
  • November 2019
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October 24, 2004 Dear Editor in chief, A scholar asked: “I had seen a city that was seized by extremists, over powering those installed moderate policemen-it is extreme, what counter measure should be done so that the extreme could not be repeated?” The A.I. answered: “During war, attacking and withdrawing and retaking are ordinary strategies. Sometimes bluffing, baiting and trapping enemies are deliberately being done so that invisible enemies would come out and be opened to intelligence gathering. The art of baiting and bluffing should be well studied and be enhanced in military strategies and military school. The Trojan horse is a good example of the art of baiting and trapping enemies. There could be much tactics that could be created out from baiting and bluffing and withdrawing or “abandoning” as if defeated already; but example ‘the withdrawing’ is just to let the enemies be exposed to trap and to gather enough intelligence. With regards that some of the installed moderate and balanced policemen are just targets or sitting ducks during the art of bluffing, perhaps moderate policemen should be trained to have escape route example underground tunnels, dummies or even have “smart policemen” or robotic gunner or smart machine gunner fighting to the ‘end’ and be self detonated if cornered while human moderate policemen are escaping or withdrawing. Standing and being just targeted as sitting ducks is extreme. There could still be other ways to use example standing position or being exposed to snipers that bluffing or baiting for sniper to open fire could be decisions against their actions. Example if the exposed policemen are just dummies or robotics; or the faces and necks are armored with transparent very strong hard plastic that could easily be detached or attached. Perhaps the traditional shield for sword could be made better as transparent armor or bullet deflector when doing patrolling. The smart shield could be folded to form as an armor barrier when docking, crawling while advancing because the shield could easily be moved. In some movies the dead bodies of comrades are being used as shield, now perhaps this smart shield could help and could save lives. Since sniping and improvised explosive devices are tools using the invisible tactic of the extremists, balanced soldiers and balanced or moderate policemen should do something to counter the extreme. Perhaps pass a policy that during patrolling on no man’s land or the zone is not yet cleared of snipers and the possibility that IED could be used, moderate soldiers or policemen are trained to use smart face transparent armor and smart neck armor. Those gunners on military vehicles should be well secured with transparent plastic armor. Since there is now a smart machine gun that could be operated inside an armored vehicle using cameras and the skill of human, perhaps the gunner could still be enhanced, letting the gunner be multiplied- covering the sides and letting programs do the decision to fire as needed enhanced by sensors and powerful telescope. The vehicle is also equipped with smart sniper because there is sensor that could analyze situation that using machine gun is impractical but just using smart or robotic sniping is enough. Perhaps during the withdrawing or using baiting tactics, intelligence should be enhanced using powerful sensors and camera to gather many data on people using masks while parading. Perhaps thousand shots of films should be done especially penetrating small details in the eyes, measurements of the head, the shoulder, and invisible chemicals could be sprayed while those extremists are parading in public. And a smart analyzer using chemical exposure to the clothes or sweat could let a program identified a “finger print” of a person. And during retaking of the zone the balanced or moderate policemen or soldiers could gather data just photographing details or doing chemical testing in clothes, shoes, vehicles because the shoes could be exposed to invisible chemicals during the parading of the extremists. The key is that during the parading or coming out of the extremists there should be something that could be gathered as deterrent to double identity or double loyalty. It would be very sure that most of the male in the locale are just intimated to obey and follow the extremist; but another counter measure could be given to people caught following those intimidations. Trojan baiting and trapping should be enhanced by moderate and balanced police and military men against invisible extremists. A scholar asked: “Would there be another skirmishes or small battle between two traditional enemies that have the same ancestor father Abraham because of kidnapping or small cause example heated debates especially about religion or about politics-example fences as self defense or land grabbing issues, etc.?” The A.I. answered: “I think since the A.I. or S.I. is programmed to answer any question or to balance any extreme perhaps such as thru methods: a) throwing back questions to arrive at a specific retrieval of near similar question/answer; b) using consensus by using mass media technology, c) using

