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FYS 263

32 kr


local tangent plane

r kt



θt ^n

ki n1


Point source

Figure 9.3: Generalisation of Snell’s law and the reflection law to include non-planar waves that are incident upon a curved interface.


Reflection and refraction of plane electromagnetic waves

Note that the reflection law and the refraction law apply to all types of plane waves, i.e. to acoustic, electromagnetic, and elastic waves. In the derivation we have only used that kq · r − ωt (q = i, r, t) shall be the same for q = i, q = r, and q = t. Now we take a closer look at the reflection and refraction of plane electromagnetic waves in order to determine how much of the energy in the incident wave that is reflected and transmitted. We know that a plane electromagnetic wave is transverse, i.e. that both E and B = µH are normal to the propagation direction k = kˆs. In Fig. 9.1 we have chosen the z axis in the direction of the interface normal. If E is normal to the plane of incidence, we have s polarisation (from German, “Senkrecht”) or T E polarisation (“transverse electric” relative to the plane of incidence or the z axis). And if E is parallel with the plane of incidence, we have p polarisation or T M polarisation, since in this case B is normal to the plane of incidence or the z axis; hence the use of the term T M or “transverse magnetic”. A general time-harmonic, plane electromagnetic wave consists of both a T E and a T M component. With the time dependence e−iωt suppressed, we have for the spatial part of the field E = ET E + ET M ; B = BT E + BT M , ˆz ik·r kt × e e , kt


ˆ)z ik·r k × (kt × e e , kkt


ET E = E T E ET M = E T M

ˆz ) ik·r k × (kt × e 1 k × ET E = E T E e , k0 k0 kt


1 1 ˆz )]eik·r . k × ET M = E T M k × [k × (kt × e k0 k0 kkt


BT E = BT M =


ˆz )] = k[k · (kt × e ˆz )] − (kt × e ˆz )k · k = −k 2 kt × e ˆz , we get But since k × [k × (kt × e BT M =

ˆz ik·r −k T M kt × e E e . k0 kt


FYS 263


Note that the vectors ˆT E = e

ˆz kt × e kt

ˆT M = ; e

ˆz ) k × (kt × e , kkt


are unit vectors in the directions of ET E and ET M , respectively. We represent each of the incident, reflected, and transmitted fields in the manner given above, so that (q = i, r, t) Eq = ET Eq + ET M q ; Bq = BT Eq + BT M q , ˆz ikq ·r kt × e e , kt


ˆz ) ikq ·r kq × (kt × e e , k q kt


ET Eq = E T Eq ET M q = E T M q BT Eq =


ˆz ) ikq ·r k q T Eq kq × (kt × e E e , q k0 k kt


ˆz ikq ·r −k q T M q kt × e E e , k0 kt


BT M q = where

ˆz ; kt = kx e ˆx + ky e ˆy , ki = kt + kz1 e


ˆz ; kt = kt + kz2 e ˆz , kr = kt − kz1 e


 kq =

k1 = n1 k0 k2 = n2 k0

for q = i, r for q = t.


The continuity conditions that must be satisfied at the interface z = 0 are that the tangential components of E and H = µ1 B be continuous, i.e.

ˆz × ET Ei + ET Er − ET Et + ET M i + ET M r − ET M t = 0, e  ˆz × e

  1  T Ei 1  T Mi 1 T Et 1 T Mt + BT Er − B + + BT M r − B B B µ1 µ2 µ1 µ2


 = 0.


Further, we have ˆz × [kq × (kt × e ˆz )] = (kq · e ˆz ) e ˆ z × kt , e


ˆz × (kt × e ˆz ) = kt . e


By substituting from (9.3.9)-(9.3.12) into the boundary conditions (9.3.16)-(9.3.17) and using (9.1.2) and (9.3.18)-(9.3.19), we get  

kz1 T M i kz1 T M r kz2 T M t ˆz × kt kt E T Ei + E T Er − E T Et + e E − E − E = 0, (9.3.20) k1 k1 k2     1 kz1 T Ei kz1 T Er 1 kz2 T Et ˆz × kt e − E − E E µ1 k0 k0 µ2 k0     1 −k1 T M i k1 T M r −k2 T M t +kt − = 0. (9.3.21) E − E E µ1 k0 k0 k0

FYS 263


ˆz × kt are orthogonal vectors, the expression inside each of the {} parentheses in Since kt and e (9.3.20) and (9.3.21) must vanish, i.e. E T Ei + E T Er = E T Et ,


  kz1 µ2 E T Ei − E T Er = kz2 µ1 E T Et ,


  kz1 k2 E T M i − E T M r = kz2 k1 E T M t ,


  k1 µ2 E T M i − E T M r = k2 µ1 E T M t .


