08 J2ee Perf Best Practices

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 58
J2EE Performance Best Practices


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WebSphere Application Server Key Tuning Areas • Web site applications • Threading Issues • EJBs • JVM • HttpSessions • Connection pools • External Performance Issues • Dynacache


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Web Site Application Apps and Performance

• Application tuning often yields the largest performance gains • Code profilers help you reduce path length • Other techniques to resolve runtime performance issues • Thread dumps • Java heap profiles • HttpSession sizing


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Web Site Application Common Pitfalls

• Synchronization • Mishandling of pooled objects • Indefinite delay • Multi-threading problems • JSP Issues • Common EJB Issues


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Web Site Application Synchronization

• Synchronization is required in some cases

• Accessing shared resources (ex: threadpools)

• Problems arise when • Overused to compensate for weak concurrency skills • Synchronized code block is too large • Synchronized code block improperly coded • “Indefinite wait” inside the block • Permits starvation • Globally search Web site applications for synchronization • Understand and authorize each use


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Web Site Application Thread Pools

• Thread pools a good idea for:

• Avoiding thread creation overhead • Managing number of threads in the system • Rampant thread creation may crash a server

• Evaluate use of threads carefully • Would the app run more safely synchronously? • Are failures handled properly? • Consider async beans in WAS EE • TOC for customer may be less in the long run


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Web Site Application Proper Thread Pool Management

• Obtaining and Returning pooled threads must be synchronized • Keep sync’d code extremely small

• Min/Max thread pool size recommended • “Grow-by” parameter also desirable • Place parameters in an external source for tuning • XML file, resource bundle • Read at initialization • Fancy pools provide servlet admin interface • DO NOT WAIT INSIDE THE POOL! • For example, if the pool needs to add new connections • Better to throw soft failure and retry


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Web Site Application Pooled Object Etiquette

• Return pooled resources quickly!

• Do not make the return part of cleanup process • After finished, return the object • Relieves requester queue at peak times

• Cleanup the resource appropriately • close() the database statement • Do not return running threads to the threadpool


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Web Site Application Indefinite Delay

• Avoid indefinite waits inside the web application • True for • Database requests • Launched threads • Remote requests of any kind (HTTP sockets, etc.) • Bound wait with timeouts • Threads: join(100) instead of join() • JDBC calls: stmt.setQueryTimeout() if supported • Place all timeout values in an external properties file • Essential for site tuning later


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Web Site Application Indefinite Delay Exceptions

• What if the servlet really needed the data? • If the request times out, return a specific exception • Ex: “Non_Responsive_Exception” • Code servlet to handle this error path • Select appropriate error JSP or similar action • Better to return empty-handed than stall the site • Prepare applications for eventuality of a remote outage!


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Web Site Application Other Notable Performance Issues • Avoid excessive logging

• Avoid servlet.log() • Build log Strings after confirming logging is enabled

• Avoid bean.instantiate() • Initiates disk I/O to check for bean contents • new the bean instead • Avoid “+=“ to build Strings • Use JSPs; don’t build HTML in servlets • Use J2EE datasources whenever possible


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Web Site Application Other notable performance issues

ƒ Turn off auto reloading for production and test systems ƒ

Avoid the “SingleThreadModel” for servlets


Cache sharable values in instance variables ¾ Example: Datsources, EJB Home Interfaces ¾ Obtain within init() method; faster than built-in caching


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Web Site Application JSP Issues

• Avoid creating unnecessary HTTPSession objects • <%@ page session=“false”%>

• Other servlet best practices apply to JSP scriptlets • Keep scriptlet use to a minimum • Taglibs where appropriate • Better for maintainability • Also: • Consider changing JSP reload intervals


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Web Site Application Canonical Servlet

• Avoid canonical servlets

• One large servlet controlling the entire website

• For each servlet • Handle logic to select between 2 or 3 JSPs • Pull together dynamic data to feed the JSP • Handle common error conditions • Also avoid • Fine-grained servlet modeling (opposite problem) • JSP-only solution • Difficult to maintain dispersed logic


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Web Site Application Flow Examples



• Small servlets control a few pages • Work with group of servlets • Easier to extend website • Add servlets

SymbolResult.jsp NotFound.jsp UnKnownError.jsp

MyStatement.jsp StockQuote.jsp

• Large servlet controls many pages SymbolResult.jsp • No logical relationship between pages • Code path is very long • Performance issue • Difficult to extend site MyAccount.jsp • Must carefully modify huge servlet





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WebSphere Application Server Key Tuning Areas • Web site applications • Threading Issues • EJBs • JVM • HTTPSessions • Connection pools • External Performance Issues • Dynacache


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Threads How Many?