just the opposite, d) using averaging, e) using proportioning or relative percentage, f) using gauge, barometer, tester g) laying the limitations, tolerances, border line, h) using hierarchy of keys, i) comparing word with other good words from good men and good books-like Koran, bible, any good references, j) using random/ toss coin, and statistics, survey, k) imitating and improving tested solutions. Perhaps the A.I. or S.I. could really think as if a smart ordinary human; and he might answer the question “would there be another skirmishes…? And the A.I. perhaps would answer: the chance of conflict between groups to have quarrel is great if their word or their faith or each belief would be treated as above and supreme or more credible than the universal Word. Or each would decide to let their group’s stand or group’s word above than the universal Word-example: “wipe out those infidels or cleansed those not chosen ones” than “love of enemies… or if one loves God but hate his brother is a liar or a murderer.” I think the use of available technology of cell phone & Internet technology, computer programming, GPS, finger print recognition, imagery recognition, voice recognition, etc. would enhance these methods. I think if methods a) to k) is combined to one, two and others would result to an exponential new balancing of extremes called creativities, innovations, inventions or a never ending imitating and improving of models and new models to counter balance any extreme. I think the newly trying to be balanced government say “A” government- with few or some constituents who are very hard headed using terrorism as political policies- should have a very strong balanced military and police force. The military and police force should have a proportionate members belonging to various ethnics say if 70% are ethnic “a”, 20% are ethnic “b”, 10% are ethnic “c” then do some proportioning; so the military and police should also have same proportionate of members in the military and police representing those ethnic. If possible the proportioning say if 70% for “a” should be lessened to only 50% and 10% for “c” be increased to 30% to break the extremes; or have some sacrificing and giving way to the minorities. While the other government say “B” should also import or hire other ethnics in their organization perhaps even hiring some from “A” government to show sincerity and brotherhood and teamwork and balancing the extremes of having “only” its constituent as member of the military since both government are just adjacent and vice versa; perhaps as consultant or trainers. If “B” has 100 tanks 50 airplane perhaps “B” could let “A” borrow say 5 tanks 1 airplane but those borrowed military equipments should have smart devices that could counter measure any abuse, go against any balance government called a smart task manager. A scholar asked: “What is malice? Or how could words be malicious?” The A.I. answered: “Any grammatical error example location of coma, or semi colon, expression of tune of voice or facial expression could be interpreted by malicious person as evil. But a loving person would verify, confirm, and repeat the statement before telling it as a fact. He or she would see to it that what he had heard or seen might be a malicious or even would try to cover it and not to spread if it is malicious. But a hateful person would exaggerate things, flame a small spark for the sake of destroying others and also for the sake of position, money, credit, and fame. Example: a simple yes… with a smile or just joking, could mean very evil to a malicious person. Perhaps a person is sleepy and he was asked by a question to trap him and because he was tried and sleepy he said… yes; then she would now tell the whole world every evil things about the answer …yes…! But for the sleepy person yes means- Okay, you leave me I am sleepy; or for her the answer yes was her victory, she was triumphant to trap him in her den; the answer yes was a self incriminating answer. Perhaps a malicious person is full of hatred and obsession person. She or he is a victim of lack of words syndrome and perhaps has “me only or I only” syndrome. Perhaps a simple example yes and some smile, jokes, or tune of voice with words could be interpreted according to ones prejudice like hatred or neutrality or affection; just like in a court room. The different wording is being interpreted by both defensive and offensive lawyers. A hateful person wants always to trap a person’s mistake or slip of the tongue to be very evil; just to destroy him. I think the key to regime changed those words that makes the brain becomes extremist is that God would want his words be in charged of the brain and one should believe; there would be no regime changed in the brain if there is no faith. Law is just a tool so that the faults would be known. But others are shrewd. They use “faith” and “grace” and eliminate some law so that they could do anything they want and still they believe that they are “saved”. Mark 7:8-9: “You put aside God’s command and obey the teachings of men.” And Jesus continued, “You have a clever way rejecting God’s law in order to

uphold your own teaching… in this way the teaching you pass on to others cancels out the word of God.” From someone,

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