04 Old Batavia - Fairuz & Dewa

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conquering the past: old batavia BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE 01

mohd fairus kholid mohd muhaimin roslan


Research Report Credits This UiTM Urban Design Research Report was created through the collective effort of studio participants, tutors, and staff. Mohd Fairus Kholid Mohd Muhaimin Roslan

This publication is part of a limited editon of copies and is strictly intended for use only by the University Technology Mara First edition, Date © 2009, University Technology Mara, Shah Alam, Malaysia

The presented research report is part of the ongoing research program Urban Design Laboratory guided by Assoc. Prof Syed Sobri Zubir at the UiTM.


Universiti Teknologi Mara Urban Design Report 2009

DESIGN PORTFOLIO BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE 01 Mohd Fairus Kholid Mohd muhaimin roslan

The UDRL UiTM is an international laboratory for education, research and development in the fields of architecture, urbanism and landscape design.

Conquering The-Past : Old Batavia Bachelor Architecture (Hons) Political of Building Envelope





10 PART V: THE PROGRAMME The heritage trail

batavia mall

kali besar avenue

convention centre & underground intervention


discussion & conclusion




Universiti Teknologi Mara Urban Design Report 2009

part i: abstract The heritage site of Old Kota was one of the oldest and most significant places in Jakarta. It was a place of civilization where the east meets the west despite of marking the intruder of Dutch power and their colony. Formerly known as Jayakarta before it was change to Batavia during the Dutch era, the Old Kota serve as the capital city of VOC ( Verenigde Oost – Indische Compagnie) becoming the center of economic to several town located around the Batavia fort such as Weltevreden. As time passed by and several issue regarding health environment and the influx of people occur, the capital of administration had been moved outskirt of Batavia where the central Jakarta situated now.

Since then, the Old Kota was left abandoned and some part had been replaced by modern structure. The poor condition of the site and the historical secret remaining inside the ruin has urge an imagination as it is a realisation of idea that is practical and rationale to its restoration. However, the new intervention is seem to be impractical in terms of creating a sustain activities and generating the economy despite of becoming a new landmark. Therefore, another proposal has been define in order to achieve the targets. solution is based on the historical part, economical, environmental approach and safety.

After all, we believe that the result was not only Several researches are vital in finding the main issue that overwhelming the site and from that we made our own development and solution. This solution is based on the historical part, economical, environmental approach and safety. After all, we believe that the result was not only an imagination as it is a realisation of idea that is practical and rationale

Conquering The -Past : Old Batavia Bachelor Architecture (Hons) Political of Building Envelope


part ii: introduction Jayakarta was belongs to the Sultanate of Banten, a local kingdom which was destroyed by the Dutch in 1619. This incident occurred as the Dutch was looking for a potential place to establish an independent trade centre for Far East. For about two decades till 1640, the Dutch power had been accepted as the next ruler after the Sultanate of Banten and Mataram and starting from the moment, Batavia was born.

The city of Batavia was built base on a grid line. It was equipped with canals base on a fact that Batavia was located below water level and the intention of Dutch which wanted to create a new Amsterdam in Asia. The city facing the Sunda Strait whereby the sea side area was called as Sunda Kelapa. This area was famous for its harbour called as Sunda Kelapa harbour which use to directed vessel through the city center ( Old Kota ) via Kali Besar, the most prominent canal in Batavia. Commonly, the Dutch city will be built in fortress. In Batavia, the fort had been built facing the harbour and the Old


Kota situated several distance behind. A research shows that the Old Kota was known by a square built in front of the town hall which was now the Jakarta museum. The square was known today as Fatahillah square and it is surrounded by lots of commercial, offices and residential buildings where most of them were still remaining today. There were also other structure which had been demolish such as a cathedral which now the Wayang Museum, an import and export building which today become the location of Omni Batavia Hotel and some shophouses.

Universiti Teknologi Mara Urban Design Report 2009

view through elevator tower and Fatahillah Square

7 3

4 6 1





11 10


Old Kota and historical interest

part iii: the heritage enclave As one looks on the Old Kota today, the existing restoration done by the help of UNESCO had change it to be a free pedestrian area starting from Fatahillah Square till the BNI museum where it diverted the vehicular excess crossing the Kali Besar in order to get to Roa Malaka and Sunda Kelapa. However, because of the restriction of land use and ownership, most of the restorations were only focusing on museum complexes while other historical building was left abandoned. Meanwhile the Kali Besar had lost its true function (as a means of transportation and irrigation ) as it becomes part of main drainage system. In term of practicality, this idea solves other related issue such as pedestrian and carbon issues. Therefore, from the research of Batavia timeline, we had concluded that the main idea to revitalise the Old Kota today is by connected all the attraction spots which means the museum. This will actually create the idea of a historical enclave which will be enhancing by other programmes in order

Timeline of Old Kota ; Batavia

to sustain the activities and generate economy. Base on the research, it was found that the junction in front of the Jakarta Kota Station had facing lots of pedestrian crossing albeit there was an underground connector which connected the station with Trans Jakarta station. Pedestrian issue become vital as Old Kota was one of the hot spot for pedestrian injuries.

