00659-strat Plan Logic

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 16
Georgia Alliance of Drug Endangered Children STRATEGIC PLAN 2006 Mission The Georgia Alliance for Drug Endangered Children (GADEC) works collaboratively to: • •

Prevent abuse to children caused by the manufacture, distribution, sale and use of drugs, and; Rescue, defend, shelter, and support children who suffer physical and psychological harm caused by methamphetamine, alcohol and other drugs. Vision

Through the protection, advocacy and support provided by caring professionals and communities, drug endangered children will be empowered to live lives free of drug or alcohol abuse and filled with happiness and hope. Definition of Drug Endangered Children The Georgia Alliance for Drug Endangered Children considers both children who are exposed to potential harm and children who suffer actual harm from the manufacture, distribution, sale and use of alcohol and drugs to be drug endangered children. This includes both children who are endangered by the actions of others and children who are endangered through their own actions. Outcomes The Georgia Alliance for Drug Endangered Children is working to accomplish these outcomes: • • •

Drug endangered children live in safe environments Drug endangered children and their families are able to access and use resources and services in their local communities Drug endangered children live in communities committed to providing a protective environment for them

Goals and Objectives OUTCOME ONE Drug endangered children will live in safe environments GOAL ONE Increase the knowledge of professional stakeholders concerning how to identify drug endangered children, their related needs, and how to refer them to the Department of Family and Children Services or other community resources that assure their safety. Strategy: Provide an ongoing system of training related to identifying drug endangered children and their needs including regional trainings, specialized professional training and a yearly state conference. Objective 1 Develop and deliver a series of regional trainings to be given each year where participants will be able to gain knowledge about how to identify drug endangered children and their families and learn their related needs and how to refer them to appropriate safety resources. Strategy: Organize and deliver2 trainings in each of the 12 DFACS regions every year Action Step 1 Develop and/or support a curriculum library for trainings and education Strategy: GADEC members who have trained others contribute to the curriculum. The curriculum can be developed in such a way that there are sections that related to all drugs and alcohol and sections that are specific to certain drugs such as methamphetamine. A regional training could deliver several curriculum modules (smaller curriculum modules adapt themselves to a variety of delivery settings such as small workshops and lunch and learn sessions) Action Step 2 Organize a Speakers Bureau to support the regional trainings and other educational activities Strategy: Approach members of GADEC who have educated others about drug endangered children and other GADEC members to join the Speakers Bureau. Share the curriculum modules with the members of the Speakers Bureau in a Train the Trainers event. Action Step 3 Work with local partners at each of the regional training sites to organize and deliver the trainings in ways that are respectful of the local context of service delivery and culturally competent Strategy: Choose partners from organizations that have the potential to become a partner organization to assure sustainability Action Step 5 Evaluate the process and outcomes of the regional trainings

Strategy: Make evaluations consistent with existing evaluation formats being used for training providers in MHDDAD. This format looks at participant satisfaction, goal attainment and comments that participants think would improve the training experience in the future. Objective 2 Provide specialized information and training pertaining to identifying drug endangered children, their needs and referring them to safety --- to professional partners at conferences and workshops sponsored by these partner organizations Strategy: Disseminate information at conferences and training events related to the mission and work of GADEC, apply to host information booths and propose relevant workshops at these events to disseminate. Action Step 1 Develop a yearly master calendar of conferences and training events where GADEC will provide information and education. Strategy: GADEC staff will develop the master calendar of targeted conferences and training events with deadlines for applications and proposal submissions to be adopted by the Training Committee. Action Step 2 Develop and deliver a package of display items, booth handouts and workshop presentations targeted to the needs of the conference participants Strategy: Staff will work with the Training Committee and the Speakers Bureau to assure a presence at targeted conferences. Action Step 3 Evaluate the effectiveness of the information and training and solicit ideas for future trainings. Strategy: Provide evaluations similar to those at the regional trainings. Strategy: Provide information and knowledgeable speakers for the internal training events of partner and other organizations related to the work of GADEC. Action Step 1 Develop a list of partner and other organizations that are related to the work of GADEC with contact information and let them know of the resource center and speakers bureau Action Step 2 Provide information and speaker referrals on a request for service basis Objective 3 Deliver a yearly statewide GADEC Conference that provides information and training on identifying and serving drug endangered children.