• Each container controls its own thread pool

• Default size is 10 threads minimum, 50 maximum • Only WAS interacts with these threads • Threads launched within servlets do not use this pool!

• More is often less • More threads means more overhead • JVM time wasted on context switching • Avoid unbounded growth • EJB container settings?


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Threads Funnel Queue

• The application server contains a series of pools

• Each pool contains a wait queue • Queuing reaches from the HTTP Server to backend DBs • An example of a 150 > 20 > 10 Funnel Queue 150 Listeners

HTTP Server


Q u e u e

20 Threads

Application Server

Q u e u e

10 Connections


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Threads Funnel Queue (cont’d)

• Processing at each level reduces pool demand downstream • Example: Some HTTP listeners return static content • Example: Servlets require significant String processing

• Also expedient to have some demand queued for quick entry 150 Listeners

HTTP Server


Q u e u e

20 Threads

Application Server

Q u e u e

10 Connections


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Threads Frozen Web site

• Threads may stall if a remote resource goes down

• Downstream queues begin to fill up • Servlet engine, HTTP Server • Eventually Web site cannot respond to static HTML requests

150 Listeners

HTTP Server


Q u e u e

20 Threads

Application Server

Q u e u e

10 Connections


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WebSphere Application Server Key Tuning Areas • Web site applications • Threading Issues • EJBs • JVM • HttpSessions • Connection pools • External Performance Issues • Dynacache


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EJB 2.0 Performance 700






500 400

EJB 2.0 Local Interface


Call-by-Reference EJB 2.0 Remote

200 100 0

Local Interfaces








EJB entity

2500 2000

Option 'C' Option 'B'

1500 1000



Option 'A' Life-time-in-Cache

500 0

EJB Caching Options


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EJBs Use a Façade Bean

• Avoid calling multiple Entity Beans within a servlet

• Txn boundary created at each call for remote calls • Performance expensive

• Use a façade bean instead • Stateless session bean interacts with multiple EJBs • Local txn boundary spans all calls • Within the Stateless session bean • Assumes SSB and Entity Beans in same container • Return data as a regular databean to calling servlet • Performance and architectural benefits • Co-locate EJB and Web containers for best performance


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EJBs Granularity

• Avoid extremely fine-grained EJB models • Potential to create dozens/hundreds of objects on each call • Creates issues with JVM memory, container sizing, etc. • Better to use a more granular model • Create a few objects per call • Reduces burden on memory, CPU • More maintainable architecture


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EJBs Cache Sizing

• Container cache holds bean in use by the application • Sizing the cache important for best performance • Tuning guide recommendations • Entity Beans per txn * expected concurrent txns • Add active session bean instances • Remember, EJBs sometimes long-lived • Entity bean Option A, Lifetime-in-cache caching • Stateful Session beans • Stateless Session bean pool


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EJBs Passivation

• Passivation writes bean contents to hard disk • Hard disk I/O very expensive • Inefficient at high volumes • Size the bean container cache properly • Remove Stateful Session beans as soon as possible • ejb.remove() method


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WebSphere Application Server Key Tuning Areas • Web site applications • Threading Issues • EJBs • JVM • HttpSessions • Connection pools • External Performance Issues • Dynacache


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JVM JVMs and Performance

• JVM sizing important for performance

• Size vs. Garbage Collection time tradeoffs

• Application quality impacts JVM efficiency • Key JVM issues • Heap size • Garbage collection • Memory leaks • Memory usage


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JVM Heap Size

• Moderate heap sizes work best

• -Xmx=512M for WAS • -Xmx=768M for WP • 1 GB heaps supportable on most multiprocessor boxes

• Minimum heapsize • Production systems set –Xms lower than –Xmx • Gives headroom for emergencies • In theory, results in more efficient object table • “Burst” testing requires –Xms=-Xmx • Larger heaps feasible on extremely fast machines • Also indicates application inefficiencies


