Zte Technology- Issue 70- Zte 3g Cdma Solutions

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Editorial Board Board director:

Shi Lirong

Board member:

Zeng Li

Editor in chief:

Wang Peng

Product editor:

Chen Ji Feng Jun

ZTE to deploy its first commercial African WiMAX network --WiMAX will be built in Angola for Mundostartel.

Liu Shaoyong Meng Xiude Xiang Jiying Xiao Rongjian

ZTE Corporation (Shenzhen: 000063, Hong Kong:0763), the fastest growing global provider of telecommunications equipment and network solutions, is to deploy its first

Executive editor: Liu Chongrong

ever Africa commercial WiMAX network in Angola fol-


lowing an agreement signed recently with Mundostartel,

Chen Xia

Angola’s 2nd largest fixed-line operator. ZTE will provide Mundostartel with the equipment to build a nationwide WiMAX network by January 2006. All the

Subscription / Customer Services

equipment provided by ZTE fully complies with WiMAX

Subscription to ZTE TECHNOLOGIES

provide broadband and VoIP services for more than six

is free of charge.

million people, including, in the first stage, Luanda, capi-

Tel: +86-755-26771559

standards. The network will cover three cities and will

tal of Angola, Benguela and Lobito.

Fax: +86-755-26770221

ZTE won the contract in competition with four other glo-

or register online at

bal telecoms equipment suppliers. Under the terms of


the agreement, ZTE will supply Mundostartel with its end-

POSTMASTER: Send address

to-end WiMAX solution including base stations and CPEs

changes to Ms. Chen Xia at

(Customer Premises Equipment) which offer smooth

[email protected]

scalability to an 802.16e (mobile WiMAX) network, roaming support architecture and product serialisation. “The provision of broadband communications is of huge benefit to businesses throughout Angola,” said Mr.

Marketing Division 3F, ZTE Plaza

Carneiro, Mundostartel’s board chairman. “We are committed to providing our customers with the most advanced

Keji Road South, Hi-tech Industrial Park

technology available and this agreement with ZTE makes

Shenzhen 518057, P.R.China

Mundostartel the nation’s frontrunner.”

Tel: +86-755-26770203 Fax: +86-755-26770221

“ZTE is committed to providing cutting-edge wireless technol-


ogy like WiMAX to countries such as Angola where fixed-line

Email: [email protected]

DSL is not the best means of providing the population with broadband access,” said Dr Zhao Xianming, vice president of ZTE.


This agreement follows recent ZTE announcements of

multi-service terminals such as IP data, VoIP, WLAN,

WiMAX deployments in Islamabad, Pakistan and a na-

VPN and TDM.

tionwide network in Serbia.

ZTE has signed a partnership agreement with Intel Cor-

ZTE has established three WiMAX R&D centers in America

poration and Fujitsu to develop and promote standards

and China since its WiMAX operations began in 2002. With

and specifications for WiMAX networks. ZTE is also one

more than 400 R&D personnel dedicated to WiMAX operations,

of the 13 board members of the WiMAX forum.nearly

ZTE owns a growing patent portfolio in the WiMAX field.

10% of its annual sales income into research and

ZTE provides the full package of WiMAX products based on 2.3GHz, 2.5G, 3.3GHz, 3.5GHz, 3.7GHz, 5.8GHz, and

development; and has 25,000 employees, of which 70% have a bachelor or higher degree.

ZTE Opens Dutch Office ZTE Corporation (Shenzhen: 000063, Hong Kong: 0763)

with Alcatel to have ZTE’s CDMA radio access portfolio

has established a presence in the Benelux region with

integrated into Alcatel’s CDMA end-to-end solutions; a

the opening of a new office in Den Haag, the Netherlands.

research and development memorandum of understand-

The Netherlands office follows the establishment in recent years of ZTE offices in Spain, Portugal and the UK and Western Europe regional headquarters in Paris. More

ing with Portugal Telecom; and a contract to supply Skylink, Russia’s largest CDMA operator, with an advanced CDMA network for Murmansk.

recently ZTE set up its Eastern Europe regional headquar-

“ZTE’s presence will further enhance Den Haag’s reputa-

ters in Istanbul, Turkey, a regional resource centre in

tion as an international city,” said Mr Pieter Van Woense,

Budapest, Hungary and an R&D centre in Sweden.

the metropolitan councilor and chairman of the West Hol-

The Dutch office will target the region’s wireless, networking and terminals markets. “Our new office will enable us to provide improved local support and services to Benelux and Northern Europe customers.”said ZTE Netherlands technical director Dr. Bo Tian. “ZTE’s strategy in Europe is totally focused on localisation. We will work closely with local partners, recruit local employees and set up more regional centres for R&D and after-sale services,” Dr. Bo Tian added.

land Foreign Investment Agency (WIFA). “We expect that the successful agreement between ZTE, the city of Den Haag and the WFIA will lead to more cooperation between Chinese and Netherlands telecoms companies. With ZTE’s establishment in Den Haag, we expect a positive contribution to both parties’ growth.” Founded in 1985, ZTE Corporation has been listed as an A-Share company on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange since 1997. In December 2004, ZTE was successfully listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange in Hong Kong,

ZTE has already achieved significant milestones in the

becoming the first Chinese company to hold both A shares

European market this year including: the successful

and H shares. ZTE recorded contract sales of approxi-

completion of a 3G European Roadshow which reached

mately USD 4,111 million in 2004. Currently, ZTE has more

top operators in 10 European countries; becoming a glo-

than 27,000 employees and over 33 offices worldwide,

bal supplier of ADSL equipment to France Telecom which

with its products widely deployed in over 100 countries

has 118.6 million customers worldwide; an agreement

and regions across five continents.




Pakistan: Major Mobile Network Deployment Summary: Extremely rapid network growth in a major but immature market uses a turnkey vendor relationship to maximise time to market and cost control considerations.

The Challenge: Pakistan is a key growth market in Asia.

rapid network deployment and aggressive marketing and

Mobile takeup is on a substantial growth curve currently

brand building strategies it has employed. Now, in third

with over 10 million subscribers served by six players of

place and closing after longer-established operators

which Paktel is one of the most recent entrants. Paktel is

Mobilink and Ufone, Paktel currently has around 1 million

the Pakistan subsidiary of the Millicom International

subscribers and a market share of around 9%, with sub-

Cellular, a group that has 16 mobile operations in 15 coun-

scriber count increasing at a rate of 100,000 per month.

tries in Asia and Africa. The company launched GSM

“The rates are already very low, so now it is clearly cov-

services in 2004, and has migrated from an existing AMPS

erage and quality that matter,” Mr Rocoplan comments,

TDMA analogue service. There is a major push to increase

and predicts the fight will move to ‘customer services

network expansion by all the major players for competi-

and what you can do for customers in 2006’. But he

tive and market reasons. Paktel sources its entire GSM

contends: “It is a long race, and the one thing that mat-

network infrastructure from ZTE.

ters is the shape of [the service provider] cost structure.

The Business: Six mobile operators in the country means

We must shape it to remain competitive.”

the competition is extremely intense, requiring operator

The Network. “The quality of existing networks is not

differentiation and addressing a market characterised by

very good, and there is only one real player with [national]

extremely low tariffs. Xavier Rocoplan, Paktel CEO, says

coverage,” says Mr. Rocoplan. So, the push is on for the

that Paktel’s strategy is to come to market with offer that

serious players to achieve national coverage and this will

is seen as best value for money, but which is not neces-

mean ever more investment announced from the top three

sarily the cheapest. “We want to be seen as the ‘smart’

players, he predicts. Whilst all operators have announced

choice, and to be the innovator,” he says. Observers

expansion, national coverage means big targets for net-

suggest that a key strength of Paktel so far has been

work deployment. “We actually had the biggest rollout



CASE STUDY so far with launches in 31 cities, and more than 100 cit-

ing phone calls. This is mediated through the mobile in-

ies are now covered,” he says. “It is the usual telecom

telligent network (IN) system.”

cycle and it is very capital intensive and we are all going through that phase now.” And the costs are many and various. ”Much of the capex is linked to towers and civil engineering work. Local approvals and permits are, in practice, not cheap and licence costs are significant, with various annual licence fees and USO obligations,” he says.

What are the lessons to make a long term partnership between vendor and operator work effectively? “The trick as a mobile operator is to manage the vendor relationship effectively, says Rocoplan. “ZTE is definitely a ‘different’ vendor

in comparison with the major vendors in the

West who tend to place emphasis on technology feature sets,” he comments. “ZTE has been very good in terms

To achieve predictability in planning and cost control of

of logistics, and has been very flexible. There have been

network capex, Paktel has built a long-term strategic re-

“a lot of good things such as the IN implementation, post-

lationship with ZTE, the Chinese telecom vendor in a multi-

sales services and ability to meet our specific require-

phase network rollout. In each case, ZTE has provided

ments” that has enabled differentiation for Paktel in the

the complete GSM infrastructure on a turnkey basis. Mr.

market. ZTE products “are good, he says, and will con-

Rocoplan says Paktel is now “in a third phase of that

tinue to mature over time” and considers that ZTE are

expansion”, meaning effectively doubling the site count

also “extremely flexible as an organization”. And Paktel

to 1000 by the end of this year. “We are trying to improve

clearly sees the partnership as a valuable learning experi-

the indoor coverage in the network as well,” he says.

ence for both sides: “Overall I would rate it as positive,”

Brand building is also important in the network rollout:

he says, and adds that ”ZTE is flexible enough to learn a

“We would like to be seen as an innovative brand. We

lot from service providers like Paktel.”

are rolling out GPRS and NGN infrastructures to help us achieve our cost structure.”

