091308 Word Of Faith

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Word of Faith Video/Blog Index Adams Family: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knPffB6fSKU Plumblineapologetics provides the (original LocalPastor) clip of James Goll and Patricia King in “imparting” spiritual gifts. The Adam’s Family song is used in a smart way to spoof the lunacy of the false doctrinal teaching.

Ahn, Che: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1E4V4qp_gI&feature=related Todd Bentley introduces Che Ahn as an apostolic leader. Che Ahn describes the prophetic “3rd” wave (prophesied by Bob Jones; Toronto – 1st wave, Pensacola – 2nd wave, Lakeland - 3rd wave), the anointed sign of the revival to come. He says that John Arnott was “rejected by his brothers in 1995” and that he himself (Ahn) “was kicked out of two movements;” but it was all in preparation for the “anointing.” Ahn acknowledged there was a “Branham anointing” on Todd Bentley at time marker 1:47. Facing Todd Bentley, Ahn himself said that “he must decrease in order for you (Todd Bentley) to increase.” Blasphemy! Ahn (time marker 2:15) also talks about a retreat sponsored by Bill Johnson, where an ocean wave came up to their location (200 feet from shore) as a sign of blessing of their ministry efforts. The “wave” came on shore as Bob Jones talked about the “3rd wave” being “fulfilled” through the Lakeland revival. Todd Bentley at time marker 5:38, declared that the “anointing” will make its way on back to California. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFoYGE0soZI Monkey demons video clip originally developed by LocalPastor but uploaded by Plumblineapologetics – Che Ahn describes an encounter with a demon that appeared as a monkey with tentacles, which caused migraine headaches for someone for years. At time marker 0:31, Ahn says that a photo was taken of this demon causing migraines – photographic proof! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHdqfilHlFQ This is the unedited clip of Che Ahn talking about the migraine monkey demon. The “testimony” begins at time marker 6:40. At time marker 7:20, Che explains that “When’s there’s chronic pain…there’s usually a spirit. I’ve learned that in thirty years of being in the healing ministry, if there’s a chronic pain, there’s a spirit. Because Satan loves to feed off of people’s pains. Alright, so that’s why I command those spirits to leave. And not all of them are spiritual; maybe a physiological problem. But I just wanted to say, that is why I am doing, what I am doing.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELzVl630EXc&feature=related 1

Che Ahn takes a stab at the Lakeland Healing Revival and misses the target big time. The LocalPastor video clip uploaded by Plumblineapologetics (video comment italicized), is especially difficult for me to watch since my mother passed away with Lou Gehrig’s disease in 1995. Here’s the breakdown of the attempted healing from prophesied “full healing” to “partial healing”. At the opening of this video clip, we see that this video footage was taken from the WACX Channel in Orlando, Florida in June of 2008. At time marker 0:06, LocalPastor tells us that “Lou Gehrig’s disease is a disorder called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or ALS. About half of all people with ALS live at least three years after they find out they have the disease, and twenty percent (or one in five) live five years or more. As many as ten percent will survive more than ten years.” At time marker 0:38, we learn that Jeanine is from Pennsylvania and has ALS. Lou Gehrig’s disease damages motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord. At time marker 0:58, we learn that Jeanine was diagnosed with ALS on June 9th, 2009. (With Lou Gehrig’s disease,) gradually the body becomes paralyzed…a progressive, usually fatal, neurodegenerative disease caused by the degeneration of the nerve cells in the central nervous system that control voluntary muscle movement. The patient may ultimately lose the ability to initiate and control all voluntary movement except the eyes. At time marker 1:06, Che asks Jeanine if she is feeling better. Jeanine responds that her breathing has improved. At time marker 1:13, Che asks her if there are any other signs of improvement. She says, “No.” At marker 1:23, Che declared that he called out Lou Gehrig’s disease and that one of the things he is after is partial healing. LocalPastor posts, “But I imagine that she was after a regular ‘healing’ and why shouldn’t she? He (Che) has the gift of healing.” At time marker 1:44, Che begins “praying”…”I curse this Lou Gehrig’s disease and command it to leave in the name of Jesus. And we just pray right now that the presence of God come and heal you right now. There it is.” (So he pushes her over, probably not to difficult to do.) After the lady is slain to the floor, Che asks her is she is feeling stronger. Her response (time marker 2:15), “Not yet.” No change from the “healing.” So Che tells her, “Just receive in the name of Jesus; just “soak” in the presence of God. “ Nothing happened. No healing. No improvement. No miracle. Just this very sweet woman who brought her hopes to Lakeland and she was left to “soak” on the floor, right next to the hope she put in this false “healing revival.”

Alec, Rory: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfOObaw3xJU Rory Alec shares a brief testimony about the partnership of Todd Bentley and the Lakeland Revival with God TV. After a six minute testimony, Rory shares (time marker 7:20), “God is here (at the Lakeland Revival)…from Jerusalem to the outer ends of the earth, God TV is with you (Todd Bentley).”

Alec, Wendy: 2

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpvP48Urs5s This video clip produced by Mxm2188 from Youtube, details the “return of Christ prophecy at Lakeland” posted below by LocalPastor. LocalPastor provides some great commentary! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aD7xeaZ329A This video clip produced by LocalPastor and uploaded by Youtube’s Plumblineapologetics, is a word by word transcript detailing Wendy Alec, coowner of God TV, prophesying (“the prophetic word”) the physical appearance of Christ. The event was to happen at Todd Bentley’s Healing Revival at Lakeland, Florida on June 8th, 2008. Here are the transcript words of Wendy to Todd (LocalPastor’s comments are italicized.): “The Lord just spoke to me and said, ‘This is what will happen tomorrow night. The King and the King’s anointing falls tomorrow night. The eighth of June, the anointing of the King of Glory falls. Jesus said, ‘I am coming in person.’ (The Second Coming?) The king is coming in person. I sense so strongly there will be a personal, divine visitation of the Lamb of God, the Lord Jesus Christ to the revival tomorrow night. He will come in the clouds in His chariots surrounded by a great angelic host, because the great honoring of the Lamb of God; the King of Glory is coming to visit Lakeland, to visit the revival, to visit the outpouring. The Devil trembles with that knowledge. For tomorrow the King of Glory sets foot upon the stage, in divine personal, one-to-one visitation.’” (Wait a second; some of the people seem a bit doubtful.) (Todd immediately realizes that he went too far.) After reading the email document, Todd immediately does “damage control.” A time marker 2:07, Todd says, “Now for all those watching, and even that don’t understand the nature of the prophetic…(We understand the nature of a bogus , stupid, unscriptural lie.)… though I am open to a…the Lord can appear…now I’ve seen the Lord. I’m not suggesting there’s going to be a physical, flesh, Jesus Christ on the platform. (But you just said that there was going to be a personal one-to-one, chariot of fire feet, on the stage visitation, with angelic hosts and the King of Glory.) I hope you understand we are talking about in atmosphere. (Oh…not real… you mean invisible and felt…like a suggestion of Jesus being there in person but not really.) We’re talking about in a spiritual experience. We are talking about His impartation. (And now Todd quickly changes the subject to worship.) Now Roy, if tonight’s and last night’s worship is any indication that something is changing in the realm of the glory…something about the King of Glory. (Todd went too far...and he knows it…and he stumbles off into his usual rant.) Oh God, we want to set up a place in the throne of our hearts, more than anything else, for you to come and visit. Come on. Who wants to have the King come in His glory? Come on…lift up.” (But I think a few people there might have just seen the real Todd Bentley…and the lies he tells.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNGPjFYdgJw&feature=related Youtube’s KillerTrumpet provides this video transcript (with commentary) of Wendy Alec’s false prophecy of Jesus physically (“a personal divine, divine visitation”) coming to Lakeland. 3

Angels: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-AyI8oYpno Jeff Jansen shares a video, Heavenly Encounters & Angelic Visitations 2 part 1, supporting angelic visitations. In this video clip, testimonies are provided by Jeff Jansen, John Crowder (time marker 2:30) and Jan Janson (time marker 4:15). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrQArPdbUK8&feature=related Jan Jansen’s continued discussion (sequel) of her heavenly encounter with the angel, “Grace,” in Heavenly Encounters & Angelic Visitations 2 Part 2. Jeff Jansen (time marker 1:15) shares about an angelic visit from the Lord, declaring the “absolutes” of modern-day prophets. Gary Morgan (time marker 4:04) shares his testimony of being assigned an angel by the name of “Quicken” to be his angel for 2007. At time marker 5:40, Bob Jones shares his encounters with “beings” not angels. Bob Jones also, declares his vision of women’s role in the church. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XM08TLAczs&feature=related In this video clip, Heavenly Encounters & Angelic Visitations 2 Part 3, both Bob Jones and Gary Morgan (time marker 3:00) give further testimony of the work of angels in their lives including adhering to modern-day prophets and validity in prosperity through angels; especially one called “Quicken.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKkArzMb1KM&feature=related Angels (“beings”) have come back (some previously here in 1936 during the rise of Hitler and Mussolini). These angels, Charlie and Erma (the Watchful and the Wise) are powerful angels given to strengthen the church. Also, Jeff Jansen (time marker 3:15) shares information about his ministry, Global Fire Ministries. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOypinVjnk8 This is a video commentary on the video/audio on Todd Bentley calling down angels. Great commentary by DawnTransformed! After hearing Todd calling on angels over and over again, time marker 0:13, posts, “Does this sound like someone who doesn’t worship angels?” At time marker 0:43, Todd is encouraging the audience…”God I’m asking that heaven would open, and ministering spirits, angels of glory, angels of healing, warring angels, that there would be a release out of heaven.” Todd then encourages the audience to invoke angels to come down. At time marker 2:05, the question is asked, why not just call on Jesus? Where in Scripture are we to call on angels? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNGPjFYdgJw&feature=related


KillerTrumpet provides this video clip (starting at time marker 4:46) of Todd Bentley calling down angels. Killertrumpet provides some additional commentary addressing the concern of worshiping angels! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fW_7_woFJew In this video clip, provided by YouTube’s Ahouseisnotahome, God assigned Todd Bentley a healing angel like He did for William Branham and John Lake. In the middle of the clip, Todd shares why God choose Lakeland, Florida for the healing revival. Todd says that God will release over one hundred “healing pools of Bethesda” throughout America. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxF37xxdnzM&feature=related Todd Bentley shares (an audio testimony) of at least three angelic encounters that he had with an angel of finance. At time marker 0:43, Todd says that God gives power to get wealth; that God oversees the wealth of this world. Time marker 1:10 – “You better believe that God has in heaven; angels on assignment to watch over your money.“ Time marker 1:24 – “I have the privilege on three occasions now, of seeing this angel of finance.“ Time marker 4:15 – “The angel stood and he has the body of a man and six wings. And it is the angel of finance. I have seen him on two other occasions.” Time marker 5:28 – Commentary by KillerTrumpet…”Satan is the only angel I can find in the Bible with stones, gems, etc. Is it possible that this angel Todd saw is Satan?” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQNDGKQF3xY YouTube’s Mxm2188 (DeceptionBytes.com) provides the video montage of Todd Bentley and angels. Here is the scoop (Todd Bentley quotes): Time marker 0:12 – “An angel comes to me about seven days before I am commissioned to enter full-time ministry.” Time marker 0:16 – “A fourteen-foot tall angel.” Time marker 0:18 – “William Branham in 1946 says the angel of the Lord visited him.” Time marker 0:23 – “The winds of change; the angel of the winds of change.” Time marker 0:26 – ”He said, Todd there’s an angel that’s been assigned.” Time marker 0:28 – “You’re going to receive something like an assignment from an angel. I said, ‘This is crazy, dude.’ He said the angel’s here right now.” 5

Time marker 0:38 – “The angel of the Lord appears; physically. There he is.” Time marker 0:42 – “God asked me, ‘Todd, where have you seen this angel before?’ I said, God, that I have never seen this angel. He (God) said, ‘Where have you seen this angel before?’ I said, God, I’ve never seen the angel before. He (God) said, ‘The angel at Grant’s Pass, Oregon.’ I said, God, it’s the same angel. He (God) said ‘Yeah.” Why is it following me? He (God) said, ‘Where did you see the angel the first time?’ I said, what do you mean the angel? He (God) said, “That’s the angel I have assigned to your life.’ Time marker 1:05 – “Are you aware that when you pray we seen an angel?” Time marker 1:12 – “God’s assigned to each one, a guardian angel or some kind of angelic presence. Angels are real.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4U2rHfRpvyU&NR=1 This is the classic clip of where Todd Bentley tells why he must preach angels. Here’s the transcript. Time Marker 0:41 – “You know I told the Lord, ‘Why can’t I just move into healing and forget talking about all that other stuff?’ He (God) said, ‘Because Todd, you got to get the people to believe in the angels.’ I said, ‘God, why don’t I want people to believe in the angels? Isn’t it about getting the people to believe in Jesus?’ He (God) said, ‘People already believe in Jesus; but the church doesn’t believe in the supernatural.’”

Arnott, John: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqnD5lgh9ZQ John and Carol Arnott share information about soaking prayer centers throughout the world (seventy-two nations) and soaking prayer kits. John also pushes dream interpretation training.

Arrogance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tb1GYiYNZIM Todd Bentley gives an arrogant testimony about how he was called to the Lakeland revival. The whole video clip focuses on an angelic encounter through a vision he had on April 3rd, 2008. He said it was the Thursday morning of the initial revival event (invitation) that he had committed to in Lakeland. The angel spoke to Todd about the Lakeland Revival. “And in that visitation, I saw the miracle anointing that was on the revival of the voice of healing. I saw it come back into the church in America.” Todd later says that through another heavenly encounter (time marker 3:30), that he felt like he was in a game like the Super bowl. He said, “I realized like that there is three seconds on the clock…the whistle is going to blow…one last play…either 6

make the play or the game is over.” At time marker 4:02, Todd implies that the Lakeland Revival (prophesied to come in to fruition) would be the “end time revival.” At time marker 4:46, Todd said regarding a word from the Lord, “You’re the guy and you got the ball; you better run.” Finally, at time marker 5:40, Todd declares that God told him that an angel has been commissioned to Todd Bentley’s ministry. “I’ve commissioned one of those angels, those (healing) ministering spirits, to your ministry.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRJX55HkY1k&feature=related YouTube’s FinalTrumpet produced this short video clip, detailing Todd Bentley’s arrogance in ministry. Time marker 0:42 – “The faith that I feel right now; there could be dead people raised by watching me.” Time marker 0:46 – “Let me tell you how to raise the dead. We’re taking prayer requests; if you got faith and somebody dies, call me.” Time marker 1:40 – Todd reads the testimony about a man resurrected in a funeral home. The sister of the deceased said, “My brother sat up in the coffin, praising God and Rev. Todd Bentley.” “He (the deceased) thought he would never come back here on the earth to be with us. But then he heard, our beloved Todd, and his voice, pulling his spirit out of heaven.” Time marker 2:40 – “I could feel the pull of the people, for my gifting. The wanted my gift.” Time marker 2:34 – “You know what he (God) told me holiness was? He said one day, Todd your pure in heart. There’s nothing in your heart that’s not pure. You totally love me and you totally want me.”

Azusa Street: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRma2C5u3O4&feature=related Billye Brime shares with Gloria Copeland some of the doctrine of speaking in tongues and some information relating to the false Joel, “Latter Rain Theology.” She says the outpouring of the Holy Spirit took place, first in Topeka, Kansas, and then the Azusa Street Outpouring in Los Angeles. Billye says that the Azusa Street folks spoke with tongues and were baptized in the spirit. Throughout the video, Billye also shares excerpts from a book of testimonies of children (They Told Me Their Stories) who experienced the Azusa Street Outpouring. These children (telling the story about Azusa Street years later) said they could all see the manifestation (glory cloud) of God with their eyes for three-and-a-half years. Billye shared excerpts from the book dealing with creative miracles (new arms and new legs).

Babbling: 7

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpL-jF5Yc8U YouTube’s Plumblineapologetics provides this humorous clip of Todd Bentley babbling in tongues. Parts of the clip, is set to the musical hit, “La Bamba.”

Bam: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-qNO5o9YzA You Tube’s Hommersen provides this video clip of Todd Bentley explaining why he says, “Bam.” Time marker 0:41 – Todd speaking…”People always ask me about the ‘bam, bam.’” Time marker 0:43 – “In fact, I was on the internet. I was amazed how many people are criticizing the Revival in Lakeland.” Time marker 0:50 – “I said what? People are getting saved, healed, millions are hearing the gospel and the one thing that people just can’t get over is the bam.” Time marker 1:01 – “I said, ‘really’”? Time marker 1:03 – “Well, I’m sorry, but it’s about the fruit.” Time marker 1:08 – “And I tell you what. I asked the Lord one time why I go ‘bam, bam, bam.” Time marker 1:13 – “He (God) said ‘dunamis’. You know the word for ‘power’ is dunamis; dynamo, dynamite, explosive power like dynamite.” Time marker 1:20 – “There’s something about; it comes out of my gut; I just don’t decide.” Time marker 1:23 – “People think I just do it. Why does he say, ‘bam’”? Time marker 1:27 – “It’s a manifestation. It’s not something I do.” Time marker 1:30 – “It’s something that comes out of my belly; and when it happens; power, power, power, power.” Time marker 1:35 – “Bam, bam, bam.” Time marker 1:38 – “Power, power, power.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rx4tgAALGc4 A “spoofy” but truthful video showing Todd Bentley baptizing people in the gift of “BAM.” The video is set to the title theme song of Jaws and there is plenty of humorous “commentary” provided by the author of this clip. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9xL9mkWcXs 8

A great video montage comparing the “bams” of Todd Bentley to Emiral, the television cooking chef personality. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Run8hW9UEzI&feature=related In this video clip there is a lot…lying, ”bamming,” raising from the dead and slaying in the Spirit. At the beginning of this clip, there is Todd Bentley saying “bam” a lot of times. At time marker 0:34, Todd says, “I just heard the Lord speak something crazy to me. Somebody’s that’s died; even in the morgue; I’m telling you somebody’s being resurrected from the dead. Somewhere. I see somebody being raised from the dead.” At time marker 1:00, we learn that one of Todd’s assistants said that he just got a text message on his phone, that some people in Texas were praying for someone (a dead girl) in the morgue. At time marker 1:36, Todd begins to pray, “I pray for the dead girl in the morgue. Let her spirit come back into her body. Release resurrections of the dead.” At time marker 2:06, now Todd says that “I must have heard that come ‘in the spirit’ when your phone beeped. Right in the middle of this testimony, I heard the Lord tell me that somebody’s being raised from the dead in a morgue.” However, at time marker 0:34, Todd said that the Lord spoke something crazy to him. (Which is it? The Lord speaking to Todd about the dead girl at the beginning of this “divine” encounter, at time marker 0:34, or did the Spirit come to Todd and tell him about this dead girl at time marker 2:06?) Todd goes on to say, at time marker 2:20, “This revival, there’s going to be regular resurrections of the dead.” At time marker 2:26, where Todd says, “Lord anoint every sheekabumbah, “ he “head butts” a man, slaying him in the spirit. The end of the clip shows various slayings in the spirit.

Banov, Winnie: This five-minute video atrocity has the charismatic Winnie Banov “drunk in the spirit.” Here she teaches at a miracle, signs and wonders conference. This clip is disgraceful and a mockery to the Holy Spirit.

Baptism: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--r-UJWOLvI LocalPastor’s video of Todd Bentley baptizing at the Lakeland Revival on July 4th, 2008. Plenty of commentary by LocalPastor, yet uploaded by Plumblineapologetics. Plenty of baptizing in the name of “Bam” here too! Notice there is no declaration by those being baptized, of a personal profession in Christ. Notice at time marker 4:30, a girl said that she wanted to be baptized in order that her lazy eye would be healed! Is this the purpose of baptism? Todd prayed for her, but no healing! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rx4tgAALGc4 9

A “spoofy” but truthful video showing Todd Bentley baptizing people in the gift of “Bam.” The video is set to the title theme song of Jaws. There is plenty of humorous “commentary” provided by the author of this clip too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVOvdBcFfmY A great video submission (originally by LocalPastor) by Youtube’s Plumblineapologetics showing the Lakeland Revival baptismal service on July 4th, 2008. The author of this clip offers some great commentary dealing with the true purpose and intent of baptism!

Bentley, Todd: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0c3x8NPFp0&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8p1xHDudXg&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYHSpF20NZQ&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7a3X9IDHmiE&feature=related These four video clips declare Todd’s personal testimony. He addresses “spiritual battles” in the past and the present. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtSK9TyduR4&feature=related This clip has Todd Bentley giving his testimony of his early days of salvation. Time marker 2:37 - Todd says that he hears the audible voice of the Lord; tell him that he has a demon. Time marker 4:50 – Todd says that twenty-five demons were cast out of his body. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6IczqbCCZ4&feature=PlayList&p= 6A24036C6CBD8D89&index=108 This testimony of James Goll, identifies the “prophecy” of Todd Bentley and his ministry. Time marker 0:10 – “Twelve years ago, the external, audible voice of the Lord came to me. And I heard the following. ‘I am raising up a new, young champion. His name will be called Todd.’ I heard it like that. ‘I am raising up a new, young champion; his name will be called Todd.’ ‘You will need his raw faith and he will need your wisdom.’ So for three years…cause I’ve been traveling itinerantly for I don’t know how many years; in fulltime ministry for over thirty-four years...and, and so for three full years around the world, I looked for ‘Todd.’” “And I never found a ‘Todd.’ But I found several ‘Todd’s.’ And then nine years ago, I ran into Bam Bam. And I knew Bam Bam, was Todd; cause he had raw faith. One of the things that is interesting; is that twelve years ago, was when Todd surrendered to the call to fulltime ministry and left the sawmill. And that was exactly when the voice of the Lord came 10

to me and said, ‘I m raising up a new, young champion, and his name will be called Todd.’” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOM1b0liwkA YouTube’s Plumblineapologetics presents this most revealing video clip. At the beginning of the clip, Todd Bentley shares details affirming thirty-two Lakeland (“verified”) revival resurrections. Beginning at time marker 1:47, Todd shares an email from an eleven-year-old girl that gives testimony of a resurrection of a school teacher with a heart attack. In the middle of this testimony of the resurrection, Todd brags about the media coming and reporting on the Lakeland Revival. He says regarding the influence of the media (time marker 2:42), “CNN is coming with their reporters. How many of you know that God always moves in great power when the media shows up?” Finally, at time marker 6:22, Plumblineapolgetics admits something…”Ok, confession time… Sorry to all those who believed this story; it is not true. Todd says it is verified. No it is not. I want to show Todd Bentley is not verifying his stories. I emailed in the story. The whole thing is false except my daughter Jessica is eleven. Todd has not verified this email or story. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6DMK_A2L3c This is another video detailing the violent healing ministry of Todd Bentley (from Youtube’s FinalTrumpet). Time marker 0:00 – Steve Dreiss gets a ”knee” anointing. Time marker 0:30 – A lady kicked in the hip gets a new hip. Time marker 1:58 – Slap the lady in the face. Time marker 2:43 – Spit in a woman’s blind eye and healed. Time marker 4:07 – A “holy knee” kick to a man. Time marker 4:12 – Clothes line the man (and instantly healed). Time marker 5:28 – Bang legs together like a baseball bat on a crippled lady. Time marker 5:50 – Bang legs together like a baseball bat on a crippled boy. Time marker 7:03 – Man with stage four colon cancer. Time marker 7:14 – Chinese man with cancer “speared” by Todd Bentley. His tooth is knocked out. Time marker 7:32 – Leg drop the pastor (and revival will take place). Time marker 7:52 – Anointed head-butt. Time marker 8:10 – Kick the woman in the face with Todd’s biker boot. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsBLvvI5MC8&feature=related 11

This is a video clip collection of Todd Bentley and his violent healings (from Youtube’s KillerTrumpet). Here’s a breakdown of what he calls, “Todd’s crazy stories.” Time marker 0:00 – Leg drop the pastor (and revival will take place). Time marker 1:58 – Clothes line the man (and instantly healed). Time marker 2:50 – Kick the woman in the face with Todd’s biker boot. Time marker 4:31 – Slap lady in the face. Time marker 6:00 – Bang legs together like a baseball bat on a crippled boy. Time marker 7:08 – Bang legs together like a baseball bat on a crippled lady. Time marker 8:02 – Man with cancer “speared” by Todd Bentley. His tooth is knocked out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tb1GYiYNZIM Todd Bentley gives an arrogant testimony about how he was called to the Lakeland Revival. The whole video clip focuses on an angelic encounter through a vision he had on April 3rd, 2008. He said it was the Thursday morning of the initial revival event (invitation) that he had committed to in Lakeland. The angel spoke to Todd about the Lakeland Revival. “And in that visitation, I saw the miracle anointing that was on the revival of the voice of healing. I saw it come back into the church in America.” Todd later says that through another heavenly encounter (time marker 3:30), that he felt like he was in a game like the Super bowl. He said, “I realized like that there is three seconds on the clock…the whistle is going to blow…one last play…either make the play or the game is over.” At time marker 4:02, Todd implies that the Lakeland Revival (prophesied to come in to fruition) would be the “end time revival.” At time marker 4:46, Todd said regarding a word from the Lord, “You’re the guy and you got the ball; you better run.” Finally, at time marker 5:40, Todd declares that God told him that an angel has been commissioned to Todd Bentley’s ministry. “I’ve commissioned one of those angels, those (healing) ministering spirits, to your ministry.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2mRE_Yx4ig In this fifty-three second clip, Todd Bentley explains why people come to healing revivals. “Why did the multitudes come (to hear Jesus)? To hear the Word and be healed. If that was okay with Jesus, it is okay with me. Churches always analyzing the signs and wonders and all; maybe if you had a few more miracles, great multitudes would come.“ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITscZruVAJY&feature=related In this short video clip, we see where Todd Bentley has the “ability” (through faith) to move God when He is not moving. At time marker 0:10, Todd says, 12

