Zzz - Journal

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 7,679
  • Pages: 17
PROLOGUE: My irritation has reached fever pitch against Locke, who is supposed to be hunting, but never comes back with any food. Chapter One – Down The Rabbit Hole pt 1 So much to say today, where to begin? I found Locke. Just like they say, I found what I was looking for the moment I stopped searching. Two days of nonstop goose chasing led me nowhere, a relaxing stroll through the jungle led me straight to him. There he was, in a clearing in front of me, his back to me, mixing up some weird gooey mixture. I marched up to him, 2 days of anger growing inside me. "I know why you're here", he said suddenly, without turning round to face me, or even stopping his work. This stopped me in my tracks. "Yeah, so does everyone else, I've been looking for you for days...Or hadn't you heard?" I replied, my irritation sizzling just below the surface of an outburst. "You don't care about the boars, or the...the science teacher," he told me, turning finally to face me, that funny look in his eyes, the characteristic scar just vaguely visible under his right. "I know why you're really here." "You've been reading my journal!" I gasped, my composure lost. He just smiled at me. "I know what you want Five," he continued. "And when you know where to look...you'll find it." I stared at him, trying to make sense of these words. "Hand me that compass," he said then, gesturing behind me. When I turned, I felt a blow to the back of my head, agony, then darkness. I awoke, it must have been several hours later, disorientated and highly nauseated. I felt the back of my head, which felt very strange. A gooey mixture rubbed off on my hands, and I put the pieces together... I'll have to finish this entry later, Jin wants me to fish with him. In the meantime, This journal isn't leaving my sight! Chapter Two – Down The Rabbit Hole pt 2 I'm glad I went fishing with Jin. The sea air helped clear my head. I know I can't be making up what I experienced. Even I had doubted my own memories. The paste he was mixing - It was for me. He knew I'd be there, he knew what I wanted...and he knew what to do about it. What have I gotten myself into? More worryingly, how many poor souls has he tricked into receiving his wacky concoction? When I awoke, he had gone, leaving me with a headful of paste and no provisions. I screamed his name, but even I knew this to be useless. Suddenly I became aware of a loud, raspy sound. I concentrated my already fragile senses into deciphering it's meaning. With a start, I realised it was the sound of whispers - easily a dozen people. And they were getting closer!

I dragged my aching body to a standing position - and slumped straight back to the ground. My head was screaming, lights were dancing before my eyes. Whatever Locke hit me with, it did it's job. Faced with no alternative, I began to crawl. I knew the whisperers would find me, they could be no more than 100 yards away, the volume the whispers had reached. There was no substance to them, no words - just sounds, and it chilled me to the bone. Suddenly I heard the harsh blast of noise that the folks at the beach have taken to call the monster. My heart dropped into my stomach. I was trapped between the crashing trees that were the calling card of the beast, and the terrifying invisible whisperers. I lay where I was, unable to form a coherent thought. The trees to the front of me burst open, and out came... A sight I thought I would never see again. A sight that had haunted my mind for the last 4 years. Clear as day, she stood before me, as real as she had been the last time I had seen her - the spread of blood on her white shirt the only terrible reminder of the events of that dreadful day. I stood transfixed, desperate to run from this horrible vision, but fixedly aware of the deafening sound of the whispers, close on my heels. I gaped at the figure of the girl I had wronged so bad, searching for the words my heart longed to say, but my brain knew I never could. Suddenly she stepped forward. Involuntarily, I flinched backwards, but her look was one of pity, not anger. Then (I shiver just recalling it), she began to speak "It's not too late to fix what you've done Five. There are others you can help. I can forgive you, but first you need to forgive yourself." The whispers stopped with the suddenness that they had started. "It wasn't your fault" I blinked, and she was gone. All was silence once again, except for the throbbing at the back of my head that threatened to master me. All this information was too much to take in, and I felt an all too familiar lump in my throat. Mercifully I fell into to darkness before the first tears fell. I finally made it back to camp this morning, after spending that horrible night in the jungle. I entered my tent, and fell into a deep sleep, and when I awoke, the events of the night seemed like a dream, a distant reality. But as the day has wore on, memories have returned, and I know that it was all real. What the hell is this place? I must find Locke, he knows more about me than anyone here, and he understands this place with an almost spiritual aura. Hard to believe just 2 days ago, my biggest worry was the lack of some meat. I have found it hard to interact with the rest of the castaways today - surely none of them could understand the troubles of my past? I envy their carefree lives - Sawyer - lazing on the beach reading books, Kate - getting cozy with Jack at the caves, what could they know about the pains of the past? Tomorrow Locke is going to have one hell of a lot of explaining to do...

