1773 Book Iv

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  • Words: 60,485
  • Pages: 72
John Alexander Martin, newspaper clippings, 1885 to 1887, held by Richard Tensing, 145 Plaza Dr., # 508, Vallejo, California, -USA 94591-3706.


John Alexander Martin, newspaper clippings, 1885 to 1887, held by Richard Tonsing, 145 Plaza Dr., # 508, Vallejo, California, -USA 94591-3706.

John Alexander Martin, newspaper dippings. 1885 to 1887, held by Richard Tensing, 145 Plaza Dr., # 508, Vallejo, California, -USA 94591-3706.


John Alexander Martin, newspaper clippings, 1885 to 1887, held by Richard Tonsing, 145 Plaza Dr., # 508, Vallejo, California, -USA 94591-3706.

|e Lyons Republican] •., •-

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ie;radlrrtnd strike is ended, and pV.7.wv8s'l8 going nu u.s usual. We on he'Santu Fa knew nothing practlJ|(ly "of5 the extent or the inconveuii^Qe^pf,; t)iia\ disturbance. But the Missouri.'Pacific and its bruuches wej'o *efffecil8F 'by It to the extent tbalfno fifeiglilS''dbuld be moved, Gov. Mar1H% W i i ? P P l e d t 0 / d r kelp and.fce g»Sfi O f w a to.. the • 'settt^oft' warl' fceoHrt'etcfbe; strikers tri consultation, ,|


^Knights of Labor Hall. OtATHE. KANSAS. j •'•••".• March 21st, i885. ) At a regular session of Olatho Local u, xr« Assembly, No. 0177 2177, held neia «on March 21st, 1885, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted i JiMOiM* That,we as an Assembly of the Knights of Labor, who are.ownestly struggling for ^ J » £ J between labor and oajd a i Do most hearty indorse (regardless of party SS8S&M) Governor John A Martin and the Railroad Commissioners of the State of Kansas, lor their unprccedonted courage, and manly, jotlon. ins g

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[ ftolMkh W»\kW °4 -sun >.««*) i i o., .udj usi-; rile'iit'of the difficulties In such u way #'tb':lleii\»iio hard revengeful feelings ifi*Me',;tote«sla of either party. He v^s jit^y^ seconded by others, It is, ^yy.et-to' John A. Martin, In a; tfrewf.iueasurev Is .the hupny rcnalf, ^wMj?M0***?*Vld*M>:tlwU K ntiwa's .' u«ilt!r/nu,».) .r.j Si»r.'jjH(»u-.l :o I rRWiihttlni 1-,-iii Vl'l8«r«ii« <•:•• ii

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i&fitE PATRON J .^PCBLISHED EVERY TJHJRSDAY, iij^ifrgB* •, —Dy tho— islnson County Co-Oper&t/e Association.!



S« pS^on.^d U^^ d o n e r s of t h e

it'WjwaUftcuJitWii. u-nd business was Jre|^amechthe?next Monday. 'T(w> iriucb.




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The following circoiar has been issue by Governor Martin, president of the Eighth Kansas association: HXASQUARTXRS ElODTH KANSAS, \ ATCHISON, KAN., Jane, 1886. / DEAR COMRADK—Twenty years ago the

Eighth Kansas disbanded as a military organisation. About eight years ago a few members met at Leavenworth and organised a Reulmental Society, with at that time bnt few names on onr roster— «nd your secretary is pleased to report that the roster now contains of Company A, 17: B, 80: 0,87; D,41: R83; F,34; G, 25; H, 27: I, 27, and K. 3—total, 274 names and addresses. There are many names yet to be added, and It is especially requested that all menbers having the report of oar reanlon held at Leavenworth two years ago, will examine the list of names, and report all names known to them not on the list, giving 'company and address to the secretary. T take (treat pleasure in informing yon that the Eighth Kansas will hold a regimental reunion at Topeka, Kansas, September 20th, 80th and October 1st, 1886. during the general soldiers' reunion, ana yoa are earnestly requested to attend, with yonr families and comrades, and make this* reunion a grand success. Yoa can obtain all necessary information In due time, as to railway rates, time of departure of trains, etc., from your G. A. R. poet, or the£rsllroad agent of your town. Fraternally yours, JOBM A. MAirriN, ' *' '•" (• • President. CDAB. W.BCST, Secretary.

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WAI B ATI LOYAL Tft perinlTlnBoWr'thatrRay'-played a slick game in getting liis. appointment, and that while he pretended to be using his influence with the governor for Heed's appointment, lie was putting in two words for "himself'for every one he spoke for Reed. To refute this lie, also, Judge B»v sent, to "Governor Martin, requesting him to return the batch of letters1 which" he* TOote to him asking Mr.Jte»d% appointment. The governor reMfne'd^ them' and they are now in thePiucs8'omcef wbf*eany "doubting Thomas" can satisfy himself of the sincerity of .ludge Bfty'n advocacy of Reed's cause by calling and reading them.11-Accompanying them Governor Martin writes the following ^letter which is worthy of publication as showing the manner of Judge Ray's appointment and the governor's motives in appointing him. STATE OF KANSAS, ( TO*EKA~ .fuly 3 JuDot i/Lkui X . R A Y . Dear sir:Mr. Stotler informes me that you want, the letters you sent me during the judgeship content last winter, touching the subject. I send them enclosed—all I think, that I ever received from yqut "*"•"•- *. I.nVay'add that only ten other citizens of Wellington wrote me, favoring Mr. Reed's appointment," while a large numWr wrote me favoring Capt. Lawrence, or protesting against Mr. Reed, The most 'earnest supporter nf Mr. Reed had. so far as I know. wan yourself. In speaking of the letters written by citizens of Wellington,'of oo time I do not include the petition you sent me in M|. Reed's behalf. I may add that, when Judge Oruer resigned, It seemed to me that any delay in making an appointment would bave'irievitably resulted in two things: First, it would have renewed the strife and disagreement over the judgeship; and second, tj&e district court in Sura-

; £ county would have " u a a Jo '. • pqplppned' for "" weeks, to the greattdetrimeht. of lawyers and Iltigajpta. Hence prompt action seemed naceasary. Two weeks before Judge Orner resigned he. called on me, and told me that he contemplated such action. I appealed to him not to resign; stated hqwit would embarrass me; that the old quarrel would be revived, more intense and irreconcilable than before; that r Was satisfied an agreement on a candidate was impossible, etc. He said he believed be could suggest a man not in/-the old tight, an a candidate, whose appointment would give satisfaction, and named yon. tasked him not to hand in his resignation;, to. consider it fully, before acting; but that, If he was determined to resign, to go back, look over the fleld carefully, and ascertain who-wonld give most general | «iatisfAction. rTe returneu* fi'» about I wo weeks. hand erf ih his resignation and reiterated.; _hls'atfttefoent that he knew of no one/ Vn" !:umner rounty whose appointment would give_' more general satisfaction,1 or xho was hetter qualified for theplace, thou you would, or than you were, Later,you Cfclltrd &nd expressed a wlllihgness to accept the place, and' I appointed you, Thin is the whole his? | tory of the matter. I don't write thin, of course, for pub* lication.or for the public. I have no" apologies to make to any one for my action. I did what my judgement then approved, and still approves. I* And after all, it neems to me that a (al je issue, or an Immaterial issue, was jade after your appointment. The stltution and laws devolve on thu scutlve the appointing power, )n cerM(n cases. When lie exercises that power the question Is not. or should

not. be' win* reoommended this arjpointmeni, or why was It made? The pertinent inquiry, rh« just question In:

"la the tappoiuteeiupableand honest?" It he tnltils these requirements, whit more is rheie i<> ny.or what objection

can reasonably l,c msdef ••" With my best wishe* fur yum M I C - |

•cess and prosperity,. »<*»»•* 1.^


• . Vnnr.s Ihily.





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REPORTS RECEIVED MY THE GOVERN^ \i OKRELATIVE TO THE HATTER. He Bend* Telegrams to the Various Mill A tla Commanders of the State Intormtng 1 Them of the Facte and Oommandlna* Them to be Prepared to be Called Out On a Moment'* Notice.

-,!;At.about 7 o'clock last evening people on the street were considerably aroused by the reported receipt of a telegram by the Governor from Kingman stating that the Cheyenne Indians had broken from their reservation and were destroying property and taking life on every hand in the^ counties of Pratt and Commanche. Investigation substantiated the rumor and the associated press dispatches for the afternoon were proof of the statement that the Indians had broken from their reservation. Until a late hour it was a difficult matter to hear or leain any thins; which would point to an authentication of the dispatches of the early part of the evening. Later, however, the following information was gleaned from the Governor's office: [THE GOVERNOR'S TELEGRAPHIC CORBKS"'',,lj' . PONDENCE.


At 7 p.m. Gov. Martin received the I fallowing from Col. Quigg, of the Santa ie: "Day operator at Wichita says that an outbreak waj reported in the southern part "of Pratt county to-day. Several killed and balance of the people driven off. Stock all driven out. One man came in to Pratt to'day, says he is the only one left in his family,balance killed but operator does not know how many were killed." . About the same time the Governor} received the following dispatch:

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July 7, 0:45 p. m.

Go*. John A. Martin, Tpptka, Mantai:

; People are pouring into the city from the western part of this county and | Pratt county seeking safety from a supposed Indian attack. Reliable parties from Pratt county and Saratoga report that the people of southern Pratt are all rushing tojtbe towns, reporting that In-

mans are Durmng ana ravaging everything, killing people. Many farmers from Lawndale, twenty-four miles southwest of here, in Pratt county, have brought their families to town for safety. They were warned to fly by rumors from southern Pratt. The report has just reached here that Nescatunga is in the hands of the Indians, who have surrounded Cold water. These reports may be sensational, but we want to prepare. Please give us an order for State arms and amunition at Wichita. We have men to use them. (Signed) S. S. BAKER, Sheriff. WHAT ACTION TI1ET WILL TAKE.

Gov. Martin went to the telegraph office and sent dispatches to the Commanders of the State Guard at Wlnfield( Wellington, Sterling and Larned to be ready lor orders at a moment's notice. He sent the substance of both dispatches to Gen. Augur, at Fort Leavenworth. He also sent to Frank GUlett, the Mayor of Kingman, to Mayor Wright, at Dodge, to Gen. Timothy McCarthy, at Larnerd, to Adjutant General A. B.Campbell,at Larnerd, to Sheriff Fulton, of Garden City, notifying them all to be in readiness and to Bend out runners to warn the settlers south of them. The Govern' or answered Sheriff Baker that arms | would be,aent at once.' Col. Quigg and Superintendent Nickerson telegraphed to many points on the Southern road, but received a reply from Dodge only; that was to the effect that the Indians had made a raid into the Panhandle of Texas. The absence of the operators eoemed to Indicate that there was no alarm at those places At 10 p. m. the Governor received a reply from General Augur that he baa report from Reno, but will telegraph It no there at once. It is well enough to sny that Governor Martin telegraphed to General Augur as early as June 20 to station troops on the southern line of Comanche, Meade and Clark counties. Ho also informed the President and the Secretary of War of the dancer of a Cheyenne outbreak.LATEST DISPATCHES RECEIVED.

The following was received from the Mayor of Dodge City: DoDtiuCiTY, July 7. 7& Qnxtrnor John A. Martin.

Dispatch rtceived and forwarded to Ashland and Hupply. Have sent all our arms to settlers below. Send US fifty or one hundred arms and ammunition. We will get men ami horses. We await your orders. Answer immediately. [Signed] B, M. WBIQHT.

, Aughr teljagrap. $ ::M;m. ^ f p t P . Four troops • of cavalry at

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Fort' Riley are under orders for Kiowa. Will send them as soon as cars dan be had." Will telegraph for them to-night. Will also send four troops of cavalry from here as soon as cars can be had. To what point '..should troops be , sent? Remember that It am without information and must ' depend just now upon you for it. The rumors should be verified, as soon as possible that we may know exactly whit to do. i : ><>?;'? • ,: ^;;;-Atigfii,JBrig.Gen. '; ., jit will • be seen from the above that ever1/ pxertion Is being'used now to protec* 'the lives ' and „. property 9f . ^Vour jj . cttisens from outrage. It is feared however that considerable damage will be done before the', troops can be brought to the scene of action. m & ifi#fc*$# M

xaavuDiA If the newB of the killing of our citizens in the Western,parj of the State I proves true, as it seems at this writing, Gov. kartln can have ,rthe satisfaction of knowing that he has done his duty. For weeks past tie chas written and telegraphed Gen. Augur, Secretary of War, and the President? -Gen. Augur poo~| pooed at anything he was told about them, and said there was, no danger* We hope ;for the best, but old Ramans know that a squad of Indians can follow the trail they did In 1869, kUl five hundred to a thousand men, women and children, and get' out of the State be 'ore one of them can be captured. If they are actually in the State, the out* look for some of our people is simply lawful. •JjftTTKnVltOW MOV, HAIIT1N.



STATU, OK KANHAS, EXKCUTIVK DKIMHT- \ V MKXT, Topekn, July «, 1885. ) MKUHUS, D.utuow & WATMWI— GENTLEMEN:-'! have received the

petitiob., signed by yourselves- and other citizens of Comanche county, requesting that urnis and urn munition be; furnished ftrt protection uuafost the Indians. We huve a very limited' supply of arms, mid little or no ammunition, rtnd have received tippeulsyfroni half « doaen different sectionsAof South-western Kansas, similar to, this. But I have referred your letter to the Adjutant General, with the request that he give it his attention, aiKl comply with your request, if possible. I am in daily communication with

5e Uommauding tienerar 01 this cie mriment, who assures ma that he ias a sufficient force now at Reno, ;h Indian territory, to prevent an outbreak of the ChbyehhS or other Indians. He expresses himself entirely confident of his ability to keep the Indians within the limits of their reservation. I hnyc given the matter prompt ruid constant attention) and huve Called the attention rjf not only the General Commanding this department, but the Secraj;ary qf War. to the reported dissatisfaction among thn Ihdiaiis. and the apprehensions entertained by bur people, that the raid of 1878 might be repeated. 1 also bad the (Senators from Kansas? who were in Washington two weeks ago call on the Secratary of War, add the General commanding the Armies and present the facts to them personally. 1 have Jilsd rot nested the General Commanding thw dbpurtineut to Keep trirJ cohstai tly adffoed concentiiig the situation in the Indian Tcr|'Htory. and in the eveht that be is. lit any time, doubtful of hiri power to suppress any Indian outbreak, that Mj would telegraph me at oiice, tuid telegraph, also, to the points, nearest the threatened territory, so that messengers' might be dispatched ut mice to inform the1 settlers: Vim will see.. Brora these stuteIneuts thut I huvcadontfd all possible precautions for tno protection Of our borders, and I sincerely trust ihut they will prove effective. I Miink,- however; that it would be well for the counties lying along the southern borders Of the State. Including the si'ttlcrs Uf Harbor, pomanche. Clark, and Meade counties; to perfect hiilitury organization.^ alid arrailgo for a prompt not iliciiiioji, .in I he event of any raid. I ma sorry thiU 1 have no funds" now ut hiy disposal for r>«e Inum h ait em'ergeuey lis the present. For u number of yours bast the legilliiUlH1 Man rr^itlarly appro. printed ii fund fyr thw, protection of the border*. None of It luut been used for Veara past, and *o the last legislature ueemed it nnnf'es.sur.v to continue «uch 'in appropriation. Ifi'iicc. I luive no bioans directly at my disposal which '.ould lie HeVoted t5 establishing pii-ket* }>» the Ihffdew, rJir Hiv purpose of watching the Indians iiild -giving tlmeJ±;uotlee to the s«drler.s. All'J tU|» wqr^IWUA« Mono ut all, .will have to Do doTlRfi.by'*B% bottlers tlicJiiseRc',


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' m f confidence has bagn greatly jSried-^tlittt fte Unltel^tate^orc,. ejjqal to the task of siippresssiu& any . Jap Oatbi-enk, and preventing any invaai^QftfuV borders. "'"'" '" I^SiSfeSlSjfeS Commanding Cfen;the departed! of tlie Missouri btect'fbehord^^^ansas, dnd to keep flans witmdfheir reservation. m| Tours, Very respectfully, kW>v/^ft!'


. iTbitNA- HAHTI:X'



PIUY MORNINO. 55E? 11.1886

fflET gSTORED. [AN EXdlTEMBNT ENTIRELY] fjgf^-;; SUBSIDED. _. _ 3orre«pondeuce Which the Govern-| ori» in Reoelpt of From Gan. Aug-ur _ AUve to t i e X jvement of Troo p • to Where They Will Obtain T h e i r *"-—'lei.

itant General A. B. Campbell ream Dodge City yesterday. He Drto that the people of the vicinity y r p c h h e came are.all quiet now jS-^n'pursue the e v e n t e n o r 0 f their ame as they did prior to the trancejof the Cheyenne Ini the* state a few days ago. He iat the people of the border inties of Clark. Comanche and Meade £«»mW!&" ••*•• :.. . . . . . . ^thoroughly organized that in . . . Indians were to attempt to enter Hs't^ey could be driven back withJ.e,AwUt)j$ce of the soldiers. He , . . J p to each of the above p $ u h u e s and a company of fifty grangers was at once organized ^'several town*and fiftyinmore to each company case can the j i t y arises.

ftf-seems that iu Clarke and Meade ounties the settlers had expected some ^fQppn.ble with the Cheyennes Bid made preparation for them by anizing companies of rangers. As jpnaa the news of the reported trouble |;ched th'em the, captains of these vacompanies p^leeded at once to


arms deST [general. Gen. Campbell says that while he was I in Dodge, a man arrived there whoj live! but two miles from the Indian Territory line right on the trail the | Indians would have taken had tbey entereefthe state, to obtain information relative to the outbreak. He had heard something of it but came to Dodge to I learn facts. As soon as the correct state j of affairs was told him he went home ! perfectly satisfied. This shows almost I conclusively that no further trouble is j anticipated by the settlers. The general received a letter this| morning from Cimarron, on the line of the A. T. & 8. F , a few miles from Garden City, asking for arms. As all the1 guns under his control have already been given out he has, at present, non i to send them. Bat, as Cimarron is oi the trail which the Indians might take if they attemnted «ny of their murder-' ous work in the State, he will try tr1 supply their wants in this line in a fe\ days. COL. PROUTY'B STATEMENT.

Col. Prouty, editor of the Dodge City Cowboy, arrived in the city yesterday. He states everything is quiet out his way, and that the excitement of the past few days no longer exista. Business has | been resumed, and the settlers are returning to their homes. The Goversoi'* ()orr«e>pondenee.

General Augur commanding this department, tends Governor Martin copies of the following orders, issued to the commanding officers oi the troops now In southwestern Kansas. In transmitting these orders, G neral Augur sends a letter to the governor, a copy of which is appended. Governor Martin states the action of General Augur has been prompt, energetic and effective, and that, with troops stationed as General Augur has directed, he believesthe southwestern frontier will be fully protected, and an Indian invasion will be made impossible. The orders issued to Lieutenant Colonel Compton and Major G.8. Sanford are as follows: HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT or TUE )



FOUT LEAVENWORTH. KANSAS, J J u i v », 18MA, l2:4o ,,. w . Lieut. Col. Compton, V. S. A., OmmanUing Troopt trostficld, Knxuat:

The commanding general directs that aa soon as possible, after reaching Cross

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you W1J1 put your command __ march due west, until it reaches a point where the road from Dodge City to Fort Supply crosses the Cimarron. In that vicinity you will establish your camp J and receive your supplies from Dodge J City. You are authorized to hire a I guide. Acknowledge receipt and state when you leave Crossfield, and when you reach camp, A month's supply of I sub-istence and grain will meet you at | the new camp. *" Major Sanford's command will be at I Qroatfleld, and will send scouts toward | vou along the Indian Territory frontier You should scout east and west alongthe frontier. ••••»' "i [Signed.] _ MABTIN, A. A. General.


pBABqUABTKES DlWfJOV tHZ MISSOURI, \ FT. LIAVENWOBTH, Kits.', July 0, 1886 , , \MiijnrO B, Btmford, Commanding Troopi, KingA •man, Kuntat;, „.*-.-

Commanding general directs that as soon as possible after reach 11 g Kingman you put your command in march for CroBsflela—present terminus of the Southern Kansas railroad—and establish your camp in convenient distance of that place, to which your supplies will be sent. Col. Compton's command will be about fifty miles south of Dodge City, on the road to Ft Supply, and will send scouts toward you on Indian Territory frontier. You should send scouts along the frontier, east and west. Acknowledge receipt, and rtate when you leave Kingman, report also when, you reach Crossfield. (Signed) MABTIN, A. A. General. , The following is the letter from Gen] I Augur to Gov. Martin: HEADQUARTER DEPARTMENT OK THB) TUB] ENTOF Miss, * * — J U R I . F O B T LSAVBNWORTU," M T U . K A X , , J. July 9, 1885. J I Dtar Governor Varttn: i

1 enclose copies ol tolegrams to officers! oo oo


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commanding troops in southern Kansas. Those new locations will cover all the ground referred to in your telegram this morning, and lathe beet that can bo done with available troops. All the cavalry in the department is now in the field. As I am to be retired from active service to-morrow, this will probably be my last official act with yourself in striving to give confidence to your frontier settlers, and to guard them against the possibility of an attack by hostile Indians. I still believe there need be no outbreak, and that with judicious management there will be none. With great respect, very truly yours, [Sign ed. ] C. C. A va UH, Brigadier General Commanding. m COURT AJU

"PROTECTING T B S BORDER. ( -h; Ample Protection to be Given Uie Southwest from any Indian Outrage* that may

In response to a letter written by Governor Martin to General Angar, concerning the exposed condition/ of our southwestern frontier, and urging that a force of cavalry be stationed on bar borders, General Augur, under data' ;of July 8th, writes: ^-;' •'•'' "Nothing has been received' From Fort Reno that in any way change my views as expressed by me in previous letters, as to the apprehended outbreak of the Cbeyennes. In my judgment, there will be no such outbreak. " m ., I know very well, however, that this opinion is not going to relieve from anxiety those settlers on the frontier whose families are directly exposed Id, CAM of hostilities on the part of the Indians, To give confidence to these settlers on the borders of the Indian Territory, a camp of four troops of cavalry will be established as soon as oosslble in the vicinity of Kiowa, whereby frequent scouting towards Fort Rano, information can be obtained in time to afford protection against any threatened invasion. I feel satisfied there will be no serious trouble. The commissfoner if now with the Indians, and I believe a satisfactory solution of the trouble will result.' JUSTICE TO KANSAS DAILIES, r

Governor Martin Writs* a Vary Commendable Letter to" the Board of Railroad CommUelooerj. •' ;;

The governor yesterday addressed the I following letter to the Board of Railroad j Commissioners: 7b the Honorable Board of Railroad Commit* iloneri: • jt, • .-• i

I respectfully direct your attention to the article subjoined, taken from thej Topeka COMMONWEALTH and Leavenworth Timet. I do not know that you can do anything to remedy the outrage complained of, but it is an outrage and ought to be prevented by some means. The railway companier, in my judgment, have ampk power to put an end to it by refusing to permit the News companies access to their trains unless they afford all Kanai daily newspapers a fair and equal ohanc for eaie by furnishing such newspaper to train boys, and compelling said train boys to offer them in common with other nawspapers published in other States. I suggest that you call the attention of] the managing officers of the Atchison,] Topeka & Santa Fe, Missouri Pacific and its Kansas branches, and the Kansas Pacific to this outrageous discrimination against Kansas journals within the limits of Kansas and on Kansas roads. JoHxaffllumM, 'Governor.

pernor Martin'* Communication, < Jttly. : 9.—[Special.] The (Indian i kfftmt brer. The flow of telegrama bat $ ;«nd little more hat come from'Qle r • 'co'kntWa that can be doemed reliable, aorr pf^the burning of' a towu In the ^Mft'oif Comanche county reaches here >• Larue d,' but with tho, rumor' came 'it could not be traced to any reliable ae thing bat been tttltftctorily ed during the pitt,two weeks, and 'tUy during the two days last past— ^artfn'haa be;n determined to ate nc *^iiure» to protect our people oa ibii "« hat also secured the aid of tb< rernmetrt, and troops enough' ha v< I along/the border to counteract anv Borne" or "bad medicine" that IS) l or tny other tribe of Indians may ijfolr itanual dances. Without "to , lpqu'ire what may hate ^ t r e a t m e n t ' , of these Indiana "ed StAes goyernmaut, the governor 'de'teriblned: to administer "good .thev crossed our borders. He doet h{k,t Kansas oltlaens should suffer pperty for, the wrong doings, or "1 doings, ot ,fho Unlied states ding Inquiry he determined to era! government with-a number I cpndltion either to preserve or crematories that need encour^5«^,y.,^».<, ~-r',*\,:]i';.y v& '• in by Governor Martin to prolan euro the Indian disease will bo r those settlors who, In tbelr With the TA.l»ame.and. property. years ago In remembrance, the • Nj wopdered at- There are Ioe Clmmaron river, where tbey ,be. ' Having been seen tbero by apectors,It It not wonderful that l> traveled north, and that a' ,vs» who had canse to follow tlncta were credited with the pillage that all expected, e country, the rumors of. Indians Hjnlfled into murdering hordes, «rebecamo burning towns. ' ?'-.• ugh arousing of the eptire country —){movement of troopa wfQ bajyu a 10 demonstrates the fact thai po ds, at left a desolate path though 'ever again occur. Iialso demon.

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i thing—that if contractors desire' ndlana for future gain, thoy mutt md tho limits of our present

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•paction 1through Comanche, Clark, /Seward counties, and will report, i»S 9; fi mo r, to 'oe governor, jfnecea.' B5Bg2?. tt "» written this afternoon

Bor/Mirtln to t h o ' J w B w f S l S \$r<»<*ueetloo thoroughly: - "41 To **TSu b

* " A . Kit., July 9, 1885.

fS'*£!?J *°rtr-«'fc"bt honrt paat a dozen to|outhwe.ternTUn*at have boon in a Wdexcttemont and panic. Oftousanda of lt»**ab»ndoned their hoinW their crow to town WSASSi ' F 'bto're*ircoold * proUctlo^J J^heLsunpoaedftf danger had & ! ^ T ^ i b e t t M , l n n ? * ^ « "B»tf* ore^ ' ' ^ • i m m l n e n t danger.of such a kabw EsnhTl^nde r eoar ? P K discontents5& * H , , southweatarn bordort and dtrfenaeless. Mare than two | norablo

socretary of war to this situation of affairs, and on tbo 96th of June laat, I earnestly requosted tho general commanding thla department to station a cavalry force on the southern border ot Kanaaa, between llarber and Meade counties, In order to prevent an Indian Invasion and give oaauranco of protection to our peaceful clllzone. It the national gomrnmont locato* In the Indian territory largo numbere of savage, dlacontonted and dangerous Indiana, It I* Its plain duty to pry vide ao ample force to restrain them within tbo boundarleaot that territory, and on their reservation. The etaio ot Kansas cannot afford to maintain a atandlng army on Ita aouthern border, and ought not to bo'compelled to maintain such an army, in order to protect Ita bordera from Invasion by Indiana, and to give assurances of safety and protection to Its citizens. This Is a duty which tbo general government, not the state, should discharge. 8o long as the Cheyennea, or other turbulont and dangerous tribes are In tbo Indian territory, so long will the bordera of Kanaaa bo menaced by such dangers and disasters, such suffering and losses u Uuve rosultod during tho paat forty-eight houra. It la tho plain duty of the national government, It seems to me, to atntlon a permanent and adequate military force on the southwestern borders ot Kan. eae. Posts should bo located and maintained at convenient points from the west Duo of Burbar to Seward county. And these posts should bo connected with oach othor, by plckote or vldetu outposts, at to guard all that aectlon ot Kansas. Tbt troops stationed at Keno and Supply afford llttlo or no pmteetion to the bordera ot Kanaaa. The Indians barn only to move westward a few miles, on tbelr reservation, and tbey aro out ot rear.b of tbe troops, with tbe bordera of Kansas exposed and defenseless, within easv alriklne distance. Calling your attention to this condition ot affairs, I request that prompt and adequate meaauroe bo adopted for the orotectlon of tho borders of tbls stste against any possible Invasion by tbe Indians ot tbe territory. In the name ot the people of Kansas, I enter a oroteat agalnat a further continuance of the policy, civil or military, which hat twice bofore permitted the Indians to Invade our borders with Are and sword, and which, during tbe past forty-sight hours, baa sent thousands of people— men, women and children—floelng In terror from their peaceful homes. i It may be that thla panle Is without reason. It may bo that no Indiana have croased tho line,, B Is, however, certainly true that more thai 100 Cheyenuee—the worst of their tribe—have escaped from their reservation, and gone, ao the commanding officer at Iteno believes, to tho hoad of tbo Cimarron. Out whether tbla panic Is bnseloss or not, whether tbe Indlsns bavo Invadsd Kanaaa or not, so long aa tbey are where they are, and what they are, ao loan will Kansas be menaced and apprehensive, and ao long will the alliens ot our southwestern counties ho liable to such panlca, with their resulting demoralisation, loases and sufferlagThe commanding gsnersl of this department has lust ordered eight companies of cavalry to our Southwestern border. This force. If stationed aa I havo Indicated, and permanently maintained, will be ample to grve the cltlxena of the exposed country assurances of protection. And I sincerely hope that permanent military posts will be osiaollstaod along the border, at tho polnta I have mentlonod, ao that tho people of tbls stste may, In tho future, be permitted to pursuo thoir peaceful avocations with tbo conBdent assurance that thero la no dancer, no possibility ot an Invasion by tbo Indians of tbe territory., I have thuhonor to be, with vary great respect, your obedient servant, J o n * £ MA««,,*.. Governorot Kansas,



MARTIN TO LAJfi Tbe Governor In a Letter to the Secretary of the Interior Objeota to the Transfer of the Apaebee From Arizona to "Mo Man's Lund."

Governor Martin addressed the following letter to Secretary Lamar yesterday: STATE or KANSAS, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, TOPKKA, July 11,1885 2b the Son. 1. Q 0. Lamar, Secretary ojthe 5. Interior' J WoiMngUm. V. C;


SIK—In the Associated Press dispatches from Washington, published this morning, I find the following: Washington. JulylO.-Q. Gordon Adams, and several other rtsldents of Arizona, havo had interviews with tbe secretary ot tbe interior in reference to itar proposed transfer of tbe Apaohesou the S*u Carli s reserration to ine IQIUAU Territory. Tbe secretary examined tbe legal status of the Indians, and found tbut tbe act of Kcbruary I 17.1879 lorbld tbe trauifir of ibe Apaores, or any other Indians In Arizona or New MrS'oa, to tbe Indian Territory until congrea* should have legislated further upon the auojiot. . "I'he Arizona delegation wa» somewhat oonfouedtd wbt-n trtt-lr attention wasoalled to tble aot, theexisienceof wblcb was unknown to ibom. It was •unrated to ibein ihat the Apache* might, without violating the statute, be transferred to "No Man • Laud, wr»tor tbe Indian Tcrrltory.or to Oreeoeouuty, tvxas, a tract olaimtd by both Texas snd tbe Indian Territory In tbe event that it shovld be founa to belong to Texai. Trie suggestion was accepted ty tbe g n lemen, and toey will make a urong eiTirt to secure the prusldent's consent to the pian."

I am, of course, unable to determine whether this dispatch embodies an accurate statement of what transpired at the conference had with the honorable secretary of the interior by the delegation from Arizona. But I nave the right to assume that such a dispatch has some foundation, and I enter my earnest proTest against the propoatd transfer of the Apache Indians to "No Man's Land." Such a transfer would, in my judgment, be a grosser violation of the spirit, if not of the letter, of the act of congress of February 17th, 1879, than would the transfer of these turbulent and savage Indians to the heart of the Indian Territory. The intent and purpose of congress, as I am informed by gentlemen who were members of that body when the act in question was passed, was to prevent the transfer of the wild and lawless tribes of New Mexico and Arizona, and especially of these savage Apaches, to a region contiguous to tbe peaceful homes of the peo pie of Kansas, Colorado and Texas. Yet the transfer of tbe Apaches to "No Man's . Land" would locate them in much closer proximity fo the settled portions of the states mentioned than would their transfer to the heart of the Indian Territory. The honorable secretary of the interior must be aware that "No Man's Lund" has always been considered by the public and corgress as a part of the Indian Territory. Certainly congress, in enacting the law of February 17ih, 1879, must have so regarded it. For the purpose of thelaw-makinx authority.it isvery

ioroid tne transfer of tfie savage tribes of Arizona and Now Mexico to a closer proximity with the peaceful people of Kansas, Texas and Colorado, whose representatives suggested and secured the passage of the law referred to. v • I sincerely hope that the suggestion said to have been made, that the Apaches be transferred to "No Man's Land," will not be accepted by tbe authorities of the United States. I protest against its acceptance as an evasion and violation of the clear purpose and spirit of the law of February 17th, 1879. I protest against the proposed transfer of the, Apaches as menacing tbe peace and security of the citizens of Kansas. I protest against the location of these lawless and bloodthirsty Indians in a region Immediately contiguous to the homes of thousands of peaceful citizens-of the United States; in a region from whence, at any moment, they could invade the borders of three states of the union, murdering and destroying ail in their pathway. I have no doubt that the authorities and people of Colorado and' Texas will regard this proposed transfer as I do, and that they will protest against it as earnestly and emphatically as do tbe authorities and people of Kansas. But in any event, II desire to enter my emphatic protestI against a proposition so menacing to tbe I peace and security of the people of this state. lam, very respectfully, JOUN A. MABTIN,

Governor of Kansas.

*P&c €kj#t*tj rrt$? J, Z* HUDSON, i^tor and Proprietor. TUKflDAV MOBNTNO, i


General Phil SheriSnToom^naT chief of the armies, accompanied, by, [brother, Colonel Mike Sheridan, and if eral Miles and Colonel Corbin, a r m / ' this city last night otfthe midnight' General Sheridan is gent to the scerie of the anticipated Indian troubles by order of the president for ; the purpose adopting some means to quiet the skins. They left Chicago , on Sunday, reaching Kansas City yesterday sliernoon. The party started from Chicago in' a Chicago, Burlington Sc Quinoy' which they retain until they well, Kan., which is the end of ney by rail. At'-,- Caldwell 8heridan and the" others J pi ""the party will take fast stages to Fort Reno. At Caldwell the uartv will be

city he -ierid "Shim1


or Martin yesterday received the ifbllovring oommunication .from the department of the interior: J". - , MO»»ICBS OF INDIAN" AriraiBa, ) r ,j V^WASBINQTON, July 22,1885.] ,H6n. 'SmniJ.< 3Tartint Governor of Kan1 > aas^Toptkdy fCamas. *•(&'". v - 'BXfSWBmSi^k' receipt of your letter of the-'-lith inst., ' received in this office By department reference, in which 'you t>rote*V' against the settlement of 'Aptwhas la. the Indian territory, I have the honor to say, that under the provisions of the act approved February 17th, 1879, (20 statue at large page ''SIS) the removal of said Indians to. the Indian territory is ' rohibited unless the tame shall be hereofauthorixed'by acV'of congreMi. and I .1 assured'that there is1 no effort or in tenon on the part of any bureau, or department of the government to • violate either e language or spirit and intent of said j K Very reapwtfullS .• -^W> .; .;, ',?


