04062009 Captain Rhythm

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 14

CREATED BY: Dr. Martin Pennington II Aka Doc Terry Soldwich Aka Captain 2003

PRAXIS-9 ........................................................................................................... 1

CAPTAIN RHYTHM ......................................................................... 1 MISSION STATEMENT ................................................................... 4 CHARACTERS ................................................................................ 5 THE GOOD GUYS ........................................................................ 5 Captain Rhythm ....................................................................... 5 Commander Flash .................................................................... 5 Zorvoc ...................................................................................... 5 Uncle Willie .............................................................................. 6 Johnny Garrity (aka Johnny Rock Dude) ................................ 6 Sunshine .................................................................................. 6 Zeus.......................................................................................... 7 Rockman .................................................................................. 7 THE BAD GUYS ........................................................................... 7 Miss Greenapple (aka Ms. Sour Note) .................................... 7 Oil Slick Harry .......................................................................... 8 Master of Mayhem (Formally Mick Mayhem) ......................... 8 Sugar Chauvinist ..................................................................... 8 Dr. Death .................................................................................. 9 STORY OUTLINE .......................................................................... 10 Chapter I ................................................................................... 10 Scene I ................................................................................... 10 Scene II .................................................................................. 10

Scene III ................................................................................. 10 Scene IV ................................................................................. 11 Scene V .................................................................................. 11 Scene VI ................................................................................. 12 Scene VII................................................................................ 13 Voice Over ................................................................................ 14

MISSION STATEMENT The purpose of Captain Rhythm and The Rainbow Palace is to return forward to moral values. We want to reach children and teach them the results of the choices they make in their lives. Our goal is to show kids the old time values of “Good” and “Bad”. We want to provide them with modern day heroes that they can identify as role models. If we reach one child we will have accomplished our goal. Our prayer is that we touch many more lives than just one.

CHARACTERS THE GOOD GUYS Captain Rhythm Captain Rhythm is a superhero who has returned to earth to save the planet and save the music. The Captain is approximately 27 years old, tall muscular and slim. He is not the typical muscle bound superhero. He is an average type guy. Captain Rhythm was the son of the sixties Rock Star couple Dakota and Starhawk. They knew that the war between Rock N‟ Roll and Susie Cream Cheese music was heating up and that it would get worse. They made the decision to send their son and daughter to safety with Commander Flash. Rhythm is a straight arrow. He believes in loyalty, honesty and has a strong beginning spiritual faith.

Commander Flash Commander Flash is an immortal intergalactic star traveler who saves Captain Rhythm and his sister Zorvoc from the destruction of the planet so they can return to save the planet and the music. The Commander ended up on planet earth when he hit warp speed to escape Gorgong his archenemy. Unfortunately, as always, he forgot to check his coordinates. He stayed on earth because he liked Rock N‟ Roll music and became the lead drummer in Dakotas‟ and Starhawks‟ band. When Dakota and Starhawk learned of Commander Flash‟s real identity they asked him to take their children to a safe planet where the children could grow up. Commander Flash, after much discussion agreed. He took the children and left them on two different planets with trusted friends. The only problem was that years later hey had to find him because he had forgotten do to battle inflicted amnesia which planets he had left the children on for safekeeping. Commander Flash is Captain Rhythm‟s and Zorvocs mentor. He always shows up in the nick of time to assist in their rescue. He has a strong spiritual foundation based in love, he is loyal, dedicated and committed to the universe.

Zorvoc Zorvoc is Captain Rhythm‟s sister. She is athletic, beautiful, and intelligent. She has long black hair and dresses in black. She does not know that she is

the Captain‟s sister. She knows from the Commander that somehow they are important to one another. Her intuition brings her to the Captains side when he is in the most danger and together they are able to save the moment. What they do not know is that as individuals their powers are strong and as a team they are unstoppable. Commander Flash never told them they are brother and sister because he wants to protect them. Zorvocs flaw is that she is too trusting. She will help and believe in the most sinister evildoer and then end up in a mess herself.

