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18/04/09 3:51 PM

REGULAR MEETING OF TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Monday, April 20, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. Fraser River Presentation Theatre 4th Floor, 20338 - 65 Avenue, Langley, BC

AGENDA A. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 1. Regular Council Meeting – April 6, 2009 Recommendation that Council adopt the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held April 6, 2009. 04_06 Regular Council draftminutes.pdf B. PRESENTATIONS 1. 2009 RCMP Quarterly Report Presentation by Superintendent Janice Armstrong, Royal Canadian Mounted Police regarding the 2009 RCMP Quarterly Report. C. DELEGATIONS (UP TO 5 DELEGATIONS) D. REPORTS TO COUNCIL E. BYLAWS FOR FIRST AND SECOND READING F. BYLAWS FOR FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD READING G. BYLAWS FOR CONSIDERATION AT THIRD READING H. BYLAWS FOR FINAL ADOPTION 1. Rezoning Application RZ100246 (Gloucester Industrial Estates) Bylaw No. 4625 Report 07-162 File CD 14-05-0055 Recommendation that Council give final reading to “Township of Langley Zoning Bylaw 1987 No. 2500 Amendment (Gloucester) Bylaw 2007 No. 4625”. http://langley.civicweb.net/contentengine/document.asp?Print=yes&ID=14234

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Explanation – Bylaw No. 4625 Bylaw No. 4625 rezones 10.4 hectares (25.6 acres) of land located east of 272 Street at 48 Avenue from Rural Zone RU-1 to General Industrial Zone M-2A to allow future industrial development. Clerk's Note: Please note that all development prerequisites listed in the Community Development Division report to Council of September 17, 2007 attached to the Bylaw have been satisfactorily addressed. The Public Hearing for the Bylaw was held on October 22, 2007 with 3 rd reading given on October 29, 2007.In accordance with Council policy, staff advise that the public hearing for the Bylaw was held more than a year prior to the proposed final reading date. Although resolution of the development prerequisite items was ongoing and the on-site rezoning sign(s) remained in place, the Bylaws were delayed due to finalization of servicing agreement matters.

Rezoning Application 100246 Gloucester Industrial Estates.pdf 2. Rezoning and Official Community Plan Amendment Application No. 100061 Development Permit No. 100555 (Parklane Ventures Ltd.) Bylaw No. 4690 Bylaw No. 4691 Report 08-137 File CD 08-35-0247 Recommendation that Council give final reading to “Langley Official Community Plan Bylaw 1979 No. 1842 Amendment (Walnut Grove Community Plan) Bylaw 1979 No. 1836 Amendment (Parklane Ventures Ltd.) Bylaw 2008 No. 4690”; and “Township of Langley Zoning Bylaw 1987 No. 2500 Amendment (Parklane Ventures Ltd.) Bylaw 2008 No. 4691”. Explanation – Bylaw No. 4690 Bylaw No. 4690 amends the Walnut Grove Community Plan by amending the land use plan from ‘Low Density Residential’ to ‘Medium Density Residential’ to accommodate one hundred and six (106) townhouse units. Explanation – Bylaw No. 4691 Bylaw No. 4691 rezones 3.2ha (7.9 acre) of land located at 20308 and 20374-96Avenue to Comprehensive Development Zone CD-33 to facilitate the construction of one hundred and six (106) townhouse units. Development Permit No. 100555 Recommendation that Council authorize issuance of Development Permit No. 100555 (Parkland Ventures Ltd.) for property located at 20308 and 20374 96 Avenue in accordance with Attachment C subject to the following conditions: a) Building plans being in substantial compliance with Schedules “A” through “N”; b) Finalization of on-site landscaping plans being in substantial compliance with Schedule “O”, and in compliance with the Township’s Tree Protection and Street Tree and Boulevard http://langley.civicweb.net/contentengine/document.asp?Print=yes&ID=14234

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Treatment policies, subject to final acceptance by the Manager of Parks Design and Development; and c) On-site landscaping to be secured by letter of credit at the building permit stage. Although not part of the Development Permit requirements, the applicant is advised that prior to the issuance of a building permit the following items will need to be finalized: d) Payment of remaining Development Permit application fees e) Stormwater management plan to be submitted to the acceptance of the Township. Clerk's Note: Please note that all development prerequisites listed in the Community Development Division report to Council of July 28, 2008 attached to the Bylaw have been satisfactorily addressed. The Public Hearing for the Bylaws was held on September 15, 2008 with 3 rd reading given on September 29, 2008.

