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? The Z Virus infection- 1 hour-3 hours. Bite mark, black pus. ? The Z virus infection- 6 hours. Veins around mark are visibly filled with black pus. ? Z virus infection - 8-12 hours. Bite mark swells, oozes pus, veins begin to inflate and burst. ? Z virus infection- 13-18 hours. Skin becomes dry, bite mark is completely open, bleeding and pouring pus out. Victim�s heart and brain functions cease. Body goes into shock and dies. ? 20-25 hours. Reanimation. Corpses reanimate, only the initial wound is open, it does not distort itself, or begin bleeding from pores as the propaganda says. The Truth. The full, unedited, uncensored account of the Z virus outbreak, the facts about the infected. The best way to deal with them. Survival techniques, and the truth behind the government hype, fear, and paranoia. Based on information recorded in the field and from the Africans �Code Orange� Plan, created by Paul Reddiker.

Lets start with a no nonsense, no bullshit description of what were dealing with. It is a virus. Not a plague from god, not rabies. It is not magic. There are no witch doctors or satanic cults controlling them. They are not aliens. They do no think and do not recognize you. They do not remember you, be it your mother, daughter, or lover. They will not stop trying to bite you if you ask, cry, beg, or hide. They do not eat brains. They do not run or jump. They do not spit venom or blood. They are not vampires. They do not want to hug you. They are not a joke. They are not a unified invasion from Russia. They are not un killable. They do not speak. It is a virus. It spreads through you, takes over your body, kills you, then revives you. A single cell of infected material can cause a reaction. There is no cure. A shot to the brain will kill them. No where else matters. If you remove their head from their body it is not dead, and will still snap at your feet/fingers. They shamble, to uncoordinated to walk. They do not need to breathe, and so can cross through water easily. They feed on organs, not flesh. They will not, though, die of hunger. They will hunt animals and consume their organs, but the animals cannot come back to life. It is a human borne condition. Now that that is out of the way, its time for a history lesson. In 1933

Hitler rose to power in Germany. In 1935 he issued the start of the �super human program�. The point of this program was to create a super soldier by any means possible. The team of forty scientist from across the globe began to follow paths of cybernetics, demonic summoning, gene enhancements, divine intervention, drugs, super steroids, and anything imaginable to create a super human. They created a single injection of a single virus known as the Omega virus. It got put into cold storage until Hitler called for it. In 1944 he demanded the single sample replicated and, so sure that it would return the dead to life as super humans, he killed himself and his wife. He, before killing himself, issued an order for his team to administer the two injections to himself and his wife, Eva Braun. Hitler came back as what we know today as a Zombie. His wife did not come back. The virus in Hitler, though, could not spread, and, rather than kill ther now decaying and crazed leader, they hid him away in a deep cell under the ice in Russia. There he remained until August 4th, 2008. A Russian archeologist, Grieg Brunov found the isolation cell and the raving zombie inside it on a small dig in a recently demilitarized zone. The team first tried to kill the beast that jumped out at them, but after firing several times into its chest and legs, the insane ghoul of Hitler did not fall. They removed his legs and took him to a lab in southern Russia. After performing several tests Grieg managed to replicate the Omega virus in two different ways. One, a form of the virus that could spread, was called the Z virus. The other, a supposed formula that was spread through the air used for bringing back the dead, was named the Alpha virus. January 2nd, 2009. Grieg stumbles into the lab drunk, kills Hitler with several rounds to the head, and smashed the virus on the floor after a supposed �vision from god�. January 3rd, 2009. Grieg is found dead, several glass shards containing the virus buried in his foot. It is declared a failure because he was not revived by it, and is sent to a morgue. On the way he reanimated in the back of the science teams van, infects them all. They soon break out of the van, now fully converted, and begin to terrorize local villages. March 17th, 2009. Russia quarantines itself, barricades all exits, and tries to keep the infection under control. Declares a state of emergency, issues a file containing information about the virus to all major world powers. March 28th, 2009. Russia is silent. Infection begins spreading through Europe. May 1st, 2009. The first wave of infected begin to wash up on American soil. The U.S.A. decides that it will send out � Alpha teams� To deal with the threat. 14/15 alpha team members are infected in four weeks. May 4th, 2009. A company called �GenX� issues a cure called the Phoenix pills. It supposedly fights off infection. The company make an estimated 2.3 billion in less than two weeks. May 20th, 2009. The East coast falls silent, reports stream from Japan about a mass evacuation. North and south Korea get into a land war. South Korea began receiving waves of infected immigrants and survivors looking for safety. They bomb bridges along the rivers, kill thousands. May 25th, 2009. North Korea falls silent. No immigrants, no survivors. Japan evacuates to a series of islands near Antarctica. It is found that the undead slow down and eventually freeze in the cold weather.

