09 Regular Council

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REGULAR MEETING OF TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Monday, April 6, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. Fraser River Presentation Theatre th 4 Floor, 20338 – 65 Avenue, Langley, BC

MINUTES Present: Mayor Green Councillors J. Bateman, S. Ferguson, C. Fox, M. Kositsky, B. Long, K. Richter and G. Ward J. Armstrong, M. Bakken, P. Catlin, C. Corfe, C. Roberts, R. Seifi, H. Tsikayi, D. Wade and J. Winslade S. Palmer BUDGET PUBLIC INPUT The Public is invited to provide feedback and comments regarding:    

2009 Combined General Property Tax Increase of 5% 2009 Combined Utility Rate will reflect the actual cost of service 2009 to 2013 Combined General Property Tax increases of 5.0% per year 2009 to 2013 Combined Utility Rate increases will reflect the actual cost of service

Submissions from the public relative to the 2009 Budget were received as follows: 1. Michael Robson, PO Box 10, Milner, was in attendance and commented that he had concerns relative to capital expenditures - operational costs for buildings and hard asset facilities owned by the Township. A.


Regular Council Meeting – March 23, 2009 Moved by Councillor Ferguson, Seconded by Councillor Bateman, That Council adopt the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held March 23, 2009. CARRIED



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Emese Szucs Accessibility Programs – Sparc BC File 0550-07 Emese Szucs appeared before Council to discuss Access Awareness Day 2009 on June 6, 2009. She commented that SPARC BC is rolling out its Mythbuster program to encourage businesses to hire people with disabilities, work on solutions, and create new employment opportunities for people with disabilities in the tourism sector. Further information may be found at on their website at www.sparc.bc.ca/access-awareness-day.


Lucy Baratta File 0550-07 Lucy Baratta appeared before Council to discuss the Jericho Sub-Neighbourhood Plan and requested Council consider inclusion of the 7 properties in her neighbourhood into the plan and to change the land use designation. She noted that their lots are 2 acre parcels which will be surrounded by a business technical park, proposed Jericho sub-neighbourhood, and seniors care facility. She added that they would like the opportunity to develop their properties and requested that Council extend the boundaries of the Jericho Sub-Neighbourhood plan. Councillor Bateman left the meeting at 7:21 p.m. and rejoined the meeting at 7:23 p.m.


Jasmir Walia File 0550-07 Jasmir Walia appeared before Council to discuss the Jericho Sub-Neighbourhood Plan, inclusion of his property within its boundaries and a change in land use designation. He commented that he would like his property included within the boundaries of the plan.


Murray Wood File 0550-07 Murray Wood appeared before Council to discuss the request of 7 properties on 199 Street to be included in the Jericho Sub-Neighbourhood Plan. He commented that he would like to be included in the process and suggested that their lands (approximately 20 acres) be designated to similar or compatible land uses. He offered to pay administrative costs involved to help defray Township expenses related to administration; and stated that the residents had hired the consulting firm of Aplin and Martin to work with the developers’ consultants to complete the required planning work for an expanded area.

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Anthony Nikl File 0550-07 Anthony Nikl appeared before Council to discuss re-designation of property directly west of 199 Street and requested that his property be included in the Jericho Community Plan.



Provincial Agricultural Land Commission Application No. 100177 (Zall) Report 09-48 File CD 14-06-0125 Moved by Councillor Bateman, Seconded by Councillor Ward, That Council advise the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission that the Agricultural Land Reserve exclusion application for property located at 27078 – 56 Avenue is supported, as the proposal complies with the Township’s Official Community Plan and the Gloucester Community Plan. CARRIED



Rezoning Application No. 100324 Development Permit No. 100566 (Comex Developments Ltd.) Report 09-51 Bylaw No. 4714 File CD 08-15-0154 Moved by Councillor Ferguson, Seconded by Councillor Ward, That Council give first and second reading to Bylaw No. 4714 rezoning 2,844 m2 (30,612 ft2) of land located at 19909 – 64 Avenue to Community Commercial Zone C-2 to accommodate the development of a 932 m2 (10,033 ft2) multi-tenant commercial building, subject to the following development prerequisites being satisfied prior to final reading: 1.



