 8aJ'f/wal.:, , from Singapore. Passengers, Messrs, '9Gilbert a.nd Arnold and :\11'8. Zehnder.


s. s. Al'ice Lv'raint:, slLiled for I.Jingga bu on the 13Lh. PaHRenger, Mr. Pager.


Samwak harque Vetle (if'lJoulI GG9tons . at H.ejang on the 14th instant, fl'OlH -ong with balast tu ltHLdti lUbe!.


the 1mme du,y p', s. ](nka., !LL'1'ivedfrom


~1.1l'~'!l~ f~ I~S'I'A 'I' I':. -+--. Jul!} . 'l'he crop picked 1'01:the 11lOllth WllS 23 piculs parchmen t.. . '. 'l'wenty-live piculs cle[\11 coffee allll 250 Ibs tea were despatched tq t,he Borneo COtHpan)' Limited. During the ulonth coolies hl1.vebeen employed in pruniug telt, topping 'c.)fTeeIUHIscmping 1I10SSfrOIll the coffee fltmu. Building calfee ch-yiug sheds is completed. 'I'he piece of jungle between the Manager's house and the old coffee store which WI\8 partly felled about It year l\gO, was now completely felled a.nd being clelLred up for plautingco1Iee. Mr. Adams arrived on the 11th Ilnd paid the coolies for June and returned to Kuchillg the next day by laud. '1'he:\'e I1.reIali men, 55 women, 15 working children I\ud 21i younger .ones noMo'on the }}stllte. Penglmlhtn roa.d alld we",ding lVIr. Gibson's ga.rden etc. is in thorough good order. BUl'l1t earth waR !>ut rou.lld IL11the rose plants in Your Highness'tS gardcn which are growing well. J. 1\1. qOMEZ, .


Sa:I'(/.lI!lI'';, sailed for PasscHger, MI'. W. J.


the same .hLYp. s. J(a.lw., sailed for ,}loreto he do(:ke(l. --s. s. Gaea., (a ~ol'wegilul steILIller ) 'n V. Dahl left RejH.ug on t.he 17th in10L'Hongkong with a earg(~ of G25 tons i

-s.1. :Ln F/:.e,urrived 1'1'0111 Sibu on the returning-on the: 18th. -the 18th '5. 8.: J(UC!t.';Il!l,al'ri ved frol1l pore. Passengers, :\[lIjlJr B\'Grett and Bmndenburgel' --.

R. s. Ali(!p, Lora.inc, arrived


--Or;' the HOth H. s. Rajeth of Sa1'awak, sail~d for f:;ingapore.

--the 15th p. s. Aclel;, Hniledfor Brooketon. s. s.. Bttjtthof ,pore on the 16th. a.w.

frolll Singapore

-ON the 2Rth s. s. Al-icc Loraine, sailed~for Brooketon.


--~Jul!/. J>l£lnti"'!J.--'Ko lIew gardentS were registexe~1. Seven new plnlJting permiti; were itSsued t,his month. lle[/i.~lratl:(}n,--'l'hirty-three agr~e1l1ents were regis-. Lered stllnlp" IllJCIfees "'llIounting to tuO.!)(j. The prisoncrs have been chiefly employed on raisin~ bl'Oa.dening and metalling rand from baza.ar toward!; .11t11lbuscn.ped prisoner from Knching was recaptured at :::!(miILWB.nall. inforll!f\tion givell by olle Assilll ILUex-Po C. . Fiues ilild -Ceesfor the ulOllth l\IIlOllllt to $210.5U. There have beeu lIumerotls theftH [\llt1'burglaries reported lIming the mouth. all the ard the B. C. L. go-dowli ILt BnRIUI was broken into [llla n. quantity of peppel' oHtimc!lted ILt 11hu,ut10 bagl> .stolen. . all ./




- -




12th It gn.ng of 7 al'1l1od men hl'oko into I~house Serillggok allrl stole ltll the jcwclle)~y of tho tei;. On the 17th ano'the1' armed gang hroke into a e at Skunyet and stole 4 pikuls of peppel' &c, beat the two' lllen in the honse. No arrests . e been made in !1.nyof these cases. 011 the 20th L, C. as HaS:3IUI W!1.Ssellt to P. ,pat to make ellquiries re the reported sale of ,powdet. there. He returned 011 29th with () ays who are reported to have brought on several ions large qnll.ntities of gnnpowder up-riverano hl\Ve sold them to Sau~gow Mahtys. 'l'he C!1.se still sub-judice and I I~m endeavouring to trace 'bere the powder came from. I am iuclilled to ~k it is imported hy Pl1loh hoats which conld II)' evade the CnstOlus, 011 the IHth It new junio)' clerk Goh l\-Icng H,d, 'ved vice Ail l.'itellg sentenced to imprisonment embez::lement.. 'l'lw Conrt vVriter 'J'!'!k .Toong been sufferl'illg' fl'on. had eyes 11.\1(1this has wn a great deld of extra work 011lIIe. all the h. he went to Kuchillg for lIIedicull~dvicl) rtnil nrued after being \miter the ])octO)' for 11.few ,ys but lmtumlly his eye!>will olily improve slowly. On the HUh one 'l'hen Hiew dieit snddenly at anu, He had come in with 11.SIl1I~1lqnulltity of !pper n.uel seemed quite well bll,t about 2 hol\l's


&erwl\rds died.