&»E9giiS BfRstsrfltutlsssr*TK


jjfyta fc.lowiS'S [^QeiWtok * Qfrernar Martin

^'&<jF** wo mea-i



tOTent^ TXi'v^Wht luties. Ha 1CMQ» V3f

ling the a i active a* <•0**>J

to**!*"* morning:

si, I.have received your and 20th. They have General Miles, who tti_.


ofJi)y,l«th M«r«d:> m here tor Fort Supply to-morrow morning, and' wUl make an examination of the country and ints jou mention as military stations, lere need be no fear on the pari of .'the settlers of southwestern Kansas - from hostilities from the \ Oheyeane and Arapahoe Indians. 1 have rfbne down to the bottom of affairs hpre, Tabd know that the irritation was the rendf eontrol and , oppressive '"'$ I hope for a correction ecthVievils, and kflx confident when I lean ' V,the p*opie of Kansas may gather i >p*aad jdoep peacefully at night. '• is'an officer of good judgraeatwbo will do all that is necessary to restore confidence from a panic so paralyiirigln its effects as ttu one has been to the industries of year .itftte. •;•, P. U,'&uamAX,' '.••'»•• m>V.'J:V: •[ . •. lieutenant General,v?he jpress dispatched t u t the interior deparlm' oy.er to General SheriSah'j I troVof the Cheyenne and Arapahoe reter-


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___:""' '•'''''•.jiv THE SOUTHERN CATTLE^ I T TOPBKA, KAS., July 29-l8pecl«l.J .'At'.'this I time there Is much interest manifested in the movements of cattle in the | Indian territory, caused by the order* from Washington, which means the prac tlcal destruction of the cattle trade, or at least the business of many men now engaged in that trade. Desiring to get an expression from men who bad. inado this question a study, your correspondent called on Governor John A. Martin, who consented to pa Interviewed wben hi* at-. tentlon was called to the deep Interest manifested, not only in Kansas City, but in the enIre Weat and South. The first point was the eases, and the question was asked: "What do you think of the order concerning tto cattle leases In the Indian territory 1" "I regard It u arbitrary and unjust The United States government has insisted on preserving the territory at a home for the Indians, and has treated it, In all Its laws and In Its dealings with them, as tbclr property. The Indians leased the grass, on. certain lands, to the cattlemen. Whether the cattlemen made a good or * poor bargain with the Indiana, " I do not • know, but It Is certain tbat for the first tlmo In their lives the Indians received something for the grass on their lands. And for the first time, also, the vegotatlon of the Indian territory .has' been of usp to the human race. For centuries It has .aimply gone to waste, blooming and blossoming in rank luxuriance, but of no valuo to and used by no human being on the faco of too earth. The government say*, in effect, that it shall continue to bo so wasted, and to bo used for the benefit of nobody. The Indians don't use It—the government says the white* shall not use it. Thus the Indians are deprived of tbn reserve they received, and «tbo cattlemen, who have been acting under what tuoyi supposed to bo legal leases, for which they have paid the stipulated price, are seriously damsged, If not ruined." "But hns there not been considerable opposition to the occupancy of the Indian lands by the cattlemen I" -i*.-! "In some quarters, yes. But it was a thoughtlets opposition, or crew out of a 'dog-ln-themanger* spirit, which Influences many men. People ssw the cattlemen there; tbey thought they had what ia called a 'good thing;' and so those outside, who couldn't get insido, growled and declaimed. Yet, the occupancy of thoso lands for grazing purposes, Injured nobody. Tho Indians were benefited In the money tbey received; tbo cattlemen wero benefited In securing pasturago for their herds: and the people, generally, were benefited, because the occupancy of theie lands aided In tbo work of supplying beef for public consumption. A disputed from Dallas, printed In the Kansas City JOUHNAL the other day, stated that Texas cattle bad advanced fully'J5 per cent since the president's order was issued. Is au lnoroasod prlco for beef of public benefltl" "Do you anticipate any trouble from tho attempts of tbo Texas cattlemen to drive their cattle Into or through Kansas!" "I hopo nono will occur. Our laws nro exlicit and I havo directed tho lrlvos stock saniiry commission to soo tbat tbey arc rigidly enforced. Kansas shall not bo desolated by the Texas fever If I can prevent it. Tho presence of a Text* steer from south of tho thirtyseventh parallel, In any section of Kansas means tho destruction of evory head of native cattlo In tbat section. Texas fever Is far moro dangerous to the cattle of Kansas than is pleuropneumonia. Texas cattle poison tbo grass, tho water, the earth, wherovcr they go, and Kansas cattle, grazing on the grass, drinking the water or moving over the highways where Texas cattlo have been, are doomed to certain destruction. Texas csttle have no legal right in Kansas; their presence Is fatal to the stock of our own people, and It is our plain duty to protect our stock Interests sgalnst such, losses as the Texas cattle spread lu their trail. Do you think the sheriffs aud other ofllcec


In the Southwest can and will enforce the; ,tfr law?" u ' i "I have no doubt of i t They will have tho whole population of their counties to eustalu them, for every Kansas man realizes the necessity o£excluding Texas cattle." • -..,. .„•. ^ j ^ •^™*»«SMsssssMasssssMs^i***^***fa***^*»*1

MARTIN TO CLEVELAND. | The Letter Wnloh the Governor Addressed to tne Pretldeut a> Few Day* Ago With B«f«renoe to tha Indian Trouble *.

The following is the letter which | President Cleveland referred to in hia reply to the representatives of the cattle owners, who appeared before him on Tuesday, and which he stated came I from the governor of Kansas: TOPEKA, KAS., July 31,1886. D> the Presfctmf ,'

I deem it my duty to call your atteaI tlon to the condition of affairs in the Indian Territory. You are aware tbat tbe Territory lies directly south of Kansas, and that, in the event of an outbreak among the Indians, this state would be exposed to the dangers of an invasion I by them. Two military posts have been estabI llsbed on our southwestern border, one near Kiowa, Barber county, and one at Deep Hole, Clark county, and Generals Sheridan and Miles have assured me that they will be maintained until all danger is over. I have earnestly requested General Sheridan to establish another post on the Cimarron near the 100th meridian, and hope that I my request will be compiled with. I will not feel assured that the borders of | this state are adequately protected unless ! these three military posts are estab| lished and maintained until the troubles In the Indian Territory are finally setI tied. ^ I write for two reasons: Fir$t, I want | to say to you, as the chief executive of I the nation, that I am not at all assured that all danger of an Indian outbreak is | over; and, Second, To appeal to you to maintain the military posts already es[ tablished on the south-western border of Kansas, and to see that another post is established about fifty miles west of that at Deep Hole. I am not assured that our borders are I secure, because the IndlanB are armed I with the Implements of war, and because II do not believe the causes of irritation among them have been removed. By a new enrollment of Indifcnv, recently made, their rations will be^Krgely cut 1 down, and by tbe expulalo^Hwlhe cat-

reduced. .Those of the Indians e irritated by the presence of IvUIifora brief time, remain •"but on the other hand, th$ ho favored the cattle leases v be irritated, and in a brief time |B51e body of them begin to feel ta of their reduced rations and aia1»;;thiB'irritation will spread Sdfnterest, either 'directly or - in the cattle leases, and in • pn, MK president, I beg to Jte protection for the peowestern Kansas, and to urge ion of such precautionary twill'insure the borders of gainst aay' possibility of an i or invasion^.' •••' '&&*&&*£ *h outbreak among the In* likely to' occur, 'the Jm'niaintaing ah adequate Palong the southwestern tas should be apparent. J IndUtris are where they ;''they are, and the borders if--exposed to invasion by la "likely to occur at any .Jlting In.'-"wide-spread deL and pecuniary loss. i of 'peaceful settlers have, "ftlyemonths been flocking glands in the southwest(. These citizens go ads in compliance with He ' United •'States. And uk you wilt acknowledge, not only to' absolute propdlan raids and outrages .ection as will give them J'prevent any panio or them.' This assurance and 'hot be established unsts are maintained along .„-n border of Kansas, a similar representations to Qthorities, and I do not derstood as expressing any 'hcVih their disposition or pish the safe guards I red e e m it.my duty as the ,ye of Kanaas to present the as" the chief executive of the lO'.qix may- cleargr under^ubn; and "may, if necesour authority.. The general Ocate'd the' Indians • in the is its duty to we that they ^In; the borders of that terri. nitI the , peiiceful citizens of *is are protected, not only "''.'but against alarm and _J that, In my judgment, abuld be disarmed. There reason why these savage light in rapine and murtgjprmed as if they constiI'-force in time of actual i do not need arms for !fo*

.,~ir~fhey use them at all, [only for unlawful and criminal purposes, either to wage war against one another, or to assail, plunder or murder peaceful citizens. An Indian, with a gun in his I hand is a standing menace to every [citizen in his vicinityV.f' If the governIment desires to make him a self-sustainling citizen, it should disarm him. So I long as he is permitted to carry a gun. I he will never take hold of the plow. I have the honor to be, your obedient (servant, JOHN A. MARTIN, Governor of Kansas. " A P T T I " ifappa

•'..• °


. ••»*?•••. g&gj£ •• > ' f - - ° -

JWB0NK3DATkoRMUf^OOXJaT 5 UsT •BtttltaMMaMM •*• OOMOBBXIMOINDIAN CLAIMS. OorraipSfifonM B«tw««n th» Oommlulon. •r of Indian Aflfclriand lb* SUU Ag«n t.

The following correspondence, concerning the claims of citizens of Kansas for losses occasioned by Indian invasions, explains itself, and will be of interest to many of the people of this state. It will be seen that under date of July I 18,1886, Gov. Martin addressed a letter to Hon. S. J. Crawford, the state agent at Washington, calling attention to these claims, and asking him to ascertain what steps had been taken to becur* their adjustment and payment. Tbe| governor's lotter was referred to the commissioner of Indian affilrs, who, under date of August 20, 1885, replies. The letter of the commissioner and that | of ex Governor Crawford furnish Information to claimants as to the steps] necessary to secure the adjustment and payment of their claims. The correspondence is, therefore, of public Interest I and is furnished for publication. The letters are as follows: . . BTATB or KANPAS, BUCUTIVK DKI'ARTMKNT, TOFKKAJUIV 18,1885. * ) Bon. 8 J. Craiiford. Tbptka. A'unw»: DBAR ir'in: Under chapter 112, sessionl

laws of 1870. a commission was appointed to iirestltfate certain losses subtained by citizens of Kansas, by reason of an | invasion of the Cheyennes in 1878. Th is commission made its report under the | law, and the claims allowed and audited by It were transmitted to the proper authorities in Washington. Recently I have received several letters making inquiries concerning these I claims, but have been unable to inform the persons making such inquiries what rogress had been made towards an ad-

ment and p g j i the general government. Will you please inform m e what steps have been I taken, in this matter, towards securing an allowance of these claims, and what prospect there is of their ultimate pay- J ment. Yours Very Respectfully, SJfflU JOHN A . MARTIN. To this letter Gov. Crawford replied as | follows: WASHINGTON*, ;!>. 0 . , August 21, 1886. Bon, John A. Martin, Tcptka^Kanicu: •••<| DBAB SIB: Your letter of the 1 S.th ul -

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timo was received in due time, and re-, ferred tojhe commissioner of Indian affairs, whose reply I herewith enclose. As will be observed from the commissioner's letter, congress, at its last session, passed an act providing for an in* vestigatlon of Indian depredation claims, j and directing the secretary of the interior to cause a list of the same, "which may be approved," etc., to be mado and to congress. This will doubt* (>resented ess be followed at the proper time by an appropriation for the payment of such j as may be approved by the secretary and j commissioner. . ' ' .< Many of the claims on file were doubtlees established to the satisfaction of the state board, but whether the evidence j submitted there will be sufficient to satisfy United States authorities is a matter of some doubt. The probabilities are that unless further proof is submitted, J l^meoflbe claims, wm.be reduced in amount, and others, disallowed entirely. | It Is therefore important that all claimants should put themselves in communication with the commissioner or some attorney here, who will attend to the matter for them. Truly yours, a. J. CRAWFORD.

The reply of the commissioner ol Indian Affairs above referred to is ai fol-1 lows: oo oo

DEPARTMENT or TUB INTERIOR, ' OFFICE or INDIAN AFFAIRS WASHINGTON, August 20th, 1885 Bon, S.S. Crawford, Washington, D. C ' SIR,* I am In receipt of your reference

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of a letter dated the 18th ultimo, from Governor Martin, of Kansas, making inquiries regarding claims of citizens of said state, on .account of depredations alleged to have .been committed by hostile Indians, and in reply thereto,! hare to inform you that 450 claims on account of depredations by Kiowa, Comanche, Cheyenne, and other Indian?, committed upon .citizens of Kansas between the ears 1860 and 1871, which were examled and reported upon by a commission authorized By an act of the legislature of Kansas; approved February 27th, 1872, were transmitted to the honorable secretary of the interior under date of March 4?h, 1874, by Hon. D. W. Wilder, state auditor of Kansas, said claims aggregating the sum of 428,021 and 20 100 dollars. At the request of Hon. J. M. Bright, cLHr*. of the committee of


aim . claims were transmitted to congress IJanuary 21, 1876, without any action taken by this office. . ,^ ? fc/"j Under senate joint resolution No. 1 o the laws of 1879, (State of Kansas), a commission was appointed by the,gov?, ernor to examine and audit claims for losses sustained by citizens of Kansas by reason ol the invasions of Indiana daring the year 1878, said commission reported upon 116 claims recommending in allowance of 101,766 and 80-100 dollars, jihd disallowed twenty-six Jtfaims /'for want of evidence or Decause -not .provided for by the act creating the commission," aggregating the sum of 15,488 dollars. A number of those allowed have been examined and reported to congress recommending allqwanoea which have been made and paid to claimants.. 7f$iU\i In the act making appropriations lor the current and contingent expenses of the Indian department, eta, for the year ending June 30th, 1886, $10,000 was appropriated "for the investigation qf.uncertain Indian depredation claims; and in expending said sum the secretary of the interior shall cause a com pie ti 31*1 of all claims heretofore filed in $e7taterior department, and which have been approved in whole or in part and, n°w remain unpaid, and also all such,,claims as are pending and not yet examined. on behalf of the citizens of the United States, on account of depredations committed, chargeable against any trib* of Indians by reason of any treaty between auoh tribe and.the United States, including the name and address of the claimants, the date ot the alleged depredations, by what tribe committed, the date of examination and approval, with a, reference to the date and clause of the treaty creating the obligation fox, payment, to be made and presented to congress at its next regular session;; and the secretary is authorized and empow* •red, before making such report, to cause uch additional investigation to be made' and such farther testimony to be taken as be may deem necessary to enable him to determine the kind and value of all property darr aged or destroyed by reason of the depredations aforesaid, and by what tribe such depredations were oon* mitted; and his report ahall include hit determination upon each claim, together with the names and residences of witnesses, and the testimony of each, and also what funds are now existing or to be derived by reason of treaty or other obligation out of which the same should be paid." ; *, All claims heretofore reported to'congress and not acted upon by that body nave b*>en returned to this office for reexamination in accordance with said law. A cursory examination of a number of the 450 claims referred to baa been made, and it is found that the declarations in a majority of the claims are, not prepared

i witn the rules ana regu._^ gji'of the department, approved Jdljr 18,1872, (copy herewith) nor is the evidence in support thereof in accordance' therewith, i f caimants will place themselves in communication with this office instructions will be furnished to enable them to' prepare their claims in accordance with said rules, in order that they may be acted upon without unnecessary delay..,,.''^if. "'•'*/, * •" ' • •' •'* The. governor's letter is herewith return e d ^ * * - * ^ , ; ; ';$£ Very respectfully, - -»% a>:^^^-v,|AvB.UPSHj4W,A Vfl&y&r'-. •P- •'. .Acting Commissioner.

\ V ; H . MuiKiAX. I&litoruud Proprietor.

THURSDAY, SEL»T. 3, 1885, OOTOINOB'S ADDIIIS8. w$aVtht Hair; Krlt dooa not purchase some of tho comforts of lifer Of what value are expanding aertjs and luxuriant crops if they (hi not bring In their train tho dollghti* of a plnisaut Mid choerful homo?" 'V r • i.'. • He thou M|M)lco of the necessity of a good hurn —a I'entiHylvnuia barn—a double-decker, where tho fttoott of a quarter Hcctlou could live Itetow, and Iho produce of tin* farm he stored above; together with UK implement*—alluding IneTdentall.v to the frightful waste of exposed iniichinery and Implement

next touclietl trpon -road making, and favored a law putting this matter under competent supervision, wttb moans enough to execute. The coat of frequent trips whon ouo would answer; tho wear and tear, ote., woro touched upon and fully appreciated by ovary man who ever hauled a load up u hill or through a mud hole. Aftor thus particularizing under tho headings of tlio pecuniary valuo of homo adornments, the exposure of farm implements, the iniportaiice of barns and the Improvement of roads, bo gbmeod over the .Stale and spoke of its past, present and future. Hut one-fourth of tho State Is In cultivation. The governor ue.xt gave us sonic statistic* of IMS.'*, as follows: Assessed valuo, $248,8iW,:J<W— increaso on IKH4, Sll.NOH.fiO.".; the valuo of real estate increase represents nearly six millions of this sum. Tho railroad proporty Is valued at fclfl,iVi7,820, an increaso of OI.OH.IIlst, and wn have 4,180 miles of completed railway. All tills was tho growth of the past thirty years. After showing tho udvauce westward of the rain lino from the liluo river, thirty years ago, to tho foot bills now, be stated Unit the rain holt kept pure with the plow and tho settlements and closed by npoMtroidilKltig thai Htuto uud Its vast capnbllitlo'*. .,•'•* The address, thus faintly outlined, was marked throughout ,by ,y#vornor Martin's plain common souse nud good tiisto. It was a practical address/ to practical people, by a praetfoal thiiiv'aml ovbryono was ploaso I, lulorcstod and Instructed.


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. JLTCUISON is happy over the location I -<sf the orphan asylum at that city, It is •••ported that the governor told a mem* 1 bar of the board, whom he asked to vote >fjtr Atchison, on being told that It might fluurt his future political prospects,said, ""£ would rather'get the asylum than to feegovernor a second term." The Cham' jsSm tries to give Khron the crexllt for tbm location, but it does the governor an •ajastice in so doing It was bis little hafichet that did It, and he should have «tt the credit for it.

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[TiraTRcgmion. . ~. ~, - . - , • Socond Regiment Hand. . Second Regiment Dram Corp*. •• Second Regiment—Companies C, A, E, G, D, F. B, U. (Jen. Carmll nnd Staff.

^HE TATTOO. JheLast Day of the. Great Beunion of Kansas Veterans, •A TfiBMENDOtIS OHOWD TUSNED OUT o v-i


[Topeka and the Surronndlng Country Emptied into the Pair Grounds. THE TWO EVENTS OP THE BIG DAT | A Moniter and Magniflosnt Parade and a • v Very Suooesifal Sham Battlo. n







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The Kansas National Gaards Remain in Oamp Two Dajs Yet—Acoidont, Eto. ' OH



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THE DIG DAY IN CArvIP ORANT. TorxKA, Oct. 1.—[spoulal.] Kolrcat Un» boon lounded, tbe last cempflre held, and Cnmp Grant I presonUadeiortedappsarnnco. Bnfnras Ml thai 1 s to ttako up a camp of vatorans li concerned, Ijrossnt encampment b u boon a groat success, larger gathering baa over boon icon In Kansas oo any occasion, and nothing haa boon recorded to 1 mat Ike ploaaaroa of tbo occasion. Ronnlona of I Grand Arm lot, states and rogltnont* bavn boon bold pad. in many instance* companlo* found enouga pembere to bold reunions. A notable reunion of [his lattor kind was that ot Company H, Forty-sixth iidlaoa Infantry, thirteen member* finding oach othor. So far as known Ibis woi tlio largest number (fathered together from any ona company, out pldo of Kansas troops. Tbo morning oponad wst. rainy and glnomyJ Four* wuro antortnlncd that this mat day would ba J gjfallure, bat abant 0 o'clook the *rin »hono throng! (and dlapollad tha clouds, giving us a. day that waJ ell that could ba askod. I


Tito Grand Purndo. LougbcforolQo'clock the special trains, *troe cars, wagona and carriages began pouring a atrcun Of peopla Into tbo camp until tbsro teemed lo b scarcely room for another portnn on thu immen* ounds. That portion known a* "thu lint" wa ack with visitors, wbllo the various divisions n votoran* wore nllvo uud resembled, from adlttanco groat colonics of boos. At. 11 o'clock iho division* formed and started, taking up the Una of inarch for the city. Wbon fully formed and on tbo march the1 column was ttireo-quartura of an hour pacing given point. Tbo column was formed a* follows: Ruth's Zouaves Bulleno Guard* Drum Corps. Oon. Puller and Htntf. Third Hcgimrnt II uul. Third Roglmont—Com nine* 0, V. If, B, II, A, O, T). fourth Rfgloirnt H.-l ml. Pourth Ri


Mothor Dlckcrdyko aud President and Secretary Woman's Relief Corps. Mexican Vcternua. Department Commander M. Stewart and Staff. UiRiiatch Band, Clay Outer. Ex-Prisoners of VV*nr. > I. O. 0. F. Band, Pcabndy. Pollock Post, G. A. R., No. 48. Ponbody Pout. (1. A. R. No. .SO. Past Commander Wnlklnsbaw and Staff. Wamogo Cornot Band. Waraego Post, G. A. R, No. BS. Monitor Post, O. A. R . No. aaS. iol.'i Poat, 0. A. It, No. ;W. Hiawatha Post, 0. A. It. Oskaloosa Cornet Band. Commander W. II. Pond and Staff. Fort Scott Drum Corps. Caslln Po.it, G. A. R, No. 117. Franklin Relief Corp*. Frnnltlln Pout, G. A. It., No. 18. lie 'ook Pout, 0. A. R, No 61. Pleasanton Cornet Band. ' Gail. R B. Burnett and Staff. # Mound City Drum Corn*. Ollpatrlck Post, G. A. R. No. ISO. Buru*liln Post Drum Corp*. ' Bnrnaldo Post, U. A. R, Wyandotte, Moiilton Post, G. A. R, No. 10. Washington Drum Corps. Washington I'oat, O. A. R, No. IS. Buck-kin Hand, Arkansas City. Wlnrtald Juvoulla Band. Dnilghtors ct Veteran*. Sherman's Bummer*. * Cranr do Leon Band, Parson*. Mound City Post, G. A. It.. No. 158. Yates Center Baud. Woodson Post, G. A. R, No. 83. Burlington Drum Corps. Allison Post, O. A. R, No. 14, Son* of Votoran*. \ *ommnnder Pourth Brlgndo and Staff, •> Knlubt* of I'y thin* Hand, Emporia, Etkrldgo Po«t, 0. A. R, No. 75. Chalk Mound Post, U. A. R . No. 848, Lyndon Post, G. A. R, No. 19. . Rico Post. U. A. R. No. 71. Osage City Baud. Second Kansas Vol cram. V McPhcrsou Drum Corp*, Kun*as City, Scott Rides, KAIICH* (,'ity.

I Wagner

Post. <). A. It. No. 08, Independence, Mo. Uoldcn Post, G. A. It.. No. 6.1. lloldon. Mo, Col. Urovur Post. Wnrreuabiirg. Mo. Cbllbovvi-ic |>imt, Cluiliowrle, Mo •' I'lfili KHIISUS Vuloraii*. Sixth Kama* Vstorsns. Boveuth Kansas Vet era to. Atchison Cornel ll.tud. Klgbih Kausa* Veteran*, Twenty-dfib Illinois Veterans, Ninth Kalian* Veterans, Atclilhon Drum l.'orps. Tenth Kiumas \"eiernns. First Knu*an Battery, Voterana. Eleventh Kansac Veteran*. Ttvvlftli Kansas Votoran*. .Sixteenth Kausa* Veterans. Lyons Post, G. A. J U Atchison, -• Junction City Drum Corps. fnnctlmi citv Post, G. A. It.. No. 133, Lew Urovo Post, 0 . A. It. No. lltt. Abilene Drum Corp*. Abllciio Po«t, G. A. It. No, OS. Clay Center Veterans. Tlendersoti Post, G. A. It, No. M. Mlltonvald Post, 0. A. It. No. luO. Belolt Post, li. A. It, No. 117. Don. A. I„ sMillnrd and StaX Blngnld Band, UutcUliisnn. Joe Honker Po»t, (J. A It, No. 17. Newton Drum Corp*. Mi-nde Post, G. A. I t , No. 14.

Oallo Pluine Pont, U. A. It., No. 3S7. Jaiuen Shield PoM, (i. A R No. 67. Ellenwood Cornet U.iud. Newton Post, (i. A. It No. —. tTnlley Center Post, G. A. R, No. 35. Bilver Uku Post, G. A. R No. —. Topuka Cornot Bund. "ort Pillow Post, G. A. R^ No. 4. desso Nelson Post, G. A. R , No. UU ' Seventh Kansas Veteran Cavalry (on foot.) Old Soldiers and Citizens In Carnages.

eroi vr. a . iv. pom, roj>rWoiTto"orin Grant, tailed to fall In aa organisation*, tho mombora proaent attaching themselvo* to other poet*. The display waa a grand one, much bettor than wa* anticipated an hour boforo the march commenced. Alrtnd timeof'startlngit soemcd that all the citizen* of tbe city were on tho ramp ground*, but -when tho column arrived In the city Kanaaa avenue on'both a Idea waa lined with people, from Third street to Tenth atroeC The four rnilo* traveled was accomplished lb a little over mi hour. Not more than two-third* of the veteran* took place* In tbe line, a* many of thorn wore too old, or elae wore orlpplod. Thoy could not endure tbe fatigue they so bravoly boro during the early day*. Toueka will never again witness such a grand eight aa waa laen to-day. It would be welt to mention In this connection that Col. John A. Martin walkod at the bead of tho Bightb Kansas, and Col. William* walked with tbo boy* of the Tenth Kanaaa. TUoro being no olllcer of tho Ninth Kanaaa cavalry, tbe boy* (elected Al Oreono a* tbelr'oommandcr, and tho old JOUIINAL, correspondent, Joe Fluffor, bravely bonded tbo b!>y* with whom he ha* had many, many good Minis, and ob, now many bard dayi. Col. Jonklns staid with tho Boventh Kanaaa, while Col. Voale headod tho Sixth c Kia*ae. It waa. Indeod, a grand sight, one recalling dear memorise to ovory soldlor, to tbo* soo oftcer* and men fratarnlilng. Batgjralng to Camp Grant at noon, tbe dl Heron t dlvlafons paraded tho camp, marching and countertaarchlng, and Anally broke up, unit wuro resolved Into group* saying farewell, as ludced It will bo to W ma»y of thorn. ..-.•«»' *,.

Ion Kichth Kftu«a« Veterans) Voluutcor lufuutir.

o Society of tbe Eighth Kansas Yeteraiis,Volunteer Infantry assembled aVtiiel? ^eaclquartew on the grounds at Topeka at 10:30 a.ra.,on Thursday, October 1, 1$85, about 100 in number, and after a general hand-shako all around orders were given by Col. John A. Martin to assemble in Floral Hall and organize for general business. After coming to order the roll of all members on tho roster was called and the following mombers, present and by [{letter, responded to their names: Colonel John A. Martin, Lieutenant Colonel John Conover, Lieutenant Colonel J. L. Abernathy, Chaplain John Paulson, Adjutant Sol. K. Washer, George W.j Hogeloom, Assistant Surgeon. Company A—Lieut. Eli Balderston, J. A. Dell, Christian Goodwin, C. W. Herington, J. Jagger, J. Lucius Powell, Matuew McMichael, J, F. Young. Co. B. Lieutenant Charles Arthur, C. F. Branor, Henry Hagner, Hubert Knipe, Benedict Kolmus, Charles Longwood, Edward Rupert, Felix Tbubautb, Peter Wettstein, Eugono Welke, Christian Marx, Leo W. Rich. • Co. C. Captain Goorue W. Robb, W. C. Black, Barney Blanker, Wm. S. Cain,

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Teaser, Daniel Faltz, .THenTFJI Gherett, Abe H. Martin, .Nina. C. Mo-' Clellan, Jacob M.-Price, Charles W«; Rust, Henry Shriner, J. S. Tucker, GeoE. Wright, A. M. Williamaon, Wra. K. Grenewait,; Henry Kuhn. ^ •' Co. D. Lieutenant Tbos. Adamson, John T. Bjarnes, Ohelon Carter, C. B.. Haslett, EarjBAHortqn, G. W. Johnson, William Lawa, S. M. Lanham, Peter Shavey, J. F$$ne, Benjamin F. Hicks, R. Griffin, M. Y. Anderson, John B. Bitler, W. C. Wjatt. " i| Co. E. Lieutenant E. D. Rose, L. V.; Bryant, Leonard A. Hail, Theo. Ingersoll, Zepheniah Johnson, J. Polk Kendall, W. M. McCI$ary, J. H. Poppinger,' J. P. Richards, Edward Russell, Robert Roobford, A. Rambo, Wm. Richardson, S. J. Spear, P, M. Stamp, Napoleon 8harrois, H. Spnrgeon, I. Strite, Andrew J. Smith, Francis M. Weaver, Albert L. Watkins, 0.0. Leonard, Wm. II. McClary, E, Brullette, T. O. Hill, James Barnes. Company F, Lieutenant W. S. Newbury; C. H. Carpenter, John Cozad, Jas. H. Day, R. A. Frederiok, Chris. Rudell,. L. B. Welsh, Isaac Welsh, John Iieighny, J B. D. MoDowell, Joseph Kirk. -' Company "G, Capt. Robt Flickenger,'Lieut. David. Baker, Lieut. Joseph Randolph, Nilei Anderson, John J. Greenhalph, Chris. Herman, James Pickard, Joseph Wadbaus, Jacob Miller, John E. Pickard, Vl>6. Madouet. Co. tt—Captain, Sam'lStanley; Lieutenant Frank Curtis*; Lieutenant A. OowertjTrVjO. Breckenridge, fl. D. Ellison, W. D. Healy, John M. Holt, Alfred Hawkins, W. W. Mye, Geo. M. Smith, H. B. Strong, John Waugh, A.D. Craig, Felix Toupain, J. H. Hurst, J. M. Hurst, J. H. Rodgers, J. D. Lucus, H. H. Pierce. Co. 1.—Lieutenant, Chas. Slawson; Lieutenant, Byron Slemmons; L. Fuller. Edmond Joslyn, Lafe Mulnix, James Sutton, C. A. Newton, John L. Noah, Josiah Sheppard, J. Y. Robinson. Co. K.—I. N. Roso, John Taylor, Jacob Kyer. Co. not given.—Thomas B. Ball, S. N. Robertson. After (toll call tho society proceeded to tbe election of officers for the ensuing

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E r ^ e f o f John. A. mf, BVM EapBSrt I Knipe^Co. ftf&ovfE Sobb,;rCo>WG, W. Johnson; Co. X).,TS. t). Base* tJo. E.i L. B. Welsh, Co. P., John J;*-$reenh*lgh,,Co. G., John H. Holt, Co. H., Chas; Slawson, Co. I , and*°£ N.V Bose, Co. Kyifyioe-Presidents; David Baker, Treasurer; Ohas. W. Bust, Secretary;] and stomas Adamson, Color-bearer. A oolleotibn was taken up for defraying the expenses of the society which was responded to' liberally, and all debts were}'paid and a balance left in the hand| of the treasurer. It was resolved that Jhe society hold another reunion in I l ^ ^ t h e time and^lace to be hereafter '$& ;ann»unced. 1 With ffireecheers for Gov. John A. Martin, tt?e society adjourned to meet at headquarters at. 10:80 'io-morrow and I Joiiro the grand parade, every member I feeling proud that he is onije more al-f lowed" to fall in and march with, his old| comrades ron f,he free soil of Kansas. After the parade and sham battle] bettle many of the boys met at headquarters, and with,tear dimmed eyed quivering lip and trembling bands, bid I farewell to each other, promising, if •life and health permits, to meet next! year, .and never forget or cease to "revere and love each other. r OHAS. W.Ttwrt^Becretary.

convention,, at ^ewrenoe, oi«*.prn ur ii During the rammer of 188i he assisted In ganlzing the Eighth Kanaar Infantry, of] which he wu appointed Lieutenant Colonel. Early In 1«62 be wa* appointed Proroat Mfcrehal of Leavenworth, and In Marob of the aame < year hi* regiment waa ordered to Corinth, Ml**., and thoreatter during; the whole war it (erred 1 In the Army ofthe Cumberland. Lieut, Col. .1 Martin wa* liromoted to be Colonel on the l»t of November, IMi, and waa ProTott Marshal of Nashvitlo, Tnnn., from December, 1863, to June, 18(33. ibe regiment under hi* command took part in the battle* of Perryvllle, Ky., and I Lancaster, Ky,; tbe campaign against Tullauoma and Chattanooga; the battle of Chlokamauga; the liege of Chattanooga; the •tormtag of | Mission Ridge; the campaign In Eastern Tenneaeee In the winter of 1883-4; tbe campaign from Chattanooga to Atlanta; and the subsequent pursuit ofHood north w ard. CoL Mart In commanded the Third Brigade during the •lege of Chattanooga, and commanded the Pint Brigade, Third Division. Fourth Army-Corp*, from August, 1884, until his muster out at Pulaskl, Tenn., NOT, 17, 1864. Returning borne, he rosuraod control of tbe Atchison Champion early In January, 188S. He ha* been Commander in-oblef of tbe State Enoampment, Grand Army of the Bepubllo; a delegate from Kansas to the National Republican Convention of 1800,1808,1873, and 1880; a member of the United States Centennial Commission and one of the Vice Presidents of that body; wa* elected by tbe two houses of Congress one of the Board of Managor* or the National Soldiers' Home* In 1878, and ro-eleoted in 1883, being Second Vice President of that body until 1884, and waa eleoted Mayor of AtohUon in 1868. He wa* elected Governor of Kansas In 1884, defeating ox-Gov. Click, the Democratic candidate, by 40,000 majority,

m t. g •'* •*—*• J. IL HUDSON. Mtor jpd Proprlrtor" WEDNESDAY HOHMHts. OOTOBEB M, 1888. ''"


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Wu iWtHtrtJU <5ttWt*. THURSDAY, October 1,1885.


82nd Tear.

Whole No. 1625,

Oonmor Martin of K a u u .

i Bo Bogers, of the Second National, L for publication, wblob [• followtu raska paper:— d from a Nebraska artln waa born Marob 10, 1839, at ;•, Fayette Court?, Pa. while a he learned the trade of print I ug in the office of TUB Baowxevn.L» Currea. in the •prlng of 1WI be wont to Pittsburgh and worked atljU trade ror a short time, In October of the aaino rear he emigrated to Kane**. He located In Atobteon, and for a abort time eet type for the column* of the SqwUtr Sotirtion. He purchased the Sqtutittrr B<mr*ign in February, 1608, changed its name to JV»ioW« Champion, andfcnthe 20th of the same month oommenoed bli l*og editorial eaxeer la Kansas by the lave or tub Oret number of the paper with whloh he baeeiooe been to honorably Identified. Since that time he liu been elected to eoveral office*, ulllnathem to. the utmost aatUfaotlon of bl* constituents. He w u Secretary of the Wyandotte > ConitHutlonal Convention, and waa elected state Senator before be waa tweutyone. He nerved a* delegate to the Territorial WMol



The Session': Opens In Bepi '{ -»'*> Y V Hali: { a*v»< W.OEK A O R A H D DA*Y'S . • \ ' m m Governor Martin. Visits >he v '"e^v|»''^evfw.1iyelooi

ay B SOL of the Indepen'deni^nter of T commenced ye'sterdfty morning Gran^a^?*^;^, chair, and ^||o^ptly / al mentioned itteJ|j|ound ' ^ gavel thundered 'through rep hall and it watannounoea,thats -''.!. ''AIH'JLUNUONT^

lfce$^#j&ifteW voted tipv hoarj n g the During the a^poonftat^rp^dTPi John A. Martin,

,*«reninE at the Entertainment Tender 'od'theVUItlDjEoleotKnlgh'i. / <

a •" He was 'welcomed •' ant Oor. Martiu't 'Welcome to t h e S U t t ,


Gentlemen: When requested by the local committee, some weeks ago, to welcome to Kansas the Select Knights of the A. 0. U. W., I very willingly assented. For, although not a member of your organization, I knew enough of its and of the principles'on which [)urpo30), lis founded, to assure menot only that it was wot thy of the respect of all good citizens, bat that it worthily represented in its membership, the best citizenship of the United States and Canada. The ceremonial addresses of this occasion are, however, only the outward manifestation of the cordial welcome with which the people of Kansas will greet you. The real welcome will be extended in the outstretched hands, in the open doors, in the generous hearts of your friends and brothers throughout this commonwealth. iman nature demands society and dship. The impulses which lead men to band themselves together in associations, are far deeper than any tendencies to individualism and isolation. Out ot this craving for fellowship has grown your order, and all other societies of similar structure. It is not a very "ancient" organization, unless, as 1 have beard it said, this country of ours has lived a fall century during the past twenty-flve years. But it nas grown and prospered until Its lodges are scattered from the Atlantic to the Psoiflc, and its membership In over 150,000. Tfiis is the best possible ovidence that the Order of United Workmen deserves to live. The American people, food as they are of organized fellowship and society, are intelligent, discriminating and practical, and no organization having unworthy aims or ideas, can long survive among them. I congratulate you, heartily, upon the prosperous condition of your order. I congratulate you on the harmony and and enthusiasm prevailing in your ranks and on the manifest interest and pride that is felt, by all of your members, In the preservation and growth of your organisation. And I welcome you, sincerely and cordially, to Kansas. A quarter of a century ago, William H. Seward said that in tno future "men will go up to Kansas ai they go up to Jerusalem." Whether you came hero in this spirit or not, you will feel something of its inspiration before you go away from our borders. I warn you, here and now, that there is Irresistible fascination in the atmospherejof Kansas. The history, the growth, the prosperity of this stote are all exceptionable. Not yet twenty-flve years of age, Kansas has outstripped,,in population, wealth and all tho elements of an advanced civilization, more than half the states of the



l a n s a f . ^ f ' ^ t f Fou it, hjVrraojiious )^ao' profty, .d tk tate return to your SOTf | | a h ^ a m l y and linoerelyi ous reception jou have (riven "jOOjapUmeitary term 11 in y^randfllaster, baAMnAnd T sincerely trust ....•charge of my official luties, find in "my walk and conduct a< I iitizen, I shall do,nothing to make you ' hamed of the fact that I am a member jthia honorable fraternity, but that, on f contrary, I mav always deserve at loast Is will not further trespass on your time o'r.'bterrupt the business you are assembled lo^xansadt. 1 thank you aguln.and salute


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J e l l v e r « d » t t h e Grand O p t r a Hon lit Last

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first prists at the international expositions at Philadelphia and New Orleans. It leads the proc;ssion in the reports of the national agricultural department. It has built nearly 5,000 miles of railway to carry to market the largest crops ever grown on Amaricaa soil. It has assailed ignorance with seven thonsand school he uses. Of its 270,000 voters, at least HO.OOo were soldiers during the civil war. The map of the continent was disfigured by a desert—\hese people touched it with the magic wand of industry and enterprise, and lol a garden blospoms in its stead. To populate a county thirty miles square within six months, and round out the h:H half yeai with a fight over the county seat between six toiras, or to build a fair sized city within a twelvemonth—these achievements may seem like a fiction, but they have been realities in Kansas. Beware, I say to you again, lest you catch the contageous enthusiasm of Kansas, and, telegraphing for your wives and and children to come by the next train, return to your old homes no more. I don't want to break up the A. O. U. W. in other states, by transferring you at once to Kancas, and so I give you this friendly warning. But whether yon come as visitors, to enjoy, for a brief timo, our hoapitality.or as immigrants to become permanent citiZ3ns, I bid you welcome, thrice welcome to Kansa*. I know you will like Kansas, and I am equally certain that Kansas will like you. We are all glad that you came here to hold your uiennial conclave, and, speaking not only for your imcuil hosts, the United Workmen of Topeka, but for tho largo hearted people of Kansas, I can say:



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"Hit*, jou are vtry wdcomo to our IIOUMJ; II Diu-l appearlu other wnyi Hum wnrilii, Ttior. foro I team ihis brciutilug courleny."


lose m i r a c l e s , all Ffljj w h a t the m o s t s a n g u i n e anil ent h u s i a s t i e Iv.insans never d r e a m e d , lit'- \}_ teen years itjfii, c o u l d lie done. A f t e r t h e h a l t l e o f Mission l{iii.-.*|r, .ops— I lie M.l.liers ivhii.se ; e n t h u s i a s m a m i e m i r a t e lutil c a r r i e d i h c m , w i t h o u t o r d e r s , up I h i ! l»la;'.injH ]it<;hl.s a n d said, s i i h s l a n l i a l l y ; " I IIMHI !{j y o n are, 1ml how d i d y o u net here? Y o u j | w e r e o r d e r e d t o t a k e I ho w o r k s al tin l o o t lied ;;a r.l.-ii* i l l I he w i l d e r n e s s , Y o u s h n l i h l a l l lie eoiirt-martialed!^' \ o u r l r i u n i p l i / i i \ er I lie adver ,e f, .i ee> «>l n a l i i r e is a s m a r v e l o u s m i l l a-, n u n ] d e l e as was vvnn Ml M i.--iiill l!iil::e. a »»»l, ns a K M I I S M I I . I a m u n u i d of i i . There is soim t h i n ; ; s p l e n d i d in ilie m a r c h n| c i v i l i z a t i o n i i i i n and I»VI r an utijpi op.'eij l a n d - u i i i e l l i i n ^ : ; r a m | c i ' , , \ e n . lli.-ni flu* march " I a U e i o r i o i i * tinny. || >, J i c l l c r In h l i i l d u p I h u l l il is In i|e«.lr"> i i v l t e r ! ' , ' i v d ' . e m a tl«/*tr( l l . a u k i n:aj.e l.'-i. M - I I I •••il-w


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. ( l , ; ; r a u . l s i . , . v . as h u e ; . ' ; " ' : l-HlllUl e m l . i r e ; Ihe m i l l e.l " I • • '; „d..si..yi....ii«."'U»-;!-«-!";'•"•- , .,;' .ail,.i- the r •-" I odes, cui.'i i'



r S f f i - r f t * - „ . f.uvimr f.

