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  • Words: 4,771
  • Pages: 22

Contents Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 2 Main Finding ....................................................................................................................... 2 I.

The definition of management and leadership. ........................................................ 3


Management: ........................................................................................................ 4 

The functions of manager: ................................................................................ 4

Management roles: ........................................................................................... 7

Management theories:....................................................................................... 8


Leadership: ......................................................................................................... 10

Leadership roles:............................................................................................. 10

Leadership theories: ........................................................................................ 13

Leadership styles: ........................................................................................... 16


The similarities and differentiation between management and leadership ........ 18

V. The strength and weakness of different approaches to situations within the work environment: ................................................................................................................. 19 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 19 References ......................................................................................................................... 19


Introduction In this assignment, it will provide detailed information about two major concepts: Management and Leadership. In each concept, the main categories analyzed include: The function of management, leadership of leadership, the theory and the style. However, after analyzing and pointing out the characteristics on the definition aspect, this assignment article will apply directly to the case study - Saigon Paper Company (SGP) to be able to clearly see the aspects on the Different angles. Moreover, in the article, it will show the similarity of other leadership - management and strength- weakness of the applied approaches, showing a total view.


Main Finding I.

The definition of management and leadership. The role of the leader and the function of the manager always have shown

by different characteristic, concept or traits. According to an article by Sparks in 2014, this analyzed many views and perspectives on the approaches of the forms based on many links in the roles and responsibilities of two concepts: leader and manager. In the article "What leaders really do" by John Kotter in 2001, he gives a lot of debate about the similarities and differences between leadership and management.

Figure 1: Different between management and leadership (Born, 2012) Although there are many similarities, J, Kotter said that leadership and management have their own unique functions with specific colors. For comparison, he said that it would include factors like the role and the characteristic for both of them: Leader


According to John Kotter (2001), In contrast, manager often focus on leaders are always looking for change. processes, maintain stability and control


They make strategic plans and organize and always solve problems quickly in people into a common vision. In order control.




to do that, they are people who management is a set of processes that communicate, motivate and inspire help the company operate s0eamlessly employees. Moreover,

and smoothly. according



(2004), "leaders suffer from chaos and lack of structure and are willing to postpone closure to understand the issues more fully". However, according to Jonathan Gosling, professor of leadership studies at the Exeter University of Business, he said: "If an organization is effectively run, leadership and management will exist in parallel and support each other ".


Management:  The functions of manager: .With many conceptual definitions, evaluators also have many ways to

classify functions of different managers. For example, in the "Functions of management" book of Shinde in 2018, he had shown an example that Georfe and Jerry said "There are four fundamental functions of management is planning, organizing, actuating and controlling”. However, according to Gullick, he thinks the main function of management planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordination, reporting and budgeting. After looking back differences view, the most widely acceptant in case is function of manager by Sherri Hartzell (2018) and David Johnson( 2016),

it’s including: planning, organizing, leading and

controlling that more suitable in Saigon Paper group (SGP). Function of the manager


In this case of SGP


It is a continuous process SGP’s planning is to achieved the of making decisions for milestone which is “building a mill at the





the the My Xuan Industrial Park”(C,2) it in 2003 and “completed of its

requires management to US$120 monitor Planning


development business



rapid facility, My Xuan 2, making SGP the of

the largest and highest-quality Tissue

environment and industrial paper products (IP)

inside and outside the manufacturer in Vietnam”(C,3). The organization to identify main responsibility of this detailed opportunities. and new plan is to make effective decisions to challenges


that expand




organization (Thorn, 2012 Vietnam, creating many advantages for the company. In particular, Mr. Cao Tien Vi always has a clear vision of the development of the company and knows how to create a roadmap to achieve the expected results. This function will allow In SGP, the organizational structure




the of this company has shown clearly.