On the BOth one Chong N YUIIwas fOllnd dOltll ill . house 011his pepper gn.rden nel\1' Heniawan. He II.ppll.l'elltly ueen dead some 4 01' [) day'~' 'I'here were no 1IJn.\'ksof violence l\IId ho soellls to ve died of a fit ItS he was about to cook son1f~)'iee a pot full was fOllnd between his legs. '1'he Dyak revenue 'of the whole district (BItt! Id Palm) has uow beeu paiil up in' full.


H. R A, nAY, Residcnt.

Jttly, On the 8th I tOok o\'el' the stl~tion frolH MI'. '!;tilwell who left for Kuching the same day. . I have since then come over here every other dn.y. PlanUufl.-No new gllrdens were rcgiste!'ed 1\1)(1 4I11y Suew pln.nting permits issued
ibe .enginl!!;Iexn.mjneil the ,place n.ucl subsequently s;&veorders t.hl~t thj,; clea,rillg shonld lIot .be !lRed!loR tbe diggillg lip of .the grouud wOllld cn.UReevell mOl'e soil to be wltshed into the ditch after every min. '1'he occllp:mtHof two IWl1se,;on t;)w lippeI' siite of £his'ditch were n.lso ordm.'ell to 1'ImlOvc the11l I\!; the dminn.ge of their h()\\~eR Illlturally falls illl.o the t1itch. At the time of 111\'visit IUI oid wonutn 'VIIS fOlllld uathing ill' it. . She was lilled ILSthis tlitc:h 5upplies~hl) .\'JI\imIU" with Wttte\: a!>well.


On the 4th n.lld2!Jth I wellt over to Pnak to ml\.rk

out work for the Kling ganA' which IIOWonly conRists of oj men and I\.mandor. J have ILsked the Hon'hle the Hesident to get me sOllie more indentured coolies bllt up to the present there n.ppear to be Ilone to spare.

B.. R A. DAY, Resident. ------------



.Tul!! . i\Ir. Geikie having heen .dl there WI1.Sto be seen n.t LlII~Mines I'etm'ned to l\IH:hing on tlw 4th by tho s. I. Young Harry. Your HighneRs f~l'l'i\'ell hm'e ill the H. H, H. Zalwm at 8. A. M. 011 the ft)llowing Illorning aIll}

I\ftel' coalillg left agaill



A.:\r. leaving ill-

btrtlctionR fo\: llIe to I\.cC011lpn,IIY NIl'. Hage to Lingga antlrepOlt on the coal !1.t(hlllfJllg 'NleJ!1.lIkin, I left for LilJgga the next .iay at J 1 A. M. in company with Mr, Sage rctlll'lling on the morning of the 14th. .


011 the Il1th I lelt for Knehing ill order to 1"epl)rt personally to YOUI'Highlless c(Jllcernillg the cOld ltt IJiligga. I retul'lled to this stlLtioli 011the ~lst hy the p. s. Klll.-ll MI'. I~nd Mrs. TJlewelnYII 1~1I(1 Mr. Bingly also heillg passengers by .this boat. 'l'he p. s. l(aka proceeded Oil her \my to Broolwton ltiter n. stay of aoout 2 holll's 'lll1rillg which time Mr. Lleweleyn and Mr. HI~ge settled some business nmtters connected with the }filles. During lilY ahsence ill Kllt~hillg a htlld slip took place in front of tbe bUllgaJl/w c,~rrying the whole of the lallding stage aWl~Y. I have LIOWImd a lIew 1n.lIdmg stl~ge lIutde a;bove the wharf. 'rho whole of the .ri\'er frolltH.ge is mpi<11y.blippill'g n.way awl the down river wlllL/'ris ill It very dilapidllot-ed (Jolldition; so .lIlItch so, that unleRs it is I'epn.ired before the hore Ilmi,es its l\ppeltranCe, I fear it will go to pieces,

From the ~(jth of .July to thl\ ::ith of August I W;L~ absellt from the stlttioll !:olleetillg the .LJand DYltk revenue ill the Upper Sadollg. 'l'he total reVPlIlle colllICted ullIol1nted :to $'l,!JS~ JeRs cOlUmission of 11%. The IHlllll Dy:~ks .are httl' with tI'l'ir f11.\'1I1S thi~ year most ofthelUh!WLlIg ollly .IIIS~:heglln ,to fell. 'l'here has beelln greM deal of sickness in :the Knn.pong dlll'illg the month. ,Co,tllJ.tno~lIIting .to 1,77ti 1-1.tOIlS waR shipped to Kuchingdming' ~he mOllth the sheds n.t tl.e what.f bemg now empty. ,'rhe daiiy out-pnt of coal now being about no tOIlH,which HleallS roughly 50 of deMI coal, ,the s(1pply is uot sufliciollt the dellllLllii I\nd there

n.ro eOllst:tlltly


to meet

4Ot. [, schooners

wl~i~illg ill the rivel;. 011 the sheds at~ the whad heillg emptied,' ,tho ImllLllce ill ,the !!todcbool" \ whi<:h lilts to be calclllate.l

