1102 Spec Prelims - A Master

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 3,647
  • Pages: 12
PRELIMINARIES - SECTION A Description of Works The works comprise of the roofing and repairs to St. John the Evangelist Church, Church Square, Worsthorne. The existing defective grey slate roof covering is to be stripped and roof timbers repaired/replaced as required. The existing mineral fibre insulation quilt laid between rafters is to be removed and replaced with a high performance insulation quilt/material. The existing covering is to be re-used (where suitable) with additional second hand English grey slate provided to make good the defective roof covering. All leadwork to gutters, abutments, parapets etc., is to be replaced. The stonework copings are to be removed and refixed with new stainless steel dowels installed as required to provide a stable finish. Existing plastic rainwater goods are to be removed and replaced with traditional cast iron gutters, rainwater pipes and hopper heads. Internally the ceiling is to be repaired/replaced where roof timbers have been removed, upon completion the ceiling within the Nave is to be decorated and the oak timber boarded ceiling within the chancel is to be resealed. The inside of the church is to be protected from falling debris during the duration of the Contract with a high level debris netting. This is to be kept in place during the Contract and is to be positioned in an unobtrusive manner so as to not to detract from the churches appearance.

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Contractor to Visit Site Before tendering, the Contractor is advised to visit the site and premises so as to be fully acquainted with the facilities for or difficulties of access thereof, the requirements of the Police and the Local Authority, nature and extent of the proposed works and other matters affecting the cost thereof, as no allowances will be made for any ignorance on the part of the Contractor. For access into the church building please make arrangements with the churchwardens. Mrs P. Pomeroy 01282 426002 Mrs B. Wharton 01282 427964. No Payment of Tender The Clients do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any other tender, nor will they be responsible for any time or expense involved in the preparation of a tender. Conditions of Tender Tenders are to be based on this specification and relevant drawings. The tenderers must visit site to ascertain everything necessary to complete the works, including space for storage, location of services, site and access restrictions, risk of injury to adjoining property and generally to obtain all information on the works and to include in his tender for all costs in connection therewith. The preferred dates of commencement and completion shall be stated on the Tender Form, but will be subject to final agreement with the Client and Contract Administrator. Existing Buildings The parish church of St. John the Evangelist, Church Square, Worsthorne is of stone construction with pitched stone flagged roofs. The church is open on all four sides, with stone flagged paths to all elevations, with graves in close proximity to the church. Access to the graves should be maintained wherever during the course of the works. The windows to the church are also to be adequately protected prior to any scaffolding being erected. The church will remain in full use during the construction period. Conditions of Contract The Conditions of Contract shall be the JCT 2005 Edition Agreement for Minor Building Works incorporating amendments. A copy may be inspected at the Contract Administrators office. 1st Recital The works comprise of re-roofing of the grade 2 listed church of St. John the Evangelist, Worsthorne, Burnley. The Church will continue to be open during the works and due regard is to be taken for this.

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A full list of Service times will be available from the Vicar/church wardens. The works are to be carried out under the direction of the Contract Administrator:CRC Design Architectural Services 5 Wallhurst Close Worsthorne, Burnley. BB10 3NY Tel: 01282 457936 2nd Recital The Contract drawings are to be as detailed in the letter of the invitation 3rd Recital Applies 4th Recital Applies 5th Recital Applies Articles Article 1

Contractors obligations The Contractor will carry out the works in accordance with the Contract documents

Article 2

Contract Sum Will be as the Contractors tender submission adjusted as necessary

Article 3

The term Contract Administrator shall mean:CRC Design Architectural Services 5 Wallhurst Close Worsthorne, Burnley. BB10 3NY

Article 4

The CDM Co-ordinator will mean:PMK Ltd. Bedale Hall, North End Bedale North Yorkshire. DL8 1AA

Article 5

Does not apply

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Article 6

Adjudication of disputes The President or Vice President or the Chairman or Vice Chairman of Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors.

Article 7

Arbitration The President or Vice President of Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors.

Article 8


Contract Particulars Base Date

2nd November 2009

Construction Industry Scheme

Employer at the base date is not a contractor for the purposes of CIS

Fifth Recital

CDM Regulations

The Project is notifiable

Article 7


Article 7 & Schedule 1 (Arbitration) APPLY


CDM Planning Period

Shall mean the period of 3 weeks ending on the date for commencement of the work


Date for Commencement

Mid-May 2010


Date for Completion

end of July 2010


Liquidated damages

£500.00 per week


Rectification period

12 months


Percentage of the total value of the works


Percentage of the total amount to be paid to the Contractor



Supply of documentation

3 months


Contributions etc.


