101 All-natural Testosterone Boosters.pdf

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  • Pages: 115

DISCLAIMER No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including printing, scanning, photocopying, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. The author has attempted to present information that is as accurate and concrete as possible. The author is not a medical doctor and does not write in any medical capacity. All medical decisions should be made under the guidance and care of your primary physician. The author will not be held liable for any injury or loss that is incurred to the reader through the application of any of the information herein contained in this book. The author makes it clear that the medical field is fast evolving with newer studies being done continuously, therefore the information in this book is only a researched collaboration of accurate information at the time of writing. With the everchanging nature of the subjects included, the author hopes that the reader will be able to appreciate the content that has been covered in this book. While all attempts have been made to verify each piece of information provided in this publication, the author assumes no responsibility for any error, omission, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter present in this book. Please note that any help or advice given hereof is not a substitution for licensed medical advice. The reader accepts responsibility in the use of any information and takes advice given in this book at their own risk. If the reader is under medication supervision or has had complications with health related risks, consult your primary care physician as soon as possible before taking any advice given in this book.


Table Of Contents CHAPTER 1: Foods For More Testosterone FOODS FOR MORE TESTOSTERONE























































Table Of Contents CHAPTER 1 (continued): Foods For More Testosterone BERRIES











































Table Of Contents CHAPTER 3 (continued): Lifestyle Changes PRAYER / MEDITATION















































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Table Of Contents CHAPTER 5: Testosterone Crushing Habits TESTOSTERONE CRUSHING HABITS













































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Table Of Contents CHAPTER 7: All Natural Supplements ALL NATURAL SUPPLEMENTS

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Introduction Welcome to the guide which will give you 101 testosterone/anabolic boosting tips, foods, lifestyle changes, and techniques where you can naturally bolster your master male-hormone for more sex drive, greater performance in the bedroom, more muscle, and more energy. Testosterone is the “king” of all hormones for men. It’s crucial you look through this text and begin adding / subtracting some of the things in your life so you can have as much testosterone as you desire. Listen. The world is not friendly to a man’s T-levels. It’s bad enough we hit a natural decline biologically once we hit 30 years old. However, there are plenty of other ways our testosterone gets attacked on a daily basis, many of them being listed in this manual and giving you an option of what you can do about it. Read through each of these 101 testosterone boosting techniques and get started adding them into your everyday routines. Enjoy!



FOODS FOR MORE TESTOSTERONE In the following pages you’ll discover foods which naturally increase testosterone levels despite your age or fitness level. Be sure to fit these foods into your daily nutrition regimen for maximum testosterone boosting results. Our advice is to not go a single meal without 2-3 of these foods loaded onto your plate. Stuff these snacks into your office desk drawer for an instant shot of testosterone directly in the middle of your day or anytime you need a quick boost of muscle building and sex-drive rocketing hormones. A diet high in these foods have also been shown to help men stay lean. 8

Testosterone Boosting Foods Potatoes

Potatoes are a testosterone safe carbohydrate source packed with nutrients. You can consume either sweet potato or white potato and still receive the same testosterone boosting benefits. If you are seeking a more nutrient packed potato to add essential vitamins and minerals into your blood stream then go with sweet potatoes. Truth is, high carbohydrate diets do help men increase their testosterone levels. Most men when dieting go on “low carbs” diets which ultimately lowers their testosterone levels and decreases their sexual performance. So don’t kick the carbohydrates if you want to operate as every man should between the sheets. Potatoes are also a better option than grains and processed sugars in regard to testosterone levels. When you do add carbs to your meals, there could be no more optimal choice for your testosterone levels than potatoes.

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Testosterone Boosting Foods Macadamia Nuts

Monounsaturated fats macadamia nuts are key players in keeping testosterone levels sky-high. Again, counter-cultural to what many men believe, low fat diets are not the best option regarding your testosterone levels. That’s why so many men struggle with “low fat” diets is because it destroys their master male hormone for sex, building and maintaining muscle, and keeping their energy levels high throughout the day. What we love about macadamia nuts is the fact that these healthy, T-boosting fats can be stored in your office desk or come in handy as a snack on the way home from work. Keep them with you in glove compartment and pop these testosterone treats in your mouth anytime you need an extra surge of manliness.

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Testosterone Boosting Foods Beef Jerky

It is rare to find a snack as testosterone packed as beef jerky. And one which is easily accessible anytime, anywhere. Beef jerky is loaded with testosterone boosting amino-acids which help bolster your sex-drive and maximize your male hormone levels for other perks like building muscle, burning fat, and maintaining high energy levels throughout the day (yes, even through the midday “crash” that takes down everyone at the office). Beef Jerky is a very lean protein source with almost no fat in it whatsoever. And although we highly encourage you to eat tons of healthy fats throughout the day, this snack makes up for it’s lack of fat with T-boosting aminos. Similar to the macadamia nut you can keep this power packed meat with you anytime for a quick and easy testosterone recharge. Get Even More Testosterone 11

Testosterone Boosting Foods T-Boosting Coffee

It’s no surprise that caffeine has been shown to stimulate sexual performance and help you burn fat at the same time. But if you add this one simple trick with your coffee each morning your testosterone levels will be flying off the charts. Instead of a plain ole’ cup of Joe, add in a tablespoon of organic, extra-virgin coconut oil and a tablespoon of grass-fed butter to add a little bit of buttery flavor, a creamy texture, and infuse this morning beverage with testosterone boosting fats. We highly recommend drinking a cup of this testosterone boosting coffee before sex also so you can stimulate your sex-drive and enhance your bedroom performance with more stamina and energy to go the distance. Get Even More Testosterone 12

Testosterone Boosting Foods Brazil Nuts

You have probably seen these nuts before and ate them without knowing what they really were and how they can supercharge your testosterone levels. Brazil nuts, although not as anabolic as macadamia nuts do have a very high concentration of selenium (2739% of the RDA) which is directly linked to testosterone production. It is especially important to consume Brazil Nuts to consume enough selenium if you are not currently taking a multivitamin. All you need is just a handful of Brazilian nuts a day. Better yet, through them together with macadamia nuts in a homemade trail mix for a testosterone packed treat.

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Testosterone Boosting Foods Extra Virgin Olive Oil

A recent study confirmed that men who changed their main fat source (remember, fat is great for men), to extra virgin olive oil increased testosterone levels by 17%. Not bad. Especially considering this oil is incredibly easy to find, can be added with any meal, and is one of the most flavor packed oils you can consume. Extra virgin olive oil has fantastic fat ratio for testosterone production. 73% monounsaturated fats, 14% saturated fats, 13% polyunsaturated fats. There’s no doubt about it, it’s a winner. Here’s a tip however. If you plan on using olive oil as your oil pulling solution in the Ancient ED Fix program, do not swallow the olive oil after performing your morning ritual. It will be packed with toxins. Instead, spit it out in the garbage as directed. And we’ve tried a shot of olive oil anyway, wouldn’t recommend it. Be sure to make sure your olive oil is from a trusted brand and is organic and extra virgin. Get Even More Testosterone 14

Testosterone Boosting Foods Raisins

Who knew those little, plump, dried up grapes could help increase your testosterone to optimal levels. A handful of raisins are a great snack for testosterone. It’s a natural anti- inflammatory and is packed with antioxidants such as resveratrol which is linked to increased testosterone and lowered estrogen levels. Remember, inflammation is the most destructive cause of erectile dysfunction. When you have inflammation in your body and attacking the capillaries of the penis it becomes nearly impossible to achieve an erection. It also significantly lowers your sex-drive. If you or your partner are experiencing a lower than normal sex-drive be sure to both snack on raisins throughout the day. It’s gender friendly. Also, raisins are easy to throw into your T-boosting trail mixes or keep in your desk for a healthy, male-hormone boosting sweet treat. Get Even More Testosterone 15

Testosterone Boosting Foods Parsley

This little green herb can be added to almost any entree to enhance the flavors of your meal. Parsley contains a compound called apigening – this compound increases StAR (steroidogenic acute regulatory protein) inside the testicular leydig cells. More parsley = more StAR = better conversion from cholesterol to free testosterone = more free testosterone. Seems like a complicated process but don’t worry, the parsley will take care of it all for you. Add this all-natural herb to the top of a steak or throw it into your salad for that extra testosterone boost.

