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Under the Guidance of Internal Guide Name

External Guide Name





It is certified that the work contained in the project report titled “Title of the Project Report,” by “Name of the Student,” has been carried out under my/our supervision and that this work has not been submitted elsewhere for a degree

Signature of Supervisor(s) Name(s) Department(s) DR. M.P.S. COLLEGE OF BUSINESS STUDIES Month, Year

DECLARATION I declare that this written submission represents my ideas in my own words and where others' ideas or words have been included, I have adequately cited and referenced the original sources. I also declare that I have adhered to all principles of academic honesty and integrity and have not misrepresented or fabricated or falsified any idea/data/fact/source in my submission. I understand that any violation of the above will be cause for disciplinary action by the Institute and can also evoke penal action from the sources which have thus not been properly cited or from whom proper permission has not been taken when needed.

(Signature) (Name of the student) (Roll No.) Date:



Today all the work at the time of admission of the students is done manually by ink and paper, which is very slow and consuming much efforts and time. In the modern world of technology, computer are affecting our lives in more ways than we probably are aware of COMPUTERIZED MANAGEMENT maintaining information of an educational institute, colleges, other the list is endless. The main principle behind the need of college admission system is easy supervision of institutes. It can handle the details of students such as fee details or marks details. This Student Database has been designed taking into account the practical needs to manage a Students data. Moreover, it provides security at product level as well as user level. Its design concentrates on 4 types of users:

1. Admin 2. Students 3. Account 4. Student section


Student admissions are a vital part of any College’s running because students are what keep a College alive. The student admission is one of the most important activities within a College as one cannot survive without students. A poor admissions system can mean fewer students being admitted into a College because of mistakes or an overly slow response time. The process begins with a potential student completing an application form through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service, the first step for students is to apply directly to the College through a custom online form. The next step is for the Admissions service centre has to review the application and ensure that all of the required information has been provided. The application in its entirety is then forwarded, complete with a recommendation, to the respective department’s Admissions Tutor, who has the final say as to whether each potential student is Accepted or rejected. Before making a decision, the Admissions Tutor reviews the application and the additional documentation, comparing the academic credentials to a list of College rankings and previous, similar applications.


The main aim of our project is to develop the application which will be useful in college admission system. As this college admission system project includes the admission process of student, starting from when the student takes admission in college in first year till that submission of examination form from the college. The requirement of the student is to: 

Login to the system through the first page of the application.

New student registration after logging into the system.

View/change his/her details.

Can get help through the help option to view different features of the system.

Admin login should be present who can read as well as remove any uploads. The student details in separate records are tedious task. Referring to all these records and updating is needed. Since the number of students are growing and management has to handle records of all of the students, it is facing the little bit problems in Maintaining the records of students.

 Objectives:         

The new system is totally computerized system. The system should be flexible. It provides security and authorization. It save time and cost. It is user friendly. In new system,use less manpower than manual system. In this , the data require less space to store than the manual system.  Students can easily get information about organization and easily apply for admission.

SCOPE This project’s aim is to automate the system, pre-checking the inclusion of all required material and automatically ranking each student’s application based on a number of criteria. These criteria include the ranking of their College, their grade at said College and their language grade Certificate. The data used by the system is stored in a database that will be the centre of all information held about students and the base for the remainder of the process after the initial application has been made. This enables things to be simplified and considerably quickened, making the jobs of the people involved easier. It supports the current process but centralizes it and makes it possible for decisions to be made earlier and easier way.


The main goal of the system is to automate the process carried out in the organization with improved performance and realize the vision of paperless admission. Some of the goals of the system are listed below: 

Manage large number of student details.

Manage all details of student who registered for the course and send appropriate details about the course to the students account.

Create student accounts and maintain the data’s effectively.

View all the details of the students.

Create the statistical reports to facilitate the finance department work.

Manage the details of hostellers and facilitate the allotment of hostels rooms for the students.

Reduce the work load in interview the students for selection and Counseling should be very effective rather than direct methods.


Software Requirement Specification (SRS): 1) Introduction: 1.1 Purpose: The purpose of the project is to provide online facility to Institutes to conduct online exams and to Students to give online exams. Institutes can enter and edit the questions along with the students list. Also they can view the result. Students can login and give their respective exams and view their score then and there. Others can view sample papers to get look and feel of the online examination system. . 1.2 Scope: The website to conduct online Admission for a University is “Online Admission System”. This website provides facility to institutes to conduct online Admissions by providing a unique id to each Student. The institute provides online registration of the student. Institute also enters the list of eligible students. All the information entered can be later edited by the institute. In turn student can login with their id, name and Programmed to give the forms and can view their Admission status then and there. Institutes can also change the status of admission of their students (if needed).