1'lJughly ow.ing to It eet.taill

proportion of the .coal beillg washed at the whar( aftB!' it i~ weighed) l\pplJl~rCll to IlILV<:h~en 0\'01' estimated n.hout :i6 tOIH; Iwd this ItlllOlillt has IIOW heen writtell off. ! H. B. CnOCI{ER.

..J ,~,~i,~t(mt Resident.


'l'HE SAnA VVAK GAZE'l"l'E, ~


the 13th s. s. 'Ba:iah of 8am/oak, sailetl Singapore. Passengers, Mrs. Staples and C. Shal'lJ.



Passenger, -Mr. li'. F. Boult.

. . ONthe 14th p. s. 'Adeh, sailed for Sadong I Lin~ga with His Highness the n.f~jah dlt. -THE E. S. J{II/;hiug, Itl'l'ived 1'1'011ISingapore I;he 15th. Passenger, Mr. ClOllstoll. ---

ONthe same Jay p. s. Adeh, ani ved froln gglt. Passengers, Hev. and Mrs. Howell the H.e\'. and MrK. Dp-xte\'Allen.


THE S. 1. La li'h;, sailed for Sibu viii t)fI,(long the 16th. Passen~el', "Mr. Boult. -ON the same day p. s. Jraka, sailed fo\' the rth vii; SibIl. Passengers, 1\11'. ancI Mrs. is for Brool\ctoll, Mr. n. Shelfonl antI }Ir. . W. Walker fo\" Sihu 1tll(} }'If\,. \V. .I. 1'1. nw for Nlulm.

..._-----.-_. ,~_._-----



Septcmber 2211£1,1904.


}li.~ Hi!Jhl/.(~.~.~ tlte Uajah. Jiuria. I llltve the hOlloI1\' to again Rend you quarterly report 011 Hi" HighlleRs the HILjah's Steam Yacht Zaltora. 'rhe Hull, illside the crew are busy cleaning ILlldIn\inting sallie. All the Bilges are clp-an, dry, :twl in good cOJldition, the Eugilles are clean and ill good cOllditioJl, heing tUl'lled ruund daily. Several of the H.ivets around Com hustion Cham bel' hottOllls, the Engineers are tl\king out to renew, the old ones being badly eaten !\WI\Y,and' beyond nu\king right hy calilldll!~. '\Then time perlllits I hlwe. ordered all the Bunker plates and n.rnund the stokehold to be 11,11 thoroughly Rcrapcd (Llldp!\inted over, altogether evcrything i.~ ill n.very sILtisfl\ctol'}' condition. I havo the hononr to be, HajlLh l\fuda. Y0111:obedient Servant,





']'HJ~s. 1. La PI~I!,arrived from Sibu on the


for Hamill.

'fHE S. s. 111Ichill!l, sailed for Singapore 011 20th. Paflsenger, ----- Hou'ble Ii'. II. Dallali.

W. HEHVICl~, SUIll'.rintcndent Ru(}inccl'.


THE S. S. Baj££h ot' 80 1'1/.I/)a 1.-, 1LlTive(1 fl'oBI gapore on the 22nl1. --

ON the 24th p. S. Adeh, arrivt,a fnull Ba.mlli. ON the same day p. s. 1(1/.!ta, ani.vetI .e North.




p. s. Adf!h, sailed for 8a(long

-'I'm: 26th being His HigllllPsfI the Hajab uda's birthday \Vas kept as a public:. holiday. salute and .F'eu-de-joil~ wen' lire!} fl'olll the ort and all the shipping was dl'esse<1illhonolll' the occasiun.


p. s. KII!tn, sailer} fOI' Baralll.


ON the Sitlue day s. s. Hr;jf/h r~i Sw'awa!t, ,';It'(l for Singapore. . Paflsellgel'S, Messrs. ". (T. Templer C. Clol1stoll.


I)(!cn reported tbat, t~w scbooller HOIIg was lost of H(..jang with all a cargo --of jelutollg.