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[,mli<si: I a m no ;,'(>• J n i / U l lull^ t o . y o i i . l o d a y . o l a ^ r i e n l l i o e . T h e m e n w h o nave c o i i . | t i e r c . I I his l a n d ; I h e m e n w h o , here i n Ihe h e a r t «-l a c i n i n l r v Hon was m a r k e d on Ihe maps ,,f i h , V n i l e d Slales. o n l y lltlPl.V .yelll* iiiro as a d e . e v i . a n m d a y h o i i l i i i « m i u u r i ' i i l t n r M l ftiir. k » » w »«»«' V1 " W , V

m tan\1anu\wHh»u I riwM »'*<•'" '"'i' 1 ' " m learn. I eame here, in r.-M".u-o Ii ¥ * i i n v i l a i i o i i . i l ' v i i i r n.miMii-iee. I.eeiiu.si' I « • w a n i c l (.. ,,ii.•ml a f a i r I H I"";' " " ' w ' ' " 1 ' e r n s e e l i o n . i - a u s e I i v W i e - l l o s e , . Ill e v i d e n c e s u l l l i i l l a - f l i M l ' l U H ' I •»••»• "H 1 ' men! v.l,iei,,iu>iii!,^..ehaneMii>iIM-M; lieeau^e I u a i . l c l I i d e i - l i n d WllHl v m i h a d done, a n d ii,»«r y j j i l ••«• ••;•; ^






































Idesi.c.l. a . s a . i l i / - . x a a - a s . D :ik n l V i n v h a l ill l l i i ! pre - n e e ul " • • / ; • ' . w o m e n Who have l - r e wj^MUrhJ.;

.'«•'"r'm-- m*

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A I H I y»»- l»,."l''" " ' " A , . ;..„|..,s in h e r o e s . . I this «|uesi. Ihe I. ... • , , , ' , ; . . r e a l v i c t o r y ol peace, no 1. - • I"

h M h M l . l l l l l U » . i . s d e w ' l e n e n I, K ,, m n n e l , Ii h a s ; , , , . .1 m . • l • , i , i i..,.,i ' I ' d I r a n i H •" | ' - ' " . m . I he I..-I N n i . . .

>!-:.r::"i".!::: rfjFii: s.te^ir.ss^i'ss! ,. V e.| l e i l l i ' . n d o l l a r s v d i l i a r c h e s value.





illion uoiiara, "iiavo noeii nuilt within its b o r d e r s . In u t h o u s a n d inaniit':uiuirmjj establishments,- liflcen thousand busy w o r k m e n :u-o employed, yi.x million head of stock g r a z e on iis rich gruHHOH. Its farm products for the year 18*5, will a g g r e g a t e in VitlUu fuliy $110000,000. Tin) assessed value ii( its property equals $!>()() nor capita fur iis popnlation. Wealth is m o r o c q u a i l distributed in K a n s a s than in a n y o t h e r portion of tlio habitable glpUl, for we have fewvery rich men and as few who a r c paupers. This I'H tlm c e n t r a l state, ihosun(lower state, the soldier stale, and within its borders prosperity and order, intelligence and sobriety, e n t e r p r i s e and industry, g o h a n d in h a n d . • Ami they are w o r k i n g out a m n r v e P 'ous destiny for Kansas, Few. even of :our oWa people, fully iindersfand what wonderful strides o u r stale has m a d e antt is m a k i n g . Admitted into the Union in 1861, K a n s a s took rank in 1*70 as theS'Jtli s t a t e ; In IH'.'O it was the 20th: land it is now in population, the l.jth Jstato of the Union, r a n k i n g next Hi |.Virginla, which from 1700 to IS10, was itho rirsr;8(ftfe. It has passed ail the g o u t h e r i x ' s t a t e s except six, Missouri, JKonlHclcy; Tennessee, (leorgia, Texas ;ii ml Virgin in., and nil of the n o r t h e r n latits, except eight, New York, Pennsylv a n i a , Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Massac h u s e t t s , Michigan and Iowa. At the ilose of the present decade Kansas will i am confident, rank as the elevelilh _ tate of the Union, and it will round out Rjhc nineteenth c e n t u r y as the sixlh or Seventh, • In 1801 wo had not a mile of railroad SyiMlin o u r burdors. In IWiO we liad !):;o m i l e s ; in 1880, 8.IJM miles; mid we have yW nearl v 5,000 miles. i n 1800 the t r u e valuaiiou of Hit; prop Srly of Kansas a g g r e g a t e d mil)•^•'H,.'Wi',§00; in 1870 it a g g r e g a t e d ^|s«,Mi:.',0(K); giui in 1880 itreaeliedfil.'i.OOli.OOO. Kun s>jis ranked in ISO!) as the IHtli stale in reallh; in 1870 it WW llui Ullli; and in 880 the 20th. i n lfOO the true valua on of t h e ))roperty of Kansas averaged 202 per capita; in 1870 it averaged $»(Vl ml in 1880 It reached 1*517 per capita. ,'nxalion averageil #.". p e r e a p i i a i n p-'so. intl ut tlio fbity seven states and lerrlSirica, K a n s a s r a n k e d in a v e r a g e taxa§ o n |Hii' capita the clHh. T h a t is, laxaQon was g r e a t e r per c a p i t a in twenty| i g h l states and territories and less in eighteen. T h e public indebtedness of Kansas, state and local, averaged $|n p e r capita, seventeen slates having a l a r g e r a g g r e g a t e debt, and nineteen a l a r g e r per c a p i t a debt. T h e total a r e a of Kansas is M.'.'Hs.ooo acres, anil of this vast territory only III,730,000 acres, or oue-lifih o f ' l h e total was in 1SK0 u n d e r fence. h\ I Hit) there were only .'tn.202 farms in Kansas; in 1880 there were l.'iS.aill. T h e increase in I lie n u m b e r of farms d u r i n g t h a t decade was v78 per ecu!; wlijlo tliu increase in the total farm a r e a was 27.s per cent. In IHK) the population of Kansas was but. a fraction over one person io id,.



s q u a r e m i l e ; in JB<0 it was over tour llllil in 1830 over twelve. T h e stale, although 20lh bi population in 1880, was 30lh In the destiny of its population, it has plenty of room for g r o w t h . T h e c h a r a c t e r of the population of Kansas is notable. Out of a total in 18M) of OOO.O'.'O inhabitants. IIO.OMO were of foreign birth, and s.so.OK) were natives of Ihu United Slates. In o t h e r words a little, over 11 per cent of o u r population is foreign, and over eighlyoight per cent native born, (icrimuiy ooulriniitod U8.0U1; E n g l a n d and Wale's 111,2(10; Ireland, I4,!lii:i; C a n a d a . 12,.W>; Sweden and Norway, 12,.Wi; liussia, 8,Q82{ Scotland, 2,7*8; and France, |,lft|, T h e whites n u m b e r e d O.V.'.sW.) ami Ihe colored poopjo -|:|, 107. Of the people of Kansas, only e i g h t p e r c e n t lived in towns having over •!,000 population. Only a little over throe and one-half per cent of I lie people over ten y a r s of age were unal-io to road, ami only live and one-half per cent w e r e uiiiihki to write. T h o s e e n g a g e d lit a g r i c u l t u r e a g g r e g a t e d (it per cent of tlio population, those e n g a g e d In Personal, and professional services, 1' p e r cent; in mechanical and mining pursuits II per eeiii; a n d t r a d e and t r a n s p o r t a t i o n H per cent. Figures are always dry I know, but 1 have presented-those to establish what i have asserted eoneei ning Ihe wonderful g r o w t h and d e v e l o p m e n t of Kansas, n n i l t o show at I h e s a i u e lime what room t h e r e is for future g r o w t h . Kansas is still in the. biMOiu of her y o u t h . With the light of the m o r n i n g on her fair y o u n g face, Kansas is moving on to the full realization of her magnificent destiny. Loving freedom aiiilloyal to the c o r e ; believing in education and re • peeling law; striving to keep Imr y o u n g manhood sober, clean and h e a r t y ; never a feeble imitator, yet always willing to l e a r n ; not afraid to experiment, and nlwiivs ready to lead; enterprising, intelligent, c o u r a g e o u s and e n t h u s i a s t i c - - I b i s is the Kansas of o u r love ami our faith, this Ihe lair mistress of o u r h e a r t s , to whom, a d o p t i n g the l a n g u a g e of lluth lllid Naomi, we say: " K i l l r e a l me not to leave thee or to re turn from following ••tier thee; for w h i t h e r thou gowd I will go, and w h e r e thou lodges!, T will lodge| thy people shall be my people a ml thy (ioii my (bid; w h e r e thou diest will I die and there will I be buried."

The Kinsley Mercury. ISllUSUlHTloN, (One Vear). B Y

3. rtxTl'itn

ifl M).

.ST3?STES2T'. v v, tnTuiii;u:u. is--,v


vi it'jfc* goto•tostth» ta , - C i-A^Mt mtt iua", rlly earliest recollections .. •ational church!of Tepefca^L. Wiring of 18611 A iffl™ ie state assembled on MaronJ <£the senate'meeting in &tr in which the house'' njet^

TT^I^S J. JE.HUDSON., Editdr^^j^rdprieto^ UfclWSDAY MOBNXNG. NOVEMBER *,

$ i i-H



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1 M •A

mM Vi'i'j

Anniversary of toe Paatori/B 5 U # I.^BlakesIey^;'.'^ niJ—•'—







;mbers, JJut when w t t j [toniy.Deat upon it: >e honorable represL , : Kan'laa cohdluded ft: inoyp. , And su, on the lit iouWadjourhld-;to^

'of\ ' W



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mlevening the Kan.aYCity Congregatiohaf-blub held its. sixth meeting*! meeting at the Juwh. ' .This -was aa continuation continuationof of First church. W i was iro'ctedinats of the previous day. and I fteld specially swith reference to the t | tanebus anniversaries of the church, '',pr John A. Ma/tin was expected to, " n&3WK&M addie«i,/bat waf* ' m$£&Atchisoh^^|3$ •>or s^hfc thefollowingloiter f eoir; Kan., NoTomber 2,1886, L


^RSIR:—'WhellyousQMndlyin• e ^o be present at the anniversary

oo oo


;thm^6re", 'either. forego a pleasure \had, M oo oo

t I

feathigheTtduty of AmWioVnol««S5Jp! I atteWt^pe'at the pol(s o* election day. 1 j • what I hUve decided'to dp—remain at home, luttVftftw election. ' f f :%^'?3pl lr$helhirtioth anniversary of the. First t .tional church of TopekaJ" That 1 ie state pearly six years. To-. I en UtUe more than a name on'" iap,*if indeed it had yet attained that, jbtfcn. And Kansas, a strange, uriif(nf country, representing an 'idea I rather thai\tho metes and bounds of a , tuture'gTeat statd, was jast beginning to to be discussed, written about and wondered At, as it has been during all the ' years that ha*e since come and gone. Mr. I Whittle* was a prdphot when/* year be- 'I fore your churoh was, ei^tabUshed, b* sang-/- • . , , . ' ^^Xm^M i "W«go to pU&ihn oommoa^oMw • ;,.>^


s I


H^rfcpubUc^! ^ « lature, and; » Kit was «| edb iad atte,'n(T .. sOmethin „•"£ the so „op^|pH^v remember that' th^se a M . thelaw-maljeriofthpi it I mtastu1«iJBjWWr' - all her.busy tfafh,". 0' •pii-bnrtd'^ine^aiaMe. intended to'explain why t with yon this eyening, and present my regrets and pw -company assembled, for^my,;. absence. • Toury, yery trnfrrl'' • "r-.-. Jno.'^J ^ 1 •


i I II


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| ,^ '

* ^ > ! ^ * ^ % '^'- a ^ ;^" •'-^il/Wiv^-^^7*^ [ . X HTOSOK. Editor



A large number^pf the ci ka, andmanrj|ointhe^ei^_ 'were present at'the masi; f evening in Representative,'' sidn being the meeting of _ tional League. The inclei!' weather deterred many'from who otherwise wpnld have ^ od, and helped to give^ the mi oess which it so richly de* was, the large halloas coni •id'all were edifled'by the1 the exerdises.v The..Jtalenf sefs delivered iotic ardor an< mi' and

'bill a 'Vital ;Quo8tIofi;''||p k The folio win sr letterof ^ Governor Martin's, addressed to the Kansas delegation I in congress, is upon a question which de-1 mauds attention, and is of peculiar inter-'I est to the inhabitants of the counties with-1 • 'l*5! .'" '

«& .mm > v. J



•-; •

IXCaUrlTC DirikBTifllMT, nam,


r 14,1885.1 , ; ,1 TorucA, November

Meters. WorrM, Funeton.'Perkins, Ryan, Anderson, Hanback and Peters? '$'•$% Mr DEAR SIUB: I address you, as' the

gtepreseritatives of Kansas in congress, on > subject of gr*ve. interest to man; of the "tizens of this state. • :. ^ fc|aj As yon know, a very large population as, within the past year, settled in the unties of Barber, Comanche, Clark, Meade, Seward, Finney and Hamilton.' ;; These counties are located in south; ^western Kansas, adjoining oc near the, Indian 'Territory. v The cUis»ns ' wad] Hare occupied them are tiwtp. by inTitatioDr.pt the U.nvt«T\<«ta?e|S _ government, extended through'its laws for the- settlement of tho publio''domainV i They,are peaceably industrious,'v intelligent peop'e. Thousands of them served in the tanks of the union, array during tho late .ciyil war. And they are, one'and all, justly entitled to the protection pf the government., ' ,'jg * r. •• -*•.•;', • "* \ ' P .'V''
Matly of UKHO Indian* i r e say-

turbulent and dan gerous,; I "The. f ocij they are peaceable to-day is n6 guar" ant|e" that they will be peaceable next ;*%«.,,pr 'next . month. ^ S o ' l o n j r a s l ' t n e y are. where iroey are, • what they arc, and Ue borders anios are left exposed and defenseless,' le of the counties lying next, the arritory will be uneasyvahd appro•sjV* Indian raids are possible at any m& ' TKev*6 U'nothinir to prirerit 'jn im n of the horders of Kausas, or to probur ottticpnw> f r o m i t o W*vdtu>g horrors: taof Kun(v'« caanotaliyrdto.maji^ y iU u

Ming a r V $

or an Indian, iljntt)i»aK«i^J,nac w; always] the reply of* the 'governmenttothe demand | of its citizens for guarantees of immunity. But twio). withm the past few years, have!: the borders of Kansas been invaded by the f| same Indians who now occupy the country adjoining southwestern Kansas Knowledge of thaie facts naturally and in* j eritably inspires a feeling of uneasiness and apprehension, .The settlers do not know; when art outbreak may occur; they! dq kVow that no adequate precautions to ""vent an outbreak have been adopted. i they live in constant dread oi an InJiari raid, and are liable at any moment to (thrown into u panic, which will send lenl women and children flying in terror ro'm their peaceful homes. Such a panic | "cuVrecl early in July last, and the losses,, i sufferings, the demoralization attend-' • it wt re almost as'great and as dis- j (sing us thqugh an actual invasion had occurred. These people are justly entitled, not only to absolute protec-| ,ti6n against Indian raids;': but to I jruch an ufauranro .of protection as jwill) ...inspire' "confidence among' them and prevent'""that apprehension "which .breeds panic. 'And such assurance cannot I Ve given unlesss military posts are e*tafc-| i Juhed and maintained along'the south-1 western border of Kansas. , Jj'?j I do not know by wnat authority such posts are located arid1 maintained. If the! action of congms is required, I trust that! you will, at the earliest' posniblo moment. [ introduce and urge the-pasaago of a bilil baring this end in vf
ll *rW

b o r d e r fo J P J L & « • £ & $ oold not be e x i H o V ^ i T , * " ™*^ y in order to prdO* * " £ " " * ; ..and givei them b£*$£r?l This is a duty i f W W ? ully devolves on tho g0.Tern*, United States. . '» :' ' V V judgment, absolute protection • cannot be guaranteed to the ^southwestern Kansas unless the •erninent ' established at le-vst posts on or near our southern no. One post should bo estabf the southwestern itorner of ^Barber county, and another near the southwestern corner of Meade county. And these posts should "be maintained as long as the Indian territory is reserved for the occupanoy of Indians having tribal relations^' IVmay be said that there is no dange*]


29. I035.

A GREAT ASSEMBLY. Twenty-first Meeting of the Kansas I Teachers' Association. Tho twenty-first annual rnoetlnif n] the I Kansas Teachers' association mot Inl representedivo hall last evening under} the most glowing circumstuncos, the, seating capacity of the hall being entirely insufficient to accommodate tho number present, which is estimated at nearly j

American people, topi.'ibave r spnaT iijl^rejitTO,the Irish leader." more thin half,a century his grandfat was oije'of the most distinj" of our?avy:• Hewaaat T* oatur, and he, commanded^ *•--fm^t'jMB'P!M battles itio:

^JMayiwtfww. ami ons'n'ol^i





an than that is

•oundn^ pioUohi .illustrated at ft hehM^Waded,1 hafe;,pee,n •ji}p|limenno disaster coul 1

waamma C .JiJwt-sr-




nell an

•tors, 'PanM^Conneu,,...ffeKtflpoMi -ceterv;,;.'lall, ' 1 % O P O # Jeans, I tend my vqioe ay-eering like the gjunder-etorm across , £hO;,AtJanuo, t^tell1 jre hoi and to remind the negro, 1 that the. J dawn of his redemption is drawing hear»r I :• In the aame spirit, with equal eomesVf ness, and, let ua hope, .with something of J ,0'ConneIl's prophetic virion,lot this :meet-1 ing send across,the Atlantic its — "l to Charles Ste wart Parnell. and tq

MB of Liberty, or who Wto believe, that any good le purpose can be 'promoted by i, or by that weapon of cowpfbrutaUS^dywrnite, ~ $ $ |£derstand the purposes anil' ^Mch Charles wewart, Parlowera are wntendlng, in those which, in Amerall the' seal 'and energy

:wne. r „ i first political campaign ild enough to'take an &1 to open the, public domain tc^tha people tinder the beneficent provisions ,,ojr the Homestead act. The Irish mpM, i» contending for the right Bt-'ftrery man to rote for thcwe whoareto make4l*w»for his govern meat, and .this right, in America, I hare, advocated and defended with unfaltering deyoHon. The Irish leader is contending, iii'Juriland, for protection to home industries,'and this, policy, in, America, has commanded my ardent support. .The same ideas and principles that have conI trolled my action in America wonld make me, if in Ireland, a nationalist. And surely the Irish people,'who have fought so gallantly for liberty in every land, jtare a just right to expect $he sympathy [ ertr-loving_pepj(lei_fl» world orer .in


^thhip,a4.J battle of 1 • J jfather U'KeiUy then more V vs> thinks to Governor Jno. A iWd the Modoc dub, for thej, meeting., The inotloiFWM uw^lmou sent to Charles Stewart Parnell,'convoying the greeting* of the meeting. ' 'f '»•fcJ?, vFather 0 Reilly announced a meeting of the executive commiitee of the league, at the parlors of the Copeland hotel Immediately after the adjournment of the meeting. , •' *' .>' sA number of letters was read from rotninent persons in the, state. The meetig then adjourned. ,'K- •,. {$' {,-• ^


ft •

. ••' 'V" > >.*

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^Tixe dismal weather had no effect o j i ^ e attendance, whatever, and the vaBtassembly presented an appearance that pleased the eye to look upon men •and women who have spent the greater -portion of their l\ves in teaching the young men and women of the .state, and as the reportorial eye was cast over the vast multitude he wondered not that Kansas was fast gaining the reputation of being one of theleading states of the Uniom mot only in fertility of the soil, but ferl -tllity of the mind as well. The people who reside within her boundary can feel «nd speak with pride oi her educational facilities) as represented last night in the great minds present. Prof. A. R. Taylor, of Emporia, president of the association, called the meeting to' order at 7:45, and the exerciseB were commenced by singing of the "Doxology" which was participated in by the whole assembly, led by a competent choir, after which Rev. Dr. Mwrvin made a fervent ana v earnest' prayer, pleading for t i e guidance of Almighty God in directing t h e meeting. President A, R. Taylor here introduced •GoYjyJoan A.Martin who delivered the following- address which WAS mont happUjr jsceiyed and heartily applaudJfivCftalman, LadUs and Gcntkmrn: During my school days I frequently heard, and occasionally took part in, animated debates as to the relative influence and use fulness of the pen or the sword, the lawyer, the doctor, or the minister. I do not remember that the labor of the teacher was ever discussed i n these eager, if somewhat callow, controversies. Yet, if any thoughtful, Intelligent man was asked to pass judgment upon they comparative value of human activities, I am sure he would make answer that the public educator leads all the rest. .' . v -^Ifdb not say this, teachers of KHITCBB,| because I am in your presence. Nor do I" ' say it in any spirit of flattery. I ami speaking of the duties, responsibilities L and opportunities of your profession D rather than of the individuals who are 1 engaged in teaching. For, I regret t o p «ay, I have known teachers who were no better qualified to guide, instruct and inspire the boys and girls in their charge than a painted Indian is fitted to illus- Wt t r a t e t h e virtues and graces of true C h r i s - 1 tian life and character. But the incom- g {potency or unworthiness of individual F steachers does not detract in the least gj degree from the statement I make, that §

tnere Is no occupati^„ „„ , •the economy of the state, no profession^ 130 far-reaching and universal in its in-f? sfiuenco on society, as that of the publieCj educator. fe Some oue has said that t h e e is noth-g| UDg on this earth so puie and plastic as a;; human soil and mind fresh from thefrl hands of its Creator. Guilelees. ques-P tioning, impressionable, its bright youngjf; eyes looking fearlessly into the unfath-*; omable future, the child comos to the t,i teacher to be armed and trained for the [. Jaard, stern duties of this busy, care-bur-1 vieneil, practical world. How shall it b e ' developed to true manhood and womanhood ? How shall the ideals of its fresh, ainBConRC.om chilhood be conformed to tho real in humanity without making the child either a port, superficial prig, a carping, tmcering, sceptical pedant, or a •visionary, incapable theorist? These are the questions to whk'h tho teacher must anake reply. I do not niiKiimo that I can aid you in solving thcao problems. I wish os,ly to preaent to you, HH clearly and as earnestly ai pos'iblo, the grave responsibilitioH you have assumed. The widest and greatest men in nil ages and countries havo exalted the profession of the tnacher. " l'lililic education," said Napoleon, "should bo the lirat object of government," Hurko declared that "education IB tlie c'.iiuf defence of nations." Kdward Kverott affirmed that "education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army." Horace Mann said that ''school houses aro tho republican lino of JbrtilicationB." Kmerson defined edueation as "the arming of the man." These declarations aro self-evident trutliB; no intelligent person will dispute tliom. And you, teachers of KaiiBas, realizing the importance of your respansibilities, as I have no doubt you do, ought to realize also the necessity of fitting yourselvoB for the work you have undertaken, lu the charming stories of that great master of English fiction, Charles Dickons, there are sketches of schools, scholars and teachers that evory public educator might read with profit. 1 am confident we haveno Yorkshire schools and schoolmasters in Kansas—schools in which every young alloction.overy kindly sympathy, cv.»ry hopeful aspiration, was 11 igged and starved to death. 1 hope, to >, that wo havo no schools like that in which poor little l'aul Dombey was crammed to an untimely grave— ochools In which the studies "went round like a mighty wheel, and tho young gentlemen were Btretchod upon it." Mut I fear -that mechanical HchoolinasterH of iheJJradlov Headstone class, and schools like unto that of DavidCopperlleld. with its unwholesome smells, its dirty lloors, and its ink stained walls, are not wholly unkuown in this country. Let us hop'o tkey aro very few, and growing fewer as

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the years ge on. Kansas people take just pride in saying that the best buildings in every town, village or neighborhood in the state is the school bouse, and it is pleasant to believe that the young lift) within them all ie as sweet, aa happv and as healthful as the flowers, the birds and the air of our prairies. In the "Old Curiosity Shop" there is a picture, homely but delightful, of a school whose influences would run like a golden thread through the life of every child brought within their scope. You remember it, I am sure—the pictureoftheslmple-hfarted, kindly old teacher, whose thoughts went wandering across the fields to the bedside of the scholar he loved; the patient, faithful old inns tor whose rollicking boys were one and all the childre of his heart and hopes; ton -shrewd an sympathetic old man who, when th forbidden shouts and laughter of hi children on the play ground jarred upo_ his mournful thoughts, said: "It's natural, thank Heaven, and I'm vory glad they didn't mind me." The way to the heart of a obild is not dlflicult to And. and the teacher who is at once a friend, confidant, sympathiser and instructor, has found it, and thus lightened not only his own burdens but those of his pupils. The true teacher. the successful educator, the really great mastar.is one who etiinulates the ambition of his scholars, and, with ready tact and helpful sympathy, awakens and develops all that is best and brightest in their natures. It was his kindness and sympathy, no less than his great learning, that gave Arnold, of Rugby, his world-wide fame. It was his enthusiastic love for his work no lees than his wisdom, that gave Horace Mann his high rank as an educator. Bat I am aetaining you too long. I gladly discharge the pleasant duty !;assigned me, and cordially welcome you to tne Capital. That sturdy old Scotch statesman, Fletcher, o/ Saltoun, writing to the earl of Montrose two hundred years ago, said: "I know a very wise man who believed that, if a man were permitted to make all the ballads, he need not care who should make the laws of a nation. I welcome you, teachers of Kansas, as men and women who could say, with far more truth: "In educating the boys snd girls of the state we inspire its sentiment, control its buBinBss, direct its enterprise, and make its laws." No [•one could aspire to a nobler, greater I'woik than yours, and in assembling here pou make manifest the fact that you 'realize the vast importance of your duties. I trust your meeting will be pleasant and instructive, and that you will one and all return to your homes inspired with renewed ardor for your work, and with larger, broader, more exalted views of its great dignhy and greater responsibilities. To those here assem-


anc iu mi U I H minimi, eariiuiu >»w, tuiu teachers of Kansas, I address Shakespeare's la.ng.iage: "I praise the Lord for you, and so may my parishioners; for their sons are weil tutored by you, and their daughters profit very greatly under you. You are good members of the Commonwealth."

Water Ways Convention m •::.^




Governor Martin yesterday lnfprKi ed HomL, F. Hubbard, Governor, o Minnesota, that no bad appoii the fo$jj|wing delegates to rop'rel t the State of Kansasl at the Npr$r western Waier Ways CbnVentfo^M Thursday, Soptembbr 3, $85$Sg&' Delegates at large.—Hon. W. Wh Guthrie, Atchison; Hob?' Eugene .ft Ware, .Fjpjrt SpottJ. Captain ;.Lj§r Coiling Sabetha Hon/ W. $L bough,' .Abilene, Vinton St} I^aTehworthrGolonel'A. T., S Wyandotte; Hop. J. W.' S$qn i Paola: J. B, Walkup, Emporia; Hpi C. E. Glfford, Clay Centie'; Jbhi

Non, S. 8. Cooper, Oskalobsa; HOIK .C. Claries, AJcWsbri,^ > *-\ '? . f j f Second Congressional Distrloirr. Hon on. L. W. Breyfogle, Lonexa;Hp|.

3 3

1 s


Xkfc?:ir.D, Barker, Gfrard; H5i A. WtiUin|toii; WianW ana ^ .


Fourth Congressional District-?, H o r # $ . Wilson^ Tppeka;:.:&'W Sedgwick, Emporia; S. H, Falrohild,


'..Fifth Congressional District.—C. E. Barnes, Clay Centre; Major John •jOfrlgnt,Junction"City; Chlirleji


Iplouten, iri&Mim-


£ $ i t b Co9|ressionaJ 'DlstrMl^ j6nn,D. Eobertson, Jewell Centre. Captain J. Sv.McDowell, Smith XJettf tre; Major-1$. H. Downing* £lfays Seven t]




also "t of Leavenw

A>< V~, $ ? W ; >ent, at oud a soldier at Ufiicamauga he battle was just opening, the artillery I • J.:** fas thundering at the distant lords, the rackle of the 'more deadly musketry was : welling to the roar of a close conflict, and , regiment of our troops was moving forward, in line, through the forest. SudJ r v . ^ . t o ' i t ; - ... • '• • li -••;:." '•'• denly a rabbit started from his cover, and 17C ran, as only a frightened rabbit can run, ,tion of the Offlcen-Eleot of | PuWioiw away from the advancing lines. A soldier, iinooln Post. expressing, 1 have no doubt, the general sentiment of his comrades, shouted out: "Run, you white-tailed rascal, run; if I hadn't any more pride than you have, I'd The installation of the officers-elect of | run, too.' When 1 saw the announceLincoln Post,No, 1., 0 . A. R., the largest ment referred too, 1 felt like running. post in Kansas.and probably the largest in 1 wanted, also, to say a few words to the the country, took place last night at the! committee that took this unwarranted Grand opera house, bong before the time liberty. 1 should like to express my opinion of their action, but it might not, for the exercises to begin the auditorium bo exactly the right thing to do. was crowded to its utmo8t,and by 8 o'clock | A few years ago Judge Hugh v the gallery and "pit ' were filled. L. Bona, of Maryland, told The stage was appropriately decorated and! me that, shortly after the war he presented a pleasing appeeronco. At went to North Carolina with a party of either.end of the stagp was a stack of arms, Boston gentlemen who contemplated the swordjyind drums. Across the stage in establishment of somo important indusfront were four beautiful fern trees and tries in that section. The natives were the stage scene representing a campground ] unreconstructed, and sullen. Oae of them formecf the back ground. Life-size porowned a fine water power. The dam was traits of General James A. Garflold, Genthere, tit tho mill site; but the mill—well eral -Grant, Abraham Lincoln, General you know tho rest of this. Judge Bond Sherman and other distinguished Ameri•aid that while the rest of tho party were cans,' were bung at each side, and looking around tho place ho engaged tho also a portrait of Mother Bickurdyku I owner in conversation, and among other and Dr. Crane, Bunting in ubundanco questions he asked:' "What and flogs of every description and embloms became of your mill?" The pf the' G. A, R. wore suipcndod over tho | native replied: "It was burnt by Misttr staged '• Seated on tho platform were ColSherman." Said Bond, affecting astonone! John A. Martin, Adjutant Ovneral ishment: "Mister Sherman, Miller obit' Campbell, Captain A. D' Thatcher, Major man—why, who is Mister Sherman?" T. J.Anderson, Dr. S. E. Sheldon,Captain The native looked askance at him, and A.M. Fuller, Capt. Devondorf, Department slowly drawled out: "Wall, Mister, ho 'Commander Stewart.and other oldsoldiors, war a man what made hisself powerful unthe officers of tho Woman's Relief corps, popular around this neighborhood, a few and officers of Old Abe camp, Sons of Vetyears ago." erans. 1 know a committee that was "powerful At 7:45 the curtain was raised and Marunpopular with mo. this morning, inshall's military band, the prido . of deed, I think that, for a few moments, I the capital city, played a selecwould liko to conciliate that committee, tion from Olivette. Tho audience was then somewhat after General Butler's invited to sing "Amorica," and wore led Idea. Colonel E. W. Ihncks, of by Captain 0 \V. Fax. The chaplain of the _ Sixth Massachusetts, explained the post, Rev. Dornblaser, then offered tun idea to mc, somd'years ago. During prayer,' The master of ceremonies, Colothe fall or winter of 1801, he was under nel John A. Martin, tho gallant governor General Butler's command, and received, of Kansas, addressed tho post. I lis adone day, an order to innke a snout through dress w $ a s follows:' tho surrounding country, and to report at Comrades oftne Grand Army, Ladies of headquarters for instructions, lie reported . the lielief Corps, awl Members of the and receiving from the general minute diSons of Veterans: rections touching the route, duties, etc., I was somewhat surprised, while readturned to leave, when ho remembered ing the papers this morning, to sou in tho that nothing hud bovu said about programme of this eveninu's ceremonies, how the inhabitants were to be thttf I was announced for nn address, I dealt with. So he said, "General entered a mental protect against this dehow shall I trcrtt the people?" "Oh," tail for extra duty. 1 do not know what I replied Butler, carelessly, "eonciliato 'cm; ' ave done to deserve it. I was invited to ccnciliatc 'em " Colonel llineks saluted, t as master of ceremonies on this occnand started off. He hud his hand on tho on. I did not understand, in accepting door knob, when Butler suddenly asked: o invitation, that tho master of cere" Young man. do you know how to concilionies was expected to make a speech. I ! & # ate an enemy?" The Colonel turned and It very much, when 1 road that announce-1 doubtfully replied: " I do not know, Gen

fANUAET T, 1886;





1 F Cft


i —

•"whether I understand what youl men.'*^"" Well,".said Butler. " the rightl way to conciliate an enemy is to take himl by the throat and choke him until his eyes bulge out." , I was, however, honored by the invita-J fcion I received to act as master of cere-1 monies on this occasion. Lincoln post of I the G..A, R. is the largest Grand Army I organization in the west—probably the| largest in the country. Its members represent every army, every corps, and- probably every division and brigade of the ! Union army. Always enthusiastic, always • ready for duty, preserving fresh and I 'fair the inspiration that warmed "their hearts and nerved their arms a quarter of a century ago, and I maintaining unbroken the ties of comradeship which united them when they touched elbows in the long line -of patriot heroes stretching; from (lie Rocky j Mountains to the Atlantic—it is indeed an honor to be called by such a port, to pre-1 « side at the installation of its officers. [ None the less do I appreciate the honor of acting as master of ceremonies ut the installation of the oncers of the RelM corps. 1 have often thought that, after] all, it was tho patriotio women of the country who had the hardest part to bear during the long und dreadful years of - the war. The excitement of a soldier's life.tho changing scenes of march and camp the inspiration of coriradeHhip, the pride of duty well performed, the sustaining/ ization andT nombers—all eaowere denied them. Powerless oxCebt'lo'sviHor, voiceless except to pray, ana 'yet patient, ' self-sacrificing ana brave, mothers, wives, sisters and sweethearts of this lund felt every shot that echoed on the battle-fields of the war as a wound, and staggered under the load of every hardsnip or privation our soldiers were called upon to endure. The women at home were just as true patriots und heroes as the men at the front. The maid who bind* her warrior'* aaah With (mils tbat well her pain dissemble*. The while beneath lier drooping laeh Onealerry tear-drop hnrig« »ud tremble*, ' Though heaven alone record* ' bo tear, And { M M shall never know her etory, W Her heart bat abed n drop aa dear Al e'er bedewed tlie fteld ot glory. h The wife wbo gird* her h jeband'. a word. . j 'Mid little one* who weep and wonder, 1 .--. And bravely tpenk* tbo oheerlng word, What tliouuh IIT heart be rent nmnder, Doomed ul«lnl/ in lier dreaina to beur Tbo bolt* ot dentil around hlin ratUu, Oath ahed aa *aor«d blond AH e'er Wae imurod upon tbo held o( battle. The mother wbo conceal* lier grief While to ber brooet bor »oti eho pronee*. Then broatbea a lew bmve word* nud Irtof, KUalug the patriot brow eho lileh»e». With uo one but ber eeoret Uod To know the pain that weigh* upon her, Bbeda bojy blood aa e'er tbo «>d Received* on Freedom'* Hold of honor.