Uncle Willie Uncle Willie is the time traveler. He is the wise sage that provides wisdom and calm in the chaos that surrounds our heroes. It is Willie that captain Rhythm goes to for his inner strength and spiritual guidance. Uncle Willie is ageless. He is shaped like Buddha and wears a faded white suit, white Panama hat and wire rim glasses. He sits in his old wicker rocker chair, all day that over time has molded to the shape of his body. Uncle Willie came to planet earth a long time ago. He grew up with the Harlem Blues. He provides Captain Rhythm with older generation street smarts and musical awareness to the roots of Rock N‟ Roll. It is Uncle Willie that keeps our trio, Rhythm, Flash and Zorvoc on their path. He is the mediator whenever their egos show up and tempers flair.

Johnny Garrity (aka Johnny Rock Dude) Johnny is a ten-year-old Afro-American who has grown up in the streets of Harlem and New York. He provides the Captain with current generation street smarts and attitudes. Johnny works at a corner magazine stand and keeps tabs on the neighborhood. He can be seen wearing his Brooklyn Dodger cap backwards and carrying his mitt at all times. Johnny struggles with “doing the right thing” in his hood using drugs and selling them are acceptable areas of survival. He knows that this is not for him and yet he struggles with the fantasy of “street riches.”

Sunshine Sunshine is an intergalactic time traveler. She has been sent to earth unbeknown to Commander flash to be his backup. She is a star warrior-women who has fought many battles in the past. She and Flash are tight friends. They also have developed a love relationship. They now are protecting one another when things get tight and it looks like the forces of evil are going to win. She is the practical one of the two. She provides Commander Flash with the calm and balance necessary in his chaotic life. Sunshine spends her time looking

out for Zorvoc while the Commander is protecting Captain Rhythm. Her weakness is bars and playing pool. She loves hanging out at a bar and hustling pool, which she is skilled at; unfortunately her body cannot handle the alcohol. She forgets this and ends up in a predicament from which Flash has to rescue her.

Zeus Zeus is an old Deep South Delta Blues man. He grew up in Mississippi learning the blues from such legends as Muddy Waters, Willie Dixon, Blind Willie McTell and Willie Brown. He has been playing the blues for 30 years. He is tall, dark skinned and blind in one eye. He got his nickname “Zeus” because they say when he warms up to his bass he is thrown down thunderbolts. He has known Uncle Willie for years. His weakness in the past has been Heroin. He has been off of it for 10 years and yet still fantasies about the “old days‟ when he was using.

Rockman Rockman is young. No one knows exactly how old he is. Uncle Willie raised him off and on after finding him, as a pre-adolescent, wandering lost through Harlem. He already had a saxophone he was carrying on his back almost bigger than he was. He has Asian features with Caucasian eyes. He thinks his father was a Vietnam war veteran and his mother Vietnamese. What he does remember is growing-up somewhere warm. He does not remember how he ended up in New York City. He is called Rockman because he can play for days. He is short with long black hair and steel gray eyes. His weakness is the Internet. He will disappear for days and get on-line lost searching out old blues music to listen and jam with on his sax.

THE BAD GUYS Miss Greenapple (aka Ms. Sour Note) Miss Greenapple is a schoolteacher by day, prim and proper, an evil siren by night. She thwarts Rock N‟ Rollers by inducing them to recite nursery rhythms. Ms. Sour Note accomplishes this by giving her victims a poisoned green apple. She sings “ Suzy Cream Cheese” music to weaken Captain Rhythm. Her classroom flunkies, Bookworm, Computer Head, Pick and Cramer, aid her. Her weakness is evil men with money, hence her forever pursuit of Oil Slick Harry.