“When God doesn’t show up and when God’s not moving…thank God I have a gift, and thank God that I, I move by faith. And thank God that when God’s not moving, I move God.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIDVKZoUTTI&feature=related Todd Bentley casts out demons in Ethiopia in a man and in a woman. A side note – notice that Todd is tattoo-free in this video clip. Time marker 1:30 – Todd is very aggressive in casting out a demon in a man. Time marker 2:31 – Todd casts out a demon in a woman bound in chains. “A woman that is so demon-possessed, they actually have her bound with chains.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksvU311VL4w FinalTrumpet shares a video clip where Todd Bentley describes several direct encounters with Jesus. At time marker 1:04, Todd says that he was having a visitation from Jesus; that Jesus literally sat on his bed. At time marker 1:50 – “The Lord appeared to me. I remember His face. He had the brownest eyes that I have ever seen. They kind of reminded me of the movie Bambi. (He) had these big brown eyes. He had long, brownish, black, curly locks that went down past his shoulders. I remember His beard.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJKRczp2HN8&feature=related This short video clip addresses at least four failing key issues (theologically) relating to Todd Bentley and his ministry. Time marker 0:50 – “I’m hearing the voice of God, and the audible voice of God says to me a spirit-filled, born-again Christian; praying hours a day, reading the New Testament in one-sitting; in church…I was in men’s group on Tuesday nights; in church on Sunday, in mass on Monday, anywhere, I was out on the streets everyday…in the (church) service, I start manifesting a demon.” According to Todd Bentley Christians can be possessed by a demon! Time marker 1:37 – Many times Todd Bentley has talked about a 3rd heaven. According to the (Apostle) Paul in 2nd Corinthians 12:2-4 things heard in the third heaven are unlawful to speak. Time marker 2:04 – According to Todd Bentley, he met with Paul (who lives in a cabin in heaven). While visiting the 3rd heaven, Paul says, “The authorship (of Hebrews) isn’t clear because it was Abraham and I.” Paul wrote the Book of Hebrews with Abraham? According to Todd Bentley, yes he did. Time marker 3:36 – Bentley said that, “God was in heaven, and that He couldn’t come down unless we tore open a hole so that He could come through.” It must stink, being omnipotent, but unable to get out of heaven. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRJX55HkY1k&feature=related


Youtube’s FinalTrumpet produced this short video clip, detailing Todd Bentley’s arrogance in ministry. Time marker 0:42 – “The faith that I feel right now; there could be dead people raised by watching me.” Time marker 0:46 – “Let me tell you how to raise the dead. We’re taking prayer requests; if you got faith and somebody dies, call me.” Time marker 1:40 – Todd reads the testimony about a man resurrected in a funeral home. The sister of the deceased said, “My brother sat up in the coffin, praising God and Rev. Todd Bentley.” “He (the deceased) thought he would never come back here on the earth to be with us. But then he heard, our beloved Todd, and his voice, pulling his spirit out of heaven.” Time marker 2:40 – “I could feel the pull of the people, for my gifting. The wanted my gift.” Time marker 2:34 – “You know what He (God) told me holiness was? He said one day, Todd your pure in heart. There’s nothing in your heart that’s not pure. You totally love me and you totally want me.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_g-7nRluBs Todd Bentley’s resurrection story #28 (time marker 5:00) - This is probably one of the most revealing video clips, showing Todd Bentley’s lack of biblical knowledge. I saw this video clip “live” as it was being broadcast (via the internet) at Todd Bentley’s Fresh Fire website on June 27th, 2008. This pastor (Pastor Clarence of Meridian, Mississippi) tells how a “resurrection” took place outside a Florida Howard Johnson’s motel in Winter Haven, Florida. The paraplegic boy (David, age 15), drowned in the motel pool. At time marker 3:49, the Mississippi pastor sharing the testimony, “admits” that CPR needed to take place and was given. After three tries, the boy was resuscitated. Here’s my favorite part (time marker 7:18): Todd: “What happened when life came into him?” Pastor Clarence: “He coughed, Todd.” Todd: “That’s like the Bible. When somebody got resurrected in the Bible, they would cough or sneeze.” Finally, at time marker 8:20, Pastor Clarence says that another lady was behind the pool fence, praying in tongues. Todd Bentley replies, “Another lady praying in tongues, adding faith.” Is the purpose of tongues? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0f-HWb2DyPU&feature=related This is another one of my favorite videos exposing the false ministry of Todd Bentley. At time marker 2:20, Todd shares the “miracle” of the exploding tumor. First, Todd said something awesome happened after “the angel came.” The testimony from Todd, later, details the “healing miracle” of an exploding (leaping out) tumor that fell to the ground from a leg of a woman 14

healed during a service. Her tumor was placed inside of her offering envelope and given to Todd. She later explained how the tumor exploded (or leaped out) out of her leg through a unique healing. If I recall the testimony correctly (I saw this “testimony” of Todd, live as it was being broadcast, via the internet, through Fresh Fire’s website in May of 2008), the lady gave her tumor as an offering unto God! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcqmShgqbw8&feature=related This is one of the saddest illustrations of a “healing” that was claimed, but never took place. Todd Bentley has this eleven-year-old boy (with cerebral palsy) giving testimony but nothing really happened! Just a bunch of hype. At time marker 0:22, the announcer says that the kid has not walked since birth. At time marker 0:47, the announcer says that the boy had dreamed that he would run around the bases at the ball field where the service was taking place. At time marker, 0:58, the mother of the boy, tells Todd that her son does have a walker and uses it. At time marker 1:14, the boy begins to share that he has never walked without his walker. At time marker 2:07 Todd prays that this miracle (although nothing has been done so far) will continue in his legs, brain and nerves. Finally, at time marker 2:33, Todd explains to the crowd that the boy was feeling something in his legs and that this was a miracle in progress. Did the boy walk? No. Did the boy run around the bases? No. Was the boy able to stand on his own? No. Was the boy healed? No. Simply sad! How ironic….at time marker 0:32, Todd says that he hopes that there was some media in the press box because “you’ve never seen a child get out of a wheelchair that’s not walked from birth. That’s national news.” The fact is, no national news is needed. The boy did not walk. He was not healed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHAf3W3iPPY&feature=related Video clips don’t get any better than this Todd Bentley clip! The man (George) in the video has two prosthetic legs and a glass eye. At the beginning of the clip, Jeffrey, the announcer, says that the stumps of both legs have grown and that George can now see through his glass eyeball. At time marker 0:50, Todd says that only one time, in his ministry, had he heard of someone able to see out of a prosthetic eye. Todd goes on to say, (time marker 1:03) that at one other time, a man with no eyeball grew an eyeball. Then at time marker 1:09, Todd says that a blind boy was able to see through the white of both eyes (after being healed). At time marker 1:21, George says that he is able to see out of his glass eye. At time marker 1:52, Todd declares, “Creative miracles have come; let arms and legs come out of heaven, let eyeballs come out of heaven, let arms come out of heaven, let muscle, blood and tissue come out of heaven, let organs come out of heaven, in the name of Jesus.” At time marker 2:14, George explains that his vision is not clear, that he can see bright light and shadows through his glass eye. A side note after George knocked out with a quick slaying…at time marker 4:01 - Todd declares, “I’m telling you, every major media, every major news outlet in America, will prophesy about the dead being raised, they will prophesy about the creative miracles, and they will report about healing, signs and 15

wonders in America.” At time marker 4:31,Todd looks at the camera and says, “I’m telling you, we are moving into a day, where the miracles will be so outstanding, notable and remarkable, in America; they will be so obvious, you won’t even need a doctor confirmation, because it will be so obvious that they were healed.” Todd prays at time marker 4:54, that George would grow a brand new set of legs. Later in the clip (time marker 5:40), it is learned that the man no longer has his prosthetic legs on. The reason? His stumps are growing. At time marker 6:04, George explains that he prayed that his right leg stump would grow at least the length of his left leg stump, so that he could walk better. George says that his left leg stump has grown about one inch. It gets really looney at time marker 6:49. Kira Mitchell (a Todd Bentley spokesperson) says that George told her, that he felt he was growing a new eyeball behind the “seeing” glass eyeball. At time marker 7:46, Todd tells the audience a side story of Smith Wigglesworth. Todd said that a legless man attending a revival meeting with Wigglesworth brought with him a shoe. After Wigglesworth prayed, the man received a creative miracle...a new leg, which he could now, put a shoe on. At time marker 8:12, Todd asks the audience to pray with him; that George would be the first person ever to get two brand new legs. Finally, Kira said that each night they were going to bring a tape measure to see how far George’s legs grow. (I don’t think anybody ever saw George on the Bentley stage again! I know, I never saw George or never heard anything else about him. I have been watching hours and hours of the Todd Bentley show – no sign of George!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MthR9k6xWwM&feature=related This Todd Bentley clip is so sad! A woman (a pastor’s wife) was brought up to Todd who “was full of cancer.” (She looked desperately ill!) At time marker 0:18, Todd says, “There’s something about when the Devil has come against pastors.” Todd continues to boast or offer some “encouragement” to someone he knows he cannot heal – this lady. Time marker 0:30 records…“I prayed for a woman one time, pastor’s wife full of cancer; Redding, California; she was instantly healed.” All Todd can do is pray, “brag’ about a previous “healing” of a woman with cancer, and slay the cancer-ridden lady and her husband in the Spirit, before moving on! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BYxoSYTr_E In this disturbing video, we see for two minutes, Todd “drunk in the spirit.” At time marker 1:58, Jeff, a Lakeland personality, says, “We’re going to laugh the hell out of people.” At time marker 5:48, one of the stage personalities says (in reference to the supposed “thickness” of the presence of the Holy Spirit), “It’s a sauce, it’s a ____ sauté. “ The announcer then says, “The closer I get to the pulpit, the more I ‘feel it.’” A time marker 7:37, a lady named Shannon approaches Todd. Todd asks her is she feels “that” (“the drunkenness of the Holy Spirit.”) Todd goes on to tell Shannon, “You’re standing in the anointing, right there. You’re standing in front of my pulpit. BAM! Sometimes an angel stands right there, in front of my pulpit. Anybody that steps into it, get’s it.” Toward the end of the video clip, Todd is going to pass the “anointing” on to the computer audience watching the revival via the internet. At time marker, 8:48, Steven Strader dances around the stage 16

with his laptop. After Strader hits the ground, Todd says, “Sometimes the angels get involved. Don’t even try to figure it out with your head. That was crazy.” For a finale, Todd encourages a guy named Jacof, to pick up the computer from the “grounded” Steven Strader. He encourages him to place it on the pulpit stand. Of course, Jacof stammers toward the ground with Todd running to save the computer from hitting the ground. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9jFHHJCqFs This video clip from DawnTransformed at Youtube, asks some serious questions concerning the truths of Todd Bentley. This description focuses primarily on Todd Bentley’s tattoos. At time marker 5:23, a lie or contradiction is declared concerning Todd Bentley. “Todd got most of his tattoos and piercings before he was a Christian. According to an interview he did with The Charlotte Observer, on June 19th, (2008)…Todd says that he was converted to Christianity at the age of seventeen and most of his tattoos are from his pre-Christian days. (http://www.charlotte.com/112story/67552.html) In this picture, Todd is obviously older than seventeen and already a Christian. Notice we see no piercings or tattoos (his neck is tattoo-free.) Here is another picture in which we can clearly see that Todd has no visible tattoos. Take note of his arm – tattoos-free. In case anyone doubts this is Todd Bentley, here is the site that contains the image (http://www.prophetic.net/prpix.htm). Now remember, Todd claims most of his tattoos and piercings were before he was a Christian. But it appears, at the time of his heart trouble in 2006; Todd did not have any tattoos on his arms or neck, or any piercings. Now let’s fast forward to today and take a look at pictures of his tattoos. Notice his neck and hands. Now he may have had the tattoos on his leg before…but this picture clearly shows his arms are covered in tattoos. My point isn’t that Todd has tattoos; it’s that he blatantly lied about it!” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpvP48Urs5s This video clip produced by Mxm2188 from Youtube, details the “return of Christ prophecy at Lakeland” posted below by LocalPastor. LocalPastor provides some great commentary! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4Wc18CDsRA This video clip produced by LocalPastor, is a word by word transcript detailing Wendy Alec, co-owner of God TV, prophesying (“the prophetic word”) the physical appearance of Christ. The event was to happen at Todd Bentley’s Healing Revival at Lakeland, Florida on June 8th, 2008. Here are the transcript words of Wendy to Todd (LocalPastor’s comments are italicized.): “The Lord just spoke to me and said, ‘This is what will happen tomorrow night. The King and the King’s anointing falls tomorrow night. The eighth of June, the anointing of the King of Glory falls. Jesus said, ‘I am coming in person.’ (The Second Coming?) The king is coming in person. I sense so strongly there will be a personal, divine visitation of the Lamb of God, the Lord Jesus Christ to the revival tomorrow night. He will come in the clouds in His chariots surrounded by a great angelic host, because the great honoring of the Lamb 17

of God; the King of Glory is coming to visit Lakeland, to visit the revival, to visit the outpouring. The Devil trembles with that knowledge. For tomorrow the King of Glory sets foot upon the stage, in divine personal, one-to-one visitation.’” (Wait a second; some of the people seem a bit doubtful.) (Todd immediately realizes that he went too far.) After reading the document, Todd immediately does “damage control.” A time marker 2:07, Todd says, “Now for all those watching, and even that don’t understand the nature of the prophetic…(We understand the nature of a bogus , stupid, unscriptural lie.)… though I am open to a…the Lord can appear…now I’ve seen the Lord. I’m not suggesting there’s going to be a physical, flesh, Jesus Christ on the platform. (But you just said that there was going to be a personal one-to-one, chariot of fire feet, on the stage visitation, with angelic hosts and the King of Glory.) I hope you understand we are talking about in atmosphere. (Oh…not real… you mean invisible and felt…like a suggestion of Jesus being there in person but not really.) We’re talking about in spiritual experience. We are talking about His impartation. (And now Todd quickly changes the subject to worship.) Now Roy, if tonight’s and last night’s worship is any indication that something is changing in the realm of the glory…something about the King of Glory. (Todd went too far...and he knows it…and he stumbles off into his usual rant.) Oh God, we want to set up a place in the throne of our hearts, more than anything else, for you to come and visit. Come on. Who wants to have the King come in His glory? Come on…lift up.” (But I think a few people there might have just seen the real Todd Bentley…and the lies he tells.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2XGrLDVg1E&feature=related CathyfromPensacola provides an excellent video expose on the devilish t-shirt worn by Todd Bentley at his Lakeland Healing Revival service (July 5th, 2008). Time marker 0:27 – A picture of the t-shirt worn by Todd Bentley. Time marker 0:34 – The website selling the t-shirt. (http://www.zambooie.com/stores/?st_id=01) Time marker 1:03 – A demonic picture of something at the t-shirt’s website promoting the t-shirt. Time marker 2:12 – Todd Bentley baptizes people while he wears his demonic t-shirt. 1st Thessalonians 5:22 – Abstain from the appearance of evil. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUJAaThoH7w&feature=related In this “documentary” footage (Part five of five parts) produced by FinalTrumpet, several issues relating to the Lakeland Revival are addressed. But my favorite issue the author brings attention to, is the breaking of the 3rd commandment (taking God’s name in vain) by Todd Bentley. At time marker 1:34, a game is to be played…”How many times in 25 seconds can the 3rd 18

commandment be broken by one man who claims he is of God? Let’s find out!” (The answer: Eleven!) http://www.pdfcoke.com/doc/2951193/Jesus-Death-Mask-Todd-BentleyWitchcraft Here is another informative link further detailing some of the tattoos that Todd Bentley displays. This is formatted in a “Scribd” PDL format. So be sure to give the webpage time to load. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUTCWLoD4-4 This is the infamous video clip of Roger, the metastatic stage four colon cancer stooge of Todd Bentley. This LocalPastor video clip shows Todd Bentley hitting the guy in the stomach which obviously causes the man (Todd said so) some great pain. At time marker 0:57, Todd explains to the man that the cancer is a spirit and must be dealt with in a unique way (hitting and hurting the man.) A time marker 1:05, Todd asks the man about his pain. The man responds that it is a deep pain; and at the same time, LocalPastor posts on the screen, “Tell your lawyer and give him this video.” This is truly one of the sickest displays of evil as demonstrated by Todd Bentley. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NRBneHze7M Another tall tale from Todd Bentley here. Here Todd gets caught in his embellishment and tries to correct the “error.” The video is dealing with a lady needing a hip replacement. At time marker 0:09, Todd says the lady to be healed, comes running into the meeting where he was holding a service in Hope, British Columbia, Canada. At time marker 0:15, Todd corrects himself… in describing the woman with the bad hip…”I mean not running, but kind of limping in.” Now comes the violence…at time marker 0:42, “I went to go lay hands on this woman to be healed. And just as I did, I heard the Lord say, ‘Slap her in the face.’” “…I hit the woman in the face. Bam! The power of God hit her so hard, she blew back six feet, hit the ground, hit the door, blew the door off the hinges, slid across the floor, into the kitchen. …God totally healed (her.)” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LidyAFw6ICs&feature=related Mary Ann comes to Todd Bentley for a healing of blindness. Neilmarcusrichardson does a great job (through his commentary) in punching holes in this “healing” story. Mary Ann has a detached retina. She has blindness in her left eye since she was stabbed in her eye at six years of age. She has had two eye surgeries to try to restore this condition. Time marker 0:09, Mary Ann is now able to see figures and colors. Todd runs with it saying “Completely blind in the left eye; beginning to see. I told you someone blind was going to be able to see.” At time marker 0:48, Mary Ann said that she “Had been watching for months and started getting color in her eyes a few weeks ago. I told my mother that I’m going to get healed when I go there. And it’s not totally clear, but it’s gonna be.” Time marker 1:00, Todd asks her, “Are you seeing some fingers, are you seeing some things? Her response, “Yeah, I can see five fingers.” “…I told you the blind we see.” – 19

Todd Bentley. (Basically, she wasn’t healed. No healing here, but she is pushed down by Todd Bentley as he slays her in the spirit.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAhHetQOteQ Here is the classic video, originally produced by LocalPastor, where a little girl says she doesn’t want to be touched by Todd Bentley. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSTGiZQyKnQ&feature=related This is a long video clip showing the early ministry days of Todd Bentley. At time marker 1:48, Parks, who has muscular dystrophy, is declared to receive healing by Todd. He also said that Parks will be used by God to speak to governments. The word of the Lord will be given to presidents and kings by Parks. God’s going to anoint Parks like in a “Bill Gates kind of way.” At time marker 3:52, Todd ministers to a young lady. During the “monologue” Todd says…”The Lord says, ‘Just speak the Word and I’ll do the rest.’” “I don’t know what all whole that thing means!” After slaying the young lady in the spirit, Todd tells the catcher to pick the lady back up from the ground. “Can we pick her back up? I’m not done messing around with her yet.” At time marker 4:48, Todd speaks, “Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, (thirteen times)…be drunk, as drunk as...how drunk can she be? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, (ten times)…How drunk can she be? How long, Lord, can it last? Alright, that’s good.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEw-usSBGss&feature=related Here we have another healing that doesn’t really take place. In this video clip, this lady had paralysis from a stroke. A time marker 0:23, Todd declares, “A paralyzed woman is feeling something happening. I’m telling you right now, I command paralysis, in your body, in the name of Jesus, to be healed. My God, come upon her body and put back together every muscle, put back every nerve, and let strength come into those legs.” Todd then demands the lady to move her paralyzed leg. (Both legs move just a little.) Time marker 1:27, Todd says, “God is going to heal those two paralyzed legs, right now as millions around the world are watching.” At time marker 2:27, the daughter remarks that her mother has had mini-strokes and has been paralyzed on her right side. (Again, both legs moves move just a little.) At time marker 2:27, Todd says that something has begun. “I’m telling you that it is healing. You can have miracles, but healing is happening now…something is happening in that leg.” Final prayer by Todd...”Lord let the miracle begin and let her recover from these strokes.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teFW9HGP8LA A missionary by the name of Joe gets an endorphin healing. The author of this clip has some great commentary explaining what is happening in this miracle. I especially love how Todd asked the man at the end of the clip, if he needed his back brace any more. Todd wanted to add the brace to his “healing” collection. 20

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Run8hW9UEzI&feature=related In this video clip there is a lot…lying, ”bamming, ” raising from the dead and slaying in the Spirit. At the beginning of this clip, Todd Bentley is saying “bam” a lot of times. A time marker 0:34, Todd says, “I just heard the Lord speak something crazy to me. Somebody’s that’s died; even in the morgue; I’m telling you somebody’s being resurrected from the dead. Somewhere, I see somebody being raised from the dead.” At time marker 1:00, we learn that one of Todd’s assistants said that he just got a text message on his phone, that some people in Texas were praying for someone (a dead girl) in the morgue. A time marker 1:36, Todd begins to pray, “I pray for the dead girl in the morgue. Let her spirit come back into her body. Release resurrections of the dead.” At time marker 2:06, Todd says that “I must have heard that come ‘in the spirit’ when your phone beeped. Right in the middle of this testimony I heard the Lord tell me that somebody’s being raised from the dead in a morgue.” However, at time marker 0:34, Todd said that the Lord spoke something crazy to him. (Which is it? The Lord speaking to Todd about the dead girl at the beginning of this “divine” encounter, at time marker 0:34, or did the Spirit come to Todd and tell him about this dead girl at time marker 2:06?) Todd goes on to say, at time marker 2:20, “This revival, there’s going to be regular resurrections of the dead.” At time marker 2:26, Todd says, “Lord anoint every sheekabumbah. “ Then he “head butts” a man, slaying him in the spirit. The end of the clip shows various slayings in the spirit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsBLvvI5MC8&feature=related This is a video clip collection of Todd Bentley and his violent healings (from Youtube’s Killertrumpet). Here’s a breakdown of what he calls, “Todd’s crazy stories.” Time marker 0:00 – Leg drop the pastor (and revival will take place). Time marker 1:58 – Clothes line the man (and instantly healed). Time marker 2:50 – Kick the woman in the face with Todd’s biker boot. Time marker 4:31 – Slap lady in the face. Time marker 6:00 – Bang legs together like a baseball bat on a crippled boy. Time marker 7:08 – Bang legs together like a baseball bat on a crippled lady. Time marker 8:02 – Man with cancer “speared” by Todd Bentley. His tooth is knocked out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeYuEVDvubI&feature=related In this video clip, Rob Deluca shares a false (prophecy) vision he had regarding more revivals that will take place in the world along with the Lakeland Revival. The gist is that Rob said he saw a “human” boomerang flying out of Canada. The boomerang (with Todd Bentley’s name on it) went to England, Australia and New Zealand. It also hit America and the state of 21

Florida. Rob also shares information of a nail and a scroll with a “prophetic” meaning declaring “the kingdom of God has now come.”

Bethel Church: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fw-0wR87okY&feature=related CBN’s Paul Strand, reports about healings that took place in Redding, California via the ministry of Bill Johnson at Bethel Church. At time marker 3:32, Johnson says that (cancer), “is a Goliath that has been taunting the armies of the Living God. And we need “Davids” to pick up their stones and run after the thing and stop speaking of it with respect; like it’s powerful. It is an inferior name to the name of Jesus.”

Blah, blah, blah http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSTGiZQyKnQ&feature=related This is a long video clip showing the early ministry days of Todd Bentley. At time marker 1:48, Parks, who has muscular dystrophy, is declared to receive healing by Todd. He also said that Parks will be used by God to speak to governments. The word of the Lord will be given to presidents and kings by Parks. God’s going to anoint Parks like in a “Bill Gates kind of way.” At time marker 3:52, Todd ministers to a young lady. During the “monologue” Todd says…”The Lord says, ‘Just speak the Word and I’ll do the rest.’” “I don’t know what all whole that thing means!” After slaying the young lady in the spirit, Todd tells the catcher to pick the lady back up from the ground. “Can we pick her back up? I’m not done messing around with her yet.” At time marker 4:48, Todd speaks, “Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, (thirteen times)…be drunk, as drunk as...how drunk can she be? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, (ten times)…How drunk can she be? How long, Lord, can it last? Alright, that’s good.”

