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Name: Lesbra sandi


Meisari Purba


Lusi Marito Sinaga


Debby Isabel Tobing


Monika Siahaan


Group: E Lecture: Language Testing Lecturer: Bertaria S. Hutahuruk, M.Hum.


20 Questions For Grammar Skill

Part A Give the correct answer of the question ! 1. You are a student, …..? 2. She was reading a novel, …..? 3. He should stay in bed, ….? 4. Yushie signed the petition, ….? 5. There’s an exam tomorrow, …...? 6. Mary can’t play tennis,….? 7. Amry and I have seen the film, …..? 8. Ucy’s been studying English for two years,….? 9. We’ll be attending the University in August,…..? 10. It sure is rainy today,…..?

Part B Choose the correct answer in the bracket ! 1. Raymond asked (me/my) to call him last night. 2. You shouldn’t rely on (him/his) recalling you. 3. Monica is expecting (us/our) to go to hospital tomorrow. 4. We understand (his/him) having to leave early. 5. They don’t approve of (us/our) leaving early. 6. He is looking forward to (us/our) visiting them. 7. Jenny regrets (john/john’s) being in trouble. 8. He always knows for (mine/my) heart’s feeling. 9. John resented (Desy’s/Desy) losing the paper. 10. (its/it’s) tail is very long.

20 Questions for Speaking Skill

I. Complete the dialogues below using the suitable expressions! 1. A: You seem to busy. May I give you a hand? B: oh…….. , no thank you. I can do it my self. The underlined sentence expresses….. a. b. c. d.

Offering help Waiting for help Asking for help Giving help

2. Jack: My lecturer gave me an assignment to write a book review. Can you tell me what book should I review? Jane: well…….. You’d better review Harry Potter. a. b. c. d.

I have no objection Sorry to say that I’d like to suggest that Thanks

3. Tom:Hi……., Ariel do you know about the weather for tomorrow? Ariel: ………… It’s going to be hot and sunny. a. b. c. d.

I am planning I predict I don’t know The plan is

4. Pasha: You look very busy with your work. ………………. Ahmad: Sure. If you don’t mind. How kind you are. a. b. c. d.

Are you ok? Would you like to help me? Do you like to help him? Can I help you?

5. James: We are hungry. We need some oranges. Tio: oh, why oranges? I …………. We need some bread instead a. b. c. d.

Think so Like Agree Hope

II. What will you say to give advice to the following situation! 1. Your friend can’t wake up early. Answer: 2. Your friend who never do his/her assignment. Answer: 3. Your friend will go camping in winter season. Answer: 4. Your friend who always coming late to classroom. Answer: 5. Your friend who always talking in the classroom. Answer: III. What do you say if? 1. You want to borrow your friend’s money. 2. You want to use your friend’s hand phone. 3. You want to get help from your friend. 4. You want to invite your girlfriend dating. 5. You want to see your friend’s homework. IV. Make a short dialogue based on the topic below. “The impact of having Facebook account for students”

V. Complete the dialogues below using the suitable expressions! 1. Jonson

: “…………. My foot is hurt.”


: “What’s going on?”


: “You step on my foot.”

2. Jay

: “Rossi won the Motogp race last night.”

Firman : “…..” 3. Ariel: Hi….. Luna. What’s wrong with you. You look so sad. Luna: please leave alone. Tari: What’s the problem? Tell me. Luna: I can’t tell…………. Oh I guess. It must be about Olga. Am I right? VI. Make a simple dialogue using expression agree and disagree !

20 Questions For Writing Skill

I. Answer the following questions.

1. Explain the definition and parts of paragraph. 2. Make a short paragraph with your own words. 3. Explain the differences between paragraph and sentence. 4. Arrange these words to be a good sentence : Met- some- I- in- class- students- my 5. There are 13 kinds of text. Mention all of the kinds.

II. Arrange words below become good forms for kinds of the utensil of the Kitchen. 1. t-v-s-o-e 2. k-o-f-r 3. l-a-s-p-a-u-t 4. e-l-a-p-t 5. w-o-b-l 6. n-o-p-o-s 7. s-g-l-a-s 8. i-x-e-r-m 9. l-e-b-n-e-r-d 10. n-p-a III. Arrange the following sentences to be a good paragraph of narrative. MY WALL CLOCK Everybody will call it wall clock. The type is cycle in white and bold column. My wall is beautiful and running was. There are 3 points which are long points for second, middle point for minutes and short point for hum. 5. The member of number in my wall clock watch is 12w stand from 1 until 12, use 1 battery behind it. 1. 2. 3. 4.

IV. Rewrite these sentences and combine each pair of the sentences with the appropriate conjunction before and after.

1. I prepare my ticket and passport. I go on holiday to Paris. 2. I found a nice room. I look for it for several weeks. V. Arrange the following dialogue into its correct order. A : What will you do this holiday ? B : That’s sound interesting. Unfortunately, I don’t have enough money to go there. A : You don’t have to worry. I’ll lend you some. I have withdrawn my saving at the bank. B : I don’t have any plan, actually. A : Of course, I really mean it. B : Thank you very much. I’m really happy to plan for a holiday. A : How about going to Bali ? B : That’s great. Are you serious ?

