THE SARAWAK.GAZETTE, :and potatoes he happened, to plan t uea1' his t.he old blinu existence, in which there was t.o guide him; and then began his new life, he advanced forward a step, and learnt to
R\2Ularly,year by year, his seed-timeand har-
aud to know that' there were unseen powers the Universe, whose will might be learnt .1..;nd,and ,obedience to whom woul<1 bring and happiness.
'.,lratian.-Sixty two agreements were re., in the Court. Sta.mps duties and fees "DRto $149,75. ling.-Three permits 'have been issued to JePpe1' and one to plant rubber. t.-Fines and fees amounted to $120,21). ;beft, Jong Shin, Thian Chong and Chong Yere imprisoned for 6 months each and 'ran oon for 0 months, ann for intentionally cansing
1, 191C
new site 011condition the sole r; 0 bl1ild on the old site was granted t'o them, this offer was accepted and a new site chosen
Kaw, was seutenced to "six months. Other .ti.unot call for mention with the exception of of gang robbery at Kranji which stands adOne of the robbers Chang Kiew by n:une red and offered to point out his accornplicei ;o:compl~lIied him to Sungi Moyan on the night 3nh a.nd raided several honses without howjug any captures. ..:..e night of the 3rd at about 8 p. m, the house :.IL&nnamed Kon Lian caught fire and in :~ 'io'Ontime the whole of the bazaar proper was .uld by midnight nothing rell1f1.ined but a -mng heap of ashes. 'l'he fire engine was at .. had it been on the spot it would have been as after the fire had once got :~stan uothing .£.aTe stopped it. Nearly every shop had a I . I
H. B. CHOCKElt, Re,~idcnt2nd Clas.~.
'December 1rJOD. On the 5th I left for dowlI river intending to visit Semrah where nn important jelldollg case was awaiting settlement. 'When off Semmh I thought it unadvisable to attempt to enter this river as :~ very helwy sea was running at tbe time and the lmr was one nULSSof foam. \Vhat little channel tbis river
pm;sesses entirely disappelus during the N. E. mon-
'.' ~antity of l,ersoine oil in stock and in the ;;.ex~where the'fire began there were over 40 ~;0&31loss as estimated by the tmders them:s $46,000 but is in all probability consillemhly this as there was plenty of time to save
soon. I therefore returned to Sebangau where I spent three lIights. Since lilY last visit here tbe Malays under the supervisiou of the N ati ve 0 fficee hlW~ been very energetic in tUl'1ling out anc1lllaking good roads through tbe Kampong. 'rhe greater part of the month I was l~Wa.yin the , .u valuable property, Liew 'l'et lost a con- Ulu Sadollg where I visited the Dyaks on the right amount of pepper and he puts hiR total hand branch as far up as 'rebadoh aud Sijijak. In . !~ $8,000. the lower river nothillg occurred during my absence ~ , Klan states he lost $4,000 but this I :lIn in- which calls for any special mention. At Tebakang the Dyaks mf1.demali.y constant but ~ disbelieve. 'rhe Opium Farmer's agent that two boxes of opium containing 6,000 unsuccessful attempts to reopCl.ollaud cases. Seeing ...ere stolen before his own eyes on the night they were given no encouragement to do so I sincerely hope that In future they \"ill desist fl'OlU this be but his own policeman declared that tbis and that all the opium was saved. On most wearisome practice. A dispute has arisen between the J ellan and UJis I raided the house temporarily occupied . i:~n failed to flad the missing opium. lVIUl'ut Dyaks of Lanchang as to the latter's right to ;iI!Ie7th 'rhe Hon'ble The Hesident came up to collect the birdsnests at Goo. Prow, SadoLJg side, '" shout the site for the new bazaar, Messrs which rOYldty $370 has previously heen paid alternate years by the Jenan and Tebakang Dyaks at Co. Ltd., having requested that no shops ~ erected within a certain distance from Tebakang. The Murut Dyaks are relLily Jenans having re~orli:s w!rich were in great danger of catching '!lID tbe night of the fire and would in all moved from J enan and gone to their presen t abode caught had tbe wind not heen in the some six years ago. It has now been arranged that r. the J enans collect 6,000 nests and the 1\iurllts 2,000 y the traders were told that they might paying the royalty $278.50 and $DG.50, respectively on the' old si ta or rather on that part of at 'rebalmng. to be a safe distance from the mill and Many of the Land Dya'I,s in the left hand branch much discontent at the restricted area :tl'e very badly off for food. 'rhis is owing to the f:~ilure of last season's rice crop., As there are two ! other proposals were afterwards Ilw,de full months to go before harvesting begins these ;Cern meeting with the approval of the tmders people will I am afraid experience further distress. . ally Messrs The Borneo Company offered Already several deaths have been reported frol1l (~()O() towards the expenses of preparing a starvation. 0'
- --
- - -
t) j .'1 .1 c'
.l n.~
NU"\.A. VVlU\'
1, uno.
or morc houses on the cross W:1.Uleading £1'0111the _XXII.- 'i'he D)'al\ custoin "Nnm)IOIi.'! nJiddle of the bazaar towards the Court House where. 01' ~oiJlg to a Solital'Y J)lnc~, the ground iR comparatively flat and buildillg. sites ---... would not require Il\tlCh preparation. By THE REVD. WAf.. HOWEr.],. 011 the 24th the filling of the far side of the ba:7.!\:1.l' site \\'!!s let out 011contract for $'140 and the only v THERE are two uses for "Nampok," 0110ill whidl IIlen III)\\' retn.inec1 on day w~ges are tbose employed DyaJ,s seck to be 111:1.l1e b\'!\ve mal the olll,-,!" ill to discover a cure for ailments, and this lattt'!" nl!!k iIIg the drains ILnd blo.sting limestolle where II<:ccI>S!1.ry.The work hAs progressed .but slowly . pnctised only when the person who is suffeting is owing to the inceEsant min. ~ all human aid. 'l'he idea is religious the I have much pleasure in here recording my tbanks . 0 practising it betttldng himself to some solitfor the rendy n.ssistll.nce givcn me iu coul:ectioli with place OIl 1l10untaills, hill;" rivers or evon in 0. this work by Messrs. H. H. Young alld J, D. Geikie tcry or wherever there if, allY probability of who hrl.VeRuppl ienll.]] my requirements, from waggons g with the spirits, (Lnabefore !e(Lvillgth() spirits to a(lvice regarding proper prices to be pn.ili to COI1is be approached with all ample otl'cl'ing. t;ome trflctorR. ,:.ortlmates have been known to have visited a III Rpite of the fact that it was forhidden to build places (uHl yet 110ver Ilfld the eb:Ulcl~of meetall the Rite of the old baZa!1.I'seveml shops of \'!1.l'yiIIg ~ !:ingle 01ltu or spirit. The 1IIHler(,:tkillg is snill IlilIlen~inlls were erectell therc alld the OCCll])ltlltR:lot 'oe dallgerol1s :lol1dto require conf>idemble pluck first plending that they had 110 where else'to livc, "'elf control nnd the spirits \1}:1.Yeither appeal' ill were (1.llowed to, but the nllmber of Rhops . or elsc in visiolls aWl III:1.Ytake on themselves grndlla]]y increased and it bl'cllme evidell1; that it .!cnu's of anil\l( or reptiles in hideous shapes in was solely to catch the thnt these we)'e erected, !' to frighten Olle, mnllY of the o\\'ners Jiving eJsewnere, and ou the 'nld tIle person give way to fright Imll run 2Gth a. lIotice was issuec1 ortlering the rClllOval of all _ be !'-uITersdeath, but if he ('nn cuntrol himself 811Cherections within sevell (Ia\'s and this order bas ei"*~in!'- his desir.a !1.nd the spirits finnl1y !1.ppenr now been complied with, The .minfltll for the 1Ilollth .!'e him ill humnl) forlll bestowing kilHlIy .:1.lId was 22.4G iuehes alld as the snn was but mrelv seen ~lIg 100kR on bim, the eJl'ect au the roads call be il\l!1.giued, . :~e- offeri)Jg with which the spirits Ilre approachecl II. B. CROCEEH., "et'IIS he stolclI frow otber people and 1I0lle is Rcsidcl1t .'?lIrlCla88, 1¥i to Imow whell :t perROII goes 1/((1//']101.'.
Ia. :"'W ye:lon; ago illl old .
111::1.11 W(~!lt 'l/Cll/lpnk ill 11.
"""y. '.rhe first night be was l1J1visitedhy tbe
-~ bllt 011his sl'colld visit the "]wJdir"-:L fero---+-,,. !emale spirit-appeared :1.)111 he roll f..r his life. JallUar!!, :';,QII h\'l'll for UJ:1I1Yyears nfter tbat thol1gb tho .t ,k" did hilll lJO gooa. It Sel'II!S ditlicult to Little of ilnport:l.llce has tn.!\en plnee during ~he month ani! lltHilig the first h:df there were lIot so ~-l;md bow 11.DY:lk CfllI pOR!'-ibly oscnpe hfll'll1 Innny eases ill Court as usnnl. . ~illg "na111pok" Iyillg expose(! aR he noes to '!. ~melltR 011 the bare grol1l1e! :unongst rocks 11.1111 011 1\ ew Year's dny some sports were helt1 011the ,.... plnill all'\ weroevidently lllucli o.ppreciated. :'IIes'slell ..-"" and En.~sill!, two S!1.rn.w'Lktl ac1ers wlio v.ere armsted ..- .
by tIle Dutch !1.utliorities in Bugau for alleged comnlicitv ill tIle Inte b,JI'der troubles, itnd halltlel1 over to tl;p, Sara wak Gnvernment were fOl'wnl'cle(] to !\nc;hing 011the 10th; I h:wc since he:tl'll [1'0111Your Higlilless that these two nlen have beell prohibited from resillillg in any other place bnt l(uchill,g. Several Bn rau Dyaks who Imve farmillg hlld in
-.7r11l1l a J'!J .
"-'''y.. -.;! pepper :1.11<11 rubber plantillg permits
~~I1;Cll. d"lIt;o/l Sixty-live agreelll0l1t~ have boell "'Td clurillg thE'! 1lJouth, stalllp dmies and fees '!t'- -".g to 5141 AG. . a ".-Filles and fees al110nlltcll to $Gti !i0.
8nllgei Sanmludalll complltill of Dyaks
: lid Malays
frol\l the ~arib:ls ellcroacliiug Oil tliClr jellitoug \Vorl-illgs. The bouudary betweell the fannillg lauds' of the S:tI'ihas atHi Batnug LlIpltr people was fixed fOl'merly at ~nugei i'vIelebu :1.ud I suspect that the Balans are now cIaimiug thp. right of this L'1ulldary e }H\SLeen very little Court worl, duJing the to r('serve all tlie jcllltoug 011their side for their own ~ ~tObaLlv on account of the pruxilnit,v of futlll'e nse. MI'. Aplin with Tnallku Draman, 'Xew Y~ar, . Peu"hulu DU\1l1allg, !l.IH1p, Sergt, Dalllsndill, left for '3 illlposed amoulltcll to 82.10 at Ball alHl :-;aumlndulII at the end of the mouth to settle these ::.~ Palm and f) pcrsons were sentenced to jelntong disputes, the Balaus to have prior clainl ou of jmprisollIlJOl11. what they CILIladequately work, bnt to iorbid auy ~l.-I returned fmlll Lundu 011the !)th after reservatinu ou the ullworked trees, e of 9 days all, In the Yearly Report for the District the export UJe 12th 'l'be Hon'ble The Hesident (who of gutta jelutollg for tbe year was stated at '13.531 - ']irs. Day was paying (1.visit to Mr. nnd Mrs. piculs this however does not fully represeut the outsat ill Court and deci(~ed a few' C1Lsesbrougbt put, as the trade from Sebuyou, SalUH.ludlLtlI !Lnd set~lemellt and also sanctioned certaill payother streams on the coast is not returned, !Lnd the ;::. conuection with the prepariug of the site gutta is la'rgely bought by ~amwak i¥Io.lo.j'swho buy new blt~m!\r whieh is being madl~ to hold 78 direct from the workers :loud clLny it to Kl1ehil!g; . u,. ~e!; tills being the nll1l1bel' itpplietl for by from ~ebl1yol1 aloutJ I am told the export of jdlltong ~ who owned property in thc old b,tzmtr. was over 5,000 piellis. :e :ue some 30 mortJ applications bnt it has NewR ft'UIlJ the DIu Ai appe! to be s'ttisf'lctory, ':-Ii l,een decide(l wbn.t :lormngelllCnt will be lllOst of the Iliell are working guttn. 11.11<1 me spl'eall ~Tli to these: there is plenty of space for over [1,wide tl'llct of country, parties lue cOlIst,ullly .. the far end o£ the ncw ba;mal' but the cost cOining do\vn to Si1l1:Lnggl\lIg with jungle pt, ,dllee lillg here may be pruhibitive. Hhould this each tUlle P~LYin cOlltribmiotls towards thclI' fi:ws, ~ \0 ,.(! so thcn thcre is still 1'0011Ifur thirty it is reported that (1.bout 150 boats of Engbn ,\IHL _
- - - -
MAHOH 16, 1910.