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Testosterone Boosting Foods Ginger

Ginger is one of those common household spices you can use to flavor up your meals and add a little “kick” to your coffee if you so please. You’ve most likely seen ginger on the side of your sushi plate as well and just the smell of it gave you a punch to your nostrils. This spice is very potent in flavor and for testosterone production. In fact, ginger has been shown to increase testosterone production by 17% when used in the form of a supplemented ginger root powder or pill, daily. Another benefit of this spice is that it acts as a very strong anti-inflammatory, helping lower your body of testosterone killing inflammation. And as discussed before, inflammation also has the ability to shut down your penis until you reduce this silent killer. Consume via raw ginger or with supplementation every day to reap the testosterone boosting benefits of this potent spice. Get Even More Testosterone 17

Testosterone Boosting Foods Raw Cacao

This stuff is far from the Nestle chocolate powder you put in 2% to make chocolate milk. Real cacao is actually very strong and bitter. Just a small price to pay (flavor wise) for the testosterone boosting benefits of this potent jungle spice. Raw cacao is a dense, testosterone enhancing food. RAW cacao is not heated, processed or refined. Instead raw cacao is a bitter version of chocolate and maintains its antioxidants which are shown to reduce testosterone killing inflammation. Not to mention raw cacao is loaded with friendly gut bacteria to help keep your digestive system in tact and free from the bad bacteria which causes abdominal distress and could effect your sex-life. Raw cacao also has the perfect fat ratios for enhancing your testosterone production. [61%] saturated [37%] monounsaturated [2%] polyunstaturated Get Even More Testosterone 18

Testosterone Boosting Foods Whole Eggs (not just the whites)

Every man wants to start his day RIGHT. Instead of grabbing for the toast and jam in the morning, fry a couple of fresh eggs in testosterone boosting olive oil for one of the best breakfasts you can consume to start your day and your Tlevels on the right track. Eggs are considered the world’s perfect protein and contains every amino acid you need to ramp-up your sexual performance and vigor. Not only are eggs rich in aminos but they are packed with an optimal fatty-acid ratios for testosterone production. [38%] saturated fats [44%] monounsaturated fats and [18%] polyunsaturated. Yet don’t make the same mistake most men (with lower testosterone) make. Egg yolks also contain the hefty amount of nutrients, fat, aminos and cholesterol you need, which is a direct precursor of testosterone. Get Even More Testosterone 19

Testosterone Boosting Foods Aragan Oil

Not many men have heard about this oil. Especially because a lot of women use this oil as a moisturizer for their face and hair. However, extra virgin Argan oil can be used as a significant source to your male-hormone boosting needs. In fact, it’s been shown to work just as powerfully as it’s brother oil, olive oil. A recent study reported using aragan oil as your main source of dietary fat for two weeks increased testosterone levels by 20%. That’s 3% more than your extra virgin olive oil. Our advice is to dump this tropical oil all over your salads for maximum benefits. What guy wouldn’t want a 20% increase in testosterone levels in 2 weeks, right? Get this into your nutrition regimen asap. Oh and if your wife or girlfriend does have this oil sitting in the house, please make sure it’s the edible kind and not one mixed in with hair and moisturizer chemicals. Get Even More Testosterone 20

Testosterone Boosting Foods Avocado

Avocados are one of the healthiest, most nutrient dense fruits you can consume on a daily basis. And consume on a daily basis you shall if your goal is to increase testosterone levels. Avocados have incredible healthy fat ratios [71%] Monounsaturated fats [16%] saturated fats and [13%] is polyunsaturated fats. Again, your testosterone production rides on how much healthy fat your consume throughout the day. Avocados are quick and easy to eat and go great with almost anything. Our recommendation? Eat half an avocado with your testosterone boosting egg breakfast and throw the rest of the avocado in the salad you plan on eating with lunch. An avocado a day will keep the low-T doctor away. So don’t skip out on this powerful hormone boosting fruit. Get Even More Testosterone 21

Testosterone Boosting Foods White Button Mushrooms

White button mushrooms help protect your testosterone levels in different ways than the foods listed previously. The small, yet powerful edible fungi have secret anti-estrogenic effects, naturally blocking the aromataze enzyme which converts your coveted testosterone into estrogen. That’s right. There are enzymes which turn the testosterone you are working so hard for into the female hormone estrogen. Not to be alarmed, through these white button mushrooms into your morning 3-egg omelet, or fry them up and layer them on top of a thick piece of sirloin for dinner. And these mushrooms are very inexpensive as well so you can buy them in bulk and consume them everyday to keep your testosterone levels protected from converting into estrogen.

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Testosterone Boosting Foods Spinach

If you ever needed a reason to like spinach, here’s one. Spinach is packed with magnesium, a powerful mineral proven to boost testosterone levels and also increases your natural sex steroid levels (ecdysteroid is found in spinach). This dark leafy green also increases nitric oxide giving you insane muscle pumps throughout the day and can also improve your bedroom performance by increasing blood flow to your erection. Our recommendation is to eat spinach raw in a salad or to juice the spinach with maybe a morning shake or evening pre-sex smoothie. Do not cook the spinach as this will strip the green leafy vegetable of it’s vital nutrients needed to tuneup your testosterone production. You can consume baby spinach or regular spinach, there is not difference in nutrients between the two. Get Even More Testosterone 23

Testosterone Boosting Foods Asparagus

This vegetable is another one of those dark green, nutrient packed foods that will greatly help you increase your testosterone levels. Asparagus has been shown to naturally increases folic acid and potassium, both of which enhance sex drive and sexual performance. This green veggie is also packed with vitamin E which has been shown to increase testosterone levels. And remember that sex steroid in spinach called, ecdysteroids. Well asparagus has got it too. And be sure to keep this in mind when shopping for your vegetable selections. The darker and the more green, the better.

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Testosterone Boosting Foods Quinoa

Quinoa is one of the only “grain-esk” food products we will recommend for enhancing testosterone levels. Most often we encourage potatoes, fruits, and other vegetables, however this product has natural plant steroids called steroid saponins which naturally increases testosterone levels. Gotta love those plant steroids, right? Quinoa also acts as a natural ZMA supplement, which is a common bodybuilding supplement men take to increase their testosterone levels as they sleep to increase muscle growth. Quinoa contains zinc, magnesium, and l-arginine which not only helps you sleep better in a deeper state for a spike in T-levels but also improves your sexual performance by increasing blood circulation in your penis for more “pumps” in the bedroom when the mood strikes. Overall, quinoa is a testosterone and sex booster which will probably become one of your new favorite foods after the first night you try it. Get Even More Testosterone 25

Testosterone Boosting Foods Banana

Most often, we can just look at foods and know what they are good for. For example, look at a heart and look at a tomato. Not only are they a resemblance but tomatoes actually promote improved blood circulation and heart health. Take a look at a walnut and you’ll see it looks just like a brain. So it’s no wonder the walnut is eaten for healthy brain function and to protect against memory loss. Bananas are no different. Yes, they look like a penis. And for good reason as this fruit promotes an increase in libido, sexual health and performance and they also contain good amounts of potassium, vitamin b6 and Bromelain enzyme, which has been shown to boost your master male hormone, testosterone. Throw bananas into your morning smoothies or eat on the run for a powerful sexenhancing snack. Get Even More Testosterone 26

Testosterone Boosting Foods Raw Oysters

Not going to lie to you here. This seafood is not our favorite. However it is one of the most powerful foods you can consume to ramp up your testosterone levels. Oysters are one of the richest sources of the vitamin zinc, which is shown to be a strong testosterone boosting mineral. Most men are low on the nutrient Zinc which is surprising because as a guy it’s one of those key nutrients you do not want to miss out on. If you are not taking a multi-vitamin and you are low on zinc levels then oysters will be a great way to throw your testosterone levels back into high gear. And as an added bonus, oysters are also believed to be a powerful aphrodisiac, which increases both you and your partner’s sex-drive. Most experts believe this is mainly due to the high concentration of zinc. Get Even More Testosterone 27

Testosterone Boosting Foods Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is another one of the options you will be using in the Ancient ED Fix program as a part of your morning ritual to completely reverse the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. Remember, if you are using coconut oil as one of your oil pulling techniques then please do not consume this oil during your morning mouth cleaning ritual. You will only swallow all of the harmful agents you purposely were extracting. Aside from that, coconut oil is extremely powerful as a testosterone boosting food. A study in the Journal of Endocrinology proved coconut oil raises musclestrengthening growth hormones and other master hormones for four hours, making it an ideal pre-workout boost 2 hours before a workout or before sex. Coconut oil is also rich in testosterone boosting fats and should become one of the oil “staples” in your everyday diet. The others again include olive oil or aragan oil. Get Even More Testosterone 28

Testosterone Boosting Foods Goat Milk

Stress is one of the most potent ways to shrink your testosterone levels. It causes the adverse testosterone response you want by increasing the stress hormone called cortisol. Think of cortisol like the Kryptonite to Superman. It’s the one thing which can massively drag your testosterone levels into the dumps and eventually you’ll be looking up a massive hole trying to find your way out. If you’ve got stress, then drink some goat milk. It’s filled with the amino acid, tryptophan which is an essential precursor for mood-improving serotonin, one of those “feel good” chemicals in your brain which keeps you positive, relaxes you, and prevents your body from increasing those testosterone damaging cortisol levels. Keep your testosterone high by staying far, far away from the stress. Get Even More Testosterone 29

Testosterone Boosting Foods Herring

Just one simple portion of herring is loaded with 115% of your ideal vitamin D consumption for the day. It’s that same vitamin you soak up when you’re standing outside in the sun. However, unless you have a job in construction, chances are you are not getting enough Vitamin D in your blood stream, which is where herring comes in. If you didn’t know already, Vitamin D acts as a natural steroid which is essential for manufacturing sex-boosting and muscle-growing testosterone. If you are not a fish eater, then look for other ways to get Vitamin D into your body, whether via the sun or through a multi-vitamin. However, if you’re looking for one of the best foods to eat throughout the week that’s loaded with testosterone boosting vitamins then look no further.