The Future: The market has plenty of opportunity in advanced services as well says Mr. Rocoplan: “I don’t think

Previous project phases have concerned building up overall

anyone has sold GPRS properly because there are ca-

network expansion including GSM core, GSM radio, IN,

pacity and quality issues. We started work on GPRS four

SMS, microwave link and power supply systems. In the

months ago and it should be enabled by October.” Mr.

third phase capacity expansion, ZTE provides core and

Rocoplan adds that Paktel will again work creatively to

radio networks to Paktel including shelter BTS and micro-

use GPRS but possibly not as an explicitly branded ser-

BTS installations. ZTE is also providing additional facilities,

vice in the retail market.

including CRBT, and an all-in-one O&M facility. In subphases GPRS, and softswitch CN architectures may also be implemented. Paktel subscribers enjoy features such as missed call and welcome messages. ZTE also provides support through its own Pakistan subsidiary that employs 600 people to provide project implementation, research and development, as well as manufacturing and software development for both the local and export markets.

Meanwhile network expansion continues, with some observers suggesting that Paktel could reach No 2 position in the market alongside Ufone in three years. “We are now entering Phase 4 project that could see another doubling of sites next year,” he comments. A smooth evolution in the rollout could in turn see both capex and opex savings involving reduction in O&M costs. The urgency to expand permeates the operator focus, says Rocoplan: “We will have a dedicated project team for the

The Result: What rating would Paktel give ZTE as a

next two or three years, and the idea is to keep expand-

partner? ”ZTE has been a positive experience [for us],

ing every week, with activities being continually pushed

and has been very flexible,” says Mr. Rocoplan. “ZTE

through to support the business.”

can meet all our creative requirements including innovative marketing features that rebate subscribers for mak-



November 2005 Issue


ZTE's CDMA2000 All-IP CN Products 1 Overview In 2005, the global 3G market begins to warm up and evolves from the network experiment period to the

services; the equipment manufactur-

ity of ZTE CDMA equipment has ex-

ers hope to launch products that bet-

ceeded 30 million lines, and accord-

ter suit the market; and the users hope

ingly ZTE has become the biggest

to enjoy more abundant, high quality

CDMA equipment exporter in China.


network construction period, and the

As a leading brand in the global

corresponding market begins to take

ZTE Corporation is not only the larg-

CDMA equipment field, ZTE offers a

shape. In 2004, the “3G in China” Glo-

est listed telecommunications manu-

full range of proprietary CDMA

bal Summit was held in Beijing,

facturer in China, but also a leading

products, including base stations,

China. At the summit, experts, op-

player in global CDMA technology. ZTE

switches, and terminals. ZTE is able

erators and manufacturers around the

offers a full set of 3G solutions, includ-

to research, develop, and industrial-

world sat together to discuss the cur-

ing CDMA2000, WCDMA, and TD-

ize the core of CDMA system. Dif-

rent status and future of 3G. The

SCDMA. Among them, the CDMA

ferentiated and customized solutions

stable network construction, service

series products been widely used in

and perfect customer services have

promotion, and development of sub-

over 50 countries in Asia Pacific,

borne abundant fruits in the global

scriber base and terminal suggest

South Asia, Europe, South Africa,

market. Based on ZTE's profound

that the 3G market begins to grow

North Africa, America, Middle East,

knowledge and advantages in the

up. The operators hope to offer more

CIS, and so on. The wireless capac-

CDMA field, ZTE proprietary ZXC10



compliant A/Ap interface between

of resources and technologies among

access network and CN. It can also

different products. Functional mod-

interconnect with other CDMA2000

ules are added to the system to in-

3G networks, NGN softswitch

dependent NEs or multi-service inte-

networks, and PSTN. It is compat-

grated NEs.

ible with the legacy 2G mobile net-

The proprietary All-IP general carrier-

works (for example, TIA/EIA-41

grade platform of ZTE helps to

network). As planned by the 3GPP2,

modularize the products in CN and

the LMSD will eventually evolve to

Radio Access Network (RAN). It

Multimedia Domain (MMD). Employ-

takes both the CN and RAN into con-

ing the advanced NGN softswitch

sideration and ensures reuse of

technology, the ZXC10-3GCN can

technologies, unified interfaces, and

smoothly evolve to the MMD by us-

unified software support. In this way,

ing additional corresponding functional

different application services can be

network elements (NEs).

developed on the unified hardware platform and unified software support, making it easy for the operators to

2 Advanced All-IP General Carriergrade Platform ZTE CDMA2000 All-IP solution is a total end-to-end CDMA2000 solution. The CDMA2000 solution is based on the proprietary ALL-IP general carrierwill keep its leading position in the CDMA2000 field.

grade platform of ZTE and open standards. It is a real 3G solution. This platform supports CDMA2000, TD-

build networks and launch various featured services. ZTE All-IP general carrier-grade platform has the following advantages: The general carrier-grade platform is used to ensure the unified procurement of spare parts and the scale merit of production. This enables ZTE to develop costeffective, competitive 3G

ZTE CDMA2000 All-IP core network

SCDMA, WCDMA, and fixed-net-

product series (ZXC10-3GCN) is the

work NGN. This flexible platform pro-

proprietary carrier-grade communica-

tects the current and future invest-

The platform easies the build-

tion equipment developed by ZTE.

ment of the operators and helps re-

ing of CDMA2000, WCDMA, TD-

The system complies with 3GPP2

lease all the potentials of 3G tech-

SCDMA, and fixed-network

standards. Based on IP technology,

nologies and services.

NGN networks. The nodes in the

the system adopts advanced NGN

ZTE integrates multiple 3G technolo-

softswitch technology to separate

gies (for example, CDMA2000) on a

service from control and separate call

unified platform. This offers a flexible,

from bearer. The system offers the

future-oriented 3G platform to the

CN functions of the CDMA2000 All-

operators. Being prospective, the

The platform facilitates the inter-

IP system to the operators. It can

system employs standard and modu-

connection and interworking be-

connect the IS-95, CDMA2000 1X,

lar hardware and software design.

tween CDMA2000, WCDMA,



Different products are the combina-

TD-SCDMA, and fixed NGN net-

CDMA2000 1xEV-DV base station

tions of different software and hard-

works and reduces the limitation

1 x E V- D O ,


system feature high reusability, facilitating the management and training and reducing the backup cost.




ware modules, maximizing the share

November 2005 Issue

systems. It offers 3GPP2 standard-

of services. Because

bandwidth and low operation and of


applications, market and so on, it is difficult for the operators to foresee the construction of future 3G network. The general carrier-grade November 2005 Issue

platform helps to release the pres-

management overhead to ensure the QoS of the services transferred in the network, while ensuring the advantages of the connectionless transmission in the IP network. This ensures the development of new services in

prioritization of up to 256K flows. The system implements the Diffserv edge node functions (including the RSVP agent function to interwork with the IP bearer services in the external networks.

the IP network.

sure of the operators.

The QoS information about differ-


In the changing, growing and evolv-

Differentiated Service (DiffServ) Mul-

ent external traffic can be mapped

ing business environment, ZTE All-

tiple Protocol Label Switching has

into internal traffic.

IP general carrier-grade platform en-

drawn great attention in the industry

sures the flexible optimization of net-

to offer a better QoS for IP network.

work configuration, cost-effective

ZTE CDMA2000 All-IP system em-



ploys a top-down and end-to-end QoS


architecture, facilitating the imple-

interoperability of general services

mentation of better traffic manage-

and applications and multiple

ment policies.





technologies. For the operators, this

4 Abundant Featured Services In the entire 3G industry chain, the operators, equipment manufacturers, terminal manufacturers, and service providers form a team to promote the

platform is a future-oriented, efficient business partner. After select-

The external network interface

development of 3G industry. As the

ing this platform, the operators will

board offers related QoS protocols

pioneers of 3G, NTT DoCoMo and

get advanced mobile technologies

supported by external networks.

Hutchison launched 3G services sev-

and experience of ZTE, no matter

Sufficient bandwidth is reserved

what technology is used.

for the internal network in the system. That is to say, the sys-

3 Perfect QoS

tem reserves a redundant bandwidth of 30%~40% while ensur-

The development of 3G technologies

ing the bandwidth for the full load.

will bring diversified services and

The internal bandwidth of the sys-

applications to the users. This re-

tem (after the reasonable incre-

quires a higher QoS of the network

mental overhead is considered) is

during the evolution. The QoS func-

always higher than the bandwidth

tion is to regulate the traffic of differ-

of the external interfaces.

ent services, customize correspond-

The system offers perfect mecha-

ing bandwidth for different services,

nisms for load balance, traffic

and smoothen the network traffic. It

measurement, and traffic control

intends to ensure the bandwidth, low

to avoid Ethernet congestion in the

delay, and low packet loss rate of the


eral years ago. However, at that time, there were no abundant terminals, coverage, services, or applications, so the subscriber base grew slowly. Now, the entire 3G industry chain has been greatly improved. Multiple terminal manufacturers (Motorola, Nokia, and so on) have launched a large number of 3G terminals; the major mobile operators have deployed 3G networks; and the major equipment manufacturers have

real-time services, improve the band-

launched 3G network equipment. It is obvious that the provision of advanced 3G services has become the key to the 3G industry chain. Only abundant services and applications

The system adopts the MPLS

can attract subscribers and enable the


3G industry to soar.

solve the QoS problem with the net-

The system adopts the Diffserv

With deep understanding of mobile

work is to reasonably use the limited

technology and supports

communication system and rich ap-

width utilization rate, tailor the rate of physical interfaces, and so on. To



plication experience, ZTE ensures the

deployed GoTa networks in over ten

technical advancement and stability

countries (Russia, Norway, Turkey,

of ZXC10-3GCN and fully considers

Brazil, Thailand, Indonesia, Egypt,

the actual demands of the operators.