the All departments in the company have



work the opportunity to work closely

together to follow the together, plan already approved. resources,

maximize and






"The organization must expansion and development. deploy



human and material, in


the way these resources are arranged to produce the



results” (Johnson, 2013). According to Hubpages in 2014, the main benefits of organizing are “helps in effective administration” and




different departments” With its main function of In particular, the SGP, manager creating motivation for its knows how to motivate employees in employees



develop, many ways: “He has a very clear




in vision about the future of the SGP



maximizing and the M&A strategy for growing, a

productivity to achieve way of achieving the vision. He has the set goals

not only the vision but also good ability to get other to buy into it, to communicate the vision with others, and





achievement of this vision is in their self-interests”. (C,4) With the main function of With the capacity to manage and run monitoring

and the business, Mr Vi arranged a long-


employee term strategy for the company,

performance, the manager launched Controlling



will always set a common activities and still maintained good




all relationships with shareholders and

employees and practice it. employees tablets, customers, etc. With






of the

direction of expansion, Mr Vi has created




environment, increased motivation and satisfied the needs of employees. Since then, the performance of employees





effective.  Management roles: For businesses to grow effectively, management always plays an important role. So, the responsibilities and functions of management are also different from other positions in the organization. Because of the importance of management, many researchers have pointed out many concepts about the role of management. For example: According to Neil Kokemuller, there are 4 main roles of one manager including "developing objective strategies, developing employees, create - maintain structure and communicate vision"(2007). However, from the perspectives of Mulder in 2016, the managers have different level so the roles of each level will not the same. Because of this reason, ten roles into three categories of Professor Henry Mintzberg are the suitable elements for all of manager: •

Interpersonal roles: This role is highly personalized, often

showing the personality and lifestyle of the manager in the organization. It is often expressed in senior managers like CEO. Although according to Mintzberg, the managers with this role are more "puppet" because they are the face of the organization. However, with middle managers such as managers of departments, they focus more on skills such as communication, motivating staff motivation, etc. 7

Informational roles: This role relates to the management's action

of receiving - sending information. For the external environment of the organization, this role directly affects the relationships of the organization. The voice of management is also the voice of the organization. So, managers always pay attention to the personal opinion of the learner because it is also an aspect to reflect the perspective of the business. •

Decisional roles: According to Mintzberg, all managers have the

right to make decisions and they will be responsible for the decisions they make. However, for each level of manager, their decision will have a different power.

Figure 2: Management role  Apply to the case; Mr Cao Tien Vi is the one who has: Interpersonal role in management. As a CEO of Saigon Paper Company, Mr. Vi has a lot of authority in making decisions and strategies to guide the company to follow a predetermined vision. However, he is the face of the company - not a puppet. He knows how to develop, use manpower and meet the needs of employees, creating a positive and dynamic working environment.  Management theories:


With many great functions in the organization, motivating employees, solving problems and making many vital decisions for businesses, managers also invest and develop management theories to build a standard measure in the business environment (Especially after the Industrial revolution - business owners want managers to closely monitor the business situation). With the rapid development of the economy and the constantly changing business trend, the theories are also added and divided into many different types of theory, suitable to the environment and business objects of enterprise. For example, according to Sling Team in 2018, they said: "There are many management theories floating in the business world. Some are old and some are new. But most of them are based on one of six management theories: Systems Theory, Principles of Administrative Management, Bureaucratic Management, Scientific Management, Theories, and Human Relations Theory". However, with a more multidimensional perspective, Hashaw Elkins said: Management theory should develop in each era: "Classical Management Theory, Behavioral Management Theory and Morden Management Theory"(2019). 

Classical Management Theory: This theory is managed focusing on

creating motivation for employees and increasing production efficiency. They argue that "Salary is the main driver of workers" so managers who apply this theory will prioritize increasing labor productivity by bonus salary or bonus. In this theory, three smaller theories are shown: Scientific Management Theory; Administrative Management Theory; Bureaucracy Theory 

Behavioral Management Theory: This theory focuses more on human

interests, more orientation. The role of management in this theory is to promote employee motivation by creating a good working environment among individuals, a relaxed collaborative atmosphere between management and employees. It has 2 small theories: Human Relations Theory; Behavioral Science Theory 

Modern Management Theory: In the century of technology has boomed,

the economy is more proactive, modern management theories must also be 9

changed. They apply technological factors to further measure performance and promote employee motivation. They try to change but still combine the old (traditional) - new (modern) theories to create a favorable environment, encouraging cooperation between the parties. There are 3 main theories: Quantitative Theory; Systems Theory; Contingency Theory 

In SGP, He is the one who applies the 3 theories to his own company.

