129 Gasoline Gel

  • November 2019
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May 26, 2006 Dear Editor in Chief, Then a scholar asked: “Could you explain further what you mentioned about “expiration of membership” or disciplining “in name only” so that member would always see to it that his group’s membership is always updated or is active for doing universal teachings?” Then after searching for key word in the question/answer data base the A.I. answered: “The key in a well productive organization especially in a company is leadership. Leadership in a company, organization, club, and other is effective if the leader could warn, could fire, could suspend, and could demote, could give specific counter measure to problem/s. Perhaps religious and public leaders should learn from these key words -fire, suspend, demote, warn or give specific counter measure to problem that could boost people’s mindexample about reward and punishment or fear factor. Perhaps hell or heaven is too mystical or mysterious. Why make some creativity on specifics and details for still alive and not for ‘the dead reward and punishment’ that could make things better. Example: doing an attendance or check list every Sunday’s or Saturday’s or Friday’s worship might be impractical but could be made practical by automation by obliging all members to have cell phone. And each time one would attend ‘worshipping day’ one would send text that he is present and a tracking device would verify his claim or presence. This activity could push another economic stimulus or cash cycle. Recording contribution for each individual as his share or contribution or premium, assigning sits for each family, scheduling so that rushing or congestion could be avoided, closing the door of the church so that late comers could be forced to come early and sit inside, having a vision or goal that their worshipping place should have air conditioning, etc. are perhaps controversies but might be an effective measures to check and balance extreme/s- example cause by lateness and afraid to enter, laziness, easiness, timidity, not practicing group’s universal teachings or just in name member only, etc. ‘Giving prescribed worshiping clothes or attire, and someone is inspecting and giving warning and penalties’ is perhaps better than doing nothing to check and balance extreme in using undesirable clothes. Providing guest’s area so that other group could also visit and observe group’s activities is better than free for all. Principle behind: Orderliness, beauty, cleanliness is basic. But sometimes too much meticulous to small things is also bad. There could be much creativity so that good could be made better or evil could be made to become lesser evil. Example: one is asked by a member of a word base group evangelizing a “massed produced” or “in name” member of a particular group with emphasis on ‘this is…syndrome”: “What is your religion?” The ‘in name member only’ answered: “I belong to the original “only” true and “only” right religion. One is free to do, free to wear any kind, give any amount, free to worship or one is not fined not to worship on worshipping day, etc. There is not much rules and regulation…; it is so easy! The more you can show your blessings on feast days… the better and the more blessed you will become. I don’t need other essential universal words. I just touch the miraculous icons… and I am clean and forgiven again!” These words might be an exaggeration or lie for some good members but for many or majority, these words or descriptions might be the true scenario. Their belief of becoming a member of the majority causes them to create many beliefs and destroy their sensitivity to fix small problem even throwing garbage at the right place or saying good morning or saying thank