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Testosterone Boosting Foods Tomato

Similar to the white button mushrooms we described earlier in this chapter, tomatoes have an estrogen blocking component to them which proves extremely powerful for maintaining high testosterone levels. Just one tomato each day and you can block estrogenic stress hormones with lycopene, and amino acid hidden away in the flesh of this juicy fruit. And not only are they great for protecting against testosterone lowering compounds but tomatoes are also proven to lower blood pressure for improved blood flow circulation during sex and can help men who may be struggling with erectile dysfunction. Get Even More Testosterone 31

Testosterone Boosting Foods Turmeric

Just a few pages back we mentioned how stress can release the testosterone decreasing hormone called cortisol. Turmeric has the ability to give you those same “feel-goods” to prevent your cortisol levels from getting too high and causing a drop in you precious male hormone levels. It’s also a powerful, all-natural anti-inflammatory which is incredibly important if you want to maintain high and health T-levels. Inflammation has not only been shows to reduce testosterone but also decrease sex-drive, and be the primary cause of erectile dysfunction. So consume turmeric in the mornings for less stress, more testosterone and more inflammation fighting compounds so you can experience more testosterone and have a higher sex-drive throughout the entire day. We recommend using the most potent and bioavailable turmeric available.
 => Order The Most Powerful Turmeric Extract Here For More Testosterone Get Even More Testosterone 32

Testosterone Boosting Foods Salmon

Smoked salmon will make you testosterone rich! And here’s why... Smoked salmon is loaded with all of the essential amino acids your body craves for optimal testosterone production. Not only are you increasing testosterone through these amino acids but the omega-3 fatty acid content in salmon also reduces inflammation in the body, lowering cortisol levels and inversely increasing testosterone levels that much more. When looking for salmon, be sure to seek products labeled “wild caught” as these salmon have more omega-3 fatty acid content to fats that will fight testosterone destroying inflammation for you.

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Testosterone Boosting Foods Eat Garlic

Based on a study by the Journal of Nutrition, garlic supplements help increase testosterone production by altering protein anabolism. And the great news is garlic is an ingredient which can be easily incorporated into your diet and always adds a delicious addition of flavor. You can do this either by sprinkling garlic powder on your food or simply by incorporating more garlic cloves into your cooking. If you're someone who is truly serious about increasing your manly hormones then you just can’t pass up on this very quick and easy way to boost your testosterone levels.

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Testosterone Boosting Foods Berries

Berries are great for boosting your testosterone levels for two indirect reasons. One of them being berries are fully-loaded with inflammation fighting antioxidants, the “silent killer” of your testosterone levels and has been shown to cause trauma to your penis (erectile dysfunction) as well. Not only will you lower the inflammation in your body but you will also get a sweet snack in without the blood sugar spikes shown to reduce testosterone levels. You want to avoid those highs and lows of blood sugar at all costs and keep your testosterone levels consistent and healthy. Our recommendation is to add berries into your diet with your breakfast or following any workout.

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Testosterone Boosting Foods Onions

In a study that was conducted on rodents by Iranian scientists it was shown that onions were able to increase testosterone levels in mice as high as 300 percent. Not bad, for mice. And because we are much larger than rodents we may expect such a huge uptick in testosterone yet there’s no doubt eating onions can make a difference. According to a research done at Tabriz University in Iran, onion juice can raise testosterone levels as much as substances some of the most potent artificial test boosters on the market. Recent studies have also shown onions to be a high source of antioxidants which again, protect the production of testosterone and sperm in the genitals.

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Testosterone Boosting Foods High Quality Salt

This one is more of a preventative measure. Most processed, white salts are loaded with inflammatory components including chloride which has been shown to reduce testosterone levels. Instead, use all-natural pink salts as these are packed with more trace minerals that add value to your health and do not clump your arteries.

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WORKOUTS TO INCREASE TESTOSTERONE LEVELS There are two types of workouts. Ones that will crush your testosterone levels and others that will maximize your testosterone and help you increase lean muscle mass, ramp up your sex drive, and have an overall sense of energy and youthful vitality again. You see, exercise should never be about how many reps and sets I can do in the gym, or how many hours I can spend working out. Your goal is optimizing your master male hormone. And we’re about to show you how.


Testosterone Boosting Workouts Anabolic Running

Anabolic Running is the only cardio system built specifically for men to increase testosterone levels, boost sex-drive, and pack on lean muscle mass. Other forms of cardio like traditional jogging or even certain forms of high intensity interval training can reduce your testosterone levels significantly. Add in these 16-minute Anabolic Running workouts each week and watch your testosterone levels and your sex-drive soar to new heights. That’s right, only 16 minutes of running each week and you will be able to maximize your master male hormones. 
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Testosterone Boosting Workouts Strength Training

There’s no doubt about it. Strength training is one of the best ways to build your testosterone levels from the floor up. In fact, a recent study shows that in just 4 weeks of resistance training men increased testosterone levels by 40% and lowered cortisol levels by 24% which is like killing two birds with one stone. Yet be careful not to spend too much time in the gym lifting weights as too much time spent in the gym can actually increase cortisol levels and decrease testosterone levels (the opposite of what you’d like). Our advice, keep your workouts short and productive. Time your workouts for no longer than 45 minutes. Not only will you crank up your testosterone levels once you start strength training again but you will also build lean muscle tissue and burn through stubborn fat giving you more sex appeal, energy, and strength underneath the sheets and throughout your entire day. Get Even More Testosterone 40

Testosterone Boosting Workouts Olympic Exercises...

There’s certain exercises you will want to perform to maximize your male hormones and it’s not the bicep curl or crunches. The #1 group of exercises you want to utilize to crank up your testosterone levels and maximize your time in the gym are called Olympic Lifts. These exercises include the squat, deadlift, snatch, hang clean, and the front squat. Yet why are these exercises more “testosteronebuilding” than the rest? Olympic movements recruit more muscle fibers than for example a bicep curl. The more muscles are being worked at one time, the more stress that is being applied to your muscular system at once, the more anabolic hormones are released during the exercise.

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Testosterone Boosting Workouts T-Boosting Workout

Follow This T-Boosting Workout 10 overhead squats (holding a barbell or dumbbells; go as heavy as you can while still completing the set with good form) 15 burpees Rest 1 minute. Do three sets with minimal rest: Followed By: 10 deadlifts (go as heavy as you can while still completing the set) 15 Front Squats Rest 1 minute. Do three sets with minimal rest: Get Even More Testosterone 42

Testosterone Boosting Workouts T-Boosting Workout #2

Follow This T-Boosting Workout 10 squats (holding a barbell or dumbbells; go as heavy as you can while still completing the set with good form) 15 kettlebell swings Rest 1 minute. Do three sets with minimal rest: Followed By: 10 deadlifts (go as heavy as you can while still completing the set) 15 Kettlebell squat jumps Rest 1 minute. Do three sets with minimal rest: Get Even More Testosterone 43

Testosterone Boosting Workouts Shorter Rest Periods

If you’re already an exerciser and struggling with low testosterone levels, here’s a tip you may want to start implementing right away. Because this one other aspect of your training can influence your testosterone levels positively or negatively. If you're regularly engaging in lengthy, drawn-out workouts with long rest periods or excessive endurance exercise, then your testosterone levels may be taking a huge hit. Workouts lasting longer than about an hour may begin to spike cortisol levels and subsequently decrease testosterone. Research has also shown that a shorter rest period between sets (one minute versus three minutes) elicited higher testosterone hormonal responses following a bout of resistance training. So to maximize your testosterone response, keep your rest periods short and total workout time to 60 minutes or fewer. Get Even More Testosterone 44

Testosterone Boosting Workouts The Cobra

Want to increase your testosterone naturally and in 2-3 minutes. Here you go. “The Cobra” is a yoga pose which has been shown to increase testosterone levels in as high as 33% in men. At the same time this one move decreases cortisol levels - the “anti-testosterone” hormone. What’s so great about this discovery by Russian scientists is that this move does not require heavy weight lifting, or any other form of exercise which may do more harm on the joints depending on the individual. Instead, this yoga pose is a relaxing, simple, and all natural way to increase your testosterone levels in only minutes.