Blasphemy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSTGiZQyKnQ&feature=related This is a long video clip showing the early ministry days of Todd Bentley. At time marker 1:48, Parks, who has muscular dystrophy, is declared to receive healing by Todd. He also said that Parks will be used by God to speak to governments. The word of the Lord will be given to presidents and kings by Parks. God’s going to anoint Parks like in a “Bill Gates kind of way.” At time marker 3:52, Todd ministers to a young lady. During the “monologue” Todd says…”The Lord says, ‘Just speak the Word and I’ll do the rest.’” “I don’t 22

know what all whole that thing means!” After slaying the young lady in the spirit, Todd tells the catcher to pick the lady back up from the ground. “Can we pick her back up? I’m not done messing around with her yet.” At time marker 4:48, Todd speaks, “Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, (thirteen times)…be drunk, as drunk as...how drunk can she be? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, (ten times)…How drunk can she be? How long, Lord, can it last? Alright, that’s good.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqRoErHDErA One of Bill Johnson’s followers is erroneously told that she has the power to forgive others of sin. At time marker 0:36, this nurse is told that if she confesses the sin for a dying patient, his sins would be forgiven. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITscZruVAJY&feature=related In this short video clip, we see where Todd Bentley has the “ability” (through faith) to move God when he is not moving. At time marker 0:10, Todd says, “When God doesn’t show up and when God’s not moving…thank God I have a gift, and thank God that I, I move by faith. And thank God that when God’s not moving, I move God.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxunCIEI-18 Toking the Ghost - Pirate Preacher (Youtube’s Jahlove247) explains how a person can receive the manifestation of the Holy Spirit by pretending to be inhaling a marijuana smoke. Total blasphemy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itAUIaMM5zQ John Crowder has Pirate Preacher (Youtube’s Jahlove247) demonstrate how to “toke the Ghost.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8N8izKEfbaE John Crowder shares how to toke the ghost. Probably one of the most blasphemous video clips you will ever see! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZhN80Qhzdw Youtube’s Jahlove247 (Pirate Pastor) gives a definition of being “whacked.” Another, so-called “impartation” of the Holy Spirit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUJAaThoH7w&feature=related In this “documentary” footage (Part five of five parts) produced by FinalTrumpet, several issues relating to the Lakeland Revival are addressed. But my favorite issue the author brings attention to, is the breaking of the 3rd commandment (taking God’s name in vain) by Todd Bentley. At time marker 1:34, a game is to be played…”How many times in 25 seconds can the 3rd commandment be broken by one man who claims he is of God? Let’s find out!” (The answer: Eleven!) 23

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2XGrLDVg1E&feature=related CathyfromPensacola provides an excellent video expose on the devilish t-shirt worn by Todd Bentley at his Lakeland Healing Revival service (July 5th, 2008). Time marker 0:27 – A picture of the t-shirt worn by Todd Bentley. Time marker 0:34 – The website selling the t-shirt. (http://www.zambooie.com/stores/?st_id=01) Time marker 1:03 – A demonic picture of something at the t-shirt’s website promoting the t-shirt. Time marker 2:12 – Todd Bentley baptizes people while where this demonic tshirt. 1st Thessalonians 5:22 – Abstain from the appearance of evil.

Bob (We are not drunk as you suppose): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLJumIS8hIs Belly Up to the Bar…Todd Bentley getting drunk in the Spirit. Through out the video exposé, FinalTrumpet, the author of this Todd Bentley video clip, is good to offer Scriptural reminders that believers in Christ are to remain sober. Todd Bentley, however, thinks differently! Beginning at time marker 0:38, Todd encourages the audience at the Lakeland Revival to fill up their barrel. “Say, Lord, I put my head back, I open up my mouth, I tip back my barrel, and I drink.” At time marker 2:32, Todd glories in his “drunkenness.” “I’m getting drunk in the Holy Ghost now,” says Todd. After “bobbing” for several seconds, Todd says, “They call this Pentecost, by the way, for all you Pentecostals. We are not drunk as you suppose.” FinalTrumpet reminds the viewers of the truth…drunkenness is judgment from God. So do you still want a drink from what Todd Bentley is serving?

Brim, Billye: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRma2C5u3O4&feature=related Billye Brime shares with Gloria Copeland some of the doctrine of speaking in tongues and some information relating to the false Joel, “Latter Rain Theology.” She says the outpouring of the Holy Spirit took place, first in Topeka, Kansas, and then the Azusa Street Outpouring in Los Angeles. Billye says that the Azusa Street folks spoke with tongues and were baptized in the spirit. Throughout the video, Billye also shares excerpts from a book of testimonies of children (They Told Me Their Stories) who experienced the Azusa Street Outpouring. These children (telling the story about Azusa Street years later) said they could all see the manifestation (glory cloud) of God with 24

their eyes for three-and-a-half years. Billye shared excerpts from the book dealing with creative miracles (new arms and new legs).

Browne, Rodney Howard: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZJDTRKUb40 Most of this video clip of Rodney Howard Browne, shows everything from tongues to holy laughing. At time marker 1:52, Browne is telling one of the people slain, “not to pray.” At time marker 3:09, a lady sounds off as a siren, for thirteen seconds. At time marker 3:25, Browne tries to read Scriptures and there is endless laughter in the background, for almost a full minute. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ilNiiFQTDM&feature=related In this video clip, Kenneth Copeland and Rodney Howard Browne have some moments of speaking in tongues, slaying in the spirit and just soaking in the spirit. After slaying Browne, Copeland pronounces a blessing on Browne. At the end of the clip (time marker 2:50) Copeland has some words that should make anyone shutter! “Stay, stay hooked and connected to the supernatural. These are times of refreshing. This is not the ultimate. This is the refreshing time. This is a time to be revived; a time to be replenished, because the work has just now begun.”

Brownell, Robert: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRo4dWjjZqA&feature=related Robert Brownell (a missionary to China) shares his thoughts regarding the Lakeland Healing Revival. He says that he attended the revival (May, 2008) and served as a catcher and an usher, and saw many of the “behind the scenes” things; therefore qualifying him in his assessment of the revival. In this video, Robert addresses some of the lies, slander and accusations that had been said against Todd Bentley and the Lakeland Revival. Time marker 0:44 – Too much preaching about angels. Time marker 1:25 – They are not preaching the cross. Time marker 3:27 – Nobody is really being healed. It’s just all hype! Time marker 5:22 – Todd Bentley has tattoos and piercings, which are unbiblical. Time marker 6:18 – False doctrine is being preached. Time marker 7:26 – The whole revival is all about Todd Bentley, giving him honor. Time marker 7:54 – The Christian civil war. 25

Robert finishes with his “observations” about people who make accusations (regarding the Lakeland Revival). 1. Those who are not prophets, should not be telling non-prophets, who is or isn’t a prophet. 2. Those who do not have a healing ministry should not be identifying who or who isn’t a healer. 3. Those who do not get visions from the Lord should not criticize visions that visionaries receive. 4. Those who do not get angelic encounters should not be the experts on angelic encounters. 5.

Those that speak in tongues should not instruct others about this gift.

6. Those who are not conducting a revival should not criticize those who do lead revivals. Finally, Robert says at time marker 9:20, “The reason there’s so much accusation and slander against the revival is because there is a Christian civil war… (the Devil is) spreading fear and division ‘in the name of the Lord.’” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZ4CtLO8l-c Youtube’s Plumblineapolgetics provides this rebuttal video to Robert Brownell’s pro-Lakeland Revival defense.

Cain, Paul http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oE1vhW3_J4 Here is a professional produced video submitted by Youtube’s Extremeprophetic member…probably a pro-Patricia King pseudonym. Anyway, the prophecy (vision) of Paul Cain is disclosed via the introductory words of Smith Wigglesworth (1945): “I see a revival coming on planet earth as never before. There will be untold multitudes who will be saved. No man will say, so many and so many, because no man will be able to count those who will come to Jesus Christ. I see it. The dead will be raised, the arthritic healed, cancer will be healed. No disease will be able to stand before God’s people and it will spread all over the world. It will be a worldwide thrust of God’s power and a thrust of God’s anointing. I will not see it, but you will see it.” Time marker 0:53 – Paul Cain begins to speak…”I saw that all of the great stadiums, and all of the football fields, and auditoriums all over the country, were just filled with people seeking God. And it seems so, this one place where I was allowed to be an observer; there were men like we see here tonight, people like we see, just like, all over this giant platform. And they 26

had stretchers, hospital gurneys and they had cots with bodies on them. People were sick and they had invalids. I tell you, the invalid section wasn’t back in some old tent adjacent to the big tent, where nobody could see them like in the old days. But they were all out there before the people. All of these people were walking around and over the loud speaker comes words like this. And I heard it as clear as you’re hearing my voice now; and much clearer. ‘We have a resurrection. We have a resurrection. This man was in a county hospital and he was pronounced dead this morning at eleven o’clock. We have a resurrection; he’s come back to life.’ And then you just see people rejoicing. Cripples and paralytics would be healed and step out of wheelchairs. And then other paralytics would get up and walk; and other signs and wonders would occur before the vast multitudes there. And this would be going on all over the world. And then I found myself in front of a television set. And when I turned the dial on, the very first thing I began to hear, was a news anchorman saying; and this would be on ABC, CBS, and aNBC and CNN, all the major networks, I believe will carry a story like this one day. And they were saying, ‘Ladies and gentlemen (the news anchorman); ladies and gentlemen we have no news to report tonight. Only good news seemingly. We have just good news tonight. And there are no sporting events to announce because al of the sports fields, all of the coliseums; are filled with multitudes of people. It seems as though they’re falling on their face in these stadiums. They are falling on their face and worshipping God. They’re singing all these choruses. And a, folks, we don’t know who these people are. They’re almost faceless people.’ And I tell you that is really thrilling because God is going to have a people that will be so much like Jesus; you can’t seem them for the Presence. It seemed like the whole world is falling on their face and saying, ‘Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord.’ And it is here, there, everywhere. All stadiums are filled around the world seemingly. And the world is turning to God.’” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xL4BJwqB9_Y&feature=related Paul Cain is about to pray over Todd Bentley and the Lakeland Revival. Before he does, Todd introduces him (time marker 1:31), “I know you were with William Branham…you did meetings, you traveled with the greatest healing evangelist of the late 40s and 50s.” Time marker 2:01 – Paul begins his prayer. “Father, God, and in the name of our precious Lord, Jesus Christ, I thank you that you answered my prayer; you let me live to see tokens of this revival or be involved in it some way and to be a participant if possible. And Lord, you never allowed me to say that I have met the new breed; absolutely, met the new breed. And when you brought Todd Bentley and I together, the angel of the Lord said, ‘You’ve found what you’re looking for.’ This is a man without guile.” Time marker 1:12 – “The Lord spoke to me as clearly as He has ever spoken before. And I have stood by the notables and the greats that had the greatest healing ministry of all times. And I’ve never met anyone that has the integrity and the possibilities of leading this thing into a world-wide revival.” 27

Time marker 6:59 – Cain speaking about the Lakeland Revival, “This is part of the last-day revival.” Time marker 7:04 – Todd speaking, “We honor a great prophet of the Lord that’s got such a great prophetic history. And it is an honor for us to hear and receive from Paul Cain tonight.”

Campbell, Stacey: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRnDXXIf1vA&feature=related This video clip from Youtube’s Ahouseisnotahome, shows the shaking head phenomena displayed by Stacey Campbell at the” commissioning” of Todd Bentley and other religious services. Take a moment and enjoy the “hissing” sounds too!

CBN: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Docb1SPhnY&NR=1 Pat Robertson introduces the six-minute, CBN, “700 Club” video clip, promoting the healings of the Lakeland Revival with Todd Bentley. Paul Strand interviews participants and Todd Bentley himself, about the revival “results.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fw-0wR87okY&feature=related CBN’s Paul Strand, reports about healings that took place in Redding, California via the ministry of Bill Johnson at Bethel Church. At time marker 3:32, Johnson says that (cancer), “is a Goliath that has been taunting the armies of the Living God. And we need “Davids” to pick up their stones and run after the thing and stop speaking of it with respect; like it’s powerful. It is an inferior name to the name of Jesus.”

Civil War: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vi2omAK-BQI&feature=related YouTube’s Pirate Preacher (jahlove247), presents this five-minute video addressing what Rick Joiner says, will be a Christian civil war. Time marker 0:06 – “Rick Joiner ‘s book, The Final Quest, written in 1996; Rick Joiner describes a vision he had of these times when Christians would be fighting against Christians. Now I have been seeing this, ever since the Todd Bentley outpouring began; and this new wave has come upon the church; there’s been a division, even amongst charismatics and Pentecostals; against other apostolic Christians; evangelicals mixed in there; Catholics and Lutherans kind of standing on the outside kind of watching. But I want to tell 28

you. This was prophesied for a long time; that there would be a Christian civil war.” Time marker 0:45 – “The separating thing between these Christians making them fight against each other; there’s demons involved; there’s angels involved; and there’s a lot of glory involved. The separating line between those who are fighting each other is the amount of glory on the Christian.” Time marker 1:06 – “The glory is so controversial because it causes people to act foolish, child-like; people have called it immature.” Time marker 1:21 – “Don’t be deceived. The more glory, the more child-like, the more innocent you’ll act.” Time marker 2:44 – “Demons that were prophesied in Rick Joiner’s book, The Final Quest, ride on the back of Christians. The majority…of Satan’s army; the one’s being used against ‘real Christians’, are other Christians that have demons riding on their backs. Okay, religious evil spirits that manipulate people to use them against Christians.” Time marker 4:03 – “If there is not joy evident in your life, take note, that is probably due to a religious spirit. And you can receive deliverance.”

Clark, Heather: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52ACWzbuMBU Here is the four-minute long, war dance performed by Heather Clark at the Lakeland Revival.

Clark, Randy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0zq4SOSYMI&feature=related Todd Bentley had Randy Clark share a brief word at the Lakeland Revival. Time marker 2:10 - Randy begins praising Todd’s character...declaring Todd is like Amos, the prophet...”to speak to the church and the world.” Time marker 3:30 - Randy says that he knows that the Lakeland Revival is going “to breakout in major revival, all over the world.” Time marker 3:55 - “This man has a heart for the poor, for the broken, for the widows.”

Clement, Kim: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-RuiFmB8dY&watch_response 29

A great video by Ringo4life on Youtube! The interviewer asks Kim Clement one question… “What is the difference between an Old Testament prophet and a New Testament prophet; because that’s the office that you stand in?” Here is Kim Clement’s response: “The New Testament prophet is more fun. Cause he’s under grace. He’s operating under the dispensation of grace. Okay, not law. So he is not going to direct a people. He’s not going to come in and say…the Holy Spirit leads us today. Okay, He’s not going to come in and say, the Holy Spirit leads us today. Israel never had the Holy Spirit like we have it today. So we are lead by the Holy Spirit. A prophet affirms today; he reveals things that you already have and that you know in your heart. And as he does that, he, by the power of the ascension gift ministry that he has, releases what’s inside of you. And, usually, all hell breaks lose straight off to that. And then once that you overcome that little, whatever that’s come against you, then you move to this next higher level. So, I would say that He doesn’t deal with the sin factor as much. In that, we have the Holy Spirit who convicts us and convinces us; He doesn’t deal with that. A lot of people come to me and say that you are not a real prophet because you don’t deal with man’s sin. I am thinking, there are prophets in the pulpit today that are dealing with the sin issues. You know they are preachers, pulpiteers. I am not going to join them; they probably live to do that. But I live to draw the treasure of the person, so that they can become what they were destined to become.”

Commissioning: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=031V62J9jOI YouTube’s Plumblineapolgetics provides this video clip of Todd Bentley’s “commissioning” sponsored by Che Ahn, C. Peter Wagner and Bill Johnson. Wagner, the host of this event, calls the following to participate in this event: Time marker 0:55 – Todd Bentley, Che Ahn, Bill Johnson, and John Arnott. Time marker 1:22 – Wagner invites more “apostles” to participate in the event. Some of those folk are: Steven Strader (Lakeland, Florida), Karl Strader (Lakeland, Florida), Rick Joiner (Fort Mills, South Carolina), Doris Wagner (Colorado Springs, Colorado), Sharon Stone (Burton, England) and Clarice Fluitt (Monroe, Louisiana). Time marker 2:50 – Clarice Fluitt pronounces her blessing…”Hallelujah. For the word of the Lord would say, ‘Behold the vanguard, behold the tugboat, that is cutting through the ice of religious traditions, the cruel hard things. The understanding of the mind of men, will now bow to the reality of the revelation of the finished work of Calvary.’” “Behold saith God, ‘You have been equipped with cutting power, you have been equipped to go through those traditions of the mind of man.’” “Yeah, saith God, ‘And you are pulling the church into the realm of glory, behind you is a great ship that is laden with healing and deliverance and prosperity. ‘ This is the word to you old 30

man of God. ‘Arise, kill and eat. No longer, no longer, no longer, will men call unclean, what I have called clean.’” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRnDXXIf1vA&feature=related This video clip from YouTube’s Ahouseisnotahome, shows the shaking head phenomena displayed by Stacey Campbell at the” commissioning” of Todd Bentley and other religious services. Take a moment and enjoy the “hissing” sounds too!

Conner, Bobby: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Y6XlozgcQc Patricia King introduces Bobby Conner in this Youtube video (produced by Hommersen) defending the false teaching of the Word of Faith folks. The problem with this video clip by Patricia King, is that Bobby offers no defense; but teaches some false new age theology. Take special notice of time marker 2:27, when Bobby says that he was cast out of heaven during a “heavenly experience”! The editor of this video clip offers some great commentary too!

Copeland, Kenneth: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Mqkt7nHong http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixOr_bT0mOk&feature=related In both of these clips, Kenneth Copeland and Rodney Howard Browne have a speaking in tongues conversation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dv3xycK_Ajw&feature=related YouTube’s Saint Saintbirgitta shares a great video of Kenneth Copeland talking to Keith Moore . The excerpt is from a Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcast on April 25th, 2005. The conversation is dealing with the question of Kenneth’s purchase of a jet for his ministry. Time marker 0:30 – At the point, Copeland recounts the story of a minister who tires to persuade him not to buy a jet. Time marker 1:19 – Shortly after filming this, Kenneth Copeland would go on to pay twenty million dollars for a brand new jet. Time marker 1:33 – Copeland is right? Let’s look at this… Time marker 1:36 – The minister makes fun of spending $25,000 a year on airline tickets. Time marker 1:42 – Copeland spent twenty million dollars to buy a jet. 31

Time marker 1:45 – Just how long would it take someone who spends $25,000 a year to spend twenty million? Time marker 1:51 – Eight hundred years. Time marker 1:54 – But in addition to the twenty million dollars, Copeland will have hanger fees, airport landing fees, jet fuel… Time marker 2:00 – …Pilot salaries, attendant’s salaries, insurance and maintenance. Time marker 2:07 – Talk about fuzzy math.

Cough: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_g-7nRluBs Todd Bentley’s resurrection story #28 (time marker 5:00) - This is probably one of the most revealing video clips, showing Todd Bentley’s lack of biblical knowledge. I saw this video clip “live” as it was being broadcast (via the internet) at Todd Bentley’s Fresh Fire website on June 27th, 2008. This pastor (Pastor Clarence of Meridian, Mississippi) tells how a “resurrection” took place outside a Florida Howard Johnson’s motel in Winter Haven, Florida. The paraplegic boy (David, age 15), drowned in the motel pool. At time marker 3:49, the Mississippi pastor sharing the testimony, “admits” that CPR needed to take place and was given. After three tries, the boy was resuscitated. Here’s my favorite part (time marker 7:18): Todd: “What happened when life came into him?” Pastor Clarence: “He coughed, Todd.” Todd: “That’s like the Bible. When somebody got resurrected in the Bible, they would cough or sneeze.” Finally, at time marker 8:20, Pastor Clarence says that another lady was behind the pool fence, praying in tongues. Todd Bentley replies, “Another lady praying in tongues, adding faith.” Is the purpose of tongues?

Crouch, Jan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRirh4zTwig&feature=related Jan Crouch shares an encouraging word about giving to the Lord’s work for all the poor ladies through their grocery money! Not! Time marker 0:00 – “It’s like it’s always been the little women that caught the vision of giving; beginning with Jesus Himself; out of their private needs.”


Time marker 0:11 – “Some of you little precious ones have that little grocery money, some of that little money set aside. Assure tonight the blessings of God on your family by giving it to God.” Time marker 0:27 – “And speaking that ; say it. ‘God, this is for blessings on my family.’” Time marker 0:35 – “I love that.”

Crouch, Paul: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhpumBmmhbg This video clip montage has several Word of Faith “preachers” begging for money. Most interesting is Paul Crouch at time marker 1:19, saying, “You didn’t get into church in the Old Testament unless you had a gift. You didn’t get through the door. You were not welcomed into the church, into the tabernacle, into the temple. That was the price of admission. You came to God only if you had a gift.” At time marker 2:47, Paul says, “I refuse to argue with you, with almost any of you out there. Don’t even call me if you want to argue doctrine, if you want to straighten somebody out over here, if you want to criticize Ken Copeland for preaching on faith or Dad Hagin…get out of my life. I don’t want to even touch or hear you. I don’t want to see your ugly face. Get out of my face, in Jesus’ name.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5h45PayJio&feature=related Paul Crouch shares a little insight on his thoughts concerning John Macarthur… Time marker 0:05 – “Ah, John MacArthur is one of the finest preachers…” Time marker 0:10 – “…I heard him preach at the mayor’s prayer breakfast that just brought the house down.” Time marker 0:18 – “He’s a precious man of God. He’s needs to be overwhelmed by the Holy Ghost.” Time marker 0:26 – “And I’ll not be happy until I see John MacArthur slain in the spirit, speaking in another tongue.” Time marker 0:41 – “He’s a precious man and I mean that sincerely; that he loves God and he’s going to heaven with all of us.”

Crowder, John: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-AyI8oYpno John shares (time marker 2:30) through Jeff Janson’s video on angels, Heavenly Encounters & Angelic Visitations 2 part 1: 33

A suspension that John Crowder has between heaven and earth - in this “vision,” John sees a heavenly building shaped like a key (the key room of heaven) where John says some of the keys lead to encounters and some lead to gifts. At time marker 3:10, John says that many times (once you go to these rooms in heaven) you have access to return to these rooms again and again. He said that he has returned to this key room several times. At time marker 3:38, John shares a meeting (that he was brought back in time to) where William Branham (deceased) ministered. It was from that encounter (a lightening bolt thrown at John from William Branham) that John claims that he started having encounters with angels “like he never has before.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itAUIaMM5zQ John Crowder has Pirate Preacher (Youtube’s Jahlove247) demonstrate how to “toke the Ghost.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ec91wvUY7Yo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNi_zQSmgTo&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hdiy_CizzA&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNg9bRv6vtg&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9xsspngZXA&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVIBlb5E0ig&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKJCKU4IIGw&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JR-nZ4HuXWw&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItKWM3qitA8&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_Nmf-DrLQI&feature=related These ten video clips are the “preaching/teaching” of John Crowder…”The Ecstasy of God.” John teaches some awful theology and closes the series with some “slayings in the spirit.”

Cuckoo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zO4_cOzu_0c Plumblineapologetics provides this (original LocalPastor) clip of Patricia King blowing an imaginary shofar in the behalf of James Goll. Another looney spoof (cuckoo clock) showing the falsities of the Word of Faith junk.