Strategy: Continue the planning and delivery of this conference under the auspices of the Training Committee with joint sponsorship from DFACS, DEA and other partners. GOAL TWO Increase the ability of GADEC professional partners to work in teams and alliances across organizations to identify drug endangered children, assess their immediate needs, and refer them to safety Objective 1 Increase the use of existing protocols, such as the GADEC Medical Protocol, to identify drug endangered children, assess their immediate needs, and refer them to safety Strategy: Use the existing GADEC Protocol Committee to organize and guide this work Action Step One Focus on dissemination, education, and implementation of the GADEC Medical Protocol • Identify where the protocol needs to be disseminated and how it can be most effectively disseminated (focus on the medical and hospital community) • Develop a training module on the GADEC Medical Protocol that can be used in regional and professional trainings • Develop a short “how to implement the protocol” for inclusion in the GADEC tool kit for communities • Develop a targeted training strategy • Study how the GADEC Medical Protocol might be expanded to act as a generic protocol to serve children identified in situations other than clandestine meth labs Action Step Two Support the development of a protocol for the identification, needs assessment and referral to safety of drug endangered children moving from custody in the juvenile justice system back into the local community • Finish the development of the protocol receive the support of the agencies developing it to release the protocol • Publish and disseminate the protocol • Develop a training module related to the protocol • Target audiences for training on the protocol • Develop a short “how to implement the protocol” for inclusion in the GADEC tool kit for communities • Study how this protocol might be expanded to act as a generic protocol to serve drug endangered children moving out of state custody and back into the community Action Step Three Study existing mandated protocols that relate to drug endangered children and report on their implications for identifying drug endangered children and their needs and referring them to safety. • Begin with the Child Abuse Protocol and the Truancy Protocol

Note how these protocols address professional teaming and cross agency work

Objective 2 Develop administrative tools that will support the use of teaming, collaboration and service integration in the identification, needs assessment and safety referral process for drug endangered children Strategy: In collaboration with the Protocols Committee, use the Data Collection and Evaluation Committee to develop, solicit approval from agencies and disseminate these tools Action Step One Form an ongoing Social Indicators and Research sub-committee to review, create and disseminate data for state and local use • Review existing indicators and recommend dissemination strategies • Review Needs Assessment data and disseminate to state and local partners for use in planning and implementation of targeted and universal programs • Study and recommend teaming and collaboration reporting mechanisms • Study existing reporting mechanisms within agencies and how this data can best be shared • Create indicators for a community report card for local agencies on the identification, needs, and referral of children to safety resources Action Step Two Develop a Release of Information form that can be used to share “need to know” information in the best interest of the child between collaborating agencies • Review legal constraints and opportunities • Collect information on models of such a release of information (one county in Georgia is already doing this) • Develop a pilot form • Pilot and revise the form Action Step Three Develop a prototype of a common record that can follow drug endangered children as they are served by multiple agencies and that contains information pertinent to their well-being • Develop critical content that should be in the record • Develop guidelines for the use of the record • Explore how the record could interface with individual agency data bases of information (ie SACWIS and medical records) Action Step Four Develop a support system of resources and training on collaboration, teaming, and service integration for state and local alliance partners as they identify, assess needs and refer drug endangered children to safety

Develop a curriculum module on collaboration and teaming including the national DEC model of teaming around children endangered by methamphetamine Include information on collaboration, alliance formation and service integration in regional trainings and conferences Develop information on collaboration, teaming and service integration in the toolkit Make the GADEC staff and speakers bureau available for support and technical assistance in these areas

