101 Homeopathic Remedies Formatted Letter Size

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Keynotes Physical and mental restlessness / fright Great anxiety and fear - intense Acute, sudden, violent invasion with fever 1st remedy for inflammation, inflammatory fevers Influenza Unaccountable fear



Children - anxiety, uneasiness Can't digest milk Symptoms set in with violence Summer sxs, diarrhea, dentition 3




Tissue Affinity / Location Serous membranes Muscular tissue

Brain NS with GI disturbance

Aethusa cynapium


Alium cepa

Neurological remedy for Muscles TWITCHING, spasms and Nerves convulsions. <> <> Low back pain, sciatica & allergic disorders. EXTREME FEAR OF CANCER Mental state with anxiety (about health) and excitment (exaggerated at night) Adynamia characterizes all Skin conditions - lividity, stupour, Blood malignancy TONSILS Skin sx appears livid or purplish Disorganizing the blood - low fevers, low types of eruptive dz, diptheria & FOLLICULAR TONSILLITIS Great weakness very marked - rapid prostration




Character of Sxs / Modalities

Symptoms by Organs

DDx Remedies

< DRY, COLD WEATHER < VERY HOT WEATHER TINGLING, COLDNESS AND NUMBNESS Lots of TENSION - mental, physical Beginning of an ACUTE disease Restless FEARS - future, death > OPEN AIR < WORSE in warm room, in evening and NIGHT; WORSE lying on affected side, from music, from tobacco-smoke, dry, cold winds.

Eyes: dry, hot, swollen Ears: sensitive to noise Nose: acutely sensitive to smell, pain at root, membrane dry but with scanty coryza Face: one cheek red, other pale; on rising red face --> pale; tingling, numbness, neuralgia (L side); dizzy Mouth: dry, inflammed Throat: red, dry, constricted Stomach: vomitting with intense fear Abdomen: sensitive to touch Rectum: stool green like chopped herbs Resp: SOB, short dry croupy cough HT: tachycardia, left shoulder pain, palpitation with anxiety, tingling in fingers, pulse is full, hard, tense and bounding Extremeties: hot hands and cold feet, bright red hypothenar on both hands

> OPEN AIR and company < WARMTH, summer, 3-4am, evenings ANXIOUS, CRYING. INABILITY TO THINK, TO FIX THE ATTENTION. Brain fog Sees rats, cats, dogs, etc

Head: occipital pain, hair feels pulled, vertigo with drowsiness with palpitation, head hot after vertigo cease Eyes: drawn downward Ears: feel obstructed Nose: herpetic eruptions Face: swollen ST: intolerance to milk, regurge 30 min after eating, vomit with great weakness Stool: undigested, green, thin Sleep in children: Dozing after vomiting or stool child is so exhausted - falls asleep at once Fever: heat, no thirst, wants to be covered with fever Skin: surface with clammy sweat, lymphadenopathy, eruption around joints <> Head: Vertigo from sunlight, HA with nosebleeds/thick mucous discharge <> Pain is out of Ears: Twitching of ear muscles with noise, burn and itch as if swollen proportion to the pathology Nose: Nervous nasal disturbances and nosebleeds in old people Sensation as if pierced by needles Stomach: Gastric disturbance with sharp pains in the liver of ice Female: Bearing down pains esp after menopause Sx appear diagonally from right Cough: @ night after falling asleep with expectoration of little balls of mucous and cough ending in a sneeze arm to left leg HT: Irregular, tumultuous palpations Involuntary movements while Back: Twitching of cervical muscles. Pain with sensitivities of spine to touch. awake but cease while asleep Sleep: Paroxysms of Yawning – on falling asleep starts, twitches and awakens after <Suppression. Raising up/sitting up, sight of food, motion; walking >Hot drinks. Lying on the Right side

Mind: Stupor and signing, semiconscious; cannot comprehend what is said to him Head: Frontal HA and drowsiness; red, hot face; cannot sit-up. Eyes: Suffused, congested eyes, pupils dialated and sluggish Nose: Thin, copious ichorous bloody nasal discharge. Face: Dark and swollen face and throat. Teeth: Covered with sordes. Tongue dry and brown. Throat: Much swelling internally and externally. Swollen and tender. Pain on swollowing, Tonsils studded with deep ulcers, almost purple throat. Tonsils prominent, fetid discharge. Breathing: Heavy respiration Sleep: Disturbed and unrefreshed.

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Stomach Skin Mind Mucous Membranes

Worse: COLD BATHING, COLD WATER, acids, HEAT OF SUMMER, heat of sun, OVEREATING, RADIANT HEAT Gross feeders (complaints from gluttony) Lumpy stools Sleepy, weary Mucous membranes generally affected Child can't bear to be touched or looked at (= crying) Ecstatic, dreamy, sentimental Abject despair - wants to commit suicide by drowning Sulky; doesn't want to speak with anyone Suicidal thoughts drive him out of bed Anger when touched Nymphomania Sentimental mood in the moonlight, esp. ecstatic love

Head: Aching < vertex, from bathing, from disordered stomach; violent after bathing in river Eyes: canthi raw and fissured; chronic blepharitis; soreness of outer canthi Nose: nostrils chapped and covered with crusts; eczema of nostrils, sore, cracked and scurfy Face: cracks in corners of mouth; yellow crusted eruption on cheeks; suppurating and long-lasting eruptions on cheeks Mouth: tongue coated thick white, as if whitewashed; canker sores Food & Drink: loss of appetite; desire for acids, pickles, esp. cucumbers, and vinegar; eructations tasting of ingesta; bloating after eating; gross feeders; DIGESTION DISORDERED easily; headache from alcoholic drinks; diarrhea after slightest indiscretion in eating; THIRSTLESSNESS; gnawing pain in carious teeth after every meal; diarrhea < acids (esp. vinegar) Stomach: constant belching; gastric symptoms < afternoon and night; vomiting of mucus and bile; loathing nausea and desire to vomit Rectum: diarrhea; continued oozing of mucous; catarrhal proctitis; hard and loose stools & nausea; stools watery, with little hard lumps or containing undigested food; difficult, hard stool, feces too large, costive and incarcerated flatus Larynx: voice harsh and badly pitched Cough: on coming into warm room; itching of chest; < looking into fire Sputum: blenorrhea pulmonum or phthisis mucosa Chest: during heat Upper limbs: arthritic in fingers Lower limbs: feet very tender; great sensitiveness of soles while walking Sleep: continual drowsiness in old people; sleepy and weary Fever: gastric Heat: with thirst, followed by sweat Skin: urticaria, warts

Rattling of mucus with little Mucous membranes expectoration. (esp. bronchi). Drowsiness, debility and sweat. Circulation (heart Cholera morbus. action becomes Bilharziasis. laboured, defective Chills and contractures. oxygenation of Increasingly weak. blood). Relaxed. Lack of reaction. Yawning. Nausea & frequent vomiting of bitter, sour substances. Internal trembling. Convulsions when smallpox fails to break out.

< in evening; from lying down at night; from warmth; in damp cold weather; from all sour things and milk. Autumn, Spring. Anger. > from sitting erect; from eructation and expectoration.

Mind: Apathy. Cannot bear to be looked at. Incessant quivering of chin and Mouth: tongue coated, pasty, thick white. lower jaw (Gels.) Face: pale, covered with cold sweat. Bluish or twitching. Stomach: Nausea, retching and vomiting. Thirst for cold water, little and often, and desire for apples, fruits, and acids generally.Vominting forcible then exhaustion and sleep. Long lasting dyspeptic symptoms and loss of appetite. Respiratory Organs: Great rattling of mucus, loud coarse rales in the air passages. Coughing and gaping. Unequal breathing; abdominal breathing. Suffocative SOB. Chest seems full yet less and less is raised. SOB from suppressed expectoration. Oppression of breathing. Eyes: Inflamed lids & catarrhal conjuctivitis. Nose: Black. Larynx: Croup & whistling and rattling into trachea. Chest: Edema and impending paralysis of lungs. Soreness all over the chest. Of great utility in cases of pneumonia; when of service, there is rattling of mucus in the chest, catarrhal ophthalmia, and marked gastroenteric disturbance. Back: Violent pain in sacro-lumbar region. Sensation of heavy weight at the coccyx, dragging downward all the time. Extremities: Dropsy. Sleep:Great drowsiness. Yawning. Skin: Pustular eruption, on face; also similar eruptions on genitals, thighs, etc.; painful. often pustular; as large as a pea.

Bee-sting Swelling or puffing up of Acts on cellular various parts, EDEMA, red rosy hue, tissues causing stinging pains, soreness, intolerance edema of skin and of heat and slightest touch, mucous membranes afternoon aggravation, Erysipelatous Especially of the inflammations, dropsical effusions eyes, face, throat and anasarca, acute inflammation of and ovaries. kidneys and other parenchymatous tissue Extreme sensitiveness to touch and general soreness CONSTRICTED sensations EVERYTHING IS SWOLLEN, red w/ sudden Piercing pain

WORSE, heat in any form; TOUCH; pressure; late in afternoon; after sleeping; in closed and heated rooms. Right side.

Mental, gastric and skin symptoms All symptoms seem to centre around stomach Excessive irritability and fretfulness Thickly coated white tongue




Antimonium Crudum

Antimonium tartaricum

Apis Mellifica

Mind – AWKWARD< DRPS TINGS READILY. Stupor. WHINING, TEARFULNESS. Can’t Concentrate Head – Brain = TIRED,
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Acute hydrocephalus.


Serous membranes Cellular tissues and A diminished frequency of the pulse skin is a prime indication. Urinary Organs & Heart One of most efficient remedies, in Digestive and Uterus DROPSIES, ascites, anasarca and hydrothorax, and urinary troubles, especially suppression and strangury. Dropsy of serous membranes; acute inflammatory




Worse: COLD; weather; drinks. Uncovering. Lying. After sleep.


Mind: Bewildered. Low spirited. Nervous at night. Faints when raised from pillow


Compare: Apoc-a.; Acet-ac.; Alst.; Apis [thirstless in dropsy]; Ars.; Vertigo: suddenly appearing and disappearing - after stooping Bell.; Bry.; Chin.; Colch.; Cur.; Dig. Better: Warmth. Sitting up. After [dropsy; slow pulse]; Elat.; Hell. stool. Head: Dull headache. loss of vision [sight of one eye totally lost, the other slightly sensitive] [hydrocephalus; ascites]; Ign.; FOOD Desire: Alcohol; cold Aloe, Gamb. and Trom. drinks; warm drinks. Eyes: Hot and red; as if sand in eyes. One eye motionless and other rolling. [diarrhoea]; Kali-c.; Lyc.; Merc.; Worse: Cold drinks; alcohol. Nose: Long-continued sneezing. Snuffles of children [Samb.]; filled with thick yellow mucus in morning. Takes Merc-sul.; Nux-v.; Spig.; Squil.; Better: Warm drinks. Sulph.; Verat.; 2 Chin-ar.; 7 Ascl.; cold easily, nostrils become congested and blocked up easily. Face: Bloated aggravated lying down. Face pale, covered with Olnd.; Podo.; 1 Aral-h. [valuable diuretic, useful in dropsy of the cold sweat. Dry lips; mouth. Stomach: Nausea, & drowsiness. Thirst on waking. Dull, heavy, sick feeling. Oppression in epigastrium cavities, either due to hepatic or Similar to Apis but CHILLY renal disease & constipation; and chest, impeding breathing [Lob.]. Sensation of sinking in stomach; after profuse urination diabetes insipidus. Uraemic vomiting. Great thirst, but water disagrees, causing pain, or is immediately vomited. urinary disorders, esp. & dropsy; Confusion of Mind Stomach > warm drinks. Scudder advises doses of 5 to 30 MITRAL AND TRICUSPID drops in sweetened cream of Abdomen: Distended and painful Apocynum REGURGITATION tartar]; Stroph. [extreme cardiac (specifically heart ACUTE ALCOHOLISM depression & intense gastric Rectum: Watery, flatulent, & soreness in anus; aggravated after eating. Feeling as if sphincter were and urinary organ) Excessive vomiting open and stools ran right out. 2 Diarrhoea, & dropsy; yellow, painless; noisy, gushing stools. Tenesmus disturbance; dropsy]. Cymarin is the active principle of Apoc.; it of rectum. Bearing down pain in anus. sensation as if a wedge were being hammered into the anus. VOMITING DURING MENSES Urinary: Turbid, hot urine, & thick mucus and burning in urethra, after urinating. Dribbling. lowers the pulse rate and Strangury. Retention of urine, & paralysis of lower limbs. Enuresis nocturna in old men. increases blood pressure. Bruised feeling in the abdomen Profuse light-coloured urine; no sediment. Obliged to sit up; lying down Male: Penis and scrotum dropsical. Prostate gland enlarged. produces violent dyspnoea. Female: Metrorrhagia & nausea; fainting, vital depression. Hemorrhages at change of life. Blood expelled in large clots. Amenorrhoea of young girls, & bloating of abdomen and legs. WATERY STOOL, RENAL Ovarian tumour. Cough during pregnancy. Uterine hemorrhage, then dropsy. DROPSY, RESPIRATION SHORT Respiratory: Sighing. Cough loose and rattling, & oppression. Obliged to sit up; lying down produces AND UNSATISFACTORY, violent dyspnoea. Chest: Oppression about epigastrium and chest; impeding breathing, after a light meal. Hydrothorax. Heart: rapid and feeble, irregular cardiac action, low arterial tension, pulsating jugulars, general cyanosis and general dropsy. Sensation of sinking at heart. Sleep: Great restlessness and little sleep. Sleepiness. Skin: Rough dry skin - can't sweat Trembling, Desire for sweets, mucous membrane Better eructation, open air, cold, MIND: MELANCHOLIC, TIME PASSES SLOWLY.IMPULSIVE; WANTS TO DO THINGS IN A HURRY. Gelsemium, Aconite, Lycopodium Intolerance to heat, violent pains like irritant, Head, Calves pressure. Worse: sweets, left side PECULIAR MENTAL IMPULSES, foresaken feeling/as if cloud hung on them, indifference while in company, fear clavatum deep sticking splinters, performance lying, anxiety. Abundant in a crowd in sudden danger/crisis purulent discharge, craves HEAD: HEADACHE WITH COLDNESS AND TREMBLING. Sense of EXPANSION. VERTIGO, ENLARGED sweets, stool has green like FEELING IN CORRESPONDING EYE. BETTER ON TIGHT BANDAGING AND PRESSURE, excessive chopped spinach, sense of congestion in head, throbbing carotids expansion, act impulsively EYES: SWOLLEN AND RED, PUROLENT OPTHALMIA, DISCHARGE ABUNDANT AND PUROLENT, blepharitis, swelling of conjunctiva THROAT :thick mucous, sensation of a splinter in the throat, strangulated feeling, diarrhea as soon as he drinks, Stomach: BELCHING loud and explosive, CRAVES SWEETS, RADIATING PAIN WITH ULCERS, painful swelling of pit, ABDOMEN: FLATULENT DISTENTION, bursting sensation, flatulence worse morning on waking STOOL: GREEN LIKE CHOPPED SPINACH, FLUIDS GO RIGHT THROUGH HIM Argentum Nitricum URINARY: difficulty in passin last part of urine, urethritis FEMALE: metorrhagia after coition RESPIRATORY: HIGH NOTES CAUSE COUGH, WORSE LYING RIGHT SIDE CHEST: stitches when angered EXTREMITIES: RIGIDITY IN CALVES SKIN: Erysipelatous bedsores, left shoulder, sacrum,both hips, Itching, mostly of thighs and axillae, when warm at night. AMELIORATION: BETTER ERUCTATION, fresh/open air, COLD, pressure AGG: Sweets, lying on left side, anxiety

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Worse After short nap. Drafts. 11 PM [cough], cough, in spring for asthma, night, lying down. Better Lying with head high. Asthma better expectoration.

Fear of lung disease that can't be shaken off. NOSE: Pains, Smarting soreness of posterior nares, caused by passage of acrid mucus, with peculiar soreness of alae nasi, as if fissured. Observed: Obstruction, worse spring. Hay fever; FREQUENT SNEEZING. Least current of air causes sneezing, with COPIOUS WATERY EXCORIATING NASAL DISCHARGE OF SALTY ACRID TASTE. CORYZA WITH ASTHMATIC RESPIRATION. RHINITIS DISCHARGE IS ACRID, WATERY, FLUENT, HOT OR THIN MUCOUS. INFLAMMATION OF MUCOUS MEMBRANES, ACUTE, CATARRHAL FROM POLLEN IRRITATION, HAY FEVER. SNEEZING. THROAT: As if foreign body in throat. Nausea in throat. RESPIRATION: ASTHMATIC, ON LYING DOWN AT NIGHT, with spasmodic cough; worse after first sleep, with tickling in throat. Dry, wheezing; sense of impending suffocation; whistling worse inspiration; must sit up; hay asthma. ASTHMA CONCOMITTANTS ARE BURNING IN THE THROAT AND CHEST. DYSPNEA. COUGH: DRY COMING ON AFTER FIRST SLEEP about middle of night; slight expectoration; of tough mucus. Cause: FALLING ASLEEP, especially, in children, constant tickling cough without waking, after. Spasmodic, at night, awakens after first sleep and can't sleep again on account of it; caused by tickling in throat, with constriction of chest; has to sit up and cough violently; sometimes caused by a feeling of a foreign body in the throat; raw, burning, sore feeling behind whole length of sternum and in each lung. CHEST: BRONCHITIS, SENSITIVE TO COLD AIR. PAINS, CONSTRICTION, SPASMODIC, TIGHTNESS, FULLNESS, OPPRESSION.

After traumatic injuries, overuse of any organ, strains. PUTRID PHENOMENA (Odour of rotten eggs) AFTER TRAUMATIC INJURIES SORE, LAME, BRUISED FEELING INFLUENZA


< least touch; motion; rest; wine; damp cold. > LYING DOWN, OR WITH HEAD LOW

Boreckie/ Vermeulen's Concordant: Compare: Abrot., Absin., Calen., Head: HOT, WITH COLD BODY Cham., Cina, Gnaph. and other Eyes: Bloodshot Compositæ; Acon.; Am-c.; Ars.; Nose: COLD Bapt. [typhoid states; Bapt. "feels Mouth: FETID BREATH, TASTE AS FROM BAD EGGS ill", Arn. "feels well", resents Face: SUNKEN being thought ill]; Bell.; Bry.; Stomach: FEELING AS IF STOMACH WERE PRESSING AGAINST SPINE. Fetid vomiting. Eructations; tasting Calen.; Cham.; Chin.; Crot-t. of bad eggs [swashing in abdomen]; Euphr.; Abdomen: < left; when standing, intercepting breath Ham.; Hep.; Hyper.; Ip.; Merc.; Heart: ANGINA PECTORIS Puls.; Ran-b.; Rhod.; Ruta; Sil.; Rectum: Involuntary stool at night; Dysentery; long intervals between the stools Staph.; Sulph.; Sul-ac.; Symph.; Stool: STRAINING OF TENESMUS IN DIARRHEA, OFFENSIVE, BLOODY Verat.; Echi.; Bov.; Carb-v.; Respiratory: VIOLENT, SPASMATIC COUGH WITH FACIAL HERPES Cimic.; Elaps; Nit-ac.; Phos.; Chest: Pleodynia Rhus-t.; Sec.; Sep.; Eup-p.; KaliSkin: BLACK AND BLUE, CROPS OF SMALL BOILS, SYMMETRY IN DISTRIBUTION. Very sore acne p.; Phyt.; Pyrog.; Bell-p. [injury Extremities: Paralytic in all the joints during motion. when swelling remains after Arn.; Fever: Heat in the evenings Vit. [sprains and pains; headache in temples; pain in joints; pain in abdomen; pain in testicles]. Follows well: Acon.; Apis; Ip.; Verat. Followed well by: Acon.; Ars.; Bry.; Ip.; Rhus-t.; Ham. Action aided by: Ars. [dysentery and varicose veins]. Complementary: Acon.; Calc.; Nat-s.; Psor.; Rhus-t.; Sul-ac.; Ip. Antidote to: Am-c.; Chin.; Cic.; Ferr.; Ign.; Ip.; Seneg.; alcohol; charcoal vapour. Antidoted by: Camph. and Ip. [massive doses]; Acon., Ars., Chin., Ign. and Ip. [to potencies]; coffee [headache]; wine increases unpleasant effect of Arn.; vinegar. Not to be followed by: Sul-ac. Injurious in: Bites of dogs or rabid or angry animals.

Aralia racemosa



ASTHMATIC CONDITIONS, with COUGH WORSE LYING DOWN. SPASMADIC COUGH AT NIGHT. Drenching sweat during sleep. Extreme sensitivity to draughts. Diarrhoea, prolapse of rectum. Patient is weak, relaxed and exhausted. Biliousness. Mucous secretions acrid. Affections go to the side lain on, leaving the affected side free.

Apoplexy, red, full face. Discharges are FOUL; breath. Involuntary evacuations Must lie down, yet BED FEELS TOO HARD. KEEPS MOVING FROM PLACE TO PLACE IN SEARCH OF A SOFTER SPOT. Says there is nothing the matter with him; SENDS THE DOCTOR HOME. Menatally prostrate and apathetic, but physically restless Coma Sullen, morose, does not speak a loud word Censorious, critical. Defiant. Oversensitive to noise. Sighing during heat. Talking in sleep. < Weeping.

Conditions caused by: Mechanical injuries. Fright or anger. Excessive venery. Grief. Remorse. Sudden financial loss.

Vermeulen's Concordant: < INJURIES; falls, blows; < BRUISES; shock; jarring; after labour

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RESTLESSNESS, WITH NIGHTLY AGGRAVATION, are most important. GREAT EXHAUSTION AFTER THE SLIGHTEST EXERTION. SUDDEN GREAT WEAKNESS from trivial causes. IRRITABLE WEAKNESS. BURNING PAINS; hot needles or wires, > heat SEASIDE COMPLAINTS [ DDX Natmur.; Aqua Marina]. FEAR FRIGHT AND WORRY. ARS. should be thought of in ailments from alcoholism, PTOMAINE POISONING, stings, dissecting wounds, chewing tobacco; odor of discharges is PUTRID; CADAVEROUS ODOURS SEPTIC INFECTIONS AND LOW VITALITY. (B/C)



A profoundly acting remedy on every organ and tissue.




Boreckie: < wet weather, after midnight; from cold, cold drinks, or food. Seashore. Right side. > from heat; from head elevated; warm drinks.

Boreckie and Vermeulen's Concordant: Burning is another of the leading Mind: GREAT ANGUISH AND RESTLESSNESS. CHANGES PLACE CONTINUALLY. FEARS, of death, of characteristics of Ars. No other being left alone. DEPENDENCY. VIOLENCE; self torture, pulls her hair, bites her nails, tears his own body. remedy has it in a more Obsessed with ORDER AND TIDINESS. IMMACULATE OUTER APPEARANCE. ANXIETY ABOUT pronounced degree. The Causation HEALTHMANIA, WANTS TO BE HELD Delusions; body will putrefy; THAT SHE IS BEING WATCHED; people peculiarity of the "burnings" of Chill in cold water. are beside him. REPROACHES OTHERS; himself. Ars. is that they are > heat Ice cream. Head: Periodical burning pains, with RESTLESSNESS; with cold skin. scalp ITCHES intolerably. intense [herein comparing with Caps.]. Poor diet. Vermeulen's Concordant adds: headache Burning in the throat > eating or Fruits [esp. watery < PERIODICALLY; after Vertigo: disappears in the open air, but returns on re-entering the room drinking hot things. On the other fruits and melons]. MIDNIGHT; AFTER 2 A.M. Eyes: BURNING IN EYES, WITH ACRID LACHRYMATION (making cheeks and eyelids sore). INTENSE hand, cold food and cold drinks Alcohol; < COLD; ICES; DRINKS; FOOD; PHOTOPHOBIA. Oedema around eyes. often completely closing eyes. aggravated stomach irritations; drunkenness. air; cold and damp. Ears: THIN, EXCORIATING, OFFENSIVE otorrhoea hence Ars. is of signal use for Tobacco. < VEGETABLES. DRINKING Nose: THIN, WATERY, EXCORIATING discharge. Nose feels STOPPED UP. BURNING and bleeding. RIGHT- effects of eating ices and drinking Quinine. LIQUIDS. ALCOHOLISM. SIDED CORYZA. Sneezing without relief. ice water. Ars. has a great place in Iodine. Quinine. EXERTION. Face: CACHETIC, sunken, cold, and covered with sweat. (Acetic acid.) Expression of agony. Tearing, NEEDLE- acute coryza and hay fever. The Sea-bathing and seaLIKE pains fluent coryza is corrosive, travelling. Climbing > EXTERNAL HEAT. Mouth: easily-bleeding gums, mouth ulcers, metallic taste, GULPING UP BURNING WATER. dryness in mouth. reddening the upper lip, and has mountains. > HOT and dry APPLICATIONS, Red tip of tongue. more burning than either All-c. or Strains. FOOD, drinks. Throat: burning, GURGLING IN THE OESOPHAGUS WHEN DRINKING Merc. Also it is aggravated open Fit of passion. > LYING; with head elevated. Stomach: CANNOT BEAR THE SIGHT OR SMELL OF FOOD. GREAT THIRSTS; DRINKS MUCH, BUT air, and > warmth, which Worry. LITTLE AT A TIME. Craves fat; rye bread; alcohol, esp. wine; milk. Heartburn. ILL EFFECTS OF VEGETABLE distinguishes it from All-c. Grief. DIET, MELONS, AND WATERY FRUITS GENERALLY. CRAVES ICE COLD WATER, which DISTRESSES THE especially. Ars. is predominantly Fright. STOMACH and is VOMITED IMMEDIATELY. Intense BURNING PAIN in stomach and pit of stomach RIGHT-SIDED. Abdomen: LIVER AND SPLEEN ENLARGED AND PAINFUL Rectum: Tenesmus. BURNING pain and pressure in rectum and anus

Arsenicum album


Vermeulen's Concordant adds: Weakness and emaciation are rapid Pains are maddening Discharges of MUCOUS MEMBRANES are ACRID, THIN and SCANTY Pains cause shortness of breath or chilliness pale, puffy, baggy, SWELLING Faint, anxious and weak, early in morning. Burning pains, esp. in inner organs, skin and ulcers Generally RIGHT-SIDED complaints; left-sided (???)