June 2nd, 2009. Schools nation wide are closed, people begin fleeing north and west with their families. July 8th, 2009. Africa is silent, Australia is silent. The only countries still officially in operating are Mexico, America, Chile, and Canada. First sightings of a stronger, faster, smarted undead. Dubbed �Alpha� or �special� Undead, they are corpses that reanimated with both the Alpha and Z virus in their systems. September 12th, 2009. All countries fall silent. America is reportedly Half missing, dead, or murdered. October 21st, 2009. American officials make a stand at the rocky mountains, urging all survivors to fall behind the safety of the mountains. � report missing or dead. November 21st. 2009. 11/12 reported missing or dead in America. The army tries to take an offensive action against the Zombie threat. They make a stand at Houston, Texas. One of the last Z-free states in the U.S.A. Texas has survived extremely well, the Z�s not being drawn towards the more populated areas until the army makes it stand. The Texas school systems have been working well, and the only real threat is a few wandering Z�s from Mexico or the pan handle. November 22nd, 2009. The army declares a total failure. Z swarms are wild in Texas. Houston, Dallas, Pasadena, Austin fall. Small towns the best protected. HISD shuts down. November 23rd, 2009. Ty Oden claims Quest, begins Z proofing it. November 25th, 2009. All quest students are invited, by wa of the emergency broadcast network, to report to Quest with weapons, food, and water for safe shelter and sanctuary by Ty. November 26th, 2009. I saw one today. An alpha zombie. It was a beautiful, raven haired girl, looking to be about 19-20, standing in a horde of passing Z�s. She stared right through the shades, through the steel bars, right back at me. She looked like a survivor, and I rushed to open the door. When I got down a few locks I realized that she would be infected, if not in shreds, if she was a survivor. Its bad. I decided to revamp the lock system, and now sleep in the front office, where I can hear a survivor bang on the door if they need to be let in. November 27th, 2009. Today. that�s what today is. No students have shown up yet. The satellite system is still up, but the power and water grids shut down. No good. I have several generators running, and have siphoned all the cars for three miles around of gas to keep them running. I finished barricading all the doors but the main one, and all the windows. The front door is operable by sliding the metal bars on the outside and inside back, and using the silver key hanging on a small chain on the right side of the door to unlock it. Z�s cannot figure the system, out. It�s great, and will allow survivors to trickle in. I have checked the FNR website today. Latest numbers for Texas are 14/15 dead. Nowhere is safe, only safer. The Z�s and Alpha Zombie types. Information provided by visual accounts and FNR reports. The Average Z is like a corpse in appearance, but moves. Its only apparent weakness is a blow to the brain. They posses unusual strength, not because their

muscles are enhanced, but because they have no qualms with tearing muscle to hold onto prey like we humans do. They can by no means rip through steel, but if they grab you, you are a goner. They walk with their arms hanging at their sides, and once they see prey begin to slouch towards them, releasing an audible moan that can be heard up to one and a half miles away by other Z�s. They cannot moan if their lungs are to badly punctured or damaged. Removing their eyes has no effect on their ability to hunt, and they hunt equally well in the daylight and darkness. Smearing yourself with zombie scent and shambling like they do does not work. They can pick a human out without a second thought. Once an area is bitten the only hope is immediate amputation. Even if an area is immediately amputated, it is advisable to keep anyone bitten in quarantine. The Alphas are a whole different story. There are five kinds, with minor variations to each.

TYPE 1 Siren ? The Siren is the deceiver of the undead. It is usually a female, and usually a young female that can become a Siren. Roughly one in 50 people qualify to become a Siren and one in 700 actually become a Siren. They do not look undead, and are actually quite visually appealing. At the point of death they stay dead for fortyeight hours, their body changing. Their chest grows, they shed body fat quickly and their waist becomes slim. The bite mark fades entirely, and all the skin turns a pale white. The lips turn black, as does the hair which grows to fall about shoulder length. The irises around the pupil become snow white. The Siren then rises. She has a bit less intelligence than in life, but is driven by a primal thirst for blood. She loses muscle mass, and does not have nearly as much strength or weight as in life. A Sirens best bet is crying, sobbing, or speaking short, choppy, broken sentences to try and gain admission into a shelter, then throw open the doors and attack the closest being. Their bite transfers the Z virus and the Alpha virus, usually dormant for a few cycles of passing. A Siren cannot befriend the living or be tamed, She will always give into instinct. Always. There has been one case in which a Siren was reported to be docile, but his was most likely a Hoax. A male siren is like the female, but masculine in appearance. They are also much more rare. Their muscles grow to a �handsome� standard and their eyes are a piercing blue. Their hair shortens and occasionally falls across their face.