The boys, too,—the Sons of VeteransI young men and lads in whose veins ruus| tho blood of the heroes who stayed tho re-.

public; tue rosy-' young fellows who are your legitimate successors, my comrades,—what shall I say of them? The Grand Array will vanish as the years go by. Day by day its ranks will shrink and dwindle, as they did, years ago, before the fire of the enemy. They cannot be filled • by re-" cruiting. But I rejoice that sucti an organization ar-thw~ flomrof Veterans wJU survive, to keep green and fair the' deeds of their fathers, and to pre»erve the heritage of (rje government their fathers maintained. The blood of the patriot fathers warms the hearts of patriot sons, and I have faith to believe that any emergency demanding such sacrifices as those the pt'ople of this country were called upon to make from 1861 to 1SC5, would rind millions of young men ready to brave all, suffer all, give all, for liberty and the republic. • Vt

5 *

Mother Earth, are the heroe* dead! '•' I * Do they thrill tbe wul of the jenre no tuorn f Are tbe gl 'amlng euowi und the popplee red. All that la left of tbo bmve of yorer' i\ Are there none to fight a* Tho»eua (ought* I'M In the young world'* mlity dawn T ' ' Or to teach ft* i be gray-belrod neitor taught f Mother Earth, are the huroet gone*


"QoueT In a grander form tber rt««. \" Deadr We may elaeo their banda In onn,' ', And catch the light at their oloarer eyes, "£ And wreath tbolr browe withe linmortkrTOoe Wherever A noble deed4* done, A ... 'Tie tho pulno ot a boro'a heart If i>Urrtdi Wberovnr the right hat n triumph won, There are tbo berooa' voice* board. V' 1 ' •&• Tholr nnror ring* on a fairer Held i tJ t i Than tbe Greek or the Trojnu ever tr* For Froedoiu'a (word la the blade they •yflsld. And tho light above la tho * mile of good Ho in b). lale of otlm delight Jaron limy alaepthn your away; For the heroua live and the »kio« are bright And the world 1* a brnver world to day.

Commander-in-chief comrades of the Grand Army, ladies and gentlemen, I await ynnr pleasure. Tbe governor was lustily a» lauded at the close of his eloquent add )»H. The band gnvo another selection, ter which Comrade W. K. Brubaker n: do a pre•entation address, presenting to Lincoln reserve post an elegant case in which er and the flag carried by Captain T Comrade Kaskel in the procet>s; u at General Grant's funeral. Cap" in A. D. Thatcher, post commander, o behalf - of the post, made the response/ It was a brilliant and flowery effort,/ tbe speaker being frequently greeted With applause He extended to Comntue/Brubaker tbe right hand of fellowship »(the 644 bravo veterans of Lincoln post T "iss rlb'rence rbV. men sung ''tJtaf Spangled Banner." tho audience joining in the chorus. The master of' ceremonies then announced that PepartmenfCotntnander Stewart, of Wichita, would install the officers-elect, of Lincoln .Post. The following olficcrs were instalMl ! ',.^' Post Commander, T.J.Anderson': Senior Vice Commander, A. B. Campbell; Junior Vice Commander, N. McGregor; Quartermaster, E. J. Cady; Surgeon, S. E. Sheldon; Chaplain, A. J. Garrison; Officer of the Day. C. B. Tillinghast; Officer of tho Guard, J.W.Tobias.





CfliWRBitfotaltf. Y MORNING. fEDRDAitY 0.1686


"* '-' r"


* ••

The Mtorthy Old Veterans, to be Cured for by Their More Fotrumttc Comrades uud Frlends-^Oov. Martin's Addrcss-Othov Notes of Interest. • • i. • It is doubtful if there is a moro sonorous and charitable community of people in the country than those, who reside within the boundary lines of Shawnoo county. The reason perhaps for this is tho fact that a majority of them hare all ntsome time or another been subjected to tho hardships of pioneer life,'and understand the feelings of those who are now suffering from destitution r other trials which to many mako life a urdon; and notwithstanding the fact that Lincoln Post Q. A. B. has just closed a very successful fair, General Rloo post lost evening inaugurated a similar baozar for the purpose of raising funds to bo applied to the support of their destitute comrades, under the most favorable circumstances. It will no doubt prove a suocoss. The generation of to-day has not failed to learn, nor has it forgotten the trials and suffering of the old veterans who ontercd upon tho battle fields in the intercut* of common humanity, and willing hands aro ever ready to tendor these old soldiers acts of kindness. '" •*'*'<* The opening of Oonoral Rico post fair last evoning at 180 Kansas avenuo, was an auspicious one. Tho exercises commenced by music- from Marshall's military band, which in itself will alono attract large crowds. Following this, Rov. Dr. McOabo made a fervent and earnest prayer to Him who rules, that success ./woeJd atlond tho undertaking. Anothor soleotlon by tho band was then givon, after which .Governor John A. Martin was introduced, who made the following characteristic and_well worded fad- -t


dress. *n r^^"^'"avv"~

Comradti: I have been called 'upon so often during the past year, to address assemblages of this character, that I experience something >of tho difficulty which porploxcd thu old regimoutal band master. It was during a lung oxbaustiug march, and thu commander ot 1,'/j the rogimeut, knowing that a little music' would inspire his juded soldiers with new lifo and vigor, directed tho band loader to

play a tune. The oiel man, Himself worn and tired as any of his comrades, responded: "It ish all very veil to say play, play, but were ish dor viud to come from?" So I might have answered your committee: "It is all very well to say speak, but what shall I tuoak about?" Captain Coney, in inviting me, said that I would not be expected to occupy more than five minutes, and I shall keep within the imit. He stated, also, that I could talk about anything I pleased. In fact, his invitation gave mo as large a liberty as Oenoral Sherman once gave a troop of cavalry. A battle was in progress, and tho general thought they were not moving forward as rapidly as they should. So he called out to their commander: "Gallop, major, gallop." Tho major ropliod: "Whore shall I gallop to, general?" Instantly tho genoralropliod: "Gullop anywhere, anywhere! only gallop!" * The grand army has several proposes. It seeks to perpetuate the friendships, the com; radoship, born of tho great civil war; it sooms to strengthen that lovo of country, that respect for law, that devotion to the Hag of tho Union, which warmod the hoarts and norved the arms of the soldiers of tho Union during tho long and deat>crate years of tho rebolhou: and it seeks to provide for the helpless and destitute survivors of that great struggle, their widows and thoir orphans. Fraternity, loyalty, charity—thoso are tho watchwords of tho Grand Army. "And the greatest of these is charity." This fatfr was originated for the purpose of raising a fund to provide for tho needs of thoso who, a quarter of a century ago, gave everything for tho republic. Their charity was HO largo, so broad, so self-sacrificing, that they suffered all they hud—thoir energy, thoir courage, their health and oven lifo itself, for thoir country. Their countrymon can never ropuy theso men for their services, but thoy can do something to show that they gratefully remember tho soldiers of tho Union. And for ono I do not boliovo that there is now, or that thnro Lam been, any disposition on tho part of the American peoplo to forgot thoir obligations to tho soldiers. Speaking as a soldier to soldiers, I soy this with earn* estnrss. Here and everywhere such « charity as this you have organized will bo moro generously patrouir.eu than any other charity that rnu bo dovisod. And for my comrades generally l.want to acknowledge this fact, and rotum thanks for it. It shows that tho American peoplo are not ungrateful; that they Imvo not forgotten, and will uot forgot the heroic men who gave so much for thorn. I have no doubt your fair will bo it grand success. I am confident that tho loyal peoplo of tho capital and tho straugors within your gates will patronize it generously, and that at ils close tho Grand Army post* iutorestod in it will Imvo a charily fund ample to moot tho demands of thoso whose wants they aro anxious to relievo. Tho over popular Modoc club hero treated the vast assembly to one of their finest selections and woro heartily applauded. Major General John A. Caldwell wad then introduced as the next speaker. The major, as usual, held the attention of thoso present for several minutes by his How of eloquence, iu which he pictured the scenes on tho battle fields iu II vory glowing manner, and pleaded with thoso present to hositato not iu tendering assistance to the old horoes.

'&>>'«: •3F





Last Night Hurrah.



GOV. MAETIN'S OPENING ADDEESS. 1 Vory Largo Attendance — Generous Ooutributions. The third charity fair within three weeks, was opened hist night under the auspices* of Uluo post, of North Topeka, at 115 and 117 LaureuntBtrcet, a few doors west of Kansas avenue. The audience at the opening was very { large, in fact it could not havu been larger j with the limited accomodations, the people t being packed to illicitly that it was with difficulty that they could move around. Tho exercises of tho evening were opened by musio l>y MarMhall'H Military I band, wlucli, to North Tupelja's credit bo it mild, ia a North Topeka institution. Following the music, Chaplain Davis in- [ voked llio blessing ot Cod on tho e n t e r - ' pri'O, and prayed fur it,n ahundant measure of success. After another selection from the h.ind, Ihe address of the evening , was delivered hy (iovortiurJohu A. Martin. It wits as follows: l.'uiiirnifa HI '''i« <v, to do what, lit s in my pirWer lor such it cause, mid so, busy us I am j i - t now, I c.uno to your l'i rtlival Mi bid y.it t It.il Bpeed hi your nuiile wurk, and to give ' ueil •''.'••istaneo us 1 e;vn to |:i"iuo'.e it. 11, in sou,i'l Lees as'tud why so many soldiers of tlie l.»li' wr.ir IH-MI| help ill tin: jiatj lie of life, and v. ii\ iqi|i"iils in b•.-half of IwtO the survivor.; ol tin: i n i iinm are growing mure tnq.ienl as the \e,n< ;;o Uy't lens of thousands ul Mild'e r.-, it is said, are nn the pension roils oi llltl i/uVrriHMl'tlij the nation has provided i n n f e r t ible and

pTIftsant homes for thousands - * abled and destitute; and why should the generosity of the people be so frequently appealed t o ? Those who ask these qnctstions fail to comprehend the magnitude of tho civil war, the vast number of men enlisted in tho union army, tho hardships or privations to wiiich they were exposed, tho frightful legacy of wounds and uuuase tiler service entailed or the time that has elapsed since their linal muster our.. When these things aro considered, the wonder will be, not that so many, but. that to few, uf tho soldi em "f the union need the helpful .sympathy and iiRpistauei) of iheir more fortunate comrades, and of id! generous and gratelul peoplt». Nearly twenty-one jt'ars have coino and gone siiieo the war closed, and of the VI,700,000 persons enluleil in the union army, probably 1,000,000 still survive. These men are all growing old. Few of them are under lorly years of age; the vast majority, perhaps, aro over lifty; and very many are ucnriiii; < r past sixty yrurs. Kuteeblcd Oy wumich r disease, they aro, year by year, less able to bear their part in tho great, battle of life as bravely or as Nuce.'ssftilly as I hoy did in the desperate Rtrugiile to |ireserve. the republic. It should not, !•.. forgotten that i224,:J;0 soldiers vvero di-elmru'

) M*$$,

fjaid he: "Two momths of somi-starvntion in Chattanooga woro followed by the cold and desolalo winter campaign In east Tennessee, and t h a t by tho alternating rain, heat and fatigue of tho campaign against Atlanta; and the strongest und most healthy men in the regiment will gome wp&?g^'






; . V v :'•• "JHI ? ^ 8 P J * * ? J » * W

HnTroi me iaci iiiat SgWrtfon is*not true. Occasionally, I fciow, there have been grounds for complaint; occasionally it has seemed that the war and all the noble sacrifices and splendid devotion of our soldiers wero like an old, old iitory, growing stale and uninteresting- and now and then isolated caseB can be cited to justify a charge of forgetfulness or ingratitude. But the tune baa not beeh„Mid I trust it never will be.wbcn it can be trustfully said that any appeal in behaJf'of. the disabled, destitute and deserving soldiers of the union would bo unheeded; M evidence of the truth Of this statement, this fair, and those held by the Grand Army posts on tho south side during the past three weeks, and tho generous patronage the people give to all of them may, be cited. - There are now on the pension rolls of the "United States the names of over 200,000 soldiers, and over 100,000 soldiers widows, and during the past twenty-two years the government has paid to pensionerKover $750,000,000. It has providednational homes for nearly 10,000 disabled survivors of the war, and these are being enlarged every year. Sevoral states have built, or are building, other homes: and the people,' acting in their individual capacity, have contributed millions of dollars to charities having for their object the relief of disabled soldier). In brief, no otjier government, no other peoolo, in any age or country, has remembered and provided for its defenders, and for tho dependent relatives of the fallen, with such abounding generosity. *But thlijftberality, this generous care for the su'rnybn of the war, must be continued' 'for/'ihany years to corao. The heroic men who periled their own UVCB to

I >

Rave,the life of the republic, are, as I have said, growing old, and every revolving year adds to the number of those who are unable to support themselves or provide for their dependent families. It is not right of just that any of these men should be permitted to suffer the pangs of want. They offered all they had—health, ambition, life itself for the country. No saint or martiyr ever gave more than tlwy. Thy government thej people, can nev-rrepay them, but they can can do something to relieve their necessities, to protect them from want, and to make their declining years happy with the thought that their services are not forgotten. This is the noble purposes you have in view in organizing the fair; this is the inspiration of those who patronize it; and this, I am glad to believe- is a duty which the American people wilTidways reoognize and yencrously discharge. } v'r*-'r"W''Vy

k:. ••*#*$**' V^ tow*

SPIN." V ' "

The Auditor to tho Governor. TOPEKA, KAN., March 2,1880.

(lovcrnor John A. J/UWIH. Topeka, Kan: DKAII Sin—I have received your letter inclosing a letter published in the Kansas City Times, of February 7, and calling my attention to tho following extracts: Speaking of tho state board of pardons, the correspondent says: "In accordance with tho law, they havo assembled onco each quarter, and np to February 1, not yet the close of their first year's existence, they Imvo^drawn from tho treasury botwoon $4,000 and $5,000." Tho state board of pardons had, up to the firstj day of February, 188C, held four moetings, viz: Iu April, July and Ootober, 1885, and January, 188G. The law creating the board authorizes its members to "receive as full compensation, five dollars for each day whilo actually and necessarily engaged in such duties, and iu going to and from such meetings, and all actual expenses necessarily incurred." Tho total pordlom and expenses of tho board, from its organization up to tho first of February, wore #tt,'J81.B0, or loss than one-half the amount stated by the Tinii's correspondent. The second extract to which you call my attontion, is the following: "The following figures taken from the books of tho auditor's office show the amount of money drawn from tho state treasury by tho mombors of the state board of charities during 1*8-1, under democratic administration, and during IXK/i, under republican administration: \tnrlin'n


K. C R i u l k m r I'liilip Knihn W. H.Crtiinii I A. T . SlmriM. iJiiciil) Nt.iil.,1tilivk'*


' I I I I I


I H. I., l i i l h o r t D. O. McAllislnr AUHIISI 11 ah n | tlcMiriri' ItnifiTH ' AtnriiHt I inn.I i

JI1»1 III i,liO s7 ,i7i OO I7U Ml XSS 00 Milfinji;


*'J-"i0 00 77 13 121 JO 1*11 70 ,M; cio


/ V , * / l | V m .

$'J1» no 'i"iM no •j-is oo •j:>s no •J7U Of I'rrlHvni. $111 00

m oo 1.1 00 till 00 I'J 00

"From llui above interesting llgures, it will be gleaned that under Governor (Hick's administration tho ft ilo board of charities cost the state £l,.Vi.Vi).'t, and under Governor Martin they cost Stl.'J.V.M"." These ligures do not show I III) amount of money drawn from the state treasury by tho board of trustees of the state charitable institutions during I*"*! and 1SS">. With a few corrections, tho ligures will, however, show the anion ills drawn by tho trustees during the year IWfi alone. A correct statement of the amounts paid each trustee during tho year I88r>, is as fol

1 8


p m



JlfiS SI

Auwst Hahn

HIS 50

Qeorua (!, Hod IIITM

1115 70

D. O. McAllister AufW.st llondi

113 (J 711 00

Total $71* 113 On tlio rali of February, 1885, Messrs. S. L. Gilbert, Ausuat Hiihn, Goo. C. Rodgers and August Bondi, were succeeded by A. T . Shnrpe, l'hilip Krolm, Chaa. E , Faulkner und Jacob Stotlor, nnd o n the 1st of April, 188T)j D . <). McAllister wua succeeded by Win, 8 . Crump. Moaara. (lilbert, Hahn, Rod«era and Bondi, tlioroforo, served only ono month and tivo days during the year lrWfi. whilo Mr. McAllister aerved only three montha, and tho 11 mi res above uiven were drawn I y them during that period. Tno amounts drawn by their successors during the calender year IWfp, were as folIowa: Jacob SI oiler ."...$ 1,11*1 41) Philip Krolm '.l|M N7 V„ K. Faulkner 745 411 W.S.I trump K02 U) A. T. Sharp V:i7 IX) Total $|,'j!| r>7 The period covered by those payinenta include* nearly cloven montha for Messrs. Stollcr, Krolm, Faulkner and JSharpe, and nine montha lor Mr. Crump. The h'Kialnt are of lSf-Zi iualruelud the board of truateea of stale charitable institutions to locate ami build a aoldicra' orphans' home, and to visit and perannally inspect all localities offorillif a site for (hia iiialitution: to select a sile and let a c.outrnct for a new aayluin for feeble minded youth at Winfield, Cowley county; to build It lurtfo addition to tho insane asylum at Topeku: and to erect additions to1 tho insane asylum at Osnwutouiio, the deaf and dumb asylum at. Olilthe, and tlio state reform school at Topclcu. Tho duties thus di vnlved on the board of trustees of stati! charitable institutions were in addition to their ordinary duties, and the performance of them involved a number of extra meetings u'nd a lurtfiiamount of travel. The law of |S7:t, crcnlinu' Hie board of trustees, l u e s their pay at "three dollars per dtein, ami uulcnue at tho ralo of ten cents per mile for actual distance (raveled by I he most practicable and direct route." Tho amounts paid tho trustees of slate charitable institutions lor the calendar years IW4 and ItWi were It* follows: I'XI.IMDAU YKAH IWM,

AIIKUHI Holm Mi Miihmey A.T. SliariM. ]),(). McAlliNh.r August Homli

$ 57170 ISO |,(] |:w 10 575 110 IDS Ml

H. IJ. Illll*>r«

*I5 10

(Icoruol'. Ki-ucrs

NrtT Ml


$3,UJt 10 I'\I,I',MI,M; viau iss.ri.

S. | * (iilbcrl AiiKiist Holm AumiHt llondi (iiMtruc l'. Itourrs D.l). MeAUi-liT A. 1'. S l u m Jacob Sloll.T l'hilip Krolm C. K. l-'iuilkiiiT W. S i rump

S |iW 110 M* M> 7:i 00 Irt5 70 IM III 7:17 Ml I,n:il) 40 UW H7 715 40 «i« 00

Total $I,'.I81 50 I have the honor to be, your*, very truly K. I*. MOCAUE.

Auditor of State.

MARCH 7*188& \3o

KANSAS RULERS, A S0LDIEB AND CXVILTAN'3 AMBITI01 TOLLY REALIZED. Governor Martin as SoHllor, Rilltor i»nil Clilol 'KxoouUvD-A Wonderfully llinrjr unci S u e r«fHMl\l)

Ofllehil C u r o o r — T l i l r l y - O v n


Held In Twentr-nlnn Yearn—The New IClmment In AilJusliiiK Labor DlfJtcultlo* SueI cessl'iilly Tried Uf Ilia ObVornor* of Kmv SH» mid Missouri.

{Written for tht Kanna* City STeMM.f. Colonel John A. Martin, tho present ROVoriior of Kansas, canto U> tho stalo just as tho euinpultfn on I heso blood-stalnoil plains was ooinlnir to a eloao. Tho bottlo had been foiiKhl ami tho victory substantially won. When tho llrst premonitory symptoms of tho mighty upheaval woro vlslblo ho was working at. tho "CIIHO" and IOOUII/IIIR on ft

small count rypnpor in Pennsylvania. Whim tho battle for prohibition was fouirht und won In tho republican party,und It had boon decided nfter tho lleroost In or ml strtitt(rlo thai tho party hail boon eiigiiixml In any statu, Colonel Martin stopped to tho front us tho standard boaror of his party, anil was triumphantly olootoil Rovornor. Homo men have the faculty of bolnjr born at t.ho t rlKht time imil nppoiirlnff Just whom thoy ' Bhoiihl. Others Chanted of realure by dlssembllnn nature. Doform'd. unllnlshd. sent In-fore their lima Into this broaihiiu.' world. score© half inndo ii|i,

)Uia.-uUw«inli^)'Auivt«WrilQn!vhlr< That the doi;s hark at them. Soiuo ill'ii always woleomo irui'Hts. Thoy nnrry Ki""'
Ho Is always WIUIIIMI. la novor In tho

way. uinl has I ho «ood lortuno to Kcnerally iinivo at tho lijthftliiii) and In tho rijrhl place. Had ho conic hi luiusiw with IJolh Insoii and Lane and Tolonol Anthony. !io would hnvo been but 15, hardly old oooup.h lo millKlo in the! Ilcrce nolilllfts of Iliinw early ilnyH. lie w«m but. II) when ho canio ami sWUlliU 111 Atchison. Ho has always donn iv man's part. Hoy no ho was ln» lit onco eoiumcncod to tnUouptho burdens of niniiliood and 1111


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^Tisimrcno and in the Bodputh's ier;ihDonippaQ county. In tho anting . 1868 t e bought out tho Squatter Uover^<jn;'oKange«fv* name to tho Vhampion and has always owned and controlled the paper since. But it awaa not a life of ease and "comfort tnat tho boy editor courted or had obtainedTOWOinliw to Kansas after the '" hwfwlfte earlier cyoloulo porlod had Boiea^f^Boonitho fevorboratini echoes of humptefs guns Wqre heard all over the rfdf?<*Ebey roiled up above, the Alleghonis and across the gtfeat Interior states and it upon the'-blllowy prairios of Kansas relied into agrandlohorus that sttiTod the ids- of tho pioneer! of UaJiiipul8os freedom and of moved BUOh \ l oust M o u r n i n g doslr^ o a u s o in whM iojnethTug lor m~& - ^ BOlTsOfc&IBB. t ' ,'• ' ir oFt861 bo assisted In ornA.^iihffi-^tanBas and wasapraaix JeutMnSSsWmel. He was then $2* &*^mk. regiment served on ^ f r l ^ r ^ d u i E g the fall and TvriRBl'n«ter serving for a time as


It was attached w«Uv, irelTB* command in Tonne bseqdently throughout tho w. fftte army of the OumborlMxdj, Colonel Martin was proMoted] ftelsfclp, oU m regtmeuUn, No* JeYSor-tbtt year ana son-ed-fts/provost ihafof Nashville from Novetfbfer, 180J, fjtoifi, 14863. -His . w a * ' . $ , flghti'ftjglment'^frqm the" start, fonder his m i l P i t i p k DartXrt the battlos of TorlUp-juad'Lanoastor,. &;£,' tho dampalgn jairiBi^TTallahoma and TOhntlanonga. the ^ t l e q f Chipkainauga, the slogu of Chutla4a6oga,"Ch'e storming of Mission Bldge, the Campaign InEast Tennessee in the win tor i©f 1863-4, the campaign from Chattanooga fto Mutnraap'lh the pursuit of Hood north-l >vard,/-'-0n the second day of tho great bnt-l " '"t-CblotamaugaColonel Martin com-| gaWe.Thlrd brlgado, First division, iS^gfitfetb army corps. During ,th« slogo f of Chattanooga tula foroo was led by, him. if:From August 4,1864, till his muster out at Kl?ulaski r Tenn. r November 17,1804, Colonol Martin .commanded the First brigade Third- diyi^toni Fourth army corps. The semcBB of the boy soldlor were consplcu:qua,Wtmea,'bri!Uiant, always leyol-houdeu, pdol; 'nnimpos^ioned and deliberate. T35HfL-'Kfr-TtJ(Utor and public official -ho has usually displayed the same traits that wero discernable In his career as a soldier, and to my blind oontlrm the estlmato Henntor Ingallsopce gave me o f John A. Martin: •He is the most hjvel-moadod odltor In tho state." He has- made mlstakos. flo has been timid;at times when ho should havo been aggressive, and belligerent when ho should have been consorvatlvo and uau* tioufl,*but all In all his Judgments havo been -.earer'correct as an editor as to time and to 'quality of his estimates. of men and isuos than those of any Journalist in Kuni&.' Betumlng from tho wars with the ell earned fame of a soldlor, his possesion by right of winning, ho resumed <wm.jrfQlof his paper, the- Atchison Champion, which had been left In charge of Senator angalls and Chief Justice Horton, lessees, 'a,paper at all times brilliant during this period, occasionally erratic, but always loadable, instructive and entertaining, »nd on March 22,1865, tho Uj-st number of



uiKUditbi-shlP has ",^ mmt |Runuv. ^ —-fi oi and odltoismi'I'.'r t Mart In..Of of Colonel Martin, ui WJJ, u 41 YJ»™ , B rtu0 u, Its freshness, brilliancy piquancy, Is du< Noble L. Prentiss, who has developed won derfully In tho last fifteen yours as editor, .orator and lecturer and who If ho had possessod Colonel Martin's level head, ids sound judgmont, his earo of tlnnnees, ids inothouleal business ways, an«l hadniuvried a rich wlfo would longslnce have surpassed his chief. No doubtQOvornor Martin would glvo ninety days of his governorship for tho ability to write such rt lecture, editorial or speech as FrontlsB In his Insplrutioiial momeats Is oapabla of throwing out from ids ocund and fortlle braip. WANTRO TO BK (tOVT.nSOR.

John A. Martin wanlod to bo governor. In wantod it bad. It was tho stimmunv tonura of his political aspirations. He •lovor aspired to anything nijrhar; nnvor really wantod anythlug else. HIB polltloal Ihough* and hopes woro all centered In tbis ono office. He ta.Bupreraoly content ind Buporlativoly happy In his office. Ho s tho only man I have over known who has [obtained all that he went niter and can truthfully say: " l a m content." Ho Is Clio only man whom tho politicians could safely trust in the gubernatorial ohair. Every man, except Martin, who has aehloved tho governorship has cast yoomtnu: desires and longing looks to the United States senatorship. Fully one.half of tho pooplo of tho slate thought Robinson should be in the senate when he was governor. Cumey would havo been elected If ho had bided his time, and not allowed ids friends to elect him when thoro was no senator to bo elected. Even Crawford, as unambitious as he has always Boomed to be, suffered his friends to use his namo tor .the senatorship, and but tor certain potential reasons would havo boon elected. Harvey was elected ono term senator. Osborn e.imo so near it that ho got a holler thing, ministor to Chill and promotion to Brazil. Anthony was a very dangerous man in tlto gubernatorial chair, so dangerous 1 hut lite politicians couldn't suffer his presence there but one term—the senate was loo near. A harmless III tie trade, entirely proper, In which St. John ran for tub i hird term (left tho saint Without any show for the Honutorshlp or anything else in Kansas polities. Failure of tv-o|eitlon deprived (Hick of any hope of tho foinlor-ihip. So they have all wanted It. 'the ben has buzzed in tho bonnet of lUem all. .Martin ts the only man who will f|i»H wltii a sue-

Hon were In a certain sense the product of a political necosHlty-the outc.fme of i political oxlgonoy. Tho party wnsront with disputations' concerning proWblUon ! ri o leaders were opposed to Tnoorporntli.g t In dogma Into the party creed They I g £ 9 « £ l l '""l no right In the U 1 ty-n no I articles and confession of political filth I numh, , t J , i,\ bt n r °" ff, ; 8t f , r o o ( H oi tlm power of t nuniheisin a party was tho final adontlon by the party m Kansas of prohibitionil w na11 mdiLieaiT . who *P wl»tfoV«»opn\m1nent political leader favored prohibition as A political or who who did did not not re« regret |ft|' " ' "question " " " i ™ or its introduction Into party platforms, tit. John of, courso, excepted. Senators Ingnlla and Plumb, Iloprosontntlvcs Anderson. Haskell and H van all regretted that It hud boon adopted ns a party shibboleth. Tho Thochera. ti. U. and Dwlght, though strong temperauen men. would hardly havo led off

i) a tight to make prohibition the oardina. point in party ethlos. The editors of the loading papers, dally and weekly, Baker, Anthony, Murdock, Martin. John ,A.j HI id Martin. George W., Miller, all protested against prohibition as an Integral part ot party ethlos. But It came into tbo platform and, like Jonah's gourd, It swallowed up all the others. It became, not vMiily part of the platform, but the platform' 'itself. At a peculiar junction and crisis of rtlio party the logic of the situation showod Jhat John A. Martiu should bo the nominee, is convictions at that tlmo were of course i harmony with thoso of the loaders on the inhibition quostlou and In opposition' icroto. ThusI t was an easy matter to give 10 rank and file the platform and the lead* H take the candidate The result shows at the numbers triumphed; the party got o platform and the candidate also. The, ..ual change in the minds of publlo mrn publio questions is something ourlo„. nd phonoiuonal. Moved by the mighty Im iulso of the peoplo loaders arc lrrosletlhrj ushod onto the .Ladoptipn _j>f was . possible 1ceviotuy^'..it em to adopt. Lincoln first doolarsd I o union simply. Ho would, save slavs; with the union or the union without slave JiUthor 'oOTnmonoed simply to protest (against some ot the praotloos of the ohurobJ 31 o claimed to be a dovotoo of the ohuroh; 11 tho tlmo.' Ho ended as a horotlo in tin °»i*rUt of tho ohu'rdh. Tho btalhs o t t h o r e amulluan party, with John A. Martin In the, -limit, protested .against. prohibition. Tlv Dirty ended with prolub.uou. Just ho fiirtln has grown Into it lis oun hardly to lmself. Ho has executed t h e law tr -Humo, no hotter, no worse than his prod' feasors hi ofltco, Gllek und St. Jolm. It" too early now.Co Judge of Governor Ma Liu's administration. On prohibition be, \m rapport with his party. Ho does not* tend the state ahull return to the lloei ^ystom. Statutory prohibition must bo the rule in Kansas. To this tho party In Raw sas is committed, and tin ough alow proosnstMW Oovornor Mnrtin, D. R. Anthony; F. SP. Buker. M. M. Murdouk and Hoi Mijlor Jiuvo been oduoatod. , and brought ^ip to this standard. " I n w« gnarly part of his administration quite a-se|*rlous difficulty appeared with tho em. ployes of tho Missouri Paoillo and Its em» Stloyors. The governors of Kansas jMlssoiul wore Important factors In sotl_ 3 heso difficulties fa a juetor and mora h pnoulous manner than they have over 1 store boon adjusted. To Governor Mai, amoro than any one else, I think, Is duo t b acrodlt of first formulating tho prlnolplo o rbitrutlon loan Importantconflict botwee&j .bor "&hd capital,. Political economist*!1 d f/olillcal phttospplicrs havo long speou-" atou upon methods of adjustmont when ho. relations between labor and capital become strained. The Oordlan knot seems to be untied and n fortunItoussolution reached by moans of arbitration. During the last twouty-flvo years great progress has been made In the development of a higher and purer civilization by referring to a oourt of arbitration groat International questions. It was mete and proper that our country, wherein Is being buildod a new and more splendid civilization than tho world has yot witnessed should Inaugurate and apply this wise und beneficent principle. The settlement of tho difficulties botwoen tho- railroad employes and employers created little oommont at the tlmo and the principle by which thoy were adjusted was hardly referred to, but not

difficulties. Tho Knights of Labor, perhaps tint most thoughtful, conservative and host inforuiod labor organization yetforiuod as tho outgrowth and product of the ooosoloss oonillct botwoen labor aid the accumulations of labor, havo adopted this principle It Is perfectly fair and ought always to be welcomed us a happy solution ot diffioulties of tho gravest charootor. By it labor that has its rights—and God knows KasaunVrod Its wrongs long enough—nays to capital: "Wo will meet you half way. In a fairly constituted court wo will arbitrate our jdlffloultles." It (novates labor to an equality With capital, but suitors nelthor to bo tyrant unit oppressor of tho other. On j rock It will yot bo seen that Governor rtln bus "buildod wiser than ho knew." rnilBONATi UIHT011Y.

SGovornor Martin will bo 47 years old on March 10. Ho will retlro from (he public 'iorvloo at the ngn of IP—(|iilto early lor a Midler, n two-term governor, a man really iu tho prime of physical vigor and intellectual growth. But so tho fates seem to doores and the understandings confirm 'and require this result. Hull, if MM Blaino should bo elected hi 1888, Governor Martin would reasonably expect first class representation In tho diplomatic sendee, as ho ha* l o n g boon t h e trtvat onr.uplcuouc


sontallvo ot the Plumed Knight In Kansas, and as a member ot tho national committee perhaps In all tho states west ot the Mississippi river. Governor Martin for a score or more of years has held more olUcos ot loss value or importance than any man in Kansas'. 'In was nominated for tho legislature September, IHM, but declined, not being of legal ago. In tho sumo year he was elected a delegate to tho territorial froe state convention. In the spring of 18">0ho was elect nd a delegato to tho state convention that organized tho republican -party In Kansas, and was chosen chairman of tut*, county committee. July, tN!>t», ho was elected secretary of tho Wyandotte constitutional convention. December

S U i h e o i u w ; wasaiso treasurer in j«vu, rf^'nteaident in 1877 and president m 1878. • S l f f i j he was vice president of the •riS*iS 4tiit«8 centennial commission. In M 6 h e % elected a member of the state lt«B no vyno f t n e national homes l? oa 5fa?hfflSPdiora which 6ffloo he still tho state editors' and publishers' associatton E?om 1800 to 187^ ho was secretary of the norSem Kansas district fair assoK l n W & m O ho was oleotod mayor of hArTf thc^owd of education and president ofthot,cK!b.'1867. In 1884 ho was 0l

He?e a r e S i r t y - n v e offices that Governo S t i n b a f n e f e during the last twentynine' veara ^He got his work In early. Tho Sfflcial record commences as soon a* he arXed-attheaffeotlil. In fact, as already Sited; he was nominated for the tegislaUure S a 6 " h e T w o s 21 years old. It U» a long •loovS of pSrtrtte and useful .discharge 6] ^wJiS t r u s t s G o v e r n o r Martin married ^uffiun L. Obaillss of Atchi»on. June11. aUltnco was a t fortunate ispeot. . It brought to QOT-

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. the pleasures and ad van t eduoation and an accomplish . ig with tho attending influence oletr and soolal culture supplj or-Martin la not a pufcllo apea&M good writer, especially In de scriptfvJi It is unfortunate tor him or any public man not to be an impromptu L cor. hot to be able to think and express f yself on the floor. Mr. Blaine In his d • Volume in his analysis, or mors "'peaking, dissecting and roasting



liorjs too noted German orator


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oV-says: • .. atorho did not meet the oxpootafriends. His failure was In large > the fact that he has not the power, g extempore. He requires careful j ms preparation and has novor JLXtotofT-hund PHriUmcntwry which Colonel Benton )ikeno< ig'on tho wing." fro. deflclent is , Schurz in t f tthis f Went that h« has been know] to use a manuscript in an after-dlnnor rw sponte, a style of spoooh whoso chief mors consists in ha spontaneity, with apt roforensi -to Incidents which could not possibly bo for** H06Q


^Governor Martin rosemblos Carl Schuts'l ' lis respeotr without tho great German T/S power of written oratory. As gov* or Colonel Martin la giving excellent | .uafaction to his party rrlonds. Ho has d his party on the one disturbing ol»« that threatened its dissolution lu Ktuy A la receiving fow orltlclsms as y&t S opponents. Hla brother editors of imocratio persuasion will chastlos ore in lavjfcfhan In anger. It con be J , aafely.asflomod that In this instance^ lost they,*!!! always "tell tho truth." ".'"