Fourth Recital Schedule 2 (Paras – 1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 1.6, 2.1 & 2.2 Fourth Recital & Clause 4.2


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Contractors Insurance


5.4A, 5.4B & 5.4C

Insurance of the works

5.4B applies to works and existing structures insurance by employer in joint names applies

5.4A.1 & 5.4B.1.2

Percentage of cover Professional fees



President or vicePresident. The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors

Schedule 1


President or vicePresident. The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors


Access to Site Access to the site will be from the public roads in the area, and the Contractor shall allow for all conditions and restrictions imposed by the Local Authority, Statutory Undertakings or Police. He will be responsible for protecting and reinstating all adjacent structures, roads, paving and the like and keeping roads and footpaths clean and accessible at all times. The Contractor must report to the Vicar/Churchwardens before commencing the works. Access is limited for vehicles into the churchyard and under no circumstances will vehicles be allowed within the churchyard without the express permission of the vicar or churchwardens Parking On street parking exists for contractors vehicles. Use of the site The site is to be used only for the purpose of carrying out the contract. Surrounding Land/Building User The church is to remain operational at all times during the contract as will the churchyard with members of the public visiting on a daily basis Traffic Regulations The Contractor shall ascertain what restrictions may be imposed by the Police, Highways Department or other Authorities upon the execution of the Works and shall include for all costs in complying therewith.

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Attendance The Contractor will be fully responsible for the safety and security of the works and materials and he shall replace at his cost any work or materials which are lost, damaged or stolen during the course of the works. Also the security of the premises must be maintained at all times. Building Regulations The Contractor must allow for complying with the Building (Safety, Health and Welfare) Regulations and Health and Safety at Work. Safety, Health and Welfare – Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2007 The Contractor shall comply with all safety, health and welfare regulations and Codes of Practice appertaining to the works and with respect to the public safety. The Employer's Agent will require all site safety records, reports and certificates to be available for inspection on demand. This Contract will operate under the CDM Regulations 2007 and an outline Construction Phase plan must be submitted and include the following:.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10

Method Statements related to construction hazards identified in pre-tender Health & Safety Plan Details of Management structure Method of issuing Health & Safety instructions to contractors and subcontractors and waning hazards Arrangements for co-operation and co-ordination between contractors Procedure for carrying out Risk Assessments and managing and controlling the like Communications between project team, contractors and site operatives Emergency procedures including those for fire prevention and escape Procedure for recording al all accidents, illnesses and dangerous occurrences Arrangements for welfare facilities Procedure for ensuring all operatives have received Health & Safety information and training

Notices The Contractor shall comply with and give all notices required by any Act of Parliament, Statutory Instrument, Regulations, By-law or any Local Authority, District Surveyors Department, Building Control Department, Public Health Department, Water, Electricity and Gas Boards, or any other competent body and shall pay all fees or charges legally demandable, and where those fees or charges are not expressly provided for in the Specification, they are to be added here to the contract sum. Price to include: The tender is also to include for:1

Setting out.


All plant, tools, scaffold, trestles etc.

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All attendance and Builders work associated with nominated or domestic Sub-Contractors.


Protection and weather proofing of new works and existing property etc.


Removal of all rubbish and debris and drying and cleaning the building on completion.


Any lighting and watching.


Provision of water/electricity/gas/telecom for use during the works.


All expenses in connection with the employment of labour and the carrying out of the construction work.


Compliance with all preliminary and specification clauses contained herein.


VAT in accordance with the existing regulations.


Compliance with Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2007 (CDM).

Programme The Contractor shall be responsible for the programming of the works, and will be required to submit his proposed programme of working; such a programme having been agreed between the Contractor and all sub-contractors, and taking into account any requirement with regard to phasing which may be given by the employer. The Contractor may be required to submit such a programme before appointment and must be prepared for this eventuality. The Contractor will be required to update his programme at intervals if required. Any changes to the programme during the course of the works becoming apparent to the Contractor, must be notified once known to the Contract Administrator. The Contractor is to allow for any overtime, weekend or night work if necessary so that the work shall be completed in every respect, ready for occupation and use within the time to be submitted by the Contractor. Where a Sub-Contractor, whether nominated or not, requires to work overtime within the period necessary to complete the works, the Contractor is to include all costs to provide attendance on site during those periods whether or not he is carrying out works himself. All additional and ancillary costs incurred as a result of such overtime working will be deemed to have been included in the Contractor’s tender. The Contractor is to notify the Contract Administrator at the time of submitting his tender of any overtime working proposed. Co-ordination of Works The Contractor shall make all necessary provision and be fully responsible for the co-ordination of the works and must ensure that all trades and Specialists

