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Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 20, 2008 I will make you a light to the nations, that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth. — Isaiah 49:6b

University Catholic Center

SAVE the DATE! The UCC Lenten Renewal Workshop will be Friday, February 8 and Saturday, February 9. This two day workshop is open to the entire UCC community. Paulist Fr. Paul Robichaud will be our presenter and facilitator. Father Robichaud is the Paulist Historian and also serves as the Postulator for the Cause of Father Isaac Hecker, the Paulist founder. The cost for the two-day Lenten workshop which includes 3 meals will be $10. For registration and more information please check at the front desk.

Our Gifts to God $4,500 $3,843

$4,000 $3,500


$2,500 $1,500


$1,000 $500 $0

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1 Sm 1:1-8; Mk 1:14-20 1 Sm 1:9-20; Mk 1:21-28 1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20; Mk 1:29-39 1 Sm 4:1-11; Mk 1:40-45 1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a; Mk 2:1-12 1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a; Mk 2:13-17 Is 49:3, 5-6; Ps 40; 1 Cor 1:1-3; Jn 1:29-34


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Training for new liturgical ministers - lectors, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, Mass Coordinators - will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, January 29 and 30, beginning at 7:00 p.m. Please consider serving the UCC faith community in this way.

Don’t Miss It! – Friday, January 25th Sister Nancy Murray, a Dominican nun with a drama undergrad degree, will be performing a one-act play about the life of St. Catherine of Siena. With simple props, a fertile imagination and an over-the-top Italian accent, she’ll bring to life St. Catherine, a Doctor of the Church, who was a colorful and strong personality from 14th Century Italy. Interestingly, Sister Nancy is the biological sister of comedian Bill Murray. Come for a night of fun and fellowship on Friday, January 25 beginning at 7 p.m. here at the University Catholic Center. This event is free and open to the public so gather your friends and help us kick off the celebration of 100 years of Catholic campus ministry at UT.

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Christian Unity Octave The word "octave" comes from the Latin word for eight. According to the first creation story in the Book of Genesis, God created the world in seven days. Seven is a number that represents wholeness and completion. The resurrection of Jesus was called the "eighth day" by the earliest Christians, because now life was lived in a whole new dimen-sion of freedom. The Church Unity Octave is eight days of spe-cial prayer for the reunion of all Christians. At the Last Supper Jesus prayed for his followers "that they all may be one." But Christians have some-times forgotten that we are all one body with Christ as our head. We think of ourselves instead as Eastern or Western, Protestant or Catholic. In recent years the churches have made impor-tant steps toward understanding each other. Pope John XXIII made history by inviting leaders of other Christian churches to the Vatican. When he called the Roman Catholic bishops to the Second Vatican Council, Anglicans, Methodists, Quakers, Congregationalists, Lutherans and Orthodox were included as observers. Nothing like this had ever been seen. The churches have continued to work together toward greater harmony. But prayer is still needed so that the body of Christ on earth can be strong and united. That will help the people of the world hear the voice of Christ speaking clearly. The church prays for Christian unity all during the year. But during the week of the Church Unity Octave we pray with special concern. We ask that all Christians might be able to work together. The Church Unity Octave ends on January 25, the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul.

Confirmation-CORRECTION Our adult (18+) Confirmation program will begin Tuesday, January 22, at 7 p.m. This program is for Catholic adults who were baptized Catholic, received First Communion, had some Catholic religious education, but are not confirmed. There is no pre-registration, but it is very important to be at the first meeting. The meeting room is in the Catacombs (basement) at the UCC. Confirmation will be celebrated by Bishop Aymond at the UCC on Monday, May 5. The fee for the program is $20. Any questions, contact Jim Harrington, Program Facilitator, at [email protected] or Deacon John De La Garza at [email protected] Pro-Life activities abound on Jan. 26 The diocesan Office of Pro-Life Activities will host the annual Pro-Life Mass on Jan. 26 at San José Parish in Austin. The day begins with a prayer vigil at 7 a.m. at the Planned Parenthood facility in south Austin, with a rosary for life prayed at 10 a.m. The Mass will begin at 10:30 a.m. and will be celebrated by Bishop Gregory Aymond. San José Parish will serve lunch for a nominal fee in the Parish Hall after Mass. Participants will gather at 4th and Guadalupe streets at 1 p.m. for the march to the Capitol. The Texas Rally for Life will begin at 2 p.m. The day will conclude with a Party for Life at 3:30 p.m at the University Catholic Center in Austin. Those participating in the party are asked to contact the Office of Pro-Life Activities at 512 2381756 or [email protected] so that enough refreshments are prepared. Fr. Hecker Quote of the Week: Until we have a higher tone of Catholic life in our country, we shall do nothing.

6th Annual Dinner and Date Auction: Mardi Gras Unmasked Come out to the 6th Annual Dinner and Date Auction at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, February 2 hosted by STRONG! Indulge in a free Cajun dinner in the Holy Spirit Chapel and then bid on some of your favorite UCC student representatives and staff. We will also be raffling off several fabulous prizes. Raffle tickets will be sold for $1 apiece. The proceeds of the Date Auction will go towards new furniture for the Atrium. Have you ever been told you're funny? Would you like to be an auctioneer? Emcee auditions will be held at 9 p.m. on Wednesday, January 23rd in the St. Francis Room! Compass Bible Study! Meeting on Thursday nights from 7-8 p.m. in the Mother Teresa Room, Compass is a fun and laidback way to read scripture and get a little more out of Mass. Every week we spend an hour discussing the next Sunday’s readings and sharing our faith. We are student run, student led, and totally low time commitment, so drop by whenever you can. Come hang out with us this Thursday! 2


Week of January 20, 2008 Monday Jan. 21 St. Agnes (M) • 7 pm RCIA • 7:30 pm CLFL



Tuesday Jan. 22 • 7 pm Confirmation • 7 pm UGAP • 7 pm Catholicism 101


Wednesday Jan. 23 • 7 pm Men of Virtue (MOV)


Thursday Jan. 24 St. Francis de Sales (M) • 7 pm Compass • 7 pm LA-44 • 8 pm Adoration


Friday Jan. 25 Conversion of St. Paul (F) • 7 pm Korean Mass • 7 pm Sr. Nancy Murray, OP Presents St. Catherine of Sienna


Saturday Jan. 26 Sts. Timothy & Titus (M) • 3:30 pm Party for Life ATRM

Sunday Jan. 27 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time • RE Classes • 7 pm RCIA Dismissal


Lent is just around the corner and we will be having our community Lenten Soup Suppers again on the Fridays during Lent. The soup for these suppers is provided by students and resident community members of the UCC. We are hoping to have about 18 soup makers during lent this year, each providing approx 20-30 servings. If you can help make soup for one of the meals, please email me, Michael Burkhart, at [email protected]. Guys--you want to exercise your spiritual muscle? All men are invited to join us as we look at what it means to be Men of Virtue on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. in the St Matthew Room starting this week. As Men of Virtue, we're called not just to do the "right thing" but really develop an attitude of the Gospels. What? You're not perfect yet? Good. Come and work out with us. Men of Virtue, Wednesdays, 7 p.m. St. Matthew Room. Catholicism 101 is back! The next session of Catholicism 101 is back--focusing on the sacraments and how we celebrate our Catholic faith. Everyone is welcome to join us on Tuesday nights at 7p.m. in the St. Mark's Room upstairs. This Tuesday is our first meeting, so you haven't missed anything!

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