108 Names Of Lord Shiva

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 9
108 Names of Lord Shiva OM SHIVAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the Auspicious One OM MAHESHVARAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the Great God Shiva OM SHAMBHAVE NAMAHA Obeisances to the God who exists for our happiness alone OM PINAKINE NAMAHA Obeisances to Shiva, who guards the path of dharma OM SHASHISHEKHARAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the God who wears the crescent moon in his hair OM VAMADEVAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the God who is pleasing and auspicious in every way OM VIRUPAKSHAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the God of spotless form OM KAPARDINE NAMAHA Obeisances to the Lord with thickly matted hair OM NILALOHITAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the God splendid as the red sun at daybreak OM SHANKARAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the source of all prosperity OM SHULAPANAYE NAMAHA Obeisances to the God who carries a spear OM KHATVANGINE NAMAHA Obeisances to the God who carries a knurled club OM VISHNUVALLABHAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to Shiva, who is dear to Lord Vishnu OM SHIPIVISHTAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the Lord whose form emits great rays of light OM AMBIKANATHAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to Ambika's Lord OM SHRIKANTAYA NAMAHA

Obeisances to he whose throat is shining blue OM BHAKTAVATSALAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the Lord who loves His devotees like new born calves OM BHAVAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the God who is existence itself OM SARVAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to Shiva who is all OM TRILOKESHAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to Shiva who is the Lord of all the three worlds OM SHITAKANTHAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the primal soul whose throat is deep blue OM SHIVAPRIYAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the god who is dear to Shakti OM UGRAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to Shiva whose presence is awesome and overwhelming OM KAPALINE NAMAHA Obeisances to the God whose begging bowl is a human skull OM KAMARAYE NAMAHA Obeisances to Shiva who conquers all passions OM ANDHAKASURA SUDANAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the Lord who killed the asura Andhaka OM GANGADHARAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the God who holds the Ganges River in his hair OM LALATAKSHAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the Lord whose sport is creation OM KALAKALAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to Shiva who is the death of death OM KRIPANIDHAYE NAMAHA Obeisances to the God who is the treasure of compassion OM BHIMAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to Shiva whose strength is awesome OM PARASHU HASTAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the God who wields an axe in his hands

OM MRIGAPANAYAE NAMAHA Obeisances to the Lord who looks after the soul in the wilderness OM JATADHARAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to Shiva who bears a mass of matted hair OM KAILASAVASINE NAMAHA Obeisances to the God who abides on Mount Kailas OM KAVACHINE NAMAHA Obeisances to the Lord who is wrapped in armor OM KATHORAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to Shiva who causes all growth OM TRIPURANTAKAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the Lord who destroyed the three demonic cities OM VRISHANKAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the God whose emblem is a bull (Nandi) OM VRISHABHARUDHAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to Shiva who rides a bull OM BHASMODDHULITA VIGRAHAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the Lord covered with holy ash OM SAMAPRIYAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the God exceedingly fond of hymns from the Sama Veda OM SVARAMAYAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to Shiva who creates through sound OM TRAYIMURTAYE NAMAHA Obeisances to the Lord who is worshiped in three forms OM ANISHVARAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the undisputed Lord OM SARVAGYAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the God who knows all things OM PARAMATMANE NAMAHA Obeisances to the Supreme Self OM SOMASURAGNI LOCHANAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the light of the eyes of Soma, Surya and Agni OM HAVISHE NAMAHA