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liaise with each other. The services are to be fully co-ordinated and set out with no clashes of elements or service routes. All services and fittings must be neatly set out and must be logically positioned in relationship with each other. No fitting or element must affect the performance of another. The Contractor shall make good at his own cost any alterations necessitated as a result of his failure to provide adequate liaison with other SubContractors. Supervision of the Works The Contractor shall maintain continuously on site a competent representative(s) whose name(s) shall have been previously submitted to the Contract Administrator to superintend the carrying out of the works. Protection of the Works and Existing Building The Contractor shall be fully responsible for protecting the Works and the existing buildings and their contents from damage and adverse weather, provide all necessary tarpaulins, water chutes, drop sheets, temporary coverings, polythene screens, casings and other like things required. The Contractor shall include for suspending all work when in the opinion of the Contract Administrator or his representative the weather may be detrimental to the work. The Contractor will be deemed to have included in his tender for all expenses in connection with special plant, materials and equipment necessary to maintain continuous working throughout periods of cold and inclement weather, and shall, if necessary, and with the approval of the Contract Administrator, reprobate the sequence of his operations with this object in view. The Contractor shall protect the existing buildings, finishes, fittings and contents from any damage which may be caused by the carrying out of the works. In particular this will include provision of dust sheets and the like when working in finished areas. If at any time the Contract Administrator is of the opinion that the Contractor is failing to take reasonable precautions, he shall have power to instruct the Contractor to suspend operations or instruct the Contractor to take such precautions and the Contractor shall bear all costs involved. The contractor will be responsible for the reinstatement (at his own expense) of any finishes, services, fittings, structures and the like which are damaged during the execution of the works. The Contractor is strongly advised to bring to the attention of the Contract Administrator any damage to the building services/fabric, site development works, surrounding roads, pavements, kerbs, vegetation etc. before the commencement of the works. A photographic survey is to be carried out of the building and surrounding areas, paths, gravestones etc. prior to work commencing and any damage caused during the contract period is to be put right by the Contractor at his own expense.

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Protection of the following items is to be considered. 1.

Existing features Prevent damage to existing buildings, fences, gates, walls, paved areas, graves, headstones etc. which are to remain in position during the construction process. Submit Method Statements for the protection of the above.


Building interiors Protection from exposure to weather during the course of the re-roofing works.


Existing furniture, fittings and equipment Prevent damage or move as necessary to enable the works to be executed. Reinstate in original positions.


Especially valuable/vulnerable items Ensure that adequate provision and maintenance of special protective measures is maintained for the following:Internally


The organ and all pipework The altar, pulpit, etc.



All windows adjacent to scaffolds, hoists, etc. All gravestones, heads and monuments

Submit Method Statements for the protection of above The organ is to be protected BEFORE any work on the roof commences. The protection works is to be carried out by a Specialist firm, Makin Organs Ltd Sovereign House, 30 Manchester Rd, Shaw, OL2 7DE, tel 01706 888100. Water for the Works Water for the works will be available for issue during the contract period from the external tap adjacent to the vestry door. Lighting and Power for the Works The contractor shall include for providing, maintaining and removing on completion any temporary artificial lighting and power installation required for his own and all Sub-Contractor’s use in the execution of the Works. The installation must comply with the requirements of the Area Electricity Board and CP 1017 - Distribution of Electricity on Construction and Building Sites. Include for paying all fees and charges. Security of the Works The Contractor shall include for and be solely responsible for the protection and safety of the Works, the existing buildings, materials, public and employers, including the provision of screens, lights and watchmen and for properly fencing off the Works during progress. Ladders and steps must be securely locked away each day when work on site ceases and all scaffolding made as inaccessible as possible, due