Algeria, and so on) through coopera-

ZTE has been striving to explore and

tion with local operators.

develop various applications with the perience in global market and good cooperation relationship with major operators, ZTE has helped the operators in launching various featured applications at the right time, including 3G services such as location seraddition to the services specified in the related protocols, ZTE CDMA2000 All-IP CN products can also offer various featured services according to the requirements of the operators and the network characteristics. The followi n g t a k e s G o Ta a n d G G G a s examples.

work equipment, ZTE has been striving to research, develop, and promote 3G equipment for years. ZTE

ZTE has launched GGG gateway

CDMA2000 All-IP CN product series

solution. ZXC10-FLR/AC (Foreign

(ZXC10-3GCN) is another knockout

Mode Location Register/Authentica-

product of ZTE. As the 3G industry

tion Center) is the first GGG gateway

chain continuously improves, more

product launched by ZTE in the world.

and more 3G services and applica-

This gateway product provides a spe-

tions will be offered, and more 3G

cialized gateway between the GSM

networks will be built. Being cus-

and CDMA networks, with the core

tomer-centered, ZTE will still act as

NEs of GSM and CDMA networks

a pioneer of 3G technologies through

unchanged. It solves the problem

close cooperation with global

with the bi-directional roaming be-

operators. ZTE will launch more,

tween GSM and CDMA networks. It

better products and service appli-

can offer all basic functions and some

cation modes to meet the demands

special functions of the CDMA net-

of the customers, and will strive

work to GSM subscribers. It can also

to build strategic alliance with glo-

offer all basic functions and some

bal customers to bring 3G to a shin-

special functions of the GSM network

ing future!

GoTa is the new generation of digital

to CDMA subscribers. The subscrib-

trunking communication system de-

ers of the current network can use

veloped by ZTE. It is based on the

the services of the two networks

CDMA technology. The GoTa digital

without changing the subscriber

trunking communication system in-

number, achieving the bi-directional

tegrates public-network trunking and

fusion. Currently, the ZXC10-FLR/

professional scheduling. This im-

AUC has seen its successful appli-

proves the overall competitiveness,

cations in Asia, CIS, and America

attracts more professional and social


(Chen Ji, Liu Shaoyong, Ma Qianli)

trunking users, and increases the operating revenue. With a worldwide perfect marketing and maintenance system, ZTE GoTa has seen its commercial use in domestic and overseas markets. In December 2004, ZTE began to deploy national GoTa digital trunking network in Malaysia, which was the first nationwide use of the proprietary Chinese digital trunking system in the overseas market. Besides, ZTE has




vice and streaming media service. In

As a leading player in supplying net-

November 2005 Issue

operators. With rich application ex-

5 Conclusion

tem voice, data and integrated services was completed, representing a success of the R&D on the CDMA2000 1X system; In the 2nd quarter of 2001, ZTE CDMA product appeared in the international market for the first time on behalf of the domestiNovember 2005 Issue

cally-made CDMA equipment; In October 2001, R&D on the CDMA2000 1xEV-DO product was started on a large-scale basis; In June 2002, ZTE made a complete set of its EV-DO equipment


How ZTE Builds Up World-Class CDMA Brand Over Ten Years

exhibited in 3G World Congress 2002 (Hong Kong ) for the first time; In March 2004, GoTa (Global Open Trunking Architecture), the first CDMA2000-based digital trunking

It has been ten years since 1995

system composed of base station

system in the world was released

when ZTE started its preliminary re-

system, core network system and

by ZTE;

search on CDMA technology, to the

so on was launched, and was ap-

large-scale commercial application of

plied in multiple provincial CDMA

over 30 million subscriber lines by

WLL networks of China Telecom;

more than 80 operators in 50-odd countries at present. In 2001, ZTE established its “National CDMA brand No.1”, and now it is striving to build

dering with a project of CDMA net-

cation in an all-around way;

works of China Unicom Phase I in

Let’s look back how CDMA of ZTE

cities through tender, holding a

has traversed its way from the very

market share of nearly 8%, the

beginning to the current resplendence.

first of its kind in the domestically-

technology was started;

of offering delivery of large batches and started its commercial appli-

ten provinces and provincial-level

In 1995, pre-research on CDMA

1xEV-DO product became capable

In 2001, ZTE was awarded via ten-

up its”Global CDMA brand No.1”.

Episode 1: Growth Course

In June 2004, the CDMA2000

In November 2004, in 3G World Congress & Exhibition 2004 (Hong Kong), ZTE released a complete set of All-IP platform-based

made mobile communication

“CDMA2000 1xEV-DO+1X Re-

system. Thanks to its outstanding

lease A” integrated solutions the

performance, ZTE held a much

globe over, which proved that ZTE

larger market share in the subse-

had been in the internationally

quent Phase II and Phase III of the

leading rank in the latest 3G

project, untill the market share is

CDMA2000 field;

greater than 28% in 2005, thus be-

In March 2005, a strategic alliance

At the end of 1998, R&D on large-

coming the mainstay of the home-

came into being between Alcatel

scale IS95 base station system

made CDMA equipment;

and ZTE, with ZTE complete set

In the 1st quarter of 2001, trans-

of CDMA base station equipment

mission of CDMA2000 1X sys-

OEM for Alcatel;

was started; In March 2000, a complete IS95



In May 2005, “ZTE CDMA Global

international communication tycoons

CDMA network projects, have a ac-

demo” was successfully initiated

Alcatel and Nortel, a great number of

cumulated rich experiences in net-

in Oslo, Norway, and refined

core patents, and the CDMA tech-

work planning and optimization, and

CDMA2000 networks constructed

nologies that take the lead in the in-

have initially developed CDMA net-

by ZTE will be presented in differ-

dustry lay a firm foundation for ZTE’s

work optimization system and various

ent regions around the globe, em-

goal to “Strive to build up global

network planning and optimization

bodying that an internationalized

CDMA brand No. 1”.

software tools. What merits special

“CDMA Dragon” has been soaring.

All-service end-to-end solutions:

Episode 2: Core Competitive Edge

viding the most complete package of services in the industry, such as mobile stream media service, location-

construction of the network of China Unicom serving 11 million subscriber lines in 18 provinces of China, the rural network of BSNL in India serving 500,000 subscriber lines and the na-

based service, Push To Talk (PTT)

petitive edge of CDMA of ZTE involve,

service, GSM1X service, wireless PBX

as a successful international brand?

service, EV-DO service, and short

Low cost: Large-scale production and

message service, and characteristic

sales, continuous improvement of cost

services can also be customized in

and low labor cost ensure its low-cost

time to satisfy customers’ special

In addition, the CDMA team of ZTE is a

competition superiority; and the world-

requirements, to help operators en-

powerful team with true technologies. The

wide localized R&D and production bases

hance their competitive edge by

advanced processes ensure high effi-

invested by ZTE with generous fund, such

means of service differentiator. ZTE

ciency and quick response in R&D,

as those completed at the beginning of

is in a position to provide a complete

production, quality, pre-sales and after-

this year in India and Pakistan, with lo-

set of base station system, core net-

sales services, logistics systems and so

cal employees used, help lower the cost

work system and packet core net-

on. A powerful production capacity of

during the service process.

work system, and also high-, mid- and

more than 15 million subscriber lines per

low-end mobile phones and fixed

year; as many as nearly 2000 profes-

terminals, antenna feeder system,

sional engaged in R&D, more than 1000

optical transmission, microwave

persons dedicated to pre-sales and af-

transmission, BWA (Broadband Wire-

ter-sales technical support; a perfect and

less Access) transmission, satellite

healthy industrial chain; strategic partner-

still taking the lead up to now among

transmission, power and battery

ship with internationally celebrated

ZTE’s competitors in the industry. The

system, solar energy system, and

manufacturers; wide finance channels

BSC that features the largest capac-

even towers and shelters, etc., to

and good relationships with the

ity and data throughput in the CDMA

meet diversified requirements of dif-

government; all these form a competi-

industry, super BTS that supports 120

ferent customers.

tive edge for ZTE CDMA in its course

carrier-sectors, macro base trans-

Good engineering and network

ceiver station with the highest

planning/optimization services:

integrity, the most complete cell

ZTE boasts of a great number of pro-

station, the most flexible networking

fessional engineering and network

solution, the first CDMA2000-based

planning/optimization personnel, dis-

digital trunking communication sys-

tributed in more than 60 countries and

In 2001, the ZTE CDMA mobile com-

tem GoTa of a new generation around

regions, who have undergone as

munication system got a project of

the globe, the strategic alliance with

many as hundred of large-scale

China Unicom CDMA for ten

Continuous technical innovation: Continuous technical innovation has brought about abundant fruits. The technical indexes of All-IP series products launched by ZTE in 2004 are

tional rural network in Algeria, which has eloquently proved the powerful engineering capability of ZTE in undertaking projects around the globe.

towards an internationally famous brand.