Obeisances to Shiva who receives oblations of ghee OM YAGYAMAYAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the architect of all sacrificial rites OM SOMAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the Moon-glow of the mystic's vision OM PANCHAVAKTRAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the God of the five activities OM SADASHIVAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the eternally auspicious benevolent Shiva OM VISHVESHVARAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the all-pervading ruler of the cosmos OM VIRABHADRAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to Shiva the foremost of heroes OM GANANATHAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the God of the Ganas OM PRAJAPATAYE NAMAHA Obeisances to the Creator OM HIRANYARETASE NAMAHA Obeisances to the God who emanates golden souls OM DURDHARSHAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the unconquerable being OM GIRISHAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the monarch of the holy mountain Kailas OM GIRISHAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the Lord of the Himalayas OM ANAGHAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to Shiva who can inspire no fear OM BUJANGABHUSHANAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the Lord adorned with golden snakes OM BHARGAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the foremost of rishis OM GIRIDHANVANE NAMAHA Obeisances to the God whose weapon is a mountain

OM GIRIPRIYAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the Lord who is fond of mountains OM KRITTIVASASE NAMAHA Obeisances to the God who wears clothes of hide OM PURARATAYE NAMAHA Obeisances to the Lord who is thoroughly at home in the wilderness OM BHAGAVATE NAMAHA Obeisances to the Lord of prosperity OM PRAMATHADHIPAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the God who is served by goblins OM MRITUNJAYAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the conqueror of death OM SUKSHMATANAVE NAMAHA Obeisances to the subtlest of the subtle OM JAGADVYAPINE NAMAHA Obeisances to Shiva who fills the whole world OM JAGADGURAVE NAMAHA Obeisances to the guru of all the worlds OM VYOMAKESHAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the God whose hair is the spreading sky above OM MAHASENAJANAKAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the origin of Mahasena OM CHARUVIKRAMAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to Shiva, the guardian of wandering pilgrims OM RUDRAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the Lord who is fit to be praised OM BHUTAPATAYE NAMAHA Obeisances to the source of living creatures, including the Bhutas, or ghostly creatures OM STHANAVE NAMAHA Obeisances to the firm and immovable deity OM AHIRBUDHNYAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the Lord who waits for the sleeping kundalini OM DIGAMBARAYA NAMAHA

Obeisances to Shiva whose robes is the cosmos OM ASHTAMURTAYE NAMAHA Obeisances to the Lord who has eight forms OM ANEKATMANE NAMAHA Obeisances to the God who is the one soul OM SATVIKAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the Lord of boundless energy OM SHUDDHA VIGRAHAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to him who is free of all doubt and dissension OM SHASHVATAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to Shiva, endless and eternal OM KHANDAPARASHAVE NAMAHA Obeisances to the God who cuts through the mind's despair OM AJAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the instigator of all that occurs OM PAPAVIMOCHAKAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the Lord who releases all fetters OM MRIDAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the Lord who shows only mercy OM PASHUPATAYE NAMAHA Obeisances to the ruler of all evolving souls, the animals OM DEVAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the foremost of devas, demigods OM MAHADEVAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the greatest of the gods OM AVYAYAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the one never subject to change OM HARAYE NAMAHA Obeisances to Shiva who dissolves all bondage OM PASHUDANTABHIDE NAMAHA Obeisances to the one who punished Pushan OM AVYAGRAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the Lord who is steady and unwavering

OM DAKSHADHVARAHARAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the destroyer of Daksha's conceited sacrifice OM HARAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the Lord who withdraws the cosmos OM BHAGANETRABHIDE NAMAHA Obeisances to Shiva who taught Bhaga to see more clearly OM AVYAKTAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to Shiva who is subtle and unseen OM SAHASRAKSHAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the Lord of limitless forms OM SAHASRAPADE NAMAHA Obeisances to the God who is standing and walking everywhere OM APAVARGAPRADAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the Lord who gives and takes all things OM ANANTAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the God who is unending OM TARAKAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the great liberator of mankind OM PARAMESHVARAYA NAMAHA Obeisances to the great God

Sri Sivastakam (Eight prayers glorifying Lord Shiva, spoken by Sriman Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Recorded in Murari Gupta's "Sri Caitanya Carita Mahakavya")

1) namo namaste tri-dasheshvaraya bhutadi nathaya mridaya nityam gagga-taraggotthita-bala-chandrachudaya gauri-nayanotsavaya "I repeatedly offer my obeisances unto you, the controller of the thirty primal demigods; unto you, the original father of all created beings; unto you, whose character is gracious; unto you, whose head is crested by the sickle moon arisen from the waves of the Ganga and unto you, who are a festival for the eyes of the fair goddess Gauri."

