0708 Uas Genap Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

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SMP NEGERI 3 LAWANG ULANGAN SEMESTER GENAP TAHUN PELAJARAN 2007/2008 Mata Pelajaran Kelas Hari, tanggal Waktu

: BAHASA INGGRIS : IX (Sembilan) : Rabu, 12 Maret 2008 : 900 menit

PETUNJUK UMUM: 1. Tulis nama, kelas, nomor peserta, Anda pada lembar jawab. 2. Arsirlah atau hitamkan huruf A, B, C, dan D yang menurut Anda merupakan jawaban yang paling tepat. 3. Gunakan pensil 2B, dan penghapus karet yang baik. 4. Apabila ingin mengganti jawaban hapuslah jawaban tersebut dengan karet penghapus dan arsir/ hitamkan jawaban yang benar.

Text for question 1 to 3 Umbut Muda Once upon a time, lived a beautiful young girl in Sumatra. Her name was Umbut Muda. She was very rich because when her father died, she inherited all his money and the house. She became nasty and proud of herself. Even, she didn’t respect her mother. She ordered her mother to clean the house, wash her clothes, and cook her food. One day, Umbut Muda was invited to attend a feast in another village. She wore her most beautiful dress and all her jewelries. Her mother was with her, holding the umbrella to protect Umbut Muda from the sun. As they were passing the bridge, Umbut Muda accidentally dropped one of her bracelets. The bracelet fell into the river. She shouted to her mother and ordered her to go down to the river to find her bracelet. The poor mother did accordingly. She searched the bracelet in the water, but the river was flooded because of the rain the night before so it was impossible for her to get it. Knowing that the mother failed to get her bracelet back, Umbut Muda was furious. She yelled at her mother, “You are a stupid lazy woman!” she said. “Go down to the river again and get my bracelet back!” she stamped her foot and didn’t realize that the bridge was slippery. She slipped over the bridge and feel into the river. She screamed for help. Her mother tried to help her, but the stream was too fast, Umbut Muda was drowned. Umbut muda’s mother was very sad. She couldn’t save her daughter’s life 1. Who was Umbut Muda? a. A nice beautiful girl living in Sumatra b,. A young loving girl living in Sumatra

c. A bad tempered rich girl living in Sumatra d. A young girl living with her family in Sumatra

2. What is the meaning of inherited (line 2)? a. received the property after the death of the previous owner b. received the debt after the death of the previous owner c. got a lot of money from a lottery d. got a lot of jewelry from parents 3. The synonym of the word feast (line 11) is…. a. mourning b. wedding party

c. sad events

d. extensive meal

A Fox and Goat Have you ever heard any stories about foxes? A Fox is told about as a sly animal which likes to cheat others by tricks. One hot summer day when all the ponds and rivers were dry, a fox walked about to look for water to drink. At last he found an old well in which there was a little water. But the well was very deep, and the water was out of his reach. He tried again and again to reach it, and a last he fell in but he could not get out. He was just like a prey in a trap. By and by a goat come to the well and saw the fox in it. He asked the fox, “What is the water like down there?” “The water is very nice, and I cannot stop drinking it, “said the fox. “Why not come down and try it?” Down jumped the goat at once. As soon as he jumped down, the fox jumped on his back and got out of the well

4. What does sly mean (line 2)? a. cunning b. nice

c. special

5. What happened to the ponds and rivers at that time? a. dry b. full of water c. flooded

d. shy d. full of rubbish

6. Why did the fox say, “Why not cone down and try it?”. Because… a. a fox is a polite animal c. he wanted to trick the goat b. the fox felt pity to the goat d. the goat looked very thirsty 7. From the text we know that… a. the fox tricked the goat so he could jump out of the well b. the goat thanked the fox for his help. c. the well was full of nice water d. the goat fell into the well

A Kangaroo A kangaroo is an animal found only in Australia, although it has a smaller relative, called a wallaby, which lives on the Australian island of Tasmania and also in Guinea. Kangaroos eat grass and plants. They have short front legs, but very long, and very strong back legs and tail. These they use for sitting up on and for jumping. Kangaroos have been known to make forward jumps of over eight meters, and leap across fences mote than three meters high. They can also run at speeds of over 45 kilometers per hour. The biggest kangaroos are the Great Grey Kangaroo and the Red Kangaroo. Adults grow to a length of 1.60 meters and weight over 90 kilos. Kangaroos are marsupials. This means that the female kangaroo has external pouch on the front of her body. A baby kangaroo is very tiny when it is born, and it crawls at once into this pouch where it spends its first five months of live. 8. What do kangaroos eat? a. plants and grass

b. plants and grain

9. Which legs are stronger? a. the front and the back legs 10. What do kangaroos use to sit? a. the front legs b. the back legs

