001 - Syllabus For Technology

  • October 2019
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Page 001: Technology and Leadership: S y l l a b u s [Mr.






Welcome to Technology and Leadership! Can you imagine you life without computers? Probably not. How about the Internet (also known as the “World Wide Web”)? That’s because technology is all around you. You live in a media-oriented, internet-community. This class is designed to help you discover the world of technology as well as your potential as a leader. This course will challenge you to become professional, tech-savvy individuals.

Class Expectations and Rules

To p i c s

As a student at Animo Jefferson Charter HS, you are expected to live the 5 Mantras. Every student will be:

M a t e r i a l s

n e e d e d

at least 150 pages, college ruled.

In addition, students are expected to adhere to Mr. Aguda’s class rules:

Be on time Respect the teacher, your peers, and yourself Bring all necessary materials to class daily. Follow directions the first time they are given No electronics or food allowed during regular class time.

Grading Scale and breakdown School wide grading scale at Animo JCHS is as follows: A AB BC CD DF

Mr. Aguda’s Grading breakdown is as follows Homework Classwork Projects, Quizzes, Tests Final Project / Exams

c o ve r e d

1 Large College Ruled Notebook

Classroom Rules::

100% - 93% 92% - 90% 89% - 83% 82% - 80% 79% - 73% 72% - 70% 69% - 63% 62% - 60% 59% and below

b e

Microsoft Office Suite Word, Excel, Publisher, FrontPage, PowerPoint Keyboarding Internet Research Tech in Your Community How the Computer Works Graphic Design & Advertising


Prompt Prepared Participatory Polite Proactive

t o

10% 40% 40% 10%

Pen Glue Stick or Stapler Flash Drive/Data Stick (At least 128MB) (Purchase at Staples or Best Buy)

C l a s s

R o u t i n e

What you can expect on a normal day 1.

2. 3.




The Warm-up is designed to get you ready to learn. You will find it on the board or on my blog. You must complete it silently during the 10 Minutes of Digital Zen. The 411 is a time for class announcements, a review of the class calendar, and to review the warm-up. Tutorial (AKA “We-do”) is used to teach you a new skill or program. During tutorials, Mr. Aguda will show you stepby-step procedures in completing a task. It’s important to listen carefully and do what I do. Independent Learning (AKA “You-do”) is a time used to practice the skills you learned during the tutorial. Here, Mr. Aguda can help each of you individually complete the task and create the finished product. The clean-up is usually 5 minutes before the end of class. Upon Mr. Aguda’s signal, you should begin to pack-up and prepare to leave. The exit slip is a short review and writing assignment required before you leave.

Projects are designed to increase your skill in computer application(s) and to help you discover your talents and interests as a responsible, computer savvy individual. These will be individual or group based and will be completed during class time or at home.

Technology and Leadership: Animo Justice Charter High School [Mr. Aguda] Syllabus

C l a s s P r o c e d u r e s a n d P r o to co l s

D a i l y

This is how our classroom is run. You are expected to know and comply with all class procedures and protocols.

It is crucial that you attend class everyday. But...

Entering the Classroom:: • LINE UP: Students line up outside (single file) with shirts tucked in, no gum, electronics put away • GREET: Students must greet Mr. Aguda at the door with a handshake and smile. : - ) • ZEN: Students will enter quietly, find their seat, and begin the 10 minutes of digital zen. •

Any homework will be due at this moment. After 10 minutes, students may talk quietly as Mr. Aguda checks for completion.

The 10 Minutes of Digital Zen • Quiet, not silence. If you must speak, talk extremely quietly and only to the person next to you. • Visit my tech blog (http://mraguda.animojustice.com) • Log-on to your blog and begin a new post. You may title the post as today’s date • Copy and Paste ALL information from my blog onto yours. • Answer the questions in complete sentences. During the Class Period:: When Mr. Aguda needs your attention: • The countdown: Mr. Aguda will begin counting down from 5 to 1. You are responsible to make sure that you and people around you are silent and that your attention is directed to Mr. Aguda. • The countup: Counting up means extra homework time and/or holding the class in for the amount of time counted up… this may also be in addition the homework being given during the day. This will be issued in the form of standards or bookwork. (example: 10 = 10 minutes extra homework). Uncompleted homework from count-up will result in detention. When you need help: • Raise your hand. Put it down when Mr. Aguda acknowledges you. Continue working something else until he is done helping others. Dismissal:: • The Bell is the SIGNAL for Mr. Aguda to dismiss the class. In order for this to happen: • The classroom has been reset and cleaned. (6 mins before class ends) • All students are in their seats. • The class is quiet OOPS...I FORGOT MY MATERIALS! • Visit the Printer Station for resources: • Pencils (Golf-Pencils) - these must be returned • Scratch Paper. You are still responsible for putting this into your notebook.

A t t e n d a n c e

What do I do if I’m absent? You are responsible for any make-up work in this class. 1. Go to the Printer station, logon to the blog, download and print all handouts that you missed. 2. Complete the assignments during Office Hours NOT during the class period. When is make-up work due? Make-up work is due at the following notebook check (usually a Friday or a Monday). All work can be made-up What about work that is late? NO work will be accepted after the Notebook Check cutoff day with the exception of special circumstances (please see me for more information) How do I make-up an exam, practical, or project? • If you miss the entire project, you will have 1 week to schedule a time to make up an quiz, exam, or practical. • If you miss part of the assignment, the due date will be pushed back the # of days you were absent. • All of these arrangements need to be made with me.













The following systems of intervention are in place to challenge you to succeed: Progressive Discipline: • If you choose to break a class or school rule, the following progressive consequences may apply: • Verbal Warning, Student-Teacher Conference, Detention, Parent Conference, In-House (in school) suspension, Parent Conference (with Administrator), etc. Please consult handbook.

Office Hours and Communication Should you require one-on-one help and tutoring, I have office ours on:

Office Hours: 3:30-4:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays Email: Per 1: [email protected] Per 3: [email protected] Per 4: [email protected]

Per 5: [email protected] Per 6: [email protected] Per 7: [email protected]

The instructor reserves the right to make additions, changes, and deletions to the syllabus during the course of the year. By signing this form, I acknowledge that I have read and understand everything in the Course Expectations and will be subject to the procedures, rules and consequences outlined above.

Student Name: __________________________

Parent/Guardian Name: __________________________

Student Signature: __________________________

Parent Signature: __________________________

Technology and Leadership: Animo Justice Charter High School [Mr. Aguda] Syllabus Mr. Aguda drives a blue VW Jetta GT

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