Defense: 34

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3IWgDH9g9o This is the original Patricia King, extremeprophetic.com, video set defending the Lakeland Revival and Todd Bentley. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yv6ewpngMHQ A satirical defense of Todd Bentley by Patricia King is presented by Plumblineapolgetics (original post by LocalPastor) in this three-minute Youtube clip. Patricia tries to defend the attacks against Todd after his separation (precursor to a Canadian divorce) from Shonnah. This clip has the actual video clip of Patricia speaking and additional visual commentary addressing the shortfall of the Lakeland Revival. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Y6XlozgcQc Patricia King introduces Bobby Conner in this Youtube video (produced by Hommersen) defending the false teaching of the Word of Faith folks. The problem with this video clip by Patricia King, is that Bobby offers no defense by teaching some false new age theology. Take special notice of time marker 2:27, when Bobby says that he was cast out of heaven during a “heavenly experience”! The editor of this video clip offers some great commentary too! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRo4dWjjZqA&feature=related Robert Brownell (a missionary to China) shares his thoughts regarding the Lakeland Healing Revival. He says that he attended the revival (May, 2008) and served as a catcher and an usher, and saw many of the “behind the scenes” things; therefore qualifying him in his assessment of the revival. In this video, Robert addresses some of the lies, slander and accusations that had been said against Todd Bentley and the Lakeland Revival. Time marker 0:44 – Too much preaching about angels. Time marker 1:25 – They are not preaching the cross. Time marker 3:27 – Nobody is really being healed. It’s just all hype! Time marker 5:22 – Todd Bentley has tattoos and piercings, which are unbiblical. Time marker 6:18 – False doctrine is being preached. Time marker 7:26 – The whole revival is all about Todd Bentley, giving him honor. Time marker 7:54 – The Christian civil war. Robert finishes with his “observations” about people who make accusations (regarding the Lakeland Revival). 1. Those who are not prophets, should not be telling non-prophets, who is or isn’t a prophet. 35

2. Those who do not have a healing ministry should not be identifying who or who isn’t a healer. 3. Those who do not get visions from the Lord should not criticize visions that visionaries receive. 4. Those who do not get angelic encounters should not be the experts on angelic encounters. 5.

Those that speak in tongues should not instruct others about this gift.

6. Those who are not conducting a revival should not criticize those who do lead revivals. Finally, Robert says at time marker 9:20, “The reason there’s so much accusation and slander against the revival is because there is a Christian civil war… (the Devil is) spreading fear and division ‘in the name of the Lord.’”

DeLuca, Rob: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXnWs7HTvDc&feature=related Here we have Todd Bentley introducing Rob DeLuca to his Lakeland Revival audience. Rob is about to tell of a vision he had and offer support to the Lakeland Revival. Time marker 0:09 – Todd says, “This revival started because of a prophetic word that I received from a prophetic voice in New Zealand.” Time marker 0:31 – Rob DeLuca says, “I just saw a vision. And I saw the Lord Jesus. And I saw him stand up from His throne. And I saw Him take off His crown. And He placed it on the arm of His throne. And then He proceeded to get down on His knees. And He took off a ring…off of His finger. And He began to place this beautiful ring on this bride. And she stopped and she began to weep. And she looked and her dress was torn. And I saw Him touch her dress and immediately it was made right. And the Lord told me that what I am doing here is going to bring forth the preparation of the wedding. And I am about to marry my bride and this is going to fix that which is torn and this is the beginning of the arrangements of the wedding feasts.” Time marker 3:45 – Rob interprets the dream to say that there will be a joining of oneness and love and forgiveness and unity. “It’s going to destroy racial barriers. It’s going to destroy different belief systems. It’s going to bring forth a oneness needed for the great outpouring…there’s going to be a great harvest from this. And God wants to use everyone in the body of Christ.”


Time marker 4:40 – Todd begins to talk about how he has been “labeled.” “I’m not Pentecostal. I’m not prophetic. I’m not supernatural. I’m not extreme prophetic. I mean you can’t put a label on me.” Time marker 4:50 – Todd continues, “I think that’s what God wants to do in the body of Christ. He wants to bring all the camps…whether they’re charismatic, Pentecostal…whether they’re faith, whether they’re Baptist, whether they’re black, whether they’re white, whether they’re Hispanic, whether they’re young, whether they’re old…every generation, every tongue, every tribe has got to be healed in this outpouring. What we’re saying tonight, we’re not one denomination, one we’re not organization, we’re not one camp, we’re not one stream, we’re one body of believers. And we want to see God pour out His spirit on a bride.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeYuEVDvubI&feature=related In this video clip, Rob Deluca shares a false (prophecy) vision he had regarding more revivals that will take place in the world along with the Lakeland Revival. The gist is that Rob said he saw a “human” boomerang flying out of Canada. The boomerang (with Todd Bentley’s name on it) went to England, Australia and New Zealand. It also hit America and the state of Florida. Rob also shares information of a nail and a scroll with a “prophetic” meaning declaring “the kingdom of God has now come.”

Demon Possession: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwlRisYyGAI This five-minute-long video by LocalPastor shows a “worship service” where people are slain (possessed) of the Spirit, while the preacher proclaims, “Fire, fire, fire.” Take special note of LocalPastor’s comments: A scriptural warning at time marker 2:03, “Numbers 26:61: And Nadab and Abihu died, when they offered strange fire before the Lord.” At time marker 2:17, “Does this glorify God? Edify the saints? Does it build up the body in love? A truly disturbing video of a false manifestation of God’s presence! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIDVKZoUTTI&feature=related Todd Bentley casts out demons in Ethiopia in a man and in a woman. A side note – notice that Todd is tattoo-free in this video clip. Time marker 1:30 – Todd is very aggressive in casting out a demon in a man. Time marker 2:31 – Todd casts out a demon in a woman bound in chains. “A woman that is so demon-possessed, they actually have her bound with chains.” 37

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDdQb6Vn6IE Here we have a church service with a spiritual possession taking place in children. And the possession is not of God!

Divorce: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjOSgSeQ7qQ YouTube’s Jahlove247 (Pirate Pastor) addresses the fall of Todd Bentley and his divorce. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3IWgDH9g9o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zB7rlKP6EAI&feature=related The original Patricia King two-part video set from extremeprophetic.com, where she defends the Todd Bentley divorce fiasco. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yv6ewpngMHQ A satirical defense of Todd Bentley by Patricia King is presented by Plumblineapolgetics in this three-minute Youtube clip. Patricia tries to defend the attacks against Todd after his separation (precursor to a Canadian divorce) from Shonnah. This clip has the actual video clip of Patricia speaking and additional visual commentary addressing the shortfall of the Lakeland Revival. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MG4g2QMrKMo&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPFFTzAaQFU&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoeIfOAAb7A&feature=related These three video clips are the post-divorce address by Bill Johnson in defending his support of Todd Bentley. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTTp71aJGrw YouTube’s LocalPastor provides some great commentary in defense to Patricia King and her support for Todd Bentley after his divorce announcement. Throughout the video she questions those who tried to expose the falsities of the Lakeland Revival. Also, several clips of “false healings” are provided through this video expose. Patricia said (time marker 2:19) that there were doctors’ verifications for the healings!

Documentaries: Angels (Pro Word of Faith): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-AyI8oYpno 38

Heavenly Encounters & Angelic Visitations 2 part 1, by Jeff Jansen, dealing with the support of angels. In this video clip, testimonies are provided by Jeff Jansen, John Crowder (time marker 2:30) and Jan Jansen (time marker 4:15). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrQArPdbUK8&feature=related Heavenly Encounters & Angelic Visitations 2 part 2, by Jeff Jansen, dealing with the support of angels. Testimonies are provided by Jan Jenson, Jeff Jenson, Gary Morgan and Paul Cain. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XM08TLAczs&feature=related Heavenly Encounters & Angelic Visitations 2 part 3, by Jeff Jansen. Jeff declares that we are in an end-time revival as prophesied by Paul Cain in 1984; that in 2008 God and his angels will show up in miraculous ways. Also, Gary Morgan describes the work of angels assigned to him. Paul (time marker 6:02) encourages the thought that Christians will partner with angels to do great works. “As we ‘partner’ with angels, believers will be able to do supernatural things.”

Bentley, Todd (Negative): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDiCYkgp40k http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwWJuxWgd04&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqa5WqWwyW4 These three Youtube audio clips by Hank Hanegraaff address Todd Bentley and the Lakeland Revival. http://www.youtube.com/user/pastorsarver http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEbW46OAUSg&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgd6FNjvKVk&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12fmVXUVVq0&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBKeOh2RapY&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMMRrlKrweo&feature=related This is a six part video message by the pastor of Calvary Chapel Palm City (http://www.palmcitycalvary.com). Larry Sarver does an excellent job in presenting the falsities of the Lakeland Revival with video clips and comments.


Hinn, Bennie (Negative): http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5582961561140514506




http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2906727921306299700&q=&hl=en http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6239748283577987735&q=&hl=en http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7279620486300655632&q=&hl=en A great video expose exposing the false ministry of Bennie Hinn. Seven of the eight parts of listed here. This is an excellent series and should be seen by all Bennie Hinn supporters!

Televangelist Exploiting the Gullible: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQt6UWpsW5M http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5nWXilegsk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UeJDRYZNVQ&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IuHw37dCGo This four-part video display shows how televangelist has exploited the gullible. Video #1 – Peter Popoff and the Miracle Spring Water Video #2 – Paul Lewis and the Miracle Olive Oil Soap Video #3 – Don Stewart and the Acts 19 Prayer Cloth (green handkerchief) Video #4 – Woody Martin and the Blood of Jesus Anointing Oil; Leroy Jenkins and Free Miracle Water 40

Dollar, Creflo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2ivUTS9xl8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cj5CZer3tVc&feature=related These two video clips include the interview by CNN of Creflo Dollar. The second link has an explanation of the rich young ruler that is false! Creflo spends a little time explaining that Jesus gave this parable to help us “love God with our stuff.” However, at time marker 0:19, Creflo goes on to say that if you read further down in the passage (Matthew 19), you will see that the rich, young ruler “received a hundred fold everything that he gave, everything that he sold.”

Dream Interpretation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oPhAS4Pfqc Patricia King tries to “witness” to a psychic who came into a book store where Patricia King was setting up a dream interpretation booth. In this dream encounter, the psychic speaks of UFOs and prophecies.

Driess, Stefen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eX9xdw6aT9c This is the unedited clip of Stefan Driess, a pastor from German who came to the Lakeland Revival. Stefan shares a vision with Todd and then Todd eventually “knees” him.

Driscoll, Mark: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Kk97vF-Kq0&feature=related Mark shares a brief five-minute message on concerns that he has relating to the charismatic movement. He shared this message at the 2008 Together on Mission conference. Time marker 0:50 – Error #1: Focus on the wrong person; a focus on the Spirit instead of Jesus Time marker 1:15 – Error #2: Focus on the wrong event; a focus on Pentecost instead of the work of the cross Time marker 2:17 – Error #3: Focus on idolatry of wealth and health; no place for pain and poverty Time marker 3:13 – Error #4: Focus on lifting up the movement leader 41

Time marker 4:00 – Error #5: Focus on losing the sight of real mission

Drunk in the Spirit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSyj2pZisG0&feature=related T.R. Post shares some inside happenings at the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship (John Arnott’S church) in Toronto, Canada. T.R. shares video clips of several people “drunk in the spirit.” Here you can see some “Christians” do some really weird stuff! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgftZ6ynY8Q&feature=related A pastor provides video clips of the blasphemies of John Scotland (while at the Toronto Airport Church) in his supposed drunken holy state. A time marker 4:18, Scotland declares that God is “a fun God.” “Let’s get the fun back into church.” A time marker 7:25, Scotland attempts to read the Scripture. Before he reads the Word, he crows like a chicken and then laughs for about ten seconds. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLJumIS8hIs Belly Up to the Bar…Todd Bentley getting drunk in the Spirit. Through out the video exposé, FinalTrumpet, the author of this Todd Bentley video clip, is good to offer Scriptural reminders that believers in Christ are to remain sober. Todd Bentley, however, thinks differently! Beginning at time marker 0:38, Todd encourages the audience at the Lakeland Revival to fill up their barrel. “Say, Lord, I put my head back, I open up my mouth, I tip back my barrel, and I drink.” At time marker 2:32, Todd glories in his “drunkenness.” “I’m getting drunk in the Holy Ghost now,” says Todd. After “bobbing” for several seconds, Todd says, “They call this Pentecost, by the way, for all you Pentecostals. We are not drunk as you suppose.” FinalTrumpet reminds the viewers of the truth…drunkenness is judgment from God. So do you still want a drink from what Todd Bentley is serving? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BYxoSYTr_E In this disturbing video, we see for two minutes, Todd “drunk in the spirit.” At time marker 1:58, Jeff, a Lakeland personality, says, “We’re going to laugh the hell out of people.” At time marker 5:48, one of the stage personalities says (in reference to the supposed thickness of the Presence of the Holy Spirit), “It’s a sauce, it’s a ____ sauté. “ The announcer then says, “The closer I get to the pulpit, the more I ‘feel it.’” A time marker 7:37, a lady named Shannon approaches Todd. Todd asks her is she feels “that” (“the drunkenness of the Holy Spirit.”) Todd goes on to tell Shannon, “You’re standing in the anointing, right there. You’re standing in front of my pulpit. BAM! Sometimes an angel stands right there, in front of my pulpit. Anybody that steps into it, get’s it.” Toward the end of the video clip, Todd is going to pass the “anointing” on to the computer audience watching the revival via the internet. At time marker, 8:48, Steven Strader dances around the stage 42

with his laptop. After Strader hits the ground, Todd says, “Sometimes the angels get involved. Don’t even try to figure it out with your head. That was crazy.” For a finale, Todd encourages a guy named Jacof, to pick up the computer from the “grounded” Steven Strader and encourages him to place it on the pulpit stand. Of course, Jacof stammers toward the ground with Todd running to save the computer from hitting the ground. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Af82HUus3UA Here is a video clip of some Welsh guys “drunk in the spirit” at a revival where Todd Bentley has been/was to be speaking. For nearly five minutes, you can witness the lack of spiritual discernment in these young people. As one blog commenter wrote…’You know what this group needs? An adult chaperone or a Bible or really to be born again.’”

Eagles: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BTg0fTP9Ws The original video clip of the “eagles” (osprey) appearing at Tiger Stadium in Lakeland (first revival meeting) where Todd Bentley declared it’s a blessing on the revival…a prophetic sign, the apostolic, the prophetic – Father, Son and Holy Ghost. “Something in history is being released tonight. I’m telling you, the healing revival is here!” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeBoNuF-_jc This is a rebuttal video of the “blessing” of the three eagles that appeared at Todd Bentley’s first revival meeting in Lakeland. At time marker 2:14, we see Pastor Steven Strader of the Lakeland Revival, saying that the birds were not eagles but ospreys. The question remains, if Bentley felt this was a prophetic sign declared by eagles (actually ospreys, eagle imitators); is the Lakeland Revival to be false too? As the creator of the video declared at time marker 3:23, “It looks like this prophetic sign is showing us that the revival is an imitation of the real thing…funny how these “prophets could not see that.”

Elijah List: http://www.deceptioninthechurch.com/elijahlist.html This is an online document listing of false prophecies declared by several Word of Faith prophets. The author of deceptioninthechurch.com went to great lengths to list various prophecies declared since 2004, but yet, failed to come to fruition. These false prophecies were published in the Elijah List newsletters over the years!


Enema: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jhw_5ye8Qo Here is the classic disappointing video of Bennie Hinn’s wife, Suzanne, talking about a Holy Ghost enema. Not only does she promote blasphemy of the Holy Spirit but she also runs all over the stage espousing her false “Hinniean” theology.

England: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rl-yyqhrN28&feature=related A great video with Trevor Baker promoting the now-cancelled (yet to come) revival to England. Great commentary provided by the author of this clip, Youtube’s Ahousisnotahome. Also, additional video footage of “activities” outside the Lakeland Revival arena! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaqw1HlUzPo&feature=related Here is a brief video clip of Todd Bentley promoting his now-cancelled visit to England. Todd gloats about the media in England, giving him bad press. He replies arrogantly, “I was made for this stuff.” Rumor is, Todd could not get a visa to enter the country because of bad press and his criminal record. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csNu5SHJtuE&feature=related Trevor Baker and Todd Bentley share more details about the now-cancelled FreshFire revival scheduled for England. Good commentary provided by the author of this clip, Youtube’s Ahouseisnotahome.

Ethiopia: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIDVKZoUTTI&feature=related Todd Bentley casts out demons in Ethiopia in a man and in a woman. A side note – notice that Todd is tattoo-free in this video clip. Time marker 1:30 – Todd is very aggressive in casting out a demon in a man. Time marker 2:31 – Todd casts out a demon in a woman bound in chains. “A woman that is so demon-possessed, they actually have her bound with chains.”

Exploding Tumor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0f-HWb2DyPU&feature=related 44

This is another one of my favorite videos exposing the false ministry of Todd Bentley. At time marker 2:20, Todd shares the “miracle” of the exploding tumor. First, Todd said something awesome happened after “the angel came.” The testimony from Todd, later, details the “healing miracle” of an exploding (leaping out) tumor that fell to the ground from a leg of a woman healed during a service. Her tumor was placed inside of her offering envelope and given to Todd. She later explained how the tumor exploded (or leaped out) out of her leg through a unique healing. If I recall the testimony correctly (I saw this “testimony” of Todd, live as it was being broadcast, via the internet, through Fresh Fire’s website in May of 2008), the lady gave her tumor as an offering unto God!

Fluitt, Clarice: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=031V62J9jOI YouTube’s Plumblineapolgetics provides this video clip of Todd Bentley’s “commissioning” sponsored by Che Ahn, C. Peter Wagner and Bill Johnson. Wagner, the host of this event, calls the following to participate in this event: Time marker 0:55 – Todd Bentley, Che Ahn, Bill Johnson, and John Arnott. Time marker 1:22 – Wagner invites more “apostles” to participate in the event. Some of those folk are: Steven Strader (Lakeland, Florida), Karl Strader (Lakeland, Florida), Rick Joiner (Fort Mills, South Carolina), Doris Wagner (Colorado Springs, Colorado), Sharon Stone (Burton, England) and Clarice Fluitt (Monroe, Louisiana). Time marker 2:50 – Clarice Fluitt pronounces her blessing…”Hallelujah. For the word of the Lord would say, ‘Behold the vanguard, behold the tugboat, that is cutting through the ice of religious traditions, the cruel hard things. The understanding of the mind of men, will now bow to the reality of the revelation of the finished work of Calvary.’” “Behold saith God, ‘You have been equipped with cutting power, you have been equipped to go through those traditions of the mind of man.’” “Yeah, saith God, ‘And you are pulling the church into the realm of glory, behind you is a great ship that is laden with healing and deliverance and prosperity. ‘ This is the word to you old man of God. ‘Arise, kill and eat. No longer, no longer, no longer, will men call unclean, what I have called clean.’”

Friel, Todd: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiWzusa0x6s WOTM’s Todd Friel provides an analysis of Todd Bentley’s gospel message (which includes anointing and healing) and Todd’s “mantle” of anointing in evangelism and the gospel of the kingdom. 45

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yN9Ay4QAtW8&eurl=http://www.slic eoflaodicea. com/ This first part of a two-part WOTM radio segment, has Todd Friel sharing some humorous insights regarding the Lakeland Revival with Todd Bentley. Excerpts include the exploding tumor miracle, banging the legs of a lady like a baseball bat, leg dropping the pastor, and kicking the woman in the face incident. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkEpQlL1GHo&eurl=http://www.slic eoflaodicea. com The second part of a two-part WOTM radio segment, has Todd Friel providing an analysis of Todd Bentley’s revival ministry. Friel asks the probing question of where is the preaching of the cross at the Lakeland Revival.

Glass Eye Seeing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHAf3W3iPPY&feature=related Video clips don’t get any better than this Todd Bentley clip! The man (George) in the video has two prosthetic legs and a glass eye. At the beginning of the clip, Jeffrey, the announcer, says that the stumps of both legs have grown and that George can now see through his glass eyeball. At time marker 0:50, Todd says that only one time, in his ministry, had he heard of someone able to see out of a prosthetic eye. Todd goes on to say, (time marker 1:03) that at one other time, a man with no eyeball grew an eyeball. Then at time marker 1:09, Todd says that a blind boy was able to see through the white of both eyes (after being healed). At time marker 1:21, George says that he is able to see out of his glass eye. At time marker 1:52, Todd declares, “Creative miracles have come; let arms and legs come out of heaven, let eyeballs come out of heaven, let arms come out of heaven, let muscle, blood and tissue come out of heaven, let organs come out of heaven, in the name of Jesus.” At time marker 2:14, George explains that his vision is not clear, that he can see bright light and shadows through his glass eye. A side note after George got knocked out with a quick slaying…at time marker 4:01 - Todd declares, “I’m telling you, every major media, every major news outlet in America, will prophesy about the dead being raised, they will prophesy about the creative miracles, and they will report about healing, signs and wonders in America.” At time marker 4:31,Todd looks at the camera and says, “I’m telling you, we are moving into a day, where the miracles will be so outstanding, notable and remarkable, in America; they will be so obvious, you won’t even need a doctor confirmation, because it will be so obvious that they were healed.” Todd prays at time marker 4:54, that George would grow a brand new set of legs. Later in the clip (time marker 5:40), it is learned that the man no longer has his prosthetic legs on. The reason? His stumps are growing. At time marker 6:04, George explains that he prayed that his right leg stump would grow at least the length of his left leg stump, so that he could walk better. George says that his left leg stump has grown about one inch. It gets really looney at time marker 6:49. Kira (a 46

Todd Bentley spokesperson) says that George told her, that he felt he was growing a new eyeball behind the “seeing” glass eyeball. At time marker 7:46, Todd tells the audience a side story of Smith Wigglesworth. Todd said that a legless man attending a revival meeting with Wigglesworth brought with him a shoe. After Wigglesworth prayed, the man received a creative miracle...a new leg, which he could now, put a shoe on. At time marker 8:12, Todd asks the audience to pray with him; that George would be the first person ever to get two brand new legs. Finally, Kira said that each night they were going to bring a tape measure to see how far George’s legs grow. (I don’t think anybody ever saw George again on the Bentley stage again! I know, I never saw George or never heard anything else about him. I have been watching hours and hours of the Todd Bentley show – no sign of George!)

Glory Theology: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lV1CzbJdHuw&feature=related YouTube’s Bezel333 presents some great information regarding some of the Latter Rain theology, the “theology of glory.” The author of this video shares a distinction between the theology of glory and the theology of the cross. In the middle part of the video, Todd Bentley shares a testimony of special jewels falling from heaven, gold dust and angel feathers. Time marker 1:27 – “The theology of glory is where we go up into heaven; climb that ladder, and try to bring God down; make Him reveal Himself to us through signs and wonders, healings, visible things that we can see and feel.”

God TV: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfOObaw3xJU Rory Alec shares a brief testimony about the partnership of Todd Bentley and the Lakeland Revival with God TV. After a six minute testimony, Rory shares (time marker 7:20), “God is here (at the Lakeland Revival)…from Jerusalem to the outer ends of the earth, God TV is with you (Todd Bentley).”

Gold Dust: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTX4uGT9KMQ&NR=1 YouTube’s LocalPastor provides this short video clip of a woman pastor fraudulently passing off some gold dust. Time marker 0:00 – You are about to see something that has amazed church audiences around the world! 47

Time marker 0:07 – A lie. Time marker 0:09 – Calvary Pentecostal Tabernacle, Winter Camp Meeting, “I am Thirsty Lord” Time marker 0:12 – Silvania Machado with Ruth Heflin and the gold…. Time marker 0:30 – Silvania Machado, the woman in the video, claimed that this was real gold dust – a manifestation of God’s glory… Time marker 034 – Analysis proved the material was plastic glitter, not gold… Time marker 0:38 – Glory glitter?

Gold Teeth: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSrSckASw7M YouTube’s Pirate Pastor (Jahlove247) gives a detailed testimony of his fish getting a gold tooth.

Goll, James: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knPffB6fSKU Plumblineapologetics provides the (original LocalPastor) clip of James Goll and Patricia King in “imparting” spiritual gifts. The Adam’s Family song is used in a smart way to spoof the lunacy of the false doctrinal teaching. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zO4_cOzu_0c Plumblineapologetics provides this (original LocalPastor) clip of Patricia King blowing an imaginary shofar in the behalf of James Goll. Another looney spoof (cuckoo clock) showing the falsities of the Word of Faith junk. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6IczqbCCZ4&feature=PlayList&p= 6A24036C6CBD8 D89&index=108 This testimony of James Goll, identifies the “prophecy” of Todd Bentley and his ministry. Time marker 0:10 – “Twelve years ago, the external, audible voice of the Lord came to me. And I heard the following. ‘I am raising up a new, young champion. His name will be called Todd.’ I heard it like that. ‘I am raising up a new, young champion; his name will be called Todd.’ ‘You will need his raw faith and he will need your wisdom.’ So for three years…cause I’ve been traveling itinerantly for I don’t know how many years; in fulltime ministry for over thirty-four years...and, and so for three full years around the world, I looked for ‘Todd.’” “And I never found a ‘Todd.’ But I found several ‘Todd’s.’ And then nine years ago, I ran into Bam Bam. And I knew Bam Bam, was 48

Todd; cause he had raw faith. One of the things that is interesting; is that twelve years ago, was when Todd surrendered to the call to fulltime ministry and left the sawmill. And that was exactly when the voice of the Lord came to me and said, ‘I m raising up a new, young champion, and his name will be called Todd.’”