c. grain and grass

b. the front legs

d. grain and fruit

c. the back legs

c. the front and back legs

d. the left legs d. the back legs and the tail

11. Which paragraph tells about the breeding of kangaroos? a. first b. third c. second

d. fourth

12. How long does a baby kangaroo stay in its mother’s pouch? a. two months b. four months c. three months

d. five months

13. What is they synonym of leap? a. jump b. crawl

d. run

c. walk

14. Which statement is incorrect according to the text? a. Kangaroos can run very fast b. A kangaroo has a relative called a wallaby c. There are two kinds of the largest kangaroos d. A baby kangaroo needs ten days to enter the mother’s pouch The Olympic Games The Olympic Games is a modern international sports event. It began in Greece. The original Greek Games were staged four years. This went on for several hundred years. The first Olympic, was held in Olympiad in 776 BC. It was also called the Ancient Olympic Games. There was only one sporting event held in those games a running race. The competition of the game were the only men, because women were not allowed to compete. Later on, more events included such as long jump, javelin and boxing, etc. At one stage, the Olympic Games no longer held, but in 1896 a Frenchman, Baron Pierre Coubertin, revived them. They were held in Athena, Greece. These games became the first modern Olympic Games. There were thirteen countries competing in these games and various sport were on the agenda. The purpose of competition was not only to win. It was also about taking part in and enjoying a particular sport. The winners of the competition received medals. First place received a gold medal, second place silver medal, and the third was bronze medal.

In 1964, the Olympic Games were held in Tokyo, Japan and in 1988 they were held in Seoul, the capital of South Korea. The last Olympic Games was held in Australia in 2000. they built new hotels, an elite stadium, new roads, special railway lines and a new area of the games. In 1992, Indonesia made history in sporting world. Susi susanti and Alam Budikusuma became the badminton champions at the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona. Both of the received gold medals, and our flag was raised there. On the next Olympic Games, we hope that we will succesed in winning dold medals. 15. Which of the following is not true about the first Olympic Games? a. The Olympic Games began in Greece b. The Olympic Games was also called the Ancient Olympic Games c. The first Olympic Games was held in Olympiad in 776 BC d. There were many sporting events held in the first Olympic Games 16. The following which is not in the second paragraph is…. a. The Olympic Games is an international sport even b. The first Olympic Games was held in Olympiad in 776 BC c. The first Olympic Games was the Ancient Olympic Games d. The sport events held in the first Olympic Games 17. Why were the competition of the game the only men? a. Because men were strong b. Because woman were not allowed to compete c. Because there was only one sporting event held in those games a running race d. Because women did not win the competition 18. Who was Pierre Baron Coubertin? a. He was a Germany b. He was the founder of the first Ancient Olympic Games c. He was the founder of the first Modern Olympic Games d. He was a businessman 19. The main idea of the fourth paragraph is….. a. The first Olympic Games b. The first modern Olympic Games

c. The purpose of the Olympic Games d. The medals for the winner of the competition

20. How many countries were there in this modern Olympic Games? a. One country b. Ten country c. Thirteen countries d. All countries in the world Student Painting Contest To celebrate the 50th anniversary of SMP Harapan Kita, the committee invites you take part in Student Painting Contest Prizes First Rp. 500.000 Second Rp 400.000 Third Rp. 300.000 And one year scholarship for the first winner Entrants must be students of junior high school. Every entrant should submit his/ her original work and demonstrate his/her craftsmanship. Register soon at SMP Harapan Kita from 09.00 a.m to 1.00 on only a week after the announcement We wait for you Until April 9th,2007

The committee of The 50th Anniversary of SMP Harapan Kita 21. What is the purpose of the painting contest? It is to celebrate… a. the birthday of the principals c. the build of the school b. the birthday of the school d. the contest 22. What is the price for the first runner up? It’s…. a. Rp 300.000 b. Rp 400.000 c. Rp 500.000

d one year scholarship

23. When was SMP Harapan Kita built? a. It was built in 2007 b. It was built in 2006 c. It was built in 1967 d. It was built in 1957 24. How many times is the celebration held? a. It is held once a year b. It is held twice a year

c. It is held once in 2 years d. It is held twice every 1 year

25. When is the announcement given? a. It was given on April 3rd, 2007 b. It was given on April 2rd, 2007

c. It was given on May 2rd, 2007 d. It was given on May 1rd, 2007

26. The following statement is not true based on the text a. The painting contest will choose 3 winners b. SMP Harapan Kita celebrates its birthday in April

c. There is only runner up how gets the prize d. The entrants must submit their genuine works

Urgently required Salesman spreading Applicant must have:  At least academy graduate  Driving license  Oral and written English skill  At least 1 year experience Reply to [email protected] Or fax to 62-21-345416 27. What is the goal of the advertisement? a. seeking employees b. seeking employers

c. selling a product

d. promoting a product

28. Where do we usually find the advertisement? We usually find it… a. on TV b. in the radio c. at the internet d. in the newspaper 29. What do we have to do if we want to apply for the position? We have to…. a. send our application via post c. say our application through a phone call b. send our application via through email d. come to the office to submit our application

Feel and enjoy your stay!    