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Testosterone Boosting Workouts Anabolic Cardio Before Weights

Studies show that when you follow an Anabolic Running cardio regimen before you workout with weights you actually increase your testosterone levels more than if you were to save the running for an after workout cool down. So if you are one of those individuals who likes to go for a run after a heavy weight lifting session, our advice is don’t. Not if you want to maximize your testosterone levels. Instead, start your workout with a 4 minute Anabolic Running workout. From there, hit the weights and your testosterone will be in tip-top shape. Be sure to look at the advantages of Anabolic Running listed on page 35 of this manual.

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Testosterone Boosting Workouts Lower The Amount of Endurance Training

There’s a reason endurance runners usually have very skinny legs and arms compared to those athletes sprinting in the 100 meter dash. It’s clear, one training method is everything you could want to boost your testosterone and muscle mass. Short sprints, which release growth hormone and heighten Tlevels. Endurance training on the other hand has been shown to greatly reduce testosterone production and can even lead to infertility issues as well as erectile dysfunction. Unless you are training for a marathon, forget the endurance training. Or at least lower it to once per week. All other cardio should be anabolic cardio if you want to maintain high testosterone levels and boost your sex drive. Get Even More Testosterone 47

Testosterone Boosting Workouts Avoid Overtraining

Want something that’s going to shut-down your testosterone real quick? Of course not. Yet overtraining is a common way fitness enthusiasts watch their testosterone levels plummet. If you want to build muscle and burn fat, it’s not about how long you can stay in the gym and workout. No. It’s about optimizing your master male-hormone levels and let those hormones do all the muscle building and fat burning work for you. So if you are an exerciser, be sure to keep your workouts under 45 minutes and keep the amount of workouts throughout the week between 3-5. Get Even More Testosterone 48

Testosterone Boosting Workouts Chop Down Trees

Dr Ben Trumble from the Institute of Social, Behavioral and Economic Research at the University of California, Santa Barbara sampled the testosterone levels of men after playing a game of soccer and after chopping down trees. The study, which eventually became published in Evolution and Human Behavior, found that one hour of tree chopping resulted in a 48 percent increase in salivary testosterone levels in all men, regardless of age or state of health. By contrast levels increased by only 30.1 per cent during a soccer game. So whether you are “in-shape” or “out of shape”, young or old, this simple movement can drastically increase your testosterone levels in the very first workout. Now, most of us don’t have an axe and wood to chop so a great alternative is using a “chop like” motion with a sledgehammer on a big tire or even using the cable-pulley system at your local gym. Get Even More Testosterone 49

Testosterone Boosting Workouts Jump Rope For Cardio

Jump roping is one of the best high intensity exercises you can incorporate at the beginning or end of your routine for a quick boost in testosterone. This activity will not only help increase your testosterone levels but will help you get lean while maintaining all of your muscle mass.

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Testosterone Boosting Workouts DO CALISTHENICS

One of the best approaches to strength training  to increase testosterone is called progressive calisthenics. These are body weight exercises such as push-ups, squats, pull-ups, bridges and leg raises which can trigger testosterone production because they are full body movements which require plenty of muscle recruiting. This response increases male hormone levels including both testosterone and human growth hormone.

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Testosterone Boosting Workouts Add In Hill Sprints

If you have a local hill near you with a moderate to steep incline, hill sprints are perfect for skyrocketing testosterone levels, boosting sex drive, and increasing muscle mass, and burning body fat effectively and efficiently. What’s so great about hill sprint workouts is it only takes a few short sprints (even as little as 6 seconds) and you’re well on your way to bolstering your testosterone levels to new heights. You can also perform uphill sprints on an inclined treadmill if you did not have access to a local hill.

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LIFESTYLE CHANGES The following section will introduce you to several quick and easy lifestyle changes you can make each day to skyrocket your testosterone levels so you feel like superman in the sack and in your everyday life. Pick and choose the following changes which will help you most. You can also add in a few of the following simple techniques which will proven to crank up your master male hormones. The more of the following lifestyle changes you use, the better.


The High Testosterone Lifestyle More Quality & Quantity of Sleep

The more sleep you get, the better for you testosterone levels. A recent study showed men who slept more also had significantly higher testosterone levels. In fact the guys who slept for 4 hours had about 60% less testosterone in their serum, than the men who slept for 8 hours. It’s also been shown that for every hour of sleep, men’s testosterone levels increase by 15%. So if you want to grow your testosterone levels while you sleep, all you have to do is go to bed a bit earlier. Make this a regular habit. Instead of falling asleep to another late night talk show, think about how high your testosterone can be in the morning if you shut off the television early.

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The High Testosterone Lifestyle Stress Less

Stress increases your cortisol levels significantly. Think of your cortisol levels and your testosterone levels like a “sea-saw”. When one side goes up, the other side goes down. So when you find yourself overly stressed, it begins to take a destructive toll on your master male hormone. Yet the destruction doesn’t start and stop with stress. Eventually, stress can lead to less sleep (which also decreases testosterone production), eating more unhealthy foods (another shot to your testosterone), and may even lead some men to stop working out or pick up unhealthy habits which will be listed later in this manual. So beware of stress. It has the opportunity to damage your testosterone levels in many ways. Your goal: to fight back. Take a look at the next page for our favorite stress destroyer. Get Even More Testosterone 55

The High Testosterone Lifestyle 10 Minutes of Prayer / Meditation

Spending anywhere from 10-30 minutes in prayer or writing in a gratitude journal can save your testosterone from the devastation stress can have on your body. Between paying the bills, having a family to take care of, and pursuing those dreams every man has inside of them, it’s easy for us to get stressed out and burdened. However, when you make prayer a staple in your day, or you reflect on positive thoughts, or even write in a gratitude journal you begin to de-compress, putting your focus away from the bad and onto the good. Providing hope and peace for your present situations and you’re able to continue on your day with a positive attitude. We are sure to add this in our day, everyday. Life just seems to be a little more chaotic without it.

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The High Testosterone Lifestyle Spark Up Your Sex Life

Studies show that more sex = more testosterone. In one study the researchers took saliva samples of testosterone from their 44 subject males half of them who were having sex and the other half who were watching others have sex. They found out that men who had sex with their female partner, experienced 72% increase in testosterone, whereas the men who only watched the act, noticed a 11% increase in the hormone. A strange study yes, but it goes to show sex is by far the most enjoyable way to increase testosterone levels. However, this does not mean other activities like watching pornography and masturbating yield the same result. In fact, these activities can eventually lead to a big dip in testosterone levels and also desensitize you toward your partner where you begin to lose the ability to have sex. Hands down. Sex with your wife is by far one of the best ways you can increase your testosterone levels.

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The High Testosterone Lifestyle Check Your Prescription Drugs

Before reading this section, please note we are not encouraging any forfeited use of medication prescribed by your doctor. If you do believe your medications are lowering your testosterone levels please speak with your healthcare provider first before making any decision on your own. With that being said, studies have provided us with information that statins (often used for lowering cholesterol) will lead to lower testosterone levels (not a surprise as cholesterol is a precursor of sex hormones). So cholesterol lowering medications work more as a two-edged sword against you. Also one study found opioids (a painkiller) gave 74% of the men using the medication low testosterone. These are only two medications of a laundry list of commonly prescribed pills which cause low testosterone. Again, if you are on some form of medication, please speak with your doctor if you are experiencing symptoms of low-T before making any changes. Get Even More Testosterone 58

The High Testosterone Lifestyle Check Your Dental Health

Recent breakthrough research has shown the connection between your oral health and the effect it is having on your body. Everywhere from chronic diseases to erectile dysfunction, to weight gain. If you do not take proper care of your oral health, you then cause inflammation in your body which has been shown to significantly reduce testosterone levels. How it works is the oral bacteria in your mouth, invades your bloodstream through some form of opening in your mouth (whether along the gums or tooth cavity) causing an increase in inflammation. Effecting most organs in your body including your penis. Our advice, follow the Ancient ED Fix program to overcome oral inflammation and prevent your body from suffering ever worse chronic diseases from the matter like cancer, heart disease, or diabetes (to name a few). Get Even More Testosterone 59