JHfc Cnmmgnfa^It);. ArqrjRSDArMOItNINO MAHCanf^~



HE, Governor

Martin on th« Situation In AtcUl- }

/.*•< c W n o r Martin, who has ju-t returned I & V ty-t

from Atohlson, yesterday favoreu a UOJ MONWEAi/rn reporter with his views on the situation in that city, as follows: vj^ Q. What is the situation at Atchison? "^ A. It is, in many respects, a very strange situation. I had soveral talks with the cominittoo representing the strikers. They stated to me that they had no local grievances which they could not adjust satisfactorily with the local officers of the company. A few complaints were made, but all of them woro such as would be inevitable in the relations existing between a railroad company and a largo body of employes. I had several talks, also, with Superintendent Fngan, and ho statod that, up to tho date of the strike ho had, so far as he knew, satisfactorily adjusted nil grievances presented to him, after a full and frank conference with the committee representing tho employes of the company. Q. What is tho fooling among tho employes of tho company': A. It differs materially from that existing a year ago. Then the committee representinit the strikers woro prompt, emphatic and earnest in staling and urging tho wrongs they complained of, aud their statements wero sustained just us earnestly by tho employes iioiierally. Now tho committeo discuss grievances with apparent doubt and hesitation, as if they wero not exactly certain that they had ronl wrongs to complain of. I found, also, that many of the employes regretted the strike, and expressed the opinion that it might have been, and ought to have been avoided. Q. What is tho public sentiment regarding the strike? A. Generally as unfavorable as it was last year friendly. Last year the people wore prompt and earnest in rocogni/.iug the fact that tho employes of tho company had been unfairly and unjustly dealt with, and sympathy with tho demands of tho strikors was docp and almost universal. Then tho public woro willing to submit to tho annoyances and evou the losses resulting from tho strike, if thereby tho wrongs of which thu strikors complained could bo redressed. Now tho people generally, and the business men in particular, aro complaining bitterly about the obstruction of tho lines of transportation, and the resulting losses and demoralisation. I find, too, that almost universally the question is askod: -"If tho employes of tho company had wrongs to redress, why did they not appeal to tho law? Gur state has provided a legal method for seltliug such troubles, and it ought to lie appealed to." ' Q, Hut our law cannot apply in the settlement of labor troubles originating in other stales? A—No, it cannot. But at the same time

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'.;'. .•<, •:•'• .J\:-'V*^ •5 >.*'' -A**'

e appealed to tor tne uujusiment' grievances or wrongs of which Kansas work ingmen complain, and it seems to mo that the people of Kansas, having, through their representatives in the legislature, provided a just and adequate law for the arbitration of labor troubles, ought not to bo annoyed and injured in their business, their commerce and their industries, by quarrels originating e >in other states. Kansas has done her duty ' in providing what the workingmen demand, r 'viz., legal arbitration, nnd Kansas working* rmeu should recognizo this fact aud act upon ^

Q—What do the Knights of Labor Ray? 1 A—Excopt as I havo hoard individual members of that organization express themselves, I have no means of knowing. But I heard several members of tho order express jthe opinion thnt there could bo no good ront o n for a "strike" in Kansns because of s;wrongs or grievances in Missouri or Texas. L'The members of that order understand that the laws of Kansas already embody nearly * ovary demand mado by their organization. I jTho Knights of Labor demand of tho states eleven things. Of theso, our laws provido J for the following: First—For tho establisbmuut of a bureau l o t labor statistics. ,o Second—Measures for tho health and |; safety of those engaged iu manufacturing j | and mining, etc. 3 Third—Tho recognition by Incorporation of trades' onions and other associations of 1 the working masses. Fourth—Giving mechanics nnd laborers a 3 first lien upon the products of their labor. Fifth—Legal arbitration. So far as other domands mado in tho platl!j form of the Knights of Labor- aro conoernod, some of thorn ore beyoud tho control of a state govornmont. But nearly all 3 essential and spociflo demands of tho order are already rocognizod by our laws, and, in addition, the homestead exemption law, embodied in our constitution, protects the homes of our workingmon against seizure or alienation. In brief, tho laws of Kauris, so far as tho interests of workingmon are concornod, aro more liberal, and afford more guarantees of protection nnd justice than thoso of any other stato of tho Union. Q. What do tho railroad officials say about tho striker1 A. I havo hoard nothing front thorn officially, and have talked only with Superintendent Fngnn. Ho is very reticent, but informed mo thnt ho hud instructions to do nothing without orders from the head-quarters of tho company. I do not know what tho policy of tho company is, orwill be. Q. Whnt Hiiggrstion would you make concerning tho trouble? A.—I would advise tho chief executive offl. cors of tho Knights of Labor to como bore at onco and rovoko the orders issued by tho Sedalia committee, at lonst so far as Kansas is

j concerned, i vmnK tnis siriKe is one of those described by Grand Master Powderly, I as one of the nine cases out of ten in which I thero was no necessity in Kansas for a strike. In other words, it is a case in which the strength of tho order is abused, and the effect of such action is to injuro the organis a t i o n . This is apparent in tho look of pubjlio sympathy with the strikers, and in tl e {discontent nnd grumbling among the mon themselves nt tho order issued. During the strike of last year, publio sympathy was overwhelmingly with the strikers, and the ion wore as united as they were earnest. INOW publio opinion deplores tho action of •the men nnd fails to recognize the necessity Ifor a strike, and mnny of the men who nre lout Aro discontented, or nt least lack heart |or spirit in the movement inaugurated. Q.—How aro the men behaving? A.-r-With remarkable sobriety, good tem II w and good order. They nro quiet, pence* I Wo and Rolf rosnocting. They say that they do not intond ti violnto nny law. Their committee assurld mo thnt they had not and woald not forcibly obstruct the movements [of trains. Thoy Lloclarcd that tho trains iweronotrunningyimply boennso the company had no mon Willing to run them, and not bocnuso the/ (l.c strikers) hnd forcibly or illegally obstructed tho rood. They are guarding the c o m r W o properly against loss or dnrnngo as cnVofolly as if it was thoir I own. ^.


. Letter to Commander Bnrdett from Governor alartln Showing Whit Kansas Ha*\ Done for the Brave Defender* at the BepnbUe i—Newt Notes, Ktc Torino, M e lT.-lBpeclaLl The foveroor today addressed \bc following self-explanatory Utter to 8. S. Bardett KXECUTlvi DSriRTXSNT, «TAT1 or K>«ses, I \ TorsKA.Jone 10, IBM. I 8. 8. Burrtett, e*q., Commander In Chief Ottnd Army of tho ItApubllc, Washington, D. C. 8in:-Yoor letfy of tbe IStb olt.. requesting a statement of wha\ has been dono by too stale oi Kansas, "tbrongh Jrovtslon msdo by the U|lslatlye authorities, Iu sld o\ the eorvlvort of the armies on Ibo Union, who participated In «be war of v i m hellion, or for Ihe wlicwt snd orphan*, or for other dependent r*t*tive*.S»aeduly received. In reply, the following tarn an presented: ,..•._.. In \W! tho legielaluTu pa*»cd »n sol, declaringis follow*: "That ihetUln borchy provide* for lhe care snd in«inlenamouiid etiucallcu of allorpnana aud miuor children, w»o, by roeion of VJ* dtelh or service of th* parental or oaiurul protectoti in ino military isrvlce of (tie United • tatci. dorlog lbs Uie w«r, Io aoy volnntoer rcKimeni. be.ioi/ or DMislion, by eulmmcnl frceit tb»» elite, hire be«u soorlved of fee means of inch rare, inslnteoance' ana education; provided, ThW act not apply In **£«•« Uonittfter ihoOtuday of April, ito, or to minors over the aae of 18 years." ' Other .ectlooi provided thil tb* Htalo anlversltv, |Ul« Normal lebool, sod Slat* Agricoltaial collose iliould each "rccelf. maintain »nd

_ cfitldrcn, upon me terma and conditions pre* bed In thla acts" tbat the gorernor fhould ap»«rlUepoint ia board of commissioners "for the care of the Jestltute orpbaneand children of tbe anldlora of deatlti 'the atate of Kinees;" and that the regenta of the State university, Normal achool and Agricultural college should "receive, maintain and educate all children placed In their caro by the board of commissioner*, and ahall receive therefor a sum not exceeding W per week." It waa further provided that "all bills and accounts, made under tills act, chould be sustained l>y affidavit, and approved by the cdmtnlssloncrs, tbe governor and atato auditor, find paid b» the atate treaaurer ont of any mooevs In the scat?treasury not otberwlaa appropriated." I have not been able to ascertain that any tbiug was done to carry out the provlalooa of thla act,. II had reference, ton will observe, only to tbe orphan* and minor children of soldiers who enlisted In Kansas regiments or batteries, or wbo were born prior to the 9th day of April, 1888, and It did not apply to minora over the age or id yeara. It I* provable, therefore, that these limitations reduced the number of orphans or minor cbildren entitled to the] bounty of tho atate, and • whose f


I 5

er*nta or protectora were onablo *to ruamtin and educate tbem, to such a small number i I that no applications wore cvor made lo tbe commie| alonera to make provision for the care, maintenance and education of orpbana or minor children | | of soldiers. Hen«e, It aeema that thla law waa , largely a dead letter on the etatnte book, and aa It waa enacted nineteen yeara agu it la nqw, by reaaon of the limitation embodied In tbe proviso I have quoted wholly, .Inoperative. •>• ' i •In 1883, the newspapers of the state presented and advocated a proposition to take a cenfue of all soldiers living In Kansas. The legislature'of 18*1 , made provision for such enrollment, and this work was done by the township and city assessors la I 1883, and again In 1885. Tbo retorna of the assess-J era wore comptrev>by the connty clerki'nrtbe »uv- ] eral counties, and by tbeni transmitted loth* adjn- f 'tant general of the state. Tbe legislature of ltMB made an appropriation for tho clerical work necessary to record the name of each soldier residing In .Kansas, and this work la now m progress, Tbo | names are being recorded In books aapeclally prepared for that purpose, and tbeae records, when j completed, will give tbe poetofflce addresa of every Midler uow.llvlag In Kansas, the regiment and mpany In Which company which he he served, his rank, and tbe StlffromInwhich slat* h» enllstod, The records for eight states,'vtc., KaaiaaVnilpele, Indiana, 6 8 0 , Michigan, New York, Minnesola and Wlleooeln, are now

fAh&fee, aClty or Alcnison Oitssourl beanttful tract of' land overloo andilao tirOOOla-; rlvorand embracing iflOacree cash. The building will probabl]y be ready for the reception of orphan children by tthe 1st ot January. prox. I need not tell you that Kansaa Is preeminently a soldier state. Occupying, as yon do, tbe exalted be Beposltlon at the head of the Grand Army of the ubllc, you have before you facta, flgurea and (lalallcatocatabl'ah tlita. I refer to thla only** an assurance tbat the capacity or tho "Soldier*'orphan*' bnmc" will be enlarged from lime to time, to meet nil demands for room for Inil Tout orpbau cbildren ot tbe defendor* of tbe republic. At tbe special session ot itKo, auouiur law wa« passed by the legislature, entitled "An act rebating to the appointment and employment of persons who served and have been honorably discharged from tbe array and navy of tbe United States.' I Inclose you a full copy of thla law, which provide* that tho living soldiers shall have J u t official recognition. Voura very truly,





jethpltted.' Oyqr .flOjr-OOname* •*•*»•

relurt, ,ard of'these over TD.OOO are soldier* *rpt» Ullnola, over 10,000 from Kansas, ovef »,0f0 from Indiana, and over W)fio from Ohio. It la bellaved that more than 100,000Union sold ers tow re-1 wide n thla state, and that nearly every regiment In the, service baa representailves In Kansas. The purpose of the enrollment thus made I* to enable | aoldlera to aaoertalo, on application to tbe adjutant general, the poatofflce address of surviving comrades whoinay be living In thla state. ;>At the regular aeaaion of 1880 two law* were passed—one to provide for honorably discharged axunion soldiers; sailors and marines who may hereafter die without leaving n e n i to defray funeral expenses, and to provide headstones to mark their graves, and the other to establish a aoldlera' orphans' home, and for tho govortnent and malataluance thereof,x and making an appropriation therefor. :i^> - > 'I send you a full copy of the first mentioned act. It provides, as yon will see, that tbe old veterana who won tbe battlea of the Union, but failed In the uneven battle of life, sbail have bonorable bdrlal at the expense of the public. The aecond act, that providing for tbe establishment of a'soldiers'orphans' home, declare* that "said aoldlera' orphans' borne shall bo un institution for the nurture, education and maintenance, ' Without charge, for all indigent children of aoldlera who served In the army or navy of the Union during i ho lalo re bellion, and wbo have been disabled from wound* or disease, or who have alncc diod in Iml.icnt c.rcumsiancea, and other Indigent orpuan children of r the atato." y-,Tble home haa been located at the city of Atehleon, and the building la now In uroyress of erection. The plana have been prepared to accomodate about 800 Inmates, In a building about ifcli foot la length, with an average wldtb of aometb ugovrr fifty feet and four finished stories, but tht present appropriation, 130,000, will only udmit of boUdlng one about 108 feet lo length, wltb *ccqmmoda|lnn*<| for about 100, besides officers and emp'-

Mgem he Atehlsett I M w y '.» *•* Ttoelr B*«pe«t* to Tw» of (Brand omeer*. JAn laiereatfng clrclei yesterday , olltjof Qrjm Ifym Grand Secretary" Del* of the Brothl*


oeptlon tendered 4«« them injbe ev Apollo' bill." The d^gulsued men arrived on tte r^eltfanta *> at 5:86 p. m- diret^mfcoeAngel; ^ p e n l e ^ ' ^ tntlr.^-jfc' They • net at the depot V » •P #oW ™* committee, cbniUting or Eugene fa. p. galUbtityJWk/JohDJon, Maiden, J. #)Sfoer,'E. Gibson, ant,If. Wexneg^ndJ. V-P** illroad Centre I&g? Nojt, « f 'the'BirattVtrhtori Wg«nui


trodueod by M* Clark, who bad me] -party at Topeka. *• v'"- ' ' •}• The reception' "at tbe hall « u pa&Jlc, and drew out a large attendance of .-the firemen'and their ladles, besides many citizens. Plremen were present ftom aobordloate lodges all over Kansas, Nebraska and Missouri, and the affair^ ,fegarded as a red letter evet?J. . • ^ , . The proceedings were opened by Phillips1 Band. B. B. Clerk presided, and after prayer by. Rev.£ B^MuUonUntroduced as thefirstspeaker of the eveplog Gov. John A. Martin, who, as the Chief Executive of the State, had come over from Topeka to deliver an address of

welcome tojthe visitingJmuxd/^oB Qov. Martin spoke asjdl!oV«r l 4 i 4 ^ Ladiet and Gentlemen—Grand Offiurt of] the Brotherhood of ZoeombfiM Firemen: I Within the past half "century the employments of men have multiplied enorW I mously. Thousands of people are f QW eagerly tolling, with hand and brain, at I occupations that, within the lifetime 'jEfj many jiving men, were not dreamed of J The telegraph and the telephone, now furnishing a t u t multitude of men and W men with employment, are among tbe most recent contributions to the world's industry, conveniences ana happiness. And within the present century that mar. v^lous machine with which you are so familiar, tbe locomotive, took form and •hape in the Inventive brain of Robe Stephenson. ' ' .< ... «V.-»'. vl'Mi i It is doubtful whether any invention I any age—with the possible exception Qfl that great motive power of all modern life, the printing press—has brought sucb changes In the life, work and- thought of mankind M h u the locomotive. It baa annihilated distances; it has wedded the oceans flowing on either aide of great'eoh. tlnents; it has crowded the most remote and inaccessible regions with busy and prosperous life; it h u transformed all tbe methods and systems of human labor and activity: It has so assimilated different peo.' pie, by tbe speedy and direct cotnmunlca. tlon It. b u afforded them, that tbe woj-jd la becoming cosmopolitan, and it has created a new employment, engaging a yai' army of trained and "skilled workmen.'1; One is amazed, on looking up tbe fact, lo learn how brief, la the time in which this marvelous revolution h u been wrought, and bow t u t Is the business corv ducted on tbe Iron net which now check.1 ers almost the satire surface of this civil. Ized world. Thousands of me* are still living who read the contemporary accounts of Stephenson's first successful experiment. His queer old locomotive, tbe f, Wocket," made its trial trip In September, 1820, not quite fifty-seven years sgo, an the first successful railroad, that Trot Liverpool to Mancbuter, England, was' formally opened on tbe 15th of Sepujpber,! 1880. Contemporaneous erporfmenta were made in this country, however, and op tbe 80th of August, 1830, a trial was made a locomotive built by tire late Peter Cooper, of JJew-York, on a road lrptu.Bal-. tlmore to, Ellloott'a Mills. Mr. Cooper's locomotive, however, w u a diminutive machine of only one horse power, and On tbe return trip to Baltimore it w u beaten in speed by a pair of horses. Exactly four months after tbp opening of the Liverpool and Manchester road, or on tbe 10th day January, 1881, a railroad running out of Charleston, South Carolina, w u formally opened, the motive power being a small .locomotive built at West Point, Hew York; and on the 0th of August of the same year a trial trip waa made on.** load I from Albany.to BcUenpctady, Nj»w;York. These, however, were all mere expert-

lents, and tbeywerfl n o t uttendea wun remarkable success. The locomotives used were small machines, difficult to regulate, feeble in power, and dangerous to those j in charge of tbom. The first really suc- 5®a cessful railroad in fh|o country WW not opened until the lQth of May, 1884, and it ran from Boston to Newton, Mass, a distance of about eight miles. Our railway system is, therefore tbe growth of only a little more than fifty years, Thousands of living men have tnessed its beginning e,nd ite deyejop., »nt po Up present vast pioportionf And what a marvel it |s I There are now within tbe limits of the United State* fully 100,000 miles of railway track, or enough to reach around the globe nearly seven tiroes., Fully 80,000 locomotives drag the aomme'roe of tbe continent over these lines, and 30,000 passenger cars and fully 900,000 freight cars are employed In transporting the travelers and merchandise of tbe country. In 1884—correct- statistics of later date net having been compiled— the freight trains of the United States ran »»ftgffregatoof 884,814,829, miles, and the aisebge? trains M aggregate of «iO0,ol0,~ 18 miles. During that year the railways carried 834,070,76(1 pusengers. and 300,074,749 tons of freight. In conducting this •ast business—the magnitude of which the humttii mtarl can hardly measure or comprehend-960,46M persons wore employed. In this State, which b u fust completed the first quarter-century of Its existence, there are 6,117 miles of railway track, over which more than three million pusengers and seven million tons of freight are annually carried, and nearly 700 locomotives and over 7,000 people are enu ployed in conducting this glgantfp business. You are representatives, therefore, of a great army of men employed In the mightlest work of modern times, and it affords me pleasure to meet and greet you. { know of no human avocation requiring greater skill, fidelity, sobriety, endurance and courage ' than does tbe work of tbe men who are employed on ous railways, and I am glad to odd that, Iq my ludg ment, there Is no body Of tr.en in tula country who more fairly and fully meet the requirement! of their arduous and re] sponsible station than do thoso who run the trains of our railways. And tills Is especially truo of the men/ who ride at the front, on that marvel of J, modern m»chaulsm, the locomotive. J Theirs Is tbe post of danger and of responsiblllty, and singularly liraye, cool, thoughtful, watchful, intelligent men they grow to bo. You will all, ,1 presume, become locomotive engineers. The wHy to the engineer's seat, I am Informed, is from tbe fireman's side. J hope promotion will not be slow. The engineers, It Is said, are tbe best paid body of skilled workmen in America. I hope this is true. If it Is not it ought to be, for certainly no body of skilled workmen- In America ryur/'"




... ^mtu'-


responsiDje position,' lior, In my -jent, is there a body of workmen" In America who more faithfully and —-'-«^discharge the duties of their post, engloeerg and thefiremenwho t them are employed In a work the ""nlKardtidus^but dange*"*3 7UP' ork that requires tier

; eye,

How the Jfatai Day of the Independence of J AnjeHoft Was Celebrated.


quick though!


timi the oddaqn ,jmes, Spirit of^;ln«Hyr. .war^jujiarmy *-xIn '^war. . M army rests Beourel securely camp by day, and sleeps peaceful

Throughout the Country with Booming of j Gannon, Speeches, fireworks. Eto. GOVEBIOB



To the People of Lindsborg on the Occasion of the Bepublio's Anniversary.

pgers or hillB add

the cab and fireman, sleetf,. Those who ride as p*aaenefmpilclt. confidence to, &%$* i W r a w tad the 'esourceW wtti the °*b' T n e j ; T!&*£;I deep, never thtokJng W| hey know tbat-wVfrWUA . track, and that everyttlri* toresfghl,care and" »kWcaq BiMter^wUr bo a o t ^ J f a S jerhapa, fully realize the mental foil ot the track take tangible f%gto*er*da *'•?»«!»» At rdaty.ua faithful to its ntheyjook deatttothe over the embankment or auction—then a\r'real^e [ngeri they fad*, ind" ajft- j fu) heroism ot their dally I * j - i p , of your duties, and reSimles &,': however, unttP ^ d them'far better than do of "railway operations to ow -how, ,lntelHgerrtly;Md


iftst'qf your local commit. .„J.weIcome the chief officers & t t l o n . , I very. <#eerfuljy Atchison, where so, many of iraftsmen live, »nd In ttla a-a few yeartfwUl' Mye ay within lU limits .railway ottteUatafcttrfi*within lU limits large oodyjof frem ft State oi "any > lar t with a cofaial wel,s meet .. your visit will be atf agree. hat you will rettrfitto your ing with you only'pleasant "four brief sojQnrn in this wayahosp.able city, and of those whose noe you formed while here. •"•' address was jlstenod to £c I' alSention and cheered heartily.


•JS The sromrth at JMnd* i>or«, •




















LlfciMBOBb, July 5.—The fourth was celebrated here to-duy in a most enthusiastic and patriotlo manner, thousands of peopleflockinginto town to listen to the soul-stirring and eloquent address of Governor Martin, whioh was as follows: When I reoeifed thu invitation to attend this meeting ,1 did not think of " the day we celebrate," uor of what might occurr here, nor of what I 'could say to yon if I came. The in station to address an assemblage of Scandinavian people broke down the barriers of time and place, and awakened recollections of a body of men, bora on the Scandinavian peninsula, who,"nearly a quarter ol a century ago, were endeared to me by the strong ties of coumon hardships privations und dangers. For nearly three years the Kansas regiment I bad the honor to command, tented, marched and fought by the side of a regiment of Scandinavians. And when the brave but unfortunate commander of that regiment. Colonel Hans C. Heg. was mortally wounded at the battle of Ghicamauga, I succeeded him in command of the brigade. I speak from pertonal knowledge, therefore, when I say that the -Scandinavian people who have immigrated to this country, und sworn allegiance to its constitution and its laws, 'are thorough Americans. I have seen their loyalty and devotion tested in the fiery furnace of battle, and by the most arduous and trying campaign*. I know, also, something ofthe work the Scandivavian people have done in developing the Msources of this fair young state. Our eaniu* returns and our agricultural report*, in telling the story of the wonderful growth and prosperity of those sections of Kansas in which the Scandinavian settlers are located, tell, also, the story of their industry, their enterprise and their thrift. And so, when I received your kind invitation to attend this meeting, my inclination to accept it, as I wrote Professor Swenson, was very strong. I wanted to

avail my seiror lOOn at) opportunity ro^atf knowleuged two important facts concerning Scandinavian-Americans—Brat, the sturdy courage and splendid patriotism I had seen illustrated, by them, daring our late civil war; and, second,, that as citizens of Kansas they had done their full share in making this a great, prosperous, law-respecting commonwealth. This duty I gladly discharge. With reverent gratitude I recall the services of the men from the Scandinavian Peninsula who mustered •under the flag of the Fifteenth Wisconsin, and with admiring wonder I look around me and see the substantial evidences of your industry, energy and enterprise. One hundred and seven years ago, after the Americans hod carried the British works at Stoney Point, the commanding general, Anthony Wayne, sent to Wash* ington a letter which read: "Dear General: The American Hag waves here." That was all. But it told all. To-oay the _ American flag waves here and everywhere, from the northern lakes to the gulf, ana from the Atlantic to the Pacific. And wherever it waves it- is the symbol of peace, order, education, progress and freedom. It is the flag of sixty million people, and dear to them, one and all, because it is the flag of a republic where each man is the equal of every other man, in rights and privileges as well as in duties and responsibilities. It is your flag as it is my (Ian—mine by jfbirth, yours by adoption. You have a right, therefore, to celebrate the anniversary of our national independence. The | impulse which led you to leave tho land of your birth and establish homes in tho new world, was that love of freedom and faith in humanity which is tho soul of the (treat i'delaration. Thousands of men of your J-race and blood have fought and suffered I 'and died for the flag of this ropublic. ; jThcir services and sacrifices and your own ! 'choice bavo made you heirs to tho common ijheritago of American citizenship—individual liberty and security, a fair chance i '-to work and win, the sovereignty of electors, and the protection of just laws. No (government can give more than this, and mo fair-minded and independent man ex: ipects or asks more of any government. Jn exchanging the rocks ami snows of iweden for the broad prairies and rich , oil of Kansas, you have not only benejjfited yourselves ;but you have benefited the Htate. I do not depreciate your native laud. I know something of its history and its resources. Compared with ! 3tbe vast areas of tho United Suites, the ""xuidinavian peninsula is not a large tertory. It includes less than 1100.000 iuan' miles; it has a population not exfeeding MX million; and its sterile soil yields grudgingly. Out amid its j^ocks and snows a hardy nnd energetic people have lived and worked since the dawn ot civilization. From the bleak and barren hills of this peninsula came the earliest forms of constitutional government. There, too, is found not only the oldest aristocracy of Europe, but the stur-



people. For, of the Swedes, not one in a U thousand is unable to read and write, and "fe 3 f f & " ? who '2« 0 ? t b e lande <- Property in 8 the kingdom. This peninsula, tooVis rich 1 in historic names. Gustavus Adolphus and Charles XII justly rank among the greatest ruler* and soldiers tho world has « E L ? 0 V D - ' A . m 0 D « statesmen, Oxenstiem deserves his world-wide fame, and among aiUsta there is no name brighter than that <* Thorwaldsen. In literature' the'writing, of onTegner, Fredrika Bremer 1 aSh'fc ?) *°* a™ " familliar to T k f « - ?J?ea1k"1& P«°l ),e •• to tho Swedes. Ihe mystic philosophy of Emanuel Swedentc ed a n •students t u t t i? Ti , tcountries. , ^ wcrtoined the of all And among S 3 £ fe8-tbe • N e , l l 8 0 n ? A » o«r cenSffS/ e i i b li b l t l o n .' i n . im< l »Pe°t many delightful days in tho Swedish department, and I remember with still vivid interest, its unequaled specimens of woodcartuig.andthe paint£gs in which tho •ffect Wof moonlight on the «!£Li* * S J "Produced with such mamlooi fidelity and skill.. T h e f a > haired people of the Scandinavian peninsula have indeed stamped their iuo press upon the history, the literature, the arts, the industries, and the laws and government of tho whole civilized world, and alwajlTthV tffluehce" exerted by their teaching and example has been wholesome and beneficent. . We are interested now, however in the Scandinavian people in America, and not those remaining on the peninsula. The census of 1880 shows that there are 440,262 Scandinavians—Swedes, Norwegians and Danes—in the United States, and of these 194,337 are 8wedes. Thecenxusof Kansas also reveals tho fact that 11,207 of our citizens are of Swedish birth. This county of McPhersou has within its limits tbe largest number, or 2,117; 8aline county hasi 1,636; and Riley, Osage, Bepublic and Clay have each over 600 citizens of Swedish birth within their limits. That they make good citizens is a fact universally acknowledged. Wherever they have settled, improvement and prosperity abound, and ichools and churches multiply. They are, too, thorough Americans. They do not want to go back to the bleak, snowclad hills and the vast forests of their native land, nor do they bring with them to this country that distrust of rulers and of law which arravs them against our government at if it was a natural enemy. They do not figure largely in politics; they prefer to attend to more material and personal concerns, building homes, conducting business and manLfacturing industries, establishing schools for their children. erecting churches and accumulating property. They do not, however, neglect the duties and respunsi bilities of the citizenship they have as< turned; they study to discharge these, not * n '.-•••. 7: %i'Y

7-> •*-'% 4k* *"\


,._,*. individuality ancfpiWbrJKi, Hence, in exchanging the rooks and snows of Sweden for the soil and sunshine of Kansas, our Swedish citizens have,, as I have said, benefitted, not only themselves; bat the young state with whose fortunes they have linked their own. _»'',•• i£There are some foreigners whose coming to America is a public disaster. These ire the men who, degraded and embittered y the oppression of despotic governments, confound liberty with license and lawlessness, and can see no difference be*j1 tWeen the president of the United Stater and the Ctar of Russia. The tolerance oi our lawp, the liberality of out system o government, allows such freedom a speech and of action that the»e men,., abusing and outraging the liberty they are! permitted, for the first time in their l{tes,1 to enjoy, at once array themselves as I enemies of all law and all government They cannot comprehend the fact that laws are as necessary to the human race as) the air we breathe. They cannot .under: Ythe difference between an orbit) •tism and a government "of the>y the people, for the people." " they unfurl is the flag of the rot .. id the murderer. Their liberty is the cry of the wo in-*;, the forest seeking for his pre;'.' is/'ho wonder that puolio indignation _ . intensifying against these miscreants, audi that the demand for laws ^tbat will dealI wit^them pwuipty audsttailv; is W«aU| inginto a popular clarao?. Lesstnanal quarter of a century ago pore thantw^J milUon men rallied around their.count •-^VifiM ohetffujly offered their 1 apubjlo mi that the repuBllo might he preserve* lajAitotiouA banner--the wayeoW'w of the stars and stripes. ItUtbe^Mfl ..^orktown, orktown, and Gettysburg, and ana >$hlq -J.—. aand „A VtMritmrcr. aoga, Yicksburg, and Appomatw: Appomatf $ery man who lives where itfloat*j leman and" a sovereign. IlisthVii_ t'of Abe only real republic on the face < k earth. It is the flag of the only go* Knent where every ms» 'is free to < hateoeverbe, pleases as l$te as hVd< .of Invade the rights andftreedpm bt L bllf w m an.' It is the banner .of the nu pened this rich and beautiful tee'gift to all, native and for* llike. And any man, no matbe was born, who seeks to deglbrious old dag, or to substitute in us stead the rejl rag of the robber and the anarchist, ought to enjbj, for an indefinite period, the liberty of the penitentiary. I am glad to say that the Swedish settlers in the United States have never been accused or suspected of either sympathy or affiliation with the wratooeji who flaunt the red flag and affect to Mlieve that all government is tyranny, ana property is robbery. This country is not only a free country, but its government is the perfection of human wiadotftj**1*

vhe dawn ot its existence, the United States has been heir to the ripest harvests of the world's learning and experience. England. France, Germany and Sweden, struggled through long centuries of barbarism, ignorance and oppression before they wrested from force and kingcraft the rotection of constitutional government, ur forefathers brought with them, across the ocean, the fruits of this experience. They loved liberty, and they braved the isolation and dangers of an unknown land in order to enjoy it. Transmitted from sire to son, and broadening and ^strengthening for a hundred years, the .ideas and the aspirations of the men who landed at Plymouth and at Jamestown at last found expression in the declaration of independence. "This immortal state paper," says Bencroft, "was the soul of the country at that timej the revelation of jts mind when, in its vouth, its enthusiasm, its sublime confronting of danger,] it rose to the highest creative powers of which man is capable. 7The heart of Jefferson in writing the declaration, and of congress in adopting it, beat for all humanity; the assertion of right was made for the entire world of mankind, without any exception whatever, for the proposition which admits of exceptions can never be selt-evident." It was inevitable that the successful maintenance if the rights asserted in the declaration, and the establishment of a government based upon the self* evident truths it affirmed, should not. only exercise a potent influence upon the civil institutions of the world, but attract to this country the most energetic, daring and aspiring spirits of all civilizednations. enjoyment of thf product* of U'K indn.ii.rv nod skill. ':' If it wim grout to be a Roman citizen oenturicM ngo, it is glorl6us to-day to be a citizen of the United States. What nation enjoys.suoh, a Splendid fame as ours? What other people 1B SO opulent in the blessings of liberty, intelligence and peace ? What oountry can boast of a ha pier und more" prosperous present, or a


more hopeful future.? We have no venerable antiquity to look back upon, butf what nation, old or young, haa enrichedhistory with so long*list of immortal names— the names of •jurists sueh as Jay and Mar-" shall; or statesmen equalling Adams, Jefferson, Hamilton, Seward and Blaine; or orators rivaling Patrick Henry, Webster, I Clay, Douglas, Morton und Sumner; or I soldiers equalling Washington, Jackson, i



rant, snerman and I'nomas; or philosophers such aa ,, Benjamin Franklin; or poets of nobler fame than Longfellow, Bryant, Lowell, and Whittier; or financiers greater than Morris, Gallatin, .Chase and Sherman; or historians such aa Bancroft, Presoott and Motley. And wharage or country, marshalling all its proud names, and blending the splendid qualities of eaoh in a single person, can nmtck'jhe powering greatness of him who was at once, statesman, orator, philosopner, hero, patriot and wise ruler —Abraham Lincoln. The citizens of the United Siates are heir,, to the rights of the declaration, the guarantees of the constitution, the protection of the flag, and the .fame and glory of all the splendid name* I have mentioned. It is, therefore, glorious to be a oitisen of this republic, und in leaving the bleak Scandinavian peninsula and coming to •aXsMrioa; you have'made a wise exchange. The true fatherland is the land of equal riahts, The best country is that which affords to all its citizens the best opportunities for acquiring happy home*. The best government is that which makes all men equal before the throne of its constitution and its laws. This country, this govortment, as I firmly believe, it the United States. Tou share in this belief, and so believing you have taken our national festival to your hearts, and made it your festival to celebrate,,to be proud of, to honor and to revero. I greet you, therefore, not as Swedes but as teliow cititens. I rejoice in yonr prosperity. I acknowledge the brave, energetio part you have taken in the work of developing the resources of Kansas. I Sladly join with you in celebrating lie festival of liberty* Tou and your kindred have witnessed the full fruition of {.the predictions which one of our greatest L poet* attributes to a prophetess of your ftace, who lived centuries ago: is I'

Mtu from th* Northland. V1«B fxoui ib« Southland,


No more than manhood Bring tU»y, sod baud*.


A < , .; 9»


Here ehatl mea grow 04, Strong from •elf-helping. Bjaaiur tbepreeent Briog they aa e*gl«.\ Bliuu to the put. They t ball stake over Oreed, la* and oiuilom; Driving-men, doughty Builder* ol emplro. Builder* of men. Over th* ruin. See I the promlae; Orlap wavee the ooraaeld. Peeoe-waUad, tha bona eat arm Welte, opvu-doored.


Bar* all la all men'e, < *»T» only wtodom; ' ' King h« that wins her; Him hall hey helmemttn. Highest ol heart.


II gbt make* no matter Hare auy longer; Sword It 11.t iw yer; Hare e'en the god* are ttelfl&h DO more. Walking the sew larlb Lo, a divine oae Greet* all men g;d lk«, Oalla iiiem the kindred. He, the Divine. Is it Tbor's htnunar ' Han in hit light hand! Weapo ; 1«M walk a be; ; It it the WhiteOnrttt, Stronger than Thor. Here ahaU a Nation rjk* Mighty in manhood; . Juttioe and Merer '• Bar* tat a atroogbold > Safe without apear. Weak > H lbs Old World. Wearl.y war- enoed) Out of ita atbee, Strong aa the umningN Sptingeth the new. Beauty of nromiae, Promlte of beauty, Baft la the ellenos Bleep thou, till oomatti Light to thy hdtl


Thee tball awaken Fame from the foruaoe, Bath of all brave one*. Oleaster of oonaelencaf Welder of will.


Lowly tball love thee. Thee, open banded I Stalwart thall inlaid wee, Thee, worth their bett blood. Waif of the WeeU


Than tball come tlngurt. Singing no twatr aotig, Bird oaroU, rather, Meat for the man cot:i Mighty of boue.


I1u Capital. J, K. HUDSON!; Editor and Proprietor. FRIDAY HORNING, JULY 9, IbW.

Dark hair and fair hair. Bed Wood aad blue blood. Thar* ahaU ha mingled: Puroe or the ferment, kUkaa the Jlew Man. Than wal u th* Maw land: fbey tball subdue It, L*«»lug their toot' Sofia Spaoe lor tha body, Hpeon for the «ooL


jK€-*/j,. •. 'ctcfiH

NO TIHIRD TERMS. James W. Hamilton, of Samner County, dominated for Treasurer. TIM




The Remainder of the Stat? Ticket Renom-| ioated. THEQOVERNOR'3 AIJDRESS.I The Few State Central Oommittee-A] Harmonious Convention.


The convention was called to order at la. m. A /Captain J. B. Johnson, chairman of the I committee on Isolations, reported that I the committee had considered the three I I resolutions referred to them at the even* it&session, and ti^y' believed, that the! /original report'of the committee be adoptThe three addTttonal resolutions in la of the committee were thow £~ Colonel"1*Anthony on prohibition, jftge Thacher on the strike, und W. H:, IcBride on railroad legislation. '• <', [ v<*The report Of the committee was theji badopted. • ,. ., •>,( fa Hon.. ,W. H. McBnde, of Phillips county, again offered their resolution which hehad offered'on the previous evening, a}* .follows :'•;'"•:'* • , . r '£*, .'': Rtiiolvta, That railroads derive all their powers from the state and ara responsible to the state for the manner in which they exe'reise such powers, we demand that the present lailroad laws be so amended aa', to Unequivocally re«>t on the board of rail' road commissioners all necessary' power'to establish rates for the transportation of freights upon the various railroads in the state; aria that such rates should be so adjusted that the railroads should receive a reasonable enumeration for the services performed by them, .flat should not be permitted to establish rates to raise a revenue to ^>e applied in payment of dividends on ; illegal and excessive issues of stock or '\lnterest on fictitious indebtedness, and we .pledge oursMves to support such measures and laws is may be necessary to discountenance such practice. • ,r Mr. McBride said that this was the identical resolution that had been incorporated in the platform of the republican party of this state two years ago without a dissenting vote. HH hoped that this convention would stand by the rights of fiie people. ' . " ' . • Captain J . B . Johnson said he was in | favor of regulating railroads, but he didn't > see any use of putting a lot of stuff into [ the platform in excess of what we now [had. We( already have a good railroad »w, and aUoaid of railroad comirJif'sjtoriBTF, arid no one has ever heard of a railoac) company who dared to violate the lings and decisions of that board. The ^t''. nave been greatly reduced, and I do m"believe we should now be carried away > fla-h of sentiment. He did not think ibt , the,•'•people of this state, who are ^pecting'.so many railroads to come into bs f tatej desired to drive them away by the1 passage of such laws as asked for. r-iMr ,' Jihnson then moved the previous •,f;'M>»'. A. W. Smith said he didn't thinkl it vyuo lair for Mr. Johnson to make al lens;.hy speech against this resolution, andl then move the previous question. He re-l minded Mr. Johdson that two yean ago! he had pledged himself against the. rail-' »OB He said that under the rule*. Mr.