Located on an artificial islet in Dubai’s harbor Beautiful scenery Pool, lounge, cinema, and restaurant Fitness club and tennis court Special price on Idul Fitri 50% off The Burj Al Arab Hotel Sailboat-shaped Hotel, Dubai Unforgettable stay for your trip

30. What is the purpose of the brochure? a. promoting beautiful scenery b. promoting a sailboat

c. promoting a restaurant d. promoting a hotel

31. Who are the targets of the advertisement? The targets are the…. a. surfers b. sailors

c. tourist

32. Where will people get 50% discount of? a. People will get in a supermarket b. People will get at the market

c. People will get in the museum d. People will get it at the hotel

d. tennis player

33. What is the shape pf The Burj Al-Arab Hotel? a. It’s triangle b. It’s a sailboat c. It’s hexagon

d. It’s like a sailboat

34. The following are the facilities provided inside, except…. a. lounge b. restaurant c. cinema

d. museum

VISIT FANTASTIC JAKARTA  Enjoy our shopping centers  Come and see all kinds of fist and reptile in Sea World  Play and enjoy Dunia Fantasi  Add your knowledge of Indonesia in TMII and museum IPTEK  Enjoy our beautiful beaches  Come and try our restaurants Please call KEMAYORAN TRAVEL at 021-8493711 35. The tourists can add their understanding of Indonesia tradition in… a. Sea World b. Dunia Fantasi c. shopping centers

d. Taman Mini Indonesia Indah

36. The text above promotes…. a. the exciting Dunia Fantasi b. the tourist object in Jakarta

c. the beauty of beaches in Jakarta d. the hotels and accommodation on Jakarta

37. The tourist can have meals at the…. a. beaches b. restaurant

c. museums

38. “Come and see all kinds of fist and reptile in Sea World” The world kinds has similar meaning to…. a. varieties b. amazement c. similarities

d. Se worlds

d. excitement

39. Which picture goes to the sentence This is a unique bird. It can make loud sound when it is drilling holes on wood a.




40. Which sentence goes to the picture?

a. This animal is a mammal. It has smooth skin. It lives in the sea b. This kind of bird is unique. It can’t fly, but it is a good swimmer c. This animal is a mammal. It hops. It likes to eat vegetables d. This animal lives in the forest. It preys on small animals like rabbits or deer 41. Which on the following pictures shows us the ceremony of burning dead body? a.




Toni Fitri Toni Fitri Toni Fitri Toni Fitri Toni

: Did you watch the port news on TV last night? : No, I didn’t. any good news? : Our friend, Ida Farida set up a new national record : Wow, that’s great. She’s famous sprinter now. Can you tell me more about the competition? : Well, Dony, the youngest athlete, won the high jump. : Did he break a new record too? : No, he didn’t. his mark is 5 cm under the national record. I forget the others : Okay Toni, let’s send SMS to Ida. Oh dear! My cellular phone doesn’t work : Don’t worry. You can use mine. Here you are.

42. Where did Toni know about Ida’s record from? He knew about it from…. a. Fitri b. SMS c. Dony d. TV 43. What sport did Ida Farida break the record from? She broke the record from… a. 100 m run b. high jump c. marathon d. 400 m run 44. How is Tono’s cellular phone? a. It is broken b. It works well

c. It is being repaired

d. It doesn’t send SMS

45. Y : Do you know, Sheila on Seven will come to our school next week? X : Are you sure?..... a. That’s terrific! b. That’s terrible! c. That’s frightening

d. That’s disappointing!

46. Ratih : Have you heard that Erman got an accident yesterday? Ranti : …………….. a. What a shame! b. That’s terrific! c. That’s fantastic!

d. Oh, what a pity!

47. Amin : Ten people were injured on the train accident last night Mother : Oh, ……….. a. what a shame! b. that’s terrific! c. that’s fantastic!

d. that’s terrible!

48. To make a tart cake, I need two pounds of flour. But to make brownies, I need two and half pounds of flour. So, I need to make a tart cake than to make brownies. a. fewest flour b. fewer flour c. least flour d. less flour 49. Arrange these sentences into good paragraph! 1. A little deer came out from a thick bush 2. Suddenly a tiger burst out from another bus to attack the deer 3. But in a minute he stopped and looked up to the sky, his tail erected 4. He walked slowly to the open air 5. He felt he was in danger for the smelt the scent of an enemy 6. Run away fortunately, the deer could jump and quickly a. 1-3-4-2-5-6 b. 1-4-2-3-6-5 c. 1-4-3-5-2-6 50. Arrange these sentences into good paragraph 1. It was damaged and his right arm was broken 2. Suddenly, a truck came out of the side of the street 3. Last week Dono got an accident 4. It hit his motor-cycles 5. He was riding his motor-cycled along the street a. 3-5-2-1-4 b. 3-2-1-5-4

c. 3-1-5-2-4

d. 2-4-5-1-3-6

d. 3-5-2-4-1

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