])uring the 1IIoilth coolies hlL\'e bee II employed in Imllllling young cotree, Hcmping IIiOSSand tilJishing tl)11pl'uning. 'L'lw snll\lI piece of jungle ILbout ,j :tcres near the old colree store WILSclelLred up lined and holed and ready £or 1'1t\llting <'ofTeeinN o\'elll her. The co/fee plants in nurseries are lookiug well aud will be ready to pllt out in Noveulber. 'J'he crop piel\Cd for the 1IIouth WILS13t piculs plLrchllJellt. MI'. Hm'illgtoll ILITi\'e(t011the l(ith ILud paid tbe coolies for .July jII the a.fteruoon alld I'etumed to Knching the lIext <1:\)'mOl'llil1J..(. Yom I:lighlless ,'isited the Estate on the 21st :uld retul'lwd to l\uching 011t,hp 24th. ,I. :\1. GOMEZ, Manager.


ON the 2Hth p. S. Adeh, sailed for Lingga.


ON the 20th s. s. J{I/{'hi::y, Ilrrin>(] fro III ;iugapore. Passengers, NJ1'8. St,a.plt:.S, HOIl'IJle ';'1'. H. Dallas Ilwl Messrs. \Val'llfo!'l] Lock and 1'1Yenor. ----

~11'. ].Jock is Ma.nagel' of ,{allb alltI MI'. : Scrivenor is Goverl1luent Geologist for the 'Malay States. 'l'he latter gentlelnan, we understa,ml, wishes to nJ:l.I,esOlue observations n the Geology of Sn.rawak.


A Ilflllst.

A "/I,{fust. J>lanli//!f.-At Hau Iii new glLrdmls were registered and 2 lIew pbnting penllit8 issumlltlld I\t Palm ;-14 lie\\' grmhms wen) registel'ell alld I ~ pll\lItillg perlllits isslied. HrllLd tlLX to IlIllOtlilt fir $;'j:lH.20 and $6fi6.(j5 WILS)HLid ill ILt Bllli ILIHl 1'11,1<11I'especti I'ely. Both Courts 111\\'0 beel! cl'owde(t ()\'(~r\' d:t.Y lately with road tax plI,yel'R iLlJ(l oHice hOlll'f; III\\'e beel! COllseqlwllt)y HIJeol!seiollably IOllg. llefli.~t/'(/ tion.Forty-eight dl!cds have been registcl'e(t