The High Testosterone Lifestyle Fix Your Posture

A recent study performed at Harvard and Columbia University discovered one, very simple two-minute trick can be the difference between you having 20% more testosterone. And if you don’t follow this trick you are unknowingly decreasing your testosterone levels. That’s right. It’s one or the other… So what’s this trick that will make you a couple inches taller and raise your testosterone levels up several notches? It’s called, “High power posing”. At least, that’s what Harvard University researchers call it. If the term is good enough for them then it’s good enough for us. And it all starts with your posture. When you are hunched over in any of the positions above (other than position 1) you are actually decreasing you testosterone levels. All you have to do is make a simple fix to the way you stand and sit and you’ll keep those testosterone levels riding high throughout the day. Get Even More Testosterone 60

The High Testosterone Lifestyle Win At Something Everyday

An interesting study published at the Department of Sociology, University of Nebraska, measured the testosterone levels and cortisol levels in six university tennis players across six matches during their varsity season. Testosterone rose just before most matches, and players with the highest prematch testosterone had the most positive improvement in mood before their matches. After matches, mean testosterone rose for winners relative to losers, especially for winners with very positive moods after their victories and who evaluated their own performance highly. Winners with rising testosterone had higher testosterone before their next match, in contrast to losers with falling testosterone, who had lower testosterone before their next match. So you see “winning” is a natural T-booster. And it’s rewarding. Whether it’s getting a bonus on a paycheck, fixing a broken faucet in the kitchen, doing one more push-up than the day before... All of it is winning. And winning means more testosterone. Get Even More Testosterone 61

The High Testosterone Lifestyle Probiotics

Here’s a couple of “perks” to probiotics I’m sure you’ve never heard of. One is that probiotics have the ability to lower cortisol levels which can be released from disruption in the gut. With probiotics assisting in digestion and protection of your vital organs, this “good bacteria” can help keep your cortisol levels down, thus allowing you to maintain high testosterone levels. Now, the next study I’m referring to has only been proven in mice, however probiotics may also increase your testicle size. In the study the group that was fed with Lactobacillus reuteri (a good-bacteria probiotic), always had higher testosterone levels and bigger balls than the control group. The researchers even fed the bacteria group a junk food diet, and still the group had bigger testes and more testosterone. So if more testosterone and bigger balls are what you’re looking for, you’re welcome. Get Even More Testosterone 62

The High Testosterone Lifestyle Take Care of Your Testicles

According to Dr. Alisa Hideg, MD, if you want to protect your testosterone levels then you should wear boxers or very loose briefs. There is an association between overly warm testicles, which can be caused by tightfitting underwear, and decreased sperm counts. Although it isn’t determined how much of an impact loose fitting briefs or boxers will make on your testosterone production, it will certainly improve the amount and quality of sperm in your testicles.

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The High Testosterone Lifestyle Eat Organic

There’s no doubt about it. The foods we eat today could be the cause of the constantly declining testosterone levels in men these days. In fact, 30 years ago, men had an average off 22% more testosterone than men have today. One of the reasonings is the amount of chemicals which have been added to our foods since then. If you think about it, 30 years ago, men were growing more of their own produce, baking their own breads, butchering their own cattle. There was less exposure to the chemicals and pesticides in most food products today. When you “go-organic” you are avoiding the chemicals which increase inflammation in the body and thus increase testosterone demolishing cortisol. Be sure when you purchase your fruits and vegetables that they are listed as organic. And beef, chicken and other meats and poultry should be listed as “cage-free” or “grassfed.” Get Even More Testosterone 64

The High Testosterone Lifestyle Start Using All Natural Hygiene Products

Guy can’t catch a break can he? Not all personal care items are bad. However, many of them are when testosterone levels are thrown into the discussion. There can be an insane amount of estrogen mimics and anti- androgenic endocrine system disrupting chemicals in your everyday personal care items. And some even have direct effect in lowering testicular testosterone production. The solution? Check out the Gaia Body Works. I personally spoke with the CEO of the company about his products and I recommend them to any guy who wants to keep estrogenic hormones OUT of their body. They have everything you need. Use coupon code “MORET” (as in more testosterone) for 15% off. I receive zero commission just fyi. I am just passionate about their products and believe in the brand they’ve created to protect men and women from the harmful chemicals of the big companies out there. Get Even More Testosterone 65

The High Testosterone Lifestyle More Time In The Sun

Vitamin D is really not even a vitamin. It’s actually a steroid hormone. This hormone D regulates more than 1,000 bodily functions, including fertility, growth, hormone secretion, and sexual function. If your serum vitamin D levels are too low, more than 1,000 bodily functions are also somewhat impaired. Several of these functions that vitamin D regulates are linked to the endocrine system, thus not getting adequate amounts of “the bone vitamin”, should therefore reduce testosterone levels. In fact one study at the Department of Internal Medicine at the University Graz, in Austria found men with sufficient vitamin D levels had significantly higher testosterone levels than men who had insufficient amounts of the vitamin (or hormone) in their blood serum. So take our advice on this one. Get some more sun or supplement with hormone D ASAP. Get Even More Testosterone 66

The High Testosterone Lifestyle Work On Your Golf Swing

Okay, maybe golf isn’t a good idea for most of us. If you suck at golf chances are you’re only going to get stressed out on the course. Yet what makes golf such an ideal hobby is the walking. Walking increases testosterone. Period. And it’s also a simple way to be more physically active overall which is important for healthy testosterone production and hormonal health, even if you wouldn’t lose any weight as a result of the activity. In the study, the 12-week lifestyle modification program showed how walking and testosterone increase go hand in hand. And it didn’t matter if the men were overweight. Increased physical activity was the driving factor in higher serum testosterone levels, independent of the changes in body weight. Get Even More Testosterone 67

The High Testosterone Lifestyle Pick Up Hockey

This comes back to the act of being more physically “outgoing” throughout your week. If you want to increase your testosterone levels there’s no way around it, being physically active in recreational sports, weight lifting, or walking are going to increase your testosterone levels, hands down. If you’re an individual who wants to stay on the couch then sure, you can try and maintain your testosterone but you’ll be missing out on many ways you can improve your health and life as a man. So whether it’s hockey, baseball, even a water aerobics class, make physical activity a new priority during the week.

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The High Testosterone Lifestyle Stop Eating Several Small Meals

Why eat several small meals throughout the day when you can actually skip meals and release your most powerful male sex-hormones including testosterone and human growth hormone. That’s right. Intermittent fasting is a proven eating methodology which allows you to eat fewer meals throughout the day and still increase your sex-drive and even build muscle and help you burn fat. In fact, one study showed men can increase their testosterone levels by as much as 180% and their human growth hormone levels by 2000% right off the bat of starting an intermittent fasting protocol. So if you’ve fallen into the trap that men should eat more small meals throughout the day, forget about it! It does nothing to increase your male hormone levels. Get Even More Testosterone 69

The High Testosterone Lifestyle Pick Up Fight Sports

Fighting sports aren’t for everyone. Some of us are more lovers than fighters but the truth is combat sports elevates testosterone levels both from a workout standpoint (high intensity interval training) as well as the “competition” aspect which really jacks up your testosterone production. It’s a sport of adrenaline and testosterone. And you don’t have to take any punches either. Stand in front of a punching bag and go all-out as if fighting for your life.

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The High Testosterone Lifestyle Avoid Hormone Replacement Therapy

The reason we have hormone replacement therapy on the “do not” list is because this expensive treatment should be a final option. Give yourself the ability to succeed without the therapy first. Apply a bunch of the testosterone boosting tricks found in this manual and record the difference they make before surrendering to therapy. Simple lifestyle changes like more sleep, eating healthier, reducing alcohol and kicking porn out of your life will go a long way to saving your testosterone levels. And these are just a few changes! Consider hormone replacement therapy a last resort until you’ve tried everything you can and your back is up against the wall. This is a personal decision however and is certainly an effective option if you don’t mind the potential harmful sideeffects which come along with the treatment. Get Even More Testosterone 71

The High Testosterone Lifestyle Omega 3 vs. Omega 6 Ratio

The omega-6 to omega-3 ratio in the typical North American diet is so heavily focused on omega-6 (10:1 or even 20:1) that many of us are crushing our testosterone levels with every meal we ingest. Too much omega-6 versus omega-3 leads to catastrophic levels of silent systemic inflammation in your body which will quickly decrease your testosterone levels and increase your chances of coming down with some form of chronic disease. Omega 6 foods include margarine, dressings, various nuts and seeds, fast foods, pork sausage and sweets. Keep these foods at a minimum. Instead, load up on omega 3 rich foods which include salmon, tuna, olive oil, and cage-free eggs. You want to flip the omega 6; omega-3 10:1 ratio on its head and make your omega 3 intake much higher.