, G7
reached, b(mds are threaded and tied to act as eyes to prevent the child Beads are ;tlso tied round the hands
'1'he weeding contra.cts vi,~. GI, 51.~I;tr14 acm fields and ;~ pnrt of the estate tea and coffee iie!.]s '. [t\:e in good ordm'. . make a miss when throwing n.spear. Out of the weeding contracts 4(j and 21 acres (\r~ 'the child are slightly besmeared with not weer1ed, as I lent 1110:.'ecoolies to water works, thn.t when it chews the lips might so the payment of two fields were stopped. h is ll1ade to suck the tail of a ](li's to the eOffi)estore, drying sheds, telLstore, ; it from hltving thrnsh too SOOIl. and H. H. 'rhe l\,[l.jnh's bath room were flt1ished. :\.re dltshed on it;s head to enltble it 'rhe hea\'y rain we had on the night of Brd Febrain when its mothCl: tn.kes it to the ruary CltUser1more damage to the ]~oads and draills 'Zfrom the J'onrnal t~f the Straits and wltshed nwa,y the bridges, a few coffee bushes, alld &yal Asiatic Societ!), No. 4fJ, 190G. also H. H. 'rhe H.ajal.'s bath room spout, and a part of the tiles !tl1dboards. Mr. Prior paid the coolies' wages for Jltnllary Oil the 7th Febrnary HnO, at the landing place. Ihinfrtll for the month was 32.7:1 inches. v. y, GOivIEZ,
Jl[a na!!,-, r.
li'ebmll1'!J. I llegislratiol/.-l'lmty two agreements were made i out duriug the mouth, duties and fees to $7:.W:'i. Plalltlll[J.--'l'wo permits were issued at Pakn to l I
1.~1:, ])a,y. ..,.,-Distance.-HtlCe CiHtrse. \Veight inches. i;S.Il.-Distance-H.!Lce COllrse. \Veight ~Dches. .~ Rx Gl'ifl1n!\..-Di!\tanc(! --H!we Conl'so, . .dicltp. ,"1'> .,~ .-J)i;;tllnco--5 }'ul'1(JIIgs, ] faltl1icap. - Del' uf Ha.ce 1. lmrrcrl. RI.-Distttl1ce--5 FUI'!OllgS. IIttndici~p. ,ner of Rlwe lJ. ba.rred, Ex Gl'iffins.-])istan(;l~--;j Fm!ongs ,-,licap. \Vinncr of I{!l(:e J II. btl.1Ted. 2nd
~_I..-Disbtnce-4 Fm'Iang;;. Jhnilicitp. .l:.-Distltl1Ce-4 Furlongs. Handicap. ~Ex Griffins.-Distance--l mile,€ion Race.-Distttuce-l") Furlo;'.):;s. all Griffins thttt luwe run 011 either (bw . rs Hn1Hlic'1p.-- DistallC(~-' H:1,eeC0111'se. ",UGriffins tht1t have \YOIIIt .Race at the 'uug. Wil')l1er of Consoli1tioLllhce ua.necl. ~"a~ Hanoicltp,-Dishwec--4 Fnrlollgs. ,'iITauy pony run 11t thH ILlcetillg, entcred $3.51.1to carr)' 11 st., 7 }h,:;. off fol' evcl'Y ondel'. All ponies open to he eh1illled at
-D()t won n RltCe.
,nee cnterel1.
,;«key who has ever helll, 01:heClIl'efLlsecl, ~ensc will he allowed to I'id(~. _.
, ---February. month coolies wel:e employed in weedand tipping, clu:illg tea, el1,rrj'mg tIle jungle to stores ahd drying sheds, . lending to \vceding contracts ltnd :,;:r.theredduring the month were l(j~ lhs \1parchment coffee.
Conrt.-'l'hcrc \Vi~Spra.ctically no Uonrt work until the New Year's fcstivitie, we're o\'er. Pmes Itnd fees :ulIol\uted to $:21.;',.70. Six pCl'fiOns were sentenee.t to terms of imprisolJlIJent va.rying from one month to six. Gel/eraZ.-OIi the ~lIll I left for Knching to be present a.t the tl'i;d of CIHtl1g Kiew :tl1d Chin Bui who wer(~ cll1trg(~c1with gn,ng robbery at Kranji; the case was ItLljOllL'neduntil the :'ith when Chang Kiew was fonn<1 guilty itlHl sentenced to I;en years' impriS()lllI1e~lt !~IH1Chin Bui was acquiued. '1'110nth, 10th, ] I th :tnd 12th were obsel.Ted by the Chinese as holidays and consequently Messrs. 'l'he ]3omeo COIJlpa.I1Y's gold works were c\c,sed dowu dnring tha.t perio(l. 'l'he New Year cnme in uneventfully, there was however a disturbltnce in I3au on the JAth which originated through the snlttching of money. from a. gn.mbling table Itlld developed into [I,fight hetween two cbns which however was stopped before allY sel'ions ditmage was clone. On the 10th I went to Buso to tltke deli\'ery of $3,000 from Kuehillg 'rrea.snry, this sum being required a.t Palm to l11eet expenses for the next five 01' six JlJonths dnl'illg which, period the receipts of revenue will b(~il1snllicient to cover Sll.Ule,the Dayak revenue l1.n<1 vine tltX not beitJg IJftyable till July 01' Augnst. Fmln P;dm I went on to l>aha.n where I spent tbe nigbt with Mr. .T. S. vV. Beall who kindly showed me over the rnbber eF;tr~tetbe next morning. I was S01.'ryto see that the trees were 1\ot doing so well a.s they hlLVehel~n, ma.ny of them being attacked hy a fun.[(l1s which causes the ba.rk to rot a,utI. if not tre:tkd ildimc C\'elltua.lIy kills the trees: this bas been causing MI'. Beall :t lot 'of trouble as it is difticult to :Lnd seems to s)?re:td rapidly. 'rhe worst of tbe wet season being npparentlv O\'Cl'I been making :Lrra.ngellJellts for the badly needed repairs to the roa.<1s, t~nd after one or two unsuccessful tl.'ials have finally leL contmcts for the I repairing' same as i\llder. i Ho'ad fro III Ban to 1'oa.k /lit;, .Tawbuf\an !) cent'S per f:tthom. 1toa.(1from Bau to Huso pili 'J'1l1Jl10ng$230. 'rhe eontmctol'!\ h:we ulHlertakcn to cIeltn up the roach lllld ditches tliol"Oughly to fi-l\ in rnts Itnd hole,; alld where llPc'eSS:Lrv raise the ro:t
[:.1feet, fwd \\'h('I'(~ 1iiIi;lg is clo!w to beat the earth in. 'l'hel'e is II \"t:l'Y ball flt,ll ot el~rth on the
well 'l'UlJ-
THE SARAWAK GAZETTE, MARCH W, 1910. .(i; ;;~ ',.
-;': :,'.:~ ;. j.-': .':'
.:,', :.'~ :
which tlw contractor also undertakes to ~Jt,het;e W~l:~sOl1}el\\.qds!idcsIW,tl,H~Sqllia-
road"w~i9h cpst $4.5}9,:'eJ?air, a.l1d one Iddab. Tan'ah road where It Will be necessary. a. substantial bridge for which purpose
F'ebmary; ,'" .' On the 8th I went to Kapit, and relieved Mr., _oeen obt~tined from Kl1ching. There are Chynoweth who returned to Sibu the following day. '~ men at work on the Licllth 'l\tllfl.h rOltc1 Abaug Maleng, who haa been tltken seriously ill ,
i& being thoroughly done up. contract for the completion of the uew bazaar tbe fin,t 78 shops for !l.llneceSSltry preparation aken by the first contractor (Ah Lim) h!l.s to Ali Bombo.y for $2GO. It will be ad10 extend this bazaar site for fIonother 850 feet and A]i Bombay has offered to uudertake
if required to do so:
68 27th I removed to Palm, Mr. E. R. Stilwell ~:cm I have been acting at Bftu, being due to .!;! the llext boat from Singapore. II. B. CROCKEH,
Resident fJnd Class.
J amlW,?/.
AnmH\1 Regltttrt 'was held all the [Ith under ~un\bl~ wCltther conditions.
tides being at the nen.p were .iust suitable raccs, which were all hotly contested. Mr. !,"OI1Ht kindly acted as umpire throughout tlie Large crowds of natl\'es thronged the wharf an excellent view of the regatta conld ed. s...s. Dovre, Captain PlI.ulscn, ani ved from '7~ on the 11th in ballast and left on the 15th .ang with a cargo of 1,312.G tons of coal lUld ..os cf bUIlkers. Loading operations were i-at c1elayed owing to the bore being on whilst i,y''''rewas in port. Each day she was obliged 'oose from the wharf for about 3 holll's. ,Ie:: to facilirtte the tying up of stertmcrs 'le the wharf additional piles have been placed ,)Salong the embankment. weather about the 27th was very wet and ;;;,_ Some 40 Chinese fishing kotak ont of ',",
also returned to 8ibu on this date for medical treat~ ment but I regret to report tha~ he died two days' after his arrivltl. By the death of Abang lYlaleng., the Government loses a very plucky ,and useful Native Oflicer who has been of great assistance in looking after the Balleh Dyaks, and was also much respected by them. Subject to Your Highness' approva.l I propose to, appoint one Salleh I(ayong, a Kapit Malay, to this vacant post. 'fhe Balleh lu1.3 been in a very unsettled state. Early ill the month JH.htk, Bangau, and some ninety followers started off, it was said, to view the bodies of their relations killed by Ukits ill the previous month, 'but in reality to take steps to revenge their death, A pltrty was promptly desplttched to bring them back which they successfully accomplished, Later in the month I received news, by express from I(n,pit, that a large force of Pengs and Ukits, had collectctl in Ill//. Balleh prep[\'l'I1tory to attacking the DYltks. I placed little faith ill this l'llllJOUl'" which h[\,s since been proved to have been enormously exaggerated, and have no doubt that it was got up by tbe Dyaks as an excuse to go off themselves, on a fomy, I despatched Abang Ali to the Balleh, to remain there until further notice. 'While at l(ft'nowit, on the night of the 7tb, a portion of the Bazaar fell in, luckily the inmates,. bad removed from 'tbese uns:J.fe shops rt few days. previous so no accidents occurred, Lut some passers. by lmd [\,very nar).'ow escape. 'rhe Chinese luwe now been ordered £0 pull down, wlmt rcmains of these dilapidated houses. 'rhe Sibu Chinese propose to construct shortly foul' brick shops ltdjoining the two brick buildings. owned by P. Munall and Ban Hock. Buildillg, operations would have commenced before, but there, ftppelu's to 11[webeen, some slight misunderstanding with Ban Hock with reference to the site adjoining, his shop-house. Harvesting is now in full swing aCId the repods, from all pa,rts of the district [\,re exceptionally good. I visited the :Foo Chow colony at the latter end of' the month Q,nd found only a few people had begun lHtr\'esting as owing to their having delayed farming operatio!Js on account of the c1.rought in October last their paddy is not yet ripe. 'I'be arelt of la,nd under' paddy i, htrger thm1 thltt of vhe previous year but ,y!,cn considering the large tract of land made ovel" , L ~he Foo Chows last year it is disappointing tha.t ., a larger area still was not laid out in paddy. The S. S. Company's steamers visited 8ibu on two occasions during, the month and the s. s. A lice Lorraine called in on the ~Jth and cleared the following day. Mr. Page-'fnrner and Miss P. Page-Turnerwere passengeJ;S by the s. s. Alice Lorraine. ~he importation of rice ,:'a.;; considerably less~ durll1g the past month, whICh accounts for the' smallness of the figl1l'es under imports. The export-, ation of india rubber; gutta percha, and rotans, illcreased owing to the slight rise in price of these, jungle products, while jelutong gutta fell, and in consequence the export of ,the gutta amounted to 2,850 piculs ~nly. The followmg figures show the total Imports and . Ex orts for the 11100lLh P I 11Ipors. t Exports.
were forced to shelter in the Sadong ;30 of them came up to Simunja.n and
. about
;here l\t the end of the month. T'ooo r. Chinaman reported that a kola!.; had '.eve:Jin; of the .2Gth capsized in a S(lUall ofT :2,- ::mg, ,l\nd that the owner Ehuie was ,
H0wever from information I recci vec1 L Superintendent of Police and Prisons it -..~ar that Khuie is alive and well. The kotak =eis were washed ashore between Jaai Laut Semmh.. They have, since been taken up to '"2Iatl office for the use of the Hesident hILSbeen i,::-,:edto the Conrt House. This was built almost \:1,. by prison labour, under the supervision of " . 1 t '1'1 t . l'Il ,e~lencel carpen er. 10 cos ll1CUl'l'CCWI ~I. " :ou:necooheLeongLoong, who had been detained "ta1, on the 15th committed suicide by hangIIIomse11in one of the ant houses. , General Manaaer Collieries' .., of the Sarawak " . f I l B t A L rom '1'00 fe on per s. s. 'tee 01Ta'Pleon lj;h on a visit of . inspection to the Mines. He '
7..~ North agam on the UJth. F. ]'. BOULT, Resident oj Sadon{J.