Grocery Money: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRirh4zTwig&feature=related Jan Crouch shares an encouraging word about giving to the Lord’s work for all the poor ladies through their grocery money! Not! Time marker 0:00 – “It’s like it’s always been the little women that caught the vision of giving; beginning with Jesus Himself; out of their private needs.” Time marker 0:11 – “Some of you little precious ones have that little grocery money, some of that little money set aside. Assure tonight the blessings of God on your family by giving it to God.” Time marker 0:27 – “And speaking that ; say it. ‘God, this is for blessings on my family.’” Time marker 0:35 – “I love that.”

Hagin, Kenneth: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SgByE0pX1M&feature=related Kenneth Hagin entices a farce of holy laughter on his audience in this bedlam of Pentecostalism at its worst! Kenneth Copeland gets into the antics also. The close of the video has a woman moaning like a dog.

Haville, Mark: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCJ9v_-aJho Todd Friel from Way of the Master Radio provides the audio interview with Britain’s Mark Haville, a former faith healer. Mark shares how much of the charismatic events happening at many faith-healing revivals are accomplished through hypnotism, euphoria and the power of suggestion; methods used in music, repetition and tones of a speaker’s voice.

Healing: 49

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mTLGJOnTLs LocalPastor provides this video of a lady with Hepatitis C and Psoriasis of the liver, trying to be healed by Todd Bentley. After Todd prays for this lady, he asks her “What are you feeling right now? What is happening?” Her response, “I’m not feeling the Holy Spirit.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RB1lEOxyaIg LocalPastor video, Willie has a severe case of multiple sclerosis (for seven years) and supposedly gets healed. From time marker 0:54 to time marker 1:40…forty-six seconds of crowd manipulation takes place as Todd touches Willie and prays over him. Willie goes into a spasm at time marker 1:30. (The crowd loves it!) At time marker 2:00, Todd Bentley says, “Something is happening here. And we just said, ‘Thank you, God, for healing multiple sclerosis’…There’s change. There’s healing happening.” At time marker 2:20, Todd continues talking…”Sometimes they’re instant (healings). When you have been bound with MS…I have testimony after testimony; we pray for somebody, and they just get better and better and better and better.” At time marker 2:48 Willie raises his legs. Todd Bentley says, “Something’s happening. Come on; give God thanks for that healing. God heal MS.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELzVl630EXc&feature=related Che Ahn takes a stab at the Lakeland Healing Revival and misses the target big time. The LocalPastor video clip uploaded by Plumblineapologetics (video comment italicized), is especially difficult for me to watch since my mother passed away with Lou Gehrig’s disease in 1995. Here’s the breakdown of the attempted healing from prophesied “full healing” to “partial healing”. At the opening of this video clip, we see that this video footage was taken from the WACX Channel in Orlando, Florida in June of 2008. At time marker 0:06, LocalPastor tells us that “Lou Gehrig’s disease is a disorder called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or ALS. About half of all people with ALS live at least three years after they find out they have the disease, and twenty percent (or one in five) live five years or more. As many as ten percent will survive more than ten years.” At time marker 0:38, we learn that Jeanine is from Pennsylvania and has ALS. Lou Gehrig’s disease damages motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord. At time marker 0:58, we learn that Jeanine was diagnosed with ALS on June 9th, 2009. (With Lou Gehrig’s disease,) gradually the body becomes paralyzed…a progressive, usually fatal , neurodegenerative disease caused by the degeneration of the nerve cells in the central nervous system that control voluntary muscle movement. The patient may ultimately lose the ability to initiate and control all voluntary movement except the eyes. At time marker 1:06, Che asks Jeanine if she is feeling better. Jeanine responds that her breathing has improved. At time marker 1:13, Che asks her if there are any other signs of improvement. She says, “No.” At marker 1:23, Che declared that he called out Lou Gehrig’s disease and that one of the things he is after is partial healing. LocalPastor posts, “But I imagine that she was after a regular ‘healing’ and why shouldn’t she? He (Che) has the gift of healing.” At time marker 1:44, Che begins 50

“praying”…”I curse this Lou Gehrig’s disease and command it to leave in the name of Jesus. And we just pray right now that the presence of God come and heal you right now. There it is.” (So he pushes her over, probably not to difficult to do.) After the lady is slain to the floor, Che asks her is she is feeling stronger. Her response (time marker 2:15), “Not yet.” No change from the “healing.” So Che tells her, “Just receive in the name of Jesus; just “soak” in the presence of God. “ Nothing happened. No healing. No improvement. No miracle. Just this very sweet woman who brought her hopes to Lakeland and she was left to “soak” on the floor, right next to the hope she put in this false “healing revival.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcqmShgqbw8&feature=related This is one of the saddest illustrations of a “healing” that was claimed but never took place. Todd Bentley has this eleven-year-old boy (with cerebral palsy) giving testimony but nothing really happened! Just a bunch of hype. At time marker 0:22, the announcer says that the kid has not walked since birth. At time marker 0:47, the announcer says that the boy had dreamed that he would run around the bases at the ball field where the service was taking place. At time marker, 0:58, the mother of the boy, tells Todd that her son does have a walker and uses it. At time marker 1:14, the boy begins to share that he has never walked without his walker. At time marker 2:07 Todd prays that this miracle (although nothing has been done so far) will continue in his legs, brain and nerves. Finally, at time marker 2:33, Todd explains to the crowd that the boy was feeling something in his legs and that this was a miracle in progress. Did the boy walk? No. Did the boy run around the bases? No. Was the boy able to stand on his own? No. Was the boy healed? No. Simply sad! How ironic….at time marker 0:32, Todd says that he hopes that there was some media in the press box because “you’ve never seen a child get out of a wheelchair that’s not walked from birth. That’s national news.” The fact is, no national news is needed. The boy did not walk. He was not healed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHAf3W3iPPY&feature=related Video clips don’t get any better than this Todd Bentley clip! The man (George) in the video has two prosthetic legs and a glass eye. At the beginning of the clip, Jeffrey, the announcer, says that the stumps of both legs have grown and that George can now see through his glass eyeball. At time marker 0:50, Todd says that only one time, in his ministry, had he heard of someone able to see out of a prosthetic eye. Todd goes on to say, (time marker 1:03) that at one other time, a man with no eyeball grew an eyeball. Then at time marker 1:09, Todd says that a blind boy was able to see through the white of both eyes (after being healed). At time marker 1:21, George says that he is able to see out of his glass eye. At time marker 1:52, Todd declares, “Creative miracles have come; let arms and legs come out of heaven, let eyeballs come out of heaven, let arms come out of heaven, let muscle, blood and tissue come out of heaven, let organs come out of heaven, in the name of Jesus.” At time marker 2:14, George explains that his vision is not clear, that he can see bright light and shadows through his glass eye. A 51

side note after George was knocked out with a quick slaying…at time marker 4:01 - Todd declares, “I’m telling you, every major media, every major news outlet in America, will prophesy about the dead being raised, they will prophesy about the creative miracles, and they will report about healing, signs and wonders in America.” At time marker 4:31,Todd looks at the camera and says, “I’m telling you, we are moving into a day, where the miracles will be so outstanding, notable and remarkable, in America; they will be so obvious, you won’t even need a doctor confirmation, because it will be so obvious that they were healed.” Todd prays at time marker 4:54, that George would grow a brand new set of legs. Later in the clip (time marker 5:40), it is learned that the man no longer has his prosthetic legs on. The reason? His stumps are growing. At time marker 6:04, George explains that he prayed that his right leg stump would grow at least the length of his left leg stump, so that he could walk better. George says that his left leg stump has grown about one inch. It gets really looney at time marker 6:49. Kira (a Todd Bentley spokesperson) says that George told her, that he felt he was growing a new eyeball behind the “seeing” glass eyeball. At time marker 7:46, Todd tells the audience a side story of Smith Wigglesworth. Todd said that a legless man attending a revival meeting with Wigglesworth brought with him a shoe. After Wigglesworth prayed, the man received a creative miracle...a new leg, which he could now, put a shoe on. At time marker 8:12, Todd asks the audience to pray with him; that George would be the first person ever to get two brand new legs. Finally, Kira said that each night they were going to bring a tape measure to see how far George’s legs grow. (I don’t think anybody ever saw George again on the Bentley stage again! I know, I never saw George or never heard anything else about him. I have been watching hours and hours of the Todd Bentley show – no sign of George!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MthR9k6xWwM&feature=related This Todd Bentley clip is so sad! A woman (a pastor’s wife) was brought up to Todd who “was full of cancer.” (She looked desperately ill!) At time marker 0:18, Todd says, “There’s something about when the Devil has come against pastors.” Todd continues to boast or offer some “encouragement” to someone he knows he cannot heal – this lady. Time marker 0:30 records…“I prayed for a woman one time, pastor’s wife full of cancer; Redding, California; she was instantly healed.” All Todd can do is pray, “brag’ about a previous healing of a woman with cancer, and slay the cancer-ridden lady and her husband in the Spirit, before moving on! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUTCWLoD4-4 This is the infamous video clip of Roger, the metastatic stage four colon cancer stooge of Todd Bentley. This LocalPastor video clip shows Todd Bentley hitting the guy in the stomach which obviously causes the man (Todd said so) some great pain. At time marker 0:57, Todd explains to the man that the cancer is a spirit and must be dealt with in a unique way (hitting and hurting the man.) A time marker 1:05, Todd asks the man about his pain. The man responds that it is a deep pain and at the same time LocalPastor 52

posts on the screen, “Tell your lawyer and give him this video.” This is truly one of the sickest displays of evil as demonstrated by Todd Bentley. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NRBneHze7M Another tall tale from Todd Bentley here. Here Todd gets caught in his embellishment and tries to correct the “error.” The video is dealing with a lady needing a hip replacement. At time marker 0:09, Todd says the lady to be healed, comes running into the meeting where he was holding a service in Hope, British Columbia, Canada. At time marker 0:15, Todd corrects himself… in describing the woman with the bad hip…”I mean not running, but kind of limping in.” Now comes the violence…at time marker 0:42, “I went to go lay hands on this woman to be healed. And just as I did, I heard the Lord say, ‘Slap her in the face.’” “…I hit the woman in the face. Bam! The power of God hit her so hard, she blew back six feet, hit the ground, hit the door, blew the door off the hinges, slid across the floor, in to the kitchen. …God totally healed (her.)” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LidyAFw6ICs&feature=related Mary Ann comes to Todd Bentley for a healing of blindness. Neilmarcusrichardson does a great job (through his commentary) in punching holes in this “healing” story. Mary Ann has a detached retina. She has blindness in her left eye since she was stabbed in her eye at six years of age. She has had two eye surgeries to try to restore this condition. Time marker 0:09, Mary Ann is now able to see figures and colors. Todd runs with it saying “Completely blind in the left eye; beginning to see. I told you someone blind was going to be able to see.” At time marker 0:48, Mary Ann said that “she had been watching for months and started getting color in her eyes a few weeks ago. I told my mother that I’m going to get healed when I go there. And it’s not totally clear, but its gonna be.” Time marker 1:00, Todd asks her, “Are you seeing some fingers, are you seeing some things? Her response, “Yeah, I can see five fingers.” “…I told you the blind we see.” – Todd Bentley. (Basically, she isn’t healed. No healing here, but she is pushed down by Todd Bentley as he slays her in the spirit.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEw-usSBGss&feature=related Here we have another healing that doesn’t really take place. In this video clip, this lady had paralysis from a stroke. A time marker 0:23, Todd declares, “A paralyzed woman is feeling something happening. I’m telling you right now, I command paralysis, in your body, in the name of Jesus, to be healed. My God, come upon her body and put back together every muscle, put back every nerve, and let strength come into those legs.” Todd then demands the lady to move her paralyzed leg. (Both legs move just a little.) Time marker 1:27, Todd says, “God is going to heal those two paralyzed legs, right now as millions around the world are watching.” At time marker 2:27, the daughter remarks that her mother has had mini-strokes and has been paralyzed on her right side. (Again, both legs move just a little.) At time marker 2:27, Todd says that something has begun. “I’m telling you that it is healing. You can have miracles, but healing is happening now…something is happening in that 53

leg.” Final prayer by Todd...”Lord let the miracle begin and let her recover from these strokes.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teFW9HGP8LA A missionary by the name of Joe gets an endorphin healing. The author of this clip has some great commentary explaining what is happening in this miracle. I especially love how Todd asked the man at the end of the clip, if he needed his back brace any more. Todd wanted to add the brace to his “healing” collection. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4wAtTc0BtY&feature=related This video clip has Todd Bentley kicking a man in the legs who has polio. At time marker 3:06, the man finally falls down after Todd kicking him repeatedly! At time marker 3:45, Todd tells the audience that he was being obedient to God in his actions. “For me, it is a test of my obedience!” At time marker 4:35, Todd asks the man does he still feel anything. The man says, “Not too much.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFXqOkBGouI This is the first part of a two-part video of Todd Bentley trying to heal a woman with a lung/breathing condition. Here is the play-by-play of this “healing” farce. Time marker 0:16 – Bentley: “There’s no other woman in here with an oxygen tank. But the lord showed me, real quick, when these miracles were happening; that He was going to touch somebody. We’ve had two other people in these meetings, get totally healed. Their breathing returned to normal. They received new lungs.” Time marker 0:57 – The lady’s sister tells about another man being healed of a lung disease; that she wanted her sister healed. Todd then tells the sick lady, that if this man, who was healed, why wouldn’t God heal her? The lady’s response, “I don’t know if I have that kind of faith.” Todd says, “But I have faith.” He then prays. Time marker 2:02 – Todd asks the lady (after praying) does she feel anything, like heat of fire. She responds that she feels some warmness. Todd says that is the Holy Spirit. Time marker 2:50 – Todd prays for her again and then tells her to take off her tubes connected to the oxygen tank. She then says (as she removes the tubes), “I can breathe without oxygen for a while.” Time marker 3:10 – Todd asks the lady if she feels a warmness in her legs. She says, “No.” Time marker 3:30 – Todd encourages the lady to get out of her wheelchair. She is somewhat resistant. Todd says, “I’m trying to bring you into faith with me, right now.” 54

Time marker 3:48 – Todd says, “Because she said she did not have enough faith; but I do. So I am working this miracle on ‘my faith,’ and your faith (the audience’s faith); trying to bring her into faith.” Time marker 4:05 – Todd says, “I have these miracle meetings, so people can come, and I can help them; because I have the love of Jesus. And I’ve seen every sickness, and I’ve seen every disease healed.” Then after another prayer, he tells the woman to walk; which she does. Time marker 5:18 – You can see the woman is very much so out of breath. Todd prays again for her. (This is the fifth prayer for her so far!) Time marker 5:50 – The lady is pushed over (slain). The crowd gets exited. Time marker 6:50 – Todd says, “Look at her. Something’s happened. Something’s happening. The angel of the Lord is standing here.” Time marker 7:10 – “Welcome Jesus into the building. Miracles are breaking out here in Florida. Get on an airplane. Bring the sick. I don’t care where you are in America. I don’t car where you are in the world watching on the webcast. You need to come to get an impartation. Come and experience the healing power of God. We’re just getting started in this miracle service tonight.” Time marker 7:50 – “There’s so much power. If you’re crippled; get up, move your legs. You need a miracle. Rise and be healed. Do something you couldn’t do. Jesus is in the building. Tumors be healed. Cancers be healed. Blindness be healed. Deafness be healed. Cancer be healed. Liver disease be healed.” Time marker 8:20 – Todd says the lady wants to get up. “She wants to get up on her own.” (She struggles big time!) Eventually Todd and associate help her get up. Time marker 9:04 – Todd asks her about lying on the floor, “What were you feeling?” Her response, “I couldn’t breathe!” You can tell she is really struggling! Time marker 10:40 – Todd told the lady (about her healing), “It’s going to totally happen…I’m not done with you yet, because the power of God is touching you tonight…I’m telling you this thing’s coming out of your lungs.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0I2sod_4kn0&NR=1 This is the final part of a two-part video of Todd Bentley trying to heal a woman with a lung/breathing condition. Here is the continued play-by-play of this “healing” farce. Time marker 0:00 – Prayer number six. Time marker 0:52 – The lady tells Todd again, that she can’t breathe!


Time marker 1:03 – Todd tells the lady, “I believe the spirit of infirmity is coming out of you. You are going to cough it out. Breathe a little oxygen.” Time marker 3:34 – Prayer number eight! Time marker 4:22 – Prayer number nine! Time marker 5:19 – Todd tells the lady, “When you feel the peace, and calm down, the lungs will begin to work.” Time marker 5:34 – The lady asks Todd, “Did you take care of my bones?” Prayer number ten. Time marker 6:12 – Todd’s final words: “This is going to be a testimony. The power of God touched her. And when it does all that other stuff gets surfaced...don’t lose this peace.”

Hill, Steve: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEIp11FnuSg Steve Hill and John Kilpatrick pray for Todd Bentley at the Lakeland Revival. Time marker 0:07 – Steve tells the audience before he prays for Todd…”Before, before I pray, I want to say this. One of the things that knit me to this man of God; is, when he (Todd) said that, ‘You need to take this, and take it home. This is not about Todd Bentley. This is about the anointing being poured out around the world.’ That right there is a sign of a man who is hearing from the Lord; he wants the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ spread, and the healing power all over the world. Jesus.” Time marker 0:38 – Steve prays the blessing over Todd. “I speak a blessing over this man of God; his going out and his coming in. Lord I pray for a fresh word from heaven. Every single day, may he be hearing from You, Lamb of God. I pray the nearness of the Lord, the nearness of the Lord; Lord, wherever he might be – in a car, in a restaurant, walking down the road, in a hotel room, in his home, wherever he might be, may he go, ‘What’s that? I hear His voice again. I hear His voice again.’ And whisper to him, Lord. O God, we’ve got to be so close to hear Your whisper. Whisper to him, Lord; healings beyond his wildest imagination. Oh, speak out names. Speak out diseases, Lamb of God; even those he’s never heard of. Lamb of God, do a mighty work through this man. And give him souls. Oh, give him souls, Lamb of God. May the shed blood of Jesus be poured out in every life that comes to his meetings, Lamb of God. And may souls be poured into Your kingdom. Bless this man of God.” Time marker 1:44 – John Kilpatrick begins to pray. “The Bible says that Jesus had the spirit of wisdom and might. He had the spirit of wisdom to know what to do; He had the spirit of might to get it done. And I speak over you (Todd) that God anoint you the fresh spirit of wisdom and might. And I speak over you that God give you favor with God and man. And that He insulate 56

your heart; and keep your heart against the onslaughts of the enemy; against influential people that will assail you; against religious pride that will attack you; against the news media that will make fun of you. But I speak that the blood of Jesus covers you; and the peace of God keep your heart and your mind and your spirit. I bless you in Jesus’ name; for this thing to go worldwide and for God to give you the strength and resiliency to handle it. And God protect your family, your children; undergird them and put His hands under you and your family; and show you great mercy; in Jesus’ name.”

Hinn, Bennie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhpumBmmhbg This video clip montage has several Word of Faith “preachers” begging for money. At time marker 1:41, Bennie Hinn shares…”You know that God never blesses sheep before He blesses shepherds? Shepherds get it first; then the sheep get it. Cause sheep follow shepherds. If we shepherds follow sheep; we’re gonna have poo on our shoes.” Later at time marker 2:30, Bennie Hinn says, “I wanna have it, I want to receive it now. I’m sick of God talking about streets of gold. I don’t need gold in heaven; I got to have it now. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5582961561140514506




http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2906727921306299700&q=&hl=en http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6239748283577987735&q=&hl=en http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7279620486300655632&q=&hl=en A great video expose exposing the false ministry of Bennie Hinn. Seven of the eight parts of listed here. This is an excellent series and should be seen by all Bennie Hinn supporters! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4NSS6GMKFI&feature=related 57

This video clip has Bennie Hinn blessing and slaying (in the spirit) his two children, Jessica and Joshua.

Hinn, Suzanne http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jhw_5ye8Qo Here is the classic disappointing video of Bennie Hinn’s wife, Suzanne, talking about a Holy Ghost enema. Not only does she promote blasphemy of the Holy Spirit but she also runs all over the stage espousing her false “Hinniean” theology.

Hypnotism: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bffI10DDj-c Dr. Keith Foskey, pastor of Forest Christian Church (Jacksonville, Florida), exposes the “slaying” methods of faith healers like Todd Bentley and Bennie Hinn. As a self-defense teacher, Dr. Foskey shares how people get “slain in the spirit.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DzuIymBU9U&feature=related Dr. Keith Foskey provides this video clip of two instances where a hypnotist passes false paper money as real currency. Dr. Foskey argues that the power of suggestion is used by faith healers to cause various “slayings in the spirit.”

Jahlove247: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxunCIEI-18 Toking the Ghost - Pirate Preacher (Youtube’s Jahlove247) explains how a person can receive the manifestation of the Holy Spirit by pretending to be inhaling a marijuana smoke. Total blasphemy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itAUIaMM5zQ John Crowder has Pirate Preacher demonstrate how to “toke the Ghost.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZhN80Qhzdw Youtube’s Jahlove247 (Pirate Pastor) gives a definition of being “whacked.” Another so-called “impartation” of the Holy Spirit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=es23Cl-1_nQ Pirate Pastor gives a definition of “what is sheeka boomba.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSrSckASw7M 58

Youtube’s Pirate Pastor (Jahlove247) gives a detailed testimony of his fish getting a gold tooth. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjOSgSeQ7qQ Youtube’s Jahlove247 (Pirate Pastor) addresses the fall of Todd Bentley and his divorce. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vi2omAK-BQI&feature=related YouTube’s Pirate Preacher (jahlove247), presents this five-minute video addressing what Rick Joiner says, will be a Christian civil war. Time marker 0:06 – “Rick Joiner ‘s book, The Final Quest, written in 1996; Rick Joiner describes a vision he had of these times when Christians would be fighting against Christians. Now I have been seeing this, ever since the Todd Bentley outpouring began; and this new wave has come upon the church; there’s been a division, even amongst charismatics and Pentecostals; against other apostolic Christians; evangelicals mixed in there; Catholics and Lutherans kind of standing on the outside kind of watching. But I want to tell you. This was prophesied for a long time; that there would be a Christian civil war.” Time marker 0:45 – “The separating thing between these Christians making them fight against each other; there’s demons involved; there’s angels involved; and there’s a lot of glory involved. The separating line between those who are fighting each other is the amount of glory on the Christian.” Time marker 1:06 – “The glory is so controversial because it causes people to act foolish, child-like; people have called it immature.” Time marker 1:21 – “Don’t be deceived. The more glory, the more child-like, the more innocent you’ll act.” Time marker 2:44 – “Demons that were prophesied in Rick Joiner’s book, The Final Quest, ride on the back of Christians. The majority…of Satan’s army; the one’s being used against ‘real Christians’, are other Christians that have demons riding on their backs. Okay, religious evil spirits that manipulate people to use them against Christians.” Time marker 4:03 – “If there is not joy evident in your life, take note, that is probably due to a religious spirit. And you can receive deliverance.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSMXNFHyzLw YouTube’s Jahlove247 created this blasphemous video about toking the ghost. Much of the video is a repeat of what he has said in earlier videos. But here are special excerpts of interest. Time marker 0:19 – “I got some percy (persecution) today from a church from smoking the lamb.”


Time marker 0:31 – “I don’t have my little plastic sheep to smoke or a baby Jesus to toke; but I do have my little pocket army Bible from the Gideons. I smoke these like cigars; I need a case of them. Time marker 0:58 – “I want to talk about using these access points that are so offensive to the religious…” Time marker 1:15 – “… have such a problem with smoking the blood of Jesus; smoking the lamb of God.” Time marker 1:38 – “God is not offended by smoking the lamb.” Time marker 2:48 – “We use these offensive tools, these offensive access points…I mean toking the ghost, breathing the rhea, smoke the Bible, smoke the lamb, hallelujah, smoke the baby Jesus, glory to God; these are purposely an abrasion to your religious crap.” Time marker 3:22 – “I’ll go into churches sometime, cause God has me as a missionary in Minneapolis working with dozens of churches; and I’ll go into churches sometimes, and since I see in the Spirit all the time, I’ll sometimes see big huge demons in front of their pulpits as they’re speaking.” Time marker 4:08 – “This generation, these twenty-something teens, and thirties; they don’t want religious crap, they don’t want your rules and laws and regulations, they want a fun pleasurous God that is only found in the Holy Ghost.” Time marker 5:09 – “These drunken masters, masters who just drink so much of the glory are arising all over the world and they are purposely, by God, going to be an abrasion to your church.”