• • • GOAL THREE Increase public awareness among Georgia citizens about how to identify drug endangered children, address their safety needs and refer them to safety. Strategy: Develop a single, easily understood message reflecting best practice and disseminate the message in a variety of mediums Objective 1 Develop a public awareness campaign to help citizens identify drug endangered children and refer them to safety resources Action Step 1 Develop a single easily understood message about how to identify drug endangered children and where to refer them • Develop message in collaboration with professional partners including partners that will be the safety resources • Pilot message to GADEC Partners for appropriateness and practicality Action Step 2 Develop a multimedia awareness campaign using approved message to deliver on a statewide basis and for dissemination to local communities Action Step 3 Supply the resource center with resources developed for the public awareness campaign so that they can be readily available Objective 2 Provide a targeted version of the public awareness campaign to identify and refer drug endangered children to safety to citizens affected by drug and alcohol abuse Action Step 1 Identify places in the community, such as drug courts, that could disseminate materials to citizens affected by drug and alcohol abuse Action Step 2 Develop/collect resources for families affected by substance abuse for distribution at the identified sites Action Step 3 Adapt the resources for the community context (ie put in local contact information as appropriate) and disseminate at the selected sites

Objective 3 Inform citizens of actions that will be taken around their concerns in order to develop public trust in the community’s ability to keep children safe. GOAL FOUR Increase the ability of drug endangered children to identify threats to their own safety, connect with community resources and get to safety Objective 1 Provide children and youth in Georgia with information on how to identify drug endangered children Action Step 1 Develop a single easily understood message for children and youth that will help them identify themselves as drug endangered children and get to safety Action Step 2 Link this message with other public information campaigns Objective 2 All children and youth in Georgia will have access to information about how to refer themselves to safety and the consequences of that referral Action Step 1 Develop a targeted public awareness campaign for agencies that serve drug endangered children and their families such as drug courts, family drug courts, and substance abuse treatment facilities Action Step 2 Adapt messages in printed and media to local context so that children and youth can refer themselves to safety in their own community Action Step 3 Disseminate materials to agencies that serve drug endangered children and their families


RESOURCES/ INPUTS State Alliance Partners Local alliance partners GADEC Staff


Training committee Building local alliances committee

• • •

Protocols committee

Data collection and evaluation committee

Training committee

• •

Building local alliances committee Public awareness committee Building local alliances committee

• • • • •

Public awareness committee Prevention committee Treatment committee

• •

Develop and maintain a Training Curriculum Library relating to DEC Develop and maintain a Speakers Bureau of GADEC professional partners Work with local collaborative or partners to deliver culturally relevant trainings Develop and maintain a master calendar of professional meetings and calls for papers; exhibit and encourage GADEC professional partners to present Maintain Annual Conference Planning Committee Ongoing planning and implementation of training activities Continue dissemination and expand use of Medical Protocol Develop Protocol for DEC moving from DJJ to community Expand use of existing mandated protocols for use with DEC Disseminate expanded/new protocols Develop and implement administrative tools to support protocols Review and use social indicators and research to inform practice Develop a single, easily understood message on identification and referral Develop public information campaign on identification and referral Adapt public information campaign for local use Identify community resources and include in public information campaign Develop a single easily understood message for children and youth that will help them identify selves as DEC and get themselves to safety Link with other public information campaigns Develop a targeted public awareness campaign for agencies that serve children

OUTPUTS At least 36 GADEC regional introductory cross training meetings with at least 500 attendees At least 3 GADEC sponsored state conferences addressing DEC with at least 500 attendees


• • •

Common Release of Information Record that follows child State and Community Report Cards

Training on teaming collaboration, protocols and administrative tools included in training above All Georgia citizens have access to information on how to identify and refer DEC All families and children affected by drug and alcohol abuse have access to information on how to identify and refer All citizens who refer children to safety resources will understand what will happen to assure children’s safety All children and youth in Georgia will have access to information on how to identify DEC All children and youth in Georgia will have access to information about how to refer themselves to safety and the consequences of that referral


Increase the knowledge of professional stakeholders concerning how to identify DEC, their special needs and how to refer them to DFCS or other community resources that assure safety

Provide information and speakers for at least 15 professional meetings involving law enforcement, courts, mental health, substance abuse, child welfare, etc.

