09 Testimony Of Righteousness

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Testimony of Righteousness By faith Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, through which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts; through it he being dead still speaks (Hebrews 11:4, emphasis added). The purpose for which God created all things was that it would bring Him joy and fulfillment. God also intended for creation to find joy and fulfillment in Him. God delights in His creation and testifies of the joy and fulfillment that it brings to His heart. The Holy Spirit witnesses with the spirits of faith heroes that they are pleasing to God. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit’s life is a joyous fulfilling fellowship with one another and with creation. In loving and serving one another and caring for creation the Holy Trinity finds joy and fulfillment in their oneness as God as they flow in the absolute harmony, joy and peace of their perfect relationship. It is only an oneness-relationship with God that can minister fulfillment. Independence from God cannot please Him and it can never minister true joy and fulfillment to creation. All things hold together in Christ because He upholds all things by the word of His power. Only in an oneness-relationship with God, both God and creation find joy and fulfillment. It is only in being one with Christ that creation can relate in holiness to one another. God overflows with goodness, is awesome in holiness and exceedingly righteous in His glory and for His enjoyment made all creation a copy of His own glory that it may declare His wondrous works in all the earth. When the heavens saw His marvelous works the morning stars sang together and the sons of God shouted for joy. Day unto day

the heavens declare the glory of God and the earth sings His praise as God brings them joy and fulfillment. It was the Father’s good pleasure that the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star occupies the throne as Creator and God also appointed Him Head over all the things that He has created. He that created all things is also He who upholds all things by the word of His power, which is His reasonable service to His Father. Who is He? He as eternal High Priest is clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band that went into God’s presence to obtain forgiveness of sin for those who have believed in Him. The Creator redeemed His own creation that Adam ruined through sin. His head and hair is white like wool, as white as snow radiating His wisdom and divine righteousness. His throne is a fiery flame, its wheels a burning fire for the foundation of His throne is established on righteousness and is maintained by His mercy. His body is like beryl radiating the richness and wealth of His glory. The face of the Omniscient One is like the appearance of lightning reflecting His infinite awareness, understanding and insight. The eyes of the Righteous Judge are flames of burning fire and His feet are like refined fine brass in a fire ready to kindle a fire against all ungodly men and those who turned the grace of our God into lewdness and deny the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ. His voice the sound of many waters and His word is the two-edged sword that fashioned all things beautifully according to the wisdom of His own creative council. His countenance is like the sun shining in its strength. The First and the Last is glorious in appearance, almighty in His strength and fearfully awesome to behold. It is He who is alive, was dead and lives forevermore. It is He who has the keys of Hades and of Death (Revelation 1:12-18). It is this awesome

God who created all things for His delight, according to the pleasure of His will. In the beginning, Jesus, the Word of God, made all things and without Him nothing was made that was made (John 1:3). He created all visible and invisible things both in heaven and on earth. Through faith the Word of God framed the worlds so that visible things were made of invisible substance (Hebrews 11:3). His word is always creating and is moving, living and powerful, like the Spirit of God. All things were created through Him and for Him and for His pleasure they were created. He is before all things, and in Him all things consist. It pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell and by Him all things live and move and have their being in Him. All things were created very good, radiantly overflowing with His marvelous glory, created holy unto the Lord. The Son who is the brightness of the Father’s glory and the express image of His person created all things a mirror image of Himself that all His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made. Virtue went out of Him into creation so that it becomes a copy of His radiance, shining forth in a kaleidoscope of countless virtues His perfect goodness and awesome holiness. Everything was filled with the joyful light of His presence bearing the seal of his glory, manifesting His goodness and holiness in and through all things. He created and upholds all things by the word of His power that all things may find joy and fulfillment in Him and He in them. The Lord who is compassionate, just and the Righteous Judge delights in His own character and power made manifested in man. God created Adam for His own delight that His glory may be made known in man. He beautifully

fashioned Adam and Eve as creatures of light. He made them a copy of Himself that they may manifest His virtues of lovingkindness, righteousness and justice in the earth. In them were life and their life was the light of the earth. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. They were created very good, holy unto the Lord shining forth His glory. Man is created as a creature of God’s delight. Adam did not have to do anything to please God; he was created perfectly into the delightful and pleasing image of the living God. The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul. Adam’s spirit, soul and body were created alive unto God. Because Adam was created a living soul he was created with the ability to spontaneously and effortlessly love the only true God with all his heart, with all his soul and with all his strength. He was created to love God perfectly in his soul. His mere existence pleased God and God’s perfect person pleased Adam. Adam was filled with love in an environment absent from knowledge and faith. Everything Adam experienced was perfection and fulfillment. Everything he touched was joy and fulfillment. So faith and hope was unknown in Eden. Faith reaches into the future for fulfillment but Adam’s experiences of fulfillment were for the moment. He only knew the love of God in an atmosphere filled with His absolute holiness and the beauty of His glory. Ever since God breathed the breath of life in Adam, Adam and God shared one life, the life of God. Because God and His son were one, Adam did not know or could not understand or could not relate to the concept of independence from his God and Father. Whatever Adam did, he manifested God’s nature because he was one with God. He was fashioned to be fully involved in his Father’s business, to do His will and to accomplish His work. When God walked with Adam, He