2) sutapta chamikara-chandra-nilapadma-pravalambuda-kanti-vastraih sa nritya-raggesta-vara-pradaya kaivalya-nathaya vrisa-dhvajaya "I offer my obeisances unto you, who are dressed in garments resembling molten gold, the moon, blue lotuses, coral, and dark rain clouds; unto you, who bestow the most desirable boons on your devotees by means of your delightful dancing; unto you, who are the master of the impersonalists and unto you, whose flag bears the image of the bull." 3) sudhamzu-suryagni-vilochanena tamo-bhide te jagatah shivaya sahasra-shubhramshu-sahasra-rashmisahasra-sajjit-tvara-tejase'stu "I offer my obeisances unto you, who dispells darkness with your three eyes the moon, the sun and fire; unto you, who causes auspiciousness for all the living entities of the universe and unto you, whose potency easily defeats that of thousands of moons and suns." 4) nageza-ratnojjvala-vigrahaya shardula-charmamzuka-divya-tejase sahasra-patropari samsthitaya varaggada-mukta-bhuja-dvayaya "I offer my obeisances unto you, whose form is brilliantly illuminated by the jewels of Ananta, the king of snakes; unto you, who are clothed by a tiger-skin and thus radiate divine effulgence; unto you, who sits upon a thousand-petalled lotus and unto you, whose two arms are adorned by lusterous bangles." 5) su-nupura-ragjita-pada-padma ksarat-sudha-bhritya-sukha-pradaya vichitra-ratnaugha-vibhusitaya premanam evadya harau videhi "I offer my obeisances unto you, who brings happiness to your servitors, as you pour on them the liquid nectar from your two reddish lotus feet, which ring with charming anklebells. Obeisances unto you, who is adorned with an abundance of gems - please endow me with pure love for Lord Hari." 6) sri rama govinda mukunda shaure sri krishna narayana vasudeva ity-adi namamririta-pana-mattabhriggadhi-payakhila-dukha-hantre "O Shri Rama, O Govinda, O Mukunda, O Shauri, O Shri krsna, O Narayana, O Vaasudeva!' I offer my obeisances unto you, Lord Shiva, the monarch of

intoxicated bee-like devotees, maddened by drinking the nectar of these and other holy names of the Lord. Obeisances unto you, the destroyer of all grief." 7) sri naradadyaih satatam sugopyajijjasita-yashu vara-pradaya tebhyo harer bhakti-sukha-pradaya shivaya sarva-gurave namo namaha "I offer my respectful obeisances again and again unto you, who is forever enquired of confidentially by Shri Narada and other sages; unto you, who also grants favors to them very quickly; unto you, who bestows the happiness of Hari-bhakti; unto you, who creates auspiciousness and unto you, who is the guru of everyone." 8) sri gaura-netrosava-maggalaya tat-prana-nathaya rasa-pradaya sada samutkantha-govinda-lilagana-pravinaya namo'stu tubhyam "I offer my obeisances unto you, who are a festival of auspiciousness for the eyes of Goddess Gauri; unto you, who is the monarch of her life-breath; unto you, who is capable of bestowing transcendental rasa and unto you, who is expert in forever singing songs of the pastimes of Lord Govinda with great longing." 9) etat shivasyastakam adbhutam mahat shrinvan hari-prema labheta shighram jjanam ca vijjanam apurva-vaibhavam yo bhava-purnah paramam samadaram "A person, filled with loving feelings, who hears with rapt attention this wonderful eight-fold prayer to Lord Shiva, can quickly gain Sri Hari-prema as well as transcendental knowledge, the realization of that knowledge, and unprecedented powers."

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