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Volume 57, No.29

July 19, 2009

New Christians!

Adam Faughn

The greatest news we can ever share is when one decides to put Christ on in baptism. Multiply that by four and enthusiasm overflows. Worship With Us Sunday: Worship 9 AM & 6 PM * Bible Classes 10:20 AM Wednesday: Bible Classes 7 PM

Reasons I Love My Bible Class but, being a smaller group, it is a place where we can get to know one another. When someone has a great moment, or a hard moment in life, our 1. It is Bible-centered. The classes class can help him or her of which I am a part are truly through it in a great way. Bible classes. Of course, we share other thoughts, but we con- 4. It is a place of prayer. Often, our classes pause and pray. tinually “search the Scriptures” We sometimes have prayer for our final answers to all matrequests and we do our best to ters. honor those. As we grow 2. It is filled with Bible-lovers. The closer together, we pray for members of my classes want to each other more. be fed by God’s Word, not by 5. It causes me to study more. As human opinion. The Bible is the instructor, I am charged the “lamp to our feet” and the with the responsibility to do my “light to our pathway,” so we love best. However, I don’t have all the answers it alone gives. the answers (only God does!), 3. It is a place for us to share triso I want to study more so the umphs and tragedies. Of course, classes will be more helpful we wish our classes were larger, I have a lot of reasons why I enjoy being a part of a Bible class. Here are just a few.

Adam Faughn and effective. And, when our study is done, I am left with more I want to study from a particular book or topic. These are just five reasons why I love my Bible class. If you have not been involved in a Bible class in awhile (or never), of if you think they are just a drudgery, look over this list again. Your Bible class has a seat waiting on you so you can learn both the milk and the meat of the word. Stay for our 10:20 Bible studies, and learn more of God’s Word!

At Valley View Christian Camp, four young people decided to become New Testament Christians. We are pleased to introduce them to you this week.

Aaron Presson was baptized Wednesday night at camp by JD. Aaron is a great young man with a good heart, but he is young, so he will need encouragement.

Jacob Baker was also baptized Wednesday night. After seeing Aaron become a Christian, Jacob knew that he also needed to let the blood of Christ

wash away his sins.

ing for the lost.

On Friday, two more were added to the body of Christ. Seth Woods was forgiven of his sins through baptism. Following that, Brycen Ballard was also baptized for the remission of his sins.

Or, we could use this as a great motivator. Seven is a good number, but it’s miniscule compared with all you know who are lost! We have many who sit in our pews each week who have never been added to the body of Christ through faith, repentance, confession and baptism. Pray for them and encourage them not to delay any longer.

With these four young men becoming New Testament Christians, we have now had seven who have been added by the Lord to His body in just over four weeks. We could look at that and do one of two things. We could rest and be overly proud of something “we” have done. We could think that seven is enough and that we can take a little break from teaching and pray-

Friend, if you’ve never been baptized for the forgiveness of sins, make this your day. Discipleship isn’t easy (as we’ll notice in our sermon this morning), but it’s worth it! Don’t let another day pass. “Today is the day of salvation!”

Sunday Sermon Preview AM: The Cost of Discipleship PM: Solomon Dedicates the Temple

Elders Johny Baker 758-7654 Wayne Davidson 758-2705 Earl Flynn 889-1659 Ted Fox 754-7607 Charles Myers 883-6837 Jim Schroeder 754-8990 Cliff Wilson 889-6477

Pulpit Minister Adam Faughn 973-4483

Outreach Minister Harry Middleton 292-3164

Youth Minister JD Buckner (731) 336-4768

The Sick

Worship Leaders

Sarah Adcox is at Summit in room 518. She fell and broke her hip. Bertha Garcia fell and broke her ankle. She is at Summit in room 517. Oral Smith is at Summit in room 414. Madge Tramel is at McKendree in room N277. Myrtle Turney is at Southern Hills room 231. She has congestive heart failure.

Sunday Morning (Contact: Gene 874-0463) Opening Prayer: Steve Thompson Closing Prayer: Paul Woods Read Scripture: Sonny Gossett Sermon: Adam Faughn Song Leader: Scotty Studer Serving Lord’s Supper: (Contact: David 754-7085) Dewey Carpenter 1 Keith LeSuer 2 Michael Rader 3 Tommy Moore 4 Earl Flynn 5 Cary Clay 6 Tracy Fitzgerald 7 Robert Cannon 8 Sunday Evening (Contact: Marion 883-5038) Opening Prayer: Wes Carnahan Closing Prayer: Nelson Cluck Read Scripture: Mark Pugh Sermon: Adam Faughn Song Leader: Scotty Studer Serving Lord’s Supper (Room) Lon Keele 1 Tim Hill 2