Chapter Three – Perspective I had a surprise visitor today I was in my tent, where I had spent the better part of the last 48 hours. I have intended to confront Locke over my ordeal in the jungle, but as time passes I have become more and more introspective. I can not associate with the other castaways; their jokes and stories seem trivial to me. Why did Locke have to drag up these memories? I guess my moping had become noticeable. This afternoon a voice called in from outside my tent. "Five, are you in there?" It was Sayid. He came in and sat with me. "Hurley tells me you have become distant, Five. I have not seen you around the camp since Thursday. What has happened to you?" Of course, I didn't want to tell him. How could he understand? But there was something in his eyes, a look of a genuine desire to help me, that impelled me to hand him my journal. I could not look at him as he read. He finished reading, and closed the book softly. He sighed gently, and then handed it back to me. "Some weeks ago, Boone came to me. He told me that Locke had hit him, and he had experienced visions." My eyes widened. How long had this been going on? It sounded so weird hearing the words coming out of someone else's mouth. "He would not tell me what he saw, but he told me that it had opened his eyes to his purpose for being here. Perhaps Locke has a similar intention for you..." What he said next floored me. "I was a torturer, Five." I gaped at him "On our eighth day here, I tortured Sawyer for information I believed him to hold. You may remember I left the beach for a time. This was out of shame for my actions. And yet for years I tortured men and women, believing I served some greater good. But when the dreams came, and I could not escape their screams, I questioned my actions. Every night, I think of Nadia, the love of my life. I loved her...and I tortured her. Everyone has a past that they are not proud of Five; Do not let it overcome you." He stood up, placed his hand on my shoulder, gave me a brief, reassuring smile, and left. What he said has left me feeling more confused than ever. I have been hiding my shame from the people who will understand it the best. I can not begin to comprehend what "purpose" Locke could have in showing me my past, but I intend to find out. Tonight I will reintegrate myself into the camp. I can hear the baby crying even now, perhaps Claire needs a hand?... Chapter Four – Confrontation Days of insecurity and introspection. Doubt and terror. An experience that will stay with me for the rest of my days. And why? Well...

Claire politely declined my efforts to aid her with the baby, she said Charlie had it covered. She thanked me though, and my spirits soared to their highest points in weeks. As I left her company, a smile on my face, I saw a rustling in the undergrowth beside me. I neared the treeline. Just within the boundary, I saw Locke, staring straight at me. "I've been waiting for you" he told me, smiling I approached him cautiously. I had rehearsed what I was going to say to him a number of times, but each time I imagined him feverishly defending his actions. His comportment then, serene and with a knowledgable smile, threw me completely off guard. "What I did to you, was for the benefit of your survival on this island. Everyone gets a new beginning here. I have made mine. Whatever the island showed you...means it's time to make yours." "You KNOW what it showed me! You stole my journal, who's to say you don't do this to everyone?" I exploded. How he could be so calm about my ordeal infuriated me. "What it SHOWED you, was something you NEEDED to see!" he replied then, growing as empassioned as I was. "The ISLAND didn't show me anything! It's an ISLAND! You drugged me, and I'm gonna need a better reason than 'the ISLAND told you to do it!" He stared at me for some seconds. "You want some help dealing with your troubles? It's time you started helping yourself. You have been given all the help the island sees fit to supply to you. You need to clean up your own mess." I hated him then. His superior way of speaking, like he knew everything. Like he knew how I felt, or why I felt it. My anger surged to a boil, and I lunged at him. I pinned his arms to the ground. As I stared into his face, expecting to see fear and surprise, I was shocked to see him smiling. He was looking past me, over my shoulder. I suspected him to be tricking me. Holding his arms, I glanced behind me. And gasped in shock. There she was again. Standing just inside the waterline on the beach. She seemed to stare at me, for some time, then she turned and walked down the coast. I leapt to my feet, leaving Locke on the ground, and ran as fast as I ever have to the treeline. I gazed up and the down the shoreline, but no sign of her. I turned and marched back to Locke, who had reached his feet. To my shame, I could feel the water welling in my eyes again. I approached him till our faces were inches apart. I jabbed my finger into this chest. "Why...why do you keep doing this to me?" I hissed to him through gritted teeth. I should have known he wouldn't answer me simply. Still, his answer surprised me. "...Why do you keep doing this to yourself?" he replied. I looked into his eyes, searching for some hint of satisfaction. He still wore his smug half-smile, as if he was relishing in my anguish. For some seconds we stood there, sizing each other up. Eventually I turned and my head dropped. "Get the hell out of here" I half-whispered, my voice breaking.

