13 Moon Calendar

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13 moon calendar

Your Tribe is: Yellow Star Your Tone is: Overtone YOUR GALACTIC SIGNATURE IS:

Kin 148: Yellow Overtone Star Your Galactic Affirmation is: I Empower in order to Beautify Commanding Art I seal the Store of Elegance With the Overtone tone of Radiance I am guided by the power of Intelligence I am a galactic activation portal ~ enter me.

Yellow Star Tribe Contemplate these code-words to invoke your key powers: BEAUTIFIES ~ ELEGANCE ~ ART

The gift of your cosmic identity is to be an emissary of harmony ~ an agent of beautification ~ a witness of nature's majesty ~ a messenger of refinement and wholeness ~ a starseed of our ancient future ~ a keeper of the new octave. As a Yellow Star, you have the capacity to behold yourself as a planetary artist - every moment a new canvas to paint upon; to shine, intentionally uplifting your outer environment with your inner light; to walk your life as an ever-unfolding mandala; to see beauty and wonder in all of nature's creations; to perceive every facet of our world as an opportunity for soulful interaction; to invoke grace and effortlessness to guide your journey; to express your own sense of the aesthetic; to consciously contribute coherence and harmony to collective dynamics; to convey a higher octave of stellar consciousness to the planetary whole; to sculpt your reality with intention, knowing every thought, word, and action is coloring the art of your life! Time is Art! Life is Art! You are Art! Direction: South: Ripens ~ Chakra: Solar-plexus ~ Planet: Venus

Tone 5: Overtone Contemplate these code-words to invoke your key powers: EMPOWER ~ COMMAND ~ RADIANCE

Tone 5 represents the invisible centerpoint within everything. The gift of your cosmic identity is to access the power of Center. Activate your Overtone powers by living an empowered life; by emanating your truths and transmitting your authentic shine; by taking charge of your path and developing confidence in your own light; by focusing on the heart of the matter; by enlivening perspectives that empower yourself and those around you; by trusting your connection with the inner realms and the higher dimensions; by developing a connection to your deepest core - your essential sovereign strength and grace; by being guided by your own inner divine authority; by recognizing the autonomy of each one’s own center; by expanding beyond your personal sense of self to allow universal energies to radiate through you; by taking a stand for the logic of non-linear, radial navigation; by being centered in yourself, centered in the moment, and therefore centered in the center of all that is…

…………………. The action of the Kins around your Kin Guide This is the energy that gives you inspiration and puts you on your path. The more you follow its teaching, the more you can connect with your own sign and develop its potentials. It is the one that connects you with the energy that you need in your life. Kin Analogue This is the energy that supports you, which you are very familiar with. You find a lot of its potential already within yourself. The more you develop its energy and connect more you open to the possibility of your deeper potentials. It shows your light and helps you to increase it. The Kin Analogue is like a best friend who walks along your path by your side, ready to extend a supportive hand to you at e feel very familiarly, and this energy knows and feels you just as easily too. Kin Antipode The Antipode is the energy directly opposite yours within the circle of the twenty solar seals. Its energy in the universe comes to balance your own energy and medicine. It is your polar friend. It Self-existing Blue Hand, according to the work Guide: Blue Night Destiny Kin: Blue Hand Analogue: Occult: White Wizard Galactic Chart.

Nawal every turn and obstacle. It gives you the energy that you know and s 24 Yellow Human yourself with it, the very 25

brings a lot of challenges and obstacles. It is the hardest energy for you to connect with because it is the furthest from you in the Tzolkin . It is the one that will show you everything that your ego does not

