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Implementation of cooperative learning model type STAD with RME approach to understanding of mathematical concept student state junior high school in Pekanbaru Dian Mita Nurhayati, and Hartono

Citation: AIP Conference Proceedings 1848, 040002 (2017); doi: 10.1063/1.4983940 View online: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4983940 View Table of Contents: http://aip.scitation.org/toc/apc/1848/1 Published by the American Institute of Physics

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Implementation of Cooperative Learning Model Type STAD with RME Approach to Understanding of Mathematical Concept Student State Junior High School in Pekanbaru Dian Mita Nurhayati1, a) and Hartono2 1

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia/ Department of Mathematics Education, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi 229 Bandung, Indonesia. 2 State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau/Department of Mathematic Education, HR. Subrantas Street Km. 15 Pekanbaru, Indonesia.. a)

Corresponding author: [email protected]

Abstract. This study aims to determine whether there is a difference in the ability of understanding the concept of mathematics between students who use cooperative learning model Student Teams Achievement Division type with Realistic Mathematic Education approach and students who use regular learning in seventh grade SMPN 35 Pekanbaru. This study was quasi experiments with Posttest-only Control Design. The populations in this research were all the seventh grade students in one of state junior high school in Pekanbaru. The samples were a class that is used as the experimental class and one other as the control class. The process of sampling is using purposive sampling technique. Retrieval of data in this study using the documentation, observation sheets, and test. The test use t-test formula to determine whether there is a difference in student’s understanding of mathematical concepts. Before the t-test, should be used to test the homogeneity and normality. Based in the analysis of these data with t0 = 2.9 there is a difference in student’s understanding of mathematical concepts between experimental and control class. Percentage of students experimental class with score more than 65 was 76.9% and 56.4% of students control class. Thus be concluded, the ability of understanding mathematical concepts students who use the cooperative learning model type STAD with RME approach better than students using the regular learning. So that cooperative learning model type STAD with RME approach is well used in learning process.

INTRODUCTION The understanding of the concept is the ability of students to understand or take over a matter or objects in learning process. Yulelawati states that a student can be said understand if he has the ability to describe a material or a substance to another material or another substance, explain the narration (vocabulary statement) into the numbers, interpret things through a statement with his phrase or with summary [1]. If a student has these abilities, it can be said that he already understood the subject. Moreover, if a student understands a concept, he will be able to generalize it in other situations. In other words, he can use that concept into another situations, not only the exemplified situations. One of mathematics education purposes which is said by Zakaria [2], is to make students understand mathematics. Furthermore, in the regulation of the Minister of national education Republic of Indonesia number 22 in 2006 quoted by Mulyasa [3] states that the purpose of learning mathematics at school is to make learners have the ability to understand mathematical concepts, explains the linkages between concept and apply concepts or logarithms flexibly, accurately, efficiently and appropriately in solving the problem. Based on the purpose of mathematics that has been expressed above, it is clear that the first purpose of mathematics is to make students have the ability to understand the concept. However, the situation in the field is not yet in accordance with the expected. Based on the information obtained from author interviews with mathematics teacher in Junior High School 35 Pekanbaru on 09 August 2012, obtained Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Education (MSCEIS 2016) AIP Conf. Proc. 1848, 040002-1–040002-5; doi: 10.1063/1.4983940 Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1520-1/$30.00