Now we define reflection and transmission coefficients as RT E =

E T Er E T Ei

; TTE =

E T Et , E T Ei


RT M =


; TTM =

ET Mt , ET Mi


kz2 µ1 T E T , kz1 µ2


so that (9.3.22)-(9.3.25) give 1 + RT E = T T E ; 1 − RT E = 1 − RT M =

kz2 k1 T M k2 µ1 T M T ; 1 + RT M = T . kz1 k2 k1 µ2


The two equations in (9.3.28) have the following solution RT E =

µ2 kz1 − µ1 kz2 µ2 kz1 + µ1 kz2

; TTE =

2µ2 kz1 , µ2 kz1 + µ1 kz2


; TTM =

2k1 k2 µ2 kz1 . k22 µ1 kz1 + k12 µ2 kz2


whereas the two equations in (9.3.29) give k22 µ1 kz1 − k12 µ2 kz2 k22 µ1 kz1 + k12 µ2 kz2

RT M =

The interpretation of the reflection and transmission coefficients follow from (9.3.26)-(9.3.27). Thus, the reflection coefficient represents the amplitude ratio between the reflected and the incident E field, whereas the transmission coefficient represents the amplitude ratio between the transmitted and the incident E field. Note that (9.3.22)-(9.3.23) and (9.3.28) contain only T E quantities, whereas equations (9.3.24)(9.3.25) and (9.3.29) contain only T M quantities. This implies that these two wave types are independent or de-coupled upon reflection and refraction. Thus, an incident T E plane wave produces a reflected T E plane wave and a transmitted T E plane wave, whereas an incident T M plane wave produces a reflected T M plane wave and a transmitted T M plane wave. Upon reflection and refraction there is no coupling between T E and T M waves. From Fig. 9.1 it follows that ˆz = k1 cos θi ; kz2 = kt · e ˆz = k2 cos θt , kz1 = ki · e


so that if µ1 = µ2 = 1 the reflection and transmission coefficients become TTM =

2n1 cos θi n2 cos θi + n1 cos θt


; RT M =

n2 cos θi − n1 cos θt , n2 cos θi + n1 cos θt

2n1 cos θi n1 cos θi − n2 cos θt ; RT E = , i t n1 cos θ + n2 cos θ n1 cos θi + n2 cos θt

(9.3.33) (9.3.34)

FYS 263

35 ^e TMt e^ TMr






r i θ =θ




^ ez θi

^e TMi




^e TEi = ^e TEr = ^e TEt


^e TE


Figure 9.4: Reflection and refraction of a plane electromagnetic wave at a plane interface between two different media. Illustration of T E and T M components of the electric field.

These expressions are called the Fresnel formulas. By using Snell’s law (9.1.20), we can rewrite them as (Exercise 9) TTM =

2 sin θt cos θi tan(θi − θt ) ; RT M = , t i t + θ ) cos(θ − θ ) tan(θi + θt )



2 sin θt cos θi sin(θi + θt )

; RT E = −

sin(θi − θt ) . sin(θi + θt )

(9.3.35) (9.3.36)

At normal incidence where θi = θt = 0, we get from (9.3.33) and (9.3.34) TTE = TTM =

n2 2 n−1 ; RT M = −RT E = ; n= . n+1 n+1 n1


The fact that RT M = −RT E at normal incidence follows from the way in which ET E and ET E are defined. From Fig. 9.4 we see that these two vectors point in opposite directions at normal incidence.


Reflectance and transmittance

ˆT M q (q = i, r, t) and e ˆT E for T M and T E polarisation. Fig. 9.4 shows the polarisation vectors e These unit vectors are parallel with the electric field and follow from (9.3.9)-(9.3.12) ˆT Ei = e ˆT Er = e ˆT Et = e ˆT E = e ˆT M q = e

ˆz kt × e kt

; |ˆ eT E | = 1,

ˆz ) kq × (kt × e ; |ˆ eT M q | = 1. k q kt

(9.3.38) (9.3.39)

ˆT M q , be αq [see Fig. 9.5], Let the angle between Eq and the plane of incidence spanned by kq and e so that ˆT E E q sin αq + e ˆT M q E q cos αq . Eq = e


FYS 263

36 E


^e TMq

^e TEq E TEq q α E TMq

q k

Figure 9.5: Illustration of the angle αq between the electric vector Eq and the plane of incidence ˆT M q . spanned by kq and e

