0809 Uts Ganjil Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8

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Mata Pelajaran Kelas Hari, tanggal Waktu

: : : :

BAHASA INGGRIS VIII ( DELAPAN ) Rabu, 29 Oktober 2008 60 Menit

PETUNJUK UMUM: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Tulis nama, kelas, nomor peserta Anda pada lembar jawab. Arsirlah atau hitamkan huruf A, B, C, dan D yang menurut Anda merupakan jawaban yang paling tepat. Gunakan pensil 2B, dan penghapus karet yang baik. Apabila ingin mengganti jawaban hapuslah jawaban tersebut dengan karet penghapus dan arsir / hitamkan jawaban yang benar.

LISTENING ASPECT 1. Ani asks andi to lift her bag. What does she say ? a. can you leave your bag, please ? c. Can I lift your bag, Ani ? b. Would you lift my bag, please ? d. Can you lift your bag, please ? 2. Jaka : Pass the salt for me, please ! Budi : …………(acceptance) a. thank you b. here you are

c. take by your self d. sorry, I can’t

3. Aries : Can you bring your pet here ? Iqbal : …………The cage is very heavy for me a. I’m sorry I can’t b. sure c. of course

d. no problem

4. Sony : Can I use your computer, please Dina : ………….I’m using it a. Of course b. no problem c. I’m sorry

d. sure

5. Tina : Here’s the money for you Ida : I can’t take this, sorry From the dialog above, What does the underline sentence mean … a. Tina offers something to Ida c. Ida accepts something from Tina b. Tina gives a help to Ida d. Ida refuses help from Tina 6. Jhon : Did you use my bike this morning ? Dhani : ………….Harry did (refuse) a. Certainly b. of course c. It was me

d. No I didn’t

7. Della : Did you move this table, tatang ? Tatang : …………. (mengakui ) a. Yes, I did b. No, I didn’t c. sure

d. It wasn’t me

8. Bella : What do you think of Kuta Bali beach ? Yordan : ……………………….(giving opinion ) a. I have no idea c. I think it is so beautiful b. I’m not sure d. All Right 9. “ What do you think about it “ What kind of gambit is that ? a. asking for help c. asking for opinion



b. offering help

d. offering something

10. Jonet : would you come to my party ? Fikar : …………………..(acceptance ) a. Yes, I’d love to c. Perhaps another time b. Sorry, I’m busy d. That’s not good idea 11. Andi : ………………… Taufik : I’m afraid I can’t I’m very busy Andi invites taufik to go out to night with him. What does he say ? a. Would you bring this flower c. would you go, please b. would you like to go out with me tonight d. will you go out alone tonight 12. Vivi : I must see the doctor today. I don’t feel well Vita : …………………(agreement) a. Yes, that’s right. I agree wiyh you c. Don’t go now b. No, that’snot good idea d. Another time, please 13. Nora David

: Would you like having dinner with me ? : I’m sorry. That’s not good idea. My mother is in hospital so I have to accompany her. We conclude that : …… a. Nora refuses David’s invitation b. David invites Nora c. David refuses Nora’s invitation d. Nora accepts david’s invitation

14. You see the beautiful scenery in Ngarai Sianok ? The suitable exclamation is …. a. what a pity ! c. What an ugly face ! b. What a tourist day ! d. What a beautiful view it is ! 15. Wiwin

: Congratulation for you ….You have won the basketball competition in our school . Basketball team : …………………(grateful) a. Thank you very much c. I’m sorry, I’m busy b. No problem d. Whose team it is ! SPEAKING ASPECT 16. A : Would you mind helping me to move this chair ? B : …………….( Refused ) a. Yes, Sure b. Sorry I’m busy c. Of Course d. Ok. 17. A : Excuse me Sir, Can I come late to your class ? B : ……………..( Acceptance ) a. Sorry you can’t b. Here you are c. Yes, sure

d. Not at all

18. A : What do you know about this pet ? B : ……………………(giving opinion ) a. Sure b. It’s cute & funny c. Oh, No problem d. Not at all 19. A : What do you think about Senggigi Island ? B : …………….(giving opinion) a. I think it’s beautiful b. Sorry, I can’t c. No problem


d. Yes, Sure


20. A : Did You use my cellphone this morning ? B : …………… a. No, I don’t b. Yes, I did c. No, I have not

d. Yes, I do

21. A : Can you help me take a glass of water, please ? B : …………………..( Acceptance ) a. Sorry, I can b. I don’t think so c. Sorry I’m busy

d. Yes, I can

22. A : Did you broke my bike ? B : ………….( denied ) a. No, I didn’t b. No, I don’t

d. Yes, I do

c. Yes, I did

23. A : Would you come to my birthday party ? B : ……….............( Acceptance ) a. Sorry, I can’t b. I don’t think so c. Yes, I’d love to

d. Not at all

24. A : I don’t feel well, I must see the doctor. B : …………………….(agreement) a. I agree with you b. I don’t care c. don’t mention it d. Sorry I don’t know 25. A : You look beautiful wear batik ? B : …………………….(grateful) a. Sorry b. Your welcome

c. I hate it

d. Thank you

26. A : Congratulation, you got a good mark. B : …………………..(grateful) a. Sorry b. Thank c. Please

d. bye

27. A : Would you join go to windows shopping tonight ? B : ………………I have something to do a. Sure b. Thanks c. Sorry, I’m busy

d. Don’t mention it

28. A : What do you think if we go to the beach ? B : …………………….. I hate it a. I disagree b. Sure c. Why not

d. Of course

29. A : Would you come for dinner tonight ? B : …………………… I have meeting with client. a. Sure b. Ok. C. Don’t mention it d. Sorry 30. A : Your basket ball won the final competition ! Congratulation. B : …………………….. a. Yes, I do b. Thank you sir c. Don’t mention it d. Of Course




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