However, Mr. Vi focused on the theory of behavioral management and modern management processes. In the company, Mr. Vi always knows how to motivate employees, creating a positive working environment. When talking about the characteristics of Mr. Vi, a lot of employees said: "He is the one who always speaks and works with people. Always encourages the development for all SGP employees, puts his heart high expectations and expectations on staff capacity and at the same time create favorable conditions, good learning environment for development managers. III.


 Leadership roles: Leaders always try to focus on developing and demonstrating their leadership. According to Burns in 2000, he emphasized that the capacity of the leader will decide up to 50% of the organization's development scale in the future. Agree with that view. Many writers also argue that "the capacity of leaders has a close relationship - leading to the success of businesses" (Conger, 2003). To create that success, the leader's role is recognized by everyone. However, the leader roles are evaluated and viewed in different ways and points of view. For example, according to Mr. Mark Miller (Director of Enterprise Marketing, General Assembly) in 2015, he said that for each staff member, the leader will have a unique way of inspiring and influencing. So, he divided the leader role into 4 main categories: Analyzer, Structuralize, Socializer and Conceptualizer. In contrast, after researching about the leadership, Seth Chancy believe that one of the leader have 6 roles in organization because these are necessary and sufficient conditions 10

to help leaders develop and create an organizational culture suitable for each environment.

Role of leadership

Characteristic An effective leader is one who must know how to communicate with each type of object in an organization. Each of these groups will require a different style of


leadership. So, depending on the communication situation and








communication principles. These principles will help leaders promote employee motivation and the process of cooperation with external partners (News, 2018). Not only is the face of a department, organization, leader also plays an important role in making the strategy, vision, Thinker

mission of the organization. So, a leader always acts as the key to every problem, directing employees to follow a defined route and creating that route (Heifetz & Laurie ,1997) According to Miller (2015), the leaders are assertive. They always give ideas and decide the final plan for the idea. As a

Decision –

leader, they always play the role of a person who has an


overview to give the best solution to the situation that the organization is facing. However, not all leader decisions are correct. So, a leader is always conscious of being responsible for the decisions they have made. Not only is the communicator, leader also needs to become a listener because the leader needs to listen to the views and


thoughts of the staff. Listening will assist them in maintaining relationships, resolving conflicts and creating a positive


working environment. One of the most important roles of leadership is inspiration. Leaders always want to inspire the surrounding staff. In Inspiring

particular, when their home has identified a certain strategy, plan and goal for the organization (Fiedler, 1996). At that time, they will direct their staff according to a route and help employees to achieve the goals set. Not only is the capacity of a decision maker, a listener, a communicator, etc, a leader also plays a big role in solving

Problem – solver

problems. As decision - making, the leader is the person who directly considers the problem, seeks to resolve and decide the outcome of the problem. So, a leader needs to show his ability in all aspects.

In the company, both of Ms. Kieu Thi Nguyet Minh, Director of R&D and

Mr. Cao Tien Vi have the appropriate characteristics of a manager. Mr Cao Tien Vi

Mrs Kieu Thi Nguyet Minh

In the 6 roles of 1 leder, Mr. Vi met all 6 roles of Compared to Mr. Vi, Ba leadership. Firstly, Mr. Vi knew how to talk and Minh only contributed his communicate with the other person (he was able to role




talk and be active both in terms of verbal and Through


nonverbal components). As a leader, Mr. Vi always accomplishments,


knows how to make the conversation as smooth as believes that she can become possible, he always maintains eye contact, does not a good manager, with a say the words are excessive - unrelated. Secondly, strong




