10-2 (do You Want Some More)

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Lesson Plan Date: Thursday October 2, 2008 Period: 3 (10:40-11:20) Class: 5-4 Teachers: Matthew (Native Teacher – NT) Ms. Hwang (Korean Teacher – KT) Unit: Do You Want Some More? (Unit 10-2) Objectives: Materials:

Students will learn and use phrases that are courteous and polite to use when you want to offer something to someone. Computer, CD-Rom, picture cards

Introduction and Review (3-4 minutes) Do a short introduction and review to prepare the class with the previous day materials and teachers. This introduction will go as follows:  NT & KT: “Good morning students” Students (Ss) “Good morning Matthew Teacher…”  KT: “How are you today?”  Ss “I’m fine, thank you”  NT: “How’s the weather today?”  Ss “It’s ________________”  NT: “Ok, very good!” Next, the KT will do a short review with what was studied in the previous class  KT “What did we study in textbook last class?”  SS “Whose boat is this?”  KT “Right, we studied ‘Whose boat is this?’ [pick up a student’s pencil] Whose pencil is this?  S1 That’s mine.  KT Whose ruler is this?  S2 That’s yours. Can continue this for another 2-3 minutes or until the students are comfortable with the material and can move on to the new material. Let’s Listen (10 minutes) Tell students to turn to page 82, have them look at the picture so they have an idea of

what the dialog is about. The teacher can ask some very simple questions about the picture like “Who is he?, “Who is she?”, “Are they watching movies?”, “Are they eating dinner?”. You can then begin to play the dialog DIALOG A Jinho’s mom Help yourself, Peter. Peter Wow! Thanks. What’s this? Jinho It’s songpyeon. Go ahead, Peter. Peter Ummm, it’s yummy. Jinho Do you want some more? Peter No, thanks. I’m full. The teacher will ask some questions about the dialog  NT Who is in this dialog?  SS Peter, Jinho and Jinho’s mom  NT Good. What is Peter eating?  SS He is eating songpyeon.  NT That’s right. What does Jinho’s mom say to Peter?  SS ‘Help yourself’.  NT That’s right. What does Jinho ask Peter?  SS ‘Do you want some more?’  NT Good. What does Peter answer?  SS ‘No. I’m full’ After those questions, it’s time to go through the dialog one more time. After the second time, the teacher can ask the same questions to the students and to see if they fully understand the dialog. When the first dialog is complete, we can try dialog B The teacher will tell the students to focus on dialog B and will begin to listen to the second dialog. DIALOG B Jinho Do you want a knife? Peter No, thanks. Jinho Do you want a fork? Peter No, thanks. I can use chopsticks. Jinho You use chopsticks very well. Peter Thanks. The teacher can ask some questions about the dialog  NT Who is in this dialog?

 SS Peter, and Jinho  NT Good. What is Peter doing?  SS He is eating. He is using chopsticks.  NT That’s right. What does Jinho’s ask Peter?  SS ‘Do you want a knife?’  NT That’s right. What else does Jinho ask Peter?  SS ‘Do you want a fork?’  NT Good. What does Peter answer?  SS ‘No. Thanks’  NT Can Peter use chopsticks?  SS Yes. He can use chopsticks very well. After those questions, it’s time to go through the dialog one more time. After the second time, the teacher can ask the same questions to the students and to see if they fully understand the dialog. Listen and Repeat (5-10 minutes) The teachers introduce the listen and repeat to the class and tell the student’s first to listen to dialog 1) Jinho’s mom Help yourself. Peter Peter Wow! Thanks. 2) Jinho Do you want a fork? Joon No, thanks. I can use chopsticks. Then with the teacher’s help, the students practice the listen and repeat together as a class. Then the teacher splits the class (boys & girls, row-by-row) and then practice the listen and repeat. Then the teacher chooses two volunteers to practice the listen and repeat. The teacher can do this part 2 or 3 times with the students. After the first listen and repeat is completed, the teachers can do this with the second listen and repeat exercise. Let’s Sing (5 minutes) The teacher introduces the sing to the children and they listen carefully to the song and rhythm for the first time. After the first time, the students can start singing together as a class and do the song together as a class. Then, you can split the class up (boys & girls, row-by-row) and sing different section of the song.

After that, you can replace some of the foods in the song to a different food (pizza, bulgogi, hamburger, apples) Powerpoint Game (10 minutes) The students will play a powerpoint game. They will be split in by rows or boys & girls. The teacher will explain some of the instructions in the game. Powerpoint Review (5 minutes) The teachers will guide the students through a powerpoint review. The students will be able to practice the question “Do you want some more___________?” and will practice “Yes, I do” or “No, I don’t” Wrap-Up Time to finish the class  NT “Ok, children we are finished English Class today.”  KT “Did you have fun today?”  Ss “Yes!!!!”  KT “Ok, goodbye students, say goodbye to Matthew Teacher”  Ss “Goodbye, goodbye Matthew Teacher  NT “Goodbye, see you next time.”

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