03 Physical And Chemical Weathering

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 538
  • Pages: 3

Term used to refer to hard rock that has not been weathered:

a) b) c) d)

regolith landform bedrock soil


Regolith is best described as:

a) b) c) d)

the shape of the earth’s surface rock which is yet to be weathered loose fragments of weathered rock rock which has undergone only chemical weathering


Which of the following is NOT an example of physical weathering?

a) b) c) d)

frost action work of acids rock pressure reduction temperature changes


The two types of rock material that comprise the earth’s surface:

a) b) c) d)

regolith and bedrock soil and regolith bedrock and soil mantle rock and soil


Weathered joint lines that form in exposed bedrock is an example of:

a) b) c) d)

temperature change frost action rock pressure reduction spheroidal weathering


In regards to physical weathering exfoliation may best be described as:

a) b) c) d)

the alternate freezing and thawing of water within rock crevices. the breaking up of rocks into individual mineral grains due to hot weather the breaking up of rocks due to extreme temperature changes the decomposition of rocks due to the freezing and thawing of water within rock crevices


The dissolving of rocks through the work of acids or water is called:


solution Page 33

b) c) d)

oxidation hydration carbonation


Oxidation occurs when:


water is present and rock minerals combine with oxygen to become crumbly and soft. humic acids eat away at rock minerals rock minerals in the presence of carbon dioxide and water breakdown into carbonates new rock substances are formed through the joining with water

b) c) d) 9.

Weathering which does not involve a change in the chemical composition of rock:

a) b) c) d)

hydration carbonation action of plants and animals heaving


Biological weathering or action of plants/animals tends to be classified under both mechanical and chemical weathering categories. Chemical weathering includes these biological weathering processes because:

a) b) c) d)

biological weathering causes the rocks to break down into smaller fragments mineral grains are a result of rock disintegration decaying plants and animals assist in rock disintegration decaying plants and animals causes rock decomposition to occur


Exfoliation or peeling is associated with which type of mechanical weathering?

a) b) c) d)

frost Action action of plant and animals rock pressure reduction temperature change


Rounded blocks that result from the continual weathering along joints of extruded granite are called:

a) b) c) d)

granite tors granite boulders spheroidal tors rounded boulders

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16. a) b) c) d)

The burrowing activities of termites and rabbits allow air and water to reach rocks below the soil. This is an example of: chemical weathering physical weathering both a and b rock pressure reduction


A bulldozer makes a vertical cut through the soil exposing the distinct soil layers. These layers are called:

a) b) c) d)

the soil zone the soil horizon the soil level the soil profile


A karst topography is a weathered limestone landscape that has been produced through:

a) b) c) d)

the deposition of limestone the erosion of limestone erosion and depositional processes running water

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