The symptoms of this drug simulate blood, muscles, low fevers, SEPTIC CONDITIONS bowels, throat of the blood, malarial poisoning, and extreme prostration. Indescribable sick feeling. GREAT MUSCULAR SORENESS AND PUTRID PHENOMENA ALWAYS ARE PRESENT. All the secretions are offensive - breath, stool, urine, sweat, etc. Epidemic influenza. Baptisia (influenza) Chronic intestinal toxaemia of 15 Wild Indigo) children with fetid stools and eructations. PROSTRATION IS RAPID; bed feels too hard on account of soreness of muscles, yet he feels too weak to move. Mucus membranes become dark. Discharges; stools, hemorrhages, etc. are dark in colour. Dark spots appear on the body. Brown; sordes, stools, menses. Bed sores.

Stool: SMALL, OFFENSIVE, DARK, WITH MUCH PROSTRATION. WORSE AT NIGHT, AND AFTER EATING AND DRINKING Urine: Scanty, burning in the urethra during micturation, involuntary. Bladder as if paralyzed. ALBUMINOUS Female: Menses too profuse and too soon. MENORRHAGIA Respiratory: Expectoration scanty, FROTHY. DARTING PAIN THROUGH UPPER THIRD OF RIGHT LUNG. Cough dry, as from sulphur fumes; AFTER DRINKING. SOB Heart: MORE RAPID IN MORNING [ddx: Sulph.] Sleep: Frequent starting in and from sleep Skin: DRY, ROUGH, SCALY;< COLD and scratching. PSORIASIS. looks seared. Intense itching of the skin WITHOUT ERUPTION; after suppressed eruption Fever: High temperature. PERIODICALLY MARKED WITH ADYNAMIA. Septic fevers. INTERMITTENT. PAROXYSMS INCOMPLETE, WITH MARKED EXHAUSTION. HAY FEVER. Externally COLD & internal burning heat, dry heat after midnight & anxiety. COLDNESS. Shuddering, without thirst, < open air. Typhus fever & restlessness. Heat beginning in stomach and praecordial region, passing to rest of body at 2 a.m, causing thirst. Cold, clammy sweat. Extremities: cannot lie still at night; Excessive weakness and exhaustion of limbs obliging him to lie down

Worse: Humid heat. Fogs. In closed room. Pressure. On waking. Walking. Open air. Cold wind. Autumn. Hot weather. 4 Mental exertion. Swallowing solids. During sleep. Better: 4 Drinking liquids. Open air. Motion.

Keynotes continued: Lifeless body but restless mind. Insensitive to pain. Restless, always rubs the hands, hysterical. Great languor, wants to lie down. Weak and tremulous, Numbness, prickling and paralytic feeling over the body, esp. left side. General intolerance of pressure everywhere. Baptisia in low dilutions produces a form of anti-bodies to the Bac. typhosus, viz., the agglutinins. (Mellon.) Raises the natural bodily resistance to the invasion of the bacillary intoxication, which produces the typhoid syndrome. Typhoid carriers. After inoculation with anti-typhoid serum. Intermittent pulse, especially in the aged. Mind:THINKS HE IS BROKEN OR DOUBLE, AND TOSSES ABOUT THE BED TRYING TO GET PIECES TOGETHER Head: HEAVY, NUMB. Excitement of the brain, esp. at night. Face: besotted look DUSKY, SODDEN Mouth:BREATH FETID. TONGUE FEELS BURNED; CAN SWALLOW LIQUIDS ONLY Throat:CONSTRICTION, CONTRACTION OF OESOPHAGUS. (Cajeput.) PAINLESS sore throat, and offensive discharge. CONTRACTION AT CARDIAC ORIFICE.Mouth and tongue very dry in fevers; Stomach. Can swallow only liquids, Gastric fever. No appetite. Constant desire for water. SINKING FEELING AT STOMACH. Constriction of oesophagus at cardiac orifice. Abdomen. Stools very OFFENSIVE, THIN, DARK, BLOODY. Respiratory.SENSE OF SUFFOCATION. Constriction of chest. Back and Extremities.SORE AND BRUISED. fevers: adynamic fevers sleep: sense of suffocation. Drowsy, stupid and languid;

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There is pronounced night aggravation, the pains are insupportable with restlessness. < Midnight and after [Acon. is < before midnight]; < 3 a.m. Ars. loves warmth like Nux-v., Psor., Hep., Sil., Mag-m. and other hydrogenoids, and herein is differentiated from Sulph., Ant-c., Iod., Apis and Puls.




Lymph nodes




Head: Pain - forehead and temples Nose: Coryza; sneezing, watery discharge, with asthmatic breathing and suffocative cough. Have fever with asthmatic breathing. Face: Redness of face; during catarrh Throat: Thirst during fever. CATARRHAL AFFECTIONS OF THROAT Rectum: Catarrh of bowels. Haemorrhoids Respiration: While lying in bed on right side, when just falling asleep, severe oppressive suffocative attacks from suspended respiration; quick effort to prevent suffocation by changing position Cough: Whooping, with thick yellow expectoration. Occasional severe paroxysms of spasmodic cough, ejecting viscid mucus from bronchial tubes, which at times comes forcibly out of mouth, caused by tickling in larynx (as if sugar were dissolving); better warm room. Catarrhal inflammation of air passages, with fever, thirst, red face, sneezing, lachrymation and spasmodic cough Expectoration: Mucous flies out of mouth and nostrils Chest: Sharp, lancinating, in chest, worse motion and deep inspiration, with soreness of chest. Worse afternoon and evening; in whooping cough. Observed: Typhoid pneumonia







Mind: bashful, cowardly, mistrustful, weak beclouded mind, DIFFICULT CONCENTRATION, IRRESOLUTION; Calcarea - problems with ABOUT TRIFLES, HOMESICKNESS, aversion to strangers. CHILDISH. metabolism, recurring illness, Head: wens. mental slowness, anxiety about Nervous system For people who always have Ears: crackling noise, glands around ears painful and swollen. health of future, offensive foot mental immaturity. swollen tonsils. Nose: coryza, with swelling of upper lip and nose. sweat, craves sweets and eggs, Face: parotitis after scarlatina. swelling of the glands. Upper respiratory For senile dementia and Throat: Takes colds easily and stitching and smarting pain. Quinsy (chronic). Supparating tonsils from every cold. Lycopium - feelings of inferiority and cowardice, anxiety, fear of tract (nose,ears, aneurism. Throat affected by every cold.Throat affections after checked foot sweat. glands, mouth, throat Abdomen: Hard and tense, distended. people, craves sweets, offensive and face). < company,thinking of symptoms, Back: Swollen glands in nape of occiput. Indurated cervical glands. feet, distention, impotence. cold damp, washing, lying on Extremities: Tearing in limbs and chilliness. Fetid foot sweat. Pulsatilla - dependent and weepy Immaturity or atrophy of the parts of painful part. patients, passivity, easily the body: "dwarfish." influenced, craves eggs and Chronic inflammation and huge > cold food, warm wraps, walking sweets, recurring infections in swelling of the tonsils, may nearly in open air, when alone. children. occlude the throat. Arsenicum Thuja Hard swelling of the cervical glands. Cicuta Silica Acute: Febrile Disorders. Head/brain PAIN - abrupt beginning and Mental: Dulness; delirious; insensibility; Chronic: Pain; Mucous Membranes abrupt ending; throbbing, Head: heaviness; Forehead most sensitive Headaches/Migraines. (mm) pulsating, burning and bursting; Eyes: red; diplopia; sees wrong side up; Cold hands and feet, but face is hot. heat and redness; > pressure. Ears: Otitis media with sever pain. Lively and entertaining when well, < touch, motion, noise, looking at Nose: Bleeding of; pale blood from; smelling too sensitive but violent and delirious when sick. shining objects, after midnight, Throat: Supporative tonsilitis FEAR imaginary things, wants to run drinking, uncovering the head, Chest: Croupy cough; tender chest and rattling of mucus. away from them. summer sun, lying down. Digestive Tract: Crave lemons, thirstless, constipation (due to dry mm's). > Rest, standing or sitting erect, Urogenital Tract: Ovarian cysts/pains; severe menstrual cramping; metrorrhagia. warm room Extremities: Arthritic pains in joints Oversensitivity and Overexcitability Right-sided symptoms Very sensitive to change of temperature. VIOLENT DELIRIUM; disposition Tendency for spasmotic attacks Effects mostly seen Left sided complaints Eyes: sharp pain through the eyes Px is weak, easily over heated - then in Respiratroy Left-sided mumps Ears: parotid swollen, warm, suppurative, < on left side sweaty and sensitve to drafts system - esp. Generally > by the sea Nose: Coryza (acrid and burning) & corrosive soreness of nose. Tickling and smarting as if from cobwebs. Excellent for px's in really bad Larynx/Trachea DIZZINESS LYING DOWN & Epistaxis is almost always present. humour Tendency to infliltrate HEADACHE, esp in EVENING Throat: feels raw, redness. Tonsils pain on swallowing. Inflammation with irritation caused by spasmotic cough. Desire to be carried with croup, glands < WORSE WARMTH, WARM ANGINA and VERY TROUBLESOME SORE THROAT desire to be carried fast. DAMP WEATHER Larynx: tickling and cold sensation on inspiration, Laryngeal diptheria, colds may travel up or down, Scraping and < lying on left side, being rawness in larynx, promoting cough, as if the pit of the throat were pressed against the trachea, hoarseness. overheated Respiratory: whooping cough, dry cough with hoarseness. Wants to take a deep breath, but it excites cough. < evening until midnight Suffocative fits. Dyspnoea, & great swelling. Respiration difficult, oppressed; > walking. Dyspnoea; cannot inspire > NOSEBLEEDS, motion, at sea, deep enough; as if breathing through a sponge or as if the air-passages were full of smoke or vapour of sulphur. riding, riding horseback Sleep: constant dreaming, jerking and starting in sleep. Sx's aggrivated by cold air

Delayed mental development. Childish behavior. Needs reassurance. Easily influenced. Lack of self-confidence. Sense of inferiority. Extreme difficulty in making any decision. Anxiety disorders. Baryta carbonicum Nervous biting of the nails.




< Cold > Heat Severe headache in vertex better at night, returning severely after breakfast Chronic rheumatism, < cold, esp. cold air

Desires quiet and rest Pain(in many places in body) Rheumatic/Inflammatory Pain Hold head or chest while coughing Slow developing pathology symptoms come on gradually and increase in intensity Often start as cold and descend into chest

Lymphatic tissue and Specifically used in infancy and glands. old age.

Head Fibrous tissues Serous membranes Ligaments and joints Chest


MIND: confusion, delerium, desire quiet HEAD: pain (forehead and occiput)
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Cadmium sulphuricum

Carbo animalis

Calcarea carbonicum






Extremely toxic (causes GI tract * gastroenteritis, H/A, thirst, tickling Respiratory tract cough) Eyes Characteristic yellow ring around the base of the teeth (tendency to dental caries) Indifferent to everything Desire to be left alone Irritable when criticized Aversion to motion (DDx: Bryonia) Desire for lying still Broken down constitution due to cancer, chemotherapy, radiation Coldness and hot hands Always COLD Irritable stomach

Weakness > appearance of skin eruptions > Pressure and bending double > Eating and Rest < COLD < Open air, cold, sunshine

Skin, Glands The symptoms of strong "homesickness" and a tendency for sitting lost in "meditation" have been confirmed. Indurated/enlarged glands Stitch remaining after pleurisy Sensation of numbness

Worse during menses General: Cold at night in bed Worse slight causes; dry cold air; Mind: Avoids conversation; Avoids company; Whining; Anger about former vexations; Frightful images before while eating sleep; Talking in sleep; sadness in the morning Head: cannot tell direction of sound; Headache, as if a tornado in the head; as if the head had been blown to pieces; has to sit up at night and hold it together. Nose: Nosebleed in the morning, preceded by vertigo Stomach: weak digestion; flatulence; Desire for whisky; Aversion to fats and rich foods, tobacco Female: menses followed by great exhaustion; painful indurations in breast Back: Burning pain < touch Skin: Glands indurated; Copper coloured eruptions Fever: Night sweats, staining yellow

More deep-acting than Carb-v

The Calc. pains are most generally felt while lying in bed, or while sitting; they are felt in the parts upon which the body has been lying for a time" A JADED STATE, MENTAL OR PHYSICAL, DUE TO OVERWORK. ABSCESSES IN DEEP MUSCLES; POLYPI AND EXOSTOSES

worse: COLD; RAW AIR; BATHING. Cooling off. Change of weather to cold. EXERTION; physical; mental. Ascending. Eye strain. DENTITION. Puberty. PRESSURE OF CLOTHES. MILK., BETTER, dry climate and weather; lying on painful side. Sneezing (pain in head and nape)

Acon., Camph., Ferr., Iod., Lyc., Puls., Sec., Sulph. and Verat. [> uncovering, complimentary: Bell.; Rhus; Lycop.; Silica

Its chief action is centered in the vegetative sphere, impaired nutrition being the keynote of its action, the glands, skin and bone, being instrumental in the changes wrought. Increased local and general perspiration, swelling of glands, scrofulous and rachitic conditions generally offer numerous opportunities for the exhibition of Calcarea. Incipient phthisis

Stomach: prostration, burning pains, coldness, irritability, loss of appetite OR bulimia, vomiting on lease motion Skin: very chilly, cannot get warm, coldness but hot hands, itchy when cold Lungs: stops breathing on going to sleep, wakes up suffocating Face: facial paralysis Eyes: cannot close eye Nose: obstruction from welling, numbness Head: hammering in temples

fever: Night sweats, esp. on head head: Sweat over head in children, so that pillow becomes wet.vertigo: HIGH PLACES = VERTIGO. Icy coldness in different parts of the body. Profuse sweat from the slightest exertion. Profuse sweat in the morning. skin: Petechial eruptions. COLDNESS; ICY, on vertex. Cold spots on head or coldness. mind: APPREHENSIVE, FEARS LOSS OF REASON, MISFORTUNE, FORGETFUL,Delusion THAT PEOPLE THINK HER INSANE. Discontented after coition. Frightened before menses. DESIRE TO BE MAGNETISED. NARRATING HER SYMPTOMS aggravates. Spits in faces of people. Talking of unpleasant things aggravates. Admonitions = weeping. Slow, conscientious workers who steadily plod along. Reliable partners; satisfied to build patiently and drag stone upon stone in their work. Hard workers, want to finish their work; systematic workers. Work is very important, but NOT competitive, not ambitious. Duty-bound; practical and economical. HORRIBLE THINGS, SAD STORIES AFFECT HER PROFOUNDLY. eyes: SPOTS AND ULCERS ON CORNEA, CHRONIC DILATATION OF PUPILS, ears: WITH MUCO-PURULENT OTORRHOEA, AND ENLARGED GLANDS, nose: NOSTRILS SORE, ULCERATED, POLYPI, TAKES COLD AT EVERY CHANGE OF WEATHER. mouth: SOUR TASTE. throat: SWELLING OF TONSILS and submaxillary glands; stitches on swallowing, Goitre. stomach: CRAVING FOR INDIGESTIBLE THINGS-CHALK, COAL, PENCILS; also for eggs, salt and sweets, FREQUENT SOUR ERUCTATIONS; SOUR VOMITING. DISLIKE OF FAT. LOSS OF APPETITE WHEN OVERWORKED, Thirst; longing for COLD drinks. abdomen: INGUINAL AND MESENTERIC GLANDS SWOLLEN and painful, DISTENTION with hardness. GALL-STONE COLIC. stool: CHILDREN'S DIARRHOEA. male: FREQUENT EMISSIONS. female: Menses TOO EARLY, TOO PROFUSE, TOO LONG, COLD, DAMP FEET, Leucorrhoea, MILKY[Sepia. respiratory: PAINLESS HOARSENESS, SUFFOCATING SPELLS, WORSE GOING UPSTAIRS or slightest ascent, CHEST VERY SENSITIVE TO TOUCH, PERCUSSION, OR PRESSURE. Longing for fresh air. back: RENAL COLIC. extremities: COLD, DAMP feet; SOLES OF FEET RAW, COLD FEET IN BED AT NIGHT.

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Calcarea phosphorica


Cannabis sativa


Dissatisfaction; desire for change; desire for travel Loss of motivation H/A's of school girls, students (< mental exertion) Obesity, flabbiness Anaemic children who are peevish, flabby, have cold extremities and feeble digestion general aggrivation from cold generally < from drafts general aggrivation at the time the snow is melting delayed development, slow to walk and talk, late closure of fontanels sighing numbness



nutrition (bones, < dentition sutures, periosteum, in summer

Wound Soft parts Exhaustion Great disposition to take cold, especially in damp weather Ulcers Pus Mental confusion Urinary organs Sensations as if drops of cold water Sexual organs are falling Perineal region so tender patient can only walk with legs wide apart Excellent for first stage of Gonorrhea Good for cystitis, UTI

Mucus membranes. General uncleanliness of body. Sensation of constriction (mucus membranes). Burning pains, general chilliness, sluggishness. Homesickness. Peevishness. Delirium tremens. Much thirst but drinking causes shivering. Burning in orifices. Bleeding piles; bloody, Capsicum mucousy stools with burning (specifically tenesmus; thirsty after stool, with respiratory organs) shivering. Pain and inflammation of mastoid. Coldness of scrotum.

< damp, HEAVY, CLOUDY weather

< URINATING, motion > standing > doors & windows open

Better: heat; while eating; continued motion. Worse: open air; uncovering; slight draught, even warm; cold air, water.



Head: H/A < near region of sutures, from change of weather Stool: hot with fetid flatus Female: menses with violent backache. Leucorrhea like white of egg Back: cold, numb feeling (stiffness and pain). Pain in nape of neck or stiffness, from draft Gastrointestinal: much flatulence. at every attempt to eat, colicky pain in abdomen. Cravings: bacon, ham, salted or smoked meats. Intolerance to milk Glands: adenoid growth

Scalp: lacerated scalp wounds Ears: < in damp conditions Gastrointestinal: heartburn with horripilations. Nausea in chest. Epigastric distention. Female: warts at the os externum Fever: coldness, great sensitivity to open air. Skin: yellow General: stuttering, twitching internally Mind: voices seem strange, mistakes in writing, omitting words, sadness > afternoon, vanishing of senses, time passes too slowly Eyes: Opacity of cornea Urogenital: Cystitis with burning during or at the end of urination with pain focused at the meatus, tensive pain in urethra during erection, spasmotic closure of rectum after urination Male: great swelling of prepuce approaching phimosis, impotence from sexual abuse Female: sexual overexcitement Resp: oppressed therefore must stand up Extremities: Spasm of muscles - torticollis, etc.

Respiratory: Constriction of chest. Pain in distant parts on coughing (bladder, legs, ears, etc.). Dyspnea. Explosive, dry, hacking cough. Chest: as if constricted. Pneumonia, bronchitis. Great oppression, painful, as if chest were pressued upon, < motion. Throat: Hot feeling in fauces. Pain and dryness in throat extending to ears. Sore throat of smokers and drinkers; burning constriction. Burning and smarting sensation, as from cayenne pepper, in throat and other parts, not relieved by heat. Mouth: Stomatitis. Fetid odor from mouth.

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Alum, ars, carb-v, lyc [burning pains > heat] Arn, bell [headache etc] Bry [headache from cough] Canth [burning pains, throat symptoms, urinary symptoms, dysentery] Crot-t [urging to stool after drinking] Phac [homesickness; Caps. has red face] Merc, Nit-ac, Sulf [blood in stools] Plat [burning pain in face, < slightest draft, warm or cold] Psor [lack of reaction, despair of recovery]





PROSTRATION OF MIND Central nervous Excessive THIRST system OFFENSIVENESS; putrid Mucous membranes discharges Heart Frontal headache from a tense Blood elastic band from temple to temple Respiration and acute smell PRESSING PAIN (TIGHTNESS) ABOVE ROOT OF NOSE AND ACUTE SMELL PALE ABOUT NOSE AND MOUTH Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy < morning Stomach pains LAST A SHORT TIME Severe reaction to bee stings LACERATED WOUNDS FROM BLUNT INSTRUMENTS BONES BARE OR CRUSHED AND SPLINTERED




Mind: mental exertion worse, mind unusually clear, forgetful, can’t remember anything, becomes easily confused, constantly agitated, moaning continuously and occasionally uttering a piercing cry, acute hydrocephalus Head: Dull heavy headache as if a rubber band were stretched tightly around forhead, with TIGHTNESS IN NOSE BETWEEN THE EYES, as a hot ball in the forehead, as if fine electric sparks in vertex, changing to a prickling, itching, better rubbing, periodical spells of sick headache, cold, clammy moisture on head Eyes: contraction, dilation of pupils in hydrocephalus Nose: smell very acute, watery discharge from both nostrils, in open air, better indoors, returning when entering a cold room, nasal membrane so swollen must breathe through mouth, epithelioma of nose, itching of nose Face: PALE ABOUT NOSE AND MOUTH, swelling of face and tongue from bee stings, face sensitive to touch of towel, face flushed during headache, sallow, soapy and bloodless complexion, lips dry, cracked, painful or black in scarlatina Mouth: burning in mouth, sordes (foul matter collected on the lips and teeth in low fevers, consisting of food, microorganisms and epithelial elements), tongue has thick, yellow fur down centre, thrush, apthae, stomatitis, INTENSELY BAD SMELL FROM MOUTH, DIPTHERIA, SCARLATINA, CONSTIPATION Teeth: aching of teeth in upper jaw, grinding in hydrocephaly Throat: burning in throat or esophagus, heat rising up from stomach, putrid discharge, diphtheria, fetid breath, regurgitation, liquids return through nose in scarlatina, desire for stimulants and tobacco, heart worse after indiscretion of eating Stomach: burning in stomach, soreness in stomach and bowels, vomiting, fermentative dyspepsia, acid eructations and formation of gas, chronic vomiting, sarcinae (A genus of anaerobic gram-positive bacteria including both saprophytic and facultatively parasitic species) in vomit, worse moving on right side, STOMACH CANCER

Carbolicum acidum focus on allergic uses Abdomen: sharp hypochondrium, frequent occurrence of colic-like pain, great tenderness over transverse colon Rectum: flatulence of old people with dyspepsia, involuntary, thin black stools, collapse, involuntary stool of intolerable odour, puerperal fever, diarrhea followed by constipation Urinary organs: greenish urine after scarlatina, straining on passing urine Female: painful swelling of ovary, induration of cervix Respiration: dyspnea on going uphill or stairs Larynx and trachea: catarrhal croup Chest: slight uneasy pains in lung Heart: thready pulse, bellows murmur over mitral valves, organic valvular heart disease, consequent upon inflammatory rheumatism eight years previously Back: severe pain in lumbosacral region mostly during latter part of night, of long standing, neck very stiff and sore, feels as if he has taken a bad cold, glands of neck swollen, Extremities: stiffness of limbs, pains in shoulder without suffering from moving arm, aching in left shoulder when lying on right side, contracting in palm of right hand, lower extremity pains when walking, rheumatic hip joint, chronic ulcers on feet and ankles, deep, emitting a strong odour and burning like fire. Sleep: great sleepiness, sleep starts uneasy in scarlatina, dreams, unable to recall, fire, amorous, travel Perspiration: PROFOUND PROSTRATION, COLLAPSE; SURFACE PALE AND BATHED IN COLD SWEAT Skin: malignant scarlatina and variola, vescicular eruption all over body, which itches excessively, acne



Disintegration and imperfect oxidation Blueness and coldness from venous stasis --> bacterial infection (typhoidal states) Chronic illnesses: never fully recovered, esp. in state of confusion. Collapsed state. Always weak, sick and exhausted, can appear suddenly. Debility < exertion (mental or Carbo vegetabilis physical) Cold, but has desire to be constantly fanned, have air, have windows open. Hemorrhage from any mucous surface WEAKNESS, FLATULENCE, FOETOR or AIR HUNGER are present with most of the complaints. Discharges are thick and acrid Sensation of overfullness The "simplest food disagrees" Kids are sluggish, suffer night terrors, won't sleep alone

Blood Nervous system Mucous membranes (especially digestive system)

Sense of weight in head, Head: ACHES FROM ANY OVER-INDULGENCE, Dull headache in the occiput. Head may be hot. abdomen, eyes, eyelids, stomach. Hair: FALLS OFF EASILY Burning sensation. Circulation: TENDENCY TO VENOUS STASIS, blood stagnates in veins, causes blueness, coldness, ecchymoses. > free discharges (menses, Nose: EPISTAXIS IN DAILY ATTACKS, WITH PALE FACE mucous). < suppressions Mouth: Tongue COVERED WITH APHTHAE, Gums painfully sensitive when chewing Stomach: ERUCTATIONS, HEAVINESS, FULLNESS, AND SLEEPINESS, CONTRACTIVE PAIN EXTENDING BETTER, from eructation, From TO CHEST, WITH DISTENTION OF ABDOMEN, DIGESTION SLOW; FOOD PUTREFIES before it digests fanning, cold; from sitting quietly Abdomen: ABDOMEN GREATLY DISTENDED; better, passing wind. FLATULENT COLIC, Offensive flatus, in a warm room, uncovering, violent, almost constant eructations, SENSE OF FULLNESS AFTER A FEW MOUTHFULS. loose clothing Stools and rectum: ACRID, CORROSIVE MOISTURE FROM RECTUM, BLUISH, PAIN after stool. Large, WORSE, evening; night and open protruding, blue haemorrhoids, sometimes suppurating, burning, and emitting a terrible odour. air; cold; becoming warm in bed; Respiratory: HOARSENESS; WORSE, EVENINGS, COUGH, WITH BURNING IN CHEST as if from glowing from fat food, butter, coffee, milk, coals, ASTHMA IN AGED WITH BLUE SKIN, must be fanned. Asthma in aged with blue skin;DIFFICULT wine; warm damp weather; worse RESPIRATION FROM FLATULENCE > ERUCTATIONS lying flat, must sit up; loss of vital Extremities: LIMBS GO TO SLEEP, COLD FROM KNEES DOWN. Cold sweat on limbs fluids, WARMTH, EXHAUSTING Skin: BLUE, COLD ECCHYMOSED, HOT PERSPIRATION, VARICOSE ULCERS DISEASES. HIGH LIVING; RICH Face: PINCHED, hippocratic FOOD. Overlifting, walking in Female: Blood and of a strong odour open air, temperature extremes, Generalities: Person who is "fat, lazy and sluggish". tight clothing AGG.: EYES: CLOSING, WHEN AGG.: HANDS: HOT AGG.: WEAKNESS: FROM OPPRESSION

