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【接待老外常說的五句話】 1.How was your flight? 這趟飛行如何? 2.Are you first time here? 第一次來這裡嗎? 3.Do you have reservations? 你有預定飯店嗎? 4.Shall I book a room for you? 要我幫你預定房間嗎? 5.Please let me know if you’re hungry or thirsty? 如果你餓了或渴了,請讓我知道

【買衣服常說的六句話】 1.I’d like to try on this outfit. 我想要試穿這套衣服 2.Where is the fitting room? 試衣間在哪兒? 3.Does this color fade? 這會掉顏色嗎? 4.The color of this shirt doesn’t suit me. 這件襯衫的顏色不適合我 5.Does this come in any other colors? 這件有沒有別的顏色? 6.Do you carry this in XL? 這件有沒有 XL 號的? 【每日一句】Who can you put the blame on? 你能怪誰呢? 【今日諺語】Love makes the world go round. 愛使世界運轉

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