Thank You Dear Friends, Thank you for your fervent prayers on our behalf during the last few months. We believe that God has heard and answered our prayers. The latest scans show no presence of the chest tumors; however, there will still be two more rounds of chemotherapy and possibly a little while yet before our lives are back to normal. We appreciate each card, phone call, the delicious food and every act of kindness toward us and our family. Your love and concern continues to help us through a difficult time. Thank you for your ongoing prayers as Jim continues to get well again. In Christian Love, Beverly and Jim Oakley

Mission Trip Beech Island, South Carolina Mission Trip Monday, July 20-Sunday, July 26 Community outreach will be our goal during the week and VBS is all day Saturday. There will be a group leaving on the 20th and a second group is leaving on the 23rd.

Give Away Day Saturday, August 8th School Supplies will be distributed and Lunch will be served. Monetary donations may be given to the young adult class to purchase the needed supplies. See Scotty Studer if you have questions.

Golf Scramble Saturday, August 15th Ravenwood Country Club 12:00 noon Cost is $40 Several other congregations are invited to the scramble.

Page 2

Wednesday, July 22nd Read Scripture: Opening Prayer: Speaker: Song Leader:

by Harry Middleton

(Contact: Keith 889-7366) Shea Cofer Gavin Hammers

Chris’ Summer Column

IN THE GROCERY BUSINESS Suppose you were in the grocery business. A man had charged groceries to the tune of $300. (It does not take many nowadays to get $300 worth.) But you speak to the customer, “Friend, I am an independent, I cannot extend credit any more; you must pay cash.” The man comes back in two or three days, picks up five or six dollars worth of groceries, takes out his bill fold, and says, “I am paying cash.” He comes back in about a week and picks up fifteen dollars worth, gets his billfold out, pays three fives down and says, “Say, it is fine to be paying cash.” He comes back in about a week and buys the same amount and does the same thing and just smiles and says, “I like paying cash.” The grocery man says, “Friend, I appreciate your paying cash, but I want to know something. What about the back debt?” “What do you mean?” He says, “I mean the three hundred dollars you owe me.” He says, “I thought if I paid cash I did not have to pay the back debt.” How many of you would like to be the grocery man? That is what many have done to the Lord? They have not been faithful to the Lord for a long time, then just start coming saying, “I will be faithful to you now Lord.” All the time the Lord is asking, “What are you going to do about the back debt?” They have never done anything about it. There it is---still charged to their account. Paying cash now does not eliminate the back debt. It must be paid!!!


Philip Autry

July is winding down but there’s still a lot going on. Tomorrow many will be headed to Beech Island, South Carolina. I hope that, if you will be unable to go with us, you will take some extra time out of your day to pray for the group that will be working in South Carolina. Our group, the group from Dayton, and the congregation can all use your prayers. My prayer for our trip is that we can have a safe trip with everyone staying in good health but, most importantly, that we can encourage our brethren in South Carolina, and can help reach into the community, representing Christ and planting the good seeds of the kingdom. Sometimes it may seem like we spend a lot of time and energy and don’t see much yield. But can we put a price on a soul? Read verses like Mark 4:8:“And other seeds fell into good soil and produced grain, growing up and increasing and yielding thirtyfold and sixtyfold and a hundredfold." We never know where or when a seed will take. We never know how much of an impact one seed can make. Paul wrote, “So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. He who plants and he who waters are one, and each will receive his wages according to his labor. For we are God's fellow workers. You are God's field, God's building” (1 Corinthians 3:7-9). We are merely God’s instruments. We are called to do the work, but God is the one who causes the growth and who provides increase. I pray that everyone who goes on this trip can remember that and carry a good attitude as they do the Lord’s work. I also pray that we can do the same thing here in Donelson and the surrounding area. That we can sow the seed with our friends and with those we encounter daily. God give us the strength and the courage to go out as we are commanded to.

Announcements: Harry Middleton - Jim Schroeder

Have a blessed week, Chris

Mark Your Calendar...

Nursery Attendants Brenda & Rachel Pugh

Today: Heartland Services at 4:00—Led by Wayne Davidson

The Record

July 20-26: Mission Trip to Beech Island, SC—See JD for more details

Sunday Morning Worship:


August 8: Give Away Day

Sunday Evening Worship:


August 12: Time Saver Supper Returns!

Sunday Bible Study:


August 15: Golf Scramble at Ravenwood

Wednesday Night:

153 + 91 campers



August 22: Blood Drive in fellowship hall Page 3

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