Benefits: This website reduces the manual work, maintaining accuracy, increasing efficiency and saving time. Also institutes need not go to develop new software each time; instead they just register and admit the students online. For students, it saves time of going too far away admission centres and also they can view their Admission status then and there.

iii) Abbreviations: PHP stands for Hypertext Pre Processor HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol

iv) References: IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements SpecificationIEEE STD 830-1993.

v) Overview: The rest of this SRS document describes the various system requirements, interfaces, features and functionalities in detail.

2. Overall Description: In Online Admission system institute can register to conduct an online admission and view the academic records later. Students can fill the form and their respective academic records (softcopy), which helps the registrar to admit the student or reject as per submitted records. No student can take a particular online registration more than once.

i.) Product Perspective:

(i) User interfaces The application will have a user friendly and menu based interface. Following screens will be provided: (ii) A login screen for entering the username, password will be provided. Access to different screens will be based upon the user. (iii) There is a screen for displaying information regarding entries to be made by institutes.

(iv) There is a screen for displaying information regarding filling of Admission form details by institutes. (v) There is a screen for displaying information regarding entering student list for the particular program. (vi) There is a screen for displaying information menu regarding what options the institutes will select while filling entries in the form. (vii) There is a screen for displaying course details to the students when they are selecting program for admission. (viii) There is a screen for submitted status for the students. (ix) There is a screen for displaying of results of students after taking time for registrar for selecting and rejecting students in the selected list and rejected list.

(x) Hardware interfaces (i) Support for printer for printing results then and there. (ii) Screen resolution of at least 800X600 is required for proper and complete viewing of screens. Higher resolution will be accepted. (xi) Software interfaces (i) Any windows based operating system. (ii) MYSQL-for database. (iii) Dreamweaver for developing code. (xii) Communications interfaces Xampp (xiii) Memory Constraints At least 512 MB RAM and 5 MB space on hard disk will be required for running the application. (xv) Site Adaptation Requirements Web browser with cookies enabled.

ii.) Product Functions: The website will allow access only to authorised users with specific roles (Administrator- maintains the website, InstitutesRegister to select the forms submitted by the students, Students-Apply for admission online) a summary of the major functions that the website will perform: a. Provide facility to institutes to register to conduct an online admission process. b. Institutes can enter the number of programs and there course details and the list of eligible students selected. c. Students can login and submit the admission form.

iii.) User Characteristics: a. Educational level: Users should be comfortable with the English language. b. Experience: Users should have prior information regarding the online admission process. c. Skills: Users should have basic knowledge and should be comfortable using general purpose applications on computers.

iv.) Constraints: * Since the DBMS being used is MYSQL, which is not a very popular DBMS, it will not be able to store a very huge number of records. * Due to limited features of DBMS being used performance tuning features will not be applied to the queries and thus the system may become slow with the increase in number of records being stored. * An extra security as SSL must be used to secure the marks details and other examination information.

v.) Assumptions: The application is online so taking into consideration that all the details are true. Students can submit application form just once.

vi.) Apportioning of Requirements: The future versions of the website will be having a better database to handle larger number of records, in a more secure way. Also separate profile will be maintained later for all students so that he can view all his previous academic records later.

3. Specific Requirements: This section provides software requirements to a level of detail sufficient to enable designers to design the system and testers to test the system.

• External Interface Requirements: * User Interfaces: *Institute Registration Screen: Various fields available on this screen will be: *Login Name *Institute Name *Email Id *Password *Institute Login Screen: Fields available on this screen are: *Login Name *Email Id

*Password *Entering academic details: Various Fields are: *Programs *Course list for each Program *Admission selected/rejected list Screen: Various Fields are: *Student List Screen: Various Fields are: *Student ID *Student Name *Student Login Screen: Various Fields are: *Student ID *Student Name *Institute ID *Result (Select/Reject)

*Hardware interfaces: *Support for printer for printing results then and there. *Screen resolution of at least 800X600 is required for proper and complete viewing of screens. Higher resolution will be accepted. *Software interfaces: *Any windows based operating system. *MySQL-for database. *PHP for developing code.

*Communications interfaces None ii.) Software Product Features: Validity Checks: JavaScript provides validity checks for various fields in the forms. Sequencing Information: All the information regarding exam details, student list, question details, display of result should be handled sequentially that is data should be stored only in a particular sequence to avoid any inconvenience Error Handling: If any of the validations or sequencing flows does not hold true then Appropriate error messages will be prompted to the user for doing the needful.

iii.) Performance Requirements: This subsection specifies numerical requirements placed on the software or on the human interaction with the software, as a whole. Numerical requirements will include: *Only text information will be supported (HTTP) *All the transactions will be processed within seconds. iv.) Design Constraints: None v.) Software System Attributes: *Security: Only authorized users will be able to access the website by entering the correct login name and corresponding password. *Maintainability: The website can be maintained in present or future. It will be easy to incorporate new requirements in the individual modules. *Portability: As the website is online so will be easily portable on various systems.