want you to see and develop in yourself. It is the energy that pushes you to confront your shadow and show your potentials. At the same time, it is the power that makes you grow and the one that helps you to change your level of awareness in order to connect with your inner Divine Wisdom. When you successfully connect with your antipode energy, you will have crossed all the kins of the Tzolkin to become a conscious part of Hunab K'u , the Centre of the Galaxy. You alchemise your individual limitations and melt with a universal awareness. The antipode partner might appear as your biggest enemy but is actually your best friend. It is the one that brings you the specific challenges in your life that you need in order to evolve. Occult Kin The Occult kin is an almost unconscious energy, a potential that you carry in order to manifest your kin. It is an innate wisdom and medicine that you have from birth and that is necessary in order to manifest truly and fully who you are. The more you become aware of this inner medicine inside yourself, the more you become able to manifest the light and wholeness of your being. When you become fully aware of your Occult Kin, it becomes like a second medicine that you carry inside yourself, without being touched by its shadow. …………………….. ……………..

LAMAT The Yellow Star Lamat carries a double power: the power of the star: the connection with spiritual realms, and the power of the seed: the power of incarnation and blossoming on Earth. Lamat is the incarnation of the galactic knowledge on Earth. It is the star seed of the planet. Its glyph is represented by a star, surrounded by four seeds. The star is a gate to higher consciousness: for the Mayan the Great Masters were coming from other solar systems. The four seeds represent the four directions and the four different types of human beings with their four different colors (in the Mayan culture, the corn was a representation of a human being). At the same time, the number four is the number of incarnation, of strong foundation in the physical world. The star is shining because the Soul has been able to harmonize itself in the physical world and from there, it has the ability to open itself to the wisdom of the Galaxy. Lamat is connected with the energy of Venus, Sirius, and the Pleiades in the Mayan culture. The number for Lamat is eight, which is the number of love and harmony for the Mayan civilization. Lamat teaches us to harmonize our first three chakras through self-acceptance and love. This process gives us a strong and pure grounding on Earth, necessary for receiving the strong light of our Divine Self. The strong harmony of our roots appearing through our personality allows our Higher Self to manifest itself through our life and our being. Lamat is a time of opening to a higher dimension that can be expressed on Earth. It is a beautiful explosion of joy and love. In “the Mayan Oracle”, they use the metaphor of a cascading firework to represent the action of the energy of Lamat in our being. The light coming out of our well being and harmony on earth is so huge that it explodes in our heart in order to be shared with the whole universe. In our being, the harmonization of our three first chakras allows our energy to rise up to our heart, where it can be aligned with the spiritual wisdom of our more subtle centers of energy. In our aura, the harmonization of our three first

layers opens the fourth, where lie all our ways to relate to the world, and starts to purify it. This process allows our fifth, sixth, and seventh layers to expand and to penetrate fully the other layers, bringing with them faith, grace, unconditional and Divine wisdom. The color of Lamat is dark blue which represents the power of Earth, with golden sparkles, symbolizing the blessing and presence of the galactic Masters. Lamat is a time of strong opening and purification of the heart. For the Mayan, our heart is directly connected with Hunab K'u , the center of the Universe. In our auric field , behind the heart chakra lies the site of the Soul. When the process of connection starts to occur in ourselves and we accept to follow it, we embark on the return path to the stars. It is a beautiful process of harmonization of our Soul with our individual self. A Lamat day is a day in which we are pressed to harmonize our three first chakras. Maybe a lot of disharmonious feelings or situations can come up on these days. They are here to show us what we need to heal through acceptation and love in ourselves. If we manage to open our heart on these days and to accept the world that surrounds us as it is, as well as ourselves, then we can receive powerful 90