Episode 3: Commercial Application




What aspects does the core com-

November 2005 Issue

ZTE CDMA holds a superiority of pro-

attention is ZTE’s presentation in the

provinces, occupying a market share

In the beginning of 2004, ZTE was

organized by the Ministry of Informa-

of 7.55%, for the first time in the his-

awarded via tendering with a

tion Industry of China; in July 2005, it

tory of China mobile communication,

project of 700 thousand-line net-

successful provided service to the

and representing the local manufac-

work by Indosat, Indonesia, cov-

Sixth Asia-Europe Finance Ministers’

turers to enter the main stream sup-

ering Jakarta and other important

Meeting held in Tianjin, China.

plier rank of China Mobile market for

areas like Surabaya;

the first time. Because of its outstanding presentation, ZTE held a much larger market share in the subsequent November 2005 Issue

Phase II and Phase III of the project, till a market share greater than 28% in terms of CDMA main equipment, which enter 18 provinces in 2005, thus becoming one of the most important partners of China Unicom, the

From 2003 to 2004, ZTE undertook work of VPT in Viet Nam, cover-

“A good sword is perfected in 10

ing Ho Chi Minh city and other 12

years”, ZTE has spent 10 years to

main provinces and cities; and in

build up the internationally celebrated

2005 undertook the first 3G

brand “ZTE CDMA”. In the winter of

CDMA2000 network of Viet Nam,

telecommunications that has just

covering Ho Chi Minh city with a

past, CDMA is a perfect presentation

population of 8 million;

of ZTE’s “Surpass at a turning”


second largest CDMA operator around the globe.

In July 2005, ZTE undertook the first CDMA2000 1X network of

CDMA is destined to become an important chess in ZTE’s international strategy. Ever since 2001 when it entered the market of Pakistan, embodying the first landing in CDMA internationalization, it has been less

Episode 4: Prospect

the 450MHz CDMA2000 1X net-





theory and tactics, winning ZTE a great deal of applause. In





transnational operator Hutchison,

internationalization, ZTE will spare no

Hong Kong, representing the first

effort in striving to build up “Global

time for ZTE to enter partnership

CDMA brand No. 1”; amid the vigor-

with a celebrated transnational

ous 3G CDMA2000 market competi-


tion around the globe, ZTE will con-

than 4 years before it is accepted by

tinuously present its powerful

more than 80 operators in over 50

Up to July 31, 2005, ZTE

countries and regions. CDMA has

CDMA2000 1xEV-DO system has

brought about for ZTE not only great

been successfully put in mass ap-

effect but also gorgeous economic

plication in as many as 15

As a domestically-made digital

benefits, and ZTE is thus praised as


trunking system with the widest appli-

a communication equipment supplier

Apart from the great success in the

with the fastest growth in the world.

main equipment of CDMA, ZTE has

In 2003, ZTE was awarded via ten-

obtained outstanding achievement in

dering with a project of 500 thousand-line agricultural network by the largest fixed network operator BSNL in India, thus becoming the first largest CDMA equipment supplier for BSNL;

the internationalization of the CDMA2000 technology-based GoTa digital trunking system, the first of its

strength and will harvest further successes.

cation scope and the greatest success, supported by a mature industry chain and industry alliance, it will not be long before the GoTa system becomes a digital trunking technology of the international main stream.

kind around the globe. Since the Spring

Let’s witness and feel the new bril-

of 2004 when ZTE successfully held

liance of ZTE CDMA and GoTa in the

a press briefing on GoTa in Beijing, the

forthcoming global arenas: PT/Wireless

system has been put into mass ap-

& Networks Comm China 2005

In 2003, ZTE was awarded via ten-

plications by more than 20 operators

(Beijing) and ITU TELECOM AMERI-

dering with a project of the national

in 17 countries, among which are

CAS 2005 in Brazil in October, 3G World

agricultural network of Algeria

Norway, Brazil, Egypt, Saudi Arabia

Congress & Exhibition 2005 in Hong

Telecom, which was then the larg-

and Russia. In June 2005, it was the

Kong and world summit on informa-

est CDMA project in Africa;

first to pass the technical assessment

tion society in Tunis.



Innovations Drive GoTa Growth is its professional trunking functions on the basis of the CDMA technology. Why does ZTE adopt the CDMA technology

trunking technologies TETRA and iDEN, which are frequently seen in the international market at present, the GoTa sys-

to deliver trunking functions?

tem that is based on the 3G mobile communication technology shows an obvious superiority. It provides perfect pro-

allows integration with value-added services and more functions, hence more attractive to customers. In addition,

widely applied 3G mobile communication technology. The high spectrum utilization of the CDMA technology will ensure larger network capacity and wider network coverage with the same spectrum bandwidth, allowing more economical and more effective network construction for operators. High-rate bandwidth supports smooth

the way for the development of GoTa.

Innovation 2: Based on IP packet technology, adapting to the future trend of development GoTa features innovation on the original digital trunking architecture. The original digital trunking employs circuit switching mode; but with the evolution of networks to the next gen-

evolution to the next generation networks. The CDMA-based GoTa is different from the traditional trunking

eration networks, IP packet will be selected for future development. GoTa takes the lead in using the IP packet technology to offer a relatively

solutions, for instance, fast connection, which has been shortened to within 1 second; service

independent PTT dispatching system that provides easy management and unified interfaces, and meets the development trend of communication technologies.

The reason why GoTa is called a new

channels can be shared, so that in case of a group call, no matter how many subscribers there are in the

sharp weapon in the field of trunking technology is that not only it applies the CDMA technology in the trunking

group, they can share one channel. In addition, trunking subscribers are provided with priorities, and this is

field, but also it makes innovation in an all-around manner from system to terminal, from service to application

different from the common mobile communication system.

GoTa features a good industry alliance, low cost of the system and terminals, less investment, quicker effects and lower operation cost. As a result, GoTa is a digital trunking technology that features both the most advanced technology and competitive edge and potential market share internationally at present.

and from architecture to alliance.

The ZTE GoTa technology solves the problems that must be solved in applying the CDMA technology to the

Innovation 1: World’s first CDMA-based professional trunking technology

professional trunking, and provides

The greatest technical innovation of GoTa

have been applied for core technol-

the first solution for CDMA professional trunking communication in the world, of which as many as a hundred of technologies and services

Innovation 3: Powerful extended services, and customized solutions The original digital trunking provides only one type of group call, namely, the traditional trunking call. In the traditional trunking call, there is actually no information interaction between the system and a subscriber, so it is difficult to deliver extended services. GoTa provides an enhanced trunking call mode on the basis of the traditional




fessional trunking functions, satisfying requirements of both private and public trunking network applications, and also

Firstly, the CDMA2000 platform is currently the most mature and most

ogy patents. This innovation will pave November 2005 Issue

GoTa is the world’s first CDMA-based digital trunking system developed by ZTE. In comparison with the two digital

trunking call service. This is another

velopment of a GoTa industry alliance

innovation of GoTa. Featuring power-

while intensely promoting the appli-

ful interaction, this enhanced group call

cation of GoTa around the globe. Now

mode allows real-time monitoring of

the entire industry chain involves

each subscriber state, thus ensuring

equipment manufacturers, industry

service reliability and extensibility, and

application solution providers, content

providing many new functions such

and service providers, and network

as online state query, LBS (Location-

operators in the industry.

Based Service) and FCN (Fail Call November 2005 Issue

Notice) and floor queue.

possible for operators to quickly enter the market and generate profits. Attention should be drawn to such a fact that the ever-growing GoTa industry alliance is promoting the birth of a new standard of digital trunking technology of the global main stream. It is just innovation taken by GoTa as

In terms of system industrialization, ZTE has concluded agreements on

the impetus to its development since its beginning, and innovation embodied in continuous research on the de-


With the evolution from private net-

technical partnership with system

works to public networks, many en-

equipment manufacturers such as

terprise users and fleet users hope that

Nortel, Saige, Capitalcom, commit-

they may possess a virtual network

ting “Standard and specifications

management function. To satisfy this

opening to each other”, to form a

requirement, GoTa provides a flexible

system equipment industry alliance.

secondary development platform for

Up to now, there have been instances

industry application, so that operators

of GoTa trunking systems developed

may be satisfied with private network

by some manufacturers via using the

management and differential services

standards and specifications of the

in future development.

GoTa trunking system.