Applicant entering into a Servicing Agreement with the Township to secure upgrades to 64 Avenue in accordance with the Township’s Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw to the acceptance of the General Manager of Engineering; Compliance with the Township’s Tree Protection Bylaw including provision of a final tree management plan incorporating tree retention, replacement and protection details, to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development; Provision of street trees in compliance with the Township’s Street Tree and Boulevard Treatment program to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development;

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Completion of landscaping plans to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development; Applicant to register a restrictive covenant prohibiting access to 64 Avenue; Approval of the rezoning bylaw by the Ministry of Transportation; Payment of Development Engineering and Parks Design and Development administration fees and supplemental rezoning application fees.

That Council at the time of final reading of Bylaw No. 4714 authorize the issuance of Development Permit No. 100566 for the proposed commercial development subject to the following conditions: a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

Building plans being in substantial compliance with Schedules “A” to “D”; Landscape plans being in substantial compliance with Schedule “E” and in compliance with the Township’s Street Tree and Boulevard and Treatment program to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development; Signage to be in substantial compliance with Schedules “B” and “C” and in compliance with the Township of Langley Sign Bylaw; Fascia signage shall consist of channel lettering; Rooftop mechanical equipment to be located so that it is not visible from adjacent roads or alternatively to be screened from view by compatible architectural treatment; Garbage facilities to be located within screened enclosures and screened from view by compatible architectural treatment; Section 602.5 of the Township’s Zoning Bylaw 1987 No. 2500 being varied from a minimum 3.0 metre side lot line setback to permit a minimum 1.2 metre side lot line setback as shown in Schedule “B”;

Although not part of the Development Permit requirements, the applicant is advised that prior to the issuance of a building permit the following items will need to be finalized: h) i) j) k)

Compliance with the Township’s Exterior Lighting Impact Policy, including the provision of an Exterior Lighting Impact Plan to the acceptance of the Manager of Permits and Licences Department; Issuance of an Erosion and Sediment Control permit in conjunction with the Township’s Erosion and Sediment Control Bylaw; Submission of a stormwater management plan to the acceptance of the General Manager of Engineering; Payment of supplemental Development Permit application fees; and further

That Council authorize staff to schedule the required public hearing for Rezoning Bylaw No. 4714 in conjunction with the hearing for proposed Development Permit No. 100566. CARRIED Councillor Richter opposed

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Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning Application No. 100062 Development Permit Application No. 100557 (208 Developments Ltd.) Report 09-52 Bylaw No. 4728 Bylaw No. 4727 File CD 08-26-0102 / 0103 Moved by Councillor Bateman, Seconded by Councillor Ferguson, That Council give first and second reading to Rezoning Bylaw No. 4728 (and accompanying Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 4727) rezoning a 8.4 ha (20.77 acre) development site to Comprehensive Development Zone CD-75 and a 13.2 ha (32.7 acre) future park/school site to Civic Institutional Zone P-1 all located in the Central Phase of Yorkson subject to the following development prerequisites being satisfied prior to final reading: 1. In accordance with Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan requirements: a. Provide an overall layout plan for the Central Yorkson Phase including roads, greenways, environmental setbacks and land use to the acceptance of the Director of Community Development; b. Secure a five (5) acre neighbourhood park site to serve the catchment area to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development; c. Secure a five (5) acre elementary school site to serve the catchment area to the acceptance of the School District; and d. Provide an overall stormwater detention plan for the Central Yorkson Phase and secure an adequately sized community stormwater detention pond to service the Central Yorkson Phase to the acceptance of the General Manager of Engineering. 2. Completion of a Development Works Agreement (if required) securing off-site servicing to the Central Yorkson Phase (as required by the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan) to the acceptance of the Director of Community Development; 3. Completion of a Servicing Agreement with the Township securing required off site road and utility upgrades and extensions in accordance with the Township’s Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw and the Yorkson Engineering Services Plan to the acceptance of the Director of Community Development; 4. Completion of an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan in accordance with the Erosion and Sediment Control Bylaw to the acceptance of the General Manager of Engineering; 5. Completion of a Traffic Impact Study including provision of road dedication, widenings and necessary traffic improvements to the acceptance of the General Manager of Engineering (including dedicating an approximate 5.7 metre road widening for 208 Street, a 5.7 metre road widening for 80 Avenue and a 2.5 metre road widening tapering to a 1.0 metre road widening for 82 Avenue in accordance with the Township’s Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw No. 3650 and the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan to the acceptance of the General Manager of Engineering; 6. Provision of a 4.5 metre wide greenway dedication/right-of-way and construction along 208 Street, 80 Avenue and 82 Avenue frontages to the acceptance of the