Langley OCP Parklane Venture Ltd.pdf 3. Parks Utility Establishment Bylaw 2009 No. 4740 Bylaw No. 4740 Report 09-45 File FIN 1700-60 Recommendation that Council give final reading to “Parks Utility Establishment Bylaw 2009 No. 4740”. Explanation – Bylaw No. 4740 Bylaw No. 4740 provides for the establishment of a Parks Utility in the Township of Langley to provide funding for the design, development, operation and maintenance of the Township’s parks and open spaces system including:     

Planning, design, development, and construction of new parks, cemeteries, open spaces and environments, park structures, trails and greenways; Operation and maintenance of parks, cemeteries, open spaces and environments, park structures, trails and greenways; Renewal, replacement, upgrading of existing parks, cemeteries, open spaces and environments, park structures, trails and greenways; Facility allocation and booking of Township’s parks and open spaces; Administration and other parks and open space system related services.

Parks Utility Establishment Bylaw.pdf 4. 2009 – 2013 Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw and 2009 Langley Annual Rates and Tax Collection Bylaw for Universal Services Bylaw No. 4738 Bylaw No. 4741 Report 09-43, 09-46 File FIN 1700-60, 1840-30, 1970-02 Recommendation that Council give final reading to the ”Langley 2009 – 2013 Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw 2009 No. 4738” and http://langley.civicweb.net/contentengine/document.asp?Print=yes&ID=14234

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“Langley Annual Rates and Tax Collection Bylaw 2009 No. 4741”. Explanation – Bylaw No. 4738 The 2009 - 2013 Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 4738 authorizes the expenditure of funds for the Municipality. The 2009 - 2013 Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw is prepared pursuant to Section 165 of the “Community Charter” and is required to be adopted by Council prior to the Tax Rates Bylaw and May 14, 2009. An expenditure that is not provided for in the 2009 - 2013 Five Year Financial Plan is not lawful. Explanation – Bylaw No. 4741 Bylaw No. 4741provides for the 2009 levying of rates for General Municipal, Parks, Transportation, Stormwater, Regional Library and Greater Vancouver Regional District purposes. The bylaw is a requirement of Section 197 of the Community Charter. The Community Charter states that this bylaw must be adopted after adoption of the Five Year Financial Plan and must be adopted by May 14th of each year. Five Year Financial Plan 2009_2013.pdf 5. 2009 Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure Bylaw Bylaw No. 4739 Report 09-43 File FIN 1700-60, 1840-30 Recommendation that Council give final reading to the “Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure Bylaw 2009 No. 4739”. Explanation – Bylaw No. 4739 Bylaw No. 4739 provides for the 2009 Capital Expenditure Program from the Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund as provided by the 2009 – 2013 Five Year Financial Plan. The projects are for road, stormwater, sewer, water services and for parkland acquisition and development. The Roads, Water, Sewer, Stormwater, Parkland Acquisition and Park Development DCC Reserves do not currently have sufficient funds to cover the expenditures included in the 2009 – 2013 Five Year Financial Plan. However, these expenditures have been included in the DCC Expenditure Bylaw in the event that enough DCC funds are received during the year. Projects will only proceed when sufficient funds are available. Funds that become available in the Parkland Acquisition DCC Reserve, Water DCC Reserve and Stormwater DCC Reserve, and Roads DCC Reserve are first directed towards payment of the annual debt. Presently, there are estimated expenditures under the bylaw in the amount of $26,265,977 for the Capital Carryforwards from prior years and $15,221,482 for the 2009 Current Year Capital for a total expenditure of $41,487,459.