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The High Testosterone Lifestyle Drink Out Of Glass Bottles

You want to avoid BPA at all costs. BPA is the plastic found on your water bottles and plastic food containers. When drinking out of a water bottle, for example, the BPA chemicals leak into your water. So as you continue to drink, you’re adding a testosterone decreasing substance into your body. And the more you refill, the more leakage. One study even shows these same chemicals can even conflict with the onset puberty in growing boys. And that’s the age when testosterone levels begin to really skyrocket! Imagine your response if you are over 30 and on the biological testosterone decline already. Instead, stop drinking or storing water in plastic containers. Drink out of a BPA FREE or glass water bottle when traveling or exercising and be sure to grab a good water filter for your tap water at home. 
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MORNING TESTOSTERONE RITUAL Having high testosterone levels all starts at the beginning of your day. If you can dominate your mornings and check off the following morning testosterone boosting activities then you are setting yourself up for an entire day of more sex-drive, more muscle, more energy, and overall better health. The morning should be the easiest part of your day to take care of your testosterone levels. There’s no interruptions, no distractions and very little stress if any. Make this section the staple to your morning and you’ll dominate your day with more testosterone. 74

Morning Testosterone Ritual Ancient ED Fix

If you want to protect your sex life and your master male sex-hormones then the first 30 minutes of your morning are critical. Upon waking, follow the guidelines laid out in the Ancient ED Fix. A 3000 year old oral cleansing routine which will rid your body of testosterone decreasing inflammation and protect your penis from inflamed blood cells which only clog blood flow and keep you from achieving an erection. Use the Ancient ED Fix mouthwash solution used in Eastern medicine for thousands of years every morning and enjoy your sex life and your boost in sex-drive.

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Morning Testosterone Ritual Cold Showers

Clock 5-minutes of cold showers in each day and you’re on your way to a massive testosterone and energy surge each morning. As you know, when you’re cold, your testicles shrink up. When the testicles are pressed close to the rest of your body, testosterone which is produced in the testicles is then easily released into the bloodstream. You may be shriveled for a good 5-minutes or so but hey, it’ll all be worth it when you’re riding high on testosterone. This is one of the more challenging testosterone boosting strategies simply because being cold sucks. However, it’s by far one of the most powerful ways to increase your master male-hormones. And you’ll notice you’ll have quite the extra surge in energy levels throughout the day as well.

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Morning Testosterone Ritual Skip Breakfast

Skipping breakfast is one of the strategies you can use if you decide to follow an intermittent fasting dieting approach to increase testosterone levels by up to 180% as well as boost human growth hormone (the “Fountain of Youth” hormone) levels by 2000%. Simply by skipping breakfast and continuing you “fast” through the evening while you were sleeping until mid afternoon when you decide to eat again has significant positive effects on your testosterone levels and may be advantageous to men with busy schedules or who have trouble fitting breakfast into their diet in the first place.

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Morning Testosterone Ritual Take a Quality Multivitamin

One of the simplest ways to increase natural testosterone production, is to correct all of your underlying vitamin and mineral deficiencies. That is, since you can often do it effortlessly with a proper diet and a multivitamin supplement. Really, every vitamin in the alphabet and most minerals will effect your testosterone levels negatively if you are deficient. Instead of monitoring your micronutrient intake via the foods you can consume, get yourself a quality multivitamin and take it with your first meal of the day. Do that and you’ve got the bare minimum of micronutrients you need to have your testosterone production operating on all levels.

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Morning Testosterone Ritual Avoid Toothpastes Containing Triclosan

Fluoride is a common disrupter of normal testosterone and thyroid hormone production. This is because fluoride is toxic at low levels in the human body and causes oxidative stress, it can displace iodine from androgen receptors and thyroid gland, and it can adversely impact testicular cells and enzymes needed for healthy testosterone production. Here’s the deal. If you look at the back of most toothpastes you’ll see they contain fluoride. However, if you want to protect your testosterone levels from damaging fluoride you can easily use organic toothpastes which are fluoride free. Truth is, high fluoride consumption has been shown to decrease testosterone levels by as much as 40% in males. A shocking statistic to consider when you’re a man who wants to control the health of his T-levels. Get Even More Testosterone 79


TESTOSTERONE CRUSHING HABITS The following section will show you a few habits that cause the biggest “blow” to your testosterone levels. A lot of the upcoming habits can be highly addictive and you may want to seek additional help to break these habits. The fact that you’re reading through this text means you have breathe and life and you have the ability to live it in a healthy, long, and fulfilling way. It’s never too late to change. To be honest, the following changes will not only increase your testosterone levels, yet more importantly, enhance your relationships and enjoyment of life. 80

Testosterone Crushing Habits Too Much Alcohol Consumption

You don’t need to give up alcohol completely. There’s nothing wrong with having a drink here and there (although beer has been shown to decrease testosterone levels following consumption). If you find that you consume alcohol on most days of the week and are continually becoming intoxicated you may want to consider reaching out to someone for help and improving the quality and enjoyment of life. Heck, you can reach out to us, even if you are seeking some encouragement and direction. However, please know we are not medical professionals, just friends. Here’s some additional information regarding alcohol consumption and your testosterone production: Alcohol consumption can cause oxidative damage in the testicular leydig cells and various other bodily tissues. This leads to local reduction of testosterone inside the scrotum, and can destroy the testosterone molecules already in circulation, due to the effects of the stress hormone: cortisol. This is just one of many ways alcohol consumption can upset your testosterone balance in your body. Get Even More Testosterone 81

Testosterone Crushing Habits Watching Pornography

You’re either going to hate me for saying this or thank me. But I’m going to be brutally honest. Men today are walking around with 22% less testosterone than men did 30 years ago. This is unfortunate for guys, especially with all the modern research on training, nutrition and health. We should have more testosterone than any generation before us! The culprit to this massive drop in testosterone is porn. Something that our parents didn’t have easy access to at their age like men do today. Testosterone levels have been proven to decrease in men who watch pornography regularly. It is also linked to depression, low motivation, erectile dysfunction, and negative selfperceptions in terms of physical appearance and sexual functioning. To be honest, kicking porn out of your life is going to take a larger motivation than trying to save your testosterone levels. I get that. So to pose testosterone as a valid reasoning for you to put off porn is farfetched. I will challenge you, go 30-days without pornography and see how it changes your life. You don’t have to take me up on this. But from man to man, I know you’ll benefit. Get Even More Testosterone 82

Testosterone Crushing Habits Kick Smoking For Good

Does smoking play any role with testosterone production? Well, not significantly. However, it can effect one of the biggest reasons men want to boost their testosterone levels in the first place, sex. Impotence, also known as erectile dysfunction, is characterized by a man’s inability to achieve or maintain an erection. If you’re a cigarette smoker, nicotine may be the culprit since it acts as a vasoconstrictor, which can cause blood vessels to become narrow and will reduce blood flow. Vasocontriction is sometimes to blame for a man’s reduced sexual arousal. Also, erectile dysfunction resulting from smoking can be difficult to treat when caused by damage to blood vessels. According to Dr.Mirkin.com, arteriosclerosis (clogged arteries) is the most common cause of impotence in North America. So if you are having trouble in the bedroom and you’re a smoker, you’ve found a very motivating reason to quit cold turkey. Get Even More Testosterone 83

Testosterone Crushing Habits Too Many Calories

Too little calories are certainly a cause for a drop in testosterone levels and so is the consumption of too many calories. Too many calories are going to add an excess amount of weight gain, which overweight and obese subjects tend to have less testosterone levels than those who maintain a lean and healthy figure. And most individuals consuming too many calories are also making poor nutrition choices, mainly consuming omega-6 fatty acids from fried foods, sugars, and unhealthy oils. Avoid these types of foods and monitor a healthy caloric intake within 2,000 - 3,000 calories and high in testosterone boosting omega 3 fatty acids instead of omega-6 fatty acids.

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Testosterone Crushing Habits Not Too Much Coffee Now

Coffee is actually a great beverage for increasing testosterone levels. A few cups per day has been shown to elevate t-levels and also increase your energy levels and boost stamina. However, too much coffee (just like most products when used excessively) will decrease testosterone levels and can even cause a caffeine dependency for energy. Something you’ll want to avoid if you want to live a normal life without the need of outside stimulants.

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DIETARY TRICKS The dietary tips, tricks, and tactics in the following section will significantly increase testosterone levels so you can enjoy more sex-drive, more muscle, more energy, and a significant increase in energy, good health and vitality. These information in this chapter is easy to implement in your everyday routine so you maximize your master male hormones and succeed with skyrocketing your testosterone levels.


