030 More On Popularity

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 539
  • Pages: 2
(More on) Popularity Feb.12, 2007 Throughout the ages, there have been those who betrayed the church - like Judas, for which body of true believers didn't have a few of their own? But there were also those whom the church betrayed. Paul, for example, was a classical case, of an outcast of the very early church - the one we deem the purest - who, because of his different way, doubtlessly his former hostility, never really was full accepted by the original early church in Jerusalem, in spite of the fact (or was it even because of it?) that he was the first to truly fulfill Jesus' call and commandment to go into all the world (not just Judea and surroundings), prach the gospel to every creature (not just the Jews) and make disciples of all nations. Of course, the list would become endless if we were to follow up throughout history and count those who were betrayed and forsaken by their own church for various reasons, because they wouldn't fit in. Some, like Luther, simply started their own movement, outside of the confines of the old. Others, like Father Damien, the leper priest of Hawaii, lived with their fate (and their church) until they died - some martyrs at the hands of their own brothers and sisters, cursed in their lifetimes and declared saints post-mortum. How is it that most of the true prophets, like Isaiah, Jeremiah, Moses, David and even the Messiah Himself, had to suffer persecution, disdain and contempt from their own people, their own brethren? It must be that popularity - in God's eyes, even popularity among His own people, must really not be where it's at. It must really be so, as Paul said, that "All who would live godly (piously) in Christ Jesus must suffer persecution," and that, quite often, at the hands of their very own people. Some had their temporary bouts and phases of popularity, but when the final crunch came, they were either thrown in dungeons, chased out of town, or crucified. Amazingly, we observe this shocking lack of acceptance of genius not only in the field of religion, but in the arts as well, if you look at the lives of such great composers as Mozart or Haendel. Haendel, as a German in England, got hell from the established church of his day for his attempts to put the gospel to music and make it accessible for the common people. He lived most of his life on the verge of poverty and had to go to Ireland for his works to be heard. We all know that Mozart never lived to enjoy his popularity. So, then, the price of real anointing seems to be that you hardly ever get to enjoy the credit for it in this life... Maybe that is what ensures that what you've got will also remain true anointing? Maybe it is to make sure that the credit goes to the One Who gives the anointing in the first place...

In any case, it seems - contrary to all we ever thought and wished to think - that popularity isn't necessarily any proof for quality nor genuine talent or spirituality. It rather seems like the opposite.

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