VI. Rewrite this short text and then put the appropriate punctuation to the following text. Use the capital letters if necessary. cockroaches are insects that live in the dark lamp places many people think of them pests, they are related to grasshoppers and crickets cockroaches have lived on the earth 250 million years there are more than 3500 species or kind they can live in many places from rain forests to deserts cockroaches have flat oval bodies their long legs are covered with short stiff hairs they use these hairs to feel things they also have long delicate body parts called antennae that they use to smell things cockroaches eat all kinds of foods as well as paper light and come out mainly at night

20 Questions For Listening Skills

Listen to the recording carefully and fill the blanks! This is the VOA Special English Development Report. Health experts predict that soon, more people will die from …………….. (1) than from AIDS, …………………..(2) and malaria combined. They expect that by two thousand ten, cancer will become the world's leading cause of death. Heart disease is the current leading killer. A ……………………………. (3) report made the predictions in December. Experts say one reason more people are dying from cancer is because more people are smoking cigarettes in developing countries. Forty percent of the world's smokers are believed to live in China and India alone. Other things including high fat ……………….(4) and reduced physical activity are also believed to be pushing the numbers upward. Rates of ………………..(5) cancer in Japan, Singapore and South Korea are now three times what they were forty years ago. The W.H.O. report estimates that twelve million people will be found to have some form of cancer this year. It predicts that more than seven million people will die early as a result of cancer. And more than five million of the new cancer cases will be in developing countries. The number of cancer cases and deaths from cancer are expected to increase one percent each year. Experts are predicting the largest increases will be in China, Russia, and India. Without new treatments, the W.H.O. says, the number of new cancer ……………………..(6) could reach twenty-seven million a year by two thousand thirty. The number of deaths could reach seventeen million a year. A separate report in December said the number of men and women dying of cancer in the United States had dropped for the first time on record. The report in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute said the drop was mainly the result of fewer cases of …………………(7), prostate and ………………….(8)cancer in men. In women, it resulted from fewer cases of breast and colorectal cancer. The American Cancer Society says governments can do things to help prevent the increase in cancer cases and deaths. One idea is to provide poor and developing nations with ……………….(9)that help to prevent some cancer-causing infections. One example of a cancer-causing infection is human papillomavirus. This virus can cause cervical cancer in women. Another suggestion is more support for tobacco-control programs. And the cancer society says health …………………(10) and governments should invest more in cancer research and early detection.

And that's the VOA Special English Development Report, written by Brianna Blake. I'm Steve Ember. Listen to this song carefuly then fill these blanks ! Don’t you remember? When will I see you again? You…………..(1) with no goodbye, not a single word was………..(2) No final kiss to…………..(3) any seams I had no idea of the state we were in I know I have a fickle heart and bitterness And a…………..(4) eye, and a heaviness in my head But don't you remember? Don't you remember? The reason you loved me before Baby, please………………(5) me once more When was the last time you…………(6) of me? Or have you completely ………… (7) me from your memory? I often think about where I went wrong The more I do, the less I know But I have a fickle heart and bitterness And a wandering eye, and a heaviness in my head But don't you remember? Don't you remember? The reason you loved me before Baby, please remember me once more ……………(8) you the space so you could…………(9) I…………….(10) my distance so you would be free And hope that you find the missing piece To bring you back to me Why don't you remember? Don't you remember? The reason you loved me before Baby, please remember me once more When will I see you again?

20 Questions For Reading Skills

How people perceive ghost.

A nation of the transcendent, supernatural or numinous, usually involving entities like ghost, demons or deities, is shared by all human culture. Ghost or similar paranormal entities appear in film, theatre, and literature. In many cultures malignant, restless ghost are distinguished from the more benign spirits which are the subject of ancestor worship.

Ancestor worship typically involves rites intended to prevent revenants, vengeful spirits of the dead, imagined as starving and envious of the living. Strategies for preventing revenants may either include sacrifice, i.e. the provision of the dead with food and drink in order to pacify them, or the magical banishment of the deceased, preventing them for returning by force.

A place where ghost are reported is describe as haunted, and often seen as being inhabited by spirits of deceased who may have been former residents or were familiar with the property. Some philosophical and religious view argue that the” spirits” of those who have die have not passed over and the trapped inside the property where their memories and energy are strong.

The 1970s saw screen depictions of ghost diverge into distinct genres of the romantic and horror. A common theme in the romantic genre from this period is the ghost as the benign guide or massager, often with unfinished business, such as the 1990 film ghost. In the horror genre, the A nightmare on Elm street series of films from the 1980s and 1990s are notable examples of the trend for the merging of ghost stories with scene of psychical violence.

Popularized in such films as the 1984 comedy Ghostbusters, ghost hunting became a hobby for many who formed ghost hunting societies to explore reportedly haunted places.

Asian cinemas has been adept at producing horror films about ghost, such as the 1998 Japanese film Ringu (Remade in America as the ring in 2002)

1. Do many cultures have the same accept in culture? 2. Is there any culture which worship ghost? 3. What the genre of ghost stories in the big screen in the 1970s? 4. What does a ghost hunting community do? 5. Does Asia produce any ghost film?

Read the idiom and match with their definition. No Idiom s



To be the apple of someone eyes.

The words “ I love You (1)


Those three little words

To completely fall in love(2)


Have a crush on someone

Dating someone on a regular basis(3)


Fall in love with/ to fall for

To begin to feel love for someone(4)


To fall head over heels for someone

Love that is not returned, one –way love(5)


To be lovey -dovey

Ask someone to marry you(6)


Seeing someone

Instant love (7)


Ask for someone’s hand in marriage

A genuine feeling for romantic love (8)


Get engaged

To be loved by someone, normally an older relative (9)


Tie the knot

Get married(10)


Love at the first sight

Decide to marry someone(11)


Puppy love

Love without relations between friends(12)


Unrequited love

Have strong feelings of love for someone (13)


True love

Love between teenagers (14)


Platonic love

For a couple to show how much they are in love. (15)

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