teachings and get strong realizations towards life. It is a day in which we need to fall in love with ourselves to be able to share our love with the world. Don't let your mind overpower you in pointing disharmony. Only with love and acceptation can you change it into harmony. Lamat or the path of harmony General psychological profile People born with the power of Lamat are lovers of harmony. They like to create harmony and beauty all around them and in all parts of their life. This craving for harmony helps them to create a lot of peace and space in their life. They are pressed to harmonize, to love all the different aspects of themselves, and to give them the time and space they need. This need of harmony gives them a strong lucidity to face their own weaknesses, shadows, wounds … and provides them with the courage and the will power to heal themselves. In the Pop Wuj , the mythic Mayan text, Lamat is the seed that gives birth to the warrior of truth: Junajpu Ix balanke, the hunter with peashooter, on Earth. People born on a day of Lamat get a strong grounding energy, through their self-acceptance, and have a good capacity for channeling their creative energy and realize their dreams in their life. They have a strong third chakra, which presses them to purify as much as they can their own personality. The more they are managing to heal and balance their first three chakras, the more they increase their desire and their ability to go forward. They are in the amazing process of discovering the wishes and reality of their Higher Self, and of learning to unite themselves with the goals of their Higher Destiny. Lamat offers them the power of clarity of mind, a very good tool to discover the yearnings of their Soul. The more they are working on their path, the more they are feeling their heart exploding with love and gratitude, and the more they feel inclined to share their inner peace and awareness with the world. They are very generous people bent on bringing harmony and peace in the lives of others. Their strong selfconfidence and self-realization can sometimes give them the role of showing the way to people surrounding them. Their sensitivity to harmony gives them also the talent to create harmonious combinations. They find

beautiful ways to mix different techniques, energies, and people together. They have a strong need to share their inner harmony with people. For this purpose, they try to find a vocation that gives them the opportunity to do so. As they are lucid as regards with themselves, it is relatively easy for them to discover their talents, and so their vocation, without doubting of anything. They are born with the wisdom of Manik, the Blue Hand, which gives them the ability to master the tool that they chose to develop and use in their life. They like innovations and specialties. Through their talent of melting different techniques, styles, energies and people, they can create their own style. For example, if they choose to be musician, they can mix different kinds of music in their way of playing, coming may be from different countries or traditions. They like to create and know exactly the very small thing to add to their creation, that gives it added value. Their creation becomes art and radiates 91

beauty in life, whatever vocation they choose. Their potentials and their challenges o A warrior of harmony and his fight against his own wounds and emotions By birth, they get a strong third charka, which gives them a strong and clear mind and the power to fight for their deep faith, which is to create harmony in life. They feel within themselves enough grounding energy to stand on their own feet because of their strong willpower. They receive naturally a strong warrior archetype, which can be more or less apparent through their personality. Their sixth and seventh chakras are also fairly open and they press them to try to incarnate this deep wisdom they feel within themselves. So they put their warrior energy at the service of their ideal of harmony. If they have passed through some strong emotional crisis, during their childhood, their warrior power leads them to close themselves from the wounds they got. Their innocent taste for harmony and their strong will to develop it doesn’t fit with the memories of the emotional pains. They consider most of the time that their emotions lead them to dramas and to disharmonious situations. Slowly they start to close themselves from their hurt emotional body. The more they are growing, the more their deep wounds dive and disappear in their unconscious. They can develop a very rigid mind, that doesn't allow feelings that they judge as weakness like sadness, anger, and need of love. They are not disconnecting totally from their emotional body, but from the hurt part of it. They try to heal it by fighting it with their willpower and their rational mind. They want absolutely to be strong and harmonious in front of others. Nevertheless, healing cannot come through fighting and denial. This repression of negative emotions, in people born with the power of Lamat, can make them quite judgmental in front of situations or people bringing out these emotions in their life. Through this shadow, they could become arrogant, in front of people who let speak their hurt feelings. Without showing it, because it would be disharmonious to do so, or even unconsciously, they will judge them disharmonious and they will lower them in their esteem. Like this, they can develop a superiority complex, sometimes very unconscious. It is really important for them to realize that all these emotions, which they judge as negative and disharmonious, are parts of life and of its beautiful dance. They are deep expressions of their Soul and they carry messages which are important to listen to. They are parts of a learning process to discover who we really are. Negative patterns come, most of the time, from childhood wounds but wounds cannot be healed with a sword. When these patterns are coming up, it is the wounded Inner Child in them who is emerging, asking for recognition, understanding and healing. They have to learn to watch their own emotional ways of reacting. It will help them to discover the roots of unconscious