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Should any of the above-noted monies remain unexpended at the end of the project; the unexpended balance will be returned to the credit of the reserve fund. Development Cost Charge.pdf 6. User Pay Utility Rate Bylaws for 2009 Bylaw No. 4742 Bylaw No. 4743 Bylaw No. 4744 Report 09-47 File FIN 1820-30 Recommendation that Council give final reading to the “Langley Waterworks Regulation Bylaw 1995 No. 3482 Amendment Bylaw 2009 No. 4742” and “Langley Sewerworks Regulation Bylaw 1998 No. 3701 Amendment Bylaw 2009 No. 4743” and “Langley Garbage Collection Contract Bylaw 1994 No. 3382 Amendment Bylaw 2009 No. 4744”. Explanation – Bylaw No. 4742 Bylaw No. 4742 sets the minimum charge for metered water customers at $158.63 for each sixmonth period for the first 110 cubic meters of water consumed. The current rate is $151.08. The volume of water consumed after the first 110 cubic meters per six-month period will be charged a rate of $0.458 per cubic meter. The current rate is $0.436 per cubic meter. The flat rate for residential customers will be $317.26. The current rate is $302.16. Explanation – Bylaw No. 4743 Bylaw No. 4743 sets the annual flat rate for a distinct premise at $305.16 for residential sewer use. The current rate is $290.62 per distinct premise. The rate for Non-Residential sewer use is set at $0.861 per cubic meter of sewage discharged with a minimum of $152.58 per distinct premise for each six-month period. The current rates are $0.82 per cubic meter of sewage discharged with a minimum of $145.31 per distinct premise for each six-month period. Explanation – Bylaw No. 4744 Bylaw No. 4744 sets the annual fee at $171.33 for residential users receiving garbage collection service. The current rate is $144.58 per residence. Utility Rate Bylaws for 2009.pdf 7. 2009 Local Area Service Taxing Bylaws Bylaw No. 4732 Bylaw No. 4733 Bylaw No. 4734 Bylaw No. 4736 http://langley.civicweb.net/contentengine/document.asp?Print=yes&ID=14234

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Report 09-42 File FIN 1970-09 Recommendation that Council give final reading to the “3 Avenue, 8 Avenue and 202 Street Water Local Area Service Tax Bylaw 2009 No. 4732” and “8 Avenue – West of 200 Street Water Local Area Service Tax Bylaw 2009 No. 4733” and “28 Avenue; 201 Street to 204 Street Water Local Area Service Tax Bylaw 2009 No. 4734” and “Trinity Western University – Phase 1 Water Local Area Service Tax Bylaw 2009 No. 4736”. Explanation – Bylaw No. 4732 Bylaw No. 4732 provides for the imposition of a local area service tax for those properties on 3 Avenue, 8 Avenue and 202 Street affected by a water system service extension local area service. During 2007, a local area service project for the installation of a water main was undertaken and completed pursuant to Local Area Service (3 Avenue, 8 Avenue and 202 Street Water Main) Construction Bylaw 2007 No. 4587. Explanation – Bylaw No. 4733 Bylaw No. 4733 provides for the imposition of a local area service tax for those properties on 8 Avenue – West of 200 Street affected by a water system service extension local area service. During 2007, a local area service project for the installation of a water main was undertaken and completed pursuant to Local Area Service (8 Avenue – West of 200 Street Water Main) Construction Bylaw 2007 No. 4629. Explanation – Bylaw No. 4734 Bylaw No. 4734 provides for the imposition of a local area service tax for those properties on 28 Avenue; 201 Street to 204 Street affected by a water system service extension local area service. During 2007, a local area service project for the installation of a water main was undertaken and completed pursuant to Local Area Service (28 Avenue; 201 Street to 204 Street Water Main) Construction Bylaw 2007 No. 4630. Explanation – Bylaw No. 4736 Bylaw No. 4736 provides for the imposition of a local area service tax for those properties on Trinity Western University – Phase 1 affected by a water system service extension local area service. During 2007, a local area service project for the installation of a water main was undertaken and completed pursuant to Local Area Service (Trinity Western University – Phase 1 Water Main) Construction Bylaw 2007 No. 4607. 2009 Local Area Service Tax Bylaws.pdf I.


J. ASSOCIATIONS, AGENCIES AND OTHER GOVERNMENT ITEMS http://langley.civicweb.net/contentengine/document.asp?Print=yes&ID=14234

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K. MAYOR'S REPORT L. METRO VANCOUVER REPRESENTATIVE'S REPORT M. ITEMS FROM PRIOR MEETINGS N. ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION FROM SPECIAL CLOSED MEETINGS 1. The following items were brought forward from the April 6, 2009 Special Closed Meeting: Wood Application to the Environmental Appeal Board File 2210-01 Letter from Environmental Appeal Board providing an update on the Wood appeal decision for information. 2. BC Hydro Railway Line Through the Township Letter from Bull, Housser & Tupper dated May 2, 2005 was received regarding the 1907 Bylaw adopted by Council on the BC Hydro Railway Line through the Township. O. ITEMS FOR INFORMATION P. ITEMS HAVING PRIOR NOTICE OF MOTION Q. OTHER BUSINESS R. ADDITIONAL DELEGATIONS S. TERMINATE


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