Jansen, Jan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-AyI8oYpno Jan Jansen shares through Jeff Jansen’s video on angels - Heavenly Encounters & Angelic Visitations 2 part 1 (time marker 4:15) – a visitation from a female angel (the angel’s name is “Grace”). Jan says that through this vision she received a crown of pearls from Grace and that Jesus told her that believers are pearls in an oyster….”developing” in our faith through the work of Christ. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrQArPdbUK8&feature=related Jan Jansen’s continued discussion (sequel) of her heavenly encounter with the angel, “Grace,” in Heavenly Encounters & Angelic Visitations 2 Part 2. In the beginning of this video clip, Jan declares (via her angelic encounter) the establishment of a “mantel” being pronounced over a pastor and the “apostolic establishment” (via a scepter being put in the ground by Grace) taking place. 60

Jansen, Jeff: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-AyI8oYpno Jeff Jansen declares that heavenly encounters and angelic visitations are to be normal and natural; they are to be common for believers; and angels are to help establish ministries (time marker 1:30). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrQArPdbUK8&feature=related At time marker 1:14, Jeff Jansen says that he has an angelic encounter with the Lord. However, this time Jesus’ eyes were brown instead of blue (in previous encounters, Jansen had experienced a blue-eyed Jesus). Jesus gives Jansen a red stone (left hand) and green stone (right hand) for each hand. This was to be the urim and the thummim (as found in Exodus 28:30). From this prophetic “message”, Jansen declares God’s establishment of His government (Isaiah 9:6) in the original thirteen colonies of America; our present day, modern-day prophets will declare absolutes (yes and no, no grey areas) in American and world government.

Joel’s Army: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MI4lMNWd_A This brief video clip challenges today’s generation to be a part of Joel’s Army. At the beginning of the video clip, Ryan Wyatt says that God “is looking for those who will pick up this higher calling, this higher mandate of raising up a generation, an army, an offensive warring army. It is our call to undergird the saints, and see that they become that army.” Ryan has another special word at time marker 1:50, “There’s going to be a generation of people, of over comers that rise up; and they’re gonna do what Moses did and what the book of Acts did, and what every move of God all throughout history has done, everything that God’s done. In one generation, God’s gonna pour all that out at one time.”

Johnson, Bill: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fw-0wR87okY&feature=related CBN’s Paul Strand, reports about healings that took place in Redding, California via the ministry of Bill Johnson at Bethel Church. At time marker 3:32, Johnson says that (cancer), “is a Goliath that has been taunting the armies of the Living God. And we need “Davids” to pick up their stones and run after the thing and stop speaking of it with respect; like it’s powerful. It is an inferior name to the name of Jesus.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqRoErHDErA 61

One of Bill Johnson’s followers is erroneously told that she has the power to forgive others of sin. At time marker 0:36, this nurse is told that if she confesses the sin for a dying patient, his sins would be forgiven. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zV_Whu0kfTk&feature=related This is the classic Bill Johnson video where an emailer writes, “How in God’s name can you endorse Todd Bentley?” At time marker 1:48, Bill replies…”Have you spent time with Todd? Do you know him? Have you watched him with his wife? Have you seen how he treats his kids?” Apparently, (because of the Todd Bentley downfall) Bill Johnson could not affirm a “yes.” At time marker 3:50, Bill continues, “How in God’s name can you endorse Todd Bentley? It’s easy. I do it in God’s name.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MG4g2QMrKMo&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPFFTzAaQFU&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoeIfOAAb7A&feature=related These three video clips are the post-divorce address by Bill Johnson in defending his support of Todd Bentley.

Jones, Bob: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrQArPdbUK8&feature=related Bob Jones, at time marker 5:40, declares his encounter with “beings” (not angels) and their declaration of women’s roles in ministry. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKkArzMb1KM&feature=related Bob Jones shares more information about two angels, Charlie and Erma, who have reappeared from 1936 to declare a greater movement of angels in the future.

Kilpatrick, John: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEIp11FnuSg Steve Hill and John Kilpatrick pray for Todd Bentley at the Lakeland Revival. Time marker 0:07 – Steve tells the audience before he prays for Todd…”Before, before I pray, I want to say this. One of the things that knit me to this man of God; is, when he (Todd) said that, ‘You need to take this, and take it home. This is not about Todd Bentley. This is about the anointing being poured out around the world.’ That right there is a sign of a man who is hearing from the Lord; he wants the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ spread, and the healing power all over the world. Jesus.” 62

Time marker 0:38 – Steve prays the blessing over Todd. “I speak a blessing over this man of God; his going out and his coming in. Lord I pray for a fresh word from heaven. Every single day, may he be hearing from You, Lamb of God. I pray the nearness of the Lord, the nearness of the Lord; Lord, wherever he might be – in a car, in a restaurant, walking down the road, in a hotel room, in his home, wherever he might be, may he go, ‘What’s that? I hear His voice again. I hear His voice again.’ And whisper to him, Lord. O God, we’ve got to be so close to hear Your whisper. Whisper to him, Lord; healings beyond his wildest imagination. Oh, speak out names. Speak out diseases, Lamb of God; even those he’s never heard of. Lamb of God, do a mighty work through this man. And give him souls. Oh, give him souls, Lamb of God. May the shed blood of Jesus be poured out in every life that comes to his meetings, Lamb of God. And may souls be poured into Your kingdom. Bless this man of God.” Time marker 1:44 – John Kilpatrick begins to pray. “The Bible says that Jesus had the spirit of wisdom and might. He had the spirit of wisdom to know what to do; He had the spirit of might to get it done. And I speak over you (Todd) that God anoint you the fresh spirit of wisdom and might. And I speak over you that God give you favor with God and man. And that He insulate your heart; and keep your heart against the onslaughts of the enemy; against influential people that will assail you; against religious pride that will attack you; against the news media that will make fun of you. But I speak that the blood of Jesus covers you; and the peace of God keep your heart and your mind and your spirit. I bless you in Jesus’ name; for this thing to go worldwide and for God to give you the strength and resiliency to handle it. And God protect your family, your children; undergird them and put His hands under you and your family; and show you great mercy; in Jesus’ name.”

King, Patricia http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO3eP78tlnM&feature=related Patricia King offers this video clip of Melissa Fisher, an associate of King, sharing about a “mortuary outreach.” Melissa shares her experiences of going to various funeral homes (mortuaries) trying to practice raising the dead. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhRZ38pZWq4&NR=1 This extremeprophetic.com video with Patricia King and James Goll, presents the “ministry” of raising the dead. The funniest section of this clip is at time marker 9:48, where King says that she has been “practicing” raising the dead on her house plants! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oa6iDsh101I Patricia King shares about her ministry’s youth interns “practicing” walking on water. Youtube’s Hommersen provides this video clip of King’s testimony and 63

also a video clip of David Angel walking on water at a Las Vegas hotel swimming pool. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZjJuQ2cECU Patricia King introduces Jason Westerfield who shares his stories of teleporting and transportation in the spirit. Youtube’s LocalPastor added so much humor to the farce being described. This is probably LocalPastor’s most humorous video clip. ENJOY! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knPffB6fSKU Plumblineapologetics provides the (original LocalPastor) clip of James Goll and Patricia King in “imparting” spiritual gifts. The Adam’s Family song is used in a smart way to spoof the lunacy of the false doctrinal teaching. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3IWgDH9g9o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zB7rlKP6EAI&feature=related The original Patricia King two-part video set from extremeprophetic.com, where she defends the Todd Bentley divorce fiasco. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yv6ewpngMHQ A satirical defense of Todd Bentley by Patricia King is presented by Plumblineapolgetics in this three-minute Youtube clip. Patricia tries to defend the attacks against Todd after his separation (precursor to a Canadian divorce) from Shonnah. This clip has the actual video clip of Patricia speaking and additional visual commentary addressing the shortfall of the Lakeland Revival. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Y6XlozgcQc Patricia King introduces Bobby Conner in this Youtube video (produced by Hommersen) defending the false teaching of the Word of Faith folks. The problem with this video clip by Patricia King is that Bobby offers no defense but teaches some false new age theology. Take special notice of time marker 2:27, when Bobby says that he was cast out of heaven during a “heavenly experience”! The editor of this video clip offers some great commentary too! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oPhAS4Pfqc Patricia King tries to “witness” to a psychic who came into a book store, where Patricia King was setting up a dream interpretation booth. In this dream encounter, the psychic speaks of UFOs and prophecies. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Q0MbLFojfI Patricia King talks about messes that have to be cleaned up from the Lakeland Revival by using a cow poop euphemism. LocalPastor (uploaded by Plumblineapologetics), the original author of this spoof of Patricia’s monologue, does a great job in bringing humor to many of the Bentley 64

messes that had to be cleaned up over the 100+ days of the Lakeland Revival. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4AkK8kjcfY YouTube’s FinalTrumpet provides a humorous take on Patricia King and mystic anointing. Time marker 1:25 – Patricia King explains, “The mystical realm is actually the invisible realm. And the kingdom of God that we serve is an invisible kingdom.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTTp71aJGrw YouTube’s LocalPastor provides some great commentary in defense to Patricia King and her support for Todd Bentley after his divorce announcement. Throughout the video she questions those who tried to expose the falsities of the Lakeland Revival. Also, several clips of “false healings” are provided through this video expose. Patricia said (time marker 2:19) that there were doctors’ verifications for the healings! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahh2hotCABk&NR=1 YouTube’s Hommersen provides this excellent audio commentary critiquing the unholy antics of Patricia King. Here is a verbatim transcript of Hommersen’s clip: Time marker 0:00 – “Patricia King on the rampage! YouTube user ‘extremeprophetic’ is trying to have all unauthorized videos removed from YouTube!” Time marker 0:13 – “Well…if I can’t use her clips to get my message out, I’ll make my own!” Time marker 0:15 – “Be very wary of the Extreme Prophetic ministry!” Time marker 0:26 – “Public ministry…public scrutiny!” Time marker 0:27 – “She is trying to sell us on her doctrines so I will try to explain why she is wrong!” Time marker 0:36 – “Now…don’t get me wrong! Patricia is a very nice lady and has never been rude or offended me.” Time marker 0:39 – “I believe she may be saved and I’m not judging that but I have problems with her doctrines.” Time marker 0:48 – “It is obvious that she can’t take a little criticism even if we test her doctrines and practices against the Word of God!” Time marker 0:50 – “We are to try…test…and prove all things according to the Bible!”


Time marker 0:59 – “Patricia King’s doctrines barely line up with the Word of God at all!” Time marker 1:01 – “Her discernment is severely lacking!” Time marker 1:11 – “Her rather unhealthy attraction to angels worries me!” Time marker 1:13 – “She leads me to believe that she is involved in what I call New Age Mysticism.” Time marker 1:24 – “She endorses ‘Mortuary Outreach.’ Teams go to local mortuaries to try to raise folks from the dead! Jesus raised three from the dead…” Time marker 1:27 – “…excluding Himself but I haven’t read where he deliberately sought out to resurrect people.” Time marker 1:39 – “Pat also endorses ‘Plunge Teams’ where people go to someone’s pool and attempt to walk on water! This is to build faith!” Time marker 1:41 – “If all you ever do is get soaked, some peoples’ faith is going to drown! Watered down doctrine!” Time marker 1:53 – “Pat likes all of this glory or gold dust falling at meetings and services. She loves those beautiful falling gemstones.” Time marker 1:55 – “And those miraculous gold fillings in teeth. I think Jesus would just give you new teeth!” Time marker 2:08 – “Matthew 16:4 – A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it…” Time marker 2:10 – “…but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed.” Time marker 2:22 – “Hey Pat…this “whoa” thing every ten seconds during some of your videos is really annoying! Time marker 2:24 – “People think you are ‘whacked’ or something! Never read about anyone doing that in the Bible!” Time marker 2:36 – “1st Peter 4:7 – The end of everything is near. Therefore, practices self-control, and keep your minds clear so that you can pray.” Time marker 2:37 – “1st Corinthians 14:40 – Let all things be done decently and in order.” Time marker 2:49 – “All of this ‘extreme prophetic’ stuff doesn’t impress many! Why do you see so much criticism of it?” Time marker 2:52 – “Spread the Good News of Jesus. Stop this signs nonsense! It means nothing to the unsaved!”


Time marker 3:04 – “Your whole crowd is of the same ilk unfortunately! Peter Wagner, Rick Joyner, Mike Bickle, Bob Jones, Bill Johnson, John Arnott…” Time marker 3:07 – “…Stephen and Karl Strader, Che Ahn, and let’s not forget Todd Bentley. Quite an interesting group!” Time marker 3:23 – “You can do better than this Pat! Research some of these people. Their ministries have very dubious backgrounds! False prophecies…” Time marker 3:24 – “…and teachings, sexual immorality and insane manifestations permeates this bunch!” Time marker 3:38 – “Get back to Bible basics Pat! I think you would make a great evangelist. Stop all of this other nonsense and preach the Gospel…” Time maker 3:40 – “…so that many will be saved and come to know Jesus so that they can have eternal life with Him!”

Kingdom Theology: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ece6L0UvfFs Todd Bentley shares a message on the Latter Rain movement and “kingdom” theology.

Kudalini: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtVGxJU-j2I&feature=related This video clip shows the parallels of psychotherapies (Kudalini) and the falsities of Eastern religions (Hinduism per se) to the “signs of the Spirit” demonstrated through the Pentecostal movement. Some of the “acts” demonstrated in both Eastern manifestations and “Christian” manifestations are laughing, jittering, falling to the floor and being in a trance.

Lakeland Revival: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Docb1SPhnY&NR=1 Pat Robertson introduces the six-minute, CBN, “700 Club” video clip, promoting the healings of the Lakeland Revival with Todd Bentley. Paul Strand interviews participants and Todd Bentley himself, about the revival “results.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtnlYHT8jxo


YouTube’s BarnumandBentley produced this informational slideshow (“Seeds of Revival - How do we get to Lakeland?”) detailing the time line of the Lakeland Revival. This clip has some good information (to help those of us who are unfamiliar with the background) of the Lakeland phenomena. Time marker 0:05 – Karl Strader, Pastor of Carpenter’s Home Church (Lakeland, Florida), 1993. Time marker 0:12 – Rodney Howard Browne introduces the laughing “gospel” to Karl Strader’s church in March of 1993. Time marker 0:24 – Unusual manifestation; uncontrollable laughing, cackling like chickens and barking like dogs. Time marker 0:34 – “People thought we were out of our minds” recalls Karl Strader. Time marker 0:42 – Randy Clark, a disciple of Rodney Howard Browne… Time marker 0:49 – …Takes the laughing gospel to Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship in January, 1994. Time marker 0:57 – John and Carol Arnott, pastors of TACF… Time marker 1:05 – …Experienced the duplication of unusual manifestations seen at Carpenter’s Home Church with Karl Strader and Rodney Howard Browne. Time marker 1:16 – In August of 1995, Dan Strader, son of Karl Strader, is sentenced to forty-five years in jail for selling worthless investments. Time marker 1:24 – Dan (Strader) was convicted on 238 felony counts of bilking fifty-seven elderly investors including some members of the church (Carpenter’s Home Church) out of 2.3 million (dollars). Time marker 1:33 – John Kilpatrick, pastor of Brownsville Assembly of God church in 1995, is praying for a revival like Toronto. Time marker 1:48 – June 18th, 1995 revival comes with visiting preacher, Steve Hill. Time marker 1:57 – Many say that some elements of genuine revival were present at the Brownsville Revival… Time marker 2:03 – …But it mostly became known as a duplication of the unusual manifestations that had taken place in Lakeland and Toronto. Time marker 2:13 – Thousands attended the revivals and bushels of money were left in the offering plates. Time marker 2:21 – C. Peter Wagner, Global Harvest Ministries Time marker 2:28 – Wagner developed a plan to place mega churches and ministries under one “cover”…his… 68

Time marker 2:35 – …And the International Coalition of Apostles was born. Time marker 2:48 – A system of dues and apostolic “tithing” was devised. Time marker 2:53 – Stephen Strader, pastor of Ignited Church and Peter Wagner, apostle… Time marker 2:58 – …Stephen Strader, son of Karl Strader and brother of Dan Strader... Time marker 3:00 – …Invites Todd Bentley for Lakeland Revival. Time marker 3:12 – C. Peter Wagner addressing the audience at Todd Bentley’s “commissioning” service: “You are about to witness an event which could well have historic implications not only for the Lakeland outpouring, but also for our nation, and many other nations of the world. Prophets have been telling us for years that God is about to launch an extraordinary spiritual awakening with signs and wonders; and for over two months, Todd Bentley has been leading one of the most obvious fulfillments of those prophecies.” Time marker 3:55 – C. Peter Wagner speaking…”My name is Peter Wagner and I am president of Global Harvest Ministries based in Colorado Springs, Colorado. And I have served the body of Christ and apostolic ministry for many years and currently I preside over the International Coalition of Apostles which brings together over 500 recognized apostles.” Time marker 4:34 – “This is a ceremony celebrating the formal apostolic alignment of Todd Bentley.” Time marker 4:55 – When Todd was interviewed on national TV he could not produce one verified miracle or “resurrection” out of all the gigantic claims coming from the (Lakeland) Revival. Time marker 5:07 – Peter’s (Wagner’s) apostles started pointing fingers. Time marker 5:19 – The “outpouring” turns to a “drip.” Time marker 5:24 – Todd files for separation from his wife and admits to an involvement with a woman on the Fresh Fire staff. Time marker 5:34 – Todd Bentley leaves “revival” and steps down from Fresh Fire ministries. Time marker 5:40 – And the “apostles” (who) brought us the revival are headed for higher ground. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTTp71aJGrw YouTube’s LocalPastor provides some great commentary in defense to Patricia King and her support for Todd Bentley after his divorce announcement. Throughout the video she questions those who tried to expose the falsities of the Lakeland Revival. Also, several clips of “false healings” are provided through 69

this video expose. Patricia said (time marker 2:19) that there verifications for the healings!

were doctors’

Latter Rain Theology: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2F6-rUtGm_s Here we see some more of the Latter Rain theology presented by Ryan Wyatt. Here’s the scoop. Time marker 0:33 – Ryan tells his audience that he is about to present a “shocker”…“Something that is really going to ruffle some feathers. Not that I haven’t already. Is it so offensive, that we would be called, gods, little ‘g’”? Time marker 6:02 – “Jesus never preached the gospel of salvation. He preached the gospel of the kingdom in which salvation was just a piece. Yet, we’ve made our Christianity just the gospel of salvation.” Time marker 7:06 – “Jesus preached the gospel of the kingdom; and in everything that he did, He began to fulfill what the first Adam was suppose to do.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vi2omAK-BQI&feature=related YouTube’s Pirate Preacher (jahlove247), presents this five-minute video addressing what Rick Joiner says, will be a Christian civil war. Time marker 0:06 – “Rick Joiner‘s book, The Final Quest, written in 1996; Rick Joiner describes a vision he had of these times when Christians would be fighting against Christians. Now I have been seeing this, ever since the Todd Bentley outpouring began; and this new wave has come upon the church; there’s been a division, even amongst charismatics and Pentecostals; against other apostolic Christians; evangelicals mixed in there; Catholics and Lutherans kind of standing on the outside kind of watching. But I want to tell you. This was prophesied for a long time; that there would be a Christian civil war.” Time marker 0:45 – “The separating thing between these Christians making them fight against each other; there’s demons involved; there’s angels involved; and there’s a lot of glory involved. The separating line between those who are fighting each other is the amount of glory on the Christian.” Time marker 1:06 – “The glory is so controversial because it causes people to act foolish, child-like; people have called it immature.” Time marker 1:21 – “Don’t be deceived. The more glory, the more child-like, the more innocent you’ll act.” Time marker 2:44 – “Demons that were prophesied in Rick Joiner’s book, The Final Quest, ride on the back of Christians. The majority…of Satan’s army; the one’s being used against ‘real Christians’, are other Christians that have 70

demons riding on their backs. Okay, religious evil spirits that manipulate people to use them against Christians.” Time marker 4:03 – “If there is not joy evident in your life, take note, that is probably due to a religious spirit. And you can receive deliverance.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lV1CzbJdHuw&feature=related YouTube’s Bezel333 presents some great information regarding some of the Latter Rain theology, the “theology of glory.” The author of this video shares a distinction between the theology of glory and the theology of the cross. In the middle part of the video, Todd Bentley shares a testimony of special jewels falling from heaven, gold dust and angel feathers. Time marker 1:27 – “The theology of glory is where we go up into heaven; climb that ladder, and try to bring God down; make Him reveal Himself to us through signs and wonders, healings, visible things that we can see and feel.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MI4lMNWd_A This brief video clip challenges today’s generation to be a part of Joel’s Army. At the beginning of the video clip, Ryan Wyatt says that God “is looking for those who will pick up this higher calling, this higher mandate of raising up a generation, an army, an offensive warring army. It is our call to undergird the saints, and see that they become that army.” Ryan has another special word at time marker 1:50, “There’s going to be a generation of people, of over comers that rise up; and they’re gonna do what Moses did and what the book of Acts did, and what every move of God all throughout history has done, everything that God’s done. In one generation, God’s gonna pour all that out at one time.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ece6L0UvfFs Todd Bentley shares a message on the Latter Rain movement and “kingdom” theology. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWuHw-KPMfI C. Peter Wagner (leader of the New Apostolic Reformation - NAR) shares some Latter Rain Theology through this nine-minute long LocalPastor video from YouTube. The primary issue Wagner addresses is the church’s submission of authority to apostles and prophets from the Word of Faith movement. He “argues” that the top authority in the church, are apostles and prophets. Time marker 0:30 – He (Wagner) teaches the “new apostles” are the true leaders of the Church worldwide. Time marker 0:46 – These “apostles” are to be obeyed by the churches. Time marker 0:56 – Wagner quotes the Apostle Paul writing, ‘I gave these to the church, first apostles, second prophets.’ LocalPastor writes…”The apostles and prophets already came first and laid the foundation of doctrine.” 71

Time marker 1:16 – Wagner acknowledges that some churches may not have or recognize the office of apostles and prophets. He says these churches need to start recognizing these positions. Time marker 1:34 – The apostles and prophets were chosen by God to lay the foundation of the church…they are not the basis (Christ) on which the foundation was laid. Time marker 1:40 – “The biggest obstacle to changing something in your church, I think, is the spirit of religion. See, there is a demonic spirit of religion.” Time marker 5:56 – “We are in the Second Apostolic Age and the government of the church must be in place with apostles and prophets.” Time marker 7:45 – LocalPastor writes, “No apostle was setup over the local church. Ever! Pastors, elders, deacons, bishops – servants were established, teachers and local leaders.” Time marker 8:22 – LocalPastor writes, “These ‘new apostles’ are bringing a ‘new gospel,’ a ‘new spirit,’ a ‘new anointing’ and a ‘new Christ.’”

Laughing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSCuY7jyoTs A video clip demonstration of laughing in the Spirit. Notice at time marker 1:05, the pastor is trying to read the Scriptures and there is laughter! An abhorrent disregard for Holy things! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxMmefyOfyw In this video clip, Todd Bentley spends about forty seconds pretending to have a holy laughter episode. His laughter is so fake. It’s not even funny. (No pun intended.)

Macarena: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9AtNZTknSo&feature=related A fun video (spoof) clip of Paula White and Todd Bentley “ministering” to the song, Macarena.

Markell, Jan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dQ_dciQY3o


Jan Markell’s radio program (part one of two parts) has Justin Peters as a guest as they talk about the falsity of Todd Bentley and the Lakeland Revival. The general discussion even leads to a recognition of a “spirit of demonism” in the revival. Justin shares 1st Corinthians 4:6 where Christians “are not to exceed to what is written;” deducing that we must stay within biblical parameters. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfG4OEGmS1I This is the second part of a two part program of Jan Markell. The radio interview dealins with the falsity of the Lakeland Revival with Todd Bentley. There is great discussion about the false prophecy of the second return of Christ and the angel, Emma.

MinistryWatch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujxKq4qwUx4 John Stossel from ABC’s 20/20 shares this brief expose on the money mismanagement of several religious organizations (Fred Price, Paul & Jan Crouch, Kenneth Copeland, Bennie Hinn, Rod Parsley, and Creflo Dollar) through MinistryWatch.

Monkey Demons: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFoYGE0soZI Monkey demons video clip originally developed by Local pastor and uploaded by Plumblineapologetics – Che Ahn describes an encounter with a demon that appeared as a monkey with tentacles, which caused migraine headaches for someone for years. At time marker 0:31, Ahn says that a photo was taken of this demon causing migraines – photographic proof!

Morgan, Gary: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrQArPdbUK8&feature=related At time marker 4:04, Gary Morgan declares (after his heavenly encounter with an angel by the name of “Quicken”) that the reason we need to step into an understanding of encounters with angels, is so that we can stand under what they are doing? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XM08TLAczs&feature=related Gary Morgan (time marker 3:00) defines the meaning of the visit by the angel, “Quicken,” providing financial blessing.


Mortuary Outreach: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO3eP78tlnM&feature=related Patricia King offers this video clip of Melissa Fisher, an associate of King, sharing about a “mortuary outreach.” Melissa shares her experiences of going to various funeral homes (mortuaries) trying to practice raising the dead. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSxWJV6iQH0&feature=related LocalPastor produces a spoof video about Melissa Fisher’s mortuary outreach.