Further, we let J i , J r , and J t denote the energy flows of respectively the incident, reflected, and transmitted fields per unit area of the interface. Then we have J pq = S pq cos θq ; p = T E, T M ; q = i, r, t,


where S pq is the absolute value of the Poynting vector, given by q ε c pq c pq pq c 2 pq pq S = (E pq ) . (9.3.42) |E × H | = E H = 4π 4π 4π µq √ √ Here we have used the relation εq E pq = µq H pq . The reflectance Rp (p = T E, T M is the ratio between the reflected and incident energy flows. From (9.3.41)-(9.3.42) we have RT M = RT E =

JT Mr |E T M r |2 = = (RT M )2 . T M i J |E T M i |2


J T Er |E T Er |2 = = (RT E )2 , J T Ei |E T Ei |2


Thus, the reflectance Rp is equal to the square of reflection coefficient Rp . The transmittance T p (p = T E, T M ) is the ratio between the transmitted and incident energy flows, and (9.3.41)-(9.3.42) give T TM =

JT Mt n2 µ1 cos θt T M 2 = (T ) , JT Mi n1 µ2 cos θi


T TE =

J T Et n2 µ1 cos θt T E 2 = (T ) . J T Ei n1 µ2 cos θi


Thus, the transmittance T p is proportional to the square of the transmission coefficient T p (p = T E, T M ). When µ2 = µ1 = 1, we find on substitution from (9.3.35)-(9.3.36) into (9.3.43)-(9.3.46) the following expressions for the reflectance and the transmittance RT M =

tan2 (θi − θt ) , tan2 (θi + θt )


FYS 263

37 sin2 (θi − θt ) , sin2 (θi + θt )


sin 2θi sin 2θt , sin2 (θi + θt ) cos2 (θi − θt )


sin 2θi sin 2θt . sin2 (θi + θt )


RT E = T TM =

T TE = By use of these formulas one can show that

RT M + T T M = 1 ; RT E + T T E = 1,


so that for each of the two polarisations the sum of the reflected energy and the transmitted energy is equal to the incident energy. From (9.3.41) and (9.3.42) we have ε1 pi 2 c J pi = |E | cos θi , (9.3.52) 4π µ1 which by the use of (9.3.40) gives


c 4π

ε1 T Ei 2 c |E | = cos θi µ1 4π

ε1 2 2 i E sin α , µ1 c ε1 T M i 2 c ε1 2 = cos θi |E | = cos θi E cos2 αi . 4π µ1 4π µ1

J T Ei = cos θi

(9.3.53) (9.3.54)

But since the total incident energy flow is given by J i = cos θi

c 4π

ε1 2 E , µ1


we find J T Ei = J i sin2 αi ; J T M i = J i cos2 αi .


Thus, we have R=

Jr J T M r + J T Er JT Mr J T Er = = T M i cos2 αi + T Ei sin2 αi , i i J J J J


which gives R = RT M cos2 αi + RT E sin2 αi ,


T = T T M cos2 αi + T T E sin2 αi .


and similarly we find



At normal incidence, θ = θ = 0, and the distinction between T E and T M polarisation disappears. From (9.3.43)-(9.3.46) combined with (9.3.33)-(9.3.34), we find (when µ1 = µ2 = 1)  2 R = RT M = RT E = (RT E )2 = RT M =

 2  2 T = T TM = T TE = TTE = TTM =

n−1 n+1


4n (n + 1)2

; n= ; n=

n2 , n1

n2 . n1

(9.3.60) (9.3.61)

When n → 1, we see that R → 0 and T → 1, as expected. Similarly, we find from (9.3.47)-(9.3.50) that R → 0, R⊥ → 0, T → 1, T⊥ → 1 when n → 1.

FYS 263




θ iB

θ iB

1 2 θ tB


Figure 9.6: Illustration of Brewster’s law.


Brewster’s law

From (9.3.47) it follows that RT M = 0 when θi + θt = π2 , since then tan(θi + θt ) = ∞. We call this particular angle of incidence θiB and the corresponding refraction or transmission angle θtB . By using Snell’s law (9.1.20), we find

π n2 sin θtB = n2 sin − θiB = n2 cos θiB = n1 sin θiB , (9.3.62) 2 so that RT M = 0 when θi = θiB , where θiB is given by tan θiB =

n2 = n. n1


The angle θiB is called the polarisation angle or the Brewster angle. When the angle of incidence is equal to θiB , the E vector of the reflected light has no component in the plane of incidence (Fig. 9.6). This fact is exploited in sunglasses with polarisation filter. The filter is oriented such that only light that is polarised vertically (Fig. 9.6) is transmitted. Thus, one avoids to a certain degree annoying reflections from e.g. a water surface. Note that kr · kt = 0, i.e. kr and kt are normal to one another when θi = θiB , as shown in Fig. 9.6.