associations of emotions and situations that control their being. Only then can they start to react positively in situations exposing and healing the deep cause of their pain. It will bring power and healing to their hurt Inner Child. Anger comes out in front of things that we want to change. Sadness flows to open our heart and our consciousness from our narrow sense of Self. Those emotions are not 92

controlling the life of Masters as well as the other emotions that our personality can judge as positive. Not because the Masters don't feel them and stop them being, but because they have absolutely allowed these feelings in themselves and they are not controlled by them anymore. Masters don't take personally what is happening in their life anymore and the outside world cannot touch their sense of self anymore. o A strong ideal of harmony confronted with apparent disharmonious experiences Because they have a very strong sensitivity to harmony, they will often find themselves in the middle of situations they consider disharmonious. Either they will try to help others to realign the situation, or their warrior energy will make them fight, reject and escape from such situations. They can easily think that the outside world or others are responsible for this disharmony. However, those situations are great gifts and lessons offered to them by life and their Higher Selves. If they open their heart and their mind to it, they can help them to heal their inner conflicts, rigidity, wounds, rejections … and to learn real tolerance and compassion. By not allowing their sadness and vulnerability to be expressed, they could develop a very rigid mind. They could think that there is only one path to wisdom and enlightenment. They can develop a very dualistic philosophy upon the human nature where people should repress and fight the "bad sides" of their human nature’s and develop of their "good" aspects. They create a fixed mental image of perfection and of harmony. With their strong willpower and self-confidence, they press themselves to enter and stay in this box. On their

auric field , the third layer of their auric field becomes over-developed and too tense and rigid to let their emotional body flow freely. People in this shadow of Lamat need to understand that harmony is not an ideal. Life is pure harmony if we allow it to flow. The world is just a reflection of ourselves and there is no victim. We are projecting ourselves on the world and our way of reacting to the outside situations is not depending on the outside but only on inner consciousness and on our choice to respond to it. Disharmonious situations are arising to show us some parts of ourselves which are still reacting and which haven't been healed yet. It is therefore very important not to accuse the world for what we are feeling but to take the responsibility to look at who we really are in front of the world. Then, from this vantage point, whether we want to react from the place of our hurt ego, or we choose to spread the love and wisdom of our Higher Self is up to us. In this shadow of Lamat, people are asked to look at all the dimensions of their life where there is still disharmony: in their environment, emotions, relationships … They need to allow acceptance, healing, and compassion to flow into their wounds and rigidity, through their expanded awareness and expanded freedom. They are at a point where they need to learn how to heal with love, instead of trying to heal by fighting with their willpower and rational mind. This is the path to real detachment from the individual ego and to real compassion. o A strong rational mind preventing them to feel who they are 93

People born with the energy of Lamat have a lot of clarity and power in their mind. This mental power can take over all their perception of themselves and of life. They can limit their self-awareness