I!iz: ]..J. ILt Ihu

alld :\4 ILt Palm,


to be allowed to sell their edible bird's nests here instead of at I~ingga as heretofore. I am told that OOtt1't.-.I!'ines and fees Bau $181 Palm $727.70 sOllie tell years ago these Dyaks were forbidden to sell theil' nests here but can find no reference to This has been an extremely busy month I~t Pldm. On the 2n~ one Seng Cbai son of Hap Chooll of the case in the court books. Seniawan was set upon by 1\ number of dis.!:!lIised I It "eellls that there are numerouil caves known mell and badly himten. The actual per]Jetmt'Jrs I Old.\' tll I,lte Samunjan DynkB which have not been could not be caught hut aile 'l'hai IJOO awl hi" I tOllciWli for years, as Lingga is too far to mal{e it coolies were punished for being accessories. 'I'he wUl'th while to tl~ke II.few nests there, and .thereforeRssault is said to have been made on Seng Chl~i by should Your Highness allow these nests to be sold mistake for another lOan lII\med .long Sin Kho here it would in no way effect the quantity sold at who is said to have insulted the 'wife of Kuan Iliew. Lingga. I have the honour to enclose II. skp.tch of the vVbat rather bears out this story is that all the 8th WlllLrf and river frontage shewing where landslips and 9th there were explosions of hlastillg gellttine ill Palm Bazaar about 10 ]'. III. on the first night in hl\ve occurred during the last 3 months. I would point out to YOU\'Highness that the up-river portion front of Joug Sill J\ho'H shop aull next night behind. The Ku:m do.n are a tlll'hl11elll; lot and VCI'Y of tho wharf is ill perfectly good eonr1ition whereaH JlUmerOIlS at 'L'IIII'('on I )uriall. the down river pOl'tioll is continually giving way. On the lGth seveml Malays of Kall1pong Lilltang 'L'his HIay be !\ttrihuted to two cal1ses firstly that were fined in the aggl'egltte $800 fOl' selliug guu- the down river portioll hl\8 to withstalld the whole force of the incoming tide l which constantly brings powder in large qllautities in the Left Hand Brauch. Inl'ge I]l1antities of dl'ift wooa with it) and secondly 'l'his pow(ler is prolmbly importe(l hy 1s11\11(1boats which would have no dif1iculty iu evadillg' the that the Lmnk at the base of this portion of the. customs as I believe they are not inspected till they wharf is consliUltly slipping away there being no. longer allY retain~ng WR.ll here whereas the old have reached I~uchillg. retaining wall still stands at the base of the up-river 'l'he Bau prisoners havc been chiefly employed wharf. in clelLring road fr01l1 nlLU tClRmn1'which was nearly finished at end of lJIollth. 'l'he Palm gang have I have attempte«l to HIII.I\OIt tell1pol'lLl'Y breast heen grubbing up stumps on the cattle gronnd. One work of round wood but such I find will not last .long Fui was arrested at B'\ll all inforlll!\tion 1110rethan a few days. received and forwarded to Kuching where he was If Yat1\' HighrJesB would sanction the building of duly identifiell as n.n esel\IJell prisoner. II.strong retaining wall extending about 120 yards. 'I'he ferry LOM at Selalang is very rotten and down Htreall1 with It hnmk watcr I~tthe end I think the feny-man hl~s orders to look out for II.lIew oue. there would he ilO more trouble with the wharves.' On the 17th FI\ther !:)totter came to Bau 1\lld It would I think be feasible to llIal{e II.breal. water selected for the Missiou II. piece of lalld bordering as the water on this side of the river is slack whilst the main road from .I1au to Ruan. Next day we the tiae is on the el,b. all the other hand if no. went to Seniawan where a site W/LS.chosell for I~ steps are take!! to prevent ~ncroachuJCnt I fe",r it . chapel 'on II. sn1l~1l hill just outside the hazlI.I\r. will be neceSSIHY to rnove the coal sheds to a less. 'l'hese lands will Le sun.eyed whell cleared Ilnd lllLl1gerous position. I have thm'efore deferred regrants made out. pairing theHp. sheds'which al'e in a very bad state On 23rd I went to nidi to inspect the Police until I'eeei\'iug definite instrnctiolls. Station which needs ilnnj(~<1iltte rehuilding I\R the 'L'ho daily out-p"t of coal whielt at the ueginning posts are all rotten. I IHwe arranged with the Kro- of the month promised to be between liOand 70 tons. kong and Jagui Dyaks t;o snpply the wood. As the unfortunately fell to little over 40 tons on accoullt present site is w/Lllted by the B. C. L. the police station will probl\Uy he removed to the oLher end of two break downs in No.4 and 5 mines. 'L'he damage has ho~vf'ver now been repaired and the Manager" of bl\7.I\I\1'hut I have lH,t yet quite fixcd on II.Rite. assllres me that there shonlr1 he a (lecill(~d illcrease H. It. A. DAY, in the out-put for September. Resident Uppcr SamwlIk. 'l'he total alllount of clean coal received at the wharf during August 1,170.0H tons and of this. 1,122.0:-1 tons were shipped to Kuching. H. B. CHOCKBR A.~};i.~tantResidcnt. A1/f]IlSt. I returned froln 'l'abekarig on the evelling of the 5th ll!\ving beell absent from the station 11. days. Two burglaries wcre cOlnmitt~d at the Colliery during my absence, on one occl1.sion Ban Rok's shop was entered at night alld elLsh 1\11<1food-stuffs to the value of $40 stolen all(llt~ter saine money WIISstolen I returned tu Hill1!Lnggang on the 3rd alld found from the Gambling ]<'arll1",r's premises. In the former case the thieves gained access to the shop by that everything had been going on smoothly during my absence. . cutting through the pluuks with a large auger which His Lordship thc Bishop lll'l'i,'ec1at J.Jingga by the they had stolen mnollg other things from the head p. s. [(aka on the 5th and afterwards proceeded to carpenter's box. I alll glad to be able to report visit the different Mission centres in this division, tlJ/\t the culprits (8 in Inlmber) were suhsequelltly arrested and the stoien tools recovered. These leaving Pusa for Kuching 011the 24th. l\{r.H. J;J. Owen left for I,ubok Antn on the 5th men were sentenced 011thc 15th to one year's H. 1. to relieve Mr. 'P. C. Gordon-White who has been each. . all the 9th John de H.o:-:arioarrived from Kuching appointed to do duty in the Brd Division. Mr. F. A. 'V. Page-'l'nrner who has been appointed to relieve Loong Quee who has been grauted 4 months leave of absellce. to this district arrived with the relief guard of Samwak HI\I1gers per the s. s. A lice LOl'l'aine on the Work at the Col1iery IUH1 wharf Wf\S slispended on the 25th and 20th 011 which days the Chinese 14th. Mr. Gordon-Whit~ with the old guard left observed the feast of "Sembayang Hautu." for 'Lingga the following morning 11.1\(1 sailed for 8ibn early Oil ~he l(jth., , . '1'he Dyaks of the Upper Sn.mnnjall have petitioned

and fees amounting to $R1.04 .and $8!J.25 res-









I'll -




THE SARA\VAK G-A;61~'1"1'~j, WOVEMBf,R~,





,.- -.......