GoTa provides a completely new perspective for the service application

In terms of terminal industrialization, ZTE

tered cooperation with China Railcom and China Satcom.

possesses its own GoTa series

At present, commercial trial networks

in the trunking field, realizing perfect integration of multiple value-added services such as voice, images, data

terminals, and also enters cooperation

and location, meeting the ever-increasing service requirements of different subscribers, and allowing op-

Hengxin, etc., so that delivery of termi-

erators wider application spaces for

manufacturers. Currently manufacturers

greater benefit and value.

of the alliance have launched tens of

have been set up in Shenyang, Changchun, Tianjin and Jinan. In the meantime, the international market is also an arena for GoTa to present itself. In 2004, GoTa was put into commercial applications in Russia and Malaysia respectively; later, GoTa marched into Europe, the utmost core of digital trunking-cooperation with operator NMAB, Norway, and deployment of digital trunking networks in Sweden and Finland, ushering digital trunking technology of the new generation into Europe. In addition, ZTE has cooperated with operators of over a dozen of countries such as Brazil, Turkey, Egypt, and India to deploy GoTa networks. We may be safe to predict that, with upgrading of the global digital trunking system, GoTa will be further and quicker developed, and will rank first in the digital trunking field.

with terminal manufacturers such as SouthTec, Guanri, Youth Network, nal products and products in series can be




GoTa trunking terminals that may sat-

Innovation 4: Establishing a mature industry alliance from system to terminal GoTa is a new system introduced in the trunking field. How it would be

isfy requirements of high-, mid- and lowend users, involving common GoTa mobile phone, bar-type mobile phone with three-proof functions (water-proof, dustproof and shock-proof), vehicle-mounted station, DTU (Data Transmission Unit) and wireless modem card. As to service platform, ZTE has estab-

grown and developed would largely

lished partnership with over 100 value-

rely on a healthy and favorable indus-

added service SPs and industry appli-

try alliance at the beginning of its

cation integrators, launching multiple

development. With this in mind, ZTE

practical GoTa services, such as LBS,

spared no effort to promote the de-

multi-ISP access support, making it



velopment of the future technologies, in continuous tracing on market requirements, in continuous pursuit for greater development space for operators, in continuous efforts to satisfy users’ requirements for differential services that GoTa received active response once it was launched. In China, as early as in 2003, ZTE en-

In 3G, ATM will be replaced by AllIP, which is determined by the superiority of the All-IP technology and interfaces, the All-IP interface protocol stack is different from IPoA. The All-IP protocol features higher efficiency and easier networking. In terms of internal architecture, All-IP is also quite different from ATM. The internal architecture of All-IP shows obvious superiority in its throughput, industrialization and networking flexibility. CDMA2000 of ZTE is a real All-IP product, as it externally provides All-IP interfaces as well as the traditional interfaces; while internally, since it is based on the All-IP switching architecture, it is in a position to better and faster construct customeroriented large-capacity networks.

1. What is All-IP

ized via multimedia services over IP.

With the progress of IP technology,

All-IP in 3G is recognized as an inevi-

however, the IP-based QoS technol-

table trend, but as to what All-IP is,

ogy development and the rapid en-

there may be different answers.

hancement of IP bandwidth have

Some people hold that All-IP is simul-

brought about fundamental change to

taneous IP implementation of all NEs,

the situation. The superiority of IP,

while some other people hold that All-

which features wider foundation of

IP is just IMS. Actually, however,

application, is getting more and more

these views are somewhat one-

explicit. 3GPP and 3GPP2 have

sided. Viewed from the intention of

worked out procedures for evolution

the industry in promoting All-IP in 3G,

to IP respectively. The reason why

All-IP products have the following

“All” is emphasized in All-IP is to give


prominence to its completeness, while ATM will be put aside gradually to fade out in the end. There is no doubt about this now. For

1. An IP interface is used between two NEs, giving prominence to “All” IP, in a bid to exclude any hybrid pro-

example, the evolution of 3GPP from

tocol whose functions are overlapped

R99 and R4 to R5/R6 is just an obvi-

with those of IP, such as IP over ATM.

ous process of evolution from ATM

2. The network architecture is in com-

to IP. 3GPP2 has defined a process

pliance with the requirement of

of evolution to All-IP in four phases,


so as to realize all-around IP implementation from CN and RAN to

3. The internal architecture is based on IP, to meet the requirement of NE

Earlier, ATM was first selected as a

terminals; meanwhile, IP transport

network technical standard for 3G,

technology is selected for WiFi and

because ATM was considered as

WiMAX networks at the very begin-

In the 3GPP and 3GPP2 standards,

being superior in ensuring higher QoS

ning of their definition, and All-IP net-

procedure of evolution to All-IP by

when it comes to coexistence of

works complying with 3G are real-

phases is clearly specified, with an





industrialization. In terms of external

voice and data services.

November 2005 Issue

All-IP in CDMA2000

stack will be IP/UDP/Ethernet. These are basic protocol types the existent IP network router supports, so they can easily be integrated into the existent IP network. But the IP over Fig.1 RAN and CN can Be Migrated to All IP in Different Time

ATM protocol is generally IP/AAL5/ ATM, and the link layer still relies on

ultimate aim of bearing all the ser-

construction, it will be of much ben-

ATM, but devices on the existent IP

vices over IMS. But, since IMS is only

eficial to upgrade NEs with mature

network generally do not support the

an overlap domain on the All-IP

conditions as early as possible. It is

above protocols.

network, imposing no influence on the

especially recommended to select

packet domain, circuit domain or tra-

RAN of All-IP architecture for network

November 2005 Issue

ditional domain, so IMS is not a nec-

construction as early as possible.

tocol stack, IP and ATM are respec-

essary prerequisite for All-IP, and

This is because RAN occupies the

tively network layer and link layer, but

whether IMS exists will not prevent

greatest portion of the investment in

the two feature overlap in many

the packet domain and circuit domain

the entire network, so construction

aspects. For example, either of them

from becoming an IP network.

of All-IP RAN at one go will save a

has its own independent addressing,

great deal of cost for upgrade in the

while using completely different


future, hence saving investment.

switching or routing mechanism; in

dard stipulates that, as a foundation

Besides, the geographic locations of

link establishment, they also have

base stations in RAN are dispersed,

their own independent mechanism.

causing complex upgrade, and the

These mechanisms are replaceable

upgrade will become more complex

to each other. As a result, the most

or even inoperable if it is left to be

direct disadvantage brought about by

implemented after the network con-

IP over ATM is low efficiency.

The 3GPP2 All-IP architecture stanfor the existence of an All-IP network, 3GPP2 will permit evolution of a part of the network, the access network for example, to All-IP first, instead of the entire network. In the meantime, according to the principle of forcible downward compatibility, if any new

struction with non-All-IP RAN used.

In respect of reference model of pro-

In terms of efficiency, IP is previously considered as low efficiency, so it is

All-IP NE is added in the Legacy

2 Difference in External Interfaces between All-IP and Other Technologies

not suitable for 3G voice services that

Products based on ATM architecture

sensitive to efficiency; comparison

can also provide IP interfaces, but on

between E1/T1 transport protocol IP/

some important interface types (such

MP/E1 and AAL/ATM/IMA/E1 shows

as Abis/Iub), the mode of IP over

that IP transport protocol is more ef-

ATM is still mostly used. This is

ficient than ATM by 10%~30%, and

greatly different from a real All-IP

the superiority is getting more and

interface. In case of All-IP Abis

more obvious with higher ratio of data

In the initial phase of All-IP evolution,

interface, if the physical medium is

subscribers. IP transport is better in

a part of the external interfaces do

E1/T1/SDH, the protocol stack used

both delay and reliability. The main

not use IP yet. Seemingly, All-IP su-

is generally: IP/cUDP/PPPMux/PPP

reason is that ATM uses cells of fixed

periority is lost, but actually it is not

Multilink/Phy, and if the physical

length, so that the transport granular-

the case. During network

medium is an Ethernet, the protocol

ity is thin, while IP uses cells of vari-

network, the All-IP NE must support interconnection with it via a Legacy interface. For instance, RAN and CN must be capable of independently evolving to All-IP, that is, All-IP RAN should support interconnection both with All-IP CN and with Legacy CN, likewise, All-IP CN should be interconnected with All-IP RAN and with Legacy RAN as well.



mainly feature short packets, but the newly developed IP transport protocol has made this completely changed. E1/T1 transport is mostly

able lengths, allowing thick transport

at low cost. In comparison, expan-

a most important position in the

granularity. The feature of cells the

sion of ATM switch will cost a great

future, so the waste of bandwidth

fixed length ATM possesses is not

deal. As more and more services will

resulted from ATM-based transport

only an advantage, but also a

run on the same network, redundancy

will be a serious problem.

disadvantage, because its multiplex-

of switching capacity will become

ing convergence ratio is low, while

even more important, so that more

the multiplexing convergence ratio of

services of greater bandwidth can be

IP can be great for it uses packets of

provided, and better QoS can be

variable length, and its efficiency may

ensured. For some NEs, such as

become higher if compression of

BSC/RNC, the greater their capacity

packet headers is implemented.

and the less inter-network

high-bandwidth transport, hence directly improving QoS, whereas ATM costs a great deal in expansion of its bandwidth. Besides, some new technologies will greatly improve IP QoS.

switchover, the better radio network

3. IP has a far better industrial foun-

quality will be.

dation than ATM. With the evolution of All-IP, the industry chain and value

3. With the NGN concept of separation of control from bearer, separation of services from network and separation of access from the core

chain of ATM will gradually be weakened till no support from the industry chain in the future. At present, all standardization organizations have

If external interface type is some-

network introduced into 3G, there will

thing superficial, the internal archi-

be a trend in network construction:

tecture of the product is the

Each NE will become much smaller,

essence. The main feature of a prod-

there will be more and more NE

uct based on the All-IP architecture

types, and All-IP interfaces will be

is that it internally uses IP packet

used between any two NEs. Only the

switching, and the internal process-

use of IP architecture within NEs will

ing unit is also based on IP packet,

be able to adapt to this change of

while in a product based on ATM

situation, and to satisfy requirements

architecture, the ATM switch is the

of multiple NEs under the circum-

As an active advocator of 3G All-IP,

core, and the intra-NE processing unit

stance of the same architecture.