to an intellectual understanding. They get over-identified with their mind and the role that they have created for themselves in building their personality. Their idea of who they are and their personality starts colliding with themselves and creates limits in their lives. They slowly lose a lot of dimensions in life. They forget about the magic and the chaos of life, when we look at it with the openness and the innocence of a child. By this mind control of who they think they are, they can become too serious. They should stop trying to be who they think they are in order to release fully their mental body and leave some space for the second, the fourth and the fifth layers of their auric field to express themselves with emotions, real relationships with the world, faith and grace. Only then will they start to be who they are. Our deepest nature is totally free and accepts no boundaries. The biggest beauty in life is to be able to live in this absolute freedom and total magic of the unpredictable through each moment of our life. If they get stuck in this shadow, they need to learn to surprise themselves again, to break the rigidity of their mind, to allow their Essence Self to spread out, leading them trough new realities and understandings towards life, of which the existence they could never have expected before. They are sitting in front of a star gate that opens into infinity. Therefore, they have to remember that they will never be able to put limits to themselves and to their lives. Those limits and structures are here to help their consciousness to rest and to unify its power to prepare for its next jump in a continually expanding reality. We can never get the Truth, but we can always increase our awareness a little bite more. The process is infinite. o A huge amount of energy inside themselves and a need to give it to others As their first three chakras are very well developed, they have very pragmatic way to look at their life. They like efficiency in their actions. As we saw before, they easily define themselves with what they do. At the same time, inside themselves they have a strong potential to touch other levels of consciousness and love that most of people don’t know. So they feel that it is in their duty to share it with others. They want to help other to realize and feel all the beauty, truth, love and harmony that they can feel. That is a beautiful potential and desire. The only trouble is that they have a difficulty to acknowledge the beauty of what they inside themselves if it is not acknowledge by the outside world. This comes from their very pragmatic perception of who they are. In developing this pattern they can lose themselves in their need to give harmony to others. It is the syndrome of "the good-doer". They build their own self-esteem and self-love with the good things they give to others. They become dependant on others to prove and recognize their good nature and it becomes difficult for them to live alone. People in this shadow of Lamat can also use their strong third chakra to show their Light in front of others, like a king or a queen, because they are not sure of themselves when they are alone. However, their gifts are not free and come from a need to be acknowledged. At the same time, their inner insecurity towards their real value will lead them to give too much without respecting their own 94

need for rest and nourishment, and they will expect from others to give them back this nourishment and self-love that they miss deeply in themselves without really showing it. They are building unhealthy relationships based on dependence and conditional exchanges and love, without exposing it clearly. Real love can only come from abundance. To give someone out of need or with expectations is not a real gift. It is whether a gift to yourself to prove yourself how good and nice you are, even though it is a weight for the other from whom you expect something in exchange. At this point, it is really important for them to use their clear mind to look at themselves to find out from which place their actions come

and to release their ego's need of power. It will allow the transparency of truth to flow in their life, which can bring out to the consciousness a lot of hidden emotions and needs. They will softly learn to stop disguising their intensions under their actions. Truth will bring healing, self-acceptance, and love in their life and they will start to give from a place of absolute freedom. o Integration of the polarities Their strong potentials are to connect with high levels of harmony through their consciousness and to be much grounded at the same time. They carry the power of the seed and the star together. Energetically, their first and third chakras are well developed as well as sixth and seventh chakras. Their deep inner longing and path are to create a bridge between these two potentials to create a beautiful alignment in their being and in their life. If there is a separation between these two qualities in them, it means that there are some resistances in their ego and mental body preventing them to feel the perfection of every single moment of their life. Their biggest challenge is to be able to see the harmony through everything. They should accept to release all their judgments upon how things should be or happen. They should accept to enter in the realm of perception and experience and diminish the power of the conceptual world upon their life. They will start to see the beauty and the magic of the creation through every little things and simple movements. Instead of using mainly the rational part of their brain (on the left hemisphere), they start to balance themselves in using their intuitive and feminine brain (on the right hemisphere). By this simple action, all their reality changes with them. Once they understand this process, they realize that their perception of the world is purely subjective and so all what they see on the outside in a reflection of themselves. So, disharmonious experiences are just their own disharmonies of perception. By using their disappointment toward the outside world as tool to reconnect with the sensitivity f their inner child, they release a lot of emotions and wounds that they had hidden to themselves through their life in wanting to be strong. They will realize that the biggest power is to accept to be small, sensitive and vulnerable. They will cross their strongest spiritual teachings through their everyday life and very simple situation. They will meet the purest love in their total simplicity and the highest truth in their silence. They need to accept that to be a portal to the star consciousness ask to let go of all the human values and perceptions upon good and bad. Then they have the ability to enter the poetry of William Blake and create it all around them: “To see the world in a grain of sand 95