All counties use GADEC interagency protocols to identify, assess and refer DEC


Increase the ability of GADEC professional partners to work in teams and alliances across organizations to identify DEC, assess their immediate needs, and refer them to safety

Increase public awareness among Georgia citizens about how to identify DEC and refer them to an organization that can address their safety

Increase the ability of DEC to identify threats to their own safety, connect with community resources and get themselves to safety

Increase number of DEC identified and referred to an appropriate safety resource such as the Department of Family and Children Services or other community resource

DEC will live in safe environments

OUTCOME TWO Drug endangered children and their families are able to access and use resources and services in their local communities GOAL ONE Increase the use of resources and technical assistance regarding drug endangered children by communities, professionals, families and youth in all five DHR/MHDDAD regions in Georgia Objective 1 Provide a Resource Center concerning drug endangered children for professionals, communities, families and youth Action Step 1 Develop and disseminate a GADEC Toolbox that includes products developed by GADEC partners Action Step 2 Develop a resource library of evidence based programs and promising practices Action Step 3 Develop a Georgia Drug Endangered Children professional expertise list • Speakers Bureau • Research and Evaluation Bureau • Others Objective 2 Establish a technical assistance and support system for local and youth partner alliance programs Action Step 1 Develop a menu of support services to offer to communities and youth through GADEC such as training and consultation on collaboration, training on using community indicators and evidence-based practices and others Action Step 2 Provide a system of support for local partners that includes access to the services that are in the menu of training and technical assistance supports Action Step 3 Develop resources for use in the support system for local alliance partners such as • White Paper on evidence based community prevention approaches • Health Protocol and associated speakers and power point presentations

Technical assistance in using social indicators and evidence-based practices on the local level

Action Step 4 Develop resources for use in public awareness campaigns for local alliance partners such as • Youth developed public service announcements (much like Oregon’s efforts • Web resource sheets and models web site development • Printed materials Objective 3 Provide resources in user friendly formats so the resources are as accessible as possible Action Step 1 Provide a coordinator for the resource center Action Step 2 Provide web access to the resource center Action Step 3 Make the resource center as interactive as possible GOAL TWO Increase the number of evidence-based prevention services and programs available to children and their families in or close to their own communities Objective 1 Disseminate information about evidence-based prevention services and the specific programs that have been designated evidence-based prevention services for drug endangered children and their families to GADEC stakeholders and local community stakeholders including drug endangered children and their families Objective 2 Identify local prevention resources and other local resources designed to break the cycle of substance abuse and disseminate those resources to citizens in the local community Action Step 1 Work with local communities (perhaps through local Family Connections Partnerships) to develop an activities inventory that can be used as a resource guide for local citizens Action Step 2

Develop a prototype for a resource guide to include in the GADEC toolkit Objective 3 Develop and expand evidence-based prevention services available to drug endangered children and their families in or close to their own communities Action Step 1 Provide a small grants program available to stakeholder organizations in local communities to provide evidence-based programs to drug endangered children and their families Action Step 2 Develop a prevention program incubator providing technical assistance such as grant writing, funding searches, etc. to support partners in the development and delivery of innovative programs Action Step 3 Provide technical assistance to new and existing local prevention programs that incorporate evidence-based practices Action Step 4 Monitor and the development and implementation of evidence-based programs, and provide technical assistance as needed, to assure fidelity GOAL THREE Increase the number of prevention programs and practices that are being rigorously evaluated so that more programs are certified as evidencebased Objective 1 Require existing and new publicly funded prevention programs to have evaluation components and to demonstrate results Objective 2 Support the development of evaluation components in prevention programs for drug endangered children that provide promise for effectiveness but don’t have the means to rigorously evaluate their program to provide proof of effectiveness Objective 3 Develop an Evaluation Researchers Bureau, similar to the Speakers Bureau, with researchers and evaluators who are capable of providing evaluation services to program GOAL 4

