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Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion March 16, 2008 God greatly exalted [Christ] and bestowed on him the name which is above every name. — Philippians 2:9

University Catholic Center READINGS FOR THE WEEK   

Mon: Tues: Wed: Thurs: Holy Thursday March 20 8:00 pm Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 11:45 pm Night Prayer

Fri: Sat:

Good Friday march 21 8:30 am Morning Prayer 12:00 pm Celebration of the Lord’s Passion 2:00 pm Ecumenical Station of the Cross


Holy Saturday March 22 8:30 am Morning Prayer 8:00 pm The Easter Vigil

Is 42:1-7; Jn 12:1-11 Is 49:1-6; Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 Is 50:4-9a; Mt 26:14-25 Chrism Mass: Is 61:1-3a, 6a, 8b-9; Ps 89; Rv 1:5-8; Lk 4:16-21 Lord’s Supper: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14; Ps 116; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Jn 13:1-15 Is 52:13 – 53:12; Ps 31; Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9; Jn 18:1 – 19:42 a) Gn 1:1 – 2:2 [1:1, 26-31a]; b) Gn 22:1-18 [1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18]; c) Ex 14:15 – 15:1; d) Is 54:5-14; e) Is 55:1-11; f) Bar 3:9-15, 32 – 4:4; g) Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28; h) Rom 6:3-11; i) Mt 28:1-10 Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Ps 118; Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8; Jn 20:1-9 or Mt 28:1-10 or (at an afternoon or evening Mass) Lk 24:13-35

Our Gifts to God

Easter Sunday March 23

Everything is a gift from God!

9:00 am, 11:30 am; 5:00 pm; 8:00 pm


Seeing Christ Clearly We start today looking through the portals of Jerusalem, seeing crowds of people, cheering and waving palm branches in the air. The whole atmosphere is one of joy, triumph, and celebration. We can get distracted or enthralled by the scene, and not see clearly the features of Jesus as he enters. But our readings from Isaiah and Paul’s letter to the Philippians clarify his features for us. He is the Suffering Servant, meek and mute before his captors and persecutors; he is the very image of the unseen God, yet will not clutch at equality with God before he endures his final confrontation in humility. Isaiah and Paul help us “behold the Lamb of God” before we hear the story of his final and greatest confrontation. It is important that we see Christ clearly before we hear the account of his passion, for we—his Body through baptism, the church—now bear his face. We must, with him, enter into this time of trial so we can, also with him, enter into his final triumph. © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.


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Please help make our worship space beautiful for Easter Donations of Easter flowers will be greatly appreciated to help decorate the Holy Spirit Chapel, the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, and the Atrium for Easter. Please consider buying an Easter Lily (or two, or more, or any other kind of flower!) and dropping it off at the UCC during Holy Week. We are grateful for your generosity. Triduum Holy Thursday, Good Friday &the Easter Vigil - are the most powerful liturgies we have, please join us for this special and sacred liturgies. Ashes to Easter Boxes Please remember to bring back your filled collection boxes that were given out on Ash Wednesday. There will be baskets available for collection of these boxes.

UCC Marriage Prep Workshop The Spring UCC Marriage Preparation Workshop will be held March 28-29. Volunteers are needed for hospitality and food preparation (lasagnas, salad and bread for Friday evening dinner and continental breakfast items, along with juice and fruit for Saturday morning). A sign-up sheet can be found at the front desk. Welcoming letters for the participating couples from “established” married couples are also needed. To assist, please contact Dorothy and Deacon John De La Garza at [email protected]. Carbos for Christ All are invited for food and fellowship at 12:30 pm on Wednesdays in the Atrium. $3.00 suggested donation. This is such a wonderful meal, it was written up in the Daily Texan! You don’t want to miss out. 2

Fr. Hecker Quote of the Week:. Paradise is not lost, it still exists upon the earth. The lily is as sweet, the rose as beautiful and the sun as bright as they were before Adam sinned. The earth is still God’s earth and His creation is still very good, but man has lost the vision of Paradise by reason of sin. We have eyes and cannot see. Imagine yourself at the foot of the cross. Can you embrace your personal cross as Jesus did? Fatima & Lourdes Pilgrimage 8 Days; May 7-14, 2008 Hosted by Fr. Matt Iwuji In 2008 Lourdes will celebrate the 150th anniversary of the apparitions of the Beautiful Lady who introduced herself with the words: “I am Immaculate Conception.“ I invite you to join me and other Catholics on a 8 day Pilgrimage to Lourdes and Fatima, May 7-14. We need 5 more people who really want to go. I pray you will consider joining us at this historic time, in these most Sacred Places, and be renewed in Catholic faith; in True Hope; and in authentic Love of Our Blessed Mother. Please call Sacred Heart Church office at 512-926-2552 for more details. I look forward to a great pilgrimage with you. —Fr. Matt Iwuji Catholicism 101! Catholicism 101 meets to study the sacraments and how we celebrate our Catholic faith. Everyone is welcome to join us on Tuesday nights at 7 pm in the St. Mark's Room. For more info contact Kraft at [email protected] . University Graduate Students & Professionals UGAP is a group of postcollege age people who share and live the love of Christ in community through worship, faith formation, social service, spiritual development and fellowship. We meet on Tuesdays at 7 pm in the Mother Teresa Room.


Week of March 16, 2008 •Monday Mar. 17 ∗ 12:05 pm Mass ∗ 6:30 pm Social Justice ∗ 7 pm RCIA


Tuesday Mar. 18 ∗ 12:30 pm Mass ∗ 7 pm UGAP ∗ 7 pm Catholicism 101


Wednesday Mar. 19 ∗ 12:05 pm Mass ∗ 7 pm Men of Virtue (MOV) ∗ 7 pm STRONG Officers ∗ 8 pm STRONG


Thursday Mar. 20 Holy Thursday ∗ 8 pm Mass / Lord’s Supper HSC ∗ 9 pm Adoration BSMT ∗ 11:45 pm Night Prayer BSMT Friday Mar. 21 Good Friday ∗ 8:30 am Morning Prayer BSC ∗ 12 noon Celebration /Lord’s Passion HSC ∗ 2 pm Stations of the Cross South Lawn of the Campus Saturday Mar. 22 Holy Saturday ∗ 8:30 am Morning Prayer BSC ∗ 8 pm Easter Vigil HSC Sunday Mar. 23 Easter Sunday Regular Mass Times ∗ 9 am RE Classes MT, SF SMt; SMk, BSMT; STML * 7 pm RCIA Dismissal MT

Guys--you want to exercise your spiritual muscle? All men are invited to join us as we look at what it means to be Men of Virtue on Wednesdays at 7 pm in the St Matthew Room. As Men of Virtue, we're called not just to do the "right thing" but to really develop an attitude of the Gospels. What? You're not perfect yet? Good. Come and work out with us. Men of Virtue, Wednesdays, 7 pm St. Matthew Room.

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