McBnde would have the privilege of elosin$r M-" discussion. Mr. McBride then took the floor, arid' wanted to know whether certain gentle-' men on this floor were representatives of | the r<''pnolioan party or of the railroad corporations; he thought that the present I railroad law ought to be wiped from the statutes and an effective law placed in its , stead. Mr. McNall moved that the roil be called on the motion, to suspend the rules and adopt McBride's resolution as a part I of the pfaiform. Mr. McBride's resolution was defeated by a vote of 147 to 260. TY.efifteenvotes of Shawnee county were Wjainst the resolution. _ A resolution was unanimously adopted lioii' ing speeches tofive,minutes. A recess of ten minutes was then taken for the purpose of giving time to arrange the K-ato central committee, each judicial] diMrict being entitled to one member.! Thi- secretary then called the roll, and as | end; judicial district was called, they announced the member of the central com-l niittee chosen by '.heir respeclivedistricts,] as fallows: First district—Dr. S. G. Cooper, Oska-I SeJ-md district-fc\ D. Mil)*, of Atchison. Tliird district—A. H. Vance, of Topeka. | Fourth district—Dr. Thomas Lindsay, of Girnett. Fifth district—S. A. Martin, of Greenwood county. Sixth district—Elden Lowe, of Fort| Scott. Seventh district—R. B. Stevenson, of] lola. Klyhth dis rict Dr.. D. V,i Harvey, of I |)livi., county. Nmili district—Captain Ilkrvey Brand > > . i«f Matlleld Greet. I'lMi'h disUlot-fW, II, Williums, of| |Osi .vromie. Eleventh district—Charle- Yoe. of Montlgnm»ry county. Tvciftb di.vriet-W. W Walton, of I BJIltV J.Vntor. Thirteenth district—K. A frMithow, of I ySJ'i'vltty county. V wU'i'uth district—M. 1). Sampson, |of S ilina rilleenth . Tw.'ntv second district—Phil. Kellcy, White Cloud. Twenty-third district—W. A. Ogden, Nivs City. L_Twenty-fourth district — George W.

John Alexander Martin, newspaper clippings, 1885 to 1887, held by Richard Tonsing, 145 Plaza Dr., # 508, Vallejo, California, -USA 94591-3706.

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John Alexander Martin, newspaper clippings, 1885 to 1887, held by Richard Tonsing, 145 Plaza Dr., # 508, Vallejo, California, -USA 94591-3706.

sled by their rotes teat misrule, misrep-; I resentation and nullification of the laws' I were intolerable to a patriotic, intelligent J and sober people. Jjj| The administration of Governor Martin ] has done great honor and credit state. Absolutely incorruptible as ajffifth; unassailable in his purity as a public servo nt, has looked' tti the constitution and I the laws as his only guide, and the obU-< gations of his ouh of offl-.e, taken in to* | name and preserae of a watchful Gflftt with scrupulous Idelity, have been sac$H-| ly observed. A » In'presenting'nis name to, this conven-l tion I do so with the greater satisfaction, knowing that I am not alone voicing the j sentiments of the, local delegation to which I belong, but* that the republicans ot the whole state, profoundly sensible of the service he has rendered, have directed thai he alone shall be considered as the | one man to lead their hosts to victory. I. therefore, nominate as the candidate of the republican party for the office of governor Of this loyal state that defender of her honor, that stalwart guardian of her jaws, Colonel John A. Martin, of | Atchison. At the close of Mr. Smith's address there was the loudest applause and the | convention arose and gave three vociferous cheers for Governor John A'. Martin. The nomination was seconded by Colonel J. H. Crich ton, of Labette, and the chairman then appointed Mr. Tufts, of I Atchison, Senator Reddon, of Labette, and Mr. Richey, of Wabaunsee, to bring the] governor before the convention. > Hon, A. P Riddle was renominated for | lieutenant governor by acclamation. . On motion of a delegate from Sedgwick | county, Hon. E. B. Allen was by acclama•j j, tion renominated for ceoretary of state. T'ie committee which had been sent fori Governor Martin returned at this timej and.when the governor made his apt ance, tie was greeted with tumultuous I cheering, He was introduced by thai chairman, and spoke as foilows: Mr. Chairman and oentlemen of the contention; Two years ago the republican state con-1 ventioa conferred upo me the unprece dented honor of a nomination by acclamation for the office of governor. To-day, J by the generous confidence of the people you represent, and your own kindness and | partiality, I have been accorded the equally unprecedented honor of a unanimous! renomination. How proud I am of this co fldenee and regard, and how grateful I a you, and to the constituencies yon M' ally repre-l gent, language cannot express! The honor thus done me is far above and beyond my deserving. I realise this fact, humbly and forcibly. But from the bottom of my heart I thank you, one and all, and I beg you to bear back to your homes, and to those yon represent, the assurance of ra

profound appreciation and unspeakable3 I gratitude. I entered upon the discharge of the duties of the executive office a year and a| [ half ago, without previous training or experience. My distrust of my fitness fori such responsibilities was keen. But myl I trust in the kindness and generosity of the I people of Kansas, among whom all the I years of my manhood had been passed, and with whose hopes and fears, triumphs and disappointments, I had sympathized for nearly thirty years, was confident and I unbounded. This trust has sustained me through all the lights and shadows of mv I official life; it abides with me to-day in I the presence of this great convention of earnest and intelligent republicans, whose generous approbation warms and stirs every pulsation of my heart | and it will go with me in the future, whatsoever the emharassment*, failures or successes of my life shall be. 1 have no doubt that in the dischare of my official duties, I have made mistakes. No human judgment is infallible, nor can any man expect that all will recognize the reasons which, to him, seem to mark out clearly the line of action and of duty. It has happened, too, that my official life as chief executive of this state has been crowded thick with perplexities and difficulties, and f could not hope, amid such surroundiugs, to avoid errors or OHcapo criticisms. If I have on the one band, madu mistakes, I have not on the other complained of just and fair disagreement or disapproval, nor have I, when my own judgment and conscience approved ray actions, cowered or quailed before criticism or clamor. And my experience has, I trust, broadened the horizon of my views, as it has certainly strengthened my faith in the just judgment of a generous and intelligent people. One thing I can confidently assert, here in your presence. That is, that I have stemlily endeavored to deserve the respect and regard of the people of Kansas. I have never eared, 1 never shall care, whether any person eulogizes my official life us brilliant or distinguished, sc that all good citizens shall say tbat it was clean, just, safe, honest, and industrious. This is tin; only praise I hope to deserve or seek to win; this is tbo aim and end of my ambition. I come before a republican state convention, ;i3 a candidate for office for the last time. I recognize tbo propriety and justic of the sentiment which forbids a governor to aspire to a third term, and if, by the confidence, partiality and generosity of the people ot Kansas, I shall be again elected to the office I now hold, I shall, at tho close of my term, gladly return to the work and duty abandoned at their call, and, us a private citizen, will ontinue to labor for the success ot the glorious party you represent, and to advance the i-iter ests of this imperial commonwealth. The controversies, rivalries and jealous ies, thai ! t r e inevitable in an asscmbla


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of this character, are soon forgotten by alii1 who hare any honest faith in or real deTotion to the principles and policies of th« republican party. Far above, and far beyond, any mere personal ambition, or the gratification of any individual interest, are the ideas and principles which have bound together, for more than thirty years, the greatest, purest and most patriotic organization of intelligent people ever known in this or any other land; an organization which found this republio a collection of discordant states, and has made it a great nation, which has exalted the American name in every civilized country in the world, which baa enriched our historv with deeds and names that wilt inspire youth and exalt manhood during a'l the centuries to come; which has never been ashamed or afraid to espouse the cause of the poor, the weak, the alien or the ignorant, and make their wrongs its own, which to-day stands for all that makes American homes sober, happy and pure, American industry prosperous, and hopeful, and all who live beneath our flag secure and free, and which can be depended upon in the future to protect the interests of all classes of the people against the aggressions of corporate power. '•* ••"'••' I have read the platform you have adopted. It is a noble declaration of just principles, and honest .purposes. My judgment approve* it, my neart endorses \L "And 1 pledge voir, here and now, that wh Utsdewr I can do to give vitality to your declarations will be cheerfully, honestly and faithfully dono.' '.'• 1 .will not, gentlemen of the convention, trespass further on your time. You have duties to discharge, and you desire to givo them your att< ntion. I trust your deliberations will be pleasant and harmonious. 1 thank you sincerely and gratefully far the distinguished honor v of your confidence, .iyour >.. and wish yoa to express ' * Tp appreciato thoso jpu represent my tion of, aud thankfulness'-,., ytheir con-1 „_ stant and unfailing support. May peace, happiness and prosperity tibiae in your homes and theirs, and'may that order, security and contentment, which A law respecting, sober and intelligent people, can justly * X|*ct to enjoy, ,b4 tfitVcotnmon hertUtfo of. all the pcK)pW ol v tt{s great commonwealth. '"^S*.*"' *y At the close of the gofCrrio^l Address the convention adjourned unttyl :!x)> p. m.

At the «*• .pace In the building was ^ J " » J «ms seated with ohairs ami °y"j£j£mam

were here comfortably cored for. ()a the front of the stage was one of the most beautiful floral designs over on exhibition iu this city, Tho figure represented was that of the globe. White flower* represented the land and blue ones .represented the water. So comploto and exact was tho work iu construction Hint thoto fitting in the rear of the building could distinguish the different constituents. The exeroieos wero opened with prayer by Kev. Finley, of Brookfteld, Mo,, followed by the Modoo olub in one of their famous selections, which was greeted with deafening npplauso. Thto wns continued until the club reappeared, *] Governor Martin was introduced as the first speaker of the evening. With his usual good graco nud complimentary manner he spoke as follows: \ Luilict and OrntlcMm; \ The nnoxpected postponement of im official engagement tins opabled sit to meet with you this evening, and, through the courtesy of your executive committee, I have been chosen to preside ab this limiting. . / 1 am vory glad to know that tho "schoolmaster is abroad" to-day; and I rejoice, especially, to meet and greet the master and mistress of so many. American sohools. I rejoice for several reasons. This great asscmblag(|ot t aohers ihows how deep and mm uariiOtitii* ma interest yuu liave in your profession, nud it is, therefore, a happy and hopeful indication that the educational work of tho land isJm good hands. I am :lod that yon st-lectecj Aansns its your meetng place, because Kansas Is an object lesson that will Impress itiett upon your minds and hearts forever, And 1 rejoice over your coming, becuuse I know that you will return to your homes and jonr work with larger, broader views of our country, and of' the splendid system of sotiools which has made it what it is. L'ne people til Kansas are proud of many things portsiuing to their stato, but above everything else they place their sohools. The louellost region on oar receJiugf ronticr has never been without its school house—a dugout or sod house at first, perhaps, and these vanishing with the buffalo grnss, have given way to school houses always comfortably, and generally the mo«t stately buildings in the neighborhood. Indeed, it is the boast of Kansas that the best building iu every town and hamlet Is the school house, and wo have 8,000 of them. They dot evory hillside and valley, and account for tho fact that, in Kansas, tho proportion of people unable to read and write is smaller than in any other stato of the Union e*copt one. I will not, howevert occupy your time by attempting to mi\ko a speech. I take pleasure iu Introducing to yon my friend, Colonel \V. II. H Msioglon, who. on bohalf of the people of Kansas and of Topoka, will formally welcome you to tlio state and to its capital olty. [Mr. Hossinglon's address will bo found in full JU the second page of this paper.] The governor's address was frequently interrupted by npplauso, and at tho close great cheers followed.



"i'v l t W l . l | l„M,l.l.

•fflltti £

..m^Cavt" Protective AiRftocia] itilWrtonviuo. lasttfM6e.a&r,tao.joffl»j _ j | l o f the Asa^Slatio]*. Beiag.OK| ghS|kof No. lll/'^Thefe > O T 4 ^ d e M p e i present, roprfl^tihg^brml lOO^oal aasqeiationg,fflpiK>j t J t t o t a Gamofrpm'M^opxi, and nbvo,r 3fctih# ffi history otfNortonvffle £ & | f e e evor boon as manyraby President A; J $oug$r^;U:; Walter 'fetoiiif delivered* I j M ' ^ m m ^ address of ifrelopmo. MV

I ^^Hp^^p^b^f^erii*. oi

' iClinion county, <w& caile^dh to 'respond and ho di^ so svi^'.romavkabld s u c e K M o said at thjMteoC*'. t&w ih"frMift|^6haw'thei\h«<%as a' &ljfi o t aoP^^isdnrco^i? w'ohid' just' «f?||r tfcalfoi^o 'time ' i ^ V o t o d ^ . tim&fm 0 ! ne^^;io^ihe tio«p»pt|r|^co^stj,tutibn^V.v'&fttjv somo othor tbtttino maiJ p ^ T J g O . MoOar^';; p t o $ W t ,-pf iilj'r'eadth'o folloTfcftigletter'from

) . O.



' '*• <• V-.;

? ••'.^Nortonvilie..Kaaaa8. MfI)^Ai Smi—XaoktSarfrtodge the toceip'i'of your yjiry Inlaid letter of -Duly 24th, inviting me^fro'.be proaerit fat the mooting of tho 'JDpritral Projective Association^ at Ndnormlle, on Tuesday, August 3rd. :$lt does .hot Lriow^ebin possibly for Jlft to accent |youi?;,tond invitation. I; have boon compelled, by business bngag^ment*, S he absent fro|tttbo State for elov'ou ays past, and jpn^pay returning horno id a largo aceumulalioh of buniaoaa «^ring,t;i}ia^e|BfitH attontiprj.j'tf.I

IhaVllV UBllUV'J 1TOFTJTrereto c^ear Imyfdosk for several d*$ys to como, JnuJut would bo imponsible lor me, pinwr a'.ich circumBt^'ncos/lfarpraparo ItiivM an address an w-oold be editable ifor Inch an occasion. ThfJ^ato CenItral Committee alao hoklb-its tirat blag at Topc4M fnithfn'ly adIvrod to, and 'carried into piaotioivl titlect.


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Personally and ollicially I send you my yrctiug, and an a law-oilkcv oi the State. 1 w<)uld be glad'vt..j have the. oo-o pi-ration of any organization, »uch aa yours irf; in e'fTorta io aoouro obediouco to and respect for tho laws of *!'.',> Uuul. • With groat respoct, I am, Yonra, \cry truly. J-NO. A. T\1'AUTIH


STATE HOUSE NEWS. The County Seat Fight In Gove Counly Settlcd Yesterday—Other Matters. For several days past a delegation from Grove county, consisting of a committe of three from Graiuueld and a like number from Gove City, have been engaged at the governor's office examining and correcting the returns made by the census taker. A strong fight has boon curried on in Gove county for several months between the friends of Grainileld and those of Gove City—the two contestants for the county seat—which trouble was settled yesterday by the following brief submitted by Governor Martin: ExKrimvK DKI'A'RTMKNT, \ TOI'EKA, KAN., September 2, 1KSC. \

I have carefully examined and considered all the memorials and affidavit tiled in this office connected with the organization of Gove county. The returns made by the duly appoiutod census taker are not challenged, and all parties agree that it is the desire of the people that Gove county plmll be fully organized. The only questions remaining to be determined by the executive are, what placo shall be designated as tho temporary county seat, and who shall be appointed as tho county commissioners and county clork. Section 1. chapter !K), session laws of 1WW, provides, that "the governor shall appoint three persons, citizens of such unorganized county, to act as commissioners, and oue to act as county cleric, and may designate and declare the placo recommended by a majority of the logal voters in a memorial to the governor as a temporary county Heat for soch county." This provision, in so far as it relates to the designation of a temporary county seat, the attorney general construes us mandatory, and has so advised mil. That is, tho word ''may," as it is here mod, should bo construed as "shall." It permits the governor "dt-signato and declaro tho place recommonded by a majority of the legal voiers in a memorial to the governor, us a temporary county ..eat," and does not permit him todeolaro any other place, not so recommended by "a majority of the logal voters" as such temporary county seat. I have, in the organization of all counties presenting memorials, based my action on tms interpretation of the law, and shall bo govornod by the same considerations in organizing the county of Gove. I have no personal knowledge, und can have none, of the preferences and wishes of tho people touching the place they desire to have made the temporary county seat. 1 can ouly do termiue their preferences as they may be expressed in petitions presented to me, aud even if the law was not, as I regard it, mandatory in its requirements, I would still feel that the preference of a majority of the people, as expressed in a petition, should govern my action. The following facts aro shown, touching the organization of Govo county: First- -The official returns of tho census taker enroll the uames of 3,032 IHHIII jUUt inhabitants, Wll house holders, aud Ifil legal voters. Second—Memorials are presented, numerously signed, oue asking ttiat Gove City be declared the temporary county Beat, aud another asking that Grainileld be declared the temporary county seat

^TflB mumoriai~~xo n r a v* v^v,o ^*kV •signed by 036 persons'; * who represent the nisei ves as legal voters of the unorganized county of Gove. This is supplemented by a memorial, signed by nineteen persons, who lay that they had signed the memorial asking that Grainileld be designated as the temporary county seat, but now withdraw thoir tnames trim B'ich memorial, aud ask that u'Gove City bo designated as the temporary i county seat. The memorial in favor of Grainileld is i, signed by two hundred aud eighty-two (282) persons, who represent themselves as legal voters of the unorganized county of Gove. This is supplemented by memorials, signed by forty-three (43) persons, who say that they had signed the memorial usking that Gove City be designated ns tho temporary county seat, but now withdraw their names from such memorial, and ask thai Grainileld be designated as the temporary county seat. A supplemental memorial, ftvoring Grainfield, is filed, signed by thirty (30) uames, purporting to be those Of legal voters. Making the changes required by these supplemental memorials, tho memorialists of the uuorganized county of Govo express preferences as follows: For (lovn Oily 612 For U rain field 836 Majority for Govo City 270 Representatives of Grainileld, appearing before me, allege that the names of oue hundred and oighteen (11B) signers of tho Gove City petition do not appear on the census taker's rolls; that aevonty-four (74) names on samo petition are not tho names of legal voters; that three (3) of the uames are those of persons living in Sheridan county, aud that ten (10) names aro repeated—making a total of two hundred aud Ave (206) names that are challenged. In so far as the census taker'* returns aro concerned, it may fairly bo nssumod that he Has failed to enroll tho names of all legal Voters. The object Of the census taken by aim was to ascertain whether the county has two thousand live hundred (2,500) bona e inhabitants, and four hundred (100) ischuldurs, as required for organization. Hence, the enrolment is not, necessarily, a complete enrollment of either the inhabitants or of the legal voters. Bat if the two hundred aud flvo (206) names thus challenged should bo stnoken from the memorial favorir.g Gove City, the preferences of the legal voters would tin



For Oovo City For Uralutlelil Majority for (love City *, The representatives of Govo city appear ing before me, allege that the names of one hundred and thirty.seven (137) signers O* the Grainileld petition are nut legal voters the county of Gove.and that eight (8) names appear twioe on said Groiuttei memorial aud these allegations are supported by davits of citizens of the county of Gove. ., If the one hundred and forty five names thm challenged Hhould bo stricken from the memorial favoring Grainheld, the preferences of the logal voters would then be: For CJovn City ,.407 KorOrainflold ....181 Majority for Oovo City tiff It will thus bo seen that, in any view ot the case that may be presented, a fair majority of tho legal voters of Gove county who have expressed u preference on the question of locating the temporary county seat, are for Gove City — r—

jemay also be stated in another form. The census taker's enrollment ineludes the names of 7157 legal voters. A. majority of this number would be 379. There are 012 names on the Gove City memorial, (after deducting and adding those who petition to be changed,} an J of these 200 are challenged. Without passing upon the question whether these challenges are or are not valid, but deducting all the names challenged from the Gove City memorial, the remainder, 407, constitute a majority of the total numoer returned as legal voters by the ceuaus taker. Again there are three hundred and thirtysix (.130) names on the Graiufleld memorial (after deducting and adding those who petitioned to be changed,) and of tlwse, one hundred and forty-Ave (Hfi) are challenged. Without considering the question whether the.se challenges are or are not valid, but counting them as valid, the total of the signatures to the Groiunolii memorial, throe hundred and thirtj-six (U80) lack forty-three (43) of being a majority of tho legal voters as returned by the census taker. In view of all these facts, tt seems to me that that there can be no doubt concerning the preferences of the It gal voters of Gove county on the question of looating the temporary county seat Hence, I ' jtninh.' Gove City ns the temporary county cent of said county uf Gove. At a meeting of n committee appointed by oitizens of Gove county to secure th<> organisation of t


Governor of Kansas.

18:46 Mr. Edward Wilder, president of the Library association introduced Governor John A. Martin, whof ormally opened the festival in the following words. Ladies and Gentlemen: In responding to the request of the Misses Bristol to formally open this beautiful festival, I am fully aware of the fact that I have assumed a difficult role. My botanical education WHS sadly u ejected, and I had better confess at once that I know very little about flowers. I delight in their beauty. I have always believed that where plants are blooming in gardens and windows, it is an indication of a sweet and beautiful home life—of taste, of refinement, of hopefulness and inspiration. I have visited several of the most noted gardens in this oouutry, and found rare pleasure in their treasures of bud and blossom, of leaf and foliage. And yet if I were asked I could tell the names of very few of the plants in my garden. I am, however, glad to do whutsover I can to promote the success of this novel and beautiful festival of flowers, and especially to aid and encourage the ladies who have arranged it. Tbey have not only furnished the people of the capital city with a lovely exhibition, but have answered, practically, a question often asked: "What is there for a woman's hands to do?" Here is one occupation at leaxt, in which two women have aohitved a signal success; have supplied something a community wants, and have done it well: have found something to do which enlists at once their taste, their intelligence and their energies, and in doing it have benefitted the city in which they live as well as themselves. I very gladly, therefore, comply with their request, that I should formally open this festival. It is a beautifnl display of flowers, creditable alike to the ladies whose skill, taste and enterprise devised and arranged it, and to the city in which it is held. And now, speaking for them, I bid you one and all welcome, and deolare the flower show formally opened. During the remainder of the evening tho crowd passed around the hall viewing the many pretty si. hts. WHAT WAS TO BE B » N .


FESTIVAL OF FLOWEltS. TUB EX1IHJITION IBV BRISTOL SISTEBS OPENED ATLIDBAKY HAIL. Governor John A. Martin Delivers a Very Flttlng Address-Some Information Conceruli g This Novel Entertalnu rel="nofollow">«ut-

The chrjsautl emumthbw and floral exhi- • bitipn given by Bristol;SisWas was formally H oponedat Library hall last evening in the E M presence of a most brilliant assemblage. A short time before the doors opened?^, MawhaU's band rendered a few pieoes a n d n at 8:15 the doors were ihrown open andj ' during the evening fully five hundred people] passed in.


The first thing attracting the eye upon entering is an avenue of palms which leads one to the center of the hall. Hero the attraction is a large and handsome bed of ooleus and chrysanthemums, of shades of red and white. To the left of the center is an oblong bed of colens and chrysanthemums of white and shadei of yellow. Extending along both sides of the hall are pointed beds composed exclusively of ohryeauthemums of white and shades of pink. At the west end of the hall is a large fountain built up by shells, mosses and foliage, all of which make a most pleasing sight. The curtain bears the inscription: :


FLOUAL EXHIBITION, 1886. The walls are very beautifully decorated with pictures adorned with palm leaves, and twined around the ohondaliers was some •mllax. Token as a whole the sights pre*. tented to tho eye in the hall were most beautifnl indeed. The opening night of the exhibition was (•success in every way and it is only to be hoped that the remaining days during which it will be open to the public Wifl t... .... s#«1



INTERESTING CEREMONIES AT THE STATE UNIVERSITY. Dedication of the New Natural History Building Known as "Snow Hall"—A Neat Little Address by Governor Martin—ReKent A. G. OtU Deliver* a Few Appropriate Remark*. [Special to the Commonwealth [ LAWUKNOK, KAN., November IB.—To-day

the beautiful natural history building, an addition to the State nniveraity, was dedicated at Mt. Oread, jnst west of the main university building near Lawrence. The structure was most appropriately named in honor of Professor F. II. Bnow, the veteran of the nutnral history department of the institution, who haa spent the last twenty years most industriously and effeotifely in a labor of love in upbuilding the department of natural history. His reputation aa a I scientist is one of the moat extenII slvo In this country, and his oonneotion with the Btato university extonding back over many years haa demonstrated the (not that he i s an invaluable man. "Bhow hall" was built b y the state at a lijj oost of *r-0,(XX), T h e stylo of the architecture is that known ns mediieval. T h e build i n s is constructed of a beautiful, white I

stone. Today the attendance wns not so large as it would have been, except tor the heavy rains. At 11 o'clock in the university chapel tho dodlaatory address WHS delivered by Professor K. D. Oope. the distinguished scientist, of Philadelphia. Ho presented a masterly address which wa« well received, Uis subject wns, "The Relation of Science to Human Happiness." Judge Otis, of Atchison, one of the rodent* of the university, made an appropriate speech in which he referred to the pnst and prosontofthe university and tho evontof to-day as a most Important stop in its progress. He pictured a bright future for the great institution of learning. After the exercises in the commodious chapel of the university the audienoo adjourned to "Snow Hall" where Oovernor Martin, in placing the new building in the otre and custody of the regents, delivered the following address: ;- In the verses prepared by our Kansas poet at the quarter-oentennial it is raid: States sro not great— Except M men may mnko them. Hen are not groat except they do and iluro; But states, Ilk* mto. Have destinies that take them— That bear them on, not knowing why or whore." The wonderfnl growth and marvolous [prosperity of Kansas, unprecedented in the history of American states, is notalonoduo ko soil, climate, resources and topography. Other states have soil* aa productive, climates as healthful, resources more varied, land land-capes as lovely as ours. The unexampled development and prosperity of Kansas is the logical result ot her splendid citizenship, ana of the intellectual nnd moral soroes this citizenship has set at work in every township of the state. Oar plonser settlers laid the foundations of a sohool house and a oharcn by the side of their first

ruae ndmesTEmoTTfom ISSI ciay to mis tne idea thus planted has grown and spread and flourished with the development of the commonwealth. The people of Kansas may have been parsimonious in some things but they have never stinted their expenditures to provide, for all the children of the state, the moBt ample educational facilities A few days ago the oldest and most richly endowed college in this oountry celebrated the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary ot its foundation. For more than two centuries Harvard has been the pride of tho groat state within whose borders it is located, and yet it has never received from Mapsaohusot'S as much money as the young state of Kansas has appropriated, during tho post twenty-five years, to establish aud support this university. The older generation* of Kansas, howovor, hold a divided allegiance. They love and aro proud of the state of their adoption, but memories of the fields and hills aud streams of their birth place are still singing in their heart. The young men and women who come up to Mount Oread to be equipped for the battle of life, will be, as a rule, nativts of the state, and attached to it by the undivided tie* of childhood's memories and the pride and faith of matuier years. Generation after generation of these sons and daughters of Kansas will be inspired, within these walls, with higher aims, nobler motives, and larger and broader vio vs of human life and ondoavor. QWe meet, to-day, to formally celebrate another step in the growth and progress of the state university—to dedicate this beautiful building, the home, for all futuro time, of the department of natural history. Very properly the building is to bear the name of tho learned, devoted and enthusiastic teacher to whoae energy, industry and zeal the state is indebted for the treasures that are gathered within it* walls. I disohargo a very pleasant duty, gentlemen of the board of regents, when, lu the name of the state, I commit to your koepiog this stately edifice. See that the purpose of tho legislature in ordering it, is fully carried ont. Study the needs ot this great educational Institution, and mako them known. Strive to keep it, In all Its departments, fully abreast with the growth and progress of the state. In this endeavor you can, I am confident, rely on the cordial and generous oo-operation of the intelligent people of Kansas, and the hearty support of their chosen representatives in tho legislature




Morton County Orgnnlxt-d by t h o A p - ' polBluteitt or Co u ill T O III err* und tlio D e s i g n a t i o n of the County Neat - T h e Governor R e v i e w * the Cum lo Detail,

The following, being soli explanatory, was yesterday issued from tho oxecutivo doport-j neat:



The organization of now counties, involving the designation of temporary county seats, is on.- of ihe most difficult and perkplexiug duties devolved upon the executive. iThe law prescribing the moi hods by which Ian organization may be effected is so indefinite ia its directions, the authority vested in Fthe governor is so inadequate to fairly ascertain the real prtferonce.1 and wishes of the people interested, aud the representations always made by thu contending parties are BO r.onti adie.tory and com using, that it is invariably difficult, and iu some iustancos [impossible, to ascertain such tacts as oujht I to be known in order to arrive at au impartial and just decision. On the 20th ot April last, in compliance with a memorial purporting to bo signed by over four hundred inhabitants at Mortou i county, I appointed.10. l'\ Henderson aseanI BUB taker tor said county, This memorial was pieBi'nted by oltizuns identiliod with the I town of b'rifoo. On the'JR.Ii of September last, Mr. Henderson made due return, under oath, of the census and assessment made by him. His returns embraced the names of 2,5bO inhabitants, of whom (117 were legal voters, uud Property valued at $(ltH,83Ji in oxcess of railroad property. The eorrootnossoi the ceubus taker's returns have not been challenged. Memorials were thou fllod, praying, rei Bpectivtly, that thu town of Frisco aud the town of Kiohlleld bo deolnred the temporary count seat, and on the Oth of November the contending parties each submitted memorials, one asking that L-'rirco, the othor pray lug that Uiclinold, bo declared thu temporary county seat. It wan. at tor a lengthy discussion, agreed by both parties that there moinorials be submitted to mo on the evidence submitted in writing, and embodied iu thu paper boforo me. The aot approved February IB, iWfi, provides that, when the cousus inker's, returns aro received, "the govoruor shall appoint three persons, citizens of said unorganized oouuty, to act as commissioners, and one to aotaa county clerk, and may designate and doclaro the plsoe recommended by a majority af I lui legal iHittfH in a memorial In the governor o.i a temporary toun'i/ seal for IUC/I county.

iwu uiuiiiorials were presented, in the form of petitlous. The memorial In favor of the town of Frisco is signed by 1.488 name', nud purports to be the memorial of "citizens and electors of Morton county." It is not ventled in any manner, and many of the names attached wore evidently signed by one person. Notable, ouo sheet continuing HO tinmen, appears to huvo boen signed in this manner. The memorial in favor of Richfield, which is iu the form of a petition, is signed by I,424 uames, and purports to bo signed by "legal voters of the unorganized county of Morton," and is veriUed by the affidavit of eight householders- of Morton county, who swear that "to thu best of their knowledge and belief, the mimes attached to this memorial are genuine and bona tide citizens of that oouuty." There is also a petition sigued by ex-soldier^, to the number of "<0, making a total of 1,170 petitioners. It will be observed that theso memorials I have attached to them a very nearly equal number of names. Neither of thorn, howover, purports to be signed only by "legal votois," as the low requiros, and neither of

em is, in fact, signed only by legal voters of said county. Both have attached to them the names of a number of women and children: and other names are those of persons who have not resided in the state long enough to entitle them to vote. It is also evident, from the face of the memorials, that many of the different names were attached by one person.. In some instances, as many as a dozea |or fifteen names appoar in consecutive order written in precisely the same band and evidently by one person. At the general election, held on the second day of November, Morton oounty polled less than 720 votes. The census taker, as I have stated, returns the names of G47 legal voters. Hence, it may fairly be assumed that the legal voters of the county do not exceed 700. The names attached to the two memorials I have referred to, aggregate 2,001, and hence it is evident that at least 2,231 of these names are not those of legal voters. In endeavoring to ascertain which memorial presented bad attached to it the largest number of legal voters, I had prepared an alphabetical list of the uames returned by the census taker, under oath, as the names of the legHl voters of Morton county. The two memorials above referred to we-e then carefully sifted, and it was then ascertained that the nsmesof 284 legal voters, as returned by the census taker, were attached to the memorial in favor of Riohneld, and that the names of 1G2 Is gal voters, similarly returned, were attached to the memorial in favor of Frisco. The names of thirty-four ot those legal votors aro attached to both potitions. Deducting theso, and 2f>0 legal voters express a preference for Richfield, while 128 uxpress a preference for Frisco. Uenco, I think it fair to assume that the town of Richfield, in so far as the memorials aro concerned, is, in the language of the aot of the legislature, "recommended by a majority of legal votors in a memorial to tuo govornor." The }own of Richfield, howevnr, presents another memorial. This is iu form, of which thu full owing is a copy: 1'tt.lnh.n. A. ifiirtiii,<ji>vrrnar of lae ntlite of A'anIIUI:

No, :to.

I am a resident and legal voter ot the southwest quarter of section 'J.'i, township HI, range VJ. Morton county, Kausas, and am over 21 years of age. 1 settled in this oounty and made it my home March 28, 1880. My family consists of myself. 1 would renpeolfully request that you designate Kiohlleld as the temporary county seat of Morton oounty. A. J. SCOTT. Dated in Morton county, Kansas, this 22d day of September, 188(i. Six hundred and sixty-eight of theso individual memorials have been tiled, each signed by llin name of a person who represents himself iu the language quoted above, ss n legal voter, and these memorials are cortilied to by affidavits, of which the following ie a copy: BTATE OP KANSAS,

Morton Oouuty, Jesse Taylor, boing of lawful ago, deposes and says, the foregoing signatures, numbered from 1 to GO, inclusive, were signed in my presence by the persons whose names aro attached, respectively, and I personally know that the statements therein contained are true.


Subscribed and sworn to before mo this


Public. tly commission expires MayNotary 18, lf*90. SEAL].

The memorial thus presented is the best I antheuticat d petition ever tiled in this | office, in a county font contest, and an examination of the census taker's returns reveals the fact that the names of 170 of those ] memorialists are re-turned by him as those of legal voters of Morton county. Of these name-", however, 108 appear on the memorial in favor of Riahtield, first above referred to, and sixty-two do not. Adding those that do I not so appear to the names of legal voters I on that pUilion (284) makes a total of 34fi legal voters memorializing , u fliv,;r of R ohfli
l t Wo hfl8,d,, ,n th S2Taw*,i! ti . ' ° he pla co


'.Vu . . ™«»»'W«Midod by a maJi«5; thritBZ.°ef t nh oe l Re «8 aal v o t 8 r » i n * memorial to 5„! °i , Mr 0 1 temporary county seat" untj n n d l dl

S 2 l ^ . l P 5 °? '' >. therefore, des gnate and deolare raid town of RiohflelrJ as the temporary county seat of Morton county. j o n M A^MAUTIN, GovoTno".

. Mlly* Onlor. Governor Martin to-day issued the following oxeoutlre order, relating to the death of General Logan; STATE OF KANSAS,

EXECUTITB DKrAItTMENT 8-16.) TOI'KKA, December 27, 18-4B The intelligence of tho death of General John A. Logan will be received, with profound sorrow, by the people of Kansas. Thousands of our citizens were his comrades during the dark and trying days of the rebellion, and to them be was endeared by tne strongest ties of confidence and affection. All of our people honored him as a soldier of conspicuous courage and Patriotism, a statesmau of commanding influence and abilities, and a citixin whose pure private life and stainless puollo senrioes just y entitle him to the highest honors nf the nation. " J. As a tojtimowial of respect for bis didtingnitbfcd services and his illustrious m.mcrjrj thofltgs of tie state h-rose will be suspended aTnatf mast until after the funeru!. JOHN A. M4ETIR. ivernOi".