ZTE has constructed a unified All-IP

the same, products of the two architectures are greatly different from

ATM-based technologies will become greater and greater in the future.

5 ZTE CDMA2000AllIP Solutions

BSC and Node B/BTS long before, so

4 Others Superiorities of All-IP

ZTE is one of the manufacturers in the industry that have first developed an All-IP mobile communication

each other:

IP boasts of obvious technical su-

1. Products of All-IP architecture fea-

periority over ATM, and this is the

ture simple processing procedure and

reason why 3GPP/3GPP2/B3G takes

high efficiency, whereas products of

All-IP as an NGN technology in sub-

ATM architecture involve complex

stitution for ATM. Besides, All-IP still

processing procedure and low

shows the following technical



2. That the All-IP switching capacity

1. ATM does not support broadcast,

IP over SDH, IP over Ethernet and so

is large mainly comes from the su-

but uses multiple unicasts to realize

on; and between BSS and CN, IOS

periority of low cost of IP; in other

its broadcast service. It is predicted

5.0-based Ap interface is used.

words, the high throughput is obtained

mobile broadcast service will occupy

Therefore, the CDMA2000 product of

platform. The CDMA2000 product of ZTE is internally based on the All-IP technology, and all NEs are capable of IP-based communication. Abis interface is also based on the IP transport, supporting IP over E1/T1,




Even if their external interfaces are

stopped standardizing ATM; risk of

architecture of core network, RNC/

will also have to process ATM cells.

November 2005 Issue

3 Difference in Internal Architecture between All-IP and Other Technologies

2. IP is capable of easily performing

ZTE is a real All-IP product. Since the CDMA2000 product of ZTE is already All-IP in terms of architecture, so the communication equipment of ZTE will retain the same architecture from the core network to the access network, no matter to what phase it is evolved, even to the final phase of IP multimedia domain or the traditional MS domain integrity, so as to protect the investment of operators to the maximum extent. Besides, the All-IP design offers great flexibility for networking, November 2005 Issue

transmission, management and maintenance. In addition, on the basis of All-IP architecture, ZTE has also launched a number of advanced technologies, such as “Super BTS”, “Radio fre-


quency ring networking”, “High-extent channel share”, greatly in-

Multimedia Service Operation and Its Suggestions

creasing the integrity and supporting multiple flexible networking modes. It also boasts of a com-


pletely built-in base station (built-in transmission, built-in primary power, built-in monitoring) that is rare in the industry, which is BSS of the largest capacity and BSS of

1 Overview The construction of 3G network is upcoming. While the question of provisioning 3G service early or later is still experiencing fierce discussions

multimedia service brings direct visual impression to subscribers. Therefore the multimedia will shine in the future. It is considered one of the “heavyweight” services in the future 3G network, even as favorable

the highest integrity known in the

in the industry, a common ground has

industry at present. Meanwhile, A

been found on the way to the suc-

interface will be very convenient to

cess of 3G, such as services, con-

be upgraded to All-IP interface, with

tents and subscriber attraction. The

Legacy interface supported. In a

success of a service in the market

word, the CDMA2000 All-IP prod-

does not merely rely on advanced and

uct of ZTE provides a most competi-

perfect technologies. What is more

tive integrated solution, which will

important is to build a perfect indus-

satisfy requirements of networks

try chain through market planning and

Analysis of the Commercial Value Chain

being evolved to 3G.

marketing. Many successful services

As the network and operation modes

and the unfavorable services have

change, the value chain of mobile

(Xiang Jiying, Xiao Rongjian and Yang Zhaohui)

proved it. As a shining point in 3G services, the



as SMS, the “killer” in 2G services.

2 Expectation of the Multimedia Service Operation 1.

communication industry will also experience a revolutionary change and

tion services and information contents, the bearer of 3G network will become meaningless. The value chain of the 3G is much more complex than that of 2G. Due to the combination of the mobile and data networks and the maturity and further fragmentation of market, a batch of new roles are added to the value chain of 3G service. The service chain of 3G service comprises the following roles: Mobile operator

Application Provider /Content Provider (AP/CP) Subscriber Equipment/software provider

A perfect value chain is the major condition for the success of an operator. In the future, the competiof revenue. For data service, the

tion in the mobile market will be in-

in the data communication industry.

mobile communication infrastructure

creasingly fierce. How to stand in

is usually used to transfer and carry

such a competitive market? The ser-

subscriber data. If no data commu-

vice model of 3G is much more than

nication network is built over the 3G

that of 2G, and it is impossible for

network to offer diversified applica-

the operator to offer all-around ser-

In the age of traditional 2G mobile communication, the voice traffic accounts for the largest portion of the total traffic, and the largest portion of operation revenue comes from voice services. 100% of the operation revenue of the mobile communication system is taken by network operators. As an exceptional case, the service providers (SPs) in Europe have achieved a certain development. The SP gets some benefits from the network operator as a brand distributor of the later. In the era of 3G, data service will gradually become the major source

Fig.1 Relationships between the roles in the value chain of 3G service




will become similar to the value chain


Fig.1 shows their relationships.

November 2005 Issue

Terminal supplier

vices to the subscribers. A problem

the APs/CPs to offer increasing

bile and China Unicom frequently

with any stage of the value chain will

abundant services over the network

advertise on TV and panel media

have negative influence on the opera-

and improve the brand continuously.

proves that brand building is very

tion results of the services. Therefore,

They begin to loose their control over

important to the promotion and de-

it is very important for operators to

the brands and allow the APs/CPs

velopment of telecom services.

fully understand the whole 3G service

to build a certain brands, thus gradu-

value chain and their position in the

ally forming the competitive

value chain.


At the early stage of the 3G service,

In the maturity period, the network

These factors are also keys to the

the mobile network operator becomes

capability is greatly improved, and the

promotion of a service: abundant ser-

the core role of the value chain, and

mobile and data services are

vice contents, perfect service

leads the development and promo-

integrated, so abundant new services

support, perfect and reasonable ser-

tion of the whole service market. In

are derived. Besides, the mobile com-

vice management, reasonable

the market competition, the network

munication services become increas-

charge policy, enthusiasm of the CP/

operators having exclusive control

ingly personalized. The original ser-

SP, and so on. Therefore, the build-

over the market build a relatively

vice mode in which the network op-

ing of a brand is a stepwise process.

stable value chain together with

erators or equipment manufacturers

many APs, CPs, and terminal

offer services can no longer meet the

suppliers. However, the subscriber

subscribers' demands. The subscrib-

base is small in this phase, and the

ers' demand for fast, personalized,

Use the success modes of SMS

big preliminary investment is required,

and diversified services inevitably

and Color Ring Back Tone (CRBT)

but not abundant proceeds will be

leads to an open service system, and

gained. In this phase, the major pur-

more roles are required to participate

pose is to capture the market and cul-

in the value chain to offer more and

tivate consumers. In general, the ser-

better value-added services to the

vices are offered to the market by

subscribers. The AP/CP becomes the

Offer abundant multimedia con-

using a unified brand of the operator,

center of the value chain, and the

tents and applications to form a

aiming to build the brand image

network operator is required to ensure

virtuous between subscribers and

through market propaganda.

the stability, QoS and capacity of the

applications. Offer an open ser-

network. The subscriber market

vice platform for building a unified

matures, and the market penetration

nationwide brand.

tion in the value chain. They provide

reaches a high degree.

Understand the risks in the con-

unified wireless access and network

2. Brand Strategy of Carriers

tent operation, draw lessons from

bearer services for the APs/CPs and

The operation in any industry will

the previous operation, and

end users. The target market begins

evolve to the high competitive stage

strengthen the management on

to accept the mobile data service

of brand operation. Brand operation

SP and contents.

mode, and the subscribers become

is the lasting competitive advantage

Build competitive differentiators.

increasingly dependent on the mo-

of the telecom operator. A success-

The China Mobile's practice in pro-

bile data service. In addition to per-

ful brand operation help to effectively

moting the ”M-Zone” brand

fecting the QoS of the network, the

reduce the marketing cost of the

proves that the SMS has a big

network operators also make deep

operator, win loyalty of the

market demand among the young

market research and analysis. They

subscribers, and face the market

people of 16-25 years old, which

research new services together with

competition. The fact that China Mo-

has a far-reaching meaning in cul-

Of course, it is impossible to build the brand of a service or product through advertisement bomb only.

November 2005 Issue


In the growth period, the network operators still take the leading posi-



Some simple suggestions are given below for reference.

for reference to enlarge subscriber scale and increase the utilization rate of multimedia services. Offer free trial to the subscribers.

tivating future high-end

SP by taking the SMS as an

key problems with the service provi-


example. Currently, the “Monternet”

sion process.

3. Role of CP/SP

of China Mobile involves nearly 1000

The role of CP/SP is a problem that

SPs. In early August 2003, China

needs to be clarified for the deployment

Mobile (Beijing) cooperated with 15

of multimedia services. It is also the

SPs, and a large number of new SPs

weak link in the service chain value.

applied for the cooperation. In this case, the SP market achieved great

Currently, during the deployment of domestic value-added services, an SP also acts as a CP. In other words, the SP develops and offers applications and contents. In this case, the CP becomes the dependency of the SP and loses independent position in problem are very complicated. The root cause for the loss of CP is that the service contents are actually free, which results in the loss of the eco-

evil ones are mixed up. The most serious problem is the charge pitfall. According to the statistics from the China Consumer's Association, the complaints about SMS in 2003 was over twice the number in 2002, and most of the complaints are relevant to charge pitfall. This is be-

that a subscriber has a very low probability of selecting a terminal with the location function with the price considered (in general only a high-end terminal has the location function). In this case, only a few subscribers can use the Location Star service. This proves that terminal is critical to service provision!

participate in the production of the terminals by presenting demands and

becomes inactive. This results in the

offer abundant attractive contents,

lack of contents and makes the ser-

so the problems with the SMS shall

vice less attractive to the

also be highlighted during the mul-

subscribers. In this case, it is fore-

timedia service. Therefore, telecom operators need to strengthen control over the service provision and charging process of the SP, and properly handle the relationship between the punishment on the

customization. Fortunately, this problem has drawn attention from the operators, which have established their own terminal customization and procurement companies.