$51,824 J, BAItING-GOULD, Res'ident fJnclClass.
THE SARAWAK QArZ~'J;'TE, MAY 16, 1910. bawang Souh went security to produce him in Court when necessary. Bisong is still in Hospital but out
,-The Tego/'a Cup.-Value $"100with $50 'aGded by Mr. H. H. Everett. A selling ".b.odicap for Ex-griffins. 'Horses entered ~c $400 to carry 11 stone with an allowance 'Ill 1 lUs. for every $50 ui1der. Distance :]L. C. Entrance fee $5. -The S. & S. S. S. Company's C'llp.~Yalue$100 with $100 added. Second horse ~ receive $50. A handicap for subscripam griffins Class JI.. 'Winner of 1st race ilaned. Entrance fee $10. Distance 5 ,
:-The Goebilt Cup.-- Value $200.
of danger.
'iG'Se to receive $50. Presented by , A handicap for sl1bscripbion ,.,uifins Clas.~ JI. Winner of 2nd race (Urred. Entrance fee $10. Distance 5 t':f:rlongs,
,-Thc Fund Cup.-Value $150. A handi. ,ap for Ex-griffins. Winner of 3rd mce ~ ianed. Distance 5 furlongs. Entrance "
,ice $5.
' Second Da~y. J\I:ondn;:)", July 1l'-1tll.
the 29th instant. ,
The. Towk.ay's ClIp.-Value $200. Sehorse to receive $50. A handicap for ..:-abscription griffins Class I:. Entrance ,c $10. Distance 4 furlongs. ,-The Bomeo Company Ltd. ElllplaiJes !C~.-Value $200. Second horse to receive f~" A handicap for Subscription griffins ;c-~... ..oJ..., Entrance fee $10. Distance furlo!Jgs. To-The Padungan Stakes.-Valne $150.
'. handicap for Ex-griffins.
On the 15th Voon Ieee who has a vegetable garden not far from Krolwng was badly assaulted by a man called Ah .Tang. Voon 1('eehad told 'Ah Jang that he must stop paying attentions to his wife, as be n.o longer gave them presents, on this Ah Jang came to the bouse at night and assaulted him; Voon Ree was sent to the General Hospital, Kuching, the Borneo Company's dresser from Bidi' being kindly allowed to accompany him, and on arrival there his eye bad to be removed, Ah J ang has not been seen since and probably made his way at once to SarnblLs. On the 19th instant the roof of one of the houses' in Bidi bazaar,caught fire, it is said to have been caused by the spark from a passing locomotive fortunately it was noticell at once, and put out before it could spread. '1'be pipes lor the water supply to tbe uew blLzaar have been laid as far as the corner. They will not be laid up the bazaar until it has been completed, the posts for the first four houses were erected on
Entrance fee
,.~ ;Distance one mile. '.-The Consolation C'llp.-Value $150. iPresented by Messrs. J. 1\1. Byran and ~. Young. A handicap for &ubscription '~ns 'that bave run on either day and ~b"'e !Jot won a race. Entraucc fee $10. ,I".stance G furlongs. " ,-The Wi1l1tCl"SHand-icap.-Valne $250. A cup presented by Messrs. The Borneo ~pany Ltd. A handicap for all Subription griffins that bave won n. race at
'I'he pipes in the old bazaar have
all been taken up and cleaned and coated with tar ready for relaying. During the month the 'l'unclong Police barracks been repaired and also one of the clerks' houses. 'I'he Coutractor on the Puak road had got as far 8.S6! mile :-and about half of the J ugan road has been completed. I have stopped 4 men who were working on monthly wages between Seniawan and Batu Kitang, as the. cost of the work they had done came to ..ear]y double what it could have been'done for by contract. . I hase ,.isited Palm twice during the month.
E. R. STILWELL, Resident, Upper Sarawak.
the winner
of the
;Cnsolation race. Entrance fee 5% of ~.nnings. Distance R. C. .,':-Tne Gmnd Stand Cup.- Value $150. [Aselling race for griffins and ex-grittins. £ses entered at $350 to carry 11 stone ; allowance of 7 lUs. for e\'ery $50 ._er. Distance 4 furlongs. Entrance $5. :::oewinner shall be put up to Auction and o~her horse wbich has run may be
. ed at the price.entered.
Of the weeding contl' fOl' the 21 and 46 acre fields about j}th part was weeded by estate labour as it Wl1Sleft n!1done by the contractor owing to coelies being lent during February to the ,Vater \Yorks; as' there were so many weeds coolies were able only to we~d 45 to 50 bushes a day instead of 175 to 200, therefore it will cost a great deal to fi~lish the work on which account the contractors were given up. This state of affairs would not have occUl'l'ec1 if the fields had been weedec1montbly. I will try to finish tbe weeding next month and then give it back to the contractor to be properly done monthly. Mr. Prior paid the coolies' wages for March 011the 6th A'pri11910 at the'lai1ding place. Rainfall for the month was 17.6U inches.
Apl'il. ts-3G were made out during the n}onth.
"es lIo1)dfees amounted to $37.5U. anJ fees amounted to $288.75. permits-2:1 have been issued to plant 2 to plant pepper. ..-bo accidently shot Bisong was reieased, instant, Bain, Tuah Xampong of Tem-
v. Y. GOMEZ, ltf((na(J~/'.
o c
April. During the month coolies were employed in weeding, plucking tea, scrapiug off moss and killing red auts, on coffee bushes, cUl'ing tea and coffee, repairing r'oads lmd drains, and pruning tea. 'l'he crop gathered during the mObth was 300 lUs. made tea. '£he weeding cont.racts vi... 51, 61 anc114 acre fields, and esbl1te tea and coffee field!?are in good order.
.1 f
I: I' , III
I 1 I I
, i, ,,
-- -. -- - - - -- _.
A RAW A K R,A0 E S '1 9.1 a
First Day. Sa'tuJ."('ay,
7 1b!;. for every
16, 1910.
(jth :RAcE.-Th.e Grand Stand. .aup.-':'Value'~150.. A selhng race for gr)flins and. ex-gr1fIh1s. Horses entered at $350 to carry 11 stone with an allowance of 7 Its. for -every $50 under. Distance 4 furlongs. Entrance fee $5. The winner shall be put up to Auction and any other horse which has run may be claimed at the price entered.
::-TlLe Sarawak Cup.-Value $~OO. PreanLed by HisHighness the H.ajah. 8econd i'-'se to receive $50. A race for subscrip,'Coo griftins Class d. 14 hand 1 incb to carry 11 stone with an allowance of 3! Its. every half inch below 14.1. Entr:1nce 5!e $10. Distance R C. .-The Civil Service Cup.- Value $200. Second horse to receive $50. A race for nbscription griffins Clas.~B. 14.1 to carry 11 stone with an allowance of 3t lUs. for :'coreryt inch below 14.1. Entrance fee $10. Dist:i.nce R. 0. -The Tego/'a.C1£p.-Yalue $100 witl1 $50 2liided by Mr. H. H. Everett. A selling : i:amiicap for Ex-griffins. Horses entered fa1 $400 to carry 11 stone with an allowal1ce
$50 under.
UPl»]~1t BAU
SA.ltA.'V A.Ii.
May. Begistration.-'rwenty-nine agreements were made out during the month, stamp duties and fees amounting to $G7.G7. Planting.-One hundred I\nd thirty-two rubber and olle Tuba planting. permits were issued. Court.-:Fines and fees amounted to $225.75. Early in the month it was reported from Batu Kitang that a small Chinese girl, Lim .Pet, had just been married to a pepp3r gardener there. The Hon'ble 'rhe Divisional Resident asked me to enquire into the matter, this I did with the result tbat when the evidence collected was laid before His Higbness The Bajah, he sentenced the mother of the girl, called Mooi Tsze Jin, to one year's imprisonment and the lJlan to whom Liru Pet was married to () months H. L. No doubt ma.ny cases of this sort occur amongst the clas!; of Chil'1ese to be met with on the gardens and this one ouly came to ligh t through a COIll-
1 C. Entrance fee $5. -The S. ((; S. S. S. Company's C'llP," ""..Iue$100 with $100 added. Second horse V"receive $50. A handicap for subscrip~n grillins Glass A. '\Villner of 1st race . tarred. Entrance fee $10. Distance 5 . fadongs. . ,-The Goebilt Cup.--Value $200. Ple- passionate Malay reporting it. On the oth instant I left for Penglmllan A1llpat .-oted by tl.e British Malaysian ManuAt Geit the Ol'ang Kayo. ;!ae1uring Co. Second horse to receive $50 to collect Dyn.k Revenue. ,;pesented by Mr. E. D. Butler. A handicap complained that Ruching Malays named Saat and ,
, iiK subscription
Sepeh had begun planting rubber amongst their fl'uit trees, and I have since written to The Hon 'ble the Resident with regard to their complaint as both these men were in Kuching. . I spent the. night of the 7th at Empro and took in the tax of 4 kan/pongs there and the next morning proceeded to Pengkallan Amp&.t. Here I found 8 Betong Dyal(s; as these men had not taken out the necessary Sea-Dyak pass to reside in Upper Sarawak I ordered' them to return to Kuching and advised 'rhe Hon'ble The Resident of this; the next morning I vIsited Serma where by the vote of the people Pengara Jeger was appointed Orang Kayo. in the place of Orang Kayo. Barreck who was lately removed from that post. Kunyia, a Goon DYltk from S!\mbas just across the. border, visited me at Pengl\allan Ampat; he stated his village consisting of 18 doors thought of moving to Samwak territory and taking up the land between 'Tabia aud the border; be was told to come and report to me f~t Bau bef,ore they moved. Ol'aug Kaya 1'usseh of Braaug was replaced by Kidoo his bl'nther at the request of hims~lf and Ilis people to,O, he was getting too old to to get I about well. . I 'l'he harvest all roun~ has bew well n.bove averagE> I this year. HavllIg collected all the Dyak Beveuue except that of the Brang and Sam ban people, who were uot ready, I left Pcngkallan .'\.mpat on the :1l10l't~iugof the 11th a,nd IH',rived at Busau the same evemng,. .' .
griffins Clas.~ JI. vVillller d 2nd race barred. Entrance fee $10. '!;isttmce 5 furlong&. .-The Fund Cup.-Value $150. A hILl1c1ic::ap for Ex-gritl1ns. vVinller of Brd race wred. DistlLDce 5 furlongs. Entrance fee $5. Second:.Day. :U:ondny, July 18th. .-The Towlcay's Cup.-Value $~200. SeC'GIldhorse to receive $50. A handicap for
Snbscription griffins Class .RI. Entrallce !.ce $10. Distance 4 (urlongs. .-The Bomeo. Company Ltd. Employes C.;rp.-Vldue $200. 8econd horse to receive $~. A haudicap for Subscription grinins
(::Os;; ..~.
.0 .
Entra.lIce fee $10.
j rorlougs.
,-The Padlmgan Stakes.-Value $150. Presented anonymously.. A handica.p for Ex-griffins. Elltrance fee $5. Distallce 'Cue mile. .
Consolation Cup.-Value
..Presented by Messrs. J. M. Bryan and E. S. Youug. A halldicap for bubscription ~ftius that have 'ruu on either day n.nd ve not \von a")'o.ce. ElItr.allce fee $10. 'stance G furlongs. -The Win?le>"s I-Iandicap.- Va.~u.e.$250. " A -()t1p. pl'CselJ:ted. .by Messrs'.: Th~ Bonieo :CoUlpany Ltd. A hanoicap fox' all. Sub. Kription griffins that have won tL race at . J:is1r1eetidg. excepting the winner of the Consolation race. Entrance fee 5% of c
Distance n. C.
On receipt of the news of H. M. 'l'he King's dec~ase the fhg was Iud! IIHlstedand J{eptso until
after the date of the funeral. . . On the 24th iu!;tant a sad accident occurr~d a.t n{Ji: the wife and child of L. C. Hal'Jlam 8ingl1 'Leing
II !