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BYLAWS FOR FIRST AND SECOND READING Manager of Parks Design and Development, including final acceptance of greenway design plans, sidewalk/trail alignment, fence, landscape details and security; 7. Compliance with the Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw (Tree Protection) No. 4470 including provision of a final tree management plan incorporating tree retention, replacement and protection details, to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development; 8. Completion of landscape plans including greenway plans and compliance with Child Friendly Amenity Area requirements to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development; 9. Provision of a CPTED (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design) review of the development (including design and operation of parkades, elevators, pedestrian walkways/connections, amenity areas, playgrounds, and lighting) by a qualified CPTED professional (in consultation with the Langley RCMP), to the acceptance of the Director of Community Development, including incorporation of the CPTED recommendations into the final development plans; 10. Adoption of a Heritage Revitalization Authorization Bylaw (including finalization of a Heritage Revitalization Agreement) with respect to the relocation/restoration/renovation of the former United Church (8262-208 Street) and the Tom Campbell residence (8275-208 Street); 11. Compliance with the requirements of the Streamside Protection Bylaw and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans with respect to: a. Completion of an overall environmental protection/compensation plan for the Central Yorkson Phase to the acceptance of the DFO; b. Dedication of environmental compensation areas to the Township for conservation purposes (where required); c. Registration of non-disturbance restrictive covenants (where required); d. A Section 35 (HAAD) authorization being obtained (where required); 12. Registration of restrictive covenants acceptable to the Township: a. Prohibiting parking on 208 Street, 80 Avenue and 82 Avenue; b. Prohibiting direct vehicular access to 208 Street; c. Restricting development of each phase until a servicing agreement is completed for that phase to the acceptance of the General Manager of Engineering; 13. Registration of an all purpose right-of-way over the internal strata road and greenlinks for municipal services and public access; 14. Completion of a road closure application for the unconstructed portion of 207 Street north of 82 Avenue; 15. Compliance with the Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan, requiring that a minimum of 5% of the units incorporate the flex and universal housing requirements; 16. Compliance with the Yorkson Greenway Amenity Zoning Policy including payment of applicable greenway amenity fee; and 17. Payment of applicable Neighbourhood Planning, Site servicing and ISDC review fees, supplemental Rezoning fees, and compliance with the Township’s 5% Neighbourhood Parkland Acquisition Policy. That Council, at time of final reading of Rezoning Bylaw No. 4728 (and accompanying Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 4727), authorize the issuance of Development Permit No. 100557 subject to the following conditions:

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a) b)

c) d) e)

Building plans being in substantial compliance with Schedules “A” through “N”; Landscaping plans being in substantial compliance with Schedules “O” through “Q”, and in compliance with the Township’s Street Tree and Boulevard Treatment programs and Child Friendly Amenity Area requirements, to the acceptance of the Manager of Parks Design and Development; Section 6.1 of Sign Bylaw No. 4402 be varied to allow two signs on areas 4, 5 and 8 and that all signage be in substantial compliance with Schedules “A” and “R” ; Rooftop mechanical equipment to be located so that it is not visible from adjacent roads and properties or alternatively screened from view by compatible architectural treatments; and All refuse areas to be located in the underground garages;

Although not part of the Development Permit requirements, the applicant is advised that prior to issuance of a building permit, the following items will need to be finalized: f) Payment of supplemental Development Permit application fees; and g) Payment of applicable development cost charges and Building Permit Administration Fees. That Council authorize staff to schedule the required Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan Amendment and Rezoning public hearings in conjunction with Development Permit No. 100557. CARRIED F.