Dietary Tricks Too Much Protein

It’s been shown that high protein diets are not the way to go if you want to keep your testosterone levels high. In one study, researchers divided their subjects into 2 groups. One group ate a high-carb low-protein diet and the other group ate a high-protein low-carb diet. The amount of fat was the same among both groups. Ten days into the study, the results showed that the high protein group had significantly lower free testosterone levels (-36%), higher SHBG levels, and higher cortisol levels. Now, this could have also been due to the lower carbohydrates eaten in the high protein diet participants. However, the protein did not help one bit in increasing the levels of testosterone in the study. Keep protein intake around 0.5g per pound of bodyweight to maintain healthy testosterone levels. Get Even More Testosterone 87

Dietary Tricks Chow Down On Carbs

There’s a simple reason you’ll never hear us recommend a low-carb diet. They are destructive on testosterone levels. In the European Journal of Applied Physiology, the researchers had 2 groups of men who performed three consecutive days of intensive training, the only difference monitored was the carbohydrate intake. One group ate 60% of their daily calories from carbs, whereas the other group ate only 30% of their daily calories from carbs. The final post-study results taken in the third day, showed that the group which ate the lower amount of carbs, had significantly lower free testosterone levels, and higher cortisol levels. The complete opposite of what any man wants. Carbs are a very good thing for your testosterone levels. Just be sure it’s the nutrient dense carbs like quinoa, sweet potatoes, fruits, and vegetables. Get Even More Testosterone 88

Dietary Tricks Eat A Ton of Fat

We’ve discussed several reasons why healthy fats are critical for your testosterone production in this text. But how much fat is the perfect amount of fat for keeping testosterone levels soaring? About 30% of your daily calorie intake will serve you well. Just as an example. Say you were consuming a 2000 calorie diet, the amount of calories you will can to consume from fats will be 600 calories, or 67g of fat. Be sure to fit in the healthy fats we’ve included in this text for maximal T-boosting results.

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Dietary Tricks About Sugar Intake

According to a report posted in the endocrine society, a high level of insuling, the hormone primarily secreted after eating, is related to low testosterone levels. Eating sugar increases glucose (sugar) levels which stimulates secretion of insulin. In this experiment, researchers examined the impact of a standard dose of glucose on testosterone levels in 74 men. The researchers gave participants an oral glucose tolerance test, a screening for diabetes which includes drinking a sugary solution (75 grams of pure glucose) and then measuring blood sugar levels. Of the 74 men, 42 had normal glucose tolerance on the test, 23 had impaired glucose tolerance and 9 had newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes. The scientists found the glucose solution decreased blood levels of testosterone by as much as 25 percent, regardless of whether the men had diabetes, prediabetes or normal glucose tolerance. Our recommendation, stay away from the sugary sodas and snacks to keep your blood testosterone levels from falling. Get Even More Testosterone 90

Dietary Tricks Avoid Vegetarian Diets

Vegetarian diets are a very healthy option for men. However, when it comes to maintaining high testosterone levels, it is far more challenging following a plantbased nutrition strategy than one which involves meats. Vegetarians are missing out on animal products which are loaded with essential amino acids for maintaining high testosterone levels. Also, lot’s of vegetarian protein selections are riddled with soy protein, also shown to decrease testosterone levels in men by increasing estrogen, the main female hormone. However, if you do choose to follow a vegetarian diet, no need to worry. Simply locate a reliable supplement source for amino acids this way you do not miss out on these testosterone boosting nutrients. And be sure to continue to eat plenty of carbs and omega rich fats.

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Dietary Tricks Go Organic

There’s no doubt about it. The foods we eat today could be the cause of the constantly declining testosterone levels in men these days. In fact, 30 years ago, men had an average off 22% more testosterone than men have today. One of the reasonings is the amount of chemicals which have been added to our foods since then. If you think about it, 30 years ago, men were growing more of their own produce, baking their own breads, butchering their own cattle. There was less exposure to the chemicals and pesticides in most food products today. When you “go-organic” you are avoiding the chemicals which increase inflammation in the body and thus increase testosterone demolishing cortisol. Be sure when you purchase your fruits and vegetables that they are listed as organic. And beef, chicken and other meats and poultry should be listed as “cage-free” or “grass-fed.”

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Dietary Tricks Eat More Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a precursor for all your sex hormones including your master male hormone, testosterone. The final part of testosterone synthesis happens when luteinizing hormone (LH) triggers the testicular leydig cells to convert cholesterol into testosterone inside the scrotum. Meaning that cholesterol, the actual lipid molecule, is like the infant of testosterone. And there have been several studies have found out how increased cholesterol intake correlates with elevated testosterone production. Moral of the story, stay away from the low-fat diets. Fat contains cholesterol which is directly connected with boosting your testosterone levels.

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Dietary Tricks Choose Coffee Over Tea

As anything, too much of one or the other is a bad thing for your testosterone levels. Similarly, if you drink 8 cups of coffee or tea per day you are going to see some dips in testosterone levels. However 1-3 cups of coffee or tea (not coffee and tea in one day) can actually help improve your testosterone levels. Coffee is one of those selections which can boost your testosterone levels and tea has some estrogen blocking effects. Tea is more of a testosterone increaser based on the fact it decreases estrogen in the body and therefore keeps your masculine hormone higher than the female hormone estrogen. Coffee or tea? Really the choice is yours. Both of them can present good benefits for protecting and increasing your testosterone levels so long as there’s no over-consumption involved.

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Dietary Tricks Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is one of those nutrition strategies where you go an extended period where you do not eat at all. You can drink beverages like water or coffee, however the beverages must not contain any calories. During the day you will have an 8-hour window where you can consume plenty of food, of course in moderation without the overconsumption of calories. And of course, you want to eat foods which are going to support your testosterone levels, not decrease them as many of the foods we’ve hinted at in this text (also take a look at the next page for more specific foods to stay away from). After your 8-hour eating window has closed, you will not consume any calories for another 16 hours. Repeat this daily for a maximum amount testosterone response.

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Dietary Tricks Avoid The Below Foods

If you’re consuming any of the foods of this page we recommend leaving them behind. These foods have been shown to attack testosterone levels and decrease your male-hormones significantly. Stay away from the following foods: • Flaxseed products (highly estrogenic) • Black licorice (negative effects of glycyrrhizic acid which lowers T-production) • High Polyunsaturated Fats like margarine & vegetable oils (loaded with omega-6) • Mint & Peppermint (Both have been shown to reduce testosterone levels directly) • Alcohol (Reduces testicle size and testosterone levels) • Soy Products (Increases estrogen in the male body) • Trans Fats like corn oil and sugary snacks (Lowers good cholesterol needed for testosterone production)

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Dietary Tricks Stop With The Soy Protein

Soy contains compounds called isoflavones (genistein, daidzein and glycitein) which act as phytoestrogens (plant estrogens) in the human body. They’re molecularly similar to the dominant female hormone, estrogen, and are believed to have similar effects in the body. As estrogen levels go on the rise in men, they are almost always a likely to see a direct connection with low testosterone levels. Now, a little soy here and there is not going to damage your testosterone levels. However, if you are a big time consumer of soy products like soy protein powder, tofu, or edamame then it would be wise to cut back a bit on these soy products to keep your testosterone levels healthy.

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Dietary Tricks Stay Hydrated

Just mild dehydration before and during exercise has been shown to significantly raise the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Which as you know by now as cortisol increases it negatively impacts your testosterone levels. Mild dehydration at rest and/or during exercise likely has a testosterone suppressing effect. This is also important to note during intense weight lifting (if you participate in that activity). In one study, the subjects all completed three identical resistance training routines and in different hydration states (hydrated, dehydrated by ~2,5% body mass, and dehydrated by ~5% body mass). The results showed that dehydration increased cortisol levels significantly, while it also hindered the normal exerciseinduced rise in testosterone. Get Even More Testosterone 98

Dietary Tricks Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can serve many different health purposes however, we are going to cover two. One of the effects apple cider vinegar has on the body is that it reduces inflammation in the body shown to decrease testosterone levels. When inflammation is lowered in the body your cortisol levels reduce and thus your T-levels are able to boom back up to normal. Apple cider vinegar also has another purpose which is increasing sex-drive and increasing blood flow to the penis. Supposedly this strong vinegar is that it helps repair nerve fibers and blood vessels around the penis allowing for a successful flow of blood to your manhood when you are aroused. Our recommendation is to drink 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in the morning with a hint of lemon in a 16 oz. cup of water. Get Even More Testosterone 99

Dietary Tricks Avoid Mercury

It’s important to select tuna which is mercury free. Why? Because mercury is an extremely toxic liquid heavy-metal, that will wrecks havoc on your body and cause a variety of health issues and of course, increase inflammation. So while your intentions of eating canned tuna may be good you will want to avoid the cheap stuff and keep the mercury out of your body.   Not only is it bad for your testosterone production, it also destroys neurons and is toxic to the whole nervous system, causes damage in the digestive track, jacks with your immune system, and can cause metal disorders such as memory loss and dementia, on top of many other – even deathly – side effects. Clearly, you want to avoid this stuff at all costs. There’s a reason canned tuna says “pregnant women do not consume”... Because it’s not good for your body one bit.