taught him about creation and the purpose for cultivating and maintaining it. He also taught him about naming the animals and his relationship with them. God gave Adam freedom to be creative as he was tending the garden because he was made in the image of his Creator. In this they found great joy and fulfillment as they flow in absolute divine fellowship. As Adam abided in Christ His creator and do His will, he flowed with the life force of God; he was totally alive to God always moving, vibrant and an overflowing fountain of the Spirit of God that was all the time working in his whole being. When Adam walked with God he was in harmony with creation and filled with energy and strength of the Spirit of God. He was so full of life that he lived 930 years after sin entered him and the discord of sin entered his soul. All life loses its power when it does not abide in Jesus Christ. Adam pleased God and brought fulfillment to His heart with the life of the Spirit of Christ that was in him. Hope and faith are foreign substances in an atmosphere of absolute fulfillment (1 Corinthians 13:8-10). There is nothing to hope or believe for if the substance of all things is total fulfillment. Adam needed not to look for or obtain a witness that he was pleasing to God. Created perfectly in the image and likeness of God he spontaneously and effortlessly pleased God just by being Adam. The purpose of life was that God created His son Adam for His own pleasure and fulfillment; that Adam through fellowship as a son and service to God may please Him and find fulfillment in Him and that God being Father to Adam find joy and fulfillment in him. When the Lord planted a garden eastward in Eden, he put man in the garden to tend and keep it. Out of the ground the Lord made every tree that was pleasant to the eye and good for food. Every tree yields fruit whose seed is in itself

according to its kind. The seed of every tree brings forth offspring after its own kind. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil was also in the garden. God commanded man that of every tree of the garden he may freely eat but of the tree of knowledge he shall not eat. God warned man that in the day he will eat of it he would surely die. God never told Adam that He would kill him if he disobeyed but told him that he would die because the tree was poisonous. The seed of the tree of knowledge of good (law) and evil (lawlessness) changed man’s nature to seek wisdom and knowledge in isolation from God, which is death. Its poisonous seed is from the heart of the evil one and it brings forth fruit that is pleasant to the eyes, and desirable to make one wise but its end is destruction. Although God created Adam perfectly into His image and likeness He never intended for him to be a robot but created him to have freedom of choice. Adam was created without sin yet with a free will. Through disobedience Adam partook of the tree of knowledge and his heart of flesh was instantly transformed into an evil unbelieving heart of stone. Adam and Eve fell from the grace and glory of God. They have dishonored the law of Christ’s consuming love that ruled their members. Their transgression meant separation from the light of His presence and a plunging in to death, darkness and the lie. They have gathered for themselves treasures of sin and death and were separated from the love of God because they were found outside of Christ their Creator. The effects of the fall resulted in Adam rejected God as Father by partaking of the tree of knowledge. He lost the ability to be a son to God and to relate to Him as Father. Thus they became incapable to please Him. They ceased to be God’s people. He ceased to be one Spirit with God because he was a branch cut of from the Vine. The

transgression closed the road for man to grow up from a living soul into a Life Giving Spirit, which was Christ His creator. Adam lost the ability to please God on his own merits. Man has become an abomination to God because of his fallen state. It was impossible for the first Adam and his offspring in their blemished condition to please God. The most beautiful and holy relationship in oneness of Spirit was ruined. It was wrecked and all of creation lamented the fall of the morning star. Because of one man’s disobedience access to God who dwells in the Spirit was closed down to all. Because Adam sinned all of creation sinned and fall short of the glory of God and was taken captive as a fallen creation into a broken universe that lacks eternal life. Eternal life is to know God and Jesus whom He sent. Sin is missing the mark, failing being an anointed substance to fulfill the will of God that you may bring Him joy and fulfillment. To do the will of the Father is to know Him. All of creation is still lamenting their inadequacy to please God by groans to deep to utter in hope for their redemption so that they may be set free from futility and be clothed with the glory they had before the transgression. To please God is both the cry of the Spirit and of creation. So God sent His Son, creator of heaven and earth, to redeem His own creation, which Adam ruined. God gave all of creation hope that in His Son, they will please Him once again as it was in the beginning and find their joy and fulfillment in Him. Since the fall, it is impossible to please God without faith and to find fulfillment in Him. Faith is the substance of your hopes, the evidence of unseen realities. The converting of hope into substance is faith. The righteous