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JVM Garbage Collection

• The larger the heap, the longer the GC cycle • Mitigates benefits of a large heap

• JDK 1.3.1 GC • Interim gc’s free memory (multi-threaded) • Compaction cycle for defragmentation • Single-thread; stops application work • Frequent GC caused by: • Inefficiencies in the application • Excessive object creation (ex: Strings) • Sometimes occurs at –Xms threshold


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JVM Memory Leaks

• Java applications may still “leak”

• GC only picks up objects without references

• Does the heapsize continue to grow under steady load? • “Sawtooth” gc pattern has irregular shape • GC cycles become more frequent • “Java out of memory” errors in logs • Some common “leak” culprits • HttpSession timeout is too long • HttpSessions contain extremely large objects • Servlets caching objects in another variable


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JVM Memory Leak Pattern


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WebSphere Application Server Key Tuning Areas • Web site applications • Threading Issues • EJBs • JVM • HttpSession • Connection pools • External Performance Issues • Dynacache


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HttpSession Common Performance Pitfalls

• HttpSession misused by many Web applications

• Impacts performance, scalability, and failover

• Common HttpSession pitfalls: • Large HttpSession objects • Poor timeout strategies • Poor persistence preparation


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HttpSession Large HttpSession Objects

• HttpSession objects live in a memory cache • Cached shared by every user visiting the server • Optimal HttpSession size is a few KB or less (approx. 2KB) • Failure to keep session size small results in: • Memory overhead • Application “leaks” under large user volumes • Poor session persistence performance


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HttpSession Poor Timeout Strategies

• Default HttpSession timeout is 30 minutes

• No end user activity on the site for 30 minutes

• Depending on the site, this time maybe reduced • Frequent, short visits with little reading time on pages • Avoid setting too low • Reaper thread impacts performance • Give the user the opportunity to logout • Destroy the HttpSession on logout • Do not rely on the customer logging out • Most do not • Keep this in mind in your testcases as well


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HttpSession Poor Persistence Preparation

• Persistence Session Management transparent to applications • No special APIs required • But the code may need special prep for persistence

• Session contents should be • Small for easy transfer and retrieval • Serializable • No thread handles, binaries, etc. • Meaningful on failover • Broken into smaller object graphs • Do not use persistent storage as an extended cache • Working set of HttpSessions should always be in memory


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HttpSession Persistence (cont’d)

• Large HttpSessions problematic for persistence performance • Longer network transfer time • More serialization overhead • More database storage required

• See InfoCenter for large session storage strategies • Best strategy is reducing the size of the session data • Persistent Session Management required for • HttpSession failover • Affinity routing in the 3.5.x product only


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WebSphere Application Server Key Tuning Areas • Web site applications • Threading Issues • EJBs • JVM • HttpSessions • Connection pools • External Performance Issues • Dynacache


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Datasource Connection Pool

• Datasource manages the connection pool • Most servlets spend most of their time munching data • Datasource pool sized much smaller than web thread pool • “Funnel” approach • Keep in mind other users of the datasource • EJB containers, other servlet containers • Monitor connection usage via Tivoli Performance Viewer • Also monitor via database usage statistics


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Datasource Excessive Pool Utilization

• Web containers usually require few datasource connections • If you see significantly higher utilization • If you see “waiters” for database connections • You may have database issues

• Before increasing the connection pool • Check the query response time • Get the DBA to check for excessive table scans • Database may need tuning for Web application • Pool overutilization usually points to a slow database • Also may point to network between app server and db


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WebSphere Application Server Key Tuning Areas • Web site applications • Threading Issues • EJBs • JVM • HTTPSessions • Connection pools • External Performance Issues • Dynacache


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External Performance Issues • Tuning doesn’t stop with WebSphere • Remember systems outside of WAS • Http Server • Remote content providers • Infrastructure • Server OS • Network


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Http Server • Http Server needs listeners to serve • Static HTML, gif, jpegs, etc. • Dynamic page requests • Site requires sufficient listeners for these requests • Listeners are CPU intensive • Drives up the “System” CPU utilization on Unix • Tailor listeners to your system’s needs • Too few listeners results in “failed to connect” messages • Each user browser may make up to 5 simultaneous connections • SSL more CPU intensive • Consider HTTP Server on separate machine; SSL accelerator