The Screech is terrifying. Period. It is the size of a human torso, no legs. It affects males and females equally, but only 40-48 year olds in good condition with lean muscle mass. It infects and kills like Z, but then stays dead for a week while the legs slowly pull into the body, leaving ragged flesh hanging under the chest. The leg bones and stomach bones, as well as most of the spine, is than converted into two massive, flesh covered wings. The screech uses the wings to glide great distances, but cannot achieve liftoff from the ground. Its two front arms and hands grow extra joints, and its nails grow from all sides of the finger, forming claws. Only headshots count on the screech, but even a single bullet through the wing can hamper its flight abilities greatly. It gets its name from its horrible, keening hunting cry that can be heard for miles around. It is vulnerable to being crushed and hard landings, as much of its bone was lost in the process of growing wings. Once it sights prey it cries to attracts regular Z�s and swoops down on the human from behind, landing on their back and using its teeth and claws to deliver the fatal bite.

TYPE 3 ?


The fateless, the missing link between humans and the Undead. They have a fourteen hour growth period, in with they lose almost all muscle mass and the calcium in their bones. Their skin grows taunt and tight around their bones, giving a skeletal appearance. They are almost as intelligent as a human, but their minds have warped, more like an intelligent zombie than a dumb human. They are slightly faster than a human, their full speed a light jug, and can climb, not very well, mind you. They are smart enough to command small groups of Z�s with moans and general arm flailing, but to weak to be a threat on their own. They avoid danger, and can feel pain anywhere in their bodies. Anyone can become a fateless, but only about 1 in 1700 will be affected. It is rather sad for a fateless. They can remember their past life, faces, places, things that hurt and things that don�t, but they can never understand their memories. They don�t understand emotion, but are possibly the only type of Z that can be humanized. They are just as likely to attack a former lover as not.

TYPE 4 ?


On any given day a ripper can be found in several places at once and be perfectly fine with it. They are unusual in the fact that no matter how many segments their body is torn into each segment can still move individually. They often carry sharp objects that they use to cut off their hands, which they can then throw a short distance. If a Ripper�s brain is destroyed, all parts die. A ripper will re-grow a hand in two days and a whole arm in a week. A ripper will not tear itself up out of boredom, spite, or self loathing. It, like most Z�s, has no capacity for such feelings and thoughts. It will only mutilate itself when It sees a strategically advantage could be gained from it. In San Francisco, after the city had walled itself in, a single rippers hand flew over the wall, dug its nails into one mans arm, and let the blood flow into the wound, almost single-handedly causing the city to fall. Rippers have a week of gestation, and only one in 17000 will become a ripper. Thank god.

TYPE 5 ?


Seeks, the scout of the undead. Seeks are faster than humans, but crawl. They grow long nails on their hands and feet during gestation, but lose teeth. They do, though, gain the ability to vomit gouts of blood and infected pus. Trouble. Seeks will not attack a human unless there is already an open wound, and will NEVER engage in melee combat. They usually lurk inside a compound and wait for other undead to gain entrance before vomiting all over survivors. They will not attack alone. The gestation period is amazingly short, only six hours, and they are fairly common, 1 in 400 undead will be a Seek. How to fight the Undead Statistics taken from the Reddiker plan. A human, with no training, but with a weapon and ready to fight a single zombie, has a 39% chance to survive an attack by a single undead. The chance for survival drops to 27%. For three undead the survival rate is 8%. Every additional undead drops this chance by 2%. A trained human has 52 % chance, and a human with a firearm is 78%. Step 1. head. I its me. for the

Always aim for the head. Always. I don�t care if it�s a seek. Aim for the don�t care if it looks like your sister. Aim for the head. I don�t care if Aim for the head. Aim for the head. it�s the only way to kill them. Aim head.

Step 2. Wall your back. Don�t leave your back unprotected, especially in the open.

Step 3. Aim your shots. Don�t try and just tear into one, hoping for a headshot. Slow down and aim. Step 4. Unless you have no way of escape, do not try to stand and take down all zombies that approach. I will tell you a story about how Houston fell and the zombies go to Texas. It�s called a Z chain. One zombie sights the army, moans. A mile away, two more hear that moan and do the same, a mile away, five hear those moans and do the same. It repeats. Zombies moan and move towards other moans out of instinct. You could pull zombies from whole states away with chains. If you need to put a Z down, do it silently and stealthily, or just avoid it. Daily logs: Here I will keep a log of each day. Pick up what you can.

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