Munsey, Steve: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcyX2CCoLVk&feature=related This YouTube clip has Steve Munsey telling a TBN audience that God wants their tax refund. Check the logic of this giving philosophy… Time marker 0:24 – “…God said if you’ll stand before Me and do not stand empty-handed; that’s kind of hard to tell people to come and give an offering to you, when possibly that they’re going through hard times. God said, I created this nation that in the spring of the year, that there will always be seed in their hand with their income tax; so that it will be a seed that they will have because no man will be able to stand before Me and say, God, I never had anything to give. This is not the Dow Jones. This is kingdom talk’”


http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=781754 03 This is a link to Todd Bentley’s personal myspace website.

Mystic Anointing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4AkK8kjcfY YouTube’s FinalTrumpet provides a humorous take on Patricia King and mystic anointing. Time marker 1:25 – Patricia King explains, “The mystical realm is actually the invisible realm. And the kingdom of God that we serve is an invisible kingdom.” 74

Nightline: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hp_SXpy8q7w http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69p-vJfWudo YouTube’s FinalTrumpet uploaded these two video clips of the Nightline report exposing Todd Bentley’s Lakeland Revival ministry. Most people believe this is the catalyst leading to the fall of Bentley’s ministry. The broadcast of this report by ABC News’ Nightline, publically exposed the falsities of the so-called revival.

Passion of Christ: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMT9EqviXGI&feature=related A painful, but needful, video clip presented by YouTube’s Ahouseisnotahome; taking some of Todd Bentley’s audio of violent healing and dubbing it to several clips of The Passion. This is not an easy video to watch! But necessary to further drive the point of Todd’s false ministry.

Peters, Justin: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dQ_dciQY3o Jan Markell’s radio program (part one of two parts) has Justin Peters as a guest as they talk about the falsity of Todd Bentley and the Lakeland Revival. The general discussion even leads to a recognition of a “spirit of demonism” in the revival. Justin shares 1st Corinthians 4:6 where Christians “are not to exceed to what is written;” deducing that we must stay within biblical parameters. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfG4OEGmS1I This is the second part of a two part program of Jan Markell. The radio interview dealins with the falsity of the Lakeland Revival with Todd Bentley. There is great discussion about the false prophecy of the second return of Christ and the angel, Emma.

Prosperity: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mma7kgJV2tY&feature=related Todd Bentley talks about an anointing to have power to get wealth through a debt-cancellation impartation. He says there are financial angels, financial 75

miracles and healings and “proclaims” a modern-day jubilee application of financial restoration. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FtU5Mozs5A&feature=related Here is a fine collection of WOF teachers espousing their theology through YouTube’s johnorigen video clips. Time marker 0:01 – “Teachings from the prosperity movement.” Time marker 0:05 – Rod Parsley Time marker 0:08 – “Poverty is a sin! Because God told you to multiply!” Time marker 0:13 – “Poverty is a curse. God wants you to be very rich and very rich.” Time marker 0:18 – Parlsey, in his book Renamed and Redeemed, asserts: “Jesus is not sick – I don’t have to be sick.” Time marker 0:28 – Yet Parsley has back problems and at times says that this has kept him out of the pulpit for weeks at a time. Time marker 0:37 – Oral Roberts Time marker 0:40 – In a 1987 fundraising campaign, Roberts claimed if he did not raise eight million dollars by March that year, God would kill him. Time marker 0:48 – The money was supposed to provide scholarships for medical students who attend Oral Roberts University. Time marker 0:56 – The medical collage was closed due to financial troubles and no scholarships were distributed. He did raise the eight million dollars. Time marker 1:05 – Marilyn Hickey Time marker 1:08 – “What do you need? Start creating it. Start speaking about it.” Time marker 1:13 – “…Speak to your billfold. Say, ‘You big, thick billfold full of money.’” Time marker 1:18 – Benny Hinn Time marker 1:23 – “Christians are ‘Little Messiahs’ and ‘little gods’ on the earth. Thus [encouraging the audience]…say I am a God-man…” Time marker 1:31 – “God will begin to prosper you; for money always follows righteousness…” Time marker 1:39 – Benny Hinn has suggested there are nine person in the Trinity. Time marker 1:45 – Mike Murdock 76

Time marker 1:48 – “Your reaction to a man of God determines God’s reaction to you.” Time marker 1:53 – “God will never tell you a logical instruction.” Time marker 1:58 – “If you take that into your spirit you will reach millionaire status in three years.” Time marker 2:04 – Prosperity teachers deny the uniqueness of Christ… Time marker 2:09 – …and elevate man to god status. Time marker 2:15 – Kenneth Hagin Time marker 2:19 – “The believer is as much an incarnation as was Jesus of Nazareth.” Time marker 2:25 – “Two weeks from the day that I closed the meeting, the pastor fell dead in the pulpit.” Time marker 2:34 – “Why? Because he didn’t accept the message that God gave me to give him from the Holy Spirit.” Time marker 2:41 – Kenneth Copeland Time marker 2:46 – “God’s purpose and plan…is…to have a family of equals!” Time marker 2:53 – “Adam was just as much the son of God as Jesus, Jesus just as much as the Son of God as Adam.” Time marker 3:01 – “…Adam in the garden of Eden was god manifested in the flesh.” Time marker 3:12 – Creflo Dollar Time marker 3:15 – “Jesus didn’t come as God, he came as a man and he did not come perfect.” Time marker 3:21 – “…you are gods because you came from God…You are not just human.” Time marker 3:27 – Of these eight prosperity teachers, six sat on the board of Oral Roberts University… Time marker 3:37 – …which is now financially ruined. Time marker 3:46 – Both the full humanity and full deity of Jesus must be equally maintained… Time marker 3:55 - …by the teacher who is to be considered genuinely of the Spirit. (John MacArthur on 1st John 4:2,3).

Raging Revival: 77

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXnEe9SbIxc&NR=1 This first of a three part video segment (Raging Revival #1) has Todd Bentley involved in six violent healings. They are: Time marker 0:09 – Exploding leg tumor. Time marker 0:27 – Bang legs together like a baseball bat on a crippled lady. Time marker 0:46 – Kick the woman in the face with Todd’s biker boot. Time marker 1:23 – Chocking the Devil out of a man. Time marker 1:51 – Chinese man with cancer “speared” by Todd Bentley. His tooth is knocked out. Time marker 2:10 – Leg drop the pastor (and revival will take place). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rsecyegft88 The second (Raging Revival #2) of a three-part video series of Todd Bentley and his violent revival antics. Time marker 0:08 – A woman with the spirit of cancer begins coughing up white Pepto Bismal after being “healed” by a hit to the stomach by Todd Bentley. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUTCWLoD4-4&NR=1 This is the final video segment (#3) of LocalPastor’s Raging Revival. Here we have the sad story of Roger with stage four cancer. Roger was” kneed” by Todd to cast out a spirit of cancer.

Raising the Dead: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhRZ38pZWq4&NR=1 This extremeprophetic.com video with Patricia King and James Goll, presents the “ministry” of raising the dead. The funniest section of this clip is at time marker 9:48, where King says that she has been “practicing” raising the dead on her house plants!

Resurrections: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOM1b0liwkA YouTube’s Plumblineapologetics present this most revealing video clip. At the beginning of the clip, Todd Bentley shares details affirming thirty-two Lakeland (verified) revival resurrections. Beginning at time marker 1:47, Todd shares an email from an eleven-year-old girl that gives testimony of a resurrection of a school teacher with a heart attack. In the middle of this 78

testimony of the resurrection, Todd brags about the media coming and reporting on the Lakeland Revival. He says regarding the influence of the media (time marker 2:42), “CNN is coming with their reporters. How many of you know that God always moves in great power when the media shows up?” Finally, at time marker 6:22, Plumblineapolgetics admits something…”Ok, confession time… Sorry to all those who believed this story; it is not true. Todd says it is verified. No it is not. I want to show Todd Bentley is not verifying his stories. I emailed in the story. The whole thing is false except my daughter Jessica is eleven. Todd has not verified this email or story. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_g-7nRluBs Todd Bentley’s resurrection story #28 (time marker 5:00) - This is probably one of the most revealing video clips, showing Todd Bentley’s lack of biblical knowledge. I saw this video clip “live” as it was being broadcast (via the internet) at Todd Bentley’s Fresh Fire website on June 27th, 2008. This pastor (Pastor Clarence of Meridian, Mississippi) tells how a “resurrection” took place outside a Florida Howard Johnson’s motel in Winter Haven, Florida. The paraplegic boy (David, age 15), drowned in the motel pool. At time marker 3:49, the Mississippi pastor sharing the testimony, “admits” that CPR needed to take place and was given. After three tries, the boy was resuscitated. Here’s my favorite part (time marker 7:18): Todd: “What happened when life came into him?” Pastor Clarence: “He coughed, Todd.” Todd: “That’s like the Bible. When somebody got resurrected in the Bible, they would cough or sneeze.” Finally, at time marker 8:20, Pastor Clarence says that another lady was behind the pool fence, praying in tongues. Todd Bentley replies, “Another lady praying in tongues, adding faith.” Is the purpose of tongues? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Run8hW9UEzI&feature=related In this video clip there is a lot…lying, ”bamming, ” raising from the dead and slaying in the Spirit. At the beginning of this clip, Todd Bentley saying “bam” a lot of times. A time marker 0:34, Todd says, “I just heard the Lord speak something crazy to me. Somebody’s that’s died; even in the morgue; I’m telling you somebody’s being resurrected from the dead. Somewhere, I see somebody being raised from the dead.” At time marker 1:00, we learn that one of Todd’s assistants said that he just got a text message on his phone, that some people in Texas were praying for someone (a dead girl) in the morgue. A time marker 1:36, Todd begins to pray, “I pray for the dead girl in the morgue. Let her spirit come back into her body. Release resurrections of the dead.” At time marker 2:06, now Todd says that “I must have heard that come ‘in the spirit’ when your phone beeped. Right in the middle of this testimony, I heard the Lord tell me that somebody’s being raised from the dead in a morgue.” However, at time marker 0:34, Todd said that the Lord spoke something crazy to him. (Which is it? The Lord speaking to Todd about the dead girl at the beginning of this “divine” encounter, at time marker 0:34, 79

or did the Spirit come to Todd and tell him about this dead girl at time marker 2:06?) Todd goes on to say, at time marker 2:20, “This revival, there’s going to be regular resurrections of the dead.” At time marker 2:26, where Todd saints, “Lord anoint every sheekabumbah. “ Then he “head butts” a man, slaying him in the spirit. The end of the clip shows various slayings in the spirit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHzEc3oXlo0 This is the classic voodoo video where a girl gives testimony of being killed by a voodoo vampire demon. At time marker 1:20, Todd tells the audience this is resurrection number sixteen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-u56Z2A2NoA&feature=related At time marker 2:05 Todd Bentley interviews a woman about a resurrection. (This is the sixth resurrection story declared by the Lakeland Revival.) Lily, at teacher from an elementary school tells about a resurrection of a three-yearold. This child, Jaden, died on a Monday (9:00 p.m.) but was resurrected on the following Wednesday. Kira Mitchell said she talked to the father on the telephone to confirm the resurrection. It is interesting that at time marker 8:34, Todd says, “I can’t verify (the validity of the resurrections); I go on the testimony of the people.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJh8_1VjfLo&feature=related At time marker 5:55, Todd Bentley interviews Steven, a youth minister, about resurrection number seven. Steven shares a phone call conversation that he is having with a lady (Judy) at a gymnasium, who gives a report about a resurrection. Judy and a paramedic are working-out at the gym. Then a lady (a fellow gym member) near Judy and the paramedic dies. The paramedic provides CPR; after about four or five minutes the lady is revived. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bopEKyQWi1w Todd shares this thirteenth resurrection of the dead in this video clip. The popular resurrection story is from an email “testimony.” At time marker 2:39, Todd Bentley says that many of the resurrection are being investigated by the Lakeland Revival folks, but they still have not had a chance to verify this resurrection. This is the resurrection story of a guy who was raised from the dead while in his coffin, listening to the broadcast of Todd Bentley and the Lakeland Revival. The testimony declared that the man sat up in the coffin praising God and Todd Bentley. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSe1NDGre2w&feature=related A medical doctor “verifies” (via cell phone) this fifteenth resurrection of the dead from Kenya. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4fCKD2s-OI&feature=related Todd Bentley shares resurrection number twenty-one. YouTube’s Neilmarcusrichardson adds comment about this questionable “resurrection.” 80

Apparently, a woman by the name of Marissa had “died” from a drug overdose. Todd shares that as the doctors were removing the life support, Marissa coughed. Here we have a contradiction. If she was on life support, how could she be dead? Finally, at time marker 2:47, Todd declares, “We’re getting confirmation from the mother.” Question: Why not confirm the event through the medical team that ministered to Marissa?

Ricciardelli, Robert: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICmzl6VmyU4&NR=1 This original Youtube LocalPastor video segment highlights a word by Robert Ricciardelli in his stance against Todd Bentley and the Lakeland Revival. Time marker 0:00 – Robert Ricciardelli, a member of Peter Wagner’s “International Coalition of Apostles,” has recently decided to remain silent no more regarding Todd Bentley and the Lakeland Outpouring. Time marker 0:12 – Note: I don’t endorse Peter Wagner and his coalition, but I thought it important to inform the body of Christ that one of their own, Robert Ricciardelli has come forward to expose the lies and manipulations going on in this supposed “move of God.” Time marker 0:24 – “Are there really as many healings going on at Lakeland as what we’re being told?” Time marker 0:42 – “Truth is there are very few people being healed in Lakeland. I have worked with Charisma Magazine editor Lee Grady in discovering how many false reports have been released as facts…” Time marker 0:52 – “…These are our brothers and sisters involved in this, but this move of God has been a move of men, with God still touching some who come to seek Him.” Time marker 1:00 – Regarding the resurrections, he states… Time marker 1:04 – “Charisma reporters and a few others like myself have tried to get these verified and cannot…we actually had offered to help, because any news of a resurrection in my opinion is world news if it can be validated…” Time marker 1:13 – “…But then when the totals continued to mount which led to hype and embellishment, they began to ask us to stop asking questions. Hmmmm?” Time marker 1:20 – “Friday night, Todd said that God said there were 1,000 people that were to give $1,000, and they were to receive a 1,000 fold blessing. The one hour drama on this giving was so deceptively evident that it was embarrassing to watch.”


Time marker 2:22 – “We have investigated the twenty plus ‘raised from the dead’ claims as we want to report them to the media, and they cannot be verified, but were only called in, or sent in from an email…” Time marker 2:28 – “…This is not responsible reporting, and leaves many questions, which also adds to the claims of hype and embellishment.” – Robert Ricciardelli

Roth, Sid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2C29WkyfhRU The second segment of Sid Roth’s four-part video series on the Lakeland Revival has Todd sharing (time marker 3:41) a comment about the global outpouring of the revival. “What’s beginning right now, and it’s beginning to break out all over the earth; that’s the first thing. It’s global, it’s international; it won’t be stopped; we’re in the Third Wave… I believe that what is happening now (the Lakeland Revival) – I don’t know how long it’s going to last – it will carry us to the Second Coming.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnFrMWIwTJU This third segment of Sid Roth’s four-part video series on the Lakeland Revival has Todd Bentley arguing for a “heaven here on earth” (Latter Rain Theology). Time marker 1:30 – “We pray that it will be heaven on earth. That is what is happening right now…The kingdom of heaven is in you. It’s in me.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py5gyl4Qopg In this final segment of Sid Roth’s video series on the Lakeland Revival, Todd Bentley shares (time marker 2:17) about a Canadian pastor roaring like a lion and also sounding like a sheep. Todd says it was like was an impartation as a pool of Bethesda, a pool of glory causing church members to make noise, roaring like a lion. At time marker 7:20, Todd says, “I just want God. I’m not into structured, organized religion. I’m into feeling and knowing the presence of God that’s in the supernatural.” Most interesting is where at time marker 7:45, Todd shares an encounter with the Lord after praying in the spirit (Mother’s Day, 1998). The spirit told Todd, that “Today, your ministry begins; I’m going to take you all over the world with miracles, signs and wonders.” Todd says he “was twenty-two-years-old working at sawmill stacking lumber,” when this happened.

Scotland, John: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgftZ6ynY8Q&feature=related


A pastor provides video clips of the blasphemies of John Scotland (while at the Toronto Airport Church) in his supposed drunken holy state. A time marker 4:18, Scotland declares that God is “a fun God.” “Let’s get the fun back into church.” A time marker 7:25, Scotland attempts to read the Scripture. Before he reads the Word, he crows like a chicken and then laughs for about ten seconds. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTXtyYWHyho YouTube’s Ahouseisnotahome shares this disturbing video of John Scotland. John is at Toronto’s Airport Church and is intoxicated in the spirit. No doubt, a complete mockery of the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, and God Himself!

Second Coming of Christ: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpvP48Urs5s This video clip produced by Mxm2188 from Youtube, details the “return of Christ prophecy at Lakeland” posted below by LocalPastor. The author of this video clip provides some great commentary! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aD7xeaZ329A This video clip produced by LocalPastor and uploaded by Youtube’s Plumblineapologetics, is a word by word transcript detailing Wendy Alec, coowner of God TV, prophesying (“the prophetic word”) the physical appearance of Christ. The event was to happen at Todd Bentley’s Healing Revival at Lakeland, Florida on June 8th, 2008. Here are the transcript words of Wendy to Todd (LocalPastor’s comments are italicized.): “The Lord just spoke to me and said, ‘This is what will happen tomorrow night. The King and the King’s anointing falls tomorrow night. The eighth of June, the anointing of the King of Glory falls. Jesus said, ‘I am coming in person.’ (The Second Coming?) The king is coming in person. I sense so strongly there will be a personal, divine visitation of the Lamb of God, the Lord Jesus Christ to the revival tomorrow night. He will come in the clouds in His chariots surrounded by a great angelic host, because the great honoring of the Lamb of God; the King of Glory is coming to visit Lakeland, to visit the revival, to visit the outpouring. The Devil trembles with that knowledge. For tomorrow the King of Glory sets foot upon the stage, in divine personal, one-to-one visitation.’” (Wait a second; some of the people seem a bit doubtful.) (Todd immediately realizes that he went too far.) After reading the email document, Todd immediately does “damage control.” A time marker 2:07, Todd says, “Now for all those watching, and even that don’t understand the nature of the prophetic…(We understand the nature of a bogus , stupid, unscriptural lie.)… though I am open to a…the Lord can appear…now I’ve seen the Lord. I’m not suggesting there’s going to be a physical, flesh, Jesus Christ on the platform. (But you just said that there was going to be a personal one-to-one, chariot of fire feet, on the stage visitation, with angelic hosts and the King of Glory.) I hope you understand we are talking about in atmosphere. (Oh…not real… you mean invisible and felt…like a suggestion of Jesus being there in person 83

but not really.) We’re talking about in spiritual experience. We are talking about His impartation. (And now Todd quickly changes the subject to worship.) Now Roy, if tonight’s and last night’s worship is any indication that something is changing in the realm of the glory…something about the King of Glory. (Todd went too far...and he knows it…and he stumbles off into his usual rant.) Oh God, we want to set up a place in the throne of our hearts, more than anything else, for you to come and visit. Come on. Who wants to have the King come in His glory? Come on…lift up.” (But I think a few people there might have just seen the real Todd Bentley…and the lies he tells.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNGPjFYdgJw&feature=related YouTube’s KillerTrumpet provides this video transcript (with commentary) of Wendy Alec’s false prophecy of Jesus physically (“a personal divine, divine visitation”) coming to Lakeland.

Seed of Faith: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcyX2CCoLVk&feature=related This YouTube clip has Steve Munsey telling a TBN audience that God wants their tax refund. Check the logic of this giving philosophy… Time marker 0:24 – “…God said if you’ll stand before Me and do not stand empty-handed; that’s kind of hard to tell people to come and give an offering to you, when possibly that they’re going through hard times. God said, I created this nation that in the spring of the year, that there will always be seed in their hand with their income tax; so that it will be a seed that they will have because no man will be able to stand before Me and say, God, I never had anything to give. This is not the Dow Jones. This is kingdom talk’”

Setzer, Faith http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjBHCfvbTzo LocalPastor produces this awesome video of Dr. Faith Setzer in her waffling over the Todd Bentley fiasco. At first, Faith denounces the critics who are against Todd Bentley. Then later, she jumps ship and denounces Todd Bentley herself. You’ll enjoy seeing the vivid display of the “forked tongue” issue!

Sheek-a Boom Ba: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=es23Cl-1_nQ Pirate Pastor gives a definition of “what is sheek-a boom ba.” 84

Slaying in the Spirit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtVGxJU-j2I&feature=related This video clip shows the parallels of psychotherapies (Kudalini) and the falsities of Eastern religions (Hinduism per se) to the “signs of the Spirit” demonstrated through the Pentecostal movement. Some of the “acts” demonstrated in both Eastern manifestations and “Christian” manifestations are laughing, jittering, falling to the floor and being in a trance. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZJDTRKUb40 Most of this video clip of Rodney Howard Browne shows everything from tongues to holy laughing. At time marker 1:52, Browne is telling one of the people slain, “not to pray.” At time marker 3:09, a lady sounds off as a siren, for thirteen seconds. At time marker 3:25, Browne tries to read Scriptures and there is endless laughter in the background, for almost a full minute. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7696HqljhM This is one of the funniest video clips produced by LocalPastor. This is apparently a house party where people are slain the Spirit. Person after person approaches the woman slayer, striving to get slain in the Spirit. There’s a lot of speaking in tongues, crawling on the floor and plenty of “Sheek-a Boom Bas”. I love time marker 2:36 where the man “hops” toward the lady to get his slaying and how she prepares to give him a stomach punch with her arms! LocalPastor provides some great commentary to the shenanigans displayed…so funny, yet sad! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwlRisYyGAI This five-minute-long video by LocalPastor shows a “worship service” where people are slain (possessed) of the spirit, while the preacher proclaims, “Fire, fire, fire.” Take special note of LocalPastor’s comments: A scriptural warning at time marker 2:03, “Numbers 26:61: And Nadab and Abihu died, when they offered strange fire before the Lord.” At time marker 2:17, “Does this glorify God? Edify the saints? Does it build up the body in love? A truly disturbing video of a false manifestation of God’s presence! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDRMnR5RdYQ This is a disturbing video clip of Todd Bentley slaying people in the spirit and making demonic sounds. YouTube’s neilmarcusrichardson provides some great commentary questioning the unholy antics of some of the charismatic activities.


Snake T-Shirt: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTw-TDdEdx0&feature=related This video clip by NorthernHero of Youtube has Todd Bentley saying that he is a die-hard fan of Christian heavy metal band, Living Sacrifice. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2XGrLDVg1E&feature=related CathyfromPensacola provides an excellent video expose on the devilish t-shirt worn by Todd Bentley during his Lakeland Healing Revival service (July 5th, 2008). Time marker 0:27 – A picture of the t-shirt worn by Todd Bentley. Time marker 0:34 – The website selling the t-shirt. (http://www.zambooie.com/stores/?st_id=01) Time marker 1:03 – A demonic picture of something at the t-shirt’s website promoting the t-shirt. Time marker 2:12 – Todd Bentley baptizes people while where this demonic tshirt. 1st Thessalonians 5:22 – Abstain from the appearance of evil.

Soaking Prayer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqnD5lgh9ZQ John and Carol Arnott share information about soaking prayer centers throughout the world (seventy-two nations) and soaking prayer kits. John also pushes dream interpretation training. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oR2SEoapL9U A brief, but informative video clip by YouTube’s Jemimahmercy, detailing the new age, cultic practice of soaking prayer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lA8vXEuOl1A&feature=related Here is an eight-minute demonstration of soaking prayer at Todd Bentley’s Lakeland Revival. Listen to the lyrics sung by Heather Clark. I think they are very suggestive!

Sound of Hell: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDRMnR5RdYQ This is a disturbing video clip of Todd Bentley slaying people in the spirit and making demonic sounds. YouTube’s neilmarcusrichardson provides some 86

great commentary questioning the unholy antics of some of the charismatic activities.