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Thrush locally and internally Erratic pains Internal trembling and weakness Exhaustion


Affinity for women, especially during pregnancy, partuition and lactation womb small joints due to uterine disorders

pains are drawing, cramping, shooting rheumatic in character late menses sensitiveness to cold desires warm clothing < PREGNANCY. Supressed menses. Open air. Coffee. During menses. Motion. > Warmth generally aggrivated at night

Mind: Nervous Stomach: Pain and spasms Female: rigidity of os, eases labour, LABOUR LIKE PAINS FLY ABOUT to breast. In labour, the pains are WEAK or IRREGULAR.they don't press downward, but pass off with with a kind of shivering. Sensation as if uterus were congested & fullness & tension in hypogastric region. After cessation of menses (false conception). Leucorrhoea. acrid, exhausting; preventing pregnancy. Uterine hemorrhage, with tremulous weakness felt over entire body during flow. during last months of pregnancy. Resp: Spasmodic affections of chest and larynx. Extremities: erratic pains in arms and legs. sore nodes on finger joints. Skin: chloasma

Burning, Rawness, Soreness Numbness of single parts Moving Cramps Mental Fatigue Sensitive to Authority Can't stand injustice Hurry When Eating

Nerves Muscles of Bladder/Larynx

Deep Burns Burning, Rawness, Soreness Fear Closing Eyes, That something will happen < Dry Cold <Evening >Cold drinks >Warmth of Bed




Frequently used in children Teeth and gums Whining, RESTLESS, snappish, Ears impatient, thirsty, HOT, and NUMB Abdomen OVER-SENSITIVE to pain with great Glands irritability, ANGER, and hostility Inconsolable; MUST BE CARRIED COLIC Difficult TEETHING ONE CHEEK RED, ONE CHEEK PALE Stool like CHOPPED EGGS and SPINACH with "rotten egg" odour Night sweats Swollen glands

THINK RIGHT SIDED SXS (i.e. LV) Liver RIGHT sided Sensitive, irritable, thirsty, hot and complaints > left numb (think LV picture) Think yellow (yellow face, skin) 34


Sceptical (refuses to see clearly), yet very practical person; NOT impressed by authority; DOMINANT, anti-intellectual, anger, anxiety


Eyes: Pressure, as if from sand Upper lid agglutinated to lower Dryness, Photophobia Ears: Words, Sounds own voice Echo Itching of tip, alae, inside Face: Acne Rosacea on cheeks, forehead Teeth: Gum abscess, bleeding Throat: Ineffectual Hawking Stomach: Cramps Rectum: Pain, Pulsation of perineum Haemorrhoids<preaching, standing Urinary: Itching of uretral orifice Larynx: Hoarsness, Rawness, Burning, Aphonia Cough: With rawness of chest>cold Water Sputum: must be swallowed Chest: Burning under sternum Limbs: Rheumatic Tearing >Warmth < ANGER, NIGHT, DENTITION, Face: one cheek red and hot, one cheek pale and cold HEAT, OPEN AIR, WIND, and Ears: acute/chronic otitis media; ear pain < touch and wind; swelling and heat driving patient frantic COFFEE Mouth: toothache < warm drinks, coffee, anger, night, > cold drinks; painful dentition and teething > BEING CARRIED, WARM WET Abdomen: spells of flatulent colic after anger with red cheeks and hot perspiration; wind passes off only in small WEATHER, SWEATING quantities Abnormal SENSITIVITY to pain; Stool: hot, green, fetid, slimy with colic; like chopped eggs and spinach with "rotten egg" odour; diarrhea during numbness, anger, and prostration dentition from pain Female: profuse discharge of clotted, dark blood with labour-like pains; convulsions of children from nursing after Restless, irritable, angry a fit of anger in mother Respiratory: rawness of larynx; irritable, dry, tickling cough Back: lumbago Extremities: ankles give way in afternoon Sleep: weeping during sleep

Nausea/vomit > hot water Mind: restlessness; aversion to talk and mental exertion; sensation as if shoes are too tight Agg.: < right side, motion, touch, Head: feels as heavy as lead, neuralgia above RIGHT eye (orbital neuralgia) change of weather, very early in Eye: tears fairly gush out; can't keep eyes open or closing eyes to provide relief [from pressure on them, from morning tiredness or from benumbed feeling] Amel.: > after dinner or after Throat: choking feeling in throat/esophagus eating, noontime after eating, from Face: yellow pressure, lying on abdomen Skin: jaundiced, yellow Aversion and Desire to: cheese Respiratory: pain on right side of chest & shoulder (think yellow) Abdomen: bilious complications during gestation Sensitive to: heat (tends to be Stool: alt. constipation/diarrhea, hard round balls warmblooded) Stomach: prefers hot food and drinks, > eating temporarily esp. with hepatic sxs Back: constant pain under inferior angle of right scapula Ext.: icy coldness @ tips of fingers Pain: nausea and perspiration during; liver pain goes backwards towards angle of right scapula; heavy feeling in occiput Generals: tobacco smoking

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Compare: Nux; Sulph.; Bry.; Lyc.; Opium; Podophyl.; Sanguin.; Ars.



China officinalis


AGITATION AND PAIN depression of mind with low spirits oversensitiveness General sick feeling symptoms are irregular pains wander here and there Cimicifuga cries faints All organs included 36 pains from side to side, up the neck; for completeness, about the throat; ovary to ovary but focus studying trembling, nervous, fidgety, on female excitable, restless talkative uterine affections rheumatism



Cistus canadensis




Complaints which follow loss of body Intestines and liver, fluids (hemorrhage, diarrhea, less often head and < Loss of vital fluids, cold, winds, discharge from boils) and periodic extremities producing draughts. fevers. migraines, neuralgias Fears - animals, dogs. and musculoskeletal Periodicity, esp every 2-7 days Debility from exhausting disease. problems < Foggy cold damp weather Gallbladder < from touch, esp light touch Restlessness of affected parts disease/colic >hard pressure Clinicals: Anemia, >warm room or warm applcations Excitement after hearing horrible arthritis, asthma, Aversion to: hot food, fat and rich things. Abundant ideas and cholecystitis, chronic foods, fruit, meat clearness of mind in evening. fatigue syndrome, Oversensitive to noise. cough, diarhea, fever, gastritis, Introverted, intense and touchy, headache, hepatitis, sensitivity , idealism, excitability, flu, IBS, insomnia, good for teenagers malaria, migraine, myalgia, neuralgia, peptic ulcer, sciatica, splenomegaly, vaginitis.

Primarily considered in cases of chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, and recurrent upper respiratory illness (pharyngitis, tonsillitis) Cold affects the throat; which feels cold Soft, Spongy feeling; becomes sore on inhaling least cold air Dry spot in throat better by sipping water Cold feeling in stomach before and after eating.

bad effects from grief, anger, or nursing a sick loved one. Slow mental processes. Slowed nerve conduction. True vertigo, the world seems to spin. Slowed mental processes motion sickness


Eyes: Pressure in eyes Ears: Ringing, tinnitus. Sensitive to noise Mouth: burning on tongue Head: ache > with hard pressure GI: bloated, distended, flatulent with no relief from eructation or expelling gas. Genitalia: bloody leukorrhea Chest: Asthma in the fall Extremities: Skin sensitive or painful during fever Sleep: Insomnia from excited thoughts and heroic fantasies Fever: Periodic fever, malaria, even family history of malaria Sweat: Drenching at night Stools bloody

female reproductive Muscular bruised, sore, heavy, (uterus, ovaries), aching, crampy cerebrospinal and Pains like electric shocks muscular system WORSE: mostly left-sided morning cold (except headache), during menses; the more profuse the flow, the greater the suffering. Alcohol, wine damp, cold air

Mind: DREAM OF IMPENDING EVIL AS IF HEAVY BLACK CLOUD OVER HER SO ALL IS DARKNESS AND CONFUSION, Fear during preg, Hysteria during menses, Delusion encaged in wires; sees sheep, Ailments from disappointed love Vertigo: fullness, dull aching in vertex Head: OPENING & SHUTTING SENSATION IN BRAIN, pain PRESSING-OUTWARD, occiput dull aching pain, soreness, meningitis, Vertex feels will fly off, as if blow on occiput Eyes: SHOOTING PAINS, INTENSE ACHING OF EYEBALL or behind, PAIN FROM EYES TO TOP OF HEAD Mouth: thick saliva Stomach: GNAWING PAIN Female: Amen. Rheumatic dysmen. Pain shoots up and down ant surface of thighs. COAGULATED menses, PAIN ACROSS PELVIS, HIP TO HIP. After-pains, with great sensitiveness and INTOLERANCE TO PAIN. Prolapsus uteri during menses BETTER: Respiratory: WORSE SPEAKING warmth (warm wraps) Heart: Angina pectoris; pains radiate over chest, cerebral congestion, unconsciousness; face is livid, arm feels eating tightly bound to body Back: STIFFNESS AND CONTRACTION IN NECK & BACK, CAN'T TURN HEAD, Drawing tensive pain at upper 3 dorsal vert. sp's Mucous membranes < COLD AIR, COLD Head: Pain shooting towards the ears. Pressive, above eyes in forehead. Glands < WINTER , Eyes: Pain stitches in left eye. Drafts; inspired air Ears: Watery discharge; also fetid pus after eruptive diseases. Inner swelling of ears beginning at ear and half < Mental exertion, way up to cheek. excitement, touch, motion. Nose: Pain at tip of nose. Cold feeling or burning in nose and pharynx, worse inhaling, especially cold air. Nose feels best when full of mucus as it feels raw and burns when empty. Sneezing without other symptoms of cold. Cold Sensation in various parts: Chronic nasal catarrh, frequent and violent sneezing evening and morning. Eczema of nose. mouth (tongue, saliva), throat, Face: Heat and burning in bones as if facial muscles would be drawn to one side. stomach, etc. Mouth: mouth feels cold (tongue, breath, saliva). Hurts to protrude tongue. Malignant Teeth: Pyorrhoea disease of glands Throat: Throat very dry and cold air passing over parts = pain. Dry spot in throat better from sipping water. Sore Thick, yellow or foul throat from inhlaing the least cold air. Dryness of throat from midday until 1 till 3 AM, then > until next mucus, suppurations, burning noon.Cervical adenopathy. Sensation of ants running through Stomach: Craving for cheese. whole body, esp. at night ; then Abdomen: Cold feeling in whole abdomen. Much flatulence in evening and at night. anxious, difficult breathing Rectum: diarrhoea from coffee and fruit Restlessness at night. Respiration: Asthmatic , after lying down, preceded by formication, has to open window to breathe Cheerful while fresh air. eating. Extremities: Coldness of extremities. Chillblains, cracked and bleeding fingertips in winter. >Eating, expectoration Throat symptoms > swallowing. Diarrhoea < nerves < "night watching" - worrying and Back: weak, paralyzed feeling in low back, < before menses neurological: slowed nerve conduction drinking coffee carring for others < from loss of sleep

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Nux-V irritable, oversensitive and offended, gi symptoms, chilly, neuralgia, agg by drafts NatMur - fever, migraine, sensitive, insomnia, averse to fat.






Coccus cacti

Colchicum autumnale





Sensation of foreign body between upper eyelid and eyeball. Discharges are stringy.


Mucous Membranes. < Left side, after sleep, touch, Lungs. pressure of clothing, brushing Bladder teeth, slightest exertion, heat, lying, cold exposure, IRRITATION OF THROAT. > walking. There is always great prostration. Affects mainly the Diarrhea agg by motion and The smell of food causes nausea muscular tissues, autumn, also sundown to sunrise. even to fainting. Icy coldness in periosteum and Kidney pain agg by stretching stomach. Distention of abdomen. synovial membranes legs, amel by lying on back with Stools contain white shreddy particles. of joints. Specific legs drawn up. Back pain agg by Inflammation of great toe, gout in power of relieving the motion and walking. Amel: lying heel, cannot bear to have it touched or gouty paroxsms; down, rest, stooping. Agg: moved (patient screams in pain). seems more night, dampness, emotional Fears touch. Eggs disagree. beneficial in chronic excitement, light, motion, noise, Hypersensitive, cannot bear affections. touch. Worse slight exertion, contradiction, vexed at trifles. Irritable. Rheumatic extreme heat of summer, strong Hyperacute senses (esp. sense of smell). Desires effervescent drinks. conditions/arthritis. odours, eating, loss of sleep, Pericarditis. stubbing toes, vibration. Drumlike flatulent distention of Nephritis. stomach. Motion causing vomiting. Dysentery/gastroente Abdominal pain. Diarrhea (bloody/ ritis. Mediterranean colliquative/ gelatinous/ mucousy/scanty/shreddy/stringy/white. fever. Flatulent rumbling and nausea before diarrhea. During diarrhea, chilliness/N/V/tenesmus, debility/exhaustion. Urine appears black/dark brown/cloudy, turbid. Hydrothorax concomitant during asthma. Intercostal chest pains. Horrible dreams, sleepiness during the day. Nausea of pregnancy.

Lungs: accumulation of thick viscid mucus, hard to expectorate. Larynx: regulard paroxysms of violent tickling racking cough (WOOPING COUGH) ending in vomiting or raising much clear ropy mucus. Urination: brick-red sediment, urinary calculi, urates. Female: menses too early, black and thick, dark clots. Large clots escape while passing water.

COLIC! Ex. Due to gall stones, kidney stones, dysmenorrhea, intestinal. Easily angered, especially if contradicted. Sciatica or neuralgia (esp. right sided)

GI: abdominal pains < anger, > pressure, lying face down, bending double Genitalia: dysmenorrhea > heat and pressure Extremities: cramps in thighs and calves, right sided sciatica Face: facial neuralgia, headaches >pressure and coffee

Liver or digestive disorders; liver affections and gout/rheumatic conditions.

Pain in facial muscles: very irritable with the pains (CHAM). BenzAc: Marked gouty tendency, pains worse from motion, urinary dosorder and offensive, renal calculi, problems from suppressed urine sediment, tongue painful and coated. Bry (gout, rheumatism, serous effusion worse movement). Berb. Lyc

Staph: moreso supression of anger, will appear very sweet and will draw out sympathy from the prescriber Cham: highly sensitive to pain, especially in childhood; irritable and easily angered Mag-P: very similar Nux V: type A personality who is aggressive and easily angered; abdominal spasm and cramping are common; collapse from GRADUAL (ascending) paralysis and CHARACTERISTICS: Weakness of MIND: Anxiety from prolonged continence. Aversion to friends during pregnancy. Excitement # sadness. Indifference while Conium overworkis to the glands and NERVES. weakness with indurations (mental, body and mind, trembling. It affects walking in the open air. Quarrelsome # silent depresion. Confusion after sleeping; AFTER A SIESTA. Dwells on past MUSCLES. GLANDS capillary system what Aconite is to emotional, physical). Gradual paralysis [MAMMAE; ovaries]. the NERVES and MUSCLES, disagreeable occurrences. Fear of robbers. SHUNS LIGHT. Occupation ameliorates. SADNESS FROM CONTINENCE. the heart and arterial system; in with a SLOW onset and for the most causing incoordination and paralysis; SENSITIVE TO NOISE. Want of sensitiveness. Slowness in motion. Talk of others aggravates. Weeping when alone. Sexual organs. many cases Conium may be part UNNOTICED. uncertain gait, difficult speech; VERTIGO: Vertigo, when lying down, and when turning over in bed, when turing sideways. VERITGO; whirling; < lying; least Respiration. RIGHT regarded as the “Aconite of MIND: INDIFFERENCE. patient becomes gradually WEAK. motion of head or eyes. VERTIGO, AS THOUGH THE BED AND THINGS IN THE ROOM WERE TURNING IN A CIRCLE. SIDE. Left side. chronic diseases”. INTROVERSION. Gradual SHUTTING Suddenly sick and weak; and HEAD: Tightness as if both temples were compressed; < after a meal.

DOWN (ultimately results in) Isolation and Aversion to company. AVERSION to COMPANY or STRANGERS during MENSES. Conservativeness. Preservation. Fixed ideas. Fastidiousness. Lack of anxiety; lack of perception. Great attachment to the material world OR religious/superstitious OR sober and realistic. GRIEF ends in paralysis or imbecility. GENERAL: Ailments from Conium maculatum SUPRESSION of SEXUAL DESIRE. Fear of AIDS. Affections of GLANDS; tendency to malignancy, cancer. CLIMACTERIC PROBLEMS: VERTIGO. Desire for COFFEE, SALTY THINGS and SOUR. PHYSICAL: VISUAL DISTURBANCES. Slow accommodation; problems with focusing. Causes VERTIGO and nausea. DIPLOPIA. Pain and SWELLING of MAMMAE before menses.

gall bladder, kidneys, > pressure, heat and bending uterus, intestines double (most often)

Abdomen: flatulence and distention, pain, coldness. Bladder: frequent desire to urinate, scanty flow. Chest: intercostal pain. Circulatory system: inflammatory heart infections. Mind: feeling as if mind is a jigsaw p uzzle with all the pieces there, but not interlocked.


numbness. Glands, esp. MAMMARY and ovaries, are affected with engorgement, and STONY INDURATIONS. Sensation as of a lump; in brain. Progessive debility. Chronicity. Paralysis and apoplexy of old persons. WORSE: SEEING MOVING OBJECTS. ALCOHOL. Raising arms. After exertion. Injury. Night. Sexual excesses; masturbation. Cold; taking. Continence; celibacy. Old age. Lying; head low. Turning in bed. Turning eyes. Light. While eating. Milk. Wine. Snow-air; frosty air. Rubbing. Standing. (Beginning of) MOTION. BETTER: Letting part hang down. Motion of affected part. PRESSURE. Fasting. Darkness. Walking. Sitting down. CONTINUED MOTION.

EYES: Photophobia and excessive lachrymation. The slightest ulceration or abrasion will cause the most intense photophobia. Feel crossed. Lids heavy, droop. Weakness and dazzling of the eyes, and giddiness and debility, esp. of arms and legs, on walking, staggering, as if drunk. Tears squirt out on opening eyes. EARS, NOSE, FACE, MOUTH, THROAT: Nothing STOMACH: Acrid heartburn; < on going to bed. ABDOMEN: Nothing RECTUM: Tremulous weakness after every stool. URINARY: It flows and stops again. Interrupted discharge. MALE: Effects of suppressed sexual desire. Seminal discharge, provoked while frolicking with a woman. FEMALE: Mammae hard. Stitches in nipples, and mammae, on taking deep breath or walking. Breasts enlarged and become painful before and during menses. Ill effects from repressed sexual desire. RESPIRATORY: Dry cough, almost continuous; caused by dry spot in larynx and itching in chest and throat, when lying down. Violent dry cough almost only when first lying down during day or night. CHEST: Axillary glands painful, and numb feeling down arm. HEART, BACK: Nothing EXTREMITIES: Muscular weakness, esp. of lower extremities. Perspiration of hands. Putting feet on chair > pain. Heels, as if bone would psuh through them. FEVER: Hot flushes; or sweat; on dropping to sleep. SKIN; Axillary glands painful, with numb feeling down arms. Glands enlarged and indurated. Greenish, like an old bruise.

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Conium is to Tuberculinum as Thuja is to Medorrhinum. Link between cancer and the tubercular disease or miasm.








Spasms, Cramps, Convulsions, Face, mouth, Epileptic attacks (esp those brought stomach, abdomen on by fright), Nausea and stomach upset Feelings of suffocation




Mind:Fixed malicious ideas. Fearful. Empty feeling. Head: Bruised pain in brain and eyes on turning them. Meningitis. Sensation as if water were poured over head. Giddiness with head ailments. Purple, red swelling of head, with convulsions Eyes: Aching, sunken, fixed, turned upward. Face: Distorted, foam @ mouth. Nose: Sensation of violent congestion of blood to nose. Mouth: lots of saliva, with flow of saliva. Constant protrusion and retraction of the tongue, like a snake. Paralysis of tongue. Stammering speech. Stomach: Hiccup preceding spasms. Diarrhea, spasms. Strong metallic taste. Craves cool drink. Abdomen: Tense, hot and tender to touch. Neuralgia of abdominal viscera. COLIC, violent and intermittent. Intussusception. Stool: Black, painful, bloody, with tenesmus and weakness. Cholera; with cramps in abdomen and calves. Female: Menses too late. Cramps extend to chest. Palpitations. Heart: Angina pectoris. Slow pulse; or hard, full and quick. Palpitations or precordial anxiety. Resp: Cough has a gurgling sound, better by drinking cold water. Suffocative attacks, worse 3 a.m. (AM. C.) Spasmodic asthma, alternating with vomiting. Whooping-cough. Epiglottitis. Dyspnea, esp b4 menstruation. Angina with asthma. Extremities: Jerking, twitching of muscles. Coldness of hands. Cramps in palm. Great weariness of limbs. Epilepsy; aura begins in knees; or clonic spasms. Clenched thumbs. Skin: Marbled. Skin problems (ulcers, itching, pimples at joint folds, psoriasis). Sleep: Profound,but with constant rumbling in abdomen.

LACH: paralysis of tongue. Saliva. CUPR. SULPH. (BURNING AT VERTEX; incessant, spasmodic cough, worse at night; tongue and lips bluish; locally, CUPR. SULPH. in 1-3 per cent. sol. in inoperable sarcoma). CUPR. CYAN. (meningitis basilaris); CHOLAS TERRAPINA (cramps in calves and feet; rheumatism, with cramplike pains)

all diseases of the heart pulse is weak, irregular, very slow #1 HT indication: failure of compensation weak myocardium, auricular fibrillation great weakness and sinking of strength bluish appearance of face sudden sensation as if heart stood still jaundice from inflammation and hypertrophy of the liver

heart vagus nerve circulation

< WORSE with EXERTION > BETTER with REST circulation problems <suddenly rising anxious about future <6pm, anxiety > weeping depression < music most symptoms worse at night or on waking BETTER rest, cool air, empty stomach lachrymation < in a room < lying on left side

MIND: fear arising from the stomach, fear of death while walking, fear of insanity sadness about trifles, disobediance, excitement at night, great anxiety like from troubled conscience, weeping >sx. VISION: changes in acuteness of perception of shades of green FOOD & DRINK: better on empty stomach STOMACH: great weakness in ST, deathly nausea & faint sinking at pit of ST, feels as if he were dying immediately after eating, neuralgia is stomach RECTUM: white, chalky-like, ashy, stools URINARY: as if a straw being thrust back and forth in neck of bladder RESPIRATORY: dyspnea, cannpot bear to talk HEART: sinking feeling, sudden sensation as if HT stood still, irregular heart, rheumatism UPPER LIMBS: coldness of limbs LOWER LIMBS: as if a red hot wire suddenly darted through legs SLEEP: startled from sleep in alarm that he is fallling from a height SKIN: great coldness of skin DREAMS: falling from a height or into water

NERVES (abdominal; sciatic, and spinal cord) Umbilicus Gall bladder Abdomen and pelvic viscera Right side

PAINS ARE UNBEARABLE, SHARP, CUTTING, TWISTING, GRIPING, GRINDING, darting about or radiating to distant parts; they occur in paroxysms Worse: lying down; doubling up; Tea; Eating; Evening; Night; Sitting; Early morning from 2 a.m. onwards; On awaking; Seminal emissions. Better: Stretching out; or bending backwards; Motion in open air; Hard pressure; Standing erect; or on toes; Riding; Belching.

Head: Dull pain in both temples or as if squeezed in a vice; > pressure, but aggravated afterwards Eye: Sensation of heat steaming out of eyes Stomach: Sinking at the pit of the stomach; neuralgia of stomach, pain along sternum and into arms; eructations of sour, bitter gas, & hiccough; nausea on swallowing saliva yet constant need to swallow Abdomen: Pains suddenly shift to different parts that appear in remote localities, as fingers and toes; Sharp pains from liver, shooting upward to right nipple; Griping, cramping pains in the umbilical region Urinary: Spasmodic stricture of the urethra Male: Relaxation and coldness of genitals; strong-smelling sweat on scrotum and pubes, emissions in sleep or from sexual atony with weak knees. Female: Dysmenorrhea with shooting pains in DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS; vivid dreams Heart: feeble action of heart Back: low back pain Extremities: Felons (whitlow) in beginning, when pricking is first felt; Sciatica (Right sided) shooting down thigh

Cuprum metallicum (Cupr)


Many kinds of PAIN Colicky pains: Gallstone colic Nervous shuddering; from pain Flatulence after meals or after eating, esp. of tea-drinkers. Mistakes from confusion: Uses wrong words, calls things by the Dioscorea villosa wrong name (Wild Yam) Aversion to company esp females Sweats easily when chilly; cold clamy sweat

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respiratory organs principal remedy for whooping cough, spasmodic irritative dry cough, PAROXISMS FOLLOWING EACH OTHER RAPIDLY; yellow expectoration WITH BLEEDING FROM NOSE and mouth; RETCHING, DEEP HOARSE, VOICE; HOARSENESS; ASTHMA WHEN TALKING, with contraction of throat at every word uttered; FITS OF RAPID DEEP BARKING or CHOKING PROLONGED AND 46 Drosera rotundifolia INCESSANT COUGH. Tuberculosis, delusions of persecution, anxiety at night, on waking; when alone, sadness when alone; left side vertigo; right half face

Domineering, strong-minded and possessive, especially in family. Quarrelsome or scolding without being angry. CHILLY person, very susceptable to COLD. Ailments from exposure to COLD WET WEATHER or sudden change from warm to cold or from dry to moist.



MUCOUS MEMBRANES (bronchi, bladder, eyes). BACK (muscles, LOINS). SKIN. Lymphatics.