reality that understanding the mathematical concepts of seventh grade students is still considered low, with the following tendencies: 1) if the teacher gives questions that the model is slightly different from the example, most of the students have difficulties to solve it; 2) if the teacher asks again about the concept of mathematics lesson materials previously, most of the students are unable to answer it; 3) if the students given the task, most of the students are unable to analyze and interpret the problems, so they answer it wrongly; 4) most of the students tend to memorize the formula so that they have trouble to solve the given problems; 5) if the students given a homework most of students wait until he can cheat his friend’s answer in school. Based on those tendencies, it takes effort from teachers to make students learn actively so that students have the ability to understand the concept and mathematics learning goals can be achieved as expected. Teachers need to use a learning model that varies with the appropriate approach in order to encourage students to ask questions, give their opinions and answer about a problem, think critically and explain the reason of the answer that they gave. Understanding mathematical concepts is one of the most important goal in mathematics learning. Hudoyo [4] states that "the goal of teaching is to make the presented knowledge can be understood by the learners". Therefore, in order to achieve the purpose of teaching, a teacher must convey the material properly and guide learners in order to understand the concept of a lesson. Mathematics learning can be said success when students can understand math concepts well and can apply those concepts in solving a problem. The students can be said understand when indicators of understanding are achieved. As for indicators that demonstrate understanding of the concept are: 1) restate a concept; 2) classify the objects according to a specific properties (in accordance with the concept); 3) give examples and non-examples of the concept; 4) presents the concept in various forms of mathematical representation; 5) develop necessary or sufficient conditions of a concept; 6) use, utilize, and choose specific procedures or operations; 7) applied the concept or problem-solving algorithms. Cooperative learning is a social-based learning where students are grouped into several groups and they are required to cooperate in resolving a problem. Rusman [5] states that cooperative learning is a form of learning by students studying and working in small groups in a collaborative whose members consist of four to six people with a heterogeneous group structure. One of a simple cooperative learning model is cooperative learning model Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) type. Slavin [6] suggested that STAD is one of type of cooperative learning simplest method and the best model for starters for teachers who are new to a cooperative approach. In STAD, students formed in small groups consisting of 4 or 5 people with different abilities, gender, and ethnicity. In practice, the teacher presents the lessons and then students learn in groups to ensure that each member in the group has mastered the material. STAD consists of five main components: class presentation, team, quizzes, individual progress score, team recognized. The material in the STAD explained in the class presentations by the teacher. At the presentation, students should really pay attention to because it will be very helpful for them to solve the quiz in learning, and their quiz score determine their team score. Individual student progress score contribute points for his team and this is based on how much their score have increased compared to the early score that they have accomplished on the last quiz. Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) approach is an approach that tried to use the reality (everything that can be observed and understood from the students environment) to facilitate the learning process in schools. RME provide opportunities for students to rediscover and construct mathematical concepts based on realistic issues given by the teacher. Psychologists generally agree that students easily understand complex concepts and abstract if accompanied by concrete examples and worked together. Learning with realistic approach tried to use the reality in the daily life, so it is believed that it will facilitate students to understand math concepts. Suwangsih and Tiurlina say that in RME, the learning begins with contextual issues (real world) allows students to use prior experience directly [7]. Therefore to bridge the math concepts with everyday experience of children need to be considered mathematical everyday experience (mathematization of everyday experience) and the application of mathematics in everyday. The formulation of the problem in this research is, whether there is a difference in the ability of understanding the mathematical concepts among students who use cooperative learning model STAD type with RME approach and the students who use the regular learning in seventh grade SMPN 35 Pekanbaru. In line with the formulation of the problem, then the purpose of this research is to know is there the difference of mathematical concepts comprehension among students who use cooperative learning model STAD type with RME approach and students who use regular learning in seventh grade SMPN 35 Pekanbaru. The hypothesis in this research is that there are differences in the ability of understanding the concept of mathematics between students who use cooperative learning model STAD type with RME approach and students who use regular learning in seventh grade SMPN 35 Pekanbaru.


This research is expected to be benefit for students, by implementing cooperative learning model STAD type with RME approach, students can train the ability of understanding his mathematical concepts. Furthermore, this model can be an alternative choice of learning model that can be applied in school learning.

METHODOLOGY This research is a quasi experiment, because the researcher was not able to control all the variables that may affect the student ability of understanding mathematics concepts. As for the design used is the posttest only control design. One group was given preferential treatment while the other group does not. Both of the group was given only posttest, without any pretest. The population in this research was the students of class seventh grade in second semester SMPN 35 Pekanbaru lesson year 2012/2013. The selection of the sample is done by purposive sampling which is based on the consideration of mathematics teacher who taught in seventh grade, so it has been selected that class VII. 5 as experiment class and VII. 4 as the the control class. There are two variables in this research, independent variable and dependent variable. The independent variable was learning with cooperative model STAD type with RME approach, and the dependent variable was the ability of understanding the mathematical concepts of seventh grade students. Research procedure consists of three stages: preparation phase, implementation phase and final phase. In the preparation phase, researcher prepared learning implementation plans (RPP), student worksheet (LKS), and the quiz. The collection of data in this research was done with observation and documentation. The instrument used in this research was student mathematical concept understanding ability test. In mathematical concept understanding ability tests, it is used essay question with 7 problems. The tested material in that test is the material given during the research, Set (Himpunan). Before the test given to samples, conducted trials of the test question to know whether the question feasible or not. The calculation of the difficulty index and distinguishing power of each questions shows that all questions can be used and obtained the calculate reliability of test is 0.76. After compared with the reliability table, it can be concluded that the instruments used are reliable. The results of the calculation of validity also demonstrate that all questions is valid with high criteria, it means that the questions can be used. Hypothesis testing is done with t-test. But before the hypothesis testing, there are requirements tests. The requirements test is normality test with Liliefors method and homogeneity test using F test. After it is obtained that both of classes data distributed normal and homogeneous, it is continued with t-test.