Increase the number of drug endangered children who use community programs that address risk and protective factors relating to substance abuse. Objective 1 Provide drug endangered children access to community programs that focus on enhancing their normal development and protective factors for future substance abuse Action Step 1 Identify community programs that focus on protective factors for preventing substance abuse and community programs that are not offering such programs, but would be willing to adapt their programming to focus on protective factors. Action Step 2 Provide information and means of access to these programs for the caregivers of drug endangered children Objective 2 Provide drug endangered children access to community programs that focus on addressing their unique needs as drug endangered children and that address the reduction of risk factors for future substance abuse Action Step 1 Support communities to help providers of wrap around services to develop access to these services for drug endangered children


RESOURCES INPUTS State Alliance Partners Local alliance partners GADEC Staff Prevention committee Public Awareness committee

ACTIVITIES • • • • •

Develop GADEC Toolbox for Professionals, Communities, Families and Youth Develop resource library of evidence based programs and promising practices Develop database of Georgia experts in serving DEC and their families Designate Resource Center Coordinator Provide web access to Resource Center

Prevention committee Treatment committee

Public Awareness committee

Developing local alliances committee

Prevention committee Data collection and evaluation committee

• •

Developing local alliances committee Treatment committee Prevention committee

• •

Develop local activities inventories and resource guides for DEC and their families Provide a small grants program for local communities to support the delivery of evidence-based programs and services to DEC and their families Provide an incubator for prevention programs for DEC by supporting partners in the development and delivery of innovative prevention programs and promising practices (writing grants, finding funding, etc. Provide technical assistance to new and existing local prevention programs that incorporate evidence-based practices Monitor the development and implementation of evidence-based programs and provide technical assistance as needed to assure fidelity Develop an Evaluation Researchers Bureau, to provide evaluation services to communities and youth organizations Identify community programs that support youth development and enhance them by addressing the needs of DEC who attend the programs Provide information and access to these programs for DEC and their families Providers of wrap around services develop access to these services for DEC

OUTPUTS To be accomplished within 1-3 years Resource Center with Tool Kits, evidencebased practice directory, data base of Georgia expertise A technical assistance and support system for local alliances and youth programs that provides an interface with local communities

OUTPUT GOALS To be accomplished within 2-4 years

Increase the use of resources and technical assistance regarding DEC by communities, professionals, families and youth in all five DHR/ MHDDAD regions in Georgia

User friendly resource delivery system in a variety of formats including, paper, compact disc, and web-based formats Information about evidence-based services and programs disseminated to at least 1000 professionals, 159 local communities and 1000 drug-endangered children and their families

Increase the number of evidence-based prevention services/ programs available to children and their families in or close to their own communities

Increase by at least 10 the evidence-based prevention programs/services available to DEC and their families in the 5 DHR/MHDDAD regions in Georgia

Require existing and new publicly funded prevention programs to have evaluation components and demonstrated results

Increase the number of prevention programs and practices that are being rigorously evaluated in order to certify more programs as evidence-based

Support the development of evaluation components in prevention programs for DEC that provide promise for effectiveness but don’t have the means to rigorously evaluate their program to provide proof of effectiveness

DEC have access to community programs that focus on enhancing their normal development DEC have access to wraparound services that address their special needs

Increase the number of DEC who use community programs that address risk and protective factors relating to substance abuse


Increase the availability of resources and evidence-based services for DEC and their families Increase access to resources and evidence-based services for DEC and their families Increase the use of evidence-based programs/services by DEC and their families


DEC and their families are able to access and use resources and services in their local communities