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Http Server IHS Key Parms for Unix Systems • MaxClients • Maximum number of listeners Http Server will start • 150 – 250 works well for most sites • StartServers • Listeners started at Http Server startup • MaxSpareServers • Maximum unused listeners Http Server will allow to live • Set to MaxClients when in doubt • MinSpareServers • Http Server tries to keep this many unused listeners alive • Set to StartServers when in doubt (will not exceed MaxClients)


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Http Server Other IHS Unix Parms • HostnameLookups • Http Server can do a DNS lookup on incoming address • Extremely time intensive – do not use! • Recommend: HostnameLookups off • LogLevel • Keep logging at a minimum to reduce overhead • Do not insert tags or processing during runtime • Use post-processing tool • Recommend: LogLevel error (or lower) • KeepAlive • Useful for sites with lots of static content • Maintains connection for extended time to reduce setup overhead • KeepAliveTimeout should be set reasonably low


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Http Server Windows • IHS works differently on Windows platforms • “Threads per child” • IIS more commonly used • Very different operation model • Key parms • “Number of Hits Expected per Day” • Set to “More than 100000” • “Listen Backlog” • A waiting queue inside IIS • Sometimes results in dropped connections in NT • Can go as high as 200 • See WAS tuning guide • Latest parms • Recommended settings


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Http Server Linux Considerations

• IHS Listeners • Sometimes hang after handling large number of requests • Require recycling for Linux • Set the MaxRequestsPerChild parameter in httpd.conf • Disabled by default (“0” value) • Try 5,000 instead • Set high for other Unix platforms • Listener recycling not required for these platforms


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Databases • Databases often tuned for other types of applications • Require new indexes to support Web applications • Tuning for increased request volumes • Memory buffers • Maximum connections • Sum of datasource connection pool max sizes • May result in licensing issue • Consider hardware changes/upgrades


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Databases Hardware

• Databases

• Tend to be I/O rather than CPU bound • CPU I/O Wait time higher than WAS systems • Will existing platform support increased traffic?

• Improve performance by speeding up DB I/O • Add disk platters to reduce disk latency • Database “striping” across the platters • Logs, data • DB2 “native” file writing • Bypasses OS file system • Use where appropriate • Disk buffering at the hardware level


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Databases Prepared Statement Cache

• Whenever possible, use prepared statements • Dynamic SQL calls • Prepared Statement calls

• Configure WAS prepared statement cache • PrepStmtCache > diffPrepStmts * min(concurrent user threads, connectionPoolSize) • See documentation for how to set various WAS versions • 20% performance savings in some cases • Monitor via Tivoli Performance Viewer and adjust as needed • If “cache ejections” value > 0, increase cache size


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Server OS Settings

• Check settings for

• TCP/IP • Solaris boxes always require TCP/IP adjustment • System file handles

• Refer to the Performance Redbook for details • Settings are OS specific


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Server When to Clone? • Large n-way server with plenty of memory • Good response time and relative throughput • Do not add clones if infrastructure under strain • Example: High Database utilization • Example: Network bandwidth full utilized • One JVM doesn’t drive the CPU to saturation • One JVM has insufficient memory to support the site • Example: Large HttpSessions • Best determined by experimentation • Add clone, add load, measure results • Throughput increases, CPU utilization increases • Response time remains constant


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• Easy to clog, hard to monitor • Best to plan network capacity up front • Validate plan with actual page sizes • Use network protocol analyzers, file transfers to monitor • Much more on network capacity planning coming up


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WebSphere Application Server Key Tuning Areas • Web site applications • Threading Issues • EJBs • JVM • HttpSessions • Connection pools • External Performance Issues • Dynacache


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Dynacache • WAS 4.x/5.x feature • Allows administrator to define cacheable dynamic content • Cache • JSP/servlet ouput • Commands • WebServices • Also flush cache to refresh, as required • Cache resides inside WAS or • Pushed out to EdgeServer • Cache keys include: • URL only • URL + parameter values • URL + parameter values + session id • others


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• Many potential tuning points in the WAS system

• Application tuning usually produces best results • But not always

• Important thing is to find the bottlenecks in order of severity • Your system is only as fast as the slowest component


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Shameless Plug ISBN: 0201844540 Available at fine eTailers, Brick and Mortar stores, and PubOrder (IBM)!


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