you or have handshakes, that is why disorderliness, ugliness, connivances, corruption, committing crime/s are just ordinary things or ordinary activities.” Then a scholar heard that there is 4% very rich, 88% average or middle class, 8% very poor in some wealthy countries and asked: “Could the very rich siphon almost all the wealth of the people?” ….the A.I. answered: “Too much tax cut for the rich might lead to extreme if the rich would not risk their savings through investments or opening new businesses. Perhaps pass a law that there should be more tax on saving deposits that are in large amount, idle properties. Those rich people that would bring out their large amount of money to places that has secret number account should be searched and should be taxed favoring more their native land government. Or pass international law that secret account number with large amount as idle cash should be taxed more favoring the country of origin but not knowing the name or identity. But if there are evidences that the money came from criminal activity or activities, the state of origin has the right to freeze or recover those through court. Principle behind: rich or very rich people should be encouraged to be economic leaders or business risk takers rather than economic saboteurs. Then the scholar asked: “Is corn and sugar only are the source of ethanol or alcohol or alternative fuel?” The A.I answered: “Soy beans, potato, vegetable could be other sources for alternative oil. Perhaps even animals, insects, decaying materials like flies, mosses, algae, grasses, cut branches of trees or fallen leaves could be alternative sources of energy through biogas technology. Perhaps pass a law that each town or city should have wood chipper machine so that those cut branches and woods could be chipped and be another source of alternative energy. Perhaps pass a law that each town or household should have “smart portable biogas processor.” It processes almost all materials that could be decayed in each house to be changed into alternative energy. Imagine that almost all recyclable materials are recycled to any consumable; and almost all materials that are decaying are converted to alternative source of energy. It is better than quarrelling or hating; fighting whose group or religion is better or superior than the other. Why think of those doable, practical things or ideas first than those mysteries, mystics and future reward in heaven like reward of many virgins by doing suicide bombings?” Then another scholar asked the A.I.: “Could imitation of other flourishing businesses lead to bankruptcy?” …then the A.I. answered: “Yes, if the business is already saturated! Too much imitation and improving other’s business is extreme and might lead to saturation or congestion…! Leaders should know when things or businesses are saturated or congested already so that the capital of those middle classmen should not be wasted. There should be frequent survey if stores, companies are profiting or losing so that issuing of business permits and business licenses could be studied; and losing much of capital could be avoided. But competition should not be sacrificed when limiting issuing of business permits or licenses. Competition and creativity should be enhanced so that better, cheaper and good services could be rendered. Let the best wins! The key word is activeness. Or more universal words that boost creativities and doable and practical things that result to lessening connivances, inactiveness, in name or mass produced members. Or leader is trying to lessen touching too much on: mystics, mysteries, self inflicting, self destroying and destroying others.”

Then another scholar asked: “Could leaks of gasoline from an accident be checked? Example- airplane tank be checked not to explode to kill people inside the crashed airplane? Could liquid gasoline be instantly changed to a gel state so that upon impact the leak could be localized and if the tank explodes, the explosion should be going away from the people inside the plane?” …..then A.I. was puzzled and answered: “It’s a good idea that gasoline should instantly be changed to a gel state upon impact to avoid leaks. And if the tank explodes, the explosion should not cause harm to people inside the crashed airplane. Perhaps changing liquid to gel instantly is not yet a technology and should be researched to lessen casualties due to leaks and explosion of gasoline tank due to impact. Or perhaps the technology is already available in the internet. With regards to directional explosion, perhaps tanks should be designed to be thicker or made of strong materials facing the passengers and those walls away from the passengers should be thin so that when explosion happens, it is going away from the passengers.” Another scholar asked: “Could hydrogen be the present and future practical alternative source of energy?” …then the A.I. answered: “Now that hydrogen could be another source of alternative fuel for car using combustion or fuel cell technology, perhaps leaders should do every thing to let this technology be disseminated so that ordinary people could have it; or around the world could benefit from the technology. Perhaps ordinary water could be used directly to fuel the car. And through electrolysis or using electricity to separate hydrogen from the oxygen, the hydrogen gas could directly fuel the combustion chamber using hybrid technology. Perhaps ‘hybrid’ means that the combustion engine using combustion technology could still use gasoline or ethanol fuel depending on the availability of the fuel through a sensor. Perhaps another generator is needed to produce electricity to have electrolysis. Perhaps using the principle of coil where the energy of impact like sudden stopping or breaking could be converted into stored strain and the stored strain could be released to run a generator to produce electricity to have electrolysis and store hydrogen gas. And when there is enough hydrogen the sensor would sense to use hydrogen gas from water through electrolysis instead of gasoline. Then perhaps using fossil fuel could be minimized; and minimized carbon as pollution. Then at home there should be wind mill, solar cell so that hydrogen could be produced and be stored for future consumption for cars. There is no need to convert hydrogen into liquid form because it is another expensive and complicated process. But it should not be on a large volume because it might be dangerous. It should be just like an ordinary 11 kilos methane tank. Perhaps student could experiment how simple electrolysis happens and how to store on a practical and safer way those extracted hydrogen and oxygen gases. The pure oxygen could be reused to supply pure oxygen on bed rooms so that fresh air could be breath. Or it could be for sale as domestic or commercial use. Perhaps pass a law those hybrid mechanisms that could sense using hydrogen then gasoline or methane should be given incentives or even be subsidized or should be compulsory or should be mandatory for all vehicles so that pollution could be minimized.” From someone who might be wrong,

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