MI'. Pawle killdly "howe(l liS over the wol'l;s ltllll Oil 'J'}1erHare ,B:.\ l'alllbollg ruhher nees, ;\O,j para 0111'retnrn to Pldm the case of Reng ChR.iv,~. KUltn rubber trees alld l,!i/j;j drian rubber plants growing Siew reportecl last: month was brollght forwal'd . 011the ]'~state. before the Hon'ble i the H.esident n.llcl finallv disMr. Adn,lUs arriv(~d Oil the Wth and paid the missed.' . -coolies in t.he aftel'l1ool1 aud returned to l\uchillg '1'he lIext d,LYthe:Ilon'hlc the Hesident rode over -the uext day. . to Plmk and inspected the suspension bridge and His Highness The .1hjlth's hath room has heen the Sitllle dn.y be and IJltdy Cunynghll1ll1 retul'lied to repairell as the l'l)of was in a dilapidated HtlLte. . Serapie road has been thoroughly repai red 1t11<1 Knching. DUl'illg the month sllmJl-pox broke out. at ncw bridges put over thc dmins. A few coolies bave been clIIploye


-September, PlantiIlU,-41. lWW ga.relens werc registere,l at Ban and !Jl at Pltku, PllLllting permits iSSnel( \1 .ltnd 22 res))f~ctivelv. 'l'he I'Oltd tax has \lOW been practically l)aid in f;~ll. During the l\lonth $l,:!40,11:1 'Were received ILt Ball and $J.,7\12.U8at VakIl. Planters Itre holding baek their pepper as fltl' Its they .can ill the hbpe of a rise in price. 'l'here has becn a lot of peppel' stealing (lming the month !tnd ILSin con.:;equence of the low price Towkays are l'C~fllsing 'to make ad V!1.J1ees on the hwish Rc!de peppCJI'phtnt!!l'H Im\'e got necustoll1ed to, the htttel: are \lI1
P/'isuner.~.-'1'he 1hu gang finished doin~ npthe

Buall road Itlltl have cleared the Serillggok road all(1 the roads round the court Itllll ba7.aR.r. 'l'he P[I,I\\1 gang have carried stolle t;; re-metal n.nct mise the pn.ths rolllld the court houSt1 and 11II.vebeen clen.rillg more lalld for the cllttie, 011 the 17th one Chai Sok escn.ped from Bnll th\'ough the carelessness of the gUIHc1 and Oil the 2Dth Nadl1.si It Klillg sentellcecl to ililpriso\}\nent fe,r theft the pre\'ions day n.lso made Jlis eRCttpe frolll Ball, ILlld up to tilt) end of the month ~Ieithel' bas heell reclI,ptul'ell. 011 tbe 2nd the Hon'ble the H.esident and IJnily C,llIynghA.n1e pai
filw(l to Smtill,wn,n l>lt%lml' n 11(1110CltS(!Swere \'B))(wt!!
-' September. '('he Kahong clerk, jVfl, ,.\, 1<'. Cheyne, hils lH:un granteel six weeks leIwe, his duties being taken (wer hy his SOil, BenCheYlle. On the .14th .1 left. for TJllhok Antll l'eturning on the J8th. The ])yaks living IJeIH'I~ubok Antu for the third year in succession Imve had a ve\'Y poor pn.ddy l1ltrvest al1su a llollar. : If it WttS lIot fl))' the sale of hililLl1 [LtalHi alHl {ellcing: which these p(~ople tHe working ill lal'ge (l'lalltities. tlwil' state WOlll(l he <'xtremely sfJriolls. .It is now lIecessary to send regllbl: supplies of rice for the gnn.rd alld, GOVCrllll1ellt servlmts stlLtiolled ILt TJuhok Antn, , 011 the 11th It Dy!tk nltllw(l ~n.yn.1I Ml'ived 1'1'<)111 up I'iver 011 a slllall l'ltft ILI1ox H1Lidto contain $:'\00, sollW ~olcl ornallwnts Itll!l cloth gooilH, the property or l\f'l.lIdor \l:d,."il, IV:!.Sstolell 1'1'0111 tilf) fort. The bux was Itftel'wal,.ls {ollllCl hut the lid had l)()un foreed ILIIlI the IIIOIH!Y ItS well ItS jewellery (~xtmeteed the fO\,(1c. . ¥Otll' Highness visited this stn.tiiJl1 frotn the 15,th ' to tIle ~7th lLuli preside(l in COIII't Oil rOIll' oecasions. The only <:ase wllich eltlls {Ol' Inention is tlllLt of, Joseph BbslLn \vho n.ppli(~el for Itll<j' WttS granted a. divoree froD! his wife {noli ()II aceollnt, of hel' mif.cOI11,t~~d with the vacGinc lymph (2 tubes) sllPplieel hy the Me(lical DcpMtlnent, hut not It single goon(~11)lIost s1ttisfn.ctoI'Y.

.~ ---


Upper Sti1'awak.,







._ o ctob'~ el",

. During

I.~1r. '-.A 1L.J.L;I.L.J...&..:.I, ..J..J..L:JV.L:J.UV.cJJ.."~ L, J..VU~. !