I ;
'.<1 ?
I f
i r~
at a
, 1\'AJ)~I{i\~",",:", ~.
timber all the side of the
above the stream and felled a large tree
taking pl'ecautions to'see if anyone was in top bmnches of the tree struck the woman aud little boy and when Jurie a few minutes after he found them b('lth dead. ~ been detained here awaiting the sentence !]Ij~hness '1'he Rajah. !Ie bave been !J. number of jungle disputes ;he month consequent upon the large number "ts which have been taken out to plant principally ill the Palm district. phntations will mostly be small ones and about 2,000 trees, (if the permit bolderscal'l'Y ,~ stated intention) this would mean for the ih 270,000 trees; but I much doubt if IlHtny ,be quantity for which they have taken out jf they do not clear and plant within a time, others wishing to use the land will to do so. --The road from B:ttn Kitang to Siniawan been put into good order, as has also the d aud the road between Paku and Jambuclearing :tud, repairing of the road to Puak ~jshed early next month. \:JWd between Buan and Ban is the only one ilMw needs attention. '\Baztl(II.,-'rhe frame \vork of about 50 houses !'!IIerected by the end of the month, a good ,",opervision is required to keep them in It line and the posts perpendicular.
already been imported.
'l'he water melon plants on the coast are now fruiting and it \Vasa great misfortune to the planters thn.t a part of their vines withered through the flooding of the gardens by salt water. The weather has been very c1ryand drinking water has been hard to get. 'l'he tmde returns for the month are:Imports. Exports. $20,539 $15,072 A. E. CHEYNE, Write1'.
U (; RAil. May. On the 11th the s. s. Alice Lorraille arrived brinoing Mr. Newington who has bee\1 appointed to do dnty here. Mr. Ermen left the same day for Lirnbano. 'l'he Revd. Father Stotter a,nd the Revd~Father Anthony Mulder arrived from the "Cnt" via Oya on
Sa 1'1/10(1 lc.
the 24th,the former letwin(1a(1ainon the 26th.
April. is nothing that c!1.llsfor any special mention L~. ~lIn~ of the Court has ueen occupied in :mg Jelutong disputes. 'l'here seems small ,. uf these dim!nish~ng, so long as the price of ,iiehttona remalllS hl(1h. ...~
Only nine jeluto,11g.permits have been issued to Malays and Dyaks with 44 "varkel's. The H.uban planters are commencing to cultivate Para rubber, several thousands of these plants have
E. n. S'l'ILWELL, Upper
'l'he SaratokMalays, ana' Dyal,s have already harvested and the' Sessang' Malays are just commencing. 'l'hejltnglcat fishing nets have been erected, and some of the fishermen have trought home a little fresll fish, in a few days time doubtless there will be a larger supply. The hauls of the pengireh were not so large as before.
. -ty, the
far from the Bidi Bazaar. Jurie, a Kro-
'!ak, was working ,
'rhe Court and reported The export as compared month last exp(Jr,t~d., rlmty-five
Writer of Balal~an ~rrivec1 0'11the 28th all well in that district. o~ raw sago amounted to 733 coyans, with 621 co~ans for the corresponding year; 483 plCuls of gutta were also , . schooners cleared for I\.uchll1o and
Lol7,the new ju:nior clerk, took up his th:l~ty-thre~arrivecL
ent on the 18th; as he has done some oHice Ihe pol.lce c.ourt has been very bnsy with land , Kuching, it sho nld not be long before he is case~ and ll1hel'ltance cases. ofpel'fol'TlIing his dnties here. f:mes a~ld fees amounted to $617.61. :and Mrr-;.Maddocks left by express boat on I I he prIsoners ha\'e been employed in re-roofinO' ~he cat,tle .~hed and bungltlow kitchen, 1\lso on th~ Io!' Kucbing.. MI:- Maddocl<;s has been seedy tune. Dnrlllg hIs absence the Colliery will ro~ds and 1:ort componnd. charge of Mr. Evans who arrived from rhe t~lephone hne broke down on the 15th and n 1-'£11 Knching per s. I. YOUllg Harr1J on was repall'ed the next day. . The wire was broken in three places in the OvaPcna.tsection, . ,the end of 1IJ0nth the mines had practically W. J; M. SHAVl, :ed from the effects of the recent fire. Next Resident 2nd Clas.~. ;hey should be w0rkiug at full pressure. .\bang Jin signed a contract to build the new TJtUSAN. bridge for $240. All material to Le sup-
,prisoners completed the anlJual white-washing, toh.' labanI' continues to be very scal'ce; no doubt gOod sign but oue that causes some inconiil the Public \Vorks Department, where IiI'e maiJY thi'\Jgs requiring attention. Tery difficult to obt'(1in labour just now, with mshiug state of trade all able 'bodied natives :ly:epgag.edin.the jun..{le. toschooners cleared out with coal thi~ month 1Ui16uiited to 8:'19tous H cwts, whilst the out871 tOllS 18 cwts'. ' 'rhe latter 'will be con-
'~y'incl:eased next mcmth. F. F. BOUUr, Resident 2nd Class,
January, Febmary and March. Mr. J. Stansfield" geologist, started on the 2nd January on a walk up the 'rrllsan. I understand he followed the path n.s far as Bt~h, the flat swamp cOLlntry o.t the head of the'river. He returned 011 the 28th insto.nt. I visited the station OlJthe 12th i!Jstan t remaining until the 17th instant. I WItS occupied \~ith Court worlefoL' the greater pn,l't qf the time. I aCI~ompo.nied :\TI'. P;I,I'II(~lito audit the accounts. \Ve :Hri~'ed eo.1'Il' Pr\ die ~n~h instant. and left the following cla,j' fOI"IJ:1,wa:;. MI'. J. Stansfielll, geoln,gist, left 011 ;jth Pebl'uary on the teL'lni'IJI\Lion of his agreement. He was not successful in filll1ing I\ny ,ninemls. .) ~
- ------
- ---
H I ,~..Y., .R. 'E,'o' Rr.r pr:). ,:i:.,,:t O . ..14 '
path on the left bank of th~ river, frolll the
':\JX':o:"-'rT 1,~1,U .!:\i -.L
,~~~-~~--~-~-~~hzra?igan, is much more used and reaches the ~~~----of the river. The rocks lire sandst.olles I~JIi.lI 'JI~I.EIt SARA \VAli. . as flu' as the Lawas extends. 'rh \. a)'(~ I BA1T AND (~An.1T.., 'bta:lly bedded; in !';ome places they dip slight,ly , east. and at the. very heao of the river {" the At the bead of the Maputeh bra,neh "r LIH' the hills are very steep and theil: SlllllJllits ..Igreemcuts.-27 were made out dtlring the 1lJ01i t!i. with a thick growth of messy jungle, everySlamp,~.-Duties and fees amounted to $48.25. hltving a great coating of mess which is g with moist lire, There are traces of rhinoGourt.-Fines l~ndfees amounted to $439, . on these hills. .Plantinq.-46 permits have been issued to plant minerals are fOlllld ill this part. 'l.'he residllcs rubber. gravels are as before. 011 the 4th instltnt, KUlJyia of Goon (SalJ1bas) ~eneml dew of the cO\.1IItry is obtainn.ble from reported that he I\lId his people had removed across poillts, anq the hills on ail sides seen to be the border and Imc1 built themselves a house b(~of sandstone. . tween it Itlld rrabir~; the hOllse consists of 1.8 doors. ..J-Half all hom's boat journey from 1,l~was On tile evening of tlw 9th 1 had to go to Bidi as a &be L:1.w/ joins the IJawn.s Beslu' on it's row hao broken out there during the day betweell blmk. 'I'he Lawas DI~mit is mnch tbe smaller Chinese belonging to the v!\.t-discharging J{ol1g,~ee both in volume of water 11,IIdin width, but it's is considera.ble and it's tributaries lUany, and Mala.ysin charge of the engillc. In the.evenitJ<' two hoUl's' journey from it's moutb the river a Malay while passing throngh the bftz'tar w~ s un-navigitble. 'I'here are tnany kara?lgan.~ assaulted by some of tile J(oll{J.~r~eILlelJ ILIlOthis lell can be passed on a flood river, as fILl' as Ku- to the Malays from the kampoll!J turuiug out armed with the intentioll of retaliating; they were, however, .~Lpuloh. As a rule the htnlhng-place at Tunw,h sen t home before lI1!1cb hartn WitS done, only one , -. aud from there are jungle paths up-river. Chiuarnal1 being ass'lulted; wheu I 3.rriveo there J stream8 arc very ntllllCrOl1Sin the neighbourplaced a police guard oVt\t' the eXIts from the lcam.of '.l'umah, the residlles of th(~ir k,(/,angalls pOllg with orders that 110 one 'W,tS to pass out; the of the usual type. lIext mOl'lling j;hJ3 prillcipltl ' an,] Chinese ,b-water deposits in the (.,ltWaSDaluit itself offenders were filler1 Itnd there has beell n,l rUl'tlH>I' many iuteresting featureR, iuell1eling small troll ble, of leaf-beds, from whiel, thm'e is !t, slight On the 12th I visite,l the Homeo CIJlllt)'LIII"" of oil. . of sandstone alld quartzite crop out in the H.llbbcr Estate at Dithan; about 60 !lb. or ;'III,i) 'I' of the river ItlJO are highly illclined to the is being turned out thel'e daily and I ulldet'sr,a"d I
n. Kapuloh runs through highly inelilled and crushed strata, sands tOlleS, and sllldes which
been c.onverted into u. black Rhinillg rock of .. nature, which has been erroneol1sly cl~lle(l #lrang by (,he lJatives. 'rhi!" stream euts back Batll Em'it, the s.1,me qUllrtzite ILIHjsu.lldRtonc beiug developerl throughuut it's eoursf.'. ']'he es from the ka/'1l71rJfm,~:1.1'"similar t,C)those . ,tbove,
::;ot1le phtc:eR "..,eurrin~
it! COIl-
,ble at11nunt. Kuala Bul\!1.l.'C)othe k((/'(/.//(/'/II contaills lUanv with, nodules of iron Pyr:it,~a in tlwul. 0;1 ,~iug up the Bukaroo tlJeRe il:< ill Illltnber size. The rocks !1.r(~similar to those of tho oh, the quartzites cOIJtaining \'eins I1Il(lllodules pyrites. The same kin(l of thillg is foulld ill 'Kapulan, hut the pyrites does not contai II allY
this Itmount will SOOIl be added to, the parl,joll o( the Estate over whjch [went WHS vel')' w<,11 kept 1111d new and substantial c:oolie lines were beill" built for the Javanese c(>.Jlies. .~ There hltVp. beell It good many jUlIgle OispukS cOllseqlll1nt 011 S;) nlany people openillg rubb3r pln.nt'LtiutJs, blit Oil the wlwie, not as m:1.lI,\' a" were t.n. he expef't,t'd. [t ha\'il,g b,'utJ proved in Court on the 14th illst".lIt timt Abill. (f) to whuLII the. halance of the ()~tILteor the late N VOII(YFook wa,; halu]eo ovel'. for bel' own use ltll(l th';1.t(;7 their small SOli, hn.s beel') squaudcrillgit :1.lId tllat in a shol'!. tilne it would hlwe all passl"! illt.o the hands of IL Mat",y police const'Lble who h'lIj
n.lready harl :,ilt~ IHe of ILgood ileal of it
n.l1cl \\' I';
ab..ut [II 1.,aIT\, 1.11.' WOllllLll, Itltb()u~il she luust k~ ItblllJt HO veal's' ohit:r tlmll lie is. u;'der \V:LStlJ:I"i,~ th:lt wh'Ltever \'f!IIIIIillec] should be taken over by tile . of gold 01' any uther \'ldUlthle lI1etiti. COLlrt, a snt1icicllt IIlIJnthly Rl1l11to bepaill to :\.bi'1 (f) Sui runs through highly inclined alH] eon- aile! the bo.ln.n<:e I,ept by ;;he COUl't 01' hllnl]eil to strata and in common with the IJaw!l.s l>amit. propel' tI:uste(~s for the SOli who will not b" uf rL~(~' o and Kapl1lall, the !Wrr.I71[Jf!nresilllws con- for S()tnt' years. . in It<]dition to the uSllal zireoll and chl'Olnite, II, On ti,e aOth ;Julit, 1I.~;I,insl, whom.L, C. Ha L'r1fL III ,rtioll uf iron pyrites, 1181\,..11.1' ellll,ted witl, uxidt, Sillgh 11:1.<1hrougbt; It Gln.ilu fo\.' cOll1pt:nsation for tbl~ dCltth of his \\' ife aud chilo by negligencl'.. III Kuala Sni llP-strerilll the beds as fILl' ItS causing was by order of (.he HOlllJllrable the Residt~lIt finp.[ Sihangang are highLy illclined ant] relded, $100 and th~ SUIII of $100 elaimed ao comp(msati()!I' changing rapidly in all10nllt 11,110 tlirectioll, 'l'he to the claiml1,nt, was to be paic1 by GoVel'lllnellt .Wlng runs through black ~hlLles which ('olltain 'I'lw building :Jf the b!tzaar lUts, beeu got ou nodules of shale lJ)ixelj with iron pyrites in with well dnriug the 11I()lIth ,uld should be finished by amOlllJt. 'l'hese slmles ,ru'(\ tbe oltlest \'ocks of end of July, 'i.~was district anq closely re~etllhle t.ho~e of the n <1istrict of T'\:nsltn, At l\uala Sibangan~ Rn((d,~ 'I'h(~ . Plmk rcll1,(ll:()lItl' \VIi" G()lIlplett',l !.av. ItS Damit tltk~s It sharp tnl'n '11)(1 fot' some cl1.rl)' ill tht, mOllth. Hnrlll rOILo is being repltil'<Jo . ce rnns thron~I,llilnek eOlltot't.ed slmles, Higher by Soollg i\'Toi Fook. sPl'illggok mad W,tS l'cpn.irt'd "ihe rockf; are salld'st,olles ILlld these are /lot so by pl'i::;ol1 IaboUI', :y fulded or inclilJeci, fr011l I,hi's poi lit, UII, to the The largt' bl'i<1gt' ()II Lhe .Tngall road collapsed on of the river, uipiJing ouly gm\t]y. '1.'IIe residues the 20th'illstl1.l1t ttw timbers being rottell. 'I'he upper course pf the\\'IlS ]),lIlIit arp of the COIIJlllissioner of PubliG \oVol'ks informs Ille be is type,; alJd cOlJ~ailJ no pyrites. t,ne neCeRS'1.I'y :1.l'l'Ill1gements £01'r.epbcing it. Jeries:ofbenutiflll\vat"rfnlls ocellI,' in the .Ln.wn.s ~t, alld anotber ,...series in ql.J~ of it's'tr'ibutaries. . , . (Tn IJf: I'Ollti'»1ICd.) .. J
'.1.'.tll!i \jlUi.AWAh.
