
  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,381
  • Pages: 10
Indicator Diagram What is the indicator diagram? PURPOSE (WHY) OF TAKING INDICATOR DIAGRAMS? HOW TO TAKE INDICATOR DIAGRAM? (SQUENCE)? Types of Indicator diagram? What is indicated power? How to calculate power? Purpose of Each indicator diagram? When taken? PRECAUTION NECESSARY TO AVOID INDICATOR MALFUNCTION? How to maintain good Performance? In compression pressure is low? Early Combustion.Effect?Causes? Late Combustion.Effect?Causes? After Burning (Symptoms & Effects,Causes)? EXHAUST VALVE OPENING-Early opening?Late opening? CHOKE EXHAUST PORTS OR VALVES,(Symptoms,Causes,Remedies)? CHOKED FUEL VALVE(Symptoms,Causes,Remedies)? LEAKY FUEL INJECTORS(Symptoms,Causes,Remedies)? LEAKY PISTON RINGS OR WORN LINER(Symptoms,Causes,Remedies)? Cetane Number? High Cetane Number Effects? Low Cetane Number Effects? Diesel Knock?Causes? Calculate the indicted power diagram by Mid ordinate Method?

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L.O Function of a lubricant ? Types of Lubrication? Properties of crankcase lube oil ? What is viscosity? What is viscosity index ? (VI) What is a pour point ? What is the flash point ? Why flash point is important ? /, What is TAN and TBN ? What type of engine are using high TBN and why ? What are detergency / dispersancy ? Explain the L O sampling procedure to send for LO test ? Essential factor effecting the establishment of hydrodynamic lubrication ? Where do locate ME LO sump and its fitting ? Why magnetic fitter is fitted on LO system ? Where fitted ? Contaminants in the lube oil ? Water contamination in lube oil ?(Causes?,Effects?,Remedies?) Fuel dilution in lube oil ?(Causes?,Effects?,Remedies?) How to move contaminants? What will you do if LO is contaminated with FW or SW ? How do you make batch purification ? When periodic batch purification make ? What is grease ? What is solid lubrication ? At what point will feed to the piston ? What will be happen temp: is lower than pour point ? Why viscosity is important ? How to maintain L.O on board ? Why cooler is installed after filter ? Action of L.O temperature abnormally high (What will you do as 2/E, if M/E L.O temperature abnormally high) Action when increase L.O level? Page 1

L.O Action when decrease L.O level? Action when decrease L.O pressure? If LO is contaminated with SW? Difference in Cylinder oil and System oil? L.O on board test? Requirement of lubricator?

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Bearing Classification MAIN BEARINGS(Function)? TOP END BEARINGS(Function)? BOTTOM END / CRANKPIN BEARINGS(Function)? What is nip ? Different between conventional and thin shell bearing ? Cause of thin shell bearing shifting ? INSPECTION OF BEARING & JOURNAL FOR DEFECTS? Bearing Clearance Methods? Effect of excessive bearing clearance ? What point to be check after removing X head bearing ? Types or Crosshead Bearing failure? Causes of Crosshead Bearing failure? How to check the bearing ? (Bearing overhaul) What points to be check after removing main bearing ? What points to be checked after removing big end bearing ? What points do you check after removing upper half bearing ? What points do you check after removing crank pin bearing ? What points do you check on thin shell bearing during overhaul ? Check new bearing before fitted? How to decide that shell to be replaced ? How to check bearing wear down (Main bearing) without bearing removal ? Types of bearing defects ? Wiping of Bearings Surface (Causes)? Causes of bearing overheat? Big end/crank pin bearing bolts failure (Causes)? What do you do if intermediate bearing or tunnel bearing or plumber block bearing temperature is increase ? How to check plumber block at sea ? Main bearing removing procedure? Big end bearing removing and fitting procedure? Page 1


