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  • Words: 880
  • Pages: 30
Struts Best Practices

Struts University Series

Abstract Struts is a flexible and forgiving framework and works well even when you use it wrong. Here are few practices designed to help keep your application on the “straight and narrow”.

Struts Best Practices Configuration Results Actions Server Pages Unit Testing Security Resources

Configuration Use namespaces to organize your application into logical "modules" or units of work. Place each namespace into it's own struts configuration file Try to keep the Actions classes for the namespace in a common package

Configuration Store the struts configuration for that namespace with the Actions If you are using JSPs, try to name the JSP folder after the Action package.  If you using templates, bundle the templates with the Actions.  Remember, if the namespace needs to change, you do not need to change packages or JSP folders. 

Configuration Within a namespace, reuse names for common concepts. 

If each namespace has an entry page, use the same action name in each namespace. For example, each namespace in the Cookbook has an "Open" action.

Configuration Use Exception handlers Local or global as needed  Configure a global handler for Throwable 

Use global result handlers for common results Error  Login 

Configuration Define a base class constants for common Result names 

CANCEL = “cancel”

Actions Use Action properties to represent all input properties request, cookie, or session, whatever  Here, properties include helper objects 

Validate all input fields — always on the server-side, and optionally on the clientside.

Actions Consider using Model Driven or POJOs if a business object layer contains most properties Do not use Model Driven if the business objects are not well designed or obtained through factory methods

Actions Use a base ActionForm, including a base DynaActionForm, if needed. Use Prepare or Spring to populate rich controls, like dropdown lists Prepare for data access  Spring for static values 

Actions Write thread-safe Interceptors. Use a base support Action class. 

Extend ActionSupport

Use SessionAware and ApplicationAware to avoid referring to servlet resources directly Factor any non-view logic into facades.

Actions Remove business logic to a business facade that the actions can call. Spring is an excellent way to build a business facade.  Actions are a necessary evil. Every line of code in an Action is guilty until proven innocent. Ideally, there should be one line of code that calls the business facade, and every other line of a code in an action should be bound to the framework. 

Actions Use static parameters to decorate Actions Use subclasses or method aliases to manage related operations (and multiple buttons) Do not embed business logic in action classes.

Actions Avoid chaining "business" actions.   

Bad: MoveAction = CopyAction -> DeleteAction Good: Extend your facade. Not the same as redirecting to an Action to complete a workflow

Unit test actions before trying them in a web application. 

Since JUnit is integrated in most IDEs now, there is no excuse.

Actions Use token-session or executeAndWait to guard against multiple submits. Prefer BeanUtils copyValues to move data from Action properties to a business object. Consider using a JavaBean helper to encapsulate data and messages returned from the Model.

Server Pages Use a global error page. Always link to Actions, never to server pages. Use the action attributes tag to avoid embedding Action extension. Use s:url to reference HTML assets. Use s:include to include pages

Server Pages Consider using WebCanoo, HtmlUnit, or HttpUnit to test navigation, as the application is being developed. Use SiteMesh, or the equivalent, to separate application "chrome" from the core utility of the server pages..

Server Pages If an image, or other swatch of markup, is being used by multiple pages, remove it to its own server page and include it where necessary. 

Better yet, encapsulate the markup in its own UI tag.

Extend the UI tags as needed.

Server Pages Consider using the message resources for page titles, control labels, and so forth, even if the application is not being localized. It is often useful to seperate the concern of what message to display from the concern of where to display it.  Use the XML framework to validate input. 

Model Use a business facade. Consider a web system facade for nonStruts operations. Test facades outside of Struts. Do not pass Actions to facade. 

Unless it implements another interface.

Use chained exceptions.

Model Prefer Transaction Scripts. 

Avoid exposing Domain Models.  Hint: Encapsulate in Transaction Script 

Use EJBs with care. 

Model Behind your facade, consider using a data access package. 

Hibernate 


ObjectRelationalBridge 

Security Utilize a custom Interceptor to enforce authentication Consider using Acegi or SecurityFilter to implement authentication and authorization

Unit Testing Use JUnit to test business facades and Action classes. 

Use WebCanoo to test server pages. 

Resources Study underlying technologies OGNL  Freemarker  Spring  SiteMesh  Dojo (AJAX) 

Resources OGNL 

FreeMarker 

Spring 

SiteMesh 

Resources Dojo (AJAX) 

DisplayTag 

WebCanoo 

JUnit 

Resources Apache Struts 

XWork 

StrutsCentral 

Struts University Series

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