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Dietary Tricks Don’t Eat Too Much Fiber

One study took two separate male participants where one man was on a high-fat low-fiber diet and had a 13% higher free-testosterone level and 15% higher total-Testosterone with also significantly lower estrogen levels compared to the guy who was put on a low-fat high-fiber diet with the same amount of calories. And then when the individual went from a low fiber diet to a high fiber diet it resulted in a 12% drop in total testosterone levels with also 10% decrease in free-testosterone and DHT fell by 9%. If you want to maintain your testosterone levels and not see them drop due to fiber, consumer somewhere between 20-40 grams of fiber each day.

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Dietary Tricks Pass On The Margarine

One study found that trans fatty acids (which margarine is loaded with) not only lowers HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol), and at the same time they also raise triglycerides and lipoprotein levels in plasma. This is not ideal because in one study, over 4000 men were tested for testosterone and HDL cholesterol. Every participant saw a correlation was where men with higher HDL cholesterol also had higher testosterone. In other words, get your HDL cholesterol and your testosterone levels will rise. All margarine and other trans fats do is raise the bad cholesterol in your body which eventually leads to chronic inflammation and several other health concerns.

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Dietary Tricks Don’t Restrict Your Calories Too Much

Some people forget that calories are actually units of energy. So when you reduce your caloric intake you are actually reducing energy in your body needed to function properly. Extreme dieting for weight loss effects your testosterone production and reduces your sex drive because it does not have the energy to function and produce the hormones due to a lack of energy. Keep calories within the 2000 -3500 range to maintain a healthy range for maintaining proper testosterone levels.

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ALL-NATURAL SUPPLEMENTS Add in the all-natural supplements on the following pages to really ramp up your testosterone levels. Also, be sure to look at the testosterone and libido boosting brews, shakes, and smoothies which came with your Testosterone Rescue Kit. These supplements are both safe and effective however before using any of them please consult your physician. Enjoy these testosterone boosters!


Testosterone Supplements Supplement With Turmeric

Turmeric is one of natures top anti-inflammatories. And if you’ve been reading through this manual then you know inflammation is a killer for testosterone levels and can also wreck your penis’ ability to achieve an erection. Add this Eastern spice into your daily nutrition regimen to fight off testosterone destroying inflammation and keep your sex drive and sexual performance in the bedroom on top. => Visit the most potent turmeric extract for increasing testosterone levels and boosting sex-drive here

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Testosterone Supplements Take Ashwagandha Root

Ashwagandha has been shown to greatly improve cardiovascular health by reducing inflammation, reducing the amount of serum triglycerides, increasing the “good” HDL-cholesterol (~17%), and reducing the “bad” LDL-cholesterol (~9%). All of which have been shown to improve testosterone levels. In one human study, ashwagandha increased serum T-cell count, as well as boost immunity. This supplement can even increase muscle tissue in men as well. A recent study published this year found out that 600mg/day of KSM-66 ashwagandga significantly increased muscle strength and recovery in 57 young male subjects.

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Testosterone Supplements Forskolin

In one study, 30 obese male subjects who were divided into two groups, the Forskolin group and the placebo group. The Forskolin group received 250 mg’s of 10% Forskolin extract twice a day for 12 weeks. The placebo group received a fake pill. At the end of the 12 week period, the Forskolin group had a 33% increase in testosterone when compared to placebo group. Forskolin is also a great supplement for increasing blood flow as well as working as a fat burner. Two highly regarded benefits making forskolin one of the more impressive natural supplements on the market.

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Testosterone Supplements Creatine

Creatine is one of the world’s most popular (if not the king) of allsupplements. Especially for athletes and bodybuilders for increasing strength and energy output during workouts. However, there are also some fantastic testosterone boosting benefits to creatine as well. One study conducted in 2009 showed that after a 7 day loading phase of creatine, followed by an additional 14 days of creatine maintenance supplementation the levels of bio-active dihydrotestosterone, increased by 56% after the initial 7 days of creatine loading. Then the 14 days following on the maintenance dosage, participants have a 40% over baseline dihydrotestosterone level. The ratio of dihydrotestosterone to testosterone was therefore increased by 36% after the 7 day creatine supplementation and remained elevated by 22% after the maintenance dose.

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Testosterone Supplements Horny Goat Weed

A flowering herb from the Mediterranean region of Asia. Horney goat weed has been used as an aphrodisiac in Chinese medicine for more than a thousand years, only recently has Western medicine started researching it. It’s believed to increase testosterone due to a bio-active compound called icariin. Although all current studies are animal studies this flowering herb has powerful potential for testosterone boosting in humans and is highly recommended.

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Testosterone Supplements Supplement With Zinc

Zinc is a mineral which plays a very important role in testosterone production. Supplementing your diet with zinc has been shown to cause a significant improvement in t-levels in as little as 6 weeks. Similarly, research has shown restricted dietary sources of zinc leads to a significant decrease in testosterone, while zinc supplementation increases it. Zinc is shown to also protect men from exercised-induced depletion in testosterone levels. It's estimated up to 45 percent of adults over the age of 60 have lower than encouraged zinc intake. And even when dietary supplements are still added in, an estimated 20-25 per- cent of older adults still had inadequate zinc intakes, according to a National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Save your testosterone levels and get enough zinc in your diet. Get Even More Testosterone 110

Testosterone Supplements Supplement With CLA

One of the most powerful supplements you can use for maxi- mizing testosterone levels is CLA (conjugated Linoleic Acid) According to one study, CLA supplementation provided greater increase in testosterone levels than resistance train- ing workout. Making the case, this supplement alone can in- duce greater T-levels without an increase in physical activity (although not recommended). Our suggestion is to combine this CLA supplement with Anabolic Running workouts to raise male-sex hormone levels and also burn additional fat (CLA also acts as a powerful fat burning supplement). In a double-blind, placebo-controlled human study con- ducted by renowned Swedish researcher Dr. Annika Snedman, those using conjugated linoleic acid lost 400% more fat than the placebo group over the course of 12 weeks—and this was all done without any change in diet and without the implementation of a regular exercise program. Not bad if you’re looking for the fat-loss / testosterone boost- ing doublewhammy. Get Even More Testosterone 111

Testosterone Supplements Maca Powder

This herb has many benefits such as improving the erectile dysfunction, increasing the sex drive, boosting testosterone, strengthening the sexual stamina; increasing the sperm count, and improving the physical strength. It’s the ultimate supplement if you are going to take any to improve your sexual performance. You’ll see it in several smoothies recommended in your Free E.D. Smoothie Fix guide you received with you purchase of the Ancient E.D. Fix program. We suggest getting your maca in the poweder form as it’s easy to mix into any drink. Throw it into your E.D. fighting coconut water or toss it into your protein shake or smoothieTake 3 teaspoons of powdered maca on a daily basis. Or else, a 450 mg capsule of dried maca extract can be taken based on the labeled instructions on the bottle. Get Even More Testosterone 112

Testosterone Supplements Indian Ginseng

This ancient herb increases the sperm production, testosterone levels and growth of testes.  A moderate consumption of Indian ginseng has shown a 60% increase in the ability to achieve an erection and increase sex drive. Simply eat 150 mg of ginseng three times a day. Ginseng is a root that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. Ancient Chinese wisdom claims that ginseng cures problems with sexual dysfunction by acting on both the reproductive as well as the nervous to increase libido. Anusuya Suresh, author of a textbook on Industrial Pharmacognosy (study of medicines from national sources) says: ‘For centuries, people in China have used Ginseng to cure problems with sexual function because it acts on both the reproductive as well as the nervous system to increase libido. By its action on the blood vessels of the penis, it helps to improve erections; through its tonic action on the body. It also improves energy levels by increasing levels of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine reducing stress and enhancing their mood. Get Even More Testosterone 113

Testosterone Supplements ZMA

An independent study of ZMA was recently conducted at Western Washington University under the leadership of sports performance researcher, Lorrie Brilla, Ph.D. A group of 12 competitive NCAA football players took ZMA nightly during an eight-week spring training program and saw an increase by over 30% in free and total testosterone levels compared to more than 10% decreases in the placebo group. This supplement also throws your body into a deeper sleep for more quality testosterone boosting rest.

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