Parks Utility Establishment Bylaw 2009 No. 4740 Report 09-45 Bylaw No. 4740 File FIN 1700-60 Moved by Councillor Bateman, Seconded by Councillor Fox, That Council give first, second and third reading to Parks Utility Establishment Bylaw 2009 No. 4740. CARRIED


2009 – 2013 Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw and 2009 Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure Bylaw Report 09-43 Bylaw No. 4738 Bylaw No. 4739 File FIN 1700-60, 1840-30 The Mayor noted that the following motion would be divided:

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BYLAWS FOR FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD READING Moved by Councillor Long, Seconded by Councillor Ward, That Council give first, second and third reading to the Langley 2009 – 2013 Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw 2009 No. 4738; and further AMENDMENT Moved by Councillor Fox, Seconded by Councillor Bateman, That the proposed 2009 property tax of 5% be reduced to 3.95%. DEFEATED Mayor Green and Councillors Kositsky, Long, Richter and Ward opposed The question was called on the Main Motion, and it was CARRIED Mayor Green, Councillors Fox and Richter opposed Moved by Councillor Bateman, Seconded by Councillor Ferguson, That Council give first, second and third reading to the Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure Bylaw 2009 No. 4739. CARRIED Councillor Richter opposed 3.

2009 Langley Annual Rates and Tax Collection Bylaw for Universal Services Report 09-46 Bylaw No. 4741 File FIN1970-02 Moved by Councillor Ferguson, Seconded by Councillor Ward, That Council give first, second and third readings to the Langley Annual Rates and Tax Collection Bylaw 2009 No. 4741. CARRIED Mayor Green, and Councillors Fox and Richter opposed

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User Pay Utility Rate Bylaws for 2009 Report 09-47 Bylaw No. 4742 Bylaw No. 4743 Bylaw No. 4744 File FIN 1820-30 Moved by Councillor Bateman, Seconded by Councillor Ward, That Council give first, second and third readings to the Langley Waterworks Regulation Bylaw 1995 No. 3482 Amendment Bylaw 2009 No. 4742; and further That Council give first, second and third readings to the Langley Sewerworks Regulation Bylaw 1998 No. 3701 Amendment Bylaw 2009 No. 4743; and further That Council give first, second and third readings to the Langley Garbage Collection Contract Bylaw 1994 No. 3382 Amendment Bylaw 2009 No. 4744. CARRIED Councillor Richter opposed


2009 Local Area Service Taxing Bylaws Report 09-42 Bylaw No. 4732 Bylaw No. 4733 Bylaw No. 4734 Bylaw No. 4736 File FIN 1970-09 Moved by Councillor Ferguson, Seconded by Councillor Fox, That Council give first, second and third readings to the 3 Avenue, 8 Avenue and 202 Street Water Local Area Service Tax Bylaw 2009 No. 4732; and That Council give first, second and third readings to the 8 Avenue – West of 200 Street Water Local Area Service Tax Bylaw 2009 No. 4733; and That Council give first, second and third readings to the 28 Avenue; 201 Street to 204 Street Water Local Area Service Tax Bylaw 2009 No. 4734; and further That Council give first, second and third readings to the Trinity Western University – Phase 1 Water Local Area Service Tax Bylaw 2009 No. 4736. CARRIED



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Development Works Agreement Bylaw (BFW Developments (Willoughby) Ltd. and 0746344 BC Ltd.) Report 09-34 Bylaw No. 4726 File CD 08-24-0040 / 08-25-0074 Moved by Councillor Ward, Seconded by Councillor Bateman, That Council give final reading to Drainage Development Works Agreement (BFW Developments (Willoughby) Ltd. / 0746344 BC Ltd.) Bylaw 2009 No. 4726. CARRIED