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Boiler What is the meaning of boiler ? What is the boiler mounting ? Where are air vent cock located and its purpose ? Boiler safety devices ? Why need to blow down the gauge glass ? Boiler gauge glass blow down procedure ? Why need to blow down the boiler water ? Why do scum blow down and bottom blow down ? Purpose of boiler water test ? Enumerate the boiler water test? Purpose of Boiler water test ? Purpose of boiler water treatment? What is foaming in boiler and how to prevent it ? What is boiler priming and how to prevent it ? What action do you made take in case of foaming and priming ? Boiler blow down procedure ( cool down ) Opening up and Inspection Procedure Describe the boiler fresh up procedure from cool condition ? How do take action if gauge glass showing low water level ? What is caustic embrittlement? How to prevent it ? What do you do for preventing of oxygen ? If chloride is found too much in your boiler water what will you do ? What do you understand composite, alternative, and economizer boiler ? What is meant of accumulation pressure ? Purpose of accumulation pressure test ? Procedure of accumulation pressure test ? Safety valve setting under steam pressure ? How do you take action if one of the passages of gauge glass is chocked ? Causes of furnace blow back ? How to keep boiler not in service ? The purposes of boiler water treatment ? Page 1

Boiler Difference between safety valve and relief valve ? Marking on safety valve ? Types of boiler by pressure ? What is water hummer / how will you prevent it ? How to make boiler water test on your ship ? How do you take boiler water sample ? How to know scum valve open or not ? Where is manhole doors fitted ? Effect of foaming and priming ? What is blowback ? Procedure for hydraulic pressure test ? What is liquid coagulant ? How to renew the boiler gauge glass ? Boiler maintenance: When boiler safety valve setting made ? Why ship side blow down valve is open first and close last ? If no test and treatments is done to boiler, the following may rise. How to control / reduce excess EGE pressure? Soot Blow (Procedure) Purpose? Boiler safety valve closed examination and attention during overhauling Why safety valve is fitted in two numbers ? Why fitted in one valve chest ?

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Air Compressor & Air Bottle What is emergency air compressor ? Air compressor safety devices ? Purpose of unloder valve (moisture drain valve) ? What would be affect of suction valves of an air compressor having too much lift ? Affects of reduced volumetric efficiency of air compressor ? Different between relief valve and bursting disc ? Why multistage compressors are mostly used than single stage compressor ? Advantages of inter cooling of air compressor ? Why intercooler will fitted in Main air compressor? Advantages of after cooler purpose How to start the air compressor manually ? How do you check compressor efficiency @ running ? Safety devices on main air bottle ? Where is the fusible plug fitted ? Purpose ? Can you fit the relief valve at the space of bursting disc and why ? What is volumetric efficiency ? FACTORS AFFECTING VOLUMETRIC EFFICIENCY? Difference between intercooler and after cooler ? Why need bumping clearance ? How to adjust the bumping clearance ? Main air compressor bumping clearance taking procedure ? At what condition fusible plug is fitted main air bottle ? Purpose of bursting disc? Where is fitted ? Why bursting disc need to be annealed ? First start arrangement ? Why provide air compressor on board ? Why need minimum lubrication ? EFFECTS OF VALVES LEAKING(First stage suction?,First stage delivery?, Second stage suction?,Second stage delivery?) FALLS OF COMPRESSOR PERFORMANCE (Causes of poor performance) How to maintenance air compressor efficiency ? Air bottle pressure test? Page 1

Air Compressor & Air Bottle Purpose of drain valve (Compressor and Air bottle)?

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Purifier What is gravity disc ? How to choose the correct size of gravity disc ? What is paring disc ? What about water washing ? What is steam jetting ? Compare purifier and clarifier ? How do you change purifier to clarifier ? What is purifier, clarifier ? How to change purifier from H.O to D.O ? Why multidisc provided ? Cause of excessive vibration on purifier? Explain purifier over flow? Why have not get enough rpm when purifier is running ? How to adjust bowl high ? Why need sealing water ?

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