The website will be also easily portable on any windows based system that has MYSQL installed. *Logical Database Requirements: The following information will be placed in the database: *Organization Details: ID, Login Name, Email, Password, Institute Name. *Program Details: ID, Pname, No. of Course, No. of Duration, credits. *Institute Student List: Sid, Sname, FormID, Result. *Other Requirements: None



Online Admissi on


1 LEVEL DFD Course Manager Student

Student Profile create

Online Admission System Admission

Payment Admin

Student Zone Manager


Staff Admin

Course manager


Student profile creater

Admission Admissiondetail s

Payment Payment G.way

StudentZo ne Manager

Enquiry details

Use Case Diagram


Registration and Login System: This will enable the system to display personalized information when the user logs in and certain information, such as name and address, to be added to each application automatically. Giving each student a specific ID will also allow a user to apply to a number of courses, while giving the system a way to prevent unnecessary duplication of applications.

Update Details: Applicants, admissions staff and tutors will all have the ability to update their personal details at any time. Applicants, however, will also be able to update their application details. After the user has confirmed the update, an e-mail is dispatched with the original and new details as confirmation. The only time an application will be locked for editing will be when it has been submitted to a tutor for review, after which point the application will no longer be accessible by the user.

EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Our College Admission System is online for student. It includes admin, student and office sections. Each section of office is helpful for student like exam, student and account. Experimental result of our College Admission System is student's admission will be done by online.& notice board application which is based on android is give notification to each section[9]. Each process includes in requirement of our project are going to be fulfilled. Input: Input will be details of students like marks, personal etc while filling the admission form. Also the notice will be send for check whether the student gets the notification. Output: That admission form will get submitted by student with student’s fee details and admission of the student will get confirmed. And all the student details will be available and accessible as per the requirement of the various sections in the college. Also the student will gets notified by message. Analysis: After filling the admission form student will go for account section and here the accountant will enter the Unique ID No. provided by Admin Then after verification of the form will be done by student section

SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTS Immediate Feedback: The System must try to answer all the queries of the students and it should provide immediate feedback after getting any request from the students. The system must provide the illusion to the students that, they are contact the real peoples for process the Admission task. Reduce the Cost of Admission Process: The main aim of the System is to reduce the cost needed for Admission Process, so it automatically reduces the manual power needed to perform the entire task and improve the quality of the work. Increase the Quality of the Process: The System facilitates the work of the universities and the same time it must reduce the work load of the organization with expected quality. Quality in the sense, the system try to avoid the mistakes that are usually happen during the Admission Process because names of the students sometimes missed in the selected list and call letters for the students also not send properly to the qualified students. Make the Interface Simple as Possible. Reduced Time: To perform any task time is one of the important factors to consider. If the system not utilize properly time, than the entire aim of system is fails and the system is fails to reach its goal. So time take to process all these activities should be less but the output should be effective.


Performance Requirements Some Performance requirements identified is listed below: o The database shall be able to accommodate a minimum of 10,000 records of students.

o The software shall support use of multiple users at a time. o There are no other specific performance requirements that will affect development.

Security Requirements Some of the factors that are identified to protect the software from accidental or malicious access, use, modification, destruction, or disclosure are described below. Specific requirements in this area could include the need to: o Utilize certain cryptographic techniques o Keep specific log or history data sets o Assign certain functions to different modules

o Restrict communications between some areas of the program o Check data integrity for critical variables

o Later version of the software will incorporate encryption techniques in the user/license authentication process

Portability Requirements Some of the attributes of software that relate to the ease of porting the software to other host machines and/or operating systems. This may include: Java is used to develop the product. So it is easiest to port the software in any environment

Maintainability The user will be able to reset all options and all stored user variables to default settings



Reliability Some of the attributes identified for the reliability is listed below: All data storage for user variables will be committed to the database at the time of entry. Data corruption is prevented by applying the possible backup procedures and techniques.

Usability requirements Some of the usability requirements identified for this system are listed below: o A logical interface is essential to an easy to use system, speeding up common tasks.

o Error prevention is integral to the system and is provided in a number of formats from sanity checks to limiting free-text input.


In this way we are going to develop college admission system, which is helpful for Reduction in manual work so less manpower required. Students’ records can be accessed within few seconds, Clarity in account section. Our system primarily focuses on building an efficient and user friendly communication system for the educational institutions.

FUTURE ENHANCEMENT There is one segment named lab unit needed computer system to improve work. In this system, we tried to make a simple application for user. We can change our system day by day as per user requirements will be changed. In future, we want to implement below point in our system.  We can generate student attendance report.  We can generate graphical report of student’s result.


 Framework for analysis and visualization of embedded platform, IIT Delhi.  Software Requirements Specification for Online College Admission System, VIT College.  LinkedIn slide share.  Google web search  Wikipedia

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