walks by faith and not by sight. Faith is the substance that takes you back into the garden where Adam once lived in the light of God’s presence and lived to please Him by being an anointed substance of joy and fulfillment to his God and Father. Because you cannot see the substance of your hope, which is faith, with the naked eye does not mean it is not there. Hope that is seen is not hope. We have access to God through faith into His grace and rejoice in hope of the glory of God because we know that hope does not disappoint. Faith brings fulfillment that grow so big that it disappear, not in the disobedience of fear and unbelief but in the obedience of love. When you trust God without the mind warring in doubt, only love remains. When you doing the will of the Father it is the manifestation of Christ in you. The seed of the word of God in us cannot sin, which is Christ in us, the hope of glory. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His (Romans 8:9b). Christ’s word in us is our food for faith; it is the vision of our hope. If that seed germinates in you and you carefully nurture it into maturity, you will grow up to be an overcomer. What do you overcome through faith in God? Adam’s fall from divine glory as a result of the transgression. When you overcome the Holy Spirit witnesses with your spirit that you are pleasing to God because of your constant faith in Him. God will then give you to eat from the tree of life (Revelation 2:7) and you will live forever (Genesis 3:22). You will be restored in your spirit, soul and body. But if the Spirit of Him [Father] who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you (Romans 8:11). The life of God, which is in the tree of life, will restore you to perfection as it was before the fall.

Enoch taught us that you obtain first the witness that you have overcome then you will be translated into glory (Hebrews 11:5). The witness comes through the Spirit of Christ (Christ in you) and the translation through the Spirit of the Father that raised Jesus from the dead (Romans 8:911). So the seed, which is in the fruit of the tree of life, is eternal life, which works in your mortal body. You overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of your testimony, and you do not love you life to death (Revelation 12:11). Firstly, you need to be in Christ, washed in His blood, to overcome because without Him you can do nothing. Secondly, you need to overcome by the word of your testimony. Your witness in pleasing God by abiding in the anointing in you is the testimony of your life. The inner witness of the Holy Spirit in how you pleasing God, which is also the testimony of your life, is a mighty weapon. Paul testified to King Agrippa concerning his witness of pleasing God, saying, “I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision” (Acts 26:19). God testified about His Son on the mount of transfiguration, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him!” (Matthew 17:5). When the evil one finds nothing in you, you also overcome through the word of your testimony. Hypocrisy is when you testify one thing with your mouth and you live a different life. Lastly, you also overcome by not loving your soul life to death. If you lay down you life for Christ sake you will overcome the fall from His glory and receive the witness from the Holy Spirit that you have persevere in overcoming the transgression, which is the witness of all the faith heroes through all ages (Hebrews 11). When Adam transgressed against God his spirit, soul and body died to God. He fell from the glory that God gave

him, which was God’s character and power. He fell from His oneness with God, which was his sonship. God mourned the death of His son because Adam could no longer hear or sense the Almighty God walking in the cool of the day. He deprived God of his fellowship, service and fulfillment. Adam could no longer spontaneously find fulfillment in God because his whole being was translated into a chunk of sinful flesh. Adam’s whole existence and natural course of life had changed into an abominable sinful substance toward God that provokes his righteousness to judgment. Because of sin, man fell from the glory and favor of God. Since the transgression, Adam needed to do nothing to be abominable to God; he spontaneously and effortlessly displeased God just by living through his sinful nature that was separated from God and His grace. It is impossible for sinful flesh on its own imperfect merits to be pleasing to the all-perfect God. In what manner should man walk before God? God is looking for His character in man, which is grace, righteousness and mercy, and holiness. Pursue grace because God is filled with compassion. Through righteousness the thrones of kings are established and maintained in mercy. Man shall walk in holiness because the holy oil of the anointing that consecrates him holy unto the Lord that was upon the Old Testament kings, prophets and priests is now in every one that is washed in the blood of the Lamb. When Christ is in you, your spirit is alive because of righteousness. When you are joined to Christ you become one spirit with Him (1 Corinthians 6:17). It does not say His Spirit becomes a mixture of your spirit with His but it says you become one spirit with Him, which is the Spirit of Christ. You become one spirit with Him for your Maker is your husband, the Lord of hosts is His name (Isaiah 54:5);

indicating a wedded relationship. Because your spirit is alive to God you receive revelation through the faculties of your spirit so that through faith you can change into the glory that you behold, even the glory of Christ. However, your body is dead to God because of sin. You cannot see God with your natural eyes, hear Him with your natural ears or touch Him with your hands of flesh because your body is dead to God because of sin (Romans 8:10). Your soul is enmity against God for it is impossible to subject it to the law of God. So it is impossible to please God in this body of flesh (Romans 8:7-8). But the life that you live in the flesh now, you live by faith in the Son of God, who loved you and gave Himself for you (Galatians 2:20). What does that mean? Through faith by the Eternal Spirit of God you present your body of death and your soul, which is an enemy of God, alive to God. Through faith you present that which is dead to God because of sin, which is the enemy of God, as if it is alive to God and pleasing to Him. Therefore you take every thought in captivity to the obedience of Christ and you present the members of your body a slave unto righteousness (Romans 12:1-2). Your faith brings to life your entire being spirit (which is already alive to God), soul and body as if you have attained to the resurrection from the dead and as if you have been made perfect. Though, you do not see your perfection yet or you do not see all things being subjected to Christ your faith is an expression of your hope to attain to the resurrection from the dead and be made perfect in His sight. You cannot serve God in a Biblical manner without involving your entire being, spirit, soul and body. Unceasingly your heart cries out, saying, “To please You is the cry of my spirit; to please You is what I am living for.”

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