Mayor Green reported that he attended many events in the course of his duties. He commented on the recent Mayor’s Public Forum and noted that he attended the Volunteer Appreciation and Awards evening. He announced that Dan Gosse was awarded the Eric Flowerdew Volunteer of the Year, Kevin Mirachandani was awarded the Pete Swennson Award, and Marilyn and Mario Sergi were the first recipients of the Arnason Award. He commented on a meeting he attended at the Justice Institute relative to policing. Council discussed renaming the Arnason Award to the “John and Muriel Arnason Award”. Mayor Green reported that he attended the March 26, 2009 Municipal Finance Authority meeting in Victoria.



Mayor Green noted that he attended the Metro Vancouver Board meeting on the new draft Livable Region Strategy, as well as the Metro Vancouver Agricultural Advisory Committee meeting where the key issues discussed were the Agricultural Land Reserve and the proposed urban concept.


Councillor Ward reported that he attended the Fraser Valley Regional Library meeting noting that there was an increase of 4.73%, a portion of which will be used for purchasing new books. He advised that Maureen Woods is the new CEO.

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The following information was brought forward from the March 2, 2009 Special Closed Meeting: Appointments to Statutory and Advisory Committees That Council refer this item to staff to schedule interviews with Mayor and Council for all applications received from Township residents for the vacancies on the Statutory and Advisory Committees; and further That Council send a letter to all applicants who applied for committee and existing committee members indicating regret for the time it has taken to complete the process. That Council member appointments to Statutory and Advisory Committees be dealt with at the next Special Closed Council Meeting of Council.


The following information was brought forward from the March 9, 2009 Special Closed Meeting: Appointments of Council Members to Statutory and Advisory Committees That the following motion be brought forward upon confirmation of the appointments to the committees of the Council members absent from the meeting. Agricultural Advisory Committee That Councillor Kositsky be appointed to the Agricultural Advisory Committee and that Councillor Dornan be appointed as the alternate. Community Safety Advisory Committee That Councillor Kositsky be appointed to the Community Safety Advisory Committee and that Councillor Long be appointed as the alternate. Economic Development Advisory Committee That Councillor Bateman be appointed to the Economic Development Advisory Committee and that Councillor Dornan be appointed as the alternate. Heritage Advisory Committee That Councillor Fox be appointed to the Heritage Advisory Committee and that Councillor Ferguson be appointed as the alternate.

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ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION FROM SPECIAL CLOSED MEETINGS Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee That Councillor Ward be appointed to the Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee and that Councillor Bateman be appointed as the alternate. Youth Advisory Committee That Councillor Richter be appointed to the Youth Advisory Committee and that Councillor Ferguson be appointed as the alternate. Langley Tourism Board of Directors That Councillor Dornan be appointed for a one (1) year term to the Langley Tourism Board of Directors and that Councillor Bateman be appointed as the alternate. 3.

The following information was brought forward from the March 23, 2009 Special Closed Meeting: Appointments of Community Representatives to Statutory and Advisory Committees That the following motion be brought forward upon confirmation of the Community Representatives appointments: Agricultural Advisory Committee That Council appoint Pam Erikson, Steve Trummler, Renee Blackstone, Karen Taylor and Tom Reinhart for a two (2) year term ending December 31, 2010 to the Agricultural Advisory Committee. Community Safety Advisory Committee That Council appoint Stephen Anderson, Tim Williams and Bradley Gaudette for a two (2) year term ending December 31, 2010 to the Community Safety Advisory Committee. Economic Development Committee That Council appoint the following community representatives to Economic Development Committee for a One (1) year term ending December 31, 2009 Carol Paulson, John David Graham, Gerry Larson, Teri Conrad and Garry Tingley and for a Two (2) year term ending December 31, 2010 Ed Kolla, Carla Robin, Kieron Hunt, Joe Zaccaria, Rian Martin and Chul Seung Lee. Heritage Advisory Committee That Council appoint Tom Annandale, Fred Pepin, Beverly Sommer, Grace Muller and Michelle Sparrow for a two (2) year term ending December 31, 2010 to the Heritage Advisory Committee.