He gathered his things and made to leave. After 5 or so steps, he turned. "When you're ready to face up to what you know you need to do...come find me." he said, and left. When I returned to my tent, my journal was disturbed. So he has been reading it. No more, from now on, it never leaves my sight. Still...he seems so...CERTAIN... Chapter Five – Origins The two visions I have been subjected to by Locke have opened up a door in my memories that has been shut for years. Thinking about all the terrible things that happened, I have also found my thoughts turning to the happier times, the calm before the storm... *FLASH* MARCH 18th, 1999 - A New York Cafe I was sitting in a small cafe in the centre of the Big Apple, my meal long since discarded. In front of me were reams upon reams of paper, upon which I was scribbling furiously. Every now and then I would stop, sigh, crumple up a sheet and toss it angrily into the nearby bin. I would go through this routine for hours every day, and had done so for the last 3 years since I had left school. Back then I had been so full of hope, my head so full of ideas. I had joined my local newspaper, hoping to run quickly through the ranks. However, the hard edged staff held little interest in my reporting, and I was always given the paperwork over the real jobs. Disillusioned, I quit after only 2 months. Still confident in my own abilities, I submitted many short stories to companies and publishers. Each one came back with the same notes - good ideas, but lacking in the quality necessary to make it big. Now desperate for money, I resorted to taking a part time job at the cafe, to pay the many bills I was losing control over. I couldn't face the long hours sat alone in my tiny apartment, and luckily Tony the cafe's owner was sympathetic. He let me spend my creative time in the cafe, as long as I never bothered the customers. So there I was, stuck in a dead end cycle. I was barely paying the bills, and had no room in my life for fun. Apparently the world of the media hated my writing, and writing was all I had. One day, however, this all changed... Chapter Six – Origins pt 2 I was stuck at my table, dozens of sheets of writing paper sprawled all over the surface, my head buried in my latest ideas. I was interrupted by a shadow falling across my notes. I looked up.

Into the face of the most beautiful girl I had ever laid eyes on. She was standing a little ill at ease, and gave an awkward smile. She had long, blonde hair, and big, bright blue eyes. I was instantly smitten. However long I sat and gaped at her, it was too long. I lurched clumsily to my feet. "Hi! I'm Five," I said, offering my hand, a little too enthusiastically "Janey." She returned the greeting. "I don't usually approach strangers in cafes," she went on, "but I couldn't help but notice you. I've come in here for my lunch all week, and you've been sat at the same table every day, scribbling away." I must have blushed, because she continued: "Please don't be embarrassed, I was just wondering...mind if I take a look?" She smiled so sweetly, and seemed so genuinely interested, that I couldn't refuse. I showed her the latest material I'd been working on, and was instantly aware of how terrible it was. She seemed to enjoy it however, and as time went on she asked to see more and more of my work. Before I knew it we were talking about other things, and it had gotten late. During our little discussions I had fallen hard for this girl, and I didn't want her to leave my life that night. However, I had had little to no experience with this type of interaction, and had no idea how to say the right thing to her. She got up finally, and said she had to be going, and she'd had a really good time meeting me. I froze suddenly, and couldn't think of any way of telling her how much this day had meant. As she turned away and walked for the door, I called after her: "I'll...I'll be here tomorrow!" She turned, looked thoughtful for a second, then beamed at me. "See you then," she replied, and left. *FLASH* I found myself smiling, as I recalled the first time I had met Janey. At the darkest time of my life, she had come out of nowhere, and given me something to smile about. Knowing what I know now, I still don't think I would change a thing about those early days... BREAK: We had an “excursion” to another beach that Dmx had “discovered” (new site area) There, there is a statue of a leg, clearly the remains of an ancient statue of a man, and the wreckage of the tail section. Chapter Seven – A Journey Into The Dark After the unsettling discoveries made on the western side of the island, we returned through the caves, making uneasy small talk to hide the terrible sights we had seen. But DMX was right, the Western Beach is a good camping spot, and it will be used. I bade farewell to my companions at the caves, and made my way back to my tent at the beach. The flap was opened, and a light was flickering inside. I stopped, my heart hammering. Someone was inside, and probably waiting for return. I picked a log out