Sowing Seed into Revival: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-_6bLxZDYM&feature=related YouTube’s Final Trumpet presents this detailed video clip of Todd Bentley encouraging “sowing seed into revival.” Audio clips of Todd Bentley speaking are regular text, while comments by FinalTrumpet are italicized. Time marker 0:00 – The anointing for sale! You only get as much as you pay for! Time marker 0:15 – God had to wait for Todd to be able to unleash what He wanted? Time marker 0:21 – I want to give you an opportunity to sow into this historic moment. Time marker 0:26 – Be a part of this “revival”! Sow into it with cold hard cash! How many of you believe tonight would be a good night to plant a revival seed? I’m telling you; tonight would be a good night to plant a revival seed. And we are going to receive at this moment in our service, impartation. And there is impartation coming. How many of you want to sow into what God’s doing? Time marker 0:51 – Don’t miss out on the deal of the decade! If you don’t give, you will miss out on the “anointing”… You don’t want to miss out on this anointing. And so I want to give everybody; and especially our guests and leaders, an opportunity to say, Todd we love you and stand with you and here’s our offering. Tie marker 1:03 – Tell Todd you love him! Send cash, check, or credit card. Time marker 1:11 – Now he pulls the “God card”… How many of you love what God’s doing? How many of you love what God’s doing? So how about show me tonight. We love; we’re behind you Todd. We’re behind what God is doing. We want to bless you in the offering. Time marker 1:27 – Show you want to bless Todd! Oh, and the kingdom. Your blessing the kingdom. Time marker 1:28 – You are watching on my website, FreshFire ministries. Are we watching a telethon or a “revival”? And you love the revival; if you’re a partner; Todd we love you, click the little blue button on our website. Time marker 1:38 – Show Todd you love him now! Send some cash! Sow into revival now.


Time marker 1:46 – You can write out your check tonight and put “impartation” on it. No cash? Checks also accepted! Be sure to write “impartation” on it or the spiritual forces behind the revival won’t know what it is for… Write your check to FreshFire ministries. If you’ve got an envelope and forgot your checkbook – like most people do – thank God you can give by credit card. Credit cards accepted too! Time marker 2:06 – We’re not encouraging debt. But, if you like the convenience of air miles… Give so you can rack up air miles? Time marker 2:12 – …So you can come back to the revival… So you can come back and buy more anointing… Time marker 2:15 – …You can make a donation off on your credit card. Good way not to encourage people in debt… Time marker 2:21 – So how many of you want to get behind what God’s doing? Say, I support this. We’re going to receive an offering and I believe that speaks as loud as our words. So if you don’t give, then you don’t believe in this “revival”? Time marker 2:31 – We want to receive the fire in our ministry; we want to receive it in our churches. Giving Todd money can purchase you fire into your ministry… Time marker 2:36 – Plant a revival seed tonight. Time marker 2:39 – Lord I pray for the offering we’re about to receive. I pray you speak to the hearts of men and women all over the world. Time marker 2:44 – Todd’s prayer: “God make them give me money”… Giving to the God channel; I want you to respond. Time marker 2:49 – Just call the number on the screen; plant a seed right there; using the God television donation button. Time marker 2:56 – I want to know that you’re watching in the nations of the world and you are saying, “Todd, don’t forget me,” and we love what God is doing. Yes, those in other nations are saying, “Don’t forget me Todd. I want to give you money!” Time marker 3:01 – And just send us a gift today. We are going to use it for world evangelism. We are going to use it for stadiums. We are going to use it for taking revival all over the world. Time marker 3:12 – Before you receive, you reap what you sow. Using the old “sowing and reaping” tactic… Time marker 3:17 – So sow generously, reap generously. Sow stingy, what do you reap? Single out those stingy people Todd! Time marker 3:22 – How many of you are giving a stingy offering? You bad, stingy people! You should show generosity and give us all your money! 88

Time marker 3:26 – Ha, ha. Almost caught you. Time marker 3:27 – Generosity with the anointing go hand in hand. Give more money, get more anointing… How many of you are excited in the back? In the second tent tonight? You excited about giving? Time marker 3:38 – Tonight’s the night everybody needs to have a seed. Now if that seed is five dollars. God I’m making a demand on the anointing. You demanding God? Time marker 3:46 – How many of you are blessed by this revival? Time marker 3:48 – Tonight’s your chance to plant a seed…sowing into something global tonight. And your sowing; God I’m making a demand, I want this in my life. So Todd, you’re telling us we can bully God? Time marker 3:57 – So Lord, just move and multiply the seed as people are writing out their checks. We’re ready to give tonight. Time marker 4:00 – Could the first time that I know of; to break my crusade in northern Uganda and the Sudan, live to the entire world. His crusades, not God’s? Time marker 4:10 – How many of you are excited about sowing?

Spiritual Battle: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4Wwu7Maa1o&feature=related The original video where Todd Bentley describes the “spiritual attack” against him and the Lakeland Revival. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6UQrLY18r0 YouTube’s Plumblineapologetics (originally produced by LocalPastor) shares a great video commentary of Todd Bentley’s “spiritual battle” over the revival. At the front of the video, Todd shares an email from God TV’s Wendy Alec, declaring angels will protect against the spiritual attack of the Lakeland Revival. At time marker 6:40, Todd says the greatest spiritual attack against his ministry, is over his testimony of the supernatural. Time marker 7:13, tells the audience that there were moments, where he thought he might should back away from all the talk of angels. Todd later says that he heard from the Spirit; how he should repent from this idea of backing away from denying the supernatural inheritance. Then at time marker 7:50, Todd begins to “welcome back the seer realm, welcome back the angels, welcome back the open heaven, welcome back the revelatory, welcome back the spirit of wisdom and revelation.”

Spoof: 89

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9AtNZTknSo&feature=related A fun video (spoof) clip of Paula White and Todd Bentley “ministering” to the song, Macarena. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9xL9mkWcXs A great video montage comparing the “bams” of Todd Bentley to Emiral, the television chef. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKAioN0MpGQ YouTube’s Ahouseisnotahome, provides a great video montage of various charismatic revival events and set the clips to some great disco music. For a great laugh, enjoy this four minute clip! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZjJuQ2cECU Patricia King introduces Jason Westerfield who shares his stories of teleporting and transportation in the Spirit. Youtube’s LocalPastor added so much humor to the farce being described. This is probably LocalPastor’s most humorous video clip. ENJOY! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXu0ZnftapE Youtube’s BarnumandBentley provides this video clip of Todd Bentley describing the healing of the lady with a kick by his biker boot. The humor of the clip is at the end, with the song added – “These Boots are Made for Walking.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knPffB6fSKU Plumblineapologetics provides the (original LocalPastor) clip of James Goll and Patricia King in “imparting” spiritual gifts. The Adam’s Family song is used in a smart way to spoof the lunacy of the false doctrinal teaching. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zO4_cOzu_0c Plumblineapologetics provides this (original LocalPastor) clip of Patricia King blowing an imaginary shofar in the behalf of James Goll. Another looney spoof (cuckoo clock) showing the falsities of the Word of Faith junk. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcPLid-pXyc&feature=related This YouTube author (the bullitonwriter) has humorously put together a short video clip of Todd Bentley “answering” some questions about his ministry and personal life. These spoof questions were edited with some funny remarks from Todd Bentley! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfbjqwpXQVA This video clip produced by “2:30 Report” provides some funny clips of latenight religious programming. 90

Time marker 0:40 – Kelly Copeland gives some spiritual advice about laundry tasks. “Ladies, when you’re doing laundry; if you’re grouchy about it; are you doing laundry in the love of God? Because when you do laundry, in the love of God, you can get a harvest.” Time marker 1:02 – Kenneth Copeland gives a mumbo jumbo message concerning “words.” Time marker 2:25 – Mike Murdoch gives testimony of how he encouraged a woman who has not received child-support (for fifteen years) to plant a seed of faith, $58.00. Miraculously, in less than thirty days, the ex-husband sent her a check for $65,000.00! Time marker 3:22 - Mike Murdoch declares: “If what I have said about sowing and reaping is just for Mike Murdoch’s personal gain; may a curse be on me and my ministry and may my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpL-jF5Yc8U Youtube’s Plumblineapologetics provides this humorous clip of Todd Bentley babbling in tongues. Parts of the clip are set to the music hit, “La Bamba.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0hYTOdt4_o&feature=related A very humorous video clip relating to Todd Bentley dumping his angel, Emma. Includes online lyrics and commentary! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSxWJV6iQH0&feature=related LocalPastor produces a spoof video about Melissa Fisher’s mortuary outreach. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1JnB6tC-W4 Plumblineapologetics presents this Youtube video of Jason Westerfield talking about his ability to call down rain over draught-ridden Georgia. A lot of humor is presented in this clip including a visit from Mr. Bean! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9ClmOe57r8 Patricia King shares in this LocalPastor video, about “witnessing” to a girl involved in the occult. Part of the testimony, includes an encounter Patricia has had with a werewolf demon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvO-3ezXqYI “God Stuff” presents a spoof on the fallacy of many religious broadcasting television shows. Time marker 1:00 – D.S. Mundell shares about disciplining a church member who had some problems. Time marker 1:16 – Paul Crouch declared he would not discuss (argue) doctrine with anyone. 91

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Q0MbLFojfI Patricia King talks about messes that have to be cleaned up from the Lakeland Revival by using a cow poop euphemism. LocalPastor (uploaded by Plumblineapologetics), the original author of this spoof of Patricia’s monologue, does a great job in bringing humor to many of the Bentley messes that had to be cleaned up over the 100+ days of the Lakeland Revival.

Strom, Andrew: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-Y5R_raf6M&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyW1UFzS2LY&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaNiuRWHZrY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyqA7vr-4p8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fjRv1AcgiQ Part one: Why I left the prophetic movement. Part two: My main concerns about Lakeland. Part three: Holy Spirit and Angels or Demons and Kudalini? Part four: Is impartation found in the Bible? Part five: Manifestations found in past revivals. In this five-part video interview, Andrew Strom shares his thoughts about the counterfeit Lakeland Revival lead by Todd Bentley. Strom, author of Why I Left the Prophetic Movement and True and False Revival, shares insights about some of the false antics of the prophetic movement. Strom says he is still a tongue-speaking, charismatic, Pentecostal “spirit-filled Christian.

Swearing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUJAaThoH7w&feature=related In this “documentary” footage (part five of five parts) produced by FinalTrumpet, several issues relating to the Lakeland Revival are addressed. But my favorite issue the author brings to attention, is the breaking of the 3rd commandment (taking God’s name in vain) by Todd Bentley. At time marker 1:34, a game is to be played…”How many times in 25 seconds can the 3rd commandment be broken by one man who claims he is of God? Let’s find out!” (The answer: Eleven!)


T-shirt: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTw-TDdEdx0&feature=related This video clip by NorthernHero of Youtube has Todd Bentley saying that he is a die-hard fan of Christian heavy metal band, Living Sacrifice. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2XGrLDVg1E&feature=related CathyfromPensacola provides an excellent video expose on the devilish t-shirt worn by Todd Bentley during his Lakeland Healing Revival service (July 5th, 2008). Time marker 0:27 – A picture of the t-shirt worn by Todd Bentley. Time marker 0:34 – The website selling the t-shirt. (http://www.zambooie.com/stores/?st_id=01) Time marker 1:03 – A demonic picture of something at the t-shirt’s website promoting the t-shirt. Time marker 2:12 – Todd Bentley baptizes people while where this demonic tshirt. 1st Thessalonians 5:22 – Abstain from the appearance of evil.

Tattoos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9jFHHJCqFs This video clip from DawnTransformed at Youtube, asks some serious questions concerning the truths of Todd Bentley. This description focuses primarily on Todd Bentley’s tattoos. A time marker 5:23, a lie or contradiction is declared concerning Todd Bentley. “Todd got most of his tattoos and piercings before he was a Christian. According to an interview he did with The Charlotte Observer, on June 19th, (2008), Todd says that he was converted to Christianity at the age of seventeen and most of his tattoos are from his pre-Christian days. (http://www.charlotte.com/112story/67552.html) In this picture, Todd is obviously older than seventeen and therefore is a Christian. Notice we see no piercings or tattoos (his neck is tattoo-free.) Here is another picture in which we can clearly see that Todd has no visible tattoos, take note of his arm – tattoos-free. In case anyone doubts this is Todd Bentley, here is the site that contains the image (http://www.prophetic.net/prpix.htm). Now remember, Todd claims most of his tattoos and piercings were before he was a Christian. But it appears at the time of his heart trouble in 2006; Todd did not have any tattoos on his arms or neck, or any piercings. Now let’s fast forward to today and take a look at pictures of his tattoos. Notice his neck and hands. Now he may have had the tattoos on his leg before…but this picture clearly shows his arms are covered in tattoos. My point isn’t that Todd has tattoos, it’s that he blatantly lied about it!” 93

http://www.toddbentley.org At this informative link you can read a detailed explanation of Todd Bentley’s visible tattoos. At the site, click the link: “Todd Bentley’s tattoos” for the photos and explanation of the tattoos Todd displays. http://www.pdfcoke.com/doc/2951193/Jesus-Death-Mask-Todd-BentleyWitchcraft Here is another informative link further detailing some of the tattoos that Todd Bentley displays. This is formatted in a “Scribd” PDL format. So be sure to give the webpage time to load.

Testimony: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0c3x8NPFp0&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8p1xHDudXg&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYHSpF20NZQ&feature=relate d http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7a3X9IDHmiE&feature=relate d These four video clips declare Todd’s personal testimony. He addresses “spiritual battles” in his past and present. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtSK9TyduR4&feature=related This clip has Todd Bentley giving his testimony of his early days of salvation. Time marker 2:37 – Todd says that he hears the audible voice of the Lord; tell him that he has a demon. Time marker 4:50 – Todd says that twenty-five demons were cast out of his body.

Theology: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJKRczp2HN8&feature=related This short video clip addresses at least four failing key issues (theologically) relating to Todd Bentley and his ministry. Time marker 0:50 – “I’m hearing the voice of God, and the audible voice of God says to me a spirit-filled, born-again Christian; praying hours a day, reading the New Testament in one-sitting; in church…I was in men’s group on Tuesday nights; in church on Sunday, in mass on Monday, anywhere, I was out on the streets everyday…in the (church) service, I start manifesting a 94

demon.” According to Todd Bentley, Christians can be possessed by a demon! Time marker 1:37 – Many times Todd Bentley has talked about a 3rd heaven. According to the (Apostle) Paul in 2nd Corinthians 12:2-4 things heard in the third heaven are unlawful to speak. Time marker 2:04 – According to Todd Bentley, he met with Paul (who lives in a cabin in heaven). While visiting the 3rd heaven, Paul says, “The authorship (of Hebrews) isn’t clear because it was Abraham and I.” Paul wrote the Book of Hebrews with Abraham? According to Todd Bentley, yes he did. Time marker 3:36 – Bentley said that, “God was in heaven, and that He couldn’t come down unless we tore open a hole so that He could come through.” It must stink, being omnipotent, but unable to get out of heaven.”

Toking the Ghost: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxunCIEI-18 Pirate Preacher (Youtube’s Jahlove247) explains how a person can receive the manifestation of the Holy Spirit by pretending to be inhaling a marijuana smoke. Total blasphemy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8N8izKEfbaE John Crowder shares how to toke the ghost. Probably one of the most blasphemous video clips you will ever see! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNdlexU4eT4&feature=related John Crowder and Benjamin Dunn share more information about “toking the ghost.” John spews more blasphemy talking about a supernatural intoxication. You’ll hear intoxicating terminology relating to God: “toking the ghost,” “no high like the Most High,” “an injection of Jesus on the main line,” “wacked up on the love of Jesus,” and “stay high on the Most High.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSMXNFHyzLw YouTube’s Jahlove247 created this blasphemous video about toking the ghost. Much of the video is a repeat of what he has said in earlier videos. But here are special excerpts of interest. Time marker 0:19 – “I got some percy (persecution) today from a church from smoking the lamb.” Time marker 0:31 – “I don’t have my little plastic sheep to smoke or a baby Jesus to toke; but I do have my little pocket army Bible from the Gideons. I smoke these like cigars; I need a case of them. Time marker 0:58 – “I want to talk about using these access points that are so offensive to the religious…” 95

Time marker 1:15 – “… have such a problem with smoking the blood of Jesus; smoking the lamb of God.” Time marker 1:38 – “God is not offended by smoking the lamb.” Time marker 2:48 – “We use these offensive tools, these offensive access points…I mean toking the ghost, breathing the rhea, smoke the Bible, smoke the lamb, hallelujah, smoke the baby Jesus, glory to God; these are purposely an abrasion to your religious crap.” Time marker 3:22 – “I’ll go into churches sometime, cause God has me as a missionary in Minneapolis working with dozens of churches; and I’ll go into churches sometimes, and since I see in the Spirit all the time, I’ll sometimes see big huge demons in front of their pulpits as they’re speaking.” Time marker 4:08 – “This generation, these twenty-something teens, and thirties; they don’t want religious crap, they don’t want your rules and laws and regulations, they want a fun pleasurous God that is only found in the Holy Ghost.” Time marker 5:09 – “These drunken masters, masters who just drink so much of the glory are arising all over the world and they are purposely, by God, going to be an abrasion to your church.”

Transportation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZjJuQ2cECU Patricia King introduces Jason Westerfield who shares his stories of teleporting and transportation in the Spirit. Youtube’s LocalPastor added so much humor to the farce being described. This is probably LocalPastor’s most humorous video clip. ENJOY!

Twenty/Twenty: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujxKq4qwUx4 John Stossel from ABC’s 20/20 shares this brief expose on the money mismanagement of several religious organizations (Fred Price, Paul & Jan Crouch, Kenneth Copeland, Bennie Hinn, Rod Parsley, and Creflo Dollar) through MinistryWatch.

Violence: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsBLvvI5MC8&feature=related


This is a video clip collection of Todd Bentley and his violent healings (from Youtube’s KillerTrumpet). Here’s a breakdown of what he calls, “Todd’s crazy stories.” Time marker 0:00 – Leg drop the pastor (and revival will take place). Time marker 1:58 – Clothes line the man (and instantly healed). Time marker 2:50 – Kick the woman in the face with Todd’s biker boot. Time marker 4:31 – Slap lady in the face. Time marker 6:00 – Bang legs together like a baseball bat on a crippled boy. Time marker 7:08 – Bang legs together like a baseball bat on a crippled lady. Time marker 8:02 – Chinese man with cancer “speared” by Todd Bentley. His tooth is knocked out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6DMK_A2L3c This is another video detailing the violent healing ministry of Todd Bentley (from Youtube’s FinalTrumpet). Time marker 0:00 – Steve Dreiss gets a ”knee” anointing. Time marker 0:30 – A lady kicked in the hip gets a new hip. Time marker 1:58 – Slap the lady in the face. Time marker 2:43 – Spit in a woman’s blind eye and healed. Time marker 4:07 – A “holy knee” kick to a man. Time marker 4:12 – Clothes-line the man (and instantly healed). Time marker 5:28 – Bang legs together like a baseball bat on a crippled lady. Time marker 5:50 – Bang legs together like a baseball bat on a crippled boy. Time marker 7:03 – Man with stage four colon cancer. Time marker 7:14 – Chinese man with cancer “speared” by Todd Bentley. His tooth is knocked out. Time marker 7:32 – Leg drop the pastor (and revival will take place). Time marker 7:52 – Anointed head-butt. Time marker 8:10 – Kick the woman in the face with Todd’s biker boot. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXu0ZnftapE YouTube’s BarnumandBentley provides this video clip of Todd Bentley describing the healing of the lady with a kick by his biker boot. The humor of 97

the clip is at the end, with the song added – “These Boots are Made for Walking.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4wAtTc0BtY&feature=related This video clip has Todd Bentley kicking a man in the legs who has polio. At time marker 3:06, the man finally falls down after Todd kicking him repeatedly! At time marker 3:45, Todd tells the audience that he was being obedient to God in his actions. “For me, it is a test of my obedience!” At time marker 4:35, Todd asks the man does he still feel anything. The man says, “Not too much.” http://www.talkweather.com/forums/index.php?act=Reg&CODE=lostpa ssform&uid=1098&aid=c6683f223dd9e320082408c5d9dbb787 Dr. Keith Foskey of an independent church in Jacksonville, Florida provides a great commentary addressing some of Todd Bentley’s violent healings. Concerning Todd’s violent acts, Dr. Foskey’s asks the question “Is this at all being Christ to the world?” Especially funny is Dr. Foskey’s facial reaction at time markers 2:36 and 2:52.

Visitations: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksvU311VL4w FinalTrumpet shares a video clip where Todd Bentley describes several direct encounters with Jesus. At time marker 1:04, Todd says that he was having a visitation from Jesus; that Jesus literally sat on his bed. At time marker 1:50 – “The Lord appeared to me. I remember His face. He had the brownest eyes that I have ever seen. They kind of reminded me of the movie Bambi. (He) had these big brown eyes. He had long, brownish, black, curly locks that went down past his shoulders. I remember His beard.”

Wagner, C. Peter: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWuHw-KPMfI C. Peter Wagner (leader of the New Apostolic Reformation - NAR) shares some Latter Rain Theology through this nine-minute long LocalPastor video from YouTube. The primary issue Wagner addresses is the church’s submission of authority to apostles and prophets from the Word of Faith movement. He “argues” that the top authority in the church, are apostles and prophets. Time marker 0:30 – He (Wagner) teaches the “new apostles” are the true leaders of the Church worldwide. Time marker 0:46 – These “apostles” are to be obeyed by the churches.


Time marker 0:56 – Wagner quotes the Apostle Paul writing, ‘I gave these to the church, first apostles, second prophets.’ LocalPastor writes…”The apostles and prophets already came first and laid the foundation of doctrine.” Time marker 1:16 – Wagner acknowledges that some churches may not have or recognize the office of apostles and prophets. He says these churches need to start recognizing these positions. Time marker 1:34 – The apostles and prophets were chosen by God to lay the foundation of the church…they are not the basis (Christ) on which the foundation was laid. Time marker 1:40 – “The biggest obstacle to changing something in your church, I think, is the spirit of religion. See, there is a demonic spirit of religion.” Time marker 5:56 – “We are in the Second Apostolic Age and the government of the church must be in place with apostles and prophets.” Time marker 7:45 – LocalPastor writes, “No apostle was setup over the local church. Ever! Pastors, elders, deacons, bishops – servants were established, teachers and local leaders.” Time marker 8:22 – LocalPastor writes, “These ‘new apostles’ are bringing a ‘new gospel,’ a ‘new spirit,’ a ‘new anointing’ and a ‘new Christ.’”

Walking on Water: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oa6iDsh101I Patricia King shares about her ministry’s youth interns “practicing” walking on water. Youtube’s Hommersen provides this video clip of King’s testimony and also a video clip of David Angel walking on water at a Las Vegas hotel swimming pool.

Way of the Master Radio: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCJ9v_-aJho Todd Friel from Way of the Master Radio provides the audio interview with Britain’s Mark Haville, a former faith healer. Mark shares how much of the charismatic events happening at many faith-healing revivals are accomplished through hypnotism, euphoria and the power of suggestion; methods used in music, repetition and tones of a speaker’s voice. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiWzusa0x6s WOTM’s Todd Friel provides an analysis of Todd Bentley’s gospel message (which includes anointing and healing) and Todd’s “mantle” of anointing in evangelism and the gospel of the kingdom. 99

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yN9Ay4QAtW8&eurl=http://www.slic eoflaodicea. com/ This first part of a two-part WOTM radio segment, has Todd Friel sharing some humorous insights regarding the Lakeland Revival with Todd Bentley. Excerpts include the exploding tumor miracle, banging the legs of a lady like a baseball bat, leg dropping the pastor, and kicking the woman in the face incident. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkEpQlL1GHo&eurl=http://www.slic eoflaodicea. com The second part of a two-part WOTM radio segment, has Todd Friel providing an analysis of Todd Bentley’s revival ministry. Friel asks the probing question of where is the preaching of the cross at the Lakeland Revival.

Werewolf: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9ClmOe57r8 Patricia King shares in this LocalPastor video about “witnessing” to a girl involved in the occult. Part of the testimony includes an encounter Patricia has had with a werewolf demon.

Westerfield, Jason: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZjJuQ2cECU Patricia King introduces Jason Westerfield who shares his stories of teleporting and transportation in the Spirit. Youtube’s LocalPastor added so much humor to the farce being described. This is probably LocalPastor’s most humorous video clip. ENJOY! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1JnB6tC-W4 Plumblineapologetics presents this Youtube video of Jason Westerfield talking about his ability to call down rain over draught-ridden Georgia. A lot of humor is presented in this clip including a visit from Mr. Bean!

Whacked: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZhN80Qhzdw YouTube’s Jahlove247 (Pirate Pastor) gives a definition of being “whacked.” Another so-called “impartation” of the Holy Spirit.


Wyatt, Ryan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2F6-rUtGm_s Here we see some more of the Latter Rain theology presented by Ryan Wyatt. Here’s the scoop. Time marker 0:33 – Ryan tells his audience that he is about to present a “shocker”…“Something that is really going to ruffle some feathers. Not that I haven’t already. Is it so offensive, that we would be called, gods, little ‘g’”? Time marker 6:02 – “Jesus never preached the gospel of salvation. He preached the gospel of the kingdom in which salvation was just a piece. Yet, we’ve made our Christianity just the gospel of salvation.” Time marker 7:06 – “Jesus preached the gospel of the kingdom; and in everything that he did, He began to fulfill what the first Adam was suppose to do.”


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