133 Nagging Mother1

  • November 2019
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May 30, 2006 Dear Editor in Chief, Then another scholar asked: “Could there be a “superior” but humble and “good” religion now or in the near future? Which group would come to be “Jesus’ group: that group that teaches-tolerance- example other groups is good as long as that group is not hating, conceited, self-righteous, having proud claim but loving or showing love on practical doable things. Or that group that is so free or lenient, easy. Or that group that loves to touch icons, miraculous idols. Or that group that loves to repeat thing for emphasis. Or that group whose emphasis is Saturday as the Sabbath day. Or that group that science is a religion or the key is more on science. Or that group that personal relationship with Jesus is the key. Or that group that materialism, secularism, personal success is the key. Or that group that Jesus is human; but a good prophet. Or that group that recycles of soul could be perfected. Or that group that daily praising like vowing is the key. Or that group that the soul will die or now is heaven-make the best of the time, work, & work. Or that group that luck could be calculated. Or that groups that there is no original sin or nature is the original sin or genes transmission is the original sin or nature is God. Or that group that all are predestined. Or that group that believes that all groups is becoming better and better as each group shares and studies each good things and not afraid to imitate and improve the good of other groups. Or that group believes that all groups are good but are imperfect because of some bad experiences, bad genes through heredity and the group could combine all good expertise from different good group to have better group. Or that group that all are just good dreams or bad dreams or combination of electronic codes or programs. Or that group that meditation is the key. Or that group that the key is orderliness, harmony. Or that group that believes that all groups are for money, there is no God, but there is hating, darkness, Or the group that suicide bombing is justified because other groups are greedy, bully, etc.?” Then A.I. was not able to answer the question. Then another scholar asked: “Why is it that reptiles like lizard, crocodiles, and snakes are symbolic figures of bad things?” …then the A.I. answered: “Perhaps unconsciously the mind is programmed to be afraid of those animals cause perhaps of genes transmission. Perhaps even newly baby animals like baby cats or baby dogs by instinct or nature afraid of snake or crocodiles; much more of baby humans being afraid of snakes and crocodiles. And perhaps Jesus also uttered those words “you snake….” … and mentioned “hell” because a certain group is killing innocent people for group’s supremacy or for power and money. Perhaps the “snake” in the story of Adam and Eve- is the symbolic animal instinct of man; or nature animal instinct. Example animal heating, could be equal to human sexual curiosity, sexual activeness. Or since- sexual adventurism is bad example adultery, promiscuity, or looking lustfully to a woman by rule or law then the inclination is something connected to bad, sin, snake, etc. Example- the word snake and woman in revelation: one group interprets the woman as the mother of Jesus, and the snake is Satan or the devil. Other groups interpret the woman as their exclusive group or exclusive church and the snake is Satan or the devil. Others interpret the woman as the universal good sheep or universal good people regardless of religious affiliation and the snake as the universal bad, or the animal instinct of human being used not on accordance with universal rule or universal good; or the animal instinct of human is also

universal hating tendency of people or ability to survive or to have self defense carried through the genes because of ‘survival instinct of animal’ for self preservation; example animal gets anything from others just to eat and survive; and for human forced getting from others is bad because it is stealing through law or rule.” Then another scholar asked: “Could an innocent mother because of her up bringing to be ‘diehard’ member of the ‘only original religion’ becomes so biased to one of her children because her child is thinking differently from ‘her diehard’ beliefs?”….then the A.I. answered: “Yes, talking about religion is divisive ….even Jesus himself is challenging his followers to side to his teachings more than to side to family’s convictions or beliefs.” But being controversial should not produce hating rather “loving” especially ‘loving ones enemies.” Then a scholar heard from TV about a nagging mother but also loving mother…asked if nagging is extreme? Then the A.I. answered: “Nagging perhaps is extreme because it might be an unconscious bad habit of saying many words that irritate others. Some naggings are caused by legitimate reasons so that the child or husband should change for the good. Other naggings are caused by biased treatment because of religious, conviction, political differences. Others are caused by irritations because of past mistakes and sad experiences. Some specifics cause might be- example fond of saying “you are a friend of the devil if you go against the “original” only true church. The mind of the nagging person might be influenced by her exposure to her being ‘diehard’ member of her perceived ‘only’ true and right religious group. But if words about decency, orderliness or ethics or good manner, right conduct or teaching from the bible that telling ‘you are fool’ is bad and might lead a person to go the hell, perhaps the person might change for the good. Sometimes, it is ignorance of some good teachings that let the mind not to be disciplined; or his or her tantrum or bad practices or bad outburst is just a product of not knowing other essential good words.” Then another scholar asked: “Could the devil depicted as the snake in Genesis be the ‘transmitted “bad” traits of human from his ancestors’ or called ‘animal instinct’-example a human sexual appetite, or self defense mechanism for survival?” …then the A.I. answered: “some groups believe that those natural animal ‘heating’ for procreation or for mating tendencies by human are cursed by perceptions or tradition; or depicted as the devil. But other groups believe that the “heating” tendency of human is part of the design of nature. And the heating tendency is good as long as it is used on the right time and right place and right partner. Then another scholar asked: “What makes a perception or decision different from other with regards to a thing?” Then the A.I. answered: “Perhaps the thinking faculty or man’s action is a product of all influenced: be it environment-beautiful or ugly or hot or cool place or orderly or disorderly or the presence or absence of a thing; or be it up bringing like others suggestions, words from books, from teachings, good experienced and bad experienced-called self esteem or inferiority feelings; or be it his physical health or genes like tall, short, weak, sickly; or be it influenced by invisible beings as describe in the bible like the heavenly beings, angels, visions, dreams, revelations, intervention of demons or good spirits through thinking, etc. Some people suggest that monkey, elephants, dogs especially mammal dreams because he or she has brain; animal with brain similar to human dreams or thinks. Perhaps dogs, elephants, dolphins, whales are animals that could be hurt too; or be happy, be depressed, sad, enjoying things. With