3 Suggestions on the Multimedia Service Operation for Carriers In the current telecom service op-

When the service evolves to a cer-

SP and the sound development of the

eration environment, the telecom

tain phase, the position and impor-

value chain, which are the important

operators are required to build and

tance of the CP/SP will become higher

tasks for strengthening the eco-envi-

manage industry chain because of

and higher in the service value chain.

ronment dominated by the telecom

either their need or external physi-

After that, the focus will be on how


cal condition. However, it is hard


A Way to Offer Sufficient Terminals for Service Provision

to build a healthy and prospective

During the current service provision

forts of the operators. The indus-

to manage and assess the CPs/SPs in a unified manner to integrate them into the value chain for joint development.

industry chain only through the ef-

process, most of the operators reflect

try chain can achieve effective and

The following describes the neces-

that the terminal support for the ser-

healthy development only when

sity of managing and assessing CP/

vice is insufficient. This is one of the

the enthusiasm and power of each




to participate in the value chain to

function points, that is, terminal


contents is not embodied, the CP

embodied and protected.

Location Star service. It is obvious

ment on the SPs.

quires a large number of CPs/SPs

The value of the CP shall be clearly

available in the market support the

The operators are recommended to

In addition, since the value of the

contents with the profit of the SP.

only 15% of the CDMA terminal types

have not performed strict manage-

The multimedia service also re-

ficult to offset the loss due to free

an example. The operator finds that

cause that the telecom operators

nomic base of the CP existence.

seeable that it will be even more dif-

tion Star service of China Unicom as

November 2005 Issue

the value chain. The causes of this

development, and the good SPs and

The following takes the CDMA Loca-

link in the industry chain are

link will be out of control. We still take

sibilities of the operators are to


the SMS SP service in the age of 2G

offer reasonable, transparent op-

as an example. The negative effect

eration and maintenance plat-

exerted in the early development

forms (charging, settlement,

stage of the SMS SP service almost

measurement, analysis, and so

destroys the currently vigorous

on) for the numerous CPs and to

industry. Fortunately, the operators

offer satisfactory service experi-

made timely adjustment and planned

ence to end users.

Thanks to the active promotion of the operators, the preliminary model of the industry chain required for the development of multimedia service has been formed, but many efforts are still required to make it healthy and effective. Owning to the leading position of the operators in the industry chain, many CPs/SPs have

well the development and management modes of the industry chain and played the leading role.

CP is an indispensable and key role in the industry chain of the multimedia service. The opera-

link in the industry chain. But only

the position of the CP. According

a few CPs/SPs play the positive

play a leading role in the industry

to the NTT DoCoMo's success

chain. However, in the upcoming

experience of 3G service, it is

management idea of the operators

multimedia service, the major prob-

very important for the operators

lem of the operators is how to rea-

to respect the CPs and attach im-

role, this is closely related to the

sonably play the leading role under

portance to them . Th e NTT

If the operators perform too strict

the law of market economy to pro-

DoCoMo respected the CPs, of-

management on the industry chain,

mote the development of the industry,

fered definite profit allocation

the CPs/SPs will have a small devel-

increase APRU, and cultivate a batch

mode to them, and accepted


tors are required to understand

there is no doubt that the operators

November 2005 Issue

participated in the corresponding

According to the above analysis,

opment space, and they will become

of powerful CPs/SPs.

many reasonable proposals from

in the industry chain.

less enthusiastic, and the industry chain become less elastic. In this case, the CPs/SPs primarily provide

The following are our suggestions on the roles in the upcoming industry chain of 3G multimedia service.

contents, though they form an impor-


tant or even key link in the industry chain. Besides, it is difficult for the CPs/SPs to get key data such as the use times and environment of the contents and the favorites of the subscribers. This closes the communication channel between the CPs/ SPs and the subscribers and greatly affects the enthusiasm of the CPs/ SPs. This is essentially different from the prosperous CP/SP SMS in the age of 2G.

provision. As a result, several thousand CPs participated in service provision during a very short

sonably playing the leading role.

period of time.

They provide a powerful management support platform and build a reasonable industry chain. While promoting their own multimedia service brands, the operators should also allow the powerful CPs to promote brands, to make the later enthusiastic in service provision. It is impossible for the operators to play multiple roles in the upcoming multimedia service. The contents should be provided

form too loose management on the

and fragmentized by CPs. In

industry chain. This may result in lack

addition, the work of each role in

of a role maintaining the industry

the industry chain of the multime-

chain, and the development of each

dia service is definite. The respon-


CPs enthusiasm in service

The operators positively and rea-

On the contrary, if the operators per-


them. This greatly mobilized the

To stimulate the enthusiasm of the CPs, the operators should allow the CPs to reasonably participate in the whole service process, for example, download statistics,


settlement, joint service promotion, and user experience investigation. The CPs should also have a certain right to select services. The operators should negotiate the service provision with the CPs instead of determining it solely. (Feng Jun)

a n d H a n o i Te l e c o m , t w o n e w operators, chose CDMA as well to build up their network and to make balance between 2 lines of mobile communication technology CDMA and GSM. The point is just which line can emerge to win the market. Currently, Sfone is providing the basic services such as voice, SMS, fax, WIN services (e.g. CRBT, prepaid service). Wireless Internet access service was trialed freely in a short time and it was appreciated by users - convenience, mobility, and WAP services are in plan with some application such as picture download, web browsing, karaoke, game, etc., strongly attracting high end users and the youth especially.

pare the network quite completely with many kinds of services and coverage before officially putting services into operation. Among operators, VP Telecom is quite advantageous as infrastructure, existing national wide transmission core network. Services Vietnam Telecom market is now a place of spectacular competitions

1 CDMA Application in Vietnam

strategy was set up right from the initial phase and to date, the supportable capability of system is available

among CDMA operators and GSM Launching services in 2003, Saigon

not only for basic service but also

services has attracted subscribers’

Postel cooperates with Korean part-

focus on value added applications. It

attention with the highlighted charac-

ners (formed Sfone) became the first

seems the large range of utilities is

teristics but still in the process to

operator in Vietnam using CDMA

looking forward to being commercial.

solve many typical problems. It’s

technology. The market seems hot-

CDMA line of mobile communication

considered as potentiality to give out

ter by psychological comparison in

in Vietnam may be reinforced by the

more attractive services. The highly

term of users, by services and tariff

participation of Hanoi Telecom. The

business-effective solutions such as

race at operators’ side. It’s the first

huge plan of the Business Coopera-

wide coverage solution, GoTa solu-

step to ruin the monopoly power in

tion with Hong Kong operator,

tion and EV-DO solution, are proposed

Vietnam Telecom market generally

Hutchison, immediately fosters other

by ZTE based on the advanced 3G

and mobile communication service

CDMA and GSM operators, speed-

ALL IP platform.

in particular. In addition, VP Telecom

ing up their business plan. It is ex-

operators.The introduction of CDMA




CDMA Applications in Vietnam and the Potential Proposals


VP Telecom is more careful to pre-

November 2005 Issue

the acceptable connection speed.

pected to be new choice of users by

to 64/64 provinces, new operators in

able thing for users is service, so

the end of 2005.

particular and CDMA operators in

CDMA operators have to grasp

general just approach to several

clearly this technology’s strength if

population-densed regions. Sfone

they want to get easier than GSM

launched its services with 13 prov-

competitors in deploying new value

inces covered, merely focused on

added services.

All CDMA operators are endeavoring to make full use of technology advantages, which would quickly bring them to be equal in term of service availability. Two GSM veteran networks of VNPT, Vinaphone and Mobifone, account for nearly 90% market share with over 3.5 million subscribers while Viettel Mobile GSM subscribers and Sfone CDMA subscribers account for about 5% mobile market share. However, the proportion of CDMA subNovember 2005 Issue

scribers is still negligible.

some cities around Hanoi and Hochiminh city, it isn’t continuous communication among these areas as well. VP Telecom takes advantage of existing infrastructure to push up their network construction in the north, the south and the central area simultaneously. Almost 50 provinces, big cities, main roads, national highways would be covered when ser-

So far, the social purpose has been put as the highest priority; it means such a wide coverage as possible and a good enough quality of basic services. At the same time, impacting the market by the killer application is necessary. Several solutions are proposed including: wide coverage solution, GoTa solution, EV-DO solution based on ZTE’s All IP CDMA platform.

vices are cutover. Hanoi Telecom is

2 Problems faced by Vietnam CDMA operators

similar to Sfone in infrastructure and

ZTE has developed CDMA mobile

planned to take 45 provinces and big

communications system based on

cities in the initial phase into serving.

the CDMA2000 family of standards and recently ZTE has rolled out its


Time is not an advantage of a new operator. GSM mobile service appeared first in Vietnam in 1998, it is developed for nearly a decade to be as mature as being nowadays. But

All the CDMA operators are paying attention to the urban and important areas at the beginning evidently, but the problem of extension would come very soon.