of the fire, burning my hand in the process, and cautiously approached my tent. I burst inside, before my courage left me, and saw... Locke. The man who's haunted me for the past week, sitting in my tent, torch lit, and totally at ease. "YOU!" I exclaimed. The very sight of him brought the goosebumps back to my skin. "I have found something in the Jungle Five," he told me. "Something I think you'll be quite interested to see." I was quiet for some moments. "You want to take me there?" He nodded "Now?" He nodded again "But it's pitch dark out there!" "It'd be better if...noone saw us leave." This filled me full of doubt, but there was a gleam in his eye that told me he really believed what he was telling me. Whatever else is going on, there IS something in the jungle that he wants me to see. As I write this, he is gathering provisions for our trip. He has given me a large hunting knife - As if I'd know how to use it! Still, I feel safer having it with me. Something tells me I'll probably need it. I am leaving this journal outside my tent, for the rest of the camp to see. If I am not back in 3 days, do NOT come looking for me! It would not be worth it. Instead, keep my journal for if...WHEN...we get rescued. Make sure it reaches Tony's Italian Cafe, Manhattan. There, they'll know what to do. And if John Locke should return without me...Kill him. Chapter Eight – Locke-t I remember watching Jack and Kate and the rest disappearing into the jungle with Locke and thinking to myself, "Man, they're so lucky." I always wished I would get to share in the mysterious jungle outings. How misguided was I? I got back tonight, and rushed to my journal to take this down. I don't want to miss a detail. We left the camp in the dark of night, moving stealthily to avoid attracting attention to ourselves. I didn't agree with his methods, but I didn't want to cross him outright so soon. We weaved a path through the jungle, him always ahead, me following in his footsteps, our flickering torches the only source of light in the all-encompassing blanket of darkness that descends on the jungle after sunset. Shortly into the trip, something odd happened. "Stay here," he said, out of nowhere, and doubled around. As soon as he left my sight, I suspected a trap, and immediately climbed the nearest tree. From the top, I was surprised to see him following the trail back towards our camp. I watched him sit outside a tent for some minutes. Eventually, a woman came

by (I couldn't make out who), and they talked. At this point, I suddenly realised how utterly exhausted I was, and I slid out of the tree and made a bed for the night. He awoke me in the morning, telling me he had a lot of ground to cover. I looked around. There was no evidence of him having slept. Where was he all night? I shall have to ask around the camp. We pressed on that day, yesterday, in mostly silence. He led with a sense of purpose, there was never any doubt that he knew where he was going. After what seemed like hours, he stopped suddenly, and turned to me. "What would you say, Five, if I told you I could give you something you thought you'd lost forever?" "I'd find that hard to believe, Locke." He smiled, that self confident smile he always gets when secrets are being revealed, and led me into a clearing. At the edge was a large heap of debris, branded with the Oceanic Logo. "What? Why haven't you told anyone about this? Does Jack know? There could be medicines!" "Just look over there," he said, indicating a pile of wreckage to the left of the clearing. Unsure where we was going with this, I edged over to the twisted metal and searched through it. Shortly, I gasped aloud. I pulled out a small necklace with a locket on the end; one that I recognised very well. Without looking, I knew that inside would be a small piece of paper, bearing a note I had written for Janey four years ago. I turned to him. "HOW?! HOW would this be here?! HOW would you KNOW!?" He continued to smile at me. I reached a disturbing conclusion. "This means...This means someone on the plane...knew Janey! Was close enough to own her necklace! She would never give it away!" "Five, this island offers its own unique help to whose who are truly willing to accept it. Are you?" "What do you even mean, you weirdo!? Listen to yourself!" "Open it" "What?" "Open it" Caught off guard, I opened it up, not taking my eyes off him. Something small fell out with a flash, and a picture fluttered out of the casing. I picked the small item off the ground. "Its...Oh my God, It's...her wedding ring!" He nodded knowledgably. "Why the HELL would she put it in there? We never took them off Locke, why would she put it in the locket?" In my shock I was becoming hysterical. When Locke spoke, it was with the calmest voice I had ever heard from him. "What's the picture Five?" I was too scared to look, scared that I would see what I thought I would. With trembling hands I picked it up, and brought it before my eyes. As I expected, it was the picture of me and Janey on our anniversary, 2002. Both smiling blissfully into the camera, complete, the happiest we had ever been in our