Oil Slick Harry Oil Slick Harry is a major oil company executive who despises how Rock N‟ Roll and other musical performers make big money by having fun. Oil Slick uses corporate tactics to hinder musical creativity. He has the ability to cause Rock stars to slip and slide on stage by creating oil slicks. He had fallen into, or was pushed, a radioactive oil slick and ever since that time has been able to create an oil slick at will. It was because of Oil Slick Harry that the parents of Captain Rhythm and Zorvoc sent them away with Commander Flash to be rescued. Because of Oil Slick, people of planet earth were forced to listen to Suzy Cream Cheese music, which is what ultimately triggered the demise of the planet. He is the one responsible for the death of Rhythms‟ and Zorvocs‟ parents. Oil Slicks ego is as big as an oil refinery yet underneath his huff and puff he is jealous of the fun other people are having. He just wants to have some fun like other people yet because he had to worry about survival, having grown up poor, he never stopped to have any fun. So despite having made millions of dollars and being independently wealthy he is a very unhappy person on the inside.

Master of Mayhem (Formally Mick Mayhem) Mick Mayhem was the guitar player for the legendary Rock group, The Holy Stokers. They were the band that had Dakota on lead guitar, Starhawk doing lead vocals. Mick got to far into drugs and when he overdosed he was kicked out of the band. Now the Master of Mayhem causes commotion in everyday life by creating guitar feedback and static. Mayhems‟ primary purpose is to create complete chaos at concerts. It is his way of expressing Rock star envy. He has not kicked his drug habit and has started using speed. He thinks he can handle drugs because he only does a “couple” a night.

Sugar Chauvinist Sugar is a Rock N‟ Roll goddess. Her long blond hair and tight body suits hide the street-smart intellectual who despite her protests she does care about other people. Sugar walks the thin line between good and evil. She is over the line in most instances. Zorvoc cannot stand her. Sugars‟ Achilles heal is the Captain. Where he is concerned she will never cross the line, for in her heart she loves him and will do everything in her power to protect her dream. Her desire is to marry the Captain, settle down and raise a family. Unfortunately for her, she at times loves to embrace the dark side.

Dr. Death Dr. Death had been a prominent scientist who was thrown into a radioactive bog and left to die on the planet Borris in the fifth quadrant. Dr. Death had been able to swim out of the bog to survive and was nursed back to life by the tree people of the underworld. He looks unearthly with glow in the dark bog moss hanging from his body and only comes out at night. Dr. Death is the evilest of evil. He takes rock stars and their followers to hell through drugs and black spells. Dr. Death episodes are serious in nature and carry a strong moral message. Unbeknown to anyone, Dr. Death was married at one time and had a child. His entire family was pillaged by Zargors. Since that time and having been thrown into the bog, right after his family was destroyed, he had dedicated himself to destroying the lives of others.


Chapter I Scene I Dakota and Starhawk are finishing the last set of the concert. They are on stage talking with the Commander. They are each holding a baby in their arms. When they finish speaking they hand the Commander the two babies. We see the Commanders ship do a vertical lift-off and fly into the night.

Scene II The next scene shows an outer space construction crew working on a road. One of the crew is seen getting in to his rocket launcher bulldozer. When he gets in he puts on a headset and turns on the Suzy Cream Cheese music. As the construction worker fires up the rocket launcher bulldozer, his site foreman gives him the go-ahead signal and yells to him to fire up for the next phase of construction. Because he has the earphones on and is listening to “Suzy Cream Cheese” music the operator misunderstands the foreman. He lines up the scope and sets his sights on the planet earth. The foreman yells fire and the operator fires. The planet earth is destroyed and the fireball shoots out across the galaxy destroying the construction crew in its path. The virtual experience will be as if you are a member of the construction crew.

Scene III The scene starts with a camera shot from deep space that comes into focus on a planet similar to earth. The sky is pure blue and the water azure. As we come in over the landscape we see a pristine planet. We arrive at a city of tall glass and stainless steel pyramid structures. As the camera pans in we enter a conference hall where Commander Flash is finishing a class on air-to-air combat. When the class has emptied out the Commander is picking up his things and about to leave. He looks to the back of the room where he sees the outline of a man.