CDMA2000 ALL IP products based on ALL IP new generation 3G platform to adapt to the trend of technical development. The system boasts of the advantages such as cutting-edge


the market would not consider any

Regarding the service, to date, the

technology, high integration, flexibility,

reason that leads the poor perfor-

basic services such as voice, SMS,

and full range of product portfolio, en-

mance of any one. All the Vietnam-

VMS are major source of income.

abling operators to build elaborate 3G

ese CDMA operators are facing the

There is no dominant point and the

CDMA networks and enhance their

same typical problems of a new

tariff war is unavoidable.

market competitiveness. CDMA op-

player. From the general view, there

CDMA operators in Vietnam need to

is no impression to break through the

pay more attention for network cov-

conventional user predilection; from

erage and new service supporting,

ogy innovation and enhancement, al-

the technical view, they are running

especially to support new services

though they have started but the ori-

out of the outstanding services, ter-

such as high speed data, multime-

entation to migrate to the ALL IP trend

minals and coverage.

dia services, Push to Talk, etc, build-

is foreseeable.

ing an elaborate CDMA network to

3.1 Wide coverage solution

capture more market shares.

The ever-intensifying competition in

Coverage is always an important factor that new subscribers take into

investment and time consuming.

3 ZTE proposal for CDMA operators



services essential for operators in the construction of mobile communications networks. As the market leader in

While GSM operators’ network cover almost important areas and extend

tunities to acquire the latest technol-

market makes the seamless mobile

account when choosing old operators or new one as well as requiring costly

erators in Vietnam get a lot of oppor-

Besides the tariff, the most remark-

CDMA, ZTE has accumulated much

terms of coverage range; Solution 4: micro BTS + remote RF Station, rather flexible networking, the maximum extension distance is 40 Km. On the coast line, the 40W super far micro BTS can be employed as the coverage solution, but the antenna height, tower power and transmission on tower are prerequisites. In island the RF repeater with the AC or solar battery can be employed, etc. This is called ZTE C++ solution will absolutely save time and capital ex-

Fig.1 ZTE’s Multiple Coverage Solutions

seamless coverage CDMA network.

tenna height, tower power and trans-

tion and put forward applicable cover-

mission on tower must be up to the

age solutions for the special areas. such

requirement to employ this solution;

as plain, coast, countryside, highway,

Solution 3: 10W/20W tower-

railway, desert or grassland where there

mounted outdoor micro BTS, a quite

3.2 GoTa solution

are low population density and traffic.

economical mode. To increase the

Push to Talk (PTT) services provided

downlink transmitter power by ad-

by digital trunking system as the

justing the transmission parameters

branch of mobile telecommunication

downlink, decrease 3dB of feeder

system satisfied the group commu-

loss with the top-mounting mode,

nication demand of the group users

equivalent to the macro BTS in

such as transport companies,

Ensuring the wide continuous coverage is the most costly requirement of mobile system. The wide coverage solution has been enhanced by ZTE’s

used in different scenarios for full seamless.


adequate radio equipment series rang-

Fig.1 shows ZTE’s series of BTSs

ing from indoor and outdoor, macro and micro BTS, Remote RF station, repeater to the series of super far coverage micro BTS and Super far coverage RF remote station. These equipments would be deployed flexibly up to the actual terrain. For instance, in the delta areas or the central region of Vietnam, it is plain area, quite flat, no obstacle; therefore, ZTE suggests 4 solutions: Solution 1: 30W macro BTS + tower-mounted amplifier; Solution 2: 40W tower-mounted super far micro BTS, with a coverage distance of up to 40 Km~60 Km. The an-


experience in CDMA network construc-

November 2005 Issue

penditure of operators to construct a

Fig.2. Integrated Network Structure of the ZTE GoTa Trunking System



hospitals, hotels, military, exhibition

protocol stack. As the system takes

potential market sectors while they

and conference sectors, traffic con-

the existing standard architecture and

are getting trouble with frequency al-

trol systems, public services sector,

protocols of CDMA2000 that enables

lowance as well as self-investment

emergency and community

operators to integrate trunking sys-

and bring out the convenience to in-

administration, etc. Conventionally, it

tem into the existing CDMA2000 net-

dividual subscribers to enjoy PTT and

requires constructing each

work and provide both PTT services

CDMA 2000 service.

organization’s own system, fre-

and CDMA2000 services simulta-

quency band and dedicated

neously without building up a sepa-


rate system. Fig.2 is the integrated

ZTE has been developed indepen-

network structure:

3.3 EV-DO solution From the service point of view, comparing to GSM operators, CDMA players should exploit the available ca-

dently a digital trunking communica-

It realizes the functions of forward

pability of data services. Wireless

tion system based on the Third Gen-

channel sharing and quick access

Broadband Internet Access is typical

eration (3G) wireless communication

for professional trunking service. At

and can break through these sectors

technology - CDMA2000 1X, named

the same time, ZTE introduces ter-

by employing plenty terminal types

November 2005 Issue

G o Ta ( G l o b a l o p e n Tr u n k i n g

m i n a l s a s w e l l i n c l u d i n g G o Ta

such as handset, PCMCIA data card,

architecture) system. GoTa can pro-

handset, desktop and vehicle

USB data card, etc. Multimedia ser-

vide the following trunking services:

mounted terminal that support both

vices such as video phone, online

one-to-one private calls and one-to-

PTT and CDMA2000 services includ-

game, broadcasting, etc. are all

many group calls; special services

ing abundant and professional

based on high-speed data ability. ZTE

such as system paging, group

trunking functions, normal voice

evolves the system in the

paging, sub-group paging and special

service, short message service, lo-

CDMA2000 family, supports EV-DO/


PTT; and classification of different traf-

cation and high-speed radio packet

EV-DV as be shown in Fig.3, several

fic groups such as permanent group

data service. It also provides wire-

new interfaces, a dedicated carrier/

and temporary group.

less data collection/transfer, video

sector and AN-AAA server are

monitoring and other industry/busi-


The system optimizes and improves


the standard Air Interface of

ness solutions.

The advantage is that it is backward

CDMA2000, and defines the corre-

In Vietnam, GoTa solution will enable

compatible with CDMA2000 1X, op-

sponding system architecture and

CDMA operators to exploit the great

timizes data speed without affecting the operating network, and EVDO/EV-DV processing part can reside in parallel with CDMA2000 1X processing part at BSS side. Accordingly, it enables the operators to deploy 1xEV-DO service on the existing CDMA network at a lower cost and maximize the investment value of the equipment. Till now, EVDO



CDMA2000 1xEV-DO terminals, handsets and data cards are available. (Meng Xiude, Vu Thi Thuy Ha) Fig.3 ZTE Co-located CDMA2000 1X EV-DO Structure




ZTE´s SDH equipment wins first deployment in Romanian backbone network On September 24, 2005, ZTE Corporation (Shenzhen:

By reaching approximately 2500 km, Euroweb´s Roma-

000063, Hong Kong: 0763) announced it has won the con-

nian data transmission network will assure the company´s

tract to supply Euroweb International, a leading ISP in the

future development over the next years, by sustaining

Central Eastern European region, with SDH equipment

the increasing data transport/Internet volumes of Roma-

for its optical network in Romania.

nia and also by securing an important transit segment for

The deal will provide Euroweb with optical transmission

the Hungary-Romania-Bulgaria-Turkey route.

equipment for each of its 14 nodes based in major Roma-

The ZXMP S380 can provide customers with across-the-

nian cities including Oradea, Arad, Brasov and Buzau.

board solutions that integrate TDM, Ethernet and ATM

ZTE´s enhanced STM-16 multiservice equipment - the

access in a unified platform, thus seamlessly evolving

ZXMP S380 - allows Euroweb to transport large amounts

the existing voice oriented network to a multi-service

of voice and data traffic over its optical network.

network, with maximum return on investment, and cost

The equipment will be in place by December 2005 and

effectiveness for service scalability and network evolution.

will offer facilities such as Synchronous Transfer Mode

In March, ZTE won the contract to supply Cabletel,

(STM-4/1), transmission links such as E3/E1 and Gigabit

Bulgaria´s leading fixed-line operator, with the country´s

Ethernet services.

first ever DWDM optical network. In 2002, ZTE´s SDH

“It has always been our policy to provide cutting-edge technologies to our customers. This agreement with ZTE

equipment was first deployed in Europe in a deal covering Poland´s nationwide optical network.

means our network is future-proofed and will offer the

To date, ZTE´s optical transmission products, includ-

next-generation of IP services to our customers in

ing SDH/MSTP (Multi-Service Transmission Platform)

Romania.” remarked Mr. Laurentiu Stan, Euroweb´s Gen-

equipment, backbone DWDM equipment, and metro

eral Director in Romania.

DWDM equipment, have been deployed in over 40

“Today, more so than ever before, businesses and individuals have come to rely on increasingly quick and reliable access to information which can only be catered for

countries and regions overseas, establishing ZTE as a leading international optical transmission equipment provider.

with fibre-optic technology,” said Mr. Li Chuanzhong, GM at ZTE Romania. “We are very happy to be working with Euroweb to bring ZTE´s advanced technology to the people of Romania.” continued Mr Li.



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