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ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION FROM SPECIAL CLOSED MEETINGS Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee That Council appoint Suzan Guest, Artur Moeller, Judith Veresuk, Remi Camparmo, Kirsten Charlesworth, Hattie Hogeterp and James Michael Jack to a two (2) year term ending December 31, 2010 to the Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee. South Fraser Family Court & Youth Justice Committee That Council appoint Diana MacNeil for a two (2) year term ending December 31, 2010 to the South Fraser Family Court & Youth Justice Committee. Youth Advisory Committee That Council appoint Kevin Van Geel and Todd Hauptman for a two (2) year term ending December 31, 2010 to the Youth Advisory Committee. Vacancies of Advisory Committees That committee applicants that were not successful in securing an appointment on the Advisory Committees be encouraged to seek vacancies on other Advisory Committees. Appointment of Council Members to Statutory and Advisory Committees Council members confirmed the appointments from the March 9, 2009 Special Closed Meeting for the Agricultural Advisory Committee, Community Safety Advisory Committee and the Youth Advisory Committee.







Recording of Committee Meetings Moved by Councillor Richter, Seconded by Mayor Green, Whereas meetings of Township of Langley committees are open to the public; Whereas some of these meetings have been taped and published on the internet; Whereas community members participating on these committees should be protected from manipulation and/or possible doctoring of digital meeting records;

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OTHER BUSINESS Therefore be it resolved that official audio recordings of all Township committees be made and stored for public access and to ensure a verifiable baseline is present in the event that possible doctoring of committee meeting records is published. REFERRAL Moved by Councillor Bateman, Seconded by Councillor Richter, That the motion be referred to staff to investigate the costs involved in posting video recordings of Council meetings to the Township of Langley’s website. DEFEATED Councillors Ferguson, Fox, Long, Kositsky and Ward opposed The question was called on the Main Motion, as amended, and it was DEFEATED Councillors Bateman, Ferguson, Fox, Kositsky, Long and Ward opposed 2.

Jericho Sub-Neighbourhood Development Plan Moved by Councillor Long, Seconded by Councillor Bateman, That the concerns raised by delegations relative to the Jericho Sub-Neighbourhood Development Plan be referred to staff. CARRIED



Arminder Sahota File 0550-07 Arminder Sahota appeared before Council to discuss inclusion of properties on the northeast corner of the 202A Street and 80 Avenue block in the Jericho SubNeighbourhood Development Plan. He commented that he spoke on behalf of Daniel and Grace Wu of Lot 2, 80 Avenue, Shimmy Wella of 20146 – 80 Avenue, Amarjit Duhra of 20154 – 80 Avenue and Kevin Shual of 7905 – 202A Street who wish to have their properties included within the Plan. He noted that being included with the proposed plan would provide for a more cohesive area. He expressed concerns relative to increased traffic, vandalism, and lack of sidewalks.


Don Bassani File 0550-07 Don Bassani was not in attendance.

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DELEGATIONS (CONTINUED) Eric Bysouth File 0550-07 Eric Bysouth appeared before Council to discuss Mufford/Highway 10/64 Avenue overpass and road. He commented that he had concerns relative to loss of farmland and associated costs.


Jacob Arle De Raadt File 0550-07 Jacob Arle De Raadt appeared before Council to discuss the Langley Tram Power and Light Bylaw No. 1906 and effect on current Mufford Crescent Overpass proposal. He submitted information on table and noted that the Langley Tram Power and Light By-law 1906 grants certain privileges and rights to the Vancouver Power Company, Limited and that the Township of Langley is the grantor and the senior agency for grade separations.




TERMINATE Moved by Councillor Bateman, Seconded by Councillor Long, That the meeting terminate at 9:17 p.m. CARRIED CERTIFIED CORRECT:


Deputy Township Clerk

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