On the 20th '1'u:illlm HI\Il1id nlld 'l'Il:.I.III\t1Olllnr


two Pontinnnk' Malays \H're filJed $100 each or ill d~fault. 0 IllOlIthsselllug il~lpl'isollTneutCor 81l1ggl11Dyaks' them charlllsswiil(iliug n~!\iu;,t the the


the rnolith coolies have he en C'rnployed in mwlt-pox. 'These \ IIJell have beeu ]oufiug about pruning old coffee, finishing' cuttillg supply hcles Upper Hllrawak fO\':sOllie lIIollths alll(.lIg the \'I\lious and filling in alld 'gl~thering crop. tnbes of DYltks professillg to tf'n.ch d!lIlCIll~ Hud 'Veediug coffee ltnd te:t in good order. \\:cre wnrlwcllong nJ!.o.thllt it \\'ould he' bettcl' if they , 'I'he crop picked for the lUonth was 37! piculs dill some houest worl, J\JsteHd of sFougillg on Dyaks'. parchment coff:e and 205 lts. tea: . 011 the l~th I weut 10 Lnbuk Dn.11Iu with 1h. 'l'hirty-eight picnls cleRn coffee were tlcspn.tched. Hcs~ IInd. spent ge\'el'ld Lours ill ]lIyillg .down with to.the BOl'neo CompallY Limited. . It pl'lSUlnllC cOlnpllss the boulldllry of Lhe B. C. L. Abont ~,OOO I'Itl11bOllg r.lober cuttings were gT~1.IIttbm'e. 'rile Dyaks ha\'e ngnin encl'O!1ched (III plant.ed in the nurseries. . thIs laud aud were cousequeutly (orbiddell to plaut Oue Statute Itmnigr:\lIt n.nd a' Cree coolie under up the Iltnd they had clellrell illside the boulldH.rv;;

advance have absconded alld so ft\r they have \lot been nl'1'esLed. .


Mr. Adams pailHhe' co(\lieE on the 18th n.t Ihe la.ndinO' place alld retlUlled to l\.l1chinO' 60011 after 0 pltYllle~t.

visit alld

J M GOMEZ " OJ, . . ~J [ 1


they ellcl'oached hy clearing. alollg tll~

LUllk of the strell.lIl fl'l)1I1I.Jobok Bahrll. 011 tllO 2211d Hi.. lfighness 'rhe Rn.jah Mudnl; rOlle up fl'Ol\I Knchill~ to pny the liistrict I\.short retu1'lled

Oil the 24th in the 8a1119wnj'.

Pl'Iso"/ler.~.-AtPfdu.lha\'e clettl'ed Ulld,,'e.eded the Bnn.1I rOltel and I\.t Bau ha\'e clcnt'ed !lud weeded


]'Qud to Yom Highlless'