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to the nature of the works and the large amount of lead which is being used. It is the Contractors responsibility to ensure that the working area and material storage is properly fenced and left secure during the contract period. Removal of Rubbish The Contractor shall at all times keep the site free from accumulation of rubbish and debris arising from the execution of the Works. When working in occupied areas, the Contractor should clean these areas at the end of each day’s work. Before handing over the completed works, all hoarding, equipment, plant, unused materials, rubbish, brick bats, containers, wrappings, ashes and leavings from all trades shall be cleared from the Works. The safety netting internally is to be removed and all fixings removed and made good. Cleaning All surfaces shall be left clean and free from blemishes and the Contractor shall allow for cleaning down, washing off all stains, cleaning off all marks of mortar, plaster, cement, bitumen etc., cleaning all floors, paving and steps, washing down all woodwork, cleaning all glass both sides and for leaving all sanitary fittings, services and installations in perfect working order, all to the entire satisfaction of the Contract Administrator and everything left ready for immediate occupation by the Employer without the necessity for any further cleaning. The final cleaning of the building and its contents is to be carried out by an approved specialist-cleaning contractor. Making Good Defects The Contractor shall allow for returning to the site at the end of the defects liability period and shall, in addition to making good normal defects, make good all shrinking cracks to the structure, timber and finishings caused by drying out and using the building at working temperatures, including pointing, filling cracks on finishings, timber, units etc., with mortar, approved sealants or filler and afterwards touching up paintwork and decorations, all to match existing and prices are to include for this. Temporary Fencing etc. The Contractor shall provide all necessary temporary fencing, hoarding, screens, fans, planked footways, guard rails, gantries and similar items. Control of Noise, Pollution and Statutory Obligations The Contractor shall ensure that all measures to control the noise levels produced by his operations on site required under or by virtue of any enactment or regulation, or the working rules of industry, are strictly complied with.

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The Contractor’s attention is drawn to the Control of Pollution Act 1974 and BS 5228: 1984 "Code of Practice for Noise Control on Building and Demolition Sites" and all amendments thereto. Cartridge operated fixing tools shall be designed, constructed and operated in accordance with BS 4078. The recommendations in BS 4078 detailing use and maintenance of the tool shall be considered as mandatory. Police Regulations The Contractor shall comply with and include for any Police Regulations or instructions and Road Traffic Acts, in relation to (a) parking, (b) keeping the roads and footpaths clear of mud etc., and clear of all obstructions caused by materials and plant, and (c) conveyance of plant to and from the site. Dimensions All dimensions should be taken on site. Before any work is commenced by Sub-Contractors and components made by Suppliers, dimensions are to be checked on site and agreed with the Contractor. The Contractor will be responsible for the accuracy of such dimensions. Attendances Include for each trade attending upon and rendering all assistance, cutting away for and making good after each trade, providing the use of scaffolding, and obtaining particulars of Sub-Contractors’ requirements as to the positions of holes, mortices, etc. Site Meetings Include for all expenses in attending site meetings and be responsible for arranging attendance at these meetings by Nominated or Domestic SubContractors when their presence is required by the Contract Administrator. Allow for temporary accommodation/furniture for project co-ordination meetings. Restrictions The Contractor shall not do anything or shall refrain from doing anything whereby his Certificate of Registration is revoked or is likely to be revoked. Expenditure against included Sums The Contractor shall not place any order to enter into any Sub-Contract or execute any work that is the subject of a prime cost sum, a provisional sum, a provisional quantity or item without first having obtained the written instruction of the Contract Administrator. Contractor’s Temporary Accommodation Include for providing and maintaining all necessary storage sheds and offices for the Contractor’s own purpose, including all necessary facilities and attendances thereto.

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Include for providing and maintaining sanitary conveniences and mess rooms for the use of workpeople on the site, including all necessary facilities and attendances thereto. The sanitary conveniences are to be maintained to a clean and hygienic condition. The sanitary facilities in the church are not to be used by the Contractor. All temporary buildings to have stout lockable doors, to be weatherproof and to be sited in positions approved by the Contract Administrator and to be removed on completion. Telephones The Contractor shall provide a telephone on site for his own use and for the use of Employer’s representatives and pay all charges in connection therewith. Scaffolding The scaffolding is to be designed to withstand the stacking/storing of the stripped grey slate during re-roofing works. The scaffold is to be erected late enough and / or dismantled late enough to allow all work to be executed safely. The Contractor is to ensure that all entrances into the church are maintained free from scaffold during the contract. Please note that the vestry door is also the disabled access into the church. Hoist A hoist is to be provided to allow for the slates to be positioned at scaffold level Health & Safety File Provide the CDM Co-ordinator with 2 copies of the information detailed within the pre-tender Health & Safety plan upon completion of the works, failure to do so will result in a further retention of £1,500.00 (one thousand five hundred pounds) being held until the information is provided

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