In terms of carbon issue, we had listed several main vehicular and its carbon emission and the result shows that a MPV car need about a 20 years old of trees to eliminate the carbon. This suggests a new greenery area to ensure the efficiency.

Conquering The -Past : Old Batavia Bachelor Architecture (Hons) Political of Building Envelope


part iv: conquering the past The idea of conquering the past is created due to the two proxy; Dutch and Free Indonesian. Historically, the winning of Dutch has influence its style and power to be absorb by the local Javanese people. This actually affected the local holistically which means physically and mentally. Physically was clearly defined by the built environment which dominated the Batavia. Early in 17 to 18 century, most of the built environment was constructed as in a European mannerism such as large windows, thick bearing wall, and less opening which were not suitably applicable in tropical country (Johannes Widodo: 2002). The built environment finally adapted with the local manner as time move on.

In terms of mentally, it creates a sense of grandeur to the colony and a control on knowledge to sustain their power. The similar situation goes to other nations which were conquered by British, Spain and Portugal. The era of early independent from 1960 to 1965 was dominated by the idea of rebuilding nations characteristic and its people (Johannes Widodo: 2002). Lead by the first president, Sukarno had focusing on finding the local ideology.

Fatahillah Square, Old Kota, Jakarta


Universiti Teknologi Mara Urban Design Report 2009

He denied the western culture and emphasis on nationality. In terms of built environment, he establish numerous mega project where architecturally dominated by socialist style. Another new order was created by the time of Suharto. He focus on the fuel production which lead its profit for 5 years development scheme and promoting a global economy. During this era, central Jakarta had seen lots of glass skyscrapers been built dominating the skyline and many suburban such as Anchol, Krekot, Senan and Grogol (Johanes Widodo: 2002) had been develop. This new intervention had overpowering the existing environment and even destroyed historical structure.

The overall scenario shows the impact of colonialism, independent and modernisation, where it is develop base on local context which can be justify by the nature, social, culture, physic and history. Modernisation is a continuity of social cultural process. It happens via transplantation, adaptation, accommodation, assimilation, hybridisation, and materialisation which exist in a harmony architectural creation. This creation is going to be the variability of the new Asian architecture and it was base on the fact that the variation exists starting from the

Moving back to the Old Kota, the concept focus on creating a new intervention which can be harmonized with the existing Dutch style. This new intervention will be defining the new Indonesian ideology which acting as parasite between the old structures. Nevertheless, the intervention should be well fitted to the site as we don’t want it to be overpowering and clearly dominated the heritage site.

For us, the best intervention is by creating an internal intervention, changing the programme and restoring the facade. This is simple as the restoration of Reichstag in Berlin and the new court of British Museum, both by Sir Norman Foster -as in each case, the new reveal something fresh about the old (Sir Norman Foster: 2001). We believe that, by doing this we will allow people to appreciating the past while remembering the new ideology towards a great independent nation.

early civilization of Asia. The richness of variation is continuity from the past and this stress the significant of historical approach (Johannes Widodo: 2002).

Fatahillah Square and the new intervention

Conquering The Past : Old Batavia Bachelor Architecture (Hons) - Political of Building Envelope


part v: the programme According to Montgomery (1998), the best city should incorporate in terms of activities, images and economy. These are vital in creating a sustainable living city and generating lots of income as dividend to its citizen. In Old Kota, several other programmes have a potential to develop within the enclave. There are the Batavia mall, a heritage trail, underground museum, the screen, the new convention, a new railway station, Kali Besar Avenue and Batavia park.

If one noticed, the heritage enclave is divided into two parts, one the preservation area with urban intervention and seconds the new buildings replacing the existing structures which define by an underground development. The preservation area will be arranged with Batavia Mall, Kali Besar Avenue and a heritage trail. For the new development, it contains an underground museum, the screen, the new convention and Batavia Park.