Lungltlo\\' Lesi(ll~s 11,1'.I\£ut:l

up-keep of. the station. 011 the 5tll aile J30ng (.hill~>, Doo dlCd JI] Ban gaol appflo1'l~lItly of::c:ul<J iI.)'i L. I; r I.I.I~ It S 1\ itA W 1\ 1\ . afLer two dflo)'S iJilless alld 011 ~ht .J10]' .\ i, ", " cscl\.pmi fl'Otn 131m while with I\'gilllg l:uttin" lir.wood. N Il.llasi a Kli ul1;..prisouer \\"]J!>escn.prl' fl'OlIl Bau last 111011 th \rn.s rccu ptu'),E',l I1.t Scnin\\'u II Oil' Pl£l1!til1g.~Twelvc limv gll.l'elt-ns were registerell 11th. ~3idi Poli~e statiou \\'US rebnilt dUl'illg III!lnth 011 a Site Opposite the old poLce stillioll. 'rhe \Jew and.l7. lIew p1allting pt'l'lJIits takell out tllis 11I01lth. bnihiillg hus billiltll posts aud sllould last, a con-' 'l'here hlwe buen.n. large number of phliiters ahseonsidern.ble time.. .. . dillg'(hll'illg )lIollLh .1I.lId ill most cases I,hey lIIal;c Swall-pox nppen.rs grllduall{ to have ~Iied ont nt aW!lj with .ilo(lUfllllity of pl!pper. Rellia.wlIlI Lut there wns olle ])ew cnse 011 29th l\Hiilila"j I notice is I'. VCl;)' fll\'ourite day fo\' ftbMnl't)' actor frOll1 l\uchillg who was rCllIoveti to the scondiug as the ,Peppt:H' ClllI he: soh1 and the slIulll-I)()X Cn.lllp outside :-)elli:twl\.l!. Vnccination absconder depnrt with the proceed!; hy Lhe stenlller 011 'l'nesdll.\' ,tI1l1'as It rnle tllc towkll\,S do lIot hCI\I' lills btWII cal'l'ied 011 cvcry SUlIchlY duriw' the IlJOllth Itt Hell ia\\'l\ II' allll hils heclI fllirly succes:ful unt Cor' of it ill til;le to clttch r,he iib;'coutlel:. One plallte\' SOllie nmsoll the Dispellsary drt'sser, SelJO' Ewe, was at.J\Iusi.wI\s fuuud by his towkay Itbol1t to abscoud lIot ('ql1~lIy - s'uccessful at Plden alld nll~. 011 the with 25 ul1.gs of pep~er, thc peppel' \\"IoS rec:)\'el'ed of slIlIdl-pox were rep0l'ted ill Bau though the plallter (Lilli flU hi;:.coolies got ~t\\"IoY. 011 24th a c:tses b"zItlu' :tlld the SHllle dlloYsOIlJe prisollers wel'e sellt nllOther occasioll the l\bsCOlldillg pl'liltel' was f!'Olll 1'Itkll to help huild n SIIHtll-pox cnmp n.lolIO"the \1.1'1 ested at B:ttu KI\\\'I\ all b is wa,v to Kuch iug by Tnmloug road. This build.iug witS completeci ~1CXt P. C 77 OUH\r n.lld some coo\Jc~ who pl'oiliptly followed .Lbe mall. 'I'he absc()I1<1(~rreceived n. tel'll] 1~IIY,\\'.oud IIlId at~/lp~ hn.vlI.lg beell got I'-"ndy sOHle' httlr tulle bl.furc 111 case of IIced, lllld the patieuts' of' i~tJpl'isoll[Jlen~ apd the boatm!lll who Ims been were n.Louce rClllo\'ed there. 611spected for sOllie. tiuJe of belpil,lg plnllters t.:> Almllg Aillit was pl'ovi!-'iollllolly appoilltedat end I1.bscolld .\~'!lS fille,l"s IJe is lIot liceuseu to ply for of 1I10llth to do lluty ill UPPCI' SUnLwuk, He will' hire. . lle{]i.~tratiem.~18n. ,ilo0l11neuts \\'ero registered be cxt.remely u~'eflll ill lIlakillg s.Ul'veys by prislllatic' cOI\Jpnss aut! w]1I supply I\. IUllg felL Wllllt. dnrillg Jnnuth viz: 102 lIt. Plt);U nnd 87 uL Bau, Stn.lqps f\11l1,fe(~;;;~lIleHJlltillg tn $;') II. R. A. DAY, C01l/.t .-lce'.1fut Pilles !lllll fl~es $758. 'l'hiR has Re.'~ideut Upper Sc.i.1'awak, beel,! all exceptiolll\lIy busy \JIolltb. :No cases of illterest were br\1llght lip. A II1Hllber of Chillese hava. been brought lip clmrged with det'l'Iluding Ot. S.

tellced .to tenns of olle nlld two years for hren.kltlg SpptembC/'. illto. t11e IHHlse.:ofolle Liew Chill Ilnd stealing SOllIe The ('n.ttle ground I\\'as cleared rll1l'ing tio enl:1y' . 4 pikuls of 1epper, the peppel' was recovered. It is pn.rt of tbe mOllth and the cattle are all doillO' well ratlJl::L' btro.l'lge

th!lt so few CltSCSof burglary

of this tbl'eo cows Im\'illg clllved recently. n plallters O!I Lhe Ilth the assistllut clerk's bouse was' ha\'e beeu holding back their peppel' ill the IlOpe of hlo\\'11 down dl1l'ing a StOI'1I1Itllll anew olle hll~ sinC'(\ 1\ rise of price alld overy honse bn.s cOlIscqnellLly been el'eeted Oil Lhe saine site by the prisoners. heili several pikuls of pepper. 011 the 'Hi. one Jong '1'be p. s. Adeh plti,l .t\VO visite to the stati"l1 Jljot repnrte,l th.at his vines had beell stripperl durillg during the nllJllth on the Ljth hringillO'IS nel\' the \light of all tlwir pq,per n.nd dtHt lit.! bad dis- coolies fLII,l !t new squ;td of police to do duty lit tLe cqvered a IH;Juse. Ilt~l\ll\di where there was 110 peppel' Illines, n.lld 0" th!! ~;jth bL'illging Illlothel' batch of 14 gl\l'deubut where lIotwithstallding tllis the iuumtes coolies fol' t.lle milles. . IH~d~e\'~rul bags 'of pepper s()[tkiug in a pOlld close 'l'he s, I. La Fee. with ]\JI'. Boult 011 b,)nl'd cl\lIed by, 'l'\]e police w~resellt to I1.ncst these people 3 ill for coal ou the 17tll n.lld left ngldu fol' S]bll eurly lUOU'n.nd one .WPIl)111I.Jmtthey had tnl(en the llohmu Lhe lJext 11I00011i1ig. . .' . l1.I~d..fletL Que of the mell was however n.nested 1\ . The ::!Gth ueing 'lhe nuui\'ersary _of the birth of few. ..d\\y_s_~.f.teX_!ll}d'~h_e.,W(J1.nl\n is well ]mowu but His Highuess the .Hajah ::\ludlt was observed 'us a. .

!d.nd.took pillce dl)l'ing the IIIOllt1l as peprer


up to tlle preseut

we have beeu ullable..to And.her."



..:. . .












: .'1

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