lives. My mind was in turmoil. This was too much to take in. How could this item have made it onto the plane? Who brought it there? Someone in this camp is closer to me than I could have imagined, and neither of us know it. WHY would Janey have put her ring in the locket, with the picture? Could she have known...? No, that's IMPOSSIBLE. "Ok Five, let's go" Locke left me to make my own way back to camp - he said he had "things to take care of." I didn't care. All day I have brooded over this locket, and I am no closer to an answer. I have put it around my neck. The island has chosen to give me her ring, and our favourite picture, and I will keep them close to my heart while I am stuck on this godforsaken rock. The cooincidence of the whole thing damn near blows my mind. How could her locket, her ring, OUR picture...have made into onto MY flight? Somebody on this Island holds that answer. Chapter Nine – Heat I was on a relaxing walk with Claire. I'd seen her ambling contendedly down the beach, kicking her feet in the ocean, and realised with a jolt how similar she looked to Janey. Blonde hair, the same blue eyes. I approached her and struck up a conversation. She let me join her on her walk, and we set off down the beach together. I found myself having a really good time, and when we finished our little circuit and returned to the camp I crossed my fingers and went for it. "So, uhhhh, what are ya doin' later?" I asked her, flashing a winning smile. "Oh. ummm, well, Charlie was sayin' about...y'know, with Aaron, and I..." I cut her off "Yeah, I thought you'd say that. I was just thinkin', maybe you'd like some new company for a change? I mean, you're with Charlie 24/7, you've got the baby and..." "I dunno Five. Charlie's been so good to me, ever since we crashed, I can't..." I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little disappointed. "It's cool Claire. So I'll see ya around?" I turned to head "home". Several seconds later I heard: "I'm walkin' again tomorrow...You wanna come?" I smiled.

As I neared my tent I noticed a crowd had gathered around it, and there was a loud commotion going on. I quickened my step, and when I saw smoke in the air I broke into a run. "What the hell is going on here!?" I shouted. "Dude...someone lit fire to your tent," Hurley told me. "Oluv raised the alarm about an hour ago. I think we saved most of your stuff." I raced to the front of the crowd. There, I saw my tent, smouldering, but mostly intact. I'd need a new tarp, but my possessions seemed to be ok. Thank God I had my journal with me, tucked in my back pocket, and my locket around my neck. I can't imagine losing either. ...

---------Night ---------I was just waken by the sound of someone pacing up the beach outside my tent. I got up to investigate, making sure to grab the hunting knife Locke gave me several days ago. After the arson attack, I'm keeping it around at all times - You can't be too careful here. Easing open the flap of the tent, I saw that it was Oluv, pacing around, looking very agitated. "Hey!" I called. She turned, and I saw that she looked pained, like when you have a reeeeally bad headache. "Everything OK?" I asked. She nodded, and smiled weakly, but I was unconvinced. "You here lookin' for a good place to camp?" I said with a grin. I knew she was sick of my beach advertisement. She smiled grimly, but said nothing. "Hey, thanks for saving my tent earlier. You stopped a lot of damage that could have happened." "No problem," she replied, her voice hoarse. "OK, well...Good Night!" I said. It was clear she didn't want any interruption. She set off, presumably to her own tent at the caves. I wonder what was wrong?... Chapter Ten – What The…? I was sitting in my tent, idly doodling in my journal when I heard the sounds of a commotion gathering down the beach. I ignored it for a while, then I succumbed to curiosity and went to investigate. Running towards a crowd gathered on the shoreline, I bumped into Hurley. "Hurley, what's goin' on!?" I asked, surprised at the look on his face. "Dude, Claire's drowning!" "WHAT!?" "Yeah dude, She was swimming, but the tide started to overpower her and she was swept..." My shirt was lying by my shoes on the shore and I was neck deep in the ocean waves. "Dude, Charlie went after her like, five minutes ago! It's not safe" His voice had already faded out to a distant drone as I... Picked my way through the Jungle Overgrowth. "Where are you taking me John?" "Someplace you need to be." Several minutes later we reached a small clearing filled with Oceanic debris. I was drawn to one heap of scrap, and looked at Locke. He nodded wordlessly, and I picked out a curious heap of fabric. As I pulled it into the light, I saw that it was a bloody, white, womans T-shirt. I screamed and ...