Unpolarised light (natural light)

For natural light, e.g. light from an incandescent lamp, the direction of the E vector varies very rapidly in an arbitrary or irregular manner, so that no particular direction is given preference. The average reflectance R is obtained by averaging over all directions α. Since the average value of both sin2 α and cos2 α is 12 , we find from (9.3.56) that J

T Mi

= J i cos2 αi = J

T Ei

= J i sin2 αi =

1 i J . 2


For the reflected components we find J

T Mr



T Mr T Mi


T Mi



T Mr T Mi

1 1 · J i = RT M J i , 2 2


FYS 263



T Er



T Er T Ei

1 1 · J i = RT E J i , 2 2

J which shows that the degree of polarisation for the reflected light can be defined as   TM R − RT E  |J T M r − J T Er | r  P =  TM = T Mr . R + RT E  J + J T Er



The average reflectance is given by R=


r i



T Mr

+J J

T Er




T Mr


T Mi



T Er


T Ei


 1  TM + RT E , R 2


so that the degree of polarisation becomes 1 1 TM − RT E |, |R R2 where |RT M − RT E | is called the polarised part of the reflected light. Similarly, we find for the transmitted light Pr =

T =


1 TM 1 1 TM + T TE) ; P t = − T T E |. (T |T 2 T 2



Rotation of the plane of polarisation upon reflection and refraction

Note that if the incident light is linearly polarised, then also the reflected and the transmitted light will be linearly polarised, since the phases only change by 0 or π. This follows from the fact that the reflection and transmission coefficients are real quantities [cf. (9.3.33)-(9.3.36)]. But the planes of polarisation for the reflected and the transmitted light are rotated in opposite directions relative to the polarisation plane of the incident light. The angles αi , αr , and αt that the planes of polarisation of the incident, reflected, and transmitted light form with the plane of incidence, are given by [cf. Fig. 9.5] tan αi =

E T Ei , ET Mi


E T Er tan α = T M r = E

E T Er E T Ei ET M r ET M i

E T Ei RT E = tan αi , ET Mi RT M


E T Et tan α = T M t = E

E T Et E T Ei ET M t ET M i

E T Ei TTE = tan αi . ET Mi TTM




By use of the Fresnel formulas (9.3.35)-(9.3.36) we can write tan αr = −

cos(θi − θt ) tan αi , cos(θi + θt )

tan αt = cos(θi − θt ) tan αi . Since 0 ≤ θi ≤

π 2

and 0 ≤ θt ≤

π 2,

(9.3.74) (9.3.75)

we get | tan αr | ≥ | tan αi |,


| tan αt | ≤ | tan αi |. i

(9.3.77) t

In (9.3.76) the equality sign applies at normal incidence (θ = θ = 0) and at grazing incidence (θi = π 2 ), whereas in (9.3.77) the equality sign applies only at normal incidence. These two inequalities

FYS 263


imply that upon reflection the plane of polarisation is rotated away from the plane of incidence, whereas upon transmission it is rotated towards the plane of incidence. Note that when θi = θiB , so that θiB + θtB = π2 , then tan αr = ∞. Thus, we have αr = π2 in accordance with Brewster’s law.


Total reflection

Snell’s law (9.1.20) can be written in the form sin θt =

sin θi n

; n=

n2 = n1

ε2 µ2 . ε1 µ1


Hence, it follows that if n < 1, then we get sin θt = 1 when θi = θic , where sin θic = n.


This implies that when θi = θic , we get θt = π2 , so that the transmitted light propagates along the interface. If θi ≥ θic , we have total reflection, i.e. no light will pass into the other medium. All light is then reflected. There exists a field in the other medium, but there is no energy transport through the interface. When θi > θic , then sin θt > 1, which means that θt is complex. We have from (9.3.78)    sin2 θi ±i sin2 θi − n2 2 t t cos θ = ± 1 − sin θ = ±i −1= . (9.3.80) n2 n The lower sign in (9.3.80) must be discarded. Otherwise the field in medium 2 would grow exponentially with increasing distance from the interface. The electric field in medium 2 is t