Mr. Vi is a person who knows how to think about thinking, working style and the company's strategy, future and development employee's performance. journey (he always has an overarching goal, a clear


vision of the organization). It is also a person who is keen in making decisions and handling situations. With the decisions that benefit the organization, Mr. Vi accepts risks and actions, all with only one goal being the vision and mission set out. Finally, one of the important roles that Mr. Vi has achieved is to inspire









encouraged constantly

searching and acquiring. At the same time, it is the actions and results that Mr. Vi has achieved that are also a way to help him inspire all his employees help them have more motivation to develop them. The role of Mr. Vi and the functions of the managers like Mrs Kieu Thi Nguyet Minh have helped the SGP company change, improve and develop a lot. From a small-scale company "a small transport company has a tricycle fleet used for garbage collection" but now has become "the largest waste collection company in South Vietnam, with 12 warehouses and collection centers spread across the region "(C, 2)  Leadership theories: In this task, leadership theories are detailed and complete. Moreover, the aspects in this organization are also considered according to different perspectives, suitable for the purpose of use 

Trait theories: This theory assumes that leaders are born, not made.

Leadership consists of certain inherited personality traits. It has 3 important characteristics: -

Physical traits: height, drive, appearance and emery


Personality traits: self-confidence, enthusiasm and adaptability


Social traits: administrative ability, cooperation, tact and courtesy.



In the past, this theory was superficially attractive but now it is discredited

in favors of other theories 

Situational leadership theories: The view of this leadership theory is

based on the idea that the most appropriate leadership style will depend on the situation and it assumes that the effective leaders must be both transparent and flexible. Hersey and Blanchard (1988) mentioned to the readiness level of subordinates. The “readiness level” here is defined as the level at which the subordinates are able to complete the task and are willing to complete the task. In terms of leadership style, like Fiedler's model, there are two types of leadership styles that are focused on tasks and focused on relationships. However, Hersey and Blanchard continue to divide these two forms of leadership into 4 specific leadership forms depending on the “readiness level” of employees. -

Telling: The leader determines the role and directs the staff how to perform

the task according to the role because the staffs lack the specific skills required for the job in hand but they are willing to work at the task. They are novice but enthusiastic. This leadership emphasizes direct behavior in work -

Selling: The leader applies the behavior of participating directly with

supportive behavior because the staffs are more able to do the task but they unwilling to do the task and thus they are demotivated for this job or task. -

Participating: Staffs have experience and able to do the task, however, they

lack the confidence or the willingness to take on responsibility. So leaders and subordinates will make decisions together. The main role of leaders when applying this style is to encourage and communicate mainly. -

Delegating: Staffs have experience and able to do the task, they have

enough confidence and willingness to take on responsibility. For the “readiness level” of subordinates, there will be 4 situations as follows: -

The subordinates are incapable and unwilling to work. They are

incompetent and lack of confident.



The subordinates are incapable but willing to work. They are motivated but

lack proper skills -

The subordinates have the ability but are not willing to do what the leader

wants -

The subordinates have both capability and willingness to do the required

work. 

Contingency Theories: This theory stated that there is no one best way to

lead a company, organize a corporation or to make decision. Instead, leadership effectiveness is based on solving specific situations. This effect is the result of two factors - "leadership style" and "solving situations in the direction of good prospects." - Fred Fiedler's theory highlighted the 3 most important elements that influence the leaders’ performance: -

Leader- Member Relations: It describes how much the relationship between

employees and leaders is, and to what extent employees believe in leaders and how much leaders can attract their subordinates to the point of inspiration. -

Task Structure: This element mention to the nature of the job for employees

whether it is regular or irregular work, to manage and obtain the maximum output of employees. -

Position Power: Position power is the leadership power they have in the

organization. Leadership with the power of decisions and their implementation is necessary to confidently manage and manage organizational issues (Fiedler, 1996). 

Systems theory: This theory has no universally accepted definition;

however it can be understand as an entity with interdependent parts. There are two types of systems theory including closed system and open system. The closed system will be shut off from the environment and independent of it whereas open system will connect and interact to its environment. Trist and Bamforth (1951) divided system theory into 3 subs – systems: 15


A structure: communication channels, division of labour and

authority relationships There is a linkage between these three sub- systems and the management has to the “best fit” between the needs of technical and social sub- systems.  Leadership styles: 

Dictatorial style: This style belongs to managers who are like dictators

(Brown, 2007) because they will always want to be the controllers of many individuals - collectives to make decisions based on principles their own personal morality. The leader using this style will not care about but suggestions from the outside environment. They often create and maintain loyalty in the form of reward - punishment - impact on the psychology of employees. 