Scrumpled up the 10th scrap of paper and tossed it into the nearby bin. Angrily, I beat the table, wishing more ideas would come. A shadow fell over my table. Looking up I saw it was a beatiful, blonde girl. "Hey, mind if I take a look?" she asked How could I refuse? I organised my scrappy reams of paper into a organised pile and turned to her, flashing an apologetic smile. To my shock, I was staring into the face of a large, muscly man, decked out in Army camouflage. And down the barrel of his gun. Unable to move through sheer panic, I gaped at him as he loaded the gun with a terrifying "...click". His finger contracted on the trigger and I... Awoke in my tent, screaming for my life. The silent eeriness of my tent shocked me, and I sat for several minutes, panting and in a cold sweat. My heart was beating like a war drum, and I had to leave and bathe my face in the water basin to regain my senses. The nightmare had come out of nowhere, and it scared the hell out of me. I jotted it down here in case I should forget any of the images I had seen. They hadn't seemed like a dream, but lucid, just like real life. That man...I knew him well. His cruel face had occupied my brain for long years. I have only seen him once before in my life...the night Janey died... Chapter Eleven – A Bad Road To Follow Now I'm convinced. This island is the recycling bin of all our past deeds. So much for "getting a new start on the island"; ever since we crashed here I've had to face up to my past, and now the island has seen fit to reopen those wounds. I had to pay a visit to Sawyer. Aaron had some sort of fever, and Claire wouldn't calm down until she'd sent me to find some medicine for him. I didn't want to involve Jack, as I knew this sickness would blow over in a few hours, so I went to get some cheap meds from Sawyer's stash. He smiled broadly as I approached him. "What's up Scorchy? Seems you've been up to a lot since I've been gone. Heard about your little accident the other night." "What accident?" "Your tent getting flamegrilled? Looks like someone's got it out for you". I stared hard at him "What do you know Sawyer?" He continued to grin at me. "Me? I don't know anything, I'm just an honest merchant...So what'll it be?" I explained to him about the baby's fever. As I was talking a box in his tent caught my eye. "Sawyer...what's that?" He turned to follow my gaze "What? Oh that, that's just an old pregnancy test. I picked it out of some debris." "Let me see it." Now it was his turn to stare hard at me. "A pregnancy test? Somethin' you're not tellin' us Sco...

"Just give it to me Sawyer!" Obviously intrigued, he handed it to me. I hadn't been mistaken. The label on the box clearly read "Pregnancy Indicator Widmore Laboratories" Widmore... -----Flash -----I was lounged on the sofa in my apartment, lazily flipping through the channels on my tiny television. Employment for an unqualified writer was as scarce as ever, and I had resorted to taking a part time job at the cafe to keep myself and Janey afloat. That night, she came bustling through our door, and her excitement was palpable. "What's got you all worked up?" I asked her, as it was clear she was bursting to spill this news to me. "There was a mixup at work, somebody lost like 3 days worth of paperwork, and I got to take off early while they sorted the mess out..." I laughed out loud. "Well babe, that's great news, but I don't see why you..." She had continued without taking a breath. "...so I took a trip round the shops, and ended up at Sharpe's... "Oh Janey, why do you keep going back there?! I would LOVE to take you to Sharpe's, and buy you everything you want, but you know that we can't..." Again she continued on stoically with her story, unwilling to be cut off "...and I thought this time, why not take a look inside? You know, just to see what it's really like. So I was looking around, y'know, trying on some nice dresses..." I sighed. "...and I met the NICEST man." This caught my interest. "He told me he had seen me looking at the dresses, and asked why I hadn't bought any of them. I was so embarrassed, I told him I was really looking for something nice for you." I laughed. Janey was a terrible liar "Then he asked me all about you. I explained about your writing, and how no-one's ever recognised how good you can be. Well guess what? Turns out he's in New York to manage a branch of his new business. Yep, he's an important businessman!" She handed me a card. "He wants you to visit his offices tomorrow. He's only in New York for a few days, so you can't miss this chance!" I glanced at the card she had given me: WIDMORE LABORATORIES NOW HIRING. SEE REVERSE FOR DETAILS "His name is Charles Widmore. He said you'd be perfect for a job in his office, writing notes and, y'know, stuff like that. I laughed again.