ˆpt ei(k Ept = T p E pi e


(p = T E, T M ),


where kt · r = kx x + ky y + kz2 z,


with (cf. Fig. 9.1 and (9.3.80) with upper sign) kz2 = k2 cos θt = ik2

1 2 i n2 sin θ − n2 ; n = , n n1


so that k2  2 i sin θ − n2 . (9.3.84) n We see that Ept represents a wave that propagates along the interface and is exponentially damped with the distance z into medium 2. From ∇ · Dt = ε2 ∇ · Et = 0 it follows that t



= ei(kx x+ky y) e−|kz2 |z ; |kz2 | =

kt · Et = 0,


which gives Ezt = −

(kx Ext + ky Eyt ) . kz2


If we let the plane of incidence coincide with the xz plane, we have (cf. Fig. 9.7) kx = −k1 sin θi ; ky = 0,


Eyt = E T Et ei(kx x−ωt) e−|kz2 |z = T T E E T Ei ei(kx x−ωt) e−|kz2 |z ,


FYS 263


E TMr kt kr







z θi E TMi

E TEi = E TEr = E TEt


x Figure 9.7: Illustration of the refraction of a plane wave into an optically thinner medium, so that θi < θt . When θi → θic , then θt → π/2, and we get total reflection.

Ext = −E T M t cos θt ei(kx x−ωt) e−|kz2 | = −T T M E T M i cos θt ei(kx x−ωt) e−|kz2 |z , Ezt = −

kx t kx T M T M i i(kx x−ωt) −|kz2 |z Ex = T E e e . kz2 k2

(9.3.89) (9.3.90)

From these expressions for the components of Et and corresponding expressions for the components of Ht one can show (Exercise 11) that the time average of the z component of the Poynting vector is zero, which implies that there is no energy transport through the interface, as asserted earlier. The reflection coefficients in (9.3.35)-(9.3.36) can be written as follows RT M =

sin θi cos θi − sin θt cos θt , sin θi cos θi + sin θt cos θt


sin θi cos θt − sin θt cos θi . sin θi cos θt + sin θt cos θi


RT E = −

By combining Snell’s law (9.3.78) and (9.3.80) with the upper sign with (9.3.91)-(9.3.92), we get  n2 cos θi − i sin2 θi − n2 TM  R = , (9.3.93) n2 cos θi + i sin2 θi − n2  i − i sin2 θi − n2 cos θ  RT E = . (9.3.94) cos θi + i sin2 θi − n2 Since both reflection coefficients are of the form z/z ∗ , where z is a complex number, it follows that |RT M | = |RT E | = 1,


FYS 263


which shows that for each polarisation the intensity of the totally reflected light is equal to the intensity of the incident light. But the phase is altered upon total reflection. Letting Rp =

p p E pr zp = eiδ = p = e2iα (p = T E, T M ), pi E z ∗


where [cf. (9.3.93)-(9.3.94)]  TM z T M = n2 cos θi − i sin2 θi − n2 = |z T M |eiα ,


 TE z T E = cos θi − i sin2 θi − n2 = |z T E |eiα ,


we find  tan α


= tan 

tan α


= tan

1 TM δ 2 1 TE δ 2



sin2 θi − n2 , n2 cos θi


sin2 θi − n2 . cos θi


The relative phase difference δ = δT E − δT M ,


is determined by  tan

1 δ 2

    tan 12 δ T E − tan 12 δ T M    , = 1 + tan 12 δ T E tan 12 δ T M

which upon substitution from (9.3.99)-(9.3.100) gives    1 cos θi sin2 θi − n2 tan . δ = 2 sin2 θi



We see that δ = 0 for θi = π2 (grazing incidence) and θi = θic (critical angle of incidence). Between these two values there is an angle of incidence θi = θim which gives a maximum phase difference δ = δ m , where θim is determined by  dδ  = 0. (9.3.104) dθi θim From (9.3.104) we find 2n2 , 1 + n2 which upon substitution in (9.3.103) gives (Exercise 10)   1 m 1 − n2 tan = δ . 2 2n sin2 θim =



If the phase difference δ is equal to ± π2 and in addition E T M i = E T Ei , the totally reflected light will be circularly polarised. By choosing the angle αi between the polarisation plane and the plane of incidence equal to 45◦ , we make E T M i equal to E T Ei . In order to obtain δ = π2 we must have    δm  δm π ≥ tan π4 = 1, which according to (9.3.106) implies that 2 ≥ 4 . This means that tan 2 n2 + 2n − 1 ≤ 0. By completing the square on the left-hand side of (9.3.107), we find that


FYS 263



2−1 ;

√ 1 n1 ≥ 2 + 1 = 2.41. = n n2

Thus, nn12 must exceed 2.41 in order that we shall obtain a phase difference of reflection.

(9.3.108) π 2

in one single

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