ALJUU::;T 16, UHO.
Ac{,'id(~ilt 011board s. s. "1i.m:hillJ!.'...
(JPI.I~R Sf\UA \V 1\Ii.. A serious accident occurred on board the s. R. RA1! AND PAIUT. itching 011 Suuday, the 14th inst!1nt, about 21', M. li]e the head stevedore, Ah J ee, better 1o]()\\'11It!>; 1ujang owing to hi!>heigh t, WitSsuperintending t"~~ July. oading of cargo on board he was struck ou ti,l' by the heavy block of the den'icle guy and A!Jrccmcnts.-15 were made out duriug tbe ulontb. cked over the 3tarboard side of the ship into the Stamps.-Duties and fees anJounted to $52.50. !bter which was alongside. The unfortunate man COl/rt.-Fines and fees amounted to $240.20. conveyed to the General HORpital where an 11ination bhowed th!1t he waH sutfering from Plantillfl.-23 permits have been issued to plaut tnre of the skull and a broken !l.rrn in addition ru bl>er, ;J for pepper and 1 fOL'tuba. minor illjuries. On enquiry to-day (Monday) On the morning of the 1st all the opium beld by learn that Ah .Teo iR going on ai> well as C!1n be the differel1t fn,rms in the dif\tl'ict was depo<;ited her'e ctedltlld hopes are entertained of his recovery. and a retnl'l1 of the arrack in lULnd was mal1e and ---_._--------..-the llew farlnor st!l.rted with a fresh supply. The Court vVriter Seng Ewe started all the 4tb ..----.. instant f0l' Ja.goi to vaccinate there and with the exceptiou of a few days, was away the re!'!t of the Tlu; tlf\ua] monthly howling handicap took ,place month. The number vaccinated from lymph waR the Club on tile Jst in&tant, and reslllteC! f\.Rfo]. B4a of which 342 took, there were tJ2!J 11.1'111 to arm vn.ccinatiolls of which 370 took, the fa.ilnrl::'sall beingin two yillages. All the villagers in the Uln have IIOWLeen vaccinated-Sub!!., and Krokong having 1,I:\enviRited last year, and a certain amount has also, been done at 8ingghi. I hope next month to Hnish 8ingghi-:tnd st!1l't on tlw Mallty [(alllpong at Bnsan. 4'Ui Hcr. I grcatly wish to get the Dyaks of the left hand, + \JO hl'l1nch vaceinMed, bnt there is no One to spare from + 1)1:1 he!'e LOc10the work.
On the 2Mh at Dn.l!l1.llnsel'ious assault was COIIIwitted hy Kn.romo Tan .no on !l.nother .)IL\'H.llese coolif\ lIamed 8arjani; the former attacked the la.tter with a sickle and wounde(\ him severely, he is IIOW ill Snngei Tell~gah Hospit!tl. Karomo '.l.'arono is
. TIHHnaS' SdlOul 1IIIIH'U\'C'lIIc'nt1~lIild. ---.. Amount I\)rc,uly l\('kI'O'odc(lgcd Jlr. Law Kon End ...
'Per :'11'. Loong- Q11l! (Chincse trndel'~ ill Siul11l1jl\l1 l>"z"'\I')
. $mallcr alt1onntf\
(l(~tai IIeel here
... jlB.liOO.On ... ll:UIO
~3\!.,jO $H.08ViO .~.. -
f.""! Undel'lllClltiolle
Tbe Chines~ tradC'\'R here are trying to tind It man to I,;d<ehiR place from Singapore, as it WI'Stlwy wll(}
wcr~ 110tcOllteuted with tbe late master.
S.l1'U we. I, 1'1nSmllll. ---....dUI'in;,:' .July,
t IIlIolog ica l
C,Jllectiolls. IlS
2H };OO
~8(j 405 'J'ot:d
A cOlltmct has also been let for the erection of t;lw pork a.nd vegetable markets at $45 e! and these should be finished early in August. RO(ld.~.-'l'he Buall road has been cleared and
Zoolo{J1:cal Collections.
a5 852 362 41;-\
l'epltired by cOlltmct.
is the high0!;t IInll\l.)(~rso fltl' recorded for any Inth.
.T. C. MOUUl'O~, Cum/or.
'rhe road from Palm to Buan and the .Ja11lbusan tUllllel mad and also Ayi-er Pallas road were cleared by SerR.mbo Dya],s. 'l'he erection of the uew bridge on tiw Jugfl.n road. WILScOlluuellced during the IIIOllth. the luatel'ial Itl)d labour beiug provided by the P. \V. D. Knching. '1'be prisollers have been employed Oil repn.iring the road to H. H. tile H.!!-.i!1b'sbungalow and on
bighest IIUlI1hl.I' l'ec(\l'ded for one day was] 40 11 !)th.
[ \'IRitp,i Pakn tw:cn dl1l'iug the montlJ. t' lot of work bas been done all, the Ilew Lazaar (1nri IIg the Illont~ and the majority of traders will be ready to lI10ve ILlabout the middle of Angn!'!t. P. lV. D.-A contract was let fcr erection of It kewRi ne oil sto\'e !\t $85 !\nd same has' been COlllpleted on vacant land opposite the CCinh ''''riter'f; houR€'.
P. Plli~nRRPONT-J\mADO \\'S. Hon. Sec:. <£-'l'rca.q,rer.
trill I.
Mr. Ou~ 'I.'i(\I1~ Hwee Mr. Wee Hock 'Kec Mr. Chan Hool1J.( HZl' IIII-. Kho GIIIIII Lilli
",UOI'''' t41 .lIc' l'thl"'c'tun
pel 1<1ing
The Government School closed during the lUOllth nncl l;hAlIsua] feast was gi ven to the boys. I ,was not sllceessi'lJ! in outaiuiug auyone to hold ILn eXfL1I1in!1.tioll this ,\'eftl' n.f\has been done formerly. . The Ci1iJlf~"ehead master Thian Sen ]eh' at theelH1 of the teL'lIl and had his passage paid baek t(~
IIIfl.killg t.lle new bazaar
Resiclent, Upper Sal'Qwak,
- -
THE SARA W AK GA.ZETTE, SEPTEMBER however, this una~rhaIHl. misuse (~f.the nickname proved to be especIally directed !1.gamst some perthe p!1.rties in fault are liable to be tined,
~o. XXXT.-Bm.ya,
AND Rap1t,~ OR Rapoh,
16, 1910.
di,treren~ ways. The edit.or sits in his o~ce day 31)rl IlIght with telephone recel\'en\ all rOllnd hll11, There is one thing against the nuwspapers, tbey do not alwltys contain the truth, they have to put in sOl1lething to interest their readers. Their circulation is ,
The . bai!l(~ is pl'OpeJ'ty tha~ a decease,a person ~'~I'y quich, we oft.en get th,e 6.30,ed,ition at 1),:3? S II) the next worl(1. TI))s property IS of two I Newsp'Lpers, very llsefulllJ fact It IS one of HIs blessings to us. In some papers arlvertisemenh 'Dds :I.~G(lods that have been presente(i to the de- appear under the head. of ~ersonfl.l, these are chiefly ed before his del~th took place-indeed thei;e I lo\'e passages -(Stratts 1l1ne~,) ents are nearly 11.1 ways actual death-bed presents e bv friends aud relation!'; who come to visit him Sn I"n,wa,l\ ~lnSelllll. hi!'; 'i,tst illness. ,Vheu death occurs no mOl'e --ents can be given but the deceased's own goods \'isitc...", to t.hc! Innsmllll dnrinl:' August, 1910. ,y be set aside for him. These goods are placeli, after being dn.nHtged or Zoological , Ethllological dered worthless, upon the deceased'!'; grave n.t Collections. CJllectio1!s. e tillle that his burial takes plaee. Vi 18 Enrope!tns , H.-Are miniature Mticles supposeo to repreflent 725 (iHI different utensil" useci hy the deceased ill daily Malays ;'IOH ;,\42 when Oil earth which will IIOWbe nsefnl to him Chinese ':25:") '281 the lIext world. 'l'hesc 1~1'tic] placell ill 1t Dyn.ks, etc. ~ket(1I/.a)n.t the cOllclnsioll of the 'l\Iol1rlli IIg F'eltst' 'l'otn.1 l,36G :alCai AI/tu) Iwci placC!l on the gmve. The'Mournillg Feast' takefl pln.ce flomc time after 'l'he highest numbel' recol'oell fol' one day was 97 c1ecel\fled'fI death :~no nH~Ybe (alld often is) put for, After this ceremoll\' the decease,l is on ..\l1gnst 4th. to )~a\'f~110lIIore claims lipon the propert.y thn.t J. C. MOULTON, ollce his when 011earth. Curator. ':n hoth 1. ana I r. an off(~ring is of comse necessary lhe spirit!; whell these good>; are placeo UpOIl the I
sed'>; gl'ltVC, like the bai!Ja, is property Iwells ill the lIext world with adoit.ional distillctioll that it 'm.II.~t cOllsi!';t of s exclusively o\\'lIeo h.\' the ,1ecelLsed who mltst diml n.\\':l.\' f\'OlII his home in foreigll parts. e gOOlIf1Illust be bl11'iecl tile (lay after the news ~he d,!ceaseo's cle:~th is l'ecei\'ed :1l1rl they I~re ;cd ill the SIHlle w,w th'l.t the cleceased's Itctuld
or Rrrpoh,
1-- _,.._'u._.___._________
(JPI'I~n. SAltA "'AIL
,. a. decc,~sed persoll
e wonld he
IlA,IT AND ]tAu'U.