"Janey, I'm GLAD you met a nice guy, but you can't expect me to go through with this. You have no idea what this job is, We know nothing about the company, about the...the pay..." "He bought me this." She pulled out a rich, formal suit. I gaped. "Janey! From Sharpe's!? That'll have cost a FORTUNE! I can't... "I guess you owe him an interview at least, huh?" she said, cocking an eyebrow in a gesture that clearly showed she had the upper hand, and knew it. "But you can't...You shouldn't even have...I can't BELIEVE you..." "There, it's settled then. Come on, let's try this on." Still reeling from her forwardness, I followed her to the bedroom. -----Flash -----"So when's it due, Pops?" My mind was dragged back into the present by Sawyer's mocking dig. "Oh...uh, I thought this was...something else..." I said, casually throwing it back into his tent. I took his meds, and retreated a few yards down the beach. The Widmore box had revived some old memories, and I sat lost in thought for a few minutes. "For the LAST TIME, I don't know nothin' about no LOCKET!" Sawyer's voice once again awoke me from my reminiscences. I sat in the sand, mildly disorientated, until I processed what I had just heard. I leapt to my feet, and ran back to Sawyer's tent... TO BE CONTINUED Chapter Twelve – Obstacles I rode the wind back once again to Sawyer's tent. As I'd feared, he was lounging alone outside, sipping on a beer. "Sawyer, who was that!?" He looked shocked at my sudden arrival. "Back so soon, Scorchy? 'Cos I've just about set up shop for the day..." "Cut it Sawyer, I don't have time for this crap. Who were you talking to?" He seemed a bit taken aback. "Well, well, well, looks like someone's had a double helpin' of testosterone today...What's it worth to ya?" "...What!? Are you crazy?" "You wanna know so badly hothead? You'll earn my information." I was silent for a few moments, my anger boiling just underneath the surface. He held my gaze the whole time, an arrogant smirk on his face. "Ok, listen here cowboy. You're gonna tell me who you've been talkin' to, or..." "Oh yeah Braveheart, or what?"

"Whoa, whoa, WHOA! What the hell is this?!" Kate came running down the beach, seconds before me and Sawyer came to blows. "Little Five here's havin' a hard time coping in the world of business, that's what's happening." "Alright Sawyer, I swear to God, one more time, and I'll..." "Ok Five, that's enough." Kate broke me off before my fury got the better of me. I was surprised at myself, allowing my emotions to control my actions like this. Sawyer's cold heartedness and plain malevolence had snapped something inside of me. I was so close to solving my Locket mystery, and all that stood in my way was this arrogant idiot. I saw what he did the other night with the guns, playin' Locke and Jack against each other and keeping them all for himself. If he's trying to get people to hate him, he's doing a damn good job of it. "Now tell me what's going on here." Kate continued. "I'm trying to explain to this idiot that nothing worth having comes cheap..." "You're just trying to gather more crap for your stash!..." "Ok, Ok." Kate cut in once again. "Five, what do you want?" "All I want to know is who's been asking after my locket!" "And I told you I'll tell ya...but it'll cost ya...I bet I could bag a heap for that pretty necklace you're wearin' aroun... "Sawyer, I don't think..." Kate tried to cut him off The next second, Sawyer was lying in the sand, a trickle of blood flowing from his mouth, and my hand was buzzing from the impact of the punch. Not waiting for a reaction from either of them, I stepped over his body, and stalked off down the beach... Chapter Thirteen – Proposition Still raging from my encounter with Sawyer, I marched down the beach back "home" to my tent. I could hear him shouting threats at my back, but I didn't care; it was just a stupid argument, it'd blow over soon enough. I'm gonna find out who he was talking to, whether he wants to tell me or not. However, thoughts of Sawyer soon left my mind, as there was a surprise in store for me when I got back to my tent. Claire was sitting outside, and she must have waiting for me, because she jumped up as I approached. She seemed out of sorts, and there was telltale signs of tears in her eyes. "Whoa, what's wrong?" I asked. I hadn't spoken to her in days; not since...well you know; I thought I'd burned my bridges there. "What's wrong!?" she replied. "You saw what happened the other night, didn't you?" I did. Charlie seems to have had some weird moment of insanity, and decided he wanted to baptise Aaron in the ocean. I still can't believe what he did, essentially kidnapping the baby. What was he thinking? Still, I'd kept my distance, Charlie and the baby weren't my problem anymore.