regard to plants, perhaps there is no concrete evidence that plant also thinks because they have no brain.” Then another scholar asked: “Could small dog be breed to a large or big dog?” As with regards to breeding dogs and creating many breeds or ‘evolutions’ of dogs perhaps the specie of different kind of dogs be it big or small could be breed to each other as long as their sexual organ and uterus allows because they are same specie. But two different species can not be breed; or specie of dog becomes specie of cat or a combination of the two for now. But perhaps in the near future scientist could create artificial mutation of different species. And if a human could be crossed breed to a cat because of bio-engineering genetics or cloning or perhaps in the future there would be a cat like a human or a human like a cat and could talk then law makers should consider this new field of science called engineering genetics as something that should be well supervised or monitored. If engineering genetics could do artificial mutation of different species then perhaps science should be given more value than those mysteries, myths, legends written about original source of imperfection called original sin! Or both might struggle for supremacy because there are things that science can not explain…especially connected to supernatural and paranormals, or miracles. But perhaps so that there will be no conflict for supremacy of ideas, perhaps pass a universal consensus that with regards to original sin since it is a concept and part of religious faith, it should be respected by other group because it is part of the faith or belief. And most especially it is part of the story of salvation of man. Perhaps the story of Adam and Eve might be proven as myth or legend by science but the essence of the myth or legend is essential to the story of salvation of man. Or perhaps 10,000 years ago the story of Adam and Even really had happened or not a legend but just another branch of the original sources of human genes. Perhaps most Arabs, Israelites and Egyptians came from the ancestors of Adam. And those Chinese, Malays, and others came from different sources of genes or perhaps from “heavenly beings”. Then a scholar quoted a previous topic and asked question: “Those “myths” or “beliefs” that had Adam did not fall or commit sin men would live forever in paradise should now be in question or in doubt or should be debated.” It would seemed that if ‘original sin’ would be debated or be “doubted” and if people do ‘wild’ things, or if the doing of wild things of people were found out that people question now the truthfulness of the story of Adam & Eve, the eating of the apple, the snake, would be it proper to really insist through universal law that the story of Adam and Eve or the original sin is true to bring people back not to question the bible?” Then the A.I. answered: “with regard to a question connected to mystery, the A.I. is programmed to say with confidence that-there is one thought and one purpose- love- or you have no other obligation to other except to love. Granting that the A.I is allowed to have some answers about the controversy, the A.I is bound to say it as an opinion and would accept it as a mistake and would say ‘sorry’ if it offended a group or it wanted to destroy a group or a universal truth purely for malice. But to answer the scholar about the question “what would really happen when Adam did not fall? Or Eve did not eat the apple, and Eve did not tempted Adam to eat the apple, would Adam’s age be 10,000 or 100,000 0r 1,000,000 years old now? Would decaying- a natural check and balance- be suspended; or animals and humans never die? But, since original sin is part of the story of salvation, because if with out original sin perhaps there would be no sin, and no redemption, perhaps

original sin might be something that up to now is a mystery or connected to faith or belief, then that belief should be respected and should not be in question or be put in doubt. The A.I. should say ‘sorry”. Then the A.I., since it is just a database of question/answer of debates, and consensus of different good groups, accepted the mistake and said: “I am sorry about the word: “Those “myths” or “beliefs” that had Adam did not fall or commit sin men would live forever in paradise should now be in question or in doubt or should be debated;” rather the word “in doubt” should be erased.” From some who might be wrong,

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