< after midnight, on lying down, on Mind: easily angered; can't concentrate on 1 subject, must change; fears being alone, suspicious of friends; dread getting warm in bed, drinking, of night; inclination to drown himself; self-willed, insists upon carrying out his plans. laughing. Head: vertigo when waking, inclination to fall to the LEFT side. Coldness of left half of face with stinging pains and >pressure, open air, motion, dry heat of RIGHT HALF sitting up in bed, remaining quiet. Eyes: protruding from coughing, very dry. Nose: sensitive to sour smells, dryness, freq sneezing. Face: prickling, burning left cheek, cold to touch. Throat: sensations of crumbs or feather in larynx, yellow mucous, speaks with exertion. Food and drink: < acids, aversion pork, difficulty swallowing solid food, bitter taste (bread + during pregnancy); burning raw feeling deep in throat, nausea after fatty food. Abdomen: constrictive pains, must press hands on pit of ST or hold both sides. Rectum: outward pressing pain independant of stool, frequent stool. Urinary Organs: frequent urging to urinate, with scanty discharge, freq profuse urination. Respiration: asthma when talking, contraction of throat, severe dyspnea, threatening suffocation, blueness of face + lips, cold sweat on forehead. Cough: sounds loose but nothing comes up. Extremities: limbs feel as if beaten, back as if bruised, stiffness. Sleep: sleeplessness, freq starting from sleep as from fright, yet when awake is not frearful. Dreams: vivid, pleasant+anxious. Chill: internal, shivering with hot face, cold hands. Fever: almost exclusively of face, heat and redness of face. Perspiration: copious, all over body. Skin: itching

Worse: BEING CHILLED (WHILE HOT; change of temperature; uncovering; COLD WET: feet, ground, cellars, beds, etc.). Suppressed discharge, perspiration, eruptions, menses. Autumn. Night. Rest. Injuries. Mercury. Before storms. COLD AIR. Better: moving about, motion, moving the affected part, walking. Warmth. Dry weather. Characteristics: paralysis of limbs, feet icy cold. Stiffness and lameness across neck and soulders after getting cold and wet. Rheumatic like pain.

Mind: Depression. Mental confusion. Easily becomes delirious; at night with the pain and during fever heat. Impatience; in morning. Irritability; during daytime; during headache. Quarrelsome without anger. Head: Scaldhead, thick brown crusts, bleeding when scratched. Nose: stuffs up when there is a cold rain. Summer colds and diarrhoea. Hay fever, esp. in August. Coryza>motion, walking, warm room. Hay fever: nose entirely filled up, prevention breathing through nose, constant sneezing, profuse discharge of water from nose and eyes, closed room awaking in morning, in evening; eyes sometimes swollen and full, at one time nose most affected, then again eyes, can't be near cut grass of newly mown hay, > at seaside. Face: Tearing in cheek, ear, orbit, jaw, preceded by coldness of parts, and canine hunger. Herpes aobut lips. Mouth: Facial neuralgia; worse, slightest exposure to cold. Food and Drink: Aversion to food. Burning thirst for cold drinks. Abdomen: Cutting, about navel, slimy stools. Colic, as if diarrhoea would occur. Rectum: Mucous stools, from damp cold weather. Urinary: must urinate when getting chilled. Urin has thick mucous, cloudy, slimy or foul. Female: rash on skin before menses or sexual excitement. Cough: after physical exertion. Back: cold, cilly feeling in lumbar region. Lower Limbs: feet icy cold. Chill: commencing in or spreading from back, not > warmth. Coldness, icy coldness of paralysed parts. Skin: adenitis. Pruritus, always
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Eupatorium perfoliatum



pain in limbs and muscles that accompanies some forms of febrile disease, like malaria and influenza. great deal of BONE-PAIN. BONES: PAIN: INFLUENZAL. leading characteristic is VIOLENT ACHING, BONE BREAKING PAINS; VERY RESTLESS, CAN'T KEEP STILL, ALTHOUGH THERE IS A GREAT DESIRE TO DO SO, AND IS NOT > MOTION.

Bone Nerves gastrohepatic organs bronchial mucous membrane


Aggravation WORSE, periodically. , Worse: COLD AIR. PERIODICALLY; 7 to 9 a. m, chest sore WORSE AT NIGHT VERY RESTLESS, CAN'T KEEP STILL, ALTHOUGH THERE IS A GREAT DESIRE TO DO SO, AND IS NOT > MOTION. Amelioration. BETTER, by conversation, POSITION: HANDS AND FEET by getting on hands and knees., Vomiting of bile

Head :Vertigo; sensation of falling to LEFT. SORENESS OF EYEBALLS. OCCIPITAL PAIN AFTER LYING DOWN, WITH SENSE OF WEIGHT. Stomach: HICCOUGH, Retching and vomiting of bile, VOMITS WATER OR FOOD THAT HAS BEEN TAKEN, OR BILE AS THE CHILL PASSES OFF. Respiratory: HOARSENESS AND COUGH, WITH SORENESS IN CHEST; must support it. INFLUENZA, with great soreness of muscles and bones. CHRONIC loose cough, chest sore WORSE AT NIGHT. Larynx Hoarseness and cough, & soreness in chest Fever: Chill between 7 and 9 a.m., PRECEDED BY THIRST WITH GREAT SORENESS AND ACHING OF BONES. Thirst or nausea, then violent shaking chill; begins in the small of the back., little or no perspiration Extremities: ACHING PAIN IN BACK. ACHING IN BONES OF EXTREMITIES WITH SORENESS OF FLESH. ACHING IN ARMS AND WRISTS. Extremities: PAIN "AS IF THE BONES ARE BROKEN. Mind Sadness during the heat. Moaning during chill. Abdomen Soreness in region of liver on moving or coughing.

Catarrhal affections Patient is better in open air of MUCOUS < WORSE in EVENING, indoors, MEMBRANES, esp. warmth; south winds, from light, of eyes and nose and SUNLIGHT chest > BETTER, from open air, coffee, in dark Left Side < MORNING [ON WAKING / RISING]; < long sleep; < Smoke / smoking

Head: CATARRHAL HEADACHE, with profuse discharge from eyes and nose Nose: PROFUSE, FLUENT CORYZA, with violent cough and abundant expectoration. Profuse bland, fluent coryza, & scalding tears and aversion to light Eyes: CATARRHAL conjunctivitis; discharge of acrid matter. The eyes water all the time. PROFUSE HOT OR ACRID TEARS, aggravated open air, lying or coughing; leaving a varnish-like mark. Red, burning, itching tarsi. Cornea bluish. Lachrymation abundant, SMARTING. MARGINS of eyelids red, burning, swollen and itching. BURNING EYES [as from sand], lachrymation, photophobia & WINKING. Rectum: CONSTIPATION Female: Menses PAINFUL; FLOW LASTS ONLY AN HOUR OR DAY; late, scanty, short. AMENORRHOEA, WITH OPHTHALMIA Male: PROSTATITIS Sleep: Yawning when walking in open air. Sleepy during day Mind: Inclination to sit. Starting from sleep. Confusion > cold bath; > washing the face. Sensation of a HAIR hanging over eyes; wants to RUB constantly Face: Stiffness of upper lip; as if made of wood. Stiffness of left cheek; of tongue General: SWELLING of AFFECTED parts; > BATHING affected parts; washing with cold water > confusion, heat of head, headache, fluent coryza, burning rectal pain. Drinking cold water > nausea [> a sip of water], cough Speech: "He repeats frequently when speaking, both at the first word [a kind of stuttering], and also often repeating sentences frequently in order to express himself differently whereas he formerly spoke correctly." [Hahnemann] Cough: Only at DAYTIME

Muscles of chest, back and limbs feel bruised, sore, aching Worn-out constitutions from inebriety. Weakness: aged, in. Inebriates. Old people. Sluggishness of all organs and functions. Marked periodicity. [Ars.; China; Cedron.] WEAKNESS: INEBRIETY, BILIOUS OR REMITTENT FEVERS, FROM. **DEPRESSED: FEVER, DURING. **MOANING: FEVER, WITH: COLD, DURING, STAGE. **MOANING: PAIN, FROM: ACHING.

Profuse ACRID lachrymation and bland coryza; worse, evening THE EYES WATER ALL THE TIME Ailments & ACRID LACHRYMATION and BLAND CORYZA Burning, smarting eyes and aversion to light and constant winking Cough with large quantities of mucus only at daytime, better at night Worse Evening. Worse Smoke Amenorrhoea and catarrhal Euphrasia affections of nose and eyes 49 Euphrasia Swelling of affected parts. Bathing of officinalis Eyebright affected parts better.


Great utility to control inflammatory and catarrhal phases of the parts during or following an attack of measles, but will tend to avert unpleasant after-effects, as catarrhal conjunctivitis, nasal catarrh, catarrhal deafness, etc. Also been shown to cure epilepsy

Nervous system Motor paralysis, dizziness, drowsiness, dullness and trembling, muscular weakness, influenza, dullness, apathy regarding illness


Gelsemium Serpervirens

Worse, damp weather, fog, before Mind. Desire to be quiet, to be left alone.Apathy regarding his illness. Absolute lack of fear. Stage fright. a thunderstorm, Head. Vertigo, occipital headaches, band-feeling, pain in temple extending into ear. emotion, or excitement, bad news, tobacco-smoking, Eyes. Eyelids heavy, orbital neuralgia with twicthes of muscles, serous inflammations. when thinking of his ailments; at Face. Hot, heavy, flushed. 10 a.m. Better bending forward, Mouth. Tremble. by profuse urination, open air, Throat. Post-diphtheric paralysis, feeling of a lump in the throat, pain from throat to ear. continued motion, stimulants. Stool. Diarrhea from emotianl excitement, cream coloured, tea- green. Urine. Profuse, clear, watery, retention. Female. Dysmenorrhea. Male. Spermatorrhea, without erections. Respiratory. Spasm of the glottis. Skin. Measles, catarrhal symptoms, aids in bringing out eruption. Fever. Wants to be held because he shakes, nervous chills. Heart. Feeling as if it were necessary to keep in motion, or else heart's action would cease. Weak, slow pulse of old age.

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Bry. [closest analogue; but Bry. has free sweat, and the pains make the patient keep still; Eupper. has scanty sweat, and its pains cause restlessness

Discharge thick and excoriating (Mercur. thin and acrid)






active in patients who are rather NUTRITION. stout, of fair complexion tendency to skin affections esp skin Circulation. SKIN folds and behind the ears [folds; behind ears; constipation, angles; flexures; FAT, CHILLY, AND COSTIVE, orifices; nails]. delayed menstrual history. Take cold easily. Mucous membranes. Children impudent, teasing, laugh at reprimands. Glands. Has a particular tendency to develop the skin phase of internal disorders. Eyes. ERADICATES TENDENCY TO ERYSIPELAS. LEFT SIDE. Anaemia with redness of face. Tendency to obesity. Swollen genitals. Gushing leucorrhoea. Aids absorption of cicatricial tissue. Induration of tissue. Cancer of pylorus. Duodenal ulcer. Discharges are thin, foul, scanty Emaciation; of suffering parts. Sensation of burning; numbness and deadness Pain during change of weather.



Asthma and bronchitis- wheezing and oppression Foamy mucus, very difficult to detach. Bronchorrheatough, whitish, mucous Grindelia robusta expectoration. Antidote to Rhus-poisoning

pulmonary circulation. cardiopulmonary




Worse: COLD. Drafts. Light. During menses. Suppressions. Empty swallowing. Fats. Hot drinks. Warmth of bed. Scratching. Before midnight. Physical exertion. Wet feet. Music.

Mind. Great tendency to start Timid Unable to decide. Want of disposition to work. MUSIC MAKES HER WEEP. Apprehensive, despondency, indecision. Head.Rush of blood to head with flushed face also with nose bleed and distention and flatulence. Sensation of cobweb on forehead. BURNING ON VERTEX. Pain as if constricted, esp. in the occiput Eyes. EYELIDS RED AND SWOLLEN. ECZEMA OF LIDS; FISSURED. Dry mucus in the lashes. Ears. DRYNESS OF INNER EAR. MOISTURE AND ERUPTIONS BEHIND THE EARS. HEARS BETTER IN NOISE. Fissures in and behind the ear. Nose. Sore on blowing it; is painful internally. Smell abnormally acute; cannot tolerate flowers. Scabs and Better: Open air; after walking in. fissures in nostrils. Eating. Touch. Dark. Wrapping Face. Feels as if cobwebs were on it. Eczema of nose. Itching pimples. Moist eczema around mouth and chin. up. Hot milk. Riding in a carriage. moist after scratching Noise. Eructations. Mouth.Rotten odor from mouth.Burning blisters on tongue, salivation. Sour eructations. Dots of thick white fur on tongue. Blood from teeth Suited to women, inclined to Stomach.Aversion to meat. HOT DRINKS DISAGREE. Nausea and vomiting after each meal. Burning in obesity, who suffer from habitual stomach, causing HUNGER. CONSTRICTIVE PAIN IN STOMACH. Stomach pain is temporarily relieved by constipation; with a history of eating, hot drinks delayed menstruation. especially milk and lying down. soup; thought of meat. Frequent eructations. Desires: chicken; beer Abdomen. Fullness and hardness in abdomen, as from incarcerated flatulence; MUST LOOSEN CLOTHING; Pain of gas opposite the side on which he lies. Chronic diarrhoea, stools, brownish, liquid, undigested, OFFENSIVE. Very fetid gas preceded by colic. Stool. Constipation; large, difficult, knotty stools united by mucus threads. Burning hemorrhoids. Prolapse, diarrhoea; stools of brown fluid, mixed with undigested substance, VERY FETID, sour odor. Smarting, sore anus, itching. Fissure of anus. Urine.Turbid, with sediment. Sour smelling. Female.Menses TOO LATE, with constipation; pale and scanty, with tearing pain in epigastrium, and itching BEFORE. Hoarseness, coryza, cough, sweats and morning sickness during menstruation. Leucorrhoea, PALE, thin, PROFUSE, WHITE, EXCORIATING, with great weakness in back. Male. Itching and moist eruption on scrotum.

Respiratory.Constriction of chest; spasmodic asthmas, suffocative attacks wakes from sleep; must eat something. Pain in middle of chest, with cough, scraping and soreness. Chronic hoarseness with skin affections. Inability to control the vocal chords Extremities.Pain in small of back with great weakness. Excoriation between thighs. finger-nails THICK, black, and rough. Stiffness and contraction of toes. Nails deformed, painful, sore, thick, and crippled. Offensive perspiration of feet.Skin of hands hard and cracked in places. Smarting soreness between the nates. Skin.Rough, hard, persistent dryness of portions of skin unaffected by eczema. Pimples and acne. ERUPTIONS, OOZING OUT A STICKY EXUDATION. UNHEALTHY SKIN; EVERY LITTLE INJURY SUPPURATES. Ulcers discharging GLUTINOUS fluid, thintoand sticky. Cracks in nipples, < Falling asleep Eyes: pain ina eyeballs running back brain; worse, moving eyes. mouth, between toes, anus. Phlegmonous Ant-t., Arum-t., Bad., Bry., Cadm<Motion Abdomen:Cutting pain in region of spleen, extending to hips. s., Carb-an., Carb-v., Graph., Skin: Rash, like roseola, poison oak, burns, blisters, vaginal catarrh, herpes zoster Lach., Nux-m., Op., Ran-b. and
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Hepar sulfuris calcereum or Hepar sulfuricum (Hep.)






Scrofulous and lymphatic Respiratory mucus constitutions with eruptions and membranes glandular swellings. Blondes with sluggish character and weak muscles. Unhealthy skin. Irritation from the slighest cause. NERVES: Great sensitiveness to all impressions (like cold and pain). Suppuration (Inflammation ending in suppuration) Feeling as if wind were blowing on some part Pellagra (material dose) Desires to be wrapped warmly. Easy perspiration. Syphilis post medication. Chilly. All discharge are profuse: sour and cheesy. Pains are sore and sticking



Chilliness Hypersensitiveness Craving for sour and strong things Splinter-like pains Pains are sore and sticking The side he is sleeping on becomes painful, must turn Sweats easily but does not uncover, sweating without relief. Pains when touched are felt as though they are sub-cutaneous ulcerations. < dry cold wind, cool air, slighest draft, < mercury, < slightest touch ,< noise < lying on painful side < night < eating or drinking cold things > damp weather > wrapping head up > warmth, moist heat > after eating Symptoms are: < waking, blowing the nose, from getting the skin rubbed off, surgical injuries in general, swallowing (esp. of food), while urinating, in clear fine weather

Mind: anguish in evening and night, thoughts of suicide, slightest cause irritates, irritable and dissatisfied with oneself and others, discontented with everything, hypocondria, unreasonable anxiety,cheerful in bed, delusion world is on fire,disposition to contradict, fear in open air, furious gestures, violent, hurry while eating, impetuous, sudden impulse to kill,malicious, starting on falling asleep, violent rage leading to violent deeds, violent from pain. Head: vertigo and headache (when shaking the head or riding), boring pain in R temple and root of nose in morning, scalp sensitive and sore, humid scald-head itching and burning, cold sweat on head. Eyes:ULCERS ON CORNEA. HYPOPION. Ears: Earache, and sensitiveness to touch, out of proportion to the actual pain. Mastoiditis Nose: SMELL LIKE OLD CHEESE. HAY-FEVER. Throat: When swallowing, sensation as if a plug and OF A SPLINTER IN THROAT. Quinsy, WITH IMPENDING SUPPURATION. Stomach: Highly seasoned foods. Desires sour pungent things Abdomen: stitching pain over liver when walking, coughing, breathing, touching Rectum: sour, fetid stoo, clay-colored and soft. Female: ABSCESSES OF LABIAE WITH GREAT SENSITIVENESS. Larynx: Croup; of oversensitive children, who are exposed during the day to a cold, dry wind or cold air; come down next morning with croup; they become aggravated morning and evening until midnight; the cough is choking and gagging; they cough and sweat. Respiratory: Cough excited WHENEVER ANY PART OF THE BODY GETS COLD OR UNCOVERED, or from eating anything cold. CHOKING COUGH. WEAKNESS AND MUCH RATTLING in chest; expectoration LOOSE; but can't expectorate; tightens up in cold air. Much thick, yellow expectoration. WEEPING BEFORE, DURING OR AFTER COUGHING. Dyspnea.Cough, & expectoration during the day, no expectoration at night. The cough of Hep. is never a dry one; it has a slight loose edge; the expectoration is slight, and there is little fever.

There is marked periodicity in Extremities: Finger-joints swollen; tendency to easy dislocation. Nail of great toe painful on slight Hep.: every day; every four weeks pressure. [attack of paralysis]; every four Skin: PAPULES prone to suppurate and extend. UNHEALTHY SKIN; EVERY LITTLE INJURY SUPPURATES. Chapped skin, with DEEP CRACKS ON HANDS AND FEET. ULCERS VERY months [scabby eruptions on head]; every winter [whitlow]; SENSITIVE TO CONTACT, burning, stinging, easily bleeding. "COLD-SORES" VERY SENSITIVE. Cannot bear to be uncovered; WANTS TO BE WRAPPED UP WARMLY. Putrid ulcers, spring and autumn [bilious attacks]. SURROUNDED BY LITTLE PIMPLES. CHRONIC AND RECURRING URTICARIA. Hep. never given if skin is hot and Fever: Chilly in open air or from SLIGHTEST DRAFT. PROFUSE SWEAT; sour, sticky, offensive. dry, only given if child is sweaty and weak (as in croup). Headache > bending the head, < THICK, YELLOWISH, ROPY MUCOUS Worse: AIR [inhaling, cold; dry Stomach: Weak digestion; emptiness stomach not better eating; and constipation without urging. Worse Bread secretion - characterized by this MEMBRANES - Acts winds; open]. Slight bleeding. and vegetables. peculiar mucous discharge, LARGE especially on mucous Washing. Old age. Night. Warmth. Rectum: Constipation. Obstinate constipation or with haemorrhoids. quantities of MUCUS. Mucous membranes, relaxing Touch of clothing. Motion. During Mind: Irritability after dinner. Weakness of memory. secretions INCREASED. them pregnancy. Abuse of wine. Abuse Head: Sinusitis, after coryza of drugs. After stool. Every other Ears: Eustachian catarrh Hydrastis is especially active in old, Liver - marked action day. Nose: Thick, tenacious secretion from posterior nares to throat. Watery, excoriating discharge easily-tired people, cachetic Better: Rest. Pressure. Dry Mouth: Tongue white, swollen, large, flabby, slimy; shows imprint of teeth. Yellow, dirty individuals, with great debility Stomach weather. Warm covering. Female: CANCER; HARD, ADHERENT; SKIN MOTTLED, PUCKERED; PAINS KNIFE-LIKE, SHARP, CUTTING; NIPPLE RETRACTED. Cancer and cancerous state Symptoms generally Back: Dull, heavy, dragging pain and stiffness, particularly across lumbar region, must use arms in raising himself aggravated at night. Skin from seat GOITRE of puberty and pregnancy. symptoms aggravated warmth; washing, etc. Catarrhal symptoms SMALLPOX internally and locally. aggravated harsh, dry winds; out The power of Hydrastis over of doors. Rest ameliorates; motion smallpox seen in modifying the aggravates. disease, abolishing its distressing symptoms, shortening its course, lessening its danger and greatly mitigating its consequences Broken down by excessive use of alcohol.

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Ignatia amara


Iris Vesicolor



Sharp shooting pain, punctured or Nerves penetrating wounds, pain in coccyx, lacerations, intolerable, violent shooting nerve pain. Injury to the spinal cord, very painful sore parts of the body, Arnica of the nerves. Causation Fright. Bites. Wounds. Shock. The great remedy for injuries to nerves, especially of fingers, toes and nails. Crushed fingers, especially tips NERVOUS SYSTEM emotional element is uppermost, interfered co-ordination of function. *chief remedy for hysteria* nervous temperment remedy of great CONTRADICTIONS. Rapid change in mental and physical condition (opposite to each other) **SUPERFICIAL AND ERRATIC CHARACTER** effects of grief and worry. the plague (HAHAHA) nervous system affected-causing spasmodic effects: violent with rigidity, twitching, tremors sense of lump/foreign body, sharp pressure. nervous shudder during pains convulsions and oppression of breathing during dentition


Worse: INJURY. JAR. Concussion; of spine, coccyx. Shock, Motion < in cold; dampness, in a FOG; in close room; least exposure; touch Better: Lying on face. Bending head backward. Rubbing. Lying quietly BETTER, bending head backward. Whooping cough < 6 to 10 p.m < drinking COFFEE, tobacco, smoking, liquids, external warmth, after meals, open air, cold air. touch > while eating, swallowing. change of position. lying on affected part. rigidity consolation, converstations aggravates deep breaths relieve worse: emotions, grief, worry, fright, shock, after loss of persons/objects dear.


Mind- complaints from fright, mistakes in writing, omitting letters Head- Heavy feels as if touched by icy cold hand. Throbbing in vertex, Head feels longer


Stomach- nausea

Rectum- Hemorrhoids Respiratory- Asthmatic respiration after injury of the spine, Asthma WORSE foggy weather and relieved by profuse perspiration Back- Pressure over sacrum Extremities- Crawling in hands and feet, Neuritis

MIND: sighing and sobbing, alert, oversensitive, nervous. incredible change of mood. Very emotional. enjoys being sad, lots of suppressed grief, disappointed love (ailments from these). fear will never sleep again, and of robbers at midnight on waking. childish behaviour, brooding. courageous, refuses to eat. monomania. HEAD: hollow, heavy < stooping. nervous headache, usually confined to one spot. HA ends in copious discharge of pale urine EYE: asthenopia (spasm of lids, neuralgic pain about the eyes) FACE: twitching of muscles (face, and lips), redness and heat on one cheek. sweats on face while eating. MOUTH:sour taste, constantly full of saliva THROAT: sore throat (stitches). tonsils inflamed, swollen with small ulcers. follicular tonsilitis LARYNX: chocking ST: much flatulence. sinking in ST > taking deep breath. hiccough. empty sinking/spasmodic ache in ST (not > eating or deep breaths). vomits simple foods, but retains such things as cabbage RECTUM: prolapse. painful constriction of anus after stool. pressure as of a sharp instrument from within outward. RESP: much sighing FEMALE: black menses, too early, too profuse or scanty. SLEEP: violent spasmodic yawning. FEVER: external heat and redness, without internal heat. Chill > external warmth

GI: Nausea/Vomiting Worse warmth, damp of room, Nausea and vomiting with no amelioration and often a general overeating, rich foods aggravation from emesis. There are two special areas of usefulness of Ipecac: asthma (or asthmatic bronchitis) and hemorrhage (bright red and profuse). It palliates nausea following chemotherapy. Discharges are foamy and profuse Bad effects from the abuse of opium, arsenic and quinine.

Head: Tongue remarkably clean despite constant nausea Mind: Anxiety during fever; Censorious, critical; Haughty. Impatience. Irritability in the daytime. Moaning during sleep. Restlessness during the heat. Shrieking before convulsions. Starting during sleep. Nose: Sneezing Face: One side hot, the other cold Mouth: Tongue ususally clean; much saliva; red pointed tongue GI: Constant nausea which is incapacitating; stomach seems to hang loose inside; nausea unreleived by vomiting; Thirstless; Nausea from smell of food Abdomen: pain worse around navel Chest: Asthmatic bronchitis and coughs especially of children; bronchioloitis; croup; hoarseness; constriction in chest; cough incessant and violent with every breath; gasps for air; Spasmodic oppression of the chest after taking cold. Fever: nausea in all stages. Slightest chill & much heat, nausea, vomiting, and dyspnoea. Male/Fem: Uterine hemorrhage which starts suddenly with bright red uncoagulated blood, coming in gushes, often with nausea and faintness; inneffective urging to urinate; pain from navel to uterus Skin: Miliary rash, when it comes out with difficulty, or when it appears in females during the period of utero-gestation. Stools: like frothy molasses

Profuse secretions, which are sour, acrid & burning. Sick or bilious headache Blurred vision before headache Headache with nausea / vomiting

Head: headache; alternating sides; BLURRED VISION BEFORE HEADACHE; hepatic or gastric origin; migraine, nervous headache, sick or bilious headache; dull throbbing or shooting in right side of forehead with nausea; vision returns as heache comes on, with nausea/ vomting; forehead; side; chronic in forehead; sharp, cutting, of short duration; changing often. Eyes: periodic visual disturbance Ears: RINGING in ears Nose:oily Mouth: greasy or sweetish taste. Throat: heat and smarting in throat - BURNING; GOITER Stomach: burning of whole alimentary canal; vomiting; deficient appetite; continuous nausea; BITTER, ACRID, WATERY, SOUR VOMITING & BURNING Rectum: burning at anus; constipationq; STOOLS; BILIOUS, ACRID, WATERY, BURN LIKE FIRE; painless cholera morbus; stools fatty

Oily nose Greasy taste Fatty stools

PANCREAS Thyroid Salivery Intestinal glands Gastro-intestinal mucous membrane

Restlessness at night Burning (Throat, stmach, stool) < weekly < 2-3 AM < Mental exhaustion < Hot weather

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LEDUM (punched wounds and bites of animals); ARNICA; STAPHIS.; CALEN.; RUTA; COFF.