And a heaven in a wild flower Hold infinity in the palm of your hand And eternity in an hour” Spiritual powers As we saw before, they have a strong ability to develop a vocation and to master it. They love for beauty and harmony help them to find the perfect tune that will touch the Soul and heart of many other people. With their self-confidence and strong grounding energy, they can also have a strong charisma. As they love to share with other people and our quite social being, they can become strong guide for other people. The more they accept to share and release their feelings, the more they are able to shine through their being the beautiful potential of their heart and consciousness to touch the galactic mind. They become an amazing door for others to access higher levels of consciousness and love. They become a channel for the galactic consciousness to spread its wisdom upon Earth.

They have also a strong ability to travel through other levels of consciousness. Once they accept to release their own subjectivity and the rigidity of their mind, they enter into amazing space of new perception of the reality. They have a strong access to higher dimensions and vibrations and can transfer messages that will help the evolution of the human world. They are travelers of the stars, which are full of strong teachings for the human consciousness. They can receive a lot of insights and deep realizations that they will have difficulties to ground and share with others human beings. It is in their hands to make it accessible to others and to assimilate it fully in their own being. The glyphs surrounding Lamat Its Analog Partner: Chuen The Blue Monkey The power of Chuen is the one of the Divine Child within us. Chuen teaches how to play with life and to see the magic in it. The Blue Monkey is a great help in Lamat people because, by developing this power in themselves, they learn to never take themselves too seriously and to laugh in front of the disruptions in life. Chuen gives them the flexibility of the non-judgemental child on life. Chuen is the master of arts and its energy offers to Lamat people their great taste for aesthetic forms and artistic talents. Chuen likes to play and develop the rational part of the mind and gives the power of clarity in Lamat people. When they connect with Chuen power, they increase a lot of their abilities and learn to fight against their own rigidity. Chuen shows them how to connect again with the Child within and to be clear in front of their own vulnerability. Its Antipode Partner: Etznab The White Mirror 96

The great teaching brought in the consciousness by Etznab is that life and the outside world are just a projection of ourselves. Reality is just a mirror of our inner world. Etznab is the biggest challenge for Lamat people because it pushes them to step out of their illusion that disharmony comes from the outside and not from them. Etznab gives them the sword of Truth to break all the illusions that are still leading the world around them and their own actions. Etznab offers them the power of the acute mind able to see through any lie. The more will they connect with this energy, the more will they be able to see all the patterns underlying in their own behaviors and in others‘. Etznab brings them very deep realizations in their life towards themselves and the world. It is a very powerful partner but who requires a lot of courage from the ones who want to follow it. Etznab urges them to see the truth about themselves and invites the pride of their ego to surrender to its teaching. It is by connecting with Etznab that Lamat people will start to be able to look at their own patterns, which are judged negatively by their ego. It is a painful path for the ego. However, it will lead them to wisdom and amazing compassion. Its Occult Partner: Ben The Red Sky Walker Ben is the understanding that by structuring our everyday life through a harmonious and regular basis, we can develop an amazing power to open our consciousness all the times to wider dimensions and understandings. Additionally, by a fixed practice, we can bring it into the physical world and express it to others. Lamat people have this knowledge in their unconscious. It is quite important for them to find out their vocation and strong inner talent, the one linked with their wish to share harmony, love and beauty. So it can be arts, healing, social works … When they start to focus through their work and practice, they start to wake up their innate ability to travel through higher realms. From this place, they will find their way to the stars. They will open the three last layers of their

body and their upper chakras. Ben is the energy that leads them to the opening of their consciousness. However, Ben needs them to build first good bases in their life in order to have enough power and enough support before jumping into the sky.