"I can't have someone like that around Aaron! What if he did it again? What if no-one caught him this time?! I thought Charlie was my friend, but I've told him to keep away from me." "Well...I'm...I'm sorry to hear that..." "Locke offered to move beside me and, you know, keep watch over us, but I was thinking...maybe...maybe I could move down here, to the beach...beside...?" I suddenly laughed, as I realised what she was saying. "Claire...you're in a bad state of mind right now, yeah? I don't think that would be the best idea. Tell you what, take Locke up on his offer, see how it goes, and if you're not happy, come see me in a few days, ok?" I couldn't quite believe what I was saying myself. Her eyes hardened as I finished speaking. She sat in silence for a few moments, then wordlessly got up and walked away. I sat in the sand, thinking about what I'd just done. Then I pushed myself to my feet and went into my tent. The events of the day finally caught up with me, and I flopped onto my bed, exhausted. ... I'm an idiot. Chapter Fourteen – Interviews -------Flash -------London, England. My first interview with Charles Widmore had been a success. Mostly. He was nowhere near how I'd expected - a lot older than I thought he'd be. He was the most clinical man I'd ever met. I turned up in his New York based office on the appointed day, feeling horribly out of place, even in my new suit. Janey had spent hours that morning helping me get my look just right, but every sharpsuited businessman I passed further enforced my own feeling of inferiority. I spent quite a long time in a lounge area, awaiting the notice to enter Mr Widmore's office. I was unnerved by the fact that I was the only one there. All the time I spent in that waiting area, I didn't see another soul. Eventually I got the call and entered his office to be judged. The room was huge. I had to cover a LOT of ground to get to his desk from the door, with his eyes on me the whole time - deeply unsettling. I sat opposite him, and nervously introduced myself. "Ah yes," he replied deadpan. "I recognised the suit." I laughed self-consciously, but soon stopped when I saw his stony expression. For several seconds there was an unbearable silence. Finally he laughed, so loudly and suddenly that I jumped. He reached over to shake my hand, and the air was cleared.

"Your wife showed me some of your work. I think you're just what we're looking for a place has opened up that's perfect for you." "Ahhh," I replied, "We're not married...sir...not yet...can't afford it..." I said pointedly, with a small grin. "Ahh, I see, I see...well, there's always time, eh?" He went on to outline some job aspects, very vaguely I thought, but I was desperate for money, and what he was saying sounded like exactly what I was looking for: Wellpaid, office-based writing. "There is...ONE...thing however..." he went on The Catch. I'd been waiting for him to say something like this. "These offices are purely temporary. You'd have to relocate with us to London...England." I wasn't happy about this, but I didn't really see an alternative. I could imagine Janey wouldn't see the bright side of this, but then she'd got me into this situation; she had no choice really. As I'd expected, she wasn't pleased with the relocation. I was sad to see the back of New York too, I loved the city, and we'd be saying goodbye to some lifelong friends. Still, we reasoned, we needed the money so badly, and we couldn't throw away this opportunity. I turned up at my new workplace on my first week in England, not knowing what to expect at all. As soon as I arrived, I was ushered to a lounge, almost identical to the other, and told that Mr Widmore requested my presence. His bearing was much more serious when I entered this time, more sombre. He didn't wait for me to sit before he began to talk. "There have been some...changes...to our arrangement," he told me. "What kind of...changes?" I asked. I wasn't even positive on what our "arrangement" was supposed to be. He rummaged in a drawer in his desk, and I was shocked to see him remove a sizable pile of money, which he threw onto the table in front of me. "That is yours. You will receive a package like this every week, in return for...loyalty. You won't be working in the offices." "What!? I moved here from Ne...!" He rummaged again and this time he held in his hands a compact mobile phone, which he again tossed onto the desk in front of me. "You will submit to me pieces of your work, which I in turn will promote. In exchange...when that phone rings, you will answer it." "Look here Mr Widmore, I don't know wha..." He grabbed the money and phone back off the table." "That's fine, boy, our deal is done. You are free to leave, I'm sorry we couldn't reach an agreement." I watched him shovel the money away back into it's envelope, and my heart sank. How could I tell Janey I turned down that sort of sum? "ALRIGHT!...alright. I'll do it." He smiled, for the first time since I'd entered.

"Excellent. You can go home, we have no need of you at present. Keep that phone close and..." he tossed the envelope of money into my hands this time..."Enjoy." -------Flash --------

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