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I.Fill in the blanks as to form correct idioms, then choose two of them to make sentences of your own. 1p Be in…………………………………….. steal the……………………………………… Keep up with…………………………… work one’s way……………………………... Have one’s head………………………. Rub sb up the………………………………. II.Complete the sentences with words formed from the words in capitals. 1p 1. Lee was determined to become manager and his ............................................... eventually paid off. PERSIST 2. Her .................................. to survive kept her alive until the rescuers found her. DETERMINE 3. If enough people volunteer for early ............................................, there'll be no need for redundancies. RETIRE 4.The doctor said his cholesterol levels are ............................................. high. ALARM 5. Young children are very ............................. and shouldn’t be allowed to watch violent films. IMPRESSION 6. In England there is no postal ………………………….on Sundays. DELIVER 7. The doctor’s …………………...…..was that I had bronchitis. DIAGNOSE 8. Tea or coffee? Do you have any …………………..……...? PREFER 9. On …………….……, your passport may be renewed for a further five years. EXPIRE 10. It was the actor’s finest ……………………….………. . PERFORM III.Rephrase the following sentences using to-infinitive or gerundial constructions. 3p 1.‘Please don’t leave on my own’, Martin begged us him Martin begged us………………………………………………………….own. 2.Joe doesn’t like it when people treat him like a child. Resents Joe………………………………………………………….like a child. 3.It was resolved that the matter would be brought up at the next meeting. Bring They resolved………………………………………………up at the next meeting. 4.The police were told that the use of unnecessary force was forbidden. Not The police were instructed……………………………………………….unnecessary force. 5.If you work for this company, you have to travel a lot. Involves Working for this company……………………………………………of travel. IV.Fill in the gaps with ONE word. 1p 1. Lorna never benefitted .............................. her parents’ wealth, she’s always had to work for a living. 2. I wasn’t involved .............................. the argument, so I’ve no idea what it was about. 3. Joanne’s diet consists .............................. junk food and fizzy drinks; no wonder she’s overweight. 4. I strongly object .............................. being forced to pay for carrier bags in supermarkets. 5. The airline compensated us in full .............................. the loss of our luggage. V.Put the verbs in brackets into the –ing form or the infinitive 2p 1. I couldn't stop .............................. (wonder) whether I had done the right thing. 2. I hate ......................................... (ask) you, but can you help me with the housework? 3. She can't stand ........................ (listen) to you complaining all the time. 4. We really regret ........................(spend) so much money at the weekend. 5. I'd prefer ..........................................(spend) this weekend at home. 6. Your behaviour is beginning………………..………….(annoy). 7. I don’t remember……………………….…( tell) him, but I am sure I did. 8. Finish your Maths homework and then go on ………………………...(do) the English essay. 9. Your dress is filthy. It wants…………………….(wash). 10. I was sorry……………………..…(hear) you weren’t feeling very well. VI.Translate the following text into Romanian 1p Gradually, as I went through school, I spent more and more time doing music, and less and less time studying anything else. In the end my parents had to admit that I would never get to university with my poor marks, but a career in music was just a possibility. And so, even though my father really disapproved- and he told me so about three times a week- he agreed to let me go to music college… It was all I could do and it was all I wanted to do.

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