Zhijie - Goal Setting Form(ntu)

  • July 2020
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  • Pages: 4
NTU biathlon team 2009/2010 Goal setting Races/ competitions for the season Priority 1

Competition/race NUS Bi and/or NTU Bi

date Feb/March


Singapore Biathlon

13 March



After all races

remarks • 800m pool swim/5k run • Not confirmed • Possibly IVP, NTU representation • 1.5k sea swim/10k run • Low priority race for me • $400

Things to consider in planning Priority 1 2 3

Injury/events/must do! Study Training CNY visits



throughout Dec till end of season 13,14,15 Feb

Weekly/season schedule available for biathlon -subjected to change, due to unconfirmed course schedule for semester 2

mon 1.0hr 0.0hr 3.0hr

tues 0.5hr 0.0hr 0.0hr

wed 0.5hr 0.0hr 3.0hr

thur 0.5hr 0.0hr 0.0hr

fri 0.5hr 1.5hr 0.0hr

sat 4.0hr 0.5hr 0.0hr

sun 0.5hr 2.0hr 0.0hr

Season / term schedule month Dec-April Jan-March Dec Jan Feb Apr-May

Holidays/exam/public holidays Training season Semester 2 Christmas New Year Chinese New Year Exams


25 Dec 1 Jan 13,14,15 Feb 19 Apr – 7 May


Am Pm night

Short Term Goals Time frame (1 – 3 months) What do you want to do in the next race? You should never enter a competition without a specific goal whether it is compete within a certain time, perform a certain techique or utilize a certain strategy. Unless you do this, you will have no meaningful way to assess your performance. Short term goals NUS/NIE Bi 800m swim: 11m12s (42s/LAP) 5km run: 21m (4m12s/KM) IPPT 2.4km run: 9m (1m30s/LAP) SBJ Shuttle Run

Time frame 3 months

action • • •

• • 3 months

• • •

Speed endurance swim Swim & pool technique Interval/Pace runs Speed work Bricks/Transition 2.4: Interval runs (be able to do below 6x 1.30 comfortably) SBJ: Plyometrics, jumping drills, strength workout Shuttle run: Speed workout, technique on turning & accelerating

Intermediate Goals Time frame (6 months – 1 year) These are 2nd tier goals that will serve as steps to your Individual Season Goals. If you want to set a school record, maybe you need to think about where you need to be by mid-season. What are the things that will bring you satisfaction along the way to your Season Goal? intermediate goals sub-19min 5K

Time frame 6 months


Individual Season Goals These should be your one or two main goals for the season. They should stretch your limits and be truly challenging, but only to the extent you are prepared to do the things necessary to give yourself a chance to meet them. If you are not ready to commit to it, you should not write it down here. You might think in terms of statistical achievements, your place on the team or in the league or awards or recognitions you hope to achieve. Do not pick more than one or two; decide what is really most important. Season goals Time frame action sub-40min 10K 1 year

Team Goals What two or three things do you want to achieve as part of the team? It is important that team leaders vocalize these goals otherwise they will never materialize in a way that will drive performance and give a season meaning. These should be challenging yet reachable, and they must by specific and backed up by commitment. Your individual season goals will contribute to directly team success. Team goals Close in NUS team in NUS/NIE Bi

Time frame 3 months

Enjoying every training

action • • • •

Focusing efforts on 800m/5k Aquathlon specific training Improving on swim/run efficiency & speed Improving on pool technique Have a positive attitude

Dream goals Where do you want to be as an athlete/person in 3 to 6 years? These goals can be big or moderate (from being an Olympic athlete to merely being in shape). They may be less defined than a shorterterm goal but they should be real and meaningful and something you would really like to work for. Your dream Time frame Completing an Ironman 7 years triathlon Continue exercising for health

action • Send my bike for reconfiguration • Start cycling again • Start joining OD and HIM races • Join races to stay motivated

Qualities I need to meet my goal Qualities Goa Curre l nt 1 Discipline 10 5 . • studies+traini 8 6 ng • recover from training

Actions • • • •

2 Speed . endurance



• • • • •

3 Pain tolerance/ . Mental toughness 4 Race . familiarization





• •

5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 1 0 .

Injury prevention Race planning





• • •




Contingency planning Technique & skills Motivation







Proper time management Getting rid of time-wasters like facebook Getting at least 5 hours of quality sleep Good diet to recover from workouts Reduce mileage Increase speed work; important as I got no natural speed to start with Increase interval/pace work Swim technique Need to be able to endure intensity of 800m swim/ 5k run Recce run in NUS (NUS bi) Be familiar with difficulty of the race route Strength training Recovery Must be able to stick to race plan My tendency to lose count during pool swim Be able to know what to do when “shit” happens

Motivation to do the necessary training w/o training partner

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