JEB 29, 1886. KANSAS TEACHERS ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STATE TEACUEKS' ASSOCIATION, The Flrnt General Sesulon Held La»t Kven-v lug lu the Hall of the House of KepreMiitatutlye* Governor Martin Delivers? the Add reus of Welcome—Dr. P. J. Wll-S Hams Delivers the Annual Address. The annual meeting of the State Teachers| association convened in this oity last even-' ing in the hall of the house of representatives. There were present at the time fully' 600 pedagogues from over the state. During the entire day they had been arriving from different parts of the state. The hotels were all filled to their utmost capacity after the arrival of the afternoon trains. Those who had oome in by the morning trains spent the day visiting the points of interest | over the olty. General Session. At 8 o'clock last evening Assistant State Superintendent of Publio Instruction Uoorte W. Jones oalled the general meeting of the auooiation to order. In the absenoe of lev. H. W. Qoorge, who bad been invited to offioiate, Rev. Dr. Mc Oabe, upon the request of the committee of arrangomonts, offered the invocation. I


Governor John A. Martin next delivered the address of welcome. He said: » Ma. CniiUMAN—Readers of Kansas UOWHpapers and students of Kansas affairs cannot have failed to notice the fact that, during the hot and dusty months of July and Angnst, many avocations in this stato are (tactically abandoned. Courts adjourn and udges and lawyers flit away to the mountains, the woods or tho lakes; churches are closed, and ministers seek the peace and quiet of rural sights and scenes; pbysioinus discover that their patients can get along without them for awhile, and take a vacation; and men engaged in every department of oommeroe or Industry abandon, if it is possible for them to do so, the oares, per- in plexities and toils of their employments, for a brief summer sojourn amid fresh fields and pastures new. But during this season of withering heat and stifling dust, as soms readers or observers must also have noticed, there is one class of men and wore on who, having then I a legal holiday, do not utilize It to "loaf and j " i their souls." La every ooanty in Kan-


f I

i I 12

» , J e u m n i a n d wdmei rest, but to work; not for pleasure, but to study; not to get away from the worries, tbe troubles and the tasks of their profession, bat to fit themselves more thoroughly for its duties and responsibilities. I hear it said, now and then, Mr. President, that the profession of the educator is not progressing as are many other avocations, or that the schoolmasters and mistresses of twenty-five and fifty years ago were more proficient or competent than are tho3e of to-day. Against suoh thoughtless or wrecklesa assertions I put the oonvinoing faot of these midsummer sohools, in whioh the teaohers of Kansas assemble to study, to oompare notes, and to be instructed in the best methods of instructing others. Men and women oapable of such devotion to their work as these meetings illustrate, need no excuse or defense. And these are the raon and women I am now to welcome to the capital. I discharge the duty assignod mo, Mr. President, with sincere pleasure. Very few, if any, of tbe meetings held in this room are composed of people who oooupy so important a plaoe in the every day work and growth of the state as do those now assembled here, and none, I am sure, represent a more useful or honorable calling. Teaohers of Kansas, I believe you understand these fact). I believe you appreciate, in fall J measure, the dignity and importance of your vocation, and that you are striving earnestly and laboriously to fit yourselves for its great duties and vast responsibilities. I trust your sessions will be alike pleasant and profitable, and that you may one and all return to your work refreshed and benefitted by this fraternal interoouse with one another. In this faith and in this hope I greet you, and most cordially welcome you to the oapltal of the sUte. H. D. McCarthy, L. L. D., in behalf of . the association, responded to the address of [ welcome of Governor Martins. The Doctor iix responding, stated that he wished to make a short comparison between the present condition of affairs in Kansas and those twenty-three years ago. Twenty years ago last Bepternber, the first meeting of the Kansas State Teaohers Association wu held at Leavenworth. Hon. Isaao T. Goodnow wan eleoted the first president Then there were CG4 teaohers in Kansas, and now there are 9,887. In 1868 there were 20,821 children of a school age within the state. •Now there are 490,184 school ohildren in Kansas. In 18C8 it cost Kansas $24,845 37. to conduct her publio schools. In 1888 it cost Kansas $2,213,521 4fi ," to' 'pay'.'the salaries of her sohobl teaohers. Dr. MoCartby thought this was certainly a most excellent comparison to make. In closing on behalf of the association he returned thanks to Governor Martin for the warm welcome he had extended.

>••:>. ........


Governor Martin, of Kansas, Goes in' W&* ' J'Two More leara, MM A M&T ASSEMBLAGE iliESEHT. 'i *WPPJ 3 '•'• •'•'.•' •'*• ^ " ' ' I ^ W . '-. •£*?• ' <•! i •'. •^iM.m-'id ^••.nM'm^ \ The Hall of tbe House of Eepresentativas THE ADDBES8 BY THE GWBRNOB. not BIZ EX-G0VEENO

IP , i INAUGURAL DAV. • « >•»:*«« v Tort^u,' KAs-'ifi?. ia-fSpeclal.] tofg Before t 0'tloc.k represeumivs haft Was packed with, .ladles sad gentlemen troto all pert* of the etate, drawn by tbe cereuionfQ* 'attendant ,uj>o,n . inauguration, and the anoaual sight of nearly a dozen governors who bsve filled the hlghaat bfllce tn the itate. ' , ji&mjft, A (ew momenta before 3 o'clock ,tuo wprnbt* -M . . . . . V . . . . .

- - ^ ^ . . . ^ ^ ^ ^ I

wore *eat»d in front' of the speaker's afai Chief Justice Albert II. Norton Immediately of tbem. '•;•.,> •<;:^''W'.(' • r-*' iv»i .i Following' the governor* came tbe old and si stnte ofllcer* ana tbe senate and member* of the home and the families Of member*.' Tbe proeeiilon wa* a goodly pne, and never before bave Kama* peoolo aten *o many distinguished people gathered together undor one roof. Th,e governor* were all wearing the (mat* of yean, excepting Governor • bnt • - right '• - • well'• di!< d tbeyappoar tbey appoar to have enMartin, o* that tbey have dared brunt* of; , tbe pa»aed(he Uiroagb. ; : . many ' . ; ibsttlei . . , .'•.-> ••>*'' Maraball's band, a* the stato gneata came Into the room, played tbe national tune. Rev. Dr. McCabe offered the Invocation prayer, in which be dwelt upon the service* of the gentlemen who wero here *»iombled, tbe leglalatlve body about to be convened, and the people of Kantaa and the United

state*, y'v-rt&em.-r-r. $.-

• •''••*imMm

lion. J. B. Johnion, acting a* master of Sere.rnonl**, preceded the Inauguration by • a brief resume of the put of ihl* itate, leading to the ((resent moment. Be said; |$
fr; iheyVavTe/ovTCfittofbe atara. Repnb•n status do not consist of men alone, nor o f corn and wheat, of stocks and \bonds, nor of wealth and • ower. Bat of all of tbesf blended and cemented : ito proper relatione by the several forcea that proserve, protect and ctmtrol0n of monoy. Six hundred tboutand children will learn in bar school*. 'There will bo a long of freedom all around the slave states, and tu tbeln slavery Itself will die." It Is thirteen years yet to 1000, and yet we have more than 1.MX),000 population, Home of our citlea already eclipse "Providence and Worcestor, and by that time w ll rival Chicago and Cincinnati. •• We now bavo more milos' of railroad than the four stats* named. Otrr lands are worth more than •30 per acre, andnur wealth fur exceeds s.">oo,000,000. While tho song of universal freedom, started many ear* ago in Kansas, boa been taken up by mare ban 40,000,000 of people, and alavory long ago expired, . To these grand results the people of Kansas have more than any others contributed. Tboy bavaatall times occupied the van in human progress, and their achievements serve to Illustrate the force and power of a few resolute, earnest men and women. I would Iiava the people of Kansas consider these thing* not 10 a spirit of eolf.adulatlon, but ratbor that they may In some measure appreciate thoir responsibility as a part of tola great republic. On the luih day of May, low, the Immortal Charles Sumner, who waa alwaya the friend of Kauaas, said In the United Slates senate: "Take down roar map, sir, and you will And that tba territory of Kansas, more than auyotber region, Occupies tba middle spot of North America, equally distant from the Atlantic on tbe east and the Pa
._ .lovernor John fartln, wbo delivered tbe inaugural address. .•<><•'' Inaugural Address, , LADIES AXDGiNTLEMKx:—! beard a gentleman say recently: "1 have known all tba governors of Kansas.'" I asked; "How many governors has Kansas bad?" lie thought a moment, and replied: "Nine." ' 1 pre»ume a very large majority, even of tbose best Informed In the political history o( the slate, would make tbe same wrong reply, for Kansas has had sixteen real and four acting governors, and, amco Ita admission Into tbe Union the elate &as bad ten. I am glad tbe committee having charge of the ceremon es (o-day did not forgst this fact, and so did not omit to invite the Hon. N". Green, who waa governor of Kansas from November 4, 1668, to January 11, 1S80.


• It Is not Inappropriate, 1 think, on an occasion of this character, to briefly recall some facts connected with the incumbents of tba executive office of Ksnsas. I have known all of our governors, territorial and elate, except two, Reader and Geary; and allot ibe acting governors except one, Woodson. Tbe territorial period extended from Juue, 1854, to January, 1801, and during these six years and a half, seven governors and Ave secretaries who at times acted as governor, were appointed br tbe resident. Kansas bad a email population then; nt then, ss now, tbe voice of Kanass was heard la tba land, and It was no puling Infant's cry! So (be president sent out to govern this lusty young glsnt of tba American desert, strong men, distinguished man, men wbo had bad a large and valuable trainlag In civil affairs, aad they ware, one and all, rlsd to corns and to link tbelr names and fames with that of Kansas. Tbe territorial governors appointed were In snc< cessions Andrew II, Iteeder, Jebn L. Dawson, Wi]»..ii *bannoi, Johu W. Geary, Robert J, Wslker, James W. Denver and Sar.iuvl Madary, aud tbe sec-






I retarloa woroDsnlol Woodson, Frederick P. Stantdiir I •fame* W. Denver, Hugh 8. Walsh and 0. M. Bsebe, All came to Kansas, and served In tba positions to wblcb ihey were appointed, .except one, Mr. Daweon, who declined. Of thesn seven governors all were lawyers except two—Geary, wbo waa a merchant, and Madary, wbo waa a printer by trade. Five ware born In Pennsylvania; ous, Shannon, In Ohio, and one, Denver, In Virginia. Aa I have stated, these territorial governors were generally distinguished man. Governor Heeilnr, previous to his appointment aa ernor, bad never neld an office, bat be bad beeu many years one of ibe moat eminent lawyers of Pennsylvania, Wilson Shannon bad been twice elected governor of Obto. and had also served aa minister to Mexico, before coming to Kansas, Kobert J. walker bad been a Untied State* senator from Missis* ppl and secretary of tbo treasury during President Polk's administration. James W. Dearer had represented California In congress and served aa commissioner of Indian affaire. ( Samoel Madary was an editor of national reputation, and bad been governor of Minnesota. All except Geary were over 40 yeara of age when appointed, and be, The youngest of tbein all, bad been a soldier in tbo Mexican war. After leaving Kansas bo rose to ibe rank of major general tn the Union army, and waa later elected governor of Pennsylvsula. i Thus three of onr territorial governors have been the chief executive* of three oilier etatce. Allot tbe territorial governors appointed, except one, Denver, are oead, out tbe secretaries of the terrtory, allot whom acted as governor during tbelr terms of office, are all living except one, Hugh 8. WalshKansas baa also elected three governors who never served, viz., Charles Robinson, elected under the Topeka constitution; George W. smith, cbnscn underlb*.' Lecompton constitution; and Henry J. Adams, fleeted under the Leavenworth constitution. MY honored predecessor, Charles Roblusoo. thus eaJMri ibe distinction of having been elected under tv^o constitutions. Ho ll the ffrst governor of Kansas In a double sonse— be waa cboeen to (bat office under tbe Brat and last constitution framed tor tbo stale. Of the governors of the state, four were under W when elected; all except two are now past 50; and the oldest was first cboeen. All have boon rosltKansas for more than twenty years; two. : V, '*W


s •


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»•<"<»*< rr-1t _ikj a 'UupTeMBTgoverdbr, rorover Srst and and except one, Governor >a)years; L_. all' ...lzcns of tba Kight of the' utill citizens the state. previous laerved in the of legislature to' their1 Selection to the executive office, and the Iother tiro, Governors Robinson and lAnthonv, have since served as members lot tbe law making branch of tbo state government. [One, Governor Robinson U a native of Massachnlietts; three, Carney, Green snd Glick. are natives |of Ohio; two, Osborn snd Martin, of Pennsylvania; lone. Uarvey, of Virginia; one, Anthony, of New lYorlc; and one, St. Jobn, of Indiana. Governor IRobinson waa a physician; threo, Crawford, St. I John and Glick were lawyors; one, Carnoy, « tner1 chant; two, Osborn" and Martin, wera printers; Green was a clergyman, Harvey a surveyor and Anthony a tloimlth. All except four. Roblnsotj, Carney. Osboru and GUck, aerved lo the liuioti anny I during tba war, Only one of our governors,. Green, I graduated at a college or university. One, Gov eruor Uarvey, was elected to the United Stttes senste after the expiration of his term as governor, and Governor Osborn represented tbo country as United States minister to Chill and Bra7.ll.

yfjg} 1 present, u s comes to i n conclusion• meant to let the ptople see the former occup the executive chair, and compare them with present governor. It should bo considered that "tjj people bave about fifteen times more people11 select from than wben the first were chosen;' B e l then related his experience as govarnor of Kansas, ' commencing twenty-four years ago. He then, came to tbe cap tol by stage, some sixty miles; ami! sSffer snpper hunted up tbe governor's office in the second story of a business bouse, furnished in a most'primalive manner, and was sworn In by a notary P'ttbUo, [ and received the great seal of tbe state aa the) only j property In his predecessor's hands^'.iwhft! wished him a more happy time than ha1 ever been tbe lot of the first governo Wben ho turned the office over to Governor Crar ford, that gentleman was sworn in by the'chief | Justlco In the hall of repreaentatlvea, qtilte -.-s^WsJi provement. At some length he coneratt.. tbOHo present upon the great progress raade,;4risde bv tbe sacrifices and labor of the early pioneers"Of,, the state, wbo battled with much that this prosper-! Ity could come. He closed by an appeal a hers of the legislature to pay the Price Twenty-six years have come and gonosince the 1 trcll raid claims. • ; ,» v , *rv2fSMal first governor of the stale took the oath of office, I and lie and all ot his successors are with us Governors Crawford, Harvey and Green 1 yet. , Hero are the executives who organized tbe present, ao that ex-Governor Thomas splendid regiments young Kansas sent out to battle the sixth executive of the state, who can for the honor of tbe flag. Hero are those who saw prepared for the occasion, and from his aunt tba dawn and morning of that mstvelons deaddressed the audience, He dealred to sa velopment which began with the close of the civil office waa not a, bod of roses, and believed P war. and baa since spread over 400 miles of fair aod cessors baa round itthe same, . He then.wc, fertile country. Hero are those, who were called troubles that be had met with In his admlnis upon to protect our frontiers agaluet. repeated Inprominent among which were tbe-Osage 1 vasions by merciless savages. Here are those who' lend troubles, tbe adjournment of. the at witnessed the still more dreadful deso'atlon slon of 187a wlthont having made provision J wrought by insects whose baleful flight darkened suffering settler, the Indian Invasion, tbe location tba light of tbe sun at midday. Hero are those who wild tribes of Indians within our borders'! an have occupied tbo executive cbalr during the later otbor questions which demanded thevai years of ...peaceful prosperity and unexampled tbe governor. '•:>•: • \ >v*^. growth. <;. '.*,'&•• -. . Jfr ' • The seventh governor of Kansas. Geor We greet them, one and all, cordially and gratethony. tbougbt the natural mistake of Mr>'il fully. We salute tbsin as citizens wbom tbe people son's life was that he had not pursued the voc of Kansas bavo deemed worthy of their highest of a novel writer. All the other gentlemen' trusts. ' We honor them as men who have guided surprised wore prepared. Had he known. t> I the state through difficulties and dangers, onward would have bad a speech prepared. Hei In-a n land upward to the shlulng stara. We testify, ous manner, briefly told what tbe audience" I. willingly tod thankfully, our appreciation of the been told, and then gave a short time to (he i f 1 conrejro And fidelity with which tboy discharged tbougbt that "government Is not a man ordelhe their always laborious and often dlfllcult. and perstitutlon." In Impassioned language he sho* .plexliig duties. We receive and welcome welcome mem them at* the power and stability of tbe government In',sa* 1 honored guests of this occasion of whatever weaknois may be exhibited ' LthetuunOACine people or KansasAnd, speaking in I the executive selected by tbe people,-'--! ,», and express log,'. ' as I am r-nro J a0, the enrilltneni cause of the superiority of tbst people who select 1 which dlls all 1 hifattn, t fervently pray I hat U*V,nt flays msy he as t tbe executive. Governor Anthony was recelv long ao;a peaceful, and that prosperity may abide a favored man, and had reason to be proud q [.With and olsss them to the end. warmth sbowu. v .id •At tbe close ot.bis address, Governor Martin anEx-Governor Jobn P. St. John, tbe aigota. ] Lnouuced his readiness to take tbe oath, which was ernor of Ksnsas, was then Intioduced. He [then administered by Chief Justice llorton. Tbe glad lo once more meet, face le face, so many pt\ ] osih was brief, and signing tbe oath of, office, this good people of tbe state. Kansas it r.ot ibrrei 1 part of the ceremony waa complete, and Jobn A. of a mere accident. She was the result of .sfiaif Martin unterod upon bis second term ax governor ot purpose. He quoted largely from James O.'.Blal; I Kansas,M • .,,-;>. •••,•• \ ••.••. ••• 1 at the mention of whose name there wat long'j Marshall's band again favored tbVlomense audicoctinued applause. Be then briefly and i»,an L passioned msnner reviewed the work of thejuatiba I ence, and then Lieutenant Governor A. P. Diddle and Its effects upon us as a people. " l^jfw'VJW bad the,dun 'of office administered, followed by Associate Justice T>, M. Valentine, Secretary of Ex-Governor George \V. G.ick, the ninth"-ink Stale K. B. A'len, Treasurer of Si ale James llamll ernor of Kansss, believed lbe committee bsai State Timothy McCarthy, Attorney | t o n , A• nudltbrqt d Invitation upon the assumption that be wai General 8. B, llradford, IforU, and Superintendent 8u( of Pub' crat and couldn't write, as be was not not' IJ. Lawbead. •J a speech wss expected. He bad served it: I lie Instruction J " (••***3KH»B| letuie "lib Robinson, Harvey, Osborn as I ferd, and could testify to their booeatseaa * *Th«- Ex-Governors Talk. .*; work performed by them. He served with St This ceremony being completed, Mr. Johnson InIn the ssnste, be helped with the first as-prep,?! I troduced, In a happy manner. ex-Governor Charles | tlon for a capital, which was $1.1,00*. A stoeetyi was built, but It seen disappeared aud when iBffl I Hoblnson, who ssemod to teol that an advantage was made as to what bad becomo ef It, be wai I bad boon taken of him. He thought when the Invl-, that the farmers bad taken It and built cellar nation was received '.bat this occasion was, perslone fences with the stones. He then folic jhaps, an exhibition of live statuary or fossil re- ] example set and briefly reviewed Kansas,^ r ealr points omitted by tbe-otber gentlemen.' It I mains. Having been notified tbst a speech was oxI evident that this was a Kaaaas crowd turned laese ] pected. he tromblod and prepared one. Ho referred ] upen Kansas advantages, aad would hs,ve deltgMee; Ito the old days, wben the first legislators assentI the souls ot those who revere and worship Kansas. bled, and the resulta that have been aecn since that' This closed the Inauguration exercises.., .„ ^.*,../.}; I time. Governor Robluson was received with rounds ' I of applause. Ex-Governor Thomas Carney, the second govlenor of tbe slate, agreed to come here as a witness, I and did not espect to .assist In delivering the inaugural addresa, but expected that daty to be formed by a real live governor. He came here &'\ part of this show, such an one as no other stal



Kansas Dailj State Journal. FRIDAY.


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A Thrilling Picture. The address of Governor Martin last I evening was one of remarkably beautiful j diotion and thrilling interest It contained a word painting of a soldier's march, by Martin, the soldier, whioh we do not believe has ever been excelled. So graphic was it that the listener forgot his surroundings in the banquet room, and imagined himself viewing' scenes which must be indelibly painted upon the memory of every veteran. The description is something whioh belongs to military annals. A hundred soldiers heard it last evening, and they must have marveled at the life-like presentation. We offer no | apology for its encroachment on our regular space. It is full of interest to all, and every soldier should read it and have bis children read it The governor said: I do not expect Mr. Chairman, that any words of mine can "bring baok the feelings of youth." Time takes something j from us. as the years oome and go, that it never gives back, and the lights and shadows o f twenty-five eventful years have fallen upon us since we first "walked in war's red ways." But I may, perhaps, interest YOU for a brief time by a description of one of those walks—the march o" the day, which had its counterpart in th 'marches of all armies, on many, many


A oolumu is moving along a dusty rond, With a long, free, swinging stride, that •eemsT&s easy as it is masterful. It started out before it waa light in compact order, fech mnn in his place, each oompaoy, """ ent, brigade and division following appointed order. It is the middle 'forenoon now. and the solid forma\u some what disordered, have fallen into invgular jme hunt the smoothest places in and the paths thus formed, juble, are not always straight, following the cow-paths along fide; others keep the center of iway. At intervals are little 3ttpsyof norsemen—the commanding iioer/the adjutant aud an orderly, ut |he head of the regiment; the next in Dmmaud, with the surgeons, in the rear, lidway between these mounted ofllcere, lways in line, and always surrounded by little group of non-commissioned offir^rs, are two soldiers carrying, not guns, [but what seem to be long poles encased [in black oil-oloth. They are the Hags of

imental banner. Sometimes, for hours, only the steady tramp of feet is heard. The men are as silent as if they were dumb. Then something sets all their teeth awag, and the woods and fields echo with their shouts and laughter. They oomment on everything—on the houses, thefields,the trees, the road; they jibe at and joke with one another; they are a moving mass of blue interrogation points, questioning every one they see about distances, oountry and people^ and their laughter is as care-free and oontageoua as that of happy children. Then a clear bugle note comes floating down the line, and the column dissolves on the road sides. In an instant almost the men assume all varieties of postures—some sitting, some lying down— for the bugle oall meant a rest offiveor ten moments. The stragglers oome up, one by one, and drop in with their commands. Then the bugle sounds again, and all start to their feet They fall into line with the precision of a machine, and move on, to again, in a few moments, fall into their old,.irregular, go-as-you-please step and route, The hours oome and go, and the miles Blip by, five, six, ten, perhaps, and then the bugle sounds another call—a welcome one, for it is greeted with a ahout But this time the moving oolumn does not dissolve so quickly. It doses up in oompaot order, and the guns are stacked in groups of four: on these are hanged cartridge boxes, blankets and other encumbrances. A few moments later, little volumes of amoke —hundreds and thousands of them, as far as the eye can reach along the road—roll up, and the atmosphere is filled with the perfume of burning pine, the aroma of ooffee, and perhaps the savory smell of bacon. With what crude and meager utensils —at most a tin pot or oup, and a small skillet—it is all done; and yet how quickly and deftly. But no dinners these men have ever sinocTeaten were more enjoyed than those their own hands prepared as they halted by the roadside a quarter of a century ago. The dinner cooked and eaten, the march begins again, with the same routine of shouting and laughter. 'r silence and meditation. It it business, all of it—simply moving along, hour after hour and mile after mile, until the sun dropped low. in the west or perhaps for hours after the night had gathered and darkness bad fallen upon the earth. Fifteen, twenty, twenty-five, and occasionally thirty miles —these were the distances frequently oovered by the long blue columns, each man carrying his house on his back, like a snail, and, in addition, bis gun, forty rounds of amuuition, three days' rations, his cooking utensils and his bed. Sometimes these m '


eatner, when the air was fall of the perfume.of flowers and melodious with the songs of birds. Sometimes they were made when the skies were leaden and the clouds hung low; when rain poured down, hour after hour, and the roads became quagmires, and the men were soaked andohuled to the bone. Sometimes they were made in mid-winter, when the ground was frozen, and the north wind out like a knife, and at every step the road was stained with the blood of bruised and broken feet Sometimes the route lay along pleasant lanes, or dim old oountry roads, or through quiet and shadowy woods, rich with odors of fir and ine; sometimes it followed, for days, the ard, white pikes, over which the dust hanged ^ike a cloud, thick, heavy, stifling. But no matter what the weather or the roads might be—whether the rain poured down in torrents, or the sun beat upon the column like a fiery furnaoe, or the oold of winter chilled and froze—the regiments formed and marched whenever orders came. The long lines dwindled steadily and fatefully. Regiments that had onoe mustered a thousand men were reduoed to two or three hundred; companies that had Answered to roll call an hundred strong 'were mere squads of ten or fifteen. But as their long oolumns shrank, and each soldier's plaoe in the line drew nearer and nearer to the faded and tattered Hag In the center, it seemed to grow dearer and more precious to their hearts. They followed ft, upheld it, loved it with an earnestness ana devotion without parallel. Following it, hardships and privations were welcomed; upholding, it, dangers and sufferings were laughed'at; and to roteot it the humblest and roughest of tern all would have cheerfully and Eroudly given bis own life. I have ea rd men, of late years, deny the existenoe of suoh a thiug as disinterested patriotism. But the soldiers of the Union exemplified this splendid sentiment' during every moment of their lives. No difficulty oould dampen their ardor, no repulse oould shake their ooufldenoe id final victory, no toil or Buffering oould perplex their faithful loyalty. The flag represented the Republic i to

pure white folds as stainless as the stun ing souls of those who had died to save i t They had broken the shackles of four million slaves. They had enriched history with suoh a record of great deeds as never before illuminated its pages. And then, quietly and modestly, they went baok to their homes— "Satisfied to pass I

Oalotly, serenely from the whole world's gaze. And cheerfully accept, without regret. Then- oUHife as It was. "They wtS-were brave to act, Anarioh-enoughtheir action to forget—. Who,, having filled thetr day with chivalry, Withdrew, and keep their simpleness intact, And all unconscious add more lustre yet Unto their victory.




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"On I ho broad Kansas plain, Tbelr patriarchal life they live anew— Hunters as mighty as the men of old; Or harvesting the plenteous yellow grains. Gathering ripe vintage of dusk branches blue. Or working mines of gold: ''Or tolling In the town, Armed against hindrance, weariness, defeat, With dauntlesspurpose uot to swerve or yield, And calm, defiant strength, they struggle on, As sturdy and as valient In the street. As In the campled Bold. "Thus In the commoafield.H and streets they stand: The light that on the past and distant gleams, They cast upon the present and the near, With antique virtues from some mystic laud i Of knightly doeds and dreams." .. '

THE LEGISLATURE. Governor Martin Calls a Halt on Reoklesil Appropriations. . .-,,-v Hal


'• i t w # ft. • oldi * r '« dnty; to die for it was a soldier's fate. The months rolled on and lengthened into years, and still these men marched, and fought, and suffered, and died. And at last came Victory, and Peaoe, and Home. Their tods and privations, their trial* and danger*, were dver at last. with the splendor of their achievements. They had exalted and glorified the Amerman name. They had preserved, for all the generations of men, the prioelees heritage of free government They bad lifted the old flag into the very heavens, its blue field glistening with every star that had ever sparkled there, its orimson stripes bathed in the red blood of five hnndred thousand patriot heroes, and its


I m

Governor Martin yesterday sent to the ktf'siatuie tbe following very important meennge protesting against extravagant appropriation of the people's uionoy, and warnir.K Mum that the taxpayers should not bn burdened any heavier than they are at pri'wiH. The mut»a«e will have the tendency to put (he members on their guunl. It n ua follows: February 25, 1837. To the Senate and Iluune of Itcpresentatires: 1 feel impelled, by a sense of public duty, to villi the. uttentiou of the lesislatuie to tltu taut that, unless a number of bills now l-efore your honorable body, making appropriations for expenditures to bo defray ii Iron the general revenue fund, are Liia'iiiiilly reduce! in amount, the levy :or reve'U'es for the next two fiscal years" must In- ...ryely increased. The supplemental report of the state treuauri r, ih'.ed January 1, 1887, copies of which iuve boen furnished for your information, presents a careful estimate of the receipt* "
revenue, the tame amount tna [has been levied each year since 1882. A I tax of this amount would produce, for the Tyear 1887, not to exceed $861,300, and for [the year 1888, not to exceed 3920,700. Oth|«r receipts from the penitentiary, the insurance department and the state library, ronld probably aggregate 8550,000, maI king the total receipts for thu biennial period, 82,332,000. The legislature cannot, therefore, make | appropriations payablo out of the areneral revenue fund, much in excess of $2,000,000 tor the next biennial period, without increasing the general revenue tax levy. I need hardly say to you, gentlemen of the legislature, that (he people of Kansas have a just right to expect that the pur oentage of taxation for state purposes shall not be materially increased. Tho large annual increase in property valuations adds, each year, a correspondingly large sum to the aggregate of the public revenues without increasing the per centage of taxation, and the additional sum thus produced ought to be, and, with proper economy is, amply sufficient to defray the increased expenditures naturally incident to the growth of the business of the state, and the domand for inoreased accommodations for its dependent or criminal classes. The constitution vests in tho legislature tbe sole power to authorize public expenditares.and to provide revonuo for dtfrayiug such expenditures, It is not within tbe •cope of my dutios, and I o. rtiiiuly have BO desire, to question the full authority of the legislature in such matters. But I tear that too many members, inspired by the conviction that this or that appropriation would tervo a useful or beneficent public purpose, are sometimes likely to overlook the fact that the state cannot of-ford to do, in two years, all that it would bo desirable to do, and that the expenditures must be limited by tbe ability of the people to meet the burdens of public taxation. Those burdens, in my judgment, ought not to be increased beyond tbe percental that has been levied for the post four yean1, 1 would, therefore, respectfully suggest I that the regular appropriation bills those for current expenses of the state, judicial and legislative departments, and thoee •taking pro virion for tho caro and maintenance of all the public institutions—bo first pawed. The aggregate amount appro printed for these necessary purposes can then be d
* a






The Great Success of t h e N e w Turk Meeting*—Sound Letters F r o m K S U M I Men.

The extraordinary success wbioh attended the efforts of the anti-saloon leaders to hold a great meeting in New York shows bow deeply rooted and wide-spreading the movement has grown. Coopers Union was filled with the best class of people, including many ladies, and the gentlemen who sat upon tbe platform as vioe-presidents of the assembly numbered many of the strongest business men and politicians of the east. Jndge Noah Davis, than whom there is no better man in the country, was chosen president for the evening. In introducing him, Mr. Griffin, ohairman of the anti-saloon national committee, made a short talk on the alms of the movement. Judge Davis followed with a ringing speech, and then oame Hon. William Windom and Bon. Theodore Roosevelt, in strong endorsements of the anti-saloon policy in tbe republican ranks. Letters of unqualified approval from the prominent republicans of the oonntry were next produced, among those from Kansas were the following: PTATI or KANSAS, EXXCUTIVI DlcrABTlfKHT,

) >

TorzxA, May 10. ) Bon. Albtrt Qrtffln.

DXAB BIB—1 acknowledge the reoeipt of

your letter of the 4th Inst., announcing a meeting to be held in Coopers Union, New York, on the 25th inst.,under the auspices of the Anti-Saloon Republican Committee. Tbe saloon has been banished from this state, and eaoh month rednoes the number of those who would by their vote, invite it back. The good results following the abolition of the saloon in Kansas are now almost universally reoognized, and I do not believe that out of a voting population of 270,000, there oould be found 76,000 men who would reinstate it. The republican party, pledged to the enforcement of the constitutional amendment, lost many votes during tbe first years of agitation. But it has, during the first three years, regained its old supremacy, and is now more strongly Intrenched in the confidence and respect of the people than it baa ever been. Republicans, with the rarest exceptions, acknowledged the good results that have attended the abolition of the saloon, and a very large number of tbe most intelligent democrats will oppose any and trtry effort to ohaoge the present condition of affairs. I do not believe that this question will ever again be an issue in Kansas. I hope the meeting you announce will be as suooesalul as you expect it to be. Yours very truly, JNO.. A. MABTM •Vfc


Brownwood, Tex. My Dear Sir:—I receive so man^ letters of inquiry concerning the ef fects and results' of the prohibition

law u ble to answer all of them in detail As a rule I send a copy of my las message to the legislature to all per-| sous writing me on this subject, believing it furnishes all information of value or importance touching on this question. I have, however, concluded to reply to your questions more in detail. 1. The law is as well enforced as any other law upon the statute book?. I do not believe that there is an open saloon within the state of Kansas. I do not mean to assert that liquors are not sold in violation of the law. But I do assert that the saloon has been practically abolished in Kansas, and that all sales of liquor for prohibited purposes are made secretly, just as other Crimes are committed. 2. It is my judgment, and I believe it is the opinion of every intelligent and fair minded man in the state, that drunkenness has been diminished fully nine-tenths sinco the prohibitory law wont into effect. 3. The population of Kansas, in 1880, was 91)6,090. The prohibitory amendment was adopted in that year. The census of March, 188(1, showed a population of 1,400,738. The population of the state to-day is got less than 1,000,000. Hence instead of "decreasing our population," tho population of Kansas has very nearly doubled sinco tho odoption of the prohibitory amendment. •1. The commercial and manufacturing industries of the state have fully kept pace with its increase in population during the past six years. '). Public interest In Kansa., has been steadily intensified in favor of prohibition since the people have had an opportunity to observe the effects of the law. At the last election in this state the total vote ^vas something in excess of 275,000. h do not be-

lieve that uiijder anj^ossible circujdo^ stances, if the question of repealing the prohibitory amendment was fairly submitted to a vote of the people, that more than 75,000 possibly not more than 50,000, could be induced to vote for its repeal. 6. The adyantages of the law are too numerous to detail. Briefly, it has brought about greater sobriety among the people. The always pernicious influence of the saloon in politics has been utterly obliterated. Thousands of men who formerly wasted their evenings in the saloons, now spend their time in feeding and clothing their wives and children, and ns a result, plenty and content ment abide in thousands of homes where want and worthlessness were once familiar guests. Thousands of emigrants have been attracted to Kansas because of our temperance laws, and those emigrants as a rule are people of influence and character, who come here because they want to bring up their families beyond tho reach of tho saloon's contaminating • inlluencc. I believe these replies flllly answer all your questions. Yours Respectfully, » JOHN A. MAIITIN.

Governor of Kansas.

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f^'EEMINlSCM :0f

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Webb Wilder, toe N e w l y Ap•:;,• rjomted %'• pointed Insurance „Com. i , . . ...'K.^-•,,:. •V'v missioner. &Wmissioner


The State House Qffloials—His - ••. Estimate of Governor ": ' *'- Martin. _s Charaoter

r who wants to jcnoW&pbut a law," llth finds him'toe book'ajid page. He gem's even, .to,;know the, pfficers whq >t» e fr$m other States after requisitions. he looks" at-the papers with the big Balori them, he says: "Your train don't rp^M-SlV 12:20M Call ft half an hour 1/ttn'dyoYif papers will he ready,,,,'No, sir," ^^w'wi.rio-feej,* Aquie], capable man '•'ippearfcd then; oft ed to show. rie,true^s steel; so 1 has appeared rsInce^,Perjons In e same room ^.pi$h other.'.Govi nor Martin has patriotic or unvCijAji !wbrd. JEeritlemah. Iiy advice/from... this office othe^wfopml LJi/prlnter With; 6T fetMM«tl,B of 5



urnallst bV taste dispatches have * JT those that

Q ' H W * • •••• lawathal .The following it Webb V er'a''^pjer^'of, last! wee' .used for the past two years and a bait. As we grow old it hfrta to do things the last time; to change houses, habits, 'friends. There ate not many more last StEIhgs to do. ''W^w&M^'p' jty.Qoionel Moonlight, now Coventor of " othlng, had served his last day as Ad,nt General when I stepped into the .. ernor*s office that January morning, ^•85. Many porsons were excitedly mov-" 1 about the two rooms. Governor Gllck, emocrat, was going out of offloe, unci"! ~ r. .Martin and other officers, Repubns, were coming In. There was court. and kindness,buta little awkwardness I 'tween the members of the two parties, key were forming the procession to go the west wing where the inauguration I lead State (ifflcera here." Tom and I marched ogether, but In the rear. , kThe speeches made by the Governors! at day and every message 'and procla">t!bu Issued since that time have beon' led by his hand, In one large-paged, ky volume. ,y, ' ,' < ••• .,-^omlng back to this room, I remember Chat James Smith, who had just served" three terms as Secretary of State, and this morning entered on duty as the private secretary of Governor Martin—seemed to have always been In the place that he was now holding; and so It has seemed ever since; be told us alt what to do; nobody saw him tell us, and he neVer in his life did an officious or obtrusive act It comes naturally to him—to know the man's ngnie who comes In at the door, and to Jrfe able Immediately -and quietly to answer his question. If'It Is a county offl-

i 45 and lis hair



UonAlndlpoked at ireturned add reHe was ,ys had a' to) Itt when eekly to a t him now w nothing taste for ich. eratuie, but honor always rafelito dh. Is, usually here '.•Mr, and then ig'out'at noon for :%fflce hours" as ch or d 091a" surprise an States or in irigto'n. ry numerler, a conrlthout cereto, ,An un£ wbM, ha» ircomei uov. naron. He never iti^rattlM."rBt la a reasonable, reads, safe' man. 'in excellent business iTnis dothmbh sense takes him through ! difficulties. He herer loses his tern; r w d ]iti>\7 !**• worried. Never rtplttlns of overwork; dont complain 1 M. A Very perfect, even-balanced, rking * mind and body. A deep rh^'Mflectlni' ' all the flowers fid'gayfoliageoatts banks,but smooth H J 'uira|B«i to ntm1 who passes by. His courage and energy knows no ob: stacle; If there were a thousand in the and tell ar?y laughter after It was.