RESULT AND DISCUSSION Based on tests conducted at the end of the research, it is obtained an overview of student’s capability of understanding the mathematical concepts as in Table 1 and it can be seen that the experiment class students have higher average value than control class. Standard of deviation control class higher than the experiment class. This is shows that the ability of understanding the mathematical concepts of grade control is more diverse than the experiment class. TABLE 1. The Ability of Understanding Mathematical Concepts of Sample Class Test Data Class


Experiment Control

39 39



96.25 92.50

32.5 25

X 74.78 64.84


15.58 16.13

Then the researcher do hypothesis testing of the data. Before hypothesis test, there are tests of normality and homogeneity, so it is acquired that the ability of understanding the mathematical concepts of both sample classes have normal and homogeneous distribution. Therefore, since both of classes have normal and homogeneous distribution, researcher used the t-test to test the hypothesis with a significant level Į = 0.05 with it test criteria, accept H0 if tcalculate < ttable and reject H0 if it is otherwise. Based on calculations by using the t-test, it is obtained that tcalculate = 2.92 with df = 76 and ttable = 1.99. It means that H0 is rejected dan H1 is accepted, in other words there is a difference in the ability of understanding the mathematical concepts of student in experiment class and control class. Based on the average value, it is proved that the ability of understanding the mathematical concepts of students who studying with the cooperative model STAD type with RME's approach better than the students who learn with regular learning method.


From student ability of understanding mathematical concepts test data, the average ability of understanding the mathematical concepts for each indicator can be calculated also. In these tests there are seven indicators of students understanding of mathematical concepts: 1) restate a concept; 2) classify the objects according to a specific properties (in accordance with the concept); 3) give examples and non-examples of the concept; 4) presents the concept in various forms of mathematical representation; 5) develop necessary or sufficient conditions of a concept; 6) use, utilize, and choose specific procedures or operations; 7) applied the concept or problem-solving algorithms. Based on the test results, it is obtained the results of the calculations in table 2 as follows: TABLE 2. Average Score of The Ability of Understanding Mathematical Concept for Each Indicator Indicator

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Average Score Experiment Class

9.71 9.90 8.78 9.23 7.37 11.83 17.95

Control Class

7.21 7.98 8.08 8.17 5.58 10.00 17.82

From table 2, we can see that the average score of the ability of understanding mathematical concepts of experimental class students are better than the average score of the control class for each indicator. This is shows that students who study using cooperative learning model STAD type and RME approach have an understanding of mathematical concepts that are better than the students who use the regular learning. Percentage of student experimental class with score more than 65 was 76.9% and 56.4% of students control class. This is in line with what was said by Semiawan in Isjoni that the psychologists generally agree that the students easily understand complex concepts and abstract if accompanied by concrete examples and worked together [8]. Cooperative learning model STAD type with RME's approach is one of the models and approaches that are in accordance with the opinion of the Semiawan [8]. STAD is cooperative learning model where students learn together in a heterogeneous group and RME’s approach learning method that begins with a real-world problem, so STAD collaboration learning with RME’s approach allows students to understand the complicated and abstract concepts. In this research, the perceived constraints by researchers is when students were requested to work together and discuss with friends, there are some students who do not implement it properly. But on the next meeting, the researcher actually control the students when discussing so that students who are clever can help her friend who was experiencing difficulties. In addition, the application of this cooperative learning model STAD type and RME’s approach requires a lot of time. So the time is not wasted in useless, researcher should allocate time effectively and efficiently. Avoid long time allocation at the moment students set up his seat in group. Therefore, researcher should keep an eye on students so that students do not mess around.

CONCLUSION Based on the analysis data, it can be concluded that there is a difference in the student’s ability of understanding the mathematical concepts of seventh grade of SMPN 35 Pekanbaru 2012/2013 lesson year who study using cooperative model STAD type with RME approach and the students who study using regular learning. It also can be seen from the average value of the ability of understanding mathematical concepts of students who study using the cooperative model STAD type with RME's approach better than students who study using regular learning. Cooperative learning model STAD type should be considered as one of the learning models that can be applied by the teacher in mathematics learning because it can help student train the ability of understanding mathematics concepts.


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We acknowledge mathematics teacher of seventh grade in SMPN 35 Pekanbaru Riau, and our mathematics lecturers of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau.

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