Heritage Enclave

Programme typology


Universiti Teknologi Mara Urban Design Report 2009

Conquering The Past : Old Batavia Bachelor Architecture (Hons) - Political of Building Envelope


The Heritage Trail

The overall site is within 10 minutes walk in radius starting from Fatahillah Square till the Jakarta Kota Station. The scheme is to improvise the connection between historical interests, creating pedestrian free linkages and spaces within greenery. Therefore, the development started by connecting the museum whereby we had closed the Pintu Besar street and diverted the vehicular through Mangga Dua main street. This creates a one way circulation along the perimeter of The Old Kota Heritage Enclave. As the development move on, we found that it is much better if the free linkages path expanding to the Jakarta Kota Station as this will enhance the existing station to be the main hub of transportation for the enclave. Therefore, the street facing the main facade of Jakarta Kota Station is closed and allowed a new square to be built. In order to create a new greenery spaces within the crux site, we suggest relocating the station underground, so that it can be integrated with a car park and a greenery area.


Heritage enclave; design development

Fatahillah Square becomes its main spot of tourism, heritage and business. Therefore, the existing condition of Lada Street will be restored in order to divert the peoples to enter the enclave. Thus, it creates two entrances landmark; the first one is Fatahillah Square and the other one is the Jakarta Kota Station facing a new square that is called as Independent Square. The existing building actually creates several axes which became our main datum in creating new intervention.

Universiti Teknologi Mara Urban Design Report 2009

To enhance the two squares, we create two new towers, facing each other in one axis along the street of colonial buildings – the eyes of the spectators find it looking at a side composed of streets and houses. It receives the impact of the masses which rise up around it. If these masses are of a formal kind and have not spoilt by unseemly variation,

connecting the Jakarta Museum, Wayang Museum, and Art and Ceramic Museum. An underground parking will also be injected right below the Kali Besar Timur Street in order to hold a large number of people to the enclave.

Heritage Trail

Seating position

Application of zip and unzip approach

if the disposition of their grouping expresses a clean rhythm and not an incoherent agglomeration, if the relationship of mass to space is in just proportion, the eye transmit to the brain coordinate sensation and the mind derives from these satisfaction of a high order; this is architecture – (Le Corbusier;1931).

The towers will collaborated with the square as Yoni and Lingga; a continuation typology of MONAS and to enhance the concept of conquering the past. The towers were actually the elevators towers which are built outside the building as a means of pedestrian movement to the mall and museums. As Lada Street will be restored, we create a new underground museum

The new enclave needs it own element to be integrated. A synchronized floor surfaces will be implemented for the whole enclave. Taking point at the centre of existing fountain in Fatahillah Square, the floor pattern movement evolve bigger and bigger as it move and spread according to the perimeter, just like a magnetic field of light. This pattern then creates some sort of new approach called as zip and unzips typology which is enabling to enhance the concept of conquering the past. The methodology of this approach is simple. Unzip the surface and you show the past and zip it as you are in present day. This is clearly define by some of street furniture such as chairs which has been tear from the surfaces in order to show the historical ground of Batavia. The tearing effect is also implemented through the edge of signage, lighting post and building base.

Conquering The -Past : Old Batavia Bachelor Architecture (Hons) Political of Building Envelope


Batavia Mall The idea of Batavia Mall was found due to the location of Old Kota whereby from the analysis show a connection to the central Jakarta especially Sudirman Street, the main business street in Jakarta. The Old Kota was actually became its final station from central Jakarta to Sunda Kelapa and potentially, it can create a continuity of great mall. By doing this, we are actually promoting the heritage of Old Kota despite of developing its economy and the main part is creating a new landmark for tourism, business interest and heritage lovers. The heritage enclave of the Old Kota will face lots of adaptable reuse scheme. A new mall will be injected inside several building and link the overall museum. In doing this, we had analysed the site in terms of the structural condition, its style, building addition, building height and its current use. This analysis will help us to determine the new intervention and which structure can be demolish in order to sustain its heritage ambience. We finally decide to create an intervention by the northern and southern side as the main elevation


are facing West and Eastern elevation. The internal intervention will connected several island of building blocks thus creating some sort of linkages with atriums and courtyards. These linkages establish a cultural plaza – which people are invited to use and enjoy from early in the morning to late at night. In a crowded city and busy museum, it is an oasis – (Sir Norman Foster, 2001)

This idea actually maintaining the original facade of Old Kota as if one moves around the heritage enclave, they still be surrounded by colonial facade building and further more it enhances a free pedestrian linkages.

connection of Old Kota and Central Jakarta

New Intervention

Universiti Teknologi Mara Urban Design Report 2009

Several deteriorated building will be demolished in order to inject a new structure to become the main entrances to the mall. These structures are design to provoke the colonial building and there are located either at the edge of existing building, at the centre of several building facing the pathway, as a bridge and as modern arches. Applying a triangular module, the form are asymmetry and iconic in order to stress the existing of new mall within the colonial wall and the symbol of conquering the past. Triangular module create a basic shape that harmonized the overall structures – our eyes are made to see form in light; light and shade reveal these forms; cubes, cones, sphere, cylinder, or the pyramid are the great primary form which light reveals to advantage, the image of these is distinct and tangible within us and without ambiguity. It is for treat of reason that they are beautiful form, the most beautiful form – (Le Corbusier: 1931). The facade of new intervention of Batavia Mall will be an integration of steel, glasses, timber and green wall; to enhance the idea of greenery and allowed for carbon emission.

