The science behind of how the oven transforms cookie dough, a soft and raw substance into a hard crunchy cookie. The ingredients of the cookies are the chemicals and the baking is the chemical reaction.
1st Step: The spread
The first step in the ultimate transformation of dough is The spread (which begins at 33°C/92°F). As the cookie dough starts to heat up, the butter inside it melts. The ball of dough spreads out.
2nd Step: The Rise
Water boils away at 100°C/212 °F. This causes the cookie to get dried out and stiffen. Cracks spread across its surface and the steam that was bubbling inside evaporates leaving behind airy pockets that make the cookie light and fluffy.
The main ingredients
Baking Soda
Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), or baking soda is the leavening agent. It reacts with acids in the dough to create carbon dioxide gas (CO2), making airy pockets in the cookie.
3rd Step: Color and Flavor
Caramelization is the last reaction that takes place inside the cookie. Caramelization starts at 180°C/356 °F and continues up to 198°C/390 °F. Caramelization produces a range of flavor and aroma compounds, forming even more complex tastes and smells.