A u{JI/,~t. .-f(f/'eemenk-2D Wel'(1made out durillg the mOllth. Sfrllll.p,~.-lJuties and fees :~1llounted to $31.50. CUI/d.-Filles and fees l~lIlonnted to $H07.45. Plallting.-G permits h:we been issned to plant rnbher a,nd 1 to plant tuba. Ba-.1 Cyanide WOl'ks shipped for July 1,890 ounces of gold alld 773 ounce;; of 'silver. Bidi CY:L11ide Works shipped for July 1017 ounces d gold and 204 ounces of ,~ilver. . On the evening of the :Jrd ;~ lIIall c,tlled ,hn Shin \\i!'.S as<;anlted hy Chee Kinl Siew, Phang [-[oi ILIHI
ill the ease of the baiy(( all ofTcrillg is of conrse
ary tQ the spirits and the :~eceased, at the cun-~on of the ceremony, is saill to have 110more S llpOIl property that was ollce his whell on
EVITJ O;\lEN CAIJr.m> Sabnt.
is ill-omen that Wltrns th(; hearer against danger ,Jeath must be respected or else evil will assuredly \Y. It is cOllveye,l to persolls by mcallS of an I11mOIlaltemtioll ill the lIote of the kite (mcnaul) ~be Celltrococcyx (bubl/t), ill the unusual.noise by the domestic pig (jani), or t.he cry of (~deer ) or tiger (I'ClIUlItl/g), or strange sound proby brassware (Iltai tema{]a) that has heen
Chee Shak
J'au Shin was flont to
General Hospital and died there fl'om the effects of !l. blow said to have heen given him by Chee IGm Siew. I regret thi\t none of the men have been arrested, and feltr they have got IHVlty from the country.. An inquest was held in Kuching anu I forwarded minutes of the enquiry MId here to the Coroner. II, by 801lle mentiS or another, in the room. :.\11'. 13en.n, having reported that el,;)ven Javanese the sOllnds made by the birds nn<1allinmls nbovc tioued are helLnl the heal'cr IIIUst nt once return coolies had escaped vir; Serlin to S.Lmbasand thn.t If the 8011llds are produce<1 by the brn.fls- MI'. Demode had followetl them. CarpI. ,Van Ali w,~~ ill the l10nse the honse l\1u<;t Iw at ollce c1e- flent on the ~2nd with a letter from the Honollrablo 'rhe Officer Administering 'rhe Govl,!rnment requestis believed by the peoplp that these birds, ing the H.esident of Siunbas to ex:tr:1.dite these men .Is, !~lId bmss gooofl hrwe, for the time being, if thcy conld be fauna. ' ' 'i'he Governnwnt flchool w,~s opnneLl n.glLill011the e flpil'itR flncl are :~ble to convey w".rnin~!'; to which ml1st uot be dii>rcgarded, The only \\;ay 2bt, a Chinefle nmster to repil~ce 1'hi:m :-\en has not pe the!';e threatellcci dangel's is either to i,ill yet been foulH1, bnt ;\[ltlay and Engli,:;h al'e baillf{ birdfl ~lId beasts or sell the brttss goods. tn.ught. '1'he tempomrv Im%a,~r in Shuk LUllg Mun wag closed 011 the 2!Jth instant and the 1111tjo.rity of , S(~IWUlho~'s' Vimrs 011 .Journalism. traders have now relllove,l 'illto the IHHV bazaar, :I. Ilumber of honses are Hot yet entirely completed, bllt 8nt1ieiently for 1>f~oplnto lI\ove ill, following nb;;crvntioll,s Oil ncw;;p'tper;; by The pork and \'egetahle market were nearly .1011 elell1ent,uy flchoolhoys .tre l'I!col'ded in the al of Education, being extl'llcts from 'School I fjnishcd by the ell(l of the mOllth, rind fOllr LllX.
..1O:-lf yon buy &.De papers hold
one the
p:\.pe\' it is qnite flall1e news put
ellough, down in
lamps h:tve beell orelereclfr01l1Sillgapur," so that the
bazaar should, he well lighted.
- - - ---
16, 1910.
Wl;J,t~xp.ip.e$. bave heeu laid as. fa.r as' the I w\lo.1.'eliev~sdresser Law Hock Boou. Dr. Greene . ing of the bazaar and early next month I inspected the hospital and jail; be a.lso exa.mined the prisoners. 'fhere are generally one or two cases of to complete same \vith necessary stand pipes
beri-beri amongst the hltter. '1'he s. I. Chamois made two; the. S..S. Sal'awak :have visited : Palm twice during the month. W. D.-'1'be Jugan bridge was completed 011 and tb.e pinnace Sri Ilul"1i-iaeach three trips mouth. .~ instant. '1'he exports amollnted to $15.507.IiOllnd the imprisollers have beell engagec1almost entirely new bazaar. ports $15,49H.30. F. F. BOUL'1', E. R. STIL W]'~IJIJ, Resident 2nd Class. Resident, Upper Sar!l1/:ak.
'1/\'('/\ NG I~S'I'A'I'I~.
'ng the month coolies were employed ill His Higlllless 11CColllplUliedby H. H. The Tuan c..g' pl1.1cldllg tea, curin~ tea and coffee, repair- I Bunst1 arrived at ~ibu 011the lith alld proceeded to. '
ris alld draills. prunin~ tea, handling alld g ruosl>es on coffee ( by doing so will get more a year nfter) [~lId lending to weeding con-
Knpit the following day. On the 7th His HIghness preside'! in Court when. a few nmtters were hrought to His Higllllei'ls' uotice. 'rhe Chillese petitioned that severe punishments he meted out to tmders buying jungle produce. crop gathered for the mOllth was 34H 11)15. I might during tbe month Hi pilmls clean coffee, 2 froIl! Dyaks living in the iuterior who lu'e uuder' brokell coffee, 2 pilmls black coffee, 4UO IUI>. advances to the local. shop-keepers. His Highuess pekoe, and 180 tts. pekoe were despatcheil to was pleased to point out to the petitiouers that. the The Borneo C01l1P[~IIY Limited, ill two gmdes. Dyn.ks lived far aWI1Yin the upper reaches of the. weellin~ cnntra<'t.s I'i.::. IiI. IiI and 14 an('s l'ivl'r anll if tlwy. the Chillese, I.!,wt'HlhalH:t1Sto Ru<:h ~e e!'L:lt'J te:L al.,i clItl't:.e fields illcilldilig .W people tllPY dll! so at ti,eir o\\'n risk. _ are in good or.ler. In the early part of the mOllth the Assistant Prior the coolies wo.gC&for J Illy 011 the H.esidellt visited Benatang, Sariki aud other villages st r\t la.nding plncp-. in the deltl1 in order to 11ttend to Comt of Heq1.1ests, all for the mOllth was 1iU)Ii inches. allcl other matters. I visited the Foo Chow;; at S. Mirah a.nd settled. V. V. GOMEZ, !\.few dispntes with referellce to fruit trees. '1'his Manarl!'r. f;ll)all portion of the Fan Chow Colouy appear to. have made littlc [Ldvance during the last two years. and there is little or nl) openillg for thelll as the Saduan people require all the farlllin~ land left to. them as well as suitable lalld on which to phuit July. rubber. I
six biultllljall Dyak!Owho have for sOllletinlt' "etainetl ill Kuchillg were early III the mOllth to return to the dn.trict as their relati\'cs '&Ccorc1ancewith the Govemmeut order redown-rivel'. It remains to be seell if there is t land ill the lower river to provide farnll> for _ aks
T\\'ellly-two Foo c;how ancl forty l\eh illlll)igrants. alTived c1nrin~ the l1Ionth. The latter were brought in by the Calltoul'se COlllpIUl)' a.nd it is to be hoped that with the extra capital, saill to have beeu raised,. and the assistallce of those coolies the Company's garouJs nmy be put iu working order once more. Frolll the 13th to the 17th I spent at Kauowit and NalJgl~ JullLu. Few Dyaks visited either Station, as the epidemic which has beeu prev:dent in the Bulleh antl Katibl1s for SOllie IllOnths past has uow hrok(:n Ollt at I\allowit. The ~ilHl bazaar has also b.~en deserted (iuriuK the h~tter part of the Iponth for the sl~me reasou. Two prisouers c1iell nfter only a few hours sickness.. C()uhl I~ Modical Onicer be spared to visit this.
who have just settled there.
old mcuth of the Simuujan has so silted up ept at neady higb water beats are unahle to and onto rl'bis comes as sOlJ1ewhat of a hardtbe Eampong Sadong Malays whose honrs '~g this river are uow very much restridell thev choose to push their bO:LLseach tilile ~~il~e to Ilse thelli at low "vater ahout a milc
~he lIlud.
SOlne lH owners of houReRhave of removiug
~tlLtiou for 11short time it would, I think. he n. good. '~the lIew Kuala t;imunjan. 'l'hese lwople thiug to send olle lip to dingnose this {,'olliplaint .die Goverllllleut will ~ontilJue tlJe road f!"OlII which has alrealh causell a nUllibel' of de!\.ths in this. .
to 'l'l~II.i()lIg
'1 of the bridge to the laud joinillg 'l'anjollg I strollgly recommend this aed further would tbat the prescllt cattle grouud be hlLnded ~e l\Ialn.ys as n. site for a new ka/ll}Ju1/(/. ,i!e could be removed to a piece of bud .
cleared jm t below the statioll.
The making
11if contracted for could I think be calTied :ry uioderat.e cost. ~ the lIIonth the pipe-line was broken just reservoir, all old tree havillg fallelJ 011iL. I "frolll the Colliery quickly repaired the d:mmge I that short stoppage of water cansell much . nce. 'l'he weather was very lhy at the I Ctl tba lath for Kuching to be prescnt at the "'fllillg again 01120th. teelle 'Medical Oflicer arrived on Bath per s. I. He hrought with hilll dresser Ah Hian I I
\ I
district. . AccOlnpl~lIied hy the Assistn,lIt Hp.Ridelit. I went to Matu 011the 18th. After tIle Besi
Gt~llIiJliLJg Furilicr
for l~ redllctioll
the rental of the Farm owing to the lVah I-Iui lott.ery hlwing been prohibitell tbroughont the Upper and Lower Hejallg. .As this lottery WIIS a great source uf revenue to the Farm a. c,msiriemble reduction was grauted. lVI\'.' 1\11(1Miss Pnge.Tu)"IJ(!\' were p!tssell~ersby
the p, s. [(aka leavi,:g here 011Lhe2Hrd. 'I'he H. and S. Compauy's steamers caHel\Oilthree. ~ '
THE SARAWAK GA.ZETTE, NOVEMBER o .. Then he wrote to the "Athenreulll" ;-
1, 1910. I .
--+-, I am minded' to advance the commercial prosperity ~<.'a"'ou 1~)10. of England alld to better the condition of the ,native :ra.cesb)' acquiring tcnitorial possession in the :\'lah~y I I J)BAH Sm,-I have much pleasure in sending youArchipelago. I have weighed all the difficulties, and alii of opinioJl the Battillg averages alld records of the bowling' of that for this purpose a scho01;ler of 14~ tOilS and :t the Sar:l.\vlI.kCricket Cln b for tbe past season. good crew with, ,J,\mes Dtooke for COIlllllILlHleri., Yoms faithfully,
:Xo one contradicted him. He set ill l!;BH, d arrived in Sarawak at a most propitiuus IlIOlllellt for his ambitious. Muda Hassil11, uncle of the ,}tan of Borneo, was endeavouring to suppress a ,ive rebellion. He had saved sOlne shipwrecked glish sailors, and Brooke went to cOllvey to him thanks of the citizens of Singapore. Muda at once said that an I<.:nglish1l1an with 'Iors and brass guns would be useful ill helping to :Iodge rebels who had built wooden forts. brooke, ,b a natural instinct for such things, ellterel1 into efight with great enthusiasm. He served along'e one of the governor's younger hrothel's, wading 'st high through morasses, stUl:g hy illsects, and kened by,tropical heat. The rebels were slain by hundl'eds. Theil' forts burnt, and Brooke took many of his foes' \Vi\'(~s daughters captive, alld held them as hnstf\ges, dll. \V;lS gmtefu!. "You sha1l lIe Uaj:d, or :->;ll'ahe said tu Bruoke. 'l'ilii; did lIot SlIil; .\lakl>la, ,wily savuge, who prior to Brooke's arrival had 1 i\Iudl~'S right-hanel
,Muda himself postponed the fulfihucnt of his ,mise, probably regretting afterwards thl~t it "'fiR r wade. Brooke held on, though Makota, it IS . tried ,to poison him. 'What Hl'Ooke dil} was to
1\0. of iuuiuKH.
1\ 1\1IH".
1__ J.. K Sll\lh. .1.\11.Hrl'lL" H. 1'. A,ia.,," (I. U. (lilllL" Api D. f" a on.. It. S, HlLld,y H. BatclIULIi H. Bell E. !'ft.l'uell
Kn,;sill1 Nicolns C. C. HohisOH H. W. V. Scott Udi" C. l~cnwick 'Y. It. IIILI'L.." Ji~.I,. GI'O\"(~ Bn,iug J. 1>.1',!welJ
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..!-J .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..'
No. of Highest TotlLl A"el'aHc; time not onto Scol'e. HI1I1". -----
a 2 0 2 I a 0 I 0 0 l l I 0 I 0 1 0 I 0
'12 14 (; 14 12 12 7 In !J Ii
10 () !J 14 Ii 10 Ii !J 10 Ii
43" 7a' 29 25 aa' 2t. 40 II 11; III H II La 21 ):1 9 8 I,; r,.