Triangular form ; distinguish of modern and past

Mall facade

Conquering The Past : Old Batavia Bachelor Architecture (Hons) - Political of Building Envelope


Kali Besar Avenue Our main intention is to bringing back the idea of creating the Kali Besar. Several researches had been conducted in order to trace back the original function and condition. As water becomes the most important aspect to the man civilization, we decide to establish a water front, connecting physical structures within the water edge. The entire building facade will remain as it was in centuries ago. The new intervention is only kiosk and cafes, located in the middle between the building and the water edge. A sense of the past within the present as mention by Peter J.M.Nas in his book of “Masa Lalu Dalam Masa Kini; Arsitektur di Indonesia” is clearly justified here.

New Batavia

Convention Centre and Underground Intervention

Kali Besar Avenue


Universiti Teknologi Mara Urban Design Report 2009

Base on the pioneering idea of Crystal Palace in 1851, the new convention centre will be built in integration with the existing Jakarta Kota Station. Built in pilotis, the convention centre will allowed a free space ground area and this created a public space that connected the Independent Square with the Batavia Park. The developable shell allows the application of lamella and a triangular module of glasses. Beneath the convention centre, there will be a new underground railways station and a new car park. The rationale of underground intervention is to maximizing the land use whereby a

land can be subdivided into several functions which is Batavia Park on the ground, a car park as sub basement and an underground station. Furthermore, the Batavia Park allows greenery to be built right in the middle of congested Old Kota and it is also applicable for such a huge event held at the convention centre. Thus drive the Old Kota to be one of the financial and business districts of Jakarta.

Section through the convention, Batavia Park, car park and underground railway station

Conquering The Past : Old Batavia Bachelor Architecture (Hons) - Political of Building Envelope


part vi: discussion & conclusion The dichotomy between what is thought up and what is actually carried out is always become the main argument for every urban design (Paolo Favole: 2001). In the Old Kota, any Utopian idea is only an imagination without realisation. The intervention in this heritage area somehow is control by the intention and concern by political influence. Therefore, as architect, several factors should be considered including economy, culture and of course politic. It is believe that the government of Indonesia is not affordable to pay for such a huge intervention like what happen in Dubai and Beijing. The monorail project is one of the slumps. The heritage aspect was also neglected, it is not because of less influence or knowledge regarding conservation but it is about the political intention especially by the Jakarta Governor. It was after the force


of UNESCO, the Old Kota started to develop towards being one of the heritage spot in Jakarta. However the effort seems to be impractical and needs lot of revision. Perhaps over the last fifty years has taught us that it is sometimes the details that turn the project into a ‘project’, giving it a cultural – aesthetic identity and preventing it from being lost in the urban melting pot (Paolo Favole : 2001). The design research is working towards solving the overwhelming issues and it is hoped to be a catalyst for the reconstruction of Old Kota Besides, the research is an exercise for the architects to be more responsive with the surrounding and the impact it gives towards a civilization.

Universiti Teknologi Mara Urban Design Report 2009

REFERENCES Norman Foster ., Deyan Sudjic ., Spencer de Grey ., (2001), Norman Foster and The British Museum, Prestel Verlag, Munich, Germany Le Corbusier ., (1931), Towards a New Architecture , Dover Publication, New York Alexander Tzonis., (2001), Le Corbusier; The Poetic Of Machine And Metaphor, Thames & Hudson, London Johannes Widodo., (2007), Arsitektur Indonesia Moden;Transplantasi, Adaptasi, Akomodasi dan hibriditasi., Masa Lalu Dalam Masa Kini; Arsitektur di Indo nesia, edited by Peter J.M.Nas and Martien de Vletter, pp 17 - 24, PTGramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta Cor Passchier., (2007), Arsitektur Kolonial Di Indonesia;Rujukan dan Perkembangan., Masa Lalu Dalam Masa Kini; Arsitektur di Indonesia, edited by Peter J.M.Nas and Martien de Vletter, PTGramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta

Poalo Favole ., A Square For Cultural Identity, in I’ARCA vol 164, 2001, pp 72 - 77 Montgomery, J., “Making City : Urbanity, Vitality and urban Design,” in Journal of Urban Design, Vol 3, No. 1, 1998, pp. 93 - 116

Conquering The -Past : Old Batavia Bachelor Architecture (Hons) Political of Building Envelope


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