Autocratic style: This stylish leader will be the one to take the initiative in

making decisions without consulting other people. They will make rules and regulations about time and activities. However, it is also a style with many good points. For example, it will help leaders' decision making take place faster, in an emergency situation - there is not much time to make decisions. Besides, it also causes many conflicts between employees – leaders (Raksha Talathi, 2006). Moreover, it also makes employees feel disrespectful and exploited - restraining human development. 

Democratic style: These style leaders are often people who have faith in

decentralizing power. They always want to get their comments and opinions from people who have an influence on their interests. This style of leadership demonstrates the development of civilization, the awareness and human rights of the day to be respected. With the recognition of the opinions of many individuals in the organization, leaders will take advantage of the talents of junior staff. From there, help increase motivation and morale of employees; create a good relationship between individuals in the organization. However, this leadership style will prolong the decision-making time of the leader. In the long run, this style


will limit the power of leadership, leading to a loss of control of power within the organization. 

Laissez-Faire or Free-Rein Leadership Style: These style leaders will

play a role in overseeing their employees. The leader will be the person planning, handing over the plan and supervising the employee's activities but not interfering with it when the employee is performing. In particular, this leadership style does not apply to all levels of leaders. However, this way of creating a sense of comfort, spiritual encouragement and development potential for subordinate employee’s leaders. But it is not perfect; it will reduce the role of leaders leading to low performance of the job. 

Comparing between the 4 leadership styles analyzed above, Mr. Vi is a

member of democratic style for a number of reasons: First, he is a very respectful employee and knows the individual needs of his staff in lower grade. In particular, "he always encouraged his subordinates to express their opinions, really listen and care about their subordinates' concerns." Although he is the CEO and owner of a large enterprise, Mr. Vi always learns how to listen, pay attention to compensation, compensation and people's life. With the interest of distributing boys from employees, staff and ensuring the responsibility of the business is "committed to contributing to sustainable development by improving the quality of life for employees and communities and society ", Mr. Vi expresses a thoughtful and dedicated leadership style for his society. 

However, Mrs Minh had 1 different style, she headed to the "Autocratic

style" - always wanted me to be the decision maker, set up the standard and everyone had to follow. However, after realizing that "she will become a more competent manager by trusting her group and being open to their ideas", Mrs Minh is looking forward to the leadership style. "Laissez-Faire or Free-Rein Leadership Style". In an organization, leaders and managers always have a big role. They are the key to the company's changing activities. Depending on the characteristics 17

and personal characteristics, each leader or manager will have different ways of managing and operating the organization. However, all are based on the principle of "developing the scale and quality of enterprises". IV.

The similarities and differentiation between management and leadership According to Ivanov et in 2017, depending on the characteristics and

aspects of the approach, each manager or leader will use leadership methods and theories appropriate to the situation. However, through the categories analyzed above, there are some similarities and differences between management and leadership that are clearly outlined:  Similarities: - Management and leadership are always the focus of the collective. They must work in an organized environment between multiple individuals. So there is a close relationship between them and the members of the organization. - Management and leadership contribute to the structure of the organizational environment - Managers and leaders are always interested in team morale, working spirit, motivation of employees. Depending on theories or style, they will have different ways to handle situations.  Differences: Category




Set the main role in business

Guide the employees follow the standard in business


On the activities of

On the entire employees

organization. Changes

React to change

Create to change


Have good idea

Implement idea


Exercise power over people

Develop power with people. (Mark Sanborn, 2012) 18


The strength and weakness of different approaches to situations within the work environment: STRENGHTS


 Leaders are people who directly manage power  Employee working

 Operation




controlled and measured in detail





 Unmet needs

increased  The working environment is maintained at a stable level, without conflict  The profit of the organization is highly appreciated

Conclusion In short, the leadership and management have been defined and compared with many different factors, including: definition, function of manager, theories, style, leadership role, etc. Besides, the details of the case study are also applied linking theory and practice to have a clearer view of the concept of theory. Then the concepts are summarized, highlighting the weaknesses and conclusions of the problem


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