. Hi:.{nifi('K nut.oul.. ~lIIul"~r
of iuuillj.(s
28 8;1 97 1110 11;1 IIZ :m H:,\ 411 11 a:\ a.; 21 11:\ 411 211 2r) 22 22
:11.a 2:1.7 m.l 1£;.0 J l.a 9.1 7.4 Ii.n ii.a '1.!1 '/.7" .1.a 4.2 11.7 a,7 a,li 2,11: 2.7 2.7
2,Ii 2.1
t,o llunlif,r-=r..
A Iii.,." ""t'kc:t rcccu Wt\1oIt'st:\lJli~ht'(l AUUIIIK 29 ~xta'UH4=RO.
b)' )lC!'OM1"',Ul')'1\11 47 lIut Hilt and
Owillg to the bowling ILlIalysis lIot having been kept, the bowlillg average'S cannot be IIl:tde out. 'l'he following gcntlemen were the most successful h armed sailors to the pILia,::e, sei~e Ma\\(Jt,~. with the ball. ~surround Muda Hassim. Makota was bll\1ishl'd, J"tlJll(~. Numb,.,. (~f IVid..I'I.'t. a signed the documents,' and Brooke becanw ,r. M, Bl')'11011 .~h. H.I'R.rJwJl aa L. ]~. Hinde :12 .During four years' service with Brooke, BI'OWII !W G. C. (HUILII many adventUl'p.s and hair-breadth escapeR ill H, Bllklllllll HI W wak. He received ~~haudsollle monetary n~war{l Api .. bis services. moug othel' incidents i'n a remarkahle e;LI't'IH', "'I,.T r-" .~ .,. :''''1 ,." T .~..,. 'F~ ...:~'r~ if'> 'T-~t 'f ~'-' _,wn served on a vessel that weut out to ChilHL .:;t\'.Ul~ S...¥:Y~, .\'. ,~{..~~.t U.~;.c. ,','..t:i. ... . _..~ .._" ~._.~ #_a lettel'-of-IlIarqlJe, I\nd after much tightiug her aiu fell into the hands of the natives, aud by Ij I~I'I'~ It. ISf\ UA W 1\ 1(. rial decree was ordered to be sliced to pieceR. BAU AND PAU,U. ~ the same time an ElIglish lady nnllwlt K ohle captured, put into a travelliug cage, alHl sent Sl~ptember. ugh several Chinese provinces as a sho\\', beillg Rubber.-DahaIJ Estate :3,400 Itls: of rubber wasfir"t white WOInall nlallY of the ChilieRe had e\'(!r . producod for Eeptember. '. Bau Cyanide works shipped for August gold 8:14.1 'hen Brown evelltually returlled to y" l'Ulouth, . further adventures, he found he hall IOllg beclI o~s., silver i.\5B,(j o~s. Bidi Cyanide works shipped for Augnst gold 68
Police was that they wer~ attacked by 5 men on the I
road and that consec:luently the pr!soner gotawa:y; they were both armed but neither used their I weapons; the story proved to be an entirely fit.titious . September.. . one, and they were each sentenced to 3 JlIOlltl~RI I l'e~.l1l"1ledfrom on the 12th instant and reimprisonment. . .' . ! slllli'C11.inties on the 14th; the Acting 'Writer retul'n. On the 12th Mr. Bean from Dahan Est!\tt, ~)I'O-I ill" to I..illaga on the 16th. secuted 10 Javanese coolie!> for absconding, after 71'he ne~' permanent barracks (of bilian wood} I
! are
the Fortmen
men have bec'n recovered from Sambas, the Dutch I illto them. 'rhe kitchen .has been contracted for Authorities having kindly handed .thelI~ over. 'l'hey but the contrt1.ctors have not yet taken the job in were each sentenced to 6 months nnp\'lsonmellt an.d \ h:1.I1d. . the expenses of their recovery to 1m added to their I greatly fen.r that the nexL year's paddy crop is debts, which they are to subsequemly '11'01 k ofT on far f\'om promisilig as the people up to end of the the estate. . 'month had not burnt their clearings. The season On the same date a Javanese co~lie c~l1ed Karol?o according to' their opinion has passed and now is Tarono was sentcuced to 3 years 1111prlsomnent I.U too late for phulting. I\.uching jldl for murderous assault on t1.nothet. coobe The weather has bep.n very wet with frequent Serjauie.\vhom he uearly l~i1led with a. sickle; there squalls, lightning anrl thullder and rain incessan.tly. was \'el')' slight provoclttIon alld the assault was r \VA.Sinformed thnt there was a heavy fresh up-l'1\'er premeditated. which overflowed the banks. . 'l'hel'e has been It good deal of petty theft COIII- . FoUl' hen.d of cattle were sold to some Saribl\s plained of and also as usual at this. time of the year Malays for killillg on Hari Raya fOI;theSllnI of $~D. thefts of peppel' from garden steeplllg weJl~. There Me still a fe\~ 01(1cows which could be dls.
My time has been quite fiJled up with Court
The jUllgkat fishillg 1m'! ceased entirely n.nd the I fisherl1len are attelldiug to other .work. SeveraL Chinese engaged for his tl.1Cschool kilollg h.we beell fixed Idcmg the sh.ore n.nd the hau~s. andThe it h:1f; been have armllged that 1\master they pitY salary have been fail'. Luckily the fishl1lg folk set their and the Govel'llmellt wiJl the ~llaster as fish tmps earlier this year, ot})I~rwise ~here would I
M,.day :--chonl. alld
elenlen tl\.ry r,,"ghsh
. 'rhe Lux lalllps whirh flrri\'ed during
at 'I have been month.
the mOllth
no supply
of fresh
1'he jeluLong illspectol'
fish durl11g
I !I
I It
work and a large in th1e 1I1lIIIher of agl'ee-. ments mn.deout. . .
beforeGO\'el'llmellt to teach the
!I! WJ
It. I
dirl not make his mUIH\
have been erected. ., of illspection durill~ tlw Ilttter part of ~he m()lItl~. :1 'I'he vegetn.h]e mlwket IS uow 111.use foul' personsj having no policeman tll accompany lunl. P. C. Ii p:1ying a smaJl nll)nthly relit wIth rIght to sell Alnbl\.lIg is in charge of tin.mtok during the absp.nce. vegetnbles there. . of P. C. Bunyaw who has gone on one mouth'!; 'rhe IIIIISOIl who contl'!\cted to fillish the pork ]el\ve. P. 0. Lamit also is on leave. . 1I19.rket tiOOl'I\.bscollded without completing it, bl~: Aglls re-enliste~\ vice pri\'l\.te Bagang who Wits he had done 1110re work than thc amount of ius. I Ioulld to be unsatIsfactory. . advn.nce cove\'ed. . 'rhc H.oban bilian sawyer by name Chew Eug 'l'he slaughtbl' house has been crected <1Ul'Illg th~) Selig has brought sevel'ai coolies frolll Kllching to. mouth aud the baRills for standpipes have Idso beeu \York \1l1tler him. Almost:l.lI his forme\' coolies had constructed and the pipe line si\llulrl hB cOlnplete abscoutie.l either to Km:hiug per small boat,; 01' to early lIext nlOlIth.. . I the Batl\lI~ He~,\ng, overland. DUl'lllg the 1TI0ntli Seng Ewp. vacelllated I FIl1Cs alld iees for the month amoullt to $1l~J. The tl H.tiereturlls being:50 persons n.t ~usnl1 of Wl101l1 4 took. 1 I aim ,, .. uone took I f') " ".. I I11DOr t s. Exports. :1;j " "~ell1n.wan',, all took " r: \ $18.:-140 in the two forlllcr cases Ferries & Co's IYlllph was $IG..J44 used aud in the latter ~!dgoll. .-\..R. CHEY~E. '1'he prisollers have beell .emplo.\'ed IIl'arly elltirely TVritR/'.. in the bazaar !1.lIdsUI'l'oundlllgs. I
E. R S'l'II..WEIJL, Resideut, Upper Sntrlll:llk.
I~ September. , NIl'. .J. Ihrillg-Goulrl left here, by La Ph! on the. Hnl for J(uching en-rou.t!! to Europe Oll short leave, I Durillg the month coolies were ernployet1 ill weedI I left here 011.the Hth. i'll order to visit the np-river I iug, plucking and tipping tell., curing tea II.lItlcotfee, stations and Capt. Heher of s. s. Rajah wllll.wn!; repairiug roads IIlId drains, lentling to weeiiillg con- I here Oll a visit accompallied me. . . tracts and to Rese\'voir liue l1./c. I 011 arrival I\t Song' I fOlilld that the fort kitch(m I" 'l'he crop gathered for tIle IIIIInLh \\'itS aoo 1])8 tea. ; bee!l bUl'llt to the ground. I held all inquiry I alld 13 pikuls parchment coffee .!\nd liming the had as to what had caQsed the' fhe, but did !lot filld tlmt ! month 780 Ins broken pekoe [Iud .180 11)8pekoe were anyolle in blame. the aff.~il'appenrdespatched to M",ssrs. The Borneo COlnpany Ltrl. illg to have bee!l a pu\'e accidellt. ! '1'he \\'Peciirig COlltract<; alld the Estate tel~ fields At I(rl.pit two M:days were sentenced to 2 years .I are in good order alld a pa\'t of the Estate coffee hard lalioiir each for bu~gl:;LryHot .Helaga. I returned I . field is I1nweeded. I to tiibu Oll the 11th: '.". ': ". · I ha.\'e dischargerl 7 coolies on the expi1'l1.tioll of .MI'. F. A. W.Page-T'u1'llt:)r .returned frOlll len.vE.' their agreements and pl\Ylilellt of their debts. : II 'on, ~he 17th alld after visiting Kapit he left for Mr. Prior pi~id the coolies' wages for September Matu 011the 24th to take over chn.rge of tlH.Lower \ 011the 5th October lDlO I\t the landing phwe. H.ejl\lIg. Mr, Chynoweth, who had been 8&i~tiollell The l'aillflLll for the month \VItS 12.1:\5 illches. in the Lowel' H.ejallg during . MI'. Page-'l'lll'IH~I"S abselJce on 1~:weretul"lIetl to thll> station on the 20th V. V. GOMEZ, Manage/'. and resumed his duties hel'e the following dn.y.
_ __
_.: :
I)ROGR,uun:. l.,t ~ace, 9 a. m.-':'SHIP'S Gws.-lst prize $6. 2nd prIze $3. From Dayang Atun's Panglmlllt1\ to the Stone 'Wharf.
15th Race, 4.30 p. 7/i.-A CUP value $ .-Presented by . . . . 'Fo: any de~cription of bOH.tswlt.h Crews limited to 1" men. Entrance fee $1. Wmners of the 3rd race to pull with 13-
'-'....LL..I..&.;.I ;..&.~,.L1.cJVJllJ..Y~D~~" .1" l~lU.
, ~. ,., nllcl 2nd in the 3rd race to pnll with 14 paddles 2/1d R,ac.e, 9.15 a. m.-BANDoNG RACE.-} 01' I,o/Ut . olll.v.. 1st prize to Crew $15. 2nd prize to Crew fide fishlllg' boats to be propell~d?y oars, stecnmll\lI ,$7,:30. From Batu Biliong to the Stone Wharf. only. to use a paddle. Crews hmltcd to 5 mell. L~t prize $7.50. 2nd prize $5. From Dayltng Atnll'8; .1ath Race, 5: p. m.-THE CONSOLATIONCUP.-. ' \ ~due $70.-:-0pen. to all boats th llt h ave not won PangkaJlnn to the Stone Wha d. . . ~ It race at this meetmg. Entrance .fee $1. 1st prize 31d Race, 9.~O a. 7/t.-CHAMBEH 01 COMMEI~CE to Crew $25. 2nd prize to Crew $15. From Tanjong CuP.- Value. $oO.-Prcsentecl by Messrs. Chan hee P!1tinO'an to the Stone vVharf. . Ong, Ong 'l'lang Swee and Yeo Gual! Chow. For ... any description of boat with Crews limited to 15 ['l'he above programme is subject to alteration.]. men. Entrance fee $1.50. 1st prize to Crew $15. 2nd prize to Crew $7.50 From Tanjong Patingan nr g DT;''D to the Stone Wharf. I ':U ():Th'I't" . .I":\!." [ 'U~:\: . 1.. ~~ .~~.I:2.l.. X~.. r..... ~_ ~ 4th Rar.e.-10 a. m.-BANDONG RAcE.-For bonct fide fishing boats manned by Chinese only. Crews , limited tf> ten mell. 1st prize $10. 2nc1prize $7.50' UAU AND PAIOT. I
:rHI Y
3rd prize $5. From Dayang Atun's PI~ngkallan to the Stone Wharf.