OVERTONE The overtone tone is the accomplishment of the first cycle of consciousness, which has traveled all around itself and has realized the totality of its human Nature. Now our consciousness vibrates with itself in harmony and at a higher pitch, because we have become aware of who we are. It is a time of alignment of our individual self with the intention of our Divine Nature. It is called "overtone" because it signifies the purification of the ego when it comes to resonate with its Higher Self. It has the double power of bringing us in tune with our Divine centre and of accepting the totality of our humanness. In “The Mayan Oracle” , they refer to this tone as the archetype of the Zen Master. This tonality helps us to sit in the centre of ourselves, watching the infinite dance of creation of our own humanity. It teaches us real detachment through acceptance of the totality of who we are: all our weaknesses as well as all our needs, all our powers, and our full light. It takes us on a journey of discovering the entire circle of our humanity: our body, our emotions, our thoughts, our relationships… The more we accept to go back to our centre, the more we can see the breadth of our being. The more our ego lets go of the fixed ideas and limits it has put upon ourselves, the more we have the opportunity to become what we actually are. This lunar tone increases the power of our intentions. It asks us: "What do you really want?" And it empowers our answer. Its action is to command. It gives us the power to set our life in order and it empowers us fully to realize our destiny. From our place of centredness, we can radiate our energy all around. The overtone vibration teaches us the depth of our personal power and shows us how to use it at the highest level of our human potential. An overtone day is a time that helps us to radiate fully who we are. It is a time to find our centre and from this place to understand our limits and potentials. It is a day in which we have the facility to incarnate the wholeness of our being. It breaks our limits, our boundaries, and our fears of showing and expressing who we are. On this day, we can feel very detached from the external consequences of our actions and we have the ability to act authentically. Our being and its natural wisdom just flow out from our selves. It is a good day to plant any strong positive intentions in our mind, because they will radiate inside our whole being more easily on this day. An overtone day helps us to heal and develop our third chakra: to take our own space, to have self-confidence and love, and to know our place in this world. The only shadow that can develop on this day is pride or arrogance. It is important to stay aware and receptive to the outside world and our surroundings and to keep our heart connected with universal love. Psychological interpretation People born with the overtone medicine have the strong capacity to know what they want and to love who they think they are. They know intuitively the power of intention and often use it 199

to direct their life according to their wishes. This gives them a lot of power and helps them to develop a healthy third chakra that allows them to take the place that they want to occupy in this world. They have a strong personality based on their self-esteem and the ability to realize their dreams. This strong

self-fulfillment forces them eventually to purify their intentions and to direct them towards spiritual realization. Similarly, their strong power of manifesting who they are leads them throughout their lives to face their unconscious patterns and blockages, which will keep on manifesting themselves until they become healed and released. Their strong personality and ego can often resist and struggle against this process, projecting on the outside world the responsibility for their discomfort. They need to learn to surrender to the will of their Higher Self to bring them back to a place of larger freedom where they can expand the understanding of who they are. They should take care not to develop pride, arrogance, and judgment towards others, because these mental forms block them from receiving the abundance and the teachings of beauty in life. They should also take care not to build too rigid a mental framework. Their lunar tonality asks them to develop more compassion and openness towards the world and themselves. They learn to look at the whole moving picture of themselves with love and to discover the beauty of their freedom, the perfection of their imperfection. They need to accept the totality of their being: the warrior as much as the sensitive child inside them, their spiritual being as much as their physical body, the feminine power as much as the masculine power… People born with the overtone tone express and manifest naturally and directly their inner awareness of reality. They are literally like an overtone: on the outside, their being vibrates at the same tonality as at the centre of their being. They radiate the understanding of who they are all around them. Because they manifest an honest and straight expression of being, life teaches them very directly and clearly and if they don't project their mistakes onto their surroundings, it can be very easy for them to understand how to evolve, to grow, and to heal their patterns. They just need to accept to look at what life tells them. And because they have a strong power, the consequences of their actions are also powerful and accelerate the process of their transformation. Their biggest teaching is to learn to let go and to surrender. Then they can go deep into the spiraling mystery of their Divine being.

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