OUTCOME THREE Drug endangered children will live in communities committed to providing a protective environment for them GOAL ONE Provide drug and alcohol awareness campaigns to local communities targeted toward their individual circumstances and directed toward the effects of drugs and alcohol on children and youth Objective 1 Provide drug and alcohol awareness campaigns focused on drug endangered children to the general public and to specific groups of the general public (ie youth) through existing community organizations and coalitions Action Step 1 Develop a menu of public awareness activities to offer to communities and youth such as public service announcements, printed materials, web resources, billboards, etc. Action Step 2 Provide a system of support for local partners that includes access to public awareness activities that are in the menu of training and technical assistance supports Objective 2 Provide drug and alcohol awareness campaigns focused on drug endangered children to citizens affected by drug and alcohol abuse Action Step 1 Identify places in the community, such as drug courts, that could disseminate materials to citizens affected by drug and alcohol abuse Action Step 2 Develop/collect resources for families affected by substance abuse for distribution at the identified sites Action Step 3 Adapt the resources for the community context (ie put in local contact information as appropriate) and disseminate at the selected sites GOAL TWO Develop a coordinated system of local collaboratives associated with GADEC that addresses drug endangered children and their needs. Objective 1 Establish a GADEC Local Partner Program open to all counties in Georgia and is flexible in responding to local culture and organizations

Action Step 1 Develop the parameters and description of the Local Partner Program with detail about qualifications for partners, responsibilities of partners, benefits of joining, relationship with the state alliance, forms for joining etc. Action Step 2 Outreach to local collaboratives that are related to the work of GADEC and facilitate their joining GADEC’s Local Partner Program. Action Step 3 Facilitate the development of local collaboratives focusing on community prevention of drug and alcohol abuse as requested Action Step 4 Facilitate the rollout of the Local Partner Program by developing a long range plan that has as its goal a local partner in each county Objective 2 Develop a GADEC Youth Partner initiative that provides an opportunity for youth organizations to participate in the work of helping drug endangered children and preventing drug abuse Action Step 1 Develop a steering committee and strategic plan for the Youth Partner initiative Action Step 2 Outreach to local schools and youth organizations that are related to the work of GADEC. Action Step 3 Develop projects specifically for children and youth that further the work of GADEC • Illustrate the GADEC vision • Public service announcements • Essay contests


RESOURCES INPUTS State Alliance Partners Local alliance partners GADEC Staff Public awareness committee Prevention committee


• • •

Treatment committee Building local alliances committee

Building local alliances committee

• • • •

Develop a menu of public awareness activities to offer communities and youth such as public service announcements, printed material, web resources, billboards, etc Provide access to the activities on the public awareness menu to local communities and organizations Adapt public awareness materials and activities to local community contexts Disseminate locally adapted information in drug courts, treatment facilities, law enforcement centers, schools, etc in local communities

Develop detailed description of Local Partner Program and implement Develop detailed description of Youth Initiative and implement Outreach to local collaboratives related to work of GADEC and facilitate their joining local partner program Outreach to schools and youth organizations that are related to the work of GADEC to facilitate their becoming involved in the Youth Initiative Facilitate the development of projects that further the work of GADEC in organizations involved with the Youth Initiative



To be accomplished within 1-3 years

To be accomplished within 2-4 years

At least 10 communities throughout the 5 DHR/MHDDAD regions will provide drug and alcohol awareness campaigns directed toward understanding the effects of drugs and alcohol on children and youth

Increase public awareness among Georgia citizens about how drugs and alcohol endanger the lives of children and youth in their community and how this danger impacts the long term health of their community

At least 10 criminal drug courts, all family drug courts, and at least 10 treatment facilities provide awareness activities to their consumers about how drugs endanger children and how to address the needs of DEC

At least 25 local partners associate themselves with GADEC At least 25 programs that involve youth will participate in the work of addressing the needs of DEC and preventing drug and alcohol abuse

Increase the awareness of families experiencing drug and/or alcohol abuse about how drugs endanger children and how to address the needs of DEC A coordinated system of local collaboratives associated with GADEC with at least 50 local partners that are addressing DEC and their needs


Georgia citizens understand the dangers that drugs and alcohol present to children and youth in their communities

All Georgia counties develop a group of committed professionals and other individuals who focus on providing a protective environment for DEC


DEC live in communities committed to providing a protective environment for them

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