**took these from the compare section…hope this is right!!*** zinc, kali-phos, sep, cimicif, panacea arvensis.



General: Pains migrate quickly General: Tough, string, viscid secretion


Kali Bichromium


air-passages bones and fibrous tissue kidneys heart liver skin joints


< COLD, DAMP; [open air; spring; undressing; winter]. <MORNING; after sleep; 2-3 a.m. Heat > Cold weather [> skin symptoms] > Eating > Vomiting > Short sleep > Motion


Nose: Perforation of septum Head: Aching and fullness in glabella Head: Bones and scalp feel sore Head: Headache over eyebrows, must lie down; aversion to light and noise Eyes: Blindness before headache; heaviness in lids on waking Nose: Pressure and pain at root of nose Nose: Loss of smell Nose: Great dryness Nose: Coryza with obstruction of nose, thick ropy and yellow Nose: Violent sneezing Mouth: red, shining, smooth and dry Mouth: tongue pains when protruded; saliva ropy Throat: edematous, bladder-like Throat: Hawks up thick mucous Stomach: Round ulcer of stomach; nausea Rectum: Stool jelly-like, gelatinous, worse mornings Rectum: gushes of brown, frothy water Urination: After urinating a drop seems to remains which cannot be expelled Respiratory: profuse yellow expectoration, very glutinous and sticky Respiratory: agg. After eating Chest: Rawness under sternum; pains though to back and shoulders Extremities: very weak; rheaumatic pain Extremities: cracking of joints Skin:ulcer with punch-out edges Skin: eruptions < summer Mind: Indifference to business affairs, irritability, talk to himself Mind: Keep regular hours-live according to routine; narrow minded

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Kali carbonicum


Kali Muriaticum


Right hypochondriac sharp, cutting, stitching, stabbing region, left chest and pain > motion arm, ears, liver, > warm weather kidneys, joints.

Catarrhal affections, white or grey Mouth & throat, coating of base of tongue, sub-acute glands, ears, inflammatory states, glandular swellings, fibrinous exudations, expectoration of thick, white phlegm, milky white, viscid sticky slimy or lumpy discharges, crawling, adhesions recent consequent on inflammations




Cannot bear to be touched. Bag-like swelling between the upper eyelids & eyebrows. Sweat, backache, weakness. Feels badly, week before menstruation. Pain: stitching, darting, worse lying on affected side. Great aversion to being alone. Weak eyes after coition. Nosebleed when washing the face. Toothache only when eating. Spasmodic cough with gagging or vomiting of ingesta. Intolerant of cold weather. Very irritable. Hypersensitive.

Worse: open air, cold drinks, drafts, heat of bed, lying, night, dampness, motion, sprains, fats, rich food, during menses; Better: cold drinks, rubbing, letting hair down; Right sided


Head: headache from riding in cold wind. Dryness of hair. Eyes: Bag-like swelling between the upper eyelids & eyebrows. Nose: stuffs up in warm room, ulcerated nostils. Stomach: Sour eructations, nausea, as if stomach were full of water, anxiety felt in stomach. Male: excessive emissions followed by weakness. Female: menses too late, pale, scanty, complaints after parturition. Resp: stitching pains, whole chest is very sensitive, increasing expectoration, coldness of chest, wheezing. Relaxed vulva, better warm climate. Heart: burning in heart region, weak, rapid pulse, intermits. Back: Small of back feels weak. Extremities: Back and legs give out, soles very sensitive, pain from hip to knee, pain in knees.


1.-hair falls out: Fluor-ac. alopecia 2. itching: Ignat - itching nettlerash, sensitive to drafts 3. menses early, profuse: Calc. carb - too early, too profuse, too long with cold, damp, feet 4. burning in spine: Guaco burning in shoulders, pain along spine < bending.

Eyes: while walking through field covred with snow, sudden severe pain in right eye followed at once by blindness, Apis, Bry, Merc, Rhus - T, & saw nothing with right eye, all seemed smoke and mist Sulph- rheumatic affections; Ears: chronic catarrhal conditions of middle ear, snapping and noises in the ear Graph, Kali-bi, and Kali-c Nose: hawking of mucus from posterior nares, epistaxis inflammation of ear; Hydr, Kali-bi, Face: lightning-like attacks of pain in face, gradually growing more frequent, faceache with swelling of gums or and Kali-c - tough secretions, Kalicheek, cramplike drawing in cheeks, joint of jaw, with stinging in jaw and teeth, twitching of masseter muscles chl, Merc- affections of eustachian during coryza with sneezing, increased sensitiveness of whole face & irritation in root of nose, twitching in corners tubes; Nat-m, Nit-ac, Puls -
HT: palpitation from excessive flow of blood to heart, pulse accelerated or soft and sluggish not synchrous with beats of heart, embolus, Extremeties: swelling around joints, chillblains on hands or feet or any part Skin: Vesicles, Condylomata, itching of whole body in bed, pimples on face, neck etc. Erysipelas bullosa, Vesicular erysipelas, shingles, smallpox Lower Limbs: Chronic persistent swelling of foot & lower limb, swelling soft at first, afterwards hard to touch, without pain or redness, with feelings as if it would burst, ulcers on legs with callous edges Upper Limbs: Pains after dancing and cooling drafts from right side, a stiff neck and pain in shouldger when moving right arm, drawing tearing in wrist joints or tearing in right wrist joint along ulna, chapped hands from cold Chest: Croupy inflammation of lungs Larynx & Trachea: croup membranous exudation Expectoration: White as milk, yellowish green mucus Female: Dark clotted menses, nodes in breast feel soft and tender Male: violent emissions with voluptuous dreams, violent erections with emissions, sexual desire diminished with chilliness, hydrocele in little children, gleet with eczema or a disposition to glandular swellings, gonorrhea of glans or urethra, second stage with chordee Urinary Organs: Acute and chronic catarrh of bladder, itching in urethra, diabetes Head: Perspiration on head Mind: Irritable and angry at trifles, sadness alt with cheerfulness, with congestion, better epistaxis

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Mental and physical depression, Fear of being alone, Fear of death, Easily frightened MENTAL EXERTION Prostration, One of the greatest nerve remedies Slightest labour seems a heavy task Eternally and irretrievably damned continually weeping and crying, wringing hands, pulling to pieces and tearing Kali Phosphoricum clothing, as well as bed covering, Homesickness HYSTERIA Irritability Profound hypochondria and melancholia suspiciousness.


Cerebrospinal system Sympathetic nervous system

PROFUSE, deep YELLOW EPITHELIUM DISCHARGES Respiratory Desquamation of epithelium EPITHELIUM WARM-BLOODED aversion to warm organs. Complaints cold hands and feet EPITHELIUM skin. profuse desquamation


Kalium Sulphuricum



Worse: Slight causes; excitement; Head: Excruciating nervous headache & great sensitiveness to noise, during menses. Cerebral anaemia. worry; mental or physical exertion. Face: Sad, care worn expression Dry air. Ears: Humming and buzzing “Noises in ears from nervous exhaustion, nervous roaring, foul discharge Better: Sleep. Eating. Gentle Nose: ltching in posterior flares. Violent sneezing. motion. Leaning against Mouth: Breath offensive, fetid, Mouth excessively thy. something. Larynx: Group, last stage; extreme weakness, pale or livid face. Craves ice water; vinegar; sweets; Chest: In lower part of 1. chest,
WORSE, in evening, heated room. BETTER, cool, open air Better MOTION. Irritability in the evening. Restlessness in the room; < warm room. SWEETS [desire]. EGGS [aversion + agg.] Stitching, tearing, festering pain, that shifts about Many desquamating skin affections. Aggravation by exertion and becoming heated. LAZY and INDOLENT, especially in warm room. Impatient and agg. by CONSOLATION Obstinate and headstrong; indolent and lazy.

Head: Rheumatic headache, beginning in evening. Bald spots. Dandruff. Nose: Colds, WITH YELLOW, slimy expectoration. Nose obstructed. Smell lost Male:Gonorrhoea; discharge slimy,yellowish Female: Menses too late, scanty, & feeling of weight in abdomen Face: Aches in heated room, better in cool open air Ear: Eustachian deafness. Discharge of yellow matter Respiratory:RATTLING OF MUCUS IN CHEST, yellow expectoration Stomach:Tongue coated yellow and slimy. Gums painful.Dread of hot drinks. Abdomen: feels cold to touch. Yellow, slimy diarrhoea.


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Excoriating; Burning like fire. Profuse, ACRID, HOT, FOUL DISCHARGES; eructations, sputum, etc.; redden the part; Haemorrhages; Blackness of teeth COLICKY PAINS DURING, BUT ESP. AFTER MENSES. Left-sided complaints.






decay rapidly]; Calc. [cholera infantum]; Carbons and Carb-ac.[closely related, and Carb-v. so closely as to be inimical with Kreos.]; Eupi. [as might be expected has many identical symptoms, notably hemorrhages, pulsations and menstrual disorders]; Ham. [dark, oozing hemorrhage]; Iod. [scrofulous, psoric affections; rapid emaciation; inordinate appetite; wasting of mammae]; Kali-c. [product of burning wood; stitches; aggravated after coition]; Lach. [change of life]; Lil-t. [bearing down]; Murx. [passes copious pale urine at night; wakes with a start and violent desire; Kreos. cannot get out of bed quickly enough, urine offensive]; Nux-v. [irritable weakness of stomach, food cannot be digested; but Kreos. retains food several hours and vomits it undigested]; Ol-an. [stitches in breasts; Ol-an. "shooting out of nipples"]; Phos. [haemorrhagic diathesis; dark, slight, lean, ill-developed, ill-nourished, overgrown patients; vomiting; but Phos. vomits food or drinks as soon as they become warm in stomach]; Pix [phthisis]; Plat. [vaginismus; but Kreos. has flow of blood after coition]; Sep. [intermittent menses; outward pressure in genitals; painful coition; vomiting of pregnancy; red sand in urine, turbid, offensive; but Kreos. has menses usually copious, & difficult hearing, noises and humming and roaring in head, dragging in back > motion, Sep. aggravated motion; and leucorrhoea is more irritating, even excoriating, smells like green corn; Sep. has not the acridity or the malignancy]; Staph. [teeth; aggravated after coition]; 2 Arum-t.; Graph.; Psor.; 7 Ant-t.; Hep.; Ip.; Merc.; Petr.; Sec.; Sulph.; 4 Bism.; Lyc.; Rhus-t.; Sil.; 1 Fuli.; Guajol. [principal constituent of Kreos., and similar in action; used in pulmonary tuberculosis; dose 1 to 5 M]; Mati. [gonorrhoea; hemorrhage from lungs; catarrhal conditions from genitourinary organs and gastrointestinal tract; topically a hemostatic; difficult, dry, deep, winter cough; use tincture].




FULIGO LIGNI; CARBOL-AC.; IOD.; Blood and secretions < Open air, cold, rest, when lying; Mind: Dissatisfied, with everything; Cross, wilful and obstinate; Excitement before menses; Irritability during - so seen in mucous after menstruation; headache; RESTLESSNESS AT NIGHT; after midnight at 3 a.m.; before menses. Sensitive to music. Shrieking in LACHES. Compare: Abrot. [children old-looking, membranes/wounds/t < DENTITION. Pregnancy. Rest. children; during stool. Starting from fright; during sleep. Weeping from music. wrinkled]; Agn., Carb-an., Chel., Nit-ac., issues that secrete Cold. Eating. Lying. Summer. Bad Head: Severe headache before and during menses. Nux-v., Prun., Sep. and Thuj. [leucorrhoea staining yellow]; Arg-n. [inflammation of smells. During menses. 6 p.m. to Mouth: Very painful dentition; very rapid decay of teeth, with spongy bleeding gums. Gums puffy, bluish eyelids in children or adults; but Kreos. 6 a.m. Coition. Touch. Sprain. Throat: Putrid Odor has discharge of scalding tears in early After menses. Washing or bathing Abdomen: Chorera Infantum morning]; Ars. [neuralgia & burning pains]; with cold water. Stomach: Nausea and vomiting before menses. Ars., Bell., Carb-v. and Cham. [menses offensive]; Bapt. [effects of bad smells]; > Warmth, motion, warm diet. Urine: Urine offensive; Must hurry when desire comes to urinate; Urination involuntary, when lying Bell. [enuresis; dentition; child restless all > Pressure. After sleep. Hot food. Female: Difficult hearing; Menstrual flow intermits; violent itching between labia and thighs; obliged to rub the night, must be petted and tossed about; Leucorrhoea is > sitting, parts; Leucorrhoea; gushing; great weakness, in legs; AWFUL BURNING, AS OF RED HOT COAL IN THE teeth decay rapidly; bearing down aggravated standing and walking. PELVIS, & DISCHARGE OF CLOTS OF BLOOD HAVING A FOUL SMELL; In cancer, the whole mamma is hard, aggravated lying, > standing; Kreos. Cough compels sitting up all night. bluish red, and covered with little, scurfy protuberances; LEUCORRHOEA DURING PREGNANCY. Premenstrual aggravated rest, > motion]; Bry. [neuralgia of sound teeth; severe pains, aggravated syndrome motion, > pressing hard on pillow, and by Respiratory: Hoarse with pain in larynx; coughs in elderly with heavy pressure on sternum; copious, cold applications; Kreos. neuralgia of face, purulent expectoration burning pains, in nervous, irritable people, Skin: Itching, aggravated towards evening 4 so violent as to drive one almost wild aggravated motion and talking, teeth


> COLD, putting feet in COLD (ICE) WATER < at night, and from HEAT of bed, motion. General lack of heat (chilly). Affected parts become COLD, PURPLE AND PUFFY (long discolouration after injuries).

Head: vertigo when walking, with tendency to fall to one side. Distress when head is covered. Nosebleed. Eyes: aching in eyes. Bloodshot or bruised. Contused wounds. Cataract with gout. Face: red pimples on forehead and cheeks; stinging when touched. Crusty eruption around nose and mouth. Mouth: dry, retching with eructation. Musty taste with catarrhal affection. Respiratory: burning in the nose. Dyspnea; chest feels constricted, hurts to touch. Suffocative arrest of breathing. Pain along trachea. Double inspiration with sobbing. Cough: spasmodic cough. Haemoptysis, alternating with rheumatism. Whooping-cough.Tickling in larynx. Rectum: anal fissures. Hemorrhoidal pain. Extremities: swollen, hot, pale. Throbbing in right shoulder. Pressure in shoulder, < motion. Cracking in joints. Ankles swollen. Soles painful. Easy spraining of ankle. Skin: acne on forehead, sticking pain therein. Eczema (facial). Itching of feet and ankles; < scratching and warmth of bed. Carbuncles. Antidote to Rhus poisoning.

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Highly sensitive persons with very Heart low self-esteem Head (left) Fears, anxieties arising from strong Thigh (outer) imagining and delusions Nutrition Warm-blooded Blood Desire for salt, pungent things, warm drinks Sensation as if floating in the air (walking on air or not touching bed when lying down)





MIND: Contemptuous, self Mind: Very forgetful; makes mistakes in writing. Despondent; thinks disease is incurable. Attacks of rage. Death, presentiment of Visions of snakes. Thinks himself of little consequence Head: Sensation of walking or floating on air. Pain on one side then other. Blurred vision; nausea and vomiting Delusions, dirty that he is; faces/insects/snakes/spiders, sees/in at height of headache. Occipital pain, shooting to forehead. Sensation of brain alternately contracted and and around relaxed. Noise in ears. Fear, fainting, of; falling, of < COLD (least draft; wet; hands in Nose: Coryza; one nostril stuffed up while other is free; alternate. Alae nasi and corners of mouth cracked. Bones Irritability, headache, during cold water) > Warmth of nose sore to pressure. Bloody pus discharge. Undertakes many things, perseveres < Loss of sleep > Rest Mouth: Tongue coated white and bright red edges; profuse salivation. Cracking of Jaw while eating. in nothing < Milk > Fish Throat: Painful swallowing; pain extends to ears. Tonsillitis and diphtheria symptoms change from side to side. VERTIGO: Floating, as if < Weekly Shiny glazed appearance of deposit, pearly-white or like pure porcelain. Stiffness of neck and tongue. Throat Lying, as if, he did not touch the bed Walking, sensation of gliding in the < During pregnancy. During feels burned raw. Tickling sensation causes constant cought. menses Female: Menses too early, profuse, flow in gushes. Breasts swollen; painful before and better on appearance of air, as if feet did not touch ground Nausea with < Morning. Rising menses. Mastitis; worse, least jar. Help to dry up milk. Backache; spine sensitive to touch/pressure. HEAD: Expanded, sensation < Noise. Light. Motion Galactorrhea. Pain, wind, from exposure to; Extremities: Sciatica, right-side. Legs numb and stiff, cramps in feet. Rheumatic pains from side to another. alternating sides; forehead, night, > Pressure of bandage Burning in palms and soles. midnight, after > Lying down in a dark room Sleep: Dreams of snakes. EYE: Photomania > Profuse flow of urine Sensitive to, cold air VISION:

Erratic pains Alternating sides Great weakness and prostration Low-vitiated, non-feverish illness

Images too long retained EAR: Pain, wind, in cold HEARING: Distant, sounds seem NOSE: Coryza, discharge, with alternating sides Obstruction, alternating sides Smell, acute sensitive to odor of flowers MOUTH: Coated, white Membrane, silvery white all over mouth. Taste, salt food only tastes natural. THROAT: Sensitive, slightest touch, to Glazed appearance Inflammation, menses, during Pain, menses, during Lump, sensation of, swallowing, return after ABDOMEN: Pain, clothing; inguinal region, stool after, amel.; standing, when BLADDER: Urination, involuntary, sneezing, when FEMAL GENITALIA: Itching, night Leucorrhea, daytime only; walking aggravates Menses, green; stringy Pain, ovaries, bending backward, amel RESPIRATION Arrested, sleep, during CHEST: Nodules, mammae, in, menses, during Pain, mammae, descending on; menses before; sore menses before; menses, during BACK: Pain, sacral region, extending to hips and thighs; extending to, down legs EXTREMITIES: Pain, alternating sides; cold, applied amel; upper limbs wandering; lower limbs wandering Sensitive, fingers; Stiffness, joints, heat, agg. Swelling, knee, rheumatic, cold application amel SLEEP: Position, arms over head; back, on, with hand over head GENERALITIES: Swelling, glands, menses, during

Lac caninum

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Climacteric ailments: hemorrhoids, hemorrhages; hot flushes and hot perspiration; burning vertex headache, especially at or after the menopause Left side principally affected; diseases begin on the left and go the right side

Lachesis decomposes the blood, rendering it more fluid; hence a hemorrhagic tendency is marked. NERVES [CUTANEOUS; Great VASOMOTOR; sensitiveness to touch; throat, sympathetic; stomach, abdomen; cannot bear PNEUMOclothes or night - dress to touch GASTRIC]. BLOOD. throat or abdomen, not because HEART. sore or tender, clothes cause an CIRCULATION. uneasiness, make her nervous. FEMALE ORGANS. Vertex. LEFT SIDE 70 Lachesis muta muta [THROAT; OVARY]. All symptoms, esp. mental, < after * LEFT SIDE. LEFT sleep, or the aggravation wakes him then RIGHT. from sleep; sleeps into the aggravation; unhappy, distressed, anxious, sad agg. in morning on waking. Great loquacity, one word leads into another story


Worse: SLEEP; AFTER SLEEP. MORNING. HEAT; OF SUMMER; SPRING; of room; OF SUN. SWALLOWING; EMPTY; LIQUIDS. SLIGHT TOUCH or PRESSURE. PRESSURE OF CLOTHES; around neck; waist. RETARDED DISCHARGES. Start and close of menses. CLIMAXIS. ALCOHOL. Cloudy weather. Standing or stooping. Motion. Closing eyes. HOT DRINKS. Acids. Extremes of temperature. Better: OPEN AIR. FREE DISCHARGES. Eructation. Hard pressure. COLD DRINKS. Bathing affected part. Sitting bent. Eating; esp. fruits. Warm applications. Loosening clothes.

E Mind: Great LOQUACITY.Rambling, frequently jumping form one subject to another, one word often leads into another story. Euthanasia, thinks she is dead and wishes someone to help her off. Compelling delusions, thinks under superhuman control. Derangement of the TIME SENSE. Aversion to company. Jealousy. RELGIOUS AFFECTIONS. Feels as if he has two wills. Mouth: APHTHOUS AND DENUDED SPOTS with burning and rawness. TEETH ACHE periodic after waking, after eating, from warm and cold drinks, PAIN EXTENDS TO EARS. Vertigo: >in morning on waking. Head: Rush of vlood to the head; after alcohol; from mental emotions; during suppressed or irregular menses or at climaxis. Throat: Sore, < LEFT SIDE, < SWALLOWING LIQUIDS. QUINSY. PAIN < HOT DRINKS; chronic sore throat, mucus sticks, AND CANNOT BE FORCED UP OR DOWN. VERY PAINFUL; WORSE SLIGHTEST PRESSURE, TOUCH IS EVEN MORE ANNOYING. Trouble BEGAN on the left side. Tonsils purplish. Purple, livid color of throat. < SWALLOWING SALIVA OR LIQUIDS. PAIN INTO EAR. COLLAR AND NECK-BAND MUST BE VERY LOOSE. Painful and dryness in throat raw at night on waking. without thirst Stomach: Farinaceous food; pickles; sour. Gnawing pressure > EATING, but returning in a few hours. Soreness or cramps in epigastrium. Empty swallowing more painful than swallowing solids. Abdomen: Liver region sensitive, CANNOT BEAR ANYTHING AROUND WAIST. Stool/Rectum: Constipated, OFFENSIVE STOOL. Anus FEELS TIGHT, as if nothing could go through it. Hemorrhage from bowels like charred straw, BLACK PARTICLES. Hemorrhoids protrude, become CONSTRICTED, PURPLISH. Female: PAINS ALL RELIEVED BY THE FLOW. Menses black scanty. Respiratory/Larynx: Sensation of suffocation and strangulation on lying down, particularly WHEN ANYTHING IS AROUND THROAT; Feels HE MUST TAKE A DEEP BREATH. < AFTER SLEEP, open air. BREATHING ALMOST STOPS ON FALLING ASLEEP.Cough < after sleep; caused by pressure on larynx; dry and hacking; caused by touching the throat; Back: Neuralgia of coccyx, WORSE RISING FROM SITTING POSTURE; must sit perfectly still. Pain in neck, worse cervical region. Sensation of threads stretched from back to arms, legs, eyes, etc. Extremities: PAIN IN TIBIA (may follow sore throat.) Sleep: Patient SLEEPS INTO AN AGGRAVATION. Sudden starting when falling asleep.Spreads the fingers, cannot bear fingers to touch each other. Fever: HEAT; on vertex; IN FLUSHES; on waking; on falling to sleep. Skin: Hot perspiration, BLUISH, PURPLISH APPEARANCE. Blue-black swellings. SENILE ERYSIPELAS. Mottled.

Menses at regualr time, pains> by the flow alwaya >during menses.



Dark, purple blusih appearance LOOKS OLDER THAN HE IS. thin, withered, lymphatic constitutions catarrhal tendencies; older persons, where the skin shows yellowish spots, earthy complexion, uric acid intellectually keen, but of weak, muscular power. Repeating symptoms or alternating symptoms; chill after chill, flushing then pallor; flexion then extension; automatic acts. FULL OF GAS. ACIDITYcalculi, coldness, dryness, rawness Oversensitive, to pain CONVULSIONS IN THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE BODY. Twitching and jerking during sleep. Upper part of the body emaciated, lower part semi-dropsical. BABY CRIES ALL DAY, SLEEPS ALL NIGHT

liver is seriously disturbed urinary or digestive disturbances symptoms run from right to left

ATONY. MALNUTRITIONRIGHT Mind: MELANCHOLY, AFRAID TO BE ALONE, Confusion over daily affairs, Mentally active but grows weaker side of body, and are worse from APPREHENSIVESPELLS OR WRITES WRONG WORDS, AWAKES ANGRY, Can't endure opposition, or contradiction; seeks disputes.Weakness of memory for the names of the letters. Morose before menses, Answers about 4 to 8 P.MRED SAND IN URINECRAVES EVERYTHING hastily. Anxiety > open air. ANXIETY IN HOUSE. ANXIETY WHILE WALKING IN OPEN AIR,CONFUSION IN WARM ROOM; > WALKING IN OPEN AIR. Delusions;that he has neglected his duty; of being in two places at the same time. WARMEMACIATIONPRESENILITY BETTER, BY MOTION, FEAR OF PEOPLE; ; in children. Indisposition to play in children. Reproaches others. Sadness before menses WEEPING; ALOUD; > symptoms; before menses; before micturition. Motion. Eructations. Urinating, General > evening or at midnight. vertigo: reels back and forth head: better uncoveringeyes: bothrops Worse: PRESSURE OF ears: humming and roaring with hardness of hearing CLOTHES. WARMTH, waking, nose: fan like motion of alae nasi, nose stopped up eating, indigestion face: dropping of lower jaw mouth: blisters on tongue, teeth painful when chewing throat: better warm drinks, begininning on R side, sore throat, < AFTER SLEEP, < COLD DRINKS. St: food tastes sour, eating ever so little so little creates fullness, iNCOMPLETE BURNING ERUCTATIONS RISE ONLY TO PHARYNX, THERE BURN FOR HOURS, oysters, sweets, quick satiety, acrid gnawing Abd: burning, full, Sore, pressive, bruised pain in region of liver, on breathing; < touch. Tension and pain in abdomen from incarcerated flatus. stool: HARD, DIFFICULT, SMALL, HEMORRHOIDS; VERY PAINFUL TO TOUCH, ACHING. urine: slow and coming, POLYURIA DURING THE NIGHT. HEAVY RED SEDIMENT male: impotence, SEXUAL DESIRE TOO STRONG female: aversion to coition respiratory: salty, larynx: Shortness of breath,Dry cough, day and night, & painfulness in region of stomach. Cough at night, > before sunrise, affecting stomach and diaphragm. 4 Snoring breathing; nose stuffed up; cannot breathe through it night or day. heart: aneurism back: burning extremeties: SCIATICA, WORSE RIGHT SIDE. CANNOT LIE ON PAINFUL SIDE. skin: acne, dry VISCID AND OFFENSIVE PERSPIRATION sleep: Waking from hunger. Unrefreshed in the morning.