Standing there is a medium height muscular young man in his late twenties. As the scene evolves it becomes clear to Commander Flash that this is the boy he saved from planet Earth and left him with his friends. Unfortunately, due to a severe blow to his head, which caused amnesia, Flash was unable to remember where or who had the boy. Through a long discussion the young man, now a captain in the Command Fleet learns where he came from, who his parents are and how he was saved. They go to the Commanders‟ living quarters and in the course of the evening the Captain realizes it is his destiny to go back in time to the planet Earth. His purpose is to save the music and save the planet from destruction. The Commander agrees to send the Captain back in time. They arrange for the Captain to have an extended leave of absence (LOA). The Commander agrees to send the Captain back in time and to meet up with him once his affairs here on Zylon are put in order.

Scene IV There is a great flash of light; sizzling electricity and a glimmering circular wall as the Captain comes through a wormhole, back in time to the planet Earth. He is in an alley in New York City. He pulls himself up and leans against the wall. The experience of Captain Rhythm entering the alley from the wormhole is seen through the eyes of Johnny Rock Dude (JRD). The Captain is weak from his journey and disoriented. As he starts to get a sense of his surroundings a shadow emerges from the back of the alley. Out of the shadow comes a little boy with a baseball cap on backwards and a mitt in his hand. Johnny Rock Dude cannot believe what he has just seen. Behind the Captain, they will see a mugging that was taking place, but stopped when the wormhole appeared. The muggers approach Captain Rhythm and say, “ …you look like you could use something to wet your whistle.” They hand the Captain a NEHI soda. As he drinks it, Johnny will talk with the Captain. They walk and talk for a while through the streets of Harlem. Johnny tells the Captain that he knows someone that can help him get a Rock N‟ Roll band going. It is his Uncle Willie.

Scene V JRD will guide the Captain through the streets of New York and Harlem to Uncle Willie. The viewer will experience looking around and seeing the city as the Captain and JRD walk. When they turn the corner heading to Uncle Willies house they see him sitting on the porch. What they see is an elderly gentleman dressed in a faded white suit and a panama hat sitting in a whicker rocking chair. Introductions are not necessary since Uncle Willie has been

expecting the Captain for some time. The Captain doesn‟t understand this and accepts it. After a couple of hours Uncle Willie asks JRD to go around back to the shed, get a long black case and bring it back to them. The case is long and made of black leather it is tied at the top with a gold braid. The viewer through JRD‟s eyes will watch as Uncle Willie hands the case to Captain Rhythm and explains to him that he will need what is inside the case for the battles he will soon face on the planet. Quietly the Captain opens the case and withdraws the cane. It is a long black cane with a golden eagle on top. As he puts his hand around the cane and stands-up a magnificent light begins to emanate from the heavens; the head and the eyes of the eagle come alive with laser sharp emerald beams of light shooting out from the eyes and an aura of light surrounding the head of the eagle. The Captain points the cane toward a shopping cart in the ally across the street and the cart is lifted up in the air and tossed to the back of the ally. The Captain cannot believe what has happened except that he has witnessed it with his own eyes. Uncle Willie explains to him that he is the only one that the cane will respond to like that and that it is through the cane t hat Captain Rhythm will be able to guide the light from the powers of the universe. Uncle Willie helps the Captain understand that this is his path to save the planet and that the cane will only work when he is using it to be of service to others. As the day draws close Uncle Willie and Captain Rhythm agree to start in the morning to put together the greatest Rock N‟ Roll band since Captain Rhythms‟ parents‟. The final note of the day comes when Uncle Willie explains to the Captain that he will lose his connection to his higher power only if he picks up evil ways. If he chooses evil then he will lose his connection. Uncle Willie makes it clear to Captain Rhythm that as long as he follows his path he will have nothing to fear.