^:do the best thldr

ong; ibee#c*bo>: Ylce President "6ftt Boavd.Of QontrOl b£the National Soldldr'stl Homed.' pSere are six of^them; one'itj our own Estate at Leavenworth. The corjfL respondence on this subject and the pef-^fi ionAl visits of soldiers from all of the^" )oyal states take up a good deal of time, slfolftiMartin nils the same plage la find-' log a Soldier a home that Maj, Morrill' ' dOeS;1o getting him a pension, and both ard^happi'est when engaged in this work. I^fjipt nearly all the officeseekers who C0tDB to this office have "caught on to the old soldier "racket." That lathe flrt't appeal to the governor in nearly every, case. Jf mistakes are made 1MS with si." kind Heart, and a brave soldier is made happy by.it.- : • ;-t ^f&vtfM*' C ' \'ffl -Jew persons knowbow. feeble andhelpless thousands of the defenders of the uBV ion are now,.', The strongest.then,. th1£ pravest, 'the hardest.jworkers ;are, to* weakest now.' So weak.that It painful, to* see them as they come up to this desk:'( •'Is the governor In?", .Mind 'and body1" almost gone; a great many. In'the homes,' are as wedk as children. The governors' and all of the 'officers, of the homes are. also old soldiers, and the best of care that man can give to man the Inmates have;' It is hot, howover, the home of the famlf 'y. Those who saved our "homes can nlyfindtheir own lOjthe world beyond. ;•> '">*f]&ECTmVE Ol.BltK.


an6r ioj^tight'a're'ii


lea two roohis has been verj'pleasant,? All olght i^mm, halting for bills froftphe Senate and House; waiting forMlspatches jat railroad stritfeWnd '.by tne/LMfcosi .. .Its r*e^rMfrknrt tv/to'airs; each doing gladrrittu| iri^tlh Jaa'; ipent ;rau%^#i I


mlh.ought, put he would


ayss marshaled the fa marsnaled tj iqof'figures aflfJ.Btat WfMoftfew.. aod.uftflxar,


th,ls|sJu^ngQut, *K> I have.torn*;^alJuO^j4g. .,*-m,, m 1 was MMHSairW ™ W M & amen railroad strike in wolcoteptfw were^ , jngagea. This was^rf 1 * W of this he ffrote the1 history in'ftMttago.' That messlgV wis written;ftf bylttrte officers 'Ko^tfeihbers, ;4rtbeK tfgMrtilfe In m£nfWUX*Xum •W^TSfe1?. ti6n ftjHWtfj'liv* hlhk sUteVfaWM' I lowed, The prlhClple WlHTie &«tfed by




•• r r v ^ upeople • . . . J I " ., f „ , » , ' i j . i , J A i " " g | all civilized peoples.' T h e rights of labor'


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and captyalwlM'be Protected t>y law£ the few anarchists when hate and'defy law will be punished. ' T^bo question is one of the greatest of our time, but our people, In wis republic, eapablo af anything, are capable of solvjng ft. .' ' $ $ & $ 'i Oceans of jotters have been 'sent here asking for'the messages relating to prohibition, .'They have come frqm/Mfchl'Mu, Kentucky, New York, Oregon/Tennessee,' North Carolina, Missouri' and other •taje.subut from Texas," Texas, Texas'--how tpey have come from Texas, Ever} letwr i* »nswered by tlje gOYern^. .or in his absence, by Mr. Smith, and well answered, The stock of messaged'has #TJen but; but What a great and glprlou* work thevhave done. Kansas enlighten ihg the fifflHl •< ••^'ri-^WW^-' •Rev. JOr,;riMcCebe stopped roe bo, the street this afternoon. He Is president of the $tate' Temperance union. Receutly that society published a pamphlet for use !i • i in the states where this question Is up, and Pr. Modabe says they have an order \«?.'< to-day for 20,000 of these pamplets In Texas. The campaign there .will/-.Shut Y>.-''•' •! •' only four weeks longer. The general impression Is that prohibition will succeed. But if it fails now the toed is still there, so'wti'lfc. hundreds ofortflthousands of V hearts and siire to br^ng * )fru|t.- •,/'. \ Awbrd wpr#ri#r$lhave safd iwwing I 5 •• about the ordinary • routine work of an office of this kind, in this statfi.'.fina nothing n»ed be said. But, we .hator^njr visits from old soldlejK^.QOY "


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Kansas Daily State' Jouxj




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A RINGING REPLy. '. *$$:' The saloon element in Kansas, whioh is utterly rooted, baa been belching forth a few dying gasps, and hoe imagined it has a glimmering Hope by a story telegraphed by special from St Joseph "abootAtooison.:^f ',,', ' ^ J,-'^HB Governor Martin in a ringing reply, backed by the most convincing figure^, sends the following to Chicago, to Wil; liam Henry Smith, the general associated press agent: ' MY DBAB SIB:—On the 2d of July last a special dispatoh was sent from St. • Joseph, Mo., to a Ohioago paper, in which it was stated that the cJoeing of the saloons in Atohison, Kan., has oat off its most profitable soaroo of revenue, amounting to thousands of dollars a year, and as a result there is not enough to keep it going; that the police foroe, with ttjg exception of the marshal and one po





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an, hai rvioes of the firemen were to be dispensed with; and that the gas and eleo jrical light lamps were to be shut off. , This dispatch was utilized by the aseo. oiated presa and published in nil parte of .; the country, Aa a reault I have reoeived many letters from different sections making inquiries aa to the truth of the statemente it embodied, and have seen its alleged facta commented on, in dozens of newspapers, aa evidence that the aboli. tkm of saloons haa reduoed a prosperous oity in Kansas to the verge of bankruptcy. Similar letters have been reoeived by the mayor of Atohiaon and by rnani other citizens in Kansas. v The dispatch referred to was prompted, by two motives. It was, firut, eeut from a town in Missouri for the purpose of injuring a rival oity in Kansas; and second' h waa inspired by the whisky interest an ' •intended to create the impression that 'efficient oity government oould not .maintained without the revenue derived from saloon licenses. The oity of Atohiaon hoe been for many years one of the most important railroad and commercial centres of Kansas. It baa a population of about 28,000 people. If the whisky interest could create the impression that Atohiaon had been materially injured because the saloons had been driven out of it, u serious blow would be dealt the temperance cause. The associated press in giving this false special suoh wide publication was made the nn1 oonacioua agent of a malicious slanderer, whoso purposes wore aa unworthy aa hia statements were unfounded. I deem It my duty to oorreot' the falsa impressions thus oreated, and respectfully ask .that this letter be given aa wide a publication aejthe diapatoh which prompts it. . T a r n thoroughly familiar with the condition of the oity of Atohiaon and personally know that the statements embodied in the St. Joseph dispatch art false and misleading, The gaa and eleotrio lights and water supply of the oity have never been turned off. Its fire deartment haa been and ia continuously on uty, Its police force haa been largely reduoed, but has, in the absence of ealopus, been ample to preserve the peace SQd protect the property of its citizens. • A local dispute concerning methods of taxation and involving the adoption of a tax which hna been collected in the city of S t Joseph for many years past, is the only foundation for the malicious and untruthful dispatch from that place. Atchison abolished the last of its saloons in the fall of 1880. The whisky interests prophesied that this action would seriously injure the business of the city. It has had no suoh effect Atchison \a more prosperous to-day than it has been for many years past Its wholesale trade aggregated over $40,000,000 iu 1880, and during the first six mouths of 1887 this trade has increased fully thirty-three per oent over that for the oorreepondis





lontns of 1886. All the principal streets the city are now being paved. More substantial improvements are being made and more buildings are being erected in Atchison this year than during any previous year in its history. Ten important lines of railroad center in the oity, and the Southern Kansas railway haa just extended its line to Atchison. The oentral shops of the Missouri Pacific road have recently been located there. The largest lumber yard in the west has recently been established there, and many other important commercial and manufacturing industries have been located there daring the past eix months. Bettor than all, too, hiiudrods of thousands of dollars that were formerly wasted in the saloons a n now expended in feeding and clothing and housing the people, and us a result thousands of wives and children in Atchison who were living in poverty a few years ago are now prosperous, happy and oontented. This S t Joseph dispatch is only 11 fair specimen of hundreds of fulse aud malicious statements I have seen published in the newspapers of the country during the past three or four years concerning Kansas and Kansas towns. The whisky interesta predicted that the abolition of saloons in Kansas would injuriously affect the material prosperity of the state, and falsehoods intended to confirm this view are constantly iu vented and circulated in every section of the country, aud especially in the states where movouieuts are being made to banish the saloona. I am receiving letters daily from different states making inquiries concerning the effect and results of our temperance lawa on the financial, commercial and other material interests of our state, and these letters all indicate that the work of maligning of Kansas is going on iu every section of the country. Permit ine, therefore, to give you the real fnots. Toe prohibition amendment to our constitution was adopted in tho autumn of 1880, and the first laws to enforce it went into effect in May, 1881. The war to banish saloons was for years ouly partially successful. The amendment had been adopted by a very meagre majority, and publio sentiment iu all our larger cities .WJIS oyeiwitfMuglyjuiai«»JUfe late as January, I8S0, the saloons were open in fully thirty of the larger cities of Kansas, iucluding Topeka, the capitr' the state. But steadily and publio sentiment against them. » and intensified. The small majorit had voted for the nmondment was forced, Urst, by those law znus who are always willing to nate their personal opiuious to esty of the law, and second, by an large number who, observing the cal results following the abolition saloons in different cities and townfc'be came convinced that Kansas would.be atmoro prosperous, happy, and in ail respects u better community of people, if it had not on open suloou within its borders. •sr~rf<mrr"

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wjuvi traffio has growrTstid'strengthen ifttil to-day I -very^nilibh doubt wbe£bj of its 300,000 male voters, more^BD 'XM G00 would, if they could, invite back and reinstate the Baloons. ' ^'Wti&^&SlE One argument of the whisky interest, viz: that - saloons promote the prosperity and growth of communities, has been answered in Kansas by the convincing logic of foots. In 1880 the population . of this state, ' as shown ' b y the ' census, ;^ri:: Maroh,V:J.8Q6, ,;ii a wae 996,096. shown W o the stat% oensus, ; it; WM I 1,406,788; and it is now fully 31650,000. Jh j 1880 Kansas had only 8,104 miles; of rajl*way. wikhjhvher borders; on tfiq, first ',ol March last the state board of railroad lessors re rted 6.208 miles for taxation

tie real and personal property o zregated only 8160,891,689: f Maroh,.1886, the total was 'It ad'^or the present fiscal year) aus far received indicate a toti vQftOOapfe 1880 there wereWHI houses, 2,514 ohurohes and 547/ per in Kansas; there are now.' f school houses, 8,600 churches Newspapers. In 1880 only fifty*; and oities had populations' itt * 1,000 eaob; in 1887 more than" have each over 1,000 inhabitants; fully . twenty-five have eaoh over 6,000i Ma four, | have.'eaoh oyer 20,000. In 18K)611*8,868,. 000 acres were planted in crops; this year the area planted exoeede 16,000,000 sores. In 1880 the value of the farmbroduota of _ Kansas was' "only $8-4,521,000: -tor' 1886 [ their yalue.was over 8264,000.000, Por the' • ffaoal year of 1880 the percentage of state taxation wad f>% mills; for the '"present, fitoal year .the total percentage levied fori all state purposes is over 4%milis, • ' i I i Poring the past two years. and a'half I have organized seventeen opunties jn the western seotion of the state and oanaua takers have been appointed for four bther, counties, leaving only two '.obuntiee remaining to be organized, i$mjfci£W$a The cities and towns (of Kansas, witb hardly an exoeptlon,^||Si^';, leapt pace I n / growth and. ^ i p e p e r i t y with' this marvelous development'of the state, Many of them have doubled their, population during the past yearV'sid it is a remarkable fact that several o}tles and towns languished or stood sou tjntil they abolished their saloons, and from that date until the' present time their growth and prosperity has equalled, and in some instances surpassed, that of other places with equal natural o4vactagei'''^H ; " i, |-J Summing, up, the facts of the cen-' BUS confute and confound those/ who assert that the material prosperity of any oommunityis^promotea bythe.preeenoe lar as Kansas and all her 8t saloons. I., are oonoerpedj'the re-' cities and iraon is true. ;The most verso of tL Lprosperity, of |Oftteri " wonderful develc moral and

growth lrFfbpuntry, cltiejL and towim ever witnessed on; the American copti.nentThas been illustrated in Kaneas'dtu> ing'vfhe six years since the temperance amendment to our''*i constitution was adopted, and especially during the past' two years, the period of its most energetic and complete enforcement;. "* 4; ~r!H :>•••:


8 Youre very respectfully,'


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.' ;v jNO.'ik. MAT5TIN.




The I.le Nailed. 'O'lii-'? . The following letter was sent to William Henry Smith, general agent of the Associated Press at Chicago, and will explain itself; ' ^;'J"-'. .'..: ; • > .>., ATCHISON Ks., July 15, Iffy.j-WfiNam Henry 8mith, Agent Associated £f§t& Chicago, 77J.—DEAR'. SIR :—The under:,, signed have read Gov. Martin's letter denying and correcting certain false add' misleading statements embodied ip a: special djspatch sehf to'a, Chicago news-,' paper, on the 2d pf1 July, Inst, and we fully endorse and ajistaih'the5 Governor*^ statement. A local dispute; concerning methods of taxation was, as Gov. Martin says, the only foundation for the malicious and untruthful dispatch from St. Joseph. The gas, electric lights and water supply of Atchison have never been cut off. Its fire department has been, and is, contin-' uously on duty. Its police force has been largely reduced, but has been, and; is, ample to preserve the peace and pro-" tact the property of the citizens. In brief, every statement embodied in Gov. Mar-. tin's letter to the General Agent of the ] Associated Press, touching the municipal condition of the city of Atchison, the ommercial and manufacturing prosperi:y of the city, its business, its public improvements, Its government, its gas and water supply, and its fire department, is [perfectly truthful and accurate. That this dispatch from St. Joseph had to origin in the enmity and rivalry of a "Usourl town, is fully established by the lalignant and untruthful dispatch sent rom that place last night, concerning "ov. Martin's letter. The 'extracts there paraded, from Atchison newspapers, are garbled and misleading. The articles thus quoted from were discussions of the ery question to which Gov. Martin reefers in his letter to' Gen. Smith, viz., a uestion concerning a method of munlciial tazation for Atchison that bad been, 'or many years, adopted and enforced in T St Joseph. * V ; ' V j *fT,V"" The city of Atchison was sever more ft>


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osperous than it Is at the present time. Its^business, and especially its1 wholesale and manufacturing trade, during the present year, is fully thirty-three per cent, in excess of that for the corresponding months of 1886. Real estate sales in Atchison, during the first six months of 1887, have exceeded the aggregate for the previous three years combined. More costly and substantial buildings are being erected in Atchison this year than during any previous year in its history. The undersigned are members of both parties, Republican and Democratic. Very few of us are Prohibitionists. This letter is, therefore, written'slmply to vindicate the truth, *»d. to toatiiro against the,, malignant, jfai&e and slana^rcus statements sent out'from 8t. "jojcrpb; Mo., fw" the purpose oJ injuring tlfl&! good name and affecting the growth of t&is city. \ >! •„•










THE LATEST tfSULT; A Ringing Dispatch From Our Governor to the President, Indignant Soldier*.

All the old soldiers of the late war, and _ all loyal oitizens as well, are filled with indignation at the action of President Oleveland in ordering the return of the confederate Hags held by the government. So indiguaut were many of the old ecidiers that they made the air ring with the most bitter denunciations of the president. Governor Martin, true to the state of Kauaaa and the loyal oitizens and soldiers he represents, sent to President Oleveland the following telegram this morning: TOPEXA, KANSAS, June 10, 1887. To the President, Washington, D. C: In the name of one hundred thousand oitizens of Kansas, who served in the ranks of the Union army during the war, and in behalf of all the loyal people of this state, I enter an indignant protest against the return of the confederate Hags captured in battle by the soldiers of the republic I protest against such aotion as an insult to the heroio dead and an outrage on their surviving comrades. The government accepted the custody of these flags, placed in its ciiurge by the putriotio soldiers of the Union, as a sacral trust, and I protest that neither the president of the United States nor any other otllcer of the government has authority, moral or legal, to surrender them.

K K L S E Y {

[ Mayor.', . : . , . ; •

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O . G .

R O L F S ,


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'•-'•• tPresident Boardof Trade.



E. 8. W I L L S /

Superintendent Gas Co. B. S. WILLS', '

.'-'•s H •p

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•'. J. M.'WELLS,"

Y;< Superintendent Electric Light Co. ' W. 0 . BARNES,

' ' •':,

Chief Fire Department. F. H. PBICE,

tv. '.'"'.<' !;"i'.'

2 00 oo

Superintendent Water Co.

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Chief of Police. • T. B. GBBOW, ' City Clerk. J. T. CorLAX,' Cashier First National Bank. 0. 8. HjtTIIBRJNaTON, Exchange National Bank.

Y ,« '.[


Governor of Kansas. ByXlmMat'WHlUm Of ,tlli


Cashier United States National Bank. Ji V. J U X I O H ,

OCTOBER 19, 18*7.

k i *-a s tr, -4V?nUon National Bank.. . Cashier Atchison Savings B a n k * '••• _•'•'' . E. G. AlUlBTlY, ,M/j Cashier Kansas Trust


J. S. WOOD, '

Asst. Cash. Farmers' Exchauge Bank.




Cashier Atchison Bute Hunk. J. C. Fox. 8. C. KINO. H. CLAY PAHK,

Postmaster (Atchison). J. B. Ml'LKOIlD, Pastor First Baptist Church. S. B. OLAZIEU,

President U. 8. Investment Co. '$?; ' J f ^ ' *• M'rLMKR, , Pastor 6^;Fj|^'PrMDTteri8n Church.



riendshlp Lodge Celebrates the] Thirtieth Anniversary of Its Existence.

Friendship lodge No. 5, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, celebrated the thirtieth anniversary of Its existence Inst evening, at its elegantly equipped Temple, 8lxth Htreet and Kansas avenue. There was a large attendance, including

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rickety cottonwood stairway, built o stilrs, led to the second story. The stej of this stairway had an odd hablt'N turning up, unexpectedly, and the vh tims of this perverse disposition were ii clined to declare, in their wrath, th< . BEV. EDWAKI) COOPER never again, until that infernal old mai {.'•) trap was fixed, would they, attend anothe ' of St. Louis, a Past Grand ot Friendship lodge meeting. '•'. • , ' t lodge, and who still retains his memberReaching a platform at the head of th ship here, arose in his place and was stairway, you passed into the ante-rooi greeted with applause. In acknowledg—a room about as large as a good size' ment he bowed his snowy head, bleached dry goods box—and thence made you way to the lodge room. by the tempestuous storms of seventyWe confidently believed, in those oh seven winters. He said he hud been an days, that it was a comfortable and com Odd Fellow since 1845, and then rehearse'd modious place. In reality it was no concisely the progress of the order and more than one-third the size of the pres its influence for good on the community ent lodge room. It was dimly lighted b\ coal oillamps; its floor was covered wit! at large. His speech, though brief, was the oddest—not to say the most atrociout one of the best of the evening, and made —pattern of a carpet ever woven; and a deep impression on all who heard It. the tawdry hangings of ten cent red and Mayor S. H. Kelsey, representative to blue chintz over the officers' chairs were 'agonizing in their cheap affectation of 3 the Sovereign Grand lodge, gave a genadornment. The walls were rough and eral a c c o u n t ^ the recent session of that black with smoke, until the lodges Anally body at Denver, and spoko of it as in a moment of puffed up wealth covered them with wall paper whose figures must TtIK SENATE OY THE ORDEH, have conveyed to the initiate, when his upon which a great responsibility rested. eyes were first opened to the light, the He related somo Interesting facts, show- , impression that a house painter's apprening the great labor devolving upon tho tice had essayed high art and ended in a fit of disgust by hurling his paint pots representatives, and congratulated the and brushes at the canvas. members upon the gratifying reports as to This old lodge room had a roof which, the spread of tho order in all parts of the like that of the Arkansas gentleman, world. didn't leak when it didn't rain and could not bo mended when it did rain. Some Past Grand John A. Martin followed in ono of tho Masonic brethren—who met in an address on "Odd Fellowship of Yore *$M tho same room—had been prowling about and of tho Present." Ho spoko substanin the loft, and, making a mlested, had left tially ;is follows: in the ceiling a ragged, yawnldg hole. This served, foryears,to impress outsiders, Thirty years ago yesterday Friendship <



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followed were indeed qjpr^fand perilous to Friendsbip~Lodge./ii&ivas told, when4 peace dawned on the' land agaiu; thut frequently, for months iu succession, a quorum could not be obtained for a meeting; that when the Grand Lodge dues were payable, a few of the members had to advance them; and that when the semi-annual election nights came around it was frequently difficult to find enough members to fill the offices—an odd enough thing, even in Odd Fellowship.' With the return of peace .came better times for the old lodge. The town began to grow, and the order kept pace with it. Its roll of members rapidly lengthened, and in a few years there was, talk of removal to more commodious quarters. These were obtained after much discussion, In the third ktory of the building on Second street, now the St. James hotel, and on the 17th of March, 1808, the new lodge room waa^ formally dedicated, in the presence of a large assemblage of members, with their wives and daughters. Less than a month after this removal, on the 7th of April, the lodge, by resolution, granted permission to its German members to withdraw and organize a new lodge, and shortly thereafter Schiller lodge was duly organized. . The two lodges met, for five years, in the hall on Second street. But in 1875 another change occurred. A largo and beautiful room in the building on the corner of Commercial and Sixth streets was leased for a term of years, elegantly fitted up. and dedicated with appropriate1 ceremonies. ' ,••."'- h >' •.•'.*' Ten years later. In 1883, the building of the present Odd Fellows' temple was commenced, and on the 20th of Novom•ber, 1884, It was, formally dedicated. It Is an enduring monument to the enterprise and public spirit of the Odd Fellows of Atchison. If is worth fully tweuty-flvo- thousand dollars, and the debt contracted in building it has been, In less than three years, almost oxtltu guishod. The lodge has one hundred and forty-four members jn good standing and its future prosperity is assured. One of the charter members of Friendship Lodge, and its first Noble Grand, Dr. C. A. Logan, attained the highest position known in Odd Fellowship, that of Grand Sire of the United States and Canada; and afterwards represented this country, with distinguished usefulness, I as Minister Plenipotentiary to Chili. Oth/rs of its members have filled many official positions of dignity and importance. Two of its members, John M. Price and Charles II. Krebs, havo been Grand Mnsters of tho Order In Kansas;; two, 8. H Kelgey and your speaker, have been Grund Patriarchs of the Grand Encampment; and two, John M. Price and 8. II. Kelsey, have frequently been electj ed delegates to the Sovereign Grand] Lodge of tho World. Eleven of the eighteen Mayors of this city have beet members of Friendship Lodge, and itJ rolls have always included a very large! number of ogr most prominent and pub-j lie spirited citizens, engaged In all!

ranches -. _, tory of Friends itable to t.h priAlpTei,| and it is to ... tost prosperous lodges in the ... I have neither the Yfm'e nor the dlsposi| tion to discuss the principles, influence ' and aims of Odd Fellowship. The order needs neither defense or eulogy. I have never believed that Initiation in & y secret society, no mattar what its princi-4 ples or purposes might be, would make a good man out of a person who is inherently mean, vicious or depraved!/ Bu> the vast majority of men are not naturally bad, ana a very large portion of those whose lives are hopelessly wrecked, fall because of their surroundings.' Pliant and weak, they are insensibly but irresistubly swopt Into w.ong-dol ig and *1 $ by the force of example and associations. Upon this class of men, I do sincerely believe, such societies as the Independent Order of Odd Fellows exert a restraining, reforming and always wholesome influence. The lessons» taught la tAught In the ritual, the principles on "' Order Is based, the virtues thijil Atwe ionstantly exalted in every'beremony.of Odd Fellowship, an'oyabove?i*» ti»« strengthening and inspiring associations of the losge room—all these wholesome influences must exert, upon the minds and hearts of Odd Fellows, and especially upon the younger members, a strong and helpful control. Every lesson, and precept of Odd Fellowship exalts the homely virtues of industry, frugality, truth, benevolence, kindliness to others, fidelity to duty, respect for law, and consideration for the rights of all men. True Odd Fellowship exalts manhood, enjoins sobriety, demands charity, Inspires patriotism, and teaches the universal Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. No man can be a good Odd Fellow who h not a good citizen, a true husband, father and brother, a helpful friend, and a truthful, sober, kindly, honest and industrious man. I do not assert that all these virtues can be said to distinguish all Odd Fellows. Members of the Order are only human. They have the same passions and self-, control, the same strength and weaknesses, the same virtues and frailties that are common to the whole human race. But I do assert that membership in the Order—its teachings, its principles, the noble examples it is constantly, exalting, and the virtues It holds up as the best and highest qualities of humanity—can not fall to exert a beneficent influence upon the lives and conduct of its members. I believe Friendship Lodge'has exerted such an influence upon many men. It has uided them to see the right, and influenced them to do right, often, perhaps, when they did not themselves realize the subtle but powerful control of its teachings. It has been a useful or;anization In this community, and such/ fervently hope and trust, It will ever be. Its old members. I am sure, have only pleasant memories of it* past; its younger mombors, ^believe, find equal enjoyment and profit in its future growth and usflfulnesB. ^'V5




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A N O T H E H MAMMOTH CROWD AT T H ^ f EXPOSITION YESTEKDAY. Tlie. First und P r e s e n t f5ov.«>rnors of t l i o l UioHt State Spvak —Gllinoro, a i Usual,] 1'leases t h e Crowds—Visliosaj at "Tliol Tlmtit" Ilriiuuli Office—Nolos—Missouri! Day.

The view from tho band stand wns a grand one, ami the oomplituont ta Kansas us pres e n t e d by the .issemblod multitnde was t h o r oughly appreciated by the governor of Kansas and Ms friends. The main aisle was pricked with peoplo from tho edge of tho bund ti'.nd to the entrance In tho south tower, In act the tloor of main hall, sill that portion that was wltlun hearing distance, war, Dim solid m a s s of humanity. The balcony doors had no more standing room. Tho BSUBU was bright and animated. When tho applause died away President Harris stopped to tho front and introduced Governor Martin In tho following graceful word* of wsl'Omo: "Lutlos and gonlloinen: The dlroitors of tho national exposition have Invited to visit us tod a y , tho people of the state of Kansas and tholr gov. nior. I feel satlsllod that 1 voice. tin) iniaiilmous sentiment of tho pooplo of hausim (.Miy when I state that we fool houorod In having them with us. I fori and they toel that n very largo portion of our prosperity Is due to the people of Kansas, and Mli'10 should s l w a y s bo a bond of sympathy LufAioin us. Ono nan not well exist Wltttofut •ij-tli" oihor. Ladles anil gentlemen, this o w m rJunirKs for all fin urn lime an Important event In iliu history of this elty. The rapid dovniopmetit of the great stato of Kansas, whoso KCAJWealth is over pouring through our gates. S ^ m . ' . k e s this phanunionalwjjf fi/ ours the great jOL'JWondor of modern llflHP For 'lil» we are

Ki>nsa» day at the e x p o s i t i o n WAS A grout 6UCQ0SR.

Tho first thought ofj o y e r y b o d y In tho olty B W M tho day ana tho guos.ts It would bring. All the railroads In Kansas thatieentered la Kans a s City were running excursion trains, ntut the sceno about union W p o t all day yestorduy wn> one ot noise, confusion and crowds of people. T h ^ t r a v o l was enormous. By noon thoso poopfo began'pourlng Into the e x p o s i tion building, and by the time Ollmoro appeared on tho scene the building was about as full as it could welt bo.without pressing tho wails out. Governor John A. Martin o s m o down front Atchison on the 0 a. m, train. He wus met by President T. A. Harris und dsjajen dlrootly to the Coates hoose. wboro he w a s Diot by tho reception commltteo of twonty-flvo. A l t e r a tew moments' conversation he w a s osoortod to the rooms rosoi vud by the m a n a g e m e n t of the Coates house for tholr distinguished g u e s t s , nod later took breakfast In tbo public dining room. Governor Martin's staff and otbor prominent Topoka gentlemen arrived on tho 0:30 train and wero mot by tho oommlttou und taken directly to the Costos house, The party consisted of W. W. Admire, seorstary to the governor; Junto* W. Hamilton, state treasurer; J. H. Lawhoad, superintendent of public Instruction; William rilms, soorotsry of the etato board of agriculture; Dr. E. B. Allen, sooretsry of state, and wlto; George FinJlny. Stste mining Inspector; 0. 0. Bakor, stato prlntor, and John bmltn, warden ot tho stato penitentiary. F.x-Govornor Itoblnson of Lawronco oame o n tho 0:30 traiu § tf wa* uscortud to the Coates house, whore1 i ' w a s mot by tho roHt I ('of the party. > About 11 o'.lock B!X carriages wero drawn jtjp in line In front of tho Coates house swd the •first and I At) I governors ot 'ho grout stato, 'iieoompunled by the state ofnoors, Prostdent Harris and members of tbe committee, wore soon seatod in thorn for a drivo about tho city. Tho llrst carriage contained ex-Governor Robinson, President T. A. Harris, J. K. Landls and Judgo W, HolmoB; In tho s e c o n d were Governor John A, Martin, L. It. Mooro and W. D. Qrlmos; third, Kansas Htato T r e a s urer J, W. Hamilton, Kansas Bt^to C. Baker. Charles D. Printer C. Lucas,- and B. F. Jones, superintendent of t h o ^ r a t j wo^ks; tho fourth was oooupled •ilftl'8 secretary, W. W. Adby dis./, state mining Inspector; mlrof'^ "J , ,,n l \V « Wilson: In

foe K a n s a s state' venttOritfitrW'B. 0."Moody! J. M. M. Wilson and J. /JStfrygher. The slxt carriuga was oooupled M S a e w s p s p e r men Tho route followed w a s .irom.-Br.oaaffiky t Thirteenth, to SrlppB overtbokingr'^'fifflBL i Sixteenth, to Broadway, to ^TjtOfagffi: Delaware, to Main, US Tout^i, TSSMpa! nut, to Ninth, to ForeWi aventi?, to Inca pendenco avonae. to BefTefontainp avenue, i Prospect, to Thirtoontb, to the exposition^ building, where tho party alighted, and were. Bgogrted into the main hall at 1 o'clock. Theyx spent an hour in making the tour of the build-! lug, and e x p r e s s e d themselves us both nston •ft ished and pleased with the building and it contents. After walking ubout tho halls fpr i time the party, this time accompanied by Dr, E. 1). Allen and wife, embarkod In .the car r i s g e s for another drivo, not r"**TTflfrt|rfc_'u exposition till 3:30, whore they r f l j R w t Ollmoro's matchless music for some" time ^YhenTho musical programme was -jufft hat plnrod through, Colonel (itlmore called if halt, and the band stdnd was immediately occupied by the governor and BX-coveiuor. o Kansas, the s'ato ouT-ers. ra«snbers of tno re^ 0«ptlon oonnnittee and reM>rtors. As Gov ornor Martin and o x - G o y l r n o r Rabins orossed the platform they wore greeted wi prolonged oheeriug.


•Pa grniofui. ana to linvo wltlTUa lo-day tho llittj ni.d tle> last governors ot tho stato from which Ujr., I of our trade nonioH u an event of great nil'! most pleasing significance.

1Q • I

" l t l s o n u of the greatest p easttves of my ills la bo able to welcome to Kansas City tho iii-oi).u of Kansas, aud to littroducu to you Governor John A. Mnrtln. who will now. address you In Uuhull of the puuploot Kansas. Lad in I and gontlemu), Uuvornor John A. Mar,in of Kansas." As Governor Martin rose to respond ho was grooto.i with a perfect storm o( welcome. Ho I'lmiiii from notes In his eusy, oonYluclog in timer, Ills deop, clear voice penstratlng to the rvmolost r e c e s s e s of the hall, commanding tho profoundest ruspeot and silence, savo ni.w an,I then when n ripple of laughter or rnnn i of spplauso greoteu some mors than u>u illy pieiialng passage. When us and - -ity aud uruwlnrtcities per ci _ n slrtv ot lth Dtrl • •• ••• K....«nn. t^^n otUe

eg* nasry •flriitU floordr. BRbnt you nover.hoar a, Kansaq BftaXilM bout them I W« are • uiodost p#opl9 and *r» not utfvd ui>, «ven if we havo the best andgreateit tuts in toe union. »v "v-,i,-,--Wbai, then, shall I talK about? Hire In this ,'roat building, surrounded by this vast dfsplay of ho produoti of aifrtoiilture, Industry, Invention, vouiuierco aod art, the eye and tbe mind, not the tongue, should be busy. Thin exposition la a modem object lescon—a school for the Instruction of old and young alike. II Illustrate* the social and Indiietrlul progress of tbe wont-the arty, trades, SOleiioaB, Mtenuure unrt philosophy of our people, /»s well us their groat numimrolal and agricultural curiin;». Tlui unuf.il aud the beuutllul, toe products of -kill and Industry o( tbo studio, tbe factory, tbe duld aud tho uori mo here blended happily together for tbe Inspection of tho ourious and the study of tbe thoughtful. Huoh exhibitions are of t.'ie iTciUoat value to all oinssos of the people, 'Ihsv Instruct and inspire; they suggest new ideas; tbov dllfusoii belter knowledge of the natural resources »f the eountry and of the methods, Industrie)- and progress of Its people. The exposition, thereforo. noeds no orator, It spouks for ltmlf, II Is Us own advooate and eulogist. Look around and admire. 1 heartily consjrntulate tbe originators and mao' U « M of the exposition upon the brilliant success tboy fcave aohiovsd. 'Chuy havo Inaugurated a great ens»rprl
["•* '»[«or Interest M urltyaud victories of ,1 0



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low in Sejiion under thjk Auspioes of] tbe 8tate Board oWeolth.— Dr. J. O. T. J o h n s o n , of Atohlson, thou rtid\aii nblo paper on "Heredity," and ari interesting gunornl disoussiou was taken pnrt In by Hi* members. 11 il Excolrfftoj, Hon. J o ' 1 ] ^ - Martin, Governor, was ou»the proflffh , l t ">'» point for an address. Oor. Martin could not bo present, nnd tho secretary read a letter of regret fo»ui him. whioh wo givo below: STATE or KANSAS. Kxect.nva / DKPAKTMENT, TOPKUA, Due. 7. 'ST. )

Jadgo Jsmea Hamphrcy, I'reaidcnt Htnte Sanitary Convention: Vv rirvn SJrn• —T tULfJ llfl

the past day or two, liad fully otfieotbd t attend Ilia State Sanitary Convention ai Winbitn, and to fulfill (ho duty assigned me in the-programme, bat sicknesn lit home, and an unununl precaare of official basiness at the Capital, have so absorbed my time during the past tun day* that it has been impossiblo for mo to fulfill my purpose, and I am relnotantly compelled to aend my regrets. I do not believe, however, tbaM?jjr absence will detract from tho business of the ^neetlng, and I am suro that I could say nothing on sno.li an ooanslon that #.ould be of Interest or value come I desired only to lit consetitlSg to cxproaa <;iin-. oere interost in tho purpose* of my tho^on ventlon, und this I can do quite a»|irsll by letter as by my porannal prosonc The state, in my judgment has a r duty to perform in dovi.iing and per stag moaauros for preserving iho ptrtlio ealth and the discussions and sugSos tlona of such a body an will bo assembled at WJohitu to-morrow ought to, aad Ihvvt n o d j u b t will, afford muoh practioul inSrnation touching tho best methods of accomplishing this result. It is an old adage that "doctors disagree"but tho y do opt disagree concerning Himilary contlitiogs. All sohools of modicino are, I believpsa unit In declaring that (ho source an§] oanio of many of tho most virulent dSoases Is impure air and water, and imperfect sowerago and drainage. It is also^t well established fact that many of tfi-o most dostruotivo diseaseM are eap.ible <S control, limitation and extinction lj> propor sanitary regulations. And tJivsl things being true, every individual tfltfi een has a right to domanil, nnd ought I demand, that tho stato ahull givo to hill and to his family that, sanitary pfrtleoj tfon which he, as an individual, rnuuot! prorido or enforce. Health is tho greatost of earthly biers Jngs. Without it, wealth, honors, and ai^L tho prizes that men and women stroggis^i for, aro valueless, All citizens, therefore, are personally and largely interested in tho deliberations of a body convened to discuss sanitary regulations, nnd suggest I U p m o s t practical method* of drainage And vontilation. und I'I» bent mean* to provs/Ijt disease, control epidemics, and impttWo tho general health of the comi monwealth. With regrets that I am unable to be present nt tho couvoxytiou, and assurances of my hearty sympathy witljjils objecls, [•^Hrr-jpojgjp. very (rnJy, Jonrneil fhu coriVention4V y JOHN A^jiaBn.N 'and! !i n'clockUhis

John Alexander Martin, newspaper clippings, 1885 to 1887, held by Richard Tonsing, 145 Plaza Dr., # 508, Vallejo, California, -USA 94591-3706.

John Alexander Martin, newspaper clippings, 18S5 to 1887, held by Richard Tonsing, 145 Plaza Dr., # 508, Vallejo, California, -USA 94591-3706.

John Alexander Martin, newspaper chppings, 1885 to 1887, held by Richard Tonsing, 145 Plaza Dr., 1508, Vallejo, California, -USA 94591-3706.

John Alexander Martin, newspaper clippings, 1885 to 1887, held by Richard Tonsing, 145 Plaza Dr., # 508, Vallejo, California. -USA 94591-3706.


John Alexander Martin, n e w ^ e r clipping,, ,885 to 1887, held by Rictard Tonsing, .45 Pi™ Dr., # 508, VaUejo, Catifbrnia, -USA 94591-3706.

clippings, 1885 to 1887, held by Richard Tonsing, 145 Plaza Dr., # 508, Vallejo, California, -USA 94591-3706.

John Alexander Martin, newspaper clippings, 1885 to 1887, held by Richard Tonsing, 145 Plaza Dr., # 508, Vallejo, California, -USA 94591-3706.

John Alexander Martin, newspaper clippings, 1885 to 1887, held by Richard Tonsing, 145 Plaza Dr., # 508, Vallejo, California, -USA 94591-3706.

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