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worse-COLD (AIR, uncovering, Serous membranes drafts, water), touch, NIGHT, Muscular tissue periodicity, motion, exhaustion, R side Better-WARMTH, pressure, HOT BATHING, friction, doubling up




Magnesia Phosphorica

throat affections & greatly swollen Throat glands Glands throat sxs < warm drinks Mercurius iodatus thickly coated tongue; yellow at base flavus mammary tumours right sided diphtheria and ulcerated sore throats w/ glandular swelling chronic suppurating buboes hard chancres old cases of syphilis in scrofulous patients Mercurius iodatum early stages of cold esp in children ruber

D E Personality like Phos but more Ear-pain >warmth outgoing Throat-choke on swallowing liquids “Thin, dark complexion, very sensitive Stomach-hiccup > warm liquids, vomit > drinking warm water artistic or intellectual person, Abdomen-pain, radiating >warm drink extremely nervous, intense, restless, Rectum-diarrhea with brain trouble spastic and neurotic with cramps and colic all over” “ALWAYS talking about Respiratory-asthma with flatulence her PAIN,” Restlessness and Rapid Limbs-Trembling, upper limbs, on slight motion Food exhaustion from pain Aversion-coffee CHILLY yet worse when COLD Worse-cold drink Sleep disturbed by pain or bad dreams Better-warm drink Sleepiness from mental effort Desire-spice, sugar warmth and pressure. Flushed face, defective accommodation, diplopia. (DDX with silica-no relief from pressure) Toothache, PMS pain start of flow

general < at night in bed, from motion worse: odours; warm drinks better: open air; during the day; active motion conditions: scrofulous & syphylitic patients Left-sided complaints esp tonsillitis or pharyngitis > walking open air > evening < empty swallowing or swallowing food, after sleep, change of weather, getting wet, touch & pressure, after dinner caused by wetting, washing floor, weather changes


Mind: occupation > Vertigo: faint or dizzy on rising; from a chair, or when reading Mouth: tongue thickly coated; yellow at base Throat: worse: warm drinks; < r. tonsil; constant inclination to swallow; sore throat [right then left]

Mind: low spirit and ill-humoured in a.m on waking, cheerful in evening, after pleasant events, confusion > walking in open air Head: front feels like bound by tight cord, heat & pulsations vertex < evening Eyes: granulated eyelids, bright light irritates Ears: right ear, both ears itching, closed eustachian tubes open with pop, inc earwax, hearing dull Nose: coryza, right side hot, sneezing & hoarseness Face: aching, sore malar bones, lips slimy and sticky on waking Mouth: tongue feels scalded, aphthae, profuse saliva, tongue stiff at base and pains on moving tongue Throat: fauces dark red < L, swallowing painful, sore throat, stiff mm of throat & neck, disposition to hawk with feeling of lump in throat Rectum: chronic hemorrhoids Skin: Hunterian chancre (syphilitic chancres)

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Abr -ophthalmia Bad, Carb-an, Nit-ac -syphilitic eruptions Kali-bi -wandering rheumatism Lach -< after sleep, left to right Mag-c, merc-c -affections of antrum merc-I-f -dreams of water



SECONDARY stage of syphilis GLANDS TREMORS everywhere A human "thermometer." Sensitive to heat and cold SALIVARY and MUCOUS GLANDS increased. SECRETIONS ARE PROFUSE. Thin, slimy, acrid, burning, foul or thick greenishyellow. Ulcerations. Yellowness; of eyes, teeth, nasal discharge. Weak, exhausted and faint. Pains return in evening on going to sleep and prevent sleep.





WORSE AT NIGHT WORSE DURING PERSPIRATION WORSE LYING ON RIGHT SIDE. WORSE, wet, damp weather (changing weather), warm room and warm bed. GENERAL < HEAT AND COLD. As easily CHILLED as OVERHEATED. Better: Moderate temperature. Coitin. Rest. Morning. Scratching.

Mind: Hurried. sees water flowing; that he is a criminal; everyone is an enemy; surrounded by enemy. Desire to kill the person that contradicts her. Suicidal disposition on seeing cutting instruments. Suspicious in daytime. Chaotic. Confusion; loses his way in well-known streets.Fear; at night; of robbers; of suicide. Heedless. RESTLESSNESS AT NIGHT. Indifference to everything. Smiling, foolish. EXTREMELY CLOSED. Head: Vertigo, when LYING ON BACK. TENSION ABOUT SCALP, AS IF BANDAGED. Scalp painful to touch. Eyes: PROFUSE, BURNING, ACRID DISCHARGE. AFTER EXPOSURE TO GLARE OF FIRE; FOUNDRY MEN. PARENCHYMATOUS KERATITIS of syphilitic origin with burning pain. On attempting to look at anything; cannot see distinctly. Ears: Thick, YELLOW DISCHARGE. OTALGIC, WORSE WARMTH OF BED. Pains extend to ear; from teeth. Nose: NOSTRILS RAW, ULCERATED. SWELLING OF NASAL BONES, AND CARIES, WITH GREENISH FETID ULCERATION.PROFUSE, FLUENT. Sneezing in sunshine. Colds travel upwards. Acrid nasal secretion, having odour of old cheese. Face: EARTHY., Cheeks; swollen. Mouth: SALIVARY SECRETIONS GREATLY INCREASED. GUMS SPONGY. Sore pain on touch and from CHEWING. Whole mouth MOIST. FURROW IN UPPER SURFACE OF TONGUE LENGTHWISE. Tongue heavy, thick; MOIST COATING; YELLOW, FLABBY, TEETH-INDENTED. FETID ODOR from mouth. GREAT THIRST, WITH MOIST MOUTH. Gumboil. Flow of saliva during sleep. Pulsating, jerking toothache, ear and head < at night.

Mercurius solubis hahnemanni


Throat: ULCERS. Quinsy, with difficult swallowing; AFTER PUS HAS FORMED. Painful dryness of the throat, & mouth full of saliva. Stomach: INTENSE THIRST FOR COLD DRINKS. Weak digestion, WITH CONTINUOUS HUNGER. Aversion to sweets; salt; strong cheese. Appetite only for bread and butter. Craving for lemons. Stool: BLOODY AND SLIMY, WORSE AT NIGHT; WITH PAIN AND TENESMUS. NEVER-GET-DONE FEELING. Weakness after stool. Female: SENSATION OF RAWNESS in parts. STINGING PAIN in ovaries. Respiratory: CANNOT LIE ON RIGHT SIDE. Chest: Sensation of constriction in chest on stooping. Back: Neck stiff. Extremities: TREMBLING EXTREMITIES, ESPECIALLY HANDS; PARALYSIS AGITANS. Weakness and weariness in all the limbs. Rheumatism of the joints, & swelling and sensation of coldness. Skin: Almost CONSTANTLY MOIST. GENERAL TENDENCY TO FREE PERSPIRATION, BUT PATIENT IS NOT RELIEVED THEREBY. ITCHING. Ulcers. Fever: PROFUSE PERSPIRATION WITHOUT RELIEF. CREEPING CHILLINESS Overheated. EASY SWEAT .

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Charac.: - Affects BLOOD, MUSCLES [HEART and ANUS]; of bladder, anus, tongue etc., causing paresis. - MUCOUS MEMBRANES; of MOUTH, TONGUE, digestive tract and brain; are dry, bleeding, cracked and deeply ulcerated. - Soreness of body, causing RESTLESSNESS and Muriatic acid (or Hydrocloric ERETHISTIC, but soon grows weak acid, or Muriaticum and very debilitated. - Bluish parts [tongue, piles, ulcers acidum) etc.] BURNINGS. - Muscle exhaustion MIND: - Irritable and peevish; fretful. Loud moaning - Suffers in silence. Muttering - Anxiety during fever; about the future - Conscientious about rifles.

Nitric Acid



- Worse (<): Touch. Wet weather. Vertigo: < lying on right side; < moving the eyes or lying on back Walking. Cold; drinks; bathing. Head: > moving the body; walking in open air, esp. in cold wind Sitting. Human voice. Sun. Before Nose: Epistaxis midnight. During menses. While Face: Dark or glowing red face [ when walking in open air] urinating. Mouth: Dry tongue rattles in mouth - Better: Motion. Warmth. Lying on Teeth: Sordes on teeth left side. Rectum: Very sore piles. Tendendy to pass flatus. Haemorrhoids most sensitive to all touch. Haemorrhoids - Cold wind and open air better during pregnancy; bluish, hot, with violent stitches. Prolapse of rectum on urinating or passing flatus. headache. Better uncovering Female: Can't bear least touch, not even of sheet on genitals [during fever]. Rest worse most Heart: Pulse rapid, feeble and small. Intermits every third beat. symptoms. Motion worse vertigo; Heat/Fever: Intense burning, with aversion to covers better tearing pains. Worse after eating [diarrhoea]. Better after drinking.

Skin Respiratory Liver region

Mental changes from injuries to head Suicidal tendancy but restrains himself because of his duties to his family Wants to commit suicude by shooting or hanging Fear from noise at night Averse from being spoken to Objective: realistic, always adheres to matter of fact Dreams of fighting Periodocity of complaints Weeping >open air open air Warm dry air Change of position Pressure <Every springLying on back <MusicAfter dinner Motion After stool <Warm, wet, weather

outlets of the body where the mucous membrane and skin meet

Fears: CANCER, DEATH. IRRITABLE Head: BAND AROUND HEAD. Eruptions, herpes, warts, fissures on lips, esp. corners. AND PEEVISH, WORSE IN MORNING. Nose: CARIES OF MASTOID. NOSEBLEED, with chest affections. Chronic nasal catarrh, with yellow, offensive, <> suffering etched on his face. <> <> Angry at life. Mind (vermueln) INVETERATE, ILL- Eyes: Double vision; SHARP, STICKING PAINS WILLED, UNMOVED BY APOLOGIES; Gastro: craves fat, salty HATRED OF PERSONS WHO HAD Rectum: hemorrhoids with great pain after BM. Stitching/splinter-like pain of rectum, rectal warts. OFFENDED; UNMOVED BY APOLOGIES. Impetuous during daytime. Extremities: cracks at the bends of joints, on fingers. Warts. Anger; over his mistakes; & trembling. Mouth: TONGUE CLEAN, RED AND WET WITH CENTER FURROW. ULCERS IN SOFT PALATE, WITH VIOLENT ANGER. ANXIETY ABOUT SHARP, SPLINTER-LIKE PAINS. BLOODY SALIVA. HEALTH. ANXIETY FROM NIGHTThroat: White patches and SHARP POINTS, AS FROM SPLINTERS, on swallowing WATCHING; from loss of sleep. Anxiety Respiratory: SHORT BREATH ON GOING UPSTAIRS during a thunderstorm. Anxiety from thinking about it. Delusions; thought he was about to die. Discontented; with everything; with himself; > weeping. Irritability when spoken to. Quarrelsome. Restlessness after midnight. Sadness in the morning. SENSITIVE; to all external impressions; TO NOISE; to shrill sounds; noise of stepping; to voices; to male voices. Sympathetic. Generalities: < TOUCH; JARRING; noise, rattling. Motion. Milk. Fat food. After eating. COLD; air. Dampness. Night. Evening. Change of weather. Heat of bed. Mental exertion or shock. Mercury. Loss of sleep. Hot weather. > gliding motion.

Natrum Sulphuricum

-vindictive by nature and has great anxiety about health -nihilistic, pessimistic attitude about life and health -"unmoved by apologies", and may refuse to speak to family members for years -can exhibit great tenderness & sympathy for others' pain



Mouth and Anus chiefly affected. Mucous membranes of mouth and tongue

Mind: Lively music saddens, melancholy with periods of mania. Suicidal tendance, must exercise restraint. Inability to think, Dislikes to think or be spoken to. Head: Occipital pain, piercing stiches in ears. Vertigo relieved by sweating on head. Bursting feeling on coughing. Hot feeling on top of head. Ill effects of falls and injuries to the head, and mental troubles arising there from. Ears: Sticking pain, earache, lightening like stiches in damp weather. Nose: Nasal catarrh with thick yellow discharge, and salty mucus. Eyes: Conjunctiva yellow, granular lids, Photophobia. Mouth: Slimy, thick, tenacious, white mucous, bitter taste, blisters on palate. Throat: Thick, yellow mucus, drops from posterior nares. Liver: Pain in the liver region, desire to lie on right side with legs curled up Respiratory system: Asthma in children asthma from grief, Must hold chest while coughing. Pain through lower left chest. Female genitalia: Leukorrhea yellowish green following gonorrhea. Back: Itching while undressing. Violent pains in back of neck and at base of brain. Extremities: Arthritis of left hip<stooping<motion
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From Bakir's Class Notes: Nervousness, workaholic, irritability, coldness; chilliness, perfectionist, hates things that are inefficient, depressed, burnt out from work, burned out easily by a little annoyance, easily addicted to stimulants, suicidal with knife, treats family terribly, very sharp dresser, they are exact in any pain they feels, deep sleep after seizure (epilepsy);


Nux Vomica (Typhoid)

For car, train or sea sickness. Complaints following mental fright. Skin disorders or skin, scalp, face, genitals. Herpes, vitilligo Vertigo. Catarrh of stomach, bowels. For long lasting, deep seated wasting diseases. 81




Fear something bad will happen Anxiety when alone > company Fears – Alone, Dark, Death, Thunderstorms, < lying on left side Clairvoyent Lots of heat > cold When bleeding – bright red blood Sympathetic




Nerves (alkaloid) Liver (lifestyle / anger) Heart (emotions, sedentary)

>warmth, warm Face: face red, hot but tell you very chilly and need a lot of covers, hot outside, chilly inside room, sitting quietly or lying down. G.I.: constipation > evening. Headache generally > Eyes: doesn't like light in am; can bleed from eyes when coughing walking in open air; Ear: itchy Eus. Tube with desire to swallow; itchy ear with coryza Nausea, > if he can only vomit; Nose: gets chills from overworking; Nux is common cold remedy: scratchy throat, heat in face; can't get mucus 4"If I could only vomit, I would be out (the more they try the worse/irritable they get), coryza <with motion so much better." Stomach: pressure in stomach as if a stone Headaches < emotions esp.anger, Bladder: renal colic < turning in bed, mental work, cold wind, spicy, From Vermulen / Boerke: irritable, zealous fiery temperament. Twitching and jerking. DIGESTIVE fumes, odours DISTURBANCES; Bruised soreness; RAWNESS; Takes cold. Fainting, Haemorrhages. Great debility, & Coughs: <exerting mind or oversensitiveness of all the senses. Everything makes too strong an impression; Cannot bear noises, odours, thinking (keynote), <every other light; Sullen fault-finding. Active. ANGRY AND IMPATIENT; can't stand pain; Nervous and excitable.; Violent; day; < every night after lying down CONCENTRATION DIFFICULT WHILE CALCULATING; Impossible to weep though sad; ANGER; WHEN and so prevents sleep; <motion. OBLIGED TO ANSWER; from interruption. Censorious. CONFUSION < tight clothing around chest < AFTER A CAROUSAL; FROM SPIRITUOUS LIQUOR. Cursing. Delusions; sees mutilated bodies. night < cold air < winter < emotion Fastidious. ABUNDANT IDEAS, CLEARNESS OF MIND, EVENING IN BED. Sudden impulse to Bladder: renal colic < turning in kill, for a slight offence. Kleptomania. Libertinism. Occupation ameliorates. Disposition to slander. bed Sympathetic; UNCONSCIOUSNESS; Vertigo after dinner; FROM ODOURS; DURING < draft, uncovering, open air PARTURITION; during pregnancy; Vertigo, & momentary loss of consciousness; Vertigo after dinner; < cold weather, cold air, dry cold, Headache in the sunshine; Headache in the morning in bed; felt before opening the eyes; in forehead; dry weather as if head had been beaten with an axe; makes him stupid; Tension in forehead; Small painful < windy and stormy weather swelling on the forehead; Stuffy colds, snuffles; stuffed up at night and outdoors; Red, swollen (face); < debauchery Jaws; Mouth: bloody saliva; TASTE; BITTER; sour, bad in morning [though food and drink taste natural]; > after wet weather and stool (throat):Rough, scraped feeling [as after heartburn]; Tickling; (means liver congestion) (stomach): nausea in the morning, after eating. Weight and pain in stomach; < eating, some time after.; Region of stomach very sensitive to pressure ; several hours after eating; & dullness of the head and hypochondriacal mood. Loves fats; HICCOUGH; Vomiting of sour mucus; Weakness of abdominal ring region; as if hernia would occur, or pain as if a hernia would become incarcerated. clothes oppress it. SKIN: variety of skin <winter SKIN: dry, pale, yellow, any skin disorders. Deep cracks, dirty, hard, rough, thickened, won’t heal, crusts, disorders on skin, <mental fright burning/itching, redness, raw, cracks bleed easily. Cracks worse in winter. scalp, face, genitals. warm dry weather, summer. cabbage. >after eating. HEAD: falling hair, moist eruptions on scalp. Sensitive scalp like cold breeze blowing on it. LIMBS: rough cracked fingertips, fissured in winter. MALE: sweaty, herpetic, inflamed, swollen, itchy genitals/prostate. FEMALE: sore, moist dry genitals. NOSTRILS: ulcerated, cracked, burn. RECTUM: itching anus after stool. STOMACH: nausea, motion/sea sickness. Must get up at night to eat, ravenous hunger. VERTIGO on rising, like motion/sea sickness.

mucous membranes, nerves, cavities, blood vessels circulation

< Fasting < lying on left side < spicy foods, warm foods, salt < Rubbing affected park < at twilight > Sleep > eating > drinking cold drinks Hemorrhagic tendency from any wound – hemophilia Easily dehydrated Debility and collapsed states

Head: coldness of the occiput Nose: epistaxis most commonly in children – bright red blood Mouth: dry, smooth red tongue, Teeth: Excessive bleeding after dental extraction, bleeding gums Throat: Hoarseness – can get as bad as laryngitis GI: Peptic ulcer, hematemesis, Gastritis with n/v > cold drinks, Appetite ravenous, Appetite increases with headache Food and Drink Craves: chocolate, ice cream or cold foods, Salty, Spicy, Rice, Milk, Alcohol (esp. Wine), Aversion to sweets, Tremendous thirst for cold drinks Urogenital: Increased sex drive, uterine fibroids, metorrhagia with bright red blood, ovarian cysts Rectum: very fetid stools and flatus, great weakness after stools Chest: Recurring chest infections, pneumonia, lingering tickling coughs MSK: numbness of fingers Sleep: sleeps well right side < left

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with Lycopodium: Nux is not cowardly inside; he is more rash and audacious, more forceful and expressive; more impulsive and explosive (eg. Nux as a kid is daring and mischievious). with Sulphur: are opposites: nux is clean and sulphur is dirty; Nux is chilly and Sulphur is hot; Nux is ardent, vehement and Sulphur is lazy and careless. with Chamomilla: similar: both are so sensitive, violent and intolerant of pain. Amongst the most jealous remedies: Apis is busy and restless; Lachesis is sarcastic; Hyoscyamus shameless and foolish; vs. Nux which is quarrelsome along with being jealous. with Hell., Lyc. from confusion: Nux frowns from intense pain.



Phosphorus Acidum


For conditions obtained from grief or disappointed love Mental debility leading to physical debility Young people who grow rapidly and are over stimulated mentally and physically Weak and fatigued Wants nothing and cares for nothing (flat affect) Ailments from disappointed love and silent grief Slowness Sense of pressure in different areas of the body *All symptoms are due to the patient experiencing some type of grief or mental ailment in the past (collapse states from grief, illness, drug or alcohol abuse)


Mind Nerves Sexual system Bones


< morning < masturbation, sexual excess < loss of fluids < fatigue > warmth *Conditions: young people who are growing too fast. Best suited to persons of originally strong constitutions, who have become debilitated by loss of vital fluids, sexual excesses, violent acute disease, chagrin, or a long succession of moral emotions, as grief, care, disappointed affection.


Mind: Wants nothing and cares for nothing Indifferent to those things that used to interest her the most Sadness from masturbation Head: Bones in skull feel as if someone had scraped the swollen tender periosteum with a knife. Pressure on vertex Eyes: As if eye balls were forcibly pressed together and into head Blue rings around eyes Food and Drink: Faintness after eating Rectum: Profuse, painless, dirty white, watery or lienteric stool; but little debility Rumbling with diarrhea Urinary: Large quantities of colourless urine Frequent urination during chill or fever





right side Mind: Weeping at night; during menses glands MAMMARY general agg at night and in wet > open air weather Eyes: Smarting. tonsils tendons, joints & Pains > open air Abundant lachrymation, hot. muscles RHEUMATISM OF FIBROUS Ears: Pain in both ears < swallowing. NECK and back TISSUES. SORE, ACHING, Nose: flow of mucous one nostril. From posterior nares. scar tissue, fibrous BRUISED FEELING ALL OVER Face: Mumps. THE BODY, CAUSING THE Mouth: teething children with the irresistible desire to bite the teeth together. red tip tongue. Pain in root of tissue periosteum PATIENT TO GROAN, AND tongue. WHILE, LIKE Rhus-t HE FEELS Throat: Dark red or bluish red. throat feels rough, narrow, hot, tonsils swollen, esp. right. shooting pain into ears THROAT digestive tract AS IF HE MUST MOVE, THE on swallowing. cannot swallow anything hot. throat feels very hot; pain at root of tongue extending to ear. Quinsy; everything affects the ACT OF MOVING GREATLY < tonsils and fauces swollen, Follicular pharyngitis Sensation of hot ball in throat Throat pain < warm drinks, > cold mammae ALL HIS PAINS AND drinks SORENESS. Urinary: pain in kidney region WORSE: Rising from bed Male: Shooting along perenium to penis. motion Female: mammae hard and very sensitive hard nodes pain goes from nipple all over body; all over back Swollen hot drinks breasts neither heals, nor suppurates; is of a purple hue and "hard as old cheese" exposure to damp, cold weather Extremities: Pains fly like electric shocks Aching of heels > elevating feet Right arm numb and tingling or changes of weather Rheumatic pains in the arms, esp. about the attachment of the deltoid muscles BETTER: lying on abdomen or left Skin: Disposition to boils side. rest. dry weather. warmth. Venereal buboes open air. cold drinks. AGG: TOUCH, COLD, motion, CRAVES POWER; materialistic, Nervous system Mind: Mental depression; fear of being assassinated; unable to find proper word while talking; weakness of company, night time, lying on L indulgent; may lead to boredom, GI memory for expressing oneself side (palpitations), mental exertion, Skin: LACK of perspiration apathy, depression, mental dullness; AMEL: HARD PRESSURE, PARALYSIS and emaciation of Head: Heaviness in head (esp. in cerebellum); hair very dry; falls from beard and eyebrows; rubbing, exercise, rest, lying down, Eyes: Yellow or deep bluish-red sclerae; suppurative inflammation; limbs; muscles, esp. wrist extensors stretching limbs, being alone ATHEROSCLEROSIS; cerebral Face: pale and cachectic, twitches of face Concomitants: vasculature; Chest: Angina pectoris, palpitations < lying on L side, drawing paints in chest CONSTIPATION; COLIC: pain >from leaning Abdomen: Excessive colic, radiating to all parts of body; drawing sensation in abdomen (umbilicus) - Urine suppressed; backwards; Extremities: Thickened and contracted tendons in palms; sharp, shooting neuralgic pain in lower limbs - Cold with anxiety; TREMOR, spasm, twitching of Generalities: Craves salty foods; allergy to eggs and fish. - Paralyses preceded by impaired muscles (esp arm and hand, wrist mental fxn (can’t find the right word, extensors); is anxious and restless, sad) and Scholten: (Gold series, stage 14) physical sx's (trembling, spasms, Craves power; FEARS loss of shooting pains, violent H/A’s, power; unable to move with the dimness of sight); times; very soon overthrown; loses - Pain causes desire to stretch control and decision making ability Sensations: Neatby: Leading Indications - Pains--radiating to all parts of the - PARALYSIS of muscles; esp wrist body; neuralgic, enteralgia, colicky, crampy, constricting, cutting, extensors griping, pinching; - COLIC; with retraction of navel; - Drawing/retracting (like string with constipation drawing umbilicus to spine); - CONSTIPATION; dry hard balls; - Paralysis spasmodic, contraction of rectum Etiology/causalities: and sphincter ani - Suppressed eruptions. Sexual excess. aching, soreness, restlessness, prostration syphilitic bone pain chronic rheumatism SORENESS HARD ACHING aching aching in kidneys, back, neck, below knees bluish-red parts rheumatism; after tonsilitis discharges are stringy; shreddy

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Podophyllum peltatum






Gastroenteritis and colicky pain and duodenum, rectum, bilious vomiting. sm intestines, liver Stool is watery, jelly-like mucus, painless and profuse. Remedy for a bilious constitution. Alternating conidtions: diarrhea and consitpation, headache and diarrhea.

< 2am to 4am

Extreme sensitivities to cold, easily chilled (ddx nux-v); Debility; Lack of reaction in chronic disease; Filthy, offensive bodily secretions and discharges; Desire to wash body; Weak and tender; Melancholy, anxiety, suicidal tendency; Despair from itching of skin; Persistent thoughts of ideas which first appeared to him in his dreams; Anxiety about salvation and riding downhill; Forsaken feeling; Gestures: wringing of hands; Irritability and weeping when waking at night

< cold, open air, washing, changing weather, stormy weather, heat, suppressions (of eruptions); >lying with head low, eating, wasting, pressure, sweating, warm clothing even in the summer; Conditions: psoric constitutions, unhealthy looking individuals who are “dirty” and have an offensive smell about them which no washing can improve. Winter = cough, Summer = diarrhea, slight emotions = severe ailments

Skin (especially skin folds); Sebaceous glands; Ears; Bowels; Repiratory system

Female remedy-esp for mild, gentle Mind Heaviness, numbness yeilding disposition Veins Thirstless, peevish, chilly & SOB Symptoms ever changing Mucous Membranes Feeling of dicomfort over whole Apparently contradictory body after rising- disappears on Weeps at everything- happy or sad moving Patient seeks the open air, > by Consolation ameliorates Discharges thick, bland and Remorse, forsaken feeling in the yellowish-green evening Symptoms one side or go to side Delusion she is alone in the world lain on Anxiety and uneasiness in bed, must uncover Envy, jealousy Insanity during climacteric period Ailments from excessive joy WORSE, from heat, sun, rich fat food, after eating, towards evening, warm room, lying on left or on painless side, when allowing feet to hang down. BETTER, open air, motion, before menses, cold applications, cold food and drinks, though not thirsty.