Scene VI The scene opens in a warehouse where Captain Rhythm and the new Holy Stokers are preparing for opening night at a small theatre in the village. Uncle Willie is there in his white suit tapping his foot. Playing lead guitar is the Captain, doing vocals is Sugar Chauvinist, Sunshine is on piano, Commander Flash, having just returned, is on drums, playing bass, an old buddy of Uncle Willies‟ is Zeus and on saxophone is Rockman. The band is playing a hardhitting Rock N‟ Roll song about the evils of doing drugs. What the band does not know is that the word is out on the streets that the Holy Stokers are back together again. They also do not know that Cramer, one of Ms. Sour Notes‟ flunkies is spying on them.

Scene VII (The scene opens in the small theater in the village. The band is taking a break.) During the break a tall slender, yet muscular female person has placed her self in the middle of the front row seats. When the curtain goes up for the second set everyone is prepared. The Commander has brought the band members up to date on their evil foe Oil Slick Harry and Ms. Sour Note. They know they must be ready for any mishap. As the set begins there is a loud thunderous noise from over head. The band members look up and everything begins to move in slow motion. They see hot sticky gooey crude oil starting to spill down on them. The Captain quickly throws down his cape and removes the black cane with the gold eagle on top. As he raises it to the sky, Zorvoc, his sister, throws off her cape, leaps on stage and grabs the cane with him. As their hands meet, the eyes of the eagle come alive and the head starts to glow. Emerald laser light shoots out from the eyes into the thick gooey oil about to embrace the band. The split second before every one is burned, by the hot oil; it is turned into confetti. The audience goes wild thinking it is all part of the act. Meanwhile up in the control booth Oil Slick and Ms. Sour Note have turned up the Suzy Cream Cheese music and are screaming at the top of their lungs. Oil Slick looks at Ms. Sour Note and swears that he will destroy Captain Rhythm and Commander Flash if it is the last thing he does in his lifetime. He and Ms. Sour note step into the elevator that will take them to Oil Slicks‟ underground garage and they escape into the night. As the last of the confetti falls to the floor Zorvoc releases her grip on the staff and heads towards the front door exit of the theater. She opens the door and as she turns to leave she blows a kiss to the Captain. The Captain turns to the Commander and asks him who that woman is and who is this Oil Slick guy and that crazy women, Ms. Sour Note. The Commander looks at the Captain and tells him that more will be revealed. The viewer will see that the theater is empty. They watch as Commander Flash turns to the viewers and thanks them for their participation in today‟s adventure. He explains to the viewer and Captain Rhythm that they are going to need their help to save the planet and the music and to capture the “bad people.” He asks the Captain „What do you think.‟ The Captain says „That‟s right Commander we should make Johnny Rock dude and all of our Viewers Official Street Rangers.‟ The Captain turns to the viewers and says „Everyone raise your right‟ „and say‟ „I will work every day to be the best person that I can be and I will work to help others so that our neighborhoods can again be safe.‟ „I will not drink or use drugs and I will do all that I can to keep our planet clean‟ he then says „Given the power invested in me by the Intergalactic Star Council; I now make you all official Street Rangers.‟

(The lights start to fade and voice over begins) Voice Over Stay tuned for the continuing adventures of Captain Rhythm and Commander Flash as they seek to answer the questions; Who was that woman and what does Oil Slick have in-store for our duos‟ next concert? Will the Captain and the Commander be able to save the day or will Oil Slick, Ms. Sour Note and the yet to be heard from, Master of Mayhem and Dr. Death, do away with our hero‟s. Street Rangers tune-in You can order your official Street Ranger Badge and Identification card and Captain Rhythm cane on-line at www.captainrhythm.com or by filling out the order form insert that came with your Captain Rhythm and the Rainbow Palace DVD.

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