5th Race, 10.15 (t. m.-AnMY, NAVY ANDCONS'l'A-I DULARY.-Crews limited to 15 men. 1st prize $15. 2nd pri7.e $7.50. From Dayang Atlln's Pangkalh\n to the Stone 'Wharf. 6th Bace, 10.45 a. 7n.-FOR 130..\,'l'SWITH CREWS I.IMITED '1'0EIGHT MEN.-1st prize $8. 2nel prize $4. From D!\yang Atun's Pltngkallan to the Stone Wharf. 7th Race, 11.15 a. m.-l'HE OFFICES RACE.-A race for employes in the Go\'emment and Mercantile Offices. Crews limited to fifteen paddles and one flag bearer, who shall be bond fide employed in or about nn otI1ce or department on nlOllthly wages and not as boat or 'l'ongkang coolies or on day wages, Police, Military and Naval depaJ'tmelits not eligible. 1st prize $16. 2nd prize $8. Frolll D~\yang A.tnn's Pangkallan to the Stone "'-'harf. 8th Race, 11.45 a.m.-HIs HIGHNESS '1'HE H.A.JAH'S CuP.- Value $130.-2nd prize $li:3 -For bOltts with 'unlimited Crews. Entrance fee $2. 1st prize to Crew $50. 2nd prize to Crew $25. Hrd prize to Crew $15. Frol11 Biliong to the Ri,one 'Vhar£. . I NTERV A L.
Racing will be resumed at 2 p. m. .
Agrecment.~.--38~1 were regi~tered during themonth, 388 at Bau I1nc1G at PaInt. . 8tamps.-Dlities and fees'amounted to $5D2.70. C01trt.-Fines and fees amounted to $342. Planting.-7permits were issued during thenlonth, 5 to plant rubbel', 1 pepper and 1 tuba. Rnbber.-Dahan Estate produced 6,121t tus. of rnbber for October. Ban cyanide. works shipped 1.,927.9 07.S. of gold and 604.5 ozs. of silver for Septembel'. !I,nd Bi({i cyanide works shipped 071.3 ozs. of gold alld 14l.:i. ozs. of silver for the same month. A lepel' IHtmed Chui Kee Joon who had heen sellt to the C~tJ!}psome months ago lUll] returned here on two previous occasions, did so again on the 3nl inst:1nt and on the moruing of the 4th he was. fonnd .o1!tside the cloor of the house where his \vife was living snfferiug from the efIects of tuba poisoning from which he died very shortly. . The (ith WItS observed as a hoiiclay being Hari Ra!fa. On the 10th two Jav:ulese coolies were Ln'ou"ht; ill by Snlong of Busan, he had fOllnd theln 1J~ltr i\Illsi, they were absconders hom the ~llngei 'l'ellg:1hEstate, alld were forwarded to Kuching.
~he 14th was o~served as A.feast' day by the , I Clllnese for the opemllg ceremony of the new bltza:1I';.
9th. R?ce, 2. .]J. 1n.-'-BAN?O~G H.ACEr:-l!or b01l1l .fid.e. fis~in~ boats Cr~ws llIlllte(~ to LJ ') mell; l~t prize $~2.oJO.. 2nd prIze $15. Ii rom hall Seng S Pangkalall to the Stone \Vharf. 10th Race, 2.15 p. ?n.-FISHERMAN'S H.AcE.-One lllllll sculling. (Dayong Ilean). 1st !)l'ize $2. 2nd prize $1. Brd prize 1)0 cents. From Muam Padungall to the Stolle 'Wharf. 11th Race, 2.30 p. m :.:ScHoOL Boys HACE.-Hol' bone; fide School boys only. Crews limited to 18 boys. 1st prize $12. 2ncl prize $4.50. From I{llallt Gresik to the Stone Wharf. 3 -T E CHA'Ml'ION UUl'.- VALUE I ntI R N £ ace, .p. m. H '. ,. $100.-Presented b y The Opium . .. Farm Syndicate. ] E Opell to all,'. boats, crews 'unllll11te( .. !ontrance~ fee '> 2 n(] pl'lze ' t 0 cmw '*'25 .. $~.. 1~;,t Prize' to. crewt: $50 3 rd. P l'lze to crew "'1.). F rom B a t Lt B Il Ion" t 0 th e. 'V'
'i' .
13th Ilace, 3.30 p. 7n.-Folt
the 1'opekollg ,from old Bau vilh1ge WItS brought i.u processioll to Stmk Lung MUll, and before .tll alt~tl: i;et np in the middle of the rO~td pmyers were 811 id !tlld !\ large quantity of crackers fireel ofI !tud the1'opeleong was then deposited iu a ternpomry attap buihling at one end of the .street, and facing it at the. other end was the open ail' wuyang. .By 10 A. M. the whole bazaar was densely packed' with people !tllc1at that time there could not h~ve .been fill' short of '1,000 people present. 'l'he. festlVltle~ ~vere k~pt. t~p for the next two Ot. three d~.~.sand eactl e~enlllg tnere were between 2,000 and .3,000 people 111the. baz?,ar;
the crowd
110 CU1I1-.,
plallits were made of ally mlsbeluwlOllr. . . Th e L ux Iamps were IICY ht e d for tl Ie t.II'St t Ime '" 011 the t:' utb lIIstallt. The traders I LtIH1el'sttl,lId al'e'
Stolle )Vhad.
o r
1 t h e good light given very pleased to have them all( . h by them was greatly appreciated by t e I.u-gt~crowds. of people each evening. . .
'1'he 1\-IatH\O'er of the Ban ~vVorksreportel! on tlJe
T.IMITED TO THREE MEN. 1st prize $8, 211d prize, 27th the death of a mall called Salum, aL tiijijH.k $1.50. From Borneo qompany's Pangkalan to the hospit,al from the effect of se\'ere scaids; he haa ::hone Wharf.. I beell in charO'e of an enO'ine at the New Phtut alld '" "', 14th Race, 4. p. 7/t.-Ko'rAK H.AcB.--Crews limited had allowed the drain cocbr to remain opell while. to ::3men. Sails may be used as well as oars. 1st the ClJgine was at rest, thus heltting np the coucleI1Rer'. prize $10. 2nd prize $7.50. Brd pri7.e $5. From water in a tank close hy; unfortunately lie accidelltld Iy
i\1uara Padullgan to the'Stone,\Vho.d. o '...
slipped aucl fell into . thia \~i'ti1llk. He was pulled out,.
,{, .~, ;"
~ j
~ '~. "'I
r 1'1~':r »_ \'
,":r /: ",}'~): \ 1
.! '; .1' of~"
191'& r,l;
aJ,nrp~~.I!-.t..~nce'.by Mr. Main wbo was near him; I)ut 'l'he lebsee. of the. Sadong. O'pium,F~nPt,:!I:I~s.~rs. he succumbed 'in 'hospital as reported.. ' K wong Sang '\V0 were fined $100 for sell.l11g"opmm. at a. higher rate than authorized by Govenlme.r:it,. .r hav'e !l'i;rii.n.g~d. with:. the Manager' of. theBau 'Works that in future the railway from .the godowns They immediately lodged an appeal but a few days to 'the further side uf Tai PlI.[rit gold working.; is not later asked to be allowed to withdraw same. . '1'he s. s. Ulv 885 tons rpgister, Captain Pe'derson. to be open to tbe public. Formerly everyone used this as the road from here to Bidi, but the arrived in ballast from Penang on the 7th. She left large a.mount of traffic on this part of the line renders agl\in on the 11th for Singapore with a cargo of 1,OM it now dangerous;. the from here to Bidi tOilS5 cwts. of coal and bunkers 160 tons. With will be through Bau village, and this joins the rail- only short IJotice it was impossible to give her a full cargo as local sales have been exceptionally good of way at the further side of tbe Tai Parrit workings. My time has been largely taken up attendin~ to late. 'l'he mines have been working at full pressure turning out 80 tons per day. . . the 'Writing out of agreements. P. W. D.-The prisoners have been employed on ; A young Dyak girl in the upper Simunjan met with clearing and laying out surroundings to IJew bazaar; a nasty accident whilst busily engaged in the kitchen. with cooking operations. At the time she was wearand on repairing the road through old Bau village. 1
ing bracelets of imitation bead.s "made in Austria." which are composed of some 'highly inflammable. substalJce, when they caught fire and her arm was severely bUl'lJt. Had HOt assistance been readily forthcoming it is highly probable the result would have been more serious. It is interesting to note
Resident, Upper 8al'awak.
September. Fines and fees amounted to $504.65. On the 2nd I left for Gedong at which pla.ce a certain amount of excitement prevailed owing to one Sin Yong How who 'had that mOl'llilJg severely assaulted Yen ;o;oon'rong with It paran{J, fol' 110 apparent reason, being still at large. HinYung How was eventually caught that same evening whilst in the act of stealing a Malay's boat. He made a desperate effort to evade arrest and was not captured before he had succeeded in swimming some 500 yards down stream.
thatsincethisoccurrence several tl:aders havegiven
Exports. $27,479.60
Imports. $17,002
October. Fines and fees .amounted to $(j!)2.29. H~l'i Raya passed :>ffin the customary malineI'. P. C. Lamar who on the 3rd was sent to 'l'ebakang arrest Bulin a Malay for theft, having got the cused'together with the stolen property, allowed im to escape. It appears 011the return journey ey stopped at Ampul1gil.nand being the lIight of e raya the pohce constable made merry :ind eglected to .handcuff his charge although he had refully selected two pairs of manacles before starta. Abaug Man the native officer who has beeu on k leave for the last four months resumed his duties the 11th. He appears to be quite well again.
I 'Writer The
I left by the launch the next day. prisollers have cleared tbe new cattle groulld which is situated alongside the hospita.l road and have erected the cow shed. The barbed wire fencing has lHrived, but the parapat posts arc not yet ready. 'rhese shou\n be done shortly. .. Nine schoonel'!:; ann three steamers cleared for Knching with coal this month which amounted to 1,214 tons H) cwts. '1'rade returns are as under :--
011 the 4th I left Gedong for !tilt Milikill spending
wbich concerns tbe boundary Letween the Land Dyaks of SadOl:g and those on the Sarawltk, 1Lln Samarahan, sides the matter will have to be referred to tbe Hon'ble The Administrator for adjudication. I returned to Hlmunjan on the 8th. 'l'he 26th being His Highness The H.ajah i\Iuda's birthday the usual public holiday was held and the\ff was decorated. The moUth has been exceptionally ,vet, in conequence many of the up-river Dyaks have not bumt off their clearings. They are anxiously awalt"ng a spell of dry weather.. I 'l'hirteen Eailing vessels and three steamers cleared ~ut with cOl~1which amounted to 1,704 tons Ii; cwts. '1'he trade returns am:-
being informed of their dangerous nature.One' towkay who had just received a large consignment of these goods promptly returned the whole lot. 'Per s. I. Chamois on the 7th I received orders to proceed to Kuehing. Hlwing IHl.nded over all Govemment lIlonies and keys of safes to the Court
one night at Lebur O. K. Daka's kampollg. '1'he next day I went on to Rasuh via Hemun, 'l'ruboh, Areng, "Lenggoh and Bedup. Staying one night at Hasuh I started the following morning for Segaun pas~ing through Srob8;ll and Ampungan. At Segaun
an IIllport!\nt dispute between the ,Dy!tksmy of Palaman Taratland Bukar and . Segaun necessitated " ' remallJmg t h ere t wo mg ht s. As th e case IS one
up stocking
lmp orts. .,$!) 141:~O i).v
Exports. C t I $22071: 051: "oas.a 8' "'J8~ .1.' orel"n i.3 7 .)
F. F. BOULT, Re.~idel.tt2nd Cla&$.
SBIANGGAN(~. October and November. I have to report that Abang Bra.him the eldest son of Aban~.:Haji Tamin died from, apparently, consumption the day before hari raya. '1'he. 6th being hari my a the usual salutes were fired and the Malay chiefs and others were received' at the fort. '1'he Dth (Sunday) being Her Highness The Ranee's I birthday a holiday was observed on the 10th. I It has been reported from Lingga that a Chinaman named Teo Ah Khian was drowned at Bakong I owing to his boat ?apsizing the ~am~ being flooded . by the waves resultlllg from a SWJft tide, one other, Lim Ab Khun was with him alld was picked up just in time by some people' returning to Liugga from Simanggang. Up to tbe present nothiug has been heard of the body of Teo Ah Khian. A complaint has been made of Ma]ays playing pitch and toss in the bazaar, yuung people collecting in numbers and obstructing the thorougbfare. A notice had been ph\ced in the sometime ago forbidding this, so the chiefs have IIOW .1'1Iy. warned their people alld the practice has stopped. It is a bad habit for young people to get into and might be the source of leading them into trollble. On the 18th instant, six Chillese arrived from Kabong under arrest. and a letter frotll the Court \Vriter there informing that a Chinamall uamed I
- - - ---