Eyes: half-closed, yellow. Mind: loquacity and delerium from eating acid fruits, depression of spirits. Nose: soreness, little pustules in nose. Face: hot, flushed cheeks during diarrhea; yellow discoloration. Mouth: intense desire to press gums together; tongue is broad, large, moist, has burning sensation. grind teeth at night, difficult dentition, loss of taste, bitter/sour taste Head: H/A alternating with diarrhea, rolling of head from side to side. Female: pain in uterus and r. ovary with shifting noises along ascending colon. prolapsed uteri. Stomach: hot, sour, belching; N/V. Abdomen: sensation of weakness or sinking, better rubbing part. Distended with heat and empitness. Rectum: long-standing diarrhea - early in morning, during teething, with hot, glowing cheeks. Prolapse of rectum. Diarrhea: fetid, profuse, greeen, water, gushing. Extremeties: pain betw shoulders, under r. scapula. Pain in r. inguinal region, shoots down inner thighs to knees. Paralytic weakness on l. side. Head: pain symptoms preceeding by visual disturbances Eyes: chronic ophthalmia, constantly recurring Ears: raw, red, oozing scabs around the ears. offensive dischanrges from exzema around ears, intolerable itching, most fetid pus from ears, ottorrhea Nose: dry coryza, hay fever, chronic catarrh Face: Humid eruption on the face, dirty skin Mouth: fowl/bitter taste in mouth Throat: Eradicates tendency to peritonsillar abcess (or quinsy) Food & Drink: very hungry always, must have something to eat in the middle of the night. appetite ravenous during pregnancy, generally < fasting Rectum: bloody and excessive fetid stools, dark fluid, constipation of infants, dark, gushing, horribly putrid stools of penetrating odor Female: leucorrhea that is fetid, lumpy with associated backache Respiration: < in open air Cough: worse in the mornings when awaking and in the evenings on lying down Chest: ulceration under sternum Upper Limbs: eruption around fingernails Sleep: sleepless from intolerable itching Skin: dirty looking as if patient never washed, skin in some places looks coarse as if bathed in oil, intolerable itching, suppressed eruptions

Vertigo: must lie down Head: scalding lachrymation of affected side. Headache from overwork. Dullness of the head, and bruised sensation in forehead.Headache from fats. Pressive pain in forehead above the orbits, < raising eyes. Eyes: Thick, profuse, yellow, bland discharges. Lids inflamed, agglutinated. Styes. Itching, biting, and burning in the lids and canthi, in the evening. Profuse lachrymation in the wind or open air. Dark before the eyes in the morning on rising, and on going into a warm room. Nose: Frequent sneezing; nostrils sore, wings raw; later, yellowish-green discharge; < indoors; & chilliness, pale face, confusion of head, frontal headache. Face: Frequently licks the dry lips; BUT DOES NOT DRINK. Crack in middle of lower lip. Mouth: Dry mouth, without thirst. Yellow or white tongue, covered with a tenacious mucus. Alterations of taste. Much sweet saliva. Throat: Food lodges in throat. Stomach: Aversion to fat food, warm food and drink. taste of food remains a long time. Flatulence. Thirstlessness, bitter taste. Gnawing distress in stomach, as from hunger. Sensation as if having taken too much food, which rises into the mouth, as if one would vomit. Scraping sensation in stomach and oesophagus, like a heartburn. Abdomen: Flatus moves about in abdomen, esp. in evening; in bed Chilliness extending around from abdomen to lower part of back. Pressure in abdomen, and small of back, as from a stone; limbs go to sleep while sitting; ineffectual desire to stool. Drawing, tearing or bearing-down pains in abdomen, like labour pains. Rectum: Two or three normal stools daily. No two stools alike. Urine: increased desire, < lying down. Female: CLOTTED, CHANGEABLE, INTERMITTENT. Male: ACUTE PROSTATITIS. Respiratory: DRY COUGH IN EVENING AND AT NIGHT; MUST SIT UP IN BED TO GET RELIEF; AND LOOSE COUGH IN THE MORNING. PRESSURE UPON THE CHEST AND SORENESS. Sleep: WIDE AWAKE IN THE EVENING

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intense desire to press gums together (phytol.) thirst for large quantities of cold water (bry.) alternating consitpation with diarrhea (ant. crud.)



Acts upon muscular tissue and skin with most char. Effects on chest walls One of the best remedies for removal of bad effects of alcohol – i.e. delirium tremens, spasmodic hiccup, gastritis Causes: anger; change of temperature or weather; injury; alcohol 89





Muscular tissue Skin – serous membranes Chest walls (i.e. pleurodynia) Nerves – (i.e. chronic sciatica)


Rumex Crispus

Ruta graveolens


MIND:Cowardice; Restlessness at night; Worse thinking of complaints; Weeping in the evening Ran-a NOSE:Hayfever Ran-s FOOD & DRINK:Removal of bad effects of alcohol Phos (pressure and smarting in ABDOMEN: Stitches in hepatic region, arresting breath & stitches; Pressure on top of right shoulder; Pain in back, eyeballs) lassitude and ill humor Agar and Phos (burning spots in RESPIRATION: Rattling back) CHEST: Soreness, as if bruised in sternum – Worse: touch, motion or turning body; in wet stormy weather; Acon and Arn (exposure to cold or Chilliness in chest when walking in open air; Difficult respiration on external coldness – Coldness of chest when heat) walking in open air; Stitches in chest – Worse: stooping, inspiration or touch; pressure and tightness across lower Bry (worse touch and motion- bry part of chest – “stitches every change of weather”; Intercostal rheumatism; Pleurisy of pneumonia from sudden is better lying on painful side exposure to cold when overheated; Sore spots after pneumonia – Herpes zoster preceded or followed by where Ran-b is worse) intercostals neuralgia Rhus-t (worse wet stormy weather) BACK: Muscular pain along lower margin [inner edge] of l. scapula Querc (effects of alcohol) SKIN: Burning and intense itching – Worse: touch; Herpetic eruptions – Herpes zoster: bluish vesicles Puls (headache at vertex; tearful mood; worse change of temperature; sore spots in chest after pneumonia) Chel (pain in l. scapula) Cact Ars, Mez and Rhus-t (herpes zoster)

The effects on SKIN, RHEUMATIC Joints, tendons, PAINS, MUCOUS MEMBRANE sheaths, AFFECTIONS; TYPHOID FEVER aponeurosis, Make this remedy frequently indicated Right affected more than Left. Enflamed skin with white vesicles; <EXPOSURE TO WET AND COLD; >CONTINUED MOTION AND HEAT Disposition to sprain from lifting heavy things

Tearing-aunder pains and STIFF, > with motion, Sore, bruised, flesh feels beaten or torn loose, burning, swelling and lividity. > with motion NIGHTLY SHOOTING, STITCHING, TEARING PAINS. CAN'T REST IN ANY POSITION

MIND; Thoughts of suicide, extreme restlessness and constant change of position, Great apprehension at night, can't remain in bed. Sad anxious depressed Easily Vexed. DWELLS ON PAST DISAGREEABLE OCCURANCES AFTER MIDNIGHT; IRRITABLE AT NIGHT; > WALKING IN THE OPEN AIR; RESTLESS AT NIGHT; DRIVING OUT OF BED; CAUSELESS WEEPING, WITHOUT KNOWING WHY HEAD; < wetting hair. VERTIGO; staggering as if intoxicated THROAT; Dry, sore RESPIRATION; ASTHMA # SKIN ERUPTIONS BACK; Lumbar pain, aching in lumbar and thighs COMPELLING HIM TO MOVE CONSTANTLY IN BED SKIN; The cold air is not tolerated, it makes the skin painful, eczema around face with oedema and more they scratch the greater the urgency to scratch. ITCHING>HOT WATER

Numerous and varied, neither fixed nor constant pains Cough remedy for incessant, teasing, tickling in THROAT PIT or by touching throat Voice hoarseness from cold Respiration asthmatic from temperature change Nasal catarhh; thin watery, COPIOUS, possible epistaxis Old remedy for phthisis (TB) Digestive & skin problems ESPECIALLY from undressing or uncovering

Mucous membranes: larynx, trachea, THROAT PIT, bowels Skin: intense itchy skin ESPECIALLY lower extremities (ie. Itchy anus as if stick in rectum; piles); itchy from exposure to cold air from undressing Nerves Left side, chest, area of heart Jts, ankles

DRY COUGH < with slightest cold air; TEASING cough preventing sleep, < TALKING, < PRESSURE Cough > if entire body & head covered with sheets Agg: < Eating; Cannot eat meat--> causes eructations, pruritus < Fruit < EtOH cause jaundice < Morning < Restlessness in evening < Lying down < Uncovering (ie. dressing) < Change of temperature < Changing rhythm of breathing Amel: > Mouth covered > Warmth (either from covering, warmth of bed)

Chest: Pain in Left breast after meals, flatulence, RAW PAIN UNDER LEFT CLAVICLE and pain under right breast sternum Back: Pain under right scapula Respiratory: Nose dry, copious mucous discharge from nose & trachea, LUMP IN THROAT Nervousness: hypersensitiveness, to cold air, drafts; uncovering PROFUSE brown, watery, diarrhoea EARLY IN MORNING Nose: Dry, copious catarhh ST: Tongue sore @ edges; coated, hard substance in pit of ST, hiccough, nausea Lymphatics: enlarged Chronic gastritis; aching pain in ST shooting to chest & throat pit; < motion or talking

Dissatisfaction with himself and others. Imagined he was always being deceived. Violent, unquenchable thirst for icecold water. Lameness after sprains Bruised, sore, aching and restless

Fibrous tissues Cartilage Periosteum Uterus Skin

WORSE: Overexertion [injury; sprains]. Cold [air; wind; damp; wet]. Lying. Sitting. BETTER: Lying on back [backache]. Warmth. Motion. Daytime

Mind: anxiety from doubt about success, suspicious of best friends Head: pain from looking fixedly at anything Eyes: pain, burning from exertion of eyes Vision: green halo around lights Nose: pain as if pressing, epitaxis Stomach: tension > milk Female: menses copious Limbs: numbness, pain as if broken, sore, bruised

Ranunculus bulbosus

Rhus toxicodendron


Sensitive to cold air and touch Left side Pains stitching, shooting Bruised, soreness – as of deep ulceration; sore spots WORSE: AIR; damp; cold; Change of temperature and position; motion of arms

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Caust (raw sensation in larynx & trachea with cough & release of urine) Sulph Bell (Cough starts in fauces) Phos (Cough starts in bronchi)












Fever: CHILL, INTERMITTENT fever, PROLONGED, LACHRYMATION, Thirstless CHILLNESS; sensitive to cold CORYZA is copious, fluent, watery Sneezing: SPASMODIC, excessive, VIOLENT or ABORTIVE, ICHING Sorness of throat BEGINS ON LEFT SIDE > WARM FOOD AND DRINK, wrapped up > AIR, COOL, OPEN, eating < cold and cold drink, full moon, THINKING OF SYMPTOMS Condition worsens periodically: every week, same hour, forenoon

Head: vertigo, THINKING produces h/a and sleeplessness LACH: sore throat worse on left Eyes: EYELIDS RED, BURNING, LACHRYMATION side Nose: SPASMODIC SNEEZING WITH RUNNING NOSE, CORYZA, lachrymation with sneezing, inflammation of mucous memb. (acute, pollen irritaion), SEVER FRONTAL PAINS Throat: Sensation of a lump in throat with CONSTANT necessity to swallow, dryness, tickling sensation Skin: THICKENED NAILS, INFLAMMATION UNDER TOE NAIL, Phthiriasis Rectum: Crawling itching at anus; alternating with itching in nose and ears Female: INTERNITTENT menstruation


Respiratory organs

Profuse sweat Increased secretion of skin and of respiratory Mucous membranes Constant fretfulness Anxiety at night and on waking Mistakes in writing

Nose: snuffles of infants Food & drink: profuse general sweat without thirst Respiration: child awakes suddenly, nearly suffocating, sits up, turns blue; can't expire; asthma and suffocative attacks; patient may be well enough while awake but sleeps into the trouble; ASTHMA AND PROFUSE SWEAT Cough: suffocative, coming on about midnight; SUDDEN SUFFOCATION or stangling cough on falling asleep Heart: angina pectoris Heat: profuse sweat on waking Sweat: profuse, all over, during waking hours; without thirst

Right sided remedy. Warm blooded. Craving for spicy and pungent. Sensitive to odours. Ebullitions (to head, chest, abdomen, etc). Burning sensations. Acrid discharges. Fluctuation of symptoms. Sinking. Sensation as if eyes would be pressed out. Pain in right deltoid/ shoulder. Sudden stopping of catarrh of respiratory tract followed by diarrhea. Symptoms ascend or end in bilious Enuresis, Seasickness, Constipation, Rickets

Right side (liver, head). Vasomotor nerves.

< with sun, periodically, climacteric. Odours. Right side, motion, touch. > sleep, acids, darkness, eructations and flatus.

Head: Right. Settles over eyes, esp. right. Veins and temples are distended.Congestion of blood to the head, & whizzing in the ears and flushes of heat. Headache & nausea and chilliness, followed by flushes of heat, extending from head to stomach. Headache during the climacteric. Face: Redness and burning of cheeks. Hectic flush. Nose: Nasal polypi. Dry. Pain at root of nose. Respiratory: Cough of gastric origin. Rust coloured sputum. After whooping cough. Severe dyspnea. Extremities: Burning in soles and palms. Fever: Flushes of heat rising into face and head.



Head- profuse sweat on occiput During sleep. Photophobia. Soreness behind ears Throat – Thick, ropy, ABROT ALUM CALC SIL SULPH tenacious mucus Mouth – burning tongue, protrude to keep cool. Ring worm on tongue Stomach – N/V/car-ride. Thirst, drink little and often Rectum – Stools large, heavy and painful. Partial expulsion with great strain. Very offensive odor/color after eating. Female – leucorrhea smells like fish, old cheese. Vagina Feels large. Back – dislocated feeling in sacrum >right side lying Extremeties – Burning soles, offensive foot sweat. Cold, Clammy sweat.Skin – Dirty Greasy, brownish, wrinkled. Eczema fissured hands/fingers

Sambucus Nigra

Sanguinaria Canadensis


producing coryza and symptoms like mucous membrane HAY FEAVER of the nose and the CHILLINESS, sensitive to cold lachrymal glands Delusions that he is very sick (parts are shrunken, she is pregnant, has cancer) ILLUSION THAT SHE HAS SOME HORRIBLE THROAT DISEASE THAT WILL BE FATAL NO THIRST Desire for HOT THINGS, milk, SWEETS SWEETISH tastein mouth NERVES are affected (weakness, nervousness, and startling) Worms: ascaris lumbricoides Children's diarrhea

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Compare: ERGOTIN. (Beginning Worse: WARMTH; covering; of all Head: Passive, congestive pain (rises from back of head), with pale face. Falling of hair NOSEBLEED, dark, arteriosclerosis progressing rather affected parts. During menses. oozing. rapidly. Increased blood pressure: 2x Pregnancy. Loss of fluids. Warm Eyes: Pupils dilated.EYES SUNKEN AND SURROUNDED BY A BLUE MARGIN. drinks; before menses. After Face: PALE, PINCHED, SUNKEN. Cramps commence in face and spread over whole body. Livid spots on face. trit. Edema, gangrene and purpura hemorrhagia; when Secale, though eating. Drawing up the limbs. SPASMODIC DISTORTION. indicated, fails); PEDICULARIS Better: Cold; bathing; Mouth: Tongue dry, CRACKED; BLOOD LIKE INK EXUDES, coated thick; viscid, yellowish, cold livid, swollen, CANADENSIS (symptoms of uncovering; cold air. Rocking. paralyzed. TINGLING OF TIP OF TONGUE, WHICH IS STIFF. locomotor ataxia; spinal irritation); Forcible extension; stretching out Stomach:UNNATURAL RAVENOUS APPETITE; CRAVES acids. THIRST unquenchable. vomiting of blood and BRASSICA NAPUS - Rape-seed the limbs. Rubbing. After vomiting. coffee-grounds fluid. Burning in stomach. Eructations of bad odor. (dropsical swellings, scorbutic mouth, Stool: OLIVE-GREEN, THIN, PUTRID, BLOODY, WITH ICY COLDNESS AND INTOLERANCE OF BEING voracious appetite, tympanitis, COVERED, WITH GREAT EXHAUSTION. INVOLUNTARY STOOLS; no sensation of passing faeces, anus wide dropping of nails, gangrene); CINNAMON.; COLCH.; ARS.; open. AURUM MUR. 2x (locomotor ataxia); Urine: Retention, with unsuccessful urging. Discharge of black blood from bladder. Enuresis in old people. Female: BROWNISH, OFFENSIVE LEUCORRHOEA. Menses irregular, copious, dark; CONTINUOUS OOZING AGROSTEMA - Corn cockle - active constituent is SAPONIN, which OF WATERY BLOOD until next period. Threatened abortion about the THIRD month. [SAB.] During labor no causes violent sneezing and sharp expulsive action, though everything is relaxed. After-pains. Suppression of milk; breasts burning taste; burning in stomach, do not fill properly. Dark, offensive lochia extends to oesophagus, neck and Chest: Angina pectoris. Dyspnoea and oppression, with cramp in diaphragm. breast; (vertigo, headache, difficult Sleep: Profound and long. Insomnia with restlessness, fever, anxious dreams. INSOMNIA OF DRUG locomotion, burning sensation); AND LIQUOR HABITUES. USTILAGO; CARBO; PITUTRIN (dilated os, little pain, no progress. Back: Spinal irritation, tingling of lower extremities; can bear only slightest covering. LOCOMOTOR Dose, 1/2 c. c., repeat in half hour, if ATAXIA. necessary. Hypodermically Extremities: Trembling, staggering gait. Formication, pain and spasmodic movements. Fingers and contraindicated in first stage of labor, feet bluish, shriveled, SPREAD APART OR BENT BACKWARDS, numb. VIOLENT CRAMPS. ICY valvular lesions or deformed pelvis). COLDNESS OF EXTREMITIES. Antidotes: CAMPH.; OPIUM. Skin: Raynaud's disease. Blue color. DRY GANGRENE, developing slowly. VARICOSE ULCERS. BURNING SENSATION; better by cold; Slight wounds continue to bleed. Boils, small, painful, with green contents; mature slowly. GREAT AVERSION TO HEAT. FORMICATION UNDER SKIN. VERY CHILLY REMEDY. Soft tissue. BETTER, warmth, wrapping up MIND FAINT-HEARTED, ANXIOUS. LOTS OF SUPPURATION. Stimulates body to head, summer; in wet or humid SENSITIVE to all impressions. STIMULATES BODY TO EXPEL expel foreign objects weather. Obstinate, headstrong children. FOREIGN OBJECTS. such as splinters, WORSE, new moon, in morning, LACKS SELF CONFIDENCE. ESPECIALLY SUITABLE FOR etc. from washing, during menses, YEILDING. CHILDREN, LARGE HEADS, MUCH HAND AND FINGER uncovering especially the head, HEAD BETTER, WRAPPING UP WARMLY; WHEN LYING ON LEFT SIDE. SWEAT ABOUT THE HEAD, OPEN NAILS. lying down, damp, lying on left PROFUSE SWEAT OF HEAD, offensive, and extends to neck. SUTURES, LARGE BELLIES. side, cold, COLD AIR, DRAFTS. EYES SWELLING OF LACRIMAL DUCT. Imperfect assimilation and STYES. consequent defective nutrition. EARS ROARING IN EARS. Diseases of bones, caries and NOSE DRY CRUSTS BLEED WHEN LOOSENED. necrosis. MOUTH SENSATION OF A HAIR ON THE TONGUE. Can stimulate the organism to reDIFFICULT DENTITION. absorb fibrotic conditions and scarTHROAT PRICKING PAIN IN TONSIL. tissue. PAROTID GLANDS SWOLLEN. Organic changes; it is deep and slow STOMACH DISGUST FOR WARM FOOD. in action. AVERSION TO MOTHERS MILK. Periodical states; abscesses, quinsy, RECTUM CONSTIPATION ALWAYS BEFORE AND DURING MENSES. headaches, spasms, epilepsy, CONSTANT BUT INEFFECTUAL DESIRE FOR STOOL. feeling of coldness before an attack. FISTULA IN ANO. Keloid growth. Fissures and hemorrhoids, PAINFUL, WITH SPASM OF SPHINCTER. Scrofulous, rachitic children, with STOOL COMES DOWN WITH DIFFICULTY; WHEN PARTLY EXPELLED, RECEDES AGAIN. large head, open fontanelles and CONSTIPATION ALWAYS BEFORE AND DURING MENSES. sutures, distended abdomen, slow in FEMALE ACRID LEUKORRHEA DURING URINATION. walking. Increased menses with PAROXYSMS OF ICY COLDNESS OVER WHOLE BODY.

Desire to UNCOVER Muscles [blood RESTLESSNESS (compare Ars.) vessels; UTERUS]. Very HOT but skin COLD to touch BLOOD. RIGHT ATHEROSCLEROSIS. SIDE. Desire for sweets and SUGAR. THIRST; craves acids. GREEN pus [boils, carbuncles, leucorrhoea]. Persistent epistaxis in drunkards [main remedy]. Formication in the extremities [main remedy]. A useful remedy for old people with shriveled skin - thin, scrawny old Secale Cornutum women. All the Secale conditions are BETTER FROM COLD; the whole body is pervaded by a sense of great heat. Hemorrhages; continued oozing; THIN, fetid, watery black blood. DEBILITY, ANXIETY, EMACIATION, THOUGH APPETITE AND THIRST MAY BE EXCESSIVE. Facial and abdominal muscles twitch. Secale decreases the flow of pancreatic juice by raising the blood pressure.

ILL EFFECTS OF VACCINATION. SUPPURATIVE PROCESSES. It is related to all pustulous burrowings. Ripens abscesses since it promotes suppuration. Silica patient is cold, chilly, hugs the fire, wants plenty warm clothing, hates drafts, hands and feet cold, worse in winter. Lack of vital heat. Prostration of mind and body. Great sensitiveness to taking cold. INTOLERANCE OF ALCOHOLIC STIMULANTS. Ailments attended with PUS FORMATION. Epilepsy. WANT OF GRIT, moral or physical.


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Violent audible palpitation, sensitive Heart, Eye, Nervous AMELIORATION: lying on right to touch, headache pain from System side with head high; inspiring beneath frontal eminence and AGG:touch, motion, noise, temples, severe pain in and around turning, washing, concussion eyes extending deep into the socket Discharge through posterior nares, foul odor from mouth, parts feel chilly



Cough, croup Respiratory Affects HEART, esp. valves; larynx; Heart trachea; and glands, esp. ductless. Feels stuffed up



Spongia Tosta

A slow acting remedy. Corresponds to ailments requiring several days to reach their maximum Persistent, dull, rheumatic pains permeate the body. A spleen medicine; stitches under left floating ribs. Important heart and kidney medicine. Broncho-pneumonia and asthma. Acts esp. on mucous membranes of the respiratory and Squilla maritima; digestive tracts, and also upon the Sea Onion; Red kidneys. Valuable in chronic Squill bronchitis of old people; & mucous rales, dyspnoea, and scanty urine. Exudations and profuse secretions. Dropsy & profuse urine. Gurgling. Action is just like Dig.; follows Dig. when it fails to relieve dropsical conditions. Stretching and yawning, without sleepiness. Great weakness and weariness of the whole body. Excoriation in bends of limbs.


HEAD: PAIN FROM BENEATH FRONTAL EMINENCE AND TEMPLES, extending to EYES. Semi-lateral, involving left eye; pain violent, throbbing; worse, making a false step. Pain as if a band around head. Vertigo, hearing exalted, pressing in the vertext worse stooping lying and talking EYES: Feel too large; PRESSIVE PAIN ON TURNING THEM. Pupils dilated; photophobia; rheumatic ophthalmia. SEVERE PAIN IN AND AROUND EYES, EXTENDING DEEP INTO SOCKET. Ciliary neuralgia, a true neuritis. NOSE: DISCHARGE THROUGH POSTERIOR NARES. CHRONIC CATARRH, with post-nasal dropping of bland mucus could cause choking at night. FACE: PROSOPALGIA, INVOLVING EYE, ZYGOMA, CHEEK, TEETH, TEMPLE, worse, stooping, touch, from morning until sunset. MOUTH: FOUL ODOR FROM MOUTH. Offensive taste, white frothy saliva, mouth dry upon waking and stings Teeth: toothache in evening after smoking RESPIRATORY: must lie on right side with head high, dyspnea worse moving in bed HEART: VIOLENT PALPITAION (AUDIBLE). Violent beating of heart in morning after waking, Precordial pain and great aggravation from movement. Neuralgia . Craving for hot water which relieves. Rheumatic carditis, trembling pulse; whole left side sore.

Acon. < DRY, COLD; wind. Roused from Face: Pale from exercise. Terrified; anxious expression; with bloated, red or bluish face. Heat of face. Cold sleep. Exertion > eating and sweat on face. Makes faces while coughing drinking (esp. cough). Warm Throat: Goitre, with suffocative attacks (at night). Burning and stinging. In throat when coughing and speaking. Things. Resting in horizontal clears throat constantly. Food & Drink - Excessive thirst, great hunger. position Anxiety Abdomen: Cramps in abdomen; pinching colic. Colic: before menses. and fear. Every excitement Male: Swelling of spermatic cord and testes with pain and tenderness. Orchitis. Epididymitis. Fistulous spening increases cough in scrotum, with little thick white discharge. Voluptuous itching at tip of glans penis urging him to rub the part Despair during Female: Before menses, pain in sacrum, hunger, palpitations. During menses, wakes with suffocative spells. heat Menses too early and too profuse Fear of heart disease Respiration: Short, panting, difficult; is flushed and frightened to death. Suffocation, as from a plug, valve or leafe in larynx; wakes him; with violent painful palpitation and blue lips; Asthma. Breaths as if through a sponge Cough: Wheezing, asthmatic, worse cold air; with profuse expectoration and suffocation; worse lying with head low and in hot room; in bronchial catarrh. HOLLOW; BARKING; CROWING; SAWING. From feeling of accumulation of mucus and weight in chest. Hollow remaining after croup. Worse wet weather; better frosty weather.

spleen, heart, kidney, Worse: Early morning. Motion. mucous membranes Uncovering. Inspiration. Old of respiratory and people. Coughing. digestive tract Better: Rest. Sitting up. Expectoration, even a small quantity.

mind: inclnation to sit Nose: Sneezing & coughing. Acrid, corrosive, fluent coryza in the morning, & sneezing and lachrymation. Face: Child rubs face with fist during cough mouth:Taste; sweet; of food, esp. soup and meat; bread tastes bitter. Respiratory Short, dry cough; & sneezing and irritation of throat; must take a deep breath. Dyspnoea & stitches in chest and painful contraction of abdominal muscles. Violent, furious, exhausting cough & much mucus; profuse, salty, slimy expectoration; & involuntary spurting of urine and sneezing. Cough provoked by taking a deep breath or cold drinks, from exertion, change from warm to cold air. Cough of measles. COUGH; stubborn, dry, rattling; disturbs sleep; & heat; ends in gagging. Cough aggravated morning and evening. Dry cough, always followed by the need to clear the nose. Expectoration; easy; difficult; of small round balls; of sweetish taste; white or reddish; offensive. Cough; & enlarged spleen or pain in spleen. Loose morning cough is more severe than dry evening cough.

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Weakness, worse slight exertion, worse talking, better lying. Headache with gradual onset and fading. Respiration difficult or weak; dyspnea on slight exertion, even crossing room the room or talking briefly.


Stannum metallicum


Nervous system.

Chest Female organs

Empty, hollow feeling in the chest. Cannot speak or exert from weak, hollow feeling in chest. Expectoration copious, sweet or salty taste

Burning. Ebullitions of Heat, Dislike Skin of water, dry and hard hair and skin, red orifices, Standing is worse position for sulphur patients. Complaints that relapse. General offensive character of discharge and exhalations. Catnap sleep. Irregular distribution of Circulation. Patient emaciates (esp. children) Mucous discharges and exhaqlations are acrid, bloodstreaked, offensive. Spells of weakness and faintess; frequent during day.






Specifically for cases of weakness and depletion, especially when Respiratory organs associated with respiratory (mucous diosorders. membranes).

Mind: discouraged, anxious, nervous, sad, can't answer questions from weakness, changeable mood, suspicious. Vertigo: when descending Head: pain worse motion; gradually increasing and decreasing. Mouth: difficult, weak speech, from weakness, especially in chest. Stomach:sensation of emptiness in stomach, FEELING OF HUNGER BUT CAN'T EAT. NAUSEA OR Most common occurrence for this VOMITING FROM ODOUR OF COOKING FOOD. pattern of illness is found during Abdomen: colic relieved by hard pressure. or at end of serious respiratory Female: bearing down sensation, menses early and profuse, prolapsus and weak, sinking feeling in stomach. infections such as pneumonia or Larynx: easily detached by a weak cough. bronchitis. It is also an important Respiration: short breath from every effort. remedy for tuberculosis. Cough: Excited by laughing, during day and copious green, sweetish expectoration. Sputum: easy quantities of sweet or bright yellow pus or balls of mucous, hemoptysis; tendency to copious < using voice, lying on right side, expectoration. after gentle motion. MOTION. Chest: Chest feels sore; or hollow. Chest feels weak, can hardly talk, weakness as if eviscerated. Phtisis mucosa. > coughing or expectorating, hard Extremities: limbs suddenly give out when attempting to sit down,dizziness and weakness when descending. pressure Fever: hectic Sweat: exhausting at night

General sensation- Burning, Aggravated- Suppressions, bathing, milk, becoming heated; By overexertion; in Bed; Atmospheric changes. Full moon. Morning, early 2-5am. Directions: Outwards. Scratching. Sneezing. Standing. wet application Amel- Dry, warm weather, Air, cool, must have windows open

Mind; Very selfish, Lazy , hungry and always tired. Chronic constitutional grumbler, Anxiety from pressure on chest. Indifference to personal appearance; To welfare of others; To external things to pleasure. Restlessness better perspiration. Anxiety about friends at home. Refuses to answer. Mouth- Bitter Taste in morning. Mouth dry, insipid and sticky in morning. Throat: Vapour rising in throat, Dryness of throat, Food and Drink: Milk worse. Chocolate, applesnausea, dyspepsia and heartburn. Has to get up at night to eat. Feeling of fulness in stomach after eating but little. Dipsomania, drinking on the sly. Feeling of faintness and strong craving for food, at 11AM. Stomach: Great acidity. Very weak and faint about eleven AM. Abdomen: Fulness and tension in abdomen, as from incarcerated flatulence, Griping, about navel. Better emission of flatus, Awakens about 5 AM with cutting, colicky painsin abdomen, compelling instant resort to stool. Portal stasis with indigestion, constipation. Rectum: Constipation: concomitants: pain, compels child to desist from effort. Constant bearking down toward anus. Burning and pressure in rectum during stool, burning in anus after stool. Burning in anus after sitting a while. Bladder- Enuresis, incontinence, Enuresis, incontincence; nocturnal. Sensation as if istended, Urination; complaints during act; burning, smarting, Urination; complaints after act; burning, smarting. Urination; desire constant. Urination; desire constant. Urination; diabetes insipidus. Urination- frequent desire. Urinationfrequent desire; at night. Urination- imperative, irresistible, sudden desire. Urination- involunarty; night. Kidney- Pain in region; burning. Urethra- Burning, smarting, heat. Itching. Meatus;burning. UrineAppearacne; pale, clear, limpid. Odor; sharp, intensely strong. Type; acid, type; burning, scalding, hot.

Skin- dry scaply, unhealthy; every little injury suppurates. Itching, burning, pimply eruption, pustules, rhagades, hangnails. Pruritus. Washing. Eruptions. Other complaints. Varicella. Fever- Frequent flushes. Violent ebullitions throughout entire body. Feels too hot. In head; prevents falling asleep. Dry, in thights and lumbar region, with coldness of back. Sleep- Wakes up singing from happy dreams. Wakes up at 3, 4, 5 AM and can't fall asleep again. Slightest noise awakens. Extremities- Burning in soles and hands at night. Back- heat between scapulae. Stiff as if bruised, from suppressed haemorrhoids. Walks bent from pain in back. Heart- Short stiches in precordial region. Knifelike cutting about heart, which decreases and increases, last a few hours with redness of face, followed by general coldness. Nose: Alae nasi red and scabby. Polypus and adenoids. Obstruction, alternating sides. Fan-like motion of alae nasi in pneumonia. Violent, fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing, in morning and evening. Itching and burning in nostrils , as if sore. Nervous system: alcholism, epilepsy; eruptions, suppressed, from Dreams: Restlessness, during; kicks off clothes Chest: lungs; inflammation; type; latent Resperation: Asthma; Occurence; Alternates with eruptions. Asthma: occurence: eruptions, suppressed, from. Dyspnea: Amelioration: air, open Female: Menopause: Burning of palms and soles Stomach: Appetite: increased: hungry before noon. Sensation: empty feeling: aggravated eleven AM, Unable to wait for lunch.

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Gelsemium - weakness, tiredness, tremulousness, neuralgia and headache. Laurocerasus - chest troubles and fatigue, poor recovery from respiratory infections, general depletion. Muriaticum acidum - weakness with fever, prolapse symptoms.



Nausea and vomiting, giddiness, death-like pallor, vomiting, icy coldness and sweat, diarrhea Antidotal to cholera germs;




Codylomata of gentials Male Herpes Female Warts on extremeties Skin Sycosis (miasm) Glands Onset after vaccination Head Caulliflower lesion on uterus Gonorrhea 107 Thuja occidentalis Glandular pain Tearing head pain as if from a nail or plug Watery diarrhea in morning

Always tired with affinity for motion; desire to travel; impulse to run Symptoms constantly changing Cold from slightest exposure Need for change Compulsive; ritualistic DARK HAIR ALONG SPINE (in children) 108



Veratrum Album

A perfect picture of COLLAPSE, WITH EXTREME COLDNESS, BLUENESS, AND WEAKNESS, is offered by this drug. Post-operative shock with cold sweat on forehead, pale face, rapid, feeble pulse. COLD PERSPIRATION ON THE FOREHEAD, with nearly all complaints. VOMITING, PURGING, AND CRAMPS IN EXTREMITIES. The PROFUSE, violent retching and vomiting is most characteristic. Surgical shock. Excessive dryness of all mucous surfaces. "COPROPHAGIA" violent mania alternates with silence and refusal to talk.


Commonly effects on Cold, but wants abdomen GI uncovered Constriction of muscles, esp of hollow organs Pain < heat Extremes of hot/cold <, but open air > SEASICKNESS > ON DECK, IN FRESH COLD AIR Anxiety > weeping VERTIGO ON RISING, INCREASING TO LOSS OF CONCIOUSNESS > OPEN AIR & VOMITING Worse: MOTION, lying on left side, evening, extreme hot/cold Better: Cold, fresh air, uncovering abdomen, weeping, vomiting, vinegar

Lungs Mind Head-occiput Glands Larynx Blood Renal

< Evening < Cold Burning, Tearing, as if from a nail - PAIN Chills



Mind: Sensation of wretchedness; Anxiety at night and sudden. Vertigo: excessive & copious sweat < opening eyes Stomach: Incessant nausea < smell of tobacco, vomiting on least motion, during pregnancy & much spitting, seasickness. Nausea and faintness>open air. Abdomen: cold, wants to be uncovered it lessens the nausea and vomiting. Rectum: Constipation, prolapse, diarrhea is sudden, watery with N/V and cold sweat. Female: Morning sickness. Severe itching in whole body during pregnancy. Heart: acute dilatation caused by violent physical exertion, palpitation due to tobacco Sleep: insomnia from dilated heart & cold clammy skin and anxiety.

Female: caulliflower uteri, condylomata Male: condylomata, gonorrheal discharge Extremeties: warts Skin: warts Glans: swelling, inflammation, pain

< close room; motion-at beginning Mind: anxiety; discontented; fear of animals (cats and dogs); desire to travel; easily offended of; exertion; weather (damp cold, Head: chronic pain changing); draft; awaking; noise; Eye: pain turning sideways; swollen lids in morning mental excitement; pressure of Vision: dim; disturbances of waistband; before a storm; Ear: purulent discharges; inflammation standing; music Nose: adenoids; chronic coryza; offensive discharge; perspiration on > cool wind; open air; walking fast; Face: discoloration blue before menses continued motion Throat: induration of glands Stomach: ravenous appetite with emaciation; sweet vomit Abdomen: coldness and swelling Rectum: painful constipation; morning diarrhea driving out of bed Female genitalia: leucorrhea agg walking; menses delayed in girls first Cough: reading aloud; talking loud Chest: milk menses before; swelling mammae menses before Extremities: pain motion amel. Fever: relapsing Perspiration: motion brings chilliness Skin: allergy to milk; eruptions itching, heat of stove amel.; itching cold air Gen: activity increased; air open, desire for General > pressure on vertex., < drinking and least motion. Worse: EXERTION. DRINKING; cold drinks. Fright. During pain. Better: Warmth; covering. Walking about. Hot drinks. Lying. Eating meat. Milk. 7While sitting and lying [except weakness]. 4Pressure on vertex [headache]. Stimulants.

mind: SULLEN INDIFFERENCE.,SULLEN INDIFFERENCE., Delirium; early. BROODING., HAUGHTY., Acon. [facies hipprocratica; Ridiculous or foolish jesting. Easily offended. Doesn't recognise his relatives. RELIGIOUS AFFECTIONS., Spits in cholera after fright]; Acon., Calc., faces of people.head: COLD SWEAT ON FOREHEAD. SENSATION OF A LUMP OF ICE ON VERTEX. nose: Camph., Ferr., Iod., Lyc., Puls., Icy coldness of tip of nose and face. face: Cold sweat on forehead, Cold sweat on forehead, mouth: Dryness of Sec. and Sulph. [> uncovering]; mouth and palate, & thirst. stomach: Dryness of mouth and palate, & thirst. Copious vomiting and nausea; Alum., Aur., Lyc., Phos., Puls., chronic vomiting of food. Cold feeling in stomach and abdomen. Vomiting of green mucus. Vomiting violent, Sep., Stram. and Sulph. [laughing forcible, excessive. abdomen: Cutting colic., cramps in limbs and rapid prostration. Cutting., rectum: Stools # weeping]; Alum., Carb-an. and copious, & much straining until exhausted and cold sweat. copious and forcibly evacuated, urine: RETENTION Cocc. [weakness at menses]; OF URINE IN CHOLERA. female: female: Dysmenorrhoea & coldness, purging, cold sweat, extremities: Ambr., Anac., Calc., Cann-i., Con., Cramps in calves, Nails blue from coldness.fever: Chill & extreme coldness, GENERAL COLDNESS; icy; on Med., Rheum, Valer. and Ziz. [as if vertex; skin: cold as death, a dream]; Ambr. and Sul-ac. [cough followed by belching]; Apis, Crot-t., Dulc., Nux-m., Ox-ac., Petr., Puls., Sars., Spig. and Sulph.

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Excitation of nervous system resulting in restlesness, twitches, convulsions (over-stimulation) Prone to irritability and rages Mental protraction Can't throw things off, weakness 110



Nervous system


< EXHAUSTION < SUPPRESSED ERUPTIONS < wine < touch > motion > FREE DISCHARGES > menses most symptoms appear after dinner and towards evening


General: period of depression during disease, convulsions with pale face Mind: sensitive to noise, lethargic, child repeats everything said to it Head: forehead cool & base of head hot, occipital pain, pressive pain at vertex, at root of nose, meningitis Eyes: burning in eyes and lids in morning and evening, strabismus, squinting Vision: dim and itching and stining pain in inner canthi Throat: constriction of esophagus during swallowing Food: ravenous hunger at 11am, griping in abdomen eating, cough after wine Rectum: Cholera infantum Female: constant distressing boring in left ovarian region Resp: dyspnea > expectoration Back: burning along spine, nape of neck weary from writing or exertion Extremities: restless legs, large varicose veins, transverse pains, soles of feet sensitive

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G 1






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MIND: Ailments from mortification. Anxiety in abdomen after stool. Confusion during paroxysms of pain. Inability to talk in hydrothorax. VERTIGO: After stool. On stretching. When yawning. HEAD: Heaviness after stool. EYE: Pain as from sand in morning. Redness of eyes in morning. EAR: Noises after stool. NOSE: Obstruction in morning on waking. FACE: Bloated while lying; under eyes. STOMACH: Distension after eating. Emptiness after urination. Fullness after eating ever so little. Pain after drinking. Thirst at night on waking. Vomiting, can only retain hot drinks; vomiting during menses. RECTUM: Involuntary stool on passing flatus. Sensation as anus were open. BLADDER: Urging in morning on waking. FEMALE: Menses clotted, large clots. RESPIRATION: Difficult respiration, lying impossible. COUGH: Cough during pregnancy. Sudden cough. CHEST: Dropsy & organic heart disease. EXTREMITIES: Cramps in soles of feet Involuntary motion of one arm and leg.


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Mind: CHILDISH behaviour: old people; in. Mind: IRRESOLUTION: Mind: FEAR: strangers, of: Mind: CONFIDENCE: want of self-confidence: Head: TUMORS: Scalp; on: encysted: Ear: NOISES: crackling: sneezing agg.: Ear: NOISES: crackling: swallowing agg.: Ear: NOISES: crackling: walking agg.: Face: SWELLING: Parotid glands: right: 17 Throat: INDURATION: Tonsils; of: Throat: SUPPURATION: cold; after taking a:




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Cough;DRY// Extremities;LOWER limbs;Coughing agg.// Throat;INFLAMMATION,sore throat;Burning,pressing,dark// Stomach;THIRST; Chill;during; thirstless during heat// Stomach;PAIN;Burning// Mouth;PUTRID/ Mind;ANGER// Head;PAIN;Coughing;agg.// Mind;NOISE,noises;Agg.// 27 Chill;AIR;Open;amel.// Fever,Heat;SUCCESSION of stages,compound fever;Chill, followed by heat// Extremities;PAIN;Burning,smarting// Generalities;AIR;Cold;agg.// Generalities;AIR;Open; amel/ Generalities; FOOD and drinks; Alcohol, alcoholic drinks; desires// Generalities; FOOD and drinks;Pepper;desires// Face;DISCOLORATION;Red;fever;without//

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General, Abcess: acute General, Pyemia General, Sensation, of; constriction Mind, Delerium: spoor, stupor, coma Mind, Work, aversion to mental and physical Head, sensations, compressed in a vise Head, pain, location, temples Head, pain, constrictive Head, pain, pressing Head, pain, MERLIORATION, TEA Nose, smell, hypersensitive Mouth, breath, offensive Throat, diphtheria, malignant Throat, diphtheria, prostration from beginning, 28 with Throat, UVULA, WHITENED, SHRIVELLED

Stomach, appetite, defective, lost, Stomach, desires, alcoholic beverages Stomach, desires, tobacco Stomach, indigestion Stomach, indigestion, nausea, vomiting Stomach, sensation, distended, drumlike, tightness, clothing, intolerable Stomach, vomiting Rectum. COSNTIPATION, CONCOMITTANTS, FETOR ORIS (BAD BREATH) Rectum, diarrhea, acute 29 Rectum, diarrhea, stool, black Rectum, diarrhea, stool; shreddy, stringy, membranous, like scrapings of intestines Kidneys, nephritis, acute and subacute parenchymous: uremic symptoms, with Kidneys, nephritis, uremia Kidneys, nephritis, uremia: coma Urine, appearance, black Urine, appearance, greenish Urine, sediment, blood Urine, sediment, casts Urine, sediment: cells, debris Urine, type, bloody Female, leucorrhea: type, offensive Female, puerperium: fever, septic Female, uterus, cervix: ulceration Female, uterus, inflammation chronic Females, vulva, labia, papules, pustules Extremities, loins, lumbago Fever, type, exanthema, scarlet fever Nervous system, convulsions, uremic Nervous system, weakness Skin, anthrax, carbuncle, malignant pustule Skin, eczema, face Skin, herpes 30 Skin, pruritis Skin, psoriasis Skin, ulcers, discharge, fetid, purulent, sloughing

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Generals: Pain; burning Generals: Numbness; spots, in Mind: Fear; closing eyes, on Mind: injustioce: cannot support


Mind; IRRITABILITY; Dentition agg.: Mind; CARRIED; Desires to be Rectum; DIARRHEA; Dentition agg. Abdomen; PAIN; Cramping, griping; children, in Stool; MUCOUS, slimy; Chopped eggs and spinach Teeth; DENTITION; Difficult



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Abdomen: pain: quality: colicky, crampy, constricting, cutting, griping, pinching. Urination: frequent desire/scanty flow/suppression. Kidneys: Pain in region: aggravations: stretching legs. Kidneys: Pain in region: ameliorations: lying on back, legs drawn up. Respiration: asthma: concomitants: hydrothorax. Extremities: Joints: inflammation, gout Fever: type: mediterranean fever. Nervous System: Nervousness: hypersensitive, to least pain. Generalities: foods that disagree: eggs. Mind: hypersensitive, cannot bear contradiction, vexed at trifles. Mind: fears touch. Stomach: desires: 40 drinks, effervescent. Stomach: indigestion: cause: gout. Stomach: indigestion: flatulent distention of stomach drumlike.


MIND: Ailments from remorse. Want of amativeness in men. Ambition for fame. Anxiety, from prolonged continence, from thinking about it. Aversion, to friends, during pregnancy. Aversion to company, yet fear of being alone; during menses. Confusion, after sleep, siesta, from spirituous liquors. Darkness >. Delusion, of dead brother and child coming in at the door, a great guilt weighed him down. Dwells on past disagreeable occurrences. Excitement, after wine. Fear, of strangers, during menses. Indifference, to the dictates of conscience. Insanity, dresses in his best clothes. Aversion to light, shuns light. Narrow-minded. Neglecting important things. Occupation >. Religious melancholia from remorse. Thoughts, 42 tormenting, sexual. VERTIGO: When looking at moving object. Menses, before, during, after. When turning or moving the head quickly. After wine. HEAD: Crackling sensation in vertex. Heat, occiput, < excitement. Knocks head against things. Pain, from hurry, > motion of head; sides, < turning eyes to affected side. VISION: Accommodation, defective, slow. Objects seem to approach and then recede. Blurred, after vexation. Colours, black spots, when eyes are closed; black spots, during vertigo; objects seem red. Dim, moving objects. Diplopia, on looking intensely. Objects seem to be moving up and down. EAR: Noises, on mental exertion. NOSE: Odours, of animals, in back part of nose; of tar. Pain, in root of nose, before menses. STOMACH: Eructations, sour, at night. Heartburn, in evening, after going to bed. Nausea, > closing the eyes, after exertion of vision, on looking steadily, < motion of eyes. Pain, > knee-elbow position. BLADDER: Ineffectual urging to urinate during headache.

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Generalities: DROPSY: ERUPTION SUPPRESSED, SWEAT, RHEUMATISM, FROM. Nose: Eruptions, of scalp: crusta lactea. Nose: CORYZA: NEWBORN, IN. Nose: Discharge in rhinitis: green, yellow, fetid. Face: Eruptions on face: herpes. Face: Muscles: paralysis, bell's palsy. Face: Pain: type: rheumatic. Face: PAIN: CONCOMITANTS: CANINE HUNGER, PRECEDED BY COLDNESS. Tongue: STIFFNESS. Stomach: NAUSEA: CONCOMITANTS: STOOL, DESIRE FOR. Abdomen: Pain: location: umbilical. Abdomen: Pain: quality: colicky, crampy, constricting, cutting, griping, pinching. Abdomen: Umbilicus: pain, soreness about. Rectum: Diarrhea: acute. 47 Rectum: Diarrhea: cause, occurrence: change of weather, drafts. Rectum: Diarrhea: stool: green. Rectum: Diarrhea: stool: mucous, slimy. Female: MENSTRUATION: COMPLAINTS PRECEDING AND ATTENDING FLOW: MANIA: SEXUAL. Extremities: GENERAL: RHEUMATISM: ARTICULAR, ACUTE: CONCOMITANTS: SKIN DISEASES, ACUTE, AFTER. ExtremitiesGeneral: rheumatism: articular, acute: aggravations: damp, wet weather. Skin: HERPES: GLANDULAR SWELLING, WITH. Skin:URTICARIA: CAUSE: EXPOSURE. Skin: VERUCCA: LARGE, SMOOTH, FLESHY, ON BACK OF HANDS.

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Mind: Confusion, > washing face Darkness > Delusions, large heads make grimaces in evening on closing eyes Frightened easily, in night on waking Industrious Quiet disposition Inclination to sit Vertigo: In morning on waking While standing Head: Empty, hollow sensation, > riding Pain, < blowing nose, with eye complaints Eye: Discolouration, red, during menses, of iris Catarrhal inflammation from cold Lachrymation, in cold air 49 Photophobia Vision: Dim, as if full of water Ear: Noises, bubbling Face: Eruptions, burning, when wet Mouth: Speech, stammering, when singing Stomach: Nausea, while smoking Respiration: Difficult, > lying Cough: From all kinds of smoke Limbs: Constriction, wrists feel as if forcibly squeezed Sleep: Waking, with feeling of suffocation, from mucus flowing back through choana Dreams: Fire from lightning Thunderstorm Generals: Sensation of being smaller


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mind; insecure, uncertain, scared; frightened easily; starting, startled; from fright -ear; discharges from ear; offensive smelling; like putrid meat; -head; pain, headache; sides; one side -mouth; gums; spongy


Anxiety, > open air [3], from warmth [3] DREAMS: Accidents [1]. Disease [1]. Ghosts [1]. Robbers [1].


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Mind; ANXIETY; Fear, with*** Mind; ANXIETY**** Mind; ANXIETY; Heart region*** Mind; CARRIED; Desires to be; fondled, and*** Mind; CHILDREN, complaints in*** Mind; CONFUSION of mind*** Mind; DELUSIONS, imaginations; Body, body parts; legs; long, too*** Mind; DENTITION agg.*** Mind; DREAMS; Anxious*** Mind; DREAMS; Dirt, dirty; linen, dirty*** Mind; DREAMS; Falling; high places, of*** Mind; EXCITEMENT, excitable; General; menses; before*** Mind; EXCITEMENT, excitable; General; music, from*** Mind; FEAR; Coition; thought of, in a woman, rape*** Mind; FORGETFULNESS; Epistaxis agg.*** Female; LEUCORRHEA; Pregnancy, in**** Vertigo; AIR, open; Agg.***



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THROAT, discolouration, dark red THROAT, discolouration, fauces THROAT, inflammation, left THROAT, inflammation, pharynx, swallowing, empty agg THROAT, inflammation, tonsils, left THROAT, inflammation, tonsils, acute 74 GENERALS, syphilis

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Abusive, drunkeness, during Ailments from business failure. Ardent Businessman, worn out Delusion, bed, evening, someone get into and no room in it. Delusion, bed, someone has sold it Envy Insanity, drunkenness, in Jealousy Malicious, spiteful, vindictive Fear of poverty Quiet, desires repose and tranquility. 80

Abusive/quarrelsome after alcohol Anger in morning on waking Aversion to company/strangers Delusion body divided into two parts Talking about only one subject



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Mind; DELIRIUM; wild (24) *** Mind; UNCONSCIOUSNESS, coma; general; convulsions; during; epileptic (44) *** Mouth; DISCOLORATION; bluish; gums; line on margin (2) *** Mouth; DISCOLORATION; purple; gums; margins (1) *** Abdomen; ILEUS, obstruction of bowels; general; intussusception (29) *** Abdomen; PAIN; radiating; all parts of body, to (1) *** Rectum; CONSTRICTION, closure, contraction; general; painful (29) *** Rectum; PARALYSIS; general (81) *** 85 Stool; BALLS, like; black (7) *** Bladder; RETENTION of urine; general; colic, during (4) *** Extremities; EMACIATION; parts; paralyzed (5) *** Extremities; EMACIATION; upper limbs (22) *** Extremities; PARALYSIS; general; muscles; extensor (7) *** Extremities; PARALYSIS; general; upper limbs; wrists; muscles, extensor (4) *** Extremities; TREMBLING; general; upper limbs; hands; writing; agg. (43) *** Skin; DISCOLORATION; blackish (35) ***

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Head: PAIN: increasing: gradually: decreasing: gradually: Larynx: VOICE: weak: Cough: LAUGHING: agg.: Expectoration: TASTE: sweetish: Expectoration: COPIOUS: Expectoration: GREENISH: Respiration: DIFFICULT: talking: agg.: Abdomen: PAIN: pressure: amel.: cramping Stomach: VOMITING: food; from: smell of food; from: Generals: WEAKNESS: exertion: agg.: slight exertion 103 Chest: EMPTINESS, sensation of: Chest: EMPTINESS, sensation of: